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2.0 Taxonomic Hierarchy of Ziziphus Jajuba tree

Domain Eukaryote

Kingdom Plantae

Phylum Spermatophyta

Sub Phylum Angiospermae

Class Dicotyledonae

Order Rhamnates

Family Rhamnaceae

Genus Ziziphus

Species Ziziphus Jajuba

2.1 Zaziphu Jajuba (Z. Jajuba)

Nature is the primary source of medicine for treatment of different ailments since antient times. Natural
resource found in the nature often provide remedies for all kinds of diseases. Scientists are looking for
safety drugs that derive from natural resource to treat presence diseases worldwide. Increasing each
day, new disease are discovered that threaten the People’s health. Therefore, we most increasing turn
to natural in order to seek a remedy to cure the existing new disease plant are one of the primary
sources for the discovery of new drugs ( Asma et al, 2016). The survival flora and fauna diversity
depends on the environmental and geographical conditions. That is why some of the countries contains
plenty of plant sources. One of the plant is Ziziphus Jajuba. (Z. Jajuba) which has medicinal essential and
been used traditionally in different countries to treat various diseases. Plant are distributed all over the
world. How ever initial country of origin is still confusing to pinpoint due to the large variety of plant
species. The selected plant related to the research belongs to the Rhamnaceae family (Asma et al Jajuba
species. It has about 40 species commonly found throughout the world (Asma et al. 2016) Most of the
species are used as medicine in India, china and other southern East, Asian countries. It is found in the
almost part of the Asia. This family plant contains fruit which are very close to the vitaceae family (Al-
Reza et al.,2009,2010). The plant has several names. It’s botanical name is Ziziphus Jajuba, English name
is Jajuba fruit, Chinese name is Da Zao Hong Zoa, and it’s Indian name is Kul and Borai (Wu et al..,2014)
in Oman, it is known as Nabag and Cidr ( Vandita et al..2012) the plant is about 8 to 12m long with
throne branches (Fig.) the leaves are green and arrange alternatively. The flower are small with greenish
and yellowish coloration. The immature fruit are oval with greenish colour. How ever, the fruit turns red
in color when it ripens. The size of the fruit is depends on cultivars the fruit has a white flesh with sweet
and acidic test (Kimi 2002)

Current research indicates that almost all part and its extract showed singnificant phamacdogical
activity and frequently used as alternative medicine to treat aliment disorders. In India the root of
Z.mummularia species in Ayur Veda system is used to treat coughs, nausea and headaches. The back of
the same species used to treat chronic disentery and diarrhea ( kirtikar and Basu, 1994). The leaves
boiled in water is also used clean corpse prior to burials. In addition the leaves can be used as a
digestible, tonic, aphrodisiac and laxative to treat nausea (Bashir et al, 2011; Erenmemisoglu et al, 1995:
khare, 1995: Kim 2009) the seed extracts of selected species can be used to treat eye inflammation and
leucorrhoea ( Wu et al.., 2014). Some of the Indian ethnic communities use the fruit to treat fever,
diabetes and vomiting. In India traditionally the leaves and back powdered are used as dressing material
to treat wound (Bashir et al .., 2011: Erenmemisoglu et al.. 1995: khare 1995 : Kim 2009). When boiled in
water it can be used to treat smallpox and chickenpox (Bashir et al.., 2011 : Erenmemisoglu et al…, 1995;
khare, 2009). However the Omani community, primarily use the plant as an anti fungal agent,
cardiotonic, and an antiseptic agent to treat swollen especially used joint, acne, shampoo, burns, and
diarrhea (Asma et al., 2016, 2017) Elsewhere, the selected plant species has been used as anti fertility,
anti hypotension, sedative hyponotic, cardiac tonic, antioxidant, anti microbial and immune modulator
to treat different ailments (soolele and Shammas, 1998: Jeong et al.., 2004: khare 1995; peng and Zhu,
2001: Jiang et al.., 2007). Several studies community have been used it as an anti fungal , anti bacterial,
antioxidant, anti ulcer, anti stress hyponotic, anti- inflammatory and sedative effect to treat several
diseases such as joint pain, acne, shampoo, severer burns, acute. Constipation GIT problem, various
forms of inflammations, cardiovascular diseases, urine infection, liver diseases and chronic diarrhea
(Kim, 2002, souleles and Shammas, 1998: Ziping et al.., 2009; Al-Reza et al.., 2009, 2010; Juang et al..,

2.2 Natural products

Natural products are important for the latest year. Historical, the golden afe of natural products
occurred between approximately 1950 through 1970, and during this time, the successful isolation of
potent antibiotic compounds was routinely achieved through a sequential process. Natural products fall
into several different cate glories that are steroids from marine, animal plants and and fungal sources,
alkaloids from plants and some bacteria, proteins, amino acid, and antibiotics, from microbes, pigments
from microbes and plants, pyramiding and purines from microbes, and terpenes, carbohydrates fats,
micro molecular products and miscellaneous compound from all source including terrestrial ( Stege,
1999). Natural product has many advantages in medical use such as anti practice agent, anti fugal agent
and enzyme inhibitors, herbicide and ruminant growth promoters. Natural product had a profound in
fact upon both chemical biology and drugs discovery. For example in cancer research, the natural
products potential and their analogs have been use to identify and study important new potential
therapeutic agent. ( Shang and Tan, 2005). Natural product continues as a source for innovation the
drugs discovery by playing a significant role in the discovery and understanding of cellular pathways that
are an essential component in drugs discovery process. In many cases, natural products provide
compounds as clinical/marketed drugs, or as biochemical tools that demonstrates the role of specific
pathways in disease and the potential of finding drugs. Numerous reviews have been written that
describes the importance of compounds destroyed from microbes plant and animal sources to treat
human disease (Gullo et al.., 2006) Although almost half of the bestselling pharmaceuticals are natural
or closely related to natural products there remains tremendous for the identification of new medicinal
compounds from these sources, since is has been estimated that only a small percentage of compounds
from biological sources have been investigated for this purpose (Strege.., 2009)

2.3 Phacological properties of Ziziphus Jajuba

Ziziphus Jajuba commonly known as Jajuba, has attached worldwide prominence in recent years, going
to its wide tenge of medicinal properties nutritionally, these this contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C). In folk
medicine the Z.Jajuba extracts are used for the treatment of several complaints, include high blood
pressure, liver diseases and fever. The pharmacological action of Z.Jajuba extracts from the plant’s seeds
has been show to have inhibitory effects on some bacterial and fungal in vitro (Al: et al: 2005)

2.4 Anti fungal Activity of plant Extract

In many parts of world there is traditional use of herbal medicine for the treatment of many infectious
disease. Because the slide effect and the resistance that pathogenic microorganisms build a gains the
antibiotic much react attention has been paid do extracts and biologically active compounds isolated
from plant species used in herbal medicine (Essawi and soour, 2000). Plant are among the most
important common sources of potentially valuable new drugs. Therefore an urn EED to investigate the
biological properties of additional plant in order to develop new drugs (kone et al…,2004). Medicine
plant may offer a new source of anti fungal agents for use in many parts of the world medicinal plants
are used for anti fungal, antibacterial and antiviral activities ( Essawi and srour, 2000).

In previous study reported that the use of plant extracts and phytochemical both with know anti
fungal properties can be great significance in therapeutic treatment. In the last few years a number of
studies have been conducted in different countries to prove such efficiency. Many plants have been
used because of their anti microbial fruit, which are due to compound synthesized in the secondary
metabolism of the plant. These products are known by their active substance for example the phenolic
compounds which are part of the essential coil as well as in tannin. The anti microbial properties of plant
have been investigated by number of researchers worldwide, especially in Latin America. In Argentina a
research test 122 known plant species used in the rapeutic treatment it was documented that among
the compounds extract from these plant twelve inhibited then staphylococcus ten inhibited
Escherichicicoli, and four inhibited Aspegile Niger the and wonectore was observed that the substance
extracted from nine known plants in Uruguay did not show any activity against albican and
saccharomyces celvisce, but inhibited the growth of Bacillus substilis, E. Coli (Nascimento et al…, 2001)
previous study reported that the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Palestine) herbal Medicine is used to treat
various diseases including gastrointestinal diseases from the study is plants which had been described in
herbal book and medicinal folklore were serenaded for their antibacterial acy(Essawi and srour 2000)

2.5 Medicinal Uses

These are large numbers of traditional medicinal uses that are not necessarily based on knowledge of
the constituents. According to Ayurveda, the root of Z mummularia is bitter and cooling, and cures
coughs, biliousness and headache (4) K.R kritikar and B.D Basu et al (1994) the back cures boils and is
good for treatment for dysentery and diarrhea (5) (popular prakashan Bombay et al 1986). The leaves
are antipyretic and reduce obesity and remove biliousness, burning sensations, thirst vitamins (1) and is
also good for treating tuberculosis and blood diseases. The seed cure eye diseases and also useful in
leucorrhoea (6) (P. Oudhia et al 2003). The transitional workers of Chhattisgarh, India use fruit to treat
common fevers and vomiting use the seed with bar sprouts ( Ficus bengbalensis) and sugar, the
traditional healers of Baster region use the die leaves and powdered back to dress wounds (5) (KM
Nadkarni et al…, 1986). The fresh leaves are also used for the same purpose. The aqueous paste of
leaves is applied external to relieve a burning sensation. Root are used to treat dysentery; They are
given with cow’s milk until the patient is cured senior citizen used the fresh leaf juice with buffer lo’s
milk to reduce the intensity of smallpox similarly, in the early days, the use of seed of treat eye trouble
was common. To treat hoarseness of the throat, traditional healers advice patients to keep the fresh
root of this plant inside their mouth. The traditional healers use the fresh leaves of this plant with cumin
to treat urinary infections (6) (P. Oudhia et al…2003) the fruit is employed as an antidote to aconite
poisoning, abdominal pain in pregnancy and externally in poultice and applications for wound. The
kernels increase flesh and strength and are sedative in activity (7) (Anonymous et al 1989). Here, some
allied substances are described such as ascorbic acid, thiamin, riboflavin and bioflavonoids and pectin -A
Ziziphus Jajuba fruit are very rich in vitamins C (188 to 544mg per 100gm pulp) and B1 (ihiamine) and B2
(riboflavin) studies (8) (A.A. Kuliev and N.K Guseinova et al.. 1974) compare with other edible fruits, one
fruit of ber per day would treat meet but the diet requirements for vitamin C and vitamin B complex for
an adult man as recommended by FAO/WHO. It is also known to have a high vitamin B ( 354 to 888mg
per 100 gm pulp) ( bioflavonoids) content. It enhances the action of vitamin C. Antibacterial, anti
filamentary, anti fugal and antioxidant are some medicinal properties. It also known as stimulate
properties. It also known to stimulate bile production, promote circulatory and prevent allergies.
Presence of pectin -A in Z. Jajuba fruit is also reported by (9) (M. Tomoda, N. Shimuju) and R. Gonds et al
1985) chemically is contains 2,3,6- trio-acety) D lactose units. Pectin has a number of pharmaceutical
properties such as binding bile acid, lowering plasma cholesterol and anti diarrheal properties (10) (W.
Hsieh, M. Lee, Y, Lin, and J.lia et al 2000)

2.6 Antimicrobial Activity:-

An anti microbial kills or inhibits the growth of microbes they used for cures of microbial infections.
Various types of anti microbials are used such as antibiotics synthetic and natural compound however,
prolonged use of mostly antibiotic can decrease the number of gut flora and resistance, which can have
a negative impact on health. Prolonged courses of antibiotics also coussesrous side effects. Anti fungal
agents worth exploiting different between mammalian and fungal cell to kill off the fungal organisms
without dangerous effect on the host. Unlike bacteria both fungi and human eukaryotes cells. These
cells are similar at the molecular level. Consequently, these are often side effects can be life threatening
if the drug is not used properly. (Bhow mik et al…, 2010). One of the problems in modern veterinary
medicine and medicine is antibiotic resistance of salmonella typhimurium, listeria monocyte genes,
Escherichicicoli, klebsiella Pneumonia, corynebacterium xerosis, proteus volgaris and Candida albicans,
which significantly complicates preventive measures and treatment of these infections and reduce the
therapeutic efficiency of existing antibacterial and anti parasitic preparation (Mendez et al.., 2012;
Boyko and Brygadgrenko, 2016; Ali et al.., 2017; seminioc et al.., 2017)

2.7 Anti fungal and Antibacterial Activities

The anti fungal activity of Ziziphus oil against various bacterial and fungal stain. The mean oil show
considerable activity agains fungal stain Candida albican, Aspergillosis flavos, Rhizophus species and
Mucor species (Madigns Matinko 2006) and bacteria (gram - positive stain bacteria example
staphylococcus species and gram - negative bacteria example Escherichicicoli and fungal stain. The
antibacterial activity against microbial culture namely bacteria stain Escherichicicoli, shigella, klebsiella
preunomia, staphylococcus aureus, salmonella bacillus dysentery

2.8 Enteric Fungal Microbiota dysbiosis

2.8.1 Candida Albican

Candida Albicans is the most common fungal human pathogenic cousin disease ranging from superficial
mucosal to life threatening systemic infections ( p faller and Diekema 2007; Ganguly and Mitchell 2011;
Calderon 2012) this opportunity pathogen is part of commensal human micro flora that asymptotically
colonized many areas of the human body where it’s pro liberation is controlled by the host immune
system (Williamson et al…, 2013) however, under conditions of immune suppression or any disruption
to the host environment, Candida albicans can rapidly transition into a pathogen causing variety of
infections ( Finkel and Mitchell 2011; Mathe and van Dijck 2013).

Infant albican is one of the most often identified agents in nosochemical infections capable of inverting
virtually any site of the human host from deep tissues and organs to superficial sites ( Parlroth, Choi and
Spielberg 2007). More significantly ranked by the center for diseases control as their third most
commonly isolated blood steam pathogen in hospitalized patients with a mortality rate of up to 50%
(Wisplinghoff et al.. 2004; Tournu and Van Dijck 2012: Mathe and van Dijck 2013).
Candida albican is the most common human fungal pathogen disease ranging from mucosal to
systemic asymptotically colonized mucosal surface; however, any disruption in the host environment or
under conditions of immune dysfunction, C albican can proliferate and invade virtually any site in the
host and also candidiasis is an infection cause by a yeast (a types of fungal) called Candida. Candida
normally lives on skin and inside the body such as in the mouth throat, gut and vigina, without causing
any problem. Candida can cause an infection if conditions change inside the vigina to encourage it’s

2.8.2 Mucur Species

The mucur genus described by fresenius (1850) belongs to the mucorae dumort family, mocorales fr.
Onder, subphylum mucoromycota do-weld, comprising the largest number of species with the
mucorales (spatafora et al..2016). Specimen of this genus are characterized by fast - growing colonies
and the production of simple and lot branched sporangiosphores ( schipper 1973, von Arx 1982). As
well as globular sporangirogia without apophyses (Benny 2013).

Mucor is a large genus within the mucorales, comprising mainly saprotrophs occurring in soil and dung
but also endophytes and parasites of plants and other fungi ( Domsch et al…, 1980, Walther et al…,
2013) mucor species are used in biotechnology as bio transformants or as producers of enzymes and
diverse metabolites. They also play role in the production of food, e.g in the fermentation of transitional
Asia Soya-beans based food (Hin et al, 2004, Hong et al 2012) and European cheese (Hermet et al..2012)
and they are important spoilage organisms of large variety of raw materials and processed foods
( Morinsadin et al…2017).

2.8.3 Rhizopus species

Rhizophus is commonly known as black bread mold . It is a member of Zugomycota and considered the
most important species in the genus Rhizophus. It is one of the most common fungi in the world and has
a global distribution although it is most commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. It is a
commonly agent of decomposition of store food.

Rhizophus (Ehrenb.. 1821) is a genus of saprotrophic zygomycete fungi (mucoromycotina,

mucoromycota) that is ubiquitous in soil, animal excrement, and rotting vegetation ( pidoplihko and
mil’ko 1971) the genus especially relevant to human enterprises. For example certain species can act as
plant pathogen that effect crops, some are produces of ensuing industrial bio fermentation, and others
are used as fermentation agents in the food production agent in food production.

Further more, certain species are causal agent of diseases in animals including humans, and are used as
model organisms in the study of fungal cellular and molecular biology (Abe et al..2006, Ogawa et al.
2004, saito et al 2004, muswaska et al 2014).
Some Rhizophus species present a significant threat to post harvest agricultural products by damaging
the appearance and taste of crops most notable sweet potatoes and strawberries ( Ecker 1978, 2005)
infection can also lead to human poisoning due to release of the phytorine rhizoxin, which is synthesized
by endosymbiotic Burkholderia bacteria inhibiting the hyphae of some Rhizophus species ( Partida-
Martinez et al 2007. Although Rhizophus associated mucormycosis is less common than fungal infections
caused by Asscomycete species (e.g) Candida or Aspergillosis) or basidiomycele species (e.g
cryptococcus), Mucoromycosis has an overall mortality rate exceeding 50% and the number of cases
with combat related injuries or vascular invasion (Moszewska et al. 2014) Tribble and Rodriguez 2014).


Conclusion and recommendations

5.1 Conclusion

In conclusion, the findings from the current study suggests that ethanol and water extract of 2 Jajuba
leaves has anti fungal activity against the etiology agent of oral fungal infection mainly C. Albicans) Thus,
the information gained from this study may be served as a source of development of new oral health
care products especially in treating oral fungal infection. In addition the results obtained from the
current study can be used as reference by other researchers.

5.2 Recommendations

Further research should be carried out on Jajuba to investigate possibly the bio active compounds of the
plant extracts. Further research needs to be carried out to determine the anti microbial activity of the
plant against a wider group of pathogen including fungi, viruses and parasites.

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