The Complete Photoshop User Manual - March 2024 (P)

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A & Papercut eases a Ma terolag) lo Manual Series Available on ga Readly oe The Complete ae | Photography Manual UNik Feamera Marfuall £5) Papercut For a full list of titles available please visit: The Complete Photoshop User Manual Your photo editing journey starts here! Let us show you just how powerful Photoshop is, while discovering a range of tools and techniques that can make excellent digital artists of us all. Even if you are a beginner, Photoshop is easier to learn than you might imagine. This guide begins with the various tools and editing basics that can get you up and running in no time. The second half concentrates on some creative projects that will expand on what you've learnt and have you creating new images just like a digital professional. £3) Popercut Updates and ee uy 8 _Canyouupdate? 8 Colortransfer Perec 9 Styletransfer eons ad toe ried Sc oatco) eS ue PS ergs) PSs escu cad CFCs SEM sus caren Meet ccnica rae cess cree eee scr ecercue ceed Ae tose Tees ® ‘ | 20 aaa 32 yy ery 38 CaCaEaE aE) oy ey The history of Photoshop EE eared eee ene ee fies Mec ea ees en Cee font bnercns 66 Croppingandresizing Ree dancers tek Coe Oem ee Photoshop preferences guide = ThePhotoshophome screen Yourfirst PSD document eee ete! eeu lec ee Veo PeMginecemeeie) cette) Yourfirstcutout papper ir Pieaee Rotini enue 7M ie sues) Retineet re oe aC Me ne nance encne) Yourfirsttype tool project eget enue ecees ea Ee ese 82 _Quickmaskmode Eyes Pern ce) Eee Mase eee sence) Er eerie eee age 140 Sarees Ereeeonee a een cares eee Prem mec Eee creme ie) Dewees) Err messes mee) pee ote Pec ty ree) Pemenre nen esa So 4 cea Da EO recap Retest Tue) Pen ANE Sessa aie OMe 15 rr rr 120 aro Pry rc Eee) ‘Aurora HDR Processing Rawfiles fees Ries ea ened Dae Ac LTUe 180 try St Peed fee ee ce) evened cr rr) erences) New creations (rd a Updates and Improvements Let’s have a look at some of our favourite features SY from recent updates and a few coming soon! econ poor Peet tcc Precis CH EMReo ccd Peet ee es 14_ Harmonization Peeeecciecs eet cies i meen Prameseate ea a Petersen PEM recom cto 11_Colorize 16 _JPEGartefacts removal Serene) Remote 11_ Skinsmoothing Pane ies eee. Pee ore Paes PP eects CUO LL ed Check out these useful Photoshop features and tools Cee eta ea eee een te eee eee eo eee ae eee ee reas ee ee nce eed eer ee ee ei en eine een eee arate ere) ee eer ee eee Ceo Cea Cees ee ere ee ete ns ee ene ten ears Se eee ay oe oer eer rd ee eee te Reeeeikiaeten tae peeerttinemeiinarkenncrerT sina ene Se ea ged een ee etree) eee ee ‘itr Essential itis a moans Sree Sere eee een ee eee Se ns err ee See atte tener ee eter) eee er aS nee tert ree ee ens ee eer et at ‘adltional option to adjust Saturation, Hus and Brightness cee eee eee eee ee ers pee ee eee med Se ee ee ee eens eee os ‘ Css) . : . eer) Cee eee ered irapar ee ors vee eon rere aa eee ee te eae pearson ee eon ee ene ‘example ts claims can be put the test wih an eee ares Pete ee eee button to view tho options avaiable. There ae ott eo ee ere Fc eee ee erent ee cee tad eet ee ert ret eT eer anes eta ae LLCs ee ees ee eee en rer ee ry oe ee ed ee ee eee ee Se es ee ae ee) ee ee eer td eet ent eet ee ere [tee eet eee tne eet tas ee ae ieee tens cee tee Style Transfer ee oe oe ee eet ead ee eer ed eatery aan ree) eet ee tee eee era Sea eg ee eet Ts Pee ee ety ee es irr ort Ce eee ea Ce Se ete rete eter ete cetera bes eet eet ona Se oot! PAD UG Se Content Credentials onan Ce cent ay See end eee tenner Brees Coe eres Paeertnens porno content cr Memeat ) battono activate at nd Cee Coreen which you can attach useful eee Pee ee eee nes Pere eed ee ete eer ee ern Cone cat ee ets ery tee ee ee tenes eee eee Sets pee eee Cee Cone Ce rent) iy Sete dette Ce ene et ee eee ee ore) en eer er Prete eterna) poorer eerie Pe nets Contant Codentiai if you ck the tach To Image button, your data wil be exported with Se rete er ed Cee et eee Steet tet oe eee ee ET ear < Prferercse > (Generali + 1 youl 50 te st of ppolerenccs ashe. The Goer preeronose roi You th opts to us some ogy ‘eats rom older vrsions of Prexeshe, CCipbond optors, Sra Objet craton ae more, History Log ots track your act ‘ach Photoshop session and then 8240 them out a a tex fle, Fle Hancing ofr a3 cf epions to conta the use of mage Previews land Fle Extarcions You can ao aust the Fle (Cempatyoptors such a layered Tes. Scratch Disks lets you use hard ave storage as virtua RAM, whist Cursors ts you spas the prodion, so and shape of tho Brush Tip. Tansparency ane Gamut gover the transparent, background gf zo and in what dove @ Gam warning wil appest PHOTOSHOP PREFERENCES GUIDE The nat preerence options ntertace. Ths sone you aro alto access more than moet This ston primary canoes itl wih he appesanee of your workspaoa, The mala Colour Thame and the vaious colours emgloyed bythe screen mods ae set her. ‘Export conan afew opens that gover what format your mages a Ifyou choose to use te Quick Exper function, You can ako decide on a xk Export Location, choose I any tae is appended to th image format an ‘what Colour Space the rage wit. Unts& Furs is fat sat expanatory with cptons frin which unts of measurement your Puls and Type sass appear. Grid, Grid & ‘Slices is ust set of eptons when you need Frecise grids added to your document in toms of colour and ga ine recency, The Workspace presences a ty serple and lt you Ato Show or Auto-Cotapse panels a requked without the noed to aru open thal propeis, The Tools section below that allows tho use of Totips and panning an 2ooming options can be tuned on oof here. Performance akey rea hich 0 spend some tee atl ety eed up your work set up corecty, Here you can cen how much RAM Photoshop usos an, your (gapties cards ccrmpatb, to allow the use of ‘asvanced Graphes Processor Settnos Yeu can conto the use of Pug-ns and “ype Optonsin the naxt two preerence sections. Tan ther ie the 20 action where you can sot VRAM usage, 3D Overlays and irate Rendering. Enhanced Cortes for Touch Bar and Technology Previous round out the i. atccscin 33 @ ‘THE PHOTOSHOP HOME SCREEN The Photoshop Home Screen We show you what the Photoshop user front end has on offer in the latest versions nthe good old days of Photoshop CS, you environments that are more than just a lst of had @ product that you opened up and recenty opened files. Now you can browse simply started using with nothing else getting and sort those files and dsplay them in in the way. These days that is no longer the thumbnail or list form. That's natal, you also ‘case. The Adobe Creative Cloud series of | _have access to Adobe's anne web tutorials, ‘apps now offer user interactive front-end covering every topic you can thik of. From ‘base videos on gating stated with ayers ‘and cutting out ‘ document has a huge wealth of choice for every creative need THE PHOTOSHOP HOME SCREEN @ BH aie f |) Be OL: ales nyu apen Phctoshop rater than Inthe opt of te screen you can tik on Below the Lea options LA Photos. Whee Just ging dec toh workspace, you the menuitans, Homa athe by deta yeaucle en this open, displays a page are frtproanted wth th Adobe Pholocbop bbutyoucenclek on te Lear buon to depy yout Lightroom images that ere stored nine (CC Home screen. Th mein part ofthe window a.pagoco aalbe tuto tom whic you can ew thr al choose which ones you weil Ke ‘ems ise wt the splay of you Peens fes_chaoge, A the batiom, thre she apiento got to svt ormpor. Thay wil then download ant In ascending or descending orc, Aa com for even more poeta & Photoshop __ Photoshop | our teference inthe top le comers ‘The next option cn the eto the Home You can input your own cmenaons in the the PS oon. yuck cn tat. wi open screen s Crate Ne When you cick on and Height elds and choose a nt the Photoshop workspsce, be this tuten the New Document seen willappear, of mensuremer® for your nex document. You can ‘pened, You can start yo. “The est sco0n vl lst Rovont ems and the felet the Orertaton, Reson, Col Mode and foryeurcanelelcon the document s2esavabie wl fact rageaizes evan Phe Aspect Rio. Then eek Crest ta cpen Rea eta) ion Per ail ae Acros the op ofthe New Document Below he vino, you il ase a numberof Slenk Templates, merit Presets tom which you can choses, t.use, The rags om Gale Ityou eck the Se Preview buton you can eck a the erp in more tal rir to deci you wart o dows y youhave sed yoursf, en there ae Layouts. When you clk en ary ofthe tamelates, orn. There ar also Presets and making the Photo presets, These arb rege of sands you wil soe set of etaslisted to the rghtol the Temps for Fit, At & hatin, Web, ‘Photo pit sas sch ae 7 x5 1 @ 2000p New Document indo Mobi and Fim & Veo, on peputaacam 35 @ YOUR FIRST PSD DOCUMENT Your First PSD Document Let’s start at the very beginning and walk you through the process of making your very first document ‘ou might think that opening or creating a ew Photoshop document isa very simple task to achieve. inthe days of older = versions of Photoshop that was certainly true Crd ith its original start up sequence. You ether = shop CC, i's a slightly more involved afar and goes way beyond anything that has been s9en in Photoshop before. The neiast version ofthe program has a Home screen and a more interactive frontend, offering a lot more cholce from the very moment you open the program. Lat's start at the very beginning, dive In ad have 4 quick look at what the Home Screen has on offer for the new user, create a couple ‘of ciferent documents and get to know the ‘options avalable tous oo crc ee eo remy Cand n-Pe 8 ee 36 Proton Este you have nae usd Photoshop belo, precened vith the Welcome sere ging you ‘or jus open an age and gt startd on you no poet. We've chosen 2000 2000 pie Soppitelsnch and in RGB Color mek Background Contents. ou ae not air with Cour Mee an Colour Profi, ou can heey sth te deta for gener se ust for compton we stat ging 1h the now document procedure once more wa cals alr the Backgreund Cones land, ste cate, choose Farsparent ted Nw, when you ht the Crest ton, you wil have aderent ooking document YOUR FIRST PSD DOCUMENT Ityou've used Photoshop a ow times, your Home seroan wl lck egy feren Ital depay ar recent images you have been ‘on any thumenal to open that Ho and resuno When yout the Crate ston, anew doce crea wth your srtngs apple fo the New Document sree, Soe we ‘pte forthe Bacleyeund Contents be whit, he new doctrren ib created fh te Boceoure layer appearng 25 aoc, fit ker, ora ase) Pon) oe ee = Le “This te, when yournew document appears, wihave atensparent background yer, calla Layer 1, ich i abo be unlocked and fea toed. Tansparent ayers are pate of white av gry equaes Fait Image Ca ‘Browse in Bridge fo crea nen document you ca her 010 1ho op le menu an choose Fe > Now (Cd © Nor snp ofekcn the Creat New baton on thee ofthe Hen ther opton wil open the New Document sreen read to start your project. youlook athe Background ayerin your layers pale, ye wl sa tho sal Paco con tat ndeates the ayer locked. you cok o the Paso layer anc tu anc, cate ayer caled Layer, you ean unlock the “Thats your test document erated. So far sogon cansiat populating the document with mages and gaps tocreao your very oun workof a. Dont worry belo. Wear show youhon @ OPEN AND SAVE YOUR FIRST IMAGE. Open and Save Your First Image A quick guide on how to open new photos and images in Photoshop, and then save your edits 38 Priest Ea OPEN AND SAVE YOUR FIRST IMAGE a weve covered howto create a touching on the other option aa (Open option onthe Home scene, fon the op le menu,youcan choose Fle > Open Gmd + O, ood Ir we can step back tothe Home screen fora momen, Pathe than using the Fle > (Open menu command, you can choose instead 1 use the Fle» Browse hr Bilge (At + Cr } Bridge is Acobe's age management ‘etaloguing and key wordra appleton, Bdge, you can browse your mages in much th same way asin a browser window exon ys have al more conta vee what you can do wth them. You aso have alot nee oo & =a This tron your compautr's ol or ay storedimagea. I makes sense tory and ken yourimage es ia centred restr rather than casting around the darkest comers of your Rather than jst using a stander browser fo, you can use Adobe Bridget fed your Images, aspay them, arrange them in date ‘rc and oven acd open keywords making them that much easier ta search fr, ne fick you need them anne, ad bi coe - om ‘oahee a oo re man yu have ound your image tik cn ttohighight it and thon ght-cek ito tring up conten manu where you can choose | fram a numberof ations. nf cae, we would {2 or the Open With > Adobe Photoshop 2022 (deta option sale up anew won where you can ‘Once you have found your image, simply a case o ther doube-clicking tho image in question, or highighing it or saver nag 'n tho Open ‘ton atthe lover right othe browser whdow They nl hon epen in Phtoahep. ‘nce) 2nd than clk ick ingle mages and add and, the Keywords section of Brg, clk he New Keyword butlon and acd Keywords spect to those you have curently highightod. They wil then be dplayed slongsise tre images, — apo Pretaon POF Iyoucpan a Jpeg and donot add ary new layers, when you save tater edn, tele saved in its oigial Jpeg forma. however you make eds that inv ayers and PLACING AND IMPORTING IMAGES. Placing and Importing Images Now we will show you how to bring content into your document and make it look amazing 1's very easy to find and open a photo, work witht, and then save it again, without the ree to turn it into a native Photoshop PSD fie that rtaine al ay information within it, We've looked at crea new documents from scratch, so now we can ‘ako our newly created blank document, start Importing images and begin the process of building a basle design wit usta couple of Images. As simple as this quide may appecr, itis acomerstone to what makes Photoshop 0 useful as an image editing and digital ‘manipulation tool or phot signers alike. We wil us used to bringing in images and working with them on thei layers pening single mage saat sirple process, tic Photoshop makes eon ‘ade thanks tthe ruber of ways youn ineract wth your ls before opening ham. Now, having ‘made a bank documento your equroments, we't 0 asp turer and popu 1 ret6ong faasy 3654700. fast ba v0 * E 02848 . ipo Here, we have wed Fle = Pace Embskio, Stat by nagat tothe oor with the est mege youe using, Rgght it anc then eck the Place burton, or mpl dousl-ok toopen in the document nits Bak layer. Note the ayer name changes fo he nage name. z= oth mages, se thay are embeded, are laced as Smart Objects yu look inthe loner ght comer ofthe hub, yout 90 the smallicon that denotes a placed Smet (Object. you are happy wih thom, you can corer them to standard pel PLACING AND IMPORTING IMAGES. e To begin, a quick word about the two matrods on oft for imporod images. You can use the Pace Embedded opin, wich embeds mages as Smart Objcts hat can be etd independently of your active document, but fe ti contained wii, e ‘You can now move, scale and rotate the Image befor you commit to finaly lacing inom is yer Clk and drag the cover cersrl ots 0 scae the Image o fly he document “Then you can hit Ertar en your keyocard to ‘commit the changes smart uo a Copy e Fight-Click on your layers to call up the Context mer, Lok down the Ist rc you wl se the Rast Layer option. Whan you sect tis, you wl comet each of the Smart Objects into normal pil b2sod images that row bave he elandard photos. or iPad Scour, youhavethe are Likes option Wisma you havo zn brag at cno> ‘Ped injour dounent rene a tothe ca le TRatyou pass Now, Fyoved tw egal lees the ea ine you bokat yor coeur coaning tat ‘rage, tllupea to ela ened vein, shot 14.909 Screenshot 2021-41..(2).pn9 a » scree 2021-41. ck144 6iog o Go to Fle > Place Embedded agah and ths tie choose a saconidimage We havo askebon character we wart rig no anew layer. Place this now mage, and then se he il pnts o scale thelmage and also crag it to your peetored positon, ‘Yau have created a base document wth two layers. tight seam que sme but this what mekes Photoshop so versatile and oles youthe chance to take various mage ‘ements an combine them in amzing now ways te crea etunning artworks. Using Layers Understanding layers is fundamental to Photoshop editing tne concept of Layers was first descending order. Since layers can include of off and delete layers, without affecting the introcuced with Photoshop 9.0 n ‘waneparency, lower layers can be Visible thers. Some people ssem to have a hard 1904, and has bacome the very core of through higher layers. time geting their head around the concept Photoshop image editing, a Effects, adjustments and operations can _of layers, so the best way to think of them is bo appliod to individual aye a6 a plo of glass pancts wth tho olomonts program on the lays at once. You can: move layers that make up the image pata onto them, ‘what they sound ke; round relative to one another, change the with you looklng down on them trom above Image are stacked up and displayed in fon to-sop how thoy stack up, Lajershave a number of vantages. For one work paths. and hen thre ery contin embeded commends ge non-destusthy, ot the yer mmedaty tra youcan eat you you don hk ro reaut you deat ancl go back othe rina There 2 four man peso Players, which conan the gan ‘of theimage, Thar Tent jes, which > whan youve iad edn and you wart. read, Ys usally ‘hich merges all Steal ea erne eee There ae slements ith ham masshaeaasos the szoo the Bo, Contin at ntormation writ canbe eee to sae te pict you Contain vector infomation sich as shapes and thalayerstogathernio a ingle mage, tor yes, Which 20d ident Paton ho imag 42. Pres no ts Reem) Knowing your way around the Layer paleto i vital f you want to make the best us of this feature, Blend Mode Deters how the ayer nteracts withthe layer bab it Can be changed er evry ayer ‘one by one or ora group, crc) eee Wd fe) Gi) a ab | r iy Visibility ‘cng onto ajc py onders tho lnjerand alls elects vite Ao, At + lef cek to view hat ayer on ks on, Adjustment Layer ren, ander you an ad al tchstnert fects sich es Loves, Bghnes and Const and Satan New Group Chat rly goer bb wtih youcan cg enc rp yee tig completed composton. USING LAYERS Opacity Case repaid how eee iee ecard Serenata ce Layer Styles “This panel lets you add fects such as crop shadow, baveled edges, nner aden overay a much mere soto lye New Layer on ths baton erento ana nk Layer Filters Coote oe ony one pe of yo. oa of hr, ry selec th cop-donn ye Can deal th crderin wich ou show an. Fill ‘Siar to Opacy, but ony wer on pal ifomaion, roreg bending opts and ler oft. Layer Locks By elkng onthe btlons you can lock the layer tom ary futher act. Tarsparancy, nage pits anc postion canbe locked lncdopendnty of each thor Text Layer ‘There ae several ent yposctaer. Tat layers not suprengy,conish tet characters Background The Backend ayers the delat baton tee, and ays slats of bck when ou ‘open a new Photoshop document Link Layers Halt afew ayers and then cok this baton to ink the ayes Transform anc Move commancs wi afect a inked ters Layer Mask ‘ek a mack. pho based kaye, trove ‘rence oman, sing Back ‘canoe or wh fo eed Delete Layer Does ety hat ou expecta, Chto deere caren act je, of ag ayer on geputeacam 43 @ YOUR FIRST COMPOSITION 44 Your First Composition This is when you discover the power of Photoshop ‘ow is the chance to get tothe nity gity ‘of what Photoshop is all about. Working with layers in @ document and importing various images and graphics isa key part of how Photoshop functions. Opening a photo and then adding layers of adjustment or ‘additional laments on tp is what makes Photoshop the incredibly useful image == ‘editing program it has become. You can simply enhance a favourite Its colours look more vibrt litle sharper, or you can ‘compositions by combining va for parts of them, in now and ex ‘that wil have your viewers wishing they could do itoo, mi This naw artwork start wth tha cpering ofa base mage. nis cas, Fla» Open (One +O} and then navigated 10 where our background ago was stored, We have chosen a pasture background rage frou on ceamposten. Now we can acid moe semen ae, Using he same drag an op technica, wo ada mythical creature that sts cit roa nthe background, Tete one probiem however he horse nw appear tobe coverng ur foreground character. Thi s whan you go othe ayer options alta, you can clon the Creat A New Layer burton and thon ad layer between th hese and the ‘ase image caledshacon, Here you can ute & soft blak brush oad seme show to anchor the crear othe ground more easily YOUR FIRST COMPOSITION : = me Ae = Ifyouwanted to, you can kegp a browser wind open on your corputr tha contre yeurimages and ther than going trough the open and rd pred, you can simpy bing he bowser wredow tote oe ane hag your nxt nage on op onthe bane mage. By etching and hong the mouse ovr the layer contain tho vse, wo can actualy eg that layer 99 that sts undemest the ayer Containing the pencess. Now, wth ou foe the incl and the hase behind he, the rig New Smart ojectviaCopy Est contents eset Trantor fino Fie. ain Urry Grape Aelace Conte's Expert Conte's Comer io Layers Soce both he igure an the hese ae ‘Smut Objects, whon we aw happy wth tha tinal placrrent, creiaon an si, we it lek on them, chase Fatrze Layer rn the ‘mens and convert them to raed pl mages in his maans our kopped mage wll pan on is on yer, which wil be named sorte ile ofthe fo. nie exept, anmage rot prcnss now ss above cu base ‘nage ona new lye, Nox, we read ate oe backround interest leh out the soo. ‘ines each element son a separate layer, they can be edie and manipatod Iveponcerty ofeach other. Fornstance, he hore might ok best iit ore the other way sound, 8 thelayer could be fped herizcrtly for acferentcompostion you ware, (ne fn kin for this erro a now layer named ‘rit’, which is placed between the pmncess end he horse, This yer ‘frit contains wht rush marks and he, 12 complete this arate compotion ts Opty can dropped to about 45 YOUR FIRST CUT OUT Your First Cut Out Learn how to cut out parts of one image to use on another 46 Pres no ts 1 wo are talking about key sks that make Photoshop the mest popular photo editing program around, then we have to talk about the ability to cut out parts of one image. then use it as pat of anther Cut outs are another staple of "cement and manipulation that are essential kills to have Iti lucky for us that Photoshop has a numberof tools at its is that can help make the process ‘a chore. We are going to take two ‘and then cut out part of one and use iton th other. Yes, isa vry simple tutorial, Dut t's also very useful. This s a sil you wll eed to use alti you wish tof cof art involving multiple mage sour not as daunting as you might imagine can show you now. have gone to Fla > Opan and than ragatd oa fldr contain tho 190 images we want to cebine. They cone ofa shot ‘ofa modal along wth avery moody wooded shoe we wert to use as backstop, We sect both ane then lek on Open gst stare. eo ere aed eee Teoteno In this example, the Quek Selection oo (W) cou be a beter option, but shew his sa recersy updated version of Potcshop, there are newer selection tol that might be fever biter The Salect Subject baton the tal ‘options bars iustthe tokat, Pr ee youre happy with he rtnarert, lek (OK to rocoed and retum to the man Image. You can raw go to Eat > Copy (Crnd +O) ‘ocapy athe pias inside he sotctin area you have rated, You can then clk onthe docuent tab of the ther image to agen 8 YOUR FIRST CUT OUT ‘We aed to conceit onthe gs image fest noo wo want to renee hat om hor background. This magohas one krociato ‘banott inthe, forthe mest pat, the gs tn Is reasonatly wel datned against Uw hur colours of the background she's peed roe of he Select Subject tool wil autora sean and anaiyse the mago for you ard tent wi make a best que58 of wha it considers to be the min aubeot anc put asloctonerourd 2 Shoe cur modells poseg agaist apa cieyound, the eecten fry acca, Naw we can gota El > Paste (Ce + Vy and paste the cutout gi this coetrrent on is nly, hich is called ‘Layee 1 by dota. The igure cartbe moved, scaled and rotates i we wih uni vehave i how we want gaia the vooddand beckercund, perenne) 8 cout choose the Lasso tool Land try ray feehand around the outino othe git This canbe a time-consuming, tcky and lata eaccuate way 1O JO when thee ‘ao ote toks alate to usin Poteshon's comprehensive sobtionarsra Lucky, we have ada ons tat alow 0 eles ho sdocten sil further using the Selec end Mask tok We can cok on and use the Reine Ege Bruch too (i to brush over any areas tha might ben nado some targeted renement ard we can use the Refine Ha 00, Awe didnot was to use a couple Levee adstments to cd mare contrast to the gue and aie Car Bales astment cn the wbods to make ther colours ave carte The end rel i ne exapo of how to quickly maka cut outs in Photoshop, atccsm AT Selection Tools This fundamental technique allows multiple methods for isolating specific areas of your image ‘he ably to select discrete areas ofan image and change them you to select regular shapes such as rectangles, ellipses and lines. For in eolaton is fundamental to Photoshop editing and to help regular shapes there are several Laseo tools which et you draw the with this thar ara many diferent ways of making that selection, _araa tobe selected. For quicker selections there are the Magic Wand and “Tho most frequently used are the Marquee tools, which allow uick Selection too @ Photoshop File Edit image Layer Type Select Common Options Ityou look across the op fet of your menu ba youl see thee ae common tec options for al ry 7 DROME TUTE ithe scion os, Aor tho Here aston arcs rest picker are the selection options e =a New selection halting down the Shit kay, Surat From Selection, also activated by the At key and Intersect With Slacton, which selats onl rm ‘as you have already selected. Edge Refinement “Te naxt option i Feat ‘6492 ofthe selection based on tho number of pele you err nthe Feather input ld 7 Ifyou want even eve contro, the edge ofthe selection can be further cust by using Select, and Mask, which uses sophisteated ede ‘tection techniquse toa ‘ound things lke ne hairor sft lato to Photoshop sents tothe selection tools on offer Selection Too! which ean aean your image incvilualy target al the dterenite objects in your photo. This a handy naw festure ant when ued in conjunction wih al he other = re as Selection methods such as Select Sky and all those shown opp have los to choose rom 48 Pres no ts SELECTION TOOLS @ Rectangular Marquee Single Column Marquee Elliptical Marquee Mako aselecton ofa rctangulr area of ary This option erates a selection of just asingla Create a selection of aliptical shape of any sae o¢ aspect ratio. ust cok and cragto the vata column of pikes This is ube for ying se a ropertion, Just ck and dag to the sae right size, Hold down the Shit kay to conskan up other elections or eps that ave just ait _and shape you ned and bok down the Shit ay aro keys to mow the section square ehapo and use the too big. Cex nea the area you want oe toda cls. you had down the At ey he and then crag the marquee tothe exact oction, elise wl be centred on he starting poe Magnetic Lasso Lasso Single Row Marquee Ths fool ues edge-cection to ty fo match your Te Lasso is also sed to ako ea Ths is tho samo a Sing Cairn Marquee sobstion tothe edges of the subject nthe mage. fomthe ace layer, but tis tme the ahape can be bt ths the ft eects a single hoizontal row You simpy draw ane as coool as possible to near marked cut by lng orca of pals. As withthe Single Column Marcuee hat you want and should automatealy snap to erounithe ea tobe sslected. Jon up your sso option cx near the area you want o select anc the edge. Works best on high contiataeas the po you stared to coe the election, thn cag the marquee tthe exact locaton. Polygonal Lasso Magic Wand Quick Selection “ha Potygonal Lasso ets yo © This alles you make selections fom areas of This tal pant a selection and uses edge pln Ine around your subject ican ony draw the sure colour and brghiness and by adusing detection to ty to mach he selection tothe stright ines, but by using very short sactons i's the tokance and whether or not tl select nearest hard adga in the aga. Again #s ofan possible to appreximate a curved ina. To draw caniguous areas, you can use it to do things tke ony sn agproxemation an wl have problems {ured Ines you ned to use the Pen too automaticly sect al the sky in your nage with bisa or low eontast edges on peputaacam 49 @ YOUR FIRST LAYER MASK Your First Layer Mask” An introduction to one of the key ingredients of Photoshop work hotoshop's use of layers i one ofthe ean algo be used, in conjunction with an most important aspects of what makes adjustment layer, te pr itis s0 versatile and enables the user to funetion of hiding ofr tuntoash thi full cffct you've chosen, ity. Ones you include ‘the ability to add masks to those layers, you of ourselves however. Let's take a look at have yat another vary powerful ool that lets how you can use a simple mask to produce you blend or hide parts af one image on {2 very c00! effect. In thi case, cover up part ‘layer and contra how they interact with ofa base image and allow part of another another Masks are not only very useful in Image to show through to transferm the look hiding or revealing parts of an imag, they of tho original Cad 50 Proton Este eo have opened an example image of a aul sont lakesko mourn soane ‘As lovely this mage i, we want bo able !oralae tho shy wth something ait more ‘acing, nd masking & amethod that alons Us Q Bees cures nara se the featureless sty s very wel dene the Quck Selection Tool can say selec the ky Alone. A you do ls ek the too cn an area and thon Soaty drag he cursor sara the sky aa, sletng more sky a8 yougo. ‘ny white masked area aon tha prt the layerbe seen ls any back par of the mashes that part th ye. Th rts ‘hall tho teresting sky area othe tp ers abl, hl the esis skys hidden onthe YOUR FIRST LAYER MASK e ‘We have another photo with a great night sy that shoud werk wel th our orga mountain mage. We spy rag end cho the sky mage onto the ave docurert won then appears on is an ayer We then scale tho image 20 tal the oly roe of the ere e Make the top layer viable and active agaln youl pote your activ selacton ‘hat ercoses te sky area inated by the blk ‘and nes known as mazcing ars) is now over, We want totum th are ino ama hat ie the e “To view the mask on its own, hold the A ay cr your keyboard and et tha mak tel The Quick Slaton Toc mado decent eb of scarring the edge between the ‘mounts snd he fates oy A+ tok on the mal to ret to real vw Pt CD Cee an @ “Making the new layer irvsble fora moni, me mek the Backoreud image cto by clings ayer, then go ver tothe toofar al ehcose the Quick Sacto To). his toa lows forse ava soko based on Layer mask thumbnail Keoping the slectn act, go down to tho Byer options plete and choose Add Ler Mask When you do, as wil be add tothe top layer nthe shape ofthe salction yu made, Th areainads te section wit, he es otsce the slacton sack, ® “Te move the sin the top ayer around, ‘ot keep the maskin the cont poston, you can clk on the mal Chan rdioon between the er humeral ante yer mask hurt This kris the agora the mask other can move without aetna the ther, @ YOUR FIRST SET OF ADJUSTMENTS Your First Set of Adjustments The use of adjustments in Photoshop are another key aspect of non-destructive editing hat do we mean when we say non- Cestrictive? Well, in simple terme, it you open a photo shat as jpeg le and ‘mak all your ecits and enhancements iret tothe image itso, you wil ind that unless you save the results as another jpeg file, the original wil be lot to you. You have etfoctvely overwritten the orginal with your ‘edited version and there is now no way to rotiovo it. Unless you specially wanted to only use the edited version from thon on, that could be avery annoying outcome, ‘hiss whore Photoshop's use of layers ad adjustment ayers comes in vory handy. Something simple like a boost to brightness and contrast need not be applied tothe image tse. You can use an adjustment layer to affect the image, which means if you remove the adustment layer, the image rotus to its previous state. Not only that, tance you use layers, you can save your ‘work as @ PSD and creste a document with everything you've used also pret ‘can go back into it at any time further acjustments knowing that the base sriginal has not been affected. 52. Prints Eg take ala typical example as cur 3 tp io adstment kyr. We hae «8 photogagh ofa young lad taken indoors The roa pune and colo, Tat'sok, We can Use faustment layers to hlp us “This mage locks beter ator a +60 boost tho Bighmess along wih a sral-8 adjustment tothe Conta. The problem s that the darks eras et bok too Berth not much vibe dtl. Three another ausiment that YOUR FIRST SET OF ADJUSTMENTS The inage can eran a locked Backgrouna tyes, yeu go tothe Layer (Option panel cfc onthe Crete New Filo Acton Layer button and cos Brightness CContast em tho fs apenas. An adnan loyer wil now appear above yourman mage. Ifthe Properties panel doesnot automaticaly appear, inp dou the auton yer humbra (po! the ma ard the properties pana wil appear that ptr adjusimont nis e230, two ar ha conto Bighine and Conas (Cokcon the Crete New Fit mand cro089 Loves siment above Bightress!Conrast 4. Levels ges youmore conte of ay rrictones and highghis inthe image, han Brghness and Consast lone canoe. Clek on the mide ler and noe othe lta the miko tones wil et hte You can also move the Back Plt ser below shy to therght, to remap soll back to progres Iehtor tones. Th dake rac should now show Now wa can acess the colour the Image. At the moment, athe cleus ok fate subdued. Wear boos the virency ofthe Image wih anctheracustment ayer. Ths tine, choose Hue'Saraon anda tht othe top of the growing lye stack ibrar dow tas. nis caso, the Hun has a +6 austen, Saturation -¥49 ard Lighnoss +6. Because these agusrents ‘8a on yes, thay can be moced or remeved Yousren' ted standard achstments ther. you wish, you can espertrent wth Thing ie Gracent Map, This usos ver ooburs Inyo repace the igttest and darkastiones in the photo. nhs cago drk purple brs ro eh, then orange, then ph yaton oe peputacim SB @ YOUR FIRST TYPE TOOL PROJECT Your First Type Tool Project Get to know what the various Type Tool options can do to really lift your artwork é AFTER jeans that you mn documents With paragraphs of text in them, if you ‘want. Although you don't have the more ‘complex control of text that you have in desktop publishing prog ‘25 InDesign, you can stil produce si = text layouts, and other offacts with relative ‘ean0, thanks to a sat of useful tools and Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed txt Contros. You can produce normal ‘do ciusmod temper incididunt ut labore et dolore magna horizontal text and vertical text if required, aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus com- ‘and you can also use both vertical and ‘modo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis. horizontal taxt to crate masks. The only limiting factor isthe numberof fonts you ‘carry on your eystom. The more fonts you have, the more choice you have, 54 Prien Ea Se eo pl eta eed Having opened an image inthe fam of ‘photo ofa suse beach, we Want 1 incorporate wth some tot in ode io uso ae Atle grsehc, To access the Type to, wo need (2 ofthe oobar onthe igh and cick on the etzeral Type Tol YOUR FIRST TYPE TOOL PROJECT ‘whan you eck an tha Type oc your cptons menu at the op of your sore vl rect what sala fr tha speci ok nh Cease, you can choose your fort, th weight of that ‘other baal options, ors Dec) T ee aon ibe, along win some Ityeu tag an area wih th Type too on yeu rage, wi autora now tot layor an then cepay sore dau txt 0 you what locks ka in you chasan font and 20. Wo cn thon type in whatever text we van use; we have ek ype "BEACH. you fighgh your tat, you can add some 1p Tax fects by clekng onthe eon menu, Here, you can choose fran ‘a numberof fect such a8 Ne, Bulg, Faheye and Flag, Our xpos a sie Wave fect with ‘ders to coil Bend avd Ostoncn Ck onthe Comnt Changes tito, the fot i um ache slacton, A his point, youve accuse of options. You can lk ‘na clacton tool ke tha Lassa Too riick the section, then choose Layer Via Capt copy the arene the ot to ne aye ‘That was one olen, Now 10 use Yat ‘rate mask, got the toolbar agan and, this tin, choose the Heizcntal Type Mase Too 7 Wehave dragged ou a tox box ovr the towers cr ype the word BEACH aga ge et. We can move/scale the text bax neceesery SEACH Iryou preter, you can goto tha aye cptons panel and cheose Add A Mask, This il mask the entire image of the basch scene, eating ont the area inside the selection visbl, When maskin, remember that white reveals an back conceal Yeu oe that the area de the tx shows the image dary Anything sown that outside the to 6 current comuredre, which meane when you move on othe net stage cfthe masking process, sing ths ct mask, ll rot be selected BEACH As mtined, you can abo paragraphs of tt by dagairg cut a text bo of the Sze you Wan. Plater tt wi appear inthe box and you can then uso the (Character and Pergraph reports to format your suit your preferences. Learn and Improve Like many new skills, Photoshop may be easy to learn, but more challenging to master. All it takes is time, patience and the willingness to learn. After taking a look at the some of the essential aspects of Photoshop, let’s get you trying a few more techniques and tools to add to your skill set. Every new skill takes you closer to being a confident and experienced user. Contents Cesena Caer es 62 _Contrastand saturation Cer ane ne ans) MC ens Mees MRC nse EMR eee Ae aa ad ed @ ADJUSTING EXPOSURE Adjusting Exposure Correcting your exposure mistakes is easy with Photoshop -ven with the sophisticated technology found inthe light met "9 _ystome of modern digital camoras, they are not inflible. Somo lighting conditions can confuse thor, resuting in pictures that are over ‘or underexposed. ‘Allmors have tod pai range, lve of aninatn at which they record etre pure while or features pur black. The tonal varaon aval btieen those ents denon the quay of th ns, sensor and age proceato that captured , slong wth the b-depn ofthe ype wed o recor Formaximam bt depth is lays best to use Raw mode, snc his wl usualy ~ ‘sor images n 42-8 or even 48-0 for, captung eres dai ange Well lok trong tho exposure ofthe mare common JPEG images tom a compact camera. JPEG images sr uly ony 24 Bi, so have es ltd or ary pours coven ‘ier xpi tnd to be mere of problem than under exposure, since tanec out highighs contain no tal, bu th JPEG formats eupingy good at captueng detaln areas that might tay io eaurdoss back, AS a ests ‘often posable to rescue ots that ae quit bay unde-oxpesod, ator this vldso amply ary ole nthe image, $0 thet a taf for mage quay This shot wn taken using cent veloeed metering sgaist bach snd as a rect hobright pat of the hotzon i exposed rascraiy wel but the foregrounds unde epoted vwoudhave been abet ea ta uso spot metaing,butwe can sf escve the Brightness/Contrast photo using an image eng program Cod est and easiest way to bight tho in tu up the brghies,Youtl ind Contrast as an adjustment layer inthe the ight, orn the nage > Adjustment (Contrast uncon recent bon changed to improve tonal balance when acusting the brighiness of your images. By moving the Bighness ser tothe ight, tbe ‘veal xighnes ofthe ante pot ie erence, butte na alr retain aeasonable blanco in shadow tones You can tweak the ect with Contrast eer, rau is reasonably acceptable 58 Priest Eig

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