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Joint Power Allocation for Energy Harvesting to

Maximize Throughput in Classified WBAN

Shuang Li, Fengye Hu, Zhi Mao, He Liu, Zhuang Ling
Jilin University, Changchun, China

Abstract—In this paper, a classified system with a relay is Rayleigh fading channels is proposed in [8]. The uses of
investigated in wireless body area network (WBAN), where relays are shown to be vital for maintaining reliability. In
several sensors are divided into several groups. All types of [9], the methods of decode-and-forward (DF) based on time
sensors and the relay harvest energy by the radio frequency (RF)
source broadcasting, then the same type of sensors simultaneously switching (TS) and power splitting (PS) bidirectional protocol
send common information through cooperation to the source. with an energy harvesting relay are discussed. However, it
Since the classified system is a confined system, based on power only optimizes relay transmission (RT) without cooperation.
allocation and maximum ratio combining (MRC) in a point- Cooperative communication has been proposed to increase
to-point WBAN, we propose a joint power allocation on MRC the transmission diversity gain in various types of wireless
(JPA-MRC) protocol, where the transmission power allocation at
relay is unequal for different types of sensors and interacts with network [10], [11]. In [12], the cooperative network with
the sensors power allocation. In order to achieve the maximum maximum ratio combining (MRC) has been considered com-
sum-throughput at the source by joint power allocation at the pared with direct transmission (DT) and RT, which increase
relay and at sensors, the optimal solutions for joint-objective the throughput in wireless network. Adaptive-MRC protocol
linear programming methods are proposed. Analytical and sim- is proposed based on the TS and PS relaying protocols, which
ulation results show that, our proposed optimal method can
greatly improve the information throughput compared to direct can proactively choose the best model to achieved information
transmission (DT) and relay transmission (RT), respectively. In transmission [13]. But these studies are all based on point-to-
addition, the protocol based on classified scheme outperforms point system.
than that of conventional unclassified scheme. The impacts In order to get close to the actual complex networks, multi-
of various important system parameters are analyzed, which point communication has been introduced. In [14], the problem
provide useful design insights under different cases.
Index Terms—multiple types of sensors; energy harvesting;
to maximize sum-throughput with multi-user is solved by
information transmission; cooperation; classified WBAN jointly optimizing TS. And considering ”doubly near-far” phe-
nomenon, the common-throughput algorithm is proposed that
I. I NTRODUCTION all users should be allocated with an equal rate whether their
distances to the source. In [15], the optimal system throughput
Wireless body area network (WBAN) consists of a source by power allocation and TS has been achieved in the case of
and several sensors, where on-body sensors periodically send limited power, but which does not consider causality of energy.
physiological and multimedia data to a source. It is a dy- On the basis of considering the limitation of energy causality,
namic heterogeneous network that includes multiple types it optimizes users power with the aim of system throughput,
of sensors with different energy demands [1], [2]. Many and solves it by Lambert W-Function method [16]. In [17],
tiny sensors or actuators are connected to each other and it aims to distribute the harvested energy among the multiple
communication among them is achieved based on the RF in users on the relays strategies, which achieve multi-pair sources
WBAN [3]. WBAN can provide many applications, such as and destinations communication. However, all the study in
medical treatment and health care, sports training, military, [14]–[17] do not mention that when the number of sensors
etc. Low-power operation plays a significant role in WBAN, is large, how to solve the throughput decreasing problem of
especially considering the person health [4]. The propagation each sensor.
environment around the human body is complex because the To overcome this issue, we consider a classified WBAN,
body is in a dynamic change every moment. Different people where a number of sensors are divided into several groups
performe states differently, and even the same person has based on their positions and the same group of sensors
different states in different situations. Therefore, it is more simultaneously send common information to source through
necessary to establish a general model in WBAN [5]. cooperation. This is the first work to apply the classified
In traditional relaying networks, there is a thorny issue to scheme to WBAN, and this scheme can ensure that the sensors
be assressed that is the limited energy of relay. So, energy and the relay get enough energy and send the information to
harvesting (EH) is an important technology to supply energy the source successfully. Previous work refering to the design
in relaying system [6], [7]. Due to the energy harvesting of transmission strategies for EH devices are mainly based on
constraints at relay, it is essential to optimize the informa- the assumptions made on relay about the EH process [18]. In
tion throughput at the source in point-to-point networks. An this classified WBAN, the sensors and relay are all confined
unidirectional amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying network in system, so how to allocate the power of sensors and relay

978-1-7281-0962-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 13,2020 at 18:55:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
' 'M '

J MGU     …  … 

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J 1M
Fig. 2. JPA-MRC transmission protocol in classified WBAN.


data to the source not only through DT, but also through RT.
Without loss of generality, the links between S and R, between
Fig. 1. Classified WBAN model with multiple types of of sensors.
S and Di /Dij , between Di /Dij and R are denoted by S − R,
S −Di /Dij and Di /Dij −R, respectively. We assume that hsr
and girs denote the channel coefficients of S − R, and hsd ij and
is essential to the system. In addition, we will significantly ds
gij denote the channel coefficients of S − Dij . Let gij dr
be the
discuss the joint power allocation algorithm based on DF in
channel coefficent of Dij − R. The same type of sensors are
classified WBAN. The main contributions of this paper are as
located similarly, so the differences in their position is ignored.
Hence, the distance of S − R is expressed as d0 , the distance
1) : According to the characteristics of classified WBAN,
of Di /Dij − R is expressed as ri , i = 1, 2, · · · , N and the
we consider a cooperative system with multiple types of
distance of S − Di /Dij is expressed as di , i = 1, 2, · · · , N .
sensors based on DF. All types of sensors and the relay harvest
Each node is equipped with a single antenna and operates in
energy by the source broadcasting radio frequency (RF) signals
half-duplex mode.
and the same type of sensors simultaneously send common
For our cooperative system model, the communication chan-
information to the source through cooperation.
nels are independent and conform to the WBAN channel path
2) : Due to the limition of all sensors power and relay
loss model. In this paper, the channel model is
power, a joint power allocation on MRC (JPA-MRC) protocol
is proposed. In order to achieve the maximum sum-throughput, di /ri
P L(di /ri ) = P L + 10αlog10 ( ) (1)
the optimal solutions for joint-objective linear programming d
methods are proposed. It aims to obtain the maximum sum-
where α implies path loss index caused by multipath, d
throughput at the source by joint power allocation at relay and
implies the reference distance, and P L is path loss at a
at sensors.
distance of d from the reference distance.
3) : Compared the sum-throughput of the links in classified
Fig.2 shows the transmission based on JPA-MRC protocol,
WBAN: mean power allocation on RT (MPA-RT), mean time
which includes (1+N ) time slots of duration T /(1+N ), with
allocation on DT (MTA-DT) and JPA-MRC, the performance
T denoting the block length. The whole wireless information
of the JPA-MRC protocol always attians the best throughput
and power transfer process is executed by two phases, wireless
among all three proposed protocols. Moreover, the protocol
energy harvesting (WEH) phase and wireless information
based on classified scheme outperforms than the protocol
transmission (WIT) phases. The first t0 amount of time is
based on unclassified scheme. Then, we analyze the effect
assigned to S for broadcasting RF signals towards R and
of various system parameters in classified WBAN, such as
Dij , while the remaining time in the same block is assigned
distance between source and relay, angle between one type of
to Di for information transmission by time-division-multiple-
sensors and relay, source transmit power, and number of each
access (TDMA). In the WIT phase, the first half of ti is
type of sensors.
assigned to Dij for sending data both towards S and R; the
II. S YSTEM M ODEL remaining half of ti is assigned to R for relay transmission
As shown in Fig.1, this paper considers an energy harvesting towards S. Moreover, we adopt DF relaying mode in this
relay communication system in classified WBAN, which con- work. Furthermore, we assume S, R and Dij all operate over
sists of one source (S), one relay (R) and N types of sensors the same frequency band. The relevant formula is analyzed as
denoted by Di , i = 1, 2, · · · , N . The ith type sensors have n follows.
nodes denoted by Dij , j = 1, 2, · · · , n, which send common
information. It is assumed that the relay and the destination A. WEH Phase
nodes can harvest energy from the source, which is stored in In the WEH phase, the source broadcasts RF signals so that
the battery. Then all destination nodes send the information the receivers harvest energy in t0 . Hence, the received signal

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 13,2020 at 18:55:26 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
at Dij can be expressed as In order to ensure the success of information transmission,
 the achievable throughput at the source by the relay transmis-
yij = Ps hsd
ij x + nij
(2) sion should satisfy  r
where PS is the transmit power at S and hsd γi  γir1
ij is the channel (7)
coefficient from S towards Dij . The transmitted baseband γir  γir2
signal of S with unit power is denoted by xs . And nij denotes 3) MRC Transmission Part: At the end of the relaying
the noise at Dij . Therefore, the amount
 sd of energy harvested transmission, direct link data can be superimposed with relay
by Dij is defined as Eij = ηt0 Ps hij . η (0 < η  1) is
d link data based on joint power allocation protocol at the source
the energy harvesting efficiency at each destination node. And using maximum ratio combining (MRC). The final SNR
Eij with MRC at the source for each information transmission
we give the transmit power of Di as Pijd = ρdij t0 /2 , where
  is presented as γimrc = γid + γir . Due to the cooperative
ρij 0 < ρi  1 is the power allocation ratio at each node.
d d

Meanwhile, the received signal at the relay can be expressed transmission protocol based on DF, so we get the information
as throughput for each node as

y r = Ps hsr xs + nr (3)   t0
Rir ρd , ρr = log2 (1 + γimrc ) (8)
where hsr is the channel coefficient from S towards R and nr  d d d T
 d dρ =d ρ1 , ρ2 ,r...ρN r ris a rN × n matrix, ρi =
d d
is the noise at R. In addition, the amount of energy harvested where
by the relay is defined as E r = ηt0 Ps |hsr | . We give the ρi1 , ρi2 , ...ρin , and ρ = [ρ1 , ρ2 , ...ρN ].
transmit power of R as Pir = ρri tE 0 /2
, where ρri (0 < ρri  1)
is the power allocation ratio at the relay.
In this section, in order to obtain the optimal power alloca-
B. WIT Phase tion of the JPA-MRC transmission protocol, we formulate the
After the relay and all the sensors replenish their energy optimization problem which maximizes sum-throughput for
during the WEH phase, they transmit independent information this system, and the constraints of the problem are related to
data to the source in their allocated time slots ti . the harvested energy at the sensors and relay. Hence, the maxi-
1) Direct Transmission Part: In the direct transmission part, mization problem through the joint-objective programming can
the source receives the data from Dij in the first half of ti . be shown as
So the received signal at Dij can be given by N
 (P 1) : max Rimrc
= Pijd gijds
xij + ns ρd r
yij (4) ij ,ρi i=1

s.t. C1 0 < ρdij  1
where gij is the channel coefficient from Dij towards S and
xij is the transmitted baseband signal of Dij with unit power. C2 ρri > 0
ns denotes the noise at S. We can derive the signal noise ratio
(SNR) at the source for same type of sensors group, which C3 ρri  1
n ds 2
j=1 Pij |gij |
SNR can be presented as γi = d
2 , where σs2 is
⎡ ⎤
σs N n
the received noise power at the source. 2E r 4E d
C4 ⎣ ρri +
ij d ⎦
ρij  P0
2) Relay Transmission Part: In the relaying transmission i=1
t 0 j=1
t 0
part, the first stage is the signal transmission from Dij to R. (9)
The received signal at the relay in the first half of ti is given where C1 is the non-negative constraints on ρdij . C2 and C3
by  show the value range of ρri , which should be less than the
yij = Pijd gij xij + ns
dr d
(5) maximum energy in WEH phase. C4 presents total power used
for transmission at the relay and sensors are restricted by P0
where gij is the channel coefficient from Dij towards R. The which is a fixed value that is less than the transmit power at
received signal
to noise ratio at the relay can be represented the source.
dr 2
j=1 Pij |gij |
as γi =
2 . The throughput of DT is related to the value of ρdij , while
Next, the relay uses part of the harvested energy for in- the throughput of RT is affected by the both value of ρdij and
formation forwarding in the second half of ti . Therefore, the the value of ρri . Due to the harvested power, the maximum
received signal at the source is represented as throughput of the system is available by optimizing throughput
in both S − R and Di − R of the relay transfer process.

yir2 = Pir girs xri + ns (6) Lemma 3.1: When γir1 = γir2 , γir has the maximum in
point-to-point WBAN.
where girs is the channel coefficient between R and S, and xr Proof: Please refer to the [19].
is a unit-power of the relay. With the previous analysis, we From Lemma 3.1, when γir1 = γir2 , problem (P1) has the
P r |g rs |2
obtain SNR as γir2 = i σ2i . maximum. It’s assumed that σs2 = σr2 = σ 2 . The optimal

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power distribution condition for the relay and each node is TABLE I
n  dr 2 d d
j=1 gij Eij ρij parameter arm torso arm+torso
ρi =
2 r (10) PL

32.2 41.2 35.7
|gi | E
d 10 10 10
α 3.35 3.23 3.38
In this system, the optimization problem is divided into
two cases because of the relay position. On one hand,
N nj=1 |gij dr 2 d
| Eij
when 2 < E r , the throughput has the
i=1 |girs |
sensors power limit (SPL). On the other hand, when
N dr 2 d
j=1 |gij | Eij

2  E r , the throughput has the relay power

i=1 | gi |

limit (RPL). In this paper, we only study the case of SPL,

because the algorithms of two cases are similar. ƌϭ
In this case, we obtain the transmit power ratio at the relay Ěϭ Z
for each destination as ĚϬ ƌϮ δƌŵƐĞŶƐŽƌƐε
n ɽϮ Ϯ
ρdij aij ^
ρri = (11)
bi ĚϮ
 dr 2 d
In (11), we assume aij = gij  E and bi = |g rs |2 E r . So
ij i Fig. 3. Sensors and Relay Position in this system
the problem (P1) is changed as
(P 2) : max Rimrc IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS
ij i=1
In this section, we give some simulation results to verify our
s.t. C1 0 < ρdij  1
analysis and proposal presented in Section III. Meanwhile, the
N n
ρdij aij (12) effect of various important parameters of JPA-MRC protocol
C2 1 based on classified WBAN is discussed for the systems
i=1 j=1
performance. We set the transmit power at S, Ps = 1mw,
N n
2ρdij  and the energy harvesting efficiency η = 1. Due to the low
C3 2bi Eij
+ aij Er  P0
t0 b i transmission power of the body environment, the noise power
i=1 j=1
and the system power limit should be small enough, so they
According to the constraints of the problem (P2), the sum are set as σs2 = σr2 = −164dBm and P0 = −6.4dBm.
of C1 and C2 is compared with C3, the power obtain by the Furthermore, the signal bandwidth w is 1MHz. As shown in
sensors should satisfy Fig.3, two kinds of sensors with two sensors in each type are
⎧ ⎫ given by N = 2 and n = 2, and every sensor is independent
⎨ N n ⎬ of each other. The angle between S − D1 and S − R is θ1 . θ2
P = min 2t0 ( Eijd
+ Er ), P0 (13) is the angle between S − D2 and S − R. The distance of d1
⎩ ⎭
i=1 j=1 is 60cm and the distance d2 is 65cm. From (1), we can get
P L (d i ) P L ( ri )
In (13), P denotes maximum system power limit. As a the channel gain, which are 10− 10 and 10− 10 . The
result, the optimal distribution problem of the sensors can be parameter values of this model are shown in Table I [20].
tightly upper expressed as
A. Impact of Different Distance between Source and Relay d0
(P 3) : max Rimrc In Fig.4, we give the impact of the different distances
ij i=1
between source and relay on information throughput with
s.t. C1 0 < ρdij  1 θ1 = 20◦ and θ2 = 70◦ under the classified WBAN and
unclassified WBAN. It is illustrated that there exists a unique
N n
2ρdij  d∗0 which gives the best throughput expect DT. As d0 increases,
C2 2bi Eij
+ aij E r  P
t0 b i when d0 < d∗0 , the throughput improves because the channel
i=1 j=1
gain of R − Di gets better, but the system is limited by each
The Hessian matrix of problem (P3) is a negative definite sensor transmission power; when d0 > d∗0 , the throughput
matrix, in which all elements except that the main diagonal deteriorates because the energy harvested at R is reduced and
elements are negative, other elements are zero, so it is convex. the system is limited by relay transmission power. And we
Therefore, the optimization problems can be solved by convex can see that the optimal throughput under JPA-MRC is larger
optimization techniques and tools. than that under MPA-DT and MTA-RT by up to 16% and

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1.5 1.5
Classified JPA-MRC JPA-MRC
Unclassified JPA-MRC MPA-RT
1.4 Classified MPA-RT MTA-DT
Unclassified MPA-RT
1.3 Classified MTA-DT
Unclassified MTA-DT


0.9 0.5



0.6 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
d 0 [cm] Ps[W] × 10-4

Fig. 4. Optimal throughput in different distances between source and relay Fig. 6. Optimal throughput in different source transmit power PS in classified
d0 in classified WBAN and unclassified WBAN WBAN

1.4 1.5
1.4 MTA-DT



1.1 1.1

d0 =15cm,JPA-MRC
d0 =15cm,MPA-RT 0.8
d0 =25cm,JPA-MRC

0.8 d0 =25cm,MPA-RT 0.7


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0.6
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3
1 n

Fig. 5. Optimal throughput in different angle between relay and D1 (Head Fig. 7. Optimal throughput in different number of sensors n in classified
sensors) θ1 in classified WBAN WBAN

22%, respectively. The protocol based on classified scheme

in Fig.4. Moreover, the JPA-MRC protocol always attains the
outperforms than the protocol based on unclassified scheme.
best throughput among all three proposed protocols.
B. Impact of Angle between Relay and D1 (Head Sensors) θ1
Fig.5 depicts the impact of angle between relay and D1 C. Impact of Source Transmit Power PS
(head sensors) on the information throughput with d0 = 15cm
or d0 = 25cm. Whatever the distance between source and Fig.6 shows the impact of the transmit power at the source
relay, the optimal throughput appears to go up first and decline on the information throughput with θ1 = 30◦ , θ2 = 60◦ and
later for D1 (head sensors) with the angle from 0◦ to 90◦ . And d0 = 20cm. It is observed that the optimal throughput is an
we can also see that when the relay and D2 (arm sensors) incremental function of PS . When PS rises from 0.1mw to
are on the same line, the minimum of throughput is achieved 1mw, the optimal throughput grows. With the increase of PS ,
because the channel gain of R − D2 (arm sensors) is the the harvested energy at the relay and all sensors ascend, which
worst. Since d0 and θ1 jointly determine the relay position, we results in the relay transmit power and each node transmit
give the angle variation curves with different d0 . It is shown power ascend. We compare with the throughput achievable by
that the throughput with d0 = 25cm outperforms that with MPA-DT and MTA-RT, and our optimal strategy in throughput
d0 = 15cm, which is consistent with our analytical results is always better by up to 70% and 14%, respectively.

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