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A Arita Bite See ay") analytes in a high throughput environment. Ree eee ne aco ce acy See Penis eee eee Originally designed for the analysis of fruits and vegetables, Cra a SC eee Pee ee Cui aad See eee Tee) significant popularity as the method of choice. It combines several sample preparation steps and extends the range CO cn oa ee ea eee UM eee eat a Cee ero ce ees + food products-wines, juices, fruit and vegetables ROS in Cc Ane med SO ee ea but also addresses the concern about detecting a vast Senn SO a ei cea QuEChERS, the Multiresidue Method of Choice QuEChERS (pronounced “catchers”), an acronym for Q rR Ore R cur ieee Eten ur ecu kc ters ee A aa et eo eeu tie es k, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Cine three steps: eae ee ees Eee See ent eo ae ac Pen ee ecru cea) er ere et rae Cee Ce Ly considered an “approach” rather than a “method. Ore eee eC Cae ce Seek) Baer ee eee ec ees eto ener ene eae Deere To eae Prone ens + increase sample throughput while reducing costs Se eee cane ee ee (e.g. base and acid labile pesticides) STU eae ear The Three Primary QuEChERS Methods 1) Original QuECHERS Method (by Anastassiades, Lehotay, et al) + Sodium Chloride is used to reduce polar interferences + Provides the cleanest extraction because it uses fewer reagents + Does not use acetic acid which may be problematic in GC/MS analysis. + Uses dispersive clean-up procedures 2) AOAC 2007.01 + Employs 1% acetic acid in acetonitrile and sodium acetate buffer to protect base sensitive analytes from degradation + A USDA study has demonstrated that this method provides superior recovery for pH sensitive compounds when compared to the other two QuEChERS methods The approach uses acetic acid in the extraction step. The acetic acid can overload the PSA sorbent used in the clean-up step making it ineffective and possibly causing GC resolution issues 3) EN 15662 + The European method includes sodium chloride to limit polar interferences and several buffering reagents to preserve base sensitive analytes + Sodium hydroxide used in the citrus step should be avoided as it can add impurities to the extract as well as damage the sorbent used in the clean-up step ‘Sample Preparation and Extraction + Freeze samples to -20°C + Homogenize with dry ice until a free flowing powder is formed The sample is then: 1) extracted into solvent 2) dispersive or cartridge SPE is used for clean-up Features and Impact QUECHERS significantly improves laboratory efficiency and throughput. A batch of 20 extracts can be prepared in less than 60 minutes by a single analyst. This procedure requires only a few milliliters of solvent and is capable of ‘generating recoveries of 90-110% with RSD’s < 5% for a wide range of GC and LC amenable compounds. Extraction and Clean-Up + Solvent extraction techniques are designed to remove as much analyte from the base matrix as possible + Solvent selection is important to minimize co-extracting compounds + Sample clean-up is necessary to reduce interferences + Interferences can damage analytical instrumentation and complicate analyte identification and quantification Extraction Reagents and Their Function ‘Magnesium sulfate, anhydrous—facilitates solvent partitioning and improves recovery of polar analytes Acetic acid—used to adjust pH Acotonitrile—organic solvent providing the best characteristics for extracting the broadest range of pesticides with the least number of co-extractables. Amenable for both LC and GC analysis Buffers—prevents degradation of pH sensitive analytes by maintaining optimal pH Sodium Chloride—reduces the amount of polar interferences Clean-up Reagents and Their Function Aminopropyl removes sugars and fatty acids. Serves the same function as PSA, but is less likely to catalyze dogradation of base sensitive analytes. Aminopropyl has a lower capacity for clean-up than PSA ChloroFiltr®— polymeric sorbent for selective removal of chlorophyll from acetonitrile extracts without loss of polar aromatic pesticides €18—removes long chain fatty compounds, sterols and other non-polar interferences Graphitized carbon black (GCB]—strong sorbent for removing pigments, polyphenols, and other polar compounds: examples of planar (polar aromatic) pesticides which may be removed: chlorothalonil, coumaphos, hexachlorobencene, thiabendazole, terbufos, and quintozene ‘Magnesium sulfate anhydrous—removes water from organic phase Primary Secondary Amine (PSA}—used in the removal of sugars and fatty acids, organic acids, lipids and some pigments. When used in combination with C18, additional lipids and sterols can be removed 500.385.5155 | 215.781.9255 | F215.785.1226, QuEChERS Methods Schematic Flow Chart Step 1 Extraction Processes AOAC QuEChERS AOAC 2007.01 ea ek ce Ure rea Petes eR Oe Ser nts Sr erica its Ct eres ee Step 2 — Dispersive SPE Clean-Up Processes v LOCA oe aes to Poteet Pn ecu roFiltr ean be added for additional pe) Shake for 30 seconds Coons Preserve with toluene for GC/MS or Oe Cry ener Buffered QuEChERS EN 15662 erry homogenized/hydrated sample in Beers Perro eae COP Dare ere Ty Petras id Cree oa nae Cane peters CN eae et ea coed clispersive centrifuge tube containing 25 Cer ane Beeerrica traces ern) Ree eens et) Contrituge for § minutes at 3000 U/min. SE Sere Leon Step 2a - Alternative Cartridge SPE Clean-Up Processes GCB graphitized carbon black MgSO, magnesium sulfate anhydrous ACN acetonitrile HOAC acetic acid NaCl sodium chlo NaCitrate sodium citrate tribasie dihydrate Na\HCitr sodium citrate dibasic sesquihydra PSAp TPP mary secondary amine henyl ate Cartridge or Dispersive SPE (dSPE) + The original QuEChERS Method uses aS? traditional SPE cartridges + With dSPE, the quantity and type of adsorbent can be readily adjusted for differing matrix interferences and various analytes + dSPE tubes containing ChloroFilte® can be used to remove chlorophyll without loss of planar analytes -an-up because it's quicker, easier, and less expensive than using + PSA and graphitized carbon sorbents are available in 6mL SPE cartridges with PTFE® frits + Magnesium sulfate and PSA is available in the Quick QuEChERS cartridge format + Cartridges provide a better clean-up than dispersive SPE Chlore: Polymeric Sorbent Filtr = ChioroFiltr® is a polymeric sorbent available exclusively from UCT. Itis designed to replace graphitized carbon black (GCB) for the efficient removal of chlorophyll without loss of planar analytes + ChloroFiltr? has boon tested against hundreds of pesticides and herbi jes and has been shown to reduce chlorophyll concentration by greater than 82% without loss of planar analytes. ‘Comparison of Pesticide Recoveries and RSDs Obtained by dSPE Cleanup of Spinach Sample using ChloroFiltr® and GCB (n=4) Pesticide (ChioroFilte™ GOB Recovery% | RSD% | Recovery% RSD% Carbendazim 87.4 1.0 Th2 40) Thiabendazole 93.2 19 55.9 26 Pyrimethanil 973 12 85.0 12 (Cyprodinit 912 05 79.3 34 Diazinon 1045 23 100.0 06 Pyrazophos 920 09) 27 16 Chlorpyrifos 956 25 96.3 24 The recoveries of carbendazim, thiabendazole, pyrimethanil, and cyprodinil were adversely affected by GCB, especially thiabendazole with a much lower recovery of 55.9% compared to 93.2% obtained by ChloroFiltr®. Diazinon, pyrazophos, and chlorpyrifos were less or not affected by GCB due to the non-planar side chains in their structures. P, go0.a88:3159 | 218.721.9285 | F 218.785.1206, QuEChERS Spinach Extract (acetonitrile) Showing Effectiveness of ChloroFiltr® Why Use UCT QuEChERS Products? Seer eee an eRe See eerie Ty Sere c na Ca ec ony eer ease ree cg Bence er cece ict + Unique ChloroFilte® sorbent removes chlorophyll from acetonitrile extracts without loss of planar analytes Se eee a Eee nm ea ae Sere se aera ens tee eee eee) Uae Cac eee a Oe nC ae ae cr eae eee ad CeCe Rene ec On sae cana Rene ene en cn en en eee eee cee eee) Ne Ut heme Race ee a ers Se eRe cumin ee Cee rae ca cE i noe of bulk sorbents. The ratio of magnesium sulfate, PSA and C18 was 3:1:1 for this test. Products were evaluated on extracts of milk, honey and soybean and the efficacy of the clean-up was determined by GC/MS analysis. Comparisons CeO kernel assembled products provided superior clean-up compared to the products assembled in the lab. The results Recreate ec eC eg caused by contamination from the lab air. UCT assembled products are prepared under controlled manufacturing Peart uC Tc acc eae nce? See eo ene ne ee ee Mea) Ee cee eee a UCT prepared products show a significant reduction in background Honey Extracted with “In-House” Product Honey Extract Cleaned with UCT Products 4 | ail 4 SERRLODERRRTORERTRGORET biteasssaaaniaeeel ms ‘The peaks displayed in the chromatogram on the left show contamination from lab ait. The chromatogram fon the right shows results from the cleaner UCT prepackaged QuEChERS product. Studies with soybean and milk products show similar improvement in clean-up when using UCT manufactured vs. laboratory prepared products, ‘Summary Graph Showing the Total Number of Peaks Seen in GC Chromatograms For Honey, Soybean and Milk 120 MILK 100 80 60 SOYBEAN steed 99 J0# 40 HONEY 20 o... a TS uct usDa uct USDA usDA The use of UCT prepared products results in cleaner extracts QuEChERS Troubleshooting Tips |. Recovery Issues 1) Use matrix matched calibration standards for greatest accuracy b) Use internal standards ¢) Samples must be at least 80% hydrated for effective extraction d) Adding extraction salts directly onto the sample will reduce recovery. Mix sample with solvent first ©) Buffering is required for base sensitive compounds £) Graphitized Carbon Black (GCB) can reduce planar analyte recovery Use ChloroFiltr® during extraction to remove chlorophyll ji. Use less GCB ili, Use dual phase (GCB/PSA) cartridge and elute with 3:1 acetone/toluene (product ECPSACB256 is recommended) 9) For GC analysis, solvent exchanging the final extract into toluene prevents the loss of thermally labile and acetonitile sensitive pesticides such as chlorothalonil h Adding dilute formic acid to the extract after clean-up will prevent degradation of base sensitive compounds while waiting for LC analysis i) Do not use ChtoroFiltr® when extracting mycotoxins. Use endcapped C18 for clean-up. HI. Chromatography Issues a) Acetic acid can hinder the clean-up effectiveness of PSA and cause fronting and tailing issues with GC chromatograms. Choose a QuECHERS method that does not use acetic acid b) Dispersive SPE may not produce “clean enough” extracts. Use cartridge clean-up to yield a cleaner extract. DS eae CuMe acts Tube Size Recommendations Pie ige tubes for 1 mL of extract, Uitte meer rs cd Crete’ ores oc Porat Cerin Application & Reference Notes remy at} See eure Baeaee 7 Par eee Cee aaa Se To i prt bdver al ce ee or on ce =e = f BS eral er) Beaton j ioe w Beano F agri Zz eras g Belse cris T Rose eerie 4 as eres f oases Ee a as SS oe uv (Eee eS eter ie sce eS c Toe 7 Cierra (er) cumcte2cT. i Fool Ng ag UN Sonceros i aang Ny cons Cor T Beas w Meare aac RS Soo A F aera pears Cee ont ce a Sea aL a Resco GEE IEEE) ry CO cues iseeias in inn ee te ony COSC k ela ert en) Beles aR Ce Doe a aco SO CS at en oto Sa Sec Svircos K Baars) a STM) S Bates co Sooty is PTOI Pere) ee thos ry] Primary Secondary Amine (PSA) ECPURMPSMC Coed Couto ace Peete Dee aor) rag R ee ieee Tua RS cor a i ecu ree Tan TOD) eee acting Reet ST ato D PSepreres Ge ce Tune Son S UCT QuEChERS Applications Notes A BI a a ‘Acrylamide by QuECHERS Extraction with LCMSMS Detection Flukicides / Anthelminties by QuECHERS Determination of Anthelmintic Drug Residues in Milk Using Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Antibiotics in Beef or Serum by QuECHERS ‘Streamlined Method for the Determination of More Than 100 Veterinary Drugs in Animal Tissue Using Dispersive-SPE Clean-up and, LC-MS/MS Detection Multiresidue Analysis in Cereal Grains Using Modified QuECERS. ‘Method with UPLC-MS/MS and GC-TOFMS. ‘Trichothecene Type A & B Analysis in Wheat and Corn Using the QuECRERS Approach Modified QUEChERS Procedure for Analysis of Bisphenol A in Canned Food Products Determination of Polyeyelic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Seafood Using GC/MS Extraction of Polyeyelie Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Fish Using the QuEChERS Approach ChloroFiltr®: A Novel Sorbent for Chlorophyll Removal using ‘QUECHERS Extraction of Pesticides from Tomato Using the QuEChERS Approach Determination of Chlorophenoxyacetic Acid and Other Acidic Herbicides Using a QuEChERS Sample Preparation Approach and LC-MS/MS Analysis ‘QUECHERS Sample Preparation For The Analysis Of Pesticide Residues In Olives QUECHERS Extraction and Clean-Up of Pesticides from Olive Oil QUECHERS Multiresidue Pesticide Method for the Determination of Multiple Pesticides in Wines roe unitedehem.com ECMSscsocT-MP CUMPS1SC18CT ECMSscsocT-MP ECMSC18s0cT ECMSscsocT-MP ECMSC18s0cT ECMSC1850cT ECMSC18s0cT EcMsscsocT-MP CUMPS1SCI8CT ECMSscsocT-MP ‘cUMPS2cT ECQUEUTS0CT.MP ECPSACI856 ECPSACBS: ECauUs2-MP ECPAHFRS0CT EUSILMSSM26 EcMSsc-MP ECPAHFASOCT ECMPSCI815CT ECQUUS2-MP cUMPsGactazcT ECaQUueUs2cT ECQUEUTS0CT.MP ECQUEUSI5CT ECQUEU750CT-MP cumctg2cT EcMSscsocT-MP ECQUEUT22cT cUMPSCIB75CB2cT cumps2cT ECOUVINSocT ECMPSCBISCT UCT QuECHERS Applications Notes Determination of Pesticides in Red Wine by QuEChERS Extraction, Quick QUECHERS Clean-up, and LC/MS/MS Detection Analysis of 136 pesticides in Avocado using @ modified QUEChERS method with LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS Pest Residue Analysis in Whole Milk by QuECHERS and LC-MS/MS. Extraction of Pyrethrin and Pyrethroid Pesti QUEChERS Approach ides from Fish Using the EURL-FV Muttiresidue Method Using QuECERS by GC-MS/MS & LC-MS/MS. for Fruits & Vegetables Determination of Pesticide Residues in Marijuana and Tea by QuEChERS and Lomsims. Analysis of Cyromazine in Poultry Feed Using a QuECHERS Approach (QUECHERS Pesticide Analysis for Fresh Produce using GCMSMS. (QUEChERS-Based LC/MS/MS Method for Multiresidue Pesticide Analysis in Fruits and Vegetables QUECHERS Analysis of Mi Wax or Pollen ides and Other Agrochemicals in Honey Bees, Multi-residue Pesticide Analysis of Botanical Dietary Supplements using SPE Cleanup and GC-MS/MS Pesticides in Fatty Mati Determination of Carbendazim in Orange Juice Using QuECHERS with LC/MS/MS Detection Determination of Pesticides in Strawberries by QuEChERS Extraction, ‘Quick QuECHERS Clean-up, and GC/MS Detection P, go0.a88:3159 | 218.721.9285 | F 218.785.1206, ECaUUS2-MP ECPURMPSMC ECMSSASOCT-MP cUMPSctacT ECMSSASOCT-MP cUMPSsciscT ECaMSSAsocT-MP cCUMPSc1acT ECQUEU750cT- MP ECMPS1scT EcaUUS2-MP cuMPscc2cr ECMSSASOCT:MP EECI8156 ECMSSCS0CTFS-MP ECQUEUTI1SCT ECMSc18s0cT ECMAGooD ECAMSSASOCT-MP ECMS12CPSA415CT ECMSSASOCT-MP CUMPSciacT ECPSACB256 ECMAGOOD ECMSScsocT-MP ECPSACB256 ECPSACI856 cUMPSctacT ECQUEU750cT MP ‘CUMPSC18CT ECQUEU750cT MP ECPURMPSMC Products List and Use Description QuEChERS Multi-Packs Micro Extraction Products—Reagent Pouches 50 mL centrifuge tubes included (50/pk) Part Number Contents. ECAMSSASOCT-MP 1000 mg Sodium Acetate ECMSNASOCT-MP 3500 mg Sodium Chloride EUMIVSOCT-MP 11800 mg Sodium Chloride 1500 mg Sodium Citrate tribasic dihydrate ECMSSASOCT-MP 1500 mg Sodium Acetate ECMSSCS0cT MP 1000 mg Sodium Chloride ECMSSCSOCTFS-MP 11500 mg Sodium Chloride ECQUVINSOCE MP 2000 mg Sodium Chloride ECQUEU750CT- MP European QuEChERS 1000 mg Sodium Chloride Method EN 15662 | 1000 mg Sodium Citrate tribasic dihydrate ECMSaMSCEs0CTIMP mg Sodium Chloride : QuEChERS Multi-Packs Micro-Extraction Products-Reagent Pouches (without tubes) Part Number Contents ECMSSAMP +1500 mg Sodium Acetate ECMSSC-MP +1000 mg Sodium Chloride ECQUEUT-MP 41000 mg Sodium Chloride +1000 mg Sodium Citrate tribasic dihydrate EUMIVMP 41500 mg Sodium Chloride 41500 mg Sodium Citrate tribasie dihydrate Ecauus2MP 2000 mg Sodium Chloride www unitedchem-com Extraction Kits Part Number Contents ECQUEUZI5cT 15 mL, 6000 mg MgSO, 50/pk 1800 mg Sodium Acetate ECQUEUTS0CT 50 mL 4000 mg MgSO, 50/pk 1000 mg Sodium Chloride European QuECHERS '500 mg Sodium Citrate dibasic sesquihydrate Method EN 15662 1000 mg Sodium Citrate tribasic dihydrate EcMsscsocT Omi 000 mg MgSO, 50/pk 1000 mg Sodium Chloride ECMSSASOCT 50 mL 6000 mg MgSO, 50/pk 11600 mg Sodium Acetate EUMIVSOCT 50 mL {6000 mg MgSO. 50/pk 1500 mg Sodium Chloride 1750 mg Disodium Citrate sosquihydrate 11800 mg Sodium Citrate tribasic dihydrate ECMS4MSCS50cT 50 mL 4000 mg MgSO, 50/pk 1500 mg Sodium Chloride Designed for ‘Acrylamide Extraction ECMSAMSCEGOCT BomE 000 mig MgSO, '500 mg Sodium Chloride ECQUEUSISCT TemL 4000 mg MgSO, 1000 mg Sodium Chloride '500 mg Sodium Citrate dibasic sesquihydrate 11000 mg Sodium Citrate tribasic dihydrate P, go0.a88:3159 | 218.721.9285 | F 218.785.1206, ChloroFiltr® Dispersive Products Part Number size Contents cumpscczeT amb toma MgSO8 100/pk 50 mg PSA Acispersive SPE product © Bomar foremeving polar organic acids, some sugars, lipids and Shoropnyl Designed for tm Rete eee cumpscacrezct amt Toma Mgsoe took s0mgPSA A dispersive SPE product ‘50 mg endcapped C18. For removing polar organic ‘acids, some sugars, high lipids and chlorophyll. Designed for 1 mL. aliquot of supernatant EawPsaaisct Tim 560 ma SOR Soin | Same 08 CUMPSGG2CT above io mochoronte™ aa ees Designed for 3 mL of fupareant ECMSOGIECT ‘Bm S00 mg MaSOA | 50/pk Designed for 3 mL of supernatant Dispersive Products Part Number Size Contents ECQUEUT2cT 2ml. “00/pk 25mg PSA, | ECQUEU32cT aml, 150 mg MgSO4 00/pk 25mg GCB 150 mg MoS 00/pk 75mg GCB ECQUEUZ2cT amt 160mg MgSO4 “00/pk | 25 mg endcapped C18 www unitedchem-com Dispersive Products Part Number Size Contents ‘cumpszcT amt. 150mg MgSO4 100/pk. 50 mg PSA ‘CUMPScB2cT 2c 150mg MgSO4 *00/pk 50mg PSA somg GCB ‘CUMPSCia7SCE2CT 2m 150mg MgSO4 100/pk 50mg PSA 7.5mg GCB 50mg endcapped C18 ‘CUMPSCI8cT 2mL 150 mg MgSO4 ‘00/pk 50mg PSA 50 mg endcapped C18 ‘CUMPSISCTECT am 150mg MgSO4 100/pk 150 mg PSA. 50mg endeapped C18 ECQUEUIZ2cT amt 150mg MgSO4 100/pk 50mg PSA 50 mg endcapped C18 50 mg GCB ‘cumets2cT aml 150 mg MgSO4 100/pk 50 mg endcapped C18 ECMPSiscT TemL 900 mg MgSO4 50/pk 150mg PSA, ECQUEU3i5CT Teme 900mg MgSO4 ‘0/pk. 150mg PSA 150 mg endcapped C18 ECQUEUSTECT Temi ‘300 mg MgSO4 50pk 150 mg PSA 45 mg GCB ECOUEUSISCT Teme 900 mg MgSO4 50Ipk 150 mg PSA, 15mg CCB. ECMPSASOCT 50 mil 1200 mg MgSO4 50/pk 200 mg PSA. ECMPSCBISCT Temi ‘900mg MgSO4 S0Ipk 300mg PSA 150mg GCB ECMPSCIs15CT Temi 900mg MgSO4 50pk 300mg PSA 150 mg endeapped C18 ECMS12CPSA41SCT TemL 200mg MgSO4 0/pk. 400 mg PSA ‘CUMPSCIETSCT2 Teme 71200 mg MgSO4 50/pk ‘400 mg PSA “400 mg endcapped C18 P, go0.a88:3159 | 218.721.9285 | F 218.785.1206, Dispersive Products rt Number ice contents ecauusziscr 15m._—_2xomagi som ‘50/pk 400 mg PSA ‘400 mg endcapped C18 ECQUEUITISCT 1S mL 50/pk 400mg PSA ECMPSAGISCT 15mL 1800 mg MgSO. ECMINAX1SCT 1SmL 200 m S50pk Florida-Modifiad QuECHERS for State Program Fruits and Vegetables ECMSC18s0cT 50 mL 1500 mg MgSO. 50/pk | | Cartridge Products cart Serpe Putthimbar sae content eersacas mt © moma capitis cabon ask C8 opto PTFE frit ECPSACB256 emt (recommended) PTFE frit ECPSACBSO6 emt '500 mg Graphitized Carbon Black GCB (top layer) '500 mg PSA (bottom | ECMSPSACBE emt '500 mg PSA, ECNAXCBSO6 emi '500 mg Graphitized Carlson Black GCB (top layer) '500 mg Aminopropyl bonded silica (bottom layer! ECPSACI&56 emt PTFE frit ECPURMPSMC Medium 110 m {top l 1180 mg PSA (bottom layer) EECIBIS6 emt EUSILMSSMa6 emt 200 mg sodium sulfate anhydrous (top layer) | www unitedchem-com QuilCK QuEChERS Simple, Fast, Efficient Cartridges for Clean-Up of QuEChERS Extracts UCT’s QuiCK QuEChERS push-thru cartridge eliminates the need for shaking and centrifugation of extracts during clean-up, significantly reducing sample processing time After QuEChERS sample extraction: 1. Draw the extract into a disposable syringe 2. Push the extract through the cartridge into a sample vial 3, Sample is ready for analysis by LC or GC ‘The UCT QuICK QUEChERS cartridge ECPURMPSMC contains 110 mg anhydrous MgSO, and 180 mg of PSA, providing results comparable to traditional QuEChERS but without the need for centrifugation. Strawberry Supernatant before Clean-up After QuICK Clean-Up ees dSPE Recovery Data Comparison vs. QuiCK QuEChERS Recovery Dare Recon Quek aRecmery ) PP EPPtS EEE EEIPECEEEL ELE LE ere rs May hp OPE YE Part Number Cartridge Size Contents ECPURMPSMC Medium 110 mg MgSO {top layer PTFE Frit 180 mg PSA (bottom layer) 800.385.2989 | 215.783.9255 |. 218.795.1226 Spin—Filtr’ Discover a whole new approach to dSPE! EcausriécT 160mg MgSO, 500mg PSA Ecausrasct 150mg MgSO, '50.mg PSA 50mg C18 EcousrsicT 150mg MgSO, 25mg PSA 25mg GCB Ecausrasct 160.mg MgSO, 50mg PSA 50mg C18 7.5 ma 6cB Ecaustsect 750mg MgSO, '50.mg PSA 50mg C18 50.mg Chlorofitr® EcausrescT ecausr7act 160. mg MgSO, ‘50mg C18. 50mg Chioroftr® 150mg MgSO, ‘500mg C18, SPE Chamber SPE Cleanup Sorbents, 7 SI ! 0.2 pm Filter ——e J Catacton a — e tee a roe unitedehem.com Appendix | List of possible pesticide analytes that have been shown to yield >90% (or >70 %*} recoveries using the QUECHERS method. GC-amenable pesticides are capitalized; those preferentially analyzed by LC/MS-MS are not capitalized; those that can be analyzed by either technique are underlined” Pesticide Analytes acophate™ acotamipri| ‘Acrinathrin aldicar aldicarb sulfone ‘ldiar slloxide Aldrin araconazole azamethiphos azinphosmethyl aroxyatrobin| Bifenthrin bitertanal Bromopropylate romusonazal Bupiimate buprotezia bbutocarboxim butocarboxim sulfone ‘butocarboxim sulfoxide Cadusatos cuba ccerendazim carbofuran hydroxy-catboturan chlorbromuron (Chlordane (@-P-Chlorfonvinphos __Chlerpropham Chiorpysifos CChlorpyrfossmethyl _Chlorthaldimethyl CChlorethalonil* Cchiozoinate clofentezine ‘coumaphos yeloxyain® (sicynatethrin eymoxanil Cypermetivin yprovonazole exprodil (24-44-9008 (24'44"y00T Detain demeton demeton-O-sulfoxide _demeton-S-methyl demeton-S-methy sulfone desmedipham Diazinon sicbloflvanig® Dichlorcbenzophenone _dichlorves diclobutrazole Dicloran cicrotophos Dielrin Diesnotencarh slienoconazole Ditufenican imethoate dimethomorph Unieonazole Dipheny! Diphenylamine sisulfoton disulfoton sulfone duro diosa dost ddodemorph ‘a Endosulfan| Endosulfan Endosulfan sulfate °N, spoxiconszole Estenvalerate staconazole thiofencarb sulfone cthiofencarb sulfoxide Ethion ethirimel Ethoprophos tofenprox Evidiazole Famoxadone fenamiphos {enamiphos sulfon Fanarimal Fenazequin fenbuconazole fenhexamid™ Fenithrethion| ‘fenonvearb Fenpictonit Fenpropathrin Fenpropidine {fenprapimorah fenpvroximate Fenthion ion sulfone Fenvalerate florasulam* Flueythrinate & Fludioxonit fufenacs Fufenconazole fluslazale Fitelanl Fluvalinate Fonophos fosthiazate Furalaxyl farathioear furmecyelox Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide Heptenophos Hexachlorobenzene exaconazole howythiazox ivazalil Jmiaclopri Iprecione iprovaliearb ‘soprothiolane isoxathion keosoxin~methy) Lndane linuron Malathion ation oxon | Mecarbam mephosfolan Mepronit Metalaxy! metconazole smethamidophas* ‘Methidathion smetbiocar rmethiocarb sulfone" __methiocerb sulfoxide methomyl smethomy-oxime metabromuren ‘metexuran Mepanipyrie Movinphos monocrotophos ‘monolinuron snivelobutanl ruarimol Oturace omethaate xadiy! oxamy oxamyoxime ‘oxydemeton-methy pacloburrazole Parathion Parathion-methyl pponconazole peneyeuron cla: Permethrin wans-Permethvin pheamediphamy ©-Phenylpheno! Phorate orale sulfone, Phosalone Phosmet Phosmet-oxon pphosphamidon Phthalinide sicoxystcin Piperonylbutoxide ——_pieimicar sirimicarhtesmothyl Pirimiphos-methyl prochloraz Procymidone profenotos Prometya Propargite Propham propivonazol propoxur Propyzamide Prothitos ymetrozine* Pyrazophos pyridaben ‘Bvtidaphenthion rilenox ‘pwrimethanil Pyriproxyfen Ouinalpnos ‘uinoxyten uirtozene sethonyaim® spinosad soiroamine suconazole tebufenozide Tebutenpyrad levacanazale Tetraciton Tetrahysrophthalimide Terbufos Terbutoe sulfone ‘hiabendarole thiacloprid| thiamethoxam thiodicars thiofanox tbiofanex sulfone: thiofanox sulfoxide : thiometon sulfone thiometon sulfoxide thiophanate-methyl __Tollofos-methy! triadimafon tiiagimeno! Tiazophos tichlorfon twicyclazoe tridemorph tiloxystrabin teiflaminazole Tilluralin ‘Tiphenvlahosphate vamidothion \vamidothion sulfone vamidathion sulfoxide Vineozolin ‘hrc tesearn dees Repanal ese Ct 0 at Mer ane Wrdnens Seon aos mene 800.385.2989 | 215.783.9255 |. 218.795.1226 Further Information Additional information useful to the analyst planning QuEChERS analysis may be found in the following websites: Cla ains POC Cur Rau Accommercial database of applicat Soe eens n methods and product information related to QuECHERS and other aspects of RCE) Seek et ee aac) Dr Oe Te NRVC} www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search/ A nutritional database supported by the USDA Agricultural Research Service Unc rery Prey Ce et i ee cee ott COTS Cea) ‘An extensive website maintained by the Health and Consumer Protection Directorate Gener POSURE) 3s and the National Reference Laboratories of the National Food Institute Deane Loca cee Tete ard Alitl ENVIROCLEAND

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