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Natural Process

Bước đầu tiên Các bước tiếp theo Các bước diễn ra đồng Bước cuối cùng

In the initial phase, Next, Simultaneously, Lastly/ Finally,

After (this), Concurrently In the end,
To begin with, At the same time,
Following this, During this phase, The final/ last stage is,
The first stage is… While / As
The next/subsequent The cycle ends…
The cycle begins… stage is, By this stage Once the final stage has
In the first stage, Subsequently, been completed

At this point

Carbon Cycle Diagram: Chu kỳ của carbon.

The provided diagram illustrates the intricate process of the carbon cycle. Overall, the
carbon cycle undergoes four stages.
To begin with, through the process of photosynthesis,
plants convert solar energy into organic carbon. In
the subsequent step, as these plants and the animals
consuming them reach the end of their life cycles,
organic carbon is transferred below ground as a
result of decomposition. Notably, a portion of this
carbon becomes preserved in the Earth's crust,
forming fossils and fossil fuels.
However, the cycle is not confined to a unidirectional
flow; carbon is released back into the atmosphere
through various mechanisms. Respiration by animals
and plants is one such means, contributing to the
release of carbon dioxide. Additionally, human
activities, particularly the combustion of fossil fuels in vehicles and industrial processes,
release substantial amounts of carbon, further enriching atmospheric carbon dioxide
levels. Eventually, this atmospheric carbon is reabsorbed by plants, marking the
completion of the cycle.
Vocab note:

1. illustrate (v): mô tả 6. various (adj): nhiều

2. convert (v): chuyển đổi 7. mechanism (n): cơ chế
3. subsequent (adj): tiếp theo 8. substantial (adj): đáng chú ý
4. notably (adv): đáng chú ý 9. enrich (v): làm gia tăng
5. confine (v): giới hạn 10. contribute (v): đóng góp

The natural water cycle: Vòng đời của nước tự nhiên.

The given diagram provides an illustration of the natural water cycle. Overall, there are six
factors involved in this cycle, namely evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation,
infiltration, and runoff.

The water cycle commences with evapouration and transpiration, as the sun's heat causes
water in oceans, rivers, and lakes to transform into water vapour rising into the atmosphere. At
the same time, plants aid in the process through transpiration, releasing water vapour from
their leaves after absorbing it from the ground. In the subsequent step, condensation occurs
when water vapour cools in the sky, forming tiny liquid droplets that create clouds.

At this point, precipitation occurs, in which water returns to Earth as rain, hail, sleet, or snow.
Next, the water produced from precipitation flows as runoff into creeks, rivers, and oceans,
contributing to the continual movement of water across the planet's surface. Finally, the water
that does not flow will undergo infiltration, which is the absorption of some rainwater into the

Vocab note:

illustration(n): sự mô tả

namely (adv): bao gồm

atmosphere (n): khí quyển

aid (v): hỗ trợ

absorb (v): hấp thụ

contribute (v): đóng góp

occur (v): diễn ra

surface (n): bề mặt

hail (n): mưa đá

undergo (v): trải qua

Biểu thị mục đích … is done (so as) to produce ...

… is done in order that … can be produced.
…….so that...can ………

Biểu thị nguyên nhân/kết quả … contributes to …

… happens, which results in/leads to/causes …
… happens, with the result that … happens
… is associated with …
… results from/in …
As a result,
This is attributed to + noun
This is linked to + noun
This results in + noun

Frogspawn (noun) Trứng ếch

Tadpole (noun) Nòng nọc
Hindlimp/Hindleg (noun) Chân sau
Amphibian (noun) Ếch trưởng thành (Lưỡng c
Mate (verb) Giao phối
Con vật Lay/Produce eggs (phrase) Đẻ trứng
Hatch (verb) Ấp trứng
Spawn (verb) Sinh sản
Larva (noun) Ấu trùng
Pupa (noun) Con nhộng
Change/Transform/Develop into (phrase) Trở thành
Water evaporation (noun phrase) Sự bốc hơi nướ
Condensation (noun) Sự ngưng tụ
Precipitation (noun) Giáng thủy (mư
Saltwater intrusion (noun phrase) Sự xâm nhập mặ
Pour into (phrase) Đổ vào
Absorb into (phrase) Hấp thụ vào
Flow back to (phrase) Chảy ngược về
Estuary (noun) Cửa sông

Đất đá/núi Erosion (noun) Sự xói mòn

Sedimentary (noun) Trầm tích
Decay (verb) Phân rã
Transport to (phrase) Vận chuyển đến
Build up (phrase) Dựng nên
Pass up to (phrase) Di chuyển lên

The given illustration demonstrates how frozen chocolate chip cookies are prepared in a
factory. Overall, the complete process is made up of 9 unique stages commencing with the
blending of several ingredients before shaping along with freezing of the dough rounds that
will be boxed in a freezer awaiting delivery. [5 main stages outlined]

To begin, the mixing of white sugar, brown sugar as well as butter occurs in an industrial-sized
mixer until the butter becomes silky smooth. Once combined evenly, chocolate chips along with
several more key dry ingredients are added including flour, baking soda and salt, while a
mixture of whole beaten eggs with vanilla extract is also poured in. This mixture will then be
blended for 5 minutes ahead of heading to the former machine in order to shape the mixture
into dough rounds of appropriate sizes. Upon shaping, these dough rounds will subsequently be
flash frozen in a tunnel using liquid nitrogen.

After becoming frozen, the dough rounds will pass under a metal detector for safety reasons
prior to being weighed on scales and put into boxes lined with plastic. Finally, the boxes are not
only sealed but also labeled and stacked on pallets to be stored in a freezer to wait for inevitable

 Overall, the cookie dough is made up of a handful of precise ingredients which are mixed
thoroughly before the frozen shaped disks are ready for cold storage.
 Overall, the blended mixture of carefully selected ingredients is flash frozen in puck-shaped
dough rounds awaiting delivery in a store house.
 Overall, this industrial process commences with a combination of ingredients being mixed
with the intention of later being shipped in a frozen form once in the appropriate shape.

The given illustration demonstrates how packaged hotdogs are produced in a factory. Overall,
the entire linear process consists of roughly 10 stages which focus mainly on the mixing of
several ingredients that are put into casings to be smoked before being baked and ultimately
packaged for consumers. [5 main stages outlined]

The initial stage of the process is when a mix of beef, chicken and pork trimmings are ground by
using a grater. This ground meat will then get combined with more trimmings, food starch and
salt in a large vat, while water along with select other flavorings will be added at certain
intervals. Concurrently, corn syrup will be added along with additional water as it is continually
blended until it becomes a fine blend with all of the air vacuumed out.

After being mixed well, the emulsion will head through the stuffing machine where cellulose
tubing has lined metal casings, creating a chain of hotdogs. These chains will be linked together
to form longer chains that will then be hanged on racks. Subsequently, the racks will first move
the hotdogs through a smoke shower prior to an oven to be baked. Before being pealed out of
the casings with pressurized steam, the hotdogs are chilled in salty cold water. Finally, the
hotdogs are packaged for distribution if they pass inspection.

 Overall, hotdogs are made by mixing meats with other select ingredients before being
shaped in casing to be smoked as well as baked in order to be shipped.
 Overall, this man-made process has ingredients being finely mixed prior to the smoked
encased hotdogs getting baked to be ready for distribution.
 Overall, hotdog’s manufacturing process mainly consists of blending raw ingredients before
smoking the encased dogs and ultimately baking in its final form, making them ready for

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