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Things to memorize for Chemistry

First 20 elements

Reactivity series

Polyatomic ion sheet

Identification of metal and non-metal ions – observations and inferences

Types of Reactions

Preparation of common substances

Gas tests - look at sheet “Qualitative Analysis”

Solubility rules

Changes in state

Acids and bases, Acid anhydrides, Naming Acids and Bases

Common oxidizing and reducing agents

Organic prefixes – meth, eth, etc

Properties of each organic family

Types of organic reaction and conditions/enzymes needed:

Addition reactions – double bond broken H2 or H2O added.

Hydrogenation – add H2 to an alkene to produce an alkane

Hydration – alkenes react with steam to produce alcohol

Esterfication – organic acid + alcohol 🡪 ester + H2O

Addition polymer – e.g. polythene, addition reaction between ethane molecules. Polystyrene
CHC6H5 monomer H2C

Condensation polymer – e.g. terylene. 2 monomers react to give a polymer + water e.g. nylon
has peptide linkage H O

N – C therefore a synthetic protein

Terylene has ester linkage O

Hydrolysis of carbs – addition of water splits into monomers

Conditions of reactions – substitution reactions of alkanes – must occur in ultraviolet light

- Addition reactions of alkenes –

- Alkene + H 🡪 alkane;
- Halogenation - alkene + halide 🡪 halidealkane. This is used to test if an alkane or alkene. Occurs
in a solvent of 1,1,1 trichloroethane
- Hydration: Water + alkene 🡪 alcohol, occurs at 300°C and 70 atmospheres in the presence of a
phosphoric (V) acid (or acidic) catalyst

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