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Name: _________________________________Grade & Section: _____9__________ Score: ____________

School: ________________________________ Teacher: _____________________Subject: English

LAS Writer: MICHELLE G. DALAGAN_________________________________________________________
Content Editors: ZYNAFE V. CAIJO and IZAH CHARLES M. DADEA________________________________
Lesson Topic: Identify truthfulness and relevance;_______________Quarter 3 Week: 4 LAS 1__________
Learning Targets:1. Determining the relevance and the truthfulness of the ideas presented in the material
viewed. ENG9VC-IVa-10 ____________________
Reference(s) 2021.Coronavirus.[online] Available at:_<
topics/coronavirus#tab=tab_1> [Accessed 17 March,2021]______________________________________

Truthfulness is the state of being true .It may also mean honesty, rightness or sincerity. It refers to a
fact or something that is true and reliable .It is important to know the things that we speak of truth and which
are relevant to present issues and concern because they could give us the right information. Such information
can be taken from the social media and also from books and magazine.
Relevance is the condition of relevant or connected with the matter at hand or it is the degree to which
something is related or useful to what is happening or being talked about.

Example: Let’s take a look at the paragraph below about COVID 19 issue.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered

coronavirus.”CO” stands for Corona “VI” for virus and “D” for disease. ’Most people infected
with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without
requiring special treatment.- World Health Organization

 The paragraph above presents factual information about COVID 19.Therefore,we could say that the
information presented about the issue is truthful and relevance.

Activity: Identify whether the following statements are truthful and relevant or not. Write T if is truthful
and relevant and N IF NOT .Write tour answer before each number.
_________1. President Duterte is the 17th president of the Philippines.
_________2. COVID 19 is just an ordinary disease.
_________3. Philippines is free from Covid-19.
_________4. Bullying can be a cause of crime.
_________5. Climate change is a cause of global warming.
_________6. People’s lives are not affected by COVID-19 Pandemic.
_________7. The use of modules makes the teaching-learning process difficult.
_________8. Joining fraternities is not dangerous at all.
_________9. Children below ten years old can be imprisoned when they commit crime.
_________10. It is always important for students to have cellphone.
_________11. Using facemask can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus.
_________12. Flood can destroy our environment.
_________13. Earthquake is predictable.
_________14. Students can learn more through on line class.
_________15. The use of social media is always beneficial.

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