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Overall In-Charge (OIC): Oversee and manage all aspects of the event

Assistant In-Charge (AIC): Assist OIC in managing the event

Admin In-Charge: Responsible for all administrative details

(Meeting minutes/Forms/Attendance)
Publicity In-Charge: Responsible for creating publicity materials for the event
(Posters/IG Story/Event Shirt)

Logistics In-Charge: Responsible for sourcing & procuring logistics for the event

Programme In-Charge: Responsible for overall programme flow of the event

Welfare In-Charge: Responsible for assessing RAMS and overall welfare of all
participants during the event

Games In-Charge: Responsible for ideation and execution of games played in the event
About the Proposal
1. Plan an event for 120 participants, programme plan has to be minimally 6
2. Include a compulsory 1 hour main game within the 6 hours to be executed on
Day 4 and 5.
3. Include and enforce the objective and SD core values (Respect, Resilience,
Integrity, Caring, Teamwork) in the event.
4. Plan the Programme flow, Logistics, Manpower, Timeline and Venue.
5. Create at least 3 publicity materials (e.g. posters, Instagram stories, Instagram
posts) to publicise/attract people to the event.
6. Make RAMs (Risk Assessment Method Statement) for physical events.
No. Groups Scenario

1 Garnet & Amethyst Your committee has been tasked with organising a physical event to
commemorate National Day 2022. The goal of this event is to engage
NYPians to learn more about Singapore through games and activities and
also to foster bonds amongst the students.

2 Diamond & Emerald Your committee has been tasked with organising NYPSU Commissioning, a
physical event to honour and commemorate the graduating seniors from
NYPSU. You are to create an unforgettable experience for the cohort to bond
as well as bid farewell, congratulate the seniors as well as the incoming
excos and show our appreciation.

3 Aquamarine Your committee has been tasked to plan NYPSU Bonding Day. The goal of
this event is to ensure that at the end of the day, all SU Sub-Committee
members have stepped out of their comfort zones and are comfortable
enough to talk to one another and know one another well. They should have
built a strong rapport through the bonding activities and the time spent
No. Groups Scenario

4 Pearl Your committee has been tasked to plan NYPSU Sports Day. The goal of the event is to
foster bonds between current sub-committee members and new sub- committee
members. Your committee should make this day as fun as possible for all sub-committee

5 Ruby Your committee has been tasked to plan the NYPSU Student’s Life Carnival. It is a
platform for students to discover the variety of CCAs NYP has to offer. The goal of this
event is to let students have an enjoyable time while also finding their passion in a variety
of CCAs and prove to them that NYP is not purely for academic purposes. Participants
should have a memorable experience for this event and learn about the different types of
CCAs that NYP has to offer.

6 Jade Your committee has been assigned with planning an event to commemorate NYP's 30th
Anniversary. The goal of this event is to bring the student body together through activities
that promote the NYP spirit. Participants in this physical event should have a good time
and learn more about NYP's various schools and courses, as well as its history. Assist to
make NYP's 30th Anniversary one to remember for the entire NYP students
Useful Tips
1 | Standardised Formatting

Using Bullet Points or Dash

Full stop at the end of every sentence

Boldings/Italics/Underlining must all be standardised

Capitalisation for nouns & consistent grammar

Header & footer included on all pages

Useful Tips
2 | Clear Program Flow

Leave sufficient buffer timing

Reasonable time allocation for each activity

3 | Games

Ensure it aligns with NYPSU’s values [Respect, Resilience, Integrity,

Caring, Teamwork]

Ensure it achieves the objective of the event

Useful Tips
4 | Timeline

Ensure it is feasible and logical

5 | Logistics

Organised list of items

Proposed budget
Useful Tips
6 | Publicity Materials

Strictly no offensive or obscene items

Be as creative as possible

Ensure it aligns with event’s theme

Important Dates to Take Note!!

17th June - Vetting of proposal to the committee

20th June - Submission of proposal

Before 23 June - Teams to complete buying all their logistics by


24 & 25 June - Execution Day!

● Each groups would be given $10 each to buy logistics from Daiso only
● 2 groups would go out and buy logistics together at their own time
● The 2 groups should only have 1 receipt amounting to $20 max
● Should your logistics cost more than $10, participants will have to cover the costs
and will not be reimbursed.
● Overseers would be the one paying for the purchases at Daiso
● Ensure to safekeep the receipt, otherwise you will not be able to claim back the
● Take note to not use any membership cards, point reward cards, or any sort of
vouchers, otherwise this will invalidate the receipt for claiming

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