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Name: Grade: 7 A/B/C/D Date: Subject: ICT

Marks: 45

1. Fill in the blanks [5]

a. AND, OR, NOT are examples of __________________________.
b. _______________ is the amount of data that can be transmitted within a
certain amount of time.
c. Mbps is the abbreviation of _____________________________.
d. ______ chips contains million/billions of ___________________.
e. IPv6 is representable by _________________________ value.

2. Match the following [5]

a Used to locate a file on the web. A Cellular Data
b Wirelessly connecting a PC to a network in the home. B MAC Address
c A software used to access websites. C Security
d Connecting a mobile phone to the internet while not D URL
e Low level basics that make your ethernet based network E WIFI
F When you consider which types of transmission are the F Web Browser
best for certain situation.

3. Define [10]
a. Interference



b. Bluetooth



c. Bit


d. Transmission Distance



e. IP Address



4. Answer the following

a. Complete the following program. [2]

a=int(input(“Enter Number 1: “)
b=int(input(“Enter Number 2: “)
c=int(input(“Enter Number 3: “)
if (a>b and a>c)
print(a,”is greater.”)
elif (b>c):
print(b “is greater”)
print(c,”is greater)

b. Find out the error’s and fix them. [2]

a=int(input(“Enter Number 1: “)
b=int(input(“Enter Number 2: “)
c=int(input(“Enter Number 3: “)
if (a>b and a>c)
print(a,”is greater.”)
elif (b>c):
print(b “is greater”)
print(c,”is greater)
c. What is the purpose of an IP address? [1]



d. Given below is an URL. What are the parts. Write them down [3]


e. What is a web server? [1]



f. What are advantages and disadvantages of a wireless network? [2]






g. List the uses of MAC address. [2]







h. Draw the passageway of the web-browser to the website (

and explain them. [5]



Web Server
i. If you enter a URL into a web browser, how does it know the IP address for
the web server? [3]










j. Complete the following table. [3]

URL Domain Name TLD

k. Eric goes to google and searched for Gmail. Write the mapping table where it
checks the Domain name for it’s IP address. [1]

Website URL

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