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Summative Assessment 2

Name: Class: 7 A/B/C/D Date:

Marks: 50 Component Code 01 Subject: ICT

I. Fill In the Blanks: [5]

a. 208.65. 153.238 is an example of an …………………………………………. .

b. …………… function is used to find the data type of a value.
c. …………… is to know whether an website is secure.
d. Mbps is an abbreviation of …………………………………….. .
e. ……..……..…… are examples of Logical Operators.
f. IP is also known as ……………………… .
g. …………. function is used when a user converts string datatype to float datatype.
h. …………. Symbol is used when a value is not equal to the other value.
i. A ………………… is software and hardware that uses HTTP.

II. True or False: [5]

# Statement True or False

1 Python is a complex language.
2 HTTPS is a secure website.
3 Only one device has an IP address.
4 High level language is 101010.
5 An URL consists of 4 parts.

III. Define the following: [8]

a. Indentation




b. Bluetooth


c. Bit



d. Variable



e. Website



f. Security




g. Interference




h. Encryption



IV. Give answers:

1. What is Bandwidth? [2]






2. What are advantages and disadvantages of wireless network? [2]





3. What is the output of the following statements: [6]

if a=5, b=10, c=5, d=0

a) print(b>c and c>d)

b) print(a<=b or c<=d)

c) print((b+c)<=a and (not(c<a)))

4. Consider below expressions, what will be final result and datatype. [6]

a. a,b=3,6
print(“Datatype is”, ____________)

b. d,e=3,6
print(“Datatype is”, ____________)

c. g,h=3,6
print(“Datatype is”, ____________)

5. Fill in the Truth table for NOT Logical Operator. [1]


Condition Result

6. Why errors come in data transmission? [2]




7. a) Write a python program to calculate volume of the shapes: square
Pyramid, Cube and Cuboid based on the user’s choice. If the user enters
choice 1, then calculate volume of the square pyramid, for choice 2, it
should calculate volume of Cube, for choice 3, it should calculate volume of
Take Area, Length, Breadth and Height as an input.
Formula for Square Pyramid – a2, Cube – a3, Cuboid – lxbxh. [3]
b) Fix the below code: [2]

c) For the above code, draw a flowchart. [2]

a. What are the different types of networks? [1]





b. What is PAN? [2]






9. Give 3 reasons why 5G is better than 4G. [3]









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