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Information Communication Technology

Stage 8

Paper 2 2024

Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Test


Class Date

1 hour only

Additional Materials: None

• Answer all questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
• You should pay attention to punctuation, spelling, and handwriting.
• Write a black or dark blue pen.

• The total mark for this paper is 80
• The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].
• No points will be awarded if you use famous brands or hardware companies.
• Consists of 10 printed pages.

All the best!!

© UCLES 2024
I. Fill in the blanks [14]
a. ________________ Excel function combines the text from multiple
b. A row in a table is also know as _____________.
c. ______________ is an example of PAN.
d. RDBMS means _______________________________________.
e. _____________ describes the aim and contents of the chart.
f. _____________ keyword is used to specify which rows to retrieve
in DBMS.
g. _____________ function returns the day of the week.
h. In the select query, _____________ is used to collect data.
i. The field which uniquely identifies record is known as __________.
j. ____________ is the symbol of floor division.
k. ISP stands for ____________________________________.
l. Which factor is safe wired or wireless network? ______________.
m. ________________ is the unit of bandwidth.
n. How many arguments can be altered in Goal Seek? ___________.
II. Define the following
a. Variable [2]
b. Insert Query [2]
c. Cell reference [2]

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d. Data Filtering [2]
e. Conditional Formatting [2]
f. Primary Key [1]
g. VLOOKUP [2]
h. Interactive Mode [2]

III. Answer the following question

a. Yusuf, a class X student, has just started understanding the basics
of client and server model. He is a bit confused in between the
terms “client” and “server”. Help him in understanding both the
terms and the help of sustainable examples of each. [3]

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b. How will you write the excel formula for the following? [4]
i. Multiply the value in cell B1 by 20, add result by 15, and
divide it by 2.
ii. If age is greater than 20, return “Valid Data” otherwise
“Invalid Data”.
iii. Calculate your age in years from current date.
iv. Display first name “John” from full name “John Smith” using
excel text functions.
c. Mr. Aryan is a librarian in an international school. Help him to
maintain book details for issuing them to students. Suggest any six
fields and their data types to keep the relevant data. (Don’t forget
the Primary Key!) [4]

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d. What is goal seek in excel? [2]
e. Malka is an accountant of a school. She keeps track of the money
the parents have to pay. Help him to maintain money details of
parents paying the fees. Suggest any six fields and their data
types to keep relevant data. [4]
f. Mention the functionality of COUNT and COUNTA functions. [2]
g. Lark wants to export his data from his DB to a PDF. Help him to
export the data so that he can send it to his boss. [2]

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h. Now Larks’ boss sent him an excel file to import it to the database
sheet. Help him to import that file to database. [2]
i. A shopkeeper maintains a database table named ‘Item’ for his
shop. The table ITEM contains the following data:

Now help him in doing the following tasks on the table.

i. Write a query to insert a new record of the following details:
15,”pencil”,20,10 [1]
ii. Write a query to display detail of items whose quantity is
more than 10. [1]
iii. Write a query to change the quantity of item number 13 to
25. [1]

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iv. Display all the records of Item table. [1]
v. Display the name of item whose price is 10. [1]
vi. Which one of the following is a valid python statement?
Tick (√) the correct one. [1]
if a>=2:
if (a>=2)
if a>=22
vii. Arrange the order of precedence in python of the follow?
Multiplication, Subtraction, Parenthesis, Addition,
Exponential, Division [2]
viii. What is the difference between ‘/’ and ‘//’ operator? [2]

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ix. a = 25 For the beside code, draw a
if a > 15: flowchart. [3]
if a <=30:
print(“Known Program”)

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IV. Why computers store data in 1 and 0? [2]
V. Define the terms of Software Knowledge Organizer [4]
1. Applications software
2. System Software
3. Operating System
4. Utility Programs

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VI. ASCII Conversion Chart

(a) Convert each character of your full name into it’s equivalent Binary
Value. [1]

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