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3. If more than one oval is filled for a question it will be marked BOTSWANA EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ve JUNIOR CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION SOCIAL STUDIES 15/1 Paper 4 October/November 2016 Marks: 40 Time: 4 Hour INSTRUCTIONS 1. Answer ALL questions on the answer sheet provided. 2. Four possible answers are given for each question. Select the correct answer and fill the oval for that answer on your answer sheet. 7®OeO Be sure to fill the ovals like this: ey > se 2@®DOO YES wrong. Erase completely answers that you change, NO DO NOT make any stray marks on your answer sheet. lonae 4. DO NOT mark the oval like this: =D ae om if you do, your answer will be marked wrong 1DOUO This question paper contains 12 printed pages. Use the information below to answer question 1. Kabo has a stop order of P1000.00 with the bank. He plans to use the money after retirement. What practice is reflected in the scenario? A Getting dividends B Saving money C Investment D Budgeting Use the picture below to answer question 2. Source: History of Botswana by T. Tlou and A. Campbell, Macmillan 1999. The evidence from the picture which suggests that the settlement belonged to the Bantu people is the A presence of a hill B practising of arable farming, C practising of commercial farming. D division of duties between men and women Read the information below and answer question 3. Some people from Gaborone annually attend the Kuru Dance Festival held at D'kar near Ghanzi. Those who attend do so because they are interested in watching the San perform their traditional dance. Which of the following is not a business opportunity created by the festival? Catering services Socialisation of people Transportation of people Accommodation services gomD> Non-Governmental Organisations help empower the youth in Botswana by A giving them monthly allowances B helping them to join political parties. C giving them education on career choices. D sponsoring them for careers of their interest. ‘Which of the following natural disasters is an effect of the movement of the earth? A Hurricanes B Volcanoes C Droughts D Floods Study the two diagrams below showing earth movement and use them to answer question 6. Diagram P 3 3 2 2 & & a Se A TELL Diagram Q Pa x Peo What is the feature marked X in diagram Q called? A Lake B River Cc Crater D Valley How can Botswana's population distribution be described? A Population distribution by settlement shows that most people live in urban areas. B Population distribution by settlement shows that most people live in rural areas. C The northern part of the country is densely populated D The eastern part of the country is sparsely populated. 3 10. 11. Use the information below to answer question 8. Thandie recently celebrated her thirteenth birthday. She started going out with different boyfriends of which her parents did not approve. How can the behavioural problem be addressed? A Bysending Thandie to a foster home B By taking Thandie to a health centre to get contraceptives C _ Byopenly discussing with Thandie issues concerning morality D By advising Thandie to discuss her challenges with her friends What attempts have been made to promote gender equity in Botswana? ‘A Removal of laws that discriminate against men B — Encouragement of women to support decisions made by men C Introduction of constitutional law that addresses gender equality D Promotion of social harmony between different genders in the country Why was the Legislative Council (LEGCO) introduced in the Bechuanaland Protectorate? A Toachieve equal representation of Africans and Europeans in the council B — Tomake laws governing all people in the Protectorate C — Toallow people to vote during elections D — Todeal with matters affecting Africans The table below represents climatic regions in Africa. Use it to answer questions 11 and 12. I. "i Climatic (mm) _ | Average Temperatures (°C) Region Oct— |Jan— | Apr-|Jul— | Oct— Dec _|Mar | Jun | Sept | Dec w go |22 |20 |18 |21 x 30 |24 [8 11 [25 Y go |240 |300 |120 |18 |12 |10 |16 Zz 50 |7oo [1500 |600 [25 |23 |22 |27 Which climatic region is represented by Z? Tropical savanna Mediterranean Equatorial Desert com> 12. Which economic activity will be more suited for climatic region ¥? Pastoral farming Arable farming Wine making Lumbering com> 13. Which of the following is not a national principle of Botswana? A Unity B Dignity C Self reliance D Development Use the picture below to answer question 14, Source: 14, What does the picture illustrate? Artistic ability of the Bantu Cultural heritage of the San Non-material elements of culture Traditional myths of the Batswana voor Use the information below to answer question 15. A civil war broke out in country X which resulted in one ethnic group killing a large number of the other. What are the killings mentioned in the scenario above referred to as? A Racism B Genocide C Terrorism D Xenophobia Use the part of Morwa map presented below to answer questions 16 to 20. 301-4 Scale: 1.50 000 1 o 1 2km KEY: aio — Comourlines PO Post Office Trigonometical station Reitway line ‘Vegetation 0.9 tree savanna msm Secondary road shrub savanna BH Borehole ‘eee Mainroad— - grassland, bushveld Source: Map Reading for Southern Africa by A.D Bowen etal. —z 16. 47. 18. 19. 20. 21. What is the highest point on the map? A 3500m B 3250m Cc 3200m D 3150m Which service is provided in the area falling within grid square 0700? A Banking B Education C Construction D_ Telecommunications What is the straight line distance between points X and Y? A 3.0km B 2.6km Cc D 2.0km What is the vertical interval on the map? A 50m B 100m Cc 150m D 200m Supposing Morwa is troubled by strong winds that blow from East and West. Which of the following sites will be most suitable to build a house on? A P BQ Cc oR Dos Which of the following did the British use to colonise Bechuanaland? A Trickery B_ Protection C Assimilation D Military force 22. 23. 24. 25. Use the information below to answer question 22. Tshepo bought a pint of milk from a supermarket and when she got home she realised that it had expired. When she returned it to the supermarket, they refused to help her. Which of the following is the correct line of reporting that Tshepo should follow to address the problem? ‘A _ Shop Assistant — Manager — Consumer Affairs Department B Manager-Police - Consumer Affairs Department © Consumer Affairs Department - Manager — Police D__ Shop assistant — Manager — Police Use the information below to answer question 23. Kabo has a private company that moulds bricks. He gets sand from the river to make the bricks. He makes lots of money from selling the bricks but he never pays tax to the government. What offence is Kabo committing? A Environmental crime B Economic crime C Social crime D Corruption How was the economic lifestyle of the Khoikhoi different from that of the San? A The Khoikhoi reared livestock while the San grew crops. B The Khoikhoi grew crops while the San reared livestock. C The Khoikhoi were nomadic hunter — gatherers while the San were nomadic pastoralists D The Khoikhoi were nomadic pastoralists while the San were nomadic hunter — gatherers. Which of the following is a positive effect of international trade on the economy of Botswana? ‘A Acquisition of goods at relatively lower prices B__ Realisation of higher revenue from export of local goods C Employment of citizens to manage foreign owned companies D__ Increased expenditure as the country imports goods of high value ee 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Use the information below to answer questions 26 and 27. Thabo is a street hawker and mostly sells at a nearby shopping centre facing the school gate in a village. She sells among other things sweets, oranges and fat cakes. She does not make much money but she is able to maintain her family. What opportunity does Thabo have as a self-employed person? A She has a readily available market. B_ She can improve her family's living standard. C She can decide when to go out and do business. D__ She can make more profit than the local supermarket. The challenge that Thabo faces in self-employment is that she ‘A _ has to give students credit as they do not have money. B_ does not have manpower to help her run the business. Chas to spend all the money without saving. D has to compete with established retailers. What is the advantage of practising democracy? A _Itaccords the nation the rule of law. B__ Itallows for people to do whatever they feel like doing. C It gives members of the society freedom of association. D__ It encourages the nation to place the country’s interest above theirs Which of the following is not an effect of the killing of vultures on the environment? A Pollution of the air B__ Disturbance of the ecosystem C Spread of diseases from carcasses D___ Increase of income from bird tourism How can the Botswana government help to protect the vultures? ‘A By educating people on the importance of vultures B By pursuing the policy of killing poachers on sight C By increasing patrols to guard vulture sites D By introducing sports hunting 31. 32. 33. 34. Use the contour map below to answer questions 31 and 32. The feature marked P on the contour map is a convex slope because the contour lines are A irregularly spaced. B equal in distance throughout the feature. C far apart at the bottom and close together at the top. D close together at the bottom and far apart at the top. Which feature is marked Q on the map? A Valley B Plateau C Cone D Clif Which ministry would be better placed to investigate stock theft? A Ministry of Defence, Justice and Security B_— Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs C_ Ministry of State President D_ Ministry of Agriculture Which of the following is not an effect of HIV and AIDS on Botswana's economy? Exertion of pressure on government's budget Loss of breadwinners by families Loss of loved ones by families Reduction of human resource com> 40 35. Under the British Colonial Government, the policy of divide and rule in Bechuanaland was administered through the A Queen in England. B__ Dikgosi in tribal reserves. C African Advisory Council D British South Africa Company. Use the diagram below to answer question 36. 36. What are the minimum and maximum readings on the instrument? Minimum | Maximum. A_ | 20°C 25°C B | 20°C 35°C Cc | 25°C 25°C D [25°C 30°C 37. Whatis 1:25 000 in a statement scale? A 1 mrepresents 25 m B 1 cm represents 25 000 m C tom represents 2 500 m D — represents 250 m "1 Use the information below to answer question 38. Ramorula likes telling his grandchildren stories about his tribe and the wars it fought. 38. The method used by Ramorula to pass information is known as 39. 40. A Oral traditions. B folklores. C legends D myths. Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 39 and 40. Key: —~ River Climatic region GB Highland What is the name of the feature marked H? Ethiopian Highlands Mount Kilimanjaro Jos plateau Mount Kenya voo> Which climatic region is found in the area marked I? A Mediterranean B Equatorial C Desert D_ Steppe 12

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