Answer The Question Group 3

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How long does a member of the French national Assembly serve each term?
A member of the French national Assembly serve each term in five years.
What is the difference between the power of the US president and France president?
Political System: The US operates under a presidential system, where the President is elected
separately from the legislative branch, while France follows a semi-presidential system,
where the President and the Prime Minister share executive powers.
Term Length: The US President serves a fixed four-year term and can be re-elected for one
additional term, whereas the French President serves a five-year term, and re-election is
possible for consecutive terms.
Role in Legislature: In the US, the President does not participate directly in the legislative
process, while the French President can dissolve the National Assembly and call for new
legislative elections.
Cabinet Formation: The US President appoints their Cabinet members, who are not members
of Congress, while the French President appoints a Prime Minister who leads the government
and selects Cabinet members from the majority party in the National Assembly.
The constitution divided into 3 branches, can 3 branches of power unify into 1 body and
The three branches of government, as established in many democratic systems, serve
to provide a system of checks and balances. This means that each branch has its own powers
and responsibilities, which act as a check on the other branches, preventing any one branch
from becoming too powerful. The legislative branch makes laws, the executive branch
enforces laws, and the judicial branch interprets laws. This division of power is intended to
prevent any one individual or group from gaining too much control and to ensure that
decisions are made through a process of negotiation and compromise.
Parliament or government of French, which one is higher?
Parliament is the higher power. There are some reasons:
- France established the fourth and fifth republics, whose main characteristics were
centralized power in the hands of the President.
- The National Assembly can cause a government to fall if an absolute majority of the
legislators votes for a motion of no confidence.
- Legislative initiative rests with the National Assembly.
- Role of the Parliament: The parliament is the legislative body responsible for making laws,
scrutinizing the actions of the government, and representing the interests of the people.
- Moreover, the government is accountable to the parliament for its actions and policies.
- In parliamentary systems, the government must maintain the confidence of the parliament to
remain in power. If the parliament expresses a lack of confidence in the government, typically
through a vote of no confidence, the government may be forced to resign, leading to potential
early elections.
- One of the most important roles of the parliament is the approval of the government's
- Overall, the parliament exercising oversight over the government to ensure that it acts in the
best interests of the people and adheres to democratic principles.
Do you show me more details of judecial branch? Please give me some example?
The judiciary (also known as the judicial system, judicature, judicial branch, judiciative
branch, and court or judiciary system) is the system of courts that adjudicates legal
disputes/disagreements and interprets, defends, and applies the law in legal cases.The
judiciary is the system of courts that interprets, defends, and applies the law in the name of
the state. The judiciary can also be thought of as the mechanism for the resolution of disputes.
EXAMPLE:164 Judicial Courts – tribunaux judiciaires, 210 Employment Tribunals –
conseils de prud'hommes, and 134 Commercial Courts – tribunaux de commerce.
How the president and prime minister share the power in France?
According to article 21 of the Constitution, the prime minister "shall direct the actions
of the Government". Additionally, Article 20 stipulates that the government "shall determine
and conduct the policy of the Nation", and it includes domestic issues, while the president
concentrates on formulating directions on national defense and foreign policy while
arbitrating the efficient service of all governmental authorities in France. Other members of
the government are appointed by the president "on the recommendation of the prime
minister". In practice, the prime minister acts in harmony with the president, except when
there is a cohabitation. In such cases, a constitutional convention gives the prime minister
primacy in domestic affairs, while the president oversees foreign affairs. The responsibilities
are like those of a prime minister in a parliamentary system.

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