On Tap GK 2 Anh 8

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Khẳng định S + V [ s /es] S + V -ed / V2
Phủ định S + don’t / doesn’t + Vo S + didn’t +Vo
Nghi vấn Do / Does + S + Vo Did + S + Vo …?
Bị động …am / is / are + V-ed / V3 ...was / were + V-ed / V3
Nhận biết -always, usually, occasionally, often… -yesterday, ago
-every: every day, every year … -last: last week , last Monday …
-once / twice / 3 times… -in the past.
Cách dùng Diễn tả một chân lý, một sự thật hiển nhiên. Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra trong quá
-Một thói quen, một hành đỗng xảy ra khứ, chấm dứt rồi & biết rõ thời gian.
thường xuyên ở hiện tại. Hành động xảy ra suốt một khoảng thời
-Hành động, sự việc tương lai sẽ xảy ra theo gian trong quá khứ, nhưng nay đã hoàn
thời gian biểu hoặc chương trình, kế hoạch toàn chám dứt.
đã định theo thời gian biểu.
Khẳng định S + am / is / are +V-ing S + was / were + V-ing
Phủ định S + am not / isn’t / aren’t +V-ing S + wasn’t / weren’t + V-ing
Nghi vấn Am / Is / Are + S + V-ing …? Was / Were + S + V-ing …?
Bị động …am / is / are +being + V-ed /V3 …was / were + being + V-ed / V3
Nhận biết -now, at present -At+ giờ/this time/ that time/ that
-at the / this moment moment
-Sau câu mệnh lệnh : -When + (simple past) :
Look! The bus is coming -While/As+ Past continous :
Cách dùng -Diễn tả một hành động đang diễn ra ngay It began to rain while I was playing
lúc nói soccer
Một hành động sắp xảy ra (tương lai gần). -Hành động xảy ra & kéo dài một thời
diễn tả 1sự sắp xếp hoặc 1 kế hoạch đã định gian ở quá khứ
-Hành động đang xảy ra vào một thời
điểm ở quá khứ
-Hành động đang xảy ra trong quá khứ
thì có một hành động khác xen vào
-Hai hành động xảy ra song song cùng
một lúc ở QK
Khẳng định S + has / have + V-ed/ V3 S + will + Vo
Phủ định S + hasn’t / haven’t + V-ed/V3 S + won’t + Vo
Nghi vấn Has / Have + S + V-ed/V3…? Will + S + V o…?
Bị động …has / have + been + V-ed / V3 …will be + V-ed / V3
Nhận biết -just, already, ever, yet, recently, lately -tomorrow
-since, for -next…. : next week, next month
-so far, up to now, from then -in the future
Cách dùng -Một hành động, 1 sự việc mới vừa xảy ra -Diễn tả một hành động sẽ xảy ra ở trong
-Hành động bắt đầu ở quá khứ, kéo dài đến TL
hiện tại và có khả năng tiếp tục ở tương lai. -Diển đạt ý kiến, đưa ra 1 lời hứa hoặc 1
-Hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng thời quyết định tức thì
gian không rõ ràng.
-Một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng
kết quả vẫn còn ở hiện tại.
Thì / Dạng 7. NEAR FUTURE Diễn tả 1 hành động sắp sửa xảy ra hoặc
1 dự
Khẳng định S + am / is / are + going to +V định sắp tới (thường trong câu không có
Phủ định S + am / is / are + not + going to +V thời gian)
Nghi vấn Am / is / are + S+ going to + V …?
Bị động am / is / are going to be + V-ed / V3


I. Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the
1. A. collapse B. scatter C. evacuate D. earthquake
2. A. effect B. legend C. accent D. schedule
3. A. poison B. visual C. measure D. pleasure
4. A. ideal B. item C. idiom D. identical
5. A. icon B. victim C. litter D. illustrate
6. A. detest B. reflect C. ethnic D. preserve
7. A. received B. stayed C. seemed D. looked
8. A. stops B. classes C. makes D. cats
II. Circle the word whose stress pattern is pronounced differently from the others:
1. A. climatology B. bibliography C. communication D. radiography
2. A. examinee B. electronic C. scientific D. preparation
3. A. accent B. cattle C. damage D. disaster
4. A. national B. physical C. arrival D. natural
5. A. accent B. cattle C. damage D. disaster
6. A. evacuate B. koala C. puzzle D. tornado
7. A. enroll B. highlight C. hobby D. favor
8. A. underline B. excellent C. character D. encourage
III. Circle the best options:
1. ………………………………….. the Di Vinci Code? It’s an interesting book.
A. Have you ever reading B. Have you ever read C. Was you reading D. You have read
2. Everyone was excited as the prince wanted to choose his
wife………………………………… the village.
A. for B. to C. from D. on
4. What can be done to protect people from ………………………………….. disasters?
A. environment B. environmental C. environmentally D. environmentalist
5. What’s a …………………………………..? - It’s a substance that contaminates
A. polluted B. pollute C. pollution D. pollutant
6. Peter: Their house was destroyed by the storm. - Mary: …………………………………….
A. Oh no! B. Wow! C. That’s a relief. D. How wonderful!
7. Australia has the …………………………………. cattle station in the world.
A. biggest B. big C. bigger D. most big
8. The heavy rain has caused …………………………………..in many parts of the country.
A. forest fire B. storms C. drought D. floods
9. When I met Jim in the summer camp, he_______ to his friends.
A. talked B. was talking C. has talked D. had been talked
10. Those foreign tourists are looking forward_______ enjoying Vietnamese Tet holiday with
A. of B. on C. to D. with
11. Man has spent years and years trying …………… weather patterns but it is still an inexact
A. predicting B. to have predicted C. to predicting D. to predict
12. If you spoke more slowly, he _______ you.
A. would understand B. will understand C. understood D. understands
13. The waste from the chemical factory is extremely_______.
A. harmful B. harmless C. harm D. unharmed
14. Minh: Their house was destroyed by the storm. – Nam: ______!
A. How terrible B. Sounds great C. Good idea D. That’s awesome
15. If I _______a chance to go abroad, I____________________ China.
A. had/ will visit B. had/ visit C. has / will visit D. had/ would visit
16. ………….. loss can be caused by noise pollution.
A. sound B. hearing C. listening D. audio
17. The debating Competition ________ place in the Mall Hall every month.
A. takes B. has taken C. will take D. took
18. In the future, natural disasters will be predicted accurately ________ the help of technology.
A. with B. upon C. from D. for
19. Two days ago, temporary accommodation _________ to house the homeless people.
A. is built B. will be built C. has been built D. was built
20. Buckingham Palace is a major tourist _________.
A. attract B. attraction C. attractive D. attracted
21. Don’t drink this water. It is _________.
A. contaminate B. contamination C. contaminant D. contaminated
22. Students will be ________ of protecting the environment if teachers teach environmental
issues at school.
A. more aware B. most aware C. as aware as D. the most aware
23. When a tropical storm reaches 120 kilometers per hour. It is called a ________.
A. volcano B. landslide C. typhoon D. tsunami
24. Her parents are very proud ………………. her.
A. of B. on C. about D. with
25. She enjoys participating ……………… raising funds for the poor.
A. on B. of C. in D. with
IV. Find and circle the mistakes:
1. My brother didn’t have money enough to buy the dictionary he liked.
2. We should put the coffee table among the armchair and the couch.
3. The driver of the car was serious injured in the accident.
4. He gets up early in order reviewing lessons before school.
5.If the environment are not polluted, birds wouldn’t leave their habitats.
6. The Grand Canyon is a famous natural wonder in the state of Arizona, at the USA.
7.I visited 6 foreign countries so far, but only 2 of them are English - speaking
8. They have caused serious water pollution by dump industrial waste into the lake.
9. If you get good marks in your tests, what would your parents do?
10. My sister, Mai is more intelligent student in her class.
V. Reading: Choose the correct word for each blank in the following passage:
Reading 1:
On Saturday morning, a mudslide (1) ………………………………….. down the
Ngan Pho River near the small village of Huong Son District, Ha Tinh Province.
Authorities have (2) ………………………………… eight dead, eight injured, and as
many as 108 people (3) ………………………………….. The two-square-kilometre path
of the mudslide also destroyed about 50 homes. A local resident said that the mudslide
(4) ………………………………… caused by ground which has been made unstable by
heavy rainfall.
1. A. move B. moves C. moved D. moving
2. A. confirmed B. decided C. made D. worked
3. A. going B. doing C. saying D. missing
4. A. is B. will be C. was D. were

Reading 2:
Visual pollution has a greater effect on people than you may think. I remember
when I (1) ________ to a foreign city, I was really scared because there was so much
graffiti on the building’s walls. Then I looked up, and I saw a lot of power lines (2)
_________ my head. Although they were not dangerous, I still felt insecure (3)
________ I thought they might fall down. These things prevented me from enjoying the
(4) ________ sights of the city.
1. A. go B. went C. will go D. am going
2. A. over B. in C. at D. to
3. A. although B. therefore C. however D. since
4. A. beauty B. beautify C. beautiful D. beautifully
Reading 3:
One Saturday afternoon Mrs. Green took Alice along as she did her shopping. They
took a bus to the commercial district of the city. The bus ran through busy streets with
traffic lights. Near the centre of the city, there was much traffic, and Alice could see
bright neon signs of shop windows, hotels and restaurants along the streets. Pedestrians
were going up and down the stairs of the tube stations or waiting at the zebra crossings
and the bus stops. Everybody seemed to be in a hurry and life in a big city is always
………… 1. Mrs. Green and Alice went shopping on Saturday afternoon.
………… 2. The bus ran through busy streets without traffic lights.
………… 3. Pedestrians were waiting at the zebra crossings and the bus stops.
………… 4. Life in a big city is always busy.
VI. Reading: Read the passage, then circle the best answers:
Reading 1:
Tsunamis, whose name derives from the Japanese expression for “high wave
in a harbor”, are giant sea waves. These waves are quite different from storm surges.
They are also referred to by the general public as tidal waves although they have nothing
to do with tides. Scientists often refer to them as seismic sea waves, which is far more
appropriate because they are often the result of undersea seismic activity.
Tsunamis can be caused when the sea floor suddenly moved, during an underwater
earthquake or volcano, and the water above the moving earth is suddenly displaced. This
sudden shift of water sets off a series of waves. These waves can travel great distances,
at speeds close to 700 kilometres per hour. In the open ocean, tsunami waves are not
very high, often no more than one or two metres. It is when they hit the shallow waters
near the coast that they increase in height, possibly up to 40 metres.
1. The passage mainly discusses…
A. tidal waves B. tides C. tsunamis D. storm surges
2. All of the following is true about tidal waves EXCEPT …
A. they are as another name for tsunamis. B. they are caused by sudden changes in
high and low tides
C. this term is not used by the scientists D. the name refers to the same phenomenon
as seismic sea waves
3. The word “them” in the passage refers to …
A. tidal waves B. tsunamis C. storm surges D. sea waves
4. It can be understood in the passage that tsunamis …
A. cause severe damage in the middle of the ocean B. generally reach heights
greater than 40 metres
C. are far more dangerous on the coast than in the open ocean. D. are often identified
by ships on the ocean
Reading 2:
Air Pollution: Air pollution comes from many sources such as vehicle exhaust, and
construction. Several effects are smog increases, higher rain acidity, and higher rates of
asthma... Water Pollution: Water pollution can be caused by improper waste disposal and
littering. Some effects of water pollution are decreasing the quantity of drinkable water,
and affecting aquatic life. Soil Pollution: Soil pollution sources include poisonous waste,
sewage spills, household dumping and littering. Soil contamination can lead to loss of
wildlife habitat... Many of them caused a lot of damage for our life day by day.
1. What Is the effect of water pollution?
A. It makes water drinkable. B. It increases the amount of
clean water.
C. It increases the quantity of water D. It decreases the amount of
clean water.

2. Soil pollution may be caused by________.

A. sewage B. vehicle exhaust C. billboards D. traffic
3. The word “them” in line 5 refers to ______________.
A. air B. pollution C. soil D. noise
4. Any kinds of pollution can affect our lives________.
A. in a positive way B. in a better way C. in a neutral way
D. in a bad way
Reading 3:
Alaska is perhaps the most amazing state in the USA. It has coastlines facing both
the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. This state has an incredible three million lakes.
That’s four lakes per person living there.
Many cities in Alaska can’t be reached by road, sea, or river. The only way to get in
and out of is by air, on foot, or by dogsled. That’s why Alaska has the busiest sea airport
in the world, Lake Hood Seaplane Base. Nearly two hundred floatplanes take off and
land on the water of this airport every day. It’s really a fun scene to watch. Alaska is
called the Land of the Midnight Sun because in summer, the sun does not set for nearly
three months. But in winter the sun stays almost unseen. All Alaskans take special pride
in their beautiful and unique state.
1. Alaska _________.
A. is another name for the USA B. is an island in the
Pacific Ocean
C. is an island in the Arctic Ocean D. is an amazing state
of America
2. Which method below can always be used to reach a place in Alaska?
A. By air B. By road C. By river D. By sea
3. Which statement below is NOT correct?
A. Lake Seaplane Base’s the busiest sea airport in the world B. There’re four lakes
for each person here
C. The sun doesn’t rise for nearly three months in the summer D. Alaskans are proud
of their unique state
4. The word “their” in the passage refers to _________.
A. Americans B. Alaskans C. airports D. floatplanes
VII. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their original meanings:
1. Because it rained heavily, the road in front of my house was flooded.
- Because of ……………………………………………………………………………
2. People prepared enough food, water, and medical supplies for a disaster.
- Enough ………………………………………………………………………………
3. She has a headache after work every day. She works in a noisy office.
- If she didn’t ……………………………………………………………………………
4. We don’t trust Linda since she behaves badly.
- Linda …………………………………………, so ……………….……………………
5. Someone knocked at the door last night
 The door _________________________________________________________
6. The weather is bad today so we can’t go camping.
 If ______________________________________________________________
7. Because the soil is polluted, trees here can’t grow.
 Because of ________________________________________________________
8. Since Nam was lazy, he failed the exam.
 Nam was _________________________________________________________
9. Someone stole my bag on the bus.
 My bag ___________________________________________________________
10. Since Minh studied very hard, he passed the exam easily.
 Minh studied _______________________________________________________
VIII. Make complete sentences:
1. People / get / more / diseases / if / water / be / contaminate /
- …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. What / you / do / before / you / go / bed / last night?
- ………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Yesterday / by / time / we / arrive / at / canyon, it / stop / snowing.
 _____________________________________________________________________
4. In / future if / we / travel / work / bike, we / save / lot / fuel.
 _____________________________________________________________________
5. Ba / take / a shower / eight o’clock / last night.
 …………………………………………………………………………………
6. you / mind / move / your car?
 …………………………………………………………………………………
7. We /study /in / this school / 4 years.
 _______________________________________
8. He / say / he / can / fix / faucets.
 _______________________________________
9. Mrs. Robinson / want / Mrs. Robinson /go / market.
 ______________________________________
10. It / not difficult / translate / this sentence.
 ______________________________________

IX.Write instructions (80 - 100 words) about things to do before, during, and after a
(Viết hướng dẫn (80 - 100 từ) về những việc cần làm trước, trong và sau lũ lụt)
Start as follows:
Here a things you should do before, during and after a flood.
X.Write a paragraph (80- 100 words) about the advantages of shopping on line (1
You may begin your writing like this:
In my opinion/ I think shopping online has the following advantages. Firstly, …
You can use the suggestions below:
- easy to shop / convenient / save time / save money……

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