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Albay, Cyla Dennise U.

BFSc 2-A

Cells at Work

S01 Ep11 “heatstroke”

In the 11th episode of Cells at Work!, the epidermis is experiencing drought, and the red

blood cells are seen to be traveling through the capillaries. One of the mechanisms of

thermoregulation is sending large amounts of blood to the skin for heat dissipation.

Then a white blood cell is seen to be attacking a foreign substance through the process

of phagocytosis.

There are two types of sweat glands, the apocrine glands and eccrine glands. Through

evaporation of sweat releases heat from the body to regulate body temperature.

Sweating will cool off the body by taking thermal energy. When the external temperature

is very high, the sweat will not evaporate and the body temperature will continue to rise.

You will then experience vertigo, dizziness and blurred vision. Orthostasis is when the

blood pressure drops when standing up that will cause a temporary gray out of vision.

Fainting, a loss of consciousness that could last a minute or so.

Heatsroke is caused by an imbalance of water and salt levels in the body. The heat and

high temperatures will cause the blood vessels in the skin to dilate that will lead to a

drop in blood pressure which will then reduce the blood flow into the brain. The bacillus

cereus was then introduced as a bacterium that is commonly found in natural

environments such as soil and water. A bacillus cereus can cause diarrheal or emetic
food poisoning. The white blood cell’s job is to attack the bacterium. However, the

bacterium can produce protective endospores that will allow it to survive high

temperatures up to a hundred degrees. In the end, intravenous therapy was seen to be

used to aid heatstroke. Intravenous therapy is an injection that delivers medication

directly into the vein to replenish lost fluids and nutrients and to correct electrolyte


In this episode I have learned the jobs of specific cells and the risk that can occur to our

body. There can be germs and bacteria when we neglect our body. The task of the red

blood cells is portrayed in a manner that can be understood, same as with the task of

the white blood cells and the platelets. The stages of heatstroke were also portrayed or

can be seen in this episode. Where in vertigo, you can experience dizziness and blurred

vision, and so forth. A meditative treatment can also be seen in this episode, where the

intravenous therapy is performed ro replenish the lost fluids and nutrients in the body.

S2 Ep3 “dengue fever”

In the 3rd episode of the 2nd season, a mysterious substance was detected. And when

a mysterious substance is detected near the epidermis, histamine is released that will

cause the blood vessels to dilate. These mysterious substances are detected by one of

the types of dendritic cells present in epidermis, the langerhans cells. They detect

invasion of foreign substances such as viruses or bacteria. They also protect the body

from UV rays and dry skin. They play a vital role for self-defense in the layers of the

skin. When a cell is infected by a foreign substance, the mast cell is responsible for

releasing histamine that summons the immune system. White blood cells will then

attack the infected cells for antigen.

In this episode, it is shown that dengue is a type of virus that is spread through injecting

the dengue virus into the body. Mosquitoes spread this dengue virus. This episode also

shows how the spreading of the virus occurs; what happens and how it happens. It is

spread by the mosquito sucking the blood cells and in return, injecting dengue virus that

instantly spreads. The quick reaction from releasing histamine aids in summoning the

immune system, white blood cells.

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