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Final Exam of CT and MRI Technique 01. MCQs Choose the Most Correct Answer: 1. Sequence of stroke in brain MRI is: a. Axial Tl b. Flair @ ow d. Coronal T2 2. Centre the laser beam localizer for brain MRI over the .. a. Vertex b. Nose “@ Glabella d. Frontal sinus 3. Beam-hardening artifact is common in the: a. Brachiocephalic vein ®. Posterior fossa c. Inferior vena cava d. Superior vena cava 4. Which of the following slice thickness is MOST suitable for HRCT: @.1-2mm b.1mm c. 2mm d. 2-3mm 5. Regarding to RC below which of the following is not correct: ‘@ Reduce blood flow b. Reduce motion artifact c. Reduce respiratory artifact d. Data acquire continuously CamScanner + Lis 4>g.uaall 6. MRCP images are used to image the...........! a. Gall bladder ©. Biliary system c. Liver d. Pancreatic duct 7. Additional sequences for knee imaging: a. Flair b. DWI @ Dynamic imaging d. MR arthrography 8. Phase direction in the axial scans for knee imaging must be: a. Head to feet G Right to left c. Anteroposterior d. Posteroanterior 9. Contrast enhanced Brain CT: a. Visualize cerebral vessels b. Less delay time than CTA @ More delay time than CTA d. Suitable in case of aneurysm 10. Shoulder imaging plan the coronal slices on the axial plane angle the position block parallel to: @. Supraspinatus tendon b. Supraspinatus ligament c. Supraspinatus muscle d. Glenohumeral ligament it. Hypervascular lesion is best seen in: ; . Early portal phase b. Early arterial phase ~ c. Late portal phase 3d |. Late arterial phase ) CamScanner + Lis 4gauaall 12. Chest CT Scans extent to level of the ... suspected lung cancer: a. Iliac crest @ Adrenal gland c. Pancreas d. Celiac artery Glenohumeral ligaments is the best to be evaluated at: a. T2 coronal b. T2 coronal c. Coronal arthrography @ Sagittal arthrography Axial scan in brain CT is recommended in case of: a. CTA b. Motion artifact ® Sedated pediatric patient d. 3D reconstruction Helpful in detecting calcifications: a. CTA ®. NECT c. ECT d. CECT 02. Matching the column, A by correct answer in the column B: | A L _ B HRCT __| Prolong Exam ‘vl Streak Artifact Angiographic Studies Bolus Tracking Salina Flush Helical Scan Mode Sample Respiratory Gating Alternative Contrast Reaction CTA Chest Thin Slices 3D Reconstruction PE CamScanner + Lis 4g.uaall 03. Route of the CM administration Number | Procedure | Injection route 1- Upper abdomen only 2- | MR arthrography 3- CTA chest (PE) 4- Abdomen & Pelvis 04. The modality of choice in case of PE is? CTA chest 05. Patient suspect of chest infection and air trapping, determine the best investigation for this case? HRCT CamScanner + Lis 4>g.uaall

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