English Grade 5 005

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Defence Road Hotel Javson Street Sialkot

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English Grade 5 005

Student Name:____________________Roll No.___________Marks Obtained/Total Marks:________/ 75

Class: Five Subject Name: English 5 Date:________

I) Tick the Correct Option: (All questions / options - 10 / 0 ) 10 Marks

1. Masculine of the "Nun" is:

a) king b) nephew c) monk d) drake

2. Feminine of "Bull" is:

a) cock b) ox c) cow d) bully

3. Encircle the uncountable noun from the following:

a) salt b) apple c) cup d) bag

4. Encircle the countable noun from the following:

a) honey b) milk c) salt d) orange

5. The group with all plural nouns is:

a) fans, plane, ball, b) maps, charts, c) boys, sheep, banches, d) rope, needs, sun, book
doors cupboard, duster tables

6. The correct pair of homophones is:

a) fare, fair b) do, did c) foot, fair d) full, fill

Read the sentence carefully and tick the suitable article to complete it:
She is _______ singer whom I met yesterday.

a) a b) the c) an d) and

8. Which one of the following is a common noun?

a) Akram b) boy c) Sindh d) Peshawar

9. A pair of rhyming words is:

a) class, room b) walk, god c) bitch, witch d) to, fro

10. Tick the correct suffix and attach the word "sad" to make a new word:

a) ness b) nes c) er d) ment

II) Write Essay on the following topic: (All questions / options - 1 / 0 ) 10 Marks

1. My Mother

III) Write letter on the following: (All questions / options - 1 / 0 ) 10 Marks

1. Write a letter to your younger brother giving him a piece of good advice.

IV) Write story on the following: (All questions / options - 1 / 0 ) 10 Marks

1. A Foolish Stag
V) Write application on the following: (All questions / options - 1 / 0 ) 10 Marks

1. Write an application to the Headmaster for school leaving certificate.

VI) Read the passage carefully and tick the correct option of (All questions / options - 2 / 0 ) 10
MCQs given in the end. Marks

This is an interesting story. A boy accidently made the ink that was amazing and its writing was invisible. When
the blank paper of that writing was brought before heat the writing began to appear. The boy named Salim was
very proud of his invention. He made a plane to distribute that ink among his class mates to convey the secret
1) What kind of ink that was:

a) blue b) black c) red d) amazing

2) The writing of the ink was:

a) neat b) invisible c) dark d) dull

3) The boy was very proud of his:

a) work b) experiment c) invention d) ink

4) He wanted to convey:

a) stories b) jokes c) answers d) secret messages

2. Arfa karim was born in 1995. She was a genius student. She received Many national and international
medals. She received first certificate in Microsoft by Microsoft head office chairman Bill Gates in 2004. After that
Arfa was invited by IT professional in Dubai to represent Pakistan. In Dubai at the age of 10, she flew an
aeroplane in Dubai flying club and got the first flight certificate.
1) In which year did Arfa Karim was born? She was born in:

a) 1995 b) 1996 c) 1997 d) 1998

2) She was a genius:

a) scientist b) athlete c) student d) girl

3) She received her first certificate in Microsoft in:

a) 2001 b) 2002 c) 2003 d) 2004

4) At the age of 10 she flew an aeroplane in ______________ :

a) Iran b) Dubai c) London d) U.S.A

VII) Use the given words to fill in the blanks. Don't use your (All questions / options - 1 / 0 ) 0 Marks
own words.

honest, sight, honor, walk, would
1.I love to ______ bare footed.
2.I thought we ______ lose the match until the end.
3.Iqra always gives me ______ advice.
4.He paused at the _______ of Eiffel Tower.

VIII) Encircle the correct answer from the following choices: (All questions / options - 15 / 0 ) 15 Marks

1. The sight of the parachute brought the author to that spot as:

a) He wanted to spend b) flying was his passion c) he came to see his d) he was punished to go
time there friend there

2. What happened when Salim held the paper close to the big light bulb:

a) the words began to b) the words began to c) the words changed d) lines and circles began
disappear appear their size to appear

When the pilot heard the voice, he

a) stayed in the air b) started to get down c) jumped out of the d) shouted at the boy

4. Which one is an uncountable noun?

a) Pen b) Suitcase c) Plate d) Snow

5. Why was the place unsafe for monkeys?

a) Hunters often come b) Many wild animals c) fierce giants lived d) temperature of that
there lived there there place was not good for

6. What caused the woodcutter to drop his wife in the kettle?

a) He carelessly picked b) Her threw her in c) He wanted to see if d) He hoped she could get
her up and twirled her anger. the kettle could double his axe for him.
around. the people.

7. Which one is an uncountable noun?

a) Dog b) Rain c) Bag d) Orange

8. Which one is an uncountable noun?

a) Chair b) Hat c) Ball d) Rice

9. Arfa Karim remained the youngest (MCP) in the world for:

a) 2 years b) 3 years c) 4 years d) 5 years

10. All parents were invited to see their children playing:

a) cricket match b) hockey match c) football match d) tennis match

11. The monkeys came to a lake. Then they had a problem. What was the problem?

a) There was no way to b) a monkey-eating c) thw ater in the lake d) there was no food for
reach the water giant lived in the lake was too muddy to drink monkeys

Identify the future verb from the given sentence.
She will sing for her school.

a) sing b) will c) she d) she, will

13. When an ant wants to tell something to its fellow ants, what it gives off?

a) a liquid b) scent c) chemical d) both b, c

14. What was grew by the lake side that the wise monkey picked?

a) straw b) little plant c) reed d) both a,b

15. Which is a countable noun?

a) Sand b) Happiness c) Oxygen d) Currency

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