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Beginner Workout Schedule

If you’re new to exercise think about these

Things before you start:

- Ease into exercise.

- Be sure to rest and recover.

- Make it work for you.

- Learn how to monitor your


Ease into exercise.

- Start with a simple

Cardio program

And a total body.

Strength training

Routine. If that’s

Too much with

Cardio and let that

Be enough.

Be sure to rest and recover.

- You may need extra recovery days to

Allow your body to rest and heal. Its

Normal to be sore when you try new

Activities, but if you can’t move the next

Day, that means you overdid it and may

Need to back off your next workout.

Learn how to monitor your


- Most beginners will start working out at a

Moderate intensity. That means you’re at

About level 5 on the perceived exertion

Scale (PES) or you can use talk test. If you

Can carry on somewhat breathy

Conversation while you’re working out,

That’s usually a moderate intensity.

Aerobic activity makes you breathe

Harder and your heart beat faster, as a

Result, increases heart and lung fitness.

Examples include brisk walking, dancing,

Cycling, jogging, swimming and playing


Muscle-strengthening activity increase

Bone strength and muscular fitness. Such

Activities should work all the major

Muscle groups of your body that is the

Legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders

And arms. Examples include doing

Exercises that use your body weight for

Resistance (e.g. push ups, pull ups, sit ups

And squats) working with resistance band

And weight.

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