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UNIT 2. THE GENERATION GAP VOCABULARY T. Cutew koja) Teoh git aghiém 2. Attitude Feettju-d! towards (a) thai & 3. Burden "ba dal (a) aah ning 4. Mature /ms't/ua(r)/ (a) = old enough Dmatrity /mo't{sarsti/ truong thinh, chin chin sw chin: sw tméng thanh, 5. Noma /nosm/ (a)= standard chadn awe ©. Obey /aber(w) # disobey /disabei > obedience /a'bi:diens/ (n): sur vang lox: su vang theo: sur tudn theo > obedient /abi:diant/(a): biét vang 16i, biét vang theo; ngoan ngoaa ‘Vang 1di, man tht 7. Financial burden /farneal ‘bardau/ (compound n) > finance /"faineens/ 'fi'neens': ti chink > the Minister of Finance : b6 trxéng bé tai chink, ‘gaah nang ti chink 8. Follow in one's footsteps “foleu m wanz fotsteps/ Gdiom) theo bade, nd: nghigp 9. Multi-generational "malt dgens rexfenl! (@) > intergenerational (a): ton tai gitta hai hoac nhieu thé hé da hehe, ubidu de be 10. Objection /ab dgekfou! (a) sv phan khang > object to + Ving. Dhave an(no) objection to + Ving: cd phan déi khéng phan 44i TL Open-minded "span ‘mamard/(@) coi me # narrow-minded (a): hep hdi 12 Impose. (on 3b) lmipeue! ( phr) ap dat cdi gi vio ai 13. Elegant elrgant/ (a)= graceful thank lich, tao nha 14. Flashy “efi (@) iia, ho ahoang 15, Generation gap /dgensireila gep > generational / dsens"rexfonal/ thudc nhigu thé hé Kthoan cach gitta cdc thé bé 16 Adapt /a'dept (“) > adaptability /odepta'biloti/ (a): Icha nang thich nghi Tam cho hop véi. stra cho hop véi 17, Argument "a gjoment (a) = dispate (a) > argue fa:gqu-/(v) > arguable /a:gjvabl/ (a): cén phai ban cai ou trauk luda, su ban cai PAGEL TR. Characteristic | kerskis'ristils (a)= typical ic thi, dic trng, rien 19, Conflict ken'ikt ((a)= discord /disko:7 > Apple of discord : méi bat hoa sumaa thuan, su doi lap 20 Cusious /iguatias/(a)-D curiosity (@) ham hiéu biet; t6 mo, hieu ky 21. Digital native /'didgitl ‘neitiv/ ‘ngudi duoc siah ra o thoi dai cong nghé va Intemet ‘22. Experience /ik’spierians (v.n). trai nghiém 3. Extended family # Nuclear family /ajuklis[s]/ /‘au:kliss/ nhd gém 1-2 thé he gia dinh hat nhdn, gia dink ia dinh da thé hd, dai gia dink 24, Freedom /firdam! swt do; quyén ty do 25, Hie Vhaia[r]/ thud, muda =recruit = employ 26. Honesty Ponisi > honest ‘pnist/ (a): trung thuc. chan thit Din all honesty: thanh the ma néi tinh trung thue, tinh chan that 27 Individualism [indi vidguolizom’ ‘chi ghia cd shin 28. Influence “influans/ (+) =impact affect ‘gay anh huong 29, Limit "limit ‘2idi han > limitation /lim/'teiln/ sw han ché, sv gidi han, mat han ché, nhuoc diém > within limits: trong chimg muc nio 46, cé mite d6 # without limits: Kchéng cé gidi han, tha ho 30. Screen time ‘thoi gian a dung thiét bi dién te 31. Social media. phaong én tuyéa thong mang i héi 32, Value "valju (an). > valuable /veljvabl/cé gid tri lon, quy bau ‘gid ti, coi trong 33. View (a) = point of view = viewpoint perspective quan dim 34. Bridge the gap /bmdg 2 gep/ (idiom) giam thiéu sw khac biét 35. breadwinner bredwina[s] guoi tra cot 36 homemaker “houm, merke/ = housewife ngudi ndi to 37. bring up =raise Nudi duéng 38 messy Lon xon PAGE 2 D mess up Lim cho thi gi dd bin, Khong sach # tidy up: Sap xép, don dep gon gang GRAMMAR REVIEW MODAL VERBS: MUST VS. HAVE TO, SHOULD VS. OUGHT TO I. MUST & HAVE TO 1. MUST (MUST NOT) + VB ~ Dign dat sw can thiét hoa bat budc phéi lam diéu gi ¢ hién tai hoac tong lai. Eg: You must getup earlier in the morning. (Budi sang coa phai day sém hon day.) ~ Duara léi swy Inn chic chin. Eg: You nmust be hungry afier a long walk. (Hin Lh ban phai d6i bung sau chuyén di bé dai) ~ Duara Idi khuyén hoac 1éi yéu cau duge nhan manh, Eg: You must be here before 8 o'clock tomoxrow (Sing mai, anh phai c5 mit tai day trade 8 gid.) 2. HAVE TO (NOT HAVE TO )+\B Ca must va have to déu ding dé dién dat sw can thiét phai lam diéu gi do. Tuy nhién, cé sekhac nhau, must: ste bat bude dén tir phia ngwéi noi (1 mong muén va cam xiic ctia ngwoi n6i have ur bat bude do tinh thé hoje diéu kign bén ngoai (néi quy, lndt php, quy Eg [ really mast stop smoking. I want to do. (Téi phai bo thudéc 1. Thave to stop smoking. Doctor's order (Tai phai ba hit thudc. Lénh ctta bac si diy ) Mnustn't: Khéng Duoc Phép (Chi Su Cim Doan) Don’t Have To = Don’t Need To (Khong Cin Thiét) téi mmuén thé ) Eg: You mustn't wear bare feet in this lab. (Ben khong duoc phép di chan khdng vao phéng thi nghigm.) ‘You don’t have to wash those glasses. They are clean (Khong cén nta abiing cai kinh 46 du. Ching sach ma.) IL. SHOULD & OUGHT TO 1. SHOULD (SHOULD NOT) + VB PAGES ~ Chi st bat bude hay ban phan, alumg khdng manh bang Must (vés Should ban c6 thé lta chon vige the hién hay khéng thc hién, cén must thi khéng e6 str chon lus.) Eg. Applications should be sent before December Sth, (Bon xin viée phai duoc gixi dén nrc ngay 8 thing 12.) ~ Dua ra loi Khuyén hoac ¥ kién. Eg: You shouldn't drive so fast. It's very dangerous, (Ban khéng nén léi xe qué nhanh. Rat ngny hiém) ~ Suy doaa hoe két Inén diéu gi dé 6 thé xay ra (ngudi ndi mong doi diéu gi 46 xiv 1a.) Eg: Anna has been studying hard for the exam, so she should pass (Anna 4a hoc hanh rat chim chi. Chic c6 ay sé thi déu théi.) 2. OUGHT To (OUGHT NOT To) ~ VB = Chi su bat budc hay bén phan. Nghia trong te nhu should va khong manh bang must Eg: You ought not to eat sweets at nights (Con khong duoc an keo vio budi téinhé) ~ Duara Ibi Kiuyén hodc kiéa nghi Eg: There ought to be traffic lights at this crossroads (Nén c6 dén giao théng tai nga tw nay) PRACTICE: Put in mustn't / don't / doesn’t have to 1. Wehave a lot of work tomorrow. You be late 2. You tell anyone what Ijust told you. It's a secret. 3. The museum is free. You pay to get in 4. Childrea tell lies. It's very naughty 5. John’s a millionaire. He go to work. 61 do my washing, because my mother does it for me 7.We mush, We've got plenty of time. 8. You smoke inside the school. 9. You can borrow my new dress but you getit dirty. 10. We miss the tain, it’s the last one tonight. LL. She do this work today. because she can do it tomorrow WI clean the floor today because I cleaned it yesterday 13. We forget to lock all the doors before we leave 14 We stay in a hotel in London, we can stay with my brother 1S. spend too much money today. I've only got a litle left PAGES must / mustn’t / don’t / doesn’t have to/ ought to/ shoul 1. The advice from the health committee is that all people with symptoms He I You We. Bow au cook tonight because he's going to a restaurant. et up early tomorrow because I want to go running very early This is a non-smoking area, you snioke here eat so many sweats. They are bad for you. wear a tie at work. I hate it! The board agreed that employers 8. 'mnot working tomorrow, so I 9. Whatever you do, you touch that switch. I's very dangerous 10. Every player in a football team PHONETICS g0 to the doctor. have access to an employee’s medical file. et up early. have a number Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. imitation 2. A. objection 3A. donate 4A. obey 5. A. digital 6.A value 7.A. experience 8. A. generation 9.4. elegant 10. A. relation B B B B B. B B B B B mobility attimde dispute adapt infectious freedom behaviour relationship illegal honesty maturity argument extend limit c. c. c. c. C. protective C. conflict C. stability C. contribution C. financial C. agreement vpovuosyyoyy D. experience family impose extended digit contribution education respectful infection Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. A promote A finance A. mends Rene A. secure A. prepare A. chores A generational A. dishes | waa B. B B B B B B B slogan assistance develops messy caring school value oranges C. solidasity C. flashy C. values C. experience C. repair C. mischievous C happy C. experiences vpxuvdyNooD impose adapt equals honesty farther children gap chores PAGES 9. A. attimde B wisdom C. unwise D. determine 10. A. guest B. grateful C. groom D. generation Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. Teachers should respect Tom Holland as much as possible because he put a lot of effort and time into waiting the global success 11 book for them to teach, A look upto B. look forwards to. C. look back on D. look down on 2. It's vital thet our children's handwriting should be legible A divergent B. compulsory C. essential D. obliged 3. Currently, Lunderstand why you moved out of that house A Tam suprised B. it fustrates me C.Tamintigued —D. it makes sense tome 4, He resembles his father in appearance very much. A looks after B. names after C. takes after D. calls after 5. According to the Today's newspaper, the price of gasoline fluctuates daily. A spin out of control B. nun faster C. change frequently D. disappear 6. Salt has been used for centuries as a method of preserving foods A displaying B. cooking C conserving, D. seasoning 7. She is eighteen. so by Inw her father cannot prevent her marriage. A forestall B. fail C. defeat D. void 8. 'm becoming increasingly absent-minded. Last week, I locked myself out of my house twice A being considerate of things B, remembering to do right things forgetful of one's past D. often forgetting things 9, Tom Holland wants to buy a new car for his mom, so he starts setting aside a small part of his monthly eamin: A spending oa B using up © putting ont D. saving up 10. Many young children are spending lasge amounts of time watching the TV without being aware of its detriment (0 their schoolwork A ham B. advantage C. support. benefit 11. An increasing number of career women are becoming the main breadwinner while their men stay at home to care for their children. A.a persoa who works part-time. B. aperson who goes out to work to ean money C.a person who travels all the time D. aperson who delivers food to make money 12 Ifyou give your mom a hand, then she shall be able to finish the work more quickly A.doyourmemafavour B. take her fingers C. stand by her D. pick her up PAGE 6 13 On the second thonght, I believe Twill go with my family to the theater A Onreflection B. For this time only C. After discussing with my wife D. For the second time 14, Childbearing is the women's most wonderful role. A bring upa child B. giving birthtoababy —C. having no child. educatinga child 15. Tom Holland was in a bad temper all day long because he had been reprimanded by his father A chuckling B. scoring C. sulking D. frowning Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. 1. Nuclear family: a family that concists of father, mother and children, when itis thought of as a unit in society, A joint family B. waditional family C. extended family D. single-parent family 2. He is a narrow-minded person in his family and not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different fiom his own. Avold-fashioned —B. mouth-watering C. close-knit D. open-minded 3, She decided to remain celibate and devote her life to helping the homeless and o:phans. A single B maried C. separated D. divorced 4, My mother is a caring woman and alwways thoughtful of ethers Amde B. inconsiderate. inconsiderable D. c1itical 5. My sister had decided to settle permanently in France A regularly B. temporarily C. constantly D. sustainably 6. My parents always disapproved of my smoking. They even told me once it would stop me growing taller. A objected B. supported C. denied D. refused 7. Ican't stand my brother who treats animals cruelly. A cleverly B gently C. reasonably D. btally 8. Most people can afford to send their children to public schoels. A. do not have enough money to send B. find it difficult to send C. have trouble sending D. struggle to make ends meet 9. It is important to create a daily routine to improve your work-life balance today. A. a situation in which two or more things are not treated the same B.a state that things are of equal weight or force Ca state that things are of importance D a situation that things change frequentiy in amount 10. My dad always encouraged me in everything I've wanted to do. Av misbehaved B. misconstrued ——_C. discouraged D. impaired PAGE? LL I think we cannot purchase this device this time as it costs an arm and a leg Ais cheap B.is costly C. is exorbitant D. isexpensive 12, His life hung in the balance when he had a massive stroke. Avwas certain B. worsened alot C. was unsuccessful D. changed quickly 13. My friend's family’s members are always optimistic although they don’t have a penny to their name Avareverypoor Beareveryrich CC. are very mean D. are very healthy 14, My brother has become a bit of couch potato since he stopped playing football. Avaniceperson — Beakind person alive wire D.a lazy person 15, He was too wet behind the ears to be in charge of such a difficult task. A.fullof sincerity B. full of experience C. without money D. lack of responsibility Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 1. Tom tell me the truth for his own good. A must B. should C. must not D. doesnot have to 21 be 18 before I can drive in Spain A should not B. has to C.haveto D. must 3. The children wake up earlier than 7:30 am. They have to go camping at 8:00 am Amust B. should not C. should D. don’thave to 4 It is the end of the semester, I study harder. A ought to B. must to C. should not D. have to 5. You ‘wear a school uniform in most Spanish state schools. A should B. musm't C. shouldn't D. dont have to 6. You copy during exams because that is illegal A should B. have to C. ought to D. nmista’t TI finish my homework before going to bed. Amust B. have to C. should D. ought to &. This warming sign shows that everyone step on the grass A. shouldn't B. musin't C. don't have to D. ought not to 9. We. do exercise regularly everyday to keep our body strong. A must B. should C. ought to D. Both B and C 10. You an expert to use the basic functions of program, A should B. have to C. must D. nmusta't 1. Hea feed the cats because her mother has done it already. A hasto B.does'thaveto — C. must D. Both A and C 12. You give children money asa present PAGES A have to B must C. ought not to D. don't have to 13, You are ill, so T think you 0 to school today. A.amustn't B. ought ronot C.. shouldn't D. Both B aud C 14, Please, tell her thet she get good results at school! A had better B. has to C. ought D. have to 15, We go to bed right after dinner because we get up early tomorrow A have to B. mustn't C. should D. don't have to 16. You come because I can do it without you. A.neada’t B. have to C. aust D. had better 17. You take any money. It wasn't necessary. A ought 10 B. must C. should D. didn’t have to 18. In the peak tourism season, visitors book their flights in advance. A have to Bemus C. should D. ought 19. My motorbike stopped working yesterday. so take a taxi home. A have to B. had better Chad to D. has to 20. Everyone eat as muuch fruit 2s possible to get enough vitamins for having good heelth Ahadbetter not B. should sot C. ought to D. All are correct 21, My grandpareats live in the suburb. Therefore, whenever we visit them, we a bus Avamust take B. should take C. haveto be taken D. have to take 22. You eat plenty of fit or vegetables every day because they are good for your health. A oughtn't to B. mustn't C.don'thave to —_D. shoul 23, You use your mobile phone ia the exam. A oughtn't to B. mustn't C.don'thave to. shouldn't 24 I think you do exercise regularly in order to keep fit A must B. should C. ought to D. Both B and C are comect 25, The children, spend too much time watching TV because it is not good for their eyes. A.amustn't B. ought ronot C. shouldn't D. Both B aud c are conect 22. She {go to the hospital because she wants to meet her old friend for the last time. A have to B. has to C. must D. shouldn't 23, [haven't phoned my mom for a month, so I phone her right aiter I've finished my job. A have to B. has to C. must D. ought to 24, Tomorrow is Sunday. so vou getup very early. A dida’t B don'thave to C. shoulda’ D. nusta’t 25.1 finish this essay today. I'm going out tomosrow PAGES A must B. shouldn't C. ought to D. didn’t have to 26. All the students obey the school rules. A have to B. has 10 C. must D. have to 27. Students, look at theis notes curing the test A have to B. has to C. mustn't D. shouldn't 28. Ican give youmy bike, so you buy anew one. Adida'thaveto B.don'thave to C. shoulda’: D. nmista’t 29, [havea terrible headache. so L leave early. A.have to B. has to C. aust D. ought to 30. [believe Joba, goto the gym regularly to make your muscles big Aamust B. should C. ought notto —-D. Both B and C 31. You lear to keep your bedroom tidy. No one can clean it for you. Amust B.hadto C. mustn't D. shouldn't 32. Fifty years ago, my grandmother stay at home and do all housework. She couldn't go to school like her brothers. Amust B. had to C.didn'thave to —D. should 33. You wear shorts to school. It's against the school miles A. should B. have to C. suusta't D. don't have to 34, I think parents compare their children to other's. They will become less confident in theiz abilities. A should B. have to C. must D. shouldn't 35, My parents respect my choices. I follow in their footsteps Addon'thaveto — B. mustn't C. should D. have to 36. are also called digital natives A Gen Xers B. Millennials C. Gen Zers D. Gen Alpha 37, Asian American parents may fail to have their children follow the family values A. wacition B. uaditional C. uaditionally D. waditionalism 38, Parents frequently argue that and soft drinks are bad for their children’s health, A seafood B. junk food C. table food D. canteen food 39, More communication between parents and children may assist in the development of. trust A solid B. constant C. mutual D. external 40. is aperson who works at home and takes care of the house and family. A Breadwinner —B. Homemaker C Servant D. Houseman 41, After being married, Mrs. Hana always maintains a nice swith her mother-in-law. PAGE 10 A association B relation C friendship D selationship 42. After cating dinner, I smust do the and then relax 30 minutes before doing homework every day A.washing-up B. wash-up C.washingups ——_D. washings-up 43, Imust most of the household duties because my wife will be away on business for a week A distribute B. hold C. take D. handle 44, Her is 10.30 pm. She would get into trouble if she returned home after that. A homestay B. conflict C. eusfew D. banning 45 parents should provide advise to children without pressuring them to make decisions Allikeminded B. narrow-minded C. open-minded —_D. absent-minded 46. My mother and sister offen go to the supermarket to shop for at weekends. A cooking B. groceries C.heavy lifting _D. the chores 47. We take in doing the washing-up, cleaning the floor and watering the flowers. Atom B. out C. around D. tums 48, Asian American parents may fail to have their children the family traditional values. A follow B. have C. aim D. cacourage 49, Divorces to go up because of long-standing conflicts in many families A tend B. have Cam D. encourage 50, Ina nuclear family, both mother and father take the for housekeeping and childcare A childcare B. homework C.responsibility —D. chore 51. Different lifestyle will be held by four generations coexisting under one roof. A gaps B. mules C. manners D. perspectives 52 are also knownas critical thinkers because they achieved higher levels of education than previous generations A Gen Xers B. Millennials C. Gen Zers D. Gen Alpha 53, Each generation comes with its characteristics, which are largely influenced by the historical, and social conditions of the country they live in A economical B. economic Ceconomy D. economist 54. is the difference in attitude or behaviour between young and older people that causes a lack of understanding. A Extended fimily B. Generation gap C. Nuclear family. All are correct 55, When working in a team. welcome different points of view and ideas from others, A Gen Xers B. Millennials C. Gen Zers D. Gen Alpha PAGE 11 56 Thope my headache will soon because I must prepare a very party for my dad’s birthday party A go out B. come away C. wear off, D. pass away 57. Naturally. children of Asian American immigrants to American culture much faster than their parents A. adapt B. conflict C. start D. follow 58, My parents always had a happily attitude to my staying out late in the evening Acold-blooded —B. long-suffering C. easy-going D. thick-skinned 59, Many first-generation Asian American parents fail to adapt to the new culture and continue to use their native A.culture B. custom, C. language D. food 60. My mother reminded me to do the yesterday, but I forgot since I had a ton of schoolwork to complete. A.wash-up B. laundry C. childcare D. cultuse 61 includes people born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, a time of great technological developments and changes. A Gea Xers B.GenerationZ —C. Gen Zers D. Gen Alpha 62. Many first-generation Asian American parents often try to their children to follow their native country’s cultural values Aask B. advise C. force D. remind 63 Individnalism, freedom, honesty, and competition are examples of American A traditions B. customs C. values D. languages 64, Lets of people will receive benefits when houschold chores are shared among family members. A enormously B. enomity C. enormous D. strong 65. My father always takes charge of doing the lifting in my family A strong B. difficult C. heavy D. light 66. Due to their different to the new culture, Asian American children may have cultural values different from their parents’ Asian cultural values. A attiudes: B. cultures C. values D. beliefs 67. It's past of my everyday routine to the trash in the morning. A take out B. come out C. pull down D. bring up 68. When his wife gave birth to a baby boy. Mr. Nam became the sole A housemaid B. housekeeper C. father D. breadwinner PAGE 12 69. Living in " families,” which are households with thre or more generations, offers both advantages and disadvantages. Avsingle-parent —B. extended C. nuclear D. crowded 70. Tome, my mother is the greatest person in the world and she always sets a good forme, Arole B. behaviour C. example D. action Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. The difference in attitude or behaviour between young and older people that cause a lack of understanding A B c called the genaration gap. D 2. When you live with your nuclear fami you have to deal with generational conflict. A B c D 3, Each generation has its common characteristics that is influenced by social and economic conditions A B c D 4, Everyone should respect older people because they can learn various valuable lessons from them A B c D His health has improved a lot since he starts doing exercises regularly. A B c D 2 She got the job because the fact that she had very little experience. A B c D Mommy, someone are calling me from an unknown number. I won't answer it AB c D 8. As our parents said yesterday, we ought to not worry about our trip tomorrow to Sa Pa. Take it easy A B c D 9. Because of his poverty. he has to strugzling miserably to make ends meet every day. A BOC D 10, Because my curfew was at 10.30 p.m yesterday. I must to leave the party early. A B c oD Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. The food price will change at the end of this monti, A. The food price will be the same until the end of this month. B. The food price of this month will be equal to the one of next month, PAGE 13 C There will be no same food price from now till next month D. There will be two different food prices next month. 2. All the other schools in the city are more expensive than my school. A. My school is one of the most expensive schools in the city B. There are some more expensive schools than mine in the city C. My school is the least expensive school in the city. D. There are some cheaper scools than my school in the city. Somebody broke into our cottage last Saturday A. Ont cottage was broken into last Saturday B. Our cottage was being broken into last Saturday. C. Our cottage has been broken into last Saturday D. Our cottage had broken into last Saturday she cried out. 4.°Stop treating me that w: A. She wamed me not to treat her that way. B. She urged me not to treat her that way. CC. She begged me to treat her that way. D She advised me not to treat her that way. She can do it because she knows the system inside out, A She can do it because she is from inside the system. B. She can do it because the system is sometimes in and sometimes out. C She can do it because she understands the system thoroughly D. The confidential system enables her to do because she know’ it. 6. You are obliged to show your ID card when you enter this place. A. You may show your ID card when you enter this place B. You must show your ID card when you enter this place C. You had better show your ID card when you enter this place. D. You can show your ID card when you enter this place. 7. The last time I saw her was three years ago. A.Thave not seen her for three years. B. About three years ago, I used to meet her. C.Ihave often seen her for the last three years. PAGE 14 D.T saw her three years ago and willl never meet her 8." How long has your family lived in Ha Noi"? said my friend A. My friend asked me how long has my family lived in HaNoi B. My friend asked me how long had my family lived in HaNoi. C. My friend asked me how long my family had lived in HaNoi. D. My friend asked me how long my family have lived in HzNoi 9. It's possible that it will rain heavily this evening. A Itamstrain heavily this evening B It can’train heavily this evening C Ie nceda’t sain heavily this eveaing. D. It may rain heavily this evening 10, [haven't met my grandparents for five years. A Toften met my grandparents five years ago. B. I last met my grandparents five years ago. C Ihave met my grandparents for five years D I didn't meet my grandparents five years ago Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Tam the youngest son in the family. I didn’t have to do much housework. didn’t have to do amich housework A. Being the youngest son in the family. B. If Twas the youngest son in the family, I woulda thave done auich housework: C. Although Iam the youngest soa in the family, I wouldn't have done much housework. D. Despite the fact that I am the youngest son in the family. I did not have to do much housework. 2. Weneed to share the tasks. The burden on each family member will be more tolerable. A Although the burden oa each family member will be more tolerable, vve still need to share the tasks, B. We need to share the tasks so the burden on each family member will be more tolerable. C. Unless we share the tasks, the burden on each family member will be more tolerable. D.Itis essential to share the tasks, otherwise. the burden on each family member will be more tolerable. 3, Dan saw all the paintings. He left sight after. A Daz left right after to see all the paintings. B_Dan left all the paintings after seeing them PAGE 15 C Right after seeing all the paintings, Dan left D. He left and then saw the paintings right after. 4. Lusually like red. Iwore black to the party with my family last night A Because I usually like red, I wore black to the party with my family last night B. Although I usually like red. I wore black to the party with my family last night C. Unless I like red, I< 2 black to the party with my family last night. D. Asa result of my interest in red, I wore black to the party with my family last night. 5. She tried her best. She won the biggest prize to make her parents happy. A If she had wied her best, she could have won the biggest prize to make her parents heppy B. Unless she tried her best, she couldn't win the biggest prize to make her pareats happy. C. Although she tried her best, she still won the biggest prize to make her parents happy. D. If she hadn't tried her best. she couldn't have won the biggest prize to make her parents happy 6.1 got myself comfortable and closed my eves. Shortly after that, [heard the sound of the alam from the living room. A. Scarcely had I got myself comfortable and closed my eyes, I heard the sound of the alarm from the living room. B. Not until I hardly heard the sound of the alarm from the living room did I get myself comfortable and close my eyes. C. Hardly had I got myself comfortable and closed my eyes when I heard the sound of the alarm from the living room D. Only when I heard the sound of the alarm from the living room did I get myself comfortable and closed my eyes 7. He started computer programming as soon as he left school. A.No sooner had he started computer programming than he left school B. Hardly had he started computer programming when he left school. C.No sooner had he left school than he started computer programming. D. After he left school, he had started computer programming, 8. I deeply regret having spoken to her so severely yesterday. She was badly burt. A Tf oaly I could apologize to her for having spoken to her so severely yesterday. B. I wish I hadn't spoken to her so severely yesterday PAGE 16 C She must have been badly bust because I had spoken to her so severely yesterday D. If Thada’t spoken to her so severely yesterday, she woulda’t be badly bust. 9. Susan dida’t apply for the summer job in the cafe. She now regrets it A. Susan wishes that she applied for the summer job in the cafe. B. Susan feels regret because she didn’t apply for the summer job in the cafe. C.If only Susan didn’t apply for the summer job in the cafe. D. Susan wishes that she had applied for the summer job in the cafe. 10. My brother wrote a novel. He made a cowboy film, too. A. My brother wrote not only a novel but also made a cowboy film. B. My brother both wrote a novel as welll as made a cowboy film. C.My brother either wrote a aovel or made a cowboy film. D.Not only did my brother write a novel buthe also made a cowboy film. SPEAKING Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges. 1. Ann is carrying a heavy bag John: “Would you like me to carry the bag for you, Ann?” ‘Aum . ALNo, doit as you went B. Oh, thanks. Ican carry it myself ©. Yes. That's fine D. No, Idon’t need 2. Mom and her son are talking together. Son: "Mom, I've received an offer for a summer mntemship in Singapore!” Mom: “ A. Really? Good luck! B. Oh, that's great! Congratulations! C.I couldn't agree more. D. Oh, Pm sonry to hear that. 3. Sarah and Kathy are talking about bad habits of children Sarah: “Children under tea shouldn't stay up late to play computer games.” Kathy: A.Idont quite agree with you B. Yes, I share you opinion C. You are absolute right D. Surely, they shoulda't 4, Nancy and James are talking about their family. Nancy: "T think Lunar New Year's days are the best time of our family." James: We had sweet memories together then.” A. Absolutely B. That's nonsense C. I'm aftaid so D. [doubt it PAGE 17 5. Peter and Tam are talking togther about their family Peter: "From my point of view, all family members should share the chores equally." Tam: “ > Tis a breathtaking view. B. You lied to me. C. But you'e right D. There's no doubt about it 6. Daisy wants to invite her classmate, Joe, to her bisthday party at home. - Daisy: “Listen, Iam having a birthday party next Friday. Do you want to come?” ~ Toe: ‘What time does it start?” A. Sure, I'd love to. B. Sorry. I must be busy the day after C. can’t agree with you. D. Ilike a party. 7. Helen and Mary are talking about Mary’s result at school - Helen: “Your parents must be proud of your results at school!” -Mary: * A. Thanks. It's certainly encouraging B I'm glad you like it C. Sorry to hear that D. Ofcourse 8. Jack and Jill are talking together about their plan Teck: “My family is going to take a five-day trip to Rome.” “Till * A.No, of course not. B. Have a good time C. The same to you. D. Yes. let's 9. My mom and her friend are talking together. My mom: “I'm very sorry for letting you wait for so long here in front of my house” Her friend: A. Don't apologize. I've just arrived here. B, You're welcome C. It doesn’t matter. Thank you. D. My pleasure. Don’t worry about it 10, Charles and Lisa are talking together. Charles: “Thanks so much for looking afier the children!” Lisa: A. That's all right. Anytime. (Khéag 6 gi dau. Bit key lic nao anh can) B. I'm fine, thanks. C. Of course, not. D. That sounds nice READING COMPREHESION Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct wor best fits each of the numbered blanks. or phrase that Passage 1 PAGE 18 Last Friday was my dads birthday, and we organised a surprise party for him. Tt was great! We decorated the living room (1)___ balloons and Mum baked a big cake. There were forty candles on the cakes because my dad was forty years old. We invited all the family and a few of his friends aud waited in the living room for him to come home from work. It was very funny! We had tumed out all the lights, and were hiding behind the chairs, the sofa and the curtains. (2) , he came into the house and shouted "Hi, everyone! I'm home!”". We didn't (3) a sound. "Where is everyone?" he said and came into the room, He tumed on the lights and we all shouted "Surprise!". He was so shocked! Dad blew out all the candles on the cake (4) we sang "Happy Birthday” I gave him a tie and my brother got him a CD. Mum bought him a bottle of his favourite wine. We had a great party, and Dad said it was the best birthday he had had. He also said that being forty wasn't as bad as he had thought it could be Lain B.at Con D. with 2. A. In particular B. At least C. As usual D. In general 3.A. do B. hear Cu take D. make 4.4. and B. because Cas D. however 5. A. almost B. ever C. hardly D. never Passage 2 Some years ago, my daughter was studying English at a university on the south coast. One evening, she phoned to (1). me that what she really wanted to do was a travel round the world, 2)___she \was looking into the possibility of working in another country. She had seen several advertisements in the paper for student teachers of English abroad, and she was interested in one in Italy, (3) she wes desperate to visit, She decided that this would be a good way to achieve her ambition, so she was writing to apply for the job. The reply (4) a long time to arrive, but eventually she received a letter asking if she would go for an interview in London the following week. She was so excited that she immediately got in touch with the school owner and agree to attend the interview. She was determined that nothing would prevent her (5) doing what she had set out to do. 1A. speak B.say C. tell D. talk 2A but B.so C. because Dias 3.A who B. where C. when D. which 4A was B. took C. spent D. passed 5.A. from. B. about Cin D. of Passage 3 Many parents are worried (1) the effects of television, especially on their children. Firstly, there are a lot of violent films (2) easily leading to crimes. Secondly, (3) is bad for children. They PAGE 19 see many of them on sweets, ice cream and toys. Then of course, they want to go out and (4) them Besides, sitting in front of a television set all the time is bad for their eyes. About one third of the children wear glasses. Finally, watching television is not creative. It is very important for children to do something creative and athletic, (5)__playing some musical instrument, panting, and playing football. 1A on B. for C. about D. with 2.A who B. whom C. what D. which, 3. A. advertisement B. advertise C. to advertise D. advertised 4A cell B. buy C. create D. spend 5.A suchas Boo Cas D. because Passage 4 At present, single-parent families ought to be of great focus, be recognized and supported as they are a growing family form and should not be an afterthought in family, economic and labor market policies. Single parent families should be (1) considered and addressed in all family policy discussions and decisions. (2) » home-care cash allowances, which are paid to a parent who abstains fiom employment to take care for her child at home, can have significant consequences encouraging lower levels of female employment among single-parent families. (3) in turn results in higher childhood poverty. In this regard, work-life balance policies and workplace practices also need to (4), a single-parent perspective, for example, the impact of non-standard work hours when childcare is aot available The provision of educational and skill-building opportunities and affordable quality day care become even more urgent in families with single parents. Such families should have a higher priority and subsidized access to childcare facilities. Governmental agencies should be established (5), child support payment fiom non-resident parents in case of conflicts, disagreements or delayed payments, e.g., after a divorce or separation (Adapted from http://www.socialrendsinstitute.org/) 1. A. implicitly B. clearly C. indirectly D. completely 2. A. For instance B. However C. Moreover D. Therefore 3. A. who B. whose C. which, D. that 4. A. take care of B.takeinhand —_C. take no notice of D. take account of 5. A. to facilitate B. facilitating _—_C. facilitated D. facilitate Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the answer to each of the question. The generation gap that was so in evidence during the 60s has resurfaced, but it is not the disruptive force that it was during the Viemam era, 2009 stdy suggests. The Pew Research Center study found that 79% of PAGE 20, Americans see major differences between younger and older adults in the way they look at the world In 1969, a Gallup Poll found that a smaller percentage, 74%, perceived major differences. Today. however, although more Americans see generational differences, most do not see them as divisive. That 1s partly because of the areas of difference. The top areas of disagreement between young and old, according to the Pew Research Study, are the use of technology and taste in music. Grandparents are likely to have observed these differences in their grandchildren who are tweens, teens, and young adults Iflarge differences between the generations exist, wiy don't they spawn conflict? The answer is twofold. First. the two largest areas of difference—technology and music—are less emotionally charged than political issues. The older generation is likely to be proud of th: younger generation's prowess in technology rather than to view it as a problem. As for the musical differences, each generation wants its own style of music, and the older generation generally can relate to that desire Second, in the other areas of difference, the younger generation tends to regard the older generation as superior to their own generation—clearly a difference from the 1960s with its sallying cry of "Don't trust anyone over thirty." According to the Pew study, all generations regard older Americans as superior in moral values, work ethic and respect for others (Adapted from winw.verywellfamily.com) 1. Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage? A. Generation gap doesn't cause a big problem in American families. B. Different points of view are the main problem between generations in America C. The generation gap in the past was different from that in modem time D. The areas of differences in generation gap have changed over the years. 2. The word “divisive” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to A. agresing B. positive C. serious D. discordant 3. What are the two reasons why large differences between generations don't cause disagreement? A. The generosity of the elder generation and the attitude of the younger generation. B. The different styles of music and the knowledge of the elder generation. C. The major aspects of differences between generations and the respect to the elder generation. D. The pride of the elder generation and the obedience of the younger one 4, The word “thei in the last paragraph refers to A. the older generation's B. the younger generation's C. supervisor's D. over-thisty people's 5. According to the passage. which is NOT tmie? A. The majorit y of Americans agree generations’ viewpoint to be the major differences, B. Technology is one of the two biggest areas creating the gap between the old and the young, PAGE 21 CC. Grandparents feel uncomfortable with their grandchildren becaise of their better technology skills: D. The elderly in America are admired in moral values, worl: ethic and respect for others. Passage 5 Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose the best answer for the following questions. In the past, both men and womea were expected to be mamied at quite young ages. Marriages were generally arranged by parents and family, with their children having little chance to say no in the matter. In the past it was not surprising to find that a bride and groom had only just met on the day of their engagement In modern Vietnam, this has changed completely as people choose their own marriage-pastners based on love, and in consideration primarily to their own needs and wants. Moreover early marriage is quite illegal ‘The traditional Vietnamese wedding is one of the most important of traditional Vietnamese occasions. Regardless of westemization, many of the age-old customs practiced in a traditional Vietmamese wedding continue to be celebrated by both Vietnamese in Vietnam and overseas, often combining both westem and eastern elements. Besides the wedding ceremony, there is also an engagement ceremony which takes place usually half a year or so before the wedding. Due to the spiritual nature of the occasion, the date and time of the marriage ceremony are decided in advance by a formne teller The traditional Viemamese wedding consists of an extensiv of ceremonies: the first is the ceremony to ask permission to receive the bride, the second is the procession to receive the bride (along with the ancestor ceremony at her house), the thisd is to bring the bride to the groom's house for another ancestor ceremony and to welcome her into the family, then the last is a wedding banquet. The number of guests in attendance at these banquets is huge, usually in the lnmdreds. Several special dishes are served. Guests are expected to bring gifs, often money, which the groom and bride at one point in the banquet will go from table to table collecting 1. According to the passage. in the past, A. parents had no right to interfere their children’s marriage B. Vietnamese couples were free to make a decision on the marriage C. getting mamied at an early age was nor allowed D. Vietnamese marriage was decided by parents and family 2. In former days, the fact that a bride and groom had only first met just on the day of their engagement or marriage was A. popular B. uncommon C. strange D. surprising 3. Which sentence is seferred Vietnamese modern marriage? A. Couples do not get married at quite young ages B. Marriage is quite westernization, PAGE 22, C. Most young peaple do not have their marriage based on love D. All marriages are arranged by parents and family. 4. The word “array” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to AL line B. process group D. progress 5. According to the passge, which does not exist in a Vietnamese wedding party? A. guests B. dishes C. gifts D. fisecrackers, Passage 6 On the fourth Thursday in November. in houses around the United States. families get together for a feast, or a large meal. Almost all families eat turkey and cranberry sauce for this meal and have pumpkin pie for dessert. This feast is part of a very special day, the holiday of Thanksgiving In 1620 the Pilgrims made a difficult wip across the ocean fiom England. They landed in what is now Massachusetts. In England the Pilgrims had not been allowed to freely practice their religion. So, they went to the New World in search of religious freedom, The Pilgrims’ first winter was very hard. Almost half the group died of cold, hunger and disease. But the Indians of Massachusetts taught the Pilgrims to plant com, to hunt and to fish. When the next fall came, the Pilgrims had plenty of food. They were thankful to God and the Indians and had a feast to give thanks They invited the Indians to join them This was the first Thanksgiving Thanksgiving became a national holiday many years later because of the effort of a woman named Sarah Hale. For forty years Sarah Hale wrote to each president and asked for a holiday of Thanksgiving At last, she was successful. In 1863 President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a holiday How much is Thanksgiving today like the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving? In many ways they are different. For example, historians think that the Pilgrims ate deer, not turkey. The idea of Thanksgiving, though. is very much the same: Thanksgiving is a day on which we celebrate and give thanks 1. When did the the Pilgrims make a difficult trip to across the ocean from England? Ain 1863 B. in 1621 Cin 1830 D. in 1620 2. The Pilgrims immigrated to the New World because A. They wanted to search for religious fieedom. B. They wanted to be taught how to plant com. C. They wanted to have more land to cultivate D. They wanted to make a difficult trp. 3. According to the passage, today’s Thanksgiving Ais only celebrated in Massachustets. B. is a day on which the Pilgrims eat deer C. is different from the Pilgrims’s Thanksgiving in many ways. PAGE 23 D- is just like she Pilgsims’s Thanksgiving 4. Which of the following is NOT tee about Thenksgiving? A.Ibis celebrated on the fourih Thursday in November B. It isa day on which Americans celebrate and give thanks. C. Americans usually have turkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie for this occasion. D. It became a national holiday thanks to President Lincoln's 40-year efforts 5, The word “they” in paragraph 3 refer to A. families B. the Pilgrims C. thanks D. the Native Americans Choose the suitable words to complete the message below. standard , extended , caring, when, trend The common view 1s that the nuclear family has become the norm im many Wester societies as a result of industrialization and urbanization. This 1 began in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, 2 people were forced to move to cities to find work in the factories that sprang up dusing the Industrial Revolution. In the twentieth century, greater industrialization resulted in even more people leaving their large 3 families. Usbanization also meant that people lived in muuch smaller houses. which were not big enough for an extended family. The tend towards nuclear families meant that many of the duties and responsibilities of a family, such as providing food and shelter, cleaning the home. preparing the food. 4 for children and their education, and caring for the sick and elderly are no longer shared among the members of the extended family. The parents (or parent) now have to do this, with some help from the state. However, this is the price that people pay for the higher 5 of living that may come from living ina city. Choose the suitable words to complete the message below how , advice, because, which, influence Different celationships have effects on teenagers in many ways. Friends 1 teenagers almost the same amount as their parents. Teenagers go to their friends for help or to ask questions that they could not ask their parents about. Most of their friends give them good 2 In most cases, they tell their friends how to dress and act when being around certain people. Love selationships just make it even harder for a teenager to get a good education. Some start to fail in school 3 they are hanging out with their boyfriends or girlfriends instead of doing their work. Parents have a big influence on teenagers because their children look up to them and the majority of them grow up to act and do things just like their parents did with them. Children who have experienced with a family break-up may have lower achievements than children brought up in an intact family. PAGE 24 As previously stated, teenagers are affected by many relationships 4, involve their friends, family, and their love relationships. The relationships affect them so much that most teenagers change their ideas about they should live their lives ina different way and to change their furure goals. They should be influenced to help themselves or to help others. WRITING Rewrite each sentence so that it contains the word given in capitals, and so that the meaning stays the same, 1. His doctor told Peter that he should eat more fruits and vegetables. (OUGHT) > His doctor told Peter that he more finite and vegetables. Il at 4.30. (MIGHT) > Listen! That Lisa - she said she'd call at 4. 2. Listen! That may be Lisa-she said she'd 3. We studied nearly 20 hours for the chenustry test - the teacher was absent again. (NEEDN’1) We. studied nearly 20 hours for the math test because the teacher was absent again. 4. Smoking is not allowed in restaurants, schools, and offices. (MUSTN'T) > in restaurants, schools, and offices. 5. Ttisn’t neccesary to bring all your books to school every day. (HAVE) > You bring all your books to school every day. 6. [think you should give up smoking immediately. (HAD) >. 7. Lexpect we will get there by > —___________ 8. Is itnecessary for me to bring my passport? (HAVE) > 9. Tam sure that the cat is in the house somewhere. (MUST) > 5.00, if there isn't too much traffic. (SHOULD) 10. An aerial is not required with this radio. CLAVE) >. PAGE 25

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