Tacn Diode

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Giới thiệu chung

Diode is the most commonly used electronic component in all circuits, and
is indispensable for any electronic device.

Định nghĩa

Diode is a semiconductor electronic component that only allows electricity

to pass through it in one direction only, not the other way around. Semiconductor
diodes usually have a common structural principle: a P-type semiconductor block
paired with an N-type semiconductor block and connected to two output pins,
anode and cathode.

Mối tiếp xúc P-N

At the contact surface, excess electrons in the N semiconductor diffuse to

the P semiconductor region to fill the holes => forming an electrically neutral ion
layer => This ion layer forms an insulating region between the two
Cấu tạo

Phân cực thuận

When we apply a positive voltage (+) to the Anode and a negative voltage (-) to
the Katot then under the interaction effect of the application, the insulating region
shrinks, when the differential voltage between the poles reaches 0.6V (with Si-type
Diode) or 0.2V (with Ge-type Diode), the area of insulating area is reduced to zero
=> Diode begins to conduct electricity.

Phân cực ngược

When reverse polarizing the Diode, that is, applying power (+) to the Katode
(Semiconductor N), power (-) to the Anode (semiconductor P), under the
interaction of reverse voltage, the insulating region becomes wider and prevents
current from passing through the junction, the diode can withstand a very large
reverse voltage of about 1000V before the diode is broken down.
Cách đo và kiểm tra

Set the meter at x 1Ω scale, place two measuring sticks on both ends of the Diode

TH1: diode tốt

Measure the forward direction, the black rod goes to the Anode, the red rod goes to
the Katot => the needle goes up, reverse the direction and measure if the needle
doesn't go up => the Diode is good.

TH2: diode chập

If measuring both clockwise directions = 0Ω => the Diode is shorted.

TH3: diode bị đứt

If measuring in the right direction but the needle does not rise => the Diode is

Ứng dụng

Diodes are often used in circuits that rectify AC power into DC.
In the rectifier circuit, the diode can be integrated into a bridge diode of the form .

Phân loại
Diode Zener
Photo Diode (diode thu quang)
Light Emiting Diode: LED
Diode Varicap (diode biến dung)
Pulse diode (diode xung)
Wave detector diode (diode tách sóng)
Bridge diode (diode cầu)
Rectifier diode (diode chỉnh lưu)

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