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Nov 2023 (Volume 3 Issue 2)

A Journal for Engineering
A free and Open Access Journal

Title of your paper (only capitalize the first word and proper nouns)
Name of Main Author1 (First Name Surname), Name of Co-Author2, Name of Co-Author3, Name of Co-Author4
Affiliation of Main Author, 2Affiliation of Co-Author, 3,4Affiliation of Co-Author
Name of Department/Discipline of Main Author, 2, 3, 4 Name of Department/Discipline of Co-Authors
Name of Institution/company of Main Author, 2, 3, 4 Name of Institution/Company of Co-Authors
Address, City and Postal Code, Country, 2Address, City and Postal Code, Country, 3Address, City and Postal Code, Country
Email Address, 2Email Address, 3Email Address, 4Email Address

You can start for typing your abstract here. While copy pasting the content, please use paste
special and Keep Text only option in case of Text. This will help you to keep the format of

Article Status Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, keyword 5

(Minimum 5 keywords)
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2021 Pratibodh Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Pratibodh is a biannual journal publishing the finest
peer-reviewed research in fields of Civil Engineering & 2. Organization of the Template
Mechanical Engineering on the basis of its originality, This template Word file (file name ending .docx) is a
interdisciplinary interest, importance, timeliness, “most” common format which is used for documents.
elegance, accessibility and conclusions. Pratibodh suggests you not to make any changes in the
The sole aim of this journal is to serve researchers, style of the format. The template chooses the most
academicians & students through publication of appropriate next font style, e.g. after the style for
significant advances in fields of Civil & Mechanical authors’ names, you will automatically be in the
Engineering, and to provide a forum for the reporting affiliation style. After a section heading, the template will
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languages "Sanskrit" which means
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Pratibodh believes that this template should help you There are several ways in which you can enter and
in authoring your paper in this mentioned format. The format your text in this template. The first way is to
aim of this template is not to force you to fill in this simply type your text in a blank document based on this
format in bits and pieces, but this template should help template.
you to make your paper in a organized manner. The other way is, if you have already typed the
The objective of this template is to enable you in an document in any other file then you can simply copy the
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In this template, the font used is “Cambria” with a A4. If it is not set already then you can set the page to A4
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lines or words, if it is mandatory then you can use of this document as it is. You can simply copy the data
that. from your paper and paste it in this template. You should
format it properly before submitting of article.
3. The first page
Graphs and images can be inserted using the ‘Insert’
Your Paper should start with a concise and options in the ‘Tools’ menu. Depending on the amount of
informative title. Avoid use of abbreviations in it. List all detail, you can choose to display images/graphs in one
authors with their first names or initials and surnames column or across the page (with 300 dpi). Scale your
(in that order). Indicate the author for correspondence. image/graph in your graphics program before
After having listed all authors’ names, you should list incorporating it in your text. If the images/graphs turn
their respective affiliations. Link authors and affiliations out to be too large or too small, resize it again in your
using superscript lowercase letters. graphics program and re-import it or use the sizing
handles at the corner of the images/graphs. The text
should not run along the sides of any figure. If it does,
3.1 The Abstract right-click the figure, choose ‘Format Object (Figure)’,
An Abstract is required for every paper; it should choose the ‘Wrapping’ tab and select ‘Top & bottom’.
Images/graphs are normally linked to, and moves with, a
succinctly summarize the reason for the work, the main paragraph it is linked to. A small anchor symbol should
findings, and the conclusions of the study. The abstract indicate the paragraph to which it is linked. If you do not
should be no longer than 100 words. Do not include see the anchor, choose from the ‘Tools’ menu, ‘Options…’,
images, graphs, tables, elaborate equations or references and click the ‘View’ tab. Tick the ‘Object anchors’ tick
to other parts of the paper or to the reference listing at box. You can move the figure itself by dragging but you
the end. can also drag the anchor.
The reason is that the Abstract should be understandable You might find positioning your images/graphs within
in itself to be suitable for storage in textual information the text difficult anyway. In that case you may choose to
retrieval systems. place all images/graphs at the end of the text and insert a
Include 5–7 keywords which are related to the paper in marker in the text at the desired place. In any case,
the mentioned format only. Use keywords one below the please keep in mind that the placement of
images/graphs may vary somewhat in relation to the
other. e.g. page lay-out.
Diesel Engine You need to insert a caption below the figure or
Four stroke Engine scheme. To keep the drawing and caption more easily
Pressure variation together, select them both (hold down the <SHIFT> key
Biodiesel and click both figure and caption) and choose, under the
Smoke meter right mouse button, Grouping. Graphs may appear either
on a fixed spot in the text, e.g. Figure 1. Stages of four
4. The main text stroke Engine, or ‘floating’, normally a figure or scheme
with a caption, which remains in the same place on the
You will usually want to divide your article into page regardless of the text flowing around it. To choose
numbered sections. You can use subsections also if between the two options, right-click the graph, choose
required. You can modify the number of sections as you ‘Format object’, choose the ‘Position’ tab and tick or clear
per the requirement of article. The section takes the next the ‘Float over text’ tick-box. If grouped with a caption, a
number automatically. In some if it is not auto numbered figure will always be floating.
then kindly use format painter for the text and numbers For tables, if content of the table can be fitted in one
also. column only then you can add as follows. Ensure that the
Ensure that all tables, figures and schemes are cited in table has heading above it.
the text in numerical order. Trade names should have an
initial capital letter, and trademark protection should be Table 1. Combinations of PKB Biodiesel
acknowledged in the standard fashion, using the
superscripted characters for trademarks and registered Sr. Type of Palm Karanj Diese
trademarks respectively. All measurements and data No. Biodiesel a l
should be given in SI units where possible, or other 1 PKB 20 10 10 80
internationally accepted units. Abbreviations should be 2 PKB 30 35 35 70
used consistently throughout the text, and all 3 PKB 60 30 30 40
nonstandard abbreviations should be defined on first
usage. Authors are requested to draw attention to
hazardous materials or procedures by adding the word If the content of the table is large enough such that it
CAUTION followed by a brief descriptive phrase and cannot be fitted in a two-column format then you can use
literature references if appropriate. The experimental one column method to adjust the whole table. (Check
information should be as concise as possible, while reference Table on next page)
containing all the information necessary to guarantee
reproducibility 4.1 List
For tabular summations that do not deserve to be
4.1 Tables, figures and schemes presented as a table, lists are often used. Lists may be
Schemes, Images and Tables should be numbered. either numbered or bulleted. Below you see examples of
Structures in schemes should also be numbered both.
consecutively, for ease of discussion and reference in the
text. 1. The first entry in this list
2. The second entry
2.1. A subentry
3. The last entry

● A bulleted list item

● A bulleted list item
You can use the Bullets and Numbering options in the
‘Formatting’ toolbar of Word to create lists. Note that
Figure 1. Stage of Four Stroke Engine
you should first block the whole list.
2 | Page
can use one column method to adjust the whole
**If the content of the table is large enough such that table.
it cannot be fitted in a two column format then you
Table 1. Combinations of PKB Biodiesel
Sr. No. Type of Biodiesel Palm Karanja Diesel

1 PKB 20 10 10 80
2 PKB 30 35 35 70
3 PKB 60 30 30 40
You can use the Bullets and Numbering options in the
‘Formatting’ toolbar of Word to create lists. Note that
you should first block the whole list.

4.2 Equations
Conventionally, in mathematical equations, variables
and anything that represents a value appear in italics,
while chemical equations are displayed in roman, except
for positional prefixes. You may choose to number
equations for easy referencing. In that case the number
should appear at the right margin. You can type your
equations and use the symbols in the Word equation
editor or in MathType™. One of the examples is as
follows which is typed with the Word.

a × b=c … … … … … … .(i)

References and notes in the text should be indicated by
superscript Arabic numerals that run consecutively
through the paper and appear after any punctuation.
Authors should ensure that all references are cited in the
text and vice versa. Authors are expected to check the
original source reference for accuracy. Journal titles
should be abbreviated according to American
Psychological Association guidelines (APA). Inclusive
pagination is strongly recommended. See examples for
journal articles 1. Theses 2 books 3,4 and patents 5
shown in the References section.
Acknowledgments should be inserted at the end of the
paper, before the references, not as a footnote to the title.
Use the unnumbered Acknowledgements Head style for
the Acknowledgments heading.

References and notes

1. Fennimore, D. L. (1981). American neoclassical furniture and
its European antecedents. American Art Journal, 13(4), 49-
2. Thomas, R. (2009). The making of a journalist: The New
Zealand way (Doctoral thesis, Auckland University of
Technology, Auckland, New Zealand)
3. Mitchell, J.A., Thomson, M., & Coyne, R.P. (2017). A guide to
citation. London, England: My Publisher.
4. Jones, A.F & Wang, L. (2011). Spectacular creatures: The
Amazon rainforest (2nd ed.). San Jose, Costa Rica: My
5. Kasabov, N. K. (2010). N.Z. Patent No. 572036. Wellington,
New Zealand: New Zealand Intellectual Property Office.

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