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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 256–262

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Application of high resolution NMR (1H and 13C) and FTIR spectroscopy for T
characterization of light and heavy crude oils
I.Z. Rakhmatullina, S.V. Efimova, V.A. Tyurina, A.A. Al-Muntaserb, A.E. Klimovitskiib,
M.A. Varfolomeevb, V.V. Klochkova,∗
Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, 18 Kremlevskaya St., Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation
Department of Physical Chemistry, Butlerov Institute of Chemistry, Kazan Federal University, 18 Kremlevskaya St., Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation


Keywords: High-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy ex-
Crude oil periments were applied to obtain detailed information on the hydrocarbon chemistry of three light and three
H NMR spectroscopy heavy crude oils. Quantitative fractions of aromatic molecules and functional groups constituting oil hydro-
C NMR spectroscopy carbons were determined by 13C NMR spectroscopy and comparative analysis of the oil samples with different
FTIR spectroscopy
viscosity, origin and preliminary treatment. SARA composition and some important information about ar-
SARA fraction
Functional group
omaticity, oxidation behavior, branching, aliphaticity and sulfurization of studied oil samples were obtained.
Integral characteristics of high-resolution NMR and FTIR spectra have a great potential to study the structure and
characterization of light and heavy crude oils, which could substitute present traditional fractionation proce-
dures. Relationships between spectroscopic parameters obtained by high-resolution NMR and FTIR spectroscopy
methods and crude oil compositions can be useful for fast prediction of crude oil properties due to different type
of treatment, including thermal methods for enhanced oil recovery. Also quantitative proportions of functional
groups obtained by NMR and spectral indices obtained by FTIR can be one of the criteria for developing fin-
gerprint approach.

1. Introduction groups (tertiary and primary carbon atoms, aromatic cores) and pos-
sible presence of olefins or water impurity (Rakhmatullin et al., 2017b).
H and 13C NMR spectroscopy is well-known recognized technique However, it has not been widely used yet for analysis of high-molecular
for establishing structural formulas, spatial and electronic structure of weight oil samples because of their complex structural organization.
either first synthesized or isolated from natural raw materials in- Number of works on the NMR analysis of crude oils and petroleum
dividual organic compounds (Usachev et al., 2013a, 2013b, 2017a; products, including oil residues, is limited. This circumstance is largely
Kononova et al., 2017; Rakhmatullin et al., 2015, 2017a; due to the natural shift of interests towards the study of the properties
Abdrakhmanov et al., 2017; Khodov et al., 2017). In recent years, there of heavy oil, for which the possibilities of NMR are limited. In parti-
has been a growing interest in using NMR spectroscopy for studying cular, the correlation between viscosity of oil and relaxation times in
various objects in petroleum chemistry (Gao et al., 2017; Mondal et al., these objects is no longer observed clearly as for light oils, and the use
2017; Alcazar-Vara et al., 2016; Smirnov and Vanyukova, 2014). The of pulsed NMR method is becoming increasingly problematic.
NMR method opens wide opportunities in studying the structure of oil High resolution NMR spectroscopy has provided detailed chemical
disperse systems and determining their physical and chemical char- information on the proton and carbon chemistry of petroleum materials
acteristics. The NMR method can help to determine aromatic and ali- for over 60 years (Edwards, 2011). Today high resolution NMR in-
phatic hydrogen and carbon atoms in crude oil samples. Areas under strumentation used to derive detailed multinuclear hydrocarbon in-
resonance peaks in NMR spectra characterize the amount of 1H or 13C formation is based on superconducting magnet technologies (Derome,
atoms of corresponding chemical types. Integration of the peaks and 1987; Rule and Hitchens, 2006; Kolosova et al., 2016; Usachev et al.,
subsequent manipulations and calculations yield quantitative proton 2017b; Galiullina et al., 2017). In the case of oil and petroleum pro-
and carbon type analyses (Kushnarev et al., 1989). 1H and 13C NMR can ducts containing typically hundreds of compounds, mainly hydro-
be applied to obtain information on content of general functional carbons, an important feature of NMR spectroscopy is a strict

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (V.V. Klochkov).
Received 19 January 2018; Received in revised form 28 April 2018; Accepted 1 May 2018
0920-4105/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
I.Z. Rakhmatullin et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 256–262

correlation of integral intensities of separate groups of signals in certain companies. Crude oils (1), (3), (5) and (6) were extracted by thermal
chemical shifts ranges in 1H and 13C NMR spectra with the content of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods.
the corresponding molecular fragments (Holzgrabe, 2017; Poveda
et al., 2014; Da Silva Oliveira et al., 2014). Note that approaches widely 2.1. NMR spectroscopy
used in petrochemical methods of analysis, such as elemental (X-ray
fluorescence, absorption and emission optical spectroscopy), fragment NMR experiments on the studied oil samples (1–6) were performed
and component (IR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, chromatography) on a Bruker Avance II 500 NMR spectrometer. Field lock and shimming
analyses are indirect (unlike NMR) because they require using reference were achieved using the deuterium signal from D2O in a glass capillary
materials for quantitative investigations. It should also be noted that placed into the 5 mm NMR tube together with the investigated oil
the quantitative 13C NMR spectrum is the only direct method for sample. All samples were studied without dilution. 1H NMR spectra
measuring aromaticity (Car) – relative percentage of aromatic carbon were recorded using 30° pulses (zg30 pulse program); acquisition time
atoms in hydrocarbons (McBeath et al., 2011; Fergoug and Bouhadda, was 4.7 s; pre-scan delay was 6.5 μs, and the relaxation delay between
2014; Lee and Glavincevski, 1999). scans was 2 s; spectrum width was 12.0 ppm (6000 Hz); 400 scans were
SARA (saturates, aromatics, resins, and asphaltenes) analysis is accumulated. 13C NMR spectra were recorded using 90° pulses with
another important application in crude oil composition studies, because inverse gated broadband proton decoupling (zgig pulse program); re-
these data are used for predicting the oil recovery using specific tech- laxation delay between pulses was 9 s (and acquisition time was 3.5 s);
nology, the compatibility and stability of blends of crude oils to an- spectrum width was set to 220.0 ppm; number of scans was 3200.
ticipate problems of sedimentation during storage and transportation Exponential digital filter with the lb parameter of 10 Hz was applied to
(Aske et al., 2002). Some studies have revealed that NMR can be used process 13C NMR spectra prior to Fourier transformation.
for predicting SARA composition of crude oils (Molina et al., 2010; Measurements were made at the temperature of 30 °C. All NMR spectra
Sanchez-Minero et al., 2013). NMR results were used to obtain the were integrated after baseline correction, and a mean of at least three
concentration of aromatic-hydrogen and aromatic-carbon, from which integration values were taken for each calculation. The relative stan-
aromaticity factors were computed and correlated to SARA analysis. dard deviation of the results of manual integration did not exceed 3%.
This allowed developing correlations for predicting SARA composition Estimation of molar fractions of primary, secondary, tertiary, aromatic
of crude oils with a wide range of API gravity (10–33°) (Sanchez-Minero and quaternary carbons was carried out in a way similar to our previous
et al., 2013). work (Rakhmatullin et al., 2017b).
FTIR spectroscopy has been an important analytical tool for de- Information obtained by quantitative integration of aromatic signals
termining the chemical composition and structures of the components in individual spectral ranges is represented by the fraction of the cor-
of crude oils and their refined products for more than four decades responding carbon atoms relative to their total number. Fraction of
(Brown et al., 1975). Many of the early investigations emphasized the aromatic carbons Car can be straightforwardly found from NMR spectra:
isolation of various types of hydrocarbons, e.g., paraffins, naphthenes,
and olefins, from petroleum. Infrared spectra of all types of hydro- Car = ,
∑j I j (1)
carbons have been measured and catalogued by the National Bureau of
Standards, API Project 44 (American Petroleum Institute Project 44). where Car is the fraction of aromatic carbons, Iar is the total integral
Since petroleum and the products of petroleum are mixtures of many intensity of aromatic carbons and Ij is the integral intensity of all
hydrocarbons, much emphasis has been placed on using IR spectra to functional groups in 13C NMR spectrum of the sample.
quantitatively measure the composition of mixtures. In addition to It is impossible to obtain unambiguous information on the content
measuring the composition of hydrocarbon mixtures this method has of hydrocarbons (alkanes, cyclanes) from 13C NMR spectra, although
been also used in determining the degree of branching in paraffins, e.g., this information is contained in the fragmentary composition, which
methods have been suggested to determine the number of CH3 and CH2 can be determined with high accuracy (Kushnarev et al., 1989). If in-
groups in hydrocarbons (Rericha and Horak, 1967, 1968). tegral intensities of individual groups signals in the 13C NMR spectrum
The aim of this study was to determine the qualitative and quanti- are known, then corresponding molar fractions of tertiary, primary,
tative composition of six different crude oil samples by means of the secondary and quaternary carbons can be calculated by the following
high-resolution 13C NMR spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy and SARA formulas (Kalabin et al., 2000):
analysis and to find some general relationship between spectroscopic
parameters and crude oil composition. These relationships can be useful Ct = ((1.04It − 0.034Isq)/(It + Isq + Ip))(1 − Car ), (2)
for fast prediction of crude oil properties changing upon different type
Cp = ((1.02Ip − 0.006Isq)/(It + Isq + Ip))(1 − Car ), (3)
of treatment, including thermal methods for enhanced oil recovery.
Csq = ((1.04Isq − 0.04It − 0.02Ip)/(It + Isq + Ip))(1 − Car ), (4)
2. Materials and methods
where Ct is the fraction of tertiary carbons; Cp – fraction of primary
Viscosity of the samples used in this study is reported along with the carbons; Csq – fraction of secondary and quaternary carbons (due to the
extraction method in Table 1. There are three low viscosity oils (1), (2) complexity of separation of methylene and methine signals, their
and (3), one semi-heavy oil (4), and two high viscosity oils (5) and (6). summary contents is estimated); It is the total integral intensity of
These samples were provided by Tatneft, Zarubezhneft and RITEK oil tertiary (CH) groups; Isq – total integral intensity of secondary (CH2)
and quaternary groups, Ip – total integral Intensity of primary (CH3)
Table 1
groups in 13C NMR spectrum of the oil sample.
Viscosity and extraction method of studied oil samples. Mean chain length (MCL) was calculated as:

Sample number Viscosity, mPa*s Extraction method Csq + Ct ⎞

MCL = 2∗ ⎜⎛ ⎟ + 2.

1 7.5 high pressure air injection (HPAI) ⎝ Cp ⎠ (5)

2 5.95 primary recovery
The aromaticity factor (FCA) can be calculated from the equation
3 37.2 high pressure air injection (HPAI)
4 106 primary recovery (Sanchez-Minero et al., 2013):
5 2420 SAGD
6 49700 cyclic steam simulation (CSS) FCA = ,
Car + Cal (6)

I.Z. Rakhmatullin et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 256–262

where Cal = Cp + Csq + Ct is the total aliphatic carbon content.

2.2. FTIR spectroscopy

Infrared spectra (4000–600 cm−1) were obtained using a Vertex 70

FTIR spectrometer (Bruker, Germany) equipped with a single reflection
ZnSe crystal ATR accessory (MIRacle, PIKE Technologies, USA), purged
under dry air to remove atmospheric water vapor. Background spectra
of 128 scans at a resolution of 4 cm−1 were subtracted from the sample
spectra. The data was processed in the OPUS 7.2 (Bruker) program.
Spectral coefficients (C1-5) were obtained as the ratios of the optical
density values (D) at the maxima of the corresponding absorption bands
according to the following equations (Permanyer et al., 2002; Borrego
et al., 1996; Kayukova et al., 2012; Abdrafikova et al., 2013; Al-
Muntaser et al., 2017):
Fig. 1. SARA separation scheme.
C1 = ,
D720 (7)
that during the oxidation process in the crude oil 1, some amount of
D1710 water appeared. The samples 3, 5 and 6 were also recovered by thermal
C2 = ,
D1465 (8) methods. The presence of the water protons signal in samples 5 and 6
was also observed due to formation of strong water emulsions in steam
D1380 injection processes. In the 1H NMR spectra of these samples, in addition
C3 = ,
D1465 (9) to broadening of resonance lines due to increased viscosity, weak sig-
D720 + D1380 nals from unsaturated hydrocarbon groups in the olefinic area were also
C4 = , revealed for the treated samples 3 and 5.
D1600 (10)
For a more detailed study of these samples, 13C NMR spectroscopy
D1030 was applied. The 13C NMR spectra of crude oils 1–6 are shown in Fig. 3.
C5 = , 13
D1465 (11) C NMR spectroscopy is much more informative thanks to the wide
range of chemical shifts (200 ppm) of non-equivalent 13C nuclei
where D1600 is the optical density of arenes; D1710 is the optical density (Breitmaier and Woelter, 1986; Friebolin, 1991). Moreover, broadband
of oxidation products; D1380 of alkanes (methyl CH3– groups); D720 – of decoupling between 1H and 13C nuclei facilitates interpretation of 13C
long methylene chains (CH2 > 4); D1030 of sulfoxide groups; D1465 of NMR spectra. This method can be applied for analysis of mixtures
alkanes (methylene CH2– groups); C1 is the aromaticity index, C2, – containing molecules of known type (Makhiyanov and Safin, 2006).
oxidation index, C3, – branching index, C4, – aliphaticity index, and C5 Crude oil contains vast number of compounds; however, spectral width
is the sulfurization spectral coefficient (Abdulkadir et al., 2016). of 13C spectra still allows classifying them into several classes even if
individual components cannot be identified (Kalabin et al., 2000). 13C
2.3. SARA fractionation NMR spectra contain numerous distinguishable signals, which can be
assigned to different typical regions and thus give information on the
According to ASTM 2007 standard, oil samples were divided into fractions of primary (methyl groups CH3) – Cp, secondary (methylene
their fractions: saturates, aromatics, resins, and asphaltenes (SARA). groups CH2) – Cs, tertiary (methine groups CH) – Ct, quaternary (C) – Cq
Asphaltenes were precipitated under the effect of a 40-fold amount of n- and aromatic Car types of carbon atoms. Estimating of the molar content
alkane solvent, heptane. Heptane is chosen to preserve the light frac- of various carbon groups (Cp, Csq, Ct, Car) made by integrating of the
tions of oil. Maltenes were separated by means of liquid-adsorption corresponding regions in 13C NMR spectra was carried out in a way
chromatography or open column on aluminum oxide calcined at 420 °C similar to our previous work (Rakhmatullin et al., 2017b). Table 2
into saturated hydrocarbons via their elution with heptane as an ad- shows the obtained results.
sorbent. Similarly, aromatic compounds were separated via their elu- A quantitative analysis of the composition of the oil samples studied
tion with toluene and resins, which were extruded from the adsorbent by NMR showed that for more viscous oils (5, 6), on the one hand, a
with the aid of a solvents mixture, namely, toluene and isopropyl al- small decrease in the concentration of carbon groups in the aliphatic
cohol taken in equal proportions. The SARA separation scheme and region (Cp, Csq) is observed, and on the other hand, the concentration of
gravimetric method is illustrated in Fig. 1 (Bissada et al., 2016). aromatic groups (Car) increases 3–4 times compared to light oils (1, 2).
For oils not exposed to the heat treatment (2, 4), a decrease in the
3. Results and discussion concentration of tertiary groups (Ct) and increase in the concentration
of secondary groups (Csq) is observed. Also, with increasing viscosity,
3.1. NMR spectroscopy analysis there is an obvious tendency to increase of the aromaticity factor (FCA)
and mean chain length (MCL). Aromaticity factor can be used for de-
The 1H NMR spectra of studied oil samples 1–6 are shown in Fig. 2. veloping correlations for predicting SARA composition of studied oils
There are characteristic spectral regions of aliphatic and aromatic by NMR spectroscopy (Sanchez-Minero et al., 2013).
proton signals in the high and low fields. Evidently, as the viscosity
increases, resonance signals broaden. The samples 1 and 2 are similar in
origin and viscosity, but the first was subjected to heat treatment. In the 3.2. SARA analysis of studied oil samples
middle area of the spectra protons of water (4.89 ppm) give a peak next
to the proton signal of water in the capillary (4.68 ppm). The only One of the common ways for studying the group composition of oil
difference between these spectra (1, 2) is due to the fact that the signal is SARA analysis; analysis scheme is to divide an oil sample into its
from water protons has a four times greater integral intensity in sample saturate, aromatic, resin, and asphaltene (SARA) fractions (Fig. 1). The
1 than in thermally untreated sample 2: (H2O:H2Oref = 8:1) in sample 1 saturate fraction consists of nonpolar material including linear, bran-
vs. (H2O:H2Oref = 2:1) in sample 2. This fact agrees with the suggestion ched, and cyclic saturated hydrocarbons. Aromatics, which contain one

I.Z. Rakhmatullin et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 256–262

Fig. 2. 1H (500 MHz) NMR spectra of oil samples 1–6.

or more aromatic rings, are more polarizable. The remaining two absorption pattern of the material. The infrared spectra are dominated
fractions, resins and asphaltenes, have polar substituents. The distinc- by the stretching aliphatic bands (v (CH3+CH2)) at 2923 and
tion between the two is that asphaltenes are insoluble in an excess of 2852 cm−1 and the deformation bands of methyl (1365 cm−1) and both
heptane whereas resins are miscible with heptane (Tianguang et al., methyl and methylene groups (δ- (CH3+CH2), 1465 cm−1). They also
2002; Ashoori et al., 2017). The results of SARA analysis are reported in display distinct bands assigned to carbonyl and/or carboxyl groups (v-
Table 3. (C = 0), 1705 cm−1) which is observed in the case of 6 sample and to
the stretching vibration of aromatic carbons (v (C=C), 1605 cm−1). In
3.3. FTIR spectroscopy analysis the region 700-900 cm−1, various bands occur assigned to the out-of-
plane deformation vibration of one isolated aromatic C—H bond (γ
3.3.1. FTIR spectra of oil samples (CHar), 870 cm−1), two or three adjacent aromatic C—H bonds (γ
The FTIR spectra of studied oil samples 1–6 are shown in Fig. 4. (CHar), 814 cm−1), and four adjacent aromatic C—H bonds (γ (CHar),
FTIR spectroscopy generates unique spectral signatures related to the 750 cm−1). In addition, the band assigned to the skeletal vibration of

Fig. 3. C (125 MHz) NMR spectra of crude oil samples 1–6.

I.Z. Rakhmatullin et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 256–262

Table 2 studied oils by IR spectroscopy, spectrometric indices (C1-C5) were

Molar fractions (%) of primary (Cp), secondary and quaternary (Csq), tertiary calculated according to equations (7)–(11) (Permanyer et al., 2002;
(Ct), aromatic (Car) groups, aromaticity factor (FCA) and mean chain length Borrego et al., 1996; Kayukova et al., 2012; Al-Muntaser et al., 2017).
(MCL) of aliphatic hydrocarbons based on13C NMR spectra of oil samples 1–6. The optical density values (D) were obtained as a maxima peak heights
Group type Sample number of selected and corresponding absorption bands. Spectrometric indices
were calculated from peak heights of selected infrared bands allow for a
1 2 3 4 5 6 better comparison of the spectra. This procedure is more reliable as it
Cp 32.0 33.6 24.5 18.8 17.5 14.7 takes into consideration several vibrations of the same type occurring
Csq 49.5 54.7 53.0 56.1 48.9 40.4 simultaneously (Permanyer et al., 2002). Tables 4 and 5 presents the
Ct 12.1 4.8 10.0 8.4 12.8 15.8 results of IR spectral analysis of the studied oil samples.
Car 6.4 6.9 12.5 16.7 20.8 29.1 As follows from the data in Table 5, an increasing in the index of
FCA 0.064 0.069 0.125 0.167 0.208 0.291
aromaticity (C1) and aliphaticity (C4) was observed depending on their
MCL 5.8 5.5 7.1 8.9 9.0 9.6
viscosity, but it is also noticeable that sample 4 falls out from this
tendency. For the index of oxidation C2 some changes was observed for
Table 3 oil samples depending on their extraction methods and viscosity.
SARA analysis (%) of studied oil samples. Sample 4, as well as sample 2, was not subjected to heat treatment. At
the same time, these samples differ remarkably in viscosity. So, such a
Sample number 1 2 3 4 5 6
sharp difference in the spectral indices for a more viscous and untreated
Saturates 65.51 67.70 49.79 59.62 26.20 30.96 sample 4 can be explained by its original characteristics. However,
Aromatics 24.60 23.52 31.89 26.71 40.60 39.18 some ambiguous changes are observed for the remaining spectral in-
Resins 9.21 8.29 14.87 12.08 28.49 14.17
dices: branching (C3) and sulfurization (C5), which can be related to the
Asphaltenes 0.68 0.49 3.46 1.59 4.70 15.69
difference in the origin of the investigated samples.
In order to reconcile the data obtained by both methods (NMR and
FTIR), the correlation between the Car value from NMR and C1 coeffi-
cient based of optical data was built. (Fig. 5).
Both values refer to the relative amount of aromatic cores, nor-
malized by the total intensity of carbon signals in NMR or to long
methylene chains in FTIR. While the aromaticity degrees obtained by
two methods vary in a concerted way for samples 1, 3, 5 and 6, the two
samples 2 and 4 stand out against this correlation. It is significant that
the latter two samples are primary recovery oils, while products 1, 3, 5,
6 were extracted by thermal EOR methods.

4. Conclusions

Based on the results of 1H, 13C NMR and FTIR spectroscopy ex-
periments, the important data about the “structure – property” char-
acterization of light and heavy oil samples were obtained, indicating a
great potential of these methods. From the 1H NMR characterization of
oils with different origin, viscosity and treatment performed, the fol-
lowing conclusions can be made: crude and refined oils are distin-
guishable both by estimating the ratio of proton concentrations of water
molecules and by observing signals in the olefinic area of spectra. From
the 13C NMR characterization of oils with different origin, viscosity and
treatment, the following conclusions can be pointed out: a decrease in
the concentration of tertiary carbon groups is observed in oil samples
which were not subjected to heat treatment; in the transition from light
to heavy oils, a decrease in the concentration of primary and an in-
crease in the concentration of aromatic carbons are observed.
Fig. 4. FTIR spectra of oil samples 1–6. An increase in the degree of aromaticity and aliphaticity is observed
from the FTIR spectroscopy analysis as we go from light to heavy oil
samples; also some changes in the degree of branching, oxidation,
more than four methylene groups (r (CH2)n, 720 cm−1) was observed.
sulfurization were identified. Thus, these results indicated that com-
Further, the most important peaks of the spectra are labelled including
bined use of high-resolution NMR and FTIR spectroscopy has a great
the aliphatic hydrocarbons, the aromatics and polyaromatics as well as
potential to study the structure and characterization of light and heavy
the carbonyls and aromatics (Mouillet et al., 2008; Feng et al., 2016;
crude oils, which could substitute present traditional fractionation
Van den bergh, 2011).
procedures. Relationships between spectroscopic parameters obtained
By moving from oil with low viscosity to high viscosity, there is an
by the above methods and crude oil compositions can be useful for fast
increasing in the intensities of the absorption bands characteristic of
prediction of crude oil properties changing upon different type of
aromatic and polyaromatics structures (1600 and 900-730 cm−1)
treatment, including thermal methods for enhanced oil recovery. Also,
which, along with changes in their spectral indices (Tables 4 and 5),
quantitative proportions of functional groups obtained by NMR and
indicates an increase in the degree of their aromaticity.
spectral indices obtained by FTIR can be one of the criteria for devel-
oping fingerprint approach.
3.3.2. Spectrometric indices calculation
To study the structural-group composition and characterization of

I.Z. Rakhmatullin et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 168 (2018) 256–262

Table 4
Optical density values (D) at the maxima of absorption bands of oil samples 1–6 according to FTIR spectroscopy data.
Sample number Optical densities at the maxima of absorption bands

1710 cm−1 1600 cm−1 1465 cm−1 1380 cm−1 1030 cm−1 720 cm−1

1 0.217 0.143 0.859 0.514 0.280 0.337

2 0.215 0.094 0.820 0.494 0.267 0.277
3 0.023 0.257 0.771 0.435 0.135 0.464
4 0.025 0.156 1.826 0.972 0.203 0.540
5 0.035 0.190 0.816 0.497 0.175 0.338
6 0.203 0.239 1.507 0.902 0.117 0.393

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