Propeller Blade. Vibrations.: Underwater

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Prof. .L. C. BURRILL, M.Sc,. Ph.D., Member of council



W. L. HUGHES, B.E., B.Sc., Associate Member

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Papers read before the North East Coast Institution of

Engineers and Shipbuilders -in Newcastle upon Tyne
on the 11th February, 1949, with the discussioi and
correspondenèe upon them, and the Authors' replies
thereto. (Excerpt from the Institution Transactions,
Vol. 65).



LONDON - -------- - -'


PARTICULARS OF MEMBERSHIP of The Institution will be supplied

on application to The Secretary (for address, see cover).


Printed by Charles Birchall & Sons, Lcd., Liverpool, 2.

By Prof. L. C. BTJRRILL, M.Sc., PhD., Member of.ouncl
11th February, 1949
SyNopsis This.paper describes the results of some initial tests on the vibration
of a marine propeller under water. The vibration patterns obtained show that
the same modes of vibration occur in air and in water, and that the corresprnding
nodal patterns are also similar, although the transverse nodal lines across the
blades appear to be slightly nearer to the shaft axis for the tests in air than for
those in vater.
It is also shöwAihat while the effect of vdter damping an the resonant frequencies
in the lower modes of vibration is considerable, this effect diminishes for the
frequency in water
higher modes. The ratio frequency in air appears to increase in approxi-
mately linear manner as the number of nodes on each blade increases.
The results of some farther tests in air on a flat-plate model resembling this.
marine propeller, carried out by Mr. B; Grinstead of the Dc Havilland Engine
Co., Ltd., are also included, and throw some new light on the earlier tests with
full-size marine propellers in air. In discussing these latter, results, scime tentative.
conclusions are drawn regarding blade sensitivity to "singing ".
Introduction . .

teSts which are the subject of this short paper are a con-
tinuation of the work which was carried out by the Author on
THE the vibration of full-size marine propellers in air, atid which was
the subject of a paper entitled "Manne Propeller Blade Vibrations
read before this Institution in 1946 * The present tests have been
carned out for the British Shipbuilding Research Association and they
represent only the initial stages of a long-term research intQ the effect
of systematic changes in blade form on the frequencies and modes of
vibration of marine-propeller blades.
At the same time, these tests do answer some of the major questions raised
in the discussion of the previous paper, and as our knowledge of the effect
of water damping on the modes of vibration of propeller blades is so yew
small, it is hoped that the publication of these initial results will be of assistance
to investigators who may be engaged in attempting to obtain a mathematical
solution to the as yet obscure problCm of propeller '.' singing."
Testing Arrangements
The propeller chosen for these tests. was a four-bladed bronze propeller
designed for 450 b h p at approximately 500 r p m The thameter was
4 ft.4 in. and the blade surface 772 sq. ft. giving a disc-area tatio Of 0525.
The blades were approximately of elliptical shape and the blade sections of
aerofoil type Details of the blade design, pitch variation etc are shown in
Fig I the propeller being the same as that shown as propeller' M' in the
earlier paper;. .

* Vol. 62.

The instruments used in -carrying out these new tests were similRr to those
previously, employed for the tests lii air, excepting that the loudspeaker-type
vibrator was specially manufactured to work under water, and the pick-up
was also made watertight so that records of the blade vibrations could be taken
direct from the blades with the propeller under water.
For the-purpose of these tests, the propeller was set up in' the cenfre of a
tank 21 ft. square by 4 ft. deep which had been erected specially for carrying
out underwater tests of this kind, in the, Research Laboratory of the Naval
Architecture - Dept. at' King's College Newcastle upon Tyne. Two . heavy
timber baülks each 1 ft. square in section with a base made Of 2 in phnks,
were used to support the propeller. The propeller was seated on the forward
or larger end of the boss with the driving face of the blades uppermost, and.
ti vibrator was stand on the same base as shown in Fig..2 which
shows the propeller in position in the tank This was the arrangement which
had been found to be most suitable, in the earlier tests, and was such that tle
experiments 'in air and the experiments in water could be carried out without
moving or disturbing the propeller, so that the conditions were exactly similar
for' both series of experiments, apart from the effect of water damping.
The tests in water proved .to be 'much more difficult to carry otit than the
tests' in air. In the' first place, it was' found to be rather more difficult to find
the' resonant frequencies and to, set, the' blades vibrating at resonance, and
secondly the mapping of the model patterns was a much more lengthy and
painstaking task. This was, in fact, done by marking the propeller blade
with a fairly close grid, and the observer in diving dress in the tank then had
to report the position of the point Of the 'pickup to another observer outside
the tank in crossing each line of the grid. The pick-up was then moved to and
frO along the particular line chosen,. and was' finally positioned so that the
Lissajou figure obtained was' horizontal in'each case. The several crossing,
points for tlie different lines of'the grid were then marked on a plan such as.
that shown in Fig. 3 and the nodal lines were plotted by joining the various
points as shown. ' '

The underwater pickup has worked satisfactorily throughout' the tess,

but unfortunately the underwater vibrator broke down after part of the tests
had been carried out as water had leaked into the body of the loudspeaker
Unit. 'It was' found that the rubber diaphragm protection for the top part'
of the instrument, which' could be inflated to prevent the ingress of water,,
had been entirely satisfactory, but water had unfOrtunately leaked in through-
the electrical connexions at the base of the vibrator. As a result, the: work
was' held up for a considerable time as the, coils had- to be rewound and the;
instrument had to be almost re-made before, it was satisfactory. Following
this experience, the vibrator has been examined frequently during the progress
of'the tests, and although there-is still a light leakage it can now be iatisfactorily
'When the initial'tests were carried out, the depth of water in the tank was,
varied, and experiments were made to,check the effect of the head' of Water
above the blades on the modes of vibrations and frequencies recorded. It
was, found that with a very small head of waler above the top of the boss the
existence. of, resonant vibrations could be observed - by the appearance of a
crOssed-wave pattern on the surface of the water, which was excited locally over
each of the 'four blade ekttemitiós. These1ocal wave áttems took tha form'
df'a'g±id,ofvCry finn'waves which area approximately 4 in. to 6'in.'
in diameter and the existence of such patterns was very sharply defined, the
tuning being. very.delicate anl sharp. At the same time, the 'intensity Of the.
soi.ind rose considerably, and -the propeller could be heard to be "singing"
quite clearly at the point of resonance. Later the depth of water over the blades'
Was increased 'the head being such' that these patterns could not be obse,rved;

or could only be seen if the gain of the. amplifier was increased to a vely, high'
level,, considerably above the normal working value. It was found that tle
difference in the resonant frequencies was not sensitive to the head of water
above .the boss, and that the differences could not be observed within, the
accuracy of the oscillator setting. It was, however, felt that it was most
satisfactory to use the larger head of water so that the surface was not disturbed,
and the depth of water in the tank for the tests reported herein was about
40 in.,, the top of the' boss being about 12 in below the Surface. Ordinary tap
water was used at room temperature, ' and the mean head above the b1ad
surface would be about 18 in. It is. cOnsidered that this head was sufficient
to represent fully immersed conditions.

Testing Procedure
The vibrator- was first attached to the' 'tip of one of the blades, using a
universal ball-joint clip, and the whole range of input frequencies from about
20 cp.s. -uj to 2,000 -c.p.s. was slowly traversed with a view, to picking out the
resonant frequencies. As the frequency of the vibrator was increased, successive
modes of vibration were excited; and at resonance all blades were 'set freely
in vibration in each case. Each mode was then carefully studied to establish
the nodal pattern and the exact frequency at resonance. The resc nant vibrations
recorded were quite sharp and clearly defined, and the nOdal patterns were
'plotted by, traversing the pick-up across the blade opposite tQ that which had
the vibrator attached to it, this being the procedure which had been found
to be most satisfactory during the previous tests'. Many 'of the tests:.were
repeated several times to make sure that there was no possibility of error, and
'the repeat testswere, in fact,' 'satisfactory. ' At a later stage during'the experi-
ments the point of apphcation of the vibrator was moved to several points
on the trailing edgn Of the blade in' an attempt .to excite the torsional modes
more satisfactorily; but this did not have any effect oji the modes and frequencies
recorded, and the torsional modes in water have prOved vet)' difficult to excite.
The current for the moving coil of the vibrator was fed from the B.S.R.
Beat Frequency Oscillator, described 'in the earlier paper, through a power
amplifier which was capable of delivering about 50 watts. The power output
was very much greater than that required, to vibrate 'the blades without, over-
loading the oscillator, thus avoiding any possibility of. distortion.
The pick-up used was-of-- the-De -Havilland -piezo-electric acceleration type,
and in order to enable the nodal lines to be -identified clearly, thetime base
of the Mullard -E800' oscillograph -was-disconnected and-a' voltage' was-supplied
direct from the beat-frequency oscillator to. these deflecting, plates. The
pick-up was' then used to supply the vertical-deflecting plates with 'a 'voltage
corresponding to the blade vibrations by means of a suitable amplifier and
the resultant pattern shown on the screen 'of the oscillograph 'tepresented
these two voltages set at right angles to each other. Horizontal movements
of the spot therefore represented variations in the input energy to the propeller
blade wi-Ole vertical mOvements represented variationS in th' Output energy
corresponding to the movement of the propeller blade at the point of contact
of the pick-up. With ihe-propeller blades vibrating near true resonance;'- the
picture obtained in the' osdillograph .vas a cirCle or. an ellipse depending upon
the' relative phase displacement of the input and. output energies. ,1f a certain
input frequency were 'to have caused the blades. to vibrate at twice .thatfrequency,
the figure obtained would, of course, have ben a figure eight, and otler
Lissajou' figures would appear for higher harmonics, but in carrying out these
investigations such harmonically excited' modes were ignored and only directly
excited frequencies were studied. AU the patterns shown were obtained by
traversing the pick-up to and fro across the lines of no. vibration- (i.e., nodal
lines) in such a way that a fine ellipse-in the-dscillograph was caused to change
from' a position in which it sloped from righi to left to, a position in *hich- it
slped:., from left to, right,, the zero point,- or position of the nOdal line ax

resonance, being identified by the position of the pick-up for which the picture
was a straight horizontal line, representing input energy only with no output.
Under water, the position of the nodal lines at the blade edges was capable of
very accurate determination, but as these lines were followed into the central
and thicker root parts of the blade, they were sometimes rather difficult to
determine with great accuracy.
So far as the experiments carried out in air were concerned, it was found to
be very easy to excite all the flexural and torsional modes of vibration up to
the fifth mode of vibration with four nodes on the blade with the vibrator
located at a p dint near the blade tip. in water, however, it was found to be
very difficult to excite the torsional vibrations with the exciter placed near
the tip of the blade, and it was, therefore, necessary to move the exciter to
various positions on the trailing edge in order to obtain satisfactory records
of the torsional vibrations. Even so, it was found impossible to identify
clearly any torsional mode above the second mode. Curiously enough, the
pattern with the crossed nodes at the tip shown in Fig. 16 was found to be
readily excited both in air and in water.
Discussion of Results
Table 1 and Table 2 show the frequencies of the flexural and torsional
vibrations respectively. The frequencies in air are shown in column 2, while
those in water are shown in column 3, and column 4 shows the ratio between
- . . frequency in water
the water and air frequencies. It will be seen that the ratio -frequency in air
varies from P625 for the fundamental mode of vibration in flexure up to 98O
for the 5th mode, with 4 nodes on each blade,, and that this ratio varies in a
linear manner with the number of nodes. That is to say, the effect of water
damping on the resonant frequencies, although appreciable for the fundamental
or lower modes of vibration, disappeared almost entirely for the higher and
more complicated patterns. Figs. 3, 5, 7, 9, 14 and 16 represent the patterns
which were identified when the propeller was vibrated under water, and Figs.
4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15 and 17 show the nodal patterns for the modes of vibration
identified in air.
TABLE 1 .Flexural Vibrations
Frequency in c.p.s.
No. of FW/FA
Nodes In air In water

Fundamental 160 100 625

230 161 '70
2 460 375 '815
3 710 625 - 8
4 1,020 1,000 980

TABLE 2.Torsional Vibrations

Frequency in c.p.s.
No.of FW/FA
Nodes In air In water

400 265 662

840 -490

It will be seen from these diagrams that the same modes of vibration were
identified both in air and in water, that the nodal patterns were generally
similar for both conditions, but that for the vibrations in air the position of

the nodal lines, was closer ta the shaft centre-line. .than was the caiefoi the
corresponding vibrations in water. This . is true not. only of the .fle,iural
vibrations, but to a lesser degree in the. case of the torsional vibrations.. Figs.
-1 8-21 show the frequencies plotted- to a base of the number of nodes on the
blade for. both flexural and torsional vibrations. . Fig. 22 shows the comparison
between the flexural vibration frequencies in air and in water, from whichit will
be seen that the curve of frequencies plotted to a base of the number of nodes
follows the same general line both in ar and in water. This was not found
tQ be so fOr. the frequencies of the torsional modes........
it will be seen from- Fig. 20 that the curve 'for the tdrsiotiál frequencies
obtained in ar tends to bend towards the base for the third torsional mode
T.3 and would, therefore, most probably, have interse ted and crossed the
corresponding line for the flexural vibrations if it had been extended to a
higher torsional mode. This is a curious result, and raises the question Of
whether the frequency for T 3 is reliable On this pomt it can only be stated
at present that the pattern for T.3 shOwn in Fig. 13 was quite clear, and that
it is believed that the frequency of 840 c.p.s. is correct for this mode. In view
of this result, it is considered advisable to., investigate this matter further, as
it i important to determine' whether, 'in' fact the' curve drawn through. the.
frequencies of the torsional modes can intersect that drawn through the
frequencies of the flexural modes. Unfortunately, the higher torsional modes
are difficult to excite, and it may be necessary to test several propellers before
this point can be settled, and the conditions under which such an intersection
of these two curves is likely to occur can be established.
This is important in view of the possibility that interference between torsional
and fiexural modes may have some 'bearing, on the occurrence of singing.
,'Another point to note is the large difference between the air and water
frequencies for the cross-node patterns shown in Figs. 16 and. 17 respectively.
This difference is much greater than thet for the air 'and Water frequencies for
the flexural modes F.4 shown in Figs. 14 and 15 for which the water 'frequencies
are very similar. The mode of vibration in water shown in,Fig ,l 6: has been
checked a number of times by different observers. Fig. 1.7 has also been
checked several times, and so far as the experimental results are concerned,
it would appear that this targe difference between the air and water frequencies
of the cross-node patterns 'is correct..
This is difficult to understand, and no explanation can at present be given
for this result, other than a suggestion that the water damping for the quasi-
torsional motion of the cross-node pattern is much greater than that for the
straight-forward flexural motion in Fig. 4.' II
It inay be that Fig. 16 does not correctly correspond with Fig. 17. in' view
of the rather different disposition of the inner nodes, or that the combinatioi
between the lateral Or torsional and fiexural motions which this mode involves
is different in air and 'in water. , '. . . .- .

In this' connexion, the Author has very kindly been granted permissibn by
Jr. W. Ker Wilson ofThe Dc Havilland Engine' Co., Ltd., to include as Fig. 23
the results 'of-some interesting tests carried out by Mr. B. Grinstead with a
small model of a flat-plate of effiptical shape which closely resembles the
propeller blades under discussion. .

'in these iests, the plate 'was flimly seOued at the root and th 'various modOs
of vibration in air were excited by bowing with the aid of a rotating dis,
the corresponding nodes' being established by means of sand patterns.' The
resonant frequencies Obtained are, of course, much' highCr han thOse for' the
full-size propeller, and would require to be corrected 'by means Of a 'scale
factor in order to rnake'a direct .oniparisOn. .. '

The point of major interest in these tests is that they establish the nature
of the cross-node patterns which were obtained in the Author's earlier work
with full-size propellers, and which were then not clearly understood. For
example, the patterns with frequencies of 2,155 c.p.s. and 2,418 c.p.s., respec-
tively, in this plate model series, are caused by a combination between the
pattern 0/3 at 2,202 c.p.s. with another pattern having two-nodes running
along the length of the blade, rather like that shown for 1,365 c.p.s.
In this Fig. 23, the flexural modes are shown as 0/0, 0/1, 0/2, etc., and the
torsional modes are shown as 1/0, 1/1, 1/2, etc., and the true nodes with two
nodes along the length of the blade would have been 2/0, 2/1, 2/2, etc.
It will be seen that the pure modes 2/1, 2/2, etc., do not appear, owing to the
closeness between their natural frequencies and those of the flexural modes
0/3 and 0/4. What does happen, in fact, is that as the exciting frequency is
increased, the modes for 2,155 c.p.s., 2,202 c.p.s. and 2,418 c.p.s., for example,
succeed each other very rapidly, and are sometimes difficult to maintain
This phenomenon had in fact been observed by the Author in carrying out
the earlier tests on propellers such as propellers F to M, and it was mentiojed
that these modes, then designated as cross-modes and diaphragm-modes
respectively, were found to be the most noisy, and were also very likely modes
for exciting sustained vibrations. There is evidence that such modes of
vibration have occurred in a number of cases of singing propellers (see p. 255
of earlier paper) and this would suggest that one possible cause of sensitivity
to singing would be the possibility of interference between what may be termed
the secondary lateral modes with two longitudinal nodes and the flexural
modes with several transverse nodes.. This is not inconsistent with previous
conclusions, in that it seems possible that apart from any hydrodynamic causes
sensitivity to singing may be due to
Torsional-flexural coupling due to lack of mass-balance about a
central torsional axis.
interference between torsional and flexural modes, leading to mixed
interference between ihe secondary lateral flexural modes, and the
ifexural modes with several transverse nodes.

-. . .: Conclusions
The work described in this paper shows that for the propeller tested the
effect of water damping was to decrease the natural frequencies of both the
lower flexural and torsional modes very considerably, but that this effect
diminished for the higher modes of vibration. It also indicates that similar
patterns are produced in air and in water, but that the nodal lines are somewhat
closer to the shaft axis for the vibrations in air than for the corresponding
modes in water. Consideration of the work carried out by Mr. B. Grinstead,
in conjunction with the earlier work on full-size propellers, indicates that
cross-modes and diaphragm modes may be present if the frequencies for the
secondary lateral modes are similar in value to those for the natural flexural
modes. - -

Acknowledgments . . -

The Author is very greatly indebted to Mr. A. G. Boggis, B.Sc., (Eng.) and
Mr. W.Vasey of the Naval Architecture Department, King's College, for their very
painstaking and careful work in carrying out these underwater vibration
tests in very difficult conditions. He also wishes to thank the Manganese
Bronze and Brass Co., Ltd., for their considerable assistance in lending some
of the equipment for these tests to the Naval Architecture Department, and for
kindly providing the propeller on which these tests were made.

PITCHvarying, 294ft;to 235ft.
PITCHmean 282ft.
SUPFACE 7 72sq. ft.
BLADES 4 RH. & 4Lltt

Fig. 1Details of Propeller tested in Air and in Water


Fig. 2Propeller and Vibrator in the Tank

--i' I I
I -

--'\ \ I

Fig. 3Fl in Water. Fig. 4Fl in Air.

Frequency 161 cp.s. Frequency 230 c.p.s.

Fig. 5T1 in Water. Fig. 6TI In Air.

Frequency 265 c.p.s. Frequency 400 c.p.s. -

Fig. 7F2 in Water. Fig. 8F2 In Air.

Frequency 375 c.p.s. Frequency 460 c.p.s.

Fig. 9fl in Water. Fig. 1OT2 In Air.

Frequency 490 c.p.a. Frequency 690 c.p.a.

Fig. i1F3 in Water. Fig. 12F3 in Air.

Frequency 625 c.p.s. Frequency 710 c.p.s.

Fig. I 3T3 in Air. Frequency 840 c_p.s.

1 not obtained in Water

Fig. 14F4 in Water. Fig. 15F4 in Air.

Frequency 1,000 c.p.s. Frequency 1,020 c.p.s.

Fig. 16Cross-Node in Water. Fig. 17Cross-Node in- Air.

Frequency 1,060 c.p.s. Frequency 1,275 c.p.s.


Io ------
ti fr

400 - Ha

0. I. 2. 3. 4.

Fig. 1 8Flexural Vibrations in Air


-- I:

1200 1200




P -

0. 2. 3. 4. 5.
0. I. 2. 3.

Fig. 1 9Flexural Vibrations in Ware, Fig. 20iorsional Vibrations in Air

1600 600

.400 1400 -

1200 ZOO

hE b000-

800 800

600 6OO

400 400

200 200
0. 2. 3. 4. S. 0. 2. 3.

Fig. 21Torsional Vibrations in Water Fig. 22Flexural Vibrations in Air and in Wafer

249 i/o 415 o/l 889 i/I 1135 c'2(+t) os 2/0(-0/2)

1819 /2 2155 2J1.0/3 2202 0/3 2418 2/1-013 3o09 1/3

4000 2/i,
- 0/Ti:


r;4 2fI21
W4 "22P.

1000 !:pl5
0 2 3 4-


Fig. 23Flat Plate Model Test Results
By W. L. HUGHES, BE., B$c., Associate Member

11th February,.1949
SYNoPSIS :The paper describs experiments carried. out on a series of model
propeller blades in order to investigate, their behaviour when vibrated at different
freqzthncies by eleciro-magnetic methods. The experimental apparatus is described
Vibration patterns are given for excitation both in air and in water,, including
specimen diagrams showing the amplitude of vibration at different points of the
blade surface. The various resoAant frequencies are plotted as curves to a base
of mean width ratio of blade
Damping of vibrations is discussed, and typical response curves are inclithed.
Attention is drawn to the surprising effect on damping of the presence of small
air bubbles on the surface of the blade.
1. Broad Outline of Work
tests to be described in this paper have been. carried out in
the Engineering Laboratory of the University of Oxford as part
of a programme of work for a research degree. Previously
published investigations on the same subject . have been performed,
in the main, on isolated propellers or blades bearing little relation to
each other, such work often being done in support of some particular
theory of the nature and causes of . "singing". Coming to the subject
"with an entirely open mind, it was considered that it, would .be of value
to conduct a systematic series.of experiments on a set of related blades
in which one factor at a time was variedin this case. blade outline
and to follow the changes that occurred in resonant frequencies and
nodal patterns. Thus, ultimately, it should be possible to plot charts
of resonant frequency for the type of bla4e under review, similar to'
those widely used in other aspects of propeller design. The aim was
not to discover (jious hope') the cause of "singmg", but to make some
contribution to the ever-growing fund of knowledge of the behaviour
of vibrating blades. .

Two blades. have been used, of identical outline and section, one being flat
'and the other having a pitch ratio of unity. Side by side with the experimental
work, frequency calculations were perforthed, the results being checked by
experiment on the flat blade. Such calculations even for simple modes are
extremely tedious and laboriotis, and of, doubtful practical value, and the,
Author is firmly convinced that the only practicable method of investigating'
vibratiOnal modes is by experiment. For systematic experiments it would.
appear that work on model scale is the best solution from the point of view
of cost and eguiprnent required. The full-scale 'patterns, are geometrically
cimibr to thoseof model, while the frequencies are those of the model divided.
by the lineaz. scale ratio. In this work, models of single blades of a built-up
propeller have been used, results being obtained both in air and under water.
In addition to the customary nodal patterns, contours of amplitude of ''ibration
have, also been plotted for a large. number of cases.
In so far as the, question of singing is concerned, this paper deals exclusively
with the so-called bell aspect under the artifical conditions of non-rotation
and still' watet.. The " clapper" aspect does not enter.


2. Description of Apparatus
(A) Blades
Fig. I depicts the blades used. They were cast an4 dressed by Messrs.
J. Stone and Sons, Deptford, to whom the Author and the department are
greatly indebted for the generous gift of the blades. They are of manganese
bronze, for which the density is 3O lb. /cu. in. and the modulus of elasticity
(E) l34 x 100 lb./sq. in. It will be seen that the blade outline is symmetrical,
and it is in fact given by the equation x = A (y+b) (1 5y)r, which gives outlines
fairly representative of practical designs. Circular-backed sections and flat
driving face, with linear thickness taper to the tip, were adopted to simplify
the frequency calculations, as well as for ease in manufacture. For the pitched
blade, a regular series was formed by progressively cutting away the outer
parts of the blade and reshaping the sections, keeping the centre-line thickness
Table 1 gives range of disc-area ratios covered by series:
Blade .. A B C
M.W.R. .. 42 29 2l
D.A.R. 85 59 42
4 blades..
D.A.R ..
3 blades..
4 .44 32

The blades were mounted horizontally on the side of heavy concrete block,
being drawn up hard by four in. bolts on to a mild-steel face plate cast into
the side of the block. As the heaviest blade weighed 40 lb. while the weight
of the block was about 500 lb., it was considered that the blade thus mounted
was fixed rigidly at the root. This was checked by the addition of several
50 lb. weights to the block, which caused no apparent alteration in either
resonant frequencies or nodal patterns.
For vibrating under water, the blade projected through the side of a tank,
the centre-line of the blade being 6 in. below the surface and 14 in. above the
tank bottom, with a minimum clearance all round of 7 in. on the largest blade.
The tank itself was supported on wooden baulks, and was nowhere in contact
with either block or blade, the joint between blade palm and tank side being
made watertight with Bostik.
Power for the excitation of the blade was supplied by a B.S.R. Type L.O.
800A beat-frequency oscillator, with a frequency range of from 0-25,000 cycles.
By further sub-division of the existing low-frequency scale it was easily possible
to read changes of frequency to one cycle per second. The instrument has
a very slight frequency drift which is unimportant except in cases where the
resonance peak is very sharp, and even here the difcuIty is easily overcome.
As singing seems rarely to have been experienced with a frequency above
300 cycles per second, in this work the upper limit was taken at 3,000 cycles per
second in air, i.e., 400 cycles per second on full scale with a scale ratio of 75
to I (corresponding with a built-up screw diameter of 20 ft. 6 in.) or 500 cycles
per second with 6 : I scale ratio (16 ft. 6 in. diameter screw). Even when these
frequencies are lowered by the presence of water, it is considered that they
cover the modes most likely to be associated with singing in practice.
The output from the oscillator was used to actuate a small telephone earpiece
magnet which acted on a tiny piece of soft iron soldered on to the surface of
the blade. In the normal telephonic use of such a magnet its permanent field
is much stronger than that due to the exciting current, resulting in practically
pure sinoidal forces on the diaphragm. In the present application, however,

the exciting currents were, abnormally large, leading to the introduction of

liarmonics in the force dnving the blade, and often producing vibration patterns
whose frequencies were two, three or four times the frequency of the oscillator,
in many cases superposed upon a stroiiger mode Of the same frequency -as
the oscillator. This was considered by no means undesirable, as it is extremely
unlikely that any disturbing factor in practice will be purely sinoidal in
(D) Detect iOn -

Several different pick ups were used each havmg features which rendered
it more suitable for certain applications.
Location Of nodes. For this purpose, the commercial ROthermeif
Brush VP5 piezo-electrjc type pick-up was employed. This is an
extremely sensitive acceleration-type instrument, ideal for the abOve
puriiose, but,, by virtue of its comparatively large mass (8 oz.),
unsuitable for the measurement of amplitudes on small-scale work.
Measurement of amplitudes. Two'" home-made" pick-up's were
developed for this job, which demands that the added -tháSs due tO
the pick-up be so small that its application to the surface of the blade
does not appreciably disturb the natura,l frequency of vibration.
The first consisted simply of a telephone magnet, across the pole faces of
which was laid. a strip Of rubber to serve as a spring for the moving
element. This latter was a thin flat piece of soft irOn to which was
soldered a 2 in. length of stiff steel wire to act as a prod, the whole
assembly being held together by tubber bands.
In this instrument the mass of the moving parts was less than 1 g. and
it was found quite átisfactory fOr measuring amplitudes of vibration
in air.
The second pick-up, which was much more sensitive, consisted of an
ordinary telephone receiver with a prod attached normal to the surface
of the diaphragm. With the blade vibrating in air, it was found that
the sound waves caused vibration of the diaphragm, giving false signals.
However, with the blade immersed, most of the sound energy is reflected-
at the water surface, and this effect becomes negligible. This instrument
was thus employed for amplitude measurements of vibrations in water.
In this connexion it should be pointed out that the amplitude measurements.
were in general taken with the blade vibrating a few cycles Off actual resonance.
When the damping is very low, the response curve is vety steep at resonance
so that the addition of even a very small mass (i.e., pick-up), even though
altering the natural frequency by only one or two cycles; may cause an appreciable
diminution in amplitude. If, however, the readings are taken at a few cycles
off resonance, the response curve is much less steep and so the. effect of a small
change in frequency is greatly reduced, thereby allowing consistent and reliable
readings to be obtained The pattern of vibration remains, of course practically
identical with that which would be obtained actually at resonance
In all cases the output e.rn.f. from the pick-up was fed to a cathode-ray
oscillograph, and its magnitude determined from the resulting pattern on the
screen When using the piezo-electric pick-up, a single tube was sufficient
but with the less sensitive types another tube was used m series with the first
to provide greater amplification. Under these circumstances, with gains of
'the order of 50,000, very careful screening of all leads was necessary, and in
addition, a high-pass filter was employed at thd input to the second tube to
reduce the 50-cycle hUm to a- ha±tuléss level.
Signals .

As m Burnil s previous work the oscillator voltage was applied to horizontal

plates and .the pick-tip voltage tO the vertical platin Of the-oscillograph, giving

the familiar elliptical trace when the frequencies of vibration and excitation
are the' same. The sign of the slope of the major axis changes as the pick-up
crosses a nodal line due to the 180 degree change of phase of motion; On
the nodal line itself the trace should be a horizontal line, since the amplitude
of motion ought to be zero. 'More generally it is fotind to consist of a
horizontal effipse. The explanation lies in the fact that true nodes are only
possible in systems having no dampingin all practical systems some damping
exists, and under such conditions the nodal lines are replaced by lines of
minimum (but not zero) amplitude. By the same token, due to the phase shifts
between successive points along the body caused by the' presence of damping,
readings of amplitudes at different points do not give a true instantaneous
picture of the shape of the vibrating blade, as the various maxima occur at
different instants of time.
The occurrence of resonance could generally be detected easily enough by'
ear, but in all cases it was indicated by the rapid increase in the amplitude of
oscillograph signal as resonance was approached. A knowledge of some of
the fundamental combinations of Lissajous figures with different phase
differences was of great advantage in discriminating between pure resonances
and those in which. a fundamental mode was combined with or even obscured
by a mode of higher frequency.
Experimental Results
Effect of Pitch on Frequency
The comparison of frequencies of flat and pitched blades has been made
only for the widest Outline. The effect of pitch is considerable only at low
frequencies, diminishing as the frequency is increased and the blade begins to
vibrate in the more intricate modes rather as a flat plate than as a twisted blade.
At such high frequencies the observed "pitched" frequency is generally one
oE two per cent. higher than that for the flat blade, but this is in all probability
due more to slight differences in thickness of the respective blades than to the
influence of pitch. At low frequencies the results are erratic and do not lend
- themselves to plotting, but Table 2 contains the data for some of the modes.
Frequencies in Cyc!es per Second

In Air In Water
Vibration Mode . . -
Flat Pitched Ratio Fith Pitched Ratio
1st Flexural .. .. 152 165 108 120 128 l'07
1st Torsional .. 189 310 l64 125 200 160
Plate Type .. .. 344 395 115 240 280 l-i6
2nd Torsional .. 497 550' 1l0 360 395 ll0
3rd Torsional .. 755 805 107 570 605 l06
3 lobe .. .. 795 808 102 610 650 l06

It will, be seen that the effect is most marked for the first torsional mOde,
and comparatively small for the other types. The added mass due to water
is practially the same for both flat and pitched blades, as is evident from the
values iii columns 4 and 7.
Effeët. of Sharp Edge on Frequency
The edge of blade A was modified by filing off the radius frOm the back
to give a straight taper from a sharp edge to a line in. in from the edge all
round. It was found that this alteration raised the frequencies of all modes,
the difference being greatest at higher frequencies as shown in Fig. 2. In cases
where singing has been reported cured by a similar modification., it may well.


be that the natuia1 frequency hàs been altered sufficiently -to remove it from
that of any synchronous disturbing force, quite apart from any -possible increase
in hydrodynarnic damping.
Effect of immersion in Water-on Frequency ; -

When a vibrating blade is immersed in water its apparent mass increases

due to the inertia of water set in motion by the blade This causes a reduction
in frequency which is illustrated graphically in Fig. 3, where the corresponding
frequencies in air and water are plotted for blades A, AB B and C By
"corresponding" frequencies of course is meant frequencies for which the
nodal pattern on the blade surface is the same.
The reduction in frequency is practically independent of blade outline, ad,
except for one or two cases, the plotted points cluster very closely about the
mean line drnwn through all of them. If we consider the blade at each- critical
frequency as a single degree of freedom system, the following relatioti holds:
Fróquency in air 5 Equivalent mass + added mass due to water
Frequency in Water. Equivalent mass 5
added mass
(I + fii- where 8
Equivalent mass
Frequency in air
Hence fi L Frequency m water j - -

The quantity fi is also p1otted -on Fig. 3, showing a marked decrease with
increasing frequency. This is in line with the fact that, as the blade surface
becomes divided up by more and more nodal lines, the virtual inertia of the
sUrrounding water is decreased due to the occurrence- of increased cross-flow
between adjacent areas which are moving out-of phase with each other. It
will be seen that a large change infl is necessary to produce a comparatively
small change in the ratio of frequencies in air and- water.
The above generalizations are drawn from consideration of the mean line
as drawn on Fig. 3. Little is known regarding the pressure and velocity field
in- a medium surrounding such a complex system as a many-noded blade, and
it is not surprising that some scatter shows up in the points as plotted. The
effect of water on the frequency is no doubt closely connected with the actual
vibration pattern, especially in the vicinity of the blade edge, where the cross-
flow referred to above will operate to an important degree. Thus, in individaal
cases, the actual reduction in frequency will depend upon the particular pattern,
and modes whose frequencies are widely spaced in air may fall much closer
together in water, and vice versa. Furthermore, some modes which occur
in' air are not excited under water, while others which are very weak in air
becomequite-strong in water. In view of these factors, it is considered desirable
that for results of practical interest vibrations should for the most part be
studied under water rather than iii air.
Blade Patterns
Figs. 4 to 8 show representative patterns obtained from each of the pitched
blades A, AB, B, BC and C. Blades A; B and C are as depicted in Fig. I,
while blade' AB has the outline of blade A on one side, and that-of blade B
on the other, thus representing in some degree an unsymmetrical blade with
the pdints of maximum thickness of sections on a radial straight line. Similarly
blade BC is a cross between blades B and C. In the interests of space some of
the modes have been omitted from the figures, but all the strong and easily
excited modes are included. These diagrams only depict that part of the -blade
clear of the fillet at the root, which accounts for the fact that the blade width
apparently varies at the' base. In actual fact all the forms have the same width
at the blade root, as illustrated in Fig. 1. - -

In generl it will be Seen that the complexity of the nOdal pattern increase -
with frequency and with blade width At high frequencies, especially in the
wider blades, the pattern is characterized by numerous "lobes" round the
blade edge, which sometimes coalesce to give completely enclosed" diaphragms"
within the blade, surrounded by a flapping edge comparatively free from inter-
ruptions by nodal lines At the lower frequencies the modes of pure torsion
and pure flexure are easily distinguishable, but m the wider blades a third type
of flappmg motion occurs in which the leadmg and trailing edges move
in phase while the tip is 180 degrees out of phase with both In the un-
symmetrical blades, the torsional axis follows approximately the geoxtietrical
centi-e line. ..,.
As previOusly mentioned, the.excitation of the blades was such as to produce.
frequencies ofvibration which are multiples of the exciting frequency. This
means that as the exciting frequency is gradually raised resonances occur
at much closer intervals than indicated by the diagrams, it may be of interest
to foll&.v through the complete series of resonances for one blade, say blade C,
when excited at the point P marked in Fig. 8. Table 3 is actually an extract
from the log coverin the first exploration of the vibrations of this bae un4er
Blade ç excited under watEr at point P

Frequency . Notes

68 Mode 13.6 excitedIst overtone

136 Fundamental flexure
213 Mode 425 excitedIst overtone
230 Mode 458 excitedI st overtone
305 . Mode 915 excited-2nd overtone.
360 Mode 1080 superposed on Mode 425
370 Mode 740 superposed on MOde 425
425 Fundamental torsiOn: Very strong signal
458 Strong signal .

540 Mode 1080 excited

5 . Mode 1670 excited
725 Mode 1445 excited
740 "Dirty" signal. Contains sothe of Mode 2250
750 Mode 2250 excited
758 Mode 1520 excited "Dirty" signal
775 Mode 2320 excited
835 Mode 1670 excited
915 Very strong clear signal. Secondary torsion
1,080 Strong clear signal
1,125 Mode 2250 excited
1,160 Mode 2320 excited
1,260 Mode 2525 excited
1,445 Very strong signal. Diaphtagm mode
1,520 Strong signal. Some mixture 3020
1,670 Very strong
2,250 Very strong
2,320 Strong clear signal. Diaphragm mode
2,525 . Strong signal
30i 5 Intense ear-piercing whistle .

From this Table it is evidefit that, assuming the presence ofharmonics in

a sustained exciting disturbance, the frequency of such disturbance may have
any of a very large iumber Of values and still be such as to be capable of
exciting a resonant oscillation in the blade. Admittedly. the amplitudes of

the oieftoñe mOdes ar generally smaller than those of the fundamental -modes,
but their audible effect on the human ear is often much greater, since the lower
limit of audibility decreases rapidly as the frequency increases up to about
2000 cycles per second Considered in this light practically every propeller
should sing at some frequency or other if singing is due to the maintenance
of forced vibration by a sUstaitied exitãtiOh such as eddy-shedding. The
fact that thiS iS b nO means the ôãSe tendS to disëount the value of this theory.
The relative strengths of the various modes depend, of course, upon the
location of the excltmg point P. bemg greatest when P is near an antinode and
least when P is near the node of the mode under consideration Where P
is near an ant node of each of two modes, the frequency of one being almost
a simple multiple. of the other1 the resultant mode consists of a combination
of both modes, each of which can be traced by its own Lissajous figure in the
oscillograph signal. Such a case occurs above at 1,520 cycles per second,
where, at the nodes of mode 1,520 there is still some motion due to mode
3,015. The pure mode can generally be produced by exciting on a node of the
other mode, and all the patterns are plotted under conditions approximating
to this.
A "dirty" mode is one in which the nodal signal is not clear-cut, thus
indicating high damping, or one in which the signal shows the presence Of
The blade patterns have been numbered simply in ascending order of
frequency in air, e g Al A2 In general this gives ascending frequencies
under water, but in some cases, e.g., Cl and C2, the order is reversed, indicating
much greater added mass in the case of the primary torsional mode C2. The
patterns are mostly self-explanatory but attention may be directed to some
interesting features. -

In general the nodal lines in air and water correspond very closely.
The complexity of the patterns at higher frequencies indicates the
hopelessness of calculation as a method of investigation.
(iii) As a general rule the most noisy modes were torsional, e.g.,. A3,
A4, A7, AB3, AB9, B3, BC3, C2, C3, but no comparative measure.
ments of sound intensity were taken, judgment being purely, by ear.
The sound field near the blade is very complicated and the intensity
of noise from the blade varies as the ear is moved- from point to
point in the vicinity. The mpst distressing note of all was produced
by pattern Cl0.
(iv) SOme modes are shown which do.not correspond to the condition of
absolute fixity at the blade root, i.e., they do not have a node in
this vicinity. In practice, perfect rigidity Of the propeller boss can
never be attained, and so these modes are quite likely to appear.
v) Patterns 44 and A5 indicate two quite different patterns at practically
the same frequency in air, but here again the added mass for the
torsional mode is evidently greater, resulting in considerable separatioti
of the frequencies under water.
(vi) In some cases nodal lines under water appear as mirror images of
those in air as illustrated by pattern C2. The nodal line in this
case should obviously follow the blade centre-line: the fact that
it does not mdicates that in this condition the blade is very sensitive
to asymmetry, no doubt due to small errors in blade finish in one
case, and to small differences in added mass -of water in the other.
With the simplr tyoes of vibration it is eay to trace a partiàulàr mode from
blade to blade, but with the more complicated forms considerable judgment,
with a touch of imagination, is necessary. -This is no doubt due to the fact
that the difference in blade outline between successive blades is fairly great,

and the process would be easier had the reductions been carried.out in smaller
steps. However, his considered that a reliable comparison can, be, made, and
Figs. 9 to Ii indicate the method of arriving at the curves of Fig. 12, which
showsthe variation of frequency of a particular mode plotted against mean width
ratiO, for blades vibrating under waters Broadly speaking, the ppints lie
on regular curves, all showing an increase of frequency with decrease of blade
width, ihe slope of the curves varying so that in two instances they cross. each
other. Some modes occur only in one or two of the blades and are shown
either as isolated points or as short curves. In general, however, it Will be
seen that 'the same types of vibration occur in all blades of the type under
consideration, and that. their frequencies vary regularly from blade to blade.
The critical frequencies are more widely spaced for the narrower blades, but
here it must be remembered that only resonances of the same frequency as
the exciting forces are plotted: if all resonances were included, as in Table 3,
the diagram would be much more congested.

Amplitude Contours
Contours of amplitude were plotted.for a large number of modes, typical
results being shown in Fig. 13. Comparative measurements in air and in
water failed to reveal any measurable difference in distributioti, thus confirming
that modes giving the same nodal pattern really are identical forms of vibration.
The figures given on the various diagrams of Fig. 13 bear no relation to the
relative, intensity of vibration between different frequencies. They merely
serve to give an approximate (see Section 2(F)) instantaneous picture of the
shape of the blade surface. At. the time. of writing, the actual values of
amplitude have not, been determined, but it is hoped' to do this in the near
future. Indications are that the maximum amplitudes are only of the order
of a few thousandths of an inch, although they are quite appreciable to the
touch. In determining these patterns, excitation and magnification were
simply adjusted to give approximately the same scale reading in each .case
at the point of maximum amplitude.
The most interesting feature of all such diagrams is the fact that, as the
frequency of vibration increases, the movement of the blade becomes relatively
more and more confined to a narrow strip round the edge of the blade. At
a given frequency the effect of an element of blade area as a source of sound is
proportional to the square of the amplitude, so that it may be said that, in
any but the simplest modes, practically all the sound energy comes from the
edges of the blade. Whether this fact is significant in.the matter of the intro-
duction of damping by sharpened blade edges remains as a subject for future

Damping .

From many points of view the study of the damping associated with the
various modes of vibration is perhaps the most important aspect of research
in this subject. It seems inevitable, regardless of special precautions taken
in the design of blades, that the resulting form will have certain resonant
frequencies at which strong vibrations will be produced, given a suitable relation
between exciting forces and area of application to the blade. Even so, if
the damping is high, objectionable vibration will be reduced, whether it occurs
in the fOrm of an intermittently excited free vibration, or as a forced vibration
sustained by steady periodic exciting forces. In the first case,'the free vibrations
will be rapidly damped out, while in the second case the resonant amplitude
will be greatly dmunished. Perversely. enough, it has proved particularly
difficult to obtain reliable comparative, measurements of damping under
different conditions, due to the large number of variable quantities involved,
and the data here 'presented must 'be regarded as interim qualitative results
rather than hard and fast measurements of damping. Even so it is considered
thatthey may be of some interest.

The method of approach v'as the study of the response curve (amplitude p.
frequency) in the neighbourhood of resonance. Considering a simple single-
mass system under the action of a sinoidal exciting force and in the presence
of viscous damping, the equation of motion is
mi + cx + kx = P sin pa'
x + 2yx + o2x = - sin pa', where 2y = - C
Wa =km-
The resultant steady-state forced vibration is given by x = b sin (pt - 0)
where the amplitude I
- [(22)2 + 42)]
Thus b is a function both of p, the exciting frequency, and of y, the damping
term, and Fig. 14 shows the general form of the response curves for such a
If y is smallas it generally isthe maximum value of b occurs when
p = w, and is given by

i.e., the amplitude at resonance is inversely proportional to the damping

coefficient, which illustrates the value of high damping in preventing large
resonant vibrations.
Similarly, if the exciting- force suddenly ceases, the amplitude of free vibration
decays with time according to the equation
b = boeft
a decay which will be much more rapid the higher the value of y, i.e., of c.
Defining the logarithmic decrement (8) of the decay as the logarithm of the
ratio of the amplitudes of successive oscillations we have
8= where Jo natural frequency.
Now from the equation of the response curve it can be shown thai
where f = the frequency difference between the two points a which the
amplitude is half the resonant amplitude at the natural frequency f. Thus 8,
and hence y and c, are directly proportional to the breadth at half height of the
response curve, which value can therefore be used as a measure of the damping
associated with any particular form of vibration.
In directly extending this analysis to the case of a continuous system with
an infinite number of degrees of freedom it is tacitly assumed that, in the
vicinity of each resonance, the blade behaves as an equivalent single-mass system,
and also that the associated damping is of viscous type, i.e., proportional to
velocity. While not strictly correct, it is considered that these assumptions
do not impair the value of the method.
With the ordinary form of underwater excitation, i.e., with the poles of the
magnet close to the soft iron strip on the blade surface, it was found impossible
to obtain consistent figures for B, the breadth at half height of the response
curve. This was due to the fact that the thin layer of water between the faces
presented an acoustic impedance to the passage of sound waves through the
water, which impedance reacted upon the motion of the blade itself; the effect
varying both with amplitude of vibration and with the distance of the pole

faces from the blade. This impedance had bcith resistance and reactance
components which were revealed respectively by changes in the shape of response
curve and in the resonant frequency. Similarly, the pick-up itself affected the
motion, due both to its added mass and to its inherent damping, in different
degrees according to its point of application on the blade surface. Theáe
difficulties were na1ly overcome by soldering to the blade two stiff wires
bearing, at the upper end thin plates of soft iron. whith projected clear of the
water surface. Oii was usedfor excitation; and the other for detection, each
in association with a. magnet. ha air, the acoustical impedance mentioned
above is negligible, and with this arrangement consistent results were obtained
on blade C.
Fig. 15 shows typical curves obtained in this way, the corresponding values
of and 8 being given in the Table. Curves 2,4, 8 and 10 give reasonably
consistent values for 8 which are of the correct order when compared with
published results for brasS, where the values range from practically zero up
to 005 depending upon the previous history of the metal. Curves X and 6,
however, give 8 values some ten times as great. A likely explanation is that
modes X and 6 are of the type involving an antinode in the palm of the blade
which in turn demands some motion of the supporting concrete block. The
value of 8 for concrete is some thirty times that for brass, and under these
conditions it is probable that most of the damping measured occurs in the
concrete itself. On the other hand, modes 2, 4, 8. and 10 cause negligible
vibration in the block, and so give a much lower value for 8 In this connexion
it should be mentioned that when very heavy damping was artificially introduced
in the form of rubber strips between the palm of the blade and the face plate
on the block, the only modesof all those previously observedwhich appeared
when the blade was vibrated in air were 2, 4, 8 and 10, indicating an almost
complete absence of motion at this surface. All other modes were suppressed
or weakened so much as to be barely noticeable, indicating much greater
sensitivity to conditions of end fixing. From this it would seeth that purely
"reactionless" modes will persist in practice independent of conditions of
attachment of blade or bos, and thus may reasonably be expected to 6e of
major inportance from the point of view of singing. The similarity between
patterns 4, 8 and 10 and those found in actual singing propellers and illustrated
by Burrill in his paper ofMarch, 1946* will at once be apparent.
It should be noted that even in curves Xand 6 of Fig. 15 which are broadened
on account of higher damping, the frequency of an exciting force must lie
between very narrow limits to cause vibrations of amplitude greater than half
the resonant value. The frequency range is fifteen cycles per second, becoming
only two or three cycles per second on full scale, which decreases the likelihood
that sustained forced vibratiOn is the cause of singing.
The discussion so far has neglected two other obvious forms of energy
dissipation, namely, the production of eddies round the vibrating blade edge
and the radiation of energy through the surrounding medium in the form of
sound waves. Of the former it may-be said that its effect appears to be small,
although it may be accentuated by sharpening the blade edge and increasing
the athplitude of vibration above its present very small value. If time permits
it is hoped to extend the work along these lines. With regard to the latter, its
effect irigenoral will also be vety small, due to the fact that in all but the simplest
modes the blade is divided into many different areas, each vibrating out of
phase with its neighbour m addition, considermg both sides of' the blade each
of these areas is acting as a double source of sound, which means a much
smaller radiation of energy than would be the case were one side only of the
blade in contact with water. However, it does appear that this form of damping
is of great importance under certain special conditions, which will be discussed
in the following section
"Marine Propeller BladS Vibrations," N.E.C. Inst., Vol. 6L

(G) Effect of Air 'Bzthbles

The sensitivity of damping to small extraneous influences was demonstrated
by such crude tests as the slackenmg of bolts, the insertion of paper between
the surfaces of palm and face plate and the addition of non ngidly attached
mass at vanous pomts of the blade, all of which showed a marked increase
in damping. However, even with all conditions apparently identical, in the
early stage of the workconsistentrestilts ëöttldnOt be obtairiedfor the response
curves under water Ultimately this was found to be due to the presence of
minute bubbles of air which had come out of solution in the tp water as its
temperature rose to that of the room and had attached themselves to the under
surface of the blade. This was proved by the dc-oxidation of the water with
sodium sulphite, whereupon consistent results were obtained over long periods
of running, with complete absence of bubble formation. In view of the fact
that this phenomenon is a case where an apparently minute factor exercises
a large controlling effect, it was decided to investigate it further. Several
tests were run, in all of which the effect was qualitatively the same. The first
consisted merely of filling the tank with fresh tap water and plotting response
curves at half-hourly intervals. The initial value of 8 was P011, which increased
teadily to a value of 031 after two hours running, by which time about 10
per cent.. by area of the blade surface was coveted with tiny air bubbles, the
estimated diameter of these bubbles ranging from O1 mm. to 05 mm.
At the same:time the maximum signal obtainable at resonance fell from 40 mm.
initially to 14 mm. at the end of the run, i.e., in the inverse ratio of the damping
In another test the blade B was artificially covered yith bubbles of somewhat
larger size, rangng from 05 mm. to 3 mm. in diameter, and covering about
40 per cent. of the blade surface on both sides. Table 4 shows the effect on
some of the modes of vibration.
Mode Blade free. of Bubbles Blade covered with Bubbles
Frequency c.p.s. 8 Fr'equency c.p.s. 6
B2 400 01'5 390. 067
B3 635. 0045 615
B4 932 0039 885
B5 1,045 0052 965 i23
As before, the maximum amplitude obtainable at resonance fell off roughly
in the inverse ratio of the damping and as was to be expected the nodal
pattern in all modes became much less definite, with considerable motion in
the "nodal " areas. At frequencies higher than that of mode B5 it was im-
nossible to excite any recognizable resonance.
In passing it may be mentioned that any possibility of temperature effects
coming in was ruled out by a ten-hour run with dc-aerated water of which the
temperature was raised by immersion heater from 17 degrees C. to 29 degrees C..
without any measurable effect on the value of 8.
The diminution in resonant frequency is greater than can be accounted for
merely by the increase m 8 and at present remains unexplained In the same
way, at the tithe of writing a satisfactory theory for the action of the bubbles
in causing such a tremendous increase in damping has not. been developed, but
it Is thought probable that the explanation hes m the fact that elementary
portions of the blade now tend to act as simple, instead of double, sources,
with a very great attendant increase in the radiation of sound. energy in the
surrounding water. As a rough illustration, a simple point source in an
infinite medium at a frequency of 1,000 cycles per second radiates about 1,6Q0
tithes as much energy as a double source of the sam&strength. Even though
the. actual system bears little relation to this theoEetical consideration, .yet
the illustration may serve to show the order of the quantities involved...

Regardless of theoretical justification, the definite existence of the above

fact -leads to at least one important conclusion. Namly, that it is most
unhkely that singing will occur in a blade which is operating under cavltatmg
conditions especially if the cavitation is in the full-developed sheet form
m which the back of the blade is practically covered by a layer of air, or mpcture
of water vapour and air. This appears to be in line with general experience,
where severe cavitation often does occur wthout any trace of singing. Agaii,
it. is. very tempting to suggest that the presence or absence of such bubblçs in
blades in service may well have some bearing on the critical, or borderline,
aspect of singing. Thus two apparently identical blades may differ slightly
in smoothness of surface finish and in working conditions of wake, with the
result that in one slight cavitation is produced from which the other is entirely
free.. This is ratheran imaginative statement, and is conditional upon whether
the effect of air on damping is equally definite in the case otthe lower frequencies
associated with toll-scale propellers. In this connexion it would be most
interesting to investigate the effect on full-scale blades, since from the results
of the present experiments it is impossible to say whether the effect depends
on (a) frequency of. vibration or (b) complexity of blade pattern.
The effect of bubbles. moving across the surface of the bladeas would
occur in the practical case of cavitationwas checked by blowing air bubbles
from a rubber tube across the under surface of the blade. During their passage,
the amplitude was considerably decreased, rising again to its original value when
the last bubble had traversed the blade. It was not possible to obtain a damping
curve under these unsteady conditions, and so the reduction in amplitude may
be due to (a) increased demping or (b) the variation in mass distribution of the
blade as affected by the varying location of the moving bubbles. This variation
would be such as to prevent the building up of a steady resonant vibration of
considerable amplitude.
In any case, whether the bubbles are stationary or moving relative to the
blade, the effect is qualitatively the same: the amplitude of vibration is greatly
4. Conclusion
In reviewing the results of the tests described herein, and in attempting to
deduce general principles therefrom, it must be borne in mind that the findings
are subject to several limitations. First, the work has been done on model
scale and, although the results for frequency, and vibration pattern may readily
be translated to full scale, the values for damping and the effect of air bubbles
really require verification by full-scale work. Secondly, the experiments were
performed in still fresh water, with the blade stationary, conditions far different
from actual operation of a marine propeller. Thirdly, the results refer only
to models of built-up screws under special conditions of fixing at the root.
Fourthly,, the tests have been carried out on a particular form of blade, which
is apparently infrequently associated with trouble due to singing. Bearing
these points in mind, it is still thought that the publication of the results may
interest thoseçoncerned, with the operation of marine propellers, and they are'
presented with this object in view.
There is a great temptation to venture to propound a theory for the occurrence
of singing propellers, but in view of the Author's complete lack of personal
experience, with such monsters it is considered wiser to refrain from so doing.
Purely on consideration of the results of this work,it would appear that :-
Singing is not caused by' sustained forced vibration.
"Reactionless" diaphragm-type modes may well be the means of
causing objectionable noise.:
The critical nature of singing is perhaps connected with the formation
of bubbles on the back of the blade under working conditions.
However, it may well be that the data presented here may assist others far
more competent to develop a more closelyknit explanation of this baffling
problem of singing..

L. C. BURRILL. "Marine Propeller Blade Vibrations," N.E.C. Inst., Vol. 62 1946

W. J. DUNCAN. "Torsion and Torsional Oscillations of Blades," N.E.C. Inst.,

Vol. 54, 1938.

W. KERR, J. F. SHANNON and R. N. ARNOLD. "The Problems of the Singing

Propeller," last. Mech. E., VoJ. 144, 1940.

A. L. KIMBALL. "Vibration Problems," Jour. App. Mechs., March and September.


H. LAMB. "On the Vibrations of an Elastic Plate in Contact with Water," Froc,
Roy. Soc., A98, 1920.

Fig. 1Model Blades

Two blades, one flat and the other with P.R. = 1.0
Blade thickness fraction = 045
Material = Mn. Bronze Sections = Circular backed





WOO 50 ii
U. 30

0 1000 2000
Fig. 2Effect of Sharp Edge


Bi..og AB




1000 2000 3000

Fig. 3Effect of Immersion
Fig. 4(b)Blade A
Fit. 5(a}B!ade AB
Fig. 5(b)BladeAB

B B5
Fig. 6(a)_LB1ade B
- - - - AIR

Fig. 6(b)Blade B
SC6 8C7 BC8. cIo
Fig. - 7Blade BC

C8. cq do
Fig 8BIade C
Fig. 9Second Torsional Mode

Fig. IOThirdFlexural Mode with Two Lobes

Fig. 11Diaphragm Mode

20 25 .30 35
Fig. 1ZCorrespondng Modes (under water),
Fig. I 3Amplitude Contours (Blade Vibrating In Water)
f °C- °' 41
I'looa PREQ..
T 005I
2 425 0028
II4T DAMPING 4 1445 0015 0027

8 2320 0013 0024

10 .3015 .002: P0038

40 x (080 0(20 022

6 167'o .0087 016



8 10 S l4 +2 +6 4-to
a 4 6 -8 -6 -2 o
APPI.ieo FREQUENCY i- Nmu4l. FsgqusrlcY. MIsrUNINq IN C.P.S

Fig. 14Typical Response Curves (Single Mass System) Fig. 15Response CurvesBlade C (in Water)
Mr. HARRY HUNTER, O.E., Fellow: Incidentally, the above mentioned T3
In Professor Burrill's 1946 paper before manner could not be excited, underwater,
this institution on this subject4: we had in Professor Burrill's propelles--possibly
some valuable information on propeller the aerofoil sections he used are not so
blade vibration in air and some people, responsive in this particular manner or
including myself rather suspected that when the very different blade-root conditions
vibrated in water quite different manners of. may have some effect. -
vibration would be revealed. However, we In Professor Burriil's 1946 paper the
have to-night the first papers on systematic question of root conditions for a solid
underwater investigation and learn that propeller received some attention both 'in
the manners of vibration in water are sub- the - paper and in the discussion and the
stantially the same as those in air, although author referred to the inteqtion of carrying
at different frequencies, and now can feel out experiments with a shaft fitted to the
reasonably confident that we know the propeller but I do not think this has yet
manner in which blades vibrate and that been done. On this question I was
the quite considerable amount of published interested to read in a recent Report
work on vibration in air is applicable. prepared by the U.S. Naval Technical
We still have to recognize that these Mission in Europe (B.I.O.S. Miscellaneous
underwater investigations do not entirely Report No. 7 that during the war
reproduce working conditionsfor instance experiments were carried out in Germany
in respect of thrust and centrifugal loading, on U boats to determine, the effects- of the
fast-moving water in contact with the tail-shaft bearing materials on propeller
blades and perhaps most important, a very noisewhich was, however, apparently
different "clapper" or exciting force. - suspected to be a combination of-propeller
1 had personally expected the underwater and bearing nOise. Apparently with the
manners to be different from those "in use of "Buna" rubber no bearing noise
air" because, while propellers vibrated or singing Occurred while engines were
in air give a reasonably harmonious noise, running; but a high pitched squeal was
yet in practical cases of noisy propellers, the produced when the engines were stopped.
noiseas heard by the human ear in the It isreported that this squeal could not be
aft peak close to the propellercan be very avoided with the rubber bearings and that
distressing and of a jarring and grating all. vessels were fitted with wood bearings;
nature with no relation to the noises-set up also that tests in hand at the conclusion
by a propeller vibrating in air. of the war provided evidence that beating
However, I note that Mr. Hughes noise and propeller singing were related.
specially reports that pattern C.lO, i.e. As far as- i am aware, experience in this
three nodal torsional (T3), p. 296, produced country with merchant ships has tended
the most distressing noise. Would he to dissociate propeller noise from shaft
class this as being of a jarring and grating beating conditionscertainly as reported
nature such as described on p. .203 of in "Singing Propellers" (1937)-. the noise
"Singing Propellers" 19371 and can we in Ship "A" was such as to sugstthe
suspect that in serious cases of propeller- tail-shaft bush "running hard "; oil and
noise vibration is occurring in some such grease connexions were fitted but with
manner? completely negative results.
I do not think - that Professor Burrill Perhaps the- Authors have seen the above
refers to the character of the noise emitted B.I.O.S. Report and can express an opinion
in his. experiments, but perhaps he will on any possible relationship between
be good enough to comment on the fore- propeller noise and shaft conditions.
going. The unexpected effect of air -bubbles on
'Paper by Mr. W.L. Hughes, B.Sc. See p.273 ante. damping of vibrations referred to -by Mr.
fPaper by Prof. L. C. Burrjll. M.Sc., Ph.D. Hughes is of interest in view -of the general
See p. -301 ante. experienceso I thinkthat propellers,
" Marine Propeller Blade Vibrations: Full mostly but not- invariably, are more liable
Scale Tests," Vol. 62. to be noisy when the ship is- -fully loaded
§N.E.C. Jnst.,Vol. 53. and propeller fully immersed than when


at lighter draught with the propeller go back quite a while. I have traced it
breaking surface and carrying down air. back to Mr. A. Mallock,' who was an
Similarly it is also, I think, generally engineer and in fact the first person in this
accepted that a propeller, other things country to demonstrate the existence of
being equal, is more likely to be noisy in alternative vortices behind obstacles in a
cold water than in warm water. stream. His experiments were very simple
One reasonable explanation of the above ones concerned with the effect on the
two phenomena is by considering that the vibrations of a body immersed in water
clapper or exciting force causing singing when air bubbles were present. Perhaps
is the collapse of cavities in vortices on I can best illustrate his work in this way:
contating the back of the propeller blade; if you take a tumbler of good resonant
if these vortices contain no air or water quality, fill it with water, then tap it, you
vapour the blow, due to collapse- is more can notice that it still gives certain
violent and hammer-like such as might well resonance; - now put in a teaspoonful of
excite blade vibration : if, however, the Andrews Liver Saltsto add a little local
cavity has a small content of air due to colourand you will probably notice, as
entrainment or release from solution or has he did, that while the effervescence con-
a higher vapour pressure due to higher tinues, the resonance is very much reduced
temperature, the collapse is cushioned with in other words, there is a fairly large
a reduced excitation. damping. As the bubbles disappear the
It is now for consideration whether the ringing tone of the glass reappears.
damping effect of entrained air revealed - This seems to me a fundamental aspect
by Mr. Hughes may not be the cause of any of the effect noted by Mr. Hughes. Mallock
reduced tendency to noise under light gives a theory for it. In acoustical terms,
draught conditions. there is a conversion of the longitudinal
With reference to the reason for damping waves of sound into flexural vibrations of
by adhering bubbles might I offer the follow- the bubbles, and he works out the amount
ing alternative explanation for considera- of damping to be expected frOm bubbles
tion? Asthe blade vibrates the air bubbles of a certain size oscillating to and fro and
are alternately compressed and expand; taking up energy. In fact, the energy of
during compression the heat generated or the vibrations is disbursed in this way as
part thereof, is rejected to the water and the bubbles oscillate and radiate into the
during expansion the air may receive back water. The fact that cavitation in the
part only- of the rejected heat. Clearly, propeller reduces the tendency to " singing"
then, less work is done by the air during can readily be explained -in terms of the
expansion than is done on it during com- same idea.
pression and the difference is perhaps the There is a second point to which I would
damping energy Mr. Hughes- is seeking. like to refer. On p. 277 of his paper,
Finally, both to-night's papers cover Mr. Hughes refers to "added mass" ; he
only the- "bell" aspect of the singing- has-a coefficient fi, which involves the added
propeller probleman aspect on which mass of the water, and refers to its variation
we now have a good deal of information. with frequency. I was interested in this,
We have seen to-night that our "bell "- - as I did some work during the war which
the - propellerhas a large number of was concerned with the impact of solid
manners of vibration fairly closely spaced bodies on a water surface. There you
on frequency and it is difficult to visualize get the same problem of a certain added
a design of propeller which will be a mass of water, which has to be associated
dead" bell. Similarly, with a propeller with the projectile as it enters the water.
working in -the water behind the ship with We also noticed that the added mass varied -
a tip speed .of usually around 60 m.p.h., with the time of impact. Where the impact
one can hardly expect to obtain by design occurred in a very short space of time, the
the complete absence of a hydrodynamic added mass was greater than that for the
clapper From this it seems that complete same body at a low-speed entry.?
solution of the singing-propeller problem in connexion with damping coefficient,
will only be obtained by tackling both I would like to point out that damping
bell" and "clapper" aspects and I may be a function of amplitude. I do not
rather think our knowledge of the former, know whether the Authors have considered
particularly after to-night's papers, is the that. If not, it is a point which might be
greateT and that efforts might well be consideredwhether the amplitude varies
directed at the ".clapper" aspect. the damping even while the frequency
remains constant. -

I)r. P. 0. RICHARDSON: I wonder also whether they have con-

Tb begin with, I would like to refer to sidered the effects of the tank size on the
Mr. Hughes's paper and the problem of the damping? Of course, it is well known that
da±nping of the blades produced by the a sound source working into- a fluid is
presence of -bubbles on the surface. I
think it a fairly well-known phenomenon, 'Proc. Roy. Soc. A. Vol. 84, p. 391 (1910).
an'd:experimeifls on this matter actually -fProc, Phys. Soc., Vol. 61, p. 352 (1941). - -
influenced by any sound reflected from its slightly off resonance when the response
surroundings. If sound comes back, hits is 0707 times the maximum vahie and in
the source out-of-phase, it tends to damp order to reduce the sensitivity to frequency
down the vibrations of that source. It to, say, a quarter of its maximum value, it
seems to me, therefore, that the effect is necessary to detune until the response
of the siz of the tanks might alter the has fallen to about an eighth of its
damping, and it would appear that maximum. It does not seem logical to
Professor Burrill, with the apparatus at make measurements of resonant vibration
his disposal, would be in a better position at a position so far removed from true
to carry out such experiments, varying resonance; and in the neighbourhood of
the effective size of the tank by means of resonance the sensitivity to frequency
baffles. change is a minimum.
Finally, I am very pleased to see that I recently had my first experience of
Professor Burrill has successfully investi- listening to a singing propeller althbugh I
gated the vibrations of stationary propeller think it was not a very bad case. The
blades under water, following his earlier frequency of themain noise was as high as
investigatiods in air, and that a stage has 800 per second on a large propeller
been reached where we can hope that an absorbing 8,000 s.h.p. at 100 r.p.m which
attack might eventually be made in the suggests that the limit initially imposed
new cavitation tunnel at King's College. by Mr. Hughes on the range of his- ek-
on the very difficult problem of studying plorations, could with advantage be raised.
the vibrations of a blade while the propeller It was also apparent. that there was
is actually running.

linear connexion between noise frequency

and speed of revolution. The frequency
Mr. H. G. YATES, Member: of 800 c.p.s. occurred over a range of
Professor Burrili's paper is a most useful propeller speeds and other frequencies were
and interesting addition to the first which also .present at different times, for example,'
I had the pleasure of hearing him deliver approximately 380 c.p.s. at 48 and alsO at
on this subject almost three years ago, and 104 revolutions and 320 c.p.s. at 34' and
is excellently supplemented by Mr. Hughes' again at about 90 revolutions per minute.
paper which overlaps it only to a desirable I am interested to note that the - Dc
extent and .provides a valuable check on Havilland Engine Company Lnited have
several points. found evidence of. modes . of vibration
Mr. Hughes seems fairly convinced that involving lateral bending about one Or
the singing of propeller blades is not of more axes longitudinal to the blade,.
the forced resonant type. The damping approximately radial. In . discussing. Pro-
which he found was so small, even in the l'essor Burrill's earlier paper I. remarked
presence of air bubbles, that he thinks that such vibrations were to be anticipated
it most unlikely that the energizing fre- and might perhaps produce some of the
quency could dwell long enough on the observed patterns in which the motion is
peak point to excite a serious resonance. more or less confined to the edges of the
I suggest that there are two factors that blade.
may modify the conditions. First, he Professor Burrill has remarked on .the
himself says that the form of blade he interesting possibility that the curves of
used was one that is not frequently asso- frequency plotted against number of nodes
ciated with singing. Some other forms might show intersections between the
show more complicated modes of vibration lines relating to torsional and flexuial
in which two types occur at nearly the vibrations respectively. It is perhaps
same frequency and so. would be expected worth emphasizing that this would only
to produce a different type of resonance have significance if the intersection occurred
curve having a flat top of finite width. The at an integral node number. By analogy
likelihood of forced resonance would be, the intersection of two tram lines does not
therefore, greatly increased. Secondly, it necessarily mean a . collision which will
occurs to me that the frequency with only occur if two vehicles approach the
which eddies are shed from the trailing junction at the same time.
edge of the blade may itself be influenced
by the blade vibration and may therefore Prof. L. C. BURRJLL, Member of Council:
be "pulled into step ". Mr. Hughes"s . paper has carried us a.
I cannot follow Mr. Hughes's reason for dCflnite stage further in the investigation
making his amplitude measurenients slightly of propeller-blade frequencies, in that, it -
off resonance. In a highly resonant establishes three new pOints. In the'
system it may be shown that the percentage place, th work which he has . done on
change in response fOr one per cent change blades of varioUs shapes reveals, the effect.
in frequency is very nearly proportional to of .di'sc-area ratio on the types of blade
the expression sin 20 where 0 is the vibrations to be expected. Clearly, the
difference in phase between excitation and blade patterns on similr blades are.
response and is zero at resonance. This essentiall the same for the, different
expression has a maximum value at a point disc-area ratiOs bit with the - very wide

blades the nodal patterns appear to break to "sing" under :such conditions, but the
up into a number of lobes. This informa- same propellers have been found to" sing"
tion may be regarded by some as rather at lower revolutions, when complete cavita-
academic, but it is, nevertheless, of con- tion was not present. On.the other hand,
sjderable interest to those who are in-- it would appear from the facts relating to
vestigating the problem of singing. other singing propellers that singing is a
Mr. Hughes's work on the effect of pre-cavitation or" local cavitation "pheno-
sharp edges is also very interesting, and it menon, as it has frequently happened that
throws some new light on the curious one of the first indications of the effects
effect which has been found by some of singing on a blade has been the appear-
investigatorsthat frequently the mere ance of small patches of erosion at similar
sharpening of the edges of a singing positions on each blade of a propeller. It
propeller has been sufficient to eliminate will be remembered that the 16ft. 9 in.
the noise. It has previously been con- propeller shown in my earlier paper had
sidered that this effect was possibly due distinct patches on each blade near the
to the additional damping of the water middle of the outer parts, and that there
in flowing round the sharp edge. Mr. was also a crack through the blade in- this
Hughes now shows that- in' the case of the region. It would appear, therefore; that
blades which he investigated, the effect of while the presence of a fully-developed
sharpening the edges was to alter the cavitation sheet on the back of a blade
frequences of vibration in the various thight preclude the possibility of singing,
modes, so that it would appear that if a the initial effects of local cavitation may,
blade is singing due to some resonant in fact, be the cause of singing. Up to the
phenomenon the mere effect of sharpening present time, no satisfactory theory of
the edges may take the frequencies just singing has been advanced but there is no
sufficiently clear of the resonance condition doubt we are gaining a closer understanding
and thus avoid the occurrence of singing. of the phenomena associated with blade
This effect would be particularly marked vibrations.
if the resultant vibration was due to the Mr. Hughes has limited his consideration
combination of two different modes. of frequencies to those lying below 300
The final point on which he has furnished c.p.s. for a propeller of normal proportions,
new this question of damping but I recently heard a propeller of some
due to air bubbles. it is curious to report 16 ft. in diameter emitting a noise of about
that we never found any air bubbles on the 600 c.p.s., and it is interesting to note
blades of our propeller, and I can not that the main noise frequency for propellers
explain why this should have occurred in of the type discussed -in my paper was
the case of Mr. Hughes's blades and not about 1,000 to 1,100 cycles per second,
in the case of our propeller. On the other which means that the mode of vibrations
hand, there is no doubt the presence of a concerned was most likely that shown in
layer of bubbles on the back of a blade Fig. 16, (i.e. the cross-mode.)
would have a very considerable damping
effect and it would appear that the results
which Mr. Hughes has obtained are related VOTE OF THMIKS
to the rather difficult question of the inter-
connexion between cavitation and singing. On the motion of the PRESIDENT
The established facts about cavitation and (Mr. Mungo Campbell), a vote of thanks
singing are that propellers working in was accorded to Prof. Burrill and Mr.
complete cavitation have not been found Hughes for their papers.


Mr. A. G. BOGGIS: difference between two higher frequencies

Mr. Hughes's analysis of the damping tend to be unstable. Thus a small varia-
curves for vibrating blades, in which he tion in one of the oscillators will cause a
attempts to show that singing is unlikely much greater change in the output fre-
to be caused by forced resonant vibrations, quency to be experienced. I suggest that
by virtue of the narrow width of the curve readings differing only by 1 or 2 c.p.s. in
at resonance, appears to offer a i'eiy 1000 c.p.s. are not to be relied upon.
reasonable argument in favour of this point The second objection is that excitation of
of view. a single-mass spring system,'at a frequency
I would suggest, howaver, that the method close to its natural frequency causes a
of obtaining these curves is open to criti- beating, which must create some difficulty
cism on two ,points. The first of these in the interpretation of respotise, at points
concerns the stability and accuracy of the on the slope of the curve.
oscillator usd. Beat frequency oscillators, A .method which we have used enables
by virtue of the fact that they utilize the the effective damping cOefficient 'to be

measured, although it does not allow the would expect erosion due -to the capillary
response curve to be drawn. A wire air bubbles, but not singing. With highly
resistance strain gauge was stuck on to the polished manganese-bronze propellers,
propeller blade, and the oscillations in bubbles would be unable to form under
strain were shown on a cathode-ray normal working conditions because there
oscillograph. By disconnecting the vibra- are no nuclei or points on which to form.
tor, the propeller vibrations die away in It appears then that the absence of singing
accordance with the usual geometrical with cast-iron propellers is due to the
progression, being controlled only by the roughness of the surface rather than to- the
water damping and internal damping of the design.
material. The variations in the strain as It is rather surprising that the Author
shown on the cathode-ray osdilograph was able to prevent the forthation of bubbles V

are photographed. This can then be by deoxidation by sodium sulphite because

measured and the logarithmic decrement the nitrogen constitutes the largest part of
calculated. the air bubbles
Fig. 24 shows the damping of the pro-
peller blade in the case of Fig. 3 (F I in Mr. H. A. DELLS
water) shown in Professor Burnill's paper In connexion with the phase shift
From measurements of this record the reported- by Mr. Hughes as the cause of
effective logarithmic decrement is 043, his elliptical c.r.t. trace found near a nodal
and the change in frequency due to damping point, we have found in our own experi-
calculated from this, can be shown to be ments that difficulties sometimes arise
less than 1-th per cent. from the nature of the exciting transducer.
It seems that if the: electro-mechanical
As Mr. Hughes remarks, the sharpness coupling is not perfect, as is often the case,
of the response curve does decrease the the applied potential or current will not
likelihood that singing is caused by forced in general be in phase with the mechanical
vibrations of a resonant character, but the oscillation. Strictly the best method of
possibility that some of the modes are operation would be to use two identical
excited by striking the blades in some pickups, one fixed permanently at the
manner, deserves consideration. point of excitation giving the horizontal
A sudden rise or fall in pressure, such as deflection of the spot,. and the other used
may occur when a particular propeller as the exploring probe.
blade passes the stern post, may well have The curious effect of bubbles on the
a very steep wave front. If so, it would damping of a vibrating system is very
probably consist of a very large number of interesting as it will undoubtedly be of
pressure waves at different frequencies, importance to us in our work on super-
and any one of these might cause excitation sonics and cavitation. It is not easy to
of one of the higher modes of vibration see how the bubbles can produce the large
of t'he propeller blade. effect observed, but is it possible that their
interference with the flow of water round
Mr. W. T. BOTIDMLEY, Member: the oscillating blade accounts for it,
Mr. Hughes suggests that the critical particularly as it is only at the upper.
nature of singing is perhaps connected frequencies that the size of the blade -
with the formation of bubbles on the back becomes comparable with tile wave-length
of the blade under working conditions. (in water) of the sOund? Alternatively,
In a recent paper* I have discussed Van can it be that the bubbles convert to heat a
Iterson's suggestion that -cavitating erosion proportion of the surface tension energy
is due to the collapse of capilhly air changes as they follow the compression and
bubbles in a super saturated state. These rarefaction pressures of the surrounding
bubbles form and collapse when the water water? - -
pressure is well above the vapour pressure.
Experiments appear to- show that the Dr. 3. F. SHANNON:
formation of capillary air bubbles depends Mr. Hughes made an excellent choice of
on the texture of the surface of the material.

blade forms for his experiments and his

If the surface is smooth and polished, tests have been methodically carried
bubbles will not form until the water falls through and presented in a clear manner.
to the vapour pressure. If the surface is The experimental technique was good and
rough, capillary air bubbles may form at his observations and conclusions sound.
any pressure between the air saturation The classification of modes is very clearly
pressure of the water and the vapour shown. Attention-is-drawn to the curves
pressure. Experiments will be carried out of amplitude contours for blade. C in Fig.
shortly which I hope will prove this point 13 where it-is shown that the movement is
definitely for cast iron. more or less confined to the- narrow
Therefore fOr cast-iron propellers we portion round -the blade edge and the
Erosion due to Incipient Cavitation" by W. T. Author correctly concludes that this is the
Bottomley, -1.Meck.E., Vol. 158, Decethber 1948. portion of the blade that will emit-sound.

It can also be concluded that the blade edge those most likely to cause singing, has not
is the most e'ective place to excite vibration. yet been proved. It would be interesting
Hence the sigufficance' of damping intro- to know whether it is intended to measure
duced by' sharpening the blade edges, as the vibrations of a singing propeller in
advocated by me and my former colleagues. service by strain gauging. This would
I believe with the Author that singing is serve the dual purpose of. determining
not a synchronous effect and hence the both the working stress and the vibrations
slight change in frequency caused by occurring in the blades. This technique is
sharpening the blade edge can not be the already well established in aircraft propeller
reason why this " cure "has been successful testing.
in some, cases of propeller singing. The
Author has not yet measured the damping Mr. A. SILVERLEAF:
due. to.. edge sharpening but his future ''These two papers provide useful addi-
work on this aspect will be of value. The tional data on the vibration characteristics
outstanding point brought out by the tests of propellers, and the extension of previous
was the considerable damping effect of work to include underwater tests, is a
air bubbles. This. was very : remarkable valuable step. While agreeing with the
and the Author deserved great credit for belief of both Authors that the only
having been the first to find this feature. practicable method of investigating pro-
It would be of value to know the effect of peller vibration modes is by experiment,
these bubbles on the damping when they 'it is 'still of interest to compare test 'results
just begin to form at the leading edge with calculated frequencies. Thus, for
and also their relation to the damping example, a comparison of frequency ratios
caused by the sharp edge. If strain gauges for flexural modes of vibrating cantilevers
are ever fitted to a propeller in order to gives (Table 5).
examine the vibrations in service, will the As these figures show the frequencies for
bubbles which will occur due to the strain a complete propeller to be so much closer
gauges and lead wires introduce damping than for a single cantilever beam, whether
which will obscure the vibrations which. of uniform or variable section, it is possible
cause singing? An investigation into this that a built propeller may have vibration
point may save disappointment in the characteristics different from those of its
future. component blades. The results of Mr.
Professor Burrill's paper shows the Hughes's frequency calculations for the fla,t
difficulties which arise in measuring the blade would help investigation of this
vibration modes in a stationary full-scale suggestion, especially as, owing to the
propeller; modes which are quite easy presence of harmonics in the exciting force
to excite in model bladôs prove to be system, it is not easy to compare his
difficult in the' complete propeller. As experimentally determined frequency ratios
regards the cross-modes Prof. Burrill finds for pure fiexural modes of vibration
these easy to excite and is inclined to the Further information on this point would
view that singing may be due to such be given by tests on a single blade of the
modes and coupled vibrations. This is propeller tested by Prof. Burrill.
contrary to Mr. Hughes's results which Results of model tests can only be
show that the uncoupled. diaphragm applied to full-scale propellers if the laws
modes produce the, most intense sound. 'of similarity are clearly known. While for
Clearly the case for cross-modes as being vibrations in air the .frequencies of full

Frequency Ratio
No. of (1) . (2) (3) ' ' (4)
Nodal Lines Uniform Tapered Elliptical Four-Bladed
on Blade Cantilever Wing Flat Plate Propeller
0 1 ' 1 1 -1
I. 6'2 ' 3.5 . 5.7 l'44
2' 17'5 80 ' . 15'6 288

3 . 34.4 30'2 4'45

4 .568 46'9 637

Standard calculated values.

Values calculated by method of sweeping."*
Observed values in air (Grinsted, see Burrill, Fig. 23).
,, ;, ,, ' ,, (Eurrill, see Table 1).
Bcskin and Rosenber8, burn. Aeronautical Sciences, Nov. 1946.

scale propellers may be those of ged- explanation of the experimental results is

metrically similar models divided by the that a nodal line (for natural displacements)
linear scale ratio, this simple relation is is not free from tangential motion, due to
not likely to hold for blades vibrating in bending.about the neutral surface, and
water. Both Prof. Burrill's and Mr. extension of the neutral surface.
Hughes's underwater tests show the en- There are some unexplained incon-'
trained-water effect to vary with frequency sistencies in the damping results but I think
in a manner independent of the mode of I can account for the observed effect of
vibration. Such dependence on the abso- surface air bubbles on damping -and
lute value of frequency introduces a scale frequency. Obviously both are hydro-
effect due to the different laws of similarity dynamic effects due only indirectly to the
governing the structural and the entrained- bubbles. Surface pressure changes on a
water effects. Further tests in air and vibrating blade (due to virtual inertia) can
water with a series of geometrically similar be quite high and the resulting expansion
single blades or complete propellers of and compression of the bubbles seems
varying size, and thus with different fre- capable of setting up violent local turbu-
quencies, would give useful information on lence in the water resulting in added inertia
this point. and damping. The conclusion as to the
This problem is also of importance in negative correlation between cavitation
the study of ship-hull vibrations, since and singing is interesting; elsewhere I
most -present methods of calculating have suggested that due to these same pres-
critical frequencies assume the entrained- sure changes singing can possibly cause
water effect to be independent of frequency cavitation.
and to depend only on the shape of the The results in both papers on water
immersed hull form. The work of Bräh- inertia are much as expected though I have
mig,* among others, on the entrained- made' no detailed comparison with the
water effect on torsional vibration of ship predictions of my 1943 paper.
propellers throws useful light on these 1 do not follow Professor Burrill when
allied problems. he says that singing may be due to torsional
flexual coupling apart from hydrodynamic
Dr. J. LOCKWOOD TAYLOR: causes; if so, then a blade should sing in
There are many interesting points in air or in vacuo. I remain unconvinced
Mr. Hughes's paper. I am particularly also as to the evil effect of" interference"
interested in his observations on pitch or between modes. I believe that flutter
blade-twist effect on frequency. The effect theory long ago discarded the idea that
in the case of. the primary torsional is of coincidence of natural frequencies is
the order I should expect from my 1943 critical (if this is what the Author means).
I.N.A. paper,t where I estimated the
increase in torsional rigidity due to twist,
using a very simple approximation. Briefly,
torque applied to an already twiste4. blade Dr. Ir. W. P. A. van LAMMEREN:
necessarily involves extensional strain of the (Remarks on Prof Burrill's paper.)
blade middle plane, hence a large increase The tests described in this paper are a
in stiffness over the flat blade. Why then very valuable continuation of Prof. Burrill's
does this not appear in the secondary and earlier work in this field. In imitation of
higher torsional modes? The answer Prof. Burrill's method we tested a singing
must, I think, lie in the departure from the propeller of the B-series type designed for a
purely torsional modes shown clearly in coaster- which propeller afterwards was
the -diagrams ; the blade in fact vibrates in cured by the method of sharpening the
such a way as to minimize extensional edges on the Outer parts of the propeller
strains, as would be expected from energy blades.
considerations. It would be interesting if This method of sharpening the edges,
the theory that extensional strain accounts though not viewed with favour by British
for the differences between flat blade and propeller manufacturers, has proved to be
pitched frequencies could be checked by very successful, especially with propellers
calculation, using the observed modes. designed according to the Wageningen
I am sceptical with regard to Mr. Hughes's B-series with thickened trailing edges.
remarks, on the effect of damping in This constructioti mentioned in my con-
eliminating the nodal lines and in causing tribution to the discussion on the Author's
phase shift from point to point. Surely 1946 paper as well as in the English version
the amplitude cannot change from positive of our book "Resistance, propulsion and
to negative without passing through zero, steering of ships" has- proved to be wrong
damping or no damping? A possible in relation to singing. It was based on
R. BRAFIM....Esperin,cntal determinatiän of the results obtained with -some propellers
the hydródyoamic increase in niass in oscillating having blades with very thin trailing edges
bodies" (SchObau, June, 1940). which were cut off and became silent.
" Propeller Elade Vibration." VoL 85, -
Usually,- however, the result is the oppoite,

From a BIOS report* it appears that the menon of singing. I should like to men-
method of sharpening the blade edges was tion, however, that the good results
successfully applied by the German navy obtained with sharpened blade edges could
during the war. We too cured a series of partly be forecast with the aid of tests with
fifteen singing propóllers in succession 18 m. propeller models in the cavitation
without any exception. tunnel. We tested some propeller models
We started the sharpening of the back singing at a frequency which was that of the
and the face of the blades from about actual propeller multiplied by the linear
O 7R at the leading edge round the tip to scale ratio. The model propellers were
about 0 6R at the trailing edge (Fig. 25a). cured by sharpening the blade edges in a
Tests with big-scale propeller models in way as mentioned above. The singing of
the cavitation tunnel, however, showed the propeller models disappeared in all
some leading edge cavitation.. Then we cases. The full-scale propellers became
only sharpened the trailing edge at back and silent in the first two' cases but the result of
face of the blades, with the same success the third case is not yet known.
(Fig. 25b). The results not only confirm Mr. Hughes's
Very recently we sharpened the trailing important conclusion that the phenomenon
edge of the blades of a propeller at the back of singing propellers could be studied with
only (Fig. 25c). In all cases the diameter of the aid of tests on model scale, but that
the rounding off circles remained 2 to 3 mm. tests in the cavitation tunnel with relatively
The results are not yet available but scale large manganese bronze models might be
tests in the cavitation tunnel with singing- of the utmost importance for the solution
propeller models have shown that this small of the problem.
modification will be sufficient to cure Mr. Hughes's remarks about the effect of
singing. ait bubbles upon singing are very interesting.
As we were very anxious to know the I cannot agree, however, with his general
effect of sharpening of the blade edges on conclusion that it is most unlikely that
the mode of vibration we carried out the singing ' will occur 'in a blade which is
above mentioned tests on a propeller with operating under cavitation conditions. As
and without sharpened blade edges. The a matter of fact I observed face and back
tests were carried out in air according to cavitation erosion on the blades of singing
the method described by the Author. propellers. But this' is not in contra-
Preliminary consideration of the results diction with Mr. Hughes's statement that
which have not been fully worked out up to severe cavitation often does occur without
the present do not show any appreciable any trace of singing. An explanation may
differences between the vibration pictures. be the fact that both singing and erosion
At any rate they seem to be smaller than may occur at a certain limited range of
the mutual differences between the pictures number of revolutions which ranges can
of the four blades of the propeller. It may be entirely different for both phenomena.
be. however, that under-water tests will In reading the very interesting and.
give quite different results and further valuable papers by Prof. Burrill and Mr.
research as done by Prof. Burrill might Hughes I feel sony to state that several
prove to be useful. For the present I am investigations are simultaneously working
inclined to describe the effect of sharp on the same subject, obviously without any
edges mainly to the increase in hydro- contact and I should like to ask Mr. Hughes
dynamic damping. I should be very whether there could be found a way 'to
pleased to have Prof. Burrill's views on this co-operation, possibly under the auspices
point. of the International Tank Conference.
Moreover I am not quite sure that the
results obtained from these statical tests Dr. W. KER WILSON, Member, and
will correspond with those of the hydro- Mr. B. GRINSTED:
dynamically loaded actual propeller. I Our interest in the fascinating subject of
should feel obliged to the Author if he the vibration of plate-like bodies was
could give me his views on this very stimulated about two years ago when we
important point. were confronted with the rather difficult
My general impression of the vibration and obscure problem of the vibration of
pictures is that it will be very difficult to the vanes of centrifugal compressors for
arrive at well-defined conclusions from these gas-turbine engines. The large vanety of
pictures concerning singing especially while nodal patterns which we were' able to
the pictures are very sensitive to small excite in these compressor vanes appeared
changes in frequency. to be just as haphazard as those disclosed
in Professor Burrill's earlier paper.t
(Remarks on Mr. Hughes's paper.) It was, therefore, decided to make a
I have said something about the effect of study of the classical work of Chiadni and
sharpening the blade edges on the pheno- others on the vibration of plates and a
paper is being prepared to cover this work.
- BIOS Miscellaneous Report No. 76; Technical
Report Nos. 545-45, Manufacture and design of
propellers in Germany during thewar;" Oct. 1945. fVoI. 62..

However, to promote a better under- direction bears little relation to the increase
standing of the nodal patterns now pre- due to an extra line in the perpendicular
sented in Professor Hurrili's and Mr. direction, (except in the case of the square
Hughes's papers, the following notes may plate) the modal frequencies become
be of some help. separated into "families" (as illustrated
Chladni (1756-1827) was a pioneer of in Fig. 23 of Prof. Burrill's paper) and a
plate-vibration study as well as being the member of one family may have a fre-
originator of the sand pattern. He demon- quency approximately equal to that of
strated a formidable number of patterns on another family. When this occurs there is
plates of various profiles and also dis- a likelihood of their compounding. This
covered that many of these could be can take place in two possible ways, i.e. if
explained by the simultaneous occurrence both modes are considered to be in phase
of two independent basic modes. These in one of the compounded forms they will
basic modes consist of orthogonal networks be 180 degrees out of phase in the other
of nodal lines, the complexity increasing (as described in Barton's "Sound ").
with frequency. Since the increase in The frequencies of the two compounded
frequency due to an extra line in one modes which result, are found to differ

. ''j I ii

Fig. 24


Q51oa5R) OSo

(cc. . back face i. bck back

a(2o+(o.00s(Dmç_ 2000)]1
J max.30mm

b Ola
Fig. 25

appreciably, one being above that of the is regardedas unlikely except with certain
higber basic rhode (had it been excited extreme proportions of blade dimensions,
independently) and the other below that e.g. the aircraft propeller blade.
of the lower basic mode. The difference in in the related field of torsional and
the frequencies, is dependent on Poisson's flexural vibration of heavy shafts such a
ratio and would only be zero if Poisson's condition is theoretically possible. Accord-
ratio were zero for the material of the plate. ing to . heavy (circular) shaft theory the
On this basis the following observations tOrsional frequencies increase linearly with
can be made the number of nodes whereas the flexural
(a)The reason why "pure" flexural and frequencies approach proportionality tO
torsional modes are only recognizable the square of the number of nodes. Thus,
at the lower frequencies is. that there irrespective of end conditions, there must
are fewer. possibilities of compound- be some point at which the two curves
ing (as may be seen from Fig. 23 of intersect. The point of intersection in
Prof. Bi.rrill's paper). any given case will depend on the length!
The frequencies of modes, however diameter ratio, bearing in mind that the
accurately measured, may be very torsional frequencies are inversely propor-
misleading if not viewed tOgether with tional to the length of the shaft, vhëreas
all the other frequencies 'and the the flexural frequencies are inversely
possibilities of compounding. proportional to the square of the length.
Basic modes on the marine propeller These considerations imply the possibility
blade will have in certain cases of a cOincidence between a
(I) Nodal lines which are substantially torsiOnal and a flexural frequency.
parallel to the torsional axis but Considering now a beam of non-circular
deviateto an extent which is section. bending takes place in the fibres
influnced by the shape of the furthermost removed from the axis. The
blade. contribution of the bending deflection to
(ii) Nodal lines which aresubstantially the stiffness of the torsional modes will
parallel to the fixed edge but, increase as the number of nodes increases
again, are influenced by the shape because of the decrease in span between the
of the blades. nodal lines. The curve of torsional
The resultthg networks will in all cases frequencies will, therefore, depart from the
have nodal lines endeavouring to meet the linearity associated with a circular section
edges of the blade at right angles while at so that in the case of, say, a rectangular
the same time crossing óach other at right section, intersection of the torsional and
angles. Thee are the conditions for the flexural frequency curves becomes less likely
least strain energy in a vibrating system. as the width/thickness ratio increases.
The possibility of the torsional frequency Thus for the proportions of a marine
curve actually crossing the flexural fre- propeller it is considered unlikely that the
quency curve, referred to by PrOf. Burrill, curves will cross.
Professor BURRILL'S Reply
The object of the present work was to the' figures obtained 'were not always the
determine the natural modes and. fre- same when a blade was struck in a particular
quenciès of vibration of a propeller blade point. The advantage of the electronic
under water, so that these could be com- method of exciting the blades at resonance
pared with the previous results obtained with the aid of very small periodic forces
in air. it is, in fact, considered that a is that, by and large, only one mode of
thorough understanding of the ways in vibration is excited at a given time. The
which a marine propeller blade -may resultantpattern and the resonant frequency
- vibrate is essential before the more complex for that mode may then be carefully
- problem of singing can be attacked. It studied, and while the propeller is vibrating
does not follow from this that the nature it will emit a single note corresponding
of the patterns excited will necessarily to the resonant frequency. ' It is well to
reveal the cause of singing, but it is quite be reminded that in the actual ship two or
'clear that the vibration patterns corres- more modes may be excited at any time.
ponding to different blade shapes and blade For example, some recent measurements
sections exhibit different characteristics, showed that when a propeller was turning
and comparison between the patterns at 30 revolutions per minute the noise
excited in the case of singing propellers emitted consisted of a single harmonious
and those which have been excited in. the note having a frequency of 495 cycles per
case of non-singing propellers does reveal second, but 'at 96 revolutions per minute
quite significant differences which may the noise was made up of vibrations at
account Tor the fact that some propellers 68 cycles per second, 135 cycles per second
do not respond to the hydrodynamic and 785 cycles per' second respectively.
causes of singing while others are very This latter noise rose and fell twice per
noisy. Experience has shown that very revolution and, as will be judged from the
small modifications to the blades can combination given, was 'not a. pure note.
change a very noisy propeller into one The most noisy modes of vibration
which is quite silent. observed by the Author have been the
Mr. Harry Hunter has commented on cross-mode shown in Figs. 16 and 17 and
the jarring and grating, nature of the, noises the diaphragm mode which is illustrated
as heard in the ship as compared with the by the pattern corresponding to 2,418
relatively tuneful notes which were produced cycles per second in Fig. 23'. Several
in air when the propeller on which the examples of vibrations of these two types
present tests were carried out was vibrated were Obtained on propellers F-M in the
at the, earlier meeting in 1946. The noises previous paper. As is indicated on p. 306,
which are heard in the ship are frequently these are produced by a combination of
a combination of several notes corres- the flexural mode having three transverse
ponding to different modes of vibration, nodes across the blade and a lateral mode
which may -co-exist at the same time, and with two nodes running approximately
the rotating source of the sound has the' along' the length direction of each blade,
effect of producing a rather complex noise the cross-mode pattern being produced
-which rises and falls, sometimes once per when these vibrations 'are of the same
revolution, sometimes twice per revolution. phase and. therefore additive, and the other
This' mixed noise is similar to that which pattern with a circle in the outer parts
would be obtained by striking a propeller being produced when they are in opposite
blade with a hammer, as then a number of phase. Such patterns were observed on
different modes would be excited 'at one eight propellers in the previous tests
'and the same time. Early experiments carried out in air, all of which propellers
carried out in this way were, in fact, - were associated with loud singing. One
unproductive of satisfactory results because of the objects of the present work was.;to


find out whether the pattern for propeller hand, it may be influenced by the slip
M, which had been obtained in air, would angles at which the blades will be working
be reproduced in water. It will be seen in the light and deep conditions.
from Fig. 16 of the present paper that this In reply to Dr. E. G. Richardson's
is so. remark about the effect of amplitude on
The most vigorous vibratiOn which has blade damping under water, I can only
been recorded was that at 265 cycles per say that so far as our tests were concerned,
second for propeller F shown in the the water loading at different amplitudes
previous paper. In this case the move- did not appear to have any effect on the
ments of sawdust on the surface of the resonant frequencies. That is to say, it
blade were extremely vigorous and the frequently happened that a pattern was at
sawdust, if scattered uniformly over the first excited very vigorously and later the
blade, moved rapidly up the blade against gain of the amplifier was reduced without
the pitch slope towards the nodal lines. affecting the frequency and without requir-
In order to verify that the results obtained ing the beat frequency oscillator to be
with the propeller mounted on blocks in retuned. Undoubtedly the size of tank
the tank are applicabla to an actual ship, can have a considerable effect on the
it is. proposed, as Mr. Harry Hunter damping and this was taken into account
suggests, to carry out some experiments when it was decided to make our tank
with the propeller actually in position on 20 ft. square, so that reflections from the
the shaft of a ship, and the Author will walls would have relatively little effect.
be very pleased to have the co-operation It is not thought that the tank sides would
of Mr. Hunter in carrying out this test. have a great deal of effect on the measured
frequencies, but it seems possible that the
It w.s at one time a matter of considerable rather small tank used by Mr. Hughes
discussion whether the singing noises heard may have had some influence both on the
in the Athelfoam and other vessels, were damping effects and also on the complex
caused by the shaft bearings or were due modes excited, some of which may have
to the propeller, and numerous tests were been due to reflection . of pressure waves
carried out. to determine the contribution from the tank sides. Dr. Richardson's
made by the bearings in causing the noise. suggestion that we might pursue this matter
It is now generally agreed that singing by fitting baffles in our tank is one which
is due to sustained vibrations of the we will take into account for later experi-
propelle± blades, and that the cause lies ments, as this could quite readily be
in the shape of the blades and the type arranged. As Dr. Richardson will see
of sections adopted. Singing is therefore from the contribution submitted by Dr.
a question of blade design and can be van Lammeren, it has already been possible
avoided by the adoption of suitable blade- to observe propellers singing in the cavita-
section shapes. At the same tune, there tion tunnel, but the Author feels that this
is some evidence that when the propeller condition may be rather difficult to control.
is singing the shaft and the shaft liner Mr. H. G. Yates discusses the possible
are in some ways affected by the blade nature of singing vibrations and concludes
vibrations. For example, the Author has that these may quite readily be of the
in the past examined several shaft liners forced resonant type. He also points out
which have shown curious erosion or that the frequency of eddy-shedding may
- pitting marks, spaced at 90 degrees intervals, itself be influenced by the blade vibrations
which occurred at some distance forward and may, therefore, under certain circum-
of the propeller, and which were no doubt
stances, be "pulled" into step. The
associated. in some manner with the Author's view in this matter is that the
singing vibrations of the four blades. In actual blade vibrations which occur during
another instance, the presence of singing singing are of the resonant type, as a very
produced a noise in the reduction-gear small change in the revolutions can
case at the forward end of the shaft which frequently either cause the propeller to be
disappeared when the propeller was made entirely silent or bring about a changed
silent. It appears that this shafting effect note. At the present stage, however, it
is the result of singing rather than the is probably wisest to conclude that pro-
cause and may be treated as a secondary pellers may sing in different ways and due
effect. to different causes, as -in some instances
In every case in the Author's experience, the frequency of the note heard appears
propellers have been found to be more to rise steadily with the revolutions,
noisy when the ship was fully loaded than whereas in other cases a predominant note
at lighter draughts, and as this has of a given frequency is to be heard through-
happened in almost every case upon record, out the whole range of engine speeds
it would appear to be firmly estabhshed. accompanied by other subsidiary notes at
As Mr. Hunter points out, this may be various revolutions. I must confess I had
due to lack Of immersion or due to the not remembered Mr. Yates's remarks about
blades breaking surface or, on the other the modes of vibration involving lateral

bending in the discussion of my earlier but this is considered to be a palliative

paper, and it is interesting, therefore, to rather than a regular procedure to be
note that Grinsted's work has shown adopted in normal designs, as it has been
clearly that the complex cross-mode found possible to consistently produce
pattern is, in fact, a combination between non-singing propellers having blade edges
a flexural mode and another mode of of the normal commercial thickness.
vibration having two nodes approximately
parallel to the longitwiiruil axis of the - It is interesting to learn that the sugges-
blade and that in one case at least this was tion made by Dr. van Lammeren in his
the predominant mode in which singing comments on the earlier paper that the
occurred. adoption of specially thick trailing edges
The remarks of Dr Ker Wilson and with the B 440 type design has proved to
Mr. Grz,sted on the separation of the be unsuccessful. There seems no doubt
resonant frequencies into families and the that this thickening of the trailing edge
fact that approximate equality of the would have some influence on' the mass
frequencies of two or more members of balance of the blades and that the use of
different families may give rise to compound a thickened trailing edge could lead to
vibrations, are of considerable interest. eddy formation in this region. - It would
The fact that the frequencies of such appear - that it is now suggested by Dr.
compounded modes, which result from van Lamineren that very sharp trailing
this phenomenon, lie, respectively, slightly edges would be more advantageous. This
above that of the higher basic mode and would, of course, increase the edge-damping
slightly below that of the lower basic-mode, in a critical region of the blades and would
and the further fact that such modes appear also avoid the unbalance referred to above,
to be readily interchangeable can lead to so that, generally speaking, the Author
the existence of very complex vibrations, would agree orr this point. It would not
for which the corresponding noises would be expected that the adoption of sharp
be' quite inharmonious. For example, it edges should have a considerable influence
was found in the earlier tests conducted on the blade patterns and frequenrit.s in
in air that the existence of a cross mode air, but I think the work already carried
was very quickly followed in the frequency out' by Mr. Hughes is sufficient to indicate
scale by a diaphragm mode, and it was that an appreciable change in frequency
frequently difficult to differentiate sharply is to be expected in water and the sharpening
as between these two types of patterns. of one edge only may possibly affect the
- It may be that the curious oscillating notes blade patterns. I believe that 'the tests
A/B/A/B. . . which sometimes occui are carried out to date have made it possible
due to the blades vibrating alternately in to identify some of the patterns corres-
one or other of these two patterns. ponding to the singing noises emitted by
actual propellers, and the results of further
It is interesting to note that Mr. Grinsted tests at sea should, I think, soon establish
considers that the possibility of a crossing the kind of blade vibrations which are
point between the torsional and flexural associated with the singing noise. This,
frequency curves is unlikely except with the in my view, will be a distinct forward step.
long, narrow blades of airscrews. It
appears to the Author that this effect is Dr. van Larnmeren comments on the
probably governed by the longitiidinal fact that work is 'being carried out in this
distribution of thickness of the blades, i.e. field by different observers, and draws the
the- amount of taper adopted from root conclusion that an agreed programme
to tip. The curves prbduced by Mr. would probably be more beneficial, but I
Grinsted are for a flat plate, whereas those feel that, as in other fields, more rapid
shown by the Author are for a tapered progress is to be expected if several investi-
wedge, which, in fact, does not have a gators are at work on the subject, rather
uniform rate of reduction in thickness in -than that the work should be confined to
the radial direction, and it is believed that a single institution or laboratory. The
this is a matter which is worthy of further same argument could be used in connexion
testing by means of experiments in air with tests on hull forms or in connexion
and in water. with propellers, and I think Dr. van
Apologies are offered for the mis-spelling Larnmeren will agree that they have, by
of Mr. Grinsted's name in the paper. pursuing their own lines of research,
contributed in a great measure to the
I was interested to learn from Dr. von advances which have been made in con-
Lainmeren's contribution that they have nexion with these problems. No doubt
been carrying out similar experiments 'in - the fact that several investigators are
air and in water at Wageningen and that, working on the same subject frequently
-furthermore, they have been able to study leads to the emergence of similar -results
the singing phenomenon in the cavitation from various establishments but, on the-
tunnel. The effect of sharp edges in whole, this js considered by the Author
stopping singing is by now well known, to be -advantageous tather than otherwise.

In carrying out these tests the main to the thicker and narrower root section
object was to establish the effects of water adopted. Some attempt has been made
damping on the modes of vibration to be to correlate frequencies for different sizes
expected, as compared with the previous of propellers in air, but so far it has not
results obtaiiwd in air, but I agree with been possible to establish any simple law
Mr. Hunter that until a clear theory has of similarity. It seems clear, however,
been established it is essential to investigate that the simple relationship (i.e. that the
both the "clapper" and the "bell." The frequencies vary inversely with the linear
present experiments relate to the bell alone, scale ratio) does not apply rigorously to
and Dr. Lockwood Taylor is incorrect in propellers of different sizes.
deducing from the statement made on
p. 306 that blades subject to torsional It is an interesting point that Mr.
flexural coupling should sing in air or Silverleaf raises about the variation of
in vacuo. In the field of wing-flutter entrained water effect with the frequency.
investigations, it has long been understood No doubt the to-and-fro' movements of
that the existence of coupling between. the the water vary in character as between the
natural torsional and flexural movements lower and higher modes. As the blade
is one cause of sustained vibrations, and is broken up into a large number of lobes,
many wing forms and aircraft-propeller- the total disturbance appears to be very
blade shapes have been designed with their much reduced, as compared with that
section centroids arranged along a straight which obtains when the blade is vibrating
axis with a view to avoiding this effect. as a simple cantilever. The situation is
not quite similar to that which Obtains
In presenting the tentative conclusions in the case of. a ship executing vertical
as to possible causes of blade sensitivity vibrations with several nodes in the length,
to singing, the Author was drawing con- but it seems likely that tests on vibrated
clusions from the blade patterns exhibited ship models will reveal a not dissimilar
by singing propellers as compared with result so far as the entrained water effect
those obtained from non-singing propellers, at higher frequencies is concerned.
and there is no doubt that the singing Dr. Shannon is incorrect in concluding
propellers investigated to date have shown
the existence either of torsional flexural that I am inclined to the view that singing
coupling or of the diaphragm modes to may be due to the cross-modes because
which attention is drawn in this and the these are easily excited. The only reason
earlier paper. It may be argued that it is for suggesting that the cross-mode and
too early to draw such conclusions from the corresponding . diaphragm modes may be
limited number of tests made, but I believe the singing modes is that these patterns
that the above conclusion will be confirmed have consistently been found to occur in
when more reliable and more full informa- the case of singing propellers tested. The
tion becomes available. It does not appear fact that it has been entirely impossible to
to me that the flutter theory advanced by excite. these patterns in the non-singing
Dr. Taylor. will explain all the singing propellers tested is not, perhaps, conclusive
phenomena, and I believe a more complete evidence, but it is curious that none of the
theory will emerge in due course. singing propellers tested has been free from
these cross and diaphragm modes.
Mr. Silverleaf points out that the
.frequencies for the higher modes of It is not quite clear to the Author which
vibration are less widely spaced than those modes are the uncoupled diaphragm modes
obtained by calculation for a single referred to by Dr. Shannon, but if these
cantilever beam. The difficulty of making are the lobe- or disc-type of patterns
comparisons between theoretical and associated with wide blades, then it seems
practical results in the case of the propeller incorrect to conclude that these are likely
blade lies in the complex nature of the to cause singing, as this phenomenon has
constructions particularly when the change not, in the past, been associated with
of blade angle due to pitch is included. wide-bladed screwsfor example, there is
It is considered that theoretical calculations no record of singing with destroyer
can only give a very rough guide to the propellers of high disc-area ratio.
frequencies of higher modes and that in
the final analysis recourse must be had to The difficulties which arose in connexion
experiments in order to determine these with the measurement of the vibration
- frequencies. At the same time, the inodes with this propeller were not en-
knowledge of the actual blade patterns countered in the larger propellers and the
will help very considerably in making Author would much rather- carry out these
frequency calculations. Experience to date tests on the full scale than on the model
suggests that the frequencies of built scale for this reason. In fact, some of the
propeller blades are somewhat higher than difficulty associated with the present work
those of solid propeller blades of the same was that, as we were unable to lilt a larger
eneral dimensions. This is probably due propeller, the tests had to be carried out

on this small 4-ft. propeller. From previous necessary for such work, would not give
experleace it would have been very much any conclusive information about the type
easier to have carried out these tests on of vibration or the corresponding blade
a .tbll-size 18-ft. propeller and, in view patterns, and that from the point of view
of this, an attempt will be made in the near of investigating the singing phenomenon,
future to carry out such a test, although it the, strain-gauge technique is of doubtful
will probably mean removing one side of value. As will be seen from Mr. Boggis's
the tank in order to get the propeller photograph, included in the present
into 'position. discussion, we have already obtained some
It is not correct to say that the model measurements of the logarithmic, damping
blades are more easy to excite than the by fitting a strain gauge to the blade of a
full-size propeller. vibrating propeller, but no information
could be obtained in this way about the
With regard to the suggestion that strain blade pattern excited. It appears to. me
gauges should be fitted to determine the that more is to be learned from -an analysis
singing vibrations in service, it appears of the noises made by singing propellers,
to. the Author that this, apart from the and this subject is being puñued whenever
difficulties associated with the slip-rings possible.


Reply to Mr. Hunter vibration causes bearing trouble and not,

Mr. Harry Hunter justly oliserves that except in very bad cases, vice versa.
the vibrations studied by both Prof. Burrill
and myself are produced under very different I find it hard to agree with Mr. Hunter's
conditions from those which obtain in suggestion that the exciting forces may be
service, the most obvious difference being produced 'by the collapse of vortices coming
that the notes produced experimentally are downstream to the propeller. It is difficult
of necessity comparatively pure, since they to visualize any projection or other unfair-
consist alnost entirely of'ibrations of one ness in a modern hull form sufficiently
particular frequency only. This observa- serious to set up spinning velocities great
tion holds good even in the case of mOde enough to produce vapour- or air-filled
Cl 0, its distressing natufe being due to its cavities capable of causing serious impacts
piercing intensiry at a frequency 'to vhich by their collapse. Vortices of this kind
the Car is apparently sensitive, rather than may, of course, originate from the blade
to any discord between notes of different tips themselves when tip cavitation occurs,
frequencies. However, if desired, it should but photographs of propellers operating
be a relatively simple matter to simulate under these conditions show . that these
to some degree the discordancy which vortices.are definitely not cut by the succeed-
appears in actual singing by exciting a ing blades..
single blade simultaneously at two or more
points from separate oscillators operating On -the other hand I do suiport Mr.
at different frequencies. I think that there Hunter's suggestion that the time 'has come
can be little doubt that this is the case in for the experimental investigation of the
practice, i.e. the blade vibrates in a corn- more difficult aspect of the question, that
binatioñ Of several modes. .of the "clapper." The types of vibration
which can and do occur in propeller blades
With reference to the use of rubber in- are by now fairly well established under
tail-shaft bearings, it is to be expected that experimental conditions, and there is little
the damping capacity of such material point in pushing this side of the investiga-
would be sufficient to reduce materially the tion very far ahead until we know which of
amplitude of vibration of modes which such types do occur under the exciting
involve motion at the propeller boss. But forces of actual operation and under the
I am at a loss to. understand the occurrence conditions of support and external environ-
of the high-pitched squeal which occurred ment which do occur in relation to a work-
when the engines were stopped, unless ing screw. Presumably the experiments
perhaps it was caused by the excitation of that Prof. Burrill has in mind will first
some form of "reactionless" diaphragm consist of studying the types of, vibration
mode due to. violent eddying action round that can be excited in a stationary propeller
the edges of the trailing blades. With in position on 'a floating vessel. This may
Prof Burrill, I incline to the view that blade well bedone by the aid of the techniques

which he has already deve1oed. For the used will have.some bearing on the damping
far more difficult job of studying the vibra- values for the reasons stated by Dr.. Richard-
tions of a rotating propeller there appear son, and it will be interesting to see whether
to be two alternatives :- Prof. Bun-ill's proposed experiments thrpw
(a) The use of a strategically disposed further light on this matter. In this
network of strain gauges as has been cotinexion, the true effect of tank size will
widely employed in aircraft work.. only be revealed if other extraneous losses,
e.g. the supports of the propeller, are either
(b) The analysis of propeller noise into completely eliminated or very carefully
-. its variotis components by acoustical controlled.
- -methods.
-. In either case, the experimental difficulties
will apparently be very great. Reply to Mr. Yates -

Reply to Dr. Richardion Mr. Yates quite correctly observes that

if two natural frequencies are practically
I am grateful to Dr. Richardson for his equal the resultant response curve will be
Eeference to Mallock's work on the influence considerably broadened, and hence the
of gas bubbles on the damping of vibrations receptive range to synchronous excitation
in water. My own. deductions from will be increased. Such a case actually
Mallock's paper differ somewhat from those occurs in air with modes A4 and AS but
of Dr. Richardson. and are in accord with when these particular patterns were being
the ideas put fOrward by Dr. Lockwood studied the technique of determining reliable
Taylor in the written discussion and by response curves had not been fully de-
myself in the verbal discussion of the paper. veloped; hence I am unable to produce the
In my opinion the bubbles do noV absorb corresponding curve here. Within the
energy by virtue of their vibration per se, range of investigation no similar case was
but they do, by permitting considerable observed under water, and so the effect was
distortion ,of the surrounding water under not originally mentioned in the paper. If,
the action of the high pressures to which as Mr. Yates suggests, the frequency of
Dr. Lockwood Taylor refers, cause large eddy-shedding can be pulled into step with
lOsses in the water due to the conversion of the vibration of the blade, there is a much
energy into heat by viscous shearing. In greater likelihood of a.true forced vibration
the absence of bubbles there is little change under the conditions. -
of shape of elements of fluid near the blad&
surface, but when bubbles are present, the Mr. Yates demonstrates very con-
difference in elasticity between water and vincingly that the reason I put forward for
air produces violent velocity gradients in taking amplitude measurements at a few
the water in the- neighbourhood of each cycles off resonance is in error. The fact
bubble. The smaller -the bubble size, the remains that "the proof of the pudding is
higher these gradients will be, and hence the in the eating" and this was found to be
greater will be the energy loss per unit the only method of obtaining consistent
volume of water affected. Thus a covering readings on widely spaced occasions.
of small (capillary) bubbles will have a Incidentally, it is interesting to note that
greater influence than a covering of cor- Kennelly was forced to resort to this artifice
respondingly larger bubbles. As Mr. in his explorations of telephone diaphragms.
Bottomley suggests, the occurrçnce of such
capillary bubbles may depend upon the When this programme of research was
texture of the blade surface : small differ- begun, published evidence appeared to set
- ences in surface finish may thus have an the upper limit of frequency in singing
important bearing on the critical nature of propellers at about 300 cycles per second,
singing. and so this figure was adopted. More
recent evidence shows that this value might
- Dr. Richardson's suggestion that damp- well have been stepped up, especially for the
ing may be a function of amplitude was, blades of lower mean width ratio in which
indeed, investigated during the course of the patterns are less complex and thus -
this work. If, as is sometimes asserted, the capable of causing considerable noise at
-energy -absorbed - per- cycle per unit of much higher frequencies than is the case for
volume of vibrating material is proportional the broader bladci. In the simpler patterns,
to the cube of the cyclical stress (and-not the there is less cross-flow between out-of-phase
-square) then the logarithmic decrement & elements of blade surface, and consequently
should be directly proportional to the much greater radiation Of sound energy.
amplitude of vibration. - However, succes-
sive response curves plotted for widely
varying amplitudes for the same mode Reply tO Mr. Boggis -

failed to reveal any measurable difference Mr. Boggis expresses some doubt about
in the value of 6. the reliability of the form of the resonance
I 4uite agree that the actual size of tank curves from which the value of 8, the

logarithmic decrement, has been obtained. bushing itself. On the other hand such
As to the stability of the beat-frequency losses will not occur with the "reaction-
oscillator, a four-hour run showed a gradual less" type of mode, which increases the
frequency drift of 1 c.p.s. in 12 minutes, likeithood that these modes are-responsible
which reduces to 02 c.p.s. in 15 seconds for singing in service.
the approximate time required to plot each
response curye. It is obvious that such a
gradual drift is unimportant. Random Repl.v to Mr. Bottomley
variations in frequency might conceivably I shall be interested to learn the results
have a larger effect, but nothing of this of Mr. Bottomley's experiments in relation
kind was ever observed, and it is in fact to the influence of surface finish upon the
ruled out by the consistency with which formation of capillary air bubbles. Presum-
individual curves could be repeated. This ably, if such a surface is covered' with tiny
consistency also disposes of the objection as excrescences, the local water velocities may
to possible interference due to beats between well reach much higher values than would
free and forced vibrationssuch beating be the case if the surface were smooth and
was observed when the frequency of excita- polished. Thus local pressures will be
tion was suddenly changed by several cycles correspondingly lower, and bubbles may
per second, but never when the exciting form more readily. If this effect is import-
frequency was altered slowly as. it was ant it may assist in explaining the difference
during the plotting of response curves. as regards singing of" apparently" identi-
cal screws.
Mr. Boggis's photographic record of
vibration decay is interesting in that it While areeing with Mr. Bottomley that
gives a far . higher- value for & than any bubbles may form much more freely on the
- recorded by me. (Incidentally, my own surface of a cast-iron screw, as compared
rough measurements from this trace lead with manganese bronze, I feel that other
to a value for 8 of O86, even higher than factors are also of great importance in
that given by Mr. Boggis). To my mind accounting for the almost completeabsence
this indicates that considerable energy is of singing with cast-iron propellers. 'Of
being dissipated in the wooden blocks on these, the most important - are increased
which the propeller presumably is mounted, blade stiffnesses and higher internal damp-
this loss being accentuated by the fact that ing.
the propeller is vibrating in a mode which,
in my experience, would involve appreciable On the subject of surface finish, it may
motion of the propeller boss. This illus- be well to point out that, when the surface
trates two important points of the model blade was painted for marking-
That seemingly trivial losses can out purposes at one stage, it was found .that
exert a large bearing upon the air bubbles adhered much snore firmly than
was the case with the usual polished metallic
apparent magnitude of 8, and hence surface. This is of interest because, in the
upon the amplitude at resonance for discussion on Mr. Hunter's 1937 paper,
a given exciting force. Sir Amos Ayre reported the cure of a
.That the relative strengths at reson- singing propeller by frequent applications
ance will depend very largely upon of paint
the type of support, which stay
account for, the difficulty experienced Like Mr. Bottomley, I was surprised that
by Prof. Burrill in exciting certain de-oxidation of the water was sufficient to
modes. suppress bubble formation, in view of the
preponderance of nitrogen in the dissolved
Quite' conceivably, given a non-rigid air. It may be that the presence of oxygen
support, some modes that involve motion of is necessary to initiate bubble formation,
the boss may be eliminated, and it will be but this is a surmise only.
most interesting to see whether this occurs
when Prof. Burrill carries out his investiga-
tions on a screw actually in position on a Reply to Mr. Dell'
floatmg ship. My own suggestion . that Mr. Dell suggests the use of two pickups
sustained force' vibration is an unlikely to assist in the delineation of the nodal
cause of singing was put forward "purely lines. 'This scheme would be workable but
on consideration of the results of this work." would not overcome the appearance of an
Because of:the rigid nature of the blade elliptical signal at the "nodes" in the
mounting the resonance curves were very presence of damping, which is; if I-under-
sharp, whereas under "actual" conditions statid Mr. Dell aught, the reason for the
it is reasonable' to assume that the response suggestion. The reasons for this elliptical
curves will in general he much broader due signal are set out more fully in the reply to
.to losses caused by slight imperfections of Dr. Lockwood Tayldr, from which it will
fit of the screw on the tailshaft and by be, seen that a signal of zero height is
damping in the material of the stem-tube impossible in a system containing damping.

The proposed arrangement would, it is ly for the higher frequencies, with the result
true, remove the small phase difference due that reasonable approximations were ob-
to imperfection of electromagnetic coupling tained only for the first and second modes
between magnet and blade, but even so the in torsion and flexure. Moreover, there
resulting signal for a given position of the were calculated for a somewhat idealized
exploring probe will not necessarily become blade in the interests of. mathematical
a straight line, whether the probe is on a accuracy and assumptions were made which
"node" or not. The reason for this is the definitely break down in the more complex
same progressive phase shift between modes. Added to which, in the lower
successive particles which prevents the modes, perfect fixity of the blade root is
occurrence Of true nodes when damping is most difficult to obtain experimentally. All
present. Thus, with no damping, points in all, I feel that to quote the results would
on opposite sides of a node will be exactly only create unnecessary confusion in any
180 deg. out of phase; with damping, this attempt to correlate them with the experi-
difference will be somewhat less than 180 mentally determined frequencies.
deg. depending upon the amount of damp-
ing present and upon the relative positions The point raised .by Mr Silverleaf as to
of the points considered. To illustrate this the dependence of the added mass effect on
more clearly a useful analogy may be the absolute value of frequency is one which
drawn from the usual standard diagram for can only be satisfactorily settled by experi-
a single degree of freedom system in which ments on geometrically similar models.
the phase difference between exciting force Personally, I should expect the effect to be
and motion of the body is plotted against small. In the case of the clamped circular
the ratio , exciting frequency natural disc considered by Lamb, mathematical
frequency. Values of correspond with analysis shows that the added jmlss effect
positions of the pick-up, and the particular is quite independent of frequency. How-
value = 1 can be regarded asrepresenting ever, in the case of a propeller blade the
the nodal line. With no damping there is effect of the free edges must be taken into
a sudden change of phase of 180 deg. as account, and may prove to have some effect
the value z=1 (the node) is crossed: with on the above result.
damping prerent there is a gradual change
of phase, the total change being always less it is not quite correct to say that my
than 180 deg. for values of on opposite results show a variation of entrained water
sides of = 1 (the node). effect with frequency independent of the
mode of vibration: in some cases this is
approximately correct, but in othdrs it is
Reply to Dr. Shannon wide of the mark, as for instance in patterns
My thanks are due to Dr. Shannon for A4 and A5 which reveal a marked difference
his highly complimentary remarks on the in entrained-water effect at practically the
conduet of the work and the presentation same frequency for reasons suggested on
of the results. As is well known, Dr. p. 277 of the paper. The fact that the
Shannon and his former colleagues support added mass does decrease with increase in
very strongly the theory that the sharpening frequency of vibration of a given blade is
of the blade edges is beneficial because of due to the increasing complexity of the
the increased hydrodynamic damping intro- vibration pattern and not to the effect of
duced by turbulent flow round the sharp frequency itself.
edge., Before agreeing entirely with this
idea, I prefer to await comparative measure- On the other hand, considering the same
ments of damping on an actual blade form type of vibration in different blades, Mr.
with and without sharp edges. Unfortu- Silverleaf has no doubt observed the
nately, I shall,not be able to carry onwith following values for the secondary torsiOnal
this work myself,. but I have no doubt that mode:
it could be undertaken by either Prof. TABLE 6
Burrill or Dr. van Lammeren. I have
certainly been unable to detect any differ-
Blade.. ..A AB B BC C
Frequency in Air 550 670 845 945 1165
ence in the pattern of vibration amplitudes Frequency in
with and without sharp edges, but I have Water .. 395 500 635 720 915
not made any reliable comparison of the Fw
dathping values mentioned above. .072 O74 Ø75 076 078
At first sight these values lend support to
Reply to Mr. Sili'erleaf the idea of dependence of added mass on
I feel that there is little point in giving frequency independent of mode of vibra-
the ratios of calculated frequencies as tion. However, other factors are respon-
requested by Mr. Silverleat for the following sible for the greater part of this effect
resons. The Galerkin method, which was (i) As the blade becomes narrower, the
employed, proved particularly cumbersome adjoining antiphase regions move
fi* this extreme form of cantilever, especial- closer together, thus causing in-

creased cross-flow and decreased causes.a definite small vertical signal result-
added inertia. ing in the narrow óllipse mentioned in. the
(ii) The blade sections become relatively paper.
thicker and hence the energy of blade
vibration, for a given amplitude, is Reply to Dr. van Lammerea
a relatively greater fraction of the
total energy of blade and entrained It is most interesting to learn that Dr.
water. - van Lammeren has been studying and curing
Both these effects produce a reduction in singing-propeller models in the cavitation
added-mass effect. My own idea is that, tunnel at Wageningen. I 'fully agree, that
with complete geometrical similarity, the work on such model scale can be of the
added-mass effect -will be practically greatest impOrtance, and would suggestthat,
constant and independent of frequency, i.e. if the epetimental difficulties could be
of model size. In comparing published satisfactorily overcome, mUch-useful infor-
values of the ratio of frequency in water to mation could be obtained from the use of
frequency in air for blade of similar outline, the strain gauge technique under Such
care must be taken to ensure that cornpkte conditions.
geometrical similarity is' maintained, i.e. Since presumably there was no upstream
that the blade-thickness fraction remains obstruction- in the cases referred to by Dr.
constant. Naturally the added-mass effect van Lammeren, it seems most likely that
will be greater the thinner, the blade sections. the vibrations were caused by excitation
from eddies leaving the blade edges.
Reply to Dr. Lockwood Taylor Elsewhere I have stated that I consider
I am surprised to learn that Dr. Lock- this form of excitation most unlikely for
wood Taylor is sceptical regarding the effect a working screw because of the variability
of damping in eliminating nodal lines. This of the wake in which it operates. This
is such a fundamental, conception that I objection does not hold in the stéadr flow
think it unnecessary to go into great detail conditions of a tunnel and so it is conceiv-
on the matter, but by way of illustration I able that such excitation would be effective
would refer Dr. Lockwood Taylor to an even if the response curve at resonance is
still comparatively narrow. It would be
article by den Hartog in the Journal of interesting to learn the effect of placing
Applied Mechanics (December 1946) on the something in the way of a model hull ahead
subject of "Forced Torsional Oscillations of the screw, but presumably this would be
with Damping." This treatment clearly most difficult to arrange.
shows that, in the presence of damping,
nodes are replaced by regions of minimum Perhaps my remarks on the effect of
amplitude. Dr. Lockwood Taylor seems cavitation on singing would have been
to be confused between the terms "dis-' better expressed thus: "it is unlikely that
placement" and "amplitude ". Certainly singing will occur in a blade which is
displacements may be referred to as positive operating at the same time under cavitation
or negative, but the phrase "negative conditions." This is,.of course, what I
amplitude" is quite meaningless. Con- intended to convey for, as Dr. van Lam-
sidering the displaced form of a vibrating meren points out, it is quite possible that.a
member in the neighbourhood of a node' screw may both cavitate and sing, but at
at a given instant the displacement changes different revolutions. In any case the effect
from positive to negative, passing naturally is naturally one of degree, and the fact that
through zero at a definite point. At a small patches of local cavitation erosion do
subsequent instant, however, the point of occur in singing propellers does not affect
zero displacement has shifted slightly due the validity of my remarks on the general
to the progressive phase shift between the influence of cavitation on singing. For
displacements of successive particles occa- bubbles to be most effective in damping out
sioned by damping, and the original point vibration they should occur in the neigh-
of no displacement now has a definite bourhood of an antinode of the mode under
(small) displacement from its equilibrium considerationfor instance, if cavitation
position and indeed it continues with time produces bubbles roughly along a circum-
to vibrate with a definite (small) amplitude. ferential nodal line (as occurs in the case of
If we define a node as a point of zero secondary torsion) there will be little effect
displacement, it becomes merely an instant- on this mode of vibration. Hence my
aneous conception: if, as is customary in rider, " especially in the fully developed
vibration work, it is regarded as a point of sheet condition," under which all possible
zero amplitude, then, with damping present, antinodes would be bubble-covered.
"there is no such animal." Dr. van Lamnieren's success in curing
These considerations explain what hap- singing by sharpening of the blade edges is
pens when the pick-up traverses a nodal most interesting in view of the controversy
line. Instead of the horizontal straight line which has existed in this country as to the
which would appear at the true node in the efficacy and the desirability of this method.
absence of damping, the residual amplitude The cure of fifteen "singers" in succession


certainly shows the method to be a very As Dr. van observes, it is

powerful one, assuming of course that the perhaps unfortunate that there has not been
propellers were of different designs and not closer liaison between investigators of this
merely filteen off the same drawing. The problem. For my own part the work
type of sharpened edge appears to be fairly simply had to be more or less independent
robust, and no more susceptible to damage and seli-contained as it was required for
than a normal thin trailing edge, especially a degree thesis, but I feel that professional
if, as appears to be the case in at least two work on the subject could well be more
examples, success can be attained by closely co-ordinated, especially with refer-
sharpening the trailing edge only. Person- ence to the division of labour between
ally, I should be grateful if Dr. van model and full-scale work. At the same
Lammeren could let me have a sketch time, I agree with Prof. Burrill about the
showing an actual trailing edge beiore and reassuring effect of similar results from
after sharpening: from his diagram for the independent sources. Unfortunately it
case of back sharpening only it appears that appears unlikely that further work on the
very little material indeed has been removed, subject will be conducted in the near future
but the change of profile on a screw of the at Oxford, my own work being isolated and
B-series with (normally) thickened trailing not part of a long-term research programme
edge is no doubt much more pronounced. of the Engineering Department.


P. 274, second line: For "J. Stone and Sons" read "J. Stone & Co. Ltd."



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