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J: Hello Maria.

M: Hello Juan, how are you?

J: I'm fine, thank you, and you?

M: very happy, I went in the morning to play sports with my friends, look, they are them.

J: great, what are their names?

M: Their names are Gabriel and Araceli.

J: How old are you?

M: Gabriel is 23 years old and Araceli is 19 years old.

J: Is he Mexican?

M: No, he is Peruvian and Araceli is Mexican.

J: What are you studying?

M: They are studying accounting and they are also learning French.

J: It is a difficult language but not impossible.

J: What sport do you practice?

M: Araceli is an athletics fan and Gabriel loves basketball

J: What is your number?

M: Gabriel's number is 964852589, however Araceli does not yet have an operator in Peru.
And you Juan, what did you do today?

J: I went to eat with some friends, these are my friends (AHI MUESTRAS FOTO DE TUS AMIGOS)

M: They are cute, what are their names?

J: Their names are Ana and Jaime.

M: How old are they?

J: Ana is 25 years old and Jaime just turned 28 years old.

M: And what country is she from?

J: she is from Argentina, but she has already lived in Peru for 3 years

M: And what country is he from?

J: He is from Bolivia, he just arrived months ago.

M: What are your favorite sports?

J: Ana practices volleyball and Jaime loves soccer.

M: interesting, I would like to meet them

J: It's a good idea, I have to go, see you later

M: okay, see you later

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