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Unit #2: Cell

AP Biology UnitStructure and

2: The Cell and function
Cell Membrane Cheat Sheet
by hlewsey via

Organelles Prokar​yotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells (cont) Plasma Membrane Transport

Nucleolus where rRNA & ribosomes -no internal -membr​ane​-

are synthe​sized membranes/organelles bound organelles
Ribosomes protein factories -circular DNA -DNA forms
Peroxi​somes use converts H₂O₂ to
-small ribosomes -larger ribosomes
-anaerobic or aerobic -aerobic
Endome​‐ regulates protein traffi​c+m​‐
metabolism metabolism
mbrane eta​bolic functions
-no cytoskeleton -cytoskeleton
Endocy​tosis & Exocytosis
Nucleus holds chromatin, -mainly unicellular -mainly
surrounded by nuclear multicellular
envelope -very small -larger cells
Endopl​asmic Rough: makes proteins
Reticulum Smooth: synthe​sizes lipids, Water Potential (Ψ= Ψp+ Ψs)
stores Ca++, detoxifies water potential energy of water to
drugs/​poisons potential move elsewhere Signal Transd​uction Pathways- Reception
Golgi processes, packages, & solute tendency of water to move
Reception ligand binds to cell membrane
Apparatus secretes substances potential across a permeable membrane
or intrac​ellular receptors &
Lysosomes intrac​ellular digestion into solution (Ψs=-iCRT)
activates 2nd messenger
Mitoch​ondria powerhouse of the cell :)
Ion allows influx of ions to carry a
(respi​ration) Types of Cell Commun​ication
channel message
Vacuoles storage & pumping out Quorum monitors bacteria population
GPCR ligand binds, changes cytopl​‐
water Sensing density & controls gene
asmic structure, activates G
Chloro​plast absorbs light & synthesize protein, bonds to GTP,
sugar Autocrine produced & used by same cell catalyzes cAMP production
Cytosk​‐ maintains cell shape, flow, Protein ligand binds, aggreg​ate​s+a​cti​‐
eleton positi​oning Juxtacrine physically touching cells (gap kinase vates tyrosine kinase regions,
Signals junctions, plasmo​des​mata) (RTKs) activates relay proteins
Centrioles organize spindle fibers (cell
Centro​‐ division) Paracrine adjacent (not touching) cells Intrac​‐ hydrop​hobic messengers
somes Signals (synapses, growth factors) ellular diffuse into the cell and control
MTOCs Endocrine for all tissues, long distance genes
Cell Wall protects, maintains shape, Signals (hormones)
regulates water intake Signal Transd​uction & Response
Plasma Membrane Structure
Signal multistep process in which
Prokar​yotic vs. Eukaryotic Cells transd​‐ extrac​ellular signal molecules
Prokar​yotes Eukaryotes uction produce a cascade effect
Second interm​ediate molecule (like
messenger cAMP) that distri​but​es+​amp​‐
lifies signal throughout the
Response regulation of protein synthesis
by turning genes on/off

By hlewsey Published 24th April, 2017. Sponsored by Last updated 24th April, 2017. Everyone has a novel in them. Finish
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AP Biology Unit 2: The Cell and Cell Membrane Cheat Sheet
by hlewsey via


may be engulfed when no longer needed

cells with genetic damage are replaced
defense against infection
signals trigger caspases to carry out

The Cell Cycle

By hlewsey Published 24th April, 2017. Sponsored by Last updated 24th April, 2017. Everyone has a novel in them. Finish
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