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After by Francine Prose Final Assessment Option 1 Write a creative piece that begins where the book left

off. Be sure to include the following within your story: 1. Where did the characters end up? 2. What happened to them? 3. What happened to Central High? Option 2 Write a creative piece that tells what happened after one of the students in the story disappeared. Be sure to include the following within your story: 1. Further develop the character to give us more of a perception of who they are. 2. What was it like at Operation Turnaround? 3. How did your character escape or did they? Option 3 Research the measures being enforced in school across the country to heighten school security and head off school violence such as school shootings. Write an essay or create a PowerPoint/Photo Story that includes: 1. Discuss/demonstrate at least 3 measures schools have taken 2. Share a statistic or fact about school violence. Has it gone up, down, stayed the same? 3. Expression of your opinion on whether these measures are effective and/or whether these measure go too far. Option 4 Use your worksheet from the beginning of the book Amendment violations. Create a photo story showing how Central students' rights are slowly taken away. 1. Include at least 4 rights. 2. Include at least 4 pictures. 3. Include at least 4 descriptions of the rights and which amendment is violated. Option 5 Tell the story through pictures. This may seem like the easiest, but you will have tell the book through 10 pictures. Use Photo Story 3 to complete this project. You need to use pictures, and brief thought provoking statements (written or spoken). Your story must include: 1. Photos that demonstrate a shift in power from beginning to end of novel. - consider the administration, students rights freedoms 2. Photos that demonstrate a change in the mood/tone of the novel 3. Character growth/change throughout novel 4. Thought provoking written and/or spoken statements. 5. Music which develops your story

Name ____________________ Project Option # ___________ After - Grading Rubric Option 1 Write a creative piece that begins where the book left off. Be sure to include the following within your story. Correct spelling/grammar is expected to be correct: 1. Where did the characters end up? 2. What happened to them? 3. What happened to Central High? _____ /10 _____ /10 _____ /10 _____ /30 x 2 = ______/60 Option 2 Write a creative piece that tells what happened after one of the students in the story disappeared. Be sure to include the following within your story: 1. Further develop the character to give us more of a perception of who they are. _______/10 2. What was it like at Operation Turnaround? 3. How did your character escape or did they? ______/10 ______/10 _____ /30 x 2 = ______/60 Option 3 Research the measures being enforced in school across the country to heighten school security and head off school violence such as school shootings. Write an essay or create a PowerPoint/Photo Story that includes: 1. Discuss/demonstrate at least 3 measures schools have taken to increase security _____/10 2. Share a statistic or fact about school violence. Has it gone up, down, stayed the same? _____/10 3. Expression of your opinion on whether these measures are effective and/or whether these measure go too far. _____/10 _____ /30 x 2 = ______/60

Option 4 Use your worksheet from the beginning of the book Amendment violations. Create a photo story showing how Central students' rights are slowly taken away. 1. Include at least 4 rights. 2. Include at least 4 pictures. _____ /10 _____ /10

3. Include at least 4 descriptions of the rights and which amendment is violated. _____/10 _____ /30 x 2 = ______/60 Option 5 Tell the story through pictures. This may seem like the easiest, but you will have tell the book through 10 pictures. Use Photo Story 3 to complete this project. You need to use pictures, and brief thought provoking statements (written or spoken). Your story must include: 1. Photos that demonstrate a shift in power from beginning to end of novel. administration, students rights freedoms 2. Photos that demonstrate a change in the mood/tone of the novel 3. Character growth/change throughout novel 4. Thought provoking written and/or spoken statements. 5. Music which develops your story 6. Overall creativity of book ____/10 _____/10 _____ /10 ______/10 _____/10 _____/10 ______/60

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