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STT Từ mới Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 Apply (v) /əˈplaɪ/ Xin việc, ứng cử
2 Association (n) /əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃn/ Hội hiệp hội
3 Benefit (n) /ˈbenɪfɪt/ Lợi ích
4 Bloc (n) /blɒk/ Khối
5 Celebration (n) /ˈsel.ə.breɪt/ Lễ kỉ niệm, lễ tổ chức
6 Community (n) /kəˈmjuː.nə.ti/ Cộng đồng
7 Compliment (n) /ˈkɒm.plɪ.mənt/ Lời khen
8 Conference (n) /'kɒnfərəns/ Hội nghị
9 Constitution (n) /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃn/ Hiến pháp
10 Contribution (n) /ˌkɒn.trɪˈbjuː.ʃən/ Sự đóng góp, cống hiến
11 Cultural exchange (n) /ˈkʌltʃərəl ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/ Sự trao đổi văn hoá
12 Current (adj) /ˈkʌr.ənt/ Hiện tại, đương đại
13 Development (n) /dɪˈvel.əp.mənt/ Sự phát triển
14 Dispute (n) /dɪ' spju:t/ Cuộc tranh luận, cuộc tranh chấp
15 Economy (n) /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ Nền kinh tế
16 External (adj) /ɪkˈstɜːnl/ Ở ngoài, bên ngoài
17 Eye-opening (adj) /ˈaɪˌəʊ.pən.ɪŋ/ Mở mang tầm mắt
18 Graceful (adj) /ˈɡreɪsfl/ Duyên dáng
19 Honour (v) /ˈɒn.ər/ Thể hiện sự kính trọng
20 Interference (n) /ˌɪntəˈfɪərəns/ Sự can thiệp
21 Internal (adj) /aɪˈdentəti/ Ở trong, bên trong
22 Issue (n) /ˈɪʃ.uː/ Vấn đề
23 Leadership skills (n) /ˈliː.də.ʃɪp skɪlz/ Kỹ năng lãnh đạo
24 Legal (adj) /ˈliːɡl/ Thuộc pháp lý, hợp pháp
25 Live-stream (v) /ˈlaɪv.striːm/ Phát sóng trực tiếp
26 Motto (n) /ˈmɒtəʊ/ Phương châm, khẩu hiệu
27 Official (adj) /əˈfɪʃl/ Chính thức

28 Politics (n) /ˈpɒl.ə.tɪks/ Chính trị
29 Principle (n) /ˈprɪnsəpl/ Nguyên tắc
30 Promote (v) /prəˈməʊt/ Thúc đẩy, khuyến mại, quảng bá
31 Proposal (n) /prəˈpəʊ.zəl/ Lời / bản đề xuất
32 Propose (v) /prəˈpəʊz/ Đề xuất
33 Qualify (v) /ˈkwɒl.ɪ.faɪ/ Đủ tiêu chuẩn, đủ khả năng
34 Region (n) /ˈriː.dʒən/ Vùng
35 Relation (n) /rɪˈleɪ.ʃən/ Mối quan hệ
36 Represent (v) /ˌrep.rɪˈzent/ Đại diện, tượng trưng
37 Representative (n) /ˌrep.rɪˈzen.tə.tɪv/ Người đại diện
38 Scholarship (n) /ˈskɒləʃɪp/ Học bổng
39 Solidarity (n) /ˌsɒlɪˈdærəti/ Tính đoàn kết
40 Stability (n) /stəˈbɪləti/ Sự ổn định
41 Strengthen (v) /ˈstreŋ.θən/ Tăng cường, đẩy mạnh
42 Support (v) /səˈpɔːt/ Hỗ trợ
43 Symbolize (v) /ˈsɪmbəlaɪz/ Biểu tượng, tượng trưng hóa
44 Take part (in) (v) /teɪk pɑːt ɪn/ Tham gia
45 Vision (n) /ˈvɪʒn/ Tầm nhìn
46 Volunteer (v, n) /ˌvɒl.ənˈtɪər/ Tình nguyện, tình nguyện viên
47 Youth (n) /juːθ/ Tuổi trẻ

Exercise 1: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. athlete B. capital C. stalk D. talent
2. A. emblem B. member C. regret D. theme
3. A. August B. gerund C. purpose D. suggest
4. A. dream B. mean C. peace D. steady
5. A. consist B. disable C. suggest D. vision
Exercise 2: Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others.
1. A. assistance B. confident C. dynamic D. external
2. A. academic B. behaviour C. participate D. relationship
3. A. charter B. depict C. enter D. purchase
4. A. athlete B. continue C. principle D. regional

5. A. competition B. fundamental C. interference D. stability
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the words given.
cooperation economy maintain principle bend
1. After his fall he complained that he couldn't ____________________________ his
back properly.
2. As I know the European Union is a powerful trading _______________________.
3. The agreement would give new solidity to military _____________________ between
the two countries.
4. ASEAN would rank as the eighth largest _______________________ in the world if it
were a single country.
5. They find it difficult to ________________________ such high interest rates.
6. The general _____________________ is that education should be available to all
children up to the age of 16.
Exercise 4: Choose the best answer.
1. Vietnamese athletes compete regionally and internationally and ____ high ranks in
many sports.
A. hold B. keep C. mark D. score
2. Not all the winners will receive great prizes, but nobody leaves ____.
A. blank-handed B. clear-handed C. empty-handed D. white-handed
3. I ____ good about the race's outcome.
A. am B. feel C. look D. were
4. Do you ____ they will win?
A. believe B. involve C. promise D. suggest
5. I think the teacher was ____ with my speech.
A. appreciated B. involved C. measured D. satisfied
6. Each deputy should be ____ for one ASEAN community council, supported by a team
of competent and able lawyers.
A. blamed B. capable C. in charge D. responsible
7. Lao PDR stands ____ Lao People's Democratic Republic.
A. by B. for C. on D. with
8. ASEAN ____ of ten Southeast Asian countries, namely: Brunei. Cambodia, Indonesia,
Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
A. consists B. contains C. includes D. involves

9. The member states will act in accordance ____ the law to set out in various ASEAN
A. for B. of C. to D. with
10. The 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits will focus ____ efforts to build the ASEAN
A. at B. for C. in D. on
11. ASEAN includes ten member states, but may get bigger because other countries have
applied to join the ____.
A. bloc B. group C. gang D. trôp
12. The ____ is a legal agreement among the ten ASEAN member states.
A. charter B. motto C. policy D. principle
13. The Japanese Government ____ 20 scholarships for international students coming
from ASEAN member countries to study in Japan.
A. affords B. demands C. offers D. provides
14. The 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits will be ____ at the National Convention Centre
under the Chairmanship of Lao PDR.
A. carried B. conducted C. held D. taken place
15. The ASEAN charter entered into ____ after ten members signed it.
A. action B. force C. influence D. order
Exercise 5: Give the correct form to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Development policy has a critical role to play in supporting
________________________ to reduce conflict and violence over the long term.
2. CMA stands for The California Medical ________________________ which is a
professional organization representing the physicians of the state of California.
3. ________________________ is important because it allows people and groups to work
together to achieve a common goal or derive mutual benefits. (COOPERATE)
4. ________________________ is unity which produces or is based on unity of interests,
objectives, standards, and sympathies. (SOLID)
5. A ________________________ is an award of financial aid for a student to further their
education. (SCHOLAR)
Exercise 6: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

1. Our survey also found that 75 percent of those quizzed knew three or more of their
A. interviewed B. asked C. replied D. examined
2. Viet Nam and Laos will closely cooperate to strengthen the solidarity of ASEAN and
enhance the vital role of the group in regional security structure.
A. agreement B. cooperation C. separation D. fellowship
3. Her graceful performance of this traditional art form in the evening session was a real
source of pleasure.
A. attractive B. effortless C. inelegant D. sophisticated
4. Viet Nam is famous for World Heritage Sites like Ha Long Bay and Hoi An Ancient
A. honoured B. popular C. well-known D. unknown
5. The country's continued prosperity is dependent on the opportunities and achievements
of all its residents.
A. poverty B. inflation C. insecurity D. Wealth
6. The colour white symbolises a lot of things, and one is that it represents purity and
A. cleanness B. immorality C. honesty D. guiltlessness
7. All countries are obliged to maintain stability and peace in the world, because instability
brings undesired effects.
A. certain B. foreseen C. negative D. positive
8. Many people afraid that the victory of US president-elect Donald Trump might affect
stability in Asia, more specifically in the ASEAN region.
A. failure B. insecurity C. poverty D. weakness
9. The 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits opened in Vientiane, Laos, late on Tuesday on the
theme of “Turning Vision into Reality for a dynamic ASEAN Community".
A. energetic B. inactive C. innovative D. productive
10. Amanita argued that Indonesia would continue to play a role in maintaining peace and
promoting democratisation in ASEAN.
A. assisting B. lessening C. preserving D. upholding
11. Southeast Asian regionalism served to enable the member-states to focus primarily on
their domestic affairs.
A. external B. internal C. local D. national

12. The Prince William made a brief working visit to Viet Nam from 17th - 18th November
2016, attending the IWT Conference which was hosted in Ha Noi.
A. lasting B. public C. short D. secret
Exercise 7: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. The government's interference in the strike has been widely criticised.
A. disapproval B. intervention C. limitation D. postponement
2. The emblem of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations was designed basing on rice
- the most important crop for the Southeast Asian people.
A. banner B. logo C. motto D. slogan
3. The scholarship is renewed annually and may be stopped if the students have poor
academic records or bad behaviours.
A every day B. every month C. every week D. every year
4. In Thailand, it's against the law to litter on the pavement. If you are caught, you can be
fined up to $2000 Baht.
A. evil B. illegal C. immoral D. wrong
5 The beautiful sights in Sa Pa, Mui Ne and Ha Noi all contribute to the country's magic
A. beauty B. fame C. image D. value
6. ASEAN organised different projects and activities to integrate its members.
A. combine B. interest C. separate D. upgrade
7. The major shortcoming of ASEAN as an organisation is the inability to go through
many declarations, agreements, and instruments that they have proliferated over the years.
A. advantage B. benefit C. drawback D. success
8. We have achieved considerable results in the economic field, such as high economic
growth, stability and significant poverty alleviation over the past few years.
A. achievement B. development C.prevention D. reduction
9. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989, the 13th National Congress of the
Communist Party of Viet Nam adopted a resolution to have ‘more friends and fewer
A. breakdown B. decrease C. establish D . increase
10. He had dominated racing this year with six victories in seven starts.
A. overexcited B. overreacted C. overwhelmed D. overshadowed

11. It's often hard to find the right time to approach someone about a delicate issue, as well
as being difficult to say the words you need to say.
A. sensitive B. significant C. unconscious D. unfamiliar
12. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August
1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and
Thailand, joining hands initially.
A. basically B. firstly C. lastly D. officially

1. Danh động từ (Gerund) – Ving đóng vai trò là danh từ
a. Làm chủ ngữ: Nếu danh động từ làm chủ ngữ của câu thì động từ luôn chia theo ngôi
thứ ba số ít.
Eg: Walking in the rain gives me a pleasure.
b. Làm tân ngữ
* Tân ngữ trực tiếp sau các động từ như:
admit: thú nhận appreciate: cảm kích avoid: tránh
delay: hoãn lại deny: phủ nhận hate/ detest: ghét
enjoy: thích imagine: tưởng tượng involve: có liên quan
keep: giữ mention: đề cập mind: phiền
miss: bỏ lỡ postpone: hoãn lại practice: thực hành
recall: nhớ lại resent: không hài lòng resist: phản đối
risk: liều lĩnh suggest: đề nghị finish: hoàn thành
consider: xem xét, cân nhắc
* Tân ngữ của giới từ
Adj / N / V + preps + Ving
Eg: Mary is crazy about playing tennis.
There’s no interest in writing letters.
Sue dreams of being a pop star.
* Dùng sau các cụm từ:
be busy doing sth bận làm gì
can't / couldn't help doing sth không thể nhịn được
can't stand / bear / face doing sth không thể chịu được
it's no good / use doing sth
không đáng làm gì
= there's no point in doing sth
it's (not) worth doing sth (không) đáng làm gì

c. Làm bổ ngữ: Danh động từ được dùng làm bổ ngữ của chủ ngữ
Eg: My habit is sleeping whenever I’m sad.
d. Làm ngữ đồng vị

Eg: My hobby, playing table tennis, makes me feel happy.

e. Làm danh từ ghép

Cấu tạo danh từ ghép:
* Ving + N
Eg: cooking-oil (dầu ăn), sleeping-pill (thuốc ngủ)
* N + Ving
Eg: child-rearing (nuôi dạy con), child-bearing (việc sinh con)
2. Phân từ hiện tại (Present Participle)
a. Dùng trong các thì tiếp diễn:
be + Present Participle (Ving)
Eg: It is raining now.
b. Dùng như một tính từ (mang nghĩa chủ động và thường miêu tả bản chất của vật)
Eg: The film is interesting.
It's an exciting journey.
* Lưu ý: Khi muốn miêu tả cảm xúc và mang nghĩa bị tác động, ta dùng tính từ dạng P2
Eg: We are interested in the film.
c. Rút gọn mệnh đề có cùng chủ ngữ
- Hai mệnh đề xảy ra đồng thời, có cùng một chủ ngữ thì chủ ngữ của một trong hai mệnh
đề có thể được thay bằng Ving.
Eg: He washed his car and sang happily.
=> Washing his car, he sang happily.
- Hai sự kiện xảy ra kế tiếp nhau: sự kiện xảy ra trước được thay bằng Ving.
Eg: She put on her coat and went out.
=> Putting on her coat, she went out.
- Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ khi động từ đứng sau đại từ quan hệ ở dạng chủ động.
Eg: The girl who lent me this book is my best friend.
=> The girl lending me this book is my best friend.
- Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian:
Eg: Since he left school, he has worked in a restaurant.
=> Leaving school, he has worked in a restaurant.

- Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ lí do (hai mệnh đề phải cùng chủ ngữ)
Eg: Because he drove carelessly, he had an accident. => Driving carelessly, he had an
d. Cấu trúc:
S + sit/ stand /lie/come /run (cụm từ chỉ nơi chốn) + Ving
Eg: He sat on the chair reading books.
e. Cấu trúc:
There + be + N + Ving
Eg: There are many people waiting for the bus.
f. Sau một số động từ tri giác (see, hear, smeỉl, feel, taste, overhear...), catch, find,
spend, waste. (Dùng khi chứng kiến khoảnh khắc xảy ra hành động)
Eg: I saw your children playing on the street. (Tôi thấy lũ trẻ chơi trên phố)
She caught her little son reading her letters.


To V được dùng làm:
1. Chủ ngữ
Eg: To master a foreign language is necessary.
2. Tân ngữ
a. Làm tân ngữ trực tiếp sau các động từ (V + to V)
afford: có đủ khả năng agree: đồng ý arrange: sắp xếp
appear: hoá ra là ask: yêu cầu attempt: nỗ lực
care: quan tâm choose: chọn claim: thú nhận
decide: quyết định demand: yêu cầu deserve: xứng đáng
expect: mong muốn fail: thất bại happen: tình cờ
hesitate: ngập ngừng hope: hy vọng intend: dự định
learn: học manage: xoay xở neglect: sao nhãng
offer: cho plan: có kế hoạch prepare: chuẩn bị
pretend: giả vờ promise: hứa propose: đề nghị
refuse: từ chối seem: hình như swear: thề
tend: có khuynh hướng threaten: đe dọa vow: thề, tuyên thệ

wait: chờ want: muốn wish: ước mơ
would like: muốn, thích yearn / desire: khát khao urge: thúc giục
b. Dùng sau các cụm từ
make up one’s mind: quyết định take care: quan tâm
make sure: đảm bảo, chắc chắn take the trouble: vượt khó, chịu khó
c. Dùng sau các tính từ diễn tả cảm xúc, phản ứng và một số các tính từ thông dụng
(un) able: có/không thể Delighted: vui sướng Proud: tự hào
Glad: vui mừng Ashamed: xấu hổ Afraid: e ngại
Eager: háo hức Surprised: ngạc nhiên Anxious: lo lắng
Pleased: hân hạnh Annoyed: bực mình Happy: hạnh phúc
Ready: sẵn sàng Curious: tò mò …
d. Dùng sau các từ để hỏi trong lời nói gián tiếp (ngoại trừ “why”)
Eg: I do not know what to do.
3. Bổ ngữ của chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ (subjective/ objective complements)
a. Làm bổ ngữ của chủ ngữ
Eg: What you have to do is to work harder.
b. Làm bổ ngữ của tân ngữ (V + O + to V)
advise allow/ permit ask assume
beg believe cause challenge
command compel consider enable
encourage expect find forbid
force get guess hate
help imagine intend instruct
invite know lead like
leave love mean need
observe order permit prefer
persuade remind request suspect
teach tell tempt think
trust urge understand want
warn wish

4. Trong các cấu trúc:
a. It takes / took + O + time + to V: mất của ai đó bao nhiêu thời gian để làm gì
Eg: It takes me 30 minutes to go to school every day.
b. Chỉ mục đích: so as to / in order to / to + V
Eg: I'm trying my best to study English well in order to find a better job.
c. Bổ ngữ cho danh từ hoặc đại từ:
S + V + N / Pronoun + to V
Eg: I have some letters to write.
Is there anything to eat?
d. It + be + adj + to V: thật... để...
Eg: It is interesting to study English.
e. S + V + too + adj/adv+ (for sb) + to V: quá cho ai đó để làm gì
Eg: The exercise is too difficult for me to do.
f. S+ V + adj / adv + enough + (for sb) + to V: đủ cho ai đó để làm gì
Eg: She isn't old enough to go to school.
g. S + find + it + adj + to V
Eg: I find it difficult to learn English vocabulary.


Vnguyên được dùng:
1. Sau các động từ khuyết thiếu (modal verbs).
Eg: We must go now.
2. Sau các động từ: let, make, help và các động từ tri giác (see, hear, feel, watch, notice)
+ tân ngữ. (dùng động từ tri giác + Vnguyên khi chứng kiến toàn bộ hành động)
Eg: We saw her get off the bus.
3. Sau các cụm động từ had better, would rather, had sooner và sau why hoặc why
Eg: I would rather stay at home.

Try to do sth Cố gắng làm gì
Try doing sth Thử làm gì
Remember to do sth Nhớ phải làm gì
Remember doing sth Nhớ đã làm gì
Forget to do sth Quên phải làm gì
Forget doing sth Quên đã làm gì
Advise sb to do sth Khuyên ai đó làm gì
Advise doing sth Khuyên làm gì
Allow/permit sb to do sth Cho phép ai đó làm gì
Allow/permit doing sth Cho phép làm gì

Recommend sb to do sth Khuyên bảo/dặn/đề nghị ai đó làm gì
Recommend doing sth Khuyên bảo/dặn/đề nghị làm gì
Encourage sb to do sth Khuyến khích ai đó làm gì
Encourage doing sth Khuyến khích làm gì
Mean to do sth Dự định làm gì
Mean doing sth Có nghĩa là
Regret to do sth Rất lấy làm tiếc khi phải làm gì
Regret doing sth Hối tiếc vì đã làm gì
Go on to do sth Tiếp tục làm điều gì sau khi hoàn tất việc gì
Go on doing sth Chỉ sự liên tục của hành động
V(tri giác) + O + Vnguyên Khi chứng kiến toàn bộ sự việc
V(tri giác) + O + Ving Khi chứng kiến một phần sự việc
Stop to do sth Dừng lại để làm gì
Stop doing sth Dừng hẳn làm gì
Need to do sth Cần phải làm gì
Need doing sth Cần phải được làm
14 Help sb do/to do sth Giúp ai đó làm gì
Have sb do sth = get sb to do sth Nhờ ai đó làm gì
Have/get sth done Có cái gì được làm bởi ai
Used to do sth Thường làm gì trong quá khứ
16 Be used to doing sth Quen với việc làm gì ở hiện tại
Get used to doing sth Dần quen với việc làm gì

Exercise 1: Choose the best answer in brackets.

1. Remember (checking/ to check) your answer before handing in your exam paper.
2. I remember (putting/ to put) the money in the top drawer, but it's not there now.
3. He needs (working/ to work) harder if he wants to make progress.
4. It's difficult problem. It needs (thinking/ to think) about very carefully.
5. I think Nam meant (breaking/ to break) that glass. It didn't look like an accident.
6. If we want to get there by 7.00, that means (getting/ to get) up before 5.00
7. Can you help me (getting/ to get) the dinner ready?
8. He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help (smiling/ to smile).

9. I advise (taking/ to take) more exercise.
10. I'd advise you (taking/ to take) more exercise.
Exercise 2: Choose the best answer.
1. It was very dangerous. We couldn't risk ______ her alone.
A. leave B. leaving C. to leave D. left
2. It's a nice day. Does anyone fancy ____ for a walk?
A. having gone B. going C. to go D. went
3. We let our son ______ up late at weekends.
A. staying B. stay C. to stay D. stayed
4. The children were eager ______ their parents.
A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw
5. He'd rather ______ at home.
A. to stay B. staying C. stayed D. stay
6. Nam is very humorous. His joke makes me ______ a lot.
A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed
7. They saw him ______ the agreement.
A. sign B. to sign C. to signing D. signed
8. It's necessary for her ______ back home before 10 p.m.
A. coming B. come C. came D. to come
9. They would ______ go to Ho Chi Minh City by plane than travel by train.
A. like B. rather C. prefer D. better
10. The boss allows ______ going home early.
A. us to go B. us go C. us going D. us to going
11. I remember ______ him in London.
A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. to meeting
12. He avoids ______ underwear at that shop.
A. buy B. to buy C. bought D. buying
13. The girls agreed ______ the cake equally.
A. to be divided B. to divide C. dividing D. divide
14. She expected ______ for the job, but she wasn't.
A. to select B. selected C. selecting D. to be selected
15. David finished ______ his homework and then he went to the party with George and

A. do B. to be done C. to do D. doing
16. Please don't forget ______ the baby. She needs to eat every two hours.
A. feeding B. fed C. to feed D. to be fed
17. I'm in a difficult position. What do you advise me ____?
A. do B. doing C. to do D. to doing
18. What about ______ for a walk?
A. go B. going C. to go D. gone
19. ______ at the audience, the contestant gave her answer with confidence.
A. Looking B. To look C. Have look D. Look
20. The thief admitted ______ the money.
A. to steal B. stealing C. have stolen D. stolen
21. She decided ______ to Ho Chi Minh city.
A. to move B. moving C. have moved D. move
22. We are very happy about your ______ all the assignments before the deadline.
A. being completed B. completed C. having completedD. to complete
23. ______ all the rules of chess, the contestants started to play the first game.
A. Learn B. To learn C. Had learned D. Having learned
24. He had better ______ this book again.
A. to reading B. to read C. read D. to having read
25. It is no use ____ a girl that she doesn't need to lose any weight.
A. convince B. convincing C. to convince D. to convincing
26. I have much homework that I ought ____.
A. do B. to doing C. doing D. to do
27. She did a funny little curtsy which Josh and Silver couldn't help ____ at.
A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. to laughing
28. We are looking forward ____ out at the weekend.
A. go B. going C. to go D. to going
29. You should give up ____ your sister.
A. being bullied B. bullied C. bullying D. to bully
30. She is used ____ to loud music.
A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. to listening

Exercise 3: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

1. I’m sure he is incapable of run a mile in four minutes.
2. Good friendship should be based on mutual understand.
3. I dislike being talk about everywhere.
4. We’re looking forward to see you again.
5. They voluntarily spent their vacations to teach illiterate people to read and write.
Exercise 4: Fill in the correct form.
1. They are likely __________________ up at any time. (show)
2. The man denied __________________ the crime. (commit)
3. Their memories of __________________ in Africa will stay with them forever. (travel)
4. He has always been afraid of __________________. (fly)
5. __________________ is good for your health. (swim)
6. Would you mind __________________ me the sugar. (pass)
7. She promised __________________ the report as soon as possible. (read)
8. I had a hard time __________________ the situation to my husband. (explain)
9. She had some problems __________________ without glasses. (read)
10. Paul gave up __________________ five years ago. (smoke)
11. Most teachers insist on their pupils ___________________ (do) the homework.
12. She has often made me ___________________ (cry).
13. I expect ___________________ (hear) from you by Monday.
14. It's no use ___________________ (pretend) ___________________ (like) her food.
15. How old were you when you learnt ___________________ (drive)?
16. I don't mind _____________ (walk) home but I'd rather ___________ (get) a taxi.
17. I can't make a decision. I keep ___________________ (change) my mind.
18. We had to keep him from ___________________ (fall) off the cliff.
19. He had made his decision and refused _____________ (change) his mind.
20. It was a good holiday. I enjoyed ___________________ (be) by the sea.
21. Do you feel like (go) ______________ to the theatre on Friday?
22. I spent a lot of time (make) ______________ a birthday cake for him.

23. He agreed (see) ______________ me at ten o'clock
24. They promised (read) ______________ my report today
25. I suggest (pay) ______________ by check, it's safer than cash
26. He offered (make) ______________ dinner for us.
27. He put off (see) ______________ her until very late in the afternoon.
28. I refused (pay) ______________ for the repairs.
29. I've finished (read) ______________ that book at last!
30. We decided (go) ______________ to the cinema instead
31. I enjoyed the play. The (act) ______________ was very good.
32. I love going to her class, her (teach) ______________ is never boring.
33. He's my favourite writer, his (write) ______________ is wonderful.
34. His (complain) ______________ is getting on my nerves. He's never happy.
35. They have terrible debts. Their (spend) ______________ is out of control
36. It's a very fit team. Their (train) ______________ is very intensive.
37. I can still remember (visit) ______________ my grandparents fifty years ago.
38. Please, remember (feed) ______________ the dog while I'm away
39. I'll never forget (see) ______________ that van Gogh exhibition in New York
40. Don't forget (post) ______________ my letters, please.
41. I regret (lend) ______________ him the money. He never paid it back.
42. We regret (inform) ______________ you that your application has been refused.
43. I'll just finish (clean) ______________ the kitchen then I'll stop.
44. She suggested (have) ______________ dinner at her house.
45. She doesn't mind (do) ______________ the boring jobs.
46. He keeps (ask) ______________ me to go out with him.
47. He has given up (smoke) ______________.
48. He's very good at (get) ______________ me to do what he wants
49. He insisted on (be) ______________ refunded immediately.
50. He failed. He's very bad at (do) ______________ exams.

Exercise 1: Read and choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks.
The Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival is one of the largest jazz festivals in the
world and brings together the incredible musical (1) _____ of Indonesia as well as
international artists who have made their (2) _____ in the world of jazz. Held annually for
3 days in early March since 2005, the festival has been packing in the crowds from
Australia, New Zealand, Europe and other Southeast Asian countries.
The Sabah International Folklore Festival was created in 2001 to coincide with the
state’s biggest cultural event, the Harvest Festival, (3) _____ music and dance is an (4)
_____ part of the celebration. Folk dancers from 11 countries as diverse as Poland, Taiwan
and Argentina come together to join with their musical (5) _____ in Malaysia.
Sarawak has two annual music festivals covering two very different music (6)
_____. The Miri International Jazz Festival will be held in Miri in May. (7) _____ by the
Sarawak Tourism Board, the festival enters its 5th year highlighting performances from
jazz bands from various countries and their (8) _____ form of jazz which includes blues,
fusion, smooth and Latino beats. Event organizers are trying to (9) _____ over 8,000 jazz
lovers to the festival this year. Another music festival is the Rainforest World Music
Festival to be staged at picturesque Sarawak Cultural Village next to the mystical mountain
Santubong. Bands from USA, Portugal, Tanzania, New Zealand, Poland, France and Korea
are lined up to perform as well as local Malaysian bands. World music (10) _____ together
with the locals, and a growing number of tourists are expected to turn up.
1. A. attractions B. entertainment C. talents D. instruments
2. A. displays B. quality C. features D. level
3. A. where B. which C. that D. what
4. A. including B. integral C. easy D. available
5. A. voices B. relatives C. counterparts D. folklore
6. A. stages B. bands C. characters D. types
7. A. Organize B. Organizing C. Organized D. Being organized

8. A. unique B. uniform C. equal D. strange
9. A. invite B. ask C. take D. attract
10. A. people B. listeners C. enthusiasts D. teams
Exercise 2: Read and choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks.
Asia's economic, political and cultural importance is growing at a never-before seen
rate. Take China, for example: In terms of purchasing power, China is now the largest (1)
________ of the world, having recently (2) _________ over the crown from the long time
leader United States. Understanding the fundamental structural changes in the global
economy and having studied abroad in Asia is a huge asset on your (3) _________ when
competing for jobs.
Although the increasing importance of the continent, many international with
experience in companies are expanding to Asia and need (4) _________ with experience
in Asian markets and culture. To get a (5) __________ of the action and business ideas
flowing from Asia, visit Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation's (APEC) website.
1. A. economic B. economical C. economically D. economy
2. A. came B. passed C. kicked D. taken
3. A. summary B. profile C. resume D. requirement
4. A. employees B. employers C. employment D. unemployment
5. A. glance B. glimpse C. look D. view
Exercise 3: Read and choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks.
One of the most important variables behind the miracle of the speed of growth and
recovery in the Asian economies is the (1) _______ of education. The competition for top
schools and universities starts from a very early (2) _______. The point of education in
Asia is to equip people to become productive members of their given societies as (3)
________ as equip the students with the skills and mentality to be (4) ________ to
successfully compete against the masses of other applicants. Asian students and schools
receive continuously top marks in international rankings. This has been directly (5)
________ in the success stories of several Asian countries.
1. A. quality B. qualification C. quantity D. quantification
2. A. age B. period C. semester D. year
3. A. far B. long C. much D. well
4. A. able B. capable C. disable D. unable

5. A. allowed B. influenced C. provided D. reflected
Exercise 4: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
Thailand's most celebrated festival is the Songkran Festival. It starts on April 13 and
lasts between three to ten days, depending on where you are in Thailand. The word
Songkran is from Sanskrit, meaning the beginning of a new solar year.
The festival begins on April 13 and everyone is awakened at dawn to the sound of
firecrackers used to drive away evil spirits. This is the day when everything is scrupulously
cleaned from the self, clothes, Buddha images, to houses, shops and streets in preparation
for the New Year.
April 14 is the day between the old year and the new year. It is customary not to
quarrel or use harsh words on one another. The morning is spent shopping and preparing
food for the following day, while the afternoon is reserved for visiting a temple in the
neighborhood. It is imperative that they carry a fistful of sand with them to compensate for
the dirt that they have carried away from the temple during their visits throughout the year.
The sand is then sculpted into stupa-shaped piles.
April 15 marks the New Year's Day called Wan Phya Wan. It is a day of great
importance. It is customary to visit the temple early in the morning to take food to the
monks, as a form of merit making and later in the afternoon to return to place small banners,
known as Thung, on the top of the stupas built the day before.
After that, visits to family and relatives are carried out. The gifts during the visit
include areca nuts, clove leaves, turmeric water and acacia oil. Family members ask for
forgiveness from their respected elders for any wrong doings they may have committed
throughout the year and to receive their blessings for the year to come. At the end of this
ceremony, a little water is sprinkled onto the hands and heads of the old people as a blessing
and then quite a lot is thrown at the rest of the family in anticipation of the water wars that
are to follow.
1. According to the passage, the Songkran Festival ____.
A. varies in length across the areas in Thailand
B. is celebrated when everyone is awakened
C. marks the beginning of a new lunar year
D. takes place mainly on April 13
2. The word "scrupulously" in the passage is closest in meaning to ____.

A. carefully B. honestly C. frankly D. completely
3. Why do people have to carry a fistful of sand with them when visiting the temple?
A. To drive away the evil spirit
B. To remind them to avoid quarreling
C. To make up for the dirt brought away
D. To help make the stupa-shaped piles there
4. According to the passage, when do people bring food to the monks at the temple?
A. On the first day of the festival B. On the second day of the festival
C. On the third day of the festival D. On the fourth day of the festival
5. What often happens at the visits to family and relatives?
A. The elders tell the other family members the wrong doings they made.
B. The elders have a lot of water thrown at them as a blessing.
C. The water wars take place before the blessing exchange.
D. The wrong doings of family members are confessed to the elders.

Exercise 5: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions.
Singapore was one of the five original member countries that founded ASEAN in
1967. Since its independence in 1965, Singapore has become one of the world’s most
prosperous countries, with per capita GDP equalling that of the leading nations of Western
Europe. Singapore is highly ranked for its economic competitiveness, and it was the
world’s most competitive country from 1997 to 1999 as ranked by the World Economic
Singapore’s strategic location at the entrance to the Strait of Malacca has helped it
to become one of the most important shipping centres in Asia. The Port of Singapore, the
world’s busiest in terms of shipping tonnage, is a key component of Singapore’s prosperity
and economic health. Singapore is a leader in manufacturing of computer components,
petroleum refining, and business services.
Singapore has made an impressive recovery after the Asian financial crisis of 1997-
1998. The government is currently restructuring the economy by promoting higher-value-
added activities in line with a “knowledge-based” economy, and by opening up protected
sectors such as financial services to increase overall efficiency. Various bilateral free-trade

agreements are also being negotiated to improve market access and encourage foreign
investment inflows.
1. Since when has Singapore become one of the world’s most prosperous countries?
A. 1965 B. 1967 C. 1997 D. 1999
2. What does the word “it” in the first paragraph refer to?
A. ASEAN C. Singapore
B. GDP D. the World Economic Forum
3. What is the important component of Singapore’s prosperity and economic health?
A. Singapore’s strategic location C. Singapore’s shipping
B. the Strait of Malacca D. the Port of Singapore
4. In what areas is Singapore leading?
A. manufacturing of computer components
B. petroleum refining
C. business services
D. A, B, and C
5. What happened in the period of 1997-1998?
A. Singapore made an impressive recovery.
B. The Asian financial crisis took place.
C. The Singaporean government promoted higher-value-added activities.
D. The Singaporean government opened up financial services.

Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the sentence that is ciosest in meaning
to each of the following questions.
1. I said that she should see a doctor.
A. I advised her seeing a doctor. B. I advised her should see a doctor.
C. I advised her to see a doctor. D. I advised to see a doctor.
2. Ireland doesn't allow people to smoke in bars.
A. Ireland doesn't enjoy smoking in bars. B. Ireland hates smoking in bars.
C. Smoking in bars is banned in Ireland. D. You should not smoke in bars in Ireland.
3. Working on the computer is not what she feels like.
A. She doesn't feel like work on the computer.

B. She doesn't feel like working on the computer.
C. She doesn't feel like to work on the computer.
D. She doesn't feel like to working on the computer.
4. California doesn't permit people to fish without a fishing license.
A. California can't stand fishing without a fishing license.
B. California doesn't allow fishing without a fishing license.
C. California doesn't encourage fishing without a fishing license.
D. California doesn't mind fishing without a fishing license.
5. “Why don't we go for a walk?" Mary said.
A. Mary advised to go for a walk. B. Mary asked going for a walk.
C. Mary suggested going for a walk. D. Mary would like going for a walk.
6. I regret missing the opening ceremony of the ASEANGAMES last night.
A. I wish I could miss the opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night.
B. I wish I did not miss opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night.
C. I wish to miss opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night.
D. I wish I had not missed opening ceremony of the ASEAN GAMES last night.
7. Lucy is excited about meeting her new pen pal from Thailand.
A. Lucy can't wait to meet her new pen pal from Thailand.
B. Lucy is waiting to meet her new pen pal from Thailand.
C. Lucy is excited that her new pen pal from Thailand is waiting for her.
D. Lucy can't bear meeting her new pen pal from Thailand.
8. Our group managed to deliver a presentation on ASEAN yesterday.
A. Our group found a manager to deliver a presentation on ASEAN yesterday.
B. Our group succeeded in delivering a presentation on ASEAN yesterday.
C. A presentation on ASEAN was delivered to the manager of our group yesterday.
D. The delivery of our presentation on ASEAN was managed yesterday.
9. Perhaps Vietnam will defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
A. Vietnam must defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
B. Vietnam may probably defeat Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
C. Vietnam should have defeated Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
D. Vietnam can't have defeated Thailand in the football final of the ASEAN game.
10. It is unnecessary to apply for a visa to enter Singapore.
A. There is no point in applying for a visa to enter Singapore.

B. It's hopeless to apply for a visa to enter Singapore.
C. You should not have to apply for a visa to enter Singapore.
D. You don't need to apply for a visa to enter Singapore.

Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to ịndicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
1. Everyone was all so afraid. Nobody dared to speak anything.
A. Everyone was too afraid to dare to speak anything
B. Everyone was afraid enough to not to speak anything.
C. Everyone was such afraid that nobody speak anything.
D. Nobody was not afraid enough to dare to speak anything.
2. I thought I should ask the doctor about going on a diet. I went to the surgery.
A. Having been on a diet, I went to the surgery.
B. I went to the surgery, so I asked the doctor about going on a diet.
C. I asked the doctor about going on a diet, so I went to the surgery.
D. I went to the surgery in order to ask about going on a diet.
3. I had to lose some weight. I went on a strict diet.
A. I had to lose some weight after I went on a strict diet.
B. I went on a strict diet in order to lose some weight.
C. I had to lose some weight before I went on a strict diet.
D. I had to lose some weight even when I went on a strict diet.
4. People want to keep fit. Many people take up sports.
A. Many people take up sports so as to keep fit.
B. Many people want to keep fit so as to take up sports.
C. Many people want to keep fit in order to take up sports.
D. Although people want to keep fit, they take up sports.
5. I want to stay healthy. I try to eat lots of fruit.
A. Although I try to eat lots of fruit, I stay healthy.
B. I stay healthy though I eat lots of fruit.
C. I try to eat lots of fruit in order to stay healthy.
D. I eat lots of fruit, but I stay healthy.
6. I didn't want to catch a cold. I wore a warm coat and a scarf.
A. I wore a warm coat and a scarf though I didn't want to catch a cold.

B. I wore a warm coat and a scarf, so I didn't want to catch a cold.
C. I wore a warm coat and a scarf, but I didn't want to catch a cold.
D. I wore a warm coat and a scarf in order not to catch a cold.
7. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much. She made a lot of friends while
travelling there.
A. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much because she wants to make a lot of
friends while travelling there.
B. Michelle really likes travelling to Vietnam where she made a lot of friends while
C. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much, but she made a lot of friends while
travelling there.
D. Michelle likes travelling to Vietnam very much in spite of making a lot of friends while
travelling there.
8. The students look forward to participating in the activities. They are arranged by the
ASEAN volunteer program.
A. The students look forward to arranging the activities together with the ASEAN
volunteer program.
B. The students look forward to participating in the activities arranged by the ASEAN
volunteer program.
C. The students, arranged by the ASEAN volunteer program, look forward to participating
in the activities.
D. The students look forward to participating in ASEAN volunteer program that arrange
the activities.
Exercise 3: Complete the second sentences so that the meaning is similar to the first.
1. I was surprised I passed the exam.
→ I didn’t ____________________________________________________________
2. Did you manage to get hold of the CD?
→Did you manage ______________________________________________________
3. I don’t read newspapers any more.
→I’ve prefer __________________________________________________________
4. I’d prefer not to go out tonight.
→ I’d rather ___________________________________________________________

5. My father said I could use his car.
→ My father allowed ____________________________________________________
6. He can’t walk very well.
→ He has difficulty _____________________________________________________
7. Don’t stop him doing what he wants.
→ Let him ____________________________________________________________
8. He looks older when he wears glasses.
→ Glasses make ________________________________________________________
9. They said I was a cheat.
→ I was accused _______________________________________________________
10. At first I didn’t like to apply for the job but Sarah persuaded me.
→ Sarah persuaded _____________________________________________________
11. “It was really kind of you to help me.” Mary said to you.
→ Mary thanked me ____________________________________________________
12. “I’ll drive you to the airport.” John said to Linda.
→ John insisted ________________________________________________________
13. “You have passed the final exams. Congratulations!” Jim said to you
→ Jim congratulated me _________________________________________________
14. “I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier”, Margaret said to you.
→ Margaret apologized __________________________________________________
15. “I have always wanted to be a pilot”, Paul said to you.
→ Paul has always dreamed of ____________________________________________


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