GreenTech Power Solutions Designs

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"GreenTech Power Solutions designs, manufactures, and provides

post-sales support for solar-powered battery systems suitable for

residential and commercial establishments. The scope covers all
operations carried out at the main manufacturing facility located at
123 Solar Avenue and the associated design office at 456 Sunlight
Street. It excludes the third-party manufacturing units used for
certain components and the installation services, which are
performed by our external partner companies."

Name of the company/organisation

Main activities
Target market/interested parties

Quality objectives should be:

1. Specific: Clearly defined so that everyone understands
what's expected.
2. Measurable: Quantifiable so that the organization can
track progress.
3. Achievable: Realistic, taking into consideration the
organization's resources and constraints.
4. Relevant: Aligned with the company's mission, vision,
and strategic direction.
5. Time-bound: Associated with a specific timeline for
Examples of Quality Objectives:
1. Manufacturing:
 Reduce product defects by 10% in the next 12
 Increase the on-time delivery rate to 98% in the
next quarter.
2. Customer Service:
 Achieve a customer satisfaction score of 95% or
higher in post-service surveys for the next six
 Reduce customer complaint resolution time by 15%
in the next fiscal year.
3. Sales & Marketing:
 Increase the number of positive customer reviews
by 20% in the next six months.
 Achieve a product return rate below 3% for the
next fiscal year.
4. Human Resources:
 Reduce employee turnover rate by 5% in the next
 Increase internal training sessions by 20% in the
next quarter to enhance employee skills.
5. Supply Chain & Procurement:
 Reduce supplier-related defects or issues by 8% in
the next 12 months.
 Achieve a 95% on-time delivery rate from top-tier
suppliers in the next six months.
6. Finance:
 Reduce invoicing errors by 10% in the next fiscal
 Increase the accuracy of financial forecasting to
within a 5% margin for the upcoming year.

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