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1. What is size of Register?

2. Explain Control Register?
3. Explain Test Register?
4. Explain Debug Register?
5. Explain Flag Register? (Status, Control, System) (Specific each Flag)
6. Explain Architecture of 80386?
7. Explain Pin Diagram of 80386? (Any 5 pin)
8. What is Protected mode?
9. What is Real Mode?
10. What is Virtual Mode?
11. Difference of Real, Virtual, Protected Mode?
12. How many descriptors in GDT, IDT, LDT?
13. Explain any five instructions from Application Instruction set? (Application Instruction set:
Arithmetic, logical, control transfer, Data movement, Decimal Arithmetic Instruction, String
& Character transfer, Instruction for Block Structured language, Flag control, Coprocessor
interface instruction, segment register instruction, Miscellaneous instruction)
14. What are the different section in Assembly program?
15. What is the use of data section?
16. What is the use of text section?
17. What is the use of bss section?
18. Full form of bss?
19. Logic of Add & shift Multiplication?
20. Logic of multiplication using Successive addition method?
21. What is Microprocessor?
22. What is Assembly?
23. What is Assembly Language?
24. What is Assembly Language Program?
25. What is Register?
26. What is DATA or CODE or STACK segment Register?
27. What is Load Effective Address?
28. What is int 0x80 in the program?
29. What is DW, DB in the program?
30. What is DD, DQ in the program?
31. What is CX register in the program of the loops?
32. Explain use of Macro?
33. Explain difference between overlap and non-overlap program logic?
34. What is CLC in the program?
35. What is INC? (With example)
36. What is ADC? (With example)
37. What is SBB? (With example)
38. What is CMP? (With example)
39. What is JC? (With example)
40. What is XCHG? (With example)
41. What is DEC? (With example)
42. What is JNZ? (With example)

Note: like other Instructions which are use in Program.

43. what is the difference between RET and IRET?
44. What is register?
45. What is the use of BT and how it used?
46. How can we display output from system to Monitor? (Procedure)

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