Present Continuous Tense

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am, is, are + v + ing ‫يتكون من‬

I am watching TV now.
He is reading a story at the moment.
Look ! They are playing football.

‫المضارع المستمر في النفي‬

I am not watching TV now.
He is not reading a story at the moment.
They are not playing football.

‫المضارع المستمر في االستفهام‬

Am I watching TV now ?
Is he reading a story at the moment ?
Are they playing football ?

What am I doing ?
When is he reading a story?
Where are they playing football ?

‫ المضارع المستمر في المبني للمجهول‬:

am , is , are + being + p.p
Many cities are being built in the desert .

‫حدث يقع لحظة الكالم اآلن‬-1

Look !The car is running very fast.
‫حدث مخطط له في المستقبل‬-2
He is travelling to Cairo tomorrow.
)constantly ‫ و‬always ‫نقد موقف مزعج (مع‬-3
You are always complaining. Stop it, please.
He is constantly leaving his dirty clothes on the floor.
‫المواقف المؤقتة‬-4
I am looking after the kids this week.

: ‫الحظ الفرق بين الجملتين اآلتيتين‬

1-He is selfish.
(He always behaves selfishly.)
2-He is being selfish.
(He is not selfish. But only in this situation, he is behaving selfishly.)

love – like - hate – dislike – want – desire – hope - belong – own –

have – possess ‫يمتلك‬- prefer - believe – think – realize ‫يدرك‬- know –
understand – suppose ‫ – يفترض‬mean ‫ – يعني‬forget – remember –
trust ‫ – يثق في‬see – hear - feel – seem ‫ – يبدو‬look ‫يبدو‬

‫ وفي هذه الحالة يمكن استخدام المضارع المستمر‬، ‫ هناك بعض األفعال لها معاني أخرى‬.
have ‫يملك‬ have‫يأكل‬
He has a car. I'm having lunch now.
think ‫يعتقد‬ think ‫يفكر‬
I think Egypt is great. What are you thinking of ?
see ‫يرى‬ see ‫ يقابل‬/ ‫يزور‬
We see with our eyes. She is seeing the doctor tomorrow.
look ‫يبدو‬ look ‫ينظر‬
You look tired. Why are you looking at me like that?

now ‫اآلن‬ Listen ! ‫استمع‬

at the moment ‫في هذه اللحظة‬ Look ! ‫انظر‬
at present ‫في الوقت الحاضر‬ Look out ! ‫احترس‬
for the time being ‫في الوقت الحالي‬ Be careful ! ‫احترس‬
currently ‫حاليًا‬ still ‫ما زال‬

Choose :
1. Every Monday, Sally ……. her kids to football practice.
(drive - drives – is driving – is driven)
2. Usually, I study as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I
……. French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in
(study - am studying – am studied – studies)
3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John …………..
(sleep – sleeps – is slept - is sleeping)
4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It ……………….
(rain – rains - is raining – raining)
5. I hate living in Alexandria because it ……….
(is always raining– always rains– always raining–always rain)

6. Justin ……. a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he

can find a good publisher when he is finished.
(currently writes – writes currently - is currently writing)
7-Look, I………… two tickets for the circus.
(have – am having – has – had)
8-Look, I …………. two tickets for the circus.
(hold – am holding – holds – held)

Present Continuous
[am/is/are + present participle]
 You are watching TV.
 Are you watching TV?
You are not watching TV.
Complete List of Present Continuous Forms

USE 1 Now

Use the Present Continuous with Normal Verbs to express the

idea that something is happening now, at this very moment. It
can also be used to show that something is not happening now.
 You are learning English now.
 You are not swimming now.
 Are you sleeping?
 I am sitting.
 I am not standing.
 Is he sitting or standing?
 They are reading their books.
 They are not watching television.
 What are you doing?
Why aren't you doing your homework?
USE 2 Longer Actions in Progress Now

In English, "now" can mean: this second, today, this month,

this year, this century, and so on. Sometimes, we use the
Present Continuous to say that we are in the process of doing a
longer action which is in progress; however, we might not be
doing it at this exact second.
Examples: (All of these sentences can be said while eating
dinner in a restaurant.)

 I am studying to become a doctor.
 I am not studying to become a dentist.
 I am reading the book Tom Sawyer.
 I am not reading any books right now.
 Are you working on any special projects at work?
Aren't you teaching at the university now?
USE 3 Near Future

Sometimes, speakers use the Present Continuous to indicate

that something will or will not happen in the near future.
 I am meeting some friends after work.
 I am not going to the party tonight.
 Is he visiting his parents next weekend?
Isn't he coming with us tonight?
USE 4 Repetition and Irritation with "Always"

The Present Continuous with words such as "always" or

"constantly" expresses the idea that something irritating or
shocking often happens. Notice that the meaning is like Simple
Present, but with negative emotion. Remember to put the
words "always" or "constantly" between "be" and
 She is always coming to class late.

 He is constantly talking. I wish he would shut up.
 I don't like them because they are always complaining.
REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs/ Mixed Verbs
It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs
cannot be used in any continuous tenses. Also, certain non-
continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be used in
continuous tenses. Instead of using Present Continuous with
these verbs, you must use Simple Present.
 She is loving this chocolate ice cream. Not Correct
 She loves this chocolate ice cream. Correct
The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs
such as: always, only, never, ever, still, just, etc.
 You are still watching TV.
Are you still watching TV?
 Right now, Tom is writing the letter. Active
 Right now, the letter is being written by Tom. Passive

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