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Cumulative Test 3 (Units 1-3)

Exam Vocabulary
1 Uzupełnij luki wyrażeniami z ramki.
born centuries exciting found graduated married
queen romantic snowboarding started
1 2
Jack was in New York in 1970. He school when he was seven and
finished it at the age of nineteen with excellent grades. He was interested in history and enjoyed
3 4
learning about past . Then he went to university and when he was twenty-
four. The next year he a job in a car company. That’s where he met Anne, and they fell
in love. They got two years later and had a baby girl called Tina. Jack and Anne enjoyed
sports – they went every winter and played tennis in their free time. Tina is a big girl now
and she’s quite similar to Jack – she thinks history is and she enjoys learning about the
9 10
past. She is very too - she would like to marry a king and become a one

/ 10

2 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z nawiasów w odpowiedniej formie.

Teacher Stephen, today is Monday, so you had a whole weekend to do your homework.
(you/write) the essay about Queen Elizabeth I on Saturday?
Stephen No, I 2 (not/do). I 3 (be) very busy because we 4 (have)
to move house. And on Sunday I 5 (go) mountain biking with my brother
Mike, and he had an accident.
Teacher (he/be) hurt?
Stephen Yes, he was. He broke his leg. He (be) still in hospital but he’s fine.
Teacher Good then. You should be more careful next time. Now, please open your book on
page... Stephen, what 8 (do)?
Stephen I9 (send) a message to Mike.
Teacher You can do it later. Now, read the text on page 28 please. It’s about King James I.
Stephen Oh no, history again? I hate 10 (read) about the past. Can we do
something more interesting?

/ 10

Total: / 20 points

Photocopiable • Next Move 2 Test Master © Pearson Central Europe 2013 Cumulative Test 3

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