NM2 Ctest9

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Cumulative Test 9 (Units 1-9)

Exam Vocabulary
1 Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.
Hi Trevor,
I'm writing to you from my holiday in Romania. It's wonderful here. They have the highest
islands / mountains I've ever seen. We're sleeping at campsites, cooking suppers over
campfires / glaciers and walking 3 along / under valleys with our rucksacks on. Yesterday I met a nice
girl. Her name is Marina and she's pretty. She's got dark straight / well-built hair and she can speak
English very well. We talked a lot and we listened to some Romanian music. It was very tasty /
6 7
romantic! I think I've fallen / found in love with her. Her mum is an architect / engineer, she designs
houses and she says it is a very 8 satisfying / dangerous job. Her father is a 9 lawyer / lifeguard, he
spends 8 hours on the beach every day!
I don't want to come back to my dull / creative life with school and the same duties every day. This is
my best holiday ever!
Martin / 10

2 Wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi.
George Hello! Is there 1 here?!
Jacob Stop shouting. I'm here!
George Oh, I 2 you. Where's Kate?
Jacob She's her dance class now. Why?
George She promised to lend me 4 money. I hope she'll come back soon.
Jacob She won’t – she today. She works as a waitress three times a week now, she
wants to earn money for the holidays. If you 6 money so much, you should get a
job too. You can work as a lifeguard or a fitness instructor in a sports centre.
George Thanks for the advice, I 7 about it. It’s Nancy's birthday today and I 8 to buy
her a present. What 9 I do?
Jacob Well, get her some flowers. Girls love flowers!
George That’s a great idea! But I only have £5. That’s not 10 .
Jacob Don’t worry. It’s enough for a beautiful rose!

1 a someone b everyone c anyone

2 a doesn’t noticed b didn't notice c don't notice
3 a having b has c had
4 a any b some c a few
5 a is working b works c worked
6 a will need b need c are going to need
7 a thinking b think c will think
8 a was forgetting b forgotten c forgot
9 a should b going to c must / 10
10 a much b many c a lot
Total: / 20 points

Photocopiable • Next Move 2 Test Master © Pearson Central Europe 2013 Cumulative Test 9

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