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Physiology & Behavior 76 (2002) 685 – 689

Duration of sexual arousal predicts semen parameters for

masturbatory ejaculates
Nicholas Pounda,*, Murid H. Javedb, Cathy Rubertob, M. Anis Shaikhb, Alfonso P. Del Valleb
Department of Psychology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1
ReproMed Ltd., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M8X 2W4
Received 21 January 2002; received in revised form 14 March 2002; accepted 15 May 2002


A man’s semen parameters may vary considerably from one specimen to the next, partly due to variability in the conditions under which
the specimens are produced. In the present study, the relationship between the duration of preejaculatory sexual arousal and the quality of
semen produced by masturbation was investigated. Twenty-five regular semen donors aged 22 – 44 provided a total of 292 semen specimens
(median 11 per donor) over a period of 4 months. Each specimen was produced after a minimum of 3 days of ejaculatory abstinence and
measures included the time taken to produce the specimen, ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, and percent motility. Linear regression
revealed that, controlling for donor identity, there was a significant (t = 2.13, P < .05) positive relationship between the time taken to produce
a specimen and sperm concentration. We conclude that the duration of preejaculatory sexual arousal is an important predictor of ejaculate
quality for specimens produced by masturbation and that variation in the duration of preejaculatory arousal may contribute to within-male
fluctuations in semen parameters over time. D 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sexual arousal; Masturbation; Semen parameters; Semen quality; Sperm concentration

1. Introduction The superior quality of ejaculates produced during inter-

course may be attributable, in part, to the greater intensity
Substantial within-subject variability in ejaculate com- and duration of sexual arousal that typically precedes
position is typical of studies in which human males provide copulatory ejaculation. Sexual stimulation, in the form of
multiple semen specimens over several days or weeks [1 – sexually explicit videotapes, can improve semen parameters
3]. For a particular donor, ejaculate volume and sperm for masturbatory ejaculates [10], and there is some experi-
concentration may vary considerably from one specimen mental evidence that the duration of preejaculatory sexual
to the next, partly because both parameters are affected by arousal is an important determinant of semen quality for
variations in the duration of ejaculatory abstinence [4– 6]. copulatory ejaculates. Specifically, increases in the duration
However, the context in which an ejaculate is produced is of precoital stimulation increase the number of motile sperm
also important. For example, ejaculates produced during with normal morphology in copulatory ejaculates [11]. A
intercourse are generally superior to those produced during similar relationship between duration of sexual arousal and
masturbation [7]. Specifically, specimens obtained via inter- semen quality is known to exist when specimens are
course have higher ejaculate volume, total sperm number, collected from domesticated farm animals for the purposes
and grade of sperm motility than those obtained via mas- of artificial insemination. Under these circumstances, it is
turbation [8]. They also exhibit a greater percentage of standard practice to intentionally prolong the duration of
motile and morphologically normal spermatozoa and con- sexual stimulation beyond that needed for mounting and
sequently perform better on various sperm function tests [9]. ejaculation in order to maximise the number of sperm
ejaculated [12]. This is generally achieved through a com-
bination of restraint and ‘false mounts’ during which the
* Corresponding author. School of Biological Sciences, University of
East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK. Tel.: +44-1603-593421; fax: +44-
male is allowed to repeatedly mount a female without
1603-592250. intromission. Sexual preparation of this type prior to ejacu-
E-mail address: (N. Pound). lation increases the number of sperm ejaculated by bulls

0031-9384/02/$ – see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 1 - 9 3 8 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 8 0 3 - X
686 N. Pound et al. / Physiology & Behavior 76 (2002) 685–689

[13 – 16], increases the number of sperm in the sperm-rich each of their specimens, which were produced by mas-
fraction of the ejaculate in boars [17], and increases the fluid turbation in a private room while watching a sexually
content of the accessory sex glands and ductus deferens in explicit video. Each specimen was evaluated 30 min after
stallions [18]. ejaculation according to the standard procedures recom-
The mechanisms involved in the improvements in semen mended by the World Health Organisation [25]. Parameters
quality associated with increases in the duration of preeja- measured were ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, and
culatory sexual arousal are unclear. However, it is known percent motility. The total number of sperm in the ejaculate
that sexual stimulation increases the rate of sperm transport was calculated as sperm concentration  specimen volume.
in the vas deferens [19,20], and thus it can be hypothesised The number of minutes the donor spent in the private room
that improvements in semen quality may depend on was recorded as the time taken to produce the specimen.
increases in the number of sperm that are moved into the For reasons of privacy, it was not possible to record directly
distal portion of the vas deferens prior to emission. It is also the time spent masturbating.
conceivable that the improvements in ejaculate quality seen
with increases in the duration of preejaculatory male sexual
arousal might be secondary to increases in the duration of 3. Results
female sexual arousal. This might be the case if the intensity
of the tactile, visual, olfactory, and auditory stimulation A total of 292 semen samples were collected with a
provided by a female is dependent on the duration of her median of 11 per donor. All donors reported that they had
sexual arousal, and if sperm transport in the male is maintained at least 3 days of ejaculatory abstinence prior to
facilitated by the intensity of this stimulation at the moment specimen production. The average time taken to produce a
of ejaculation. The finding that ejaculates obtained via specimen was 15.5 ± 8.0 min with a range of 3 –55 min.
uninterrupted coitus have higher semen volume, total sperm Descriptive statistics for the semen parameters measured are
number, and sperm motility than those obtained via the shown in Table 1. The 292 semen specimens were divided
coitus interruptus method [21] is consistent with this pos- into four groups according to production time and Fig. 1
sibility and suggests that the nature of the tactile stimulation depicts the mean sperm concentration, percent motility, and
at the moment of ejaculation may be important. motile sperm concentration for each group.
Masturbatory ejaculates provide an opportunity to study For the 292 semen specimens, the time taken to produce
the relationship between semen parameters and the duration a specimen was positively correlated (r=.19, P < .005) with
of male sexual arousal in isolation from the potentially sperm concentration, but there was no evidence it was
confounding effects of female sexual arousal. Furthermore, related to ejaculate volume (r=.08, P=.2). However, there
it is easier to obtain accurate and reliable measurements of was nevertheless a positive correlation (r=.22, P < .0005)
the duration of preejaculatory sexual arousal for specimens between specimen production time and the total number of
produced via masturbation in a laboratory setting than it is sperm in the ejaculate. The time taken to produce a
for copulatory ejaculates that would be produced in non- specimen was negatively correlated (r = .21, P < .0005)
clinical settings. Consequently, the present study was con- with sperm motility. However, despite this decline in sperm
ducted to determine whether the quality of semen specimens motility with increasing specimen production time, there
produced by masturbation is related to the duration of was nevertheless a positive correlation (r=.12, P < .05)
preejaculatory sexual stimulation. Previously, it has been between production time and the motile sperm concentra-
reported that neither changes in the subjective intensity of tion. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation (r=.17,
sexual arousal, nor changes in the time taken to reach P < .005) between specimen production time and the total
orgasm, are correlated with changes in semen parameters number of motile sperm in the ejaculate.
for ejaculates produced by masturbation [22]. However, in In principle, the observed relationship between semen
that study, each male provided semen specimens on only quality and specimen production time could be due to
two occasions and these were at least 1 month apart. within-subject improvements in sperm concentration with

2. Materials and methods Table 1

Semen parameters and time taken to produce the specimen for the 292
ejaculates included in the analyses
Twenty-five semen donors aged 22 –40 years (median:
Variable Mean S.D. Min Max
31 years) participated in the study between November 1998
and February 1999. Each was accepted into the semen Time taken to produce specimen (min) 15.5 8.0 3.0 55.0
Ejaculate volume (ml) 3.5 1.6 0.9 9.0
donor programme at a Toronto-based sperm bank after Sperm concentration (  106/ml) 70.6 28.2 12.0 156.0
completing the required screening as per official standards Sperm motility (%) 62.9 8.7 31.0 81.0
of Health Canada [23] and the Canadian Fertility and Total sperm number (  106) 236.1 124.1 26.4 834.4
Andrology Society [24]. The donors were instructed to Motile sperm concentration (  106/ml) 44.2 18.2 5.6 110.2
abstain from ejaculation for 3 days before they provided Total motile sperm number (  106) 148.2 79.6 16.7 433.9
N. Pound et al. / Physiology & Behavior 76 (2002) 685–689 687

increases in the time taken to produce a specimen. Alter-

natively, it could be the case that those males who take longer
to produce their specimens also tend to produce more
concentrated ejaculates. If the observed relationship between
specimen production time and ejaculate quality is due
primarily to between-subject differences, then correlations
between the donors’ mean semen parameters and average
time taken by each donor to produce a semen specimen
should be expected. However, in the present study, there
were no significant correlations between the mean specimen
production time for each donor and the donor-specific
average values for any of the measured semen parameters
(r < .1, P > .6 for all bivariate correlations).
To determine whether the observed relationship might
be due to within-subject improvements in semen parame-
ters with increases in the time taken to produce a spe- Fig. 2. Scatter plot showing the linear relationship between sperm
cimen, a fixed-effects linear regression model was concentration and the time taken to produce a specimen for those semen
specimens produced in 30 min or less (n = 272).
employed to control for between-subject differences in
these variables. Twenty-two (n 1) binary dummy varia-
bles were created to code for the 23 donors who produced found that, controlling for the fixed-effects of donor identity,
multiple semen specimens. These were entered into a linear the time taken to produce the specimen was also a signific-
regression model with sperm concentration as the depend- ant predictor (t = 2.05, P < .05) of motile sperm concentra-
ent variable and time taken to produce as a continuous tion. However, the relationship between time taken to
predictor. Fig. 1 suggested that a positive relationship produce a specimen and the total sperm number only
between specimen production time and sperm concentra- approached significance (t = 1.91, P=.07) as did the rela-
tion only exists up to about 30 min. Consequently, the 20 tionship between time taken and total motile sperm number
specimens (6.8%) that took 30 min or longer to produce (t = 1.85, P=.07). There was no significant within-subject
were excluded from the analysis. relationship between time taken to produce the specimen
For the 272 specimens produced in less than 30 min, the and either ejaculate volume or percent motility.
results of the analysis indicated that, controlling for the
fixed-effects of donor identity on sperm concentration, the
time taken to produce the specimen was still a significant 4. Discussion
predictor (t = 2.13, P < .05) of sperm concentration (Fig. 2).
This suggests that, for specimens produced in less than 30 In the present study, ejaculate quality improved as the
min, there is an important within-subjects component to the time taken to produce the specimen increased and there was
relationship between these two variables depicted in Figs. 1 a significant within subject component to this effect. Spe-
and 2. Moreover, using similar regression models, it was cifically, both sperm concentration and total sperm number
were positively correlated with specimen production time.
In contrast, sperm motility declined as the time taken to
produce the specimen increased. Nevertheless, this decline
was not sufficient to negate the improvements in sperm
concentration and total sperm number associated with
increases in specimen production time. Consequently, there
was a positive correlation between the time taken to produce
a specimen and both motile sperm concentration and motile
sperm number.
If the time taken to produce a specimen is closely related
to the time spent masturbating, then this variable is closely
related to the time spent in a state of sexual arousal.
Consequently, in the present study, ejaculate quality would
seem to be dependent, at least in part, on the duration of
preejaculatory sexual arousal. This finding is consistent with
Fig. 1. Relationship between time taken to produce a semen specimen and the results of a previous experimental study of ejaculates
sperm concentration (5), sperm motility (.), and motile sperm concen-
tration (~). Specimens have been divided into four groups according to
produced during copulation in which ejaculate quality
production time. Parameter means ± 95% confidence intervals are shown improved as the duration of precoital stimulation was
for each group. increased [11], but it contradicts a more recent report that
688 N. Pound et al. / Physiology & Behavior 76 (2002) 685–689

changes in the time to orgasm are not associated with 30 min may be of only limited clinical significance since
changes in sperm concentration for ejaculates collected via only a relatively small number (6.8%) of ejaculates took
masturbation [22]. However, it should be noted that, in this longer than 30 min to produce. In these cases, increased
latter study, each sperm donor provided only two semen ejaculatory latency and reduced ejaculate quality might both
specimens collected on different occasions at least 1 month be consequences of relatively short periods of sexual abstin-
apart, whereas in the present study donors provided a ence. Although all donors reported having maintained a
median of 11 specimens each over a period of 4 months. minimum of 3 days of ejaculatory abstinence before pro-
The finding that there is a correlation between semen viding each specimen, it is nevertheless likely that there
quality and the duration of preejaculatory sexual arousal in were significant between-specimen differences in the total
human males is consistent with what is known about the duration of the abstinence period. This is important since
effects of sexual preparation on the quality of semen there is not only a positive relationship between the duration
collected from domestic animals for the purposes of of sexual abstinence and ejaculate quality [4,5,7], but there
artificial insemination. Sexual preparation in nonhuman is also an inverse relationship between the duration of
animals probably improves semen quality by facilitating abstinence and ejaculatory latency [21,30].
sperm transport. Specifically, prolonged arousal may Obviously, further research is needed to disentangle the
increase the magnitude and duration of contractions of interactive effects of sexual abstinence and preejaculatory
the smooth musculature surrounding the caudal epididymis sexual arousal on ejaculate quality. However, given the
and ductus deferens [12], contractions that are known to be well-established effects of abstinence, the inverse relation-
critical for sperm delivery [26 – 28]. A similar mechanism ship between the duration of abstinence and the ejaculatory
may be involved in the improvements in human semen latency would tend to mask any positive relationship
quality seen with increases in the duration of preejaculatory between duration of preejaculatory sexual arousal and the
sexual arousal. semen parameters. That such a relationship was observed in
The significant decrease in sperm motility seen with the present study suggests that it is fairly robust. Therefore,
increased specimen production time in the present study is the results of the present study, taken together with the
consistent with the marginally significant negative correla- finding that increases in the duration of precoital stimulation
tion (r = .52, P=.07) between motility and changes in time increase the number of motile sperm with normal morpho-
to orgasm for healthy sperm donors reported in a previous logy in copulatory ejaculates [11] suggest that ejaculate
study [22]. If increased specimen production time is a composition is indeed dependent on the duration of preeja-
reflection of anxiety on the part of the semen donor, then culatory arousal.
this may contribute to the observed decline in sperm The present study provides some evidence that the
motility since there is some evidence that psychological duration of preejaculatory sexual arousal can affect the
stress can impair semen quality. Specifically, it has been composition of masturbatory ejaculates. However, since
reported that the stress associated with providing a specimen the study was correlational rather than experimental in its
for in-vitro fertilization can impair total, and motile, sperm design, it cannot be established whether the observed
concentration [29]. The mechanism by which psychological relationship reflects a casual link between arousal and
stress might affect semen quality is unclear, but it is possible ejaculate composition. Concomitant increases in ejaculatory
that anxiety-induced changes in semen parameters are in latency and sperm concentration for a particular male may
fact secondary to changes in ejaculatory latency. be attributable to a common underlying cause. It could be
If the mechanism by which increases in the duration of hypothesised that males who typically take a long time to
preejaculatory sexual arousal improve semen quality produce a specimen also tend to produce high quality
involves the facilitation of sperm transport along the vas ejaculates. However, in the present study, there was no
deferens and into the posterior urethra in preparation for relationship between the average time taken by each donor
ejaculation, then this might account for the observed decline to produce a specimen and the mean values for his various
in motility with increased specimen production time. ejaculate parameters, which suggests that the observed
Increases in the amount of time that sperm spend in the relationship cannot be attributed entirely to stable individual
distal vas deferens and posterior urethra might be associated differences between males. Furthermore, when between-
with increases in sperm mortality and consequent declines subject differences in sperm concentration were controlled
in the number of motile sperm ejaculated. However, this for in the fixed effects linear regression model, time taken to
decline is of limited clinical significance since, as previously produce the specimen was still a significant predictor of
noted, it is not sufficient to cause reductions in motile sperm sperm concentration for those specimens produced in less
concentration with increases in specimen production time than 30 min. Further research, in which individual males
given the substantial increases in sperm concentration provide multiple specimens over a series of visits to a
associated with increases in the duration of preejaculatory laboratory, is needed to determine the extent to which
sexual arousal. within-subject changes in the duration of preejaculatory
The observation that improvements in semen quality with sexual arousal alone can affect semen parameters. If the
increasing specimen production time exist only up to about within-subject effects are substantial, instructing semen
N. Pound et al. / Physiology & Behavior 76 (2002) 685–689 689

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