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He—y, Come On Ou—t!


1. What are the potential environmental consequences of dumping waste, including heavy metals,
toxins, and nuclear waste, into land lls and oceans?

2. Why did the villagers decide to put a fence around the hole, and what were their initial thoughts and
concerns about it?

3. Why did the villagers decide to ll in the strange hole, and how did the idea from the concessionaire
change the hole into a shrine with a meeting hall attached to it?

4. What kinds of things did people throw into the mysterious hole, and how did the hole help keep the
city clean?

1. DRAMATIC IRONY A. a contrast between what a reader or character expects

and what actually happens
B. ontrast between what a narrator or character says and
3. VERBAL IRONY what he or she means

C. contrast between what the reader knows and what the

character knows

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