Trench Warfare Worksheet Arabic Finishedperiod 6

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Trench Warfare

‫حرب الخندق‬
LO: To Understand what Trench Warfare was and what it would have been like to have been there

‫ لفهم ماهية حرب الخنادق وكيف كان األمر لو كنا هناك‬:‫لو‬

Literacy Starter match the description to the photo

‫محو األمية كاتب مطابقة الوصف للصورة‬

 There is a tank stuck in the

 ‫هناك دبابة عالقة في الخندق‬

 There are two soldiers hiding

behind Barbed Wire
 ‫هناك جنديان يختبئان خلف األسالك الشائكة‬

 There are 10 men in a Trench

with gas masks on
 ‫ رجال في خندق يرتدون أقنعة الغا‬10 ‫هناك‬

 There is one soldier crawling

out of the trench
 ‫هناك جندي يزحف خارج الخندق‬
Good= 4 Points
Better= 5 points
Watch the video and add at least 4 points the diagram you have been given Best= 6 + points
‫ نقاط على األقل إلى الرسم التخطيطي الذي أعطيت لك‬4 ‫شاهد الفيديو وأضف‬ ‫ نقاط‬4 =‫جيد‬

‫ نقاط‬5 = ‫األفضل‬
‫ نقاط‬+6 =‫األفضل‬

What is Trench Warfare and

how would you feel to be
there ?
‫ ما هي لعبة‬Trench Warfare ‫وكيف ستشعر لو شاركت‬

A Trench with Soldiers during World War One.

.‫خندق مع الجنود خالل الحرب العالمية األولى‬

Group activity- in your groups and feed back
to me – what do they tell you about conditions
in the trenches?
‫ في مجموعاتك وأبلغني‬- ‫نشاط جماعي‬
‫ ماذا يخبرونك عن الظروف في‬- ‫بمالحظاتك‬
:Sentence Starters
....I think they dug below ground because
I think the war would moved as quick/would not have
moved as quick because
I think the most important result was this meant
.. ...that
Trench warfare is....s
The plan is called

The Germans were able to take over France so quickly


The problem this created was

The main effect of this was

‫‪Label the diagram‬‬

‫قم بتسمية الرسم التخطيطي‬

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