Bone Diseases

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Bone Diseases

Macroscopic, Histologieal, and Radiological Diagnosis

of Structural Changes in the Skeleton
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH
Claus-Peter Adler

Bone Diseases
Macroscopic, Histological, and Radiological
Diagnosis of Structural Changes in the Skeleton

With Forewords by F. Feldman and D. C. Dahlin

With 980 Figures and 6 rabIes

Univ. Prof. Dr. med. CLAUS-PETER ADLER
Universität Freiburg, Pathologisches Institut
Ludwig -Aschoff-Haus
Referenzzentrum für Knochenkrankheiten
Albertstrasse 19
79104 Freiburg

Translated by:


Steinhalde 108
79117 Freiburg

ISBN 978-3-642-08450-8 ISBN 978-3-662-04088-1 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-04088-1

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Adler, Claus-Peter:
Bone diseases : macroscopic, histological, and radiological diagnosis
of structural changes in the skeleton; with 6 tables / Claus-Peter
Adler. - Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Barcelona; Hong Kong ;
London ; Milan; Paris; Singapore ; Tokyo : Springer, 2000
Einheitssacht.: Knochenkrankheiten <dt.>

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Originally published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg N ew York in 2000
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To my wife, Dr. med. Maria Adler,
and my children,
Elisabeth and Nikola-Maria
Foreword to the English Edition

It is a pleasure and an honor to have the opportunity of commenting

on the English translation of the second German edition of Bone Dis-
eases by Professor Dr. CLAUS-PETER ADLER. Dr. ADLER, an interna-
tionally renowned pathologist and a longtime member of the Inter-
national Skeletal Society, has long-standing expertise regarding the
many pathologie conditions afflicting the musculoskeletal system. He
was a student of the eminent Professor Dr. ERWIN UEHLINGER of
Zurich, Switzerland, and has also enjoyed postgraduate training at
the Mayo Clinic.
The second edition of Bone Diseases, besides including micro-
scopic and gross histopathological and immunohistochemical techni-
ques, also incorporates newer imaging modalities. All of these tools
prove mutually complementary in terms of understanding the nature
and uniqueness of each entity. The book is divided into fifteen com-
prehensive seetions as weIl as aseparate seetion dealing with medi-
cal interventional techniques. Informative graphs, drawings and dia-
grams greatly contribute to the understanding of benign and malig-
nant neoplasms as weIl as the normal processes of bone modeling
and metabolism.
The illustrations are notable for their quality as weIl as their quan-
tity and are easily accessed, conveniently appearing as they do on the
same or facing page as the condition described. This arrangement is
of great advantage to the reader: saving time and enhancing under-
This book, in addition to its intrinsic interest to pathologists, will
serve as a valuable reference for radiologists, orthopedists, rheuma-
tologists and, in fact, for all physicians interested in musculoskeletal

Frieda Feldman, M.D., FACR

Professor of Radiology and Orthopedics
Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons
Preface to the English Edition

This book on "Bone Diseases" first appeared in the German language

in 1983, when it immediately aroused considerable interest among
German-speaking physicians and medical students. It was presented
at the Annual Conference of the International Skeletal Society in
Geneva, at whieh time my Ameriean eolleagues were already express-
ing their regret that, although the diagrams and illustrations were
sufficiently familiar, they were unable to read the text. The wish was
repeatedly expressed that the book should be translated. This propo-
sal, however, met with the diffieulty that no suitable native English-
speaking translator who was familiar with the German language
could be found. It had also been feit that a eertain basic knowledge
of medicine would be desirable. For this reason no English transla-
tion was fortheoming.
When the first edition of the book was sold out and the demand
for it still continued, 1 began to work on a necessarily extended see-
ond edition. This was published by Springer (Berlin and Heidelberg),
and it has already been well reeeived by German readers. Onee more
the quest ion of an English translation arose. Emeritus Professor D.C.
DAHLIN, formerly Head Pathologist at the Mayo Clinie in Rochester,
Minnesota, and an internationally renowned osteologist, had already
written in his Foreword to the Seeond Edition: "I really hope that
this book will soon be translated into English."
It was therefore a fortunate oeeasion for me when 1 encountered
FRANCIS and JOYCE STEEL, both natives of England, who have been
living for many years in Germany. Dr. STEEL is also a medically qua-
lified anatom ist, who worked for a number of years at the Anatomy
Department of Freiburg University, where he helped to te ach his sub-
jeet to students of the Medical SchooI. His wife has an MA degree in
With their assistance, it was possible to produce an English ver-
sion of my book in a reasonably short period of time, especially
sinee an extremely dose, happy and eooperative relationship eontin-
ued to exist between the author and his translators. During this time
it was not only the strietly linguistie aspeets of the task, but also the
expression and display of teehnical maUers which we were able to
diseuss and bring to a satisfaetory and mutually aeceptable condu-
Without the eooperation and eommitment of Springer-Verlag the
translation of the book would not have been possible. For this rea-
son 1 would particularly like to express my gratitude to my Editor,
X Preface to the English Edition

Professor Dr. D. GÖTZE, for his support. I would also like to thank
the staff of the Publishers, especially Dr. AGNES HEINZ, Ms. MONIKA
SCHRIMPF and Mr. NEIL SOLOMON, to whom I am indebted for their
constant advice on the production of the book and of its English
The appearance of "Bone Diseases" in the English language will
not only have satisfied the demands of my American and interna-
tional colleagues, but will have made its appearance throughout the
English-speaking world a reality.

Freiburg, Germany Claus-Peter Adler

October 1999
Foreword to the Second German Edition

It is with great pleasure that I accepted the offer to write this fore-
word to the second edition of Bone Diseases by Professor Dr. CLAUS-
PETER ADLER. This author published the first edition of the book in
1983. Its 387 pages include many excellent photographs, and it docu-
ments a great number of different bone diseases. When looking
through the pages, I had the feeling that this obviously is an excel-
lent and unique book that includes numerous kinds of bone dis-
eases. The intention of the author was to write a book on these dis-
eases that gives the reader all necessary information in comprehen-
sive form. Radiologie images as weIl as histologie and macroscopic
illustrations are included, enhancing the value of the text. In addi-
tion, more complicated processes of metabolism or bone remodelling
are explained by informative diagrams and drawings. It is an excel-
lent idea to face text and illustrations as in this book. This allows
easy access to quick information.
The second edition of this book, written in the same manner, is
largely expanded and includes many additional bone diseases in the
different chapters. Some of them were missing in the first edition,
others are new entities. New techniques in radiology (MRT, DSA)
and in histopathology (immunohistochemistry) are considered, and
aseparate chapter deals with numerous kinds of medical exploration
The author of the book is a pathologist who has specialized in
skeletal diseases, and he is an active member of the International
Skeletal Society. He was instructed by Professor Dr. ERWIN UEHLIN-
GER in Zürich/Switzerland and has trained several times at the Mayo
Clinic in Rochester/USA in order to gain profound knowledge and
experience on bone diseases. Repeatedly, he came to Rochester and
has worked together with mys elf and my staff in our department of
surgical pathology.
I am much pleased that Professor Dr. ADLER has written this ex-
cellent book, which deals with practically all relevant bone diseases.
It belongs in the library of every pathologist, radiologist and ortho-
pedie surgeon, and I am glad that it is new appearing in the English
language. I wish the book a great success and acceptance.

D.C. Dahlin
Emeritus Professor of Surgieal Pathology
Rochester, Minnesota, Mayo Medieal School
Preface to the Second German Edition

The first edition of this book appeared fourteen years ago. Supported
throughout by radiological, macroscopic and histological illustra-
tions, it was intended to be a comprehensive work including a de-
tailed presentation of all the relevant bone diseases, which could be
used as a handy on-the-spot reference book for physicians from dif-
ferent specialties (radiologists, orthopedists, traumatologists, sur-
geons, faciomaxillary surgeons, internists, pediatricians, pathologists
and even general practitioners), and from which they could rapidly
obtain information about the various diseases of bone. To ensure
this, each of the relevant illustrations (radiographs, macroscopic
photographs and histological sections) was placed opposite the cor-
responding text. Factual information from the field of general osteol-
ogy, backed up where necessary by diagrams, was also included, in
order to clarify the various structural changes which take pi ace in
bone and to relate them to the manifold factors and dis orders by
which they are influenced. This resulted in the production of a book
dealing with all the diseases of bone in a form which had not hither-
to been available. It aroused considerable interest among both stu-
dents and practitioners of medicine, and was soon out of print.
It is not easy for a book written in the German language to
achieve international recognition, since the majority of foreign physi-
cians are unable to read it. My professional colleagues and friends in
the International Skeletal Society have therefore more than once re-
quested me to publish the book in English, and this suggestion has
indeed been seriously considered. Unfortunately, however, the money
was simply not available.
Medical students and physicians can obtain and increase their
knowledge of osteology in many ways. One of these is from books
and professional conferences. Moreover, there are regular specialist
meetings arranged by the International Skeletal Society, the Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Osteologie and the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Knochentumo-
ren, to mention only a few such organizations, which offer excellent
opportunities for the exchange of views. It is also desirable that, in
clinical practice, regular interdisciplinary discussions should take
place between orthopedists, radiologists and pathologists - providing
occasions when the diagnostic and therapeutic strategy for individu-
al patients can be discussed and decided. Weekly meetings of this
kind, where actual cases are discussed, have taken place regularly for
over 20 years between the physicians engaged in osteological practice
at the University Hospital, Freiburg. During these discussions we
XIV Preface to the Second German Edition

have become familiar with the various bone diseases and with all the
diagnostic and therapeutic problems involved. In this way we gain
increased experience which can be used for the benefit of our pa-
Since the appearance of the first edition of this book in 1983,
there have been substantial and even revolutionary developments in
the diagnosis of bone disease. It is, of course, particularly in the
field of diagnostic radiology that the introduction of new techniques
and apparatus has made it possible to obtain fresh insights into the
structure of bone. At the same time, such methods of examination as
computer tomography (eT), magnetic resonance tomography (MRT)
and digital subtraction angiography (DSA), which did not even exist
14 years ago, have become established routine procedures. In the
field of pathology also, new types of investigatory techniques have
also emerged, and it is here that immunohistochemistry in particu-
lar has made a revolutionary contribution, especially to the diagnosis
of bone tumors.
In addition to all these material advances, new concepts of bone
disease, including the definition of new entities, have also co me into
being during this time. For example, several new tumorous entities
have been defined and added to the recent classification of bone tu-
mors by the World Health Organization (under the guidance of F.
SCHAJOWICS, 1993), a matter in which I have myself been privileged
to participate. Apart from neoplasia, new aspects of the diagnosis
and treatment of other bone diseases have also emerged, and these
must also be taken into account. An important example here is the
use of osteodensitometry for analyzing the osteoporoses, and clinical
examination has gready advanced following the introduction of ul-
trasound and other similar procedures, none of which existed in
Nevertheless, in spite of all the modern technical developments in
diagnostic methods and all that has been learnt in the field of osteol-
ogy, one is still faced with the fact that bone diseases present their
own particular diagnostic and therapeutic problems, and that these
require highly specialized knowledge and experience. Unfortunately,
the rather limited training in this subject given to medical students
and physicians is in no way adequate. General practitioners also
need to have their attention drawn to the modern approach to osteol-
ogy and to modern methods of investigation in order to provide
their patients with the best care available. This naturally applies with
even greater force to specialists in the field - to radiologists, ortho-
pedists, traumatologists, pathologists and others - who must ensure
that they are familiar with all new developments in the diagnostic
and therapeutic aspects of osteology.
For all these reasons it now seems the right time to produce a new
and modern edition of my book: Bone Diseases: The Diagnosis of
Macroscopic, Histological and Radiological Structural Changes in the
Skeleton, particularly since there has been a considerable demand for
it. In this edition, I have attempted to take all the new investigatory
methods for diagnosing bone diseases into account. It is unfortu-
nately true, however, that, as a consequence of the very large range
of illustrations relating to each bone disease, some of the radiologi-
Preface to the Second German Edition XV

cal examination procedures (e.g. skeletal scintigraphy, DSA and sono-

graphy among others) have had to be rather more briefly handled
than I would wish.
As in the first edition, an effort has been made to ensure that the
figures are always printed to face the corresponding text, thus allow-
ing the reader immediate access to the relevant information. To
make this possible, allusions to the literature have had to be omitted
from the text itself. References to related topics can be found in the
List of Subjects at the end of the book. Where appropriate, specific
directions for the treatment of the various bone diseases have also
been included.
However, notwithstanding all the technical progress in the field of
radiology during re cent years, the plain radio graph is still the start-
ing point and basis of all radiological diagnosis. In almost every case
it is neither sensible nor economical to turn directly to modern and
often very costly diagnostic procedures (e.g. MRT) without first hav-
ing taken plain radiographs: normally an a.p. and a lateral view. It is
for this reason that the various bone diseases depicted in this book
are illustrated mostly with plain radiographs.
For the pathologist involved in the diagnosis of bone disease, the
hematoxylin-eosin (HE) section is what the plain radio graph is for
the modern radiologist. Such sections are in preparation the whole
time and continue to form the basis of all histological investigations.
Sophisticated histochemical procedures and other specialized techni-
ques are only employed if there is adefinite indication for them.
That is why I have deliberately included figures in this book which
have for the most part been taken from plain radiographs and routi-
nely stained sections.
During the preparation of this second edition, I have relied once
again on those of my professional colleagues who have put illustra-
tions of particular bone diseases at my disposal. I was most fortunate
in having access to the material collected by my revered teacher, the
late Professor Dr. Dr. ERWIN UEHLlNGER. (This included some illustra-
tions which he had already published elsewhere, the details of which I
have not been able to check). It is also a pleasure to express my grati-
tude to those other colleagues who have given their active support to
my work on this edition. Among these, Professor Dr. H.E. SCHAEFER,
Executive Director of the Department of Pathology, Freiburg Univer-
sity, deserves a particular mention. Privatdozent Dr. M. UHL, Physi-
cian in the Department of Radiology, University Hospital, Freiburg, of-
fered me his expert advice on the selection and interpretation of the
radiographs. Dr. G. KÖHLER, Lecturer in the Department of Pathol-
ogy, University of Freiburg, did a great deal of work on the presenta-
tion of the immunohistochemistry, and my doctoral student, Mr.
CHRISTIAN WEHR, worked out the statistical data and also drew up
the diagrams and skeletal schemata. Dr. G.W. HEGET, Lecturer in the
Department of Pathology, Freiburg University, undertook the coordi-
nation of the many activities involved. My special thanks are also
due to Mrs. X. LUDWIGS-KRAYER who, as photo graph er in our Depart-
ment, was responsible for many of the illustrations.
Professor Dr. EW. HEUCK, former Medical Director of the Depart-
ment of Radiology at the Katharina Hospital, Stuttgart, has always
XVI Preface to the Second German Edition

given me unlimited encouragement during my work on the second

edition of the book, and it is he who was finally responsible for
bringing it to the attention of the present publishers. I was most for-
tunate to find in Professor Dr. D. GOETZE of Springer-Verlag, Heidel-
berg, a publisher who has actively supported me during the pro duc-
tion of the book, and I would like to express my particular thanks to
both hirn and to his colleagues.

Freiburg im Breisgau, Claus-Peter Adler

November 1997
Foreword to the First German Edition

"Je mehr wir können,

um so weniger kann der Einzelne alles"
(The more we are able to do,
the less can the individual achieve alone)
K.H. BAUER, 1953

From time immemorial, pathological changes in the skeletal system

have been the domain of the surgeon, this today signifying predomi-
nantly the traumatologist and orthopedist. In the case of systemic
diseases, however, such changes extensively involve aH aspects of in-
ternal medicine and pediatrics as weH as numerous other disciplines.
For the purposes of clinical diagnosis the radiograph, together
with similar modern specialist techniques such as computer tomo-
graphy, takes first place in clinical practice as the most important
and least distressing method of examining the patient. However,
although the technical work is done with such ease, the interpreta-
tion of the findings and their incorporation into the clinical jigsaw
puzzle often presents much more difficulty. Not infrequently, the key
piece is missing, which the pathologist is able to put in pi ace by
looking down the microscope.
Thus many people contribute to the processes of visualizing, clas-
sifying and appropriately treating pathological bone changes.
"To deduce the whole picture from a comprehensible synthesis is
not to be achieved by a theoretical conference of specialists sitting
around a table. This requires far more the work of one individual:'
(Eine einleuchtende Synthese zu einem Ganzen gelingt aber nicht da-
durch, daß sich die Spezialisten am grünen Tisch zu einer Konferenz
zusammensetzen. Hier bedarf es vielmehr der Arbeit eines einzelnen
Mannes). This statement by the Nobel Prize Winner, ALEXIS CAR-
REL, has been taken to he art by the author of the present work who,
by his application of strict classifying criteria to the morphology,
and by his visual portrayal, ranging from the clinical event and the
radio graph to the histological background, has attempted to avoid a
scattered and piecemeal approach to the numerous bone diseases.
This attempt has, to my mind, succeeded in the highest degree; the
book reflects the many aspects of countless discussions between clin-
icians, radiologists and pathologists which have taken place at de-
monstrations and lectures in Freiburg, at our University Hospital.
Thus, just as the goalkeeper in a team radiates security, calm and
self-confidence, so the immense experience of the author makes clin-
ical and radiological diagnosis of the skeletal system more secure
and more exact for us in our professional circle; the recognition of
essential findings will be swifter; the initiation of treatment will take
place earlier.
The present book is far more than a mere text for the practicing
pathologist, which is aH the author modestly asserts. Its numerous
XVIII Foreword to the First German Edition

tables relating to age distribution, predilection and special disease

indications me ans that the clinician - whatever his provenance -
and, to a particularly high degree, the radiologist, will have at his or
her fingertips a valuable synopsis of clinical practice, radiographic
images and fundamental morphological changes, which takes into ac-
count both routine and unusual cases. The advantages of its being a
one-man work, namely, the editorial continuity and the diversity of
its selected illustrative material, are of particular benefit to the book
and testify to the author's extensive experience and far-reaching ex-
pertise in the field.
In addition, the author shows a decidedly thoughtful approach to
indications for the extraction of biopsy material - thus, to surgical
intervention. Similarly however, he names numerous lesions, such as
the non-ossifying bone fibroma, which should be left alone. Indeed,
the presentation of these particular lesions is so outstanding that it
will become an essential source of help to any hesitant diagnostician.
In the words, somewhat modified, of my old surgical teacher, K.H.
Bauer, the morphologist shows more scientific knowledge and a
greater sense of responsibility if, in cases of certain bone lesions, he
advises, on clinical and radiological grounds, against a biopsy exci-
sion rather than in favor of implicit reliance on a diagnosis secured
by means of the surgical extraction of tissue.
In this book, practically every known bone disease and both its
morbid anatomical and radiological appearances are described and
clinically classified; only very rare skeletal dis orders have been
omitted. Thus, this book differs from other published monographs in
the field of osteology, which have, up to now, dealt solely with par-
tial aspects of these diseases (e.g. bone tumors).
To my knowledge there is no other book in existence in which
every bone disease is presented in such a clearly organized and com-
prehensive fashion, and which allows one such rapid access to infor-
mation on current clinical and morphological topics. We have here a
work which is in no way composed only for osteologists but is much
more an aid to diagnosis and further treatment for all those practic-
ing physicians who have patients with skeletal disorders under their
care. This volume is a valuable source of information not only for
pathologists and radiologists but also for surgeons, orthopedists,
traumatologists, rheumatologists, oncologists and general practi-
tioners. I wish for it a widespread acceptance.

Freiburg im Breisgau, W. Wenz

April 1983
Preface to the First German Edition

Bone diseases present special diagnostic and therapeutic problems

and demand comprehensive knowledge and experience in this field.
It is extraordinary how many medical specialists have to do with dis-
orders of the skeleton (pediatricians, physicians, surgeons, orthope-
dists, traumatologists, radiologists, faciomaxillary surgeons, and
pathologists, among others), and there are enormous numbers of pa-
tients suffering from diseases of this sort.
As against this, however, the teaching on the subject of skeletal
dis orders is accorded only a secondary place in student and post-
graduate training courses. It is assumed that particular expertise in
this field is confined to "specialists" to whom difficult cases will be
referred. Diseases of bone are often unfamiliar to the general practi-
tioner, and the lack of a more intensive training means that he does
not have the necessary knowledge and experience. Nevertheless, in
most cases it is precisely the general practitioner who is the first to
be confronted with a bone disease and the first to have to recognize
it as such.
The preliminary clinical examinations are usually followed by ra-
diological investigations, which can immediately provide crucial di-
agnostic information. The decision as to whether a bone biopsy is to
be taken is based upon both the clinical and the radiological find-
The tissue material taken from a bone lesion is then sent to the
pathologist in anticipation of a final diagnosis. The proper course of
treatment can then be planned accordingly. In a multitude of cases
the radiological image is indispensable, since this is a quasi macro-
morphological representation of the bone lesion in question. The
clinician should therefore make a point of sending the relevant radio-
logical pictures along with the biopsy material. Only from a synopsis
of the radiological and histological findings can a secure diagnosis
be achieved.
This book has chiefly been written for practicing pathologists,
who have to discern the differences between the various bone disor-
ders as part of their normal routine diagnostic duties. Its place
should be beside the microscope, since it offers a timely guide to the
pathologist who has to make a judgement about a bone section and
has perhaps additiorial access to the radiological pictures. For this
reason, I have tried to present the most important bone diseases in
their characteristic structural forms and, in the text, to concentrate
on the corresponding descriptions. The text has intentionally been
XX Preface to the First German Edition

placed opposite the relevant figures. The description of the radiologi-

cal, macroscopic and histological illustrations is a central point of
the text. These details are marked in the figures by indicators.
In the first chapter and among the more general portions of each
succeeding chapter some important osteological facts have been
singled out which are helpful to the understanding of bone lesions.
They do not in any way claim to deal comprehensively with osteolog-
ical problems and queries and are no substitute for current informa-
tion found in scientific research articles and books. Reference works
of this sort are indicated in the literature lists.
The comparative contrast of the radiological, macroscopic and his-
tological illustrations is perhaps of interest even to physicians whose
field of work lies outside that of the pathologist. Radiologists and
orthopedists in particular can get to know what the microscopic
structural formation of so many radiologically diagnosed bone le-
sions actually looks like. The radiographs and the related descrip-
tions in the book are there only to supplement the morbid anatomi-
cal findings and to complete the morphological spectrum in each of
the bone diseases described. In no way does it claim to provide an
expert radiological interpretation. Any pathologist, of course, who
deals intensively with skeletal disorders and who has been required,
over many years, to give a professional opinion in numbers of cases
and sees the relevant radiographs, is bound to gain a certain amount
of experience in the radiomorphology of bone disease. The regular
collaboration with professional radiologists is here also a contribut-
ing factor. The final opinion on radiological structures must, how-
ever, be left to the expert radiologist. In practice, the pathologist
does indeed describe the radiological features, but his diagnosis
must be founded upon the histological appearance.
This book came about at the instigation of my esteemed teacher
Professor Dr. Dr. ERWIN UEHLINGER, former Director of the Institute
of Pathology at Zürich University in Switzerland. In order to provide
the numerous illustrations for the various bone diseases it was neces-
sary to collect together specimens from bone cases over aperiod of
many years. In spite, however, of my long-Iasting and intensive occu-
pation with skeletal dis orders, there are some extremely rare bone le-
sions for which I had no relevant illustrative material. Once again, it
was Professor UEHLINGER who came to my aid by readily giving me
access to his own extensive collection. His unexpected death in the
spring of 1980 led to problems in this regard and substantially de-
layed the completion of the book. Many colleagues and friends
helped me, however, by putting at my disposal the missing represen-
tative illustrations. At this point I wish to thank first and foremost
Professors WENZ (Radiology), KLÜMPER (Radiology), MATTHlAS
(Radiology) and KUNER (Accident Surgery) at Freiburg University. I
also wish to thank my American friends, Professor D.C. DAHLIN
(Mayo Clinic, Rochester), Professor H.D. DORFMAN (Baltimore) and
Professor H.A. SISSONS (New York), who helped me out with illustra-
tive material and with advice.
During the work on this book I relied on the active support of
many colleagues and coworkers. Professor Dr. W. SANDRITTER, for-
mer Director of the Institute of Pathology at Freiburg University,
Preface to the First German Edition XXI

gave me and my plans great encouragement, for which I am extreme-

ly grateful. My particular thanks are due to Ms. U. WIEHLE, a photo-
grapher at the Freiburg Institute of Pathology, who showed untiring
diligence and great skill in preparing the photographs, and also to
Ms. M. MEINHARDT, who, among other things, carried out the tech-
nical work. Dr. T. GENZ, Assistant in the same Institute, worked out
the statistical data for the bone diseases and carried out the cytopho-
tometric DNA measurements on bone tumors. Finally, I must thank
Ms. H. EHRET and Ms. A. MÖLLER for their flawless typing and for
the revision of the literature index.
In Dr. h.c. G. HAUFF, Georg Thieme Verlag in Stuttgart, I found a
publisher who not only gave me both generous support and encour-
agement during the writing of this book, but also showed great un-
derstanding when its completion was affected by unexpected delays.
My concluding thanks are due to Dr. HAUFF and the Georg Thieme

Freiburg im Breisgau, Claus-Peter Adler

May 1983

1 Bones and Bone Tissue .............................. 1

The Function of Bones and of the Skeleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Bone as a Structural Support .......................... 4
Bone as an Organ of Storage .......................... 6
Regulation of Bone Structure and Calcium Metabolism . . . . . . . 6
Functional Bone Remodeling .......................... 8

2 Normal Anatomy and Histology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l3

Macroscopic Structure ............................... l3

The Blood Supply of Bone ............................ 16
Histological Structure of Bone ......................... 18
Bone Cells ........................................ 24
Endochondral Ossification ............................ 26
Cartilaginous and Joint Structures ...................... 28

3 Disorders of Skeletal Development ..................... 31

General .......................................... 31
The Classification of Skeletal Dysplasias .................. 34
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita ..................... 37
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia (Ribbing-Müller Disease) 38
Congenital Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia
(Type: Spranger-Wiedemann) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38
Thanatophoric Dwarfism ............................. 40
Asphyxiating Thoracic Dysplasia (Jeune's Disease) .......... 42
Chondroectodermal Dysplasia (Ellis-van Creveld Disease) . . . .. 44
Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IV (Morquio's Disease) . . . . . . . .. 46
Mesomelic Dwarfism (Robinow's Fetal Face Syndrome) . . . . . .. 46
Tricho-rhino-pharyngeal Dysplasia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 46
Cleido-cranial Dysplasia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 46
Achondroplasia (Chondrodystrophia fetalis) ............... 48
Chondrodystrophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48
Rickets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50
Hypophosphatasia .................................. 52
Osteopetrosis (Albers-Schönberg Disease, Marble Bone Disease) 54
XXIV Contents

Osteogenesis imperfecta ............................. 54

Fibrous Bone Dysplasia (Jaffe-Lichtenstein) ............... 56
Arachnodactylia ................................... 58
Pfaundler-Hurler Dysostosis .......................... 58
Enchondromatosis (Ollier's Disease) .................... 60
Osteochondromatosis ............................... 62

4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65

General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65
Involutional Osteoporosis ............................ 72
Immobilization Osteoporosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 74
Cushing's Osteoporosis .............................. 76
Osteodystrophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80
Osteomalacia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 86
Renal Osteopathy .................................. 88
Aluminum-induced Osteopathy ........................ 94
Sudeck's Atrophy (Sympathetic Reflex Dystrophy, SRD) ...... 96

5 Osteoscleroses..................................... 99

General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 99
Fluorosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100
Hypoparathyroidism ......................... . . . . . .. 100
Osteitis deformans (Paget) ........................... 102
Osteomyelosderosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 106
Melorheostosis .................................... 108
Osteopoikilosis .................................... 108

6 Fractures ........................................ 113

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 113
Types of Bone Fracture ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 114
Normal Uncomplicated Fracture Healing ................. 116
Complications of Bone Fractures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 122
Pathological Bone Fractures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 126

7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 129

General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 129
Paronychia (Panaritium Ossale) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 132
Osteomyelitis of the Jaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 132
Osteomyelitis in Infants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 132
Osteomyelitis in Children ............................ 132
Acute Purulent Osteomyelitis in Adults .................. 134
Chronic Osteomyelitis .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 138
Brodie's Abscess ................................... 142
Plasma Cell Osteomyelitis ............................ 142
Non-purulent Sderosing Osteomyelitis (Gam~) ............ 144
Contents XXV

Tuberculous Osteomyelitis ............................ 144

BCG Osteomyelitis .................................. 148
Boeck's Sarcoidosis of Bone
(Jüngling's Ostitis Cystoides Multiplex) ................... 150
Syphilitic Osteomyelitis (Syphilis of Bone) ................ 152
Typhoid Osteomyelitis ............................... 154
Bang's Osteomyelitis (Osteomyelitic Brucellosis) ............ 154
Fungal Osteomyelitis ................................ 156
Echinococcosis of Bone .............................. 158
Inflammatory Periostitis Ossificans .................... " 160
Traumatic Periostitis Ossificans ........................ 160
Ossifying Periostosis Due to Impairment of the Blood Supply .. 162
Tumorous Ossifying Periostosis ........................ 162
Osteoarthropathie hypertrophiante pneumique
(Pierre Marie-Bamberger) ............................. 162

8 Bone Neeroses ................................... " 164

General .......................................... 164

The Normal Blood Supply of Bone ...................... 166
Idiopathic Bone Necroses .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 170
Femoral Head Necrosis ............................... 172
Anemic Bone Infarction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 174
Caisson Disease .................................... 174

Spontaneous Bone Necroses ........................... 176

Perthes' Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 176
Kienböck's Disease (Lunatomalacia) ................... 176

Causal Bone Necroses ................................ 178

Radiation Bone Necroses ........................... 178
Post-traumatic Bone Necrosis ........................ 178
Inflammatory Bone Necrosis ......................... 180

9 Metabolie and Storage Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 183

General .......................................... 183
Gout ............................................ 184
Amyloidosis of Bone ................................ 186
Diabetic Osteopathy ................................. 188
Gaucher's Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 192
Ochronosis ....................................... 192

10 Bone Granulomas .................................. 195

General .......................................... 195
Histiocytosis X (Langerhans' histocytosis):
Eosinophilic Bone Granuloma (ICD-O-DA-M-4405/0) ...... 196
Hand-Schüller-Christian's Disease ..................... 198
XXVI Contents

Abt-Letterer-Siwe's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 198
Lipoid Granulomatosis (Erdheim-Chester Disease) . . . . . . . . .. 200
Membranous Lipodystrophy (Nasu's Disease) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 200
Malignant Histiocytosis (ICD-O-DA-M-972013) ............ 202
Reparative Giant Cell Granuloma of the Jaws
(ICD-O-DA-M-4413/0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 204
Giant Cell Reaction of the Short Tubular Bones
(ICD-O-DA-M-441110) ............................... 204

11 Bone Tumors ..................................... 207

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 207

Cartilaginous Tumors ............................... 214

Osteochondroma (ICD-O-DA-M-9210/0) ............... 214
Subungual Osteocartilaginous Exostosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 218
Enchondroma (ICD-O-DA-M-9220/0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 218
Periosteal (Juxtacortical) Chondroma (ICD-O-DA-M-9221/0) 224
Proliferating Chondroma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 224
Chondroblastoma ("Codman's Tumor") (ICD-O-DA-M-9230/0) 226
Chondromyxoid Fibroma (ICD-O-DA-M-924110) ......... 230
Chondrosarcoma (ICD-O-DA-M-9220/3) ............... 236
Dedifferentiated Chondrosarcoma .................. 246
Clear-Cell Chondrosarcoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 248
Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma (ICD-O-DA-M-9240/3) . .. 250
Periosteal and Extraskeletal Chondrosarcoma
(ICD-O-DA-M-922113) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 252

Osseous Bone Tumors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 255

Introductory Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 255
Oste oma (ICD-O-DA-M-9180/0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 256
Osteoid Osteoma (ICD-O-DA-M-9191/0) ............... 260
Osteoblastoma (ICD-O-DA-M-920010) ................. 264
Aggressive Osteoblastoma ........................ 270

Bone Island (Compact Island) ....................... 274

Osteosarcoma (ICD-O-DA-M-9180/3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 274

Telangiectatic Osteosarcoma (ICD-O-DA-M-918313) ..... 280
Small Cell Osteosarcoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 284
Epithelioid Osteosarcoma ........................ 284
Intraosseous Well-Differentiated Osteosarcoma ........ 286
Parosteal Osteosarcoma (ICD-O-DA-M-9190/3) ........ 288
Perioste al Osteosarcoma ......................... 292
High-Grade Surface Osteosarcoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 296
Paget's Osteosarcoma (ICD-O-DA-M-918413) .......... 298
Postradiation Osteosarcoma (ICD-O-DA-M-918013) ..... 300
Bone Sarcomas in Bone Infarcts ..................... 302
Contents XXVII

Fibrous Tissue Bone Tumors .......................... 307

Introductory Remarks ............................. 307
Non-ossifying Bone Fibroma (ICD-O-DA-M-7494/0) ....... 308
Xanthofibroma of Bone (ICD-O-DA-M-883110) ........... 312
Fibromyxoma of Bone (ICD-O-DA-M-8811/0) ............ 312
Metaphyseal Fibrous Cortical Defect (ICD-O-DA-M-749110) . 314
Fibroblastic Periosteal Reaction (ICD-O-DA-M-490010) ..... 314
Ossifying Bone Fibroma (ICD-O-DA-M-9262/0) .......... 316
Osteofibrous Bone Dysplasia (Campanacci) .............. 316
Fibrous Bone Dysplasia (Jaffe-Lichtenstein)
(ICD-O-DA-M-749110) ............................. 318
Desmoplastic Bone Fibroma (ICD-O-DA-M-8823/l) ....... 322
Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma (ICD-O-DA-M-8832/0) ...... 322
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma (ICD-O-DA-M-8830/3) .... 324
Fibrosarcoma of Bone (ICD-O-DA-M-8810/3) ............ 330

Giant Cell Tumor of Bone (Osteoclastoma)

(ICD-O-DA-M-9250/l) ............................... 337

Osteomyelogenous Bone Tumors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 345

Introductory Remarks ............................. 345
Osseous Lipoma (ICD-O-DA-M-885010) ................ 346
Osseous Liposarcoma (ICD-O-DA-M-8850/3) ............ 346
Medullary Plasmocytoma (ICD-O-DA-M-9730/3)
(Multiple Myeloma) ............................... 348
Ewing's Sarcoma (ICD-O-DA-M-926013) ................ 352
Malignant Lymphoma of Bone (Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma,
Reticulum Cell Sarcoma) (ICD-O-DA-M-9640/3) .......... 358
Osseous Hodgkin Lymphoma (Hodgkin's Disease, Malignant
Lymphogranulomatosis) (ICD-O-DA-M-96513) ........... 362
Leukemia (ICD-O-DA-M-980013) ..................... 364
Malignant Mastocytosis (Mast Cell Reticulosis,
Systemic Mastocytosis) (ICD-O-DA-M-9741/3) 366

Vascular Bone Tumors (and other Bone Tumors) 369

Introductory Remarks ............................. 369
Hemangioma of Bone (ICD-O-DA-M-912010) ............ 370
Hemangiosarcoma of Bone (ICD-O-DA-M-9120/3) ........ 376

Adamantinoma of the Long Bones (ICD-O-DA-M-926113) ..... 378

Chordoma (ICD-O-DA-M-937013) ....................... 382

Neurogenie Bone Tumors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 386

Osseous Neurinoma (Neurolemoma, Schwannoma)
(ICD-O-DA-M-956010) ............................. 386
Osseous Neurofibroma (ICD-O-DA-M-954010) ............ 386
Neuroblastoma (Sympathieoblastoma) (ICD-O-DA-M-9490/3) 388
XXVIII Contents

Muscular Bone Tumors 390

Osseous Leiomyoma (ICD-O-DA-M-889010) ............. 390
Osseous Leiomyosarcoma (ICD-O-DA-M-8890/3) ......... 390
Malignant Osseous Mesenchymoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 392

Bone Metastases ................................... 396

Tumor-like Bone Lesions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 407

Introductory Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 407
Juvenile Bone Cyst (ICD-O-DA-M-3340-4) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 408
"Cementoma" of the Long Bones (ICD-O-DA-M-9272/0) ... 4lO
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst (ICD-O-DA-M-3364-0) .......... , 412
Intraosseous Ganglion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 418
Subchondral Bone Cyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 418
Calcaneus Cyst .................................. 420
Intraosseous Epidermal Cyst .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 420

12 Degenerative Joint Diseases .......................... 423

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 423
Arthrosis Deformans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 424
Osteochondrosis Dissecans ........................... 430
Degenerative Lesions of the Meniscus ................... 432
Traumatic Lesions of the Meniscus ..................... 434
Degenerative Changes in the Vertebral Column ............ 436

13 Inflammatory Joint Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 441

General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 441
Rheumatoid Arthritis ............................... 442
Non-specific Spondylitis ............................. 448
Spondylarthritis Ankylopoetica (Bechterew's Disease) ....... 450
Non-specific and Specific Arthritis ..................... 452

14 Tumorous Joint Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 457

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 457
Synovial Chondromatosis (ICD-O-DA-M-7367.0) ........... 458
Lipoma arborescens (Diffuse Articular Lipomatosis) ........ 460
Localized Nodular Synovitis .......................... 462
Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (ICD-O-DA-M-4783.0) ..... 464
Synovial Sarcoma (ICD-O-DA-M-9040/3) .... . . . . . . . . . . . .. 466

lS Parosteal and Extraskeletal Lesions .................... 471

General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 471
Ganglion ....................................... " 472
Chronic Bursitis ................................... 472
Baker Cyst ....................................... 474
De Quervain's Tendovaginitis Stenosans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 474
Contents XXIX

Benign Giant Cell Tumor of the Tendon Sheath ............ 476

Myositis Ossificans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 478
Extraosseous Osteosarcoma ........................... 482
Extraosseous Chondrosarcoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 484
Tumorous Calcinosis ................................ 484
Thibierge-Weissenbach Syndrome ..................... " 486

16 Examination Techniques .............................. 489

General .......................................... 489
1 Scope of Radiological Procedures for Examining the Skeleton 490
2 Macroscopic Specimens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 494
3 Bone Biopsy Techniques ........................... 496
4 Histological Preparation ........................... 498
Frozen Seetions (Rapid Examination) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 498
Semithin Seetions .............................. 498
Fixation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 498
5 Embedding in Plastic ............................. 500
6 Bone Decalcification and Paraffin Embedding ........... 500
7 Tissue Staining ................................ " 502
8 Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry ................... 506
9 Histomorphometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 510
10 Microradiography ................................ 512
11 Cytophotometry of Bone Tumors ..................... 515

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 531

Subject Index . ........................................ 571

Origin of Specimens lIIustrated in this Book ................. 589

1 Bones and Bone Tissue

From many different points of view the skele- changes in structure which result from the de-
ton plays a central role in the life of every man mands made upon it and upon its functional
and woman. It gives every living body its indi- loading. In this connection it is of great impor-
vidual form, is responsible for its architec- tance whether these influences act upon the
tonics, and also determines its size. The form growing or upon the fully developed skeleton.
of the skeleton is both proportional and sym- The essential supporting function of the
metrical, so that the size of each of its parts is skeleton is influenced by the action of various
direcdy related to that of the structure as a extraskeletal factors. Embedded deeply within
whole. The skeleton is bilaterally symmetrical, the soft tissues, bone is dependent on its blood
the mid-sagittal plane dividing the body into and nerve supply. The skeletal musdes are in-
two mirror images. For this to be possible, the serted into the bones and control their move-
proper formation and development of each in- ment. Various types of disorder of these extra-
dividual bone during embryonie life and its skeletal tissues can have adetrimental effect
subsequent continuous physiological growth upon the skeletal system itself.
during childhood and adolescence must be as- Bone also plays a central role by contributing
sured. It is at these times that various distur- to life-supporting metabolie exchange, and the
bances may take place which hin der or abnor- skeleton is an important storage organ, particu-
mally accelerate the growth and development of larly for calcium and phosphate. It is essential
the skeleton. Such disturbances may be endoge- for life that the serum calcium is maintained at
nous in kind (congenital or inherited) or a constant level, and it is here that the contri-
brought about by outside influences (dietary bution of bone tissue is decisive. Under the in-
deficiencies, radiation or drugs). They lead to fluence of various hormones, calcium is re-
malformations (skeletal dysplasias) which affect moved from or deposited into bone according
either the entire skeleton or single parts of it to the needs of the moment. For instance, para-
(arms, legs, skUll' vertebral column etc.) or in- thyroid hormone ---+ bone resorption; calcito-
dividual bones. This can also result in an over- nin, estrogens, androgens ---+ inhibition of bone
production of bones - hexadactyly, for in- resorption; D-hormone, somatotropin ---+ de-
stance. In every case this results in a change in mand for bone resorption; insulin ---+ new bone
the architectonics of the body, and in some deposition; glucocorticoids ---+ inhibition of new
cases in an alteration of its overall size. bone deposition + demand for bone resorption,
The skeleton occupies a central position in thyroxin ---+ stimulation for remodeling; estro-
the locomotor system of the body. Movement, gens ---+ preservation of bone tissue; androgens,
which is an essential function of all living crea- prostagiandin E2 ---+ bone remodeling; ß- TGF
tures, depends upon the action of the soft tis- ---+ demand for new bone deposition + inhibi-
sues - induding the musdes, tendons, liga- tion of bone resorption, interleukin 1 ---+ in-
ments, fasciae and nervous system - but it is crease in bone formation + inhibition of bone
primarily the bones and joints that ensure the resorption; a-interferon ---+ inhibition of bone
stability of the various parts of the body, as remodeling. In these ways, extraskeletal regula-
well as the flexion, extension and rotation of tory mechanisms control the metabolie ex-
the joints that make movement possible. A vari- change. The availability of calcium and phos-
ety of factors can also impair the function of phate is also controlled outside the skeleton (in
the joints, and these may again be endogenous the gut, for instance). Disorders of these meta-
in nature (e. g. joint dysplasias). A dose func- bolie processes lead to characteristic changes in
tional relationship exists between the move- the structure of bone, the diagnostic analysis of
ments of the skeleton and the morphological which is understood by radiologists and
structure of the bones and joints themselves. pathologists. The morphological picture of
The entire skeleton is constantly subjected to every bony lesion allows condusions to be
2 1 Bones and Bone Tissue

drawn about a great variety of local and sys- and vessels). Diagnostic assessment of the cor-
temic diseases. tical bone indudes observation of its width,
bone density, structural homogeneity, and its
periosteal outer and endosteal inner layers. Dis-
The Function of Bones and of the Skeleton eases which call forth a reactive remodeling of
the bone can also lead to changes in the outer
Bone is the most highly differentiated of the contour of the cortex, and this can be a very
mesenchymal tissues. It has two quite different important diagnostic sign. Osteomyelitis, for in-
functions to fulfil: (1) support and (2) storage. stance, can lead to reactive new bone formation
Both of these have in turn a decisive influence in the endosteum and particularly in the peri-
on bone, and only under the influence of these osteum, and this can be seen radiologically. A
physiological functions can the skeleton and its bone tumor can cause erosion of the cortex
component elements play their normal roles. In from within, even to complete penetration,
this way there exists a dose reciprocal relation- while at the same time stimulating an ossifying
ship between the structure of bone and its periostosis.
functional requirements. The periosteum constitutes a connective tis-
The supporting function of the skeleton is sue sheath that completely covers all bones ex-
made possible by the structure of bone, which cept over the articular cartilage and the many
resembles a composite building system. This musde attachments. This connective tissue
structure can be adapted to every static or dy- layer is of great significance for the function of
namic requirement by the metabolism of the the skeleton and its individual bones, since it
tissue, while the remodeling and renewing pro- carries a dense network of blood and lymph
cesses take place most especially in the cortical vessels and predominantIy sensory nerves
bone. Under physiological conditions, remodel- which are necessary for the maintenance of the
ing is more intensive in the more heavily bone structure. The periosteum is more or less
loaded regions of the skeleton (vertebral col- firmly anchored to the cortex by the bundles of
umn, pelvis, long bones) than in regions which Sharpey's fibers which penetrate into the bone.
are less heavily loaded, such as the skullcap. From the point of view of dinical symptoms it
The cortex is the most heavily stressed region is important to be aware that it is only the
of abone, and it is able to resist pressure and periosteum which carries sensory nerve fibers
tensile forces, responding to their action by with the ability to respond with pain to patho-
physiological changes in shape. In spite of the logical processes, since the bone itself contains
greater density of its calcified tissue, the cortex no sensory nerves. This me ans that "bone
(compacta) is malleable, this being ensured by pain" is in fact always "periosteal pain". The es-
the interpenetration of its Haversian canals. sential significance of the periosteum for the
The different actions of mechanical forces on biology of the bone lies in the pluripotence of
single bones is reflected in differences in the its mesenchymal tissue structure. Most impor-
thickness of the cortex. In the long bones the tant is the fact that the periosteal connective
cortex at the middle of the shaft is thickest and tissue has the capacity to differentiate within a
is rejuvenated from the end of the bone. The short time into bone, which then appears in the
Haversian canals are narrower at the middle of radiograph. There are many types of reactive
the shaft than toward the end. Following the periosteal change and also primary diseases
unphysiological action of pressure, tension or which are bound up with new bone formation
shear forces, this architecture can nevertheless and which are correlated with functional disor-
be altered in a short time by remodeling. This ders of the skeleton and must be analyzed mor-
kind of functionally controlled bone remodel- phologically.
ing is most easily recognized in radiographs. The principal function of the skeleton is to
Apart from its supporting function, the cor- make locomotion possible. This takes place in
tex has to lay down the external contour of the the various joints where adjacent bones are en-
bone, and to support and endose the marrow abled to take up different relative positions
cavity with its contents of spongiosa and soft with regard to one another. In joints with a
tissue (hematopoietic bone marrow, fatty tissue limited range of movement (e. g. the ankle
The Function of Bones and of the Skeleton 3

joint) stronger elasticity of the skeleton is pos- excretion is essentially a function of the kid-
sible. For every movement of the individual neys. Any disturbance of this complicated and
joints, the anatomieal structure of the artieulat- mutually interactive regulatory system involving
ing surfaces, the form and structure of the joint a change in the level of the blood calcium has a
capsule and ligaments and the insertions of morphological effect on the bone structure. As
those muscles whieh bring about and control shown in Fig. I, this results in bone remodeling
the movements are all decisive. Any disorder of which is expressed either as resorption or deposi-
this system affecting the co ordination of the tion of bone matrix. Such a remodeling process
parts, including the soft tissues, can lead to a can be recognized and analyzed histologically
disturbance of function, the reasons for whieh (and often also radiologically), and the structur-
must be fully explored diagnostically. al changes may provide a clue to the nature of the
Storage is the second main function of bone underlying metabolie dis order. Furthermore,
and of the skeleton. As can be gathered from there may be ehanges in the mineralization of
the diagram shown in Fig. I, the skeleton is both the bone tissue which can be precisely assessed
a structural support and a metabolie organ. It by means of microradiography. Serious distur-
serves especially for the storage of calcium and bances of mineralization can also be recognized
phosphate, ensuring the equilibrium of these in the ordinary HE section by the relative in-
ions in the blood serum. A constant level of the crease or decrease in the amount of osteoid.
blood calcium is essential for life and bone plays For this purpose the use of undecalcified bone
a decisive role in maintaining this level, the bone sections - not always available in every institute
metabolism being under the control of extraskel- - is to be recommended. The experienced pathol-
etal regulatory mechanisms. For this purpose ogist can, however, usually recognize such
there is a partieularly finely adjusted interaction changes with sufficient certainty in EDTA decal-
between the parathyroids, kidneys, alimentary cified sections. The various types of remodeling
canal and the skeleton itself. The intake of cal- pro ces ses and mineralization defects are patho-
cium from the diet is controlled by the hormone gnomonic of the metabolic osteopathies.
"vitamin D3 " (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol). Disturbances of bone function can on the
The parathyroid hormone (parathyrin) regulates one hand produce changes in the physicalload-
the liberation of calcium from the bone in re- ing on the skeleton, and on the other have an
sponse to the serum calcium level, and calcium influence on calcium metabolism.

Funetion of bone

Storage of
calcium and phosphate
Bone resorption

, " Preservation of bodily form

--..;........;;........ ----~~.",.
Proteetion of soft parts
---~ ....... _----~~
capa city of skeleton
Fig. l. Diagram explaining the function of bone
4 1 Bones and Bone Tissue

Bone as a Structural Support pacta) of a long bone ((second order struc-

ture"). In the growing skeleton, periosteal os-
An absolute prerequisite for the structural analy- teoblasts lie upon the shafts of the long bones
sis of the skeleton and its bones as well as for the and lay down bone tissue from outside like the
diagnosis of structural changes is the precise growth rings of a tree (1). During the second
knowledge of the characteristics of normal year of life, Haversian osteons (2) also begin to
bone. It is well known that the individual bones develop. The vascular canals running in an ax-
of the skeleton are very different in shape and ial direction through the compact bone widen
size. There are short and long tubular bones, and become filled again with an orderly system
«irregular" bones (vertebrae, carpal and tarsal of lamellar rings. The incorporation of Haver-
bones), flat bones (pelvis and skullcap) and sian osteons continues at a reduced rate even
bones of a highly specific form (skull base, facial after the conelusion of skeletal growth. The re-
skeleton), in all of whieh pathological processes sorption of old osteons (3) and the appearance
produce very different structural effects. This is of new ones (4) eventually produces a mosaic
reflected in the supporting function of each pattern of complete and incomplete or fragmen-
type, but the basic principle of bone construc- ted pieces of osteons with interspersed rem-
tion is well shown in the long bones. This is nants of the periosteal lamellar ring system
made elear in Fig. 2, which shows a diagram of (the so-called intermediate lamellae; 5). The
the knee joint with the distal end of the femur more complete an osteon is in histological sec-
(1) and the proximal end of the tibia (2). Topo- tion, the younger it is; the more it is cut into
graphically, one can distinguish the epiphyses complex shapes, the older. These remodeling
(3), which are covered with articular cartilage pro ces ses produce a three-Iayered division of
(4). In the growing skeleton the adjacent epiphy- the compacta: the endosteal rings (internal gen-
seal plate (growth cartilage; 5), whieh disappears eral lamella; 6), amiddie layer of Haversian os-
from the adult skeleton, can be recognized. This teons (7) and a subperiosteal ring layer (the ex-
is bordered by the metaphysis (6). The middle of ternal generallamella; 8). The necessary blood
the shaft, which constitutes the longest part of a supply comes from the vessels of the perios-
tubular bone, is described as the diaphysis (7). teum, which pass through the perforating Volk-
Knowledge of these different regions of a bone mann's canals (9) to reach the bone.
((first order structure") is important, since, cor- The entire Haversian system of lamellar bone
responding to the various topographieal and is elastically bound together by collagen fibers.
functional differences in the tissue, partieular As can be seen in the diagram of the Haversian
bone diseases are manifested predominantly in system in Fig. 4, the fibrils of adjacent lamellae
particular parts of the skeleton. The physiologi- (1 and 2) run in opposite directions.
cal growth in the length of a bone takes place In Fig. 5 the border between cortex (1) and
at the epiphyses, and disorders of growth will spongiosa (2) is shown diagrammatically.
therefore be associated with the signs of struc- Whereas the heavily loaded cortex is responsi-
tural change in these regions. In particular, the ble for most of the supporting function, the
form taken by certain bone tumors is dependent spongiosa is the more frequent site of patholog-
upon the predominating type of remodeling pro- ical changes; it provides a wide surface for cal-
cess normally found during ontogenetic develop- cium exchange and supports the cortex against
ment at the location of the swelling. In Fig. 2 one mechanical loading.
can also see the dense structure of the cortex (8), The microscopic structure of bone is seen as
whieh is covered on the outside with fiber-rieh a "third order structure", whereby the bone
periosteal connective tissue (9). This is continu- trabeculae with bone deposition (osteoblasts,
ous with the joint capsule (10). The marrow cav- osteoid seams) and resorption fronts (osteo-
ity of the long bones (11) is occupied by a fine elasts, Howship's lacunae) can be analyzed.
cancellous network which adapts itself structur- The "fourth order structure" is produced by
ally to the predominating bending stresses of the building materials of bone tissue, which
long bones. consist of organic material· (bone matrix) and
In Fig. 3, the mechanical structural principle inorganic material (hydroxyapatite).
is shown diagrammatically in the cortex (com-
Bone as a Structural Support 5

Endosteal and periosteal ci rcumferentiallamellae

11 Perioste um

11-- - - 9
~"HI---- 6

, Volkmann's
Interstitial Intermediate layer canals
5 lamellae
5 2nd order strueture
- 3

- 10
~~11---- 4 O Voung
gz~~tJ---- ; O Older

- ---2
o Older
~"""----- 7

Fig. 2. Diagram of anormal knee joint (side view) Fig. 3. The basic principles of bone construction


1 ~t+H+#flll
-/-- -2


Fig. 4. Diagram of a Haversian system (after GEBHARDT) Fig. 5. Diagram of cortex and spongiosa (cancellous bone)
6 1 Bones and Bone Tissue

Bone as an Organ of Storage calcium is always available for the steady ex-
change of ions.
The bone matrix consists of 77% inorganic and
23% organic material and is subject throughout
life to constant renewal. The organic bone ma- Regulation of Bone Structure
trix - the osteoid - is 89% collagen and 5% and Calcium Metabolism
protein, and is the site of bone mineral deposi-
tion. As illustrated in Fig. 6 a, osteoid is pro- Bone structure is subjected to a large number
duced by large polyhedral osteoblasts (1), which of regulatory mechanisms. Just as hormonal in-
give rise to a layer 1 /lm in width every day (2). fluences are of particular importance in con-
This moves 1 /lm daily away from the cell body. nection with the storage of calcium and phos-
The total width of a normal osteoid seam phate, so is their action able to alter the
amounts to 6 /lm (3). Mineralization of the or- structure of bone. These factors maintain the
ganic ground substance requires a maturation constancy of the serum calcium level. In Fig. 7
of the matrix of 10 days duration, so that the the interaction of organs and organ systems
organic matrix is fully mineralized (4) only with bone is illustrated diagrammatically. Of
when it is 10 /lm from the osteoblasts. Under first importance here are the parathyroids (1),
the influence of the already mineralized bone which produce the parathyroid hormone (para-
tissue the osteoid becomes calcified up to 70% thyrin). This increases the absorption of cal-
within the next 3-4 days, the rest of the miner- cium from the gastrointestinal tract and the ex-
alization following much more slowly over 6 cretion of calcium and phosphate by the
weeks. The stepwise nature of the osteoid min- kidneys (2). In bone (3), the osteoclasts, which
eralization is marked by dark cement lines (or resorb the tissue and release calcium, and the
reversal lines). The appearance of wider osteoid osteoblasts, which build up osteoid and lead to
seams indicates a functional disorder of the bone deposition, as weIl as the Jibroblasts,
bone and is due either to excessive osteoid which produce collagen fibers, are activated.
building (e.g. in an osteosarcoma, p. 274) or as With this, parathyrin stimulates bone remodel-
a result of faulty mineralization (e. g. rickets, ing and finally leads to the histological picture
p. 50; osteomalacia, p. 86). of dissecting Jibro-osteoclasia (see Fig. 148).
The inorganic component of the bone tissue Calcitonin, which is produced by the parafolli-
consists of 90% calcium phosphate and 10% cular cells (C cells; 4) of the thyroid, acts antag-
calcium carbonate. The most important mineral onistically to parathyrin and inhibits the activ-
is calcium, which is deposited in the organic ity of the osteoclasts, bringing about simul-
matrix as hydroxyapatite crystals. As can be taneous increase in the number of osteoblasts.
seen in Fig. 6b, the crystals are hexagonal (5) A disturbance in its function leads to hyperpar-
and are embedded alongside the collagen fibrils athyroidism (p. 80). There are also other sys-
at intervals of 68 nm. They stabilize the skele- tems which have an effect on bone deposition
ton against pressure and shearing forces. In the and calcium metabolism. The somatotrophic
entire skeleton, about 100 g ionic calcium is ab- hormone (STH) from the anterior pituitary (5)
sorbed with carbonate or phosphate radicles. A controls skeletal growth, the thyroid stimulating
rapid exchange of calcium ions with those ab- hormone (TSH) stimulates the thyroid and
sorbed onto the crystal surfaces is necessary to ACTH activates the adrenals (6). Overproduc-
maintain a calcium level in the serum which is tion leads to developmental disorders of the
essential to life. The calcium ions embedded in skeleton or to atrophy of bone, and the gonadal
the surface of the crystal lattice are responsible hormones (7) can have similar effects. FinallY'
for the lesser and slower exchange. The greater impairment of the blood supply to bone can
number of the skeletal crystals are not available have an important effect upon its structure (8).
for ionic exchange, being deeply anchored in Arterial hyperemia leads to bone resorption
the bone tissue. The continuous physiological (osteoporosis) and venous stasis may be re-
bone remodeling, which is 7 times faster in the sponsible for increased deposition (osteo-
spongiosa than in the compacta, serves to regu- sclerosis) .
late the mineral "budget". About 5 g of skeletal
Regulation of Bone Structure and Calcium Metabolism 7

Tripie helix
of tropocollagen

~ 6 6

2 Daily deposition of 1~m osteoid (=collagen)

3 Total width of osteoid seam: 6 ~m

Zone of provisional calcification:

4 Fully calcified organic matrix

~ 5

(10 ~m distant from cell wall)

Hydroxyapatite Collagen
Hexagonal crystal
a b fibril fibri l Hydroxyapatite

Fig. 6 a, b. Formation of the organic and inorganic bone matrix

,-a: Blood senum

Fig. 7. Regulation of bone structure and calcium metabolism

8 1 Bones and Bone Tissue

Funetional Bone Remodeling sorption fronts (5) with surface lacunae con-
taining multinucleate osteoclasts (6). The mar-
The most pronounced physiological bone re- row cavity contains loose connective tissue (7)
modeling takes place during particular periods in which trabeculae of fibrous bone (8) are dif-
of life. It is especially associated with skeletal ferentiated, and where activated osteoblasts are
development, when endochondral and intra- also to be found.
membranous ossification occurs and growth in The functional loading of a bone has a
the length, width and surface area of the bones marked effect on its external form and internal
takes place. During the first three decades of structure. Through the remodeling process it
life the volume density of the spongiosa falls adapts fairly quickly to the load. With long
from 35% to 23%, with a further reduction to term abnormal mechanicalloading or unphysi-
10% in the eighth decade. In general the annual ological joint function, deformation of the af-
change amounts to 1%-2%. Within the space of fected bone is more and more to be seen. In
40 to 50 years the skeleton is completely re- the vertebral column it is not uncommon to
newed. The loss of bone mass is associated find a kyphoscoliosis (see Fig. 838) with marked
with the reduction in the number of osteocytes osteosclerosis on the concave weight-bearing
and delayed mineralization, whereas resorption side and osteoporosis on the less loaded convex
by osteoclasts remains unchanged throughout side. An example of the adaptation of bone
life. During normal maturation of the skeleton, structure is illustrated diagrammatically in a
slow bone remodeling leads, in spite of massive case of tibia recurvata in Fig. 8. As a result of
increase, to a harmonious growth of bone with the deviation of the axis and the long-term
the appropriate shape of the individual bones asymmetrical loading the cortex on the concave
being strictly preserved throughout life. side (1) is greatly thickened, whereas on the
The structures present during the remodel- convex side (2) it is equally severely narrowed.
ing of the shaft of a long bone are shown dia- The spongiosa is also correspondingly remod-
grammatically in Fig. 9. Bone deposition at the eled as areaction to the pressure, tension and
periosteal surface (1) is due to the osteoblasts bending forces. Strong transverse trabeculae (3)
(2), whereas in the Haversian canals (3) of the which are orientated radially to the curvature
cortex the osteoblasts are responsible for an os- have developed.
teosclerotic narrowing. At the endosteal surface Such functionally conditioned bone remodel-
(4) multinucleate and mononucleate osteoclasts ing as this can be recognized in the radiograph
(5) bring about resorption. Haversian canals or on naked-eye examination of the specimen.
can also be widened by osteoclastic bone re- Figure 11 shows a macerated tibia recurvata
sorption. In cases of osteopetrosis (p. 54) the that has been sawn through. As a result of the
osteoclastic activity is reduced and physiologi- causative pressure stimulus the compacta at the
cal remodeling inhibited; in osteogenesis imper- vertex of the concave side (1) is greatly wid-
fecta (p. 54) the deposition process in the os-
teons is severely inhibited by inadequate
osteoblastic activity; in Paget's osteitis defor-
mans (p. 102), on the other hand, the whole re-
modeling process is greatly accelerated (activity
of osteoblasts and osteoclasts). x x
x x
As can be seen in the histological photo- x x l-
graph of Fig. 10, such remodeling processes xxx
x XX
can also be easily recognized in histological x x
sections. Here we see a lamellated cancellous x x
x Xx
trabecula (1) with well-marked osteocytes, Xx
which has, however, irregular outer borders (2). XX XX
Leading edges of deposition with rows of active
osteoblasts (3) can be seen, and newly depos- 0 0 0
ited, incompletely calcified osteoid bone tissue Fig. 8. Diagram illustrating adaptive bone remodeling (tibia
(4). At the same time we can also recognize re- recurvata) (after UEHLINGER)
Functional Bone Remodeling 9

Fibrolasts - - - . , , - - -....,.-
a-...----=:- - - - - Osteoclasts 5
Preosteoblasts --..,,--f"fT\,l~-(:)
Endosteal mesenchyme cells
Osteoblasts ---..--H-/."-'~~"",,

I Deposition. ~ ResorPtion I
Musde Bonemarrow

Haversian canal ----+"""""?-';ttt-::.UrrGh-..--~ \ol---I-tt---&-:--.'t--- -- - Osteocytes


Fig. 9. Remodeling of the shaft of a long bone shown in transverse section

Fig. 10. Bone remodeling; HE, x40 Fig. 11. Tibia recurvata (maceration specimen)
10 1 Banes and Bane Tissue

ened, whereas that on the eonvex side (2) is dures in terms of the bone volume, whereas the
narrow. The spongiosa is undergoing remodel- "bone metabolie unit" is a measure of the fune-
ing as a hypertrophie atrophy, with thiekened tional extent of the remodeling. This distine-
trabeeulae (3) erossing the marrow eavity. tion is important, beeause the "bone remodel-
Physiologieally, remodeling is taking plaee in ling units" refer to skeletal homeostasis and the
bone weakened by osteoporosis. Beeause of the "bone metabolie units" to mineral homeostasis.
loss of eaneellous struetures whieh had eontrib- In general, the "bone remodelling unit" in man
uted to the stability of the bone the remaining is eompleted within months, whereas the "bone
trabeeulae have beeome more heavily loaded. metabolie unit" is usually, with wide variations,
This is a stimulus for osteoblastie remodeling developed between a few months and over 10
by whieh the trabeeulae have been thiekened. years. Every "bone remodelling unit" has a
The result is a spongiosa with fewer trabeeulae eharaeteristie life eyde. It begins in response to
whieh have at the same time beeome sderotie. a stimulus - partly under the influence of the
This remodeling can already be seen radio- parathyroid hormone - whieh causes the mitot-
graphically. In Fig. 12 the cancellous frame- ie division of the "precursor cells" and leads to
work is in general looser. The supporting trabe- the produetion of preosteoblasts. After a few
culae (1) are more pronounced and are hours or days, osteodasts arise whieh initiate a
separated by obvious gaps (2). Radiologically resorptive phase of (on average) a month's
this is a so-called hypertrophie bone atrophy. duration. Within the next 3 months the newly
Histologically this remodeling appears as formed osteoblasts replace the previously re-
bone trabeculae of varying width. In Fig. 13 os- sorbed bone. The results of activating the bone
teosderotically widened trabeculae (1) lie next cells - bone resorption and deposition - take
to narrow trabeculae (2). All trabeculae have place mainly in the endosteal region of the
smooth borders and show no leading edges of bone and less in the periosteal region. During
deposition or layers of osteoblasts, which is an life the external diameter of the long bones
indieation of slow bone replacement. slightly increases, while the thickness and den-
According to FROST (1966) a threefold sys- sity of the cortex decreases.
tem of surface remodeling must be assumed, in Physiologieal bone remodeling is very mueh
whieh anatomically and functionally different dependent on the funetional loading of the to-
types of bone cell take part: 1. periosteal de- tal skeleton, as weH as particular parts of it. It
position, 2. endosteal deposition and 3. deposi- has important effects on the serum calcium lev-
tion within the Haversian osteons. Periosteal de- el and is controHed in a very complieated fash-
position leads to growth and remodeling in ion by hormonal faetors. In addition to calcito-
length and thickness during skeletal develop- nin and vitamin D (D hormone), the
ment. This remodeling is greatly reduced in parathyroid hormone brings about bone re-
adults. Endosteal bone deposition on the other . sorption and hypercalcemia by stimulating the
hand continues throughout life. It involves both osteodasts. The multiple interactions of the D
the trabeculae of the spongiosa and the endo- hormone on the dynamics of metabolism of the
steal cortex, and on occasion gives rise to hy- skeleton, whieh regulates calcium homeostasis,
pertrophic bone atrophy. Bone deposition with- is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 14.
in the Haversian osteons is, in practice, a Therefore vitamin D, whieh is taken in
continuation of endosteal deposition. FROST through the skin (cholecalciferol = vitamin D1 )
described the results of osseous modulation and the intestine (7-dehydocholesterol = vita-
and the differentiation of partieular bone eells min D3 ), is converted in the liver and kidneys
as the "basic metabolie unit of skeletal remod- and finally acts to produce in the intestine an
elling" or the "bone remodelling unit". This increase in calcium absorption, in the parathy-
"unit" is active in areas of bone in which either roids inhibition of secretion of the parathyroid
bone resorption or bone deposition at the sur- hormone and in the skeleton increased calcifi-
face is taking place. The "bone remodelling cation. This dynamie bone remodeling is also
unit" indudes the lifelong remodeling proce- histomorphologieally demonstrable.
Funetional Bone Remodeling 11

Fig. 12. Hypertrophie bone atrophy Fig. 13. Hypertrophie bone atrophy; HE, x40

Vitamin Da

Vitamin D 1

25 - Hydroxy-

1a25- dihydroxy-cholecalciferol
la, 25-(OH)2- vitamin 0,
= so-called vitamin D= hormone

Intestine Skeleton Parathyroid

Increases Ca absorption Stimulation of calcification Inhibition of

(+P-absorption) Release of calcium PTH secretion ?

Fig. 14. Diagram showing reciproeal interaction between the D hormones and skeletal metabolie aetivity, and the part that
this plays in the regulation of calcium homeostasis
2 Normal Anatomy and Histology

Macroscopic Structure that it is possible to achieve a reliable diagno-

A variety of lesions can arise in any bone, or in The pathologist obtains the essential macro-
different parts of the same bone, bringing scopic picture from the accompanying radio-
about destruction or at least an alteration of graphs. The macroscopic evaluation of speci-
the normal structure of the tissue. Depending mens taken at operation or from autopsy
upon their severity, these changes may be re- material is in general only of secondary impor-
cognizable on a radiograph. The ability to as- tance, since the primary diagnosis is most of-
sess a pathological lesion of bone naturally re- ten made from a biopsy. Nevertheless, much
quires exact knowledge of the normal can be learnt from comparing a macroscopic
structure. At the macroscopic level, the distinc- specimen with the corresponding radiological
tion between the different types of bone change findings, since changes in the former can pro-
is first and foremost a matter of radiology, and vide a better understanding of the latter.
it is by this means that the first examination is In any case, whether one is dealing with the
always carried out. The conventional radio- assessment of a radiograph, or analyzing bone
graph, which is usually taken in two planes, removed at operation or at autopsy, complete
provides the earliest and most conclusive infor- understanding of normal bone development is
mation. The diagnostic value of such a radio- absolutely essential. We must therefore know
graph is primarily dependent upon its quality. the density and structure of cancellous bone
It must also be remembered that symptoms precisely in order to be able to recognize
may be projected to a different part of the skel- pathological changes. Whereas the spongy
eton, remote from the actual lesion (a bone tu- framework of a vertebral body, for example, is
mor, for example). In addition, other specific entirely regular, in the presence of osteoporosis
methods of examination are available to the (see Chapter 4) it shows a typical pattern of po-
radiologist - tomography, for instance, and rosity. In cases of so-called "eccentric atrophy"
scintigraphy, xerography, DSA, computer tomo- we would expect to find the earliest and most
graphy, MR-tomography etc. - which are able pronounced rarefaction at the center of the
to provide extra information and fundamentally spongy bone of the vertebra - something that
influence the diagnosis. It is usually only after can only be determined macroscopically (or in
such an intensive radiological examination that the radiograph). The same applies to osteoporo-
a bone biopsy is taken to finally decide the di- sis of the neck of the femur with the development
agnosis. The results of the radiological investi- of the so-called Ward's triangle (see Fig. 117). It
gations should always be available to the is possible to analyze osteolytic and osteosclerot-
pathologist, who should wherever possible ob- ic pro ces ses macroscopically and also radiologi-
tain all the radiological reports (radiographs, cally in both the spongiosa and cortex, and to
tomograms, scintigrams, computer tomograms, relate them to particular diseases.
and MRT findings) so that he can build up his When assessing lesions of bone we must be-
own picture of the bone lesion. This informa- gin with its normal architecture. Are the exter-
tion provides the pathologist who is assessing nal contours of the bone regular? Is the exter-
the lesion histologically with the macroscopic nal border of the cortex smooth? Is the
picture, and he uses it to supplement his histo- periosteum visible? Is the shape of the bone
logical evaluation. Indeed, it is only after com- preserved? Are the density and width of the
bining the radiological, macroscopic and histo- cortex normal? Is it destroyed or fragmented?
logical information with the clinical findings Is the endosteal surface of the cortex smooth?
14 2 Normal Anatomy and Histology

Is the radiodensity of the spongiosa homoge- (12). The distal joint surfaces of the femur are
neous? It is important whether alesion devel- normally covered with smooth articular carti-
ops in a compact bone (vertebra, long bone) or lage. As can be seen in the radiograph in
a flat bone (pelvis, scapula, skullcap). Fig. 17, all these structures can also be recog-
The description of bone structure of the first nized radiologically. One can distinguish topo-
order begins with that of the various topo- graphically between the epiphysis (1), metaphy-
graphical and structural elements, which are sis (2) and diaphysis (3). The outer shape and
particularly discernible in the long bones. The internal structure of the femoral head (4), the
external form and surface appearance of the formation of the femoral neck (5), both the tro-
macerated femur illustrated in Fig. 16 are easi- chanters (6), the shaft (7) and the distal end of
ly recognized. Proximally one can see the femo- the bone with its two condyles (8) can be recog-
ral head (caput femoris 1), which makes up nized. Special radiological methods can provide
two thirds of a sphere, somewhat flattened at information about the internal structure (cortex
the top. It is covered by the smooth glistening and spongiosa). Insofar as the radiographs con-
cartilaginous articular surface. The central in- stitute very valuable re cords of the gross struc-
dentation or fovea capitis femoris (2) receives ture of bone for the pathologist too, they must
the insertion of the ligament of the head of the always be available to assist in the diagnosis.
femur (ligamentum capitis femoris). The regu- The proximal end of a macerated femur is il-
lar smooth spherical form of the head is nor- lustrated in Fig. 18. The regular structures are
mal; but it may become markedly deformed in easily recognized: the head of the femur (1) is
diseases of the hip joint such as coxarthrosis clearly rounded and somewhat flattened above.
deformans (see Fig. 807). Below this the neek The femoral neck (2) presents a smooth outline
of the femur (3) makes an angle with the shaft and a regular appearance. The greater (3) and
(4) of about 1270 (Pauwels' angle). The sagittal lesser (4) trochanters are also regular in shape,
diameter of the neck is less than the vertical, as and below these the smooth borders of the
can be seen from its height. The highly com- shaft are also seen. This region of the bone is
plex mechanical stresses acting he re are re- normally covered with a more or less thickened
flected in the trajectorial pattern of the cancel- periosteum, rich in fibers, which is absent from
lous bone, which is illustrated diagrammatically the maceration specimen, making the outer
in Fig. 15. The trabeculae in the cancellous surface of the bone look somewhat rough. It is
bone are the most strongly developed and cor- here that numerous muscles and ligaments are
respond to the maximal loading (1), whereas also attached.
the less heavily stressed regions of the neck As can be seen in Fig. 19, the contour (1) of
contain only a supporting spongiosa which is the proximal end of the femur normally ap-
much less dense (2). It is this region which is pears smooth and sharply outlined in radio-
first resorbed in the presence of osteoporosis, graphs. One can recognize the rounded form of
whereas the load-bearing trabeculae persist and the head (2), the even joint space (3), the slen-
become even more marked (so-called hyper- der femoral neck (4), the greater trochanter (5)
trophie bone atrophy). Such changes can be
seen in a radiograph. Fig. 16 also illustrates the
greater (5) and lesser (6) trochanters, which are
uni ted dorsally by the intertrochanteric crest
(7). The two trochanters often show the early
and particularly well-marked signs of trochan-
teric atrophy, and isolated inflammatory or neo-
plastic pro ces ses can also develop here. By far
the largest part of the femur is taken up by the
femoral shaft (diaphysis; 8). On the dorsal sur-
face the gluteal tuberosity (9) can also be seen.
This long bone becomes wider distally, leading
into the medial (10) and lateral (11) condyles, Fig. 15. Load-bearing spongiosa of the femoral neck (dia-
which are separated by the intercondylar fossa grammatic)
Macroscopic Structure 15

2 4
3 2

8 7


Fig. 16. Normal femur (maceration specimen) Fig. 17. Normal femur (radiograph)




Fig. 18. Normal femoral neck (maceration specimen) Fig. 19. Normal femoral neck (radiograph)
16 2 Normal Anatomy and Histology

and, continuous therewith, the shaft of the fe- The Blood Supply of Bone
mur (6). The density of the cancellous scaffold-
ing is remarkably homogeneous. It must always be remembered that bone is it-
All bones are surrounded by a "frame" of self a living tissue, the life of which is depen-
cortical bone (compacta). Internally, the bone dent upon an adequate blood supply. Like any
is filled with cancellous scaffolding, within other tissue, bone undergoes necrosis if this
which the narrow trabeculae intertwine with supply is cut off. As is shown in Fig. 22, the
one another. In bone subjected to a particular most important supply of arterial blood to a
stress the load-carrying spongiosa is more long bone is through the nutrient artery (1),
strongly developed than the rest of the "sup- which first passes through the cortical layer
porting spongiosa". In those bones where the without branching, and which then on reaching
load is equally distributed - the vertebral its internal circumference divides into ascend-
bodies, for instance - the components of the ing and descending branches. At the ends of
cancellous network are quite evenly developed. the bones the accessory arteries (2) supply the
A maceration specimen of the cancellous scaf- epiphyses and metaphyses with blood. They
folding of a vertebral body is shown in Fig. 20. anastomose with the diaphyseal capillaries, and
The bony trabeculae (1) are more or less equal send terminal branches to the bone marrow,
in width and constitute a honeycomb formation the cortical bone and the spongiosa, as weIl as
that presents a wide surface for intensive meta- to the articular cartilage (3). The bone marrow
bolie exchange. It is here that the metabolie ex- is penetrated by a fine network of arteries of
change of calcium continues to take place both varying diameter. During the period of growth,
in normal and even under pathological circum- the epiphyses are supplied separately. Clearly
stances. Between the bony elements, spaces of the outer layer of cortical bone is supplied by
very nearly equal size can be seen (2), which the numerous periosteal blood vessels (4),
contain the bone marrow. The bony trabeculae which maintain connections with the cortical
have completely smooth borders, and this pro- capillaries themselves. The arterial blood then
duces the fairly uniform appearance in radio- empties into the sinusoids (5) of the marrow,
graphs by which normal healthy bone can be and is subsequently drained through very thin-
recognized. walled veins, either into the central vein in the
In histological seetions the cancellous bone diaphysis (6) or into the collecting veins (7) in
is also characterized by the homogeneous ar- the metaphysis. The blood is drained away
rangement of the bony trabeculae. As can be from the bone either through the nutrient vein
seen in Fig. 21, these are of equal width (1), (8) or through a large tributary vein (9) or by
and have smooth borders and internal lamellae. the metaphyseal veins and small cortical perfor-
They contain small osteocytes (2). The trabecu- ating veins (10).
lae are more or less evenly spaced and consti- This subdividing and complex vascular sys-
tute a regular network. Between them lies the tem within the bone can be weIl demonstrated
bone marrow (3), which is filled with fatty tis- by means of intraosseous angiography. In
sue and through which very loose collagen fi- Fig.23 one can see how a contrast medium (1)
bers often run. Blood-forming cells are found introduced into the intraosseous vessels of the
in the fatty marrow (4), representing the primi- tibia spreads throughout the bone. It runs into
tive stages of erythropoiesis and granulopoiesis, a short proximally-directed stern vein (2) and
together with a few scattered megakaryocytes. then an abundance of subdividing vessels as far
The cell density of this blood-building bone as the metaphysis (3), which is connected to
marrow is variable, and depends upon the age the nutrient vein by oblique venous anasto-
of the subject. In the long bones of elderly peo- moses. The substantial central vein (4) is
pIe nearly all the marrow is fatty, with hardly clearly seen. Venous drainage is largely through
any hematopoietic elements present. the metaphysis, where large caliber veins (5)
arise. In this way it can be clearly shown that
bones are provided with a complicated vascular
system, and that they depend for survival upon
having an adequate blood supply.
The Blood Supply of Bone 17

2 - - -----'-'"

Fig. 20. Spongiosa of normal vertebra (maceration speci- Fig. 21. Spongiosa of normal vertebra; HE, x 20

~""-- 5

~'\--- 10

6 2
~--- 9

'---"----- 4

Fig. 22. Diagram showing the blood supply of a bone (after Fig. 23. Normal intraosseous angiogram (proximal tibia)
18 2 Normal Anatomy and Histology

Histological Structure of Bone the osteocyte population in the tissue is age-de-

pendent, the majority being found in infantile
Bone is a mesenchymal tissue the cells of or newly deposited bone, whereas the older
which possess and retain the capacity for pro- bony structures often contain only a few. As is
liferation and differentiation. The diagram in indicated in Fig. 24, the origin of the osteo-
Fig. 24 illustrates the possible stages in devel- elasts has not been fully established. They are
opment of bone cells. The preosteoblasts, which probably derived from the blood monocytes -
constitute those stern cells giving rise to all the monocytic macrophage system. Mononu-
other bone cells, are derived from undifferen- cleated osteoclasts are spindle-shaped and lie in
tiated mesenchyme cells. They are small round flat eroded spaces in the outer surface of the
or star-shaped cells with darkly staining nuclei, bone. The multinucleated osteoclasts are more
and they multiply by mitotic division. They striking in appearance, and are most often
mature to form osteoblasts, which are the true found in the deep Howship's lacunae. They are
builders of bone. They produce collagen fibrils capable of amoeboid movements and contain
and especially osteoid, the initially uncalcified the enzyme acid phosphatase. In spite of their
ground substance of bone, and each is capable rapid numerical increase during the osteolytic
of laying down approximate1y three times its process (under the influence of parathyroid
own volume of bone matrix. The formation of hormone, for instance) no mitotic proliferation
collagen is a purely basal process, making the can be definitely proved. Osteoclasts play an
building up of an organized structure possible. important part in bone resorption, although
The process of calcification of bony tissue re- the exact mechanism is still unknown. What
quires a high concentration of alkaline phos- matters here is the fact that in unit time the os-
phatase in the osteoblasts, and in the presence teoclasts can resorb 3 times as great a mass of
of osteoblastic activity this is also found in the bone as the osteoblasts are capable of deposit-
serum. Resting osteoblasts are spindle-shaped, ing. This means that, when they are activated,
the active cells resemble epithelial cells. They osteoclastic resorption always predominates
have also lost the ability to proliferate by mitot- over osteoblastic deposition. On the other
ic division. As a result of the production of os- hand, osteoclasts have a much shorter lifetime
teoid in their neighborhood, which finally un- than osteoblasts, and they can only resorb min-
dergoes calcification, the osteoblasts are in- eralized bony tissue, osteoid being invulnerable
corporated into the bone matrix and become to their attack.
osteocytes. These cells, which are responsible The laying down of bone constitutes a con-
for the continued vitality of the bone, lie in the tinuous process of maturation. In Fig. 25 one
tissue in small lacunae bound together by cyto- can see a histological specimen of a newly de-
plasmic pro ces ses which pass through numer- veloping trabecula of fibrous bone (1) that is
ous canaliculi. They form within the calcified still very loosely formed, and which contains
bone tissue a syncytial system of cells in which many bone cells (2) and also narrow bands of
the vigorous processes of metabolic exchange osteoid (3). This is (in fibrous bone dysplasia,
can take place and which indicate the vitality of see pp. 56 & 318) derived directly from myeloid
the tissue. The canaliculi do not, however, pass tissue (4).
through the reversalline, which marks the out- Such a bone trabecula (1) is shown in
er border of the osteon. The canalicular system Fig. 26. It is more densely formed and mineral-
always begins close to a blood vessel and gives ized, but is still reticular in structure. This fi-
rise to a network of communicating tubes. braus bane trabecula is embedded in a loose,
Throughout the entire bony tissue of a human highly cellular connective tissue stroma (2).
adult this network gives rise to a contact sur- Fully mature and mineralized bone tissue is
face between the osteocytes and the intercellu- homogeneous in density and arranged in lamel-
lar fluid of about 250 m 2 , which supports the lae, an appearance which is especially clearly
rapid adjustment of the metabolic exchange of seen under polarized light or with increased
calcium. Young osteocytes continue to deposit dimming, and which shows up the basic struc-
new bone, whereas the activity of the older tures with particular clarity.
cells is predominantly osteolytic. The density of
Histological Structure of Bone 19

Developmentalline of bone cells Function

Cellular fibrosis in bone marrow

Fibrocytes in pathological processes

Form collagen fibrilS,

mucin, proteoglycans
alkaline phosphatase

Blood monocytes Form osteoid.

---------------- , mucopolysaccharides. proteoglycans
1 glycoproteins,
1 peptides, lipids
------------1 :
-----------, 1 1 Alkaline phosphatase
1 1 1 - Calcification process
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 Maintenance of bone tissue.
1 I I Stimulation of osteoblastic activity,
1 1 I Osteolytic activity

Form acid phosphatase

_ Resorption of bone and cartilage

Fig. 24. Origin and function of the bone cells

Fig. 25. Young fibrous bone trabecula; van Gieson, x50 Fig. 26. Old fibrous bone trabecula; van Gieson, x82
20 2 Normal Anatomy and Histology

In the histological seetion of Fig. 27 one can (1) with Haversian canals of varying width (2)
recognize cancellous bone trabeculae with very and with smooth borders. The organic bone
distinct lamellar layers (1) which appear double matrix contains parallel collagenous spirals in
in polarized light. Osteocytes (2) with small which the Haversian osteons develop. They
dark nuclei can be seen between the lamellae, gleam and emphasize the lamellation of the
and these indicate that the bone tissue is vital. compact bone. Such well organized areas of de-
Toward the edges of the trabeculae (3), where position usually contain calcified mature bone.
the bone is younger, the lamellae are more More or less numerous osteocytes with small
densely laid down than at the center. These dark nuclei are present, lying in small lacunae.
normal cancellous trabeculae are outwardly These osteocyte lacunae (3) are also visible un-
quite smooth (4) and reveal no attached depos- der phase contrast.
its of osteoblasts or osteoclasts, and there is In Fig. 30 one can see the histological pic-
usually no wide osteoid seam there. The de- ture of woven bone under polarized light. The
position of osteoid (5) is to be regarded as bony elements (1) are completely unorganized,
physiological. In the marrow cavity there is and the trabeculae vary in width. Collagen fi-
loose connective tissue (6) with small iso- bers (2) run irregularly through the marrow
morphie fibrocyte nuclei; in mature bone tis- cavity and often form a reticulum. The varying
sue, the marrow cavity is usuaHy filled with translucency of the fibrous bone (3) indicates
fatty tissue (sometimes including hematopoietic incomplete and ir regular mineralization. A few
foei). indiscriminately directed revers al lines repre-
According to whatever physiological or un- sent the leading edges of mineralization pro-
physiological stress may be acting on abone, cesses. A few osteoblasts (4) are deposited on
or in the course of a pathological bony lesion, a the outside of the bony elements, and within
more or less vigorous reactive bone remodeling the matrix several osteocytes can be seen (5).
process will be taking pI ace, sometimes with The marrow cavity is filled with loose, moder-
additional bone being added to the existing ately vascularized connective tissue. This is
structure. This pro duces the picture of osteo- newly deposited immature bone, which may
sclerosis, with the bone itself becoming more also be present during repair pro ces ses (e.g.
dense. Figure 28 shows the classical histologi- fractures, p. 113) or during pathological deposi-
cal picture of such an osteosclerotic bone re- tion (e.g. fibrous bone dysplasia, p. 56).
modeling. One can clearly recognize the origi- It is possible to distinguish macroscopically
nal (autochthonous) bone trabeculae (1), which and microscopically - particularly in the long
show the regular layered appearance of lameHa- bones - between the dense structure of cortical
tion. Nucleated osteocytes can be seen (2), but bone and the loose spongiosa. The majority of
quite a number of the osteocyte lacunae are pathological processes take pi ace in the spon-
empty because of decalcification (a possible ar- giosa (cancellous bone). (Examples include os-
tifact!). These trabeculae are covered on the teomyelitis, p. 129; osteoporosis and osteopa-
outside by broad tabular osteons (3), which thies, p. 65; osteomyelosclerosis, p. 106; bone
have widened them enormously. They are sepa- metastases, p. 396). They produce local or dif-
rated from the autochthonous bony tissue by fuse defects (areas of increased translucency in
extended and very marked reversal lines (4), the radio graph indicate osteolytic foei) or irreg-
which are already fuHy mineralized. Bone-de- ular areas of increased density (osteosclerotic
positing osteoblasts can no longer be observed. foei). Every change in the radiographie appear-
The leading edges of bone deposition can be ance must be precisely localized in order to
recognized by their parallel orientated reversal make a histological diagnosis possible. A
lines (5). The marrow cavity between the bony biopsy taken from the iliac crest which includes
elements (6) is filled with fibrosed fatty tissue. cortical bone and little or no spongiosa is not
The lamellar deposition of the bone can be suitable for diagnosing a suspected disease of
particularly clearly recognized under polarized the bone or bone marrow.
light. In the histological section of Fig. 29 the Pathological processes in the cortical bone
cortical bone can be seen. With phase co nt rast, can also produce adefeet in the structure of
one can observe transversely sectioned osteons the bone that can be identified radiologically.
Histological Structure of Bone 21

Fig. 27. Mature, fully mineralized lamellar bone tissue; HE, Fig. 28. Osteosclerotic bone tissue with tabular osteons; HE,
x40 (under polarized light) x40

3 """'::::::::1_ 3

2 ~~rIi
2 3

Fig. 29. Lamellar bone (Haversian osteons under polarized Fig. 30. Woven bone under polarized light; HE, x30
light); phase contrast exposure, x40
22 2 Normal Anatomy and Histology

With lesions primarily affecting the marrow lamellae are emphasized by the so-called rever-
cavity (osteomyelitis, bone tumors) the endo- sal lines (or cement lines 2), between which
steal layer, which is normally sharply delin- small nucleated osteocytes can be seen in their
eated, should be particularly closely examined. lacunae (3). These confirm the vitality of the
An undulating or even jagged outline indicates tissue. Several empty lacunae (4) are the result
intramedullary destruction. Furthermore, the of somewhat too severe decalcification. This
corticallayer can be narrowed (in osteoporosis) can be largely avoided by using the much less
or frankly interrupted (bya malignant bone tu- violent decalcifying agent EDTA, although the
mor). The periosteal side of the cortical bone time required for it to act is much longer.
should also be examined, since periosteal irrita- Nevertheless, when a large area of bone is free
tion usually causes widening of the periosteum from osteocytes, this is a sign of bone necrosis.
and reactive periosteal bone deposition (so- The Haversian canals (5) can be very narrow,
called periostitis ossificans: p. 160), which can smoothly outlined and containing loose stromal
show up on the radio graph as a shadow with connective tissue and a blood-filled vessel.
or without bony elements (e.g. spicula). A In loaded regions of the skeleton (pelvis,
biopsy taken from such altered periosteum is long bones) continuous remodeling is taking
not informative, since only reactively changed place, involving 1% to 2% of the entire skeleton
tissue is obtained, and no structure pathogno- in the course of a year. This physiological (or
monic of the actual bone disease is available also pathologically increased) remodeling can
for histological examination (a bone biopsy be predsely demonstrated by intermittent tet-
from Codman's tri angle in a case of osteosarco- racycline marking. In Fig. 32 an undecalcified
ma, for example; see p. 276). bone section is viewed under fluorescent light-
There are some bone lesions which attack ing, the leading edges of the deposition being
the cortical bone preferentially (e.g. a cortical clearly made visible by the tetracycline mark-
osteoid osteoma: p. 260; bone metastases from ing. This substance is laid down in the uncalci-
a renal cell carcinoma). Here the marrow cavity fied osteoid and shows up as a bright yellow
and the scaffolding of the involved bone may band (1). The Haversian canals (2), around
be unchanged, or similar fod may be seen which the deposited layers (3) are laid down
within the bone. When fod of osteolytic de- like the bark of a tree, are easily recognized.
struction are present (e.g. osteolytic bone me- The inner layer of the osteons consists of a
tastases), translucent areas may be seen radio- wide, bright osteoid seam (4) without osteo-
logically in the cortical bone which may be cytes. Here new bone is being laid down in the
accompanied by reactive local neoplastic peri- neighborhood of a Haversian canal.
ostitis ossificans. With osteosclerotic processes Histological identification of cancellous bone
(e.g. a cortical osteoid osteoma) the cortical depends upon the normally regular structural
bone often shows increased density over a long network of the bone trabeculae and the areas of
distance and usually also a considerable widen- marrow cavity, more or less of equal size, lying
ing, which can cause local narrowing of the between them. As can be seen in Fig. 33, the
marrow cavity or protrusion into the adjacent cancellous trabeculae are almost equal in width
soft tissues, thus leading to dis tension of the (1) and the marrow cavity (2) is so wide that it
bone. These changes can be easily recognized and the bone tissue are virtually coextensive.
in the radiograph and diagnostically evaluated. Under higher magnification (Fig. 34) it can
As can be seen in the histological photo- be seen that the cancellous trabeculae mostly
graph in Fig. 31, cortical bone is homogeneous have smooth edges (1) and are not covered by
and very densely structured. The typical lamel- osteoblasts or osteoclasts. The marrow cavity is
lar structure of the bone is apparent in the filled with fatty tissue (2) and a few hemato-
onion-like arrangement of the osteons (1). The poietic cells.
Histological Structure of Bone 23

4 ...-......'"---

Fig. 31. Cortical bone tissue with Haversian osteons; HE, Fig. 32. Old and new osteons (tetracycline marking); fluo-
x40 rescent light, x180

Fig. 33. Normal spongiosa, overall view; HE x4 Fig. 34. Normal spongiosa; van Gieson, x20
24 2 Normal Anatomy and Histology

Bone Cells large osteodasts (1) with several vesicular nu-

dei. One of these is lying in a deep Howship's
The physiological and pathological deposition lacuna (2) where calcified bone is being re-
of bone is, like resorption, brought about by sorbed. This accounts for the undulating bor-
particular cells, and these can be identified in der of the trabecula. The rapid increase and
histological sections. Furthermore, the activity high activity of these cells in response to par-
of these cells can be recognized morphologi- ticular stimuli is related to their short life. After
cally, since the products of this activity (osteoid resorption is complete, the empty lacuna shows
laid down by osteoblasts, for instance, and col- that resorption is over. With advanced bone re-
lagen fibers by fibroblasts) or its effects (e.g. sorption large numbers of active multinucleated
the resorption lacunae of osteoclasts in the osteoclasts can be seen. As an alternative to
bone) can be seen in the histological section. this lacunar resorption, there is another and
By observing the cell population on the one smoother process brought ab out in a much
hand and changes in the structure of the bone more concealed fashion by mononucleated os-
on the other, the extent of the remodeling can teoclasts, which can be identified enzyme-histo-
be evaluated. chemically by their intracytoplasmic content of
The advanced deposition of bone is indi- acid phosphatase. In this way the trabeculae are
cated in Fig. 36 by the presence of rows of os- evenly narrowed without producing Howship's
teoblasts. Histologically the surface of the orig- lacunae.
inal bone structures (1) is seen to be densely The presence of intact osteocytes in bone tis-
lined with a row of osteoblasts (2), which in sue confirms its vitality. Very often in sections
places consists of many layers. These cells, of old bone (Fig. 38) only a few irregularly
which sometimes resemble epithelial cells, are spaced osteocytes are visible (1). Although
very large and have large, uniformly dark, oval these cells lie in small lacunae in the middle of
nuclei and a basophilic cytoplasm. Ultrastruc- fully mineralized bone tissue, they are intercon-
turally they contain an extensive rough endo- nected by anastomoses and canaliculi which
plasmic reticulum where protein synthesis takes provide for the necessary metabolic exchange.
pi ace, a Golgi field and numerous intracyto- They have both an osteoblastic and an osteo-
plasmic vesicles. The mitochondria contain par- clastic function.
ticles rich in calcium, and these represent an If empty osteocyte lacunae (1) are found in a
intracellular calcium reservoir. Basally, the os- histological section after decalcification with
teoblasts lay down osteoid on the surface of the EDTA (see Fig. 39) we know we are dealing
bone (3), and, after subsequent calcification with necrotic bone tissue. In the presence of
and widening, the various bone structures are generally increased activity of the bone cells
then formed. These cells also control the pri- (with hyperparathyroidism, for instance: p. 80),
mary mineralization of the newly formed os- the medullary mesenchyme cells are also acti-
teoid partly by means of the alkaline phospha- vated. As can be seen in Fig. 35, activated fi-
tase which they produce. They remain in broblasts (1) appear, which synthesize collagen
contact with the osteocytes (4) through cell fibers around themselves and produce peripher-
processes, thus constituting a transport path for al fibrosis (2).
calcium in and out of the bone. After the active
phase is ended, small inactive osteoblasts with
elongated spindle-shaped nuclei remain on the
bone surface. The majority of osteoblasts, how-
ever, become embedded in the bone to form os-
teocytes (4).
Bone resorption is brought about by the
multinucleated osteoclasts, which have a brush 2
border richly loaded with acid phosphatase. ~2.:;';~r-;;'--:-;;",--('""7'~-tIl!""-'-'::;"
These cells produce proteolytic enzymes which
make bone resorption possible. In the histolog-
ical section shown in Fig. 37 one can see a few Fig. 35. Peripheral fibrosis with fibroblasts; HE, x64
Bone Cells 2S


2 -------=-wt:

~~~------ 3

Fig. 36. Bone deposition by rows of activated osteoblasts; Fig. 37. Bone resorption by multinucleated osteoclasts; HE,
HE, x lOO x2S6

Fig. 38. Mature bone tissue with osteocytes; HE, xlOO Fig. 39. Empty osteocyte lacunae; HE, xlOO
26 2 Normal Anatomy and Histology

Endochondral Ossification In the growing skeleton, the cartilaginous

epiphyseal plates are easily recognizable radio-
The essential physiological growth of bones is logically, thus indicating the youth of the pa-
brought ab out by endochondral ossification, tient. The growth zones can also be recognized
whereby cartilaginous growth of the epiphyses macroscopically when the bone is sawn
leads to growth in length. In addition to this, through. Figure 43 illustrates the sawn surface
periosteal growth in thickness of the bones and of the lower end of the femur of a 17-year-old
maturation of the skeleton take place. Unphysi- man, showing the even spongiosa of the meta-
ological variations in these complicated pro- physis (1), the more dense spongiosa of the
cesses lead to disordered skeletal development epiphysis (2) and, in between, the sharply de-
(p. 31 ff.). During the early growth period en- lineated epiphyseal cartilage (3) separating it
dochondral centers of ossification (1) appear as from the spongiosa of the epiphysis (2). elose
illustrated in Fig. 40. These are later replaced to this zone the bone structure is unevenly
by ossified epiphyseal centers, which contribute dense.
relatively little to the growth of the bone. This can be observed in a radiograph. Fig-
Growth in length takes pI ace mainly at the dia- ure 44 a shows the lower end of the thigh with
physeal side of the epiphyseal cartilaginous the femur (1) and tibia (2). The epiphyseal line
growth center (2). Ossification always begins (3) is clearly visible and shows the irregular
centrally and proceeds toward the periphery. density of the bone (4) in its immediate vici-
Endochondral ossification is illustrated dia- nity.
grammatically in Fig.41. The reserve zone Bone remodeling can be impressively demon-
(resting zone) (1) consists of the so-called stern strated by skeletal scintigraphy, since the activ-
cells: small mononucleated chondrocytes. In the ity is increased (87 m Sr). As can be seen in
zone of proliferating eartilage (2) the chondro- Fig. 44 b, there is a considerable intensification
cytes are larger, with small dark nuclei. Mitotic of activity in the growth regions at the distal
cell proliferation can be observed here, and this ends of the femora (5) and proximal ends of
layer contributes to growth in length of the the tibiae (6) in a 14-year-old boy.
bone. The important region of growth is, how-
ever, the width of the layer of hypertrophie zone
(maturation zone, columnar cartilage) (3), in
which the swollen chondrocytes lay down the
cartilage matrix. In the adjacent zone of provi-
sional ealcifieation (4), calcium is deposited in
the cartilaginous ground substance, producing
calcium spicules. In the contiguous zone, invad-
ing osteoblasts lay down osteoid around the
spicules, and from this the primary spongiosa
(5) develops. Later the osteoid becomes calci-
fied, and the seeondary spongiosa with its la-
mellar bone trabeculae appears.
Figure 42 shows the histological structure of
the cartilaginous epiphyseal plate, which is re-
sponsible for the growth in length of the bone.
One can recognize the various layers found
during normal endochondral ossification (1,
the reserve zone; 2, the zone of proliferating
cartilage; 3, the hypertrophic [or vesicular]
zone; 4, the zone of provisional calcification; 5,
the primary spongiosa. The secondary spongio-
sa lies outside the picture). Disturbances in
these regions of the growth zone lead to disor- Fig. 40. Diagram illustrating the endochondral growth in
ders of growth and skeletal malformations. length of a long bone
Endochondral Ossification 27

1 Reserve zone

2 Proliferating eartilage

3 Hypertrophie zone
(Maturation zone,
Columnar eartilage)
4 Zone of provisional
5 Osteoid produetion
(primary spongiosa)

Bone remodeling into

lamellar bone trabeeulae
(seeondary spongiosa)

Fig. 41. Diagram illustrating endochondral ossification Fig. 42. Normal increase in length of a bone due to endo-
chondral ossification in the epiphyseal cartilage; HE, x63

2 5

Fig. 43. Normal epiphyseal cartilage (distal epiphyseal !ine Fig. 44. a radiograph and b scintigram of anormal epiphy-
offemur) seal (growth) cartilage
28 2 Normal Anatomy and Histology

Cartilaginous and Joint Structures sule". Occasionally multinudeated cartilage

cells are seen. In aging cartilage, multinudeated
Both radiologically and macroscopically the chondrocytes are more numerous, and degen-
evaluation of joint structures is of paramount erative changes unmask and reveal the fine
importance to the pathologist, since it is here fibrils of the matrix, which may result in the
that numerous disease pro ces ses are found. appearance of so-called "asbestos-like degenera-
Histologically it is often only possible to ob- tion". The ground substance has at this stage
serve a small section of the joint component, become eosinophilic.
which must nevertheless be macroscopically as- A very important component of the joint is
sessed in the context of the joint as a whole in the joint capsule, which supports its function
each case. Figure 45 illustrates a lateral radio- mechanically. As can be seen in the histological
graph of anormal knee joint. This specially photograph of Fig. 48, it consists of tough fi-
soft film is also able to demonstrate the sur- brous connective tissue (3) with few fibrocyte
rounding soft tissues. We can recognize the ar- nudeL The collagen fiber bundles, which run
ticulating bones (distal end of femur (1); proxi- parallel, are unequal in strength and leave weak
mal end of tibia (2); part of proximal end of places or gaps between them where a so-called
fibula (3)) and also the patella (4). All these hygroma or "ganglion" (p. 472) may develop.
bones are of normal appearance. In the region On either side of the joint the capsule blends
of the joint the radiolucent articular cartilage with the periosteum of the articulating bones,
(5) is dearly differentiated from the denser the insertion of the capsule being at variable
bone, its layer being evenly bordered. The joint distances from the joint. This is significant for
space (6) is fully present, and within it the me- certain joint diseases (the spreading of osteo-
nisci, synovial and fatty tissues [(7), plica myelitis into the joint, for instance; see Chapter
alaris] can be seen. The weak soft-tissue sha- 7).
dows indude the patellar ligament (8), the ten- The connective tissue on the inside of the
don of the quadriceps (9) and the musdes (10). joint capsule is looser and passes gradually
As can be seen in the macroscopic and histo- over into the synovial membrane. Figure 48
logical photographs in Figs. 46 a and b, the car- shows a transverse section through the synovia.
tilaginous joint surface (1) is completely The stratum synoviale (1) consists of loose con-
smooth and shiny, with practically no irregular- nective tissue with elastic fibers and contains
ities or rough edges. It is evenly colored yellow- capillaries and nerves. The synovial membrane
ish-white, and forms a homogeneous covering is partly smooth and partly villous, and is cov-
for the ends of the articulating bones (2). In ered by a single-cell layer of synovial epithe-
particular, irregularities of this part of the lium (2). Increase in width and vascularity of
joint, sometimes accompanied by discoloration this membrane is a sign of irritation within the
of the cartilage, indicate degenerative changes joint. On its outer surface the synovia is limited
such as are found in arthrosis (p. 424). by the stratum fibrosum (3).
Histologically, the articular cartilage (1) con- Degenerative joint diseases (e.g. arthroses)
sists mostly of a hyaline layer of une qual width develop primarily in the avascular articular car-
(Fig. 46 b), with a superficial tangential section tilage and bring about secondary reactive
below in which a transitional zone, a radial changes in the subchondral bone. Inflammatory
zone and a calcified basal zone can be distin- joint diseases, on the other hand, develop pri-
guished. In Fig. 47 one can see fully homoge- marily in the vascular joint capsule and syno-
neous cartilaginous tissue (1), within the via, and only later cause damage to the articu-
weakly basophilic and virtually structureless lar cartilage. Degenerative changes of the
tissue in which chondrocytes (2) are lying. capsule itself can, however, also occur. For the
These have spherical nudei and a fine granular diagnosis of such diseases to be possible, accu-
cytoplasm which may contain fat droplets and rate anatomical and histological knowledge of
glycogen. After distortion due to fixation, the the individual joints is necessary.
chondrocytes may shrink so that the cells ap-
pear to lie in a so-called "chondroblastic cap-
Cartilaginous and Joint Structures 29



Fig. 45. Normal knee joint (soft radiograph) Fig. 46. aNormal cartilaginous joint surface; b normal ar-
ticular cartilage, overall view; HE, x8


f;"-----,..--il 2

Fig. 47. Normal articular cartilage; HE, x20 Fig. 48. Normal joint capsule and synovial membrane; PAS,
3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

General nosis and, when proliferation is advanced, to

predict the further progress of the condition.
Developmental disorders of the skeleton appear In a few instances these tumorous types of
in childhood and adolescence. They are some- skeletal dysplasia can lead to the development
times hereditary, are often generalized and owe of a bone sarcoma and follow a fatal course.
their immediate cause to an enzymatic defect With skeletal dysplasias the pathologist is
or deficiency. Such disorders mayaiso be ac- sometimes also sent the radiographs for assess-
quired if important building materials (pro- ment, but he cannot be expected to identify
teins, calcium, vitamin D) are absent, or not each developmental dis order of the skeleton
present in sufficient quantities, during the peri- precisely. He should nevertheless at least be
od of skeletal development. The bone tissue is able to indicate that the case belongs to this
incorrecdy laid down either quantitatively (too group of diseases and that further radiological
much or too litde) or qualitatively (e.g. fibrous analysis is necessary.
bone instead of lamellar bone). Skeletal defor- So far at least 82 forms of skeletal dysplasia
mities are always due to disorders of growth. have been recognized and described, many of
These diseases are known as the osteochondro- which are very rare. Up to now there is no uni-
dysplasias. The dis order can be located in the form classification. SPRANGER and co-workers
epiphyses, metaphyses, periosteum or endo- classify them according to their location and
steum. Many of the forms of this condition are the nature of the original lesion. Dysplasias
only rarely seen, others appear more often and which preferentially attack the epiphysis are
should therefore be recognized by the doctor. the chondrodysplasias (chondrodysplasia punc-
Most of these developmental disorders can tata, multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, hereditary ar-
be diagnosed from the radio graph alone, and thro-ophthalmopathy, hypothyroidism). Those
histological confirmation by a specific bone which particularly affect the metaphyses are
biopsy is not helpful and therefore contraindi- the metaphyseal chondroplasias (e.g. achondro-
cated. We may, of course, encounter this type genesis, hypophosphatasia, chondro-ectodermal
of bone or skeletal deformity at autopsy, and dysplasia, achondroplasia, familial hypophos-
should then analyze it histomorphologically. phatemic rickets). In the region of the vertebral
There are, however, localized skeletal dysplasias column one finds congenital spondyloepiphy-
which raise serious radiological problems for seal dysplasia, diastrophic or metatrophic dwarf-
differential diagnosis, and which can only be ism, or the Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen syndrome.
recognized by histological examination. Of par- A few skeletal dysplasias are based on a mucopo-
ticular importance here are fibrous bone dyspla- lysaccharidosis or mucolipidosis. The true devel-
sia (Jaffe-Lichtenstein, p. 56) and osteopetrosis opmental dis orders of bone include fibrous bone
(p. 54). Other bone dysplasias represent multi- dysplasia, enchondromatosis (Ollier) and multi-
ple primary bone tumors, including enchondro- ple osteocartilaginous exostoses. Finally, there
matosis (p. 60) and the so-called exostosis dis- are idiopathic osteolyses and localized dysostoses
ease (osteochondromatosis, p. 62). These skele- (dyschondrosteosis, ulno-fibular dysplasia, clei-
tal diseases can also be recognized with great do-cranial dysplasia and osteo-onycho-dysosto-
certainty in the radio graph, although a histo- sis). Of particular significance for the patholo-
logical assessment serves to confirm the diag- gist are the disorders of bone development that
32 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

depend upon redueed bone deposition (osteo- mental disorder of the skeleton. Some of these
genesis imperfecta, juvenile idiopathic osteo- possible skeletal dysplasias are illustrated in the
porosis) or involve an inerease in bone tissue right half of Fig. 49. In the case of aehondro-
(osteopetrosis, melorheostosis). genesis, a rare autosomal recessive inherited
As can be seen from the classification, there condition, the resting cartilage is involved and
are very many developmental dis orders of the no stern cells are differentiated. In most cases
skeleton and an enormous number of changes the child dies in the uterus or shortly after
that may appear clinically or radiologically, the birth. In achondroplasia (chondrodystrophia fe-
majority of which do not come to the patholo- talis, p. 248), an autosomal dominant inherited
gist for morphological analysis. However, the disease which is associated with dwarfism,
pathologist is asked to contribute to the diag- there is underdevelopment of the proliferating
noses of some of them. In order to understand cartilage. The action of ionized radiation on the
such skeletal changes, knowledge of the funda- proliferating zone can also inhibit cell division.
mentals of skeletal development and growth is If the development of the columnar cartilage is
essential. impaired or completely absent, this leads to a
Figure 49 represents a schematic diagram of chondrodystrophy (p. 48). With rickets (p. 50)
endochondral ossification and its dis orders. as with osteochondritis luetica (syphilis, p. 52),
On the left the individual zones are shown which calcification is reduced or absent, and there is
normally make up the region of endochondral an abnormal accumulation of cartilaginous
ossification. The reserve zone (resting zone) con- ground substance in the zone of initiation. If
sists of the so-called stern cells: small mono- the osteoblasts lay down too little osteoid and
nucleate chondrocytes. In the zone of proliferat- bone in the primary spongiosa, the result is os-
ing eartilage the cells are larger and capable of teogenesis imperfecta (p. 54). Finally, there can
dividing. This is followed by a wider hyper- also be a disturbance of remodeling of the la-
trophie zone (maturation zone), in which the mellar bone if the resorption by osteoclasts is
cells are distended. Since they are arranged in insufficient, and in this case it is exceeded by
columns, one also speaks of eolumnar eartilage. bone deposition, leading to the picture of os-
It is this bone which contributes particularly to teopetrosis (p. 54).
growth in length, and it is here that these swol- Thus it can be seen that quite a number of
len cartilage cells give rise to the ground sub- developmental dis orders of the skeleton are due
stance (matrix) of the cartilaginous tissue, the to a disturbance of endochondral ossification.
so-called chondroid. This is adjacent to the zone It is probable that the tumor-like skeletal dys-
of provisional ealcifieation, where calcium salts plasias - such as enchondromatosis (p. 60) and
are laid down in the cartilaginous ground sub- osteochondromatosis (p. 62) - belong to this
stance. Many capillaries sprout from the marrow group. Other skeletal dysplasias can appear at a
cavity into the zone of endochondral ossification considerable distance from the region of bone
and break up the cartilage cells. The calcium spi- growth (e.g. fibrous bone dysplasia, p. 56;
cules of the calcified ground substance remain in arachnodactylia, p. 58). The mechanism of
the zone of initiation. Osteoblasts wander into the their development has not as yet been clarified.
region of the primary spongiosa and lay down os- Figure 50 is a schematic diagram showing
teoid around the calcium spicules. This is later the underlying dis orders of ossification behind
calcified. It is here that the calcification centers the most important skeletal dysplasias. All 5
appear, surrounded by a mantle of bone tissue. diseases shown are the result of a disturbance
This is followed by resorption of the newly of bone replacement, and therefore of endo-
formed calcified bone by osteoclasts and the de- chondral ossification, which can be either epi-
velopment of the definitive seeondary spongiosa, physeal or metaphyseal. In the case of rickets,
while the primary spongiosa is resorbed and re- osteogenesis imperfecta or osteopetrosis there
placed by bone trabeculae aligned in the direc- is an additional disturbance of perichondral os-
tions of the tension and pressure. sification. The deposition of the membrane
At every stage of this complicated endochon- bone is also disturbed in these latter diseases.
dral ossification process some form of distur- This can be recognized both in the radio graph
bance can arise which will lead to a develop- as weIl as in autopsy specimens.
General 33

Reserve zone
(stern eells) Achondrogenesis

(eell division) Aehondroplasia
Radiation damage
(columnar cartilage, Chondrodystrophy
matrix produetion)

Zone of provisional
Zone of initiation
Primary spongiosa
(osteoid production) Osteogenesis
remodeling Osteopetrosis

Secondary spongiosa

Fig. 49. Diagram illustrating disturbances of endochondral ossification

Chondro- Rickets Syphilitic Osteogenesis Osteopetrosis

dystrophy osteochondritis imperfeeta

I. Replaeement bone formation:

1. Disturbances of
endochondral ossifieation
a) Epiphyseal J
b) Metaphyseal ~K
\."''WliO, iifu.%r ,·~kf. t W:'f%m\!!L '..1'>:, ·.1%f~(i ..

2. Disturbances of
perichondral ossification
. Membrane bone formation

Fig. 50. Diagram illustrating the various types of ossification dis turban ces
34 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

The Classification of Skeletal Dysplasias cause (chromosomal aberration, metabolie dis-

turbanees, idiopathic origin), 3. appearances at
The most important dysplasias are listed in Ta- particular times of life (at birth, in later life), 4.
ble 1 according to their intraosseous localiza- nature of the osseous modeling disorder, (os-
tion (epiphysis, metaphysis, vertebral column), teolysis, osteosclerosis). The clinical signs have
their pattern of distribution throughout the en- also to be taken into account (e.g. hypercalcem-
tire skeleton, their developmental type (osteo- ia). In the meantime a large number of skeletal
lysis, osteosclerosis), and the underlying etiol- dysplasias have been described and precisely
ogy. What we are dealing with here is a defined, and many of these are named epony-
heterogeneous collection of diseases which may mously for the discoverer. The great number
be of genetic origin or acquired in utero, and and complexity of the individual symptoms of
which can in general lead to faulty development these diseases, the etiology of which is often
of the skeleton. A distinction can be made be- unknown, has led to confusion and made it
tween dysplasias and dysostoses. By skeletal very difficult obtain an overall picture of the
dysplasias one understands generalized defects skeletal dysplasias. Various articles on the sub-
of bone and cartilage development, which are ject published by pediatricians (SPRANGER et
principally manifested in the epiphyses and al., 1974; WYNNE-DAVIES et al., 1985) have in-
metaphyses of the long bones and vertebrae. troduced different classifications. Moreover,
Skeletal dysostoses are localized malformations they analyze the single lesions only by their ra-
of a single part of the skeleton (e.g. ulno-fibu- diological appearance. Articles and textbooks
lar dysplasia, cleido-cranial dysplasia). The giving descriptions in terms of pathological
classical radiological appearances are of deci- anatomy (macroscopy, histology, AEGERTER
sive importance in their diagnosis, and here we and KIRKPATRICK, 1968; JAFFE, 1972; BÖHM,
refer particularly to pediatric radiologists with 1984) are incomplete, since only selected dis-
specialized experience in such matters. Account eases were described.
must also be taken of the whole clinical picture, In the present textbook no attempt is made
the biochemical findings and the cytological to describe and illustrate more than a few skel-
and genetic criteria. This kind of comprehen- etal dysplasias. These lesions are displayed in
sive investigation of children with a skeletal Table 1 and listed in accordance with the classi-
dysplasia is essential in order to avoid foresee- fication of SPRANGER, LANGER and WIEDE-
able complications, to initiate appropriate ther- MANN (1974). Eight groups are distinguished:
apeutic precautions and, finally, to be able to dysplasias which mostly develop in the epiphy-
give genetic advice. When such cases come to sis, and others where the disturbance is pre-
autopsy, the pathologist also has his contribu- dominantly in the metaphysis. Developmental
tion to make to the morphological diagnosis by disturbances mostly affecting the vertebral eol-
carrying out macroscopic and microscopic ex- umn make up a particular group of their own.
amination of the skeleton. Since, with many of Then co me the metabolie disturbanees affeet-
the skeletal dysplasias (e.g. chondrodysplasia ing skeletal development, and constitutional
calcificans punctata, metaphyseal chondrodys- bone disease with unchecked abnormal tissue
plasia, the Ellis-van Crefeld syndrome, Jeune's formation and idiopathic osteolyses. A further
disease etc.), other organs (heart, kidneys, gut, group includes skeletal dysplasias which mostly
skin, eyes etc.) are also malformed or patholog- affect a single part or only one side of the skel-
ically altered, one must also consider the possi- eton. A larger group comprises deviations from
ble complications involving these organs. normal bone density or bone remodeling. In
Pathological changes in these diseased organs this table the most important skeletal dyspla-
may, on the other hand, be the subject of sias are arranged according to the recognized
pathological and anatomical analysis at autopsy. international nomenclature, and many epon-
At international conferences on nomencla- ymous names are therefore omitted. For de-
ture the skeletal dysplasias have been classified scriptions of these diseases reference' must be
from various points of view. The criteria in- made to the specialized articles in the litera-
clude 1. the localization of the developmental ture. These playasubordinate role in radiologi-
disturbance (osteochondrodysplasias), 2. its cal and pathological diagnosis.
The Classification of Skeletal Dysplasias 35

Table 1. Classification of the skeletal dysplasias (after J.W. SPRANGER, 1.0. LANGER and H.-R. WIEDEMANN 1974)

I. Skeletal Dysplasias with Predominantly Epiphyseal Involvement

1. Chondrodysplasia punctata (=Conradi's disease [dominant, recessive])
2. Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia*
3. Hereditary arthro-ophthalmopathy
4. Hypothyroidism

II. Skeletal Dysplasias with Predominantly Metaphyseal Involvement

1. Achondrogenesis (types land II)*
2. Hypophosphatasia (congenitallethal form, tarda)*
3. Thanatophoric dwarfism*
4. Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (= Jeune's disease)*
5. Chondroectodermal dysplasia (= Ellis-van Creveld syndrome)*
6. Short rib-polydactyly syndrome (Majewski type, Saldino-Noonan type)
7. Achondroplasia*
8. Hypochondroplasia
9. Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (Jansen type, Schmid type, McKusick type)*
10. Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia with thymolymphopenia
11. Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia - malabsorption, neutropenia
12. Hypophosphatemic familial rickets

III. Skeletal Dysplasias with Major Involvement of the Spine

1. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (Spranger-Wiedemann type)*
2. Diastrophic dwarfism
3. Metatrophic dwarfism
4. Kniest's disease
5. Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia (Kozlowski type)
6. Pseudoachondroplasia
7. Parastremmatic dwarfism
8. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda
9. Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen disease

IV. Mucopolysaccharidoses and Mucolipidoses

1. Mucopolysaccharidoses (I-H, I-S, lI-IV, VI, VII)*
2. GM! gangliosidosis type I
3. Mucolipidoses I, II, III

V. Skeletal Dysplasias Due to Anarchie Development of Bone Constituents

1. Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica
2. Multiple cartilaginous exostoses* (osteochondromatosis)
3. Enchondromatosis (= Ollier's disease)*
4. Fibrous dysplasia (= Jaffe-Lichtenstein disease)*

VI. Osteolyses
1. Idiopathic osteolyses

VII. Skeletal Dysplasias with Predominant Involvement of Single Sites or Segments

1. Dyschondrosteosis
2. Mesomelic dwarfism (Nievergelt type, Langer type, Robinow type)*
3. Ulno-fibular dysplasia (Rheinhardt-Pfeiffer type)
4. Tricho-rhino-phalangeal dysplasia (type I, type II)*
5. Pseudohypoparathyroidism
6. Larsen's syndrome
7. Oto-palato-digital syndrome
8. Cleidocranial dysplasia*
9. Osteo-onycho-dysostosis
10. Acrocephalosyndactyly, type I
36 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

Table 1 (continued)

VIII. Skeletal Dysplasias with Abnormalities of Bone Density and/or Modeling Defects
1. Osteogenesis imperfecta (congenital recessive 12. Craniodiaphyseal dysplasia
form, dominant form)* 13. Frontometaphyseal dysplasia
2. Juvenile idiopathic osteoporosis 14. Oculo-dento-osseous dysplasia
3. Osteopetrosis (= Albers-Schönberg disease)* 15. Osteoectasia with hyperphosphatasia
4. Dysosteosclerosis 16. Endosteal hyperostosis (recessive type)
5. Pyknodysostosis 17. Pachydermoperiostosis
6. Sclerosteosis 18. Diaphyseal dysplasia
7. Osteopoikilosis* 19. Infantile cortical hyperostosis
8. Osteopathia striata 20. Osteodysplasia
9. Melorheostosis* 21. Tubular stenosis with periodic hypocalcemia
10. Craniometaphyseal dysplasia 22. Idiopathic hypercalcemia
11. Metaphyseal dysplasia (= pyle's disease)

* Skeletal dysplasias documented in this chapter.

Those conditions which are described in de- of dyscephalia of the facial bones and neurocra-
tail are marked in Table 1 with an asterisk (*). nium make up the craniomandibulofacial dys-
A few diseases which come under the skeletal morphic syndromes, which are autosomal
dysplasias are found elsewhere in the book (e.g. dominant hereditary conditions. Several syn-
osteopoikilosis, p. 108; melorheostosis, p. 108; dromes are recognized which are distinguished
fibrous bone dysplasia, p. 56). by the hypoplasia of particular bones of the
Dysostoses are classified according to their face and skull.
location. Isolated malformations of the skull Dysostoses of the limbs are known as dysme-
are all forms of dyscephalia. They are due to a lia. Diplomelia (duplication of a limb) and di-
primary closure of one or more cranial sutures plopodia (duplication of a hand or foot) are
(premature bony union, active synostosis) or very rare. On the other hand, polydactylia (an
developmental dis orders of the brain affecting excess number of fingers or toes) appears more
the shape of the skull (passive synostosis). frequently (usually affecting thumb or great
These include the following malformations of toe, little finger or toe). Amelia signifies the ab-
the skull: 1. Microcephalia - an abnormal re- sence of a complete limb, and hemimelia the
duction in size, proportionate or disproportion- underdevelopment or absence of one proximal
ate. 2. Macrocephalia - abnormal enlargement or distal limb segment (forearm, leg or upper
of the circumference or volume of the skull arm, thigh). In phocomelia ("seal limb" or
(megacephalus in premature infants, hydro ce- "flipper limb") the segmental bones (femur, ti-
phalus, interstitial megalencephalus due to glial bia, fibula or humerus, radius, ulna) are absent,
proliferation in the hemispheres). 3. Turrice- and the hands or feet articulate directly with
phalia - abnormal growth in height of the skull the shoulder or pelvic girdle. These malforma-
("tower" or "steeple head", sometimes accom- tions are seen in thalidomide embryopathy, a
panied by hemolytic anemia). 4. Scaphocepha- condition due to the ingestion of thalidomide
lia - abnormal flattening of the parietal bones ("Contergan"). Peromelia refers to stump-like
with premature synostosis of the sagittal suture limbs following a disturbance of growth, and
("boat skull"). 5. Scoliocephalia - asymmetrical micromelia to short limbs due to shortening of
skull due to premature synostosis of some of the segmental bones. Absence of hands or feet
the sutures ("sloping skull"). 6. Trigonocephalia is known as apodia, and absence of digital sep-
- wedge-shaped skull due to premature synos- aration due to failure of the bone or soft tissue
tosis of the metopic suture ("triangular skull"). in hands or feet as syndactylia.
7. Hypertelorism (Greig's syndrome) - inhibi- Dysostoses of the pelvic and shoulder girdles
tory malformation of the skull base and frontal are very rare, and are usually only found where
bone. 8. Encephaloeeie - bony defects of the there are generalized dysplasias. Dysostoses of
skull due to incomplete ossification (often com- the ribs and sternum are also not very com-
bined with brain malformations). Various types mon. On the other hand, dysostoses of the ver-
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita 37

tebral column (vertebral hypoplasia, fused ver- joint capsule and shortening of the flexor mus-
tebrae = block vertebra, excess vertebrae, des. As can be seen in Fig. 51, the child's body
rhachischisis, spina bifida, spondylolisthesis) is curved dorsally, the head turned to one side
represent important lesions encountered in and the shoulders internally rotated. The
orthopedic practice. All these malformations thighs, however, are rotated externally and the
can be either genetic in origin or have an exog- arms and legs flexed. The musculature is un-
enous etiology. derdeveloped and the skin is creased. The con-
traction of the soft tissues has caused defor-
mity of the bones. Figure 52 shows a femur
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita which has a sharp bend proximally (1), thus
causing the limb to be shortened. The width of
This malformation is characterized by numer- the shaft (2) and the contour of the joint (3)
ous symmetrical contractures arising in the are normal. The soft tissue contractures often
uterus. The pathological changes are primarily bring about multiple fractures within the
extraskeletal, involving the soft tissues, and uterus or during delivery.
working secondarily on the bones. It is due to These contractures have an effect on skeletal
a myopathy, with fibrotic contractures of the development. Within the uterus they prevent

Fig. 51. Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita Fig. 52. Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (femur)
38 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

the completion of endochondral ossification. cause of the disturbance of the growth zones,
Figure 53 shows a histological picture of the but normal in shape. The ossification centers
growing regions of the femur. One can see that usually appear late and are irregular and frag-
the height of the columnar cartilage (1) is sig- mented. The hip joints are also involved and
nificantly reduced. The zone of proliferating the femoral heads flattened, and there may be
cartilage (2) is, however, normally laid down dislocation with protrusion of the acetabulum.
and hyperplastic. In the zone of provisional cal- Similar changes are found in the short tubular
cification (3), which is considerably increased bones of the hand. The joint changes lead even-
in breadth, the numerous wide blood vessels tually to premature progressive arthrosis, with
(4) are striking, and have invaded the cartilage severe limitations of movement in later life.
extensively. Between these the chondroid (5) is This skeletal anomaly is not associated with
quantitatively reduced and only minimally cal- any other malformations, and life expectation is
cified. The structural changes in the growing normal.
regions indicate a growth dis order of bone
which particularly affects the long bones.
In Fig. 54 the widely dilated capillaries (1) (ongenital Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia
shown under higher magnification in the zone (Type: Spranger-Wiedemann)
of provisional calcification and zone of dilata-
tion are striking. The vessels are pushing into This skeletal malformation is an inherited auto-
the columnar cartilage (2) and reducing its vol- somal-dominant condition and is accompanied
urne. The chondroid (3) is moderately devel- by more or less severe coxa vara, knock knees
oped and poorly calcified. The pathogenesis of and/or progressive arthropathy. There is a dis-
this growth dis order is still unclear, although proportionate dwarfism with a shortened verte-
possible neuropathie or myopathie etiologies bral column, barrel ehest, genu valgum and pi-
have been discussed. The skeletal growth dis- geon ehest (pectu corinatum). The face is often
turbances are secondary and must be regarded flattened and there is a kyphoscoliosis. In 50%
as a result of the soft tissue changes. of cases there is also myopathy and retinal de-
tachment. In the radiograph shown in Fig. 56
one can see the pelvis and lumb ar column of a
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia 5-year-old child with this dysplasia. The verte-
(Ribbing-Müller Disease) bral bodies (1) are flattened and poorly ossi-
fied. There is a marked scoliosis. The pelvis (2)
This is a hereditary autosomal-dominant condi- is also underdeveloped and poorly ossified. The
tion, and is one of the most frequently occur- acetabula (3) are unequal and horizontally
ring skeletal dysplasias. Growth is retarded, aligned. Irregularities in the epiphyses and me-
although the normal bodily proportions are taphyses of the long bones, particularly in the
maintained. The joints are stiff and painful, with neighborhood of the hip joints (4), are also ap-
contractures, and there is often a thoraeie kypho- parent. The bony structures appear late (4th-
sis with back pain. The symptoms usually appear 5th year of life). They remain undeveloped and
after the second year of life, but sometimes not deformed with increasing age, and coxa vara
until early adulthood. There is a milder form develops. In general, bone development is re-
(Ribbing's disease) in which hands and feet are duced, particularly of the pelvic and hip bones.
not affected, and a more serious variety with se- Osteoarthritis often appears, especially in the
vere mutilation (Fairbank's disease). shoulder and hip joints. The locomotor activity
Radiologically there is flattening, especially in these patients is reduced, but their intelli -
of the thoracic vertebrae, with ir regular upper gence is normal. Hypoplasia of the spine of C2,
plates. Figure 55 shows the leg of a 4-year-old loosening of the ligaments and muscular hypo-
child, in whom the epiphyses of the lower end tonia can bring about atlanto-axial dislocation
of the femur (1) and upper end of the tibia (2) with compression of the cord at the Cl-C2 lev-
are too small and irregular in shape. The meta- el. The increased fragility of the bone may lead
physes (3) are also irregularly formed and to cord compression appearing as the first clin-
raised up. The long bones (4) are too short, be- ical symptom.
Congenital Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia (Type: Spranger-Wiedemann) 39

Fig. 53. Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita; HE, x25 Fig. 54. Arrhrogryposis multiplex congenita; HE, x64


3 4

Fig. 55. Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (tibia, fibula) Fig. 56. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita
(pelvis, lumbar vertebral column)
40 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

Thanatophoric Dwarfism vessels can be seen. Here there are short, wid-
ened primary trabeculae (3) that contain a re-
There are a number of varieties of dwarfism duced number of osteocytes. In places the pri-
which are present at birth and shortly after- mary spongiosa immediately encloses the
wards, and lead to death by respiratory deficien- growth cartilage. The unlayered bone trabecu-
cy (short rib/polydactylia syndromes: type I Sal- lae are bordered by a few osteoblasts (4). In the
dino-Noonan, type 11 Majewsky, type III Neu- marrow cavity there is loose connective tissue
moff; achondrogenesis). These include thanato- (5) infiltrated by round lymphoid cells.
phoric dwarfism, which usually appears sporadi- In Fig. 61 the growth zone is markedly und er-
cally. In addition to the typical skeletal changes developed. One can see the growth cartilage (1)
there are also cardiac and cerebral abnormalities. with small cartilage cells grouped irregularly to-
As the macroscopic photograph in Fig. 58 gether. The cartilaginous layer is partially in-
shows, there are, as a result of delayed skeletal vaded by wide blood capillaries (2). Below the
maturation, disproportionate dwarfism with a cartilage there are misshapen, irregularly
somewhat shortened rump (1) and severe placed, ungainly bone trabeculae (3) containing
shortening of the limbs (2), which especially af- central islets of cartilage (4). The marrow cavity
fects the proximal parts (rhizomelic underdeve- is filled with dense lymphoid cells (5).
lopment). The thorax (3) is severely narrowed Two forms of this congenital malformation can
and the abdomen is bloated. The head (4) is be distinguished. Type I is the classical form with
disproportionately enlarged. The root of the a large skull cap and a small facial skeleton with a
nose (5) is sunken with protrusion of the eye- sunken nasal root. The limb bones are very bent
balls (protrusio bulbi), and there is a so-called and shortened. Type 11 has the so-called clover-
clover-Ieaf cranium with a deep sagittal furrow leaf skull. The three-Iobed skull configuration is
(6) in the middle of the forehead. This deficien- due to premature union of the coronal and lamb-
cy of growth is responsible for the circular doid sutures. The cranial fossae are greatly
creases in the skin and bulging soft tissues. widened, and there is often a hydrocephalus.
In the radiograph a large number of anoma- The limb bones are shortened, but not crooked.
lies can be recognized. In Fig. 57 the vertebrae In both cases the malformation has a fatal prog-
(1) are flattened and have an H-shaped indenta-
tion; they show defective ossification. The ribs
(2) are shortened and placed horizontally. The
pelvic bones (3) are markedly underdeveloped,
and the diameter is reduced. The long bones
(4) are shortened, curved and relatively wide;
they are shaped like telephone receivers and the
metaphyses are distended. There is a relatively
large skull (5) with small facial bones.
Figure 59 shows a macroscopic specimen of
a femur from a case of thanatophoric dwarf-
ism. This long bone is extremely crooked and
of varying density (1). The proximal part (2)
has the shape of a telephone receiver. The fem- 2
oral head (3) is normally developed and cov-
ered with smooth articular cartilage.
The histological picture of the growing zone
shows normal quiescent cartilage. In Fig. 60,
however, it can be seen that in the layer of co- 3
lumnar cartilage the chondrocytes are not ar-
ranged in rows (1). This cartilage is at least re- 4
duced. These cells are diffusely dispersed and
misshapenly distended. In the calcification zone
of the specimen (2) only a few ir regular blood Fig. 57. Thanatophoric dwarfism
Thanatophoric Dwarfism 41



Fig. 58. Thanatophoric dwarfism Fig. 59. Thanatophoric dwarfism (Femur)

(rhizomelic underdevelopment)

'. " ' : . :-- ..

Fig. 60. Thanatophoric dwarfism; HE, x40 Fig. 61. Thanatophoric dwarfism; HE, x64
42 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

Asphyxiating Thoracic Dysplasia (Jeune's Disease) This zone is deeply invaded by blood capil-
laries (3). The hyperplastic cartilage contains
The prineipal finding with this autosomal-re- both grossly bloated and very small chondro-
cessive skeletal malformation is the congenital cytes dose together (4). The cartilaginous tis-
narrowing of the chest to the point of respira- sue shows degenerative changes and is incom-
tory insufficiency. The patients have a de- pletely calcified. This me ans reduced ossifica-
formed thorax and die in early childhood. With tion of the osteoid. The osteoblasts are some-
the milder forms, however, they may reach what increased. There is also delay in the re-
adulthood. Then one sees impaired growth with sorption of cartilage, the chondrodasts and os-
disproportionately shortened limbs. Often there teodasts being greatly reduced. At the
is an additional postaxial polydactylia. In later costochondral junctions there is a very broad
childhood chronic nephritis develops. These band of richly vascularized connective tissue
cases develop with dysplastic kidneys and liver between the hyaline cartilage and the zone of
changes. growing cartilage.
A child with asphyxiating thoraeic dysplasia Figure 66 shows histologically the fully un-
is illustrated in Fig. 63. The skull (1) is nor- developed zone of growing cartilage (1) with
mally proportioned, and the face (2) is unre- small chondrocytes irregularly distributed. The
markable. The very narrow thorax (3) with its preparatory calcification zone and zone of dila-
very short ribs is, however, striking. The inter- tation are strongly reduced and are contiguous
nal organs are normally disposed and devel- with an equally rarefied primary spongiosa (2).
oped. There are only slight changes in the epiphyseal
In the radiograph of Fig. 62 it can be seen cartilages of the long bones. Periosteal ossifica-
that the thorax is overall narrow. The ribs (1) tion, on the other hand, is not affected, and
are markedly shortened and aligned horizon- here relatively excessive bone deposition can
tally. The cartilage-bone borders are irregular. occur. This leads to an incongruity of perios-
These changes regress somewhat in later child- teal and endochondral ossification and to a
hood. The vertebral column develops normally spur-like structure in the radiograph.
and the vertebrae (2) themselves are normal.
Radiologically one can also recognize underde-
veloped pelvic bones (ilium, ischium, pubis),
disproportionate shortening of the long bones
with ir regular metaphyses, shortened inter-
mediate and terminal phalanges and frequently
polydactylia of the hands and feet.
Macroscopically one can discern growth dis-
turbances at the cartilage-bone borders. In
Fig. 64 these zones can be seen in a rib: the
cartilage mass (1) is increased, so that these
bones show lumpy swellings somewhat reminis-
cent of the "rickety rosary". The primary spon-
giosa of the zone of dilatation (2) is widely de-
posited and appears dark red. No changes are
seen in the mature bone (3). 2
Histologically, a severe disturbance of endo-
chondral ossification is evident. As can be seen
in Fig. 65, the proliferation of cartilage is disor-
dered and no longer und er control. The ma-
turation zone of columnar and vesicular carti-
lage is insufficiently developed. The cartilagi-
nous columns (1) are narrowed and rarefied. In
the vesicular cartilage one sees irregular foei of
proliferation (2), indicating uneven hyperplasia. Fig. 62. Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (thorax)
Asphyxiating Thoracic Dysplasia (Jeune's Disease) 43


Fig. 63. Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia Fig. 64. Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (rib)

Fig. 65. Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia; HE, x64 Fig. 66. Asphyxiating thoraeie dysplasia; HE, x82
44 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

Chondroectodermal Dysplasia one can see a specimen of the femur (1) and ti-
(Ellis-van Creveld Disease) bia (2) which has been sawn through to show
massive cartilaginous development of the epi-
This very rare dis order of development, which physes (3) lying like a hooded border over the
is inherited as an autosomal-recessive condi- metaphyses (4). The metaphyses are widened
tion, and is characterized by a skeletal dyspla- and club-shaped. The epiphyseal lines (5) are
sia combined with an ectodermal dysplasia and widened and indistinctly demarcated. They are
a congenital cardiac defect. The ectodermal blotched and fragmented, with an oblique
dysplasia manifests itself as complete alopecia, course into the tibia (6).
dental anomalies (dentitio tarda, absence of ca- Under higher magnification one can see in
nines and lateral incisors, short teeth deficient Fig. 68 the broad, fragmented epiphyseal line
in dentine) and hypoplasia of the finger and (1) with its fuzzy borders and the hyperplastic
toenails. Figure 67 shows the hand of such a cartilaginous epiphysis (2). The bony epiphy-
child. The fingers, and in particular the termi- seal center (3) is underdeveloped and asymme-
nal phalanges (1) are shortened and the finger- trical. Whereas ossification at the sides has
nails (2) are underdeveloped. Postaxial polydac- lagged behind, in the middle it has pushed for-
tylia is also often present. ward deep into the epiphyseal line (4), thus
Radiologically there is a long narrow thorax producing here a three-pronged effect.
with short ribs. The heart shadow is pathologi- Histologically a marked disturbance of the
cally deformed. The vertebral column is un- proliferation and maturation of the epiphyseal
changed. The long bones (Fig. 69) are markedly cartilage can be seen. Whereas in Fig. 71 the
shortened and appear thickened (1). The meta- quiescent cartilage (1) appears to be normally
physes of the femur (2) and tibia (3) are greatly developed, the large vesicular cells and columns
widened. The proximal epiphysealline of the ti- of the maturation zone are underdeveloped and
bia (4) runs an oblique course, which some- often seem barely viable. There are several nests
times gives rise to a severe genu valgum. The of enlarged vesicular chondrocytes (2), and here
neck of the femur (5) is much shortened. and there a few short cartilage columns (3). The
Furthermore, the pelvic bones are underdevel- cartilaginous matrix is present in large amounts
oped, with small iliac ala and a hook-shaped and is normally calcified. The zone of dilatation
and downward protrusion of the acetabula. is reduced and contains only a few capillaries
There are no skull abnormalities. (4). This leads to reduced resorption of the carti-
Macroscopically the most significant skeletal lage, with tongues of cartilaginous tissue (5) per-
changes involve the meta-epiphyses. In Fig. 70 sisting and reaching far into the metaphysis. At
the sides there is a covering of bone tissue (6)
that has been produced by the rapidly proceed-
ing periosteal ossification. As is shown in Fig.

Fig. 68. Chondroectodermal dysplasia

Fig. 67. Chondroectodermal dysplasia (hand) (distal femoral epiphysis and epiphyseal plate)
Chondroectodermal Dysplasia (Ellis-van Creveld Disease) 4S

Fig. 69. Chondroectodermal dysplasia (femur, tibia) Fig. 70. Chondroectodermal dysplasia
(distal femur, proximal tibia)

2 2 ----------~~:WW~



Fig. 71. Chondroectodermal dysplasia; HE, x30 Fig. 72. Chondroectodermal dysplasia; HE, x64

72, a wide plate of lamellar bone (1) has been laginous growth zone (2), so that no growth in
pushed out from the periosteum under the carti- length of the bone can take pi ace. In the lateral
46 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

region of the epiphyseal line there is in addition fusion of the vertebrae and the ribs with prema-
a disturbance of the nutrition of the cartilage, ture calcification of the costal cartilages. In Fig. 74
with cartilaginous necroses. one can see marked shortening of the radius (1)
and ulna (2). The bones appear enlarged at one
end and narrowed at the other. The head of the
Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IV (Morquio's Disease) radius (3) is dislocated. Similar changes are seen
to a lesser extent in the leg. The skeletons of the
Skeletal dysplasias mayaIso be caused by congen- hand and foot show no dysplastic changes. These
ital metabolie disorders. The various mucopoly- patients have anormal life expectation.
saccharidoses are expressions of lysosomal stor-
age diseases caused by enzymatic defects in the
catabolism of the acid mucopolysaccharides Tricho-rhino-pharyngeal Dysplasia
(glucosamine glucocane, dermatan sulphate, he-
paran sulphate). The metabolie products which This autosomal-dominant inherited condition
are not broken down are deposited in the mes- makes itself apparent in the first year of life by
enchymal tissues, nervous tissues and internal the peculiar face with a wide mouth, pear-
organs. In Morquio's disease, keratan sulphate shaped nose, prominent philtrum and sparse
is stored in bone tissue, which leads to typical hair. There is brachydactylia of one or more
developmental disorders of the skeleton. The dis- fingers. The interphalangeal joints are swollen
ease is inherited as an autosomal-recessive condi- and may show an axial deviation of the fingers
tion. It manifests itself during the first four years distally. The stature is usually small. With Type
oflife with dwarfism, shortening and curvature of II of this dysplasia (Langer-Giedion syndrome)
the vertebral column, pigeon ehest, flail joints, there are also multiple osteocartilaginous exo-
dental anomalies and sometimes hepatomegaly. stoses. Radiologically the epiphyses of the long
Figure 73 shows a radiograph of the short- bones are underdeveloped and deformed, and
ened vertebral column with marked platyspondy- there is premature epiphyseal closure. An asep-
lia of the vertebral bodies (1), which are hook- tic bone necrosis (Perthes's disease, p. 176) of-
shaped owing to the ventral protrusion of bone. ten develops in the hip joint. In Fig. 75 the epi-
The intervertebral spaces (2) are widened. The metaphyses of the short bones of the hand (1)
odontoid process of the axis is frequendy hypo- are conically enlarged. In this 8-year-old child
plastic. The thorax is widely constructed (3) one can see a few normal epiphyseal lines (2),
with paddle-shaped ribs. The iliac ala (4) are flat- while others are closed (3) and no longer visi-
tened. In the hip joint there are dysplastic ble. In a few, some unusual dense strips (4) can
changes in the epiphyses of the femoral head be recognized. Life expectation is normal.
(5) and hypoplasia of the acetabula (6). In adult
life severe arthroses develop. (Mucopolysacchar-
idosis I-H, Type Pfaundler-Hurler, p. 58). Cleido-cranial Dysplasia

This autosomal-dominant inherited condition

Mesomelic Dwarfism consists of a developmental dis order of des mal
(Robinow's Fetal Face Syndrome) ossification with inadequate formation of re-
placement bones. As a result there are skeletal
Among the very rare mesomelic dysplasias that changes in the clavicle and skull (cranium, facial
are inherited as autosomal-dominant condi- skeleton). Radiologically one can see in Fig. 76
tions, Robinow's Type is characterized by a pecu- the wide open fontanelles in a 2-year-old child
liar deformity of the face with a protruding fore- (1, anterior fontanelle) and sutures (2) due to de-
head and hypertelorism resulting from a dispro- layed ossification. Also in the skull base (3) dis-
portionate enlargement of the neurocranium (the turbances of ossification have occurred. These
so-called "fetal face"). There is a short saddle produce an enlarged head with prominent fron-
nose. The extremities are shortened, the extern al tal and parietal bones. Both clavicles (4) are
genitals are hypoplastic. Radiologically there are only rudimentary formations. These aplasias
incompletely developed thoracic vertebrae and can also be only parietal or confined to one
Cleido-cranial Dysplasia 47


Fig. 73. Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IV Fig. 74. Mesomelic dwarfism (radius, ulna)
(thorax, lumbar vertebral column)


Fig. 75. Tricho-rhino-phalangeal dysplasia (hand) Fig. 76. Cleido-cranial dysplasia (skulI)

side, and pseudarthroses can develop between the attached muscles, which are inadequately de-
these bones. This malformation also involves veloped. This leads to fallen shoulders. The sca-
48 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

pulae (5) are small and deformed and loosely an- As the radiograph of a chondrodystrophic
chored. Life expectation is normal. individual in Fig. 79 shows, there is a wide,
weakly constructed pelvis (1), with square iliac
ala. The alignment of the lower border is hori-
Achondroplasia (Chondrodystrophia fetalis) zontal. The long bones of the limbs (2) are se-
verely shortened, and since the normal perios-
This is a form of disproportionate dwarfism with teal ossification produces anormal growth in
short limbs (micromelia), the cause of which lies width, they are remarkably stumpy. One often
in an underdevelopment of the proliferating carti- sees oval translucent areas at the proximal and
lage of genetic origin affecting the endochondral distal ends of the long bones (3), particularly
ossification. Diagnostically this type of dwarf- the femurs.
ism is classified in terms of the clinical and The histologically demonstrable dis order lies
radiological findings, histomorphological exami- in the region of the columnar cartilage, that is
nation being confined to autopsy material. to say, in the epi-metaphyses of the long bones
In Fig. 77 a radiograph of such a newborn and the costochondral joints. As can be recog-
dwarf is shown in two planes. The vertebral nized in Fig. 80, the proliferation of the carti-
bodies (1) are strongly flattened, and the inter- lage cells is only weakly discernible, and they
vertebral spaces (2) are seen to be much wider are small and have small round nuclei (1). The
than normal. The vertebrae are curved outwards maturation zone is narrowed and the layer of
in the dorsal region (3). In such patients there is columnar cartilage (2) has only 6 to 8 cells in a
also marked shortening of the long bones. In the row instead of the normal 20 or so. The col-
histological picture of Fig. 78 one can see in the umns are therefore somewhat shortened, and in
zone of endochondral ossification the densely de- severe cases they can be completely absent. Cal-
posited and hypertrophie cartilage cells (1), cification of the cartilaginous matrix and os-
which are nevertheless not arranged in columns teoid formation are also reduced and may be
but lie together in groups. The normallong cal- altogether lacking. At the bone-cartilage border
cified spurs of the cartilaginous matrix which one can see a few swollen chondrocytes (3) and
should be reaching out into the bone of the shaft hardly any contiguous layer of osteoid has de-
are absent (2). The proliferating cartilaginous tis- veloped (4). The preparatory calcification layer
sue runs directly up against fully mineralized and primary spongiosa are also affected by the
bone tissue with mature bone trabeculae (3), disturbance of ossification. In the lower part of
thus making further growth in length impossible. the picture one can see the structures of the
secondary ossification layer with incompletely
calcified bone trabeculae (5) and, between
Chondrodystrophy them, richly cellular hematopoietic bone mar-
row (6).
This skeletal malformation represents a fairly Histological examination of chondrodys-
common autosomal-dominant inherited condi- trophic bone is practically confined to autopsy
tion, but it also appears as a sporadic disease. material. The skeletal deformities rest riet move-
Since the chondroblasts no longer produce any co- ment, but the intelligence is normal and the life
lumnar cartilage (Fig. 49), there is apremature expectation unaffected.
cessation of endochondral ossification wh ich re- Chondrodysplasia punctata (rhizomelic type)
sults in a reduction in the growth in length of is genetically am autosomal-recessive condition
the bones. Periosteal bone deposition and the lay- with a fatal outcome. In this rare disease, of
ing down of covering bone (membrane bone) are, which the definitive diagnosis is radiological,
on the other hand, not affected (Fig. 50). The re- one sees symmetrical punctiform calcifications
sult is a chondrodystrophic dwarf with a com- in the cartilaginous parts of the skeleton and bi-
pletely disproportionate body (short thick limbs partite vertebral bodies subdivided by a disc of
with a normally developed stern skeleton). The cartilage. The long bones - and in particular
large head has, because of the growth distur- the humeri - are short and stumpy, with meta-
bance of the skull base (replacement bones), physeal distensions. The pathological-anatomi-
the appearance of an "inverted pear". cal diagnosis is confined to autopsy material.
Chondrodystrophy 49


Fig. 77. Achondroplasia (spinal column). Fig. 78. Achondroplasia; HE, x64
(From SPRANG ER et al. 1974)

Fig. 79. Chondrodystrophy. (From SPRANGER et al. 1974) Fig. 80. Chondrodystrophy; HE, x25
SO 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

Rickets in the widened ossification zone the layer of co-

lumnar cartilage has become lengthened (4)
Rickets is characterized by defective calcification and poorly vascularized. The maturation of the
of the bony tissue in the growing skeleton which proliferating cartilage (enlarged vesicular carti-
leads to a disturbance of endochondral ossifica- lage) is delayed, and it is inadequately resorbed
tion. In the preparatory calcification zone by the myeloid capillaries. There is no typical
(Fig. 49) a great deal of uncalcified osteoid and preparatory calcification zone. Instead of this, it
cartilaginous tissue is laid down. This results in is immediately contiguous with a zone of chon-
a disorganization of the whole endochondral dro-osteoid (5), which corresponds to the pri-
ossification process. The cause of this is usually mary spongiosa. Here the penetrating myeloid
a vitamin D deficiency (hypovitaminosis) or a vessels spread out in different directions and
failure of the renal tubules to function properly planes, instead of running in canaliculi parallel
(vitamin D resistant rickets: phosphate diabetes, to the long axis of the shaft. In this way the
Debre-de-Toni-Fanconi syndrome), distur- chondrocytes are resorbed, and excessive os-
bances of intestinal resorption or hypophos- teoid irregularly deposited by the action of os-
phatasia. Nowadays we seldom see rickets due teoblasts. This is not followed by calcification
to vitamin deficiency. On the other hand, cases of the osteoid or cartilaginous matrix.
of renal rickets are more frequent. Under the higher magnification of Fig. 85,
Figure 81 shows a radiograph of the right one can see between the penetrating myeloid
forearm of a lO-month-old child with active vessels (1) in the primary spongiosa irregular
rickets. The ends of the ulna and radius show tongues of cartilaginous tissue (2) and wide os-
cup-like distensions (1), particularly distally. teoid trabeculae (3), which are not mineralized
The preparatory calcification zone is fuzzy, the but are bordered by osteoblasts. Above that
pattern of the spongiosa is also unclear and there is the zone of columnar cartilage (4), the
shows reduced calcium density (2). This so- cartilaginous matrix of which is also not miner-
called double growth in the wrist joint is alized. In this "rachitic intermediate zone" a
known as Marfan's sign of rickets. disorganized cartilage-bone tissue (chondro-os-
As can be seen in the radiograph of Fig. 82, teoid) is laid down which is unstable and flex-
the so-called "bell-shaped thorax" of rickets is ible and permits deformation of the bone. Not
found, together with Harrison's groove and the only endochondral but also perichondral and
rickety rosary. Because of the reduced calcifica- membranous ossification are disordered.
tion the rib bones (1) are more translucent and
their ossification centers (2) are distended. The
radiograph in Fig. 83 is a lateral view of the
vertebral column of a l-year-old child with ac-
tive rickets. The parts of the vertebral bodies
are indistinct and their outer contours fuzzy
(1). The vertebrae are somewhat flattened and
the intervertebral spaces enlarged. There is an
indistinct osteoporotic loosening of the verte-
bral spongiosa with the suggestion of three
horizontal layers (the so-called "rugger-jersey
spine") (2). The whole vertebral column is
equally affected and noticeably stretched out.
Since the bones are soft and flexible, curvatures 2
of the column such as scoliosis and lumbar lor-
dosis develop.
In Fig. 84 the costochondral joint of a rib is
shown in a low-power histological section. It is
widened and distended (rickety rosary, 1).
Above this region (2) there is normal cartilage,
and below it normal cancellous bone (3). With- Fig. 81. Active rickets (fore arm: Marfan's sign)
Rickets 51

Fig. 82. Active rickets (thorax: rickety rosary) Fig. 83. Active rickets
(vertebral column: rugger-jersey spine)

, . - - - ---:j 2

'------3 5

Fig. 84. Rickets (rib: rickety rosary) HE; x5 Fig. 85. Rickets; HE, x50
52 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

Hypophosphatasia osteoid. The borders of the cartilaginous epi-

physeal line (4) are undulating, with occasional
This is a congenital disorder of bone formation tongue-like pro ces ses.
and mineralization due to a reduced production As can be recognized in Fig. 89, the histolog-
and activation of alkaline phosphatase. The dis- ical appearance of the region of endochondral
ease is genetically transmitted by an autoso- ossification is similar to that seen in rickets.
mal-recessive gene. In very rare cases it may The layer of columnar cartilage (1) has become
lead to dominant inheritance and hypophospha- lengthened and shows few blood vessels (2),
tasia in the adult. The defect apparently lies in and the chondrocytes are distended. A zone of
the osteoblasts, which produce alkaline phospha- chondro-osteoid (3) lies up against the matura-
tase, and which may often be reduced in number tion zone.
or fail to form a functionally effective enzyme. In the low-power histological picture shown
Most neonatal cases of hypophosphatasia are al- in Fig. 90, one can see the strongly developed
ready apparent by the 6th month of life and can and regularly formed layer of the growth carti-
sometimes be diagnosed in the uterus. Clinically lage (1), where the layer of columnar cartilage
the serum alkaline phosphatase is reduced and (2) is widened. It is contiguous with a very
rachitic changes are present in the skeleton. broad layer of disorganized and uncalcified os-
As is shown in the radiograph of a child who teoid (3), into which tongue-like processes (4) ex-
died 22 ho urs after birth (Fig. 86), the entire tend from the growth cartilage. Hardly any os-
skeleton is incompletely developed. The long teoblasts are present. In severe cases the child
bones, such as the femur (1) and humerus (2) dies shortly after birth, in less serious cases it
are shortened and only mineralized in the can reach later childhood or even adulthood. In
shaft. The mineralization is irregular, and one this case delayed growth of the skeleton and cra-
can see patchy translucent areas (3) in the nial synostoses are to be expected. The urine of
bones. The femurs are curved (4). The epiphyses these patients contains phosphoethanolamine,
(5) are lengthened and widened, and consist of and there is a hypercalcemia which can cause re-
increased but unmineralized osteoid. The cup- nal damage. Sometimes treatment with cortisone
shaped widened and frayed metaphyseal end- may alleviate the condition.
plates (6) are striking. The vertebral bodies (7)
are only weakly developed. On the other hand
the clavicles (8) are only poorly mineralized,
but are fully developed (desmal ossification).
Figure 87 shows a radiograph of the forearm in
a case of neonatal hypophosphatasia. One can
see the widened growth zones (1) with cloudy 8
shadowing of the increased and uncalcified os-
teoid. The metaphyseal plates of the radius (2) ~ 2
and ulna (3) are cup-shaped and widened and
appear frayed. The absence of complete ossifica- 7
tion of the epiphyseallines is reflected in the ton-
gue-shaped processes at the ends of the bones.
Only a short proximal part of the ulna (3) is
weakly mineralized. The short tubular bones of
the hand (4) are very much underdeveloped,
and some phalanges are not mineralized at all.
Figure 88 is a macroscopic illustration of the
surface of a section through the growth region
of the femur in a case of hypophosphatasia. In 4 1
the epiphysis (1) one can clearly recognize a
center of ossification (2). The spongiosa of the
metaphysis (3) is only poorly mineralized and
most of the trabeculae consist of calcium-free Fig. 86. Radiograph of a child with hypophosphatasia
Hypophosphatasia 53


Fig. 87. Forearm in a case of hypophosphatasia Fig. 88. Hypophosphatasia (growth region of the femur)

Fig. 89. Hypophosphatasia; HE, x2S Fig. 90. Hypophosphatasia (overview); HE, xS
54 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

Osteopetrosis (Albers-Schönberg Disease, striking. Because of this the levels of alkali ne

Marble Bone Disease) phosphatase, calcium and phosphorus in the
serum lie within the region of normality.
Osteopetrosis is an inherited disease of the skele-
ton wh ich is accompanied by an increase in calci-
fied bone tissue - namely osteosclerosis. Macro- Osteogenesis imperfecta
scopically the bones are heavy and inelastic, so
that pathological fractures occur easily. The mar- This is the result of a general defect of the mes-
row cavity is almost completely filled with com- enchyme which leads to a faulty synthesis of
pact bone tissue and the cortex is thickened by collagen and inhibits bone production. Osteo-
periosteal bone deposition. Radiologically the genesis imperfecta is an inherited disease of the
bones are accordingly seen as complete sha- skeleton which is characterized by serious fragil-
dows. These changes have led to the descriptive ity of the bones. Because of its underlying
name marble bone disease. The pathogenesis is cause, this fragility is accompanied by excessive
explained by an insufficiency of osteoclasts, mobility of the joints, light blue sclerotics, oto-
whereby bone resorption, which plays an impor- sclerosis, dental anomalies and a parchment-
tant role in endochondral ossification, is inade- like thinning of the skin. Because of its genetic
quate. Owing to the deficiency in osteoclasts, heterogeneity, the variable clinical picture and
the primary spongiosa cannot be resorbed and differing prognoses have been classified under
a sufficient marrow cavity cannot develop. The the following types.
primary spongiosa is not transformed into a sec-
Type I: BIue sclerotics, dentinogenesis imper-
ondary spongiosa. In newborn and young chil-
fecta, normal bone. Begins between 1st and
dren the zone of proliferating cartilage in the re-
10th years of life. Autosomal-dominant inheri-
gions of endochondral ossification is abnormally
tance. Mild course.
wide. The bars of calcified bone matrix cannot be
Type 11: Multiple (intrauterine) fractures, de-
resorbed, and these persist. Foci of calcified car-
formed long bones, blue scleras. Begins at
tilaginous matrix are therefore found in the in-
birth. Autosomal-recessive inheritance. Fatal
tramedullary bone tissue and even in the shafts
of the long bones. Throughout the whole bone
Type III: Reduced growth, thin bones, multiple
a lattice-work of calcified cartilaginous matrix
(intrauterine) fractures. Begins at birth. Auto-
remains behind, and in this metaplastic primi-
somal-recessive inheritance. Adverse course.
tive bone tissue develops. Osteoclasts are only
Type IV: Thin bones, moderate number of frac-
seldom found under the microscope, and the tures, blue scleras. Commencement and course
number of osteoblasts is also greatly reduced.
However, the abnormal bone tissue does not
arise because of increased osteoblast activity, In the radio graph of the leg shown in Fig. 93
but as a result ofbone metaplasia in the cartilag- one can see the extremely slender long bones
inous matrix. of the tibia (1) and fibula (2), in which the
In Fig. 91 one can see a radiograph of the spongiosa (3) is highly osteoporotic and radio-
lumb ar column from a case of osteopetrosis. translucent, and the shadow of the cortex (4)
Typical findings include the dense sclerotic de- almost reduced to a thread. As against this, the
limitation of the upper and lower plates of the epiphyses (5) appear distended like a cudgel,
vertebral bodies (1), which frequently have a but are of normal width.
linear double outline (2). In such cases one In Fig. 94 one can see histologically that, in
speaks of the so-called "sandwich vertebra". the region of endochondral ossification, the
In the histological picture of Fig. 92 one can layers of chondroblastic proliferation (1) are
recognize the close-meshed lattice-work of cal- normal as far as the cartilage columns. In the
cified cartilaginous bars (1) within the nar- preparatory ossification zone one observes few-
rowed marrow cavity, in which irregular os- er osteoblasts and osteoclasts than normal. Os-
teoid (2) has been deposited. Cartilage inclu- teoid formation around the calcium spurs of
sions are to be found within the trabeculae. the cartilage is greatly reduced. In the primary
The absence of osteoclasts and osteoblasts is spongiosa we find only a dense network of bars
Osteogenesis imperfecta 55

Fig. 91. Osteopetrosis (Albers-Schönberg disease); Fig. 92. Osteopetrosis (Albers-Schönberg disease); HE, x ll3
(lumbar vertebral column)

Fig. 93. Osteogenesis imperfecta (leg) Fig. 94. Osteogenesis imperfecta; HE, x25

of cartilaginous matrix (2). For this reason the of a high grade osteoporosis with a strong ten-
primary and secondary spongiosa cannot be dency to develop fractures.
fuHy developed, and this results in the picture
56 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

Fibrous Bone Dysplasia (Jaffe-Lichtenstein) most the whole of the tibia. The bone is gener-
ally widened and distended (1). Inside there is
One result of a local developmental dis order of a "frosted glass" or "watch-glass" cloudy sha-
the skeleton can simply be the differentiation of dowing (2). The cortex is narrowed from within
connective tissue instead of bone. In cases of fi- (3) but still preserved. The lesion is not cystic
brous bone dysplasia the bone marrow is re- and has no sharp border. It is often progressive
placed by fibrous marrow with fibrous bone tra- after puberty.
beculae, without any lamellar bone being laid The histological picture is charaeterized by
down locally. This common bone lesion is connective tissue which is rich in fibers and re-
counted among the "tumor-like bone diseases" latively poor in cells, and in which numerous
and is described in detail on p. 318. slender fibrous bone trabeculae have differen-
In Fig. 95 one sees a radiograph of a mono- tiated. In Fig. 98 one can see that these trabe-
stotic fibrous dysplasia with a focus in the 9th culae (1) are horseshoe-shaped and bound to-
right rib. This change represents the most fre- gether in a kind of network. The collagen fiber-
quent tumorous lesion of the ribs. One can rec- rieh connective tissue (2) passes direetly over
ognize a local distension of a limited region of into the bony structures, without any osteo-
the bone (1), which is obviously cystic in ap- blasts being present.
pearance. The cortex bulges forward and is nar- This is shown under higher magnification in
rowed from within, but it is still intact. Fig. 99. One can see that the fibrous bone has
Figure 96 shows a saw-cut through the re- arisen directly from the fibrous stroma. In
sected rib. Macroscopically there is a eentral Fig. 100 the indiscriminate irregularly disposed
bony cyst with smooth walls. It is multilocu- birefringent fibers within the immature trabe-
lated and filled with a serous fluid. This por- culae can be seen under polarized light (1).
tion of bone is greatly distended and covered The lamellar structures are absent. These im-
outside with periosteum. Such lesions seldom mature bony structures with no osteoblast de-
show much inerease in size after puberty. posits are, together with the convoluted charae-
In Fig. 97 one can see a radiograph of poly- ter of the connective tissue stroma, charaeteris-
ostotic fibrous dysplasia which has involved al- tic of fibrous bone dysplasia.

Fig. 95. Monostotic fibrous bone dysplasia Fig. 96. Monostotic fibrous bone dysplasia
(Jaffe-Lichtenstein) (9th right rib) (Jaffe-Lichtenstein) (saw-cut through resected rib)
Fibrous Bone Dysplasia (Jaffe-Lichtenstein) 57

Fig. 97. Polyostotic fibrous bone dysplasia (Jaffe-Lichten- Fig. 98. Fibrous bone dysplasia (Jaffe-Lichtenstein); HE, x25
stein) (tibia)

Fig. 99. Fibrous bone dysplasia (Jaffe-Lichtenstein); HE, x40 Fig. 100. Fibrous bone dysplasia (Jaffe-Lichtenstein);
polarized light, x30
58 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

Arachnodactylia Pfaundler-Hurler Dysostosis

This not particularly rare skeletal abnormality This developmental disorder of the skeleton,
is often seen in cases of Marfan's syndrome, which is also known as gargoylism, is due to a
although it can be absent from this latter condi- disturbance of metabolism. There is a general
tion. It is inherited as an autosomal-dominant dis order of endochondral ossification as the re-
condition, in wh ich the long and short bones sult of a genetically determined mucopolysac-
each grow to an excessive length. This results in charidosis, by wh ich the enzymatic breakdown
the so-called "spider fingers" and an asthenie of acid mucopolysaccharides is impaired. The
bodily habitus with remarkably long limbs. Pi- disturbance of endochondral and periosteal os-
ge on ehest, a "Gothic arch palate" and a de- sification results in a shortened skull base, sad-
formed vertebral column with scoliosis are in- dIe no se, a widened face with a dull expression,
cluded in Marfan's syndrome. Congenital a poorly formed body and lumb ar kyphosis.
subluxation of the lens can lead to iridodonesis. There is also hepatosplenomegaly, corneal opac-
The scleras are blue and there are sometimes ity and idiocy.
congenital cardiac abnormalities. The principal The diagnosis of this congenital condition
finding is the Erdheim-Gsell idiopathic median depends on the outward appearance, the clini-
necrosis, with the appearance of vascular aneu- cal signs and the radiological findings. Biopsy
rysms, particularly in the aorta. material from the liver, spleen and bone mar-
Experimental investigations have shown that row contains large cells with mucopolysacchar-
ß-aminoproprionitril can produce similar ide inclusions. Histomorphological examination
changes in the skeleton, which are known as os- of the skeleton is, however, mostly confined to
teolathyrism. In this case there is a disturbance autopsy material.
of collagen matrix synthesis, leading to inhibi- Figure 103 shows the radiograph of the hand
tion of bone deposition. Acid mucopolysacchar- of a child with Pfaundler-Hurler disease. The
ides are laid down in the collagen matrix, stumpy configuration of the tubular bones (1)
which can be histochemically identified by AI- and the sharply pointed proximal ends of the
cian blue staining. metacarpals (2) are typical. In pI aces the den-
The diagnosis of arachnodactylia depends on sity of spongiosa is increased (3) or shows ir-
the clinical and radiological findings. Histo- regular radiotranslucent areas (4).
morphological examination of a bone biopsy Histologically there is a narrowing of the
during life is not indicated and is exclusively bone trabeculae in the ossification centers of
confined to autopsy material. the epiphyses and metaphyses of the long
As can be seen in the radio graph of the foot bones, which is the result of reduced bone de-
in Fig. 101, the extraordinarily long and slen- position. As can be seen in Fig. 104, within a
der short bones of the toes (1) and metatarsals cartilaginous layer including inconspicuous
(2) are striking. The spongiosa at the ends of chondrocytes (1) there is a focus of swollen
the bones is somewhat loosened and straggly cartilage cells with pale cytoplasm and small
(3). Otherwise there are no demonstrable skele- nuclei (2). These cells contain large quantities
tal alterations. Histologically too, normally de- of mucopolysaccharides.
veloped bone is apparent (1, Fig. 102), and only The signs of this so-called "dysostosis multi-
a slight osteoporosis can be established. In the plex" progress greatly with increasing age and
region of endochondral ossification the individ- show themselves radiologically in various dif-
ual layers of cartilage are normally arranged ferent bones. The skull is abnormally large, the
(2), although with Alcian blue staining the de- frontal bone prominent and the back of the
position of acid mucopolysaccharides (3) near head flattened. The skull base and orbital roofs
the joint surface can be seen. The cartilage cells are sclerotically thickened. The vertebral bodies
are normal in size and have small round nuclei. undergo a wedge-shaped deformation ("fish-
They are often shrunken. hook vertebra"). In the region of the ehest the
clavicles and scapulae are shortened and stum-
py, and we find so-called "paddle-ribs".
Pfaundler-Hurler Dysostosis 59


Fig. 101. Arachnodactylia (foot) Fig. 102. Arachnodactylia; HE, x25

Fig. 103. Pfaunder-Hurler disease (hand) Fig. 104. Pfaunder-Hurler disease; HE, x64
60 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

Enchondromatosis (Ollier's Disease) bone there are ir regular patchy and straggly
dense areas (5), and in between there are fine
Developmental disorders of the skeleton can focal translucencies which are often cystic (6).
also indude tumor-like or even tumorous The adjacent joint contours (7) are faded or
changes which are the result of a disturbance of completely abolished. It is only when several
normal endochondral ossification. Enchondro- such bone lesions can be demonstrated radio-
matosis is an non-inheritable disorder of skele- logically that a diagnosis of Ollier's disease is
tal development in wh ich multiple enchondro- justified.
mas can arise simultaneously in the metaphyses The radio graph of Fig. 106 is the frontal
and diaphyses of several different bones. This view of two widened enchondromas in the dis-
so-called "Ollier's disease" is usually confined tal part of the femur (1) and proximal part of
to one side of the skeleton. As an expression of the tibia (2). The foei lie cent rally in the long
the disturbed ossification enchondromatosis is bones. They are relatively sharply limited, but
often combined with a fibrous bone dysplasia without any recognizable marginal sderosis.
(p. 56). In the so-called Maffucci syndrome Within the foei there are numerous stain-like
these dyschondroplasias appear together with dense regions next to patchy translucent areas
hemangiomas of the soft tissues. Here also it (3). The cortex is completely intact and there is
has not been possible to establish an inherita- no periosteal reaction. Fig. 107 shows enchon-
ble factor. Sometimes multiple enchondromas dromatosis in a 2-year-old child. In the radio-
appear with generalized irregular lesions of the graph of the right leg one can see considerable
vertebrae, without the short tubular bones curvature of the femur (1), the proximal bony
being affected. In about 50% of cases of en- structures of which have become dense (2). The
chondromatosis the development of a chondro- distal part of the femur (3) shows a cup-like
sarcoma is to be expected. distension and a straggly appearance with long-
Enchondromatosis leads to serious deformi- itudinal translucent areas (4). Although in this
ties of bones and of the whole skeleton (asym- case there are no dense eircumscribed intraos-
metrical leg shortening, swellings of the hands seous foei that might suggest an intraosseous
and feet, pathological fractures) which require tumorous growth, such a bone deformation is
surgical corrective measures. The tumors arise characteristic of enchondromatosis.
in those bones which develop by the process of The histological picture of an enchondroma
endochondral ossification, and therefore the is also typical in such cases. In Fig. 108 one
bones of the face and skull are not affected. can recognize intraosseously deposited tumor-
The tumors usually appear between the 2nd ous cartilaginous tissue, lobular in structure
and 10th years of life and enlarge sporadically (1), the lobes (or nodes) being separated by
until puberty. No new enchondromas are to ex- narrow connective-tissue septa. Within this re-
pected after puberty. gion there are cartilage cells of different sizes
Both radiologically and histologically, multi- (2), most of which contain small isomorphie
ple enchondromas are seen which cannot be nudei. Many focal calcium deposits may be
distinguished morphologically from the solitary present. Histologically it is very important to
form (p. 218). In the radiograph shown in note the isomorphie character of the cartilage
Fig. 105, central regions of intraosseous osteo- cells and their nudei preeisely, in order to be
lysis and tumorous swelling can be seen in the able to exdude a chondrosarcoma. As soon as
affected bones of the first three fingers of one such a focus increases in size, a bone biopsy is
hand [thumb (1), index and middle fingers essential to deeide whether or not a malignant
(2)], whereby the cortex is greatly narrowed transformation has taken pI ace. From the point
and sometimes bulges forwards (3), although it of view of treatment, all the tumorous cartilagi-
remains intact. No periosteal reaction can be nous tissue should in every case be carefully
seen. Also in the 2nd metacarpal bone one can curetted surgically, since progressive growth is
see a large bulge (4). Inside such a region of known to occur.
Enchondromatosis (Ollier's Disease) 61


2 3


Fig. 105. Enchondromatosis (hand) Fig. 106. Enchondromatosis (distal femur, proximal tibia)

Fig. 107. Enchondromatosis (right femur) Fig. 108. Enchondromatosis; HE, x25
62 3 Disorders of Skeletal Development

Osteochondromatosis be seen. These are pictured in their long axes

and are characterized by the band-like sclerosis
Disordered skeletal development can also result of their sterns.
in multiple osteocartilaginous exostoses. This Histologically it is the cartilaginous cap above
variety of exostosis is an inherited familial dis- all that must be very thoroughly examined in or-
ease, in wh ich multiple osteochromas arise, par- der to exclude a chondrosarcoma. As shown in
ticularly in the region of the shoulder, knee and Fig. 111, a highly cellular cartilaginous tissue
knuckles. In about 10% of cases a chondrosar- may be present with the chondrocytes arranged
coma develops in one of these tumorous bone in rows (1) or in groups (2). They are distended
lesions. It is this essential difference which dis- and mostly have small pyknotic nuclei (3). Bi-
tinguishes the disease clinically from the harm- nucleate cells mayaiso be present (4). No mi-
less solitary osteochondroma (p. 214). toses or polymorphie cells are visible. The carti-
Radiologically it is impossible to distinguish laginous cap is covered on the outside with peri-
one of these exostoses appearing in a case of osteal connective tissue (5), while below it, fin-
osteochromatosis from a solitary osteochondro- gers of cartilage reach into the bone tissue (6),
ma (see Fig. 292). In Fig. 109 one can see sev- which is here more highly vascularized. In osteo-
eral such exostoses in the distal part of the fe- chromatosis the osteochondromas often appear
mur (1). They are attached by broad bases to in the iliac ala, and there is a tendency towards
the bone, the spongiosa of the femoral bone a symmetrical occurrence. Because of the pos si-
being continuous with that of the exostosis, ble danger of one of the many exostoses under-
although sometimes there is a narrow sclerotic going malignant change, the patient should be
band between them (3). At the end of the le- put in the picture and kept under observation.
sion the exostosis may be pushed up like a Sudden increase in size, pain following any kind
mushroom (4); inside the bone the trans lu- of trauma or a slow increase in size after puberty
cency and straggly increases in density give it a should awaken suspicion of malignant change
sponge-like appearance. One can easily see that and indicate the need for histological examina-
this osteochondroma has been fractured (5), tion.
although callus is not visible.
Figure llO shows a radiograph of both legs
of an 18-year-old patient with osteochromato-
sis. The long bones of the tibia and fibula ap-
pear shortened, and the fibulae especially are
markedly thickened, otherwise the shaft seems
normal (1). In the region of the metaphysis one
can see several osteochondromas. The largest
exostosis is attached by a broad base to the
proximal right tibial metaphysis (2). It shows 4
clear nodular formation and the border is lobu- 1

lated. Within, there are flat wide areas of densi-

fication, and between them patchy translucent 5
regions. This massive osteochondroma reaches 2
deep into the soft tissues and showed a ten-
dency to proliferate, so that it was chiseled 3
away. A thorough histological examination is
necessary here in order to exclude or confirm
malignancy. A very much smaller osteochon-
droma has developed at the proximal left fibu-
lar metaphysis (3). This is attached by a wide
stern to the bone and is distended. One can see
patchy calcification of the outer cartilaginous
cap. At the lower two distal metaphyses large
exostoses (4 on the left, 5 on the right) can also Fig. 109. Osteochondromatosis (left distal femur)
Osteochondromatosis 63

Fig. 110. Osteochondromatosis (both tibiae und fibulae) Fig. 111. Osteochondromatosis; HE, x16

With solitary or multiple osteochondromas, a removed with them in order to prevent a recur-
biopsy to arrive at a histological diagnosis is of rence. This material must then be histologically
course not the correct procedure, it should examined in order to exclude malignant
rather be radiologically confirmed and any sus- change. In this connection serious diagnostic
picious exostoses removed immediately if there problems may arise, since the tumorous carti-
are any local symptoms or evidence of a ten- lage cells often show very few signs of malig-
dency to grow. At the same time all the carti- nancy.
lage (cartilaginous caps) must without fail be
4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

General sis), inactivity (immobilization osteoporosis,

p. 72), disease of the bone marrow (multiple
Osteoporosis is an atrophy of bone tissue in myeloma, bone lymphoma) or reduced osteogen-
which the cortex is narrowed, the number and esis (juvenile osteoporosis, "fish vertebra dis-
thickness of the trabeculae in the spongiosa are ease", osteogenesis imperfecta, p. 54). In all
reduced, and the proportion of bone substance these forms of osteoporosis a simple histological
to marrow cavity is alte red in favor of the lat- examination of the bone allows no conclusions to
ter. Because of the reduction of calcified bone be drawn about the origin, since an identical mi-
substance, there is radiologically an increase in crostructure is found in various types of osteo-
the translucency and porosity of the bone poroses, and a correct classification is only pos-
structure. Osteodensitometry, which measures sible after taking the clinical and radiological
the mineralization of the bone, shows that this data into account as weIl.
parameter is also reduced. In radiologie al prac- The precise classification of a case of osteo-
tice such findings very often lead to a diagnosis porosis in terms of its many possible causal
of "osteoporosis", meaning that the bone is less and formal varieties of pathogenesis is difficult.
resistant to mechanical stress and that the risk On the one hand, reduced functional stimula-
of a fracture is correspondingly greater. One tion (reduced loading of the whole or apart of
should, however, be aware that very different the skeleton) can lead to a consequent resorp-
diseases of quite different etiology are covered tion of bone. On the other hand, alterations in
by the term "osteoporosis", and that these re- the metabolism may have the same generalized
quire different forms of treatment. In other or local effect. Finally, neurological disorders or
words, "osteoporosis" is ablanket term for var- an alteration in the blood supply can bring
ious atrophie bone diseases. It is the task of the about bone resorption and thus lead to osteo-
diagnosing physician - usually a radiologist or porosis. Several factors working together may
pathologist - to distinguish between these indi- account for the appearance of the condition.
vidual manifestations of bone atrophy on the When they are due to alterations in the bone
basis of the particular morphological structure metabolism, one can classify osteoporoses as
and other diagnostic findings. metabolie osteopathies.
The simple loss of mineralized bone tissue, in The term osteopathy includes all systemic
which no particular resorptive cellular activity is diseases of bone, irrespective of their etiology
present, is a basic form of osteoporosis present- and pathogenesis. We distinguish between toxie
ing in the guise of a straightforward bone atro- osteopathies (e. g. fluorosis, p. 100), eireulatory
phy. Here one can distinguish between general- osteopathies (e. g. bone necroses, p. 164; bone
ized osteoporoses, which involve all or a large infarcts, p. 174), infectious osteopathies (e. g. os-
part of the skeleton (involutional osteoporosis. teomyelitis, p. 129), neoplastie osteopathies (e. g.
p. 72), and localized osteoporoses, which are medullary plasmocytoma, p. 348; bone metasta-
confined to a particular part of the skeleton ses, p. 396) and metabolie osteopathies.
(immobilization osteoporosis, p. 74; Sudeck's All these bone diseases are characterized by
atrophy, p. 96). Osteoporosis can have various a general or local bone remodeling, which is re-
causes. In most cases it is constitutional and ap- flected in the radiograph as areduction ("os-
pears late in life (senile osteoporosis). However, teoporosis") or increase ("osteosclerosis") in
bone atrophy may be due to a substrate deficien- the bone material. Both bone-remodeling pro-
cy (starvation osteoporosis, vitamin C deficiency ces ses can occur simultaneously and side by
osteoporosis), hormonal insufficiency ("post- side, thereby producing a patchy appearance on
menopausal" osteoporosis, presenile osteoporo- the radio graph.
66 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

To the metabolie osteopathies belong, in par- oping. Serious changes in the skeleton, together
ticular, generalized skeletal changes that have with fractures, can also arise in cases of dia-
arisen because of a disturbance of the metabo- betes mellitus. Furthermore, the thyroid hor-
lism. It is known that the skeleton is a central mones bring about a direct stimulation of bone
organ for calcium metabolism, since it is a re- resorption which can lead to "osteoporosis".
servoir for the life-supporting serum calcium. Osteoporoses have been described in both hy-
The serum calcium level is one of the most perthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Increased
strictly controlled and stabilized biological con- activity of the growth hormone causes acro-
stants. If the serum calcium level (normally megaly, but can also bring about severe reduc-
10 mg%) falls below 9 mg%, calcium is mobi- tion of the bone mass and thus lead to "osteo-
lized from the skeleton by a complicated regula- porosis". All osteoporoses which arise as a
tory mechanism and transferred to the blood. result of an altered hormonal stimulation can
This naturally pro duces changes in the bone be grouped under the description, endoerine
tissue which are radiologically recognized by osteopathies. To these belongs also the action
the reduction in the density of the shadow. The of insufficient sex hormones (postmenopausal
cause of this radiological "translucency" of the osteoporosis). Whereas the endocrine osteopa-
bone structure is the characteristic bone re- thies have their structural origin in a distur-
modeling. Calcium metabolism and bone re- bance of the bone modeling cells (osteoblasts,
modeling are closely correlated with each other. osteoclasts), disturbances in the production of
This remodeling is controlled hormonally by the bone matrix can also lead to "osteoporosis".
the parathyroid hormone (parathormone), In particular, a general calcium deficiency,
which both activates the osteoclasts in the bone whether due to insufficient intake (dietary) or
and stimulates calcium and phosphate excre- resorption, impairs the full mineraliiation of
tion by the kidneys. Parathyroid hormone in- the organic bone matrix and leads to rickets
creases the lifetime of the osteoclasts and their (p. 50) in the growing skeleton and osteomala-
number, and also causes proliferation of fibro- cia in the adult (p. 86).
blasts. An increased secretion of the parathyr- A morphological diagnosis of the various
oid glands activates a corresponding increase forms of osteoporosis which allows conclusions
of remodeling in the skeleton, with a reduction to be drawn about the underlying condition is
in the amount of bone material. The picture of made possible by a biopsy taken from the iliac
"osteodystrophia fibrosa generalisata eystiea" 0/ crest. In addition, clinico-chemical changes in
von Reeklinghausen arises, with its characteris- the blood serum and urine are supportive. In
tic structures, indicating the presence of pri- the schematic diagram shown in Fig. 112, these
mary hyperparathyroidism. The progressive changes are summarized. Radiological findings
bone resorption can cause local subliminal can also provide additional information.
fractures to develop, in the region of which re- Osteoporosis is not recognizable radiological-
sorptive giant cell granulomas - the so-called ly until at least 30% of the bone mass has been
"brown tumors" - can appear. Chronic renal in- resorbed, but with osteodensitometry it can be
sufficiency often leads to a renal osteopathy. diagnosed considerably earlier and also quanti-
This is a matter of bone changes resulting from fied. It is the most frequent bone change en-
secondary hyperparathyroidism and a dis order countered in the skeletons of adults. The under-
of vitamin D synthesis, which is structurally lying cause is a negative balance of bone
characterized by osteodystrophia fibrosa, osteo- remodeling resulting from progressive resorp-
malacia (p. 86) and osteoporosis. tion together with reduced deposition. The
In addition to the parathyroid hormone function of the osteoclasts is reduced. The re-
(parathormone), other hormones can also have duction in the tissue is not associated with any
effects on the skeleton, most of which are ex- change in the quality of the bone. The balance
pressed as an "osteoporosis". Of particular im- of bone remodeling is positive up to the 20th
portance here is the influence of the steroids. year, remains in equilibrium until the age of 50
With the increased release or long-term admin- and is thereafter negative. In advanced age one
istration of corticoids there is a danger of the may expect the appearance of a so-called invo-
so-called "Cushing's osteoporosis" (p. 76) devel- lutional osteoporosis (p. 72), which may be re-
General 67

Blood serum Urine

Ca ++HPO-
4 Phosp hatase Ca++ Disease


porosis G
senile osteoporosis
N N N N N (lnvolutional osteoporosis)

dystrophy t t t t hyperparathyroidism
with skeletal involvement

t N t t b) without skeletal involvement

t t t t, t, c) with rena I insufficiency

'N tNt t 'Nt t Osteomalacia

Renal osteopathy
'(N) t t(NI I ,t

, ,,
perparathyroid ism)

sclerosis t N Hypoparathyroidism

N N t N N Paget' sosteitis deformans

- Older mineralized bone tissue <.:] • Osteoclasts N - Normal

fIB . Newly formed bone tissue 00 • Osteoblasts t. Increased
!01~,mil . Uncalcified osteoid , = Decreased

Fig. 112. Summary of the morphological and clinico-chemical changes found in various osteopathies
68 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

garded as physiological. Because of the fre- background of so-called hypertrophie bone

quency of these dis orders of bone function and atrophy can even undergo compensatory thick-
the possibility of a specific treatment, an un- ening, the vertical structures of the spongiosa
derstanding of osteoporosis is of tremendous may show up in the radiograph very clearly
importance for all physicians. Untreated osteo- (Fig. 114d). With high grade osteoporosis even
porosis leads to serious skeletal deformities, the cortex is also drawn into the atrophic pro-
bone fractures and very severe pain with limita- cess and becomes narrower. The Haversian ca-
tion of movement. nals in the cortex are widened, but still have
The reduction of bone tissue by osteoporosis smooth borders.
begins on the side of the marrow cavity and ex- Figure 115 is a transverse section through a
tends outwards to the cortex, which is why we maceration specimen of anormal vertebra. It
speak of eccentric bone atrophy. The breakdown shows a fine cancellous network that is regu-
of the bone structure begins in those bones larly distributed throughout the body. In such a
which are normally subjected to much remodel- normal vertebral body the supporting struc-
ing, namely, the vertebrae, ribs and also the tures (vertical trabeculae) are more pronounced
pelvis. In the skull cap, where remodeling is than the safety structures (horizontal trabecu-
slight, osteoporosis does not occur. Osteoporo- lae). As can be seen in the maceration speci-
sis at first proceeds so that the ability of the men of a vertebral body shown in Fig. 116, the
skeleton to withstand loading is retained, and it spongiosa has been greatly changed and irregu-
is always the so-called "safety structures" which larly remodeled by advanced osteoporosis. One
are sacrificed first, while the trabeculae along recognizes the very irregular gaps in the spon-
the tension and pressure lines are for a time giosa (1) where the trabeculae are absent. The
still maintained. For this reason, the parts of supporting spongiosa (2) is considerably thick-
the skeleton which make up its main frame- ened by what is known as hypertrophie bone
work are tremendously pronounced in the atrophy. Only remnants of the transverse spon-
radio graph. The progressive course of osteo- giosa (3) remain, and the resistance of such a
porosis can be very clearly followed in the ver- vertebra to pressure loading is considerably re-
tebral bodies. duced.
As an example, the structural changes in the Advanced osteoporosis of the vertebral col-
spongiosa of a vertebral body are illustrated umn reduces its stability and gradually leads to
diagrammatically in Figs. 113 a-d. The corre- a coalescence of the vertebral bodies or even to
sponding radiological changes are placed a compression fracture of single vertebrae. The
alongside in Figs. 114a-d. Whereas the struc- skeleton becomes insufficient and breaks down.
ture of the framework of the spongiosa in a The form of vertebral compression, which can
normal vertebral body is regular (Fig. 113 a) also be seen radiologically, is determined by
and radiologically shows a fine cancellous mesh the nature of the force applied. In the thoracic
(Fig. 114a), with grade 1 osteoporosis the first column, which shows a slight physiological ky-
translucencies in the bone structure appear in phosis, the pressure forces from the upper
the center of the body (Fig. 114 b). First of all parts of the body (head, pectoral girdle) are
the transverse spongiosa (safety system) is sac- concentrated on the anterior part of the verte-
rificed. The atrophy begins in the center of the bral bodies. With advanced osteoporosis of the
bone and broadens out towards the periphery bodies of the thoracic vertebrae, this part is
(Fig. 113 a-d). With grade 2 osteoporosis more compressed and thus pro duces the so-called
transverse trabeculae have vanished, and even wedge vertebra. This change usually affects the
the vertical ones in the center are lost 8th, 9th and 10th thoracic vertebrae. In most
(Fig. 113 c). This is reflected radiologically as a cases it involves a very slow coalescence of the
further central translucency (Fig. 114c). Grade ventral part of the vertebral body so that a
3 osteoporosis reveals itself by an extensive atro- wedge-shaped deformity slowly develops.
phy involving the tension and pressure struc- Usually several neighboring vertebrae are af-
tures (Fig. 113d). Since the loss of the trans- fected. In rare cases a strong pressure loading
verse spongiosa is much more marked than can result in a sudden ventral compression
that of the supporting variety, which against a fracture.
General 69

a b c d
Fig. 113. a Diagram of normal vertebral spongiosa; b Diagram of grade I osteoporosis; c Diagram of grade 11 osteoporosis;
d Diagram of grade III osteoporosis

a b c d
Fig. 114. a Normal vertebral body; b Grade I osteoporosis; c Grade II osteoporosis; d Grade III osteoporosis

2 3

Fig. 115. Normal vertebral spongiosa Fig. 116. Osteoporotic vertebral spongiosa
(maceration specimen) (maceration specimen)
70 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

Figure 118 is a lateral radiograph of an os- lateral triangle of the neck: Ward's triangle (2).
teoporotic vertebral column in which the spon- The supporting spongiosa is still preserved and
giosa of the vertebral bodies is highly porous clear (3). When the resistance to loading is no
(1), so that the framework (cortex) is empha- longer sufficient a fracture of the neck will fi-
sized, as if drawn in with a pencil (2). In the nally occur.
thoracic column there are three wedge verte- A fracture is the principal threat in cases of
brae (3) which are strongly compressed, partic- osteoporosis. It can either develop slowly (as in
ularly in the ventral region. This has resulted in with coalescence of osteoporotic vertebral
a more or less serious hump or kyphosis. bodies) or take place suddenly (as with a med-
In the lumbar region the pressure due to the ial fracture of the femoral neck). The physio-
weight of the upper part of the body is fairly logically more heavily loaded bones (vertebral
equalized over each entire vertebral body, the column, femoral neck) are especially at risk,
whole system having been compressed because and these are bones in which osteoporosis is
of the advanced osteoporosis. This produces particularly common. Such an atrophy can,
widening of the intervertebral discs (due to however, also arise in other stressed bones in
water uptake) and the upper plates of the ver- which stability against the action of forces is
tebrae sink in. In Fig. 119 one can observe more or less reduced. When marked osteoporo-
these appearances very clearly in the radio- sis arises in the humerus or tibia there is a risk
graph. The lateral view shows a lumbar verte- that a pathological fracture may occur without
bra (1) which is deformed into a so-called fish any apparently adequate trauma. With serious
vertebra. The upper plate (2) is sunken in and reduction of the resistance of the bone tissue a
concave, producing a severe narrowing of the so-called creeping fracture may develop which,
central part of the body. Here the spongiosa ap- particularly in the vertebral column, presents
pears highly translucent because of bone atro- as pain.
phy (3), although the outer framework (4) has
been preserved and is sharply defined. The in-
tervertebral bodies are greatly swollen and ap-
pear to be pressing into the vertebral bodies.
Owing to the turgor of the nucleus pulposus
the discs are widened and, if the upper verte-
bral plates break, they can herniate into the
bone. These changes are known as Schmorl's
nodes (p. 438).
With osteoporosis the systemic bone resorp-
tion is clearly seen in the neck of the femur. In
Fig. 120 one can see the cut surface of a macer-
ation specimen of a normal neck of femur with
a thick cancellous network in which both the
supporting and safety trabeculae are fully de- 2
veloped. Radiologically the scaffolding is homo-
geneous. 3
In cases of osteoporosis, however, this scaf-
folding is irregularly porous, as can be clearly
recognized in the radiograph. In Fig. 117 one
can see wide gaps in the femoral neck (1) and
in the greater trochanter (2). The supporting
trabeculae (3) are strongly brought out. The
macromorphological equivalent is also obvious
in the maceration specimen of a femoral neck
shown in Fig. 121. Here resorption of the safety
structures has produced large gaps in the spon-
giosa of the greater trochanter (1) and in the Fig. 117. Osteoporosis of the femoral neck
General 71

2 2 _ _ _ __


Fig. 118. Osteoporosis of the thoracic column Fig. 119. Osteoporosis of the lumbar column with "fish ver-
(lateral radiograph) tebra"

;:;r,.L~~ _ _ 2


Fig. 120. Normal femoral neck (maceration specimen) Fig. l21. Osteoporotic Femoral neck (radiograph, macera-
tion specimen)
72 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

Involutional Osteoporosis osteodensitometry. The reduction of the bone

tissue begins in the middle of the vertebral
Involutional osteoporosis plays an important body and extends outwards (so-caHed eccentric
part in clinical practice, since it is very com- bone atrophy). It is always the "safety struc-
mon, causes pain and limitation of movement tures" (transverse spongiosa) which are first
and can greatly limit the ability to work. Invo- sacrificed, whereas the trabeculae along the
lutional osteoporosis is a very common general- tension and pressure lines (longitudinal spon-
ized skeletal change wh ich, because of the atro- giosa) remain for a time unaffected. The reduc-
phy of the bone tissue, reduces the resistance of tion of the bone tissue in involutional osteo-
the skeleton to loading and carries the risk of porosis does not involve any change in its
pathological fractures. We distinguish between quality, that is to say, the remaining tissue is
senile osteoporosis, which slowly develops pro- fuHy mineralized and functional. The risk of
gressively in old age and is generally symptom- fracture depends entirely on the quantity of re-
less, from a postmenopausal or presenile osteo- duced stable bone material.
porosis, which appears particularly about 10 The histological diagnosis of involutional os-
years after the menopause and usually involves teoporosis in a bone biopsy is made exclusively
the stern skeleton. It is accompanied by back on the quantitative evaluation of the relation-
pain, deformity of the vertebral column and ship between an enlarged marrow cavity and
fractured ribs. The cause of senile osteoporosis the bone material of the spongiosa, and on the
lies in areduction in osteoblastic function, narrowing of the trabeculae. The Haversian ca-
which in its advanced stage mostly attacks the nals in the cortex are wider.
ribs, femoral neck, ankle and wrist bones. Pre- Under higher magnification one can see in
senile osteoporosis results from estrogen defi- Fig. 123 the rarefied and greatly narrowed tra-
ciency and leads to rapidly progressive bone re- beculae (1), which are nevertheless weH miner-
sorption in the vertebral column, thoracic cage alized. They are arranged in lamellae and the
and pelvis. The bones of the limbs and cra- osteocytes (2) are intact. The outer contour is
nium usually remain unaffected. It must be em- smooth and shows no signs of resorption lacu-
phasized that not every ageing person must nae. Osteoclasts cannot be seen, and the osteo-
necessarily develop involutional osteoporosis, blasts are sparse (3) and poorly developed. This
and constitutional factors are here decisive. loss of bone is to be attributed to a so-caHed
Only when this type of osteoporosis produces smooth bone resorption (in contrast to the lacu-
symptoms (pain, reduced mobility etc.) is it nar resorption by multinucleate osteoclasts in
worth calling it a disease. osteodystrophy. See Fig. 148). As a result of the
The histologieal pieture of involutional os- decline in osteoblast activity in normal bone
teoporosis is thoroughly "awkward", since the resorption there is a reduction in the amount
changes are only quantitative, although they of bone tissue. This negative remodeling is re-
can indeed lead to qualitative alterations in the flected by the relatively enlarged marrow cavity
tissue. Figure 122 shows a low-power histologi- (with fatty marrow, 4). As can be seen in
cal section through an osteoporotic vertebral Fig. 124, in osteoporosis one also encounters
body. Cranially and caudaHy one can see the reparative and compensatory remodeling pro-
contiguous discs (1). The trabeculae (2) are cesses, in which the remaining bone trabeculae
greatly reduced in number, and those that re- of the supporting spongiosa are thickened by
main are much narrowed. The cortex of the deposition. Next to very narrow osteoporotic
plates (3) and of the sides (4) is also narrowed, trabeculae (1) one can see the scleroticaHy
but remains intact. The proportion of calcified thickened trabeculae of the supporting spongio-
bone substance to bone-free marrow cavity is sa (2). This is the picture of so-caHed hyper-
altered in favor of the latter. With regard to the trophie bone atrophy, which can also be seen
total volume of bone the mineral content is re- in the radiograph.
duced, as can be confirmed quantitatively by
Involutional Osteoporosis 73

Fig. 122. Osteoporotie vertebral body; HE, xlO

Fig. 123. Osteoporosis; HE, x25 Fig. 124. Hypertrophie bone atrophy (tibial head)
74 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

Immobilization Osteoporosis less progress so far that only the framework re-
mains - a condition known as bone cachexia.
This variety of osteoporosis arises when apart Then even moderate loading can produce frac-
of the skeleton is inadequately loaded for a pro- tures. Mechanical overloading together with
longed period of time. It is a localized osteo- immobilization osteoporosis can lead to a com-
porosis that develops after resting a limb as the pletely disorganized type of bone remodeling in
result of a fracture, inflammation or muscular which the resorption reduces the bone to iso-
paralysis. In the early stages there is hyperemia lated fragments. The structure is such that it
of the osseous capillaries and sinusoids. The resembles Paget's osteitis deformans (p. 102)
activity of the osteoblasts is doubled and that both histologically and radiologically, and is
of the osteoclasts increased threefold. This re- called Lievre's "remaniement pagetoide post-
sults in a strongly progressive remodeling of traumatique".
bone (osteoclastic osteoporosis) that can pro- Immobilization osteoporosis is normally di-
duce a hypercalcinuria of up to 335 mg in 24 h. agnosed, and its severity analyzed, radiological-
In the chronic stage the bone apposition and ly. No bone biopsy is required. The histological
resorption processes become stabilized and the picture of this type of osteoporosis can never-
negative calcium balance is onee again returned theless be studied by the pathological and his-
to equilibrium. tological examination of amputation material. A
The development of an immobilization osteo- localized remaniement pagetoide can give the
porosis is represented diagrammatically in impression of a bone tumor, and this is an in-
Fig. 125. With immobilization one finds mor- dication for histological examination.
phologically that the spongiosa of the involved Figure 126 shows the histological picture of
bone is reduced, beginning with a central atro- an immobilization osteoporosis that cannot be
phy which then proeeeds outwards. It is always distinguished from involutional osteoporosis
the safety structures (transverse spongiosa) (p. 72). One can recognize the greatly narrowed
which first disappear, whereas the supporting bone trabeculae (1) that show lamellation and
structures (longitudinal spongiosa) remain for contain small osteocytes. They have smooth
a time unaffected. If normal mobilization of the borders, and no osteoblastic or osteoclastic ac-
limb is soon restored, a complete return of the tivity can be seen. The enlarged marrow cavity
original bony pattern is possible, and even (2) is filled with fatty tissue.
though the trabeeulae are narrowed their func- In Fig. 127 the histological appearanee of re-
tion as conducting structures is maintained. If, maniement pagetoide is depicted. The bone tra-
however, the immobilization persists and the beculae (1) are quite irregularly enlarged and
osteoporosis progresses, there is a more or less show many drawn out undulating revers al lines
serious loss of both transverse and longitudinal (2). There are layers of osteoblasts (3) and os-
spongiosa, and after remobilization the bony teoclasts (4) and the bizarre bone tissue is un-
scaffolding is only incompletely restored. Since equally mineralized (5). The marrow cavity is
the conducting structures have been lost, new filled up with highly cellular loose granulation
bone tissue can only be laid down on those re- tissue (6), whieh contains wide blood capil-
maining trabeculae that are orientated along laries (7). This shows a very considerable simi-
tension and pressure lines. This results in a larity to Paget's osteitis deformans (Fig. 188).
bony scaffolding with fewer but thicker trabe- Precise distinction between these two structu-
culae. Such a type of remodeling is known as rally similar bone diseases can be of impor-
hypertrophie bone atrophy. This can be re- tance when writing medical reports. In order to
garded as a form of defective healing, since the make a distinction, not only the his tory, but
remodeled bone is less well able to withstand also the age of the patient, the histological
the forces which act upon it. In the case of im- structure and the radiological findings must be
mobilization osteoporosis there is no complete taken into account.
osteolysis. The bone resorption can neverthe-
Immobilization Osteoporosis 75


Bone eaehexia
High grade Hypertrophie
(osteolysis) bone atrophy bone atrophy

Immobilization Mobilization

Fig. 125. Diagram showing the development of an immobilization osteoporosis. (After WILLERT)

Fig. 126. Immobilization osteoporosis; HE, x16 Fig. 127. Post-traumatic remaniement pagetoide (Lievre);
HE, x40
76 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

Cushing's Osteoporosis The bone trabeeulae are reduced (1) and those
that remain are extremely narrow (2) and are
Cushing's osteoporosis belangs to the group of arranged in a filigree pattern. There are deep
endocrine osteopathies and arises endogenously resorption laeunae (3) which give the trabecu-
following increased corticosteroid production lae a ragged, moth-eaten appearance. It is strik-
(Cushing's syndrome with bilateral hyperplasia ing, however, that Howship's laeunae no longer
of the adrenal cortex or an adrenocortical tu- eontain multinucleate osteoclasts. The burst of
mor), or exogenously as a result of lang term osteoclastie aetivity is therefore already over,
steroid therapy. Under the influence of gluco- and what we can now see is the result of osteo-
corticoid there is an inereased transformation clastic bone resorption. Bone deposition is also
of protein into earbohydrate and a deerease in reduced and no aetive osteoblasts or osteoid
protein anabolism. The protein available is seams are present. In aetive Cushing's osteo-
therefore insufficient for osteoid produetion, porosis the osteoblasts and osteoclasts are in
and bone resorption predominates over bone equilibrium. In the center of the picture one
deposition. At first there is a burst of osteoclas- ean reeognize an anemic bone infarct (4), in
tic activity with massive destruction of bone, which the fatty marrow is neerotic and bor-
which is then followed by redueed bone deposi- dered by a seam of connective tissue (5).
tion. As we can recognize in Fig. 128, Cushing's Under high er magnification one ean again
osteoporosis (steroid osteoporosis, adrenocorti- see, in Fig. 132, the redueed and narrowed
cal osteoporosis) is mostly concentrated in the bone trabeeulae (1). The marrow eavity is filled
stern skeleton, leading to spontaneous fractures with riehly eellular hematopoietie tissue in
of vertebrae and ribs that heal with hyperplas- whieh fibrinoid neeroses appear (3). They prob-
tic building up of eallus. After treatment of the ably represent early stages of the developing in-
endocrine disorder (e. g. Cushing's syndrome), faret.
complete restitution of the bone structure is With a long-standing Cushing's syndrome
possible in young people. In older people, how- fractures or bane infarcts ean also arise in the
ever, hypertrophie atrophy of the cancellous skeleton in addition to the typical osteoporosis.
scaffolding remains.
Figure 129 shows a radiograph of the verte-
bral column in a case of Cushing's osteoporosis.
One ean see the osteoporotic porosity of the
vertebral spongiosa (1), with the central layer
(2) revealing itself as a translueent band. Near
the vertebral plates (3), as in the plates them-
selves (4), the shadow is more dense. Sueh a
radiographie structural appearance is known as
"marginal condensation", and is charaeteristic
of this disease. Following vertebral compression
the structure becomes more dense as a result of
hyperplastic callus formation.
The macroscopic picture of Cushing's osteo-
porosis in the vertebral column is shown in
Fig. 130. In this sawn speeimen one can see
that the vertebral bodies have been greatly nar-
rowed by eompression (1). The framework and
particularly the plates remain intact, but the
latter have bulged into the body, giving rise to
the so-ealled fish vertebrae (3). The spongiosa
eannot be evaluated macroscopieally. The inter-
vertebral discs (4) are swollen and widened.
In Fig. 131 one can see the histological pic-
ture of osteoporosis with wide-mesh spongiosa. Fig. 128. Localization of Cushing's osteoporosis
Cushing's Osteoporosis 77


Fig. 129. Cushing's osteoporosis of the spinal column Fig. 130. Cushing's osteoporosis of the spine
(radiograph) (macroscopic specimen)

Fig. 131. Cushing's osteoporosis including anemic bone in- Fig. 132. Cushing's osteoporosis; HE, x45
farct; HE, x20
78 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

These constitute a special complication of the mostly paired by a similar lesion of the oppos-
condition. The fractures occurring in Cushing's ing bone.
syndrome result from the general instability of Such infarcts can be seen in the distal part
a skeletal osteoporosis, that is to say, from the of the femur (1) and proximal part of the tibia
loss of stabilizing bone tissue. Since it is espe- (2) in the radiograph of Fig. 133.
cially the stern skeleton that is affected, the Macroscopically these bone infarcts appear
most frequent fractures involve the vertebrae. as in the saw cut through the femur and tibia
The fracture line is usually horizontal and par- shown in Fig. 136: a yellowish-gray map-like
allel to the vertebral plates. Characteristically area of necrosis (1) which is surrounded by a
there is excessive callus formation. This dense hemorrhagic border (2). The outer contour of
fracture callus appears in the radio graph as a the bone is unaltered.
dark horizontal band with fuzzy edges and is Histologically one can see in Fig. 137 that
recognized as the so-called "marginal conden- the trabeculae in the spongiosa (1) are still
sation" of the vertebrae in this condition. Frac- mostly preserved, even when many of the os-
tures due to Cushing's osteoporosis can, how- teocyte lacunae are empty. There are no mor-
ever, also appear in the proximal parts of the phological signs of osteoclastic bone resorp-
appendicular skeleton. tion. In the marrow cavity, however, the fatty
In Fig. 134 one sees the radiograph of a frac- tissue is necrotic (2), which is clear from the
tured femoral neck in a case of Cushing's osteo- eosinophilia of the fat cells and the absence of
porosis. The fracture line (1) is clearly recog- their nuclei. Old infarcts may be replaced by
nizable, and the head (2) is displaced relative to scar tissue, and dystrophie calcium deposition
the rest of the bone (3). Although union has may be seen. Apart from a pathological frac-
not yet taken place, the hyperplastic callus for- ture, a malignant bone tumor (usually a malig-
mation is already to be seen as a patchy and nant fibrous histiocytoma - p. 324) may devel-
banded increase in density (4) between the tro- op in a bone infarct. After the Cushing's
chanters and has also produced dark shadow- syndrome has been successfully treated, local
ing in the adjacent soft tissues (5). Osteoporo- sclerosis of the spongiosa may remain.
sis is clearly recognizable in the neighborhood
The hyperplastic fracture-callus of Cushing's
osteoporosis has a very characteristic histologi-
cal appearance. In Fig. 135 one can see the
fine-mesh, gnarled and ragged fibrous bone,
consisting of both narrow (1) and broad (2) fi-
brous bone trabeculae with small osteocytes
and drawn-out reversal lines (3). Fragmented
lamellae of the spongiosa may be embedded in
the callus. Leading edges of bone deposition (4)
are often encountered, and between these bi-
zarre regions of new bone there is a loose fi-
brous marrow (5) in which only a few inflam-
matory cells are present.
The bone infarcts of Cushing's syndrome can-
not be distinguished either morphologically on 2
the radiograph or histologically from anemic
infarcts with other etiological backgrounds
(p. 174). In the vertebral bodies they are
wedge-shaped, with the long side up against
the disCo Because of calcium saponification they
are bordered by a jagged linear pattern. How-
ever, symmetrical bone infarcts can also devel- Fig. 133. Anemic bone infarcts
op at the ends of long bones, and these are (distal femur, proximal tibia)
Cushing's Osteoporosis 79

Fig. 134. Fracture of femoral neck with hyperplastic devel- Fig. 135. Hyperplastic fracture callus with Cushing's osteo-
opment of callus in Cushing's osteoporosis porosis; HE, x30

Fig. 136. Anemic bone infarcts (femur, tibia) Fig. 137. Anemic bone infarct; HE, x42
80 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

Osteodystrophy regularly porous layer of spongiosa (1) in the

center of the vertebral body. The upper (2) and
Among the various organs and organic systems lower (3) vertebral plates show a band-like
which have an active effect on bone the para- sclerosity bordering the intervertebral space
thyroids have a particular significance. A disor- (4). The lateral borders of the vertebral bodies
der of their regulatory system (p. 6) can pro- (5) are osteoporotically narrowed and faded.
du ce characteristic responses on the part of the Radiological examination of a maceration
skeleton. Osteodystrophia fibrosa generalisata specimen reveals the structural bone remodel-
cystica (von Recklinghausen) is a condition in ing of osteodystrophy very clearly. Figure 141 is
wh ich loealized foeal, but also often generalized again a lateral view of the thoracic column with
skeletal ehanges oeeur, and whieh is the result of the ribs attached. All the vertebral bodies show
inereased parathormone secretion. The funda- signs of a well-marked central osteoporosis (1)
mental cause is primary hyperparathyroidism and band-like osteosclerosis of the upper (2)
due to a parathyroid adenoma (80%), a clear and lower (3) plates. The outer contours of the
cell parathyroid hyperplasia (10%), a parathyr- vertebral bodies are fuzzy, and the cortex very
oid oxyphil cell hyperplasia (8%) or a carcino- thin and exfoliated (4). The ribs also show
ma of the parathyroid glands (2%). In about signs of advanced diffused osteoporosis. There
25% of cases of primary hyperparathyroidism are isolated creeping rib fractures (6). The frac-
(HPT) osteodystrophy develops. As can be seen ture line contains deposits of radiolucent fibro-
in Fig. 138, the disease manifests itself princi- cartilage and appears in the radiograph as a
pally in the vertebral column and long bones, gaping space. These creeping fractures appear
although the skull cap, maxilla and mandible in the so-called Looser's transformation zones.
are often affected. Early symptoms include ero- Figure 142 is a radiograph of a maceration
sions of the shafts of the intermediate pha- specimen of the proximal part of a femur with
langes of the fingers and atrophy of the lamina osteodystrophy. We can see the coarsened
dura of the teeth (arrows). The diagnosis of structure of the spongiosa (1) and the fine pat-
HPT requires, apart from a clinical examina-
tion, the morphological examination of an iliac
crest biopsy (see Fig. 112).
The increased activity of the parathyroid
hormone (parathormone, parathyrin) brings
about a generalized bone resorption and with it
an "osteoporosis". There is typically an "exfo-
liation" of the cortex and the appearance of
cortical cysts which are pathognomonic of this
disease. In addition to the increased bone re-
sorption there is also an increased deposition
of fibrous and lamellar bone. This remodeling
pro duces in the vertebral bodies the so-called
horizontal trilaminar layering ("rugger-jersey
pattern"), which can be clearly recognized in
the radiograph of Fig. 139. One can see here a
closely meshed, darkly shadowed spongiosa on
both sides of the intervertebral disc (1) and a
porosity (translucency) in the middle layer (2).
The rest of the vertebral column still shows ~ less
signs of spondylarthrotic change (3).
Figure 140 shows a lateral radiograph of a
vertebral column with the generalized osseous
appearance of primary HPT. This is a classical
"rugger-jersey spine". One can easily see the Fig. 138. Localization of osteodystrophy. -+ early manifesta-
horizontal trilaminar layering with a wide, ir- tion
Osteodystrophy 81

Fig. 139. Osteodystrophy (spine) Fig. 140. Osteodystrophy: "rugger-jersey spine"

(lateral radiograph of lumbar column)

Fig. 141. Osteodystrophy: "rugger-jersey spine" Fig. 142. Osteodystrophy
(lateral view of thoraeie column, maceration specimen) (proximal femur, maceration specimen)
82 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

chy porosity of the cortex in the region of the and osteoelasts (5) are lying. The fatty marrow
shaft (2). All the structures are radiologically (6) is loosely fibrosed.
rarefied but sharply delineated. In the early stages of osteodystrophy one
In primary hyperparathyroidism all the bone sees only marginal fibrosis in the histological
cells are activated; but bone resorption brought picture of an iliac crest biopsy. In Fig. 146
about by the activated osteoelasts predominates there is a laminated bone trabecula (1) against
over the merely partial deposition due to the which a narrow fibrous seam is lying (2). Fig-
osteoblasts. In the tomogram of an osteodys- ure 147 shows a wide-mesh network of spon-
trophic vertebral column (Fig. 143) the adjacent giosa with irregularly bordered trabeculae (1)
bone deposition and resorption are only poorly and deep resorption lacunae (2). The bone (3)
seen. The outer contours of the lumb ar verteb- tissue is laminated and regularly mineralized,
rae are retairied. The central region (1) is osteo- but only with the aid of tetracycline marking is
porotic, with zones of increased density above the reduced mineralization recognizable. An
and below (2). The border between the cortex important histological feature is the tunneling
and the spongiosa of the marrow cavity ap- of the bone trabecula by a richly cellular and fi-
pears frayed. The ir regular unphysiological brous granulation tissue (4).
bone remodeling of the affected vertebral spon- As can be seen under higher magnification
giosa is well seen in the maceration specimen. in Fig. 148, the intratrabecular spaces are filled
In Fig. 145 one sees the close-mesh scaffolding with loose fibrous connective tissue rich in
of the spongiosa, with trabeculae of varying blood vessels and well-developed fibroblasts
width (1), without smooth borders (2) and (1). The undulating front of the bone tissue is
"pores" of various sizes (3). covered with mono- and multinueleated osteo-
The histological picture of Fig. 144 shows elasts (2) as well as rows of active osteoblasts
the ir regular spongiosa with widened (1) and (3). Much endosteal fibrosis (marginal fibrosis;
narrowed (2) trabeculae. These have undulating 4) can be seen in the transitional zone between
borders (3) on which numerous osteoblasts (4) bone trabeculae and marrow cavity.


Fig. 143. Osteodystrophy (spinal column, tomogram) Fig. 144. Osteodystrophy; HE, xlOO
Osteodystrophy 83

Fig. 145. Osteodystrophy (vertebral spongiosa, maceration Fig. 146. Osteodystrophy; HE, xl00

3 -6----

Fig. 147. Osteodystrophy; HE, x25 Fig. 148. Osteodystrophy; HE, x82
84 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

The osteoid is comparatively sparse. The his- of "brown tumors", there are also single corti-
tological picture of increased and activated os- cal cysts of a kind not seen in any other dis-
teoclasts with deep resorption lacunae under ease.
the influence of the parathyroid hormone is These so-called "brown tumors" are not true
known as dissecting fibro-osteoclasia, because bony neoplasms, but rather a variety of resorp-
the trabeculae are actually cut into. This appear- tive giant cell granuloma wh ich can develop in
ance, together with the marrow fibrosis, is patho- an advanced case of primary hyperparathyroid-
gnomonic of primary hyperparathyroidism. ism. The osteolysis of hormonal origin in os-
When primary hyperparathyroidism is sus- teodystrophia generalisata cystica (von Reck-
pected, a radio graph of the hands and jaws linghausen) reduces the supporting capacity of
should first be ordered, since it is here that the the skeleton and leads to the random appear-
pathognomonic early symptoms appear. Fig- ance of spontaneous fractures with indiscrimi-
ure 149 depicts the radio graph of a hand in nate bleeding. Under the influence of the para-
which the short tubular bones are greatly al- thyroid hormone the osteoclasts become
tered. Regions of atrophy due to periosteal bone particularly numerous and active in the neigh-
resorption (1) are typically seen in the inter- borhood of the fractures. This produces a very
mediate phalanges of the fingers. This is very marked local osteolysis which shows up on the
characteristic of hyperparathyroidism. Indeed, radiograph as bone tumors or cysts. As a result
the absence of such changes in the hand is of the earlier bleeding, macroscopic foci of iron
usually sufficient to exclude the presence of the deposits appear and are, because of their color,
skeletal manifestations of hyperparathyroidism. known as "brown tumors". As can be seen in
The lamina dura of the teeth can be reduced, Fig. 151, these lesions consist histologically of
and the skull cap may present with a so-called loose, highly vascular granulation tissue with
granular atrophy ("pumice-stone skull"), owing bleeding and deposits of hemosiderin. The con-
to the loss of the lamina externa. Apart from nective tissue stroma contains many similar
the erosion of the intermediate phalanges of the slender fibrocytes and fibroblasts (1) with occa-
fingers already mentioned, the hand in Fig. 149 sional mitoses. In the loose network of collagen
shows an irregular osteoporosis of the proximal fibers there are a striking number of multi-
phalanx of the index finger (2), with straggly nucleate osteoclast-like giant cells (2). They
regions of increased density between the patchy cluster together in unequal groups and are not
translucencies. However, the most striking indi- regularlY disposed throughout the tissue (thus
cation is the club-like tumorous distension of differing from an osteoclastoma, Fig. 642). The
the 2nd metacarpal (3), in which one can again spongiosa has largely disappeared, and only in
see patchy translucencies (osteolyses) that are the center can one recognize trabeculae (3)
bordered by trabecular regions of increased with poorly defined outlines.
density. The cortex of this bone is narrowed One can see in Fig. 152 under higher magni-
but preserved. These radiological findings, to- fication that the loose stroma of a "brown tu-
gether with osteodystrophy due to hyperpara- mor" contains numerous spindIe cells with
thyroidism, suggest the presence of a so-called elongated isomorphie nuclei (1) and randomly
"brown tumor". distributed multinucleate osteoclastic giant cells
Figure 150 shows the radiological appear- (3), as weIl as deposits of hemosiderin. "Brown
ance of such a "brown tumor" in the left iliac tumors" develop in 12% of cases of primary
bone (1) and left femoral neck (2) of a patient HPT and appear mostly in the shafts of the
with primary hyperparathyroidism. The defect long bones. Treatment must be aimed at the
appears as a circumscribed zone of osteolysis, underlying hyperparathyroidism. This means
surrounded by a narrow band of marginal that the hyperfunctional parathyroids must be
sclerosis (3) and lying near the cortex. The cor- surgically removed, after which the bone le-
tex has not been penetrated and there is no sions will heal. Simple resection of the so-
periosteal reaction. Within the osteolytic area called "brown tumors" is pointless and is not
there is a discrete, dense cloudy region, and no indicated. In any case, the underlying disease
true internal structure can be identified. Indi- should today be diagnosed early, before any
cative of hyperparathyroidism and the presence question of "brown tumors" arises.
Osteodystrophy 85


Fig. 149. Osteodystrophy (hand) Fig. 150. Osteodystrophy, so-called "brown tumors" in a case of pr i-
mary hyperparathyroidism (ala of left iliac bone, left femoral neck)


Fig. 151. So-called "brown tumor" in a case of primary hy- Fig. 152. So-called "brown tumor" in a case of primary hy-
perparathyroidism; HE, x40 perparathyroidism; HE, x80
86 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

Osteomalacia In the histological section the bone trabecu-

lae are found to be rarefied (Fig. 156), mineral-
Every reduction in the calcium content of bone ized centrally (1) and surrounded by extraordi-
is reflected radiologically by a translucency of narily wide osteoid seams (2; more than 10 /-lm
the structures. Osteomalacia represents a disor- wide). These seams are in general of varying
der of calcification of the bone tissue in adults, width. Single osteoblasts (3) have been depos-
and is therefore to be compared with the rickets ited, although the number of these cells can
of childhood (p. 50). The cause may be due to a vary greatly. The decisive morphological fea-
vitamin D deficiency, a lack of calcium, or renal tures of osteomalacia are the wide osteoid
disease. In the skeleton there is insufficient cal- seams, which can also be identified in decalci-
cification of the bone tissue and an excessive fied sections stained with HE as wide, homoge-
increase in osteoid. As can be seen in Fig. 153, neous pale red bands (2), clearly set apart from
osteomalacia can appear in any bone, but is the laminar calcified bone tissue (1). The mar-
most pronounced in the stern skeleton (verte- row cavity (4) is filled with fatty tissue and he-
bral column, thorax, pelvis) and femur. The ex- matopoietic bone marrow. There is no medul-
cessive osteoid building is particularly clear-cut lary fibrosis.
in the skull cap, and leads here to the so-called Under higher magnification the morphologi-
granular atrophy ("pumice-stone skull"). cal difference between the mineralized lamellar
Even under physiological loading the re- bone (1) and the wide, red, translucent band of
duced mineralization can bring about skeletal osteoid (2) is clearly seen in Fig. 157. Occa-
deformation. The radio graph depicted in sional osteoblasts (3) are situated on the out-
Fig. 154 shows the curvature (1) of kyphosis side of the osteoid seam. The increased amount
leading to a hunchback. The spongiosa of the of osteoid gives the bone structure a faded ap-
vertebral bodies is faded (2), with osteoporotic pearance radiologically.
translucencies, although the framework is pre-
served. The ribs (3) also show an impaired and
faded structure, and the weight of the upper
part of the body itself is sufficient to cause a
bell-like deformity of the thoracic cage. The so-
called Milkman's syndrome frequently develops
during the course of a hypophosphatemic os-
teomalacia. Here one finds symmetrical translu-
cent areas in particular parts of the skeleton
(Fig. 153), which may resemble fractures radio-
logically. They can be seen in several ribs in
Fig. 154 (4). These so-called Looser's transfor-
mation zones, which appear at highly stressed
points in the skeleton, are regarded as perma-
nent fractures, which begin with a cortical fis-
sure and are held together by callus osteoid.
The end result resembles a fracture that has
simulated a pseudarthrosis.
Figure 155 shows the radiograph of ad-
vanced osteomalacia in the proximal part of the
femur. The entire cancellous network is translu-
cent and very faded (1). The typical trabeculae
of the femoral neck are no longer recognizable.
The cortex (2) is indeed preserved, but its out-
er contour is fuzzy, because osteoid is also
being deposited in the periosteum. Below the
trochanter one can recognize a Milkman's frac- Fig. 153. Localization of osteomalacia. --> Looser's transfor-
ture in a Looser's transformation zone (3). mation zones
Osteomalacia 87



Fig. 154. Osteomalacia (thoraeie column) Fig. 155. Osteomalacia (femur)

-----!:.a.,:...3..-=-- 2
-"'-_ 2

~lIl------~~ 3

Fig. 156. Osteomalacia; HE, x80 Fig. 157. Osteomalacia; HE, xlOO
88 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

Renal Osteopathy myeloid fibrosis containing numerous fibro-

blasts are very clearly seen (5). In a few pI aces
In the presence of chronic renal insuffieiency a the bone trabeculae lack the osteoid coat (6),
clinical condition of multiple etiology develops while at others there are deep resorption lacu-
in the skeleton. This is known as renal osteopa- nae filled up with highly cellular connective tis-
thy. It is consists of bone changes resulting from sue and osteoclasts. The picture here is that of
endogenous factors (secondary hyperparathyro- osteodystrophy with dissecting fibro-osteoclasia
idism, a disturbance of vitamin D metabolism, (p. 83). Furthermore, the significantly narrowed
resistance to parathyroid hormone) and exoge- bone trabeculae, indicating osteoporosis, are
nous factors (restricted phosphate intake, an striking. In general, the spongiosa is widely
unphysiological uptake of cations and vitamin meshed and the marrow cavity is enlarged and
D or vitamin D metabolites), so that the bone filled with fat and connective tissue, which
tissue reacts by producing the patterns of osteo- leads to the appearance of osteoporotic translu-
dystrophia fibrosa, osteomalacia and osteo- ceneies in the radiograph. With the mixed type
porosis. The diagnosis is based upon iliac crest of renal osteopathy, the osteodystrophic, osteo-
biopsy. DELLING (1979), relying upon the his- malaeial or osteoporotic component may pre-
tomorphometric analysis, put forward a classi- dominate. Foei of osteosclerosis mayaiso occa-
fication of renal osteopathies in which he rec- sionally be found.
ognized three forms (Types I-III), corre- Under higher magnification one can see in
sponding to the degree of fibrous osteoclasia Fig. 160 a bone trabecula with central lamina-
and osteoidosis present. He was able to corre- tion (1) and small osteocytes (2). A protracted
late these osteopathies with the different types revers al line (3) marks off the greatly widened
of renal disease. Such a speeific analysis is, osteoid seam (4) which is indicative of osteo-
however, only possible with undecalcified mate- malaeia. Hardly any osteoblasts are present.
rial. Many pathologists have access only to dec- One can also see deep resorption lacunae (5)
aleified histological specimens for routine diag- which have burrowed into the trabeculae like
nosis, but still have to be able to diagnose a tunnels, and which are filled with highly cellu-
renal osteopathy. lar connective tissue containing osteoclasts.
In chronic renal disease, however, there is ra- The histological pattern of dissecting fibro-
diological evidence of renal osteopathy. In osteoclasia is also seen in Fig. 161. In the deep
Fig. 158, one can see a high degree of osteo- resorption lacunae (1) activated osteoclasts (2)
porotic loosening of the cancellous scaffolding can be seen. In addition, the bone trabeculae
in the proximal part of the femur (1), in which include elongated reversal lines (3) and adja-
the contours - as in osteomalaeia (Fig. 155) - cent broad seams of osteoid (4) outside.
are very faded (2). One can see small cystic The changes in the histological structure
transluceneies in the cortex (3), and a Milk- show that renal osteopathy is essentially char-
man's fracture is clearly recognizable near the acterized by secondary hyperparathyroidism
proximal end of the femoral shaft (4). and a disturbance of vitamin D metabolism.
The histological section through an iliac The disease begins with a reduction in the glo-
crest biopsy seen in Fig. 159 shows the appear- merular filtrate, which leads to a reduction in
an ce of adjacent regions of fibrous osteoclasia phosphate excretion and consequent hypocal-
and osteomalaeia. The trabeculae are unequally einemia. The fall in the serum calcium level
narrowed, with undulating contours (1) and stimulates parathyroid secretion, thus calling a
central mineralization (2). Outside one can rec- secondary hyperparathyroidism into existence.
ognize a broad layer of osteoid (3), which var- While the increased action of the parathyroid
ies in width, is internally homogeneous and hormone pro duces a dissecting fibro-osteocla-
shines with a bright red color. The rows of acti- sia in the bone, the reduced synthesis of vita-
vated osteoblasts (4) deposited on this wide os- min D is responsible for the disturbance of cal-
teoid seam are plainly visible. They lay down eification.
the osteoid and raise the level of the serum al- Patients with impaired kidney function de-
kaline phosphatase. These structures exemplify velop renal osteopathy to a varying extent. The
the picture of osteomalacia (p. 86). The foei of reduced glomerular filtration found in ad-
Renal Osteopathy 89


Fig. 158. Renal osteopathy (proximal femur with Milkman's Fig. 159. Renal osteopathy; HE, x45

Fig. 160. Renal osteopathy; HE, x80 Fig. 161. Renal osteopathy; HE, x60
90 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

vanced renal dis orders produces hyperphos- disorders of mineralization, (3) surface and vol-
phatemia and hypocalcinemia. This generates a urne osteoidosis (extent of the osteoid seams),
secondary hyperparathyroidism with raised (4) reduction of the mass of calcified bone, (5)
hormonal secretion and, finally, resistance to extent of the endosteal and myeloid fibrosis, (6)
parathyroid hormone on the part of the skele- remodeling of the spongiosa and (7) deposition
ton. The synthesis of 1,25 dihydrocholecalcifer- of new bone (fibrous bone trabeculae). In order
01 is reduced in the damaged kidney, and this to obtain exact and objective data on these in-
again increases the secretion of the hormone. dices it would be necessary to employ histo-
All the various factors influencing mineral me- morphometry, which is mostly restricted to
tabolism in the presence of chronic renal insuf- special laboratories. In clinical practice, how-
ficiency differ in their action on the bone struc- ever, it is usually sufficient to quantify the his-
ture, and this is displayed both in the tological criteria subjectively and thus classify
radiograph and in the histology of the bone each case of renal osteopathy. It must be re-
biopsy (iliac crest). marked here, however, that the exact degree of
Figure 162 shows a radiograph of an ad- the renal osteopathy can be determined by his-
vanced case of renal osteopathy. All the bones tological examination.
of the pelvis (1) and the femoral head (2) show Figure 163 shows the histological picture of
an ir regular osteoporosis with straggly regions a Type 1 renal osteopathy. It can be identified
of increased density and translucent patches in by the increased osteoclastic resorption follow-
between. The structures are etiolated. In places, ing a secondary hyperparathyroidism, with
stronger resorptive remodeling pro ces ses have poor bone deposition and no mineralization.
led to large areas of "osteolysis" (3). The structure of the spongiosa is preserved,
In Table 2 the various forms of renal osteo- although the bone trabeculae (1) nevertheless
pathy are listed according to those histological vary in width. They often show undulating bor-
criteria which, as affirmed by DELLING (1975, ders containing flat resorption lacunae (2). One
1984), indicate the extent of the bone change. can see single small osteoclasts (3); osteoblasts
Three types are distinguished; they are histo- are not present. Near the trabeculae there is a
morphologically described and allotted to each bandlike region of endosteal fibrosis (4) and fo-
category of renal disease. Classification of the cal fibrosis of the marrow (5) with dissecting fi-
renal osteopathies is based partlyon a quantita- bro-osteoclasia, indicating increased parathyro-
tive histomorphometric analysis of iliac crest id hormone secretion. Following a lengthy
biopsies, and partlyon clinico-pathological ex- hemodialysis a disorder of mineralization due
perience. The exact degree of mineralization to disturbed vitamin D metabolism may ap-
dis order can only be evaluated in undecalcified pear. Type 1 renal osteopathy is seen in about
specimens of bone. However, for most routine 5% of all cases of renal insufficiency, and is
diagnosis, sections that have been carefully and particularly frequent in cases of rapidly pro-
completely decalcified with EDTA are adequate gressive glomerulonephritis with acute renal
for the purpose; both the cellular components failure. As far as the bone changes are con-
of the renal osteopathy (osteoclasts, osteoblasts, cerned, no particular therapeutic precautions
fibroblasts), the intramedullary connective tis- are necessary at this stage.
sue and also the widened osteoid seam being Type II renal osteopathy is characterized by
sufficient to categorize the various types of an exclusively superficial osteoidosis without
renal osteopathy. This classification of the renal additional fibrous osteoclasia. One can distin-
osteopathies, based on the effect of renal insuf- guish two different reaction patterns created by
ficiency on the skeleton, has been applied in the mineralization dis order. With Type IIa the
clinical practice for years and has guided physi- osteoclastic resorption lacunae are filled with
cians in their planning of the treatment. For osteoid that is not mineralized. There is a com-
this reason, it is important to specify the plete cessation of mineralization. This histolog-
pathology in detail when diagnosing a renal os- ical picture is shown in Fig. 165. One can
teopathy. recognize the wide-mesh mineralized bone
The histological criteria include; (1) fibro-os- trabeculae (1), against which lie osteoid seams
teoclasia (increased osteoclastic resorption), (2) of varying width (2). Many resorption lacunae
Renal Osteopathy 91

Table 2. Classification of Renal Osteopathy. (After DELLING 1984)

Type of Renal Histological Criterion Frequency Cause


Type I Fibroosteoclasia 5% Glomerulonephritis

Increased osteoclastic resorption Acute renal failure
No disturbance of mineralization (secondary HPT)

Type 11 Isolated surface osteoidosis (without 20% Chronic renal insufficiency (without
additional fibroosteoclasia) hemodialysis)
Volume and surface osteoidosis 30% Continuous hemodialysis
Type IIa Reduced spongiosal remodeling
Complete cessation of mineralization
Type IIb Narrow osteoid seams, with increase
in their surface extension
Reduction of bone mass

Type III Fibroosteoclasia and osteoidosis 70% Chronic renal insufficiency

Type IIIa Reduced spongiosal remodeling
Type IIIb Normal spongiosal remodeling 60% Continuous hemodialysis
Type IIIc Complete spongiosal remodeling
Massive development of fibrous bone
Cuboidal osteoblasts

Fig. 162. Renal osteopathy Fig. 163. Renal osteopathy, Type I, Azan, x64
(Jeft side of pelvis, femoral head)
92 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

are completely filled with uncalcified osteoid mineralization dis order. The picture is that of
(3). No osteoblasts are seen. The enlarged mar- secondary hyperparathyroidism and a disorder
row cavity is filled with fat and hematopoietic of vitamin D metabolism. Histologically one
tissue (4). No endosteal fibrosis and no in- can see in Fig. 167 that the mineralized bone
crease in the osteoclasts can be seen. The pic- trabeculae (1) are greatly reduced and have un-
ture is characterized by wide areas of osteoido- dulating borders. Wide osteoid seams (2) have
sis and reduced bone remodeling. Radiolog- been deposited among the original trabeculae
icaIly, there is an impression of "osteoporosis" of the spongiosa, together with deep resorption
due to the reduction of mineralized bone tis- lacunae (3). Type lIla renal osteopathy is also
sue, so that spontaneous fractures may occur. histologically apparent in Fig. 168. The miner-
The serum concentration of parathyroid hor- alized bone trabeculae (1) are reduced, and
mone is only slightly raised. This type of renal wide osteoid seams (2) have been deposited
osteopathy, accompanied only by a disorder of with discrete endosteal fibrosis (3). Several
mineralization (without secondary hyperpara- deep resorption lacunae (4) have tunneled into
thyroidism), is found in 20% of patients with the bone, indicating the increased influence of
chronic renal insufficiency who are not under- the parathormone (secondary hyperparathyro-
going hemodialysis. Nevertheless, suppression idism). Nevertheless, the absence of osteoblasts
of the parathyroids can cause hypercalcinemia. and osteoclasts is evidence of the reduced re-
With Type Ilb renal osteopathy the mass of modeling of the spongiosa. Changes of this
mineralized spongiosa is also reduced, which kind are seen in 70% of patients with chronic
can bring about radiological "osteoporosis". As renal insufficiency before hemodialysis.
can be seen in Fig. 166, fully mineralized trabe- In cases of Type Illb renal osteopathy, sec-
culae (1) have been deposited, but there are ondary hyperparathyroidism with dissecting fi-
only very narrow osteoid seams (2) which pre- bro-osteoclasia and marrow fibrosis is promi-
sent an increased superficial extension. No os- nent among the changes in bone structure. In
teoblasts have been deposited. For the most
part there are no resorption lacunae present.
The mass of mineralized bone has been re-
duced, and in this case the final stage of miner-
alization has been greatly delayed. Bone 1
changes of this kind appear in 30% of patients
with kidney disease after long-term hemodialy-
sis, in whom life expectation is reduced. Spon- 2 I--~-­
taneous fractures (vertebrae, ribs, extremities)
frequently appear, and fatal infections may
arise. The administration of vitamin D metabo- 1
lites can bring about some mineralization of
the osteoid.
The radiograph in such cases shows osteo-
porosis with an etiolated cancellous structure.
In Fig. 164 the spongiosa of the proximal end
of the femur is osteoporotic (1). The femoral
neck shows some increase in density (2), but
still appears faded. A so-called Milkman's frac-
ture (3) is present. The renal osteopathy is ra-
diologically identifiable by the fuzzy "osteo-
With Type III renal osteopathy, both dissect-
ing fibro-osteoclasia and endosteal and marrow
fibrosis are found as an expression of the in-
creased parathyroid hormone activity, as weIl
as wide-spread osteoidosis resulting from a Fig. 164. Renal osteopathy, Type IIb (right proximal femur)
Renal Osteopathy 93


Fig. 165. Renal osteopathy, Type Ha; Azan, x40 Fig. 166. Renal osteopathy, Type Hb; Kossa, x80

• .~_i!"J!II____ - - - ' - - 3

-_-=_~ 3

Fig. 167. Renal osteopathy, Type 1Il; Kossa, x60 Fig. 168. Renal osteopathy, Type lIla; Kossa, x80
94 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

Fig. 170 one can see histoIogicalIy an autoch- and which contain a few multinueleate osteo-
thonous, fully mineralized trabecula (1), into elasts (4). The marrow cavity is filled with
which an unusually Iarge resorption lacuna (2) loose connective tissue and numerous fibro-
has sunk. It is filied with fibrous tissue contain- cytes and fibroblasts (5). One can see almost
ing strongly active fibroblasts and fibrocytes. everywhere here strongly active deposition of
The lacuna has an undulating border of bone, fibrous bone. The trabeculae are covered by
and one can see flat resorptive indentations rows of numerous cubical osteoblasts. There is
containing osteoelasts (3). Furthermore, a row a marked dissecting fibro-osteoelasia with mar-
of activated osteoblasts (4) can also be seen row fibrosis, indicating a severe secondary hy-
here. The bone trabeculae are bordered by os- perparathyroidism. Such an osteological picture
teoid seams (5), some wide, some narrow. is an unmistakable indication for treating the
There is significant endosteal fibrosis (6). In parathyroids themselves.
this instance both dissecting fibro-osteoelasia
("osteodystrophy") and osteomalacia are found
together. This is typical of renal osteopathy, Aluminum-induced Osteopathy
particularly of Type IIIb.
In Fig. 17l, Type IIIb renal osteopathy is Patients with kidney disease who have been
again shown. Here the remodeling of the spon- treated by long-term hemodialysis frequently
giosa is only slightly increased. In the immedi- develop a peculiar type of osteopathy which is
ate neighborhood of a mineralized trabecula (1) caused by the deposition of aluminum in the
one can see broad seams of osteoid (2) and bones. Aluminum hydroxide is either adminis-
also a broad seam of collagenous connective tered as a phosphate binder or is carried from
tissue with many fibrocytes (3), indicating the aluminum containing parts of the dialysing
marked endosteal fibrosis. The mass of miner- apparatus into the organism. This element is
alized bone is greatly reduced, this being seen
radiologically as "osteoporosis". This kind of
structural change is very obvious in undecalci-
fied iliac crest biopsies.
As seen in Fig. 169, careful preparation also
makes it possible to demonstrate this type of
structure in decalcified biopsy material. One
can recognize a mineralized bone trabecula (1)
that has been broken down centrally by a seam
of connective tissue (2) (dissecting fibro-osteo-
elasia). Large single osteoelasts (3) are present
in the resorption lacunae. The bone trabecula
is bordered peripherally by a broad seam of os-
teoid (4) (osteoidosis). A few osteoblasts (5)
have been deposited, and there is also peripher-
al fibrosis (6). Here in this decalcified specimen 3
one can recognize all the criteria for a renal os-
teopathy of Type IIIb. 4 --~
Type IIIe renal osteopathy is characterized by
complete remodeling of the spongiosa with
marked fibrous osteoelasia and moderate vol-
urne and surface osteoidosis. In Fig. 172 one
can see an irregular and incomplete cancellous
scaffolding with trabeculae of varying width (1) ---''---~ 6

which are adjacent to and intermingled with

wider and narrower osteoid seams (2). There 2
are also numerous wide and deep resorption la- Fig. 169. Renal osteopathy, Type IIIb
cunae (3) that are filled with connective tissue (deca1cified biopsy material); HE, x80
Aluminum-induced Osteopathy 95

Fig. 170. Renal osteopathy, Type IIIb; Azan, x80 Fig. 171. Renal osteopathy, Type IIIb (undecalcified biopsy
material); Kossa, x80

~---- 2

Fig. 172. Renal osteopathy, Type IIIc; Azan, x40 Fig. 173. Aluminum-induced osteopathy; HE, x60
96 4 Osteoporoses and Osteopathies

laid down at the leading edge of the mineraliza- translucent area of the spongiosa can be recog-
tion in the bone, where it leads to impairment nized after about 4 weeks.
of the mineralization process and pro duces a In Fig. 174 one can see the radiograph of a
severe osteoidosis. Multiple fractures may de- hand with classical Sudeck's atrophy. All the
velop. In Fig. 173 one can see histologically small tubular bones reveal an irregular osteo-
rarefied bone trabeculae (1) which are only porosis; the shaft appears to be more dense (1),
partially calcified. Very wide osteoid seams (2) although it shows circular areas of translucency
have been laid down which represent extended (2). This is the picture of a so-called patehy
volume and surface osteoidosis. A narrow black atrophy. The extremely marked osteoporosis in
band of deposited aluminum (3) lies at the the neighborhood of the joints is characteristic
leading edge of the mineralization process. By (3), so that the joint spaces stand out with par-
administering complex builders (Desferral) to ticular intensity (4). The atrophy also appears
the patient the aluminum can be bound and ex- early in the subchondral region. In the chronic
creted. stages of the disease (2-4 months after onset)
the compacta also becomes involved. We can
see the exfoliation and spongy appearance of
Sudeck's Atrophy the compacta in several places (5). Patchy bone
(Sympathetic Reflex Dystrophy, SRD) atrophy is also present in the carpal region (6).
It is only infrequently that such a picture be-
After injury to a limb and its subsequent rest- comes apparent histologically in a bone biopsy.
ing period, venous stasis may develop because As ean be seen in Fig. 175, the appearanee is
of the blood collecting in the sinusoidal spaces that of osteoporosis. The bone trabeeulae are
of the bone, and a painful osteoporosis may af- rarefied and irregularly narrowed (1). They
fect the region. Sudeek's atrophy is an osteo- have smooth edges and show no resorption la-
porosis that is limited to a partieular region of eunae. No osteoclasts are present. The enlarged
the skeleton. It ean arise following a fracture, fatty marrow (2) is edematous. Capillary and
sprain or blunt injury, but it mayaiso appear venous stasis ean be observed in the region of
after an inflammatory proeess and produee very the myeloid vessels (3). The bone atrophy ean
severe pa in. The etiology is not clear; probably heal eompletely during the aeute stage, but in
the cause lies in injury to the nerves supplying ehronie Sudeek's syndrome healing is defective,
the blood vessels in the bone. The affected ex- with the development of a "hypertrophie bone
tremity may be swollen and warm (venous type atrophy". In addition to autonomie disturbanees
of SRD) or not swollen and cold (arterial type). (impairment of blood flow, soft tissue edema,
The osteoporosis develops in the part of the hyperhidrosis or hypohidrosis), motor distur-
bone lying distal to the fracture, and particular- banees (redueed joint mobility, paralysis) and
ly affects the spongiosa. The compacta is pre- sensory disturbanees (bone pain), the psycho-
served, since it is much more slowly broken logical eondition of the patient (depression) is
down. Diagnosis depends on the clinical symp- a signifieant feature of Sudeek's disease.
toms and the radiological changes, when a
Sudeck's Atrophy (Sympathetic Reflex Dystrophy, SRD) 97

2 5

Fig. 174. Sudeck's bone atrophy (hand) Fig. 175. Sudeck's bone atrophy; HE, x16
5 Osteoscleroses

General Diseases of the bone marrow such as osteomye-

losclerosis or skeletal carcinomatosis (multiple
Whereas the osteoporoses (p. 65) are accompa- bone metastases) can bring about extensive os-
nied by a loss of bone tissue and produce teosclerotic changes in the skeleton. There are
translucency of the bone structure on the also tumor-Hke congenital malformations of
radiograph, with the osteoscleroses the exact bone which are characteristically accompanied
opposite is the case. By osteosclerosis, we under- by osteosclerosis (e. g. melorrheostosis, osteopoi-
stand an increase in density of the structures kilosis). In these cases the radio graph is often
within a bone brought about by an increased pathognomonic, while the bone biopsy (which
mineralization of the tissue, leading to the ap- is by no means always indicated) only shows
pearance of darker shadowing on the film. osteosclerotic tissue that does not provide a
There are many types of osteosclerosis arising precise diagnosis. In many cases osteosclerotic
from different causes. In most cases there is a and osteolytic fod appear in equal quantity
reactive increase of tissue in the neighborhood and together in the same lesion (e. g. osteomy-
of a bone lesion. For instance, one frequently elitis, osteosarcoma).
sees marginal sclerosis surrounding a benign Furthermore, osteosclerotic changes in the
tumor of bone (e. g. a non-ossifying osteofibro- skeleton can also be caused by chronic intoxi-
ma, Fig. 581). Patchy foci of osteosclerosis can cation with various substances. Lead, fluorine
also appear inside a bone tumor (e. g. an osteo- or phosphorus can either stimulate the osteo-
sarcoma, Fig. 510). Osteosclerotic changes are cytes or, on the other hand, bring about bone
often found near an old fracture (Fig. 211) or
chronic osteomyelitis (Fig. 262). Single or multi-
ple foci of osteosclerosis may appear in the
skeleton or in single bones. Precise radiological
analysis of such fod can per mit far-reaching
conclusions of diagnostic or differential diag-
nostic significance about the underlying disease
to be drawn, and it is here that modern imag-
ing procedures [tomography, sdntigraphy, digi-
tal subtraction angiography (DSA), computer
tomography (CT), MR tomography (MRT) etc.)
may be helpful. In many cases, however, a diag-
nosis is only possible after the histological ex-
amination of a bone biopsy. When making a
histological diagnosis, the pathologist must al-
ways include the radiological findings, for
which representative radiographs are necessary.
Nevertheless, local osteosclerosis may be so far
advanced that the actual underlying bone lesion
is hardly recognizable and is not apparent in
the biopsy (in the case of an osteoid osteoma,
for instance, Fig. 481). Diagnosis can then be
very difficult, and only possible by taking all
the clinical aspects into account.
Sometimes a systemic disease may He behind
solitary or multicentric osteosclerosis, a strik- Fig. 176. Patchy osteosclerosis in lead poisoning
ing example being Paget's osteitis deformans. (femur, tibia)
100 5 Osteoscleroses

necrosis and stimulate the osteoclasts. In bony structures (3). In some parts of the world,
Fig. 176 one can see a radiograph of the knee endemie fluorosis has been described, and this
joint of a child with ehronie lead poisoning. can be an occupational hazard for workers in
The patchy osteosclerosis in the metaphyses (1) aluminum or ceramic factories. Endemic
is characteristie, and so are the broad dense fluorosis is seen in regions where the fluorine
bands (the so-called "lead lines" or "lead content of the drinking water is over 4 parts
bands"). These are caused by the deposition of per thousand (the normal value is less than
lead in the growing regions which can later 1 mg per liter). In addition to the hyperostosis,
bring about a bottle-shaped deformation of that simultaneous bone resorption may be seen
part of the bone. If the poisoning is stopped, alongside the osteosclerosis, leading to in-
however, these structural changes may com- creased porosity. Radiologically, however, these
pletely disappear. osteopenic structures are masked by the hyper-

In bone, fluorine is a component of the hydro-
xyapatite crystals, and 94% of the fluorine This is the opposite of hyperparathyroidism
taken in from the alimentary canal is laid down (p. 80). It results from reduced activity of the
in bone. This leads both to a blockade of the parathyroids, producing calcification of the soft
alkali ne phosphatase, with subsequent changes tissues and sometimes osteosclerotie changes in
in the osteoid structures (pro tein, collagens, the skeleton. With idiopathic or postoperative
mucopolysaccharides), and to the development hypoparathyroidism there is a diffuse osteo-
of a larger hydroxyapatite crystal than calcium, sclerosis, wh ich in children (idiopathic form) can
producing greater stability of the bone and its lead to reduced growth, delayed tooth develop-
density. Fluorosis is one of the most important ment and periarticular osteophyte formation.
exogenous toxie osteopathies resulting from ex- Postoperatively, after complete rem oval of all
eessive fluorine intake, leading to endostosis parathyroid tissue, osteosclerosis may arise in
with spongiosclerosis (osteosclerosis) in all parts adults. The cause may be primary anaplasia of
of the skeleton. the parathyroids or may follow the surgieal re-
This poison is mostly taken in with the moval of an adenoma whieh leaves insufficient
drinking water. In children a dental disorder tissue behind. Clinically there is hypocalcin-
("spotted teeth") develops, adults experience emia, hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcinuria.
rheumatic pains reminiscent of ankylosing In the radiograph of the skull shown in
spondylitis. The earliest radiologieal signs ap- Fig. 179 one can see an ir regular, partly cloudy
pear in the vertebral column. In Fig. 177 one shadowing on the bone structure, which is very
can see a lateral radio graph of the spine in clear both in the skull cap (1) and in the bones
whieh the irregular density of the spongiosa (1) of the jaws (2). The outlines of these bones are
is striking. In some of the vertebral bodies (2) ir regular and indistinct, and the neighboring
the framework of the spongiosa is almost com- soft tissues may show signs of calcification.
pletely sclerosed, in others there are still trans- Typieal of the condition is the appearance on
lucent regions. The outer contours of the verte- the radio graph of calcium deposits in the stern
bral bodies are undulating and poorly defined ganglia. The reduction in bony tissue exchange
(3), and here and there the edges are jagged (simultaneous falling off of deposition and re-
(4). The ligaments can also become less trans- sorption) can in the rarer cases lead to osteo-
lucent, and a bony periostosis often develops. porosis. In other words, the radiologie al find-
Histologically there is marked irregular os- ings with hypoparathyroidism are variable,
teosclerosis. In Fig. 178 one can see very wide, non-specific and for diagnostic purposes not
shapeless trabeculae (1) which are laminated, pathognomonic. In Fig. 180 the biopsy from an
and the osteocytes are small (2), although osteosclerotic focus in a case of hypoparathyro-
many of their lacunae are empty. In some idism shows histologically very dense sclerotic
places osteoblasts have been deposited on the bone tissue, and sometimes widened (1), some-
Hypoparathyroidism 101

Fig. 177. Fluorosis (thoraeie column) Fig. 178. Fluorosis; HE, x25

Fig. 179. Spongiosclerosis in hypoparathyroidism (skulI) Fig. 180. Osteosclerosis in hypoparathyroidism; HE, x40
102 5 Osteoscleroses

times narrowed (2) Haversian canals with trabeculae are irregularly thiekened (1) and to
smooth walls. No deposited osteoblasts or os- a large extent welded together into plate-like
teoelasts can be identified. The bone tissue is areas of bone (2). It is striking that the outer
strongly mineralized and irregularly laminated bone strueture (3) has an undulating and
(3), and contains relatively few and rather small jagged border, whieh suggests the osteoblastie-
osteocytes (4). The osteoselerosis involves both osteoelastic bone remodeling that is in faet
the cortex and the cancellous scaffolding. found. The marrow eavity is extensively nar-
rowed by the exeessive bone deposition (4).
A diffuse eranial hyperostosis is extremely
Osteitis deformans (paget) eharaeteristie of Paget's osteitis deformans, and
is particularly associated with the polyostotic
Paget's osteitis deformans (cepaget bone") is a form. In the radio graph of Fig. 185 one ean see
bone dysplasia of unknown etiology that only that the bulge of the skull eap is greatly en-
affects older people on the far side of 40. It larged, and that its thiekness has enormously
manifests itself as a monostotic, oligoostotic or inereased (up to 5 em, 1). The lamina interna
polyostotic - but never as a generalized condi- (2) is widened and its density selerotically in-
tion. In this age group it has been possible creased, due to a patehy osteoselerosis in whieh
among 3% to 4% of hospital patients to identi- dense shadows with translucent edges ean ap-
fy a "Paget bone" whieh in more than half the pear. The lamina externa is osteolytically 100-
eases has remained elinieally silent. The mono- sened, thinned out and eeeentrieally displaeed
stotie form most often attaeks the tibia and (3). Sueh a radiological appearanee is patho-
vertebral column, and 81 % of all eases involve gnomonie of Paget's osteitis deformans.
the stern skeleton (skull, spine, pelvis, femur or In the maceration specimen of Fig. 186 one
tibia). The polyostotic form (3% of eases) ean elearly see the massive inerease of the
(Fig. 181) has a ehequered distribution whole skull eap, whieh is overall greatly en-
throughout the skeleton. Morphologically the larged and thiekened (1). The normal spongio-
eondition is eharaeterized by excessive bone re-
One of the principal regions attacked by Pa-
get's disease is the vertebral eolumn. In the
radiograph three ehanges are found: 1. a frame
vertebra, 2. a trilaminate vertebra and 3. an ivo-
ry vertebra. In Fig. 182 the development of a
frame vertebra is mueh the most frequent. The
outer eontour of the lumbar vertebral bodies
(1) is preserved. The spongiosa, however, is very
irregular, having been remodeled by hyper-
trophie atrophy. One ean observe the loss of
the spongiosa from the large translueent foei
(2) but also their replaeement by very strong axi-
ally direeted trabeeulae (3). There is also irregu-
lar selerotie widening of the upper plate (4).
This remodeling is partieularly elear in the
maceration specimen of the frame vertebra
shown in Fig. 183. The eentral marrow eavity is
framed by the marked thickening of the sub-
eortical spongiosa (1). The removal of the
spongiosa from the middle layer is revealed
both by the eoarse gaps (2) and also by the sin-
gle very strong vertical bone trabeeulae (3). In
Fig. 184 one ean see the elose-up of the "Paget Fig. 181. Localization of osteitis deformans (Paget).
spongiosa" of a vertebral body in which the (Modified from UEHLINGER)
Osteitis deformans (Paget) 103

3 2

Fig. 182. Osteitis deformans (Paget) Fig. 183. Osteitis deformans (Paget)
(frame vertebra) (vertebra, maceration specimen)


Fig. 184. Osteitis deformans (Paget) Fig. 185. Osteitis deformans (Paget) (skulI)
(vertebral spongiosa, maceration specimen)

Fig. 186. Osteitis deformans (Paget) (skull cap, maceration specimen)

lO4 5 Osteoscleroses

sa has been replaced by a light, finely porous has been penetrated by irregular reversal lines
pumice-like bone (2). One therefore speaks of a (2) (so-called mosaie strueture). On one side it
"pumice-stone skull". Internally one can recog- is being eroded by multinucleate osteoclasts
nize the deeply embedded canals of the middle (resorption) (3), and on the other side new
meningeal arteries (3). bone is being deposited by osteoblasts (4). The
In the spongiosa, bone remodeling has led to highly vascularized marrow cavity is taken up
hypertrophie bone atrophy. In the radiograph of by loose connective issue.
Fig. 187 one can see remodeling of the right During the third stabilizing phase there is an
femoral head (1) and neck (2), that is reaching osteosclerotic increase in the bone tissue. The
distally into the shaft. The angle of the neck is trabeculae in Fig. 191 are awkwardly enlarged
reduced; it can also bend to produce the so- and reveal a mosaie pattern of reversaf fines (1)
called "bishop's erook" of the proximal part of that have been produced by continuous bone
the femur, leading to coxa vara. deposition accompanied by simultaneous disor-
The histological picture is characterized by derly resorption. This confusion of short bro-
excessive bone remodeling. This remodeling is ken reversal lines is pathognomonic of Paget's
accompanied by a raised vascularization of the disease, the bony tissue preserving its charac-
cavity following the development of arteriove- teristic "breeeia" pattern throughout. More os-
nous shunts, so that the blood supply of the teoblasts (2) are arranged along the bony struc-
bone can be increased up to twenty-fold. In tures. The marrow shows signs of serous
this way the volume of the cardiac output of inflammation (3). The bone tissue is incomple-
such patients is also increased. Histologically tely calcified, and this leads to splinter-free
we can distinguish between 1. an initial osteo- fractures which heal with massive callus devel-
lytic phase with numerous osteoclasts present, opment. In 2% to 5% of cases an osteosarcoma
2. an intermediate phase with reactive bone de- (the so-called "Paget sarcoma") develops
position by mononucleate polar osteoblasts and against the background of osteitis deformans.
3. a reconstructive end phase with the cement- This is usually fatal within one year.
ing together of bone fragments into a mosaic.
In Fig. 188 one can see the histological pic-
ture of the intermediate phase of Paget's dis-
ease with its typical increased reactive bone de-
position. There are irregularly widened bone
trabeculae (1) in which the laminate structure
is only partly preserved (2) and the numerous
scattered cement lines are striking (3). Rows of
osteoblasts have been deposited on the bony
structures (4), next to which one can see re-
sorption lacunae (5) laid down by osteoclasts.
The marrow cavity is filled with loose fibrous
tissue penetrated through by numerous dilated
blood vessels (6). Figure 189 shows the histo-
logical picture of active Paget's disease. The
bone trabeculae have only a partiallY regular
lamination (1) among structures which have
lost it altogether (2). Rows of osteoblasts have 2
been deposited on these bony structures (3). In
the deep lacunae there are many multinucleate
osteoclasts (4). The marrow cavity is filled with
loose connective tissue (5) in which there are
many isomorphic fibrocytes. Fibro-osseous tra-
beculae (6) can differentiate here.
In Fig. 190 one can see a coarsely deformed Fig. 187. Osteitis deformans (Paget)
bone trabecula with undulating borders (1) that (right proximal femur, "bishop's crook")
Osteitis deformans (Paget) 105

Fig. 188. Osteitis deformans (Paget); HE, x40 Fig. 189. Osteitis deformans (Paget); HE, x64

Fig. 190. Osteitis deformans (Paget); HE, x82 Fig. 191. Osteitis deformans (Paget); HE, x64
106 5 Osteoscleroses

Osteomyelosclerosis increased. During the active medullary fibrosis

the trabeculae are resorbed by osteoclasts and
An osteosclerotic increase in the density of the therefore display undulating borders (5). In the
bony structures can result from a proliferation intermediate phase a network of osteoid is laid
of the marrow in assoeiation with the develop- down in the fibrous tissue of the bone marrow,
ment or deposition of new bone. In cases of os- and this will be transformed into fibrous bone
teomyelosclerosis the marrow is generally re- in the final phase of stabilization. Rows of os-
placed by connective and fibrous bone tissue, teoblasts line the autochthonous sclerotic bone
wh ich leads to its continuing suppression and to trabeculae (6). Figure 194 shows the complete
insufficiency of the hematopoietic tissue itself. picture of osteomyelosclerosis. The marrow cav-
Extramedullary hematopoietic foei develop in ity is filled with (sometimes dense, sometimes
the spleen, liver and lymph nodes, and in other loosened) connective tissue (1) in which foei of
organs by which immature blood cells (nor- immature erythro- and granulopoietic cells can
moblasts, myeloblasts, myelocytes) can be be seen (2). The giant cells with bizarre dark
poured into the bloodstream. The liver and nuclei (3), which are abnormal megakaryocytes,
spleen are greatly enlarged (hepatosplenomeg- are striking. Whereas the osteoclasts are re-
aly). These extramedullary hematopoietic foei sponsible for bone resorption during the stage
are not able to make up for the suppression of of osteomyelofibrosis, with osteomyelosclerosis
the marrow, so that 10 to 20 years after the on- there are dense rows of active osteoblasts (4)
set of the illness death follows from aplastic lying along the trabeculae which bring about
anemia. The terminal state of a third of the bone deposition. One can see bony structures
cases is a polycytemia or leukemia. No tissue which show no lamination and which contain
substance is aspirated at sternal puncture. The strongly active osteocytes (5).
diagnosis is confirmed by an iliac crest biopsy. In Fig. 195 one can see an osteomyelosclero-
The bone remodeling in osteomyelosclerosis sis with autochthonous laminated bone trabe-
pro duces a patchy increase in the density of the culae (1), in which there are nevertheless fibro-
spongiosa seen on the radiograph, with a scat- osseous trabeculae (2) reaching into the mar-
tering of cyst-like regions of translucency. In row cavity. This intramedullary laying down of
Fig. 192 one can see a diffuse shadowing of the new bone projects a diffuse shadow of the mar-
spongiosa in the whole of the proximal part of row cavity onto the radiograph. This cavity is
the tibia (1) which encroaches extensively upon filled with erythro- and granulopoietic cells (3)
the cortex (2). The epiphysis (3) is significantly among which numerous megakaryocytes are to
less involved in the sclerosing process. Fine pat- be seen (4), and near which myelofibrosis (5)
chy areas of translucency (4) are also found in can be recognized. The etiology of osteomyelo-
the osteosclerotic bone. sclerosis is unknown, possibly it is due to toxic
Histologically one sees at first in the fibro-os- damage to the bone marrow. It frequently fol-
teoclastic initial phase a focal transformation of lows a leucosis that has been treated with cyto-
the bone marrow into reticular connective tis- static drugs. On the other hand, acute leucosis
sue (osteomyeloreticulosis). Later, an irregular can also often begin with osteomyelofibrosis,
network of collagen fibers develops which con- when it then becomes the initial form of a mye-
tains numerous capillaries. This stage of osteo- loproliferative bone marrow disease. After the
myelofibrosis can be seen histologically in normal hematopoietic bone marrow has been
Fig. 193. Between the laminated cancellous tra- suppressed by a fibro-osseous proliferation pro-
beculae (1) the narrow cavity is filled with cess, a panmyelopathy with reduced production
loose connective tissue consisting of collagen fi- of erythro- and granulocytes (pancytopenia)
bers of varying length and thickness (2). Under ensues. The clinical course is that of progres-
polarized light the reticular connective tissue sive anemia and leucopenia with increasing dis-
shows different degrees of birefringence. In the placement to the left in the peripheral blood.
marrow cavity one can recognize a highly cellu- Sternal puncture produces an "empty bone
lar marrow of lymphoid and reticular cells (3), marrow" (punctio sicca).
in which the megakaryocytes (4) are strikingly
Osteomyelosclerosis 107

Fig. 192. Osteomyelosclerosis (proximal tibia) Fig. 193. Osteomyelofibrosis; van Gieson, x25

Fig. 194. Osteomyelosclerosis; HE, x40 Fig. 195. Osteomyelosclerosis; HE, x64
108 5 Osteoscleroses

Melorheostosis Osteopoikilosis

This rare osteosclerotic bone dysplasia was de- A peculiar form of osteosclerosis of the spon-
scribed in 1928 by Leri. He observed radiologi- giosa in several bones was described in 1915 by
cally that an ir regular mass of sclerotic bone Albers-Schönberg. Osteopoikilosis is a harmless
was "flowing" in a limb, rather like congealing familial patchy spongiosclerosis, which is symp-
wax that had dripped from a candle. Melorheos- tomless and most often discovered by accident
tosis is a painful, non-inheritable progressive hy- radiologically. It is not so much an actual bone
perostosis of unknown etiology, wh ich usually disease, as an osteosclerotic bone dysplasia
appears in childhood in either the monostotic or which is also known as "osteopathia conden-
polyostotic form, but usually affects only one sans disseminata" or "spotted banes". It can af-
limb (Fig. 196). In a few cases it is without fect all the bones, most often in regions ne ar
symptoms. The disease can follow a rapid the joints (Fig. 199). The skull is only excep-
course in childhood and then fade away in tionally involved.
adult life, leaving behind painful joint contrac- Figure 200 shows the classical radio graph of
tures. Irregular bands of sclerotic bone tissue a case of osteopoikilosis. In this film of the
both line the endosteum and reach into the knee joint one can see several round or oval
marrow cavity; or they can develop in the peri- foei of sclerosis (1) in the spongiosa of the
osteum. Radiologically one finds long, wide, proximal part of the tibia ne ar the epiphysis
densely calcified bands running longitudinally and metaphysis, and similar foci are also pre-
in the limb bones. These changes most often sent in the same region at the distal end of the
affect the lower limb (Fig. 196). femur (2). The outer form of the other bony
In Fig. 197 one can see the macroscopic pic- structures is unchanged.
ture of a classical melorheostosis of the distal Such numerous round densifications in the
part of the femur. A large tumor-like osseous spongiosa, about the size of a lentil, can be met
mass (1) is attached to the outside of a long with at any age and in any bone, although they
bone, where it appears as if it had flowed
downwards like wax from a candle. The depos-
its vary in width and have transversely running
notches (2). The continuity is apparently inter-
rupted (3), and distally there is a more rugged
mushroom-like hyperostosis (4) which gives the
impression of a periosteal tumor. The perios-
teum opposite is also widened and ossified (5).
Histologically such alesion presents only os-
teosclerotic bone tissue without any kind of
speeific structure. In Fig. 198 one sees this ma-
ture laminated bone tissue (1). The Haversian
canals (2) are narrowed, with smooth walls.
There are no osteoblasts. In the adjacent mar-
row cavity one sees lightly fibrosed fatty tissue
(3), and sometimes metaplastic cartilaginous
foei are also present. This is a congenital disor-
der of mesodermal development with a good
prognosis, the progress of which mostly leads
to aresolution. Only if the masses deposited on
the bone cause symptoms is an operation ne-

Fig. 196. Localization of melorheostosis

Osteopoikilosis 109

4 2

Fig. 197. Melorheostosis Fig. 198. Melorheostosis; HE, x25

(distal femur, maceration speeimen)

Fig. 199. Most frequent sites of osteopoikilosis foei Fig. 200. Osteopoikilosis (distal femur, proximal tibia)
1lO 5 Osteoscleroses

most frequently occur in the metaphyses of the poikilosis. Since, however, all the signs of this
long and short tubular bones and in the pelvis condition are present, one should first under-
(near the acetabulum, Fig. 199). In the ribs and take a scintigraphie examination before consid-
spinal column such changes are, however, only ering a biopsy. In this disease no increase in
rarely encountered. Recognition of these patchy activity is to be expected, and therefore a diag-
changes in the spongiosa is important; for one nostic bone biopsy is only indicated when ac-
reason so that an unnecessary biopsy of such tivity in one of the foci has been found on the
foci can be avoided, but also so that they may scintigram, most particularly to exclude a pos-
be distinguished from the osteosclerotie foci of sible bone metastasis.
metastases from a carcinoma of the prostate, The radiograph of Fig. 203 shows the classi-
from tuberous sclerosis and from sarcoidosis. cal findings in osteopoikilosis, where all the
Figure 201 shows the radiograph of osteo- wrist bones are involved (1). There is a coarse
poikilosis with multiple patchy focal scleroses patchy sclerosis of the spongiosa, which is of-
in the bodies of the lumb ar vertebrae (1) and ten extensively confluent. The outer contours of
the parasacral region of the pelvis (2). The en- these bones have been preserved. Coarse scle-
tire spongiosa of the imaged bones is spotty, rotie patches can be seen from regions near the
because these foci frequently run together. joints in the adjacent bones: radius (2), ulna (3)
They re ach out into the cortex, whieh also ap- and metacarpals (4). In some pI aces (5) the
pears pallid. The particularly marked increase joint cavity is obscured by the osteosclerosis.
in structural density near the sacrum is strik- Histological examination of such bone
ing (3). The lower ribs, on the other hand, changes (Fig. 204), whieh is not indicated dur-
show no such foci (4). ing life, shows irregularly bordered foci of
The radio graph of osteopoikilosis in Fig. 202 sclerotically densified laminated trabeculae in
is partieularly clear. One can see numerous the cancellous framework. Peripherally the
coarse patchy densifications in the femoral bone tissue is more dense, inside the foci it is
head (1) and neck (2) and in the adjacent part markedly porous. Between these bony struc-
of the pelvis (3). Because of this the joint cavity tures there is fatty marrow.
of the right hip joint (4) is only incompletely If it is necessary in such a case to exclude
identifiable. The femoral head of this 20-year- the differential diagnosis of osteoblastic bone
old man is obviously deformed. The intraos- metastases, a scintigram can be helpful. Unlike
seous sclerotie foci are very close together and the metastatie foci, no increase in activity is
have partly uni ted into large areas of sclerosis. found in the scintigram of osteopoikilosis. A
This is an unusually well-marked case of osteo- biopsy is not necessary.
Osteopoikilosis 111

Fig. 201. Osteopoikilosis (lumbar column, lateral mass) Fig. 202. Osteopoikilosis (right hip joint)

2 3

Fig. 203. Osteopoikilosis (right wrist joint) Fig. 204. Osteopoikilosis; HE, x64. (From Schinz 1952)
6 Bone Fractures

General From the surgical point of view fractures are

classified according to the mechanical nature of
Fractures, in all their variety, are very frequent the break. This is responsible for the different
events. Diagnosis normally depends upon clini- radiological appearances (p. 115), the diagnos-
cal examination and the radiological findings. tic evaluation of which is very important for
In many cases, because of the treatment or be- specialist reports and also for matters of practi-
cause of some particular indication (a so-called cal treatment. The dislocation (or displace-
''pathologieal'' fracture, for instance), tissue is ment) of the bone ends must be taken into ac-
removed from the region of the injury for his- count. With incomplete fractures only fissures
tological examination in order to obtain infor- or cracks without displacement are seen in the
mation about a possible underlying bone dis- radiograph. These include the so-called
ease. A fracture is a complete or incomplete ''greens tick" fractures of children, in whom the
solution of continuity of a bone that has been extremely elastic periosteal tube keeps the bone
brought about by direct or indirect violence. As ends together, allowing at most bending (axial
is well known, a fracture is immediately fol- deviation) to occur. Such bone injuries are re-
lowed by severe pain (periosteal pain) and the vealed by the radiograph, the removal of tissue
affected area is incapable of active movement. is unnecessary.
We distinguish between a traumatic fracture A fracture initiates natural reactions in the
(immediate fracture) and a long-term fracture local tissue which lead to a reconstitution of
(fatigue fracture, stress fracture or spontaneous the bone continuity. Essential for fracture heal-
fracture type I; Fig. 211) and a pathological ing are: (1) internal contact of the bone ends,
fracture (spontaneous fracture type 11; (2) uninterrupted immobility of the part, and
Fig. 212). A traumatic fracture involves a supra- (3) an adequate blood supply. If these three
liminal trauma with a degree of local violence conditions are present, primary healing will
that exceeds the natural elasticity of the bone. take place. The break will be invaded by longi-
This is usually accompanied by simultaneous tudinally directed osteons without any inter-
injury to the soft tissues and very often the mediate intervention of connective tissue or
skin. With closed fractures the adjacent soft tis- cartilage, and no distorting changes in shape
sues (periosteum, fascia, muscles, vessels, due to resorption will occur (contact healing).
nerves) mayaIso be injured, but the covering The minimal space is filled primarily with bone
soft parts are largely preserved. In this case the tissue, but without supporting tissue - which is
damaged bone is given a certain amount of later remodeled by lamellar bone - differentiat-
protection against bacteria entering through a ing. With all conservative fracture treatment,
wound, and the risk of infection is less. With constant rest and internal contact of the bone
an open fracture (earlier known as a "com- ends is absent, and ossification takes place indi-
pound fracture") the broken ends of the bone rectly, with the temporary formation of connec-
are freed by extensive soft tissue injury, so that tive and cartilaginous supporting tissue (callus)
pathogenic bacteria from outside can enter the which later differentiates secondarily into bone.
wound directly. Basically every open fracture During secondary bone healing a characteristic
should be regarded as infected, since it carries cartilaginous callus develops. The presence of
with it the risk of a secondary purulent osteo- metaplastic cartilaginous tissue in a callus is al-
myelitis. For this reason antibiotic treatment is ways a sign that the bone ends have been lll-
begun immediately. adequately immobilized.
114 6 Bone Fractures

Types of Bone Fracture Figure 208 shows the radiograph of a typical

fractured femoral neck, of the kind frequently
Depending on the structural characteristics of encountered in old people. One can see the
the fracture seen in the radio graph, various wide fracture line (1), with the bone ends - the
types and forms of fracture can be distin- femoral head (2) and the intertrochanteric re-
guished, both by the course of the fracture line gion (3) - driven together distally and im-
and the position of the ends or fragments of pacted on one side (4). The head shows signs
bone. These radiological differences are of tech- of arthrotic deformity and an ir regular sclerotic
nical and surgical significance. The different increase in density. The periosteum is widened
forms of fracture are determined by the way ne ar the fracture (5), but with no signs of cal-
the violence was applied and by the simulta- lus formation. The bone outside the region of
neous action of the local muscles. the break shows signs of osteoporosis (6)
In the radio graph of Fig. 205 one can see an (p. 72), which is often the cause of a sponta-
oblique torsion fracture of the distal part of the neous fracture of the femoral neck.
tibia. The fracture line (1) is clearly seen to be As can be seen in Fig. 209, a compression
slightly gaping and rather smooth. The two fracture is very obvious in the vertebral col-
bone ends (2) have been displaced sideways umn. The undamaged bodies of the lumbar
from each other and also pressed together in vertebrae (1) show signs of advanced porosity
the long axis. In addition to the oblique frac- of the spongiosa; the supporting bone appear-
ture, the bone ends have moved so that the ing fairly strong, whereas the transverse com-
point of the lower fragment (3) lies behind that ponent is rarefied (p. 68). Because of this os-
of the upper fragment (4) and to one side of it. teoporosis, one of the lumb ar vertebrae has
One can also see that the proximal end of the collapsed under the weight of the body. The
fibula (5) is fractured. This is arecent fracture, vertebral body (2) is greatly narrowed, and the
so that no shadow of callus appears on the density of the spongiosa increased by compres-
radiograph. sion. Here and there wide gaps in the spongio-
In Fig. 206 a simple transverse fracture sa (3) are still to be seen. The intervertebral
through the tibia (1) of a child is displayed. spaces adjacent to the compressed vertebra (4)
The epiphyseal lines (2) are still present. The are much wider. Aseries of rib fractures fol-
fracture cross es the tibial shaft, and the frac- lowing an accident is mostly observed in pa-
ture line is gaping slightly. Both ends of the tients who are already shocked. This means
bone lie in the long axis, and have not been that the radiological examination has to take
driven into each other. They are held together pi ace with the patient in bed, and the radio-
within the elastic sleeve of the periosteum. The graphs are consequently less satisfactory. Sev-
bone tissue near the injury is somewhat scle- eral fractured ribs can be seen in Fig. 210. The
rotic. In children such a closed fracture heals fracture lines gape somewhat and the bone
under conservative treatment with callus forma- ends are displaced (2).
tion. To bring about uncomplicated healing as
Figure 207 shows a comminuted fracture of quickly as possible, it is absolutely essential to
the distal ends of the radius and ulna. Just be- keep the ends of the broken bones immobile.
low the wrist joint (1) all that remains of the Continued mobility can cause a pseudarthrosis
long bones is a group of coarse fragments (2) to develop in such a fracture; it remains un-
that have escaped from the bone as a whole. A healed, and the function of the part involved is
large piece of bone (3) appears to have under- severely impaired or even destroyed. Immobili-
gone sclerotic change. Such a destructive bone ty is ensured either by pIaster bandages or os-
injury suggests severe trauma, as a result of teosynthetic treatment, and this leads to bony
which the adjacent soft tissues would also have union and stability. In the case of fractured
been damaged ("open fracture"). The single ribs, complete immobility is impossible because
pieces of bone may become necrotic and would of respiration, and it is here that a characteris-
then have later to be removed surgically as so- tic cartilaginous callus develops.
called sequestra (p. 164).
Types of Bone Fracture 115



3 2


Fig. 205. Oblique torsion fracture Fig. 206. Transverse fracture Fig. 207. Comminuted fracture
(distal tibia) (mid-shaft tibia) (distal radius and ulna)

~--- 2

3 2

Fig. 208. Fractured femoral neck Fig. 209. Compression fracture (lumbar vertebral Fig. 210. A vertical se-
ries of fractures involv-
ing several ribs
116 6 Bone Fractures

Figure 211 shows a creeping fracture (fatigue Normal Uncomplicated Fracture Healing
fracture) (1) of the proximal part of the tibia of
a child. The affected region of the bone is sele- The healing of a fracture starts with prolifera-
rotic and very den se, with a particularly dark tion of the local mesenchyme and the develop-
shadowy band of osteoselerosis (1) running ment of a fracture callus. The regular chain of
transversely across the long bone. This is the events within the tissue is diagrammatically il-
fracture itself, the line of which is invisible or lustrated in Fig. 213. The fracture tears the ves-
only indicated by a fissure. The reactive osteo- sels of the bone, producing bleeding into the
selerotic apposition of bone occupies most of space and the development of a fracture hema-
the radio graph, and reactive thickening of the toma between the ends of the bones (Fig.
periosteum is developing, mostly with periosti- 213 a). On the second day, fibroblasts, osteo-
tis ossificans. The creeping fracture is develop- elasts and capillaries invade and begin to orga-
ing very slowly in a region of bone which has nize the blood elot, in which young connective
been subjected to continuous overloading tissue is being laid down. Within a week (be-
("stress fracture"). A similar lesion in a metatar- tween the 2nd and 8th days) a temporary con-
sal is known as a "march fracture". Fractures nective tissue callus (Fig.213b) is built up
which appear in connection with the so-called between the bone ends, which is, however,
Milkman's syndrome in "Looser's transforma- incapable of weight-bearing. Between the 7th
tion zones" (osteodystrophy, p. 80) also repre- and 9th days, together with the development of
sent creeping fractures in shattered regions of fibrillar connective tissue, hydroxyapatite is de-
the skeleton. Following removal of the load and posited on the collagen fibers. Undifferentiated
intermittent rest for the affected limb, sponta- mesenchyme cells are transformed into osteo-
neous healing of the fracture may occur. blasts, and these produce osteoid, which then
A pathological fracture arises spontaneously, becomes mineralized. Fibrous bone trabeculae
without there being adequate trauma to ac- appear, without osteoblast deposition, and these
count for it. From this it may be inferred that form a mechanical connection between the
the bone has been previously damaged, either bone ends. This temporary bone callus, which
by systemic disease (e. g. osteoporosis, osteo- is also still incapable of weight-bearing, re-
dystrophy, Paget's osteitis deformans) or by a mains until the 4th week (Fig. 213 c). If, during
local bone lesion (e. g. metastasis, radio-osteo- this stage of fracture healing, pressure or shear
necrosis or a bone tumor). Bone metastases are forces act on the bones, cartilaginous tissue
a common cause of spontaneous pathological may form in the callus by endochondral ossifi-
fractures. Figure 212 shows such a fracture in cation ("cartilaginous callus"). During this
the proximal part of the femur (1). The rather phase of healing the debris at the fracture site
smooth ends of the bones are very characteris- is removed by osteoelasts. After 4 to 5 weeks
tic. The fracture itself is gaping, and the bone the definitive callus develops, in which the fi-
ends are only slightly displaced relative to one brous bone is gradually broken down by
another. No developing callus can be seen. The "creeping substitution" and replaced by lamellar
other parts of the femur show the typical loose bone (Fig. 213 d). During fracture healing,
structure of an involutional osteoporosis which accompanies development of the fracture
(p. 72), without any signs of intraosseous le- callus (secondary bone healing), the fracture
sions. There is also severe arthritis of the hip- hematoma will first be replaced by granulation
joint. In cases of pathological fractures, it is es- tissue. The fibrous connective tissue differenti-
sential to remove tissue for histological exami- ates into fibrocartilage and finally into fibrous
nation from the neighborhood of the fracture bone, which brings about fixed contact between
during operation (and if necessary from the the bone ends. In this way the two bones be-
iliac crest) in order to diagnosis the underlying co me temporarily uni ted, which is a good pre-
disease. condition for secondary fracture healing. At
this stage, however, the bone still remains un-
Normal Uncomplicated Fracture Healing 117

Fig. 211. Creeping or fatigue fracture (proximal tibia) Fig. 212. Pathological fracture (proximal femur)

Fracture Temporary Temporary Final

hematoma provisional provisional definitive
connective bony callus
tissue callus
1st-2nd day 2nd-8th day 1st -4th week 4th-6th week

~ Ground substance+Ca
collagen fibers Remodeling:
Fibrous bone

l 1

L- Osteoid


Loca l
a b c d
Fig. 213a-d. Fracture healing (diagrammatic): 1 periosteum, 2 endosteum (osteoblasts), 3 Haversian canals, 4 blood ves-
sels in marrow cavity, 5 blood vessels in soft parts
118 6 Bone Fractures

Figure 214 shows a low-power section ten considerably spread out and filled with
through a fibular fracture in which a temporary blood (2). One can see collections of lympho-
connective tissue callus has developed. One can cytes, plasma cells, histiocytes and a few granu-
recognize the two sideways displaced bone ends locytes, especially around the blood vessels (3).
(1), with cortex (2) and a marrow cavity (3) Within this connective tissue, fibro-osseous tra-
that is filled with fatty tissue, and which con- beculae have differentiated (4), forming a net-
tains only a few cancellous trabeculae. Signs of work which contains well-developed osteocytes.
osteoporosis are also present. The fracture line Rows of active osteoblasts (5) have been depos-
has been bridged over by loose connective tis- ited on these trabeculae, and a few osteoclasts,
sue (4). This consists partly of granulation tis- most of which are lying in flattened resorption
sue with complete and sprouting capillaries, to- lacunae. Vigorous bone remodeling (simulta-
gether with some infiltration of lymphocytes, neous deposition and resorption) is taking
plasma cells and histiocytes. Inside the connec- place. In unstable fractures (e. g. fractured ribs)
tive tissue - and particularly around the edges additional newly developed areas of cartilage
- slender fibrous trabeculae (5) which are irreg- can also be seen within the fracture callus.
ularly connected with one another have devel- The maturation of fibro-osseous trabeculae
oped. They form a "bony shell" around the and their mineralization is most advanced in
connective tissue callus and also appear outside the periphery of the connective tissue callus. In
the actual fracture in the region of the perios- the histological photo graph of Fig. 217 one can
teum (6), where they constitute a radiologically see on one side lamellar bone (1) which is
identifiable sign of reactive periostitis ossifi- probably autochthonous bone tissue. The bro-
cans. ken ends of the bone are increasingly resorbed
In the diagrammatic illustration of Fig. 215 by osteoclasts (2). Next to this, fibro-osseous
the bony structures of the fibular fracture are trabeculae (3) have developed along which rows
emphasized with Indian ink. One can recognize of osteoblasts (4) have been deposited. Between
the two bone ends (1), which are displaced these bony structures there is loose and moder-
sideways. The spongiosa (2) contains only a few ately cellular connective and granulation tissue
trabeculae, and the cortex (3) is relatively po- (5), with capillaries and a few inflammatory
rous with Haversian canals. Therefore osteo- cells. This inflammatory granulation tissue, of a
porosis is present. The pure connective tissue kind that one can recognize histologically in
fracture callus (4) is hatched in the diagram. It biopsy material from a healing fracture, is reac-
is bridging over the fracture and binding the tive in nature and part of the secondary healing
two bone ends together. It is only in the pe- process. It has nothing to do with the true os-
ripheral region of this connective tissue callus teomyelitis that can - especially after an open
(5) that one can see incompletely mineralized fracture or operation - certainly appear as a
bony structures (fibrous bone), which have not complication of fracture healing when bacteria
yet, however, bridged over the fracture. It is ob- from outside produce a local wound infection.
vious that such a "filling tissue" offers no sup- In cases of severe local inflammation the ex-
port against pressure or bending forces, and pression "osteitis" is frequently employed.
even the strong periosteal new bone (6) has During primary fracture healing a direct
only a limited stabilizing effect. union of the two bone ends takes pi ace, with
A biopsy of the active fracture callus can the narrow gap being bridged over by osteons
sometimes present the most enormous diagnos- from both sides and without any inflammatory
tic difficulties histologically if a radiograph is reaction. Secondary fracture healing, however,
not to hand, and if one can only observe a sin- involves local inflammation and the develop-
gle section through the proliferative process. ment of a callus. Osteoid seams are laid down
Figure 216 shows such a histological picture of ne ar the sprouting vessels of the granulation
a temporary connective tissue fracture callus. tissue, and bone-building cells (osteoblasts )
One can recognize the loose connective and must first differentiate from the pluripotent
granulation tissue, which has been invaded by mesenchyme cells before the callus is finally re-
numerous blood capillaries (1) and which is of- placed by mature bone tissue.
Normal Uncomplicated Fracture Healing 119

3 - -&1

.+-O'd-- - 6

5 -~n

3 -----flfi5.~ -liIII__~<'U----- 1

Fig. 214. Temporary connective tissue fracture callus; Fig. 215. Temporary connective tissue fracture callus
HE, x20 (diagrammatic)

Fig. 216. Temporary connective tissue fracture callus; Fig. 217. Fibro-osseous fracture callus; HE, x25
HE, x25
120 6 Bone Fractures

Figure 218 shows the histological picture of (callus luxurians). This is an old fractured fem-
a temporary bony callus. In the upper part of oral neck which healed while the bone ends re-
the pieture one can see newly differentiated fi- mained apart. The femoral head (1) has been
bro-osseous trabeculae (1) with numerous os- included in the mass of the callus (2), the spon-
teocytes and a layer of deposited osteoblasts. In giosa of which has undergone hypertrophie
between, there is loose connective and granula- atrophy (p. 72). Parts of the callus have reached
tion tissue (2) whieh has been invaded by out well into the surrounding soft parts, and
blood capillaries. These structures represent they reveal a completely disorganized construc-
immature bone tissue from the transitional tion, characterized by a dense cortex-like bony
zone between the temporary connective tissue shell (3) and an assemblage of ungainly trabe-
callus and the true bone callus. New bone for- culae (4), together with large cystie spaces (5).
mation then progresses, and one can see wide, Distally, the cortex of the adjacent part of the
clumsy structures (3) which are largely miner- shaft (6) has been drawn into this thoroughly
alized. The osteocytes are prominent and irreg- disorganized bone remodeling process. Both ra-
ularly deposited. It is still not possible to dis- diologically and macroscopically such a hyper-
cern lamination of the bone tissue. Rows of plastic fracture callus can give the observer the
osteoblasts (4) have been deposited, and here impression of a bone tumor.
and there wide seams of osteoid (5) can be ob- Figure 221 presents the histological picture
served. This formation of new bone, together of an old bone callus in a fracture that is al-
with bone apposition, is taking pi ace simulta- ready consolidated. The bony structures are
neously with osteoclastie resorption within a widely distributed and contain large numbers
pattern of creeping substitution. In partieular, of osteocytes (1). The bone tissue is fully min-
the autochthonous bridging elements of the eralized and organized into lamellae. The origi-
fracture are being resorbed. nal fibrous bone has already been replaced by
Sometimes a proliferating hyperplastie frac- lamellar bone. Rows of osteoblasts (2) and a
ture callus may have a polymorphie appearance few osteoclasts in flattened resorption lacunae
whieh recalls that of a malignant tumor, and a (3) nevertheless provide evidence of continuing
biopsy from such a callus may easily be mistak- bone remodeling. The marrow cavity is filled
en for an osteosarcoma. In Fig. 219 one can see with a loose connective tissue (4) that has been
the histological picture of a proliferating hyper- invaded by wide blood capillaries (5). During
plastie fracture callus. There is a confusing net- the subsequent course of fracture healing, this
work of fibro-osseous trabeculae (1) along residual callus becomes included in the Haver-
which osteoblasts have been deposited. In sian system of osteons, and the original cancel-
places this new bone tissue is heavily mineral- lous structure with fatty marrow is again re-
ized and seems to have a laminated appearance stored. Under satisfactory conditions (an
(2). Between the bony structures there is a uncomplicated fracture with adequate immobi-
highly cellular stroma of connective tissue (3) lization) the fracture is healed by callus forma-
in which one sees darkly nucleated fibroblasts tion as described above in about six weeks. It
and mitoses. The atypieal cellular cartilaginous is laid down upon the extensive inner surface
tissue (4) that has differentiated among the of the spongiosa, whieh favors the regular de-
bony structures is striking. It contains poly- position of callus. The degree of dislocation
morphous and multinucleated cartilage cells also plays an important part here. A pertro-
(so-called cartilaginous callus). The whole pic- chanteric fracture with marked dislocation is
ture reminds one of the checkered distribution only ready for weight bearing after 10 to 14
of the variously differentiated tissues in an weeks. Lengthy oblique fractures of the long
osteosarcoma (p. 274). Only by taking into bones of the limbs are ready to take up the
account the clinical findings, the radiographie load earlier than short oblique or transverse
appearance and the histological picture can a fractures. A compression fracture of a vertebral
reliable diagnosis be ensured. body, in whieh the whole of the spongiosa is
In Fig. 220 one can see a maceration speci- jammed together, needs to be kept free of pres-
men of a very large hyperplastic fracture callus sure for many weeks.
Normal Uncomplicated Fracture Healing 121

Fig. 218. Temporary bony fracture callus; HE, x25 Fig. 219. Proliferating hyperplastic fracture callus; HE, x25

:::---~ii 4

'-.. . .--5

Fig. 220. Hyperplastic fracture callus Fig. 221. Old bony fracture callus; HE, x25
(proximal femur, maceration specimen)
122 6 Bone Fractures

Complications of Bone Fractures Metallosis. By metallosis one understands the

production of local soft tissue and bone damage
Spongiosal Plastic Treatment. Modern aceident in the neighborhood of a metallic bone implant,
surgery indudes many procedures designed to where the metal acts as a foreign body and re-
accelerate fracture healing and allow the patient leases a non-specific inflammatory process. It re-
to become mobile again with minimal delay. At presents a frequent complication of osteosyn-
the same time, these make it possible to avoid thetic treatment and has a negative influence
many of the dreaded complications assoeiated on the process of healing. Today nearly 5% of
with a broken bone. The most important of osteosyntheses lead to metallosis. These reac-
these are the various osteosynthetic procedures tive inflammatory pro ces ses in the neighbor-
by which the bone fragments are brought into hood of a metallic prosthesis can lead to its be-
their original relationship and anchored there coming loose. In the radiograph shown in
with nails, plates or screws. In cases of delayed Fig. 224 the condition of the right hip joint is
fracture healing or pseudarthrosis, transplants shown after the implantation of a total endo-
of spongiosa are also often introduced around prosthesis (TEP). The implanted prosthesis is
the fracture site. In this way bony union across easily recognized in the radiograph (1). The
the fracture line can often be accelerated. After surrounding bone tissue in the upper part of
the curetting of a pathological area of bone the femur shows an osteosderotic increase in
(e. g. tumor, osteomyelitis) the remaining cavity density around the prosthesis (2), which almost
is filled up with autogenous spongiosa. This en- reaches up to the prosthesis itself. One can,
courages the formation of organized tissue or however, observe a narrow translucent region
temporary connective tissue callus. The cancel- (3) between the prosthesis and the bone.
lous implant is finally resorbed by creeping Furthermore, there are several osteolytic foei
substitution and replaced by stable bone tissue. (4) within the femur ne ar the prosthesis. The
Figure 222 shows the radiograph of a frac- radiological changes are evidence of vigorously
ture of the distal part of the femur, which has reactive bone remodeling near the prosthesis
been stabilized by applying a plate (1) which is and also indicate that it is becoming loose.
then fixed to the bone with screws (2). A can- In Fig. 225 one can see the histological sub-
cellous transplant was also ins er ted into the strate of this tissue in the neighborhood of the
fracture (3), which can be recognized radiologi- implanted prosthesis. It consists of very fibrous
cally by its rather fainter shadow. scar tissue (1) in which large and small parti-
In Fig. 223 one can recognize histologically des of iron have been deposited (2). In their
within the cancellous scaffolding (1) the re- neighborhood the scar tissue has become orga-
mains of an earlier implant of foreign spongio- nized and replaced by highly cellular connec-
sa (2). This is blue because of the uptake of cal- tive tissue (3). The coarse iron fragments ap-
cium salts; no more lamellar layering is to be pear as brownish foreign bodies (2); the fine
seen and there are no osteocytes. This devita- iron deposits are stained by the Berlin blue and
lized bone tissue is being surrounded by newly appear blue. These iron particles produce local
deposited young bone tissue (3) in the course tissue damage (tissue necrosis) with subsequent
of the healing process. Within this formation loosening of nails implanted into the marrow,
one can recognize drawn out reversal lines (4) or of an endoprosthesis. The metallic foreign
which mark the various leading edges of the bodies have a mechanical action (darnage to
bone deposition. The exogenous spongiosa is the vitality of the tissue), and a physico-chemi-
built into the appositional bone production, cal action by which electrophoretic effects that
and this is followed by the gradual integration corrode the metal are induced in the tissue
of the foreign tissue into the deposition pro- fluids. In about 80% of cases there are signs of
cess. No osteodastic resorption of the exoge- metallosis in the surrounding tissue after the
nous bone is to be seen. metal has been removed.
Complications of Bone Fractures 123

3 :----+

4 --~""'"

Fig. 222. Fracture treated by osteosynthesis and a cancel- Fig. 223. üld cancellous implant which has become em-
lous implant (distal femur) bedded; HE, x25

Fig. 224. Hip prosthesis which has become loosened due to Fig. 225. Metallosis; Berlin blue staining, x25
metallosis (right hip joint)
124 6 Bone Fractures

Pseudarthrosis. If, following a fracture, insuffi- the bone ends (1) are irregularly distributed
cient callus is formed and after a long time no and, because of the reactive bone remodeling,
bony union is established, the two bone ends of unequal thickness. There is no building up
form a kind of joint and are able to move rela- of bone callus. The fracture line is bridged over
tive to one another. One uses the term pseudar- only by highly fibrous connective tissue (2) in
throsis if for a long time after a bone is frac- which degenerative gaps (3) have appeared. It
tured the two ends fai! to form a bony union, is necessary to remove this connective tissue
and a joint-like mobility persists in the region surgically in order to stimulate bone deposition
of the original fracture. This development of a within the fracture. To this end one attempts to
"false joint" is always a complication to be induce more vigorous deposition of the host
feared after a bone has been broken. It is a de- bone by implanting autogenous or heteroge-
fective healing with serious functional conse- nous spongiosa. Then, while a fibro-osseous
quences, since such a bone is naturally not able callus is developing, new bone tissue is laid
to bear weight. down and at the same time the cancellous im-
The classical radiological appearance of a plant is resorbed. The original fracture or
pseudarthrosis can be seen in Fig. 226. It deals pseudarthrotic line is then bridged over by
with the condition of a fracture of the lower bone, and this leads to a stable union of the
part of the leg. One can still clearly recognize a fracture (secondary bone healing).
wide and gaping fracture line (1) in the tibia
and in the adjacent fibula (2). The bone ends Post-fracture Osteomyelitis. A greatly feared com-
are slightly angled to one another. On both plication of fractures is infection of the region
sides of the fracture the density of the bone is accompanied by the development of osteomy-
sclerotically increased (3), and the fracture line elitis. This applies particularly to open frac-
is undulating and poorly defined. One can tures, which are potentially infected and must
clearly recognize the excessive callus formation therefore be treated from the start with antibio-
(4) which has been built up beside the fracture. tics. In Fig. 229 one can see the histological
Obviously the fracture was insufficiently stabi- picture of post-fracture osteomyelitis. The auto-
lized by an osteosynthetic plate, since one can chthonous trabeculae (1) in the region of the
now see the screw holes which held the plate in fracture are fragmented and often present only
position (5). Distal to the pseudarthrosis there as small pieces (2). In between, one can see a
is an immobility osteoporosis (6) of the bone. highly cellular inflammatory granulation tissue
In Fig. 227 one can see the radiograph of an (3) which has been infiltrated by plasma cells,
old comminuted fracture of the distal part of lymphocytes and granulocytes, together with
the tibia (1) on which osteosynthesis had been many blood-filled capillaries (4). The tissue in
carried out. In spite of this treatment no ade- a fresh fracture also contains blood and fibrin.
quate callus developed. A wide, gaping fracture Sometimes bacterial invasion can also be de-
line (2) passes through the bone, the fragments monstrated histologically.
(3) of which are easily recognized. Both bone There is a whole collection of complications
ends show signs of an inactivity osteoporosis which may appear after a bone has been frac-
(p. 74). Since the smaller bone fragments of the tured. Increased bone remodeling may produce
comminuted fracture show a faded ir regular a coarse straggly spongiosa or Sudeck's bone
density, it must be assumed from the radio- atrophy (p. 96). Partial osteonecrosis may be
graph that we are here probably dealing with found in the region of a fracture, leading to the
necrotic bone tissue that may well have con- development of sequestra. This impairs bone
tributed to the development of the pseudarthro- healing and can lead to a pseudarthrosis. In
sis. some cases excessive cailus development (callus
Figure 228 shows an overall histological sec- luxurians) may take place, and fractures
tion which offers an overall view of such a through joints may be followed by post-trau-
pseudarthrosis. The cancellous trabeculae of matic arthrosis.
Complications of Bone Fractures 125


Fig. 226. Pseudarthrosis (distal tibia and fibula) Fig. 227. Pseudarthrosis following a comminuted fracture
treated by osteosynthesis (distal tibia)

Fig. 228. Pseudarthrosis (overall view); HE, x2 Fig. 229. Post-fracture osteomyelitis; HE, x40
126 6 Bone Fractures

Pathological Bone Fractures granulation tissue (1) that has been invaded by
blood capillaries (2). Fibrous bone trabeculae
A normally developed and properly formed have also developed (3), against whieh rows of
bone is able to resist the physiological action of osteoblasts (4) and some osteoclasts (5) have
pressure, shear and bending forces and can, for been deposited. Near to this fibro-osseous frac-
a short time, withstand an excessive degree of ture line we can see tumorous cartilaginous
these forces without being in any way damaged. tissue (6) with some limp deposition and iso-
It is only when a traumatic force exceeds the morphie chondrocytes. Here it is an enchon-
resistance threshold of the bone tissue that the droma that has brought about the pathologieal
bone breaks. A pathological fracture is a frac- fracture.
ture that has been brought about by inadequate In Fig. 232 we can see the radiograph of a
trauma, the underlying cause being a pathologi- pathological fracture of the humerus. The long
cal alteration of the bone tissue. When abso- bone is broken at the middle of the shaft (1),
lutely no traumatic violen ce has led to a frac- and the bone ends are somewhat angulated and
ture, we call this a spontaneous fracture. The slightly displaced. The rather smooth and splin-
underlying bone disease is diagnosed by radio- ter-free edges of the bones are striking, and
logieal and histological examination. There are this suggests a pathological fracture. Further-
many local and generalized skeletal diseases more, throughout the whole spongiosa of the
that involve breakdown of the tela ossea or humerus (2), but most partieularly clearly
changes in the bone quality, and can thus be shown ne ar the fracture (3), there are ir regular
the cause of a fracture. A general reduction of patchy areas of translucency that suggest a de-
the bone tissue is present in all forms of osteo- structive process.
porosis, and this is more local in the presence In the histological picture of Fig. 233 one
of osteomyelitis, a bone tumor or bone metas- can see in the region of the fracture a fibro-os-
tases. The quality of the bone tissue can also be seous fracture callus with a loose connective
damaged by insufficient mineralization in os- tissue stroma (1) and newly differentiated fi-
teomalacia or by Paget's osteitis deformans. brous bone trabeculae (2), against which rows
In Fig. 230 the radiological appearance of a of osteoblasts have been deposited. Further-
pathological fracture in the distal part of the more, complex epithelioid tumor cells (3) with
leg can be seen, and one can recognize a large polymorphie nuclei are also lying in the stro-
bone defect (1) that has arisen in the distal ma; they sometimes resemble an adenoid pat-
third of the tibia. Although the fracture has tern. With the aid of immunohistochemistry
been treated osteosynthetieally with a plate and these can be identified as epithelial cells, since
screws (2), a pseudarthrosis has developed. The they express cytoceratin, which is an epithelial
cancellous structure of the bone is very indis- marker (Fig. 959). This is a bone metastasis
tinct, particularly in the distal part of the frac- from a carcinoma of the breast which has
ture (3). Here there are osteolytie defects whieh brought about a pathological fracture of the hu-
also involve the cortex. These bone changes merus (Fig. 232).
and the following fracture are due to a purulent The so-called pathological fracture represents
osteomyelitis that is persisting. In addition to a fracture in a diseased bone. Very often such a
this, we can also see a fracture of the distal sudden event is what first draws attention to
part of the fibula (4), which has itself been the primary bone lesion or the underlying dis-
treated by osteosynthesis. ease (e. g. bone metastases from a carcinoma of
A primary bone tumor may lie behind a the breast), and histologieal examination of tis-
pathological fracture. It is not always visible ra- sue from the region of the fracture frequently
diologically, and tumorous tissue in the middle leads to the correct diagnosis. In some cases
of fractured bone tissue, together with the tis- (e. g. with juvenile cysts of bone, p. 408) the
sue of the callus itself, can also be difficult to spontaneous fracture has a positive effect in
recognize in a bone biopsy. In Fig. 231 one can that healing of the bone after sufficient immo-
see the histological appearance of tissue from a bility also leads to healing of the lesion.
pathological fracture, with loose connective and
Pathologie al Bone Fraetures 127


Fig. 230. Pathologieal fraeture due to osteomyelitis Fig. 231. Pathologieal fraeture due to an enehondroma; HE,
(distal tibia) x40

Fig. 232. Pathologieal fraeture due to a bone metastasis Fig. 233. Bone metastasis with fraeture eallus; HE, x64
(mid-shaft humerus)
7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

General Localized secondary osteomyelitis (osteomyelitis

circumscripta) is often met with in the bones of
Bone inflammation develops primarily in the the jaws - particularly the mandible - where
marrow cavity, from which it can secondarily the origin lies in an inflammatory dental condi-
attack the bone tissue itself. When the respon- tion.
sible pathogens reach the marrow and damage Bacteria (mostly staphylococci) that reach
the local tissue, osteomyelitis arises. Many dif- the marrow cavity via the bloodstream call
ferent pathogenic organisms - they are mostly forth a leukocytic inflammation with the devel-
bacteria - can cause osteomyelitis. Some of opment of small abscesses (Fig. 235 a). As a
them can, as with inflammatory conditions out- result of damage to the vessels a hemorrhagic
side the skeleton, produce a characteristic his- outer seam is formed, and perifocal edematous
tological pattern. In these cases there is a spe- fluid is driven under the periosteum by way of
cific osteomyelitis (e. g. tuberculosis, typhoid, the Haversian and Volkmannn canals. Elevation
syphilis, fungal infections). of the periosteum causes local pain. Osteomye-
Most frequently the osteomyelitis is histolog-
ically non-specific, and in 90% of cases it is
due to infection with Staphylococcus aureus.
Hemolytic streptococci are only involved in 3%
of cases, and these are mostly found in new-
born infants and children. In none of these in-
flammatory reactions in the marrow cavity is it
possible to draw conclusions about the causa-
tive organism histologically. The pathogens in-
vade the bone by direct contact (per continuita-
tem), in the region of an open fracture, for in-
stance (post-traumatic osteomyelitis). In the ma-
jority of cases, however, the infection is blood
borne (hematogenous pyogenic osteomyelitis),
and the portal of entry is often unidentifiable.
Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis appears in
7% of cases in children of less than 1 year of
age. Infection most frequently occurs between 2
and 16 years of age (80%), that is to say, dur- 15"
ing the period of most intensive skeletal
growth. It most often attacks those parts of the
skeleton where growth is fastest: the meta-
physes of the femur, tibia and humerus less frequent
(Fig. 234). 13% of cases of hematogenous os-
teomyelitis are found in adults, in whom the
short bones, and most especially the vertebrae,
are affected. 75% of all cases are found at the
upper and lower ends of the femur and tibia. Fig. 234. Most frequent sites of hematogenous osteomyelitis
l30 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Fig. 235 a, b. The development of

Development of hematogenous osteomyelitis Zonal formation of an osteomyelitic abseess
hematogenous osteomyelitis in the bone marrow eavity

a b
CD Bone marrow abseess Zones
• Polymorph.leukoeytes CD Foeal abseess (neerosis, baeteria)

o Hemorrhagie peripheral seam

Neerotie fatty tissue (without nuclei)
Broad infiltration zone

o Perifoeal edema
@ Unaltered zone
~ Hyperemic fatty bone marrow with edema

o = Maerophages
Cl) Elevation of periosteum
• = Polymorph.leukoeytes
(JP = Swollen fat-containing
.;. = Baeteria
e = Dilated blood-filled sinuses

litic abscesses in the marrow cavity present a hand and the resistance of the organism on the
zonal pattern (Fig. 235b). The center of the ab- other.
scess (1) contains cell detritus with edema and The likelihood of the inflammation spreading
collections of bacteria. Then comes a zone of into a long bone depends on the age of the pa-
necrotic fatty tissue without nuclei or inflam- tient (Fig. 235 c). In infants, in whom the blood
matory infiltrate (2). This is followed by a wide vessels run through the epiphyseal cartilage, the
infiltration zone (3) that consists internally of bacteria can enter the epiphysis and finally
the remains of dead cells without nuclei, bacte- reach the joint space. A pyarthrosis then devel-
ria and granulocytes, and externally of a dense ops. An extensively ossifying periostitis is com-
assemblage of macrophages. Further out lies a mon in infants. In childhood the avascular epi-
zone of unchanged fatty tissue without hyper- physeal cartilage prevents the inflammatory
emia or exudate (4) that is surrounded by hy- process reaching the joint. Only in joints where
peremic fatty marrow with dilated sinus es (5). the insertion of the capsule reaches over the
This zonal pattern of the osteomyelitic abscess epiphyseal line (hip, knee) can direct invasion
reflects the virulence of the bacteria on one of the joint cavity occur.
General 131

Fig. 235 c, d. The development of

Spread of hematogenous osteomyelitis Origin of asequestrum
hematogenous osteomyelitis
Infant Child



Infant: direct invasion of joint, marked CD Healthy bone
periostitis ossificans
CD Sequestrum surrounded by
Child: no direct involvement of joint, except osteoclasts
where the capsule is inserted distal to the
epiphyseal plate ® Pale region with polymorph.leukoeytes

Adult: direet involvement of joint,

formation of extraosseous abseesses @ Peripheral conneetive tissue sclerosis
CD Periostitis ossifieans ® Sone deposition (sequestral eavity)
CD Cartilaginous epiphyseal plate
® Raised periosteum, periosteal abseess
@ Abseess in marrow eavity
® Extraosseous abseess

Furthermore, periosteal abscesses often arise, dies (Fig. 235 d). The osteoclasts are activated
which in childhood characteristically lead to and separate the living from the dead bone. In
the production of cortical sequestra. the center of the inflammatory lesion, with
In adults again, the inflammation in the mar- dense collections of polymorphonuclear leuko-
row cavity of the diaphysis can spread and, be- cytes, the dead bone tissue remains behind as a
cause of the absence of an epiphyseal cartilage, sequestrum. The sequestrum, which is released
easily invade the joint directly. The firmly from the spongiosal network, is enclosed by
bound down periosteum is not usually raised, edema and with masses of polymorphonuclear
but is broken through by masses of pus to pro- leukocytes and, later, a connective tissue cap-
duce abscesses outside the bone and to form sule inside which new bone deposition is tak-
fistulas. ing place. After a few days or weeks one can
In the neighborhood of an osteomyelitic ab- recognize the dense radio-opaque sequestrum
scess the blood supply to the bone is cut off by surrounded by a translucent region and, out-
the compression of the vessels. The staphylo- side that, by dark marginal sclerosis: the so-
cocci destroy the osteocytes, so that the bone called sequestral cavity.
132 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Paronychia (Panaritium Ossale) Osteomyelitis in Infants

With purulent inflammation of the soft parts of Hematogenous osteomyelitis particularly attacks
the fingers and toes there is always the danger growing bones, and even more so the most ac-
that pus formation will reach the periosteum of tively growing parts of such bones. If the inflam-
the phalanges, metacarpals or metatarsals and mation spreads from the metaphysis to the epi-
attack the bone. It is usually a staphylococcal physeal cartilage and epiphysis there is a danger
infection. The periosteum is destroyed by the that growth may be impaired. An invasion of the
inflammation, and this is followed by rapid de- joint with the development of a pyarthrosis is pos-
struction of the cortex and a purulent coales- sible. In Fig. 238 one can see an osteomyelitis that
cence with the cancellous bone marrow. At the has developed in the distal metaphysis of the
forefront of this purulent osteomyelitis there is femur in an infant. There is a doudy increase
a pronounced osteolysis. Figure 236 shows an in density in the long bone with a tiny radio-
advanced paronychia in the distal phalanx of a dense sequestrum (1). The metaphysis has be-
finger, which developed as the result of a stab come dub-shaped, and the epiphysis has also be-
injury. The soft parts (1) show an inflammatory come involved in the destructive remodeling pro-
swelling, and the bone is extensively damaged cess (2). The outer contours of the cartilaginous
from outside (2). We can see a wide zone of os- joint surface are indistinct and jagged. Character-
teolysis in which the bony structures are ne- istically an extraordinarily marked periostitis os-
crotic and soaked through with pus. No repara- sificans (3) has developed, and this makes the
tory pro ces ses can be recognized, but they may contour of the bone appear double. Later the os-
nevertheless be present and can even lead to re- sifying changes in the periosteum disappear and
storation of the bone, although this is mostly the small sequestra are completely resorbed.
necrotic and structureless.
If the articular cartilage is involved we speak of
a panaritium (paronychia) ossale et articulare. Osteomyelitis in Children
In later childhood the avascular epiphyseal plate
presents a barrier to the spreading of inflamma-
Osteomyelitis of the Jaws tion into the epiphysis. As a result of the in-
creased blood supply to the metaphysis, growth
Inflammation of the teeth and oral cavity gener- of the epiphyseal cartilage is stimulated and it
ally is very common and often involves the bone is therefore wider than usual. Figure 239 shows
of the jaws. Most frequently there is a primary a pronounced purulent osteomyelitis in the tibia
chronic osteomyelitis of the jaw with a strong ten- of a child. The entire long bone is involved and
dency to recur. This kind of osteomyelitis can be its structure altered, the destructive process ex-
recognized by the appearance of bone abscesses tending exactly as far as the two epiphyseal
together with simultaneous reparatory osteo- plates (1), which are somewhat widened. The
sderosis. Acute purulent osteomyelitis of the epiphyses (2) are unaffected. As a result of the
jaw is usually staphylococcal in origin. In the inflammatory osteolysis and reactive osteo-
lower jaw it has a tendency to spread, but re- sderosis the bone presents a chequered appear-
mains more often localized in the upper jaw. ance. In the widened proximal metaphysis,
The starting point is a dental root granuloma which shows the most pronounced changes,
(dental root abscess) resulting from a purulent one can recognize a large coalescent focus of os-
pulpitis. In Fig. 237 one can recognize a dento- teomyelitis (3) which is incompletely dem ar-
genous osteomyelitis that has involved the entire cated by marginal sderosis. Characteristically
mandible. The vigorous remodeling processes there is an extensive periostitis ossificans (4),
show themselves in the assoeiation of irregular against which cortical sequestra can develop.
zones of sderosis (1) with patchy foei of osteoly- There has been a spontaneous fracture (5) of
sis (2) which are in fact abscesses. At one point the osteomyelitic bone, and a sequestral cavity
an active dental granuloma (3) can be seen. can be seen. Osteomyelitis such as this most fre-
Such abscesses are characteristically found in quently appears in the 8th year of life and in the
both alveolar processes. majority of cases involves the tibia or femur.
Osteomyelitis in Children 133

2 3
Fig. 236. Paronychia (panaritium ossale, whitlow) Fig. 237. Dentogenous osteomyelitis (mandible)
with bone involvement (terminal phalanx of finger)


Fig. 238. Infantile osteomyelitis (distal femur) Fig. 239. Osteomyelitis in a child (tibia)
134 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Acute Purulent Osteomyelitis in Adults The whole of the marrow cavity is filled up
with highly cellular granulation tissue and
The radiograph (Fig. 240) shows a large osteo- soaked through with inflammatory edematous
myelitic lesion in the proximal part of the tibia fluid (1). Densely packed collections of poly-
(1) together with a cortical sequestrum (2). The morphonuclear leukocytes which have destroyed
bone tissue in the center of the abscess has the original fatty marrow can be recognized. Fi-
been completely broken down to form a puru- brin is present within this coalescent mass of
lent mass, and the adjacent cortex is severely tissue, and the cancellous trabeculae are necrot-
damaged and penetrated. No periosteal re action ic (2). The typicallamellar layering of the bone
can be seen. The density of the spongiosa has been lost, and osteocytes are no longer
around the osteomyelitic focus has been in- found in their lacunae. Owing to the massive
creased by reactive sclerosis (3), which has de- purulent inflammation of the bone marrow the
marcated the abscess cavities. The inflamma- trabeculae have been deprived of their nourish-
tion has spread into the epiphysis (4), and here ment and are dead. They have formed small
the association of increasingly porous bone de- cancellous sequestra. Here and there one can
struction and reparative osteosclerosis has pro- see typical marrow abscesses, and there are
duced the patchy appearance. No involvement many collections of bacteria within the highly
of the knee joint is detectable. The reactive os- cellular granulation tissue which show up with
teosclerosis is limited to the region around the HE staining as tiny bluish specks (cocci). These
osteomyelitic focus; the more distant bone can be more clearly seen if stained with methy-
shows signs of acute bone atrophy (5). Radio- lene blue. The retention of bone sequestra in
logically, acute osteomyelitis will be first de- the marrow cavity supports the inflammatory
monstrable in this case after three weeks, until process and prevents healing, so that finally a
then the bone findings remain negative. chronic recurring osteomyelitis develops. For
Macroscopically (Fig. 241) one can see a this reason it is essential that all sequestra are
highly active osteomyelitic focus of destruction removed surgically.
in the marrow cavity, and in a few places this Under higher power (Fig.243) the exces-
has spread to the cortex. In the long bones sively granular polymorphs with their deeply
these lesions are especially to be found in the lobed nuclei are clearly seen (1). They are dis-
metaphysis, from where they can extend into tributed - sometimes very densely, sometimes
the diaphysis and epiphysis. It is a region with more loosely - throughout the marrow cavity.
map-like edges in which the network of the Many of them are necrotic. The whole space is
spongiosa has been destroyed. It contains a soaked with inflammatory edematous fluid. The
dirty yellowish-gray mass of soft consistency. trabeculae are necrotic, and the lacunae no
The focus is bounded on the outside by a red- longer contain osteocytes. The lamellar layering
dish hemorrhagic seam. The cortex is irregu- is extremely faded and often undetectable (2).
larly narrowed, and has in places been broken The trabeculae have irregular jagged edges,
down by fistulas through which the pus can get although in this acute stage of the inflamma-
under the periosteum and re ach the soft parts. tory process no osteoclastic bone resorption is
In Fig. 241 one can recognize osteomyelitic to be seen. One has the impression that these
changes in a tibia, from which the soft parts necrotic trabeculae have disintegrated into thin
can only be incompletely dissected free (1). In plaque-like sheets.
the metaphyseal region of the diaphysis there is Although this type of purulent osteomyelitis
a large reddish-gray defect in the cortex (2) is practically always due to bacterial infection,
where an intramedullary focus of inflammation active bacteria are not often seen on histologi-
has broken through and produced a fistula. cal examination. The Surgeon who undertakes
In Fig. 242 one can see the typical histologi- the bone biopsy should also remove a sampie
cal picture of an acute purulent osteomyelitis. for bacteriological analysis.
Acute Purulent Osteomyelitis in Adults 135

Fig. 240 a, b. Acute purulent osteomyelitis in an adult (tibia) Fig. 241. Acute purulent osteomyelitis (tibia)

Fig. 242. Acute purulent osteomyelitis; HE, x25 Fig. 243. Acute purulent osteomyelitis; HE, x40
136 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Fig. 245 shows active osteomyelitis of the fe- differentiated and begin to form fibro-osseous
mur with an intramedullary bone sequestrum trabeculae (1) which contain many osteocytes
(1). The bone tissue has been irregularly de- and osteoblasts. This is a typical reactive peri-
stroyed by the osteomyelitic process, which ostitis ossificans. After a while the newly
shows up radioIogicalIy in the long bone as a formed bony structures mature and become
patchy area of translucency with an indistinct calcified. They lie radial to the bone surface
border (2). In the middle of this pale area of and are bound together in the form of arcades.
granulation tissue and demineralized bone, the The mineralization front is rendered visible by
sequestrum is sharply delineated by its undu- dark undulating lines (2). Between these newly
lating border. It is also strongly mineralized formed subperiosteal bone trabeculae there is
and therefore dark. loose or dense connective tissue (3), and some-
In Fig. 244 one can recognize macroscopical- times an inflammatory infiltrate.
Iy a similar osteomyelitic focus in the distal These morphological observations show that
part of the tibia. The marrow cavity has been the inflammatory processes of bone attack and
taken over by a large map-like area of necrosis damage not only the bone marrow (osteomy-
(1), with a dirty grayish surface in section elitis) but also the bone itself (osteitis) and the
which is surrounded by a region of grayish-red periosteum (periostitis). The ways in which the
hyperemia (2). Clearly demarcated dense white tissues react to the inflammatory stimulus are
calcified sequestra are lying in the abscess cavi- limited, the resistance of the body playing a de-
ty (3). HistoIogicalIy (Fig. 246) the richly cellu- ciding role here. The radiological appearance of
lar infiltration of the marrow cavity is again osteomyelitis depends on the association of
striking (1) and leukocytes with heavily lobu- bone resorption (osteolysis) and deposition
lated nuclei are present. Between them lie ne- (reactive osteosclerosis), as weIl as on reactive
crotic trabeculae without osteocytes (2). periostitis (the so-called involucrum).
If an acute purulent osteomyelitis overcomes
the tissue of the cortex and reaches through to
the periosteum, the periosteal connective tissue
reacts by widening and laying down new trabe-
culae. After this new bone has been mineral-
ized it can also be seen in the radiograph. Fig-
ure 247 is the picture of a tibia with patchy
porous osteomyelitic changes in the marrow
cavity (1). The outer surface of the long bone
shows a double contour (2), and at one point
(3) the cortex has been penetrated. A bony
shell - known as a sequestral cavity - has been
reactively laid down around the inflamed bone. 1
With a long smouldering osteomyelitis, several
such bony shells can lie one upon the other, 3
and these are also visible in the radiograph. In
contrast to the radial "spicula" (p. 162 and
Fig. 304) which may arise, for instance, with a
tumor, the bony shells in osteomyelitis are ar-
ranged parallel to the surface of the bone.
If the granulation tissue and the purulent
exudate are driven through the Haversian and
Volkmann canals as far as the periosteum, this
is at first raised up from the cortex, causing a
characteristic local periosteal pain. The inflam-
matory irritation originating from the marrow
cavity causes the connective tissue of the peri- Fig. 244. Acute purulent osteomyelitis with sequestra
oste um to thicken (Fig. 248). Osteoblasts are (distal tibia)
Acute Purulent Osteomyelitis in Adults 137


Fig. 245. Acute purulent osteomyelitis with sequestra Fig. 246. Acute purulent osteomyelitis; HE, x25

-.-"+''"r--- 3

Fig. 247. Reactive periostitis ossificans in a case of osteo- Fig. 248. Reactive periostitis ossificans (periosteal involu-
myelitis (periosteal involucrum, tibia) crum); HE, x25
138 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Chronic Osteomyelitis intensifies and bursts into flame again and

again. This has now become a chronic recur-
An acute purulent granulating osteomyelitis can rent osteomyelitis that even with modern anti-
remain active for a long time (weeks or biotie treatment is difficult to deal with. In
months), especially when asequestrum is left Fig. 251 it can be seen that the marrow cavity
in position. During this time advancing reac- is completely filled with scar tissue (1). The
tive processes are proceeding in the bone whieh original cancellous framework is no longer pre-
are associated with pronounced remodeling. sent, and instead the progressive bone remodel-
Near the destructive osteomyelitie lesion there ing has led to the development of clumsy, thor-
are irregular regions of osteosclerosis which oughly irregular bone trabeculae which are in
can be seen in the radiograph. Chronie osteo- no way arranged to correspond to the pressure
myelitis involving the neck of the right femur and tension lines of the bone (2). These bony
can be seen in Fig. 249, reaching distally into elements lie indiscriminately here and there
the long bone. The innermost parts of the bone within the scar tissue. In some pI aces the con-
have mostly undergone an osteosclerotic in- nective tissue in the marrow cavity has become
crease in density (1), with patchy foci of trans- porous and is invaded by capillaries (3). Here
lucency in between (2). The cortex is in places one finds collections of plasma cells, lympho-
light er (3), in places thiekened and casting a cytes and histiocytes, as well as a few polymor-
dense shadow (4). The outward contours of the phonuclear leukocytes, which confirm the pres-
bone are smooth, and the periosteum appears ence of araging inflammatory process. The
in some places to be widened (5). Radiologieal- sporadie outbreaks of inflammation can lead to
ly osteomyelitis can sometimes simulate a bone severe bone defects and bring about a patho-
tumor. The association of osteolytie and osteo- logieal fracture. Fistulas may break through the
sclerotie bone remodeling pro ces ses gives the cortex and reach the soft parts, until finally
impression of a proliferating tumor, especially amyloidosis develops.
when there is subliminal inflammation of the Under higher magnification (Fig. 252) an os-
bone without any of the clinical signs of in- teosclerotieally widened bone trabecula can be
flammation (fever, leukocytosis, raised ESR seen (1) in which the deposition front is
etc.), and when the presence of bacteria cannot marked by extended reversal lines. The marrow
be proved. Equally well, a bone tumor (a bone cavity is filled with fibrous tissue (2), whieh in
lymphoma, for instance, or a Ewing's sarcoma) the neighborhood of the trabeculae is dense
may lurk behind the supposed radiological ap- and rieh in fibers. The layers of osteoblasts also
pearance of an acute osteomyelitis. confirm the advancing osteosclerosis (3). One
In cases of chronie osteomyelitis the exten- can also see loose, highly cellular granulation
sive bone remodeling is also macroscopically tissue in the marrow cavity, with developed and
very striking. In Fig. 250 one can see a saw cut sprouting capillaries (4), together with infil-
through the proximal end of a femur that is trates of plasma cells, lymphocytes, histiocytes
very much distended and deformed. The great- and a few polymorphonuclear leukocytes,
er trochanter appears to have been greatly en- whieh indieate the continuation of the inflam-
larged by bone deposition (1). The cortex is matory process.
considerably widened (2), and contains small The recurrence of a chronie osteomyelitis
patchy holes and wide zones of ir regular osteo- can sometimes take place after ten or more
sclerosis which also reach into the femoral neck years, either at the original site or in some
and head (3). The marrow cavity is filled with other region. To this extent the condition may
a coarse dense network of bone (4). In several produce late effects. If the recurrence of an ear-
places one can recognize dark grayish-red lier osteomyelitis is found at the site of the
map-like regions of coalescing masses of blood original inflammation, one speaks of [ate osteo-
and pus (5). myelitis, which is mostly accompanied by a
As with every case of bacterial infection, in- pronounced osteoporosis and sometimes in-
creasing scar tissue also develops with chronic volves joint changes as well. In a tomogram it
osteomyelitis and leads to an advancing fibrosis often is possible to demonstrate many small se-
of the marrow cavity. The osteomyelitic process questra.
Chronic Osteomyelitis 139

3 5

Fig. 249. Chronic osteomyelitis (femoral neck) Fig. 250. Chronic osteomyelitis (proximal femur)

Fig. 251. Chronic osteomyelitis; van Gieson, x40 Fig. 252. Chronic osteomyelitis; HE, x64
140 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

A chronic osteomyelitis that develops over corresponding radiological changes in structure

several years may lead to pronounced bone re- are due to the destructive and reparative activ-
modeling which extends into the bones in- ity of the inflammatory process.
volved and destroys their structure, so that Fig. 256 is a lateral radio graph of the thorac-
even a malignant tumor may have to be consid- ic column. The 7th (1) and 8th (2) thoracic ver-
ered during the differential diagnosis. In chil- tebrae are extensively destroyed and fused to-
dren, and therefore in the growing skeleton, gether. The intervertebral space (3) is no longer
such bone remodeling can also appear in a re- recognizable. Next to the large areas of osteoly-
latively short space of time. sis there are regions showing a diffuse increase
In Fig. 254 one can see the radiograph of a in density. The lateral cortex (4) is completely
severe osteomyelitis in the right humeral shaft destroyed.
of a 5-year-old child. The entire long bone The histological appearance of the material
seems to have increased in size. Inside there is obtained by a ne edle biopsy is that of chronic
an area of translucency (1) which looks like a osteomyelitis. In Fig. 257 one can see a scleroti-
cavity and which probably contains pus and cally thickened trabecula (1) with active osteo-
bacteria. The surrounding spongiosa is dense cytes (2) which are lining the deposition front
and sclerotic (2). The pronounced increase in (3), and here a few osteoblasts (4) have also
width and density of the periosteum is particu- been deposited. The marrow cavity contains
lady striking (3) and extends over almost the loose inflammatory granulation tissue (5) with
whole of the bone. In places it is raised up a sparse infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma
from the cortex. The thickened periosteum is cells (6) and dilated capillaries (7). This is a
layered like the skin of an onion. In the radio- chronic, histologically non-specific spondylitis,
graph of Fig. 255 the chronic osteomyelitis of and the search for bacteria is often negative.
the same humerus is shown in another plane.
The entire shaft of the bone shows an extensive
increase in osteosclerosis (1) which involves
both the spongiosa and the cortex. Inside this
zone of sclerosis there are fine moth-eaten foci
of osteolysis (2). The shaft of the humerus is
slightly enlarged. Externally one can see the
widened and densely shaded periosteum (3).
Such a radiological appearance in a child must
be distinguished from a Ewing's sarcoma
(p. 352), and for this a bone biopsy is required.
The histological picture of the biopsy makes
it easy to confirm the chronic osteomyelitis. In
Fig. 253 one can see the loose granulation tis-
sue, with only a few fibers (1), which complete-
ly fills the marrow cavity. It is loosely infil-
trated by lymphocytes and plasma cells (2) and
has been invaded by numerous dilated capil-
laries (3). Many trabeculae of fibrous bone (4)
have developed within the granulation tissue.
The possibility of this being a malignant tumor
can be excluded.
If chronic osteomyelitis develops in the body
of a vertebra, we speak of a chronic spondylitis.
It usually affects one or more adjacent vertebral
bodies, and only rarely involves the transverse
or spinous process. If the inflammation invades
the adjacent intervertebral discs and destroys
them, this gives rise to a spondylodiscitis. The Fig. 253. Chronic spondylitis; HE, x64
Chronic Osteomyelitis 141


Fig. 254. Chronic osteomyelitis (shaft of humerus) Fig. 255. Chronic osteomyelitis (shaft of humerus)

.\ -. ., :.;
~ - 5

• • • "'--..-_ _L--"I 6
7 '---":'--+ •• t'" ~ .,.:
.. 'r- _ t'


2 2

Fig. 256. Chronic spondylitis and spondylodiscitis Fig. 257. Chronic spondylitis; HE, x64
(7th and 8th thoracic vertebrae)
142 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Brodie's Abscess periostitis ossificans may develop, although this

is not present in the case depicted. The osteoly-
If the virulence of the pathogens is low and the tic zone is orientated in the long axis of the bone
patient's resistance good, an osteomyelitic bone and reaches as far as the epiphysealline (3).
abscess may develop - usually in the metaphys- In the overview of Fig. 260 one can recog-
is or epi-metaphysis, and most often in the nize histologically a mass of highly cellular
proximal or distal part of the tibia - which pro- granulation tissue that has taken up the whole
duces only a slight degree of pain. It most com- of the marrow cavity (1). Next to the dense cel-
monly appears in connection with an attack of lular areas there are porous regions that have
chronic osteomyelitis in young people (I4th- been soaked through by edematous fluid. Nu-
24th year of life) which has been overcome. merous capillaries are running or sprouting
Such a Brodie's abscess can be seen at the dis- throughout the underlying granulomatous
tal femoral metaphysis in Fig. 258. In the radio- framework (2). The trabeculae near the walls of
graph one sees a well-defined elongated oval the bony cavity (3) are osteosclerotically wid-
"bone cyst" (1) lying cent rally in the bone and ened and in many places have a jagged outline.
extending in its long axis. Within, the bone tis- The osteocytes are preserved, and in this case
sue has been destroyed and the cavity filled no sequestra have developed. Peripherally one
with pus. Unlike other "bone cysts" (e. g. juve- often sees newly formed bony structures con-
nile bone cyst, aneurysmal bone cyst or osteo- sisting of fibro-osseous trabeculae which are
clastoma), a Brodie's abscess is surrounded and patchy in appearance and contain many osteo-
sharply demarcated by a narrow marginal os- cytes and osteoblasts.
teosclerotic shell (2). It differs from bone tuber- Under higher magnification (Fig.261) the
culosis in that the surrounding osteosclerotic cellular structure of the inflammatory granula-
zone is clearly marked. Periostitis ossificans tion tissue stands out clearly. The marrow cavi-
mayaiso develop. Large bone abscesses my ty is soaked through with edematous fluid, and
lead to a pathological fracture (3). There are no only a few thin collagen fibers can be seen (1).
sequestra. In between, large numbers of plasma cells are
loosely distributed (2), their eccentric nuclei
and the distribution of the chromatin, res em-
Plasma (eil Osteomyelitis bling the spokes of a wheel, are clearly seen. In
most cases their cytoplasm is strongly eosino-
If resistance is good and the virulence of the philic, and they can be distinguished by their
organisms restricted, a type of localized monomorphic appearance from the ceHs of a
chronic osteomyelitis can develop in which plasmocytoma. Active bacteria cannot be seen.
there is no pus. Macroscopically there is a cavi- The adjacent bone tissue (3) is vital and con-
ty in the bone from which it is possible to tains intact osteocytes. One can recognize a
evacuate a mucoid, whitish mass (osteomyelitis wide region of bone deposition (4) and a few
albuminosa) consisting almost entirely of plas- deposited osteoblasts.
ma cells (osteomyelitis plasmacellulare). Very It is often impossible to diagnose a plasma
often it is impossible to detect the presence of ceH osteomyelitis with any certainty from a
bacteria. It usually attacks children and young plain radiograph, and one is sometimes unable
people, the most frequent site being the meta- to distinguish it from a Ewing's sarcoma. Var-
physis of a long bone. ious different bone diseases may lie hidden be-
In the radiograph a plasma cell osteomyelitis hind such a "bone cyst" - amongst others, an
very often appears as a bone cyst. Such a focus eosinophilic granuloma, non-ossifying osteofi-
can be seen in Fig. 259 at the distal tibial meta- broma or enchondroma. In such cases the final
physis of a 15-year-old boy. There is a cyst-like diagnosis must depend upon the histological
central translucent region of bone tissue (1) examination of a bone biopsy. This type of
that is surrounded by an osteosclerotic border bone inflammation is known to run a pro-
(2). The boundary zone can sometimes appear tracted course and to have a strong tendency to
more faded, or the osteosclerosis may include a recur. When the spinal column is involved it is
large part of the neighboring bone. A reactive particularly important to exclude tuberculosis.
Plasma Cell Osteomyelitis 143

Fig. 258. Brodie's abscess (distal femur) Fig. 259. Plasma cell osteomyelitis (distal tibia)

Fig. 260. Plasma cell osteomyelitis; van Gieson, x40 Fig. 261. Plasma cell osteomyelitis; HE, x160
144 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Non-purulent Sclerosing Osteomyelitis (Gam!) Tuberculous Osteomyelitis

This is an unusual form of chronic bone lll- Even today this is still the most frequently occur-
flammation in which the virulence of the invad- ring specific inflammatory disease of bone. It of-
ing organisms is restricted from the beginning, ten attacks both bones and joints simultaneously
and which often appears several years after an (osteoarthropathia tuberculosa). Since the intro-
incidental sepsis. It does not occur as fre- duction of antibiotic treatment, bone tuberculo-
quently as acute or chronic osteomyelitis and sis has declined in young people, but those of
mostly attacks children or young adults. It more advanced age are increasingly affected.
mostly involves the shafts of long bones, and in There is no such thing as primary bone tubercu-
particular the bones of the jaws. In the radio- losis; it is always blood borne (from a pulmonary
graph (Fig. 262) the extensive and very dense focus, for instance) during the hematogenous
osteosclerosis - with occasional small translu- phase, or in the phase of organic tuberculosis.
cent areas - is the most striking feature (1). In 3% to 5% of cases of generalized tuberculosis
The proximal metaphysis of the tibia is in- the skeleton becomes involved. The appearance
volved and the marrow cavity has been filled of bone tuberculosis and the involvement of par-
with newly formed bone tissue. The cortex is ticular bones depends on several factors. Failure
thickened (2) and new bone tissue has differen- of resistance to infection particularly favors the
tiated even in the periosteum. No sequestra development of bone tuberculosis, and its
have been formed. In the jaw bones a similar spread is determined by the distribution of the
kind of osteosclerotic dis tension can put one in active red bone marrow. It is known that in early
mind of a bone tumor (a Ewing sarcoma, for childhood the entire marrow cavity is involved in
instance), particularly if the surface of the cor- blood building, whereas in later adult life it is
tex has become severely roughened. concentrated in the axial skeleton. This is respon-
As can be seen in Fig. 263, only a very few - sible for the different skeletal distribution of tu-
if, indeed, any - polymorphonuclear leukocytes berculosis in childhood and in adult life. As is
are found in cases of sclerosing osteomyelitis. illustrated in Fig. 264a-c, the most frequent 10-
The principal event is the formation of a highly calization of bone tuberculosis (40%) is in the
fibrous, dense connective tissue that occupies spinal column (particularly from Th 6 to L 3),
the entire marrow cavity of the metaphyseal re- followed by the hip joint (25%) and knee joint
gion involved (1). Here new irregular bone tra- (20%). In children, over 20% of cases involve
beculae develop (2) and are haphazardly dis- the short bones of the hand or foot, but in adults
tributed. These trabeculae show many thick the pelvis is a more frequent site. The inherited
and thin drawn out reversal lines (3) and are constitution can also be decisive for the develop-
often covered by rows of osteoblasts. These ment of bone tuberculosis. This is confirmed by
structures indicate the progressive bone forma- observing the incidence of cases of multiple bone
tion and apposition which constitute the scle- tuberculosis in uniovular twins (Fig. 264a-c).
rosing process. It is noticeable that, alongside Since the introduction of protective inoculation
this extraordinarily vigorous new bone forma- with BCG and the use of tuberculostatic drugs,
tion, the original bony structures are preserved. the number of cases of bone and joint tuberculo-
The osteocytes have not been destroyed. Re- sis in children has markedly decreased. Adult tu-
gions of coalescence, sequestra and marrow berculosis has been displaced into a high er age
cavity abscesses form no part of the picture of group, and has increased in the elderly. A very
sclerosing osteomyelitis, and bacteria cannot important factor in tuberculosis is the time
usually be identified in the inflamed tissue. In- which elapses between the spread of the disease
flammatory cells (plasma cells, lymphocytes, and the first symptomatic focus. This so-called
histiocytes) are only sparsely represented. latent period varies with the different skeletal
Clinically, this condition is accompanied by a manifestations: it is about 1-2 years for tubercu-
rheumatoid type of pain. The course and prog- lous spondylitis (minimal 2-8 months), 6-19
nosis are benign. months for tuberculosis of the knee joint and
16-36 months for the hip joint. Synovial tubercu-
losis has a very short latent period (1-3 months).
Tuberculous Osteomyelitis 145

Fig. 262. Sclerosing osteomyelitis Garre (proximal tibia) Fig. 263. Sclerosing osteomyelitis Garre, HE, x25

Fig. 264 a-c. Localization of skeletal

and joint tuberculosis in children (a),
adults (b) and in old age (c). (after
UEHLINGER, 1979) [black - very com-
mon, >20%; dark gray - common,
> 10%; light gray - rare 1
146 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Bone tuberculosis is only dearly recogniz- Fig. 269 shows histologically typical tubercu-
able radiologically after at least three months. lous granulation tissue within a tuberculous
In Fig. 265 there are large tuberculous lesions bone lesion, where it has destroyed the local
in the body of a thoradc vertebra (1) which bone tissue. Large regions of "caseation" have
have extensively destroyed the bone. One can developed (1) which nevertheless have a nodal
observe large areas of translucency (tuberculous appearance. In these it is often possible to de-
cavities) which in places have run together. In monstrate tub erde bacilli histochemically
between one can recognize surrounding regions (Rhodamin-Auramin stammg, fluorescence).
of sderosis. The roof plate has been destroyed CIose by there is a small tub erde (2), which is
(2) and the intervertebral disc narrowed. The surrounded by epithelioid cells, lymphocytes
surrounding bone shows signs of an atrophy and Langhans' giant cells. The spongiosa is ex-
(perifocal osteoporosis) which is typical of tu- tensively destroyed and practically no osteo-
berculosis. There are no signs of periostitis os- sderotic re action is to be seen. Similar tuber-
sificans or sequestra, and these are rare in tu- des are seen in the synovia. The diagnosis of
berculosis. bone or joint tuberculosis cannot, however, be
In Fig. 266 tuberculous spondylitis of the 3rd made from the histological picture alone, it is
and 4th lumbar vertebrae is illustrated macro- also necessary to establish the presence of tu-
scopically. In L4, ne ar the intervertebral disc, berde bacilli.
one can see a large cavity (1) filled with a mass
of "caseation". The disc itself (2) has been de-
stroyed. Collapse of the upper plate has led to a
prolapse of the nu deus pulposus into the cavity
and to narrowing of the intervertebral space,
which is an important early symptom of tuber-
culous spondylitis. The tuberculous process has
also extended into the adjacent 3rd lumbar ver-
tebra (3). The extension of the tuberculous
granulation tissue from this so-called saddle
cavity continues outwards parallel to the disc
(4) as far as the short intervertebral lateral fi-
bers of the anterior longitudinal ligament (5).
This leads to the development of a so-called hy-
postatic abscess. Central vertebral cavities do
not usually show up in the conventional radio-
graph, but can be seen in the tomogram (CT,
MRT). Destruction of the vertebral bodies has
severe consequences for the spine. In the tho-
rade region this may lead (as seen in Fig. 267)
...."",~~----.. 2
to collapse of the anterior part of the bone so
as to produce a wedge vertebra (1), and this
can resuIt in a gibbus angularis (hump). In this
maceration specimen one can also see coales-
cence of the spongiosa with complete bridging
over of the intervertebral space by bone (2).
Two small cavities can still be seen he re (3). In
Fig. 268 one can see such a block vertebra
where two lumbar vertebrae (1) have complete-
ly fused together and the disc has been re-
placed by bone tissue (2). These changes in the
macroscopic structure of the spinal column,
which can also be recognized radiologically, are
very typical of tuberculous spondylitis. Fig. 265. Tuberculous spondylitis (thoracic vertebrae)
Tuberculous Osteomyelitis 147

2 -"';'-"':';:";""--

Fig. 266. Tuberculous spondylitis with saddle cavity and Fig. 267. Tuberculous spondylitis with development of
hypostatic abscess (3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae) wedge vertebrae and gibbus angularis (thoracic vertebrae,
maceration specimen)

Fig. 268. Tuberculous spondylitis with development of Fig. 269. Tuberculous osteomyelitis; HE, x40
block vertebrae (lumbar vertebrae)
148 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Fig. 270 illustrates a maceration specimen of BeG Osteomyelitis

tuberculous spondylitis of the lumbar column.
The 3rd (1) and 4th (2) lumb ar vertebral As a result of the introduction of BeG inocula-
bodies are pardy fused to form a block verte- tion and the use of tuberculostatic drugs the
bra. The intervertebral space (3) is narrowed ineidence of tuberculosis has been gready re-
and pardy eliminated. In the center we can see duced. However, BeG inoculation, like every
a large cavity (4) that reaches into both bodies other aggressive therapy, does on rare occa-
and contains the usual infective material. The sions have its complications. A few patients
preserved perifocal spongiosa (5) shows signs show an extreme pathological reaction to such
of ir regular osteoporosis. These structural an inoculation, and the picture of bone tuber-
changes are dearly demonstrable radiologically. culosis develops. This applies particularly to
Such advanced destruction of bone invaded by children with a lowered resistance. In Fig. 273
the tuberculous cavity on one side and by the one can see a radio graph of the right humerus
osteoporosis on the other can easily result in a of a one-year-old child after BeG inoculation.
compression fracture of the vertebral body with The proximal part of the humerus (1) is exten-
narrowing of the spinal canal, eventually com- sively damaged, and there is a pathological
plicated by pressure on the cord. fracture. In the shaft one can see a sderotic in-
In Fig. 271 one can see a radiograph of tu- crease in density (2) and a cavernous region of
berculous osteomyelitis of the proximal part of translucency (3). The periosteum is elevated
the left femur. There is a large area of osteo- over a wide region, and appears widened and
porotic loosening of the spongiosa in the femo- doudy (4). The histological picture of the bone
ral neck and trochanteric region (1). There are biopsy seen in Fig. 274 shows the structures
no eircumscribed osteolytic foei (cavities). The which are virtually pathognomonic of active tu-
hip joint is not very dearly seen, and the joint berculosis. There are tuberdes with necrotic
cavity (2) is narrowed. A fracture (3) has ap- centers (1), and in the neighborhood a highly
peared in the femoral neck. Histological exami- cellular granulation tissue (2) with epithelioid
nation of the biopsy material revealed the pres-
ence of tuberculous osteomyelitis. In Fig. 272
one can see granulation tissue with several tu-
berdes in the marrow cavity (1) which show
central caseation (2) and are surrounded by a
wall of epithelioid cells (3) and Langhans' giant
cells (4). The spongiosa is extensively destroyed
and only the remains of trabeculae are to be
seen (5). This typical histological picture also
leads one to consider tuberculosis very ser-
iously, but proof must depend upon confirming
the presence of tub erde bacilli.
Treatment requires that the bone cavity is
curetted and the tuberculous granulation tissue
removed. Sometimes stabilization by osteo- 4
synthesis is also necessary. In these cases tuber- 3
culostatic treatment is naturally indicated, and
that is usually rather a lengthy process. Patients
with bone tuberculosis must be kept constantly 2
under observation in order to recognize a re-
currence as soon as possible and to prevent the
disease from spreading.

Fig. 270. Tuberculous spondylitis with cavitation and block
vertebrae (maceration specimen)
BeG Osteomyelitis 149

Fig. 271. Tuberculous osteomyelitis with pathological frac- Fig. 272. Tuberculous osteomyelitis; HE, x40
ture of the femoral neck (left femur)


Fig. 273. BeG osteomyelitis (right proximal humerus) Fig. 274. BeG osteomyelitis; HE, x80
150 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

eells and multinucleate Langhans' giant eells With progressive reactive bone remodeling
(3). It is not, however, possible to confirm the due to sarcoidosis, one finds an increase of ac-
presence he re of tubercle bacilli either histolog- tivity ne ar the bony foei in the skeletal scinti-
ically or bacteriologically. gram. In Fig. 277 one can see a case of multifo-
cal Boeck's sarcoidosis with the "hot points"
particularly in the short tubular bones of the
Boeck's Sarcoidosis of Bone hands (1) and feet (2), in the bones of the car-
(Jüngling's Ostitis Cystoides Multiplex) pus (3) and tarsus (4), in the proximal tibial
epiphyses (5) and in the left elbow joint (6).
Boeck's sarcoidosis is a granulomatous inflam- The histological picture contains multiple
matory condition of unknown etiology that par- avascular no des of highly cellular granulation
ticularly affects the reticulo-endothelial system tissue (1). As appears in Fig. 278, the nodes are
(lymph nodes, spleen, liver, bone marrow). The often sharply bordered by the surrounding con-
disease can therefore appear in bone and lead nective tissue (2) and consist almost exclusively
to radiological changes, which are, however of epithelioid cells. There is no central casea-
usually without subjective symptoms. It is only tion. Figure 279 shows that they fill up the
if the granulomas in the bone marrow produce marrow cavity and in pI aces coalesce. The bony
reactive osteolysis or osteosclerosis that the spongiosa (1) in this granulation tissue has
condition can be detected radiologically. Bone been destroyed, dispersed and resorbed. These
involvement is to be expected in about 14% of are tuberculoid granulomas which - unlike the
cases of Boeck's sarcoidosis, and in 2.2% there lesions of bone tuberculosis - have no central
is hypercalcemia. It is most often the intermedi- areas of necrosis (caseation). The nodes consist
ate and terminal phalanges of the fingers and essentially of a loose collection of epithelioid
toes that are affected (Jüngling's ostitis cys- cells with oval shoe-shaped nuclei, between
toides multiplex). Less frequently lesions are which lie a few lymphocytes and isolated Lang-
found in the metaearpals and metatarsals, car- hans' giant cells (2).
pals and tarsals, the epiphyseal lines of the long Unlike the tubercle of bone tuberculosis, the
bones or the axial skeleton. Very often they can sarcoid granuloma consists of a loose arrange-
appear simultaneously in several different ment of peripherally placed epithelioid eells
bones. without any central region of caseation. Usually
In Fig. 275 one can recognize a destructive le-
sion radiologically in the inter mediate phalanx
of the right little finger (1), which contains a
sharply bordered, patchy translucent area. The
surrounding bone tissue is porous (2). There is
no perifocal osteosclerosis or reactive periosti-
tis, and the neighboring joints are not affected.
The lesion could regress spontaneously.
Skeletal sarcoidosis can give rise to multifo-
cal osteosclerosis with corresponding radiologi- 1 2
cal changes, of which sclerosis of the medial
third of the iliac wing is particularly character-
istic. The radiograph of Fig. 276 shows such a
finding. There is a massive band of osteoscle-
rotie spongiosa (1) in the medial third of the
wing of the left iliac bone, and one can also see
round sclerotic foei in the iliac crest (2) and
the pubic ramus (3) on the left side. It is not
possible in this case to distinguish this from
the sclerosing osteomyelitis of Garre (p. 144).
Such osteoscleroses are, in cases of sarcoidosis, Fig. 275. Boeck's sarcoidosis
without any symptoms. (middle phalanx of right little finger)
Boeck's Sarcoidosis of Bone (Jüngling's Ostitis Cystoides Multiplex) 151

,_ - - - - - 6

3 ____

! •

....- - - - - - 5

4 -----------:..... ~~------ 2

Fig. 276. Boeck's sarcoidosis (left iliac bone) Fig. 277. Multifocal Boeck's sarcoidosis (scintigram)

Fig. 278. Boeck's sarcoidosis; HE, x40 Fig. 279. Boeck's sarcoidosis; HE, x80

there is no closed lymphocytic surrounding reaction negative. Associated joint inflamma-

wall. In the active phase of sarcoidosis the tion, fistulas and sequestra do not belong to
Kveim reaction is positive and the tuberculin the picture of sarcoidosis.
152 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Syphilitic Osteomyelitis (Syphilis 01 Bone) ous small (2) and large (3) osteolytic defects,
which are sharply delineated and have indented
This infectious disease, which is caused by the the cortex (4). The preceding periostitis ossifi-
spirochete Treponema pallidum, can be trans- cans is structurally drawn into the cortex. Such
mitted to the fetus across the placental barrier a radiological appearance is reminiscent of a
or can be acquired in adult life. We can there- bone tumor. Typical syphilitic periostitis ossifi-
fore distinguish between congenital syphilis cans can be seen in the radiograph of the fe-
and acquired syphilis. The skeletal manifesta- mur in Fig. 283, where one observes marked
tions of these two forms can be distinguished widening and cloudiness of the periosteum (1),
both radiologically and histologically. Congeni- the outline of which is unclear and feathery. It
tal syphilis is prineipally characterized by is in some places fused with the cortex (2) and
trophic disturbances of cartilaginous growth: in others separated from it by a translucent
syphilitic osteochondritis or osteochondritis lue- region (3). Within the bone, there is diffuse
tica. The radiological appearance of syphilis is sclerosis of the spongiosa with fine patchy re-
not speeific enough to provide a certain diag- gions of translucency (4). Distal to this a wide
nosis. The epiphyseal cartilages are usually wid- sclerotic demarcation can be seen (5).
ened with fine irregularities on the epiphyseal The histological picture of an intraosseous
and diaphyseal sides. The epiphyseal plates are gumma is shown in Fig. 284. There is highly
faded and tom, and seem to be detached from cellular granulation tissue with confused foei of
the brighter metaphyses. In Fig. 281 one can a dense infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma
recognize the increase in breadth of the pre- cells (1), most of which surround a central ves-
paratory calcification zone (1) in a syphilitic seI (2). This is a speeific syphilitic gumma, and
child. The layer of spongiosa adjacent to the it is deeisive for the diagnosis if found in a
epiphyseal cartilage is weakly developed and biopsy. These days it is extremely rare to en-
therefore translucent (2). It encloses a feebly counter acquired syphilis in an adult, and the
sclerotic layer of the spongiosa (3). The remain- diagnosis should only be made if the presence
ing spongiosa is mostly atrophie. A region of of syphilis has been confirmed serologically.
marked periostitis ossificans (4) is also striking.
Histologically in Fig. 282 one first recog-
nizes in the widened preparatory calcification
zone the proliferating columnar cartilage (1).
Adjacent to this the ir regular cartilaginous ma-
trix is more strongly calcified than normal, so
that a regular scaffold of calcium has developed
(2). This is characteristic of syphilitic osteo-
chondritis. As a consequence of the reduced os-
teoblastic activity hardly any bone tissue has
been deposited in the calcified matrix. The
marrow cavity contains highly vascular granula-
tion tissue without any foei of hematopoietic
In acquired syphilis one most often observes
defects in the nasopalatine region, with saddle
nose and palatal defects. Syphilitic osteomyeli-
tis is mostly found in the long bones, predomi-
nantly in the form of syphilitic periostitis ossifi- 4
cans. In the later stages, gummatous cavities
develop within the bones. In Fig. 280 one can
see the radiograph of syphilitic osteomyelitis in
the distal part of the radius. This region of the
bone is elevated and shows signs of extended
sclerosis (1). Inside the lesion there are numer- Fig. 280. Syphilitic osteomyelitis (distal radius)
Syphilitic Osteomyelitis (Syphilis of Bone) 153


Fig. 281. Congenital syphilitic osteomyelitis (femur, tibia, fi- Fig. 282. Syphilitic osteochondritis; HE, x25

2 1

Fig. 283. Syphilitic osteomyelitis in an adult (femur) Fig. 284. Syphilitic osteomyelitis; HE, x64
154 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Typhoid Osteomyelitis is espeeially the lumbosacral region (including

the sacroiliac joint) that is affected. The causa-
Involvement of bone in a Salmonella infection tive organism is the Brucella bacterium (Bru-
is very much less common than in a staphylo- cella abortus, suius, melitensis), which gains
coccal infection, but osteomyelitis accompany- entry into the organism through the skin, gas-
ing typhoid fever is being increasingly ob- trointestinal tract or respiratory passages. It
served as more and more people travel. Chil- lodges in the liver, spleen, lymph no des, bone
dren are more frequently affected than adults. marrow, joints or kidneys. In the bones and
Typhoid osteomyelitis is particularly to be seen joints the inflammatory foei require a few
accompanying typhoid in patients with sickle weeks or months from the initial infection to
cell anemia. The disease is more serious than cause pain. In Fig. 287 a focus of Bang's osteo-
staphylococcal osteomyelitis. The mortality rate myelitis is shown radiologically at the proximal
is 19% among children and young people, and femoral metaphysis of a 20-month-old child
can even re ach 58% in those over 25 years old. (1). The lesion lies in the center of the bone
Multiple lesions appear simultaneously in sev- marrow and is sharply bordered by a thin layer
eral bones. In the radio graph of Fig. 285 such a of marginal sclerosis. The spongiosa inside the
typhoid lesion is to be seen in the patella (1). focus has been extensively destroyed to produce
One can recognize a eircumscribed zone of de- a "bone cyst". Apart from slight perifocal os-
struction that is fairly sharply delimited by teosclerosis (2) the remaining bone shows no
marginal sclerosis. Internally there is a fine, other changes.
patchy, cloudy appearance. The cortex is also Histologically (Fig. 288) the marrow cavity
completely destroyed on one side (2), and here is filled with highly cellular loose granulation
a discrete bony periosteal reaction can be rec- tissue. Within it, there are poody delineated
ognized. The remaining bone tissue of the pa- nodular granulomas (1) consisting of collec-
tella is given over to irregular sclerosis. tions of numerous mononucleated macrophages
In the bone biopsy shown in Fig. 286 one between which no - or only a very few - poly-
can recognize histologically loose fibrous tissue morphonuclear leukocytes are to be seen. One
(1) in the marrow cavity with slender fibrocyte can also see lymphocytes, plasma cells and oc-
nuclei and a lymphocytic infiltrate. There are casional multinucleate giant cells within the
also small nodes with unclear borders (2) granulomas. These are mononucleated or multi-
which consist of a loose collection of histiocy- nucleated macrophages which have phagocy-
tic cellular elements. These granulomas contain tosed the bacteria and most of which will per-
macrophages with irregular dark nuclei (3), ish. In the small granulomas the spongiosa can
known as Rindfleisch cells (or "typhoid cells"), remain unchanged. In the case shown here, the
which have phagocytosed nuclear debris and spongiosa in the neighborhood of the osteo-
erythrocytes. In the outer regions of such a ty- myelitic lesions has, however, been extensively
phoid node one finds mostly lymphocytes and destroyed by the inflammatory process. Reac-
a few plasma cells. Polymorphonuclear leuko- tive osteosclerosis has developed peripherally,
cytes are not demonstrable in this granulation as indicated by the widened bone trabeculae
tissue. In the periphery of such an osteomyeli- (2).
tic typhoid focus the bone trabeculae show re- In the spinal column Bang's osteomyelitis de-
gions of deposition and several drawn out re- velops in the vertebral bodies. The lesions lie
versal lines (4) as signs of a reactive osteo- mostly near the intervertebral discs and can at-
sclerosis. tack the adjacent bodies. This may lead to de-
formation of the spinal column and sometimes
to compression of the cord. Bang's spondylitis
Bang's Osteomyelitis (Osteomyelitic Brucellosis) can imitate tuberculous spondylitis (p. 146,
Fig. 265) radiologically in every detail. The os-
This late manifestation of Bang's undulant fever teoporosis in Bang's disease is, however, less
particularly attacks the vertebral column marked. A biopsy can settle the diagnosis.
(Bang's spondylitis), but can also arise in the
ribs and long bones. In the vertebral column it
Bang's Osteomyelitis (Osteomyelitic Brucellosis) 155

Fig. 285. Typhoid osteomyelitis (patella) Fig. 286. Osteomyelitis with typhoid; HE, x64

Fig. 287. Bang's osteomyelitis: Brucella abortus (proximal Fig. 288. Bang's osteomyelitis: Brucella abortus; HE, x71
156 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Fungal Osteomyelitis chotomously to form a network (the myce-

lium). In between there are numerous conidia
Osteomyelitis can develop as a result of a fun- ("pistils") (3). The organism here is the fungus
gal infection, with the fungus subsequently set- Aspergillus, which has attacked the wall of the
tling in the bone marrow. Even if bacterial os- maxillary sinus. This fungus is found all over
teomyelitis occurs much more frequently, fun- the world, and usually enters the body by inha-
gal osteomyelitis always crops up from time to lation of the spores. If resistance is lowered, the
time and can cause serious diagnostic difficul- mycosis can spread through the bloodstream to
ties. Basically speaking, any fungus may be re- re ach the bone and initiate a fungal osteomyeli-
sponsible, although the most usually encoun- tis.
tered are Actinomyces bovis (actinomycosis, In Fig. 291 a highly cellular granulation tis-
truly bacterial), Coccidioides immitis (cocci- sue can be seen that originated in the marrow
dioidomycosis), Blastomyces dermatiditis (blas- cavity. The numerous microabscesses (1) con-
tomycosis) and Sporotrichum schenckii (sporo- sisting of dense collections of polymorphonu-
trichosis). Fungal infections of this kind occur clear leukocytes are striking. In between one
much more often and primarily in the soft sees a large number of multinucleated giant
parts, but they can sometimes secondarily at- cells (2), the nuclei of which lie close together
tack the skeleton. Usually a fungal osteomyelitis or are arranged in rows around the cell periph-
is a late manifestation of a fungal infection, but ery. There are also many histiocytic cellular ele-
it can also sometimes be .the first sign of the ments (3). Such giant cell granulation tissue
disease. can lead to serious diagnostic difficulties. In
Radiologically a fungal osteomyelitis pro- the presence of existing inflammatory changes
duces no specific structural changes in the with giant cells that closely resemble foreign
bone, so that this cannot be a basis for the di- body giant cells, the possibility of a fungal os-
agnosis. Figure 289 is a picture of a fungal os- teomyelitis must be borne in mind.
teomyelitis of the ulna, shown on histological The high er magnification of Fig. 292 shows
examination to be coccidioidomycosis. In the inclusion bodies within the giant cells which
proximal part of the diaphysis one can recog- stain red with PAS. These are the sporocysts of
nize a small translucent osteolytic area (1) coccidioidomycosis (1), which are empty, or the
which has an unclear and slightly jagged bor- endospores (2) of this fungal disease. The spo-
der. There is no marginal sclerosis. The adja- rocysts are round and 30-60 )lm in diameter.
cent bone tissue, including the cortex, has un- The endospores leave the fungal cells and lie in
dergone an osteosclerotic increase in density the cytoplasm of the giant cells. A fungal osteo-
(2). No periosteal re action can be recognized. myelitis such as this can resemble tuberculoid
Diagnosis depends upon histological exami- granulation tissue, and the macroscopic
nation of a bone biopsy (confirmed by bacteri- changes are also similar to those of tuberculo-
ological and immunological tests). The marrow sis. Coccidioidomycosis, which is found partic-
cavity usually contains highly cellular granula- ularly in the southwest states of the USA and in
tion tissue which can be mistaken for a non- Middle and South America, is especially liable
specific or specific osteomyelitis or even a bone to attack the lung. If the skeleton is involved,
tumor - an osteoclastoma, for instance. The lesions are usually found in several bones,
presence of a fungus can best be confirmed by mostly near to the joints.
Grocott staining, or PAS. A whole host of organisms can settle in the
The histological structure of a fungal osteo- bone marrow and give rise to skeletal inflam-
myelitis is illustrated in Fig. 290. The marrow mation. Actinomycosis of bone may produce
cavity is filled with loose granulation tissue in cavities and scleroses with fistulas in the bones
which collections of eosinophil leukocytes and of the jaws, where the organisms can usually be
a few neutrophils can here and there be seen clearly demonstrated histologically. In cases of
(1). In addition, one can recognize with PAS echinococcosis of bone, the parasites (Ecchino-
staining small cordlike structures (2) which are coccus cysticus or alveolaris) can give rise to
pathognomonic of a fungus. They consist of single or multivesicular hydatid cysts in bone
septate hyphae which frequently subdivide di- (spinal column, pelvis, long bones).
Fungal Osteomyelitis 157

Fig. 289. Fungal osteomyelitis: aspergillosis (ulna) Fig. 290. Fungal osteomyelitis: (aspergi~losis); PAS, x64

Fig. 291. Fungal osteomyelitis: (coccidiodomycosis); Fig. 292. Fungal osteomyelitis: (coccidiodomycosis);
HE, x40 PAS, x160
158 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Echinococcosis of Bone easily recognized as belonging to an echinococ-

cal cyst. In Fig. 296 one can see loose scar tis-
Bone diseases due to parasites are rare. Bone sue (1) with fod of inflammatory cells (2: lym-
echinococcosis is due to a parasitic invasion of phocytes, plasma cells) and numerous cystic
the tissue by the cysticercus of the canine tape- hollow spaces (3), which are empty and which
worm (Taenia echinococcus) following contami- resemble the gaps left by foreign bodies. The
nation with the feces of infected dogs, cats or long chitinous membranes (4) are, however, pa-
rabbits. Infection most often occurs by mouth thognomonic of echinococcosis. These appear
and in childhood. The embryos reach the in histological sections as homogeneous, often
bloodstream from the gut and settle in 65% of slightly laminated red strips which show up
cases in the liver, and in 10%-15% in the lung. very brightly with HE staining. This "cuticle" is
Bone is involved in only 1%-3% of cases, a product of the echinococcus and enables the
usually by Echinococcus granulosus. As illu- diagnosis to be made. Scolices are sometimes
strated in Fig. 293, the most frequent sites are seen in the neighborhood of the cuticle, con-
in the axial skeleton (vertebral column, pelvis). firming the presence of the parasite itself.
The long bones (humerus, tibia, fibula) are also The histological picture of Fig. 297 shows
often attacked, the femur and skull only rarely. the cystic material under higher magnification.
The radiological structure of echinococcosis One can see the empty hollow spaces of the
is distinguished by multicystic bone remodel- cysts (1) in which the scolices must be looked
ing which involves large regions of the bone at- for (not present in the picture). However, the
tacked and may recall the picture of a malig- wide bright red chitinous membranes (2) are
nant bone tumor. In Fig. 294 one sees a case of characteristic of echinococcus. Between the
echinococcal involvement of the proximal part cysts there is loose connective tissue with a
of the left humerus. More than a third of this non-spedfic inflammatory infiltrate (3).
long bone is showing signs of multicystic re-
modeling. Near the large intraosseous bony
cysts (1) there are several smaller cysts (2),
none of which have any internal structure. The
cysts are only incompletely separated by nar-
row septa (3). The affected region is slightly
elevated. The cortex appears to be narrowed
from within, but is completely intact. One can
recognize an obliquely-running pathological
fracture (4) within these lesions. This has al-
ready united after immobilization, which is
why the bone here has expanded (5). The le-
sion is clearly bordered distally by a region of
marginal sclerosis (6).
The radiograph of Fig. 295 also shows a case
of bone echinococcosis which involves the
proximal part and neck of the left femur. In the
neck one can see large cysts (1) which are bor-
dered by narrow septa (2). These cysts have no
internal structure. The affected region is
slightly elevated. The cortex appears to be nar-
rowed from within, but is completely intact,
and no periosteal reaction can be observed.
Similar intraosseous cysts are present in the
left side of the pelvis (3) above the hip joint.
The histological picture of the material from Fig. 293. Localization of bone echinococcosis. Black, very
a curettage or biopsy of such a bone cyst in- common; dark gray, common; light gray, rare. (After
cludes membranous cystic structures which are BÜRGEL and BIERLING 1973)
Echinococcosis of Bone 159



Fig. 294. Echinococcosis (proximal humerus) Fig. 295. Echinococcosis (left femoral neck)

Fig. 296. Echinococcosis; HE, x40 Fig. 297. Echinococcosis; HE, x80
160 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Inflammatory Periostitis Ossificans Traumatic Periostitis Ossificans

In cases of osteomyelitis the inflammation An inflammatory reaction can also follow trau-
spreads out from the bone marrow cavity matic damage to the bone, such as a fracture
through the Haversian and Volkmann canals or an osteosynthetic procedure, and this can
into the periosteum. This leads to an inflamma- lead to the development of a more or less
tory reaction on the part of the periosteal con- severe periostitis ossificans. In the radio graph
nective tissue, which after ab out ten days (Fig. 301) we can see a femur in which intra-
causes fibro-osseous trabeculae to differentiate medullary pinning (1) was employed for the
out. The newly built trabeculae are at first ori- treatment of a fracture. A severe periosteal re-
entated radially to the cortex and bound to- action developed which spread throughout the
gether in the form of arcades. They are finally whole of the bone (2). The newly formed bony
mineralized and form a bony shell (CCsequestral structures give the widened periosteum the ap-
cavity") which is attached to the bone from pearance of an irregular honeycomb.
outside. In the maceration specimen (Fig. 298) Fig. 302 shows the classical histological pic-
we can see a greatly roughened and deeply ture of periostitis ossificans. We can see many
notched bone surface. The bony thickening of new fibro-osseous trabeculae with large osteo-
the periosteum varies in degree, but extends cytes and patchy deposition (1). Osteoblasts are
along the entire shaft of the long bone. Its se- lining the bony structures (2). The trabeculae
verity depends upon the intensity of the inflam- are bound together to form a dense ir regular
mation. In the radiograph (Fig. 299) the in- network, which differs from the appearance of
flammatory periostitis ossificans is clearly an inflammatory periostitis ossificans. Between
shown. Within the long bone there are destruc- the trabeculae one can see loose fibrous or
tive osteolytic lesions (1) with reactive sclerotic granulation tissue, in some places with deposits
zones (2) of osteomyelitis. The osteomyelitic of hemosiderin. It can be difficult to distin-
bone is enclosed by a widened and darkly guish between traumatic periostitis ossificans
clouded mantle of periosteum (3). The double and callus tissue on the basis of a biopsy alone.
contour of the periosteum is clearly recogniz-
able. The first reactive periosteal changes can
be observed 2 to 3 weeks after the start of the
osteomyelitic process in the form of perpendi-
cular ccspicules". True bony shells with radiolog-
ically reduplicated contours appear later, and
can completely disappear again after the heal-
ing of the disease.
Histologically (Fig. 300) we can see many
newly developed fibro-osseous trabeculae (1)
with numerous osteocytes and deposited layers
of osteoblasts (2) in the widened periosteum.
The bony trabeculae are woven together and
more or less parallel, and are aligned at right
angles to the bone surface. In places they are
bound together in arcades (3). Between these
trabeculae there is loose granulation tissue with
inflammatory cells (4) (lymphocytes, polymor-
phonuclear leukocytes, plasma cells).

Fig. 298. Periostitis ossificans (maceration specimen)

Traumatic Periostitis Ossificans 161

Fig. 299. Purulent inflammatory periostitis ossificans Fig. 300. Purulent inflammatory periostitis ossificans;
(femur) HE, x25

Fig. 301. Traumatic periostitis ossificans (femur) Fig. 302. Traumatic periostitis ossificans; HE, x25
162 7 Inflammatory Conditions of Bone

Ossifying Periostosis Due to Impairment Such periosteal changes can appear as an early
of the Blood Supply symptom of a bronchial carcinoma, and they
may recede again following removal of the tu-
Following venous stasis in the soft parts (due mor. In the radiograph (Fig. 306) one can rec-
to varicosity, for instance) an ossifying perios- ognize the cloudy appearance of the periosteum
tosis can develop locally - usually in the tibia of a femur (1), where the long bone is sur-
or femur. In Fig. 303 one can see the radio- rounded by a sleeve-like layer of periosteal
graph of a normally structured femur. Clouding bone that is wide opposite the diaphysis and
of the periosteum, which varies in width and narrow near the metaphyses/epiphyses (2). The
has an undulating border, is apparent ne ar the ends of the bone show no periosteal thickening.
middle of the shaft (1). The layer of periosteal bone is separated from
the cortex by a narrow space. Histologically
(Fig. 307) one sees a widened periosteum of
Tumorous Ossifying Periostosis loose connective tissue, which has been in-
vaded by numerous capillaries (1). Within this,
Bone tumors, particularly when malignant, lead layers of new bone trabeculae (2) which already
to destruction of the neighboring bone and show a lamina ted layering have differentiated.
simultaneously bring about a local inflamma- At the beginning of these changes there are fi-
tory reaction. Such pro ces ses penetrate the cor- bro-osseous trabeculae which lie perpendicular
tex and stimulate the periosteal connective tis- to the diaphysis, but which later become bound
sue to lay down new bone, which can be ob- together to form arcades, so that several layers
served radiologically. Figure 304 shows the of bone lying one upon the other can arise. The
radiograph of an osteoblastic osteosarcoma of adjacent cortex (3) is rendered cancellous ow-
the distal femoral metaphysis in which the af- ing to smooth bone resorption from the Haver-
fected region of the bone is densely clouded sian canals outwards.
(1). In the periosteum there are irregular sha-
dows which include "streaks" lying perpendicu-
lar to the surface (2). These are the so-called
spicules which provide a ray-like border to that
region of the bone, and represent the periosteal
reaction to the malignant growth of the tumor.
Histologically (Fig. 305) we can see parallel-or-
ientated patchy bone trabeculae with active os-
teocytes and a few deposited osteoblasts (1).
Between these newly formed trabeculae there is
mostly only loose, highly vascular granulation
tissue (2). Only in rare cases can one see spar-
sely distributed tumor tissue which has infil-
trated the region, and therefore a biopsy of the
ossifying periosteal reaction would have only
limited diagnostic value.

Osteoarthropathie hypertrophiante pneumique

(Pierre Marie-Bamberger)

This skeletal disease represents a particular

form of periostitis ossificans that can occasion-
ally arise in the course of chronic heart or lung
disease, and which can lead to extensive sym-
metrical thickening of the long and short tubu- Fig. 303. Ossifying periostosis due to a circulatory distur-
lar bones by layered periosteal bone deposition. bance (femur)
Osteoarthropathie hypertrophiante pneumique (Pierre Marie-Bamberger) 163

Fig. 304. Tumorous bony periostosis: osteosarcoma Fig. 305. Tumorous bony periostosis; HE, x25
(distal femur)

Fig. 306. Osteoarthropathie hypertrophiante pneumique Fig. 307. Osteoarthropathie hypertrophiante pneumique
(Pierre Marie-Bamberger) (femur) (Pierre Marie-Bamberger); HE, x20
8 Bone Necroses

General is important to distinguish bone necroses with

simultaneous osteomyelitic changes (septic
Just as in the case of any other living tissue, bone necroses) from those that show no real in-
bone tissue can die, and this will result in the dications of accompanying inflammation
appearance of necrotic material; in other (aseptic bone necroses). It is known that in
words, a bone necrosis. Such a condition may cases of purulent osteomyelitis, necroses devel-
be due to: (1) impairment of the blood supply op in which pieces of dead bone are extruded
to the bone, (2) inflammation of the bone itself (formation of sequestra). Therapeutically this
(osteomyelitis, p. 129), (3) radiation damage implies sequestrotomy and antibiotic treatment.
(radioosteonecrosis), (4) trauma (e.g. fracture, Although bone is, in comparison with other tis-
p. 1l3) or (5) a hormonal disturbance (e. g. sues, relatively resistant to radiation, bone ne-
Cushing's disease, p. 76). Bone necrosis is dis- croses do indeed appear after radiotherapy
tinguished histologically by the absence of os- (radioosteonecroses). In particular, it is true
teocytes within the bone tissue. The osteocyte that, following earlier conventional weak radia-
lacunae are empty, no nuclei are seen. The la- tion, bone absorbs radiation more strongly, so
mellar layering is lost or canceled out. In any that it may possibly be subjected in effect to
case, however, the artifacts that may arise when two or three times the dose given. This can of-
preparing a histological section must be taken ten lead to the development of radioosteone-
into account. Too lengthy or too fierce decalcifi- croses upon which, particularly in the region of
cation in nitric acid can itself destroy the os- the jaws where there are so many entry ports
teocytes, leaving their lacunae empty. In the for bacteria, infective inflammation may be
presence of bone necrosis one usually finds re- superimposed. Today, with the use of modern
active inflammatory changes in the adjacent high-voltage treatment and homogeneous radia-
bone tissue. tion of the soft parts and bone tissue, the pos-
The etiology of the various types of bone ne- sibility of overdosage is greatly reduced and the
crosis has not so far been elucidated. Only in bone tissue of adults is therefore relatively
relatively few cases can it be attributed to cut- radioresistant. Furthermore, because of the
ting off the blood supply. Following a fracture, thorough dental hygiene carried out before em-
a piece of bone may be deprived of its blood ploying radiotherapy in the head and neck re-
supply and become necrotic. The same can be gion, the danger of a so-called radiation ostei-
caused by a surgical procedure (e. g. osteo- tis (radioosteomyelitis) of the jaw is reduced to
synthesis) which damages the vessels to the aminimum.
bone (e. g. intramedullary pinning or abrasion With the majority of aseptic bone necroses it
of the periosteum). Emboli, a stenosing arterio- is assumed that only a disturbance of the blood
sclerosis or inflammation of the wall of a nutri- supply can have been the cause, without there
ent artery can equally well lead to impairment being any real proof of this. These are the
of the blood supply. In this way an anemic "idiopathic ischemic bone necroses". In a few
bone infarct develops. Such bone necroses are cases a history of local trauma can be found
nevertheless rather uncommon, because the (''post-traumatic ischemic bone necrosis"). In
bone marrow and the spongiosa are most effi- cases of the so-called aseptic epiphyseal ne-
ciently supplied with blood via the nutrient ar- croses ("localized osteochondritis"), the bone
tery, and the cortex from the periosteum. This marrow and bone tissue in the growing regions
is apparently the etiology in the case of caisson become necrotic, while the articular cartilage -
disease (p. 174). As against that, the origin of which is nourished by the synovia - remains
bone necroses during metabolic or hormonal unaffected. The continued functional loading of
disorders (e. g. Cushing's disease, p. 76) is still the part of the bone affected leads to a growth
largely unexplained. In histological sections it deformity and disturbance of function (e. g. ar-
General 165

throsis deformans). This group includes espe- radiologically. In most cases a plane radio-
cially Perthes's disease, Osgood-Schlatter dis- graph, which should be bilateral in the case of
ease, Köhler's disease (of the navicular bones of the limbs, is sufficient to establish the diagno-
the feet and metatarsal heads), Kienböck's dis- sis. These examinations can be extended to in-
ease (lunatomalacia), Scheuermann's disease (of clude tomograms and the imaging procedures
the spinal column) and osteochondrosis disse- of nuclear medicine. In the scintigram of an
cans (p. 430). A particularly frequent site for acute bone necrosis (for instance, following
aseptic bone necrosis is the femoral head, trauma or acute obliteration of avessei) there
where it always leads to a severe coxarthrosis is no activity, whereas with a slowly developing
deformans. It is especially after a medial frac- spontaneous aseptic osteonecrosis the activity
ture of the femoral neck in old age that a sec- is increased. This is due to the reparative re-
ondary aseptic necrosis of the femoral head is modeling of the still vital bone tissue.
likely to develop. Because of this experience, it In the radiograph of Fig. 308 one can see, in
is usual to remove the head surgically immedi- an aseptic bone necrosis affecting the medial
ately after the fracture and replace it with a to- condyle of the left femur, only a discrete irregu-
tal endoprosthesis (TEP). larity of the contour (1) that is hardly recogniz-
Following Pörschl (1971), some 90 different able as a pathological finding. The patella (2)
bone necroses have been described which have shows up as a large round zone of increased
similar radiological findings and the same his- density. In the corresponding scintigram
tological picture, and can only be distinguished (Fig. 309), on the other hand, this region shows
from each other by their localization and etiol- a great increase in activity (1), indicating vigor-
ogy. Vague pains in a joint or in the limb ne ar ous local bone remodeling. The patella is out-
a joint, or in the vertebral column in children lined in the scintigram (2). In such a case a se-
or young people, always suggests a possible lective bone biopsy will establish the diagnosis
aseptic bone necrosis and should be examined of an aseptic bone necrosis histologically.

Fig. 308. Aseptic bone necrosis of medial condyle of the Fig. 309. Aseptic bone necrosis of medial condyle of the
left femur (scarcely recognizable) left femur (scintigram)
166 8 Bone Necroses

The Normal Blood Supply of Bone vasculature outwards from the diaphysis. Since
the vessel passes obliquely through the cortex,
Like every other living tissue, bone is depen- hardly any contrast medium can enter the bone
dent upon its blood supply. For this reason during peripheral angiography, which is from a
every bone is connected to the general circula- diagnostic point of view very important. After
tory system and transmits arterial and venous entering the marrow cavity, the nutrient vessel
blood. Disturbances of the blood-flow through divides into ascending and descending
the tissue lead to changes in the bone, thus branches which run in a longitudinal direction
producing bone necrosis or a bony infarct if within the bone. No subsidiary branches are
the blood supply is interrupted. An arterial hy- given off within the cortex. In the marrow cavi-
peremia leads to increased local (osteoclastic) ty the vessels divide into numerous arterioles,
resorption, and venous stasis to increased (os- and these penetrate the endosteal surface sev-
teoblastic) deposition (osteosclerosis). eral tim es on their way through the bone in or-
As can be seen from the diagrammatic re- der that their branches may supply the diaphy-
presentation in Fig. 310, the intraosseous circu- seal cortex (so-called "irregular arborization").
lation is extremely complicated. Small arteries These are probably endarteries. The cortical
and veins from the periosteum pass into the capillaries are connected with those of the peri-
bone through the Volkmann canals and build osteum.
up a rich network of vessels in the bone mar- The numerous myeloid arteries drain into a
row, in the osteons and in the spongiosa. This dense network of metaphyseal arteries which
functional vascular framework consists of a copiously supply the ends of a long bone with
woven pattern of sinusoids and capillaries in blood. In addition, small arteries from the
the hematopoietic bone marrow, fatty marrow main systemic circulation run diagonaHy
and spongiosa. It is an extensive framework through the cortical bone and join the meta-
and serves to provide ionic exchange between physeal arteries within the marrow cavity. In
the bloodstream and the surrounding tissue. A this way the growing ends of long bones are
long bone has three sources of blood supply: ensured a fuHy adequate blood supply. The epi-
(1) the nutrient artery, (2) the metaphyseal ar- physes are also provided with a good blood
teries (which after the completion of skeletal supply. Arterial branches from outside pene-
growth join with the epiphyseal arteries) and trate the cortex, enter the bone and divide, one
(3) the periosteal arterioles. The bony joint branch running in the direction of the articular
ends are more strongly vascularized than the cartilage and the other supplying the epiphyseal
bone shafts. The efferent system consists of cartilage. In fully developed bones there is a
large effluent veins, the cortical venous system wide subdivided connection between this epi-
and the periosteal capillaries. physeal capillary system and the metaphyseal
The nutrient vessels (arteries and veins) en- arteries.
ter or leave the bone through the nutrient fo- The venous drainage takes place through ve-
ramina. The number of these vessels is variable nous sinusoids and the metaphyseal veins. In
(there are several arteries in the femur, only the diaphysis these enter the central venous ca-
one in the tibia). After passing obliquely nal which runs longitudinally through the
through the diaphyseal cortex the vessel divides bone. Large effluent veins take the blood once
in the marrow cavity into an ascending and a again out of the bone.
descending myeloid artery. These vessels Figure 310b is a diagram of the blood sup-
branch within the marrow to give rise to nu- ply shown projected onto a transverse section
merous arterioles which penetrate the endo- through abone. The cortex is supplied by cap-
steum to supply the diaphyseal cortex. illaries from both the marrow cavity and the
In Fig. 310 a the blood supply of a long bone periosteum. Venous drainage takes place
is diagrammatically illustrated in longitudinal through the marrow sinusoids and the central
section. The main nutrient artery enters the venous sinus.
bone through its nutrient foramen, thereby During the period of growth the metaphyses
passing through the dense cortical bone. The and epiphyses have their own blood supply,
blood is then distributed through the nutrient which is different from that of the diaphysis.
The Normal Blood Supply of Bone 167

Articular cartilage --------:~7(J'~'!~~~~~~~- - - Terminal endarteries

____ __ Venous sinusoids a[ld

Metaphyseal arteries and metaphyseal veins
terminations of the
medullary arterial system

Medullary sinusoids
Main nutrient artery and vein

Periosteal capillaries
anastomosing with Interfascicular veins and capillaries
cortical capillaries in the musdes
" - - - Central venous canal
~_--- Large venous tributary

Transverse epiphyseal venous canal

Periosteal arteriole and Adjacent musdes

vena comitans - -- - .......
Periosteal capillaries ---~~S;ii~~R.

~~~flW~~U<(}--~.,.-- Endosteal capillaries

VI/)I:'V!t~---~----'r-- Myeloid sinusoids

Central venous
)- - - - - - - I - - - - t - - - sinus
Fig. 310a,b. Diagram illustrating blood supply of abone. (After BROOKES 1971)
168 8 Bone Necroses

As can be seen in Fig. 310c, the metaphyseal capsule and their blood supply is of the great-
and epiphyseal vessels enter the bone through est possible importance. Any reduction in the
numerous nutrient foramina, by which the two blood supply of the synovia leads to reduction
systems are kept apart. In the presence of com- of and changes in the synovial fluid, and this
plete epiphyseal cartilages there are no anasto- can cause nutritive damage to the articular car-
moses between the diaphyseal blood supply tilage.
and that of the epiphysis. In adults there is a The capillaries of the afferent system drain
subchondral circulation near the articular carti- directly into the venules of the efferent system.
lage and a synovial circulation outside the in- The post-sinusoidal effluent stream runs
ternal synovia. The highly vascular periosteum through very thin-walled veins, which come to-
supplies about a third of the cortex, whereas gether dichotomously as tributaries near the ar-
the inner third of this layer receives blood from terial divisions and drain either into the central
the endosteal side through the nutrient arteries. vein in the diaphysis or into the collecting
In other words, the cortex has a dual blood veins of the metaphyses. The venous drainage
supply. from the bone is taken away by the nutrient
This extraordinarily rich and dense system vein, metaphyseal veins or small perforating
of dividing and internally communicating veins of the cortex distributed at equal intervals
blood vessels in the epi-metaphyseal region of a along the shaft. The details of this complicated
long bone can be compared to the vasculature vascular network with its extraordinarily large
of the mesentery, and we can speak of the number of branches can only be demonstrated
"vascular circle of the joint". Band-like, it sur- with cast specimens. Normal angiographic
rounds the non-articular surface of the epiphy- methods produce very incomplete results, since
sis. Terminal capillary loops build up a vascular the contrast medium can only with difficulty
framework at the periphery of the articular car- re ach the intraosseous vessels and does not fill
tilage. As in the epiphyseal region, there are all the capillaries and venules there.
several vascular loops around the shaft of the Figure 311 illustrates anormal peripheral
bone in the diaphyseal periosteum. The epiphy- angiogram showing the wide caliber blood ves-
seal and metaphyseal vessels arise from this sels of the peripheral circulation (1) running
vascular circle as weIl as from the periarticular along the bone, and the branches entering the
vascular network that supplies the joint cap- bone through the nutrient foramen (2). It is,
sule. however, not possible to visualize the vessels
The epi-metaphyseal arteries are of great im- within the bone by this method, although if
portance for the vitality of the bone, and they one injects a contrast medium directly into the
bring in approximately as much blood as does nutrient vessels their course within the bone
the nutrient artery. Should the nutrient artery can be clearly demonstrated.
be absent, the entire shaft of the bone may be Such anormal intraosseous angiogram is
exclusively supplied by the metaphyseal arteries pictured in Fig. 312, in which a central sinus
and thus kept alive. Whereas the epiphyses are within the shaft (1) and an ampullary collecting
exclusively supplied by the epiphyseal arteries vessel (2) are shown. The bone is traversed by
during the fetal and postnatal periods, the ends a large caliber vein (3) that divides up at the
of adult bones are supplied exclusively by the diaphyseal-metaphyseal border (4) to form a
metaphyseal arteries. Any disturbance of this vascular network. Intraosseous angiography
complicated vascular system can produce a par- makes it possible to visualize the essential co m-
tial aseptic bone necrosis in the corresponding ponents of the intraosseous vascular system.
region (in the head of the femur, for example). This allows one to demonstrate the gross and
No vessels are found within the epiphyseal or finer structural changes taking place in the
the articular cartilages. The growth cartilage is medullary vascular system in the presence of
supplied by the epiphyseal vessels. In adults, various bone lesions (tumors, for instance, or
the articular cartilage receives its nourishment congenital deformities), and to draw further
partly from the subchondral metaphyseal ves- conclusions about the nature of the lesion itself.
sels and partly from the synovial fluid. For this
reason the preservation of the synovia, the joint
The Normal Blood Supply of Bone 169

" 1-----..111"., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Periosteal artery

J....~~~_I_--------- Vascular circle of joint
ru-ll--____- - - - - - - - - - - Metaphyseal artery
.....- - - - - - - - Cartilaginous growth plate
__- - - - - - - Arterial arcade of epiphysis
1f..."~l.hH.-;,,::::~'\-----a---------- Epiphyseal artery
Ad--II-- - - -- - - - - - - transitional zone
~.!..!,,~Ol!Il!a_ffIIL--ßlij-____- - -- - - Articular cartilage
____~~~~~:j.----------- Fibrous joint capsule
._- - - - - - - - - Subsynovial plexus
- - - - - - - - - Periarticular plexus
__- - - -- - - Main systemic vessel

Intramedullary branches of nutrient arteries


Fig. 310c. Diagram illustrating blood supply of a bone


Fig. 311. Normal peripheral angiogram (forearm) Fig. 312. Intraosseous angiogram (proximal humerus)
170 8 Bone Necroses

Idiopathic Bone Necroses and granulation tissue in which dilated blood

vessels (6) and histiocytic elements (7) are pre-
The various different bone necroses cannot be sent.
distinguished from one another in histological Aseptic epiphyseal necroses or apophyseal
sections. From the nature of the marrow infil- necroses which can be attributed to circulatory
tration we can only decide whether a necrosis disturbances have a predilection for particular
is septic or aseptic, or recognize a bone infarct regions to each of which a corresponding name
as such. Apart from this, other clinical data is related. Generally speaking it is only one re-
(e. g. age, site of the lesion) and the radiological gion that is affected - an epiphysis, apophysis
findings must be taken into account before the or a small bone. Multiple appearances are very
particular disease can be identified. In young much the exception. In Fig. 315 the sites of the
people the condition announces itself with sud- most frequent epiphyseal necroses are illu-
den pain, with or without previous bodily strated: (a) Calve's vertebra plana attacks a ver-
stress. In adults, similar pains often arise in tebral body in which an aseptic bone necrosis
connection with professional overwork and develops and coalesces following the appear-
have a "rheumatic" character. ance of a fis sure. The intervertebral disc re-
In Fig. 313 one can see the histological ap- mains unaltered. (b) Scheuermann's disease
pearance of an aseptic bone necrosis of the (adolescent kyphosis) is a condition in which
femoral head. The trabeculae of the spongiosa microtraumas (usually in the thoracic column)
(1) are widened and clumsy, partly with produce a peripheral bone necrosis which leads
smooth and partly with undulating borders. to the collapse of the upper plate and the devel-
The lamellar layering is indistinct or absent opment of so-called Schmorl's nodes (p. 70).
and the osteocyte lacunae (2) are empty, which The resulting wedge vertebrae bring about a
is to say that there are no osteocyte nuclei visi- thoracic kyphosis. (c) Perthes' disease arises in
ble in the bone. This is necrotic bone tissue. the femoral head (coxa vara) when the avascu-
Sometimes one sees deposited tabular osteons lar epiphyseal cartilage receives too little blood
(3), which have drawn out reversallines, and in from the metaphysis. This leads to osteolysis of
which the osteocytes are not infrequently pre- the femoral head, which becomes distorted un-
served. This is a sign of reparative bone re- der normal loading. (d) Kienböck's disease; a
modeling. The marrow cavity is full of amor- fracture following subliminal trauma leads to
phous basophilic material (detritus, 4) and necrosis of the carpal lunate (lunatomalacia).
loose connective tissue (5) in which the occa- (f) Osgood-Schlatter disease; chronic overload-
sional inflammatory ceH is to be seen. The me- ing brings ab out necrosis of the tibial apophy-
dullary connective tissue mayaiso be necrotic, sis. (g) Köhler's disease I involves necrosis of
and in the necrotic zones one frequently en- the tarsal navicula (os naviculare pedis) and
counters dystrophic calcification (6). Köhler's disease II (h) of the 2nd metatarsal
An aseptic bone necrosis can involve an en- head. Osteochondrosis dissecans, which belongs
tire bony element (e. g. the femoral head) or to the idiopathic necroses, occurs most fre-
only appear in apart of it. Old or fresh necrot- quently in the knee joint, less frequently in the
ic changes can take over the whole of the histo- hip, elbow and shoulder joints. Anemic bone in-
logical picture, or reparative processes may pre- farcts are most often observed at the ends of
dominate. In the histological picture of the long bones.
Fig. 314 one can observe osteosclerotically wid- Figure 316 shows the age distribution of the
ened trabeculae with indistinct lamellar layer- most important bone necroses. One recognizes
ing (1) and empty osteocyte lacunae (2), that some idiopathic bone necroses already ap-
although a few osteocytes are preserved here pear in childhood (Calve's vertebra plana,
and there (3). Numerous osteoclasts (4) are ly- Perthes's disease, Köhler's disease 11), whereas
ing in the flat resorption lacunae, and beside others manifest themselves in young adults
them there are also a few osteoblasts (5). The (e.g. Scheuermann's disease).
marrow cavity is filled with loose connective
Idiopathic Bone Necroses 171

2 . .11....

Fig. 313. Aseptic bone necrosis; HE, x25 Fig. 314. Aseptic bone necrosis; HE, x40

months Age in years
1 3 5 7 9 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Calve al-H-4~"~'f--\t-- Vertebral body
Vertebra plana
Scheuermann bl ~I+-----::Ia~--'I'')f- Vertebral epiphyses
5cheuermann 's disease
Calve-Le<Jg- Perthes c Head of femur d
. ...---ti-- Perthes 'disease
Kienb6ck d Epiphysiolysis
Dietrich e

Osgood-Schlatter f--~jl
n-- - - Tibial apophysis
Schlatter's disease

Calcaneal apophysis
Alban-KOh ler 9 Navicula
Köhler 's disease I
Freiberg-KOh ler h h
,~.--_ Metatarsal head
Köhler 's disease 11 _ _ _ _ Distribution of age at onse!

Fig. 315. Localization of the most frequent epiphyseal bone Fig. 316. Ages distribution of the most important bone ne-
necroses, (After UEHLINGER) croses, (After UEHLINGER)
172 8 Bone Necroses

Femoral Head Necrosis necrosis onto the femoral neck has caused the
outer side of the cortex to become roughened
Necrosis of the femoral head is a relatively (3). On the sawn surface of the bone one can
common condition that can develop at any age. observe the irregular, partly porous, partly scle-
It is an aseptic bone necrosis caused by a distur- rotic framework of the spongiosa. Macroscopi-
bance of the blood supply and for wh ich a trau- cally one is faced with the picture of severe ar-
matic dislocation of the hip, a medial fracture of throsis deformans, radiologically there are indi-
the neck of the femur or idiopathic ischemia cations that these bone changes are due to ne-
may be responsible. Following injury, the ves- crosis of the femoral head. It is, however, only
sels supplying the femoral head and neck may the histological examination that can finally es-
be tom and the blood supply cut off. In tablish this diagnosis.
Fig. 317 the vasculature of the head and neck In Fig. 320 one can see the histological pic-
of the femur is illustrated diagrammatically. ture of an aseptic necrosis of the femoral head.
The circumflex femoral artery arises from the The trabeculae (1) have become greatly wid-
deep femoral artery (arteria profunda femoris), ened and obviously ill-formed as a result of the
itself a branch of the femoral artery. The cir- reparative processes. The lamellar layering is
cumflex artery (arteria circumflexa) forms a very indistinct and at times absent. Extensive
loop within the joint capsule above the lesser regions of the bone tissue are free of all cells
trochanter and dorsal to the femoral neck, and and many osteocyte cavities are empty (2).
runs laterally into the neck, where it follows a This is necrotic bone tissue. Only a few scat-
subcortical course to the epiphysis. Between a tered osteocyte nuclei are present (3). A few
fifth and a third of the epiphyseal blood supply fine drawn out revers al lines (4) can be clearly
comes from the acetabular artery (medial epi- seen, indicating the deposition front. Here and
physeal arteries), and the remaining four-fifths there widened osteoid seams (5) are also en-
to two-thirds from the lateral epiphyseal ar- countered. Copious amorphous necrotic materi-
teries, which are branches of the obturator ar- al (6) (stained blue by H & E) is seen lying be-
tery. The obturator vessels are of less impor- tween the trabeculae, and densely fibrous con-
tance in the adult and are often obliterated. The nective tissue with a few non-specific inflam-
nearer the fracture is to the trochanter, the less matory cells. Opposite the front of the bone de-
danger there is of interrupting these arteries. position (7) one can observe a wide resorption
Necrosis of the femoral head leads to a se- front (8), where a highly cellular granulation
vere arthrosis deformans (p. 424). Figure 318 tissue with many capillaries has forced itself up
shows the radiograph of such a necrosis, to- against the bone. In the bone there are numer-
gether with coxarthrosis deformans. The head ous deep resorption lacunae which contain ac-
is deformed and slightly flattened. Within there tive multinucleated osteoclasts. In the necrotic
is extensive osteosclerosis (1), in which irregu- femoral head vigorous bone remodeling is tak-
lar patchy osteolysis (2) is to be seen. The ing place, which is nevertheless unable to bring
sclerosing process reaches as far as the femoral about restoration of its normal shape.
neck (3), and one can recognize peripheral os- Following a medial fracture of the femoral
teophytes (4). The joint cavity has been pre- neck the arterial blood supply to the head can
served (5). There is a band-like zone of sclero- be very suddenly interrupted, which will inevi-
sis in the joint socket (6). In general, the bony tably result in bone necrosis. An inadequate
structures in the neighborhood of the hip joint supply to the head mayaiso, however, have a
are indistinct. vascular or hematogenous origin, such as arte-
The arthrotic deformation of a femoral head riosclerosis or anemia. This kind of disturbance
necrosis is clearly demonstrated by a macera- to the arterial supply may only produce osteo-
tion specimen. In Fig. 319 one can see that the porosis after three months or more, giving rise
head is severely deformed and flattened. The to static symptoms and pain. It is frequently as-
cartilaginous joint surface is distorted by in- sociated with periostosis, and one may easily
dentations (1). Growth of the peripheral osteo- be faced with a fractured femoral neck followed
phytes (2) has caused the femoral head to bulge by an aseptic necrosis of the head.
like a cap over the neck. The extension of the
Femoral Head Necrosis 173

Obturator artery
Epiphyseal arteries
lateral --====t~~~t.::,~~~
Metaphyseal arteries
superior ----------.:Io..(:=-~
Femoral artery - - -- - - "

Medial circumflex femoral artery

Oeep femoral artery - - - - - f i + - + l 2

Fig. 317. Blood supply of the femoral neck and head Fig. 318. Aseptic necrosis of femoral head with secondary
coxarthrosis (left hip joint)

5 ~~.----

Fig. 319. Aseptic necrosis of femoral head Fig. 320. Aseptic bone necrosis; HE, x25
(maceration specimen)
174 8 Bone Necroses

Anemic Bone Infarction Caisson Disease

Aseptie necrosis within a bone may take the The etiology and pathogenesis of many of the
form of focal lesions. Anemic bone infarcts are bone infarcts which appear randomly on radio-
focal lesions of bone and bone marrow tissue logieal examination are uncertain. In cases of
that are surrounded by a hemorrhagic seam, the so-called caisson disease (diver's disease)
and which are due to local disturbances of the anemic bone infarcts are due to the sudden de-
blood supply. At first the fatty marrow becomes velopment of intravascular gas bubbles (nitro-
necrotic; and the cancellous framework within gen) when the diver returns too suddenly from
the infarct may remain untouched for a long a high atmospheric pressure to the normal level
time, so that no pathologieal fractures occur. It at the su rfa ce. The infarcts are found predomi-
is only secondarily that the necrosis involves nantly at the upper and lower end of the femur
the bony structures. Anemic bone infarcts are and at the upper ends of the tibia and hu-
rarely the result of an interrupted blood supply merus. Should the infarct appear in an epiphy-
(emboli, arteriosclerosis, arteritis), since this is sis (Ahlbäck's disease), the bony and cartilagi-
mostly well secured for the bone by a widely nous structures may break up under the stress
distributed vascular system. and bring about a severe arthrosis deformans.
Such bone infarcts in the femur (1) and In Fig. 323 one can see the radiograph of
upper part of the tibia (2) are shown in the such an infarct in a case of caisson disease,
radiograph of Fig. 32l. In the femur one can where it is indistinguishable from those with a
recognize an irregulady bordered map-like area different etiology. In the tomogram there is a
(3) in the middle of the bone, with straggly, considerable ir regular increase in the density of
jagged regions of increased density inter- the cancellous structures (1) in the distal femo-
mingled with round areas of translucency. No ral metaphysis. Between them lie coarse patchy
fresh infarct can be seen in the radiograph, and translucent areas (2). These changes re ach right
no clinical symptoms are called forth. It is only up to the epiphyseal cartilage (3), whieh in this
when, because of breakdown of the neutral fat, ll-year-old boy is still open. The outer contour
calcium deposits build up and hydroxyapatite is of the bone is fully preserved.
precipitated in large quantities that the classieal In caisson disease the histological picture of a
structural changes occur. The outer contours of typieal anemic bone infarct is also to be seen. In
the bone are retained. Fig. 324 one can see the strongly developed tra-
In the histological picture shown in Fig. 322 beculae of the spongiosa (1) with lamellar layer-
one can see a widely meshed cancellous net- ing and small osteocytes, as well as smooth bor-
work with a large marrow cavity that is filled ders. The bone tissue is therefore still vital. The
with fatty tissue (1). The trabeculae (2) are nar- fatty marrow tissue, however, contains large
rowed and have undulating or jagged outlines, patchy fat cells without nuclei (2) and often with
without any osteoclasts. They contain few os- strikingly eosinophilic cytoplasm (3). In the old-
teocytes, whieh in advanced cases may be ab- er regions scar tissue (4) has developed. For bone
sent altogether, indieating a cancellous osteone- infarcts following long-term glucocortieoid treat-
crosis. The fatty marrow (1) is partly retained. ment see p. 76. Such localized lesions in cases of
Some areas of the fatty tissue are necrotic, as the so-called diver's disease have been relatively
can be recognized by the eosinophilia and the seldom observed and are hardly ever subjected
homogenization of the fat cells (3). In the to histologieal examination. The bone damage
neighborhood of the fresh fatty necroses one must be analyzed after taking into account both
observes old necrotie regions (4), tissue organi- the radiologieal findings and the case his tory.
zation and scarring. Here and there fibrin is Such a radiologie al examination leads with suffi-
spread about and amorphous basophilic materi- cient certainty to the diagnosis and does not re-
al deposited in the marrow cavity (5). Dys- quire further investigation by bone biopsy. It is a
trophie calcification also arises he re and can be matter of one of the so-called "leave-me-alone-
identified radiologically. lesions". The pathologist can only use a bone
biopsy to establish the existence of a bone necro-
sis, it says nothing about the etiology.
Caisson Disease 175


Fig. 321. Anemic bone infarct (distal femur, proximal tibia) Fig. 322. Anemic bone infarct; HE, x25

Fig. 323. Bone infarct in caisson disease (distal femur) Fig. 324. Bone infarct in caisson disease; HE, x25
176 8 Bone Necroses

Spontaneous Bone Necroses blood capillaries (5). Clumps of calcium depos-

its are seen as dark patches (6). Advanced cases
Perthes' Disease in older patients present the morphological pic-
ture of a severe coxarthrosis deformans
This condition is an aseptic epiphyseal necrosis (p. 807).
brought about by an insufficient blood supply
to the cartilaginous tissue surrounding the epi-
physis. Perthes' disease is a partial or complete Kienbäck's Disease (Lunatomalacia)
aseptic necrosis of the femoral head which be-
gins in the center of the head, and wh ich devel- This bone lesion is not infrequently diagnosed
ops in childhood if the ossification center of the radiologically, and the operation material there-
epiphysis is not adequately supplied with blood after assessed histologically. It is an aseptic
from the lateral epiphyseal arteries. Up to the bone necrosis of the lunate bone wh ich attacks
7th year of life the epiphyseal arteries are the men between 20 and 30 years of age. It can be
only source of blood for the epiphyseal center traced back to previous traumatic damage to the
of ossification (see Fig. 317). The disease an- wrist joint (dislocation, or the conditions affect-
nounces itself between the 4th and 12th years ing hand workers or those who use pneumatic
of life with a slight limp and fairly trivial pain. machinery). The disease causes pain in the
Following adequate early treatment (relieving wrist and leads eventually to osteoarthrosis de-
the load on the hip joint) the central necrotic formans.
area of the head can be revitalized and the con- In the radiograph shown in Fig. 327 one can
dition cured. More severe deformation of the see that the lunate is flattened and appears to
head leads eventually to coxarthrosis defor- have been compressed (1). The outer contours
mans. are blurred and unequal. Inside this wrist bone
Perthes' disease is usually diagnosed radio- there is an osteoselerotic increase in density,
logically. In Fig. 325 one can see such an ap- mingled, however, with patchy translucencies.
pearance in the left hip of a 3-year-old boy. The In general the lunate appears to be, in compari-
epiphysis (1) is deformed and flattened, and in- son with the other wrist bones, highly radioop-
side there is an irregular selerotic increase in aque, compressed and deformed.
density. The epiphyseal cartilage (2) is widened In the histological picture of Fig. 328 one
and unequal, and elose by one can see a nar- can recognize, as the substrate of the radiologi-
row selerotic band. The neck of the femur (3) is cal increase in density, the osteoselerotically
shortened and widened, with osteoporotic loos- widened trabeculae (1). These nevertheless
ening of its internal structure. The joint cavity show mostly empty osteocyte lacunae (2),
(4) is greatly enlarged and the socket (5) very although osteocytes are present in the reactive
much flattened (coxa plana). One can observe a deposition fronts (3). The necrotic bone con-
band of reactive osteosclerosis in the roof of tains numerous osteoclastic resorption lacunae
the socket. (4). The marrow cavity has been taken over by
It is only very rarely in cases of Perthes' dis- loose connective and granulation tissue (5).
ease that tissue from the femoral head is sub- In its early stage, lunatomalacia is character-
jected to histological examination. If it is, one ized by a peripheral fissure, and radiologically
usually finds a partial aseptic bone necrosis one often sees fragments of cortex looking as
that is especially related to the ossification cen- though they had been blasted off the main
ter in the epiphysis. Figure 326 illustrates the bone. Near a fracture, circumscribed myelofi-
histological picture of such a necrosis. The tra- brosis and osteolysis develop. Numerous osteo-
beculae (1) are selerotically widened and con- elasts surround the microscopic fragments. In
tain several drawn out reversal lines (2). Since the 2nd stage, the fissure has been extended by
this is necrotic bone tissue, the osteocyte lacu- increased loading until a complete fracture is
nae (3) are empty. The marrow cavity has been present. Reparative processes with osteosclero-
taken over by loose connective and granulation sis and new bone deposition characterize the
tissue (4) which contains numerous dilated 3rd (late) stage.
Spontaneous Bone Necroses 177

Fig. 325. Aseptic necrosis of femoral head in Perthes' Fig. 326. Aseptic necrosis of femoral head (Perthes);
disease HE, x25

Fig. 327. Lunatomalacia (Kienböck's disease) Fig. 328. Aseptic bone necrosis in lunatomalacia; HE, x25
178 8 Bone Necroses

Causal Bone Necroses volved. Radiotherapy is often employed against

various bone lesions (a Ewing's sarcoma, for in-
Radiation Bone Necroses stance, or an eosinophilic granuloma). In these
cases one must always be prepared for the se-
Bone is a tissue with a population of osteocytes vere complication of a radionecrosis, and this
and a marrow cavity with a richly cellular con- can lead to a pathological fracture, secondary
tent. These cellular structures are fairly sensi- radiation osteitis or osteomyelitis.
tive to ionized radiation. The radioneerosis of
bane represents a loeal neerosis of bane and
myeloid tissue within a radiation field whieh Post-traumatic Bone Necrosis
ean seeondarily respond with an inflammatory
reaction (the so-ealled "radiation osteitis"). Par- Bone necrosis can also develop after local trau-
ticularly in the bones of the jaws we can expect matic damage to apart of abone. A bane ne-
secondary bacterial infection of the originally crosis following a fracture arises in the neigh-
bland bone necrosis, and then we have to deal borhood if a seetion of the bane breaks loose
additionally with a purulent osteomyelitis. The and the blood supply is eut off. The necrotic
necrotic bone tissue produces sequestra, and bone tissue here may be found together with
the secondary osteomyelitis can spread in the the spongiosa and cortex to form the texture of
affected bone and become the starting point for the bone tissue near the fracture, or it may ap-
a generalized sepsis. A threatening late compli- pear as asequestrum. A pseudarthrosis usually
cation of radiation bone necroses is aradiation develops here (p. 124).
osteosarcoma (p. 300). Figure 331 shows the radiograph of a post-
Figure 329 shows the radiograph of a radio- traumatic bone necrosis. This involved frac-
necrosis of bone in the proximal part of the tures of the distal end of the tibia (1) and the
right humerus. One can recognize the advanced adjacent fibula (2) which were fixated by osteo-
bone remodeling in the humeral head (1) and synthesis (3). One can still clearly see the trans-
in the adjacent scapula (2). In the humeral verse fracture line (4) of an injury that lay weIl
head osteolytic bone destruction (3) predomi- back in the past, so that the appearance repre-
nates, in the scapula there is a sclerotic in- sents a post -traumatic pseudarthrosis. In the
crease in density. Within these areas of osteo- region of the fracture (5) an intraosseous,
sclerosis there are many patchy osteolytic le- poorly delineated increase in the structural
sions (4). The outer contours of these bones - density is seen, which represents a seetion of
especially near the joint - are jagged, undulat- necrotic bone. The true formation of sequestra
ing and blurred. in this necrotic region cannot be observed.
In the histological picture of such a radione- The histological picture reproduced in
crosis of bone shown in Fig. 330 the bony Fig. 332 shows some osteosclerotically widened
structures (1) are necrotic. The lamellar layer- bony structures (1) and some narrow trabecu-
ing is indistinct and the osteocyte lacunae are lae (2) in which the lamellar layering has be-
empty (2). The outer contours of the trabeculae co me indistinct. No nuclei can be detected in
(3) are undulating and there is no osteoblastic the osteocyte lacunae (3). This is therefore nec-
or osteoclastic activity. The marrow cavity is rotic bone tissue. Reversal lines (4) indicate the
partly filled with a loose scar tissue (4), which presence of reactive remodeling. The marrow
is in pi aces hyalinized and contains blood ves- cavity is filled with loose fibrous tissue (5) that
sels (5). In the secondarily infected inflamed has been invaded by a few blood vessels (6).
marrow there is a necrotic mass (6), together Here and there amorphous basophilic material
with a dense infiltrate of polymorphonuclear (7) is encountered. This kind of necrotic bone
leukocytes (7). Radiation damage to a bone or tissue must be removed surgically in order to
part of a bone is frequently seen when malig- avoid consolidation of the fracture or the devel-
nant tumors are intensively irradiated and the opment of a pseudarthrosis.
neighboring bone comes within the area in-
Causal Bone Necroses 179

7 _.'7Ir...."". 6
"""___- = - - - - " - - j 4


Fig. 329. Radionecrosis of bone (proximal humerus) Fig. 330. Radionecrosis of bone with secondary osteomyeli-
tis; HE, x 25

Fig. 331. Post-traumatic bone necrosis (distal tibia) Fig. 332. Post-traumatic bone necrosis; HE, x25
180 8 Bone Necroses

Inflammatory Bone Necrosis The joint cavity (4) is severely reduced in size.
Reactive bone remodeling is also taking pi ace
Inflammation of bone (osteomyelitis, p. 129) is in the roof of the socket. Such a radiological
a frequent cause of bone necrosis. This is a appearance at first suggests aseptic necrosis of
hone necrosis appearing within an osteomyelitic the femoral head (p. 172).
lesion. If the necrotic bone tissue is separated Histological examination of operation mate-
by osteoclasts and an intervening region of rial, however, reveals an active inflammatory
granulation tissue, it is called asequestrum. process which is either the cause or the result
Such a demarcation is, however, often not pre- of this bone necrosis. In Fig. 334 one sees un-
sent, and the inflammatory necrosis extends gainly trabeculae (1) with indistinct lamellar
throughout a large section of the bone, so that layering and no osteocytes. The marrow cavity
both the spongiosa and the cortex may be is fi1led with leukocytes, the nuclei of which are
drawn in. very markedly lobed (2), and inflammatory
In Fig. 333 one can see the radiograph of an granulation tissue (3). Here one can see large
inflammatory bone necrosis in the proximal numbers of bacteria (4). This is therefore a
part of the right femur, which extends into the very active purulent granulating osteomyelitis,
head and the whole of the neck. The femoral with cancellous bone necroses. The bone in-
head (1) is severely deformed and shows well flammation probably caused the bone necrosis
developed peripheral osteophytes (2). Within, in the spongiosa; it is also possible, however,
there are very unequal straggly and coarsely that a primarily aseptic bone necrosis became
flecked regions of increased density, among secondarily infected. In any case, it is impor-
which patchy areas of translucency can be seen. tant to diagnose the presence of the inflamma-
These structures re ach as far as the femoral tory process in such necrotic bone, so that the
neck (3). The outer contours of the bone are re- appropriate antibiotic treatment may be
tained and no periosteal reaction can be seen. started.
Causal Bone Necroses 181


Fig. 333. Inflammatory bone necrosis Fig. 334. Inflammatory bone necrosis; HE, x64
(right proximal femur)
9 Metabolie and Storage Diseases

General In Gaucher's disease the cerebroside, cerasin, is

electively stored in the ceHs of the reticulo-his-
Disorders of metabolism, which are bound up tiocytic system, in Niemann-Pick disease, the
with the storage of physiological substances, phosphatide, sphingomyelin. Hereditary essen-
can also bring about changes in the skeleton. tial hypercholesterolemia - an inherited disor-
These substances are mostly stored in the cells der of cholesterol metabolism - pro duces
of the reticulo-histiocytic system, which is sig- xanthomas in the soft parts (tendons) and
nificantly activated. For this reason the patho- bones. Among the lipoid storage diseases which
logical storage foei in the bone are mostly involve bone, one can include lipoid granulo-
found in the marrow cavity. Here they destroy matosis (Erdheim-Chester disease) and Hand-
the cancellous trabeculae, producing a reactive Schüller-Christian disease, the latter being in-
osteoporosis and often leading to localized cluded among the bone granulomas (p. 195) for
bone necroses. This bone destruction is seen in didactic reasons. Gargoylism (Hunter-Hurler-
the radiograph as an irregular patchy osteoly- Pfaundler disease) is a disorder of the mucopo-
sis. Since they are systemic diseases, several le- lysaccharide metabolism which causes distur-
sions in several different bones usually appear. bances of growth by damaging the zone of
Apart from the bones, other tissues and par- endochondral bone development. Disorders of
enchymatous organs may be involved, and this protein metabolism can also occasionaHy affect
can cause functional disorders. the skeleton, and amyloidosis can bring about
Pathological deposits of metabolie products the deposition of amyloid in the marrow cavity.
can, however, also appear in the joints, ten- A dis order of phenylalanin-tyrosin metabolism
dons, tendon sheaths and bursae and produce is the underlying cause of ochronosis, and de-
reactive inflammatory changes, which is partic- pends upon an enzymatic defect of homogenti-
ularly the case with gout (p. 184). sin oxidase.
There is a whole range of metabolie dis orders In most cases these storage diseases bring
which can cause storage diseases and manifest about pathological changes in the parenchyma-
themselves in bone. Very often these are inher- tous organs and functional disturbances which
ited congenital conditions. In all these patholog- suggest the diagnosis. The bone involvement
ical storage processes the lysosomes play an im- remains more in the background. For this rea-
portant role. Together with the endoplasmic reti- son the underlying metabolie disorder is usual-
culum, the Golgi apparatus and the so-caHed va- ly identified by some diagnostic method other
cuolar apparatus, the lysosomes make up the di- than a bone biopsy. If additional skeletal
gestive tract of the ceH, which is responsible for changes appear in the radiograph, then they
the digestion of exogenous and endogenous ma- must perhaps be clarified by a bone biopsy so
terial. More substances introduced for ceHular that they can be allotted to the most appropri-
metabolism than the ceH can cope with, insuffi- ate metabolie dis order. In the majority of such
eient or no lysosomal enzymes (congenital enzy- cases, the histologist is already aware of the na-
matic defect) or the introduction of material that ture of the underlying metabolie or storage dis-
the lysosomal enzymes are in any case incapable ease when making the histologie al diagnosis.
of digesting, can cause such material to be Storage diseases of bone are relatively uneom-
stored. This material can then be identified in os- mon. Often the diagnosis can only be sus-
seous storage foei. peeted, and this must prompt the clinieian to
Among the bone storage diseases the lipo- undertake further methods of examination.
doses constitute a large and important group.
184 9 Metabolie and Storage Diseases

Gout the articular cartilage has been lost. The uric

acid can seep into the articular cartilage to a
The deposition of monosodium urate in the depth of up to 1 mm, making it hard and brit-
connective and supporting tissues is responsi- de. This can impair the lubrication, resulting in
ble for the clinical picture of gout. Gout is a splint er formation, erosions and roughening of
metabolie disease of genetie origin in whieh a the surface (2). These defects open up a pas-
raised serum urie acid level (hyperurieemia) re- sage for the uric acid to re ach the deeper layers
sults in the deposition of monosodium urate in of the cartilage, where it can bring about
the eonneetive and supporting tissues. The pre- further mechanical wear and tear. As a result of
requisite for the deposition of urates in these this joint damage the picture of arthrosis defor-
tissues is hyperuricemia (the normal serum lev- mans finally develops. This urate deposition
el is 4 mg%, in gout 6-19 mg%). Urates are de- brings about a vigorous and painful inflamma-
posited in the joints, tendons, tendon sheaths, tory reaction, which has its morphological
bursae, kidneys and skin. It has been estab- counterpart in the edematous and very red-
lished that an autosomal dominant hereditary dened joint capsule (3).
factor is responsible for the endogenous disor- In its advanced stages gout can break into
der of urie aeid metabolism. In highly civilized the subchondral spongiosa, causing local de-
countries the morbidity is 0.1-0.50/0. Gout struction. In the histological picture of Fig. 337
arises mosdy in middle age and is very much one can recognize roundish foci of varying size
more common in men (950/0 men, 50/0 women). within the marrow cavity of the subchondral
Not every hyperuricemia leads to the develop- spongiosa (1) which represent deposits of urate
ment of the so-called gouty tophi. Seeondary crystals. By closing down the iris diaphragm of
hyperurieemia may follow an increased intake the microscope one can make the fasciculated
of nucleic acid in the diet or following massive structure of this material stand out. Under po-
destruction of cells and cell nuclei with the lib- larized light it is birefringent. These are the so-
eration of nucleic acid (after treatment for leu- called gouty tophi. In their neighborhood one
kemia, for instance). The deposition of urate can observe a rampart of histiocytes (2) with a
crystals commonly involves the periarticular few foreign body giant cells. Inside the tophus
tissue of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the the tissue is necrotic; outside, highly cellular
great toe, joints of the fingers and the elbow granulation tissue at first develops, and later a
joint; and this constitutes the clinical picture of connective tissue capsule with fibrocytes and fi-
arthritis urica (p. 452, Fig. 859). broblasts. One can recognize such scar tissue in
The severity of an attack of gout is reflected the marrow cavity of the bone (3), and the tra-
in the radiological changes. In Fig. 335 one can beculae (4) may be sclerotically widened or ne-
see in a radiograph of the hand, marked de- crotie. The articular cartilage is undermined
struction of bone in the neighborhood of the peripherally and attacked on both sides: from
joints with large defects (1) and severe articular the joint cavity by the uric acid, and from be-
damage (2). A defect appears as though low by the gouty tophi.
punched out, and is surrounded by marginal Figure 338 shows a gouty tophus under
sclerosis (3). These lesions have attacked the re- higher magnification. The fasciculated arrange-
gions around the interphalangeal joints, where ment of the urate crystals, which are birefrin-
they lie at some distance from the joint capsule. gent, is clearly seen (1). In the surrounding
There is no subarticular osteoporosis. This dis- area, one can see some large histiocytes (2) and
tinguishes gout from rheumatoid arthritis a foreign body giant cell (3). The inflammatory
(p. 442), which attacks the metacarpophalan- reaction in the marrow cavity causes intraosse-
geal joints and is accompanied by osteoporosis. ous granulation tissue to develop, and very rap-
The macroscopic picture of a predominantly idly brings about complete destruction of the
chondral form of gouty joint is shown in joint. Clinically this causes great pain and se-
Fig. 336. It involves a hip joint of which the vere limitation of movement, which are very
cartilaginous surface is completely covered by a characteristic of gout.
chalk white layer (1). The shiny appearance of
Gout 185

Fig. 335. Arthritis urica (gout) of the finger joints Fig. 336. Arthritis urica (gout) of the hip joint
(femoral head)

Fig. 337. Gout (arthritis urica); van Gieson, x25 Fig. 338. Gouty tophus; HE, x51
186 9 Metabolie and Storage Diseases

Amyloidosis of Bone (1) have sharp borders, and that no perifocal

foreign body reaction is apparent. The material
Amyloid is a special product of metabolism that is a transparent red color, homogeneous and
may be deposited in various organs and tissues, acellular. Close by there is fatty marrow (2)
leading there to morphological changes and with hematopoietic cells (3). With a combina-
functional disorders. Chemically it consists of tion of congo red staining and a polarizing mi-
protein and polypeptide (90% protein) and is croscope the substance deposited within the
similar to the immunoglobulins. Bone amyloido- bone is easily identified as amyloid. In this way
sis consists of the deposition of amyloid in the a bone biopsy (probably from the iliac crest)
marrow cavity of numerous bones, leading to a can, if the radiograph is inconclusive, provide
reactive bone remodeling wh ich is in part osteoly- the diagnosis. The finding of a generalized skel-
tic and in part osteosclerotic. The causal patho- etal amyloidosis must be followed by a search
genesis of this disease is not understood. One for a possible underlying disease, since primary
distinguishes between primary amyloidosis (idiopathic) amyloidosis is rare. With older pa-
(paramyloidosis) without any recognized pre- tients an attempt must immediately be made to
vious illness and without deposition of amyloid confirm or exclude a medullary plasmocytoma.
in the lymph nodes, gastrointestinal tract or car- Localized amyloidosis suggests other tumors
diovascular system, and secondary amyloidosis, (medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, pancreatic
which is preceded by a lengthy infectious dis- insuloma). Systemic amyloidosis arises most of-
ease - chronic osteomyelitis, for instance. The ten in chronic cases of purulent inflammation
primary form can be the forerunner of a medul- (osteomyelitis, tuberculosis) and is not uncom-
lary plasmocytoma (p. 348). Skeletal amyloidosis mon with rheumatoid arthritis (p. 442). Finally,
is rare, and is especially liable to present serious there are other malignant tumors which can
difficulties with regard to radiological diagnosis. precipitate bone amyloidosis (e. g. Hodgkin's
In the radiograph one sees curious remodel- disease, carcinoma of the kidney or stornach).
ing structures in several bones which seem to In other words, the diagnosis of bone amyloi-
suggest a systemic disease. Figure 339 shows dosis always brings up the question of the
such changes in the bones of the left upper part cause of this metabolic dis order.
of the thoracic cage, including the shoulder joint
and proximal part of the humerus. In the clavicle
(1), the ribs (2) and the head of the humerus (3)
one is struck by the irregular cancellous frame-
work and patchy osteolysis. The structures are
indistinct. The overall radiological exposure of
the pelvis in Fig. 340 shows a total sclerotic in-
crease in bone density (1) and fine patchy areas
of osteolysis (2). In the iliac wings there are
large regions of translucency (3). Marginally 3
there are signs of osteoporosis (4).
Histologically the demonstration of amyloid
deposition in the marrow is diagnostically deci-
sive. In Fig. 341 one can see a sclerotically wid-
ened trabecula (1) which has smooth edges, with-
out any deposited osteoclasts or osteoblasts. The
marrow cavity is filled with fatty tissue and he- 2 ~....:-.:
matopoietic bone marrow (2), and there is a de-
position of shiny red homogeneous material,
partly in clumps (3) and partly flattened (4), that
has no cellular inclusions. Even in the neighbor-
hood of this deposition there is no reactive tissue.
Under higher magnification one can see in
Fig. 342 that these clumps of foreign material Fig. 339. Amyloidosis of bone (left shoulder joint, thorax)
Amyloidosis of Bone 187

Fig. 340. Amyloidosis of bone (pelvis)

Fig. 341. Amyloidosis of bone; HE, x64 Fig. 342. Amyloidosis of bone; HE, xlOO
188 9 Metabolie and Storage Diseases

Diabetic Osteopathy The radio graph of a specimen of the thorae-

ie vertebral column of a chronic diabetic shows
Diabetes mellitus, the most frequent hereditary these skeletal changes particularly weH in
chronic metabolie disease, is due to a relative Fig. 346. We can see high grade osteoporotie
or absolute insulin deficiency. It can affect the vertebral bodies (1), in whieh the supporting
bones and joints directly or indirectly. Diabetic spongiosa is very clearly demonstrated. The
osteopathy involves structural changes in the upper plates (2) and the dorsal cortex (3) are
skeleton, including the joints, which often ap- rarefied. On the other hand, the wide shadow
pear in diabetes mellitus without any etiological of the ossified anterior longitudinal ligament
connection being obvious. In children and (4) is prominently displayed.
young people disorders of development and The local bridge-like bony fusions of this
growth are seen. In adults, curious osteo- type of spondylosis are even more clearly seen
poroses, hyperostoses and osteoarthropathies in a maceration specimen. In Fig. 347 one can
occur. In these cases late diabetie complications observe osteoporosis of the vertebral spongiosa
(such as osteodystrophy with chronic renal in- with hypertrophie bone atrophy (1). The sup-
sufficiency, diabetie enteropathy, chronic pan- porting spongiosa is retained throughout and
creatitis, malabsorption, diabetic neuropathy prominent. The vertebrae appear to be some-
and angiopathy) also affect the bony structures. what flattened, but have preserved their general
A principal site for diabetie osteopathy is the shape. The wide band-like zone of sclerosis on
spinal column. the ventral surface of the vertebrae (2) which
In Fig. 343 one sees several thoracic verte- bridges over the intervertebral spaces with bars
bral bodies in lateral view in a maceration of bone and presses forward at these points is
specimen. The spongiosa (1) shows severe os- striking. This is the ossified anterior longitudi-
teoporosis with rarefaction, partieularly in the nal ligament whieh is pathognomonie of Fores-
transverse trabeculae. The loss of bone has led tier's disease.
to coHapse of the lower plates (2). There is hy-
pertrophie atrophy with increased strength of
the supporting trabeculae (3). The anterior
longitudinal ligament (4) is ossified, whieh is
why the ventral cortex (5) appears to be mark-
edly wider than normal. 5
These structural changes appear in the
radio graph. In Fig. 344 one can see a thoracic 2
column in a.p. view. The vertebral bodies show
osteoporotic loosening of the spongiosa (1) and
the supporting trabeculae are emphasized.
There are marked spondyloarthrotic changes
with peripheral osteophytes (2) and lateral 3
bony "clasps" (3). In the center the ossified
anterior longitudinal ligament is clearly seen 4
(4). This ossification of the anterior longitudi-
nal ligament in the thoracic region, whieh is
typieal of diabetes mellitus, is particularly im-
pressive in a lateral radio graph. In Fig. 345 one
can again discern the irregular osteoporosis of
the vertebral spongiosa (1). VentraHy one sees
the wide and radiodense anterior longitudinal
ligament (2) bulging across the intervertebral
spaces. Such an ossifying spondylosis consti-
tutes Forestier's disease and indicates in the
radiograph a possible case of diabetes mellitus. Fig. 343. Diabetie spondylopathy
(thoraeie column, maeeration speeimen)
Diabetic Osteopathy 189

------_ 2


Fig. 344. Diabetic spondylopathy Fig. 345. Diabetic spondylopathy

(Forestier's disease, thoracic column) (Forestier's disease, thoraeie column)


Fig. 346. Diabetic spondylopathy Fig. 347. Diabetic spondylopathy

(Forestier's disease, thoraeie column) (Forestier's disease, thoraeie column, maceration specimen)
190 9 Metabolie and Storage Diseases

About 2.4% of those patients who have suf- ized. The marrow cavity (3) is widened, and
fered for many years from diabetes mellitus with this there is a non-specific osteoporosis,
show signs of a so-called diabetic osteoarthro- especially near the joint. In the soft parts adja-
pathy. This is a neuropathie condition of meta- cent to the bone one can recognize histological-
bolie origin, in which neurological disturbances ly the typieal signs of diabetic microangiopathy.
(hyposensitivity, loss of motor power) play an In Fig. 352 the arteries show fibrotie thickening
important part. It is almost exclusively the low- of the intima (1) with narrowing of the lumen.
er extremities (anterior region of the foot) The cortex (2) shows deep resorption recesses
which are affected. Figure 348 shows a macera- (3) resulting from subperiosteal bone resorp-
tion specimen of the skeleton of a diabetic foot tion.
seen from the side. The metatarsal bones (1) The development in diabetics of premature
are narrowed down to a point by concentric arteriosderosis does not, however, have any
atrophy dose to the joint, and "look as if they pathogenetic relationship to diabetie osteoar-
had been sucked". The toes have taken up a thropathy, but it is certainly true that these ar-
clawfoot position (2) and a metatarsophalan- teriosderotie changes are often responsible for
geal joint is dislocated (3). Fragments of bone peripheral impairment of the circulation and
can be forced off from the osteoporotic meta- therefore for the development of gangrene
tarsus (4). (mostly in the foot). This leads very easily to
These skeletal changes can be recognized in infection of the soft parts, and the inflamma-
the radiograph. In Fig. 349 one can observe the tion, which is usually purulent, attacks the
marked porosity of the spongiosa in the neigh- bone and sets up a purulent osteomyelitis
borhood of the joint (1), which at the distal (p. 134). The tissues that are submitted for
end of the third metatarsal has led to a fracture morbid anatomieal examination from chronic
(2). Proximal to this, extensive reactive periosti- diabetics are mostly amputation specimens
tis ossificans (3) can be seen. Distally, the short which show signs of diabetic gangrene with os-
tubular bone has been narrowed to an arrow- teomyelitis. One can suspect the presence of
like point, and the contours of the metatarso- diabetes mellitus histologically from the micro-
phalangeal joint (4) have been destroyed. The angiopathy of the soft parts. In addition to the
contours have been rendered indistinct by ex- diabetic hyperostotic spondylosis (Forestier's
tensive swelling of the soft parts. The macera- disease), hyperostosis Jrontalis interna (internal
tion specimen of the anterior part of the foot frontal hyperostosis) is a typieal skeletal mani-
depicted in Fig. 350 shows the severe trophic festation in chronic diabetics.
damage to the bones and joint very impressive-
ly. The metatarsal bones (1) taper distally. The
metatarsophalangeal joints (2) are very nar-
rowed and deformed, and there is osteoporosis
ne ar the joint. In the region of the great toe
one can see an extensive dislocation (3). All the
toes (4) are angulated dorsally and deformed.
Apart from the concentric bone atrophy there
is a generalized osteoporosis of all the bones.
In the histological picture there are no tissue
structures that are characteristic of diabetes 2
mellitus. In Fig. 351 the epiphyseal cartilages
(1) of a young diabetic patient are relatively
wide and the bone trabeculae (2) are signifi-
cantly narrowed. They have smooth edges and
no osteoblasts or osteodasts have been depos- 3
ited. The bone tissue is severely undermineral- Fig. 348. Skeleton of diabetie foot (maeeration speeimen)
Diabetic Osteopathy 191

4 1 4
3 2

Fig. 349. Diabetic osteoarthropathy (toes) Fig. 350. Diabetic osteoarthropathy

(toes, maceration specimen)

Fig. 351. Diabetic osteoarthropathy; HE, x20 Fig. 352. Diabetic microangiopathy; elastic van Gieson, x40
192 9 Metabolie and Storage Diseases

Gaucher's Disease Ochronosis

Sometimes tissue is removed for histological It is rare for ochronosis to be seen in a biopsy
evaluation from a patchy osteolytic lesion in specimen, and it also very seldom turns up in
which a fine honeycomb of "foam cells" is the autopsy room. Here the macroscopic ap-
found. These suggest a possible storage disease. pearance of abnormal pigmentation is striking,
Gaucher's disease is the result of the storage of particularly in the articular and costal carti-
cerasin in cells of the reticulo-histiocytic system, lages. The cartilage varies in color from yellow-
with possible involvement of the cells of the ish-brown to black, and similar staining can
bone marrow bringing about corresponding de- even affect the tendons, ligaments and joint
fects in the skeleton. It depends upon an autoso- capsules. Ochronosis (alkaptonuria) is a heredi-
mal recessive enzymatic defect, which causes a tary disorder of amino-acid metabolism result-
disturbance of the glucocerebroside catabolism ing from an enzymatic defect of homogentisic
and an abnormal cerebroside deposition in oxidase, in wh ich an abnormal quantity of
early childhood, youth, or even in adult life. homogentisic acid is both excreted in the urine
The patients usually manifest a severe hepato- and deposited in various tissues (cartilage, for
splenomegaly and cerebral function is im- instance). This deposition in the skeleton can
paired. lead to an ochronotic arthropathy. In the verte-
Radiologically there is initially osteoporosis bral column it reduces mobility. The laying
in the region of an affected bone lesion as a re- down of ochronotic pigments in the ligaments
sult of resorption of the bone trabeculae in the and vertebral cartilages causes an ochronotic
neighborhood of the Gaucher cells. In addition, spondylosis to develop with marked degenera-
the proliferation of the reticulo-histiocytic cells tive changes both in the intervertebral discs
brings about destruction of the bony struc- and the cartilaginous plates.
tures, leading to a patchy osteolysis. Finally, the In Fig. 355 one can see a radiograph of the
histiocyte proliferation obstructs the intraos- lumb ar column (a.p. view) with severe degen-
seous blood supply and causes bone infarcts erative changes. The intervertebral spaces (1)
that are mostly subarticular or diaphyseal. The have become much narrowed because of degen-
femoral head and the diaphyses of the tibia and eration of the disks. These are very radiodense
femur are most frequently affected. In Fig. 353 (2) owing to the secondary ossification. There
one sees osteolytic lesions in the right side of is a significant spondylosis deformans with pe-
the pelvis (ilium (1), pubis (2)) arid in the right ripheral osteophytes (3). The spongiosa of the
femoral head (3) of an adult, with osteosclerot- vertebrae (4) shows osteoporotic loosening.
ic areas of increased density in between. The Histologically one sees in Fig. 356 degenera-
hip joint is arthrotically deformed. tively altered articular cartilage tissue with foei
Figure 354 shows the typical histological pic- of myxoid degeneration (1) and deposition of a
ture of Gaucher's disease. We see a highly cellu- dark brown pigment (2). The specimens exam-
lar granulation tissue with dense collections of ined are mostly autopsy material.
lymphocytes (1) and reticular cells (2). The pic- Arthropathia ochronotica is characterized by
ture is dominated by large complexes of histio- a combination of severe thoracic and lumbar
cytes (3) that have undergone an epithelial-type spondylosis with a symmetrical polyarthrosis
transformation and show an abundantly pre- of the major joints, including the unloaded
sent cytoplasm with fine honeycomb-like shoulder joint. The disease usually becomes
creases. The nuclei of these cells are eccentri- manifest around the 40th year of life, when stif-
cally placed. These are the pathognomonic fening of the vertebral column is noticed. This
"Gaucher cells". Their cytoplasm contains PAS must be distinguished from Bechterew's spon-
positive material and gives a positive response dylitis ankylopoetica (p. 450). Ochronosis is in-
to Sudan staining (lipoids). If such groups of dicated by the deposition of dark pigment In
cells are present, the histological diagnosis of the sclera and auricular cartilages.
Gaucher's disease is suffieiently certain.
Ochronosis 193

Fig. 353. Gaucher's disease (osteolytic lesions in right side Fig. 354. Gaucher's disease; HE, x64
of pelvis - ilium - pubis - and right femoral head)

2 ----'--~~


Fig. 355. Ochronosis (lumbar column) Fig. 356. Articular cartilage in ochronosis; HE, x20
10 Bone Granulomas

General disease and the malignant Letterer-Siwe disease

are grouped coHectively under this heading,
Granulomatous pro ces ses can develop in bone since radiologicalor histological differentiation
which frequently give rise to great dinical and between them is very difficult or frankly impos-
radiological difficulties. AU granulomatous le- sible. Many reactive giant ceU bone granulomas
sions have in common the fact that they appear show tumor-like changes. We know, for in-
primarily in the marrow cavity. From there stance, that in cases of long-standing primary
they extend into the cortex, bringing about an hyperparathyroidism that have been recognized
erosion of its endosteal side which can be rec- too late, resorptive giant ceH granulomas (the
ognized in the radiograph. UsuaIly, a local os- so-caHed "brown tumors", p. 84, Fig. 150) de-
teolytic lesion is involved, since the cancellous velop, which are sometimes difficult to distin-
trabeculae in the neighborhood of the granulo- guish from true osteodastomas (p. 338. Fig-
ma are destroyed. This leads to the appearance ure 638). This type of granulomatous re action
of a "bony cyst". In the radiograph the periph- focus with osteodastic giant ceHs is found in
eral reaction in the region around such an os- the jaw as a "reparative giant ceH granuloma"
teolytic focus provides a very important diag- (p. 204) and in the hands or feet as a "giant
nostic criterion. In rare cases a circumscribed cell reaction of the short tubular bones"
area of osteolysis in the cortex can also arise (p. 204). Aneurysmal bony cysts (p. 412,
from a bone granuloma. Fig. 786) can also be counted as reactive bone
Some of these granulomatous processes show granulomas. Finally, a few benign tumors, such
an inflammatory reaction. A dentogenous os- as the benign histiocytoma (Fig. 610), the
teomyelitis of the jaw with non-specific granu- xanthofibroma (Fig. 588) and the osteoid osteo-
lation tissue may lead to the development of a ma (Fig. 479) have a granulomatous character.
cyst in the jaw (p. 132). An intraosseous "bony A bone granuloma can sometimes ape a ma-
cyst" mayaiso appear radiologically with plas- lignant bone tumor. This is particularly true of
ma ceU osteomyelitis (Fig. 259) or with a Bro- the malignant bone lymphoma (Fig. 675) and
die's abscess (Fig. 258). In the material from a the osseous Hodgkin's lymphoma (Fig. 683),
curettage, non-specific inflammatory granula- which contain true granulation tissue. A poly-
tion tissue is always present. This spreads out morphic cellular granulation tissue can also
more diffusely in the marrow cavity in cases of dominate the histological picture of a telangiec-
chronic osteomyelitis (Figs. 244 & 245). A spe- tatic osteosarcoma (Fig. 518).
cific inflammatory process must be borne in Granulomatous bone changes can also arise
mi nd when examining such material histologi- as the result of various internal and external
caIly. Behind a bone granuloma a tuberculous actions on bone. A histiocytic granulation tis-
lesion may lurk (Fig. 265), a Boeck's granuloma sue with a foreign body reaction can arise
(Fig. 275) or typhoid osteomyelitis (Fig. 285). dose to implanted prosthetic material - an arti-
An osteomyelitis of fungal origin (Fig. 289) can ficial hip, for instance. Metallosis can also de-
present as a giant ceH bone granuloma. There velop here (Fig. 225), where the metallic parti-
are also granulomatous pro ces ses in bone des entering the surrounding tissue can bring
which can be interpreted as tumor-like bone le- about an inflammatory reaction. FinaHy, such a
sions. The first that comes to mind is histiocy- reaction can be caused by a metabolic or stor-
tosis X, the etiology of which is unknown. Nor- age disease, as in the case of gout (Fig. 335) for
maHy speaking the eosinophilic granuloma, the example.
chronicaHy progressive Hand-Schüller-Christian
196 10 Bone Granulomas

Eosinophilic Bone Granuloma (lCD-O-DA-M-440S/0) where it is dose to a sderotic increase in the

density of the bony structures (5).
The eosinophilic bone granuloma belongs to a Histologically this is a highly cellular granu-
group of non-tumorous bone diseases of un- lation tissue, characterized by vigorous prolif-
known etiology, which may be regarded as an eration of histiocytes and reticular cells. One
inflammatory histiocytosis or be dassified un- can distinguish four distinct phases in the his-
der the tumor-like bone lesions. This is a loeal tological picture.
osteolytie bone eondition, brought about by reti- Figure 359 shows the proliferative phase
eulo-histioeytie granulation tissue with a vari- (Phase 1) of an eosinophilic bone granuloma.
able eontent of eosinophilie granuloeytes. The le- One can recognize the proliferative growth of
sion is found mostly in children and young histiocytes (1). The relatively large cells have a
people between 5 and 10 years of age, although pale, somewhat granular cytoplasm, which is
its appearance in adults is by no means rare. also eosinophilic in places, and a round dis-
There is usually a solitary bony focus in one of tended nudeus. In between, there are groups of
the cranial bones (frontal or parietal), or in the lymphocytes and eosinophilic granulocytes (2),
mandible, humerus, ribs or proximal femoral which at this phase of development may, how-
metaphyses. Other bones are more rarely in- ever, be very sparsely represented. The eosino-
volved. Multiple bony lesions (up to 40) may philic granules in these cells are often only de-
appear. The foci can grow extraordinarily rap- monstrable with Giemsa staining. New bone
idly in a short time and bring about extensive formation is not observed in such a focus. Pe-
bone destruction. This causes local pain and ripherally there may be isolated autochthonous
swelling of the soft tissues, and pathological bone trabeculae among the "granulation tis-
fractures can sometimes arise. sue".
In the radio graph there is a local osteolytic fo- The granulomatous phase (Phase 2) of an
cus in the marrow cavity that can give the im- eosinophilic bone granuloma is shown in
pression of a "bony cyst". In Fig. 357 there is a Fig. 360. This is the dassical picture of an eosi-
solitary eosinophilic bone granuloma in the dis- nophilic granuloma. One can recognize loose
tal part of the left humerus (1). The focus is granulation tissue with capillaries (1) present
slightly elliptical and fairly dearly delineated. and sprouting, and diffuse infiltrates of highly
In the a.p. radio graph one can recognize that it eosinophilic granulocytes (2). These have more
lies almost in the center of the marrow cavity obviously round nudei and eosinophilic gran-
of the long bone and reaches out to the cortex. ules in the cytoplasm (weIl shown up with
This is also dearly seen in the lateral view (2). Giemsa staining). In between there are varying
Here the cortex is severely narrowed but not bro- numbers of large histiocytes (3) with very un-
ken through. No periosteal re action can be seen. evenly elongated cytoplasm and round centrally
Since there is no marginal sderosis, the osteoly- placed nudei. The eosinophils can be focally
tic focus looks as if it has been punched out. concentrated in the granulation tissue and give
In Fig. 358 one can see an eosinophilic bone rise to true "eosinophilic myeloid abscesses".
granuloma in the proximal region of the left fe- Multinudeated giant cells mayaIso be present.
mur. The affected region of the bone is consid- At the periphery of the lesion, collagen fibers
erably raised up in the shape of a spindIe (1). are being laid down (4). The granulomatous le-
In the center of this elevated region one can sion is bounded by the autochthonous trabecu-
recognize a large irregularly delineated area of lae (5) of the bone marrow spongiosa.
osteolysis (2) that extends through the whole The granulomatous phase of an eosinophilic
diameter of the shaft. In places the cortex is in- bone granuloma reflects the active phase of this
duded in the osteolysis (3) and appears to have bony lesion. Since there are numerous eosino-
been penetrated. Here one can see a slight philic leukocytes in the intraosseous granula-
widening of the periosteum. At another point tion tissue, the histological diagnosis is usually
(4) the osteolytic focus is sharply demarcated, not very difficult.
Eosinophilic Bone Granuloma 197

Fig. 357. Eosinophilic bone granuloma (distal humerus) Fig. 358. Eosinophilic bone granuloma (proximal femur)

Fig. 359. Eosinophilic bone granuloma Fig. 360. Eosinophilic bone granuloma
(proliferative phase); HE, x64 (granulomatous phase); HE, x64
198 10 Bane Granulamas

The 3rd phase of an eosinophilic bone granu- dassical triad of "map-like skull, exophthalmos
loma, the xanthomatous phase, reveals itself by (aften unilateral) and diabetes insipidus". The
the appearance of numerous histiocytes and course of the disease tends to be chronic, and
foam cells. In Fig. 361 one can recognize a may be accompanied by hepatosplenomegaly,
highly cellular granulation tissue in which many lymphadenopathy, anemia and loss of weight. It
large complexes of foam cells (1) predominate. almost exdusively affects children and young
These cells have a strikingly pale and extensive people. It is impossible to distinguish between
cytoplasm in which much lipoid has been an eosinophilic bone granuloma and Hand-
stored. They have relatively small round iso- Schüller-Christian disease by radiological and
morphic nudei, and practically no mitoses are histological methods alone. In Fig. 363 one can
seen. Other histiocytic cellular elements (2) see the tissue from this type of osteolytic bone
show a significantly eosinophilic cytoplasm lesion, which consists of a partly dense, partly
where phagocytosed erythrocytes and leuko- loose assembly of large histiocytes. Many his-
cytes, hemosiderin granules or Charcot-Leyden tiocytes have an extensive eosinophilic cyto-
crystals can sometimes be demonstrated. Be- plasm (1), in others it is foamy and contains fat
tween these histiocytes, one repeatedly sees (2). In general the tissue has the appearance of
more and more eosinophilleukocytes (3) either a lipogranuloma, where the adipose degenera-
singly or in groups, and occasionally also multi- tion is probably a secondary phenomenon and
nudeated giant cells (4). In this phase, however, the tumor-like character is due to the prolifera-
the histiocytes, particularly the foam cells, pre- tion of the histiocytes. The nudei of the histio-
dominate over other cells in the eosinophilic cytes vary in size and shape. Several eosinophi-
bone granuloma. The xanthomatous phase does lic granulocytes are strewn about (3). Histologi-
not always appear during the progressive course cally it is not possible to distinguish this sort
of this type of bone granuloma. of cell and tissue picture from the xanthoma-
In the regressive stage of an eosinophilic tous phase of an eosinophilic bone granuloma
bone granuloma we find fibrous scarring (4th (Fig. 361). The diagnosis of Hand-Schüller-
Phase) as shown in Fig. 362. In part of the le- Christian disease is only possible if the dinical
sion (1) there is highly cellular granulation tis- data are also taken into account.
sue with capillaries present and sprouting, and The malignant form of histiocytosis X, Abt-
with numerous eosinophils and histiocytes. Letterer-Siwe disease, is very rare and affects
There is also, however, a large area of progres- children under 2 years of age. Its course is
sive collagen fiber development, which finally acute, fulminating and usually fatal. Radiologi-
brings about complete scarring of the lesion. cally the bone lesions show a malignant de-
On the right side of Fig. 362 (2) one can see fi- structive process. As can be seen in Fig. 364,
brous tissue with deposited fibroblasts and fi- the histiocytes have variously sized bizarre nu-
brocyte nudei. In this scar tissue, fibrous bone dei with prominent nudeoli (1). Numerous
trabeculae on which osteoblasts have been de- multinudeated giant cells (2) are present. In
posited finally become differentiated out (3). general the histiocytic tissue shows many dif-
Whereas an eosinophilic granuloma can be ferent and polymorphic types of cells. Never-
completely healed radiologically, insofar as its theless, LeUer-Siwe disease can only be diag-
morbid anatomy is concerned, the original nosed from a bone biopsy if supported by the
bone structure is only incompletely restored, radiological and dinical picture. Histiocytosis
although the load-bearing capacity of the bone X usually presents no dinical picture. Rapidly
is again fully achieved. The p'rognosis of an eo- growing granulomas cause local pain and swel-
sinophilic granuloma is good, and spontaneous ling of the soft parts, and can bring about a
healing is frequent. With a solitary lesion curet- spontaneous fracture. A solitary bone granulo-
tage is indicated, and radiotherapy (4-18 Gy) ma can regress of itself within a few months.
and the administration of corticoids is effective.
Occasionally a benign eosinophilic bone
granuloma can pass over into Hand-Schüller-
Christian disease (HSC). This is a reticulo-
histiocytosis which manifests itself with the
Eosinophilic Bone Granuloma 199

Fig. 361. Eosinophilic bone granuloma Fig. 362. Eosinophilic bone granuloma
(xanthomatous phase); PAS, x40 (phase of scar formation); HE, x32

~T---~" 2

Fig. 363. Hand-Schüller-Christian disease; PAS, x64 Fig. 364. Abt-Letterer-Siwe disease; HE, xl00
200 10 Bone Granulomas

Lipoid Granulomatosis (Erdheim-Chester Disease) seous foam cell granulomas in which vigorous
reactive osteoselerosis is typical. In order to
A dis order of fat metabolism can manifest itself re ach a diagnosis the elinical findings must be
in the skeleton and lead to radiological changes taken into account.
which can only be elueidated by examination of
a biopsy. Lipoid granulomatosis (Erdheim-Ches-
ter disease) is a granulomatosis of the fatty tissue Membranous Lipodystrophy (Nasu's Disease)
in the marrow (and in the internaiorgans) wh ich
results in an assemblage of cholesterol-containing This rare and curious granulomatous bone dis-
foam cells and conspicuous intramedullary for- ease has been almost exelusively observed in Ja-
mation of new bone. There is marked hyperlipe- pan and Finland. It is a metabolic disorder
mia. The serum levels of phospholipids and cho- ("in born error of metabolism") of the intraos-
lesterol are raised. This disease, which is accom- seous and extraosseous fat cells, wh ich brings
panied by a particular radiological and elinical about cystic lesions with pathological fractures
symptomatology, should be distinguished from in the limb bones, together with pain and diffi-
Hand-Schüller-Christian disease (p. 198), from culty in walking. The disease is progressive in
essential familial hypercholesterolemia and young people and leads to dementia and early
from Faber's disease. Marked hypercholesterole- death. The cause is probably a genetic defect of
mia is not always present. the lipoid metabolism.
In Erdheimer-Chester disease, one usually sees In Fig. 367 one can see a radiograph of the
a diffuse selerotic increase in density of the bony foot and distal part of the leg in a case of mem-
structures in the radiograph, particularly at the branous lipoid dystrophy. In the talus (1) there is
ends of the long bones. In Fig. 365 one can see a region of osteolysis that shows no internal
such a diffuse osteoselerosis in the distal parts structure. The cortex is narrowed from within,
of the femurs (1) and proximal parts of the ti- but intact. There is no periosteal reaction. One
bias (2). The epiphyses (3) are not selerosed. can also see large areas of translucency in the
This diffuse cancellous selerosis extends to both calcaneus (2), distal part of the tibia (3) and fibu-
the metaphyses and diaphyses (4). It indicates la (4) which are poorly delineated.
new intramedullary bone formation. In the skel- As the histological examination shows, the
etal scintigram these regions ofbone show an in- translucent intraosseous foei are filled with pe-
tensive increase in activity. In the computer to- culiarly alte red fatty tissue. In Fig. 368 there
mogram (CT) and MR tomogram (MRT) the den- are large fat cells (1), and between them numer-
sity of the marrow cavity is markedly increased. ous folded membranes (2) which are strongly
Such an advaneing osteoselerosis must be ac- eosinophilic. In many places they are surround-
counted for by a bone biopsy. ing hollow cystic spaces (3) which are in some
Histologically one sees in Fig. 366 an intra- cases filled with amorphous eosinophilic mate-
medullary lesion consisting of a dense collec- rial. The membranes are PAS positive and con-
tion of histiocytic foam cells (1) which possess tain fine reticulin fibers. In the fatty tissue
a pale cytoplasm containing much cholesterol. there are some scattered infiltrates of lympho-
Loose collections of lymphocytes and plasma cytes and eosinophils (4). These foei lack the
cells are strewn about (2). The foam cell granu- normal cancellous trabeculae. Similar histologi-
loma is interspersed with a few collagen fibers cal changes are also seen in the extraosseous
(3). The trabeculae (4) are selerotically wid- fatty tissues (in the skin and abdomen) and in
ened, and their outer contour is undulating and the liver and lungs. At the same time there is
partly frayed. The fibrotic marrow and sele- cerebral atrophy with demyelinization, gliosis
rosed spongiosa can be greatly expanded by and reduction in the neuronal cells, which ac-
the formation of new bone, espeeially at the counts for the psychiatric symptoms. The dis-
ends of the long bones, which is why only a ease is accompanied by a sudanophilic leuko-
few foam cells are found here. dystrophy of the brain. This is probably a re-
Erdheimer-Chester disease is a bone condi- cessive autosomal hereditary condition. In the
tion that has so far seldom been described. His- terminal phase pathological fractures appear,
tologically it is very similar to other intraos- and cerebral death.
Membranous Lipodystrophy (Nasu's Disease) 201

Fig. 365. Lipoid granulomatosis (Erdheim-Chester disease) Fig. 366. Lipoid granulomatosis; HE, x40
(distal femurs, proximal tibias)

Fig. 367. Membranous lipodystrophy (Nasu's disease) Fig. 368. Membranous lipodystrophy; PAS, x40
(distal tibia, fibula, ankle joint)
202 10 Bone Granulomas

Malignant Histiocytosis (ICD-O-DA-M-9720/3) shaped (3). Cells with two nuclei can also be
seen (4). The cytoplasm (5) contains pale areas
Granulomatous bone diseases can in the more and is definitely basophilic with Giemsa stain-
rare cases undergo malignant change, and are ing. In the center of the picture one can recog-
then classified as malignant medullary retieu- nize a blood vessel (6), the lumen of whieh
loses. Malignant histiocytosis is a rare hemato- contains tumorous histiocytes that have entered
logical disease wh ich runs a malignant course, the bloodstream. The higher magnification of
attended clinically by fever, cachexia, hepato- Fig. 373 shows histiocytes of different sizes (1),
splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy and progressive often with an extensive granular cytoplasm (2)
pancytopenia. In the skeleton there are multiple and polymorphie nuclei (3). Here one fre-
and disseminated foci of destruction and bone quently sees several moderately sized nucleoli
remodeling, whieh can lead to diagnostie diffi- (4), and once again such a histiocyte appears in
culties. the lumen of a blood capillary (5). Sometimes
In Fig. 369 one can see in the radiograph these cells have phagocytosed erythrocytes.
such a focus of destruction in the right 8th rib A malignant histiocytosis is a rare histiocy-
(1). The bone of the rib is eaten away by nu- tic lymphoma, whieh results in generalized
merous osteolytic lesions (2) which are some- swelling of the lymph nodes, hepatosplenome-
times confluent. This process has raised up the galy and infiltration of the skin and lungs.
outer contour of the bone (3). Between these With this inclusive involvement of other organs,
osteolytic lesions there are irregular sclerotie the bone changes playarather subordinate role
areas of increased density (4). Less marked but in diagnosis. Histologically a malignant histio-
similar changes can also be seen in the 7th ipsi- cytosis is therefore more likely to be spotted in
lateral rib (5). a skin or liver biopsy or in an excised lymph
A radiograph of malignant histiocytosis with node with a similar infiltrate. The tumor cells
bony involvement of the proximal part of the contain non-specific esterase and acid phospha-
right femur is seen in Fig. 370. The whole of tase, and immunohistochemieally lysozyme
the femoral head (1), neck (2) and adjacent re- positive histiocyte markers (alpha-l-antitrypsin
gion of the shaft (3) show high grade osteo- and alpha-l-antiehymotrypsin). The prognosis
sclerotic change. The contours of the hip joint is poor and life expectation can only be ex-
(4) are unclear and partly raised up. In the tended by me ans of aggressive chemotherapy.
marrow cavity there is a fine patchy porosity Solitary bony histiocytie tumors have a signifi-
(5). Such a radiologieal picture cannot provide cantly better prognosis than when the condi-
a diagnosis and must be supported by a bone tion has become generalized. Death is usually
biopsy. due to a cerebral hemorrhage or pneumonia.
In a histological section the massive infiltra-
tion of the bone marrow by atypieal histiocytes
is striking. In Fig. 371 one can see a normally
structured trabecula (1) with a smooth border.
It shows lamellar layering, and a few osteocytes
(2) are present. The marrow cavity has been in-
filtrated by numerous histiocytes (3) which are
loosely deposited there. They differ in size and
shape, and contain nuclei (4) which also differ
in size and shape. A few isolated fat cells (5)
and some lymphocytic infIltrates (6) can also
be seen.
Under higher magnification the structure of 4
the tumorous histiocytes in Fig. 372 is more 3
clearly shown. These are tumor cells which
clearly reveal their polymorphy and varying
sizes (1). The cells possess large vesicular nu-
dei (2) whieh may sometimes be kidney- Fig. 369. Malignant histiocytosis (right 8th rib)
Malignant Histiocytosis 203


2 4


2 --
- 1

Fig. 370. Malignant histiocytosis (proximal right femur) Fig. 371. Malignant histiocytosis; HE, x64

Fig. 372. Malignant histiocytosis; HE, x120 Fig. 373. Malignant histiocytosis; HE, x180
204 10 Bone Granulomas

Reparative Giant Cell Granuloma of the Jaws Giant Cell Reaction of the Short Tubular Bones
(lCD-O-DA-M-4413/0) (lCD-O-DA-M-4411/0)

A giant cell lesion in the jaw bones is only in Osteolytic lesions of the short tubular bones of
rare cases a true giant cell neoplasm. It is most the hand or foot can arise whieh produce a
often a reactive process in the course of an at- massive local expansion and give a very strong
tack of hyperparathyroidism or the result of 10- impression of a malignant bone tumor. In fact,
cal trauma. A reparative giant cell granuloma of this is due to benign non-tumorous granulation
the jaws is an accumulation of non-tumorous tissue in the marrow cavity of a short tubular
granulation tissue with osteoclastic giant cells bone, wh ich consists of a fibroblastic matrix
wh ich is to be interpreted as the reaction to and with numerous osteoclastic giant cells and
organization of traumatic bleeding into the wh ich is the result of traumatic damage to the
bone. The mandible is more often affected than bone. This also shows a certain resemblance to
the maxilla. Most of the patients are between an aneurysmal bony cyst (p. 412).
10 and 25 years of age. In Fig. 376 one can see the elassical radio-
In the radio graph of Fig. 374 one can see logical appearance of such a giant cell reaction.
such a bony granuloma in the right side of the The 2nd metatarsal of the left foot has under-
mandible. It is a large slightly elliptical "bony gone a fusiform expansion (1) which is press-
cyst" (1) that has taken up the whole width of ing upon and displadng the neighboring
the jaw, and whieh is sharply bordered by a bones. In the enter of the bone there is a "bony
narrow band of marginal selerosis. The cortex cyst" which is opaque internaIly, but where
is thinned from within, but not penetrated. In small pale cystic regions (2) can be dis tin-
the region of the neighboring tooth 47 one can guished. On one side the cortex shows a sele-
see a zone of selerosis (2). The "bony cyst" rotic increase in density (3), indicating slow be-
shows no internal structure. nign growth. Elsewhere, however, the cortex (4)
In the histological picture of a reparative is severely narrowed, and a patchy osteolysis
giant cell granuloma of the jaw the most ob- can be recognized. No periosteal re action can
vious feature is the granulomatous nature of be observed. The discrete and streaky patches
this lesion. In Fig. 375 one sees a loose vascu- of thiekening which one can see inside the os-
larized stroma in which a large number of pro- teolytic zone are striking. They indieate the
liferating fibroblasts and fibrocytes (1) are ly- formation of new bone.
ing. They have rather slender drawn-out nuelei The histological picture is characterized by
which are fully isomorphie. A few nuelei ap- highly cellular granulation tissue which can be
pear to be somewhat hyperchromatie (2). Mi- reminiscent of an aneurysmal bony cyst (p. 416
toses are rarely encountered. This matrix can and Fig. 794). In Fig. 377 one sees highly ceIlu-
be edematously infiltrated and soaked with lar granulation tissue with a marked fibrous
blood, and near the hemorrhagic extravasation, stroma (1) in which isomorphie fibrocytes and
hemosiderin deposits can be seen. There are fibroblasts, as weIl as multinueleated giant cells
also small fod of lymphocytes, plasma cells (2) are lying. The wide, densely packed osteoid
and histiocytes (3). One is struck by the multi- trabeculae (3) are plain to see. These are patho-
nueleated giant cells (4) whieh are irregularly gnomonic of this lesion and distinguish it from
distributed throughout the tissue, either alone giant cell neoplasms.
or in groups. The proliferating fibroblasts and The appearance of a giant cell reaction in a
irregularly dispersed giant cells distinguish this short tubular bone is accompanied by pain and
lesion from an osteoelastoma (p. 340 and swelling of the soft tissues which, together with
Fig. 642). Sometimes cystic degeneration and the expansion and local destruction of the
osteoid or bone formation are observed in a re- bone, seem very much to suggest a malignant
parative giant cell granuloma. Histologically process. Nevertheless this lesion is almost al-
this lesion is practically identical with the re- ways cured by local curettage.
sorption giant cell granulomas seen in cases of
hyperparathyroidism (p. 84, and Figs. 151 &
Giant Cell Reaction of the Short Tubular Bones 205

3" '_

Fig. 374. Reparative giant cell granuloma Fig. 375. Reparative giant cell granuloma; HE, x40
(right side of mandible)

Fig. 376. Giant cell reaction of short tubular bones Fig. 377. Giant cell reaction of short tubular bones;
(Jeft 2nd metatarsal) HE, x40
11 Bone Tumors

General although we have in this way acquired extensive

knowledge about the dinical, radiological and
From many points of view neoplasms of bone oc- morphological course and action of various
cupy a peculiar position among the tumors therapeutic procedures, we are always meeting
which afflict mankind. For one thing, they are tumors which do not conform to any recog-
comparatively rare, so that the physician often nized pattern and bring up entirely new diag-
does not possess the experience which is neces- nostic and therapeutic problems. A meticulous
sary for diagnosing and treating this disease. analysis of these cases is the basis upon which
The symptomatology is meagre and uncharac- the pathologist, together with the radiologist
teristic, and very often only becomes apparent and clinician, has to seek a solution.
when the tumor is weIl advanced. Arriving at The pathologist, who has the task of finding
the correct diagnosis is particularly difficult the "definitive" diagnosis, must above all have
and requires a complete combination of both precise knowledge of the macroscopic and mi-
radiological and histological examinations. croscopic morphology, and must be able to
Great difficulties are also attendant upon arriv- assign each tumor to its correct place in the
ing at an exact classification of any bone tu- generally accepted scheme of dassification.
mor, and this is essential for assessing its prog- Furthermore, the pathologist must have at least
nosis. FinaIly, there are problems of treatment some knowledge and experience of morphologi-
which make great demands upon surgeons, and cal changes in the radiograph. The taking into
radiologists and oncologists. In the case of a account of the radiological morphology is an
bone tumor there are various individual aspects absolutely essential part of diagnosing a bone
to be taken into account, so that questions of di- tumor. For this reason pathologists should
agnosis and treatment can only be solved by the never diagnose bone tumors without being
dosest interdisciplinary cooperation. aware of the radiological findings and assessing
Primary bone tumors are relatively rarely these personally in the radiograph. This applies
met with in general practice, in hospitals and most especially to malignant bone tumors, for
in the material submitted to pathologists. Mod- which a mutilating operation is often necessary.
ern specific and effective therapeutic possibili- The histological section alone is often insuffi-
ties require from us more than ever before an cient to allow a bone tumor to be diagnosed
exact differentiated diagnosis. There is hardly with certainty. The biopsy of a proliferating
any other system of the body in which the na- fracture caIlus, for instance, can awake suspi-
ture of a neoplasm can appear in so many cion of an osteoblastic osteosarcoma. The im-
forms or be so difficult to interpret as in the portance of this practical experience for the
skeleton. Even the distinction between benign dinician lies in the realization that the diagno-
and malignant neoplastic growth, or between sis of a suspected malignant tumor requires
tumors and reactive bone changes, often pre- that the associated representative radiographs
sents major difficulties. This alone requires must always be sent to the pathologist. The
great experience in interpreting both the clini- radiographs (including the eT and MRI images
cal picture and the morphology of bone neo- etc.) provide the pathologist with the macro-
plasms. By means of extensive statistical inves- scopic appearance of the tumor.
tigations the characteristics of bone tumors The following rules apply to the diagnosis of
may be elaborated and our knowledge of these all bone tumors: if the radiographic appear-
diseases enlarged. Valuable information is al- ance, age of the patient, site and histological
ready available in the USA, where a survey of a findings accord with classical statistical experi-
large number of cases has been obtained. ence, then the diagnosis is probably right. De-
In recent years this has been supplemented part from this rule, and you must be prepared
by aseries of European investigations. But for an incorrect conclusion. The findings must
208 11 Bone Tumors

be assessed by the clinicians, radiologists and proved its worth in everyday practice. In re cent
pathologists working together. years, however, it has been extended and en-
larged by a further subdivision of the single
Classification. For the presentation of modern groups of neoplasms. Following intensive work
on bone tumors, and as the result of following
guidelines with regard to therapy, and to make
up cases, new neoplastic entities have been
possible a fruitful discussion between many
worked out which represent separate diseases.
types of medical and surgical specialists com-
These include, for instance, the aggressive os-
ing from the various fields of expertise, it is teoblastoma, the small-cell osteosarcoma, the
necessary that we all use the same diagnostic peripheral fibromyxoma, neuroectodermal bone
terminology. The enormous variation in the ap- tumor and others. The types of bone tumor at
pearance of bone tumors that confronts the present recognized are shown in the classifica-
morbid anatomist makes it difficult to produce tion (see Table 3). It is to be expected that new
a simple, serviceable and generally agreed ar- varieties of bone tumor will come to be dis tin-
rangement of ideas which will reflect general guished in the next few years, but these will
experience in this field. It is thanks to the work easily be entered against the background of the
of JAFFE and LICHTENSTEIN that we today system of classification at present in use.
possess an extensive classificatory system for When diagnosing bone tumors, one repeat-
bone neoplasms which makes it possible to edly comes across a specimen that cannot be al-
treat each variety according to its nature. Today lotted a place in the usual classification system.
we recognize over 50 different bone tumors and The WHO tumor key has left aspace for "un-
tumor-like skeletal changes. These neoplasms classified tumors", and the pathologist should
are arranged in terms of a classification system not attempt to force every tumor into this sys-
that is based on the histogenesis of the individ- tem "at all costs", but to collect widely atypical
ual tumors. The classification in general use to- and problematic examples under this "unclas-
sifiable" group. In this way a more precise anal-
day was published in 1962 by ACKERMANN et
ysis of these cases will later become possible
al. in the Atlas of the Armed Forces Institute of
when the new diagnostic procedures (e. g. MRT,
Pathology (AFIP) under "Tumors of bone and
immunohistochemistry and the like) have be-
cartilage", and by SCHAJOWICZ et al. 1972 and come established.
1993, and is widely accepted by the WHO. The The classification of bone tumors displayed in
Tumor Histology Key "International Classifica- Table 3 includes only the true primary neo-
tion of Diseases for Oncology - ICD-O-DA" plasms of the skeleton. It must nevertheless be
(1978) is also based on this classification, and pointed out that many of these tumors do not al-
this has made a computerized codification of ways meet all the criteria of genuine neoplastic
bone neoplasms possible. In addition there are growth (e.g. the non-ossifying bone fibroma, os-
many other classificatory schemes which have teoid osteoma). So far no uniformity of opinion
not, however, achieved worldwide acceptance. has been reached about the neoplastic nature of
In the international classification, 9 groups these lesions. On the other hand, there are many
of tumors are distinguished (see Table 3). A skeletal lesions which, clinically and radiologi-
distinction is made between benign and malig- cally, give the impression of bone tumors. These
nant growths. The primary skeletal neoplasms are collected together under the term "tumor-
arise from cartilaginous tissue (chondromas, like bone lesions". Bone metastases are re-
chondrosarcomas), from bone tissue (osteomas, garded as secondary bone tumors and also be-
osteosarcomas), from connective tissue (fibro- long to this group. Finally, it must also be
mas, fibrosarcomas), from bone marrow (plas- pointed out that the dividing line between be-
mocytomas, Ewing's sarcoma), from blood ves- nign and malignant bone tumors is not rigid.
sels in bone (angiomas, angiosarcomas) or There are quite a number of neoplasms which ex-
from nerve tissue in bone (neurinomas, neuro- hibit "semimalignant growth", and which are 10-
fibromas). This system of classification has cally aggressive but do not metastasize (e. g. the
provided asolid framework for the most chondromyxoid fibroma, aggressive osteoblasto-
commonly encountered bone tumors and has ma, adamantinoma of the long bones etc.). After
General 209

Table 3. Classification of the Primary Bone Tumors

Tissue of Origin Benign Tumors Malignant Tumors

Cartilaginous tissue • Osteochondroma • Chondrosarcoma: primary/secondary

• Enchondroma/Chondroma, periosteal (juxta- • Periosteal (juxtacortical, epiexostotic) chondro-
cortical, epiexostotic) chondroma sarcoma
• Chondroblastoma • Malignant chondroblastoma
• Chondromyxoid fibroma • Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma
• Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma
• Clear-cell chondrosarcoma
• Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma
Bone tissue .Osteoma • Osteosarcoma: primary/secondary
• Osteoid osteoma
• Osteoblastoma • Aggressive osteoblastoma
• Intraosseous osteosarcomas:
- Telangiectatic osteosarcoma
- Small cell osteosarcoma
- Intraosseous well-differentiated (low malig-
nancy) osteosarcoma
- Multicentric osteosarcoma
• Surface osteosarcomas:
- Parosteal osteosarcoma
- Periosteal osteosarcoma
- Highly malignant surface osteosarcoma
• Secondary osteosarcomas:
- Paget osteosarcoma
- Radiation osteosarcoma
- Osteosarcoma in a bone infarct
Connective Tissue • Non-ossifying bone fibroma • Osseous fibrosarcoma
• Xanthofibroma
• Osseous fibromyxoma
• Metaphyseal fibrous cortical defect
• Ossifying bone fibroma
• Cortical desmoid
• Osteofibrous bone dysplasia
• Fibrous bone dysplasia
• Desmoplastic bone fibroma • Malignant mesenchymoma
• Benign fibrous histiocytoma • Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
• Osteoclastoma (grade 1) .Osteoclastoma (grade 3)
Fatty tissue • Osseous lipoma • Osseous liposarcoma
• Osteoliposarcoma
Bone marrow • Medullary plasmocytoma (myeloma)
• Ewing's sarcoma
• Primitive neuroectodermal bone tumor (PNET)
• Malignant bone lymphoma
Vascular tissue • Bone hemangioma • Osseous hemangiosarcoma
• Hemangioendothelioma • Hemangioendothelioma
• Hemangiopericytoma • Hemangiopericytoma
• Osseous lymphangioma • Osseous lymphangiosarcoma
• Adamantinoma of the long bones
Nerve tissue • Neurinoma (schwannoma)
• Neurofibroma
• Ganglioneuroma
Muscle tissue • Osseous leiomyoma • Osseous leiomyosarcoma
Notochordal tissue • Chordoma
• Chondroid chordoma
210 11 Bane Tumors

complete surgical rem oval of such tumors an ab- crosses. Osteoclastomas also develop at the site
solute cure is to be expected. of osteoelastic function, namely, in the epiphy-
The elassificatory principle whereby bone sis, and spread towards the metaphysis. A simi-
neoplasms are related to the tissue from which lar localization applies to the chondroblasto-
they are derived is justified, if we consider the mas, where numerous giant cells also take part.
mechanism by which they grow. The enormous Chondrosarcomas, on the other hand, arise in
variety of these tumors is due to the complexity the zone of intensive cartilage proliferation, that
of the processes of bone growth and bone re- is to say, in the metaphyses. Fibrosarcomas de-
placement. In Fig. 378 (from JOHNSON 1953) velop from the intraosseous connective tissue
the topographical and functional tissue differ- of the bone, and are therefore encountered in
entiation in growing and adult bone from the diaphysis, elose to the metaphyses. Neo-
which bone tumors are derived is indicated. plasms that arise from the bone marrow (e. g.
According to the theory of bone neoplasia put Ewing's sarcoma) spread out in the diaphysis,
forward by JOHNSON (1953), the form and site where the marrow is found. Since the localiza-
of the neoplasm are dependent upon the pre- tion of a bone tumor within a bone represents
vailing bone-remodeling processes as they oc- a very important diagnostic criterion, this
cur in the normal ontogenesis of the region in knowledge about the tissue of origin of a neo-
which the growth is located. The time of life at plasm can be useful.
which a tumor appears corresponds to the on-
togenetically determined greatest activity of the Loca/ization of the Benign Bone Tumors (Fig. 379).
cells of origin. This accounts for the association A complete survey of all benign bone tumors
of primary bone tumors with the region of makes it elear that they are especially likely to
most intensive growth in length, and their ap- appear in the region of the knee, and it is here
pearance particularly during the period of skel- that 31 % of such neoplasms are found. The sec-
etal growth. ond most frequent location is at the hip joint
As is shown on the left side of Fig. 378, the (ineluding the femoral neck and pelvis) with
most intensive bone growth occurs in the epi- 13.2%, and the shoulder girdle (proximal part
physes and the adjacent metaphyses. The arrows of humerus, scapula) with 12.9%. Other fre-
indicate the action of the osteoblasts, which con- quent sites are the bones of the hand (9.3%),
tribute to growth in length of the bone at the epi- the spinal column (9.3%) and the skull (5.2%).
physeal cartilages by endochondral ossification, In general, benign tumors can appear in any
and to growth in thickness by periosteal and en- bone, but a predilection for certain regions
dosteal new bone formation at the metaphysis. should nevertheless be taken into account.
Growth of osseous neoplasms is elosely bound
up with the function of the local cell popula- Age Distribution of the Benign Bone Tumors
tion. The function of the osteoblasts is to build (Fig. 380). The age distribution of all benign
up the organic bone matrix - the osteoid - out bone tumors shows a elear association with
of collagen fibrils and mucopolysaccharides. youth, and by far the majority of these neo-
This fundamental characteristic is also retained plasms are discovered during the 2nd decade of
in tumors derived from osteoblasts, in the scler- life. As is apparent, however, from the diagram
osing osteosarcoma, for instance. This tumor of Fig. 380, these tumors can in fact appear at
arises in the diaphysis, elose to the metaphysis, any age. It is therefore to be assumed that most
or, as a periosteal sarcoma, at the transition benign tumors arise in youth, but are often
from metaphysis to diaphysis. The osteolytic only detected at a more advanced age. In this
osteosarcoma, however, is characterized by its connection one is always coming across chance
bone resorbing function. This biological prop- findings where the benign tumor has produced
erty is bound up with the action of the osteo- no symptoms, but a radiological examination
elasts, which are seen in large numbers in the for some other reason (trauma, for instance)
histological picture of this tumor. During skele- has led to the discovery of a benign tumor the
tal development they act together with the osteo- existence of which has long been unsuspected.
blasts to transform primary into secondary Many of these tumorous bone lesions do not
spongiosa. They are marked in Fig. 378 with require surgical treatment.
General 211

Growing Adult . Oestoclastoma

bone bone Osteolytlc (giant cell tumor) Chondroblastoma
osteosarcoma _ ....._ _ _....

Epiphysis -----1
Epiphyseal plate ---
Zone of primary
ossification _. -+..,...~_ Chondro·
Reduction in {
width of epiphysTs---

increase Diaphysis Fibrosarcoma
in thickness osteosarcoma

Ewing 's sarcoma

Sone Iymphom:=a-t-..-;--;

Fig. 378. a Diagram showing the topographical and functional differentiation of the tissues in normal growing bone (left
half of a) and adult bone (right half of a), Crosses, osteoclasts; arrows, osteoblasts. b Topographical sites of a few primary
bone tumors. (After JOHNSON 1953)

5.2% (SkulI)

12.9% (Shoulder girdlc)

9.3% (Spine)




9.3% (Hand)




> 15 %

> 10% o
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Decade or lire

Fig. 379. Localization of benign bone tumors (5472 cases). Fig. 380. Age distribution of benign bone tumors
Others: 9.4% (5472 cases)
212 11 Bone Tumors

Localization of the Malignant Bone Tumors tween the onset of the symptoms of a malig-
(Fig. 381). Malignant tumors are also especially nant bone tumor with the patient's first visit to
likely to appear in the region of the knee the physician, it appears that 77.8% of all pa-
(24.9%), and the distal part of the femur is tients do so within the first two months. On the
more likely to be affected than the proximal re- other hand, in only 29.6% of cases is the cor-
gion of the tibia. Bone sarcomas appear rela- rect diagnosis made within the first three
tively frequently in the bones of the pelvic gir- months. The chondrosarcoma is the first to
dIe (19.8%). The spinal column is also a com- produce symptoms; osteosarcomas and plasmo-
mon site (17.6%). As the third most likely cytomas drive about 80% of patients to seek
places to be attacked, mention should be made medical advice within the first two months, and
of the shoulder girdle (11.9%) and the skull sooner or later a lymphoma of bone will draw
(13.1%). attention to itself. An osteosarcoma is likely to
be the first to be recognized as a malignant
Age Distribution of the Malignant Bone Tumors neoplasm. At the other extreme, a fibrosarcoma
(Fig. 382). The overall survey of malignant of bone reveals itself as a malignant tumor,
bone tumors reveals two frequency peaks: one clinically and radiologically, relatively late on.
in the 2nd and one in the 6th decade of life.
Fewer neoplasms of this kind are met with in The Prognosis of the Malignant Bone Tumors
small children (1st decade of life), extreme old (Fig. 384). The life expectation of a patient with
age (8th and 9th decades), and in middle age a malignant neoplasm of bone depends upon
(4th and 5th decades). Examining the age dis- timely diagnosis and adequate treatment. As in-
tribution of different types of tumor has re- dicated by our earlier research (1977), the prog-
vealed that some of them (e. g. chondrosarco- nosis at that time had to be assessed as bad.
mas, Fig. 431) appear with almost equal fre- Out of 165 patients with malignant bone
quency at any time of life. On the other hand, tumors, 87.7% died within the first 3 years -
some tumors have a clear predilection for most of them within 1 year of the diagnosis.
childhood (e. g. Ewing's sarcoma, Fig. 661), More recently, however, we have been able to
young adult life (e. g. osteosarcomas, Fig. 509). record a significantly longer survival time. This
Other tumors appears virtually only in old age is undoubtedly the result of earlier diagnosis
(e.g. the meduHary plasmocytoma, Fig.653). and the differential analysis of each neoplasm,
Taking into account the age of the patient is an as weH as more modern methods of treatment.
important factor when diagnosing any malig- It is now possible to record a five year survival
nant bone tumor, and must without fail be con- in more than 60%-75% of malignant bone tu-
sidered. mors. Here the ever increasing interdisciplinary
co operation between clinicians, radiologists,
(ase History of Malignant Bone Tumors (Fig. 383). oncologists, and pathologists has proved deci-
If one compares the time which has elapsed be- sive.
General 213

13. 1% (SkulI)

-=S>;.>:~~~11.9·.• (Shoulder gi rdle )

19.8% (Pclvi~. hip Joint)
17.6% (Spine) 25



24.9% (Knoo) 10

> 15%
_ > 10 %

< 10 %
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Decade 01 life

Fig. 381. Localization of malignant bones tumors Fig. 382. Age distribution of malignant bone tumors
(5020 cases). Others: 12.7% (5020 cases)

n Number of patients: 165

90 70

ro 50
10 20

Chondro- Osteo- Plasmo- Ewing -s Fibro- Malignat bone

sarcoma sareoma cytoma sarcoma sareoma lymphoma
Number of patients visiting a physician within the first 2 months

Number of eorrect diagnoses of the tumor within the first 2 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

D 3 months of the illness years

Fig. 383. Comparison of the interval between the onset of Fig. 384. Survival time with malignant bone tumors.
symptoms and the first visit to a physician for malignant (ADLER 1977)
bone tumors. (ADLER 1977)
214 11 Bone Tumors

Cartilaginous Tumors a very good prognosis. After they have been re-
moved with a chisel a recurrence rate of just
Osteochondroma (ICD-O-DA-M-921 0/0) 2% has been recorded. It is, however, important
that all the cartilage induding the periosteum
Osteochondromas are by far the most common is completely removed, since it is from the peri-
non-malignant bony neoplasms, constituting osteum that the tumor can develop again. A
some 40% of the benign tumors of bone. They special form of this dinical picture is repre-
consist of new bone formations which are cov- sented by the appearance of multiple osteocar-
ered by a wide cap of hyaline cartilage, and tilaginous exostoses, which has a significant fa-
wh ich bulge forward like a mushroom from the milial background (p. 62). Although the mor-
bone surface into the surrounding soft parts. phological appearance of the individual lesions
Since these tumors take a long time to increase is identical with that of the solitary osteochon-
in size, they frequently only make themselves droma, "exostosis disease" is a recognizable en-
noticed as swellings after a considerable time. tity. The tumors accumulate in the neighbor-
Pain is not always present, but large tumors hood of the shoulder, knee and ankle. The risk
lead to limitation of movement. The symptoms of spontaneous malignant change in this condi-
can last for 20 years. tion amounts to 15%, mostly resulting in chon-
In the radio graph an osteochondroma pre-
Loca/ization (Fig. 385). Osteochondromas can
sents as a mushroom-like bulge, attached to a
arise in any bone in which endochondral ossifi-
bone by a broad base or astern. It arises with-
cation (replacement bone formation) takes
out any seam from the host spongiosa and
place. Such "osteocartilaginous exostoses" have
usually has a connective tissue covering of peri-
been observed in practically all bones. The
osteum. The cartilage cap lies in this outer re-
most usual site is, however, in the long bones,
gion, and is recognizable only as a shadow, if at
where the lesion is most often found in the re-
all. However, calcified foci may be seen in the
gion of the metaphyses. In more than a third of
cap. Figure 387 shows a dassical osteochondro-
the cases (39.2%), the distal femoral, or proxi-
ma of the distal femoral metaphysis which is
mal tibial or humeral metaphysis is affected.
attached to the cortical bone of the femur by a
The most frequent location of all is the distal
strong stern (1). The exostosis juts out proxi-
femoral metaphysis. Other bones (skull, ribs,
mally into the soft parts and is swollen like a
spine, pelvis) are much less often affected. In
mushroom at the end (2). Here one can see
fact, we have found quite a large number of
irregular patchy translucencies, separated by a
cases involving the short tubular bones of the
dense network. The outer contour is dear and
hands and feet (13%).
relatively sharp, with a somewhat notched ap-
pearance. The stern, on the other hand, has a
Age Distribution (Fig. 386). Most osteochondro- completely smooth border (1). Fine sderosis
mas develop in young people and are discov- can be seen at the base (3). The adjacent bone
ered during the 2nd and 3rd decades of life. Of is unremarkable. Figure 388 shows an osteo-
the neoplasms examined by us, 41 % had been chondroma at the proximal femoral metaphysis
removed surgically during the 2nd decade and that has a rather feathery appearance and is at-
had involved more men than women. However, tached to the bone by a broad base (1). The tu-
as can be seen from Fig. 386, an osteochondro- mor is heavily sderosed internally, and one can
ma can also turn up late in life. again see patchy translucent areas. Mushroom-
Some authors regard the osteochondroma as like osteochondromas often have a narrow stern,
a local failure of endochondral ossification. Its and most of them jut out proximally, reaching
tumorous nature is, however, suggested by the well into the soft parts (Fig. 387). The neo-
frequently observed tendency to proliferate. plasm can be more than 8 cm in size, and by
Osteochondromas weighing more than 5 kg pressing on the soft tissues and nerves cause
have been described. In fewer than 1% of soli- pain. The stern can be recognized radiologically
tary osteochondromas is malignant change to by the parallel structures in the spongiosa. The
be expected, and in general these tumors have tumor can easily be removed with a chiseI. Ses-
Osteochondroma 215

5.5% (SkulI)

3.2% (Scapula)
5.9% (Proximal
humerus) %
2.1% (Ribs)

3.5% (Pelvis) 40

2.3% (Proximal femur)
6.6% (Hand)




_ >15% 14.8% (Proximal tibia)

6.4% (Foot) o
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Decade or lire

Fig. 385. Localization of osteochondromas (1952 cases). Fig. 386. Age distribution of osteochondromas (1952 cases)
Others: 28.5%

Fig. 387. Osteochondroma (distal femoral metaphysis) Fig. 388. Osteochondroma (proximal femur)
216 11 Bone Tumors

sile osteochondromas are attached to the cortex regular, partly widened, partly dense cancellous
by a broad base. scaffolding in which the trabeculae often appear
The macroscopic appearance of an osteo- to be osteosclerotically widened (1). They have
chondroma corresponds to the radiological smooth outer borders, and in proliferating osteo-
findings. In Fig. 389 one can see the resected chondromas rows of activated osteocytes may be
specimen of an osteochondroma from the prox- deposited. The trabeculae show lamellar layering
imal region of the fibula that is attached by a and one can see small osteocytes and sometimes
broad base to the long bone, and is bulging out a few revers al lines. This is completely mature
like a mushroom or a cauliflower. The sawn bone tissue. The marrow cavity (2) is filled with
surface of the fibula (1) shows that the struc- fat and connective tissue, and occasionally one
ture is unchanged. The exostosis consists of encounters a typical hematopoietic focus. The
several nodular or spherical components (2) appearance of the external cartilage cap (3) sug-
that are covered externally by a layer of carti- gests a faint lobular formation, which is very
lage and periosteal connective tissue. By far the characteristic of all cartilaginous tumors. With-
larger part of this exostosis is made up of ma- in, one is struck by the numerous greatly dis-
ture, fully mineralized bone tissue with a wide- tended chondrocytes, which differ in size and
meshed spongiosa. Fatty tissue has been laid distribution. These chondrocytes can, as in a
down in the marrow cavity. The hemispherical normal growing epiphysis, be arranged in rows.
surface of the osteochondroma is covered by a The subchondral cortex in Fig. 391 is only
cap of cartilage some 0.1-3 cm thick, which poorly developed. It can, however, be much
can nevertheless be incomplete. In young peo- more stoutly built up. In the extern al region
pIe it is usually thicker than in adults, but if it above the cartilaginous cap (4) there is a layer
is thicker than 3 cm the suspicion of malig- of loose periosteal connective tissue.
nancy must be entertained. At an advanced age Under higher magnification (Fig.392) the
the cartilaginous cap may become fully ossi- most striking object is the cap itself, which in
fied, so that sometimes one finds only an "os- this instance may possibly be showing signs of
seous exostosis" without any cartilage. A bursa a malignant change. Outside one can see the cov-
often develops above an osteochondroma, and ering fiber-rich periosteum (1). The hyaline car-
later this mayaiso calcify or ossify. tilage cap has a basophilic or eosinophilic matrix
In the overall histological picture (Fig. 390) containing groups or rows of mononucleated
of a section through an osteochondroma one cartilage cells, and resembles the columnar carti-
can recognize the wide stern, which is directly lage of anormal epiphyseal line. The chondro-
attached to the host bone, and the internal cytes are often densely packed together and are
wide-meshed and ir regular cancellous frame- seen to be distended. The chondroblastic cap-
work (1). The original cortex of the long bone sules have become widened (2). In the subchon-
is missing here. Throughout the cancellous dral region one can see in Fig. 391 how the car-
framework of the exostoses one can also see tilaginous tissue is putting out finger-like pro-
fatty marrow and hematopoietic bone marrow. cesses into the adjacent bone tissue (5). Inside
In the outer zone of the stern (2) and in the the bony structures we often find islets of carti-
subchondral zone (3) one can observe the nar- lage. This is very characteristic of an osteochon-
row cortex that gives the lesion a sharp outline droma. The ungainly trabeculae are layered with
in the radio graph. The wide end of the exosto- osteoblasts (6). In the marrow cavity there is
sis is covered by a 1.5 cm cap of cartilage (4) loose connective tissue with many capillaries (2).
which is poorly delineated from the subchon- Because of the microscopic structures de-
dral bone. The whole exostosis lies under a nar- scribed above, the histological diagnosis of a
row periosteal mantle (5) of loose, richly fibrous solitary osteochondroma is very easy, particu-
connective tissue. With old osteochondromas, larly when the typical radiological findings are
which may be encountered in advanced old present. Nevertheless, when such alesion has
age, this characteristic layer of cartilage may os- been removed with a chis el it should be exam-
sify and therefore become undetectable. ined with the greatest possible care, so as not
Under high er magnification (Fig. 391) one to overlook the possible malignant change that
can recognize inside an osteochondroma an ir- is especially likely to take place in multiple os-
Osteochondroma 217

Fig. 389. Osteochondroma removed with a chiseI Fig. 390. Osteochondroma (overall view); HE, x2

Fig. 391. Osteochondroma; HE, x25 Fig. 392. Osteochondroma; HE, x40
218 11 Bone Tumors

teocartilaginous exostoses. This reveals itself by histological appearance is that of highly cellular
lobulated proliferation buds and polymorphie cartilaginous tissue with large, bizarre nuclei,
cartilage cells. multinucleated cartilage cells and ir regular
bony trabeculae with a prominent deposition of
osteoblasts and osteoclasts. This usually post-
Subungual Osteocartilaginous Exostosis traumatic proliferation, with a certain tendency
to recurrence after removal, should not be mis-
Subungual osteocartilaginous exostosis is a reac- taken for a malignant bone neoplasm in spite
tive, often exophytically growing cartilaginous of cell proliferation.
proliferation at the tip of a terminal phalanx,
usually that of the great toe. The radiological
appearances and the histological picture can Enchondroma (lCD-O-DA-M-9220/0)
sometimes arouse the suspicion of a chondro-
sarcoma, from which this lesion must certainly The enchondroma is the second most common
be distinguished. In most cases there is a his- of the benign bone tumors with a frequency of
tory of local trauma, with or without subse- 19%. It is a benign primary bone neoplasm,
quent infection, which is seen as the cause. The which consists of mature hyaline cartilage and
lesion makes itself noticed by the pain. is laid down in the center of the marrow cavity
In the radiograph (Fig. 393) one can see a of abone. Many of these very slow growing
roundish exostosis in the distal part of the ter- tumors are symptomless and are discovered
minal phalanx of the great toe which is jutting by chance during a radiological examination.
out into the soft parts around the bone (1). It Sometimes the tumor may announce itself by
is less than 1 cm in size and is not very clearly causing a pathological fracture.
distinguished from them. Inside there are clou-
dy regions of increased density, and also some Localization (Fig. 395). The principal site of the
patchy translucencies. This exostosis usually enchondromas is in the short tubular bones of
bulges forwards against the toenail, thus caus- the hand or foot, with the hand being more of-
ing severe pain. The phalanx itself is largely un- ten affected, and it is here that more than 50%
damaged (2), although the cortex can show ero- of these neoplasms are found. In these bones
sions on one side. the enchondroma has a good prognosis, and ma-
In the histological section (Fig. 394) one can lignant change is not to be anticipated. Recur-
see a bony framework within the exostosis that rence is unlikely after complete rem oval of the
is mostly made up of newly formed fibrous tumorous cartilaginous tissue. From the point
bone trabeculae (1) with numerous osteocytes of view of the prognosis, however, the site of
and deposited osteoblasts. In between one can these tumors is of great importance. With en-
recognize a loose, partly fiber-rich granulation chondromas of the ribs (2.8%) there is, even
tissue, with many capillaries and loose infil- with unremarkable histological findings, a pos si-
trates of lymphocytes, plasma cells and histio- bility of malignant growth. Enchondromas - par-
cytes (2). In the outer layer there is highly cel- ticularly giant enchondromas - of the long bones
lular cartilaginous tissue (3) in which multinu- (28.4%) should be classified as semimalignant,
cleated chondrocytes with hyperchromatic nu- since they often spread across the whole width
clei are found. The polymorphie nuclei must of the shaft, lead to polycystic widening of the
not be taken to indicate the presence of a ma- bone, and have a strong tendency to recur. It is
lignant neoplasm. particularly the distal part of the femur and the
A similar non-tumorous lesion is the so- proximal humeral metaphysis which are af-
called "bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous fected. Enchondromas of the pelvis are in fact al-
proliferation" ("Nora lesion"), which develops ways malignant, even when histological exami-
on the surface of the short tubular bones of the nation reveals no certainly malignant structures.
hand or foot and consists of a mixture of carti-
lage, bone and connective tissue. Whereas one Age Distribution (Fig. 396). Enchondromas are
sees in the radio graph a roundish, sharply de- observed at all ages. The average age of our pa-
lineated mass on the surface of the bone, the tients was 27 years - the youngest being 6 and
Enchondroma 219

Fig. 393. Subungual osteocartilaginous exostosis (great toe) Fig. 394. Subungual osteocartilaginous exostosis; HE, xlO

8.5% (Proximal humerus)

2.8% (Ribs)



47% (Hand)


2.7% (Proxlmaltlbia)

> 15% 1.0% (Distal (ibia)

> 10 %
7.9% (Foot) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
< 10 % Decade of hfa

Fig. 395. Localization of enchondromas (636 cases); others Fig. 396. Age distribution of enchondromas (636 cases)
220 11 Bone Tumors

the oldest 78. We were able to establish a defi- malignant. Figure 399 shows the radiological ap-
nite increase in the middle years (2nd to 6th pearance of an enchondroma of the distal part of
decade). At 54.2% men are slightly more often the radius. The bone is raised up ne ar the tumor
affected than women (45.8%). and shows signs of patchy destruction (1). The
A radiograph is often suffieient for the diag- neoplasm appears to have broken through the
nosis of an enchondroma of the hand or foot. cortex, and one can recognize the shadow of a
A dassical enchondroma of the 1st metacarpal tumor which has reached out through the out-
(thumb) can be seen in Fig. 397. The tumor is side of the bone into the adjacent soft parts.
lying in the center of the bone, which it has The patches of increased density within the long
raised up like a bubble (1) so that a bulge is bone have irregular borders, and the spongiosa
obscuring the original edge of the bone. One in the neighborhood is much more translucent
can see a sharply delineated diaphyseal "bony (2). The increase in structural density has been
cyst" that has destroyed the cortex and is brought about by deposition of caleium in the
sharply outlined externally by a fine shell of tissue of the tumor, whereas the uncalcified re-
bone. No periosteal reaction is to be seen. The gions give the impression of osteolysis. With en-
inside of the "cyst" is filled out with fine irreg- chondromas of the long bones the radiological
ular trabeculae, and its density is greatly in- findings are often too uncharacteristic for an ex-
creased. Sometimes patchy calcification foei can act diagnosis to be made with suffieient cer-
appear here, and that is very characteristic of tainty, and a bone infarct (Fig. 321 and p. 174)
cartilaginous neoplasms. Opposite the unaf- can easily be mistaken for a calcified enchondro-
fected adjacent spongiosa the enchondroma is ma. Particularly in the long bones, patchy areas
only partly and incompletely bordered by reac- of calcification often appear in the region of
tive marginal sderosis. Since enchondromas of the tumor, whereas enchondromas of the short
the fingers are frequently multiple, one should tubular bones mostly form areas of translu-
look for other foei in the radiograph. cency. Only after seeing a bone biopsy can an ex-
The surgical speeimens sent to the pathologist act diagnosis be made.
usually consist of curetted material that has been With enchondromas of the ribs it is usual to
much broken up. Figure 398 illustrates the orig- resect the affected region of the rib completely
inal macroscopic appearance of an enchondroma and submit it to histological examination. Fig
of the finger. The marrow cavity has been taken 400 shows the radiograph of such a tumor. The
over by lumpy and partly lobular cartilaginous affected region is markedly raised, so that this
tissue that presents a shining glassy grayish- "bony cyst" is evidently limited externally by a
white cut surface (1). Here and there inside the narrow layer of bone (1). Inside the tumor one
tumor one can recognize hemorrhages (2) and sees only sparse straggly and patchy areas of
calcification foei (3). The tumor tissue is increased density. This variety of neoplasm may
toughly elastic and can with further calcification reach a considerable size and show macroscopi-
become hard. These are mostly small tumors, but cally a lobular formation and a glassy cut sur-
in Fig. 398 a large part of the marrow cavity of face. Histologically, it is necessary to study the
the phalanx has been taken up by neoplastic tis- ceIlular picture of the individual chondrocytes
sue. The cortex (4) has been preserved and is in preeisely in order to exdude the criteria of ma-
places sderotically thickened (5). With larger tu- lignancy (polymorphy of the cells and their nu-
mors, and if the cortex has been destroyed, the dei, hyperchromatic nudei, multinudeated
neoplasm must be carefully examined for signs ceIls, mitoses, infiltrating growth, invasion of a
of malignancy. In the soft parts (6) lying adja- blood vessel).
cent to such a tumor periosteal chondromas The radiological diagnosis of enchondromas
can arise (Fig. 405). indudes, as weIl as the conventional radio-
Much more serious problems than those met graph, tomography, computer tomography and
with in the short tubular bones of the hand angiography. Practically no blood vessels can
and foot are presented by enchondromas of the be demonstrated within the neoplasm, since
long bones, ribs and pelvis, which on the cartilaginous tissue is nourished by diffusion.
grounds of their localization alone must be re- With chondrosarcomas, on the other hand, vas-
garded as possibly semimalignant or as frankly cular structures may appear.
Enchondroma 221

Fig. 397. Enchondroma (1st metacarpal) Fig. 398. Enchondroma (cut surface, little finger)

Fig. 399. Enchondroma (distal part of radius) Fig. 400. Enchondroma (Rib)
222 11 Bone Tumors

In the histological seetion (Fig. 401) through the lobes one often finds groups of greatly dis-
an enehondroma one ean see, in the middle of tended chondrocytes which nevertheless con-
the original eaneellous framework of the bone, tain only one monomorphic nueleus.
hyaline cartilage that elearly shows the nodular In Fig. 403 one can see under higher magni-
and lobular formation generally typieal of tu- fieation the peripheral regions of the lobes of
mor eartilage. The regions of lobular eartilage two proliferation buds (1). They are separated
(1) vary both in size and eell density. These are from each other by loose connective tissue (2).
proliferation buds whieh are separated from Inside, there are isomorphie fibrocytes with
one another by eonneetive tissue septa or re- isomorphic nuelei. There is no sarcomatous
gions of bone (2). These eonneetive tissue septa stroma and few blood vessels are found within
eontain only a few oeeasionally dilated blood the intervening connective tissue. The nodular
vessels with delieate walls (3). The tumor is cartilaginous foci have fairly sharp borders. In-
only poorly vascularized and is forming no side there are numerous isomorphic chondro-
new vessels or arteriovenous shunts, whieh is cytes with roundish or elongated nuelei which
why no diseased vessels appear in the angio- have a dense chromatin content. They are lying
gram. In the outer zones of an enehondroma in cell nests of varying width. Only very occa-
one often observes osteoselerotieally widened sionally are two nuelei seen within one cell nest
trabeculae (4), or a cortex that has similarly in- (3). The basie framework is basophilic; it can,
creased in density and which will show up ra- however, sometimes show a myxoid porosity or
diologieally. This is a reactive osteoselerosis, eosinophilic degeneration, whieh offers no elue
suggesting slow and usually benign tumor to the degree of malignancy. Mitoses are practi-
growth. cally never seen in benign enchondromas. Such
Under higher magnifieation (Fig.402) one a tranquil picture allows one - always taking
can reeognize that the lobular formation of the into account the site and the radiologieal find-
tumor is also to be found within the areas of ings - to diagnose a benign enchondroma.
hyaline cartilage. Again and again one observes Foci of calcification are frequently encoun-
proliferation buds (1) in whieh the chondro- tered in enchondromas, and these appear in the
cytes are smaller and more elosely packed. The radio graph as more or less well-marked sha-
nuelei of these cartilage cells appear to be py- dows. One can see such a focus in an enchon-
knotie and elongated, and have a dense chro- droma in Fig. 404 (1). In the histologieal sec-
matin content. These are mononuelear cartilage tion these foci are mostly very ragged. The cal-
cells with poorly defined borders. Nearby one cium deposits are found in elumps or dark,
can recognize chondrocytes (2) lying elose to- spear-like deposits. Kossa staining is not neces-
gether in groups in the cartilaginous tissue in sary to show up the calcium salts. Focal depos-
enlarged chondroblastic capsules. Double nu- its of calcium are characteristic of all cartilagi-
eleated lacunae are present, but only occasion- nous neoplasms. The surrounding tumorous
ally. No mitoses can be seen in the chondro- tissue remains unreactive (2). There is a dys-
cytes. A basophilic cartilaginous framework (3), trophie calcification.
which with greater degeneration may in parts It ean be extremely diffieult to distinguish
become eosinophilic, surrounds groups of dis- between benign and malignant eartilaginous
tended cartilage cells with roundish isomorphic neoplasms from a histologieal seetion alone,
nuelei. Isolated spaces resembling blood vessels and serial seetions of a single region of carti-
can be seen (4). It should be noted that the cell lage must be precisely analyzed. Large chondro-
density within the tumor varies, and this must cytes with large dark nuelei and giant cells do
not be used as a criterion for judging the de- not belong to a benign chondroma. One must
gree of malignancy. Enchondromas of the short also remember that a secondary malignant
bones of the foot in particular are often highly change within a chondroma that is at first be-
cellular, whereas chondrosarcomas can be poor nign ean appear in certain sections of the tu-
in cell content. Especially at the periphery of mor without involving the whole of it.
Enchondroma 223

Fig. 401. Enchondroma; HE, xIO Fig. 402. Enchondroma; HE, x25

Fig. 403. Enchondroma; HE, x40 Fig. 404. Enchondroma; HE, x40
224 11 Bone Tumors

Periosteal (Juxtacortical) Chondroma Proliferating Chondroma

(lCD-O-DA-M-9221 /0)
When assessing the diagnosis of cartilaginous
Benign cartilaginous neoplasms can also devel- neoplasms, one is always coming across tumors
op outside bone itself, and especially in the that, because of their localization, should be
periosteal connective tissue. These are the so- evaluated as potentially malignant, and the
called juxtacortieal or periosteal chondromas. chondrocytes of whieh show a certain degree of
They can erode the underlying cortex without nuclear polymorphy in histologieal sections.
actually breaking into the marrow cavity. Such UEHLINGER has described these neoplasms as
tumors are much less common than the central "proliferating chondromas" and placed them
enchondromas. They are mostly found in the among the semimalignant tumors. This applies
short tubular bones of the hand or foot, more particularly to large chondromas of the pelvis,
rarely in the long bones or ribs. They have no femoral neck, proximal humeral metaphysis
topographieal relationship to the cartilaginous and vertebral column, which may well be chon-
epiphyseal plate, since the cartilaginous prolif- drosarcomas. These include the multiple osteo-
eration comes from the periosteum. In this way cartilaginous exostoses (p. 62) and the multiple
growth can continue even after the skeleton is enchondromas of Ollier's disease (p. 60). In 01-
mature. This does not indieate malignancy. lier's disease the enchondromas usually appear
In the radiograph of Fig. 405 one can see a on one side of the skeleton (in the metaphyses
periosteal enchondroma of the intermediate and diaphyses of various bones). They are
phalanx of the left index finger (1). One sees a neither inherited nor familial. In 50% of cases
large swelling of the soft tissues in which a chondrosarcoma develops. The simultaneous
patchy calcification foci (2) are deposited. appearance of multiple enchondromas and
These changes re ach out to cross the neighbor- hemangiomas constitutes Maffucci's syndrome.
ing joint (3). The short tubular bones of the In the radiograph of Fig. 407 one can see a
middle and proximal phalanges have been large chondroma that has involved the left fem-
eroded from outside (4), but they show no ra- oral neck (1) and trochanterie plane (2). The
diological changes within. The adjacent bone cortex has been penetrated and the tumor is
erosion can lead to changes in the intraosseous spreading out into the soft parts (3), and the
structure, with straggly regions of increased outer contour is nodular and poorly defined.
density. The radiologie al findings, however, do The tumor is patchy, with dark areas, and
show that the actual pathological process is shows regions of increased density interspersed
confined to the periosteum, and that the bony with translucent areas.
changes are only reactive in nature. Even in- In the histological section (Fig. 408) one can
crease in activity shown on the scintigram does see the typieal lobular formation of a chondro-
not allow one to assurne an intraosseous pro- ma with the clear borders shown by such carti-
cess here. laginous nodules (1). The individual lobes vary
The histological picture of this tumor is very in their tissue maturity, so that quiescent re-
similar to that of a central chondroma. In gions with a copious chondroid background
Fig. 406 one can recognize the lobular forma- and loosely distributed isomorphie chondro-
tion typieal of a cartilaginous neoplasm. There cytes alternate with other regions showing in-
is often no connective tissue laid down between creased polymorphy of cells and nuclei (2) and
the nodular areas of cartilage (1). There are a sparse chondromyxomatous intermediate tis-
generally more cells than in a central chondro- sue. These changes, together with the disposi-
ma. The chondrocytes show greater pleomor- tion of the cartilage cells to form rows, chains
phy and their nuclei are more hyperchromatie. and cell nests, are histologieally an indication
More cells with two nuclei are present (2). This of a certain tendency to proliferate. This semi-
suggests a certain tendency towards prolifera- malignant type of growth is to some extent
tion, without actually indicating malignancy. confirmed by its locally destructive quality and
Clinically, these periosteal chondromas are the increased likelihood of recurrence.
painful (periosteal pain).
Proliferating Chondroma 225

Fig. 405. Periosteal chondroma (left index finger) Fig. 406. Periosteal chondroma; HE, x25

Fig. 407. Proliferating chondroma (left femoral neck) Fig. 408. Proliferating chondroma; HE, x64
226 11 Bone Tumors

Chondroblastoma ("Codman's Tumor") lae (4), which can give the tumor a multicystic
(ICD-O-DA-M-923010) appearance. In a chondroblastoma such as this,
patchy fod of calcification can be seen in the
The chondroblastoma is a rare benign tumor of radio graph. These are, however, never so pro-
cartilage, making up less than 1% of all bone nounced as in a calcifying enchondroma of the
neoplasms. It is normally a benign primary car- long bones. If the narrowing of the cortex is
tilaginous neoplasm consisting of foci with poly- very far advanced a slight bony periosteal reac-
gonal chondroblasts and deposited osteoclastic tion can arise, but this is rare. Invasion of the
multinucleated giant cells, wh ich arises in the neighboring joint is more likely. With such
epiphyses. Men are more usually (60%) affected changes one must not conclude that the growth
than women. In the majority of cases the first is malignant. From the point of view of differ-
symptom is pain, and the tumor may have ential diagnosis, a chondroblastoma must be
been present for some time (up to two years) distinguished from an osteoclastoma (p. 337).
before it is discovered. The pain is often pro- At a similar site, the reactive osteosclerotic
jected to a neighboring joint. Swelling is mostly changes and calcium shadows of a chondro-
not very noticeable, since chondroblastomas blastoma would be unusual in an osteoclasto-
are usually small. Because of the peripheral site ma.
of the tumor a pathological fracture is uncom- Chondroblastomas are usually curetted, so
mon. that the pathologist only receives tissue frag-
ments. Sometimes, however, the tumor is ex-
Localization (Fig. 409). A chondroblastoma usu- cised as a block and sent in accordingly. The
ally arises in a long bone, more rarely it has macroscopic picture of a chondroblastoma of
been described in the axial skeleton (pelvis, the proximal humeral epiphysis (as it appears
spinal column, ribs, sternum) and in the bones in the radio graph of Fig. 411) can be seen in
of the skull. The tumor almost always attacks Fig. 412. One can recognize a fairly sharply de-
an epiphysis and can spread into the adjacent lineated tumor lying somewhat eccentrically in
metaphysis. Chondroblastomas outside the re- the epiphysis. The suggestion of its lobular for-
gion of the epiphysis are unusual and extreme- mation is unmistakable. The actual tissue of the
ly difficult to evaluate. tumor (1) has a grayish-blue, partly yellowish
and slightly shining cut surface of a tough elas-
Age Distribution (Fig. 410). This tumor is most tic consistency. The greater part of it is set
often encountered in young people, one third through with hemorrhages (2). In a few places
appearing in the 2nd decade of life. As shown there are tiny deposits of calcium (3), and foci
in Fig.410, however, a chondroblastoma can of cystic degeneration (4) are also to be seen.
also be observed in extreme old age, and also The tumor also shows an incomplete band of
in early childhood. sclerosis which varies in width (5). In one place
On radiological examination the predilection (6) the cortex has been penetrated by tissue
of the tumor for an epiphysis is striking, and it from the tumor, and here one can see a marked
usually involves extensive destruction of the re- periosteal reaction. The advanced local destruc-
gion of the bone affected. Figure 411 is a radio- tion of the bone tissue and occasional penetra-
graph showing a chondroblastoma of the proxi- tion of the cortex are not be taken as signs of
mal humeral epiphysis. In the humeral head malignancy.
one can recognize a somewhat eccentrically dis- The growth of a chondroblastoma is usually
placed osteolytic cyst, which has slightly ele- slow and not very aggressive. There are, how-
vated this region of the bone. The roundish os- ever, cases in which very severe destruction is
teolytic zone is in part sharply divided from seen on the radiograph. Nevertheless, after
the neighboring tissue by a narrow band of bioptic examination a radical operation is
marginal sclerosis (1) which is in places absent found to be unnecessary. Generally speaking a
(2). The cortex (3) is greatly narrowed, but thorough curettage suffices to bring about heal-
fully intact. Within the "bony cyst" there is an ing of the tumor. Recurrence is rare, and radio-
irregular increase in the density of the trabecu- therapy is not indicated.
Chondroblastoma ("Codman's Tumor") 227

15.1% (Proximal humerus)

6.6% (Pclvis)

4.7% (Proximal femur)

7.5% (Hand) 25


10.4% (Distal fe mur) 15

15.1 % (Proximaltibia)

_ >1 5%
11.3% (Foot)
< 10% o
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Oecade oIlife

Fig. 409. Localization of chondroblastomas (106 cases); Fig. 410. Age distribution of chondroblastomas (106 cases)
others: 22.5%

Fig. 411. Chondroblastoma (proximal humeral epiphysis) Fig. 412. Chondroblastoma (cut surface, proximal humeral
228 11 Bone Tumors

In the radiograph of Fig. 413 one can recog- formed by the outer cell membrane, although
nize a dassical chondroblastoma of the left this is not always visible. The dark nudei are
femoral neck. This tumor also started in the mostly surrounded by a light halo, dosely re-
proximal femoral epiphysis (1), but has ex- sembling the cell nests of chondrocytes. Be-
tended weIl into the femoral neck, where it is tween these chondroblasts there is a chondroid
sharply separated from the normal bone by a matrix that is usually basophilic, but occasion-
fine region of sderosis (2). In this case the en- ally eosinophilic. It is here that foci of mucoid
tire diameter of the bone has been taken up by degeneration or large foci of calcification may
the tumor. The cortex (3) is severely narrowed, appear. The peculiarity of the histological struc-
but complete. There is no recognizable perios- ture of this neoplasm is the presence of numer-
teal reaction. The effect of the tumor has ous multinudeated giant cells that can lead to it
mostly been to bring about local osteolysis, being confused with an osteodastoma. On the
without the bone having become expanded. Its one hand, there are small multinudeated giant
outer contour is mostly normal, and inside the cells in dose relationship to the field of chon-
osteolytic zone one can see only discrete strag- droblasts (3), on the other hand, there are large
gly and patchy shadowing. multinudeated giant cells among hemorrhages
In the overall histological picture (Fig. 414) and blood sinuses. In this way both tumor
one recognizes very highly cellular neoplastic giant ceIls and multinudeated macrophages
tissue, with unequally sized roundish nodular may be encountered. In the regions of stroma
and lobular areas of chondroid tissue (1). This between the chondroid fields (2) there are
illustrates the lobular formation of the tumor many spindle-shaped ceIls with isomorphie
that is characteristic for all cartilaginous neo- drawn-out nudei. Here also hyperchromatic
plasms. These chondroid foci have fairly sharp- and polymorphie nudei may be seen, as weIl as
ly defined borders, and peripherally one can single mitoses, and multinudeated giant ceIls
recognize within them varying numbers of are scattered about. This agitation of the ceIlu-
giant cells. Between the islets of cartilage there lar picture must not be equated with malignant
is a highly cellular stroma (2) containing only a neoplastic growth. The relationship between the
few blood vessels. The focal deposits of calcium chondroid foci and the highly ceIlular stroma
within the tumor tissue are very characteristic varies in individual chondroblastomas. In a
of a chondroblastoma. Near these calcified bone biopsy the stroma may predominate
areas necroses are only seldom encountered, throughout, which can make the diagnosis a
but sometimes there is reactive osteoid forma- great deal more difficult. This me ans that the
tion here. analysis of a chondroblastoma requires exami-
Under higher magnification (Fig.415) there nation of the most highly ceIlular parts of the
are essentially two different tissue structures to tumor, and the taking into account of every
distinguish. On one side there is a large region available radio graph.
of chondroid (1), and nearby one can see In 17% of chondroblastomas the additional
highly cellular granulation tissue (2). Here and components of an aneurysmal bony cyst
ne ar to the border a large number of multinu- (p. 412) can be demonstrated. In Fig. 416 these
deated giant cells can be observed (3). The ir- structures (1) are visible, as weIl as those of a
regularly distributed cells within the chondroid chondroblastoma (2). This is due to reactive
field may be described as chondroblasts. These change, which must be taken into account
cells are roundish or polygonal and have oval when judging the radiograph and the bone
or round nudei. In highly cellular regions spin- biopsy. A bone biopsy from a osteolytic bone
dle-shaped cells may be present. The nudei are lesion may contain nothing but the tissue of an
often hyperchromatic and have one or two nu- aneurysmal bony cyst. However, whereas aneu-
deoli. Mitoses are likewise present, and the nu- rysmal bony cysts lie at the metaphysis, a chon-
dei have multiple notches. A very important di- droblastoma is alesion of the epiphysis.
agnostic feature is the strikingly sharp border
Chondroblastoma ("Codman's Tumor") 229

Fig. 413. Chondroblastoma (left femoral neck) Fig. 414. Chondroblastoma; HE, x30

-.r'_··'_.... 2

Fig. 415. Chondroblastoma; HE, x64 Fig. 416. Chondroblastoma with aneurysmal bony cyst;
HE, x40
230 11 Bone Tumors

Chondromyxoid Fibroma (lCD-O-DA-M-9241/0) of the bone is characteristic. In Fig. 419 one

can see a chondromyxoid fibroma of the right
This is a very rare neoplasm of bone which tibial head that shows up as an eccentrically
makes up just 0.5% of all bone tumors. The placed ovoid bony cyst. It is clearly delineated
chondromyxoid ftbroma represents a circum- bya narrow band of marginal sclerosis (1). The
scribed benign neoplasm wh ich is composed internal contours of the neoplastic defect are
partly of chondroid and partly of myxoid tissue, smooth, and usually there is no internal trabe-
and which is sometimes eapable of loeal invasive cular structure. Areas of calcification or ossifi-
growth. This tumor was originally regarded as cation capable of casting shadows are not seen.
a chondrosarcoma, since the tissue shows These characteristics give the chondromyxoid
highly immature tumor cells. Today it is classi- fibroma a very typical radiological appearance.
fied as semimalignant, since it does display de- The tumor is situated in the tibial metaphysis,
structive local growth and has adefinite ten- but has crossed the epiphyseal line and has
dency to recur, but it does not produce metas- partly invaded the epiphysis (2). The immedi-
tases. The presenting symptom is a dragging ately adjacent cortex is partly narrowed and
pain, and sometimes a local swelling may ap- partly widened by reactive osteosclerosis. It re-
pear. Chondromyxoid fibromas can also be dis- mains, however, fully intact and no periosteal
covered by chance in the course of a routine ra- reaction can be seen. This is in general a ra-
diological examination. diological picture which suggests a benign le-
sion. In considering the differential diagnosis,
Localization (Fig. 417). Typical chondromyxoid it is particularly a chondrosarcoma (p. 236)
fibromas are found in the metaphyses, with the which must be considered and excluded. Chon-
most common site being the proximal meta- dromyxoid fibromas of the short and flat bones
physes of the long bones of the lower limb, par- usually involve the whole of the diameter and
ticularly the tibia. Occasionally they appear in bring about a nodular elevation with trabecular
the ulna, radius, scapula, sternum, calcaneus, inclusions.
phalanges of the fingers and toes, vertebrae, In Fig. 420 one can see the radiograph of a
ribs or pelvis. We found 16% of these tumors chondromyxoid fibroma of the proximal tibial
in the short tubular bones, whereas all investi- metaphysis which is lying in a highly eccentric
gators have recorded their presence in the long position. It appears to show a periosteal pro-
bones in two thirds of cases. Sometimes both cess which has led to an erosion of the cortex
the metaphysis and epiphysis are taken up by (1) from without. The suggestion of peripheral
the tumor. lobulation and marginal sclerosis is not pro-
nounced, and in this exposure one cannot dis-
Age Distribution (Fig. 418). The most likely time tinguish between the tumor and the surround-
for the condition to arise is, according to the ing soft parts. Such a chondromyxoid fibroma
literature, during the 2nd and 3rd decades of as this, with an extraosseous component, is not
life, the average age given being 23 years. In a typical. They are, however, sometimes seen and
sampie of 80 chondromyxoid fibromas we have been described in the literature. The char-
found a second peak in the 6th decade, with a acter of such a tumorous bone lesion can only
significantly greater number in women. In be established by a bone biopsy. An eccentric
other words, it may be accepted that this rare localization practically always appears on the
bone neoplasm can appear at any age. radio graph as an hourglass bulge of the cortex,
The radiograph of a chondromyxoid fibroma which is paper thin and sometimes hardly still
of a long bone shows - according to its projec- visible. It is often shaped like a grape. There is
tion - a central ovoid metaphyseal cyst, which usually no periosteal reaction. Untreated chon-
is attached by its base to the epiphyseal carti- dromyxofibromas may penetrate the cortex and
lage and sends a pointed projection toward the bring about pressure erosion of the neighbor-
diaphysis. The sharply bordered eccentric re- ing bone. In the short tubular bones, a spin dle-
gion of osteolysis which can lead to elevation shaped elevation is typical.
Chondromyxoid Fibroma 231

7%( ku li)

4% (Prox im. 1 humerus)

4% (Ribs)




10% (Di tal femur) 15

30% (Proximal tibia)


_ > IS %
3% (Distal tibia)
_ > 10 %
< 10 % 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Decade of IWe

Fig. 417. Localization of chondromyxoid fibroma Fig. 418. Age distribution of chondromyxoid fibromas
(80 cases); others: 17.5% (80 cases)

Fig. 419. Chondromyxoid fibroma (right tibial head) Fig. 420. Chondromyxoid fibroma
(proximal tibial metaphysis)
232 11 Bone Tumors

The radiograph of Fig. 421 shows a chondro- is characteristic. In Fig. 425 one can see a large
myxoid fibroma of the 1st right metatarsal (1). porous myxomatous area (1) in which cells
The affected proximal part of the bone is raised with ill-defined boundaries and bizarre nuclei
up all round to give it a spindle-like appear- lie loosely bound together. The nuclei are in
anee, and the cortex on both sides is severely part drawn out into a spindie shape (2), in part
narrowed from within, but still intaet. Distally, roundish and uneven (3). They vary in size and
the tumor is sharply bordered by marginal contain much chromatin. No mitoses are seen.
sclerosis (2). Within, there is diffuse shadowing Adjacent to the cartilaginous lobules there is a
with small patchy areas of translucency. No cal- highly cellular conneetive tissue stroma (4)
cium inclusions ean be seen. The tumor lies in with fibroeytes, fibroblasts and lymphoid cells.
the proximal metaphysis and appears to have Many blood vessels (5) can be seen within it.
penetrated the epiphyseal plate (3) and invaded The sometimes considerable polymorphy and
the epiphysis itself. hyperehromasia of the nuclei seen inside the
A very typical radiological picture of a chon- myxomatous area must not be regarded as indi-
dromyxoid fibroma can be seen in Fig. 422. In eating the presenee of a malignant neoplasm
the left distal femoral metaphysis one can see a (e. g. a ehondrosarcoma, p. 236). In general the
strikingly eccentrically situated cystic lesion tumor presents a very characteristic histological
(1), which is sharply bordered on the inside by picture, and with the help of the radiological
a marked area of garland-shaped marginal findings the correct diagnosis is usually made.
sclerosis (2). The cortex is greatly narrowed There are, however, also eases with an atypical
and notched from without (3). Inside the lesion histological appearance in which the pattern of
there are a few dense trabeculae, but no patchy a ehondroblastoma (p. 226) or an aneurysmal
shadows of ealcification. The eeeentric position bony cyst (p. 412) predominates in the biopsy
and the cyst-like appearance of the neoplasm material, or which give the impression of a
are clearly seen in the lateral radiograph of myxosareoma. Regressive changes of the tumor
Fig. 423. A narrow region of marginal sclerosis tissue with hyalinization can also cause diag-
(1) sharply defines the outline of the lesion. nostic difficulties.
The whole tumorous region is bulging dorsally
and outwards (2), and is here polyeystic. With-
in, the increase in density of the trabeculae has
given the lesion a grape-like appearanee, and
this can be seen in about 40% of ehondromyx-
oid fibromas. This is in general the radiological
appearance of a benign lesion.
Figure 424 is a radiograph of a chondromyx-
oid fibroma of the distal part of the humerus.
Once again there is a sharply bordered "bony
cyst" (1) lying in the bone. The cortex is irreg-
ularly narrowed from within (2) but still intact.
This part of the bone is slightly raised up.
There is no periosteal reaction. Inside, there is 2
a diffuse increase in density, but there are no 1
calcification shadows. Penetration of the cortex 3
is not a feature of an uncomplicated ehondro-
myxoid fibroma. In these tumors an aneurys-
mal bony cyst (p. 412) sometimes develops as a
secondary phenomenon and can penetrate the
cortex on one side. In the radio graph this may
easily awake suspicion of malignancy, a prob-
lem which must be resolved by bone biopsy.
Histologically the lobulated formation of the
tumor tissue in these cartilaginous neoplasms Fig. 421. Chondromyxoid fibroma Ost right metatarsal)
Chondromyxoid Fibroma 233


Fig. 422. Chondromyxoid fibroma Fig. 423. Chondromyxoid fibroma

(left distal femoral metaphysis, a.p. radiograph) (left distal femoral metaphysis, lateral radiograph)

2 -=--"""':-_ _....::0...

Fig.424. Chondromyxoid fibroma (distal part of humerus) Fig. 425. Chondromyxoid fibroma; HE, x82
234 11 Bane Tumors

With a chondromyxoid fibroma it can be dif- Under higher magnification (Fig. 428) it is
ficult histologically to deeide between benign dear that the nodular chondroid areas are
and malignant growth. As is apparent in the fairly sharply delineated (1). Within the nodules
overall histological view shown in Fig. 426, the there is a loose network of chondroid cells
picture is that of a very dearly defined lobular which now and then reveal multipolar cell bor-
formation with roundish nodules of varying ders with cytoplasmic processes. The nudei are
size (1). It is characterized by the mixture of sometimes slightly elliptical, sometimes elon-
highly cellular immature areas (2) with differ- gated. They are mostly small and stain intense-
entiated myxomatous and chondroid regions ly, and are often pyknotic. There is no striking
(3). The histological structures seen within one nudear polymorphy, and mitoses are not seen.
chondromyxoid fibroma can differ greatly, and The interstitial tissue is sometimes porous,
can also vary markedly from tumor to tumor. with myxomatous foci (2), so that this region is
The myxomatous, fibrous and chondroid zones PAS negative. Aleian blue staining is here
and areas may show very different degrees of mostly positive. Between the lobules there is a
emphasis; the chondroid elements can some- band of loose stroma with spindie cells (3)
times only appear in small foei, but can some- within which one can recognize blood vessels,
times also determine the histological picture and in one pI ace fibrous bone (4) has differen-
and lead to confusion with a chondrosarcoma. tiated. Numerous multinudeated giant cells are
Even under higher magnification (Fig. 427) often found in the interstitial tissue in the im-
the lobular and nodular formation of the neo- mediate neighborhood of the chondroid lob-
plasm is obvious. The lobular centers of the ules. During the course of maturation of a
chondroid areas (1) consist of a loose wide- chondromyxoid fibroma the matrix and col-
meshed network of bipolar spindle-shaped or lagen fibers undergo an increase. In the periph-
multipolar star-shaped cells which are thickly ery of the tumor the tissue is sometimes sharp-
concentrated at the periphery of the lobules. ly separated from the bone by a connective tis-
This dense, mantle-like cramming together of sue capsule. During the slow growth of the neo-
the tumor cells around the edges of the lobules plasm reactive bone formation is often seen.
and nodules is an important histological charac- This is responsible for the marginal sderosis
teristic of the chondromyxoid fibroma. All the and is usually visible in the radiograph
same, this kind of distribution of the tumor cells (Fig. 419).
can sometimes be found in a chondrosarcoma, In Fig. 429 one can see under higher magni-
which must be borne in mind when a diagnosis t1cation a section through a chondroid focus
is being made. Even with moderate enlarge- within a chondromyxoid fibroma. The pro-
ment (Fig. 427) one can recognize that the nounced myxoid loosening of the tissue (1) is
densely packed tumor cells have a pale cyto- striking. The tumor cells have nudei which are
plasm and a rather sharp cell membrane, and sometimes roundish, sometimes elongated, and
therefore resemble the cartilage cells of a chon- an eosinophilic cytoplasm. In one pI ace one
droblastoma (p. 229). The matrix of the chon- can recognize a multinudeated giant cell (2). It
droid regions is partly mucoid, partly chon- can be extraordinarily difficult to dassify a
droid. In the myxomatous regions the intercellu- chondromyxoid fibroma preeisely from the ra-
lar substance is generally PAS negative, since the diological and histological appearance. Mixed
proteoglycans have probably been replaced by forms of chondromyxoid fibromas, chondro-
water. Between the chondroid nodules there are blastomas and chondromatous giant cell neo-
dense regions of stroma (2) consisting of spin- plasms have been described. Sometimes the tu-
dIe cells and several vascular loops (3). If the vas- mor can penetrate into the marrow cavity far
cularization is more pronounced, the impression beyond the radiologically identifiable borders.
of an aneurysmal bony cyst (p. 412) may arise. Within the tissue of the tumor, calcification foci
The spindie cells have isomorphie nudei. Mi- are only sparsely encountered. In addition to
toses are very rare. Sometimes osteoid or fibro- collagen fibers, the presence of numerous reti-
osseous tissue may differentiate within the inter- cular fibers can be histochemically established.
lobular stroma. In a few places collections of
round lymphoid cells (4) can be observed.
Chondromyxoid Fibroma 235

Fig. 426. Chondromyxoid fibroma; HE, x20 Fig. 427. Chondromyxoid fibroma; HE, x40

Fig. 428. Chondromyxoid fibroma; HE, x64 Fig. 429. Chondromyxoid fibroma; HE, x82
236 11 Bone Tumors

Chondrosarcoma (lCD-O-DA-M-9220/3) somewhat more frequently affected than wom-

The chondrosarcoma is a malignant bone tumor Among all bone tumors the chondrosarcoma,
wh ich originates from the cartilaginous tissue of at 16%, comes third after the plasmocytoma
the skeleton and wh ich is composed of abnormal and the osteosarcoma. Its prognosis is signifi-
cartilage and a little connective tissue. This ma- cantly better than that of the osteosarcoma. The
lignant form of cartilaginous neoplasm can de- five-year survival period is reported as being
velop spontaneously from local cartilage (pri- between 21 %-76%, the degree of differentiation
mary chondrosarcoma) or from a cartilaginous being an important factor. Adequate treatment
neoplasm that was previously benign (second- involves complete removal of the tumor, either
ary chondrosarcoma). It is a slow-growing tu- by block resection, amputation or disarticula-
mor, which is why the patient usually presents tion. Radiotherapy is ineffective and therefore
with a long history in which the only symp- not indicated, and chemotherapy has so far
toms are often only pain and local swelling. Be- also been unsuccessful.
cause of the non-specific symptomatology, In the radiograph the majority of chondro-
chondrosarcomas are often wrongly treated for sarcomas show evidence of malignant growth.
a long time and diagnosed late. This neoplasm With a central chondrosarcoma the most im-
has a tendency to invade blood vessels and to pressive feature is a moth-eaten osteolysis, and
form long intravascular tentacles. Metastases lumpy neoplastic nodes grow quickly through
appear late and are most likely to attack the the borders of the bone. Figure 432 depicts a
lung. Involvement of the regional lymph nodes chondrosarcoma of the proximal metaphysis of
is rare. After incomplete removal of the tumor the right humerus in a 13-year-old boy. The en-
there is a strong likelihood of recurrence. Even tire region of the bone is taken up by dark,
with a tumor biopsy metastases can be im- cloudy shadows, which are not clearly sepa-
planted in the path of its removal. rated from the shaft (1). The tumor appears to
have broken through the epiphyseal cartilage
Localization (Fig. 430). Most primary chondro- and invaded the epiphysis (2). It has also pene-
sarcomas develop in the center of the epiphysis trated the cortex and produced a bony perios-
of a long bone and spread out into the meta- teal re action in the form of so-called spicules
physis. The main site is the axial skeleton, in- (3). A clear tumorous shadow can be seen in
cluding the shoulder girdle, proximal regions of the soft tissues (4). In the peripheral region of
the femur or humerus (44.3%), the pelvis being the tumor a so-called Codman's triangle (5) is
most often affected (14.2%). These neoplasms visible, which is highly characteristic of expan-
are also relatively often found in the ribs or sively growing malignant bone tumors. It con-
proximal part of the femur. A further common sists of a region of reactive new bone forma-
site is around the knee, but only rarely are they tion in which no tumor tissue is present. A
encountered in the short tubular bones of the biopsy in this region would therefore be use-
hand or foot. It is remarkable that the proximal less.
ends of the long bones are much more fre- The macroscopic picture of the cut surface
quently attacked than the distal ends. In rare of this tumor (Fig. 433) shows that the entire
cases a chondrosarcoma can develop outside bone is occupied by nodular, glassy tumor tis-
the skeleton (in the soft tissue, larynx, joint sue, which is set through with necroses and
capsules etc.). hemorrhages (1). A large area of the cortex (2)
has been destroyed, and large tumorous nodes
Age Distribution (Fig. 431). Chondrosarcomas ap- are jutting out extensively into surrounding re-
pear at any age with equal probability, the aver- gions (3). The tumor has sent an intraosseous
age being 46 years. In children and young peo- process into the diaphysis (4). In one place a
pIe they are relatively less common. As against Codman's tri angle (5) can be seen. This chon-
this, secondary chondrosarcomas are found drosarcoma has thus destroyed the whole prox-
more frequently in the young than the old. We imal part of the humerus, so that a pathologi-
found a peak in the 6th decade of life. Men are cal fracture could arise here very easily.
Chondrosarcoma 237

6.0% (SkulI)

4.8% (Scapula)
5.6% (Prox.imal humcrus)
4.8% (Ribs)
8.6% (Spine)


63% ( Prox.imal femur) 14


12.9% (Distal femur)

5.9% (Proximal tibia)

_ > 15 %

> 10% 4.4% (Foot)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
< 10 % Decade oIlife

Fig. 430. Localization of the chondrosarcomas (558 cases); Fig. 431. Age distribution of the chondrosarcomas
others 26.5% (558 cases)


4 ------'-Tfft

Fig. 432. Chondrosarcoma (proximal humerus) Fig. 433. Chondrosarcoma (cut surface, proximal humerus)
238 11 Bone Tumors

Figure 434 shows the radiograph of a chon- penetrated. Nevertheless, the opposite side of
drosarcoma in the right distal femoral meta- the zone of sclerosis is not sharply defined.
physis of a 57-year-old woman. In the lateral One recognizes patchy areas with ir regular
exposure one can recognize very dark shadow- translucent foci of destruction in the periphery
ing of the whole of the metaphysis which of the tumor which extend up to the border of
reaches out into the epiphysis. The peripheral the ala (2). There is no evidence that the tumor
part of the epiphysis (1) is free from neoplastic has invaded the soft tissues. The joint space of
tissue, and there is no sign that the tumor has the right hip joint (3) is completely preserved,
invaded the nearby knee joint (2). In children and one cannot detect any invasion of the joint
malignant bone tumors do not break through by the tumor. With radiological findings such
the epiphyseal cartilage until an advanced as these, additional special exposures (lateral
stage, and only force their way late into the radiograph, tomograph, angiograph etc.)
neighboring joint. The cortex of the femur has should be undertaken in order to obtain
been invaded by the tumor and cannot be dis- further information about the size and extent
tinguished from the marrow cavity. It has al- of the tumor. Furthermore, one should these
ready infiltrated the adjacent soft parts, as can days also employ computer and MR-tomogra-
be recognized by the dense shadow it projects phy, since these can supply additional useful di-
(3). The tumorous bony reaction of the perios- agnostic information. Determining the degree
teum is clearly seen in the form of the dense of density and the signal changes can thereby
periosteal layers (4) and spicules (5). In one help to assess the amount of calcification and
place (6) a Codman's tri angle can be seen. ossification in such a neoplasm. The final diag-
The macroscopic appearance of such a cen- nosis is then made possible by a planned
tral chondrosarcoma in the distal femoral epi- biopsy and histological examination of the tis-
physis is to be seen in Fig. 435. On the sawn sue itself.
surface of the distal part of the femur one can Figure 437 shows a maceration specimen of
see the glassy gray shining tissue of the tumor, the pelvis in which a large, deeply fissured tu-
which is lying in the center of the bone and mor (1) of the left iliac bone can be seen,
taking up the entire marrow cavity. Most of it which has involved the ischium. This is a chon-
is set through with hemorrhages (1) and in drosarcoma which probably arose in an osteo-
places one can see patchy calcification (2). The cartilaginous exostosis. The tumor tissue was
tumor has pushed its way distally into the epi- heavily calcified and has therefore survived
physis (3), but the cartilaginous joint surface maceration. The neoplasm has broken a long
(4) is completely intact. Proximally it reaches way through the edges of the bone and a large
out a long way into the diaphysis (5), and here part of it has pushed its way far into the sur-
the characteristic lobular formation of a chon- rounding soft tissues. One can clearly recognize
drosarcoma is apparent. The cortex is partly the nodular and lumpy formation of the tumor,
eroded from within, and partly thickened. In which has brought about extensive destruction
one place (6) one can clearly see how the tu- of the pelvic bone.
mor has penetrated into the periosteum. Near- Without doubt the chondrosarcoma belongs
by a Codman's triangle (7) is recognizable. On among those bone tumors which are extremely
the whole the periosteum is considerably thick- difficult to diagnose histologically. If the radio-
ened by reactive new bone formation. This ap- graph reveals signs of a very destructive tumor
pearance of the cut surface of a central chon- growth, and marked anaplasia of the cells and
drosarcoma and the elastic but firm consis- their nuclei shows up histologically, the diagno-
tency of the tumor tissue are quite characteris- sis of a malignant cartilaginous neoplasm is re-
tic of this neoplasm. latively easy. However, distinguishing histologi-
The radio graph of Fig. 436 shows a chondro- cally between a proliferating chondroma
sarcoma in the ala of the right iliac bone in a (p. 224) and a highly differentiated chondrosar-
58-year-old woman, One can see an irregular coma can be extremely difficult. A cartilaginous
sclerotic increase in density that reaches right neoplasm must be regarded as malignant when
into the true pelvis (1). The original border of on the one hand its position makes it possible
the bone has in this case, however, not been to suspect at least potential malignancy, and on
Chondrosarcoma 239



Fig. 434. Chondrosarcoma (distal femur) Fig. 435. Chondrosarcoma (cut surface, distal femur)

Fig. 436. Chondrosarcoma (right iliac bone) Fig. 437. Chondrosarcoma

(maceration specimen, left iliac bone)
240 11 Bone Tumors

the other hand it contains numerous ill-shaped and multinudeated tumor cells are present. One
nudei with dark dumps of chromatin, many also comes across nudei in the form of hyper-
multinudeated chondrocytes and cartilage giant chromatie plaques (6). The background tissue
cells. It is frequently necessary to take several is weakly basophilic or eosinophilic and con-
tissue sampies from different regions of such a tains roundish vacuoles (7) that remind one of
tumor in order to make a reliable histologieal empty chondroblastie capsules. Mitoses are
analysis possible. only rarely demonstrable within the chondro-
In the overall histological view shown in cytes of such a tumor as this.
Fig. 438 one is immediately struck by the pro- Figure 441 depiets a grade 3 chondrosarco-
nounced lobular formation of the cartilaginous ma. Here the most striking feature is the pro-
neoplasm. One recognizes differently sized nounced polymorphy of the tumor cells and
nodes (1) of hyaline cartilage, which vary in cell their nudei. One can again recognize the nodu-
density. These nodules are fairly sharply delin- lar formation, the nodules being sharply bor-
eated by narrow connective tissue septa (2). dered by a loose connective tissue with a few
There are also some blood vessels (3) whieh are blood vessels (1). The tumor cells are irregu-
nevertheless not numerous within the neoplasm larly distributed within the connective tissue,
itself. At the periphery of the nodules the cell and appear to be blown out into large cell nests
density is greater than in the center. (2). The nudei vary in size, and one often sees
In dealing with chondrosarcomas three dif- giant nudei (3) with a very dense chromatin
ferent grades of differentiation are recognized, content. The very pronounced polymorphy of
and this is highly relevant for the prognosis. the nudei is striking, and they may display
The tumorous cartilaginous tissue must be very many bizarre ramifications. Pathological mi-
precisely examined microscopically if an accu- toses may be seen in such neoplasms, even
rate diagnosis is to be reached. Figure 439 de- though they are relatively infrequent in com-
picts a grade 1 chondrosarcoma under higher parison with the number of polymorphic cells
magnification. The chondrocytes are dosely and nudei. In a neoplasm of this kind it is not
packed together but somewhat irregularly dis- difficult to recognize its malignant character.
tributed. Within the hyaline matrix, which here From the histological point of view, cartilagi-
and there may reveal myxomatous change, one nous tumors are extraordinarily difficult neo-
can see tumorous chondrocytes which mostly plasms to diagnose. This applies partieularly to
have distinct cell boundaries (1). They contain the border-line cases, where it must be decided
nudei that vary somewhat in size and show a from the histologieal appearance whether one is
moderate degree of polymorphy (2). Mitoses still dealing with a proliferating chondroma or
are practically never seen, and the lobular ar- whether it is already a highly differentiated
chitecture of the cartilaginous tissue is pre- chondrosarcoma. In order to re ach a precise di-
served. agnosis - upon which a choice of one of the
Figure 440 depicts a grade 2 chondrosarco- very different types of treatment available will
ma. One recognizes the greater irregularity in depend - a great deal of histopathological ex-
the distribution of the tumorous chondrocytes, perience is required. Taking into account the
which may often be found packed dosely to- dinical and radiologieal findings, which pro-
gether in groups. The cell boundaries are very vide some suggestion as to whether the tumor
indistinct and often no longer identifiable at growth is benign or malignant, tissue sampies
all. There are greater and sm aller areas in must whenever possible be taken from several
which no nudei or only small nudear frag- parts of the tumor.
ments can be seen (1). There are numerous foci The criteria for malignancy are (1) many
of myxomatous degeneration. The most notice- cells with dis tor ted nudei, (2) several chondro-
able feature is the greater degree of polymor- cytes with two nudei and (3) cartilaginous
phy of the nudei in comparison with grade 1. giant cells with one or more nudei containing
Some of the nudei of the tumor cells are dumps of chromatin. Necrotic foci in the tu-
roundish and isomorphie (2), some are un- mor tissue also suggest malignancy. The num-
evenly elongated (3), and some are more dis- ber of cells is an uncertain criterion, since this
tended (4). Large numbers of giant nudei (5) can also be high in chondromas.
Chondrosarcoma 241



Fig. 438. Chondrosarcoma; HE, x25 Fig. 439. Chondrosarcoma grade 1; HE, xlOO

3 ---.-'"

Fig. 440. Chondrosarcoma grade 2; HE, x100 Fig. 441. Chondrosarcoma grade 3; HE, x100
242 11 Bone Tumors

In Fig. 442 one can see the radio graph of a drosarcoma (grade 2). The lobulated and nodu-
cartilaginous neoplasm in the proximal part of lar formation of the tumor tissue is obvious,
the humerus of a 36-year-old man. The entire and the no des relatively sharply delineated (1).
proximal metaphysis reveals a patchy osteolysis In this case there is a fairly equal distribution
with flattish and straggly increases in density of the tumorous chondrocytes within the area
which reach down into the adjacent diaphysis. of cartilage. These nevertheless displaya signif-
The tumor is centrally placed in the bone and icant degree of nuc1ear polymorphy, their shape
has taken up the whole of the marrow cavity at being sometimes elongated (2) and sometimes
this level. One can recognize large irregular more nearly round (3). A few chondrocytes
patches of translucency (1), and between them with two nuc1ei are also seen (4). No mitoses
the areas of increased density just described. A are visible. The cartilaginous matrix is partly
few patchy densifications (2) indicate calcified eosinophilic and partly porous and weakly ba-
foei. The proximal humeral metaphysis is some- sophilic. In one place one can recognize a tra-
what distended upward by the central tumor, and becula of varying width (5). The adjacent stro-
the cortex appears to have been partly invaded mal connective tissue is porous and penetrated
(3); it is, however, still intact and even appears by a few blood vessels (6).
to have become thickened (4). Outwardly it has Fig 445 is also the picture of a histological
for the most part a smooth border, and no reac- seetion through a moderately differentiated
tive periosteal changes can be seen. Proximally, chondrosarcoma. One recognizes two cancel-
the tumor reaches as far as the epiphyseal carti- lous trabeculae (1) in which no osteocytes re-
lage (5), which here forms a sharp border. The main to be seen, and the lamellar layering is
epiphysis itself is free from tumor tissue. With also invisible. These are necrotic bone trabecu-
a radiological appearance such as this one must lae as seen in the neighborhood of a chondro-
consider, apart from a calcified enchondroma sarcoma. Between these trabeculae there is tu-
or a chondrosarcoma, the possibility of a bone morous cartilaginous tissue which displays its
infarct (p. 174). Only examination of a bone c1early nodular formation.
biopsy could provide the correct diagnosis of The nodule is fairly sharply delineated by
this bone lesion. In this case, it revealed the pres- loose connective tissue with a few blood vessels
ence of a highly differentiated chondrosarcoma. (2). The marked myxomatous porosity of the tu-
Figure 443 shows the histological picture of mor tissue is striking, and this suggests that it is
just such a highly differentiated chondrosarco- highly undifferentiated. It is of course true that
ma, which on radiological examination could no PAS positive substances have to be demon-
easily be taken at first for an enchondroma. strable in myxomatous tissue, but in most cases
With this sort of cartilaginous neoplasm ap- the acid mucopolysaccharides (proteoglycans)
pearing in a long bone, however, the patholo- can be speeifically stained with safranin O.
gist must always be particularly critical, and al- Whereas morphologically highly differentiated
ways keep in mind the possibility of a chondro- tumors of cartilage produce large amounts of
sarcoma among his differential diagnoses. One aeid mucopolysaccharides with a high content
can recognize the indications of lobulated carti- of sulfaton ions, proteoglycans are only sparsely
laginous tumor tissue in which the tumor cells present in undifferentiated chondrosarcomas.
are unequally distributed. The chondrocytes are When assessing the degree of differentiation
lying in cell nests which are sometimes large the form of the nuc1ei must always be most care-
and expanded (1) and sometimes small (2). fully observed, and here the significant presence
The nuc1ei are almost all hyperchromatic and of polymorphy can be recognized. Malignant
polymorphic. One observes large polymorphic neoplasia is also revealed by the destruction of
nuc1ei (3) next to others which are small, the autochthonous cancellous trabeculae, which
roundish and isomorphic (4). Mitoses are very are eroded or necrotic. Extensive necroses with-
rarely present and cannot usually be detected. in a cartilaginous tumor are rare. As against
The cartilaginous matrix may be weakly baso- this, the vessels both inside and outside the tu-
philic or eosinophiIic. mor ought to be carefully examined so that a
In Fig. 444 one can see the radiological pic- possible invasion of the blood vessels by neoplas-
ture of a moderately highly differentiated chon- tic tissue does not go undetected.
Chondrosarcoma 243

Fig. 442. Chondrosarcoma (proximal humerus) Fig. 443. Chondrosarcoma; HE, x40

Fig. 444. Chondrosarcoma; HE, x25 Fig. 445. Chondrosarcoma; PAS, x25
244 11 Bone Tumors

In the vertebral column chondrosarcomas The outside of the neoplastic mass has a
usually develop very slowly and are often late fairly distinct border (6) and is partly covered
in being discovered. They often attain a consid- by a connective tissue capsule. Obviously the
erable size. In Fig. 447 one can see on a lateral tumor has invaded the spinal canal (7) and has
radiograph of the thoracic column of a 73-year- here brought about destruction of the cord.
old woman an ir regular area of sderosis with Histologically one recognizes the dassieal
patchy translucencies and an indistinct border morphology of a chondrosarcoma. In the over-
at the ventral side of the 7th thoracic vertebral all view shown in Fig. 449 highly cellular carti-
body (1). This shadow extends in a ventral di- laginous tissue is found in whieh several nod-
rection (2) and is projected also onto the 8th ules (1) stand out. These contain some small
thoracic vertebral body (3). The space between isomorphie chondrocytes (2) and some dis-
the 7th and 8th vertebrae (4) is, however, main- tended cartilage cells (3) with polymorphic and
tained. In the sderotie region there are several hyperchromatie nudei. Fod of calcium deposi-
striking patches of calcification (5). This find- tion are often encountered. The tissue must be
ing strongly suggests a cartilaginous neoplasm, carefully examined under higher magnification
and its expansive growth makes one think from for the presence of atypical forms of cell and
the radiologieal appearance alone of a possible nudei. In Fig. 450 one recognizes that the carti-
chondrosarcoma. As can be seen in Fig. 446, laginous tumor cells are lying in large chondro-
the myelogram reveals an extradural block be- blastic capsules (1). They contain highly poly-
low the body of Th 7 (1). An indistinctly bor- morphic nudei, some roundish, some more
dered focus with fine sderotic patches is seen elongated, whieh are often unevenly drawn-out
on the side of the 7th thoracic vertebra (2). (2). All the nudei are dark and reveal an irreg-
This has invaded the cortex and at this point ular distribution of chromatin. Some of the
destroyed it and entered the adjacent extra-os- cells contain two nudei (3). On the other hand,
seous tissue. (3). The intervertebral spaces on no mitoses are found.
either side of the 7th thoracic vertebral body Chondrosarcomas, espedally in the vertebral
(4) have been maintained. column, have a tendency to break into blood ves-
Recurring chondrosarcomas of the vertebral sels and form extensive tumorous thrombi. In the
column can eventually re ach a considerable venous system such a neoplastie plug can further
size. In Fig. 448 one can see a macroscopic proliferate continually until it even reaches the
specimen of a chondrosarcoma of the spinal right side of the heart, and then continue on as
column. The tumor has developed in 7th tho-
racic vertebral body (1) and enlarged itself into
the thoracic cavity. The spongiosa of the verte-
bra has been extensively destroyed and replaced
by the whitish glassy tissue of the tumor. It is
remarkable that the tumor has remained lim-
ited to the vertebra and has not penetrated the
neighboring intervertebral spaces or their 3
disks, and both the adjacent vertebrae (2) are
free of any tumor. This is typieal of malignant 2
tumors of the vertebra, and can also be con-
firmed from the radiograph. Instead, the tumor
has broken out ventrally from the bone to form 4
a massive neoplastic node (3) which is lying in
front of the column. It extends over a region
occupied by 10 vertebrae without having infil-
trated any of them. The cut surface reveals a
glassy gray tumor tissue which is elastic in
consistency and nodular. Inside the tumor one
can see blood-soaked necroses (4) and numer-
ous white foci of calcification (5). Fig. 446. Chondrosarcoma (body of Th 7, myelogram)
Chondrosarcoma 245

2 - - - .<;t
5 - - - -!r-:
-------i 4

Fig. 447. Chondrosarcoma (body of Th 7) Fig. 448. Chondrosarcoma (thoraeie column)

Fig. 449. Chondrosarcoma; HE, x64 Fig. 450. Chondrosarcoma; HE, x120

far as the bifurcation of the pulmonary artery. demonstrate this type of tumorous growth,
Angiographic examination makes it possible to which is typical of the chondrosarcoma.
246 11 Bone Tumors

Dedifferentiated Chondrosarcoma one can observe the gray glassy tissue of the tu-
mor (2), which has a tough elastic consistency. On
Chondrosarcomas can be dassified in terms of one side (3) the cortex has been preserved, and on
their morphological structure and the appear- the other (4) it has been occupied along a wide
ance of their cells and their nudei into various front by neoplastic tissue and destroyed. The tu-
grades of malignancy. On this basis, the prog- mor reaches out into the neighboring diaphysis
nosis can to a certain extent be assessed (p. (5) where glassy neoplastic nodes can be seen.
240). There are also cartilaginous tumors which The histological picture of a dedifferentiated
show a particularly high degree of malignancy. chondrosarcoma is shown in Fig. 453. The most
These dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas repre- striking feature is the large number of cells. One
sent a type of highly malignant cartilaginous neo- can see, on the one hand, tumorous cartilaginous
plasm which frequently derives from an ordinary tissue (1) with distended chondrocytes of var-
chondrosarcoma, and wh ich under histological ious sizes, which possess polymorphie nudeL
examination reveals, in addition to the tumorous On the other hand, there is highly cellular sarco-
cartilaginous structures, same of the tissue com- matous connective tissue (2) with small densely
ponents of a fibrosarcoma or an osteosarcoma. loaded hyperchromatic nudei which are mark-
A bone biopsy may show only the tissue of a fi- edly polymorphie. The abrupt transition from
brosarcoma or an osteosarcoma, and even the neoplastic cartilage to spindle-cell sarcomatous
picture of the related metastases can conceal tissue is very characteristie (3). In this inter-
the original cartilaginous character of the pri- mediate zone the neoplastie tissue is often
mary neoplasm. Analysis of the cartilaginous tis- loosely formed and granulomatous.
sue of the tumor usually indicates a chondrosar- Under higher magnification one can dearly
coma of grade 3. Sometimes, however, it presents recognize the highly undifferentiated formation
with highly differentiated cartilaginous tissue, of the tumor. In Fig 454 a the tumor cartilage
which can only with difficulty be recognized as with its large numbers of chondrocytes is appar-
malignant ("borderline for malignancy"). This ent. The cartilage cells vary in size and are often
tumor is today an accepted entity among the greatly distended. They have hyperchromatic
neoplasms of bone. Dedifferentiated chondrosar- and highly polymorphie nudei (1) that are often
comas can be derived from primary as weIl as drawn into star shapes, and multinudeated cells
from secondary chondrosarcomas. are also present. Irregular areas of calcification
In Fig. 451 the radiograph shows a dedifferen- (2) are seen again and again in the matrix. Such
tiated chondrosarcoma in the proximal part of cartilaginous tissue shows all the morphological
the right femur of a 63-year-old man. One ob- signs of a high degree of malignancy.
serves an irregular shadowy increase in the den- In Fig. 454 b one can see a section of spin-
sity of the proximal femoral metaphysis which dle-cell tumor tissue which is almost identical
reaches out into the trochanters and the femoral with a polymorphocellular fibrosarcoma. The
neck. In a few places the dearly lobular and nod- nudei are drawn out into spindie shapes, hy-
ular structure of the tumor (1) can be seen. The perchromatic and highly polymorphic. There
bony spongiosa has been extensively destroyed are also ungainly giant cells present, and fre-
by the tumor, which has in places penetrated quent mitoses. In many dedifferentiated chon-
the cortex (2) and invaded the adjacent soft parts drosarcomas the characteristic structures of an
(3). One can recognize a tumorous soft tissue osteosarcoma (p. 279) may be seen.
shadow (4) which shows patchy areas of calcifica- In many cases a dedifferentiated chondrosar-
tion. coma may appear following incomplete curet-
In Fig. 452 a dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma tage of an ordinary chondrosarcoma, and this
in the proximal part of the right humerus can be must be regarded as a recurrence accompanied
recognized. In the macroscopic picture one can by an increase in malignancy. A differentiated
see from the sawn surfaces of the long bone that chondrosarcoma may further dedifferentiate
the spongiosa has been extensively destroyed by into a purely osteoblastic osteosarcoma. The
the tumor. The neoplastic tissue has partly in- only possible treatment for this is radieal re-
vaded the epiphysis (1), and part of the tumor moval of the tumor, although even then the
has been soaked with blood. Inside the tumor prognosis remains poor.
Dedifferentiated Chondrosarcoma 247

Fig. 451. Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma Fig. 452. Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma

(right proximal femur) (cut surface, proximal humerus)

Fig. 453. Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma; HE, x40 Fig. 454a,b. Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma: a anaplastic
tumorous cartilage; HE, x64; b spindle-cell sarcomatous tu-
morous tissue; HE, x64
248 11 Bone Tumors

Clear-Cell Chondrosarcoma calcification. There are always benign multinu-

eleated giants cells (3) of the same type as the
Among 470 chondrosarcomas, DAHLIN found 9 osteoelast -either alone or in groups. In the
cases which showed a elose histologie al resem- periphery there are misshaped trabeculae (4),
blance to an osteoblastoma (p. 264) or a chon- which are often necrotic, and have layers of la-
droblastoma (p. 226). This is a malignant tu- mellar osteons (5) with many osteocytes. Rows
mor of cartilage wh ich is found predominantly of osteocytes (6) lie deposited along them.
in the femur and wh ich is characterized by be- These represent reactive autochthonous bone
nign giant cells and chondrocytes with a strik- changes. In the neighborhood of these bony
ingly pale cytoplasm and sharply defined cell structures one can see many filled blood ves-
boundaries. This special form of chondrosarco- sels in the connective tissue stroma (7).
ma makes up just 2% of this group of neo- In Fig. 457 one can see another region of the
plasms. Because it is so often mistaken for a tumor. This is again dominated by dense layers
benign bone tumor, however, knowledge and of tumor cells with strikingly pale cytoplasm
awareness of this growth is therefore impor- and well-defined cell borders (1). They mostly
tant. It is found predominantly among males. possess a single small roundish, hyperchro-
The tumor can appear at any age and, apart matic nueleus. There are no mitoses, although
from the femur, such neoplasms have been de- many large chondroblastic cells contain large,
scribed in the humerus, vertebral column and bizarre nuelei (2). The most striking feature of
pelvis. Because of the slow growth of this tu- this picture is, however, the ir regular deposi-
mor, the elinical symptoms - usually local swel- tion of osteoid (3), which shows varying de-
ling - only appear very late. grees of calcification. Fibro-osseous trabeculae
Figure 455 shows the radio graph of a elear- (4) and bony trabeculae (5) arranged in lami-
cell chondrosarcoma. In the proximal region of nated layers are seen within the tumor. These
the left femur, osteolytic destruction of bone structures are found either centrally in the lob-
(1) has led to a marked elevation of the bone. ules or diffusely distributed throughout the tis-
The destructive lesions show large and small sue. They give the neoplasm an appearance
foei of osteolysis, set through with septum-like very similar to that of an osteoblastoma. Final-
zones of selerosis (2). In this case the cortex (3) ly, the structures of an aneurysmic bony cyst
is also involved in the osteolytic process, (p. 417) may appear in the tumor.
although normally it remains intact and is only Under higher magnification as in Fig. 458
slightly expanded. Within the osteolytic zones the whole cytological picture comes into view.
one can recognize fine patches of calcification The tumor cells are large and have a volumi-
(4), although these mayaiso be absent. The tu- nous, very pale cytoplasm (1), and are sharply
mor has taken in the whole of the femoral neck delineated by a prominent cell border. The nu-
and the proximal femoral metaphysis, and is elei are roundish or oval and hyperchromatic,
also reaching out into the femoral head (5). but fairly isomorphie. Multinueleated chondro-
The histological picture of this tumor shows blasts are rare and there are no mitoses. This
unambiguous cartilaginous structures that quiescent cellular picture can easily lead to the
make one think of a benign chondroblastoma diagnosis of a benign tumor. However, as has
(p. 229). As can be observed in Fig. 456, there already been apparent, we are dealing with a
is a highly cellular tissue present that shows no malignant tumor that has a tendency to metas-
elearly lobulated form such as is found in other tasize and therefore needs to be treated by radi-
cartilaginous tumors, and nodular areas are cal surgical resection. Radiotherapy is useless.
only vaguely distinguishable. The most striking The cases of elear-cell chondrosarcomas so far
feature is the dense packing together of large described have indicated that the survival time
tumor cells with a very pale cytoplasm and is short, which may, however, be attributed to
well-defined cell borders (1). They mostly have the late recognition of the malignant character
a central roundish nueleus. In the tumor tissue of the growth and the subsequent therapeutic
there are small calcified foei (2) and some- delay and inadequacy. The prognosis of these
times, as in chondroblastomas, fine bands of cases can surely be improved.
Clear-Cell Chondrosarcoma 249


Fig. 455. Clear-cell chondrosarcoma (left proximal femur) Fig. 456. Clear-cell chondrosarcoma; HE, x40

Fig. 457. Clear-cell chondrosarcoma; HE, x64 Fig. 458. Clear-cell chondrosarcoma; HE, x82
250 11 Bone Tumors

Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma (lCD-O-DA-M-9240/3) by narrow connective tissue septa (1) which

contain blood vessels. Inside the nodules (2)
This neoplasm is very rare, accounting for 0.3% there is a relatively benign looking cartilagi-
at the most of the malignant tumors of bone. It nous tissue, whereas a very highly cellular mes-
is a malignant bone tumor that is composed enchymal tissue of small undifferentiated cells
histologically of malignant cartilaginous tissue is lying in the periphery of the lobules (3). This
and an undifferentiated stroma of small round biphasic pattern of the tissue is very character-
cells. A third of them appear in the soft tissues. istic of a mesenchymal chondrosarcoma, in
Pain and swelling are the principal symptoms. which the amount of the two types of tissue
These tumors appear in the skull, spinal col- structure can vary greatly.
umn, ribs, pelvis and long bones, but show no Under magnification (Fig. 461) one can
special predilection for any one site. The age of again recognize the lobular formation that is
the patient lies between 20 and 60 years, with typical of all cartilaginous tumors. The nodules
an average at 33 years. The prognosis is signifi- (1) consist of cartilaginous tissue. The chondro-
cantly worse than for mature chondrosarcomas. cytes are small, and have small dark nuelei in
The tumor has a strong tendency toward local which no mitoses can be detected. There is,
recurrence and the formation of metastases. however, significant nuelear polymorphy, with
Only rarely does a patient survive for longer some nuelei being roundish in shape (2) and
than 5 years. The only effective therapy is radi- others more elongated (3). There is a sharp
cal surgical removal of the entire growth. The border between the cartilaginous tissue and the
bone biopsy from a mesenchymal chondrosarco- highly cellular stromal tissue (4). The latter
ma can be confused histologically with a Ewing consists of small densely packed undifferen-
sarcoma (p. 352), a reticular-cell sarcoma tiated round cells with dark nuelei, very much
(p. 358) or with a hemangiopericytoma, p. 374). resembling those of a Ewing sarcoma (p. 352).
In the radio graph it is mostly the osteolytic The nuelei of these cells are hyperchromatic
destruction of bone that is observed. In and sometimes spindle-shaped, with hardly any
Fig. 459 one can see a mesenchymal chondro- recognizable cytoplasm. These therefore show a
sarcoma of the left femoral neck. In the bone elose resemblance to reticular cellular elements.
there is a large eccentrically placed osteolytic Under higher magnification (Fig.462) one
area (1) that extends almost as far as the cor- recognizes that the highly cellular mesenchymal
tex. This layer is elearly narrowed at that point tumor tissue surrounding the cartilaginous
and appears to have been partly destroyed from nodules is fully undifferentiated. There are
within. No periosteal reaction can, however, be densely packed, partly round-celled, partly
perceived. The lesion has an indistinct and ir- spindle-celled components without any differ-
regular border, and there is no marginal selero- entiated structure. Mitoses are only rarely de-
sis. Inside one can see patchy shadows, repre- tectable. A loose fibrous framework between
senting foci of calcification. The radiological the tumor cells can awake the impression of a
impression is that of a malignant bony neo- reticulum cell sarcoma (malignant lymphoma
plasm, although it is not possible to distinguish of bone - p. 358). The tissue has been invaded
it from a typical chondrosarcoma. by a few fine-walled capillaries. The organiza-
In representative regions of the tumor, which tion of the tumor cells in the environment of
unfortunately are sometimes not ineluded in these blood vessels can in places give the im-
the biopsy, the histological picture of a mes- pression of a hemangiopericytoma (p. 374).
enchymal chondrosarcoma is very characteris- Both the structural elements of this tumor
tic. In Fig. 460 we can see an overall view of must be present in the biopsy before the diag-
this tumor. One can recognize the very elear nosis of mesenchymal chondrosarcoma can be
lobular and nodular formation, with nodules of made.
varying size. They are fairly sharply separated
Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma 251

Fig. 459. Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma (left femoral neck) Fig. 460. Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma; HE, x30

Fig. 461. Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma; HE, x40 Fig. 462. Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma; HE, x64
252 11 Bone Tumors

Periosteal and Extraskeletal Chondrosarcoma An extraskeletal chondrosarcoma is a malig-

(lCD-O-DA-M-9221/3) nant cartilaginous neoplasm that has no topo-
graphical relationship to abone. Such growths
A malignant cartilaginous neoplasm can devel- can arise in any tissue, and they are not all that
op in the periosteal connective tissue or else- uncommon in teratomas (of the ovary, for in-
where in the soft parts. This type of tumor has stance). Speeific sites include the neighborhood
been described in, amongst other places, the of the larynx, the soft tissues, the tongue, the
larynx and the lungs. urinary bladder, the pulmonary artery and the
A periosteal chondrosarcoma is a malignant intercostal muscles.
cartilaginous neoplasm that develops in the peri- Figure 465 shows the maeroseopic appear-
osteal connective tissue of abone, and wh ich may anee of a chondrosarcoma from the urinary
then penetrate into the bone from outside. Fig- bladder of a 54-year-old woman. The tumor
ure 463 shows a maceration speeimen of such a had in part a bone-hard consistency and could
periosteal chondrosarcoma. One can recognize only be divided with a saw. On the cut surface
an enormous tumor that reaches out from the in the center of the tumor one can see a glassy
periosteum deeply into the soft tissues. The ex- gray tissue that is elastie, taut and distended.
ternal configuration of this neoplasm clearly re- The lobular formation of the growth is just re-
veals its nodular formation (1). Inside, there cognizable. Particularly in its outer regions
are ir regular gaps between the tumorous nodes there are signs of irregular calcification. The tu-
(2) whieh were probably occupied by mucous mor is sharply separated from the surrounding
foei. The cut surface shows a few places with a structures.
glassy appearance (3), through whieh the tumor In the histological seetion (Fig. 466) of the
tissue reached into the adjacent cortex of the cartilaginous part of the tumor the characteris-
femoral bone. The tumor encloses the whole of tic picture of a moderately highly differentiated
the proximal femoral epiphysis like a shell. The chondrosarcoma can be recognized. In the mid-
marrow cavity is free from tumor tissue (4), dIe of a markedly porous and partly myxoma-
but the cortex nevertheless shows signs of irreg- tous stroma one can observe cartilage cells
ular reactive thiekening. with smaIl, partly pyknotic nuclei. There are
The histological appearanee of the periosteal many chondrocytes with 2 or 3 nuclei. The tu-
chondrosarcoma cannot be distinguished from mor shows signs of severely regressive changes,
an intraosseous chondrosarcoma. In Fig. 464 including also large calcification foci in the pe-
one can recognize lobulated cartilaginous tissue ripheral parts. The biological behavior of this
in which the chondrocytes are irregularly dis- growth is largely dependent upon its position.
tributed. They mostly have a single nucleus and Metastases appear relative late. Timely and
lie within large cell nests (1), or else the nests complete removal may achieve a complete cure.
cannot be identified (2). The nuclei are often Tumors of cartilage make up a truly large
only sketchily polymorphie, sometimes round- group among the primary bone tumors, and
ish (3) and sometimes drawn out or indented have their own partieular diagnostic and thera-
(4). No mitoses are to be seen. The cartilaginous peutie aspects. There is a total of 14 entities
matrix is weakly basophilic or eosinophilic. It among the cartilaginous tumors, some of whieh
may in places be porous and myxomatous, and are not true tumors, but rather tumor-like le-
caleification foci are present whieh are usually sions (the "subungual osteocartilaginous exo-
also apparent in the radio graph. Outside (5), stosis", p. 218, for instance, or "bizarre paros-
one can see the loose periosteal connective tis- teal osteochondromatous proliferation" = "Nora
sue in which this neoplasm arose. Sometimes it lesion", p. 218). Many true cartilaginous tu-
is impossible to deeide whether a periosteal mors can be classified as forms of skeletal dys-
chondrosarcoma has developed out of an osteo- plasia (e. g. enchondromatosis = Ollier's dis-
chondroma. Treatment consists of complete sur- ease, p. 60; osteochondromatosis = multiple os-
gical rem oval of the growth. So long as the tumor teocartilaginous exostoses, p. 62). In this con-
has not broken into the adjacent bone, enuclea- nection the familial constitution and heredity
tion of the neoplastic mass may be attempted must be taken into account. It is necessary to
in order, if possible, to save the limb. distinguish between reactive cartilaginous pro-
Periosteal and Extraskeletal Chondrosarcoma 253



Fig. 463. Periosteal chondrosarcoma (maceration specimen, Fig. 464. Periosteal chondrosarcoma; HE, x40
proximal femur)

Fig. 465. Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma Fig. 466. Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma; HE, x51
254 11 Bone Tumors

liferates and true cartilaginous tumors, as weIl Histologically the cartilaginous tumors are
as dysontogenetic tumors. among the most difficult of all bone tumors to
Curiously enough, the majority of cartilagi- diagnose. They all reveal a nodular and lobu-
nous tumors do not develop in the regions of lated formation of the tissue, which can thus be
autochthonous cartilage (articular cartilages, identified as actual tumor tissue, in contrast to
intervertebral disks etc.). It is much more a reactive cartilaginous tissue (e. g. in cartilagi-
matter of true bone tumors which have devel- nous caIlus, p. 118, or in cases of post-traumatic
oped during ontogenesis in the place where myositis ossificans, p. 478). Tumorous cartilagi-
bone remodeling is most active; namely, the nous tissue is also often a component of a differ-
metaphyses. It is here that most cartilaginous ent variety of tumor (e. g. a chondroblastic osteo-
tumors are localized (e. g. osteochondromas, sarcoma, p. 274). The problem with diagnosing
p. 214; chondroblastomas, p. 226; chondro- cartilaginous tumors histologically lies in the
myxoid fibromas, p. 230, chondrosarcomas, monomorphic nature of cartilaginous tumor tis-
p. 236). Not only this, but cartilaginous tumors sue. Particularly with enchondromas of the long
can also arise within a bone where there is nor- bones (p. 218), it can be extraordinarily difficult
mally no cartilaginous tissue, namely, in the to distinguish between a benign cartilaginous tu-
diaphyses (e. g. enchondromas, p. 218; prolifer- mor and a low-grade malignant chondrosarco-
ating chondromas, p. 224;), in the periosteum ma. These are the so-called "border line cases".
(e. g. periosteal, juxtacortical chondromas, In connection with histological diagnosis, one
p. 224; periosteal chondrosarcomas, p. 252) or frequently hears the phrase "tumors of question-
in the joint capsule (articular chondromatosis, able malignancy", which may be recurrent and
p. 458). These tumors are therefore distributed can undergo secondary degeneration into malig-
all over the skeleton, but not randomly. Each nancy. Such a neoplastic development may weIl
cartilaginous tumor has its typical localization, be based on a false primary classification of the
a fact which must be taken into account when tumor tissue, since tumorous cartilaginous tis-
making a diagnosis. FinaIly, cartilaginous tu- sue, with only slight nuclear polymorphy and
mors can arise in various tissues and organs out- few multinucleated chondrocytes, is usually
side the skeleton altogether (extraskeletal chon- found in a low-grade malignant chondrosarco-
dromas, extraskeletal chondrosarcomas. p. 252). ma. There are no mitoses. When making the di-
Radiologically the majority of cartilaginous agnosis, all clinical data - and most particularly
tumors show signs of osteolysis, since the au- the radiological examination (including scinti-
tochthonous mineralized bone tissue is de- graphy) - must be taken into account in order
stroyed. Characteristically, focal areas of dys- to obtain as reliable an identification of the tu-
trophic calcification are found in the tumorous mor as possible.
tissue. These usually appear in the radio graph The localization of a chondrosarcoma is of
as fine patchy regions of increased density indi- decisive diagnostic significance to an extent
cating the presence of a cartilaginous tumor. which is true of hardly any other bone tumor.
With very advanced calcification the tumor In the short tubular bones of the hand and foot
may appear as a compact "calcium-dense mass" a tumor - in spite of a certain amount of nucle-
within the ruined spongiosa. The radiological ar polymorphy and hyperchromasia in the car-
findings (including CT and MRT) will show tilage cells - is usually a benign enchondroma.
whether the tumor is intraosseous (e. g. an en- Chondrosarcomas are rare in these bones,
chondroma, p. 218) or whether it is lying out- although they can arise here in older patients,
side the bone (e. g. an osteochondroma (ec- where they carry a good prognosis after surgi-
chondroma) p. 214; periosteal juxtacortical cal removal. On the other hand, enchondromas
chondroma, p. 224). In the case of an osteo- do not occur in the pelvis, where the tumor is
chondroma, the cartilaginous cap which covers practically always a chondrosarcoma. Also, in
the bony stern represents the actual tumor tis- the vertebral column and ribs, cartilaginous tu-
sue. It must be completely removed surgically mors are nearly always malignant. This means
in order to prevent recurrence. With the help of that the histological diagnosis of these tumors
scintigraphy it is possible to determine whether is strictly limited, and, in addition to the ra-
proliferation is taking pi ace within the growth. diological findings, the facts gained from ex-
Osseous Bone Tumors 255

perience must be taken into account. Finally, trabeculae have a peculiarly characteristic ap-
the type of treatment must be chosen with pearance which allows them to be recognized
these known biological facts in mind. as "tumor osteoid". This structure owes its ori-
gin to disorganization in the course of the col-
lagen fibers. The fibro-osseous trabeculae also
Osseous Bone Tumors have a particular structure in osteosarcomas, so
that we speak of "tumorous bone" as a product
Introductory Remarks of tumorous osteoblasts. Against the back-
ground of a disorganized organic matrix the
Bone neoplasms in the strict sense arise from calcification of these bone trabeculae becomes
bone tissue and, in general, manifest them- irregular, and this is easily recognizable histo-
selves by their high content of bone substance. logically. In addition to the actual bony struc-
The essential tumor-producing cells are osteo- tures, the interstitial tissue in these neoplasms
blasts, which in these circumstance also have should also be looked at, since this may consist
the capacity for producing osteoid. A few of of fatty tissue (e. g. in osteomas ) or connective
these neoplasms contain more or less extensive tissue (e.g. in ossifying bone fibromas). In ma-
osteoid structures in the form of flat or lattice- lignant neoplasms there is a sarcomatous stro-
like deposits, or they form true osteoid trabe- ma that is distinguishable by a marked poly-
culae. These latter make up an ir regular net- morphy of the cells (e.g. in osteosarcomas).
work on which, for the most part, osteoblasts The formation of new bone in bone neo-
are laid down (e. g. in an osteoid osteoma, plasms produces in the radiograph a more or
p. 260, or osteoblastoma, p. 264; osteosarcoma, less marked shadowing, the diagnostic signifi-
p. 274). In other osseous bone tumors there is cance of which is of paramount importance.
more or less complete mineralization of the os- Completely mineralized bony structures pro-
teoid, so that true tumorous bone develops. duce a very dense radiographic shadow (e. g.
Here it is a matter either of partially mineral- with an osteoma eburneum or an osteoblastic
ized woven bone trabeculae (e. g. in an ossify- osteosarcoma). Cancellous bony tissue appears
ing bone fibroma, p. 316, or osteosarcoma, in the radiograph as a porous, net-like or trabe-
p. 274) or of mature laminated bone trabeculae cular structure (e. g. in an osteoma spongio-
(e. g. in an osteoma spongiosum, p. 256). It is sum). Osteoid trabeculae produce only a weak
even possible for very dense bone tissue with and rather pale shadow, depending on the de-
Haversian canals to develop, which closely re- gree of mineralization (e. g. in the nidus of an
sembles the bone tissue of the cortex (e. g. in osteoid osteoma or in an osteoblastoma).
an osteoma eburneum, p. 256). In such highly Uncalcified osteoid structures (in an osteoly-
mature bone tumors it is often the case that no tic osteosarcoma, for instance) show up on the
more osteoblasts are found, since they have radiograph largely as patches of osteolysis. Fi-
been enclosed in the bone substance again as nally, the new bone formation in a reactively al-
osteocytes which do not in any way differ from tered periosteum should be considered. In the
normal osteocytes. radiograph this appears in the form of so-
With the mature bone tumors it is not possi- called spicules or bony shells and is an indica-
ble to distinguish the cellular and histological tion of the underlying bone process.
structures from those found in normal bone Bone tumors of osteoblastic origin are repre-
tissue, except for the numbers present, which sented in their own group in the classification
must be taken into account when making a di- table (p. 209), and include both benign and
agnosis. In less mature neoplasms (osteoid os- malignant neoplasms. Distinguishing between a
teomas and osteoblastomas) the osteoid struc- benign and a malignant bone tumor - whether
tures are of great diagnostic significance. It re- radiologically, or histologically in biopsy mate-
quires a certain amount of experience to be rial - can be quite extraordinarily difficult. A
able to recognize these for what they are with proliferating fracture callus, for instance, can
HE staining, and in this connection special present with irregular osteoid and fibro-osseous
stains (van Gieson, Azan, PAS and Goldner) trabeculae surrounded by a highly cellular stro-
can be helpful. In osteosarcomas the osteoid ma, and look very like an osteosarcoma.
256 11 Bane Tumors

Osteoma (ICD-O-DA-M-9180/0) several Haversian canals with narrow lumens

(1) that have smooth borders and appear to be
Osteomas are absolutely benign bone lesions empty. The lamellar layering of the bone tissue
and are included among the benign bone tu- can be seen (2), and numerous small osteocytes
mors, although it is also not uncommon for have been deposited there. In this way the tu-
them to appear reactively (e. g. in the neighbor- mor tissue resembles a sclerotic increase in
hood of a meningeoma). They are circum- density of the cortex, but without reversal lines.
scribed new formations of compact or cancellous In Fig. 471 a histological section through an
lamellar bone with included fibrous or fatty osteoma spongiosum is depicted. This is also
marrow which undergo a very slow expansive fully mature bone tissue of layered lamellae
growth. Osteomas develop alm ost exclusively in that includes osteons (1). Because of the often
the preformed membranous bone of the skull, necessarily strong decaldfication the majority
where they are found particularly frequently in of the osteocyte lacunae are empty. In the outer
the paranasal sinus es, more rarely in the skull layer (2) one can see a wide zone of lamellar
cap and the bones of the jaws. They are very bone. Inside, there are irregular and ungainly
seldom found in other bones, and arise mostly bone trabeculae (3) with smooth borders and
in the periosteum (periosteal osteoma), no layers of osteoblasts. These thickened trabe-
although they mayaiso appear in the cortex or culae are laminated and fully mineralized. In
spongiosa. Very often it is a matter of ossifica- the marrow cavity one can recognize fatty tis-
tion in some other bone lesion already present sue (4) which has been penetrated by a few
(e.g an osteochondroma or fibrous dysplasia). blood vessels (5).
Osteomas may appear at any age, although they Very often an osteoma produces no symp-
are more frequent in middle and late adult- toms and is only discovered by chance. It is
hood. Men are twice as commonly affected as characterized by a slow increase in size as a re-
women. sult of constant new bone formation. In Gard-
Osteomas are seen on the radio graph as ner's syndrome osteomas in the skull are found
slightly elliptical, very radiodense, sharply de- together with intestinal polyps, epidermal cysts
lineated fod. In Fig. 467 one can see such an and other changes in the connective tissue.
appearance in the proximal part of the left hu-
merus. The local ossification has included the
adjacent cortex (1), which in this region is
nevertheless outwardly smooth, and without
any thickening of the periosteum. The tumor is
separated from the spongiosa by a distinct and
somewhat undulating border (2). No internal
structure can be recognized.
Figure 468 shows the radio graph of an os-
teoma of the skull lying in the left frontal sinus
(1). The tumor shows up as a very dense sha-
dow with a well-defined border. The surround-
ing bone is unremarkable. In Fig. 469 one can 2
see the macroscopic appearance of a osteoma
in a vertebral body. In the middle of the spon-
giosa one can recognize a roundish focus of
very dense bone (1), the border of which is
somewhat indented but sharply delineated. It
contains bone tissue like ivory, in which only a
few small pores can be seen.
Histologically an osteoma eburneum con-
tains a dense, mature and fully mineralized
bone tissue in which true Haversian osteons
have developed. In Fig. 470 one can discern Fig. 467. Osteoma (left proximal humerus)
Osteoma 257

Fig. 468. Osteoma (frontal sinus) Fig. 469. Osteoma (vertebral body, cut surface)

Fig. 470. Osteoma eburneum; HE, x20 Fig. 471. Osteoma spongiosum; HE, x25
258 11 Bone Tumors

In the peripheral parts of the skeleton osteo- the inside, and appears to be bulging outwards
mas are mostly without symptoms, and are externally (3). In this way such an osteoma can
only discovered radiologically and by chance. be recognized and even cause slight discomfort.
In Fig. 472 such an osteoma can be seen in the The radiological diagnosis is easy.
proximal part of the right tibia. In the a.p. In the radiograph of Fig. 475 the skull lesion
radiograph there is a sharply bordered focus of shows up more distinctly. In the a.p. view one
dense shadow in the middle of the bone (1) can see a circular sclerotic focus (1) that ap-
that shows regions of translucency within. In pears to have a somewhat vague external bor-
the lateral view one can see that this focus is ly- der. In the lateral view the skull cap has been
ing eccentrically in the dorsal part of the bone raised up to give a fusiform outline (2), and the
(2). With such a radiological finding one density is greatly increased.
should use scintigraphy to determine whether Histologically, the structures seen within a
an increase in activity indicates a proliferative proliferating osteoma may vary considerably. In
process. Apart from this, no bioptic procedure Fig. 476 one can see a wide layer of cancellous
(and certainly no operative interference) is ne- bone tissue (1) in which the trabeculae are ma-
cessary (the so-called "leave-me-alone lesion"). ture and fully mineralized, with fatty tissue ly-
Figure 473 shows a coronal exposure of the ing in between (2). In the center, on the other
skull in which one can recognize radiologically hand, there is a fibrous stroma, many disorga-
a round, sharply bordered focus of increased nized fibro-osseous trabeculae (3) and deposits
density (1) in the frontal bone. It caused no of osteoid. Here the bone trabeculae may be
pain, but was remarkable for its constant in- layered with osteoblasts. Such a morphological
crease in size. appearance resembles that of an osteoid osteo-
In the computer tomogram of Fig. 474 one ma (p. 263) that has been slowly ossified from
clearly recognizes the dense, oval, sharply bor- without. This benign lesion has a distinct far
dered shadow (1) in the frontal bone. This is outer border, and is covered by a connective
an expanding space-occupying lesion that has tissue capsule (4).
caused a slight indentation in the brain (2) on

Fig. 472. Osteoma (right proximal tibia)

Osteoma 259


Fig. 473. Osteoma (right frontal bone) Fig. 474. Osteoma (frontal bone, computer tomogram)

Fig. 475. Osteoma (skull cap) Fig. 476. Osteoma, van Gieson, xlO
260 11 Bone Tumors

Osteoid Osteoma (ICD-O-DA-M-9191/0) appear between the ages of 5 and 24 years,

with a peak in the second decade. After 40
These peculiar bone lesions are today generally years its occurrence may be virtually dis-
regarded as benign bone tumors, although counted. Males are four times more often af-
some authors see them as inflammatory foei. fected than females.
The osteoid osteoma is a small benign osteoblas- It is invariably a benign neoplasm, and so
tic bo ny neoplasm that is characterized by a far no malignant change has ever been ob-
central region of translucency of up to 3 cm (the served. Indeed, there have been reports of
so-called "nidus") and a prominent perifocal spontaneous cures, with an osteoma-like ossifi-
sclerotic zone, and wh ich can give rise to severe cation of the "nidus". Naturally the question
pain. The pain occurs mostly at night, but can arises as to whether this is a true tumor or an
be controlled by analgesies (aspirin). This noc- inflammatory focus. In any case, bacteria have
turn al pain, whieh is very typieal of an osteoid never been demonstrated within the "nidus".
osteoma, is an important diagnostic feature and Treatment consists of complete surgieal removal
may be confirmed by the so-called "aspirin of the "nidus" by curettage or en bloc exeision
test". The lesion was first described in 1935 by which can, because of the pronounced perifocal
JAFFE as an independent benign bony neo- sclerosis, be often very difficult. After incom-
plasm and separate from inflammatory pro- plete removal of the nidus recurrence is possi-
ces ses occurring in bone. It makes up about ble. It should be mentioned that multifocal os-
10% of the benign bone tumors, although it is teoid osteomas may sometimes appear.
a matter of experience that it often cannot be Figure 479 illustrates the classieal radiograph
identified histologieally in surgieally material of an osteoid osteoma of the distal femoral me-
because the "nidus" has not been bioptically taphysis. This is a tomogram, in whieh the
encountered. The diagnosis is therefore based nidus can most easily be located. The nidus (1)
upon a combination of the clinical symptoms appears as a roundish translucent focus of
(nocturnal pain), the radiologie al findings (ni- about 1-3 cm in diameter with a tiny sclerotic
dus with perifocal sclerosis) and the result of patch inside. The tumor is lying in the cortex,
the histological examination. If the latter alone whieh is here considerably thickened and scle-
is taken as the basis for diagnosis the fre- rotieally very dense (2). The osteosclerosis is
quency of the osteoid osteoma falls to under often so pronounced that the small nidus can-
3% of benign bony neoplasms. not be identified. In these cases an angiogram
may be helpful in bringing the venous side of
Localization (Fig. 477). This neoplasm is most the eirculation within the nidus into view. With
often found in the long and short tubular an osteoid osteoma within the spongiosa the re-
bones, about half of them occurring in the fe- active osteosclerosis is much less obvious.
mur or tibia (50.6%) and espeeially in the dia- Figure 480 shows the radiograph of an os-
physis near the end of the shaft. Osteoid osteo- teoid osteoma in the spongiosa of the right side
mas can appear in either the spongiosa or the of the mandible. The nidus reveals a large cen-
cortex (the so-called cortical osteoid osteoma). tral shadow (1) that is surrounded by a pale
Their presence in the periosteum or outside the mantling zone of sclerosis (2). Externally only a
bone is extremely rare. A relatively common narrow sclerotic cover is seen.
site is the spinal column, where the neural ar- Whereas osteoid osteomas in the bones of
ches or transverse processes are most often af- the ankle or wrist, or in the long bones, have a
fected. They are almost unknown in the ster- characteristic radiographie appearance that
num and clavicle: a fact of diagnostic impor- established the diagnosis, if they occur in the
tance. The mandible is also very rarely affected. spinal column the diagnosis may be extremely
Otherwise almost any part of the skeleton may difficult. There is usually a painful scoliosis,
be involved. and when this appears in childhood or adoles-
cence the possibility of an osteoid osteoma
Age Distribution (Fig. 478). The osteoid osteoma should always be borne in mind.
is a neoplasm of youth, and about 51 % of cases
Osteoid Osteoma 261

3% (Humerus)

13.4% (Spine)


9.7% (Proximal femur) 35

6.7% (Hand)
8.7% (Midshaft of femur) 30



6.3% (Proximal tibia) 15

13.8% (Mid haft of libia) 10

> 15%
5.7% (Distallibia)
> 10% o
8.4% (Fool)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
< 10%
Decade or lire

Fig. 477. Localization of the osteoid osteomas (298 cases); Fig. 478. Age distribution of the osteoid osteomas
others: 17.9% (298 cases)

Fig. 479. Osteoid osteoma (distal femoral metaphysis) Fig. 480. Osteoid osteoma (right side of mandible)
262 11 Bone Tumors

The radiograph in Fig.481 shows a spindle- brocyte nuclei (1). Here also one sees many di-
shaped enlargement (1) of the long bone in the lated fine-walled blood vessels (2). The shape-
middle of the shaft of the right tibia, which is less, sometimes wide, sometimes narrow os-
caused by the marked thickening of the cortex teoid trabeculae (3), which are irregularly dis-
in this region. Such a radiological appearance tributed and often bound together to form a
is very typical of a cortical osteoid osteoma. poorly organized network, are striking. Rows of
The osteosclerosis is very prominent and ex- active osteoblasts are also present (4). The os-
tends almost throughout the whole of the dia- teoid trabeculae are partly mineralized and
physis. It has brought about severe narrowing here and there show reversal lines. This kind of
of the marrow cavity. Within this zone of sclero- calcification in a more long-standing osteoid
sis a small nidus (2) is only seen with difficulty. osteoma is most pronounced in the center of
There is no periosteal reaction. Surgical rem oval the nidus, and only slight or even absent pe-
of this nidus is sufficient to relieve the pain. ripherally. This is also reflected in the radio-
Only the tissue from the nidus is available graph, where the center of the nidus is a dense
for the histological diagnosis, since the margin- shadow surrounded by a translucent zone (see
al sclerosis only contains osteosclerotic bone Fig. 480). Fibro-osseous trabeculae mayaiso
tissue from which no diagnostic conclusions develop in an osteoid osteoma, but the tumor
can be drawn. Figure 482 shows the typical his- is free from cartilaginous tissue.
tological picture of an osteoid osteoma. The ni- Under higher magnification the variegated
dus consists of highly cellular tissue in which cellular appearance of the tumor is clearly seen.
one is struck by the numerous ir regular osteoid In Fig. 484 one can see extensive ir regular de-
trabeculae (1). In the HE section these appear posits of osteoid (1) which only seldom show
as homogeneous eosinophilic bands which are included cell nuclei. The trabeculae do not have
almost completely free of cells. They are var- smooth edges, and the loose borders contain
iously thick and ungainly; some are short, osteoblasts (2) and multinucleated osteoclasts
others long and curved. These osteoid trabecu- (3). The nuclei are highly hyperchromatic and
lae stand out clearly from the surrounding os- polymorphic, but there are no mitoses. The
teosclerotic bone tissue, from which they have stroma is penetrated by wide capillaries (4),
moved away in a radial formation. They carry and also displays a fine network of osteoid de-
numerous deposits of active osteoblasts (2). Be- posits (5). Such a picture of cells and tissues
tween the disorganized osteoid trabeculae there must not be confused with that of an osteosar-
is astroma (3) containing cells and an enor- coma, and this can be avoided by also taking
mous number of vessels. One can make out into account all aspects of the tumor, including
many dilated fine-walled capillaries (4) which the radiological appearance.
may be distended with blood. This abundant The painful symptoms of an osteoid osteoma
vascularity of the nidus makes it possible to can be explained by the different degrees to
display the vessels of an osteoid osteoma in an which the tumor is filled with blood, since this
angiogram. In the stroma one can identify presses on the nerves within it. Nerve fibers,
many fibrocyte and fibroblast nuclei which may however, have hardly ever been demonstrated
be somewhat hyperchromatic, but which are within the nidus. The average duration of pain-
monomorphic. No mitoses are present. Numer- ful symptoms found in the history of patients
ous osteoclastic giant cells (5) can be recog- with osteoid osteomas has been reported as 1.3
nized which display fewer nuclei than would be years. The pain increases in intensity in the
present in an osteoclastoma (p. 341). In the course of weeks or months, and it can lead to
stroma there are often fresh hemorrhages, de- impairment of movement due to painful reflex
posits of hemosiderin and a few lymphoplas- dis turban ce. When the lesion is in the vertebral
matic cellular infiltrates. column there is a characteristic painful reflex
In Fig. 483 one can see the histological pic- disturbance of posture and limitation of func-
ture of another osteoid osteoma, which appears tion. The local vertebral and root pain consti-
to be more compact and to contain more fi- tute a main symptom. The pain sends the pa-
bers. The stroma consists of collagenous con- tient in search of medical advice, and surgical
nective tissue with numerous densely packed fi- rem oval of the nidus relieves the symptoms.
Osteoid Osteoma 263


Fig. 481. Osteoid osteoma (tibial shaft) Fig. 482. Osteoid osteoma; HE, x40

Fig. 483. Osteoid osteoma; HE, xSl Fig. 484. Osteoid osteoma; HE, x100
264 11 Bone Tumors

Osteoblastoma (lCD-O-DA-M-9200/0) These benign bone tumors should be treated

conservatively by curettage or en bloc excision,
This tumor is morphologically very similar to the and cures have been seen even after incomplete
osteoid osteoma (p. 260), from which it is some- removal. The value of radiotherapy is - particu-
times histologically indistinguishable. Indeed, it larly in view of the accompanying dangers -
is questionable whether it in fact aseparate neo- extremely doubtful. Malignant transformation
plastic entity and not merely a variant of the os- into an osteosarcoma has been reported, but
teoid osteoma. However, because of its differences here doubts have arisen concerning the pri-
in size, localization, radiological appearance and mary diagnosis. The differential diagnosis of an
clinical symptoms, the osteoblastoma is recog- osteoblastoma involves above all the distinction
nized by the WHO as aseparate neoplasm of between it and an osteosarcoma.
bone. It is a benign osteoblastic bony tumor Figure 487 shows the radio graph of an osteo-
wh ich develops in the spongiosa of abone, and blastoma in the left side of the lower jaw. One can
consists of osteoid structures and osteoblasts with- recognize a large opaque bony cyst (1) taking up
in a richly vascular stroma. In comparison with the total width of the mandibular bone, which
osteoid osteomas, osteoblastomas are mostly itself appears to be somewhat raised up. The
much larger, and can reach a size of 2-10 cm «bony cyst" has no internal structure, and there
(the «giant osteoid osteoma" of DAHLIN). The is no nidus present. The tumor, which has a rela-
perifocal sclerosis characteristic of an osteoid os- tively distinct border, is surrounded outside only
teoma is either absent or only weakly developed. bya discrete layer of marginal sclerosis (2). Such
There is slight inconstant pain, not especially at a bony focus cannot be diagnosed radiologically
night. These symptoms can last for anything as an osteoblastoma, it must be distinguished,
from a few weeks to 5 years. If it is situated in amongst other lesions, from an aneurysmal cyst
the vertebral column, slow growth of the tumor of bone (p. 412) or an osteoclastoma (p. 337).
can lead to neurological impairment or even to On the other hand, however, the radiological ap-
a paraplegia. Osteoblastomas are comparatively pearance of an osteoblastoma of the vertebral
rare neoplasms, making up less than 1% of pri- column is very typical. In Fig. 488 one can rec-
mary bone tumors. Men are three times as often ognize a tumor in the left side of the posterior
affected as women. arch of the atlas (C. 1), which is considerably ele-
vated. The outer contour, however, is intact and
Loca/ization (Fig. 485). The most frequent site weIl defined. Within, there are cystic translucent
for osteoblastomas is the vertebral column, areas of unequal size. One of these shows a slight
where 27.9% of these tumors are found. They increase in structural density in the center which
may appear in a vertebral body, but usually ap- could remind one of a «nidus". Between the
pear in the neural arch or transverse process. translucent zones one can see bands of in-
The second most frequent sites are the long creased density. In the angiogram the greater
bones (26.6% in femur or tibia) and the short vascularization of such alesion can usually be
tubular bones of the hand or foot (18.5%). seen. As a general rule it can be stated that an
Other bones (ribs, pelvis) are less frequently af- unusual bony focus found in the vertebral col-
fected. In the tubular bones the tumor is found umn of a young person, and showing unusual
mostly in the metaphyses or diaphyses, and in signs of destruction or sclerosis but with a be-
the hand and foot the epiphyses mayaiso be at- nign appearance radiologically, may be re-
tacked. Multicentric osteoblastomas have been garded as a benign osteoblastoma until this diag-
described, but they are very rare. nosis can be confirmed or refuted histologically.
Recently cases of osteoblastomas have been
Age Distribution (Fig. 486). Osteoblastomas are described, the clinical course of which did not
found mostly in young people, the most sus- fulfil expectations. These are the so-called "ag-
ceptible age extending from the 10th to the gressive osteoblastomas", which have a strong
25th year of life, with an average at 17 years. Of tendency to recur.
these tumors, 60% are discovered during the
2nd and 3rd decades.
Osteoblastoma 265

10.3"'0 (SkulI)

I 27.9% (Spine) %

5.2% (Pclvis)


5.1% (Hand) 25

16.4% (Femur) 20


10.2% (Tibia)

> 15%

> 10 % 13.4% (Foot) o

1. ~ 1 ~ 5. ~ ~ &
D < IO %
Oecade or lire

Fig. 485. Localization of the osteoblastomas (97 cases); Fig. 486. Age distribution of the osteoblastomas (97 cases)
others: 11.5%

Fig. 487. Osteoblastoma (left side of mandible) Fig. 488. Osteoblastoma (cervical column, arch of atlas)
266 11 Bone Tumors

A macroscopic picture of an osteoblastoma the cells and nuclei, so that the benign charac-
can be seen in Fig. 489. The section and sawn ter of the neoplasm is easily recognized. Usual-
surface of the 3rd toe shows marked deformity ly there are no mitoses present. However, in a
and expansion of the middle phalanx, the outer few osteoblastomas a more or less marked
contours of which are indistinct (1). In the mar- polymorphy may be seen, and a few mitoses
row cavity there is a large round focus about may be found. In such cases the differential di-
2 cm in diameter and with a fairly sharp border agnosis from an osteosarcoma may be difficult,
(2). The center of this tumor is porous and filled and this can only be established histologically
with blood, so that it appears grayish red. Here if the clinical and radiological findings are also
the tissue is brittle and crumbling. The periph- taken into account. A sarcomatous stroma, pro-
ery of the tumor is more markedly ossified and nounced cellular polymorphy and atypical mi-
calcified, so that the tissue appears dense. These toses are not signs of a benign osteoblastoma.
structures show up as shadows of varying den- The calcium content of osteoblastomas is
sity in the radiograph. A true nidus, such as variable. In Fig. 491 a dense irregular network
one sees in an osteoid osteoma (p. 261), is not of shapeless osteoid trabeculae which have
typically present in an osteoblastoma, and the many indentations can be seen histologically.
prominent marginal sclerosis is usually absent. They are often layered with osteoblasts (1) with
In this case, however, the spongiosa of the short long drawn-out nuclei. Within the osteoid tra-
tubular bone is generally dense and sclerotic (3), beculae there are large osteoblasts with dark
which shows up clearly in contrast to that of the nuclei. The osteoid structures are irregularly
terminal phalanx (4). The connective tissue of and incompletely calcified, and there are pale
the periosteum is also thickened. areas of unmineralized osteoid (2). In between,
The histological appearance of osteoblasto- one can recognize dark, calcified osteoid foci
mas is very variable. In the center of the neo- (3). These tumors mayaiso produce fibro-osse-
plasm one finds highly cellular tissue in which ous trabeculae. The extent of the ossification is
the variation in the number and density of the correlated with the age of the neoplasm. The
osteoid trabeculae is striking. These are signifi- loose connective tissue stroma contains iso-
cantly wider and longer than those seen in an morphic fibroblasts, a few osteoclasts (4) and
osteoid osteoma. In Fig. 490 one recognizes the many fine-walled capillaries (5).
very numerous osteoid trabeculae (1) with their Under higher magnification (Fig. 492) there
irregular outer contours. In some places they is a clear picture of the osteoblasts, which are
are narrow and have a smooth outline, in often clustered together in den se groups (1).
others the outline is undulating, with jagged in- Between these tumor cells there are net-like os-
dentations. They are sometimes lined with rows teoid deposits (2). The scattered osteoclasts (3)
of active osteoblasts (2). In the neighborhood are much smaller than in an osteoclastoma and
one can see numerous multinucleated osteoclas- contain fewer isomorphic nuclei.
tic giant cells (3). Osteocytes with large irregu- SCHAJOWICS (1994), depending on the radio-
lar nuclei are enclosed within the osteoid trabe- logical appearances, distinguished various types
culae. Between the osteoid structures there is a of osteoblastoma. The medullary and cortical os-
highly cellular stroma of loose connective tis- teoblastomas show an osteolytic focus of more
sue, which is penetrated by large numbers of than 2 cm diameter in the marrow or cortex of
dilated capillaries (4). In many cases osteoblas- abone, without any real marginal sclerosis.
tomas are seen to contain hemorrhages and he- The peripheral (periosteal) osteoblastoma lies
mosiderin deposits. The stroma cells are mostly on the bone surface and appears to be derived
osteoblasts, which are the basic cells of this tu- from the periosteum. The multifocal sclerosing
mor. They vary in size, and so do their nuclei, osteoblastoma can appear either in the marrow
which are sometimes ovoid, and sometimes ab- cavity (central or endosteal) and also in the re-
normally elongated and showing many indenta- gion of the periosteum (peripheral or juxtacorti-
tions and uneven extensions. The chromatin cal) and is delineated by a region of marginal
content of the nuclei is quite variable, and the sclerosis. It is somewhat similar to an osteoid
nuclei may be hyperchromatic. Many osteoblas- osteoma, although here the presence of several
tomas present a truly monomorphic pattern of translucent foci ("nidus") is remarkable.
Osteoblastoma 267

Fig. 489. Osteoblastoma (3rd toe, cut surface) Fig. 490. Osteoblastoma; HE, x30

Fig. 491. Osteoblastoma; HE, x51 Fig. 492. Osteoblastoma; HE, x84
268 11 Bone Tumors

Osteoblastomas can often produce confusing Histologically the lesion presents a very
radiologieal findings which are difficult to in- mixed pieture with numerous cells that can of-
terpret. They can reach an unusual size or ap- ten give the impression of a malignant bone tu-
pear in an unusual site. Extensive destruction mor. In Fig. 497 one can see a loose connective
of bone can arouse suspicion of a malignant tissue stroma infiltrated with lymphocytes and
bone tumor, so that a bioptie investigation is plasma cells (1) and shot through with many
necessary. dilated and fine-walled capillaries (2). Never-
In Fig. 493 one can see in the radiograph a theless, the stroma cells show no polymorphie
large focus of destruction in the left lesser tro- nuclei or mitoses. Numerous shapeless osteoid
chanter of a 19-year-old man (1). This region trabeculae (3) are irregularly distributed, on
of the bone is set through with numerous whieh rows of active osteoblasts (4) have been
patchy osteolytic foci, between whieh lie strag- deposited. Here and there these rows show
gly bands of dense sclerosis. The outer contour more than one layer (5). In addition, there are
of the trochanter is raised up in pi aces (2). The a few multinucleated osteoclasts (6). The histo-
lesion is separated from the inside of the bone logieal pieture is that of a very actively prolif-
by a wide, band-like zone of osteosclerosis (3). erative tumor, which is also usually confirmed
No reactive change was observed in the perios- by the increased activity in the scintigram.
teum. In the scintigram, the focus showed a There is, however, no sarcomatous stroma, i.e.
strong increase in activity. The differential di- the cellular and nuclear polymorphy and patho-
agnosis of a honeycomb-like lesion such as this logical mitoses that would indicate a malignant
could include a benign bone tumor (e.g hem- tumor are absent. The osteoid trabeculae do
angioma, lipoma), a malignant bone tumor not have the appearance of tumorous osteoid
(e. g. Ewing's sarcoma, osteosarcoma, bone me- such as is seen in an osteosarcoma (p. 279). A
tastasis) or even a local osteomyelitis. The actual combination of radiologieal and histologieal
diagnosis of a benign osteoblastoma can only be findings should provide sufficient and secure
made from a bone biopsy. The localization is ex- grounds for diagnosing this tumor as benign.
tremely unusual for this type of tumor.
An osteoblastoma of the right tibial head can
be seen in Fig. 494. In the a.p radiograph there
is a slightly oval zone of osteolysis (1) in the
proximal tibial metaphysis below the former site
of the epiphyseal cartilage (2). This focus is
sharply bordered by a narrow region of periph-
eral osteosclerosis. Inside, one can see discrete
areas of increased density. A lateral radiograph
is necessary in order to make a precise diagno-
sis. In Fig. 495 it can be seen that the lesion is
lying in a dorsal position (1). It is a cortical 05-
teobla5toma. The cortex is here obviously thick-
ened. It bulges outwards slightly, but is clearly
delineated. There is no periosteal reaction. In
the neighborhood there is an area of slight osteo- 3
sclerosis that also reaches into the spongiosa (2).
Radiologically this is a benign lesion. In the 2
computer tomogram of Fig. 496 the tumor is
seen as a cystic area of translucency (1) situated
in the dorsilateral region of the cortex. Inside,
there is a larger focus of increased density. The
surrounding bone is markedly sclerotic and
dense (2). The spongiosa of the tibial head at
some distance from the tumor (3) also shows
signs of a sclerotic increase in density. Fig. 493. Osteoblastoma (left lesser trochanter)
Osteoblastoma 269

Fig. 494. Osteoblastoma Fig. 495. Osteoblastoma

(right proximal tibia, a.p. radiograph) (right proximal tibia, lateral radiograph)

Fig. 496. Osteoblastoma Fig. 497. Osteoblastoma; HE, x100
(right proximal tibia, computer tomogram)
270 11 Bone Tumors

Aggressive Osteoblastoma tensively destroyed the bone of the pelvis. Such

a far-reaching and destructive tumorous growth
After incomplete removal, a fair number of os- suggests radiologically the presence of a malig-
teoblastomas may recur, and even develop into nant neoplasm and is in no sense typical of a
osteosarcomas. Distinguishing histologically be- benign osteoblastoma. Furthermore, the tumor
tween a proliferating osteoblastoma and a has spread into the adjacent soft parts.
highly differentiated osteosarcoma can be ex- The radiograph of another "aggressive osteo-
tremely difficult. In 95% of cases, recurrence of blastoma" can be seen in Fig. 499. Here there is
an osteoblastoma takes place more than 2 years a large patchy zone of destruction (1) in the
after the first operation - the majority after 5 transitional region between the metaphysis and
or more years. Early recurrence gives rise to diaphysis in the proximal part of the fibula of a
suspicion of malignancy. An "aggressive osteo- 15-year-old boy. One can see patchy osteolyses
blastoma" is a primary bone tumor that pro- of unequal size, and partly patchy, partly strag-
duces a large amount of osteoid and wh ich is gly regions of increased density in between
very similar to the typical osteoblastoma. Its them. On one side the cortex has become in-
clinical course is, however, characterized by nu- cluded in the process of destruction and is
merous recurrences where the radiograph reveals partly obliterated (2). The focus has an indis-
malignant destruction and the histological pic- tinct border and reveals no marginal sclerosis.
ture shows many polymorphie osteoblasts with The other side of the cortex has been preserved
pathological mitoses. This neoplasm shows only and is somewhat sclerotically thickened. Perios-
a local aggressive and destructive growth, and teal thickening is absent. In the a.p radio graph
has a strong tendency to recur, but does not in Fig. 500 one can again see the focus of de-
produce metastases. For this reason an "ag- struction in the proximal part of the right fibu-
gressive osteoblastoma" has a better prognosis la (1). This part of the bone has been pushed
than an osteosarcoma. up into a bulge. The lateral cortex is to a large
This tumor was first described in 1976 by extent raised up, without any recognizable infil-
SCHAJOWICZ and LEMOS. The neoplasm is tration of the soft parts. This is apredominant-
rare, and so far only a few cases have been ly osteolytic defect in which a few sclerotic in-
seen. Its main localization is in the femur, tibia creases in density can be seen. The lesion has
or fibula, although it has also been described in no distinct border and shows no marginal
the spinal column, pelvis and metatarsal bones. sclerosis. Radiologically it might well be a ma-
The age distribution ranges from 6 to 67 years, lignant lesion that could only be identified by a
with an average age of 34 years. The patient bone biopsy. The radiologically demonstrable
usually complains of local pain after about 3-5 structures are not typical of a benign osteoblas-
months, without any swelling being palpable. toma.
Radiological examination very soon reveals a The bone scintigram of this tumorous bone
destructively growing bone tumor. lesion seen in Fig. 501 shows a significant in-
In Fig. 498 one j:an see the radiological pic- crease in activity (1) involving the entire focus.
ture of an "aggressive osteoblastoma" in the The center of the tumor is more marked than
proximal part of the left femur. The tumor has the periphery. This suggests a strong tendency
developed in the femoral neck (1). Here there is to proliferate. Furthermore, the growing regions
an indistinctly delineated zone of osteolysis of the proximal parts of the fibula (2) and tibia
with coarse patchy regions of increased density, (3), and the distal part of the femur (4) are
which has brought about narrowing of the cor- strongly activated, which is physiologically nor-
tex from within. The tumor has grown on one mal for a fifteen-year-old boy. As with a benign
side into the intertrochanteric region (2) and, osteoblastoma, an "aggressive osteoma" can
on the other side, through the edge of the bone also appear in the radio graph as a sharply de-
and into the acetabulum of the left hip joint as lineated focus of osteolysis with slight marginal
far as the pelvic wall (3). Here one can see a sclerosis. In such cases the diagnosis depends
large neoplastic mass which is in part scleroti- exclusively on the histological pattern.
cally dense, in part patchy and in part highly Macroscopically the tumor tissue of an "ag-
osteolytic (4), and which has in particular ex- gressive osteoblastoma" is uncharacteristic. It is
Aggressive Osteoblastoma 271

Fig. 498. Aggressive osteoblastoma (left femoral neck) Fig. 499. Aggressive osteoblastoma (right proximal fibula)

2 -

Fig. 500. Aggressive osteoblastoma (right proximal fibula) Fig. 501. Aggressive osteoblastoma
(right proximal fibula, scintigram)
272 11 Bone Tumors

grayish-red or grayish-brown with a variable As ean be seen histologically in Fig. 505, the
number of ealcium deposits. Unlike many osteo- tumorous osteoid laid down in the form of tra-
sareomas, it eontains no hard sclerotie zones. beeulae is eompletely absent from some areas
Figure 502 shows what is basieally the histo- of the pieture. One finds here a stroma with
logical appearanee of an "aggressive osteoblasto- polymorphie eells and deposits of osteoid,
ma". One ean see an irregularly dense network of whieh only appears as a narrow band (1) be-
osteoid trabeeulae (1) on whieh rows of aetive tween the exeeedingly vigorous polymorphie
osteoblasts (2) have been deposited. The osteo- osteoblasts (2). In a few plaees there is patehy
blasts appear prominent beeause of their hyper- osteoid (3) with ealcifieations that show up as
ehromatie and polymorphie nuclei, and in some "spieulated blue bone". In this illustration the
plaees they form several rows (3). A loose eon- size of the tumor eells (osteoblasts), and the
neetive tissue stroma (4) lies between the os- size, shape and hyperehromasia of the nuclei -
teoid trabeeulae, and this is set through with together with the strikingly disorganized for-
fine-walled blood eapillaries (5) that are often di- mation of the tissue - present a pieture whieh
lated. The stroma eells (fibroblasts, fibroeytes) is eertainly eompatible with that of a malignant
are also frequently striking beeause of their growth. Furthermore, patehy extensions of os-
shapeless, hyperehromatie and sometimes poly- teoid and ealcified osteoid in the form of un-
morphie nuclei. From time to time pathologieal equal, hardly reeognizable trabeeulae ("spieu-
mitoses ean also be seen here. lated blue bone") and regions of densely depos-
Under higher magnifieation the tumor eells ited osteoclasts are often deseribed in "aggres-
in Fig. 503 ean be more clearly reeognized. The sive osteoblastomas" . It is also said that these
loose eonneetive tissue stroma (1) eontains nu- osteoblasts have a clearly "epithelioid" appear-
merous dilated fine-walled eapillaries (2). There anee. They have abundant eytoplasm and
are stout osteoid trabeeulae (3) on whieh rows shapeless hyperehromatie nucleL
of aetive osteoblasts (4) have been laid down. There are many reasons for asking whether
These have markedly hyperehromatie and poly- "aggressive osteoblastomas" aetually exist. The
morphie nuclei in whieh pathologieal mitoses radiologieal appearanee of these tumors has, in
ean be seen. Some of these eells are osteoclasts all the ease his tori es hitherto published, shown
as ean be demonstrated by testing for tartrate- signs of malignaney. The eriteria of malignaney
resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). The osteoid are likewise met in the histologieal pieture
deposits are in part more highly ealcified (5): (highly eellular tumorous tissue with poly-
the so-ealled "spiculated blue bone" whieh is morphie tumor eells; polymorphie hyperehro-
eharaeteristic of the "aggressive osteoblastoma". matic nuclei, sometimes with atypical mitoses;
The polymorphie osteoblasts with their dark, the produetion of classieal tumorous osteoid).
polymorphie nuclei - whieh mayaiso show The clinieal eourse too, with its frequent reeur-
atypieal mitoses - are decisive for the diagno- renees and inereasing destruetion of bone, as
sis. There is here a great similarity to an osteo- weIl as the invasion of the adjaeent soft parts
sareoma (p. 274) although the distinet sareoma- by the tumor (Fig. 498), also suggest malig-
tous stroma is absent. naney. In addition, our eytophotometrie DNA
Figure 504 shows the histological picture of a measurements of the tumor eells have indieated
part of the tumor that is unusually highly eellu- malignant growth. This would seem to imply
lar. There are a few deposits of osteoid (1) on that the so-ealled "aggressive osteoblastoma" is
whieh extraordinarily sturdy and polymorphie really an osteosareoma of low malignaney,
osteoblasts (2) have been laid down, often as whieh manifests only loeal aggressive growth
more than a single layer (3). The unusually large over a long period, thus leading to loeal
number of fibroblasts (4) with polymorphie and destruetion of bone. Metastases only oeeur in
hyperehromatie nuclei showing pathologieal late-diseovered eases or in those where the
mitoses is striking. In between there are small treatment has been inadequate. The diagnosis
eolleetions of lymphoeytes (5). All this presents of a "malignant osteoblastoma" which is some-
the pieture of a highly eellular tissue with a large tim es made is misleading and should not be
number of polymorphie eeIls, thus giving a used. The treatment of ehoice is a wide en bloe
strong impression of a malignant tumor. exeision reaehing weIl into the healthy tissue.
Aggressive Osteoblastoma 273

Fig. 502. Aggressive osteoblastoma; HE, x40 Fig. 503. Aggressive osteoblastoma; HE, x64

Fig. 504. Aggressive osteoblastoma; HE, x51 Fig. 505. Aggressive osteoblastoma, PAS, x84
274 11 Bone Tumors

Bone Island (Compact Island) Osteosarcoma (lCD-O-DA-M-9180/3)

Sometimes during the course of a radiological The osteosarcoma is the true malignant neo-
examination one comes across, quite by chance, plasm of bone, in which malignant osteoblasts
a circumscribed roundish region of high den- differentiate from the sarcomatous stroma and
sity in a bone - in the pelvis, for instance, or tumorous osteoid and tumorous bone (some-
in a long bone. This is a circumscribed focus of times even tumorous cartilage) develop. In this
sclerotic ossification in the spongiosa of abone. tumor the many potential varieties of differen-
It produces no symptoms and requires no treat- tiation of the osteoblast in terms both of osteo-
ment. If this radiological finding is recognized, genesis and osteolysis are realized. The most
no bioptic investigation is necessary (the so- characteristic feature of the osteosarcoma is the
called "leave-me-alone lesion"). Such a focus production of tumorous osteoid, which is
usually remains static, but it may undergo nevertheless not always recognizable because it
spontaneous remission. In rare cases an in- has no specific staining reaction. The tumor is
crease in size has been observed. With older highly malignant and usually metastasizes
patients it is sometimes necessary to exclude early. After the medullary plasmocytoma
an osteoblastic bone metastasis. (p. 348), the osteosarcoma is the second most
Macroscopically one can see in the macera- frequently encountered malignant neoplasm of
tion specimen of Fig. 506, in the middle of bone, making up more than 20% of the bone
completely normal spongiosa (1), a very dense sarcomas. Nevertheless, it is a relatively rare
sclerotic focus (2) with a sharp, slightly undu- disease. In a population of a million people,
lating outer contour. One has the impression as only 4 or 5 osteosarcomas are to be expected.
of a stone having been deposited into the spon- Men are more frequently affected than women.
giosa. The inside of this focus consists of very
compact, fully mineralized bone tissue. In a Loca/ization (Fig. 508). Osteosarcomas can ap-
few places one can see small cavities that are pear in any bone, but over 50% are observed in
filled with cancellous bone and fatty marrow. the long bones. The principal site is the meta-
The immediately adjacent spongiosa is not physis. Over 40% of these tumors arise in the
sclerotically increased in density, which is why distal metaphysis of the femur or the proximal
the focus stands out sharply from its surround- metaphysis of the tibia, making the neighbor-
ings in the radiograph. hood of the knee joint the overall most fre-
Histologically the focus consists of compact, quently affected site. However, osteosarcomas
sclerotically dense bone tissue which contains a in the pelvis or proximal part of the femur are
few small osteocytes and which is fully miner- also quite common.
alized. Figure 507 shows the tissue from a po-
rous region of a bone island. One can see he re Age Distribution (Fig. 509). The neoplasm ap-
very wide, mature bony structures in which pears very much more frequently in young peo-
true osteons with narrow Haversian canals (1) pIe, the peak - including 44% of cases - in the
have developed. These bony structures have second decade of life. For tumors of the jaw the
smooth borders and show no signs of osteo- age is somewhat higher. In elderly or aged pa-
blastic or osteoclastic activity. In between them tients it is usually a secondary osteosarcoma,
there is fatty tissue (2). Blood capillaries with arising as the result of irradiation or in the
delicate walls can be recognized within the Ha- presence of Paget's osteitis deformans (p. 102).
versian canals. To this extent the tissue is very Local trauma cannot be made responsible for
similar to an osteoma eburneum (p. 257). A the appearance of an osteosarcoma, but it may
bone island can be distinguished from an os- be the cause of one being discovered. The tu-
teoma because it usually has no tendency to mor develops below the cortex or in the center
grow and does not produce any deformity of of the bone, and pro duces local destruction. All
the bone. Originally it was assumed to be a regions of the bone (spongiosa, marrow cavity,
harmless congenital variant of cancellous bone cortex, periosteum, and the surrounding soft
structure. A few authors see in it a minimal parts) are affected. In the periosteum a peculiar
manifestation of osteopoikilosis (p. 108). kind of bone deposition takes place.
Osteosarcoma 275

Fig. 506. "Bone island", (maceration specimen) Fig. 507. "Bone island"; HE, x25

6% (SkulI)

2.3% (Claviele)
5.2% (Proximal humcrus)

2.1 % (Spine)

5% (Pelvis) 40





11 .7% (Proximal tibi a) 15


_ > 15 %

_>10% o
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
D <10% Decade or lire

Fig. 508. Localization of the osteosarcomas (656 cases); Fig. 509. Age distribution of the osteosarcomas (656 cases)
others: 29.7%
276 11 Bone Tumors

Radiologically we distinguish between osteo- thickened and in parts ossified. With regard to
blastic and osteolytic osteosarcomas, in one of the amputation, which, together with che-
which new bone deposition predominates, and motherapy, is the only effective treatment for
in the other bone destruction. The radio graph such an osteosarcoma, the level of the amputa-
is nevertheless not pathognomonic, even if it is tion (which must be above the end of the intra-
practically always possible to guess that malig- medullary extension) is one factor which must
nant tumor growth is present. In about 64% of be taken into account, the other factor being
cases the radio graph allows one to assurne that the exclusion of so-called skip metastases.
it is probably an osteosarcoma. Figure 510 These are early intramedullary metastases in
shows a radiograph (tomogram) of an osteo- the marrow cavity of the shaft which are said
blastic osteosarcoma of the distal femoral meta- to occur in one out of every four long bone os-
physis. One can recognize an extensive increase teosarcomas. Tomograms and, in particular
in sclerotic density in the marrow cavity of the seintigraphy, can locate skip lesions.
metaphysis that reaches as far as the adjacent With osteolytic osteosarcomas the local bone
diaphysis, without the proximal border of the destruction is the most prominent feature, as
tumor being restrained. In the distal direction against which only a small amount of tumorous
the tumor extends as far as the cartilaginous bone is formed. As can be seen in the radio graph
epiphyseal plate (1), which has, however, not of such a tumor in the head of the fibula
been penetrated. This is entirely typical; the (Fig. 512), the bone is widely destroyed. There
epiphyseal plate seems to form a barrier against are moth-eaten osteolytic foei in the spongiosa
the extension of the neoplasm from the meta- and cortex (1). Indistinctly seen, the epiphysis
physis into the epiphysis, which cannot be (2) is separated from the diaphysis (3). There is
passed until an advanced late stage of the tu- a pathological fracture running through the
mor growth has been reached. In the metaphy- bone (4), the ends of which are displaced. The
sis (2) the sclerosis is at its most dense; more tumor has broken through the cortex and in-
proximally, irregular coarse patches of osteoly- vaded the adjacent soft parts, in which patches
sis are very marked in the tumor (3). The cor- of cloudy shadowing can be seen. The spreading
tex has been included in the tumor and has of the tumor distally within the narrow cavity can
been broken through in a number of pI aces (4). only with difficulty be assessed in the radiograph.
The periosteum is here and there greatly thick- The resected speeimen from the fibula
ened (5), and radially orientated so-called spi- appears macroscopically in Fig. 513 as a large
cules can be recognized. Here we have reactive fleshy tumor that has destroyed the proximal
periosteal bone deposition which is often to be metaphysis and greatly expanded the bone. The
seen in the neighborhood of an osteosarcoma tumor tissue has largely fallen to pieces, and is
(p. 163). In one place a so-called Codman's tri- soaked in blood. There are very soft, slightly
angle (6) is observable, in which reactive peri- crushed tumorous masses in which no ossifica-
osteal new bone that contains no tumor tissue tion can be detected. The cortex is destroyed in
is being laid down. A biopsy taken from this several places (1), and the tumor has grown out
region would therefore be useless. into the adjacent soft parts (2). Macroscopically
Figure 511 is a macroscopic example of an it is not possible to recognize any tumor tissue
osteoblastic osteosarcoma. The distal femoral in the nearby marrow cavity (3).
metaphysis has been completely taken up by A histological characteristic of an osteosarco-
very densely ossified tumor tissue (1) which ma is the chessboard-like distribution of tumor-
reaches right up as far as the cartilaginous epi- ous osteoid, bone and cartilage (sometimes to-
physeal plate (2). The epiphysis is free from tu- gether with the structures typical of a hemangio-
mor tissue (3). The tumor extends through the pericytoma, an osteoclastoma, a Ewing sarcoma
medullary cavity a long way in a proximal di- or an aneurysmal bony cyst) in the middle of a
rection, as far as the edge of the amputation sarcomatous stroma. To this are added multinu-
(4). In the metadiaphyseal region there are os- cleated giant cells, collagen fibrils, fibrous bone,
teolytic foei with hemorrhages (5) in the tumor. areas of mucinous degeneration, hemorrhages
The neoplasm has broken through the cortex in and ir regular calcification. The morphological
a number of places. The periosteum is greatly picture is thus extremely variable and can cause
Osteosarcoma 277



Fig. 510. Osteoblastic osteosarcoma Fig. 511. Osteoblastic osteosarcoma

(distal femoral metaphysis, tomogram) (distal femoral metaphysis, cut surface)

3 2

3 --------:--;

Fig. 512. Osteolytic osteosarcoma (fibular head) Fig. 5l3. Osteolytic osteosarcoma (fibular head, cut surface)
278 11 Bone Tumors

great diagnostie diffieulty. The tumorous osteoid whieh indieates the destruetive aetivity of the tu-
and tumorous bone arise direetly in the sareo- mor. The tumor tissue displays an uneven net-
matous eonneetive tissue. The development of work of tumorous osteoid (2) within the sareo-
osteoid distinguishes an osteosareoma histologi- matous stroma with its numerous polymorphie
eally from a ehondrosareoma. nudeated and hyperehromatie osteoblasts - the
Figure 514 shows the typieal histological pic- true tumor eells. The tumorous osteoid some-
ture of an osteoblastic sarcoma. One ean reeog- times forms eoarse homogeneous plaques (3).
nize several autoehthonous bone trabeeulae (1) The tumor is penetrated by many blood eapil-
with their laminated layering. The osteoeytes laries (4), and hemorrhages, hemosiderin depos-
are small and some of the osteoeyte laeunae its and neeroses ean be observed. The tumor eells
are empty. In the marrow eavity between these frequently reveal pathologieal mitosis.
trabeeulae lies the malignant neoplastie tissue. Under higher magnification (Fig. 517) one
One ean reeognize a sareomatous stroma (2) ean see that there are fully undifferentiated tu-
with numerous spindie eells and their poly- mor cells in the osteolytie osteosareoma. In one
morphie and hyperehromatie nudei. Many bi- pI ace there is a ealcified autoehthonous bone
zarre mitoses ean also be seen here. The stro- trabeeula (1). The marrow eavity is filled up
ma is penetrated by a few fine-walled dilated with tumorous tissue in whieh unequal groups
eapillaries (3). In addition, one reeognizes nu- of irregularly distributed small tumor eells are
merous osteoid (4) and tumorous bone trabeeu- present. These have polymorphie and strongly
lae (5) whieh have very bizarre shapes and eon- hyperehromatic nudei (2). Between these
tain polymorphie osteoeytes. In one plaee one loosely deposited tumor eells there is a fine net-
ean see a foeus of tumorous eartilage (6). The work of eollagenous eonnective tissue. One ean,
tumor osteoid, whieh is eharaeteristie of an os- however, reeognize broad-surfaeed deposits of
teosareoma, shows various degrees of ealcifiea- osteoid (3), whieh are a produet of the tumor
tion, and this is refleeted in the radiograph. cells. It ean sometimes be very diffieult to iden-
As ean be seen in the histological picture of tify these osteoid structures in a highly eellular
Fig. 515, the osteoid struetures ean predomi- osteolytie osteosareoma, and here Goldner
nate in the tumor, while the sareomatous stro- staining ean be helpful. Induded in the osteoid
ma (1) is only sparsely present. For the most areas there are many large "osteoeytes" (4)
part it is a matter of unealcified osteoid (2), with shapeless nudei.
which in section shows a homogeneous pink- In very rare eases multicentric osteosarco-
ish-red color. In part, however, the osteoid is ir- mas have been reported, with several foei ap-
regularly ealcified and thus builds up a disorga- pearing simultaneously in different parts of the
nized network (3). Onee again one is struck by skeleton, without there being any evidenee of
the many deposited eells with their hyperehro- lung metastases. In the synchronous form (Type
matie and polymorphie nudei (4). In plaees, I of AMSTUTZ) the osteosarcomatous foei lie
ir regular tumorous bone trabeeulae have been symmetrieally in the metaphyses of the long
formed (5). The tumorous tissue has been bones; they are radiodense and histologieally of
threaded through by several fine-walled eapil- the osteoblastic type. Children and young peo-
laries (6). Oeeasionally, isolated giant eells ap- pIe are affected. With the metachronic form
pear between the osteoid struetures. (Type III of AMSTUTZ), foei of varying size lie
With the osteolytic sarcoma the development asymmetrieally in the skeleton and are osteoly-
of ealcified tumorous osteoid and bone rather tic. Young people and adults are affeeted. With
fades into the background, so that the radio- a multifoeal osteosareoma the question arises
graph gives the impression of a destruetive os- as to whether this is a peculiar form of the tu-
teolysis. The histological picture in Fig. 516 mor or whether we are dealing with metastases.
shows a highly eellular tumor tissue that has al- The effeetive treatment of osteosareomas
most eompletely destroyed the original spongio- consists of radieal surgieal removal of the
sa. In one plaee there is still an autoehthonous growth (amputation, disartieulation). Radio-
bone trabeeula (1) that is laminated and eon- therapy alone is not effeetive and is only indi-
tains a few small osteoeytes. Nevertheless, this cated as a palliative measure. Early irradiation
trabeeula has a jagged and undulating border, ean severely hin der the bioptie diagnosis.
Osteosarcoma 279

Fig. 514. Osteoblastic osteosarcoma; HE, x25

Fig. 516. Osteolytic osteosarcoma; HE, x40 Fig. 517. Osteolytic osteosarcoma; HE, x64

Nowadays osteosarcomas are treated in accor- operative osteosarcoma study") with chemo-
dance with the so-called COSS Protocol ("co- therapy (p. 306).
280 11 Bone Tumors

Telangiectatic Osteosarcoma (lCD-O-DA-M-9183/3) has bulged forward below the periosteum (2),
resulting in a large parosteal tumor (3). The cut
Depending on the predominant structures surface reveals a spongy tissue with numerous
found histologically in the tumor tissue, osteo- blood-filled cavities which can give rise to un-
sarcomas can be subdivided into particular controllable hemorrhage. At the sawn surface of
types. Fibroblastic osteomas have a relatively the bone one can see that the entire marrow
good prognosis - better than that of the chon- cavity is infiltrated with partially compact
droblastic osteosarcomas. The worst prognosis pieces of tumor. The periosteum is elevated
is that of the osteoblastic osteosarcoma. The over a wide area (4).
above characterization indicates the broad mor- Histologieally one can recognize very highly
phological spectrum covered by these neo- cellular tumorous tissue (Fig. 520), in which
plasms. The telangiectatic osteosarcoma is a de- the large blood-filled cavities (1) are striking. It
structive primary osteolytic bone neoplasm that is highly reminiscent of an aneurysmal bone
contains numerous distended blood vessels and cyst (p. 417). Numerous osteoclastic giant cells
aneurysmic spaces, but only a little tumorous (2) lie in the loose, mostly blood-soaked con-
osteoid and bone. It is in the highest degree nective tissue walls of the cyst. The nuclei are
malignant. Aneurysmal bony cyst structures markedly hyperchromatic and polymorphie (3)
(p. 412), numerous osteoclastic giant cells and and many abnormal mitoses can also be ob-
extensive necroses can make the diagnosis very served. Extensive necroses can make the histo-
difficult. Cells with polymorphie nuclei and logical diagnosis much more difficult, but they
many pathological mitoses reveal the highly nevertheless suggest malignancy.
malignant character of this neoplasm, the prog- In the greater part of this neoplasm there are
nosis of which is indeed extremely bad. no osteoid structures to be seen, nor indeed
In Fig. 518 one can see the radiograph (an- any tumorous bone, so that here the diagnosis
giogram) of a telangiectatic osteosarcoma in of an osteosarcoma cannot be made. Figure 521
the distal femoral metaphysis. In the lateral shows a histologieal section from a telangiec-
view one can observe in the anterior part of tatic osteosarcoma, where with Azan staining
the tubular bone a roundish osteolytic zone (1) osteoid deposits can be recognized within the
that is joined on to a wide sclerotic layer in the highly cellular tumorous tissue (1). The true tu-
marrow cavity. The cortex is locally completely morous tissue consists of a sponge with collec-
destroyed (2) and the tumor has pushed itself tions of densely packed vessels (2) that are
out into the adjacent soft parts like a hernia stuffed full of blood. Extravasation is frequent.
(3), the boundaries of which are only with diffi- Unequally distributed osteoclastic giant cells (3)
culty distinguishable. This radiological appear- are strewn about the tumorous tissue in large
an ce is very similar to that of an aneurysmal numbers. The hyperchromasia of the nuclei is
bony cyst (p. 413). In the periphery of the an- very clear. If no osteoid structures can be iden-
giogram the vessels are not only displaced by tified, a telangiectatic osteosarcoma is often
the extraosseous parts of the tumor, there are misdiagnosed as an aggressive aneurysmal
also vessels following an abnormal course with bony cyst. Delayed diagnosis does indeed con-
bends and bifurcations (4) which suggest the tribute to the poor prognosis of this tumor.
growth of a malignant neoplasm. Previously existing observations and reports
In Fig. 519 one can see a macroscopie pie- show that the telangiectatic osteosarcoma pre-
ture of the stump of a femur with a telangiecta- sents as a peculiar form of neoplasm. Radio-
tic osteosarcoma. This tumor had developed in logically it suggests rapidly growing osteolysis,
the distal femoral epiphysis and was removed which could signify an aneurysmal bony cyst
by thigh amputation. However, the neoplasm or an osteoclastoma. Clinically, the uncontrolla-
had extended proximally through the marrow ble hemorrhage which follows curettage is
cavity above the level of the saw cut into appar- striking. The histological picture is often diffi-
ently healthy tissue, and had therefore been in- cult to interpret. The prognosis is very bad and
completely extirpated. At the end of the stump the patient's survival frequently less than a
one can see spongy blood-soaked tumorous tis- year.
sue (1) that has broken away from the bone. It
Telangiectatic Osteosarcoma 281


Fig. 518. Telangiectatic osteosarcoma Fig. 519. Telangiectatic osteosarcoma

(distal femoral metaphysis, angiogram) (femoral stump, cut surface)

Fig. 520. Telangiectatic osteosarcoma; HE, x40 Fig. 521. Telangiectatic osteosarcoma, Azan, x30
282 11 Bone Tumors

The radiological findings of a typical telan- cancellous bone tissue (3) is soaked with blood.
giectatic osteosarcoma in the proximal part of The patella is surrounded by connective tissue
the left humerus is shown in Fig. 522. Inside (4) which varies in thickness. The appearance
the bone there are numerous patchy areas of os- of a malignant bone tumor in the patella is ex-
teolysis (1) which have involved both spongiosa tremely rare, since such lesions in this region
and cortex. The changed area is not clearly delin- are quite exceptional. However, as the following
eated. The periosteum (2) is raised up from with- histological pictures show, this is indeed a telan-
in, thickened and dark. The radiological findings giectatic osteosarcoma.
indicate malignancy. The region resected en bloc We can observe in Fig. 526 a very highly
is shown macroscopically in Fig. 523. It consists cellular and mixed histological picture that is
of blood-soaked sponge-like tumorous tissue (1) threaded through with dilated blood-filled ves-
lying within the bone, and it has also involved and sels (1). There is a loose sarcomatous stroma
destroyed the cortex (2). The tumor can be seen (2) that contains spindle-cells, the nuclei of
reaching down to the cut edge ofthe specimen (3). which are polymorphie with abnormal mitoses.
Figure 524 is a radiograph of the left knee seen There are wide, delicate tumorous osteoid tra-
in lateral view. The marked balloon-like elevation beculae (3) where very many osteoblasts with
of the patella (1) with its unclear outer contour is giant nuclei (4) and osteoclasts have been
striking. This bone has extended proximally far deposited. Under higher magnification the
beyond the distal part of the femur (2) and is picture with its polymorphie cells shown in
in general considerably expanded. Within the pa- Fig. 527 is more clearly observed. Here one can
tella there are a few trabecular septa (3) which see in the sarcomatous stroma the polymorphie
give a polycystic appearance to the lesion. Macro- spindie cells (1), the irregular deposition of tu-
scopically the patella is seen to be enlarged. In the morous osteoid (2) and the many multinu-
seetion shown in Fig. 525 one can see internally a cleated giant cells (3). The numerous dilated
large zone of osteolysis (1) with is filled with blood vessels (4) penetrating the sarcomatous
blood clots (2). The surrounding but still intact stroma are also characteristic of this tumor.

Fig. 522. Telangiectatic osteosarcoma Fig. 523. Telangiectatic osteosarcoma

(left proximal humerus) (humerus, cut surface)
Telangiectatic Osteosarcoma 283


Fig. 524. Telangiectatic osteosarcoma (left patella) Fig. 525. Telangiectatic osteosarcoma (patella, cut surface)

Fig. 526. Telangiectatic osteosarcoma; HE, x40 Fig. 527. Telangiectatic osteosarcoma; HE, x64
284 11 Bone Tumors

Small Cell Osteosarcoma there is a large area of patchy osteolysis (1) that
is not sharply delineated and reaches up into the
In rare cases the histologieal pieture of an osteo- diaphysis. The cortex (2) is also porotic and os-
sarcoma may present with a dense accumulation teolytic. Here and there one can see dense scle-
of small roundish tumor cells, which is at rotic regions (3) within the tumor that are set
first glance reminiscent of a Ewing's sarcoma through with small patches of osteolysis.
(p. 352). This is a neoplasm eonsisting predomi- In the histological picture there are only a
nantly of small polymorphie tumor eells with few areas of sarcomatous stroma with deposits
round nuclei. Only seanty deposits of tomorous of tumorous osteoid and bone, which indicate
osteoid are present. Histologically the tumor the presence of an osteosarcoma. As is shown
also looks like a chondroblastoma (p. 226), a re- in Fig. 531, there are large complexes of differ-
ticular cell sarcoma (p. 358) or a bone metastasis entiated epithelioid cells (1) present. These
(p. 399). Decisive for the diagnosis of a small cell groups of cells are packed right up against di-
osteosarcoma is the presence of tumorous os- lated blood vessels (2). Sometimes invasion of
teoid. In Fig. 529 one can see the radiograph of the tumor cells into these vessels can be ob-
such a tumor in the distal part of the left fe- served. A sarcomatous stroma (3) with poly-
mur. In the lateral view one sees a large central morphie spindle-cells is only poody developed.
zone of osteolysis (1) which is lying in the tran- It contains nothing but discrete deposits of tu-
sitional region between the diaphysis and meta- morous osteoid. Under higher magnification
physis. The lesion is sharply delineated and con- the epithelioid nature of the tumor cells is ob-
tains streaky areas of increased density (2). vious. In Fig. 532 one can see large groups of
Histologically the tissue of the tumor con- tumor cells with polymorphie and hyperchro-
sists almost exclusively of a loose accumulation matic nuclei (1). Abnormal mitoses can also be
of round cells. In Fig. 530 one can see such tu- observed here. The cell borders are indistinct.
morous tissue with round cells which possess Penetrating capillaries (2) are present in large
small, highly polymorphie and hyperchromatic numbers. Tumorous osteoid, on the other hand,
nuclei (1). With PAS staining these cells are is extremely sparsely represented.
seen to be rieh in glycogen, making one think
of a Ewing's sarcoma (p. 357). However, within
the tumor there are also deposits of osteoid (2)
to be seen, which is not the case with a Ewing's
sarcoma. These structures lead to the diagnosis
of a small ceH osteosarcoma. The stroma,
throughout whieh small tumor cells are strewn,
is threaded through with dilated blood capil-
laries (3). This tumor can appear in sites not
typieal for sarcomas (e. g. in the diaphysis of a
long bone). It has a worse prognosis than the
ordinary osteosarcoma.

Epithelioid Osteosarcoma

Osteosarcomas present a very mixed histologieal

picture that is bioptically difficult to interpret.
This tumor has an enormously wide spectrum
of tissue differentiation. An epithelioid osteosar-
eoma is eharaeterized by a pseudoepithelial dif-
ferentiation of the tumor cells and is highly ma-
lignant. It has so far only been observed in chil-
dren. One can see the radiograph of such a tu-
mor in Fig. 528. In the distal part of the radius Fig. 528. Epithelioid osteosarcoma (distal radius)
Telangiectatic Osteosarcoma 285

Fig. 529. Small cell osteosarcoma (left distal femur) Fig. 530. Small cell osteosarcoma; PAS, x40

3 -...".-,. -.

Fig. 531. Epithelioid osteosarcoma; HE, x64 Fig. 532. Epithelioid osteosarcoma; HE, xlOO
286 11 Bone Tumors

Intraosseous Well-Differentiated Osteosarcoma However, within the stroma there are deposits
of tumorous osteoid (4). In Fig. 536 one can
The intraosseous well-differentiated osteosarco- see on the one hand the loose connective tissue
ma is a primary bone tumor of connective and stroma (1) with a few polymorphs and cells
bony tissue with only minimally abnormal cells with dark nuclei, while on the other, there are
and sometimes highly differentiated tumorous deposits of tumorous osteoid (2) and bone (3).
cartilage that nevertheless undergoes malignant Under higher magnification one can see in
growth. As in the case of the parosteal osteosar- Fig. 537 the connective tissue stroma (1) be-
coma (p. 288), the diagnosis can only be made tween the tumorous bone trabeculae (2). This
in combination with the radiographic appear- shows narrow spindle-shaped cells that only oc-
ance. The tumor can appear in children and casionally possess hyperchromatic nuclei (3).
young people, but also at greater ages (age: 10- There is moderate nuclear polymorphy, and mi-
65 years). There is a peak in the third decade tos es are infrequent or even absent. However,
of life. Clinically there is a painful swelling that one finds partly trabecular, partly patchy de-
develops over the course of years. Most of these posits of osteoid (4), and this is tumorous os-
tumors are found in the proximal part of the ti- teoid. In rare cases cartilaginous foei can be
bia or the distal part of the femur. encountered in such a tumor, the cells of which
The radiograph shows tumorous destruction show only minimal abnormality.
of bone. In Fig. 533 one can see such alesion In making a differential diagnosis, it is first
in the proximal part of the tibia. There are ir- necessary to distinguish between fibrous bone
regular regions of dense sclerosis (1), and be- dysplasia (p. 318) and an intraosseous well-dif-
tween them fine and coarse osteolytic areas (2). ferentiated osteosarcoma. In a desmoplastic
The cortex is narrowed from within (3) and fre- fibroma (p. 322) no deposits of tumorous
quently destroyed. When the cortex is pene- osteoid are found. A typical osteoblastoma
trated, reactive periostitis ossificans may devel- (p. 264) shows a marked proliferation of osteo-
op, and the tumor may give rise to shadows blasts, which is not the case with an intra-
outside the bone. In children, the epiphysis is osseous well-differentiated osteosarcoma. Since
not involved, but in adults it is infiltrated by this tumor has a low grade of malignancy, an
the tumor as far as the articular surface. en bloc resection through the healthy tissue is
Macroscopically the tumor is sharply marked suffieient, but with incomplete extirpation of
off from the adjacent bone and soft parts. In the growth, recurrence may be expected. How-
Fig. 534 one can see such a growth in the distal ever, this tumor does not usually metastasize.
part of the femur. On the cut surface there is
an ivory-hard grayish-white tumorous tissue
within the bone (1). Plug-like (2), widely spread
(3) infiltrations have invaded the epiphysis. The
cortex has been broken through (4), and broad
masses of tumor are reaching out into the adja-
cent soft parts (5). Dark necroses and grayish-
white osteoblastic areas are visible.
Histologically the tumor consists predomi- 3
nantly of an ir regular dense network of shape-
less woven bony trabeculae (1) on which mas-
sive osteocytes have been deposited, but no os- 2
teoblasts or osteoclasts. In Fig. 535 one can see
a loose connective tissue stroma (2) between
the trabeculae, throughout which small cells
with hyperchromatic nuclei are sparsely distrib-
uted. Foei and patches of hyalinization are
found in the stroma (3). In general we have
here the picture of a monomorphic tissue that Fig. 533. Intraosseous well-differentiated osteosarcoma
does not at first sight appear to be malignant. (proximal tibia)
Intraosseous Well-Differentiated Osteosarcoma 287

Fig. 534. Intraosseous well-differentiated osteosarcoma Fig. 535. Intraosseous well-differentiated osteosarcoma;
(distal femur, cut surface) HE, x40

Fig. 536. Intraosseous well-differentiated osteosarcoma; Fig. 537. Intraosseous well-differentiated osteosarcoma;
HE, x84 HE, x84
288 11 Bone Tumors

Parosteal Osteosarcoma (lCD-O-DA-M-9190/3) and the cortex. In one pi ace, however, the tu-
mor appears to have broken into the marrow
The parosteal or juxtacortical osteosarcoma is a eavity (3). Its outer eontour is lobulated and
malignant bone tumor that develops in the peri- nodular, and reveals a few trabeeular struetures
osteal or parosteal soft parts, and wh ich con- (1). There is no Codman's triangle.
tains fibroblastic, osteoblastic or even chondro- In the sawn femur depicted in Fig. 540 one
blastic structures. It is a very rare neoplasm, can see the mass of the tumor macroscopically,
making up less than 1% of all bone sarcomas. where it has pushed its way out of the perios-
Its main localization is in the popliteal fossa, teum (1) and has encased the tubular bone.
where large masses of dense tumorous tissue The periosteum (2) is intaet and aets as a parti-
usually grip the distal part of the femur closely tion between the tumor and the cortex. Out-
from behind. Unlike the intraosseous osteosar- side, bone trabeeulae ean be reeognized within
comas, it is a neoplasm with a low grade of the tumor (3). There is no tumorous tissue in
malignaney, although it is true that there is a the marrow cavity.
strong tendeney towards loeal reeurrenee. How- As ean be seen in the histological picture
ever, distant blood-borne metastases are rare shown in Fig. 541, parosteal osteosareomas
and late in appearing. In Fig. 538 the course of usually eonsist of a highly differentiated tissue
growth of a parosteal osteosarcoma is followed formed from bone trabeculae with loose eon-
for aperiod of 18 years. The primary neoplasm neetive tissue between them. This does not im-
was at first removed. Three years later there mediately suggest the malignant eharaeter of
was a serious reeurrenee, and it was again ex- this neoplasm. We can see an irregular network
cised. A seeond reeurrenee was shelled out 5 of shapeless bone trabeeulae (1) with many ex-
years later. When it recurred for the third time tensive reversal lines (2), osteocyte lacunae (3)
18 years after its first appearanee, amputation and osteoeytes. The intraosseous eonneetive tis-
was undertaken, and this achieved a eure whieh sue (4) eontains small isomorphie fibroblasts
las ted for more than 10 years. This tumor at- and fibroeytes.
tacks predominantly the distal part of the fe- The newly developed bone trabeeulae (1) are
mur and the proximal parts of the tibia and hu- arranged in arcades, sometimes with seams of
merus. osteoblasts (2) (Fig. 542). Even under high er
The diagnosis is based essentially on the ra- magnification the intermediate stroma is seen
diological picture, and less on the histologieal to eontain few polymorphie eells, or none at
or anatomical findings. In Fig. 539 one ean see all. One reeognizes spindle-shaped, somewhat
a parosteal osteosarcoma of the distal femoral hyperchromatic conneetive tissue nuclei (3)
metaphysis. In the lateral view, the solid, very which show no mitoses. A few dilated eapil-
dense shadow of a bony mass appears to clasp laries (4) are present. In the reeurrent tumor
the femur from outside and from behind (1). there is mostly a more marked polymorphy of
The tumor reaehes from the epiphysis to the eells and nuclei, which does then suggest malig-
diaphysis, leaving a narrow spaee (2) between it naney.

25.1. 50 3. 8. 50 28.2.51 16.9.53 26.1. 54 2. 10.58 27.7.59 30.6.67

Fig. 538. Diagram showing the progressive growth of a parosteal osteosarcoma. (After UEHLINGER 1977)
Parosteal Osteosarcoma 289

Fig. 539. Parosteal osteosarcoma Fig. 540. Parosteal osteosarcoma (distal femur, cut surface)
(distal femoral metaphysis )

Fig. 541. Parosteal osteosarcoma; HE, x25 Fig. 542. Parosteal osteosarcoma; HE, x40
290 11 Bone Tumors

Figure 543 shows a lateral radiograph of a teosarcomas) is not, however, present. Even the
parosteal osteosarcoma. A wide, mass of tumor bone trabeculae, which with their varying den-
is lying against the dorsal surface of the distal sity appear as more or less dark shadows in the
part of the femur (1). The outer layer of the tu- radiograph, look more like regenerating bone
morous tissue is markedly lobulated (2). The than tumorous bone. Only their ir regular orga-
tumor is radiologieally very dense, with a few nization, at least in parts of the tumor, suggest
irregular translucent areas. The shadow of the that this is a parosteal osteosarcoma.
tumor reaches diffusely into the femur itself Under higher magnification one can see in
(3), without, however, showing any signs of Fig. 545 that the tumorous bone trabeculae (1)
true invasion of the bone. The parosteal osteo- often run parallel to one another. The typieal
sarcoma is wrapped around the long bone from network of tumorous bone trabeculae such as
outside, so that part of it is projected onto the are found in an intraosseous osteosarcoma are
radiograph as if it lay inside the bone. Between not present. The trabeculae are extremely heav-
the parosteal mass of the tumor and the cortex ily calcified, so that the lamellar layering is no
of the femur (4) it is possible to recognize a longer be recognizable. Only occasional osteo-
narrow, indistinct translucent strip (5) that is blasts (2) have been deposited. Between the tra-
highly characteristic of a parosteal osteosarco- beculae there is a loose connective tissue stro-
ma. Invasion of the bone by the tumor can ma, set through with granulation tissue (3),
only be confirmed by computer tomographie where cells with round nuclei predominate, and
radiography (CT) or magnetie resonance tomo- a few spindie cells are present. There is no sar-
graphy (MRT). This kind of radiologieal imag- comatous stroma. Such tissue as this could
ing should without exception be carried out in equally weIl conform diagnostically to a case of
the case of such a tumor, since the prognosis periostitis ossificans.
gets worse once it has invaded the bone. In this Occasional undifferentiated spindle-cells can
case radieal treatment (possibly amputation) be seen in the tumor under higher magnifica-
becomes necessary. There is no periosteal reac- tion. In Fig. 546 the connective tissue stroma
tion, and a Codman's triangle has not ap- between the trabeculae (1) is striking in that it
peared. With such radiologieal findings it must consists of spindie cells, and here one finds oc-
be established whether there is an intraosseous casional spindle-cells with hyperchromatie and
osteosarcoma that has broken outwards into the suspiciously polymorphie nuclei (2). Mitoses
soft parts, or whether the tumor arose outside are rare or completely absent. The trabeculae
the bone and has now secondarily invaded it. (3) are awkwardly shaped and are covered by
Both the treatment and prognosis depend upon only a few osteoblasts (4). This me ans that a
this knowledge. parosteal osteosarcoma can only be diagnosed
Histologically it is mostly not possible to es- histologieally if the radio graph is also taken
tablish the diagnosis of a parosteal osteosarco- into account.
ma with sufficient certainty if the radiographs We are dealing here with an osteosarcoma of
are not available. As can be seen in Fig. 544, very low malignancy, with a 5 year survival
the biopsy material shows only unevenly devel- rate of 80%. A 10 year survival rate of 55% has
oped bony tissue with shapeless bone trabecu- been reported. With small tumors it is suffi-
lae that vary in width (1), and whieh reveal no cient to carry out a local en bloc excision
lamellar layering, although small isomorphic through healthy tissue. With large tumors, and
osteocytes are present. They are covered with particularly if they have invaded the bone, am-
loose rows of osteoblasts (2). The bone trabecu- putation is necessary. In either case, complete
lae are plaited together to form an ir regular surgical extirpation of the tumor can lead to a
network. In between them lies a connective tis- cure. If the removal is incomplete, recurrences
sue stroma, where sparsely cellular areas (3) co- appear again and again and can finally lead to
exist with those having a rich cellular content lung metastases and death. The radiologie al dif-
(4). These cells are fibroblasts which show no ferential diagnosis of such a tumor must take
partieular signs of polymorphy. Calcified focal into account an osteochondroma (p. 214), pro-
deposits (5) are sometimes seen in the stroma, liferating myositis ossificans (p. 478) and an
but typieal tumorous osteoid (as found in os- extraosseous osteosarcoma (p. 482).
Parosteal Osteosarcoma 291

Fig. 543. Parosteal osteosarcoma (distal femur) Fig. 544. Parosteal osteosarcoma; HE, x40

Fig. 545. Parosteal osteosarcoma; HE, x64 Fig. 546. Parosteal osteosarcoma; HE, x84
292 11 Bone Tumors

Periosteal Osteosarcoma surface (2) has a glassy grayish appearance and

looks like cartilage. The tumorous tissue is sus-
Osteosarcomas that arise in the parosteal tissue pieiously nodular, and small white foei of calci-
and are therefore extraosseous in origin are fre- fication (3) can be recognized. The tissue in the
quendy described as "juxtacortical osteosarco- center of the tumor (4) is necrotic and loosely
mas". The parosteal osteosarcoma (p. 288), for cystic. The cortex of the femur (5) is complete-
instance, belongs to this category. In addition ly intact, and no tumorous tissue is detectable
to these, however, there are other malignant os- in the marrow cavity (6). Outwardly the tumor
teogenic tumors that run a variable course, is sharply demarcated. No infiltrating growth of
have a variable prognosis and present a vari- the tumor into the neighboring tissues can be
able histological picture. Since each of these tu- confirmed.
mors requires a different therapeutic approach, Histologically a periosteal osteosarcoma con-
it follows that they must be distinguished one sists of tissue that has undergone reIatively lit-
from the other with particular care. The perios- tle differentiation. It is composed of tumorous
teal osteosarcoma is a malignant bone tumor cartilage, tumorous osteoid and sarcomatous
which obviously arises in the periosteum. As stroma, all of which may vary in both amount
well as osteosarcomatous structures it develops and extent. Usually it is the tumorous cartilage
predominantly chondrasarcomatous structures which predominates. In Fig. 549 one can see
and infiltrates the cortex fram without, thus in- shallow, widespread cartilaginous tumor tissue
dicating a high grade of malignancy. This os- (1), containing highly polymorphie cartilage
teosarcoma differs therefore from the parosteal cells, some with small (2) and some with large
osteosarcoma (p. 288). It is a rare bone tumor, dark (3) nudei. The nudei are highly hyper-
making up less than 1% of all osteosarcomas. chromatic, but mitoses are rare. Within the tu-
The main localization is in the tibia or femur, morous cartilage one often finds foei of calcifi-
where it mosdy appears above or below the re- cation (4). In the neighborhood one can see a
gion of the metaphyses or even in the middle highly cellular sarcomatous stroma (5) that has
of the shaft. Very rarely it may be found in the been penetrated by a few blood capillaries (6).
proximal part of the humerus or in the iliac Here, discrete deposits of osteoid are also
bone. Men are rather more frequendy affected recognizable (7). Such tumorous osteoid is
than women. The patients are somewhat older mosdy to be found in the center of the carti-
than those with conventional osteosarcomas. laginous tumorous nodes.
Figure 547 depicts the radiograph of a peri- In Fig. 550 the tumorous cartilage from a
osteal osteosarcoma of the tibial shaft. A focus periosteal osteosarcoma is depicted histologi-
of osteolytic destruction (1) is in contact with cally under higher magnification. In the middle
the outside of the bone. It shows coarse patchy of a loose basophilic myxoid matrix one can
areas of densification and appears to have dis- see cartilage cells of varying sizes with poly-
integrated into dumps. The lesion extends be- morphie nudei. A few nudei (1) are large, an-
yond the border of the bone into the soft parts gular and hyperchromatic. They lie in swollen
on one side, while on the other side it has cre- cells. Usually there are no mitoses present. In
ated wide inlets into the cortex (2). Distally a the tumorous cartilage there are large and
Codman's triangle (3) can be dearlyseen. How- small foei of calcification (2) that have been
ever, the tumor has not invaded the marrow broken open by the sectioning. If this kind of
cavity. malignant cartilaginous tissue is exdusively
The growth process of a periosteal osteosar- present in a juxtacortical tumor without any
coma is dearly discernible in the macroscopic signs of osteoid, we must dassify the tumor as
specimen. Such a tumor in the distal part of a periosteal chondrosarcoma (p. 252). Here the
the femoral shaft can be seen in Fig. 548. The prognosis is significantly better than that of a
femur and the tumor have been sawn through, periosteal osteosarcoma. An exact and reliable
and one is looking at the cut surface. The tu- dassification is only possible after comprehen-
mor (1) is lying up against the outside of the sive reappraisal and histological examination of
bone and bulging into the soft parts. The cut the whole of the tumor material.
Periosteal Osteosarcoma 293

6 6


Fig. 547. Periosteal osteosarcoma (tibial shaft) Fig. 548. Perioste al osteosarcoma
(femoral shaft, cut surface)

Fig. 549. Periosteal osteosarcoma; HE, x64 Fig. 550. Perioste al osteosarcoma; HE, xlOO
294 11 Bone Tumors

Figure 551 shows a radiograph of the proxi- strueture of an osteosareoma. In Fig. 554 there
mal part of the leg with a tumorous layer is a sareomatous stroma (1) with polymorphie
spread widely over the anterior surfaee of the spindle-eells, penetrated by a few vessels (2).
tibial shaft (1) where spieules (2) are dearly Inside one ean see a tangled network of osteoid
diseernible in the periosteum. A Codman's tri- deposits (3). This tumorous osteoid is endosed
angle (3) is also present. Within this periosteal by tumorous osteoblasts (4) with dark poly-
shadow there are patehy regions of translu- morphie nudeL Such struetures in a juxtaeorti-
eeney. The cortex is intaet and there is no inva- eal sareoma indieate the diagnosis of a perios-
sion of the marrow eavity (4) by the tumor. teal osteosareoma. In eontradistinetion to the
A maceration specimen of a periosteal osteo- parosteal sareoma (p. 291) there is a very defi-
sareoma ean be seen in Fig. 552. In the proxi- nite eellular and nudear polymorphy with a
mal part of the humerus there is a wide mass morphologieal pieture already suggesting a
of deeply fissured tumor tissue (1) surrounding high degree of malignaney.
the bone like a mantle (2). Externally it is lobu- As shown in the histological picture of
lated and jagged and it is partly fused with the Fig. 555, other regions of the tumor show a
cortex (3). The cortex (4) is, however, intaet, malignant fibrous stroma (1) in whieh lie nu-
and the tumor has not broken into the marrow merous polymorphie and hyperehromatie spin-
eavity. dle-eells (2) whieh may show mitoses. Under
As ean be seen in the histological picture in higher magnification one ean see in Fig. 556
Fig. 553, the greater part of the tumor eonsists the very pronouneed polymorphy. The nudei
of eartilaginous tissue whieh is lobulated in are exeeedingly hyperehromatie (1), and there
form. One ean reeognize nests of polymorphie are many giant nudei (2) and even multinude-
eartilage eells (1) with dark polymorphie nu- ate giant eells (3) present. Between these tumor
deL Cells with two nudei are often present (2). eells there is a network of tumorous osteoid
This eartilaginous tissue is identieal with that (4).
of a ehondrosareoma (p. 241). It sends out ton- With regard to treatment, the tumor must
gue-shaped processes into the neighborhood without question be eompletely extirpated, to-
(3). In between there is a sareomatous stroma gether with some healthy tissue. With small le-
(4) with dark polymorphie spindle-eells, in sions this may be aehieved by a loeal en bloe
whieh pathologieal mitoses may be present. exeision, but with larger tumors amputation is
In other parts of a periosteal osteosarcoma neeessary. Adjuvant ehemotherapy is to be re-
one may, however, see the dassieal histological eommended. The prognosis is better than with


Fig. 551. Periosteal osteosarcoma (proximal tibia) Fig. 552. Periosteal osteosarcoma (proximal humerus, mac-
eration specimen)
Periosteal Osteosarcoma 295

Fig. 553. Periosteal osteosarcoma; HE, x64 Fig. 554. Periosteal osteosarcoma; van Gieson, x64

Fig. 555. Periosteal osteosarcoma; HE, x84 Fig. 556. Periosteal osteosarcoma; PAS, x84

intraosseous sarcomas, although significantly For these reasons the different varieties of os-
worse than that of the parosteal osteosarcoma. teosarcoma must be diagnostically identified.
296 11 Bone Tumors

High-Grade Surface Osteosarcoma that vary greatly in size (1) and whieh show a
high degree of polymorphy. Many of them have
This malignant bone tumor arises on the surface large dark nucleoli (2), and frequent pathologi-
of a bone and is characterized by its extremely cal mitoses can also be seen. Between these un-
high degree of malignancy. It is a rare malignantdifferentiated spindle-cells there lies a disorga-
bone neoplasm, making up less than 1% of the nized network of tumorous osteoid (3). Necrotic
osteosarcomas, and has only recently been de- foei are also often encountered, and the poly-
scribed as aseparate entity. It appears predomi- morphic-cellular tumorous tissue is penetrated
nantly in the distal part of the femur, and can bya few capillaries (4). The fibro-osseous trabe-
show great radiologieal similarity to a parostealculae seen in a parosteal osteosarcoma (p. 291)
(p. 288) or periosteal (p. 292) osteosarcoma. It are absent, and hardly any tumorous bone trabe-
can, however, also attack other bones. culae have differentiated out. Even the tumorous
In Fig. 558 one can see the radiograph of a cartilaginous tissue found in periosteal osteosar-
high-grade surface osteosarcoma in the proxi- comas (p. 295) is not present. In this way the tu-
mal part of the right fibula. The periosteum (1) mor fundamentally differs histologieally from
is ir regular thickened over a considerable dis- other juxtacortieal osteosarcomas.
tance, and has an undulating outer contour. Under higher magnification one can recog-
The underlying bone shows a discrete sclerotie nize in Fig. 561 the extensive deposits of tu-
increase in density (2). Such a radiologieal pie-morous osteoid (1). Between these there are
ture makes one think more of chronic osteomy- abundant polymorphie spindle-cells (2) with
shapeless dark nuclei (3). The prognosis of a
elitis (p. 138) with reactive periostitis ossificans
than of a highly malignant bone tumor, espe- high-grade surface osteosarcoma is the same' as
eially since no bone destruction can be seen. In that of a highly malignant intramedullary os-
the detailed radio graph of such a tumor on the teosarcoma. For this reason, amputation with
shaft of the humerus - shown in Fig. 557 - one supplementary chemotherapy is indicated. Ac-
can see the destructive growth more clearly. cording to the reports so far available, the aver-
The periosteum (1) is markedly thickened and age life expectation is only about 1-2 years.
contains straggly, spicule-like (2) densifications.
The Codman's triangle is obvious (3). The adja-
cent long bone (4) appears to be lightly eroded
from outside. In the neighboring soft parts nu-
merous dense patchy regions can be seen (5).
This proliferatively active tumor expands in all
directions and even infiltrates the cortex of the
nearby bone. As Fig. 559 makes clear, the tumor-
ous growth can be easily recognized macroscop- - - -3
ically. Here we are looking at such a surface os-
teosarcoma on the frontal face of the distal part 5
of the femur (1). It has bulged far into the soft
tissues and appears to be sharply demarcated.
The cut surface consists of grayish-white, bone-
hard tumorous tissue which has infiltrated the
- -4
entire cortex (2). The density of the spongiosa
(3) in this region seems to have sclerotieally in-
creased, although there is no actual macro-
scopic indication that the tumor has invaded
the inside of the bone. In this case only a histo- 2
logieal examination can provide further informa-
Histologically highly undifferentiated tumor-
ous tissue can be seen. In Fig. 560 one recog-
nizes numerous tumor cells with dark nuclei Fig. 557. High-grade surface osteosarcoma (humeral shaft)
High-Grade Surface Osteosarcoma 297

Fig. 558. High-grade surface osteosarcoma Fig. 559. High-grade surface osteosarcoma
(proximal fibula) (distal femur, cut surface)

Fig. 560. High-grade surface osteosarcoma; HE, x64 Fig. 561. High-grade surface osteosarcoma; HE, xlOO
298 11 Bone Tumors

Paget's Osteosarcoma (lCD-O-DA-M-9184/3) tissue flakes like fish flesh (3) with hemor-
rhages and necroses.
About 2% of cases of Paget's osteitis deformans The histological picture of a Paget's osteosar-
(p. 102) develop into an osteosarcoma. This is coma is practically identical to that of an osteo-
an osteoblastic osteosarcoma that arises from sarcoma that is unrelated to a "Paget bone",
the underlying condition, mostly during the 6th although one can also recognize the bone re-
or 7th decade of life and more commonly in modeling of Paget's disease. In Fig. 565 a Pa-
men than in women. The tumor is most often get's osteosarcoma is again depicted. The very
seen in the pelvis, humerus or femur, or in the distorted bone trabeculae with their ir regular un-
spinal column or skuH cap. Those bones are in- dulating borders are striking (1). They show the
volved in which Paget's disease is most likely to mosaic structure of the reversallines (2) which is
occur. The continual remodeling must be re- characteristic of Paget's osteitis deformans. Os-
garded as preneoplastic. The latent period be- teoblasts and osteoc1asts that are still active are
tween the beginning of Paget's disease and the seldom found in a Paget's osteosarcoma. The con-
outbreak of the sarcoma lies between 8 and 10 nective tissue between the bony structures con-
years. An osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, chon- tains fewer blood vessels; it consists of a sarcoma-
drosarcoma or a giant ceH sarcoma may devel- tous stroma in which numerous irregular trabe-
op. A Paget's osteosarcoma has an extremely culae of tumorous osteoid (3) have developed. Os-
bad prognosis, and a life expectation of 5 years teoid structures of this sort do not belong in the
is hardly to be expected. picture of a "Paget bone" and must awake the sus-
In the radiograph the sarcomatous change is picion of a malignant change. Under higher mag-
for a long time masked by the existing Paget nification one can see in Fig. 566 a few au-
transformation. In Fig. 562 one can see the typ- tochthonous trabeculae (1) which showthe mo-
ical spongy bone remodeling of Paget's osteitis saic structure of Paget's disease. In the stroma
deformans, with the lamellar exfoliation of the there is a tangled framework of osteoid trabecu-
cortex, in the olecranon (1), the adjacent part lae (2) upon which osteoblasts have been depos-
of the ulna (2) and in the distal part of the hu- ited.
merus (3). In the olecranon there is a striking
zone of osteolysis (4) that has attacked the cor-
tex. This kind of additional destruction gives
rise to the suspicion of sarcomatous change,
and must be investigated bioptically.
In Fig. 563 one can see in the radiograph an
enormous Paget remodeling of the distal part
of the humerus (1), with honeycomb-like struc-
tures in the spongiosa and cortex. Following a
pathological fracture a plate (2) had been in-
serted for stabilization. Later, a tumorous eleva-
tion of the bone developed at the original frac-
ture site (3), which has brought ab out severe os-
teolytic destruction of the bone. Spongiosa and
cortex have been completely destroyed. One can
see a few straggly patches of densification which
extend far into the adjacent soft parts. This is an
indication of a malignant tumor.
The amputation specimen shown in Fig. 564
shows a large tumor that has macroscopically
taken in the whole of the distal part of the hu-
merus and extended deep into the surrounding
parts (1). In some places this is covered over
by connective tissue (2), in others it has broken
through this barrier and one can see tumorous Fig. 562. Paget osteosarcoma (olecranon)
Paget's Osteosarcoma 299

2 3

Fig. 563. Paget osteosarcoma Fig. 564. Paget osteosarcoma (distal humerus)
(following pathological fracture, distal humerus)

Fig. 565. Paget osteosarcoma; HE, x40 Fig. 566. Paget osteosarcoma; HE, x64
300 11 Bone Tumors

Postradiation Osteosarcoma (ICD-O-DA-M-9180/3) and show a eonsiderable degree of polymorphy

(2). Numerous pathologieal mitoses ean be ob-
When one takes into aeeount the frequeney served. Flattish and trabeeular osteoid strue-
with whieh bones and soft tissues are irra- tures have been deposited (3) which are eharae-
diated, postradiation osteosareomas are eom- teristic of osteosareomas. Within these osteoid
paratively rare. The frequeney is about 0.03% struetures there are also polymorphie eells with
of all previously irradiated eases. In 60% of the shapeless hyperehromatic nudeL One ean also
sareomas it is an osteosareoma which develops, recognize foei of tumorous cartilage (4), which
but fibrosareomas (30%), ehondrosareomas are also polymorphie and have hyperehromatic
(10%) and other malignant bony neoplasms nudeL From this sort of histologieal picture
ean also arise. Mostly it is a predominantly os- alone it is not possible to eondude that the le-
teoblastic osteosarcoma that develops somewhere sion is due to previous irradiation. This ean
in a bone that has been subjected to at least 30 only be obtained from the ease history.
Gy. The time-span between the exposure to ra- Under higher magnification the highly poly-
diation and the appearanee of the tumor is morphie nature of the tumorous tissue is more
variable, and ean be anything between 4 and 43 dearly seen. In Fig. 57l the tumor eells show a
years. However, even shorter latent periods high degree of polymorphy and have dark
have also been deseribed. nudei (1). In between, one ean diseern a net-
A typieal radiological finding ean be seen in work of tumorous osteoid (2) that is ealcified
Fig. 567. Eight years after the irradiation of a gy- in plaees (3). A few dilated eapillaries (4) are run-
neeologieal eareinoma, a 55-year-old woman ning through the tumorous tissue. Postradiation
eomplained of pain in the left side of the pel- osteosareomas grow quickly, their loeal growth is
vis. The radio graph shows a very dense sderotie rapid and hematogenous metastases appear
area (1) in the left iliae bone, dose to the sacrum. early. They have a strong tendeney to reeur. A
The left saeroiliae suture (2) is intaet. The dense strong indieation is therefore required to justify
shadow of the tumor has extended over the iliae either the direet or indireet irradiation of a
crest into the left paravertebral soft tissues (3). In
Fig. 568 it is radiologically dear that the highly
osteosderotic tumor has oeeupied a large part
of the ala of the left iliae bone (1), and that its
borders are indistinet. The upper part of the
iliae crest (2) is feathery and has been pene-
trated by the tumor. Here the left sacroiliac su-
ture (3) is no longer visible, and the tumor
seems to have invaded the vertebral eolumn (4).
In the radiograph (tomogram) shown in
Fig. 569 one ean see that the sternal end of the
left (1) davide is very densely osteosderotie. In
the tomogram the outer eontours of this part of
the bone are undulating and ir regular. The ar-
tieular surfaee of the left sternodavieular joint
is intaet and can be seen. This is the ease of a
16-year-old girl who had been irradiated in this
region 6 years earlier beeause of Hodgkin's dis-
The histological picture of a postradiation
osteosareoma eannot be distinguished from
that of a genuine osteosareoma, although exten-
sive radioosteoneeroses (p. 178) can sometimes
be eonfirmed many years after radiotherapy. In
Fig. 570 one ean see a sareomatous stroma (1) 2
in whieh the nudei are dearly hyperehromatie Fig. 567. Post radiation osteosarcoma (left iliac ala)
Postradiation Osteosarcoma 301

3 ~~----~~----

Fig. 568. Postradiation osteosarcoma (left iliac ala) Fig. 569. Postradiation osteosarcoma
(left clavicle, tomogram)

Fig. 570. Post radiation osteosarcoma; HE, x40 Fig. 571. Postradiation osteosarcoma; HE, x64

bone, and it must be carried out with great care irradiation damage and the possible appearance
and with modern techniques, in order to avoid of a postradiation osteosarcoma.
302 11 Bone Tumors

Bone Sareomas in Bone Infarets cells (5) that have produced collagen fibers, and
in the immediate neighborhood (6) other spin-
A particularly serious complication of an ane- dle-cells run in a different direction (the so-
mic bone infarct (p. 174) is the secondary de- called "herring-bone pattern").
vdopment of a malignant bone tumor. It can be The radiograph in Fig. 575 shows a large de-
imagined that the lengthy process of reparation structive lesion in the proximal part of the fe-
whieh takes place in a bone infarct is an impor- mur. In the center there is a large area of osteo-
tant factor in the pathogenesis of this kind of lysis (1) which is patchy in appearance and in-
sarcoma. This is a secondary malignant bony distinctly bordered. In the distal part there is a
neoplasm that arises at the site of an existing more loosely sclerotic area (2) which is part of
anemic bone infarct. Malignant fibrous histiocy- the original infarct. The lesion is bordered by a
tomas, fibrosarcomas and osteosarcomas have wide region of osteosclerosis (3), whieh has
all been observed in association with this con- also involved the cortex. This sclerotie zone
dition. The risk of a sarcoma developing is also shows signs of patchy destruction (4). A
greatest with those bone infarcts that have a radio graph like this indicates malignant
large medullary component. Local pain, en- growth.
largement of the area of the infarct and an in- Histologically the lesion in Fig. 576 shows
crease of activity in the scintigram suggest that both the morphology of the original bony in-
a sarcoma may be developing. farct (1) and that of a sarcoma (2). In the mar-
In Fig. 572 one can see the histological pic- row cavity one can see necrotie fatty tissue (1)
ture of a typieal anemie bone infarct without without any cells. The bone trabeculae (3) are
any malignant tumorous tissue. The fatty mar- also necrotic and no longer contain osteocytes.
row has been replaced by loose connective tis- In the center there is a sarcomatous stroma (2)
sue (1), in which hardly any intact nuclei are with polymorphie spindle-cells. Peripherally,
present. One area (2) is more strongly fibrosed there is a tangled network of tumorous osteoid
and lightly calcified outside. There is an adja- trabeculae (4), indicating a secondary osteosar-
cent necrotic bone trabecula (3) without any
osteocytes. These calcified structures appear on
the radiograph as patchy densifications in a cir-
cumscribed infarct.
In the radiograph of the distal part of the
right femur shown in Fig. 573, one can recog-
nize uneven bane remodeling in the distal me-
taphysis. There is a large, dense intramedullary
focus (1) which corresponds to a bone infarct.
This focus is indistinctly demarcated. The sur-
rounding bony tissue shows extensive patchy
destruction with coarse regions of increased
density (2) and coarse areas of osteolysis (3).
This process has also involved the cortex (4).
Such a radiologieal picture suggests the pres- 2
ence of a malignant tumor.
The histological picture of a bone biopsy re-
veals the classieal appearance of a fibrosarco-
ma. In Fig. 574 one can see highly cellular tu-
morous tissue with polymorphic spindle-cells
that have dark, polymorphie nuclei (1). In addi-
tion to the roundish nuclei (2) there are some
that are elongated (3) and also often dark giant 3
nuclei (4). Markedly abnormal mitoses are also
usually present. There is a comb-like pattern of
tissue with longitudinally orientated spindle- Fig. 572. Anemic bone infarct; HE, x64
Bone Sarcomas in Bone Infarets 303


Fig. 573. Bone sareoma arising in a bone infaret Fig. 574. Seeondary fibrosarcoma in a previous bone in-
(right distal femur) faret; HE, x64


Fig. 575. Bone sarcoma in a previous bone infaret Fig. 576. Secondary osteosareoma in a previous bone in-
(proximal femur) faret; HE, x40
304 11 Bone Tumors

coma. A bone sarcoma like this develops after mas with this etiology can appear at any age,
about 10-15 years, particularly in patients with though mostly in older patients. The main 10-
multiple bone infarcts. One has to say, however, calization is in the region of the knee, and par-
that the development of such a sarcoma in ticularly in the distal part of the femur. Those
these cases is somewhat uncommon. patients with a sickle-cell anemia, who often
The secondary sarcoma which arises at the have several bone infarcts, are particularly pre-
site of a bone infarct is most usually a malig- disposed towards secondary sarcomas. Treat-
nant fibrous histiocytoma. Of these tumors, ment must be directed against each individual
0.6% develop in the region of a bone infarct. In bone sarcoma. Amputation is usually necessary,
Fig. 577 one can see the macroscopic appear- or at least complete extirpation of the tumor.
ance of one of these tumors in the distal part With a secondary osteosarcoma supplementary
of the femur. On the sawn surface one can see chemotherapy is also indicated.
a grayish-white map-like area (1) which repre- Osseous bone tumors arise directly from the
sents the old anemic bone infarct. The spongio- bone tissue, and are characterized by mature
sa in the surrounding tissue is locally grayish- and immature bone and also by osteoid. Imma-
red and rather faded (2). This is tumorous tis- ture bone tissue consists of fibro-osseous trabe-
sue, which reaches proximally into the shaft of culae (as found, for instance, in an ossifying
the femur (3). In one place the cortex has been bone fibroma, p. 316), in which the connective
infiltrated and broken through (4). The malig- tissue stroma predominates and justifies our
nant tumorous tissue has spread out into the classifying this tumor as a connective tissue
parosteal soft tissue (5) and come to rest as a bone tumor. In an osteoma (p. 256) there is
large neoplastic mass (5). At the site of the practically only fully mature and mineralized
original biopsy (6) an intraosseous hematoma bone tissue present: either cortical (osteoma er-
has appeared. burneum) or cancellous (osteoma spongiosum).
In the histological picture there is highly cel- Trabecular or even more extensive deposition
lular, obviously malignant tumorous tissue. In of tumorous osteoid is characteristic of an os-
Fig. 578 this tissue consists exclusively of teoid osteoma (p. 260) or an osteoblastoma
densely packed histiocytes (1) with dark, var- (p. 264). Altogether there are 16 different vari-
iously sized, polymorphic nuclei (2). The cells eties of osseous bone tumors, some of which
have an extensive cytoplasm which is in places (e. g. the bone island, p. 274) are either "tumor-
pale, in places eosinophilic, and in which pha- like lesions" or could be classified under "local
gocytosed particles can sometimes be stored. skeletal dysplasia".
There are focal deposits of infiltrating lympho- The localization of these tumors inside the
cytes (3). A few dilated capillaries (4) have also bone is completely variable and arbitrary. Os-
penetrated the tumorous tissue. Within this tis- teomas, osteoid osteomas and osteoblastomas
sue, only isolated collagen fibers are visible, can appear in diaphyses, metaphyses or epi-
whereas other histiocytomas have a dense con- physes. The osteoid frequently develops in the
centration of collagen fibers forming a stori- cortex ("cortical" osteoid osteoma, p. 260).
form pattern (p. 329). Pathological mitoses may Most primary osteosarcomas, however, are situ-
also be observed in the tumor cells. Around the ated in the metaphysis. An ordinary osteosarco-
edges there are a few newly developed fibrous ma develops within the bone and infiltrates
bone trabeculae (5). Tumorous bony trabeculae with destruction of the cortex into the sur-
or tumorous osteoid which might suggest an rounding parts. A particular group of osteosar-
osteosarcoma are absent. This kind of morpho- comas comprises the so-called surface osteo-
logical picture seen in a bone biopsy would sarcomas, which develop on the outer surface
suggest the diagnosis of a malignant fibrous of a bone (e. g. the high-grade surface osteosar-
histiocytoma. In an amputation specimen the comas, p. 296), or take their origin from the
histological structures seen in a bone infarct periosteum or parosteal soft tissues (periosteal
must be present in order to confirm the origin osteosarcoma, p. 292; parosteal osteosarcoma,
of the sarcoma in such alesion. The prognosis p. 288). The prognosis of these varies greatly
of a malignant fibrous histiocytoma is not in- from tumor to tumor (high-grade surface os-
fluenced by the antecedent infarct. Bone sarco- teosarcoma, relatively "benign" parosteal osteo-
Bone Sarcomas in Bone Infarcts 305

2 5

Fig. 577. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma in a bone infarct Fig. 578. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma; HE, x40
(distal femur, cut surface)

sareoma) and must be precisely distinguished Histologically an osteosareoma ean eontain

from one another sinee the subsequent treat- extraordinarily variable tumorous tissue, which
ment also differs greatly. may be eomposed of eompletely different kinds
Radiologically we are aware of both osteoly- of tissue. In the middle of a sareomatous stro-
tie and osteosclerotie (osteoblastie) tumors, de- ma with polymorphie nucleated spindle-eells
pending on the degree of mineralization. An and many pathologieal mitoses, tissue res em-
osteoma eburneum, for instanee, presents itself bling that of a ehondrosareoma (p. 236), a fi-
as a very dense foeus of bone tissue; an osteoid brosareoma (p. 330), a malignant fibrous histio-
osteoma (p. 260) and even more so an osteo- eytoma (p. 324), an osteoclastoma (p. 337), a
blastoma (p. 264) shows a eentral region of hemangiosareoma (p. 376), a hemangioperiey-
translueeney. Here, the radiographie density of toma (p. 374), an aneurysmal bone eyst
the tumorous osteoid depends upon the degree (p. 412) or a Ewing sareoma (p. 352) ean arise.
of mineralization. Very variable pietures are The deeisive diagnostie eriterion for an osteo-
presented by the different types of osteosareo- sareoma is the presenee of tumorous osteoid.
ma. In osteolytie sareomas (p. 274) the sareo- This variable and mixed neoplastie picture in
matous stroma of the tumorous tissue predomi- an osteosareoma naturally brings serious diag-
nates, and aetivated osteoclasts have destroyed nostie problems in its wake. If only one kind of
and broken up the autoehthonous bony tissue. tissue is found in a biopsy this leads inevitably
In osteoblastie osteosareomas, on the other to an ineorreet histologieal diagnosis. If, for ex-
hand, massive amounts of osteoid are produeed ample, only the struetures peeuliar to an aneu-
by the osteoblasts, and these are heavily miner- rysmal bone eyst (without unambiguous tu-
alized and strongly absorb radiation. The tu- morous osteoid) is found in the biopsy materi-
morous eartilage in a ehondroblastie osteosar- al, the pathologist ean do nothing but diagnose
coma shows fine patehy ealcifieation radiologi- an aneurysmal bone eyst. Similarly, if he sees
eally, like a ehondrosareoma (p. 236). only the struetures of a giant eell tumor, the di-
306 11 Bone Tumors

agnosis is "osteoclastoma". Here it is absolutely ious types of osteosarcoma is of great impor-

essential that he takes empirical factors (e. g. tance for the treatment, which nowadays fol-
the patient's age in the case of an osteoclastoma lows the so-called COSS protocol.
is about 30 years, with an osteosarcoma about Under the COSS protocol ("co-operative os-
20-25 years) and, most important of all, the ra- teosarcoma study") the patient, following the
diological findings into account (in an osteo- diagnosis by biopsy of an osteosarcoma, at first
clastoma, for instance, there may be extensive receives chemotherapy (for ab out 3 months)
osteolysis in the epiphysis; in an osteosarcoma, and then undergoes surgical removal of the tu-
destruction in the metaphysis). mor (excision or amputation). After that, the
It can be extremely difficult, even when ex- specimen removed at operation is histologically
amining the material removed at operation, to examined for the amount of necrotic tumor tis-
diagnose this kind of tumor correctly. The sue produced under the influence of the che-
pathognomonic criteria for the recognition of motherapy empIoyed (determination of the de-
tumorous osteoid may be minimal (this is often gree of necrosis). This is to decide whether the
the case in a telangiectatic osteosarcoma, for tumor tissue has reacted as a "responder" or a
instance, p. 280). Or else one finds the classical "non-responder". If it is a "responder", the
histological picture of an osteoclastoma, with same chemotherapy is continued postoperative-
tiny focal deposits of osteoid which may be en- Iy as a prophylactic measure against recurrence
tirely of a reactive nature. In such cases the and possible metastases. In the case of a "non-
pathologist must decide upon one diagnosis or responder" it is varied in order to avoid metas-
the other, and he may be completely wrong. tases.
What is more, the distinction between the var-
Fibrous Tissue Bone Tumors 307

Fibrous Tissue Bone Tumors partieularly as some of them ean undergo

spontaneous remission. Beeause of their radio-
Introductory Remarks logical appearanee and their clinieal course
some of them are included among the "tumor-
Ihe skeletal system, which develops from mes- like bone lesions" (p. 407).
enehymal tissue, is eharaeterized principally by The classical neoplastie type of this group is
bone and eartilaginous tissue. In addition, the "osseous fibroma", of whieh the fibrosareo-
however, there are other differentiated tissues ma of bone (p. 330) is the malignant variant.
from whieh neoplasms ean also develop. Ihis Whereas the latter is undisputably neoplastie in
includes the eonneetive tissue which lies be- nature, the term "osseous fibroma" covers
tween the trabeeulae and lines the Haversian strueturally different variants. If the lesion eon-
eanals. Ihe essential tumor-forming eells are sists exclusively of a loeal inerease in eonnee-
the fibroblasts, which have the ability to pro- tive tissue, we speak of a "non-ossifying fibro-
duee collagen fibers, that is to say eonneetive ma" (p. 308); but if many foam eells are also
tissue, within these tumors. For this reason a present, it is a "xanthofibroma" (p. 312). With
eonneetive tissue framework is eharacteristie of lesions of this kind it is important to determine
the eomponents of this group of neoplasms. whether the proeess arose within the bone, or
Such tumors predominantly arise in those parts whether it developed in the periosteal eonnee-
of a bone where the fibromatous elements are tive tissue and eroded the bone from without.
ontogenetically differentiated; namely, in the Inside the proliferating eonneetive tissue large
marrow eavity or in the region of the perios- numbers of bone trabeeulae ean differentiate,
teum (see also Fig. 378 and p. 210). built up by osteoblasts. We refer then to an
In the classifieation of bone tumors (Iable 3, "ossifying osseous fibroma" (p. 316). With fi-
p. 209) this group of neoplasms present a par- brous bone dysplasia (p. 318) numerous fibro-
tieular problem, sinee it is often not possible to osseous trabeeulae take origin direetly from the
decide with any eertainty whether one is deal- eonneetive tissue stroma, without any eontribu-
ing with a true bone tumor or a reactive bony tion from osteoblasts. It is therefore neeessary
lesion. Ihe tissue reaets loeally or systemieally when confronted by a eonneetive tissue neo-
to every coneeivable bone lesion with prolifera- plasm of bone to observe what additional prod-
tion of the loeal eonneetive tissue. In the ease uets of differentiation are present in order to
of a fraeture (p. 114) or in the presenee of os- be able to classify the lesion precisely.
teomyelitis (p. 129), fiber-rieh sear tissue devel- Ihis variable morphological picture is also
ops during the healing phase, and this ean easi- refleeted in the radiological ehanges projeeted
ly give the impression radiologieally of a grow- by the bone. With proliferation of the eonnee-
ing tumor. In a ease of primary hyperparathy- tive tissue alone, there is an intraosseous osteo-
roidism, fibrous tissue is formed in the marrow lytic foeus that is often referred to in general as
eavity (p. 80) and a so-ealled "brown tumor" a "bony eyst". With benign lesions it is often
(Figs. 150-152 and p. 85) may develop. Loeal surrounded by a reaetive marginal sclerosis.
malformations of the skeleton be assoeiated Ihe differentiation of mineralized bone trabe-
with an inerease in the eonneetive tissue or of eulae gives the radiographie representation of
a conneetive tissue replaeement of the loeal the lesion a shadowy internal strueture. Ihis
bony tissue. This applies partieularly to fibrous may be an almost homogeneous appearanee as
bone dysplasia (p. 56). Some of these loeal eon- of frosted glass, involving the whole of the le-
neetive tissue proliferations are unambiguously sion. Ihere may, however, even be fine and
reaetive in eharaeter (e. g. eonneetive tissue eoarse patehes of densifieation within the tu-
fracture eallus, osteomyelitie searring); others mor, brought into existenee by tumorous bone
ean be identified as true neoplasms (a desmo- formation or the deposition of calcium. Finally,
plastie fibroma, p. 322; or a fibrosareoma, we frequently also see trabeeular ehanges in
p. 330). Ihe true tumorous nature of a whole strueture whieh make the lesion appear to be
range of benign eonneetive tissue bone lesions multieamerate.
is, however, eontroversial and open to question,
308 11 Bone Tumors

Non-ossifying Bone Fibroma (lCD-O-DA-M-7494/0) this focus is sharply bordered by an undulating

band of marginal sclerosis (3), so that a typical
One of the most frequently occurring bone grape-like configuration is seen. The cortex is
neoplasms in young people is the non-ossifying narrowed but intact, and there is no periosteal
bone fibroma. This is a sharply circumscribed reaction.
osteolytic defect, wh ich is usually eccentrically Multiple non-ossifying bone fibromas can
situated in the metaphysis of a long bone and arise in different bones of the skeleton or even
wh ich follows an absolutely benign course. It is in the same bone. In Fig. 582 one can see sev-
frequently recognized by chance, or reveals it- eral osteolytic foei in a radiograph of the distal
self by causing a pathological fracture. The true part of the femur, both in the region of the me-
neoplastic nature of this defect is disputed, taphysis (1) and in the adjacent diaphysis (2).
since spontaneous remissions are often ob- These foei are eccentrically situated in the bone
served, and surgical treatment is not necessari- and are sharply bordered by an undulating
ly indicated. Probably it is more a matter of 10- strip of marginal sclerosis. The cortex in this
cal dis turban ce of ossification in the growing region is narrowed from within (3) and in
region of a bone than a true neoplasm. Histo- places the bone is expanded externally (4). The
logically the tumor shows a fibro- histiocytic or cortex is, however, fully intact and there is no
histiocytic-granulomatous formation, and is visible periosteal reaction. Within these grape-
therefore often classified under the osseous his- like osteolytic foci there is some increase in the
tiocytomas. density of the trabeculae. In the distal part of
Although the proportion of non-ossifying the femur there is a confluence of several such
bone fibromas is about 5% of those benign foei. Such a confluence can be recognized dis-
bone neoplasms seen on the operating table, tally (5) and similar foci are visible proximally
the true frequency rate is considerably higher (6). Radiologically one receives the general im-
and may be nearer 30%, since many cases are pression of a benign osteolytic process that can
not discovered or only observed radiologically, be recognized as a multifocal non-ossifying
and are therefore not treated. bone fibroma. With a radiological picture such
as this no bioptical investigation or surgical
Loca/ization (Fig. 579). The prineiple site is in treatment is necessary. There is, however, the
the long bones of the lower limb (femur, tibia, danger of a pathological fracture which will re-
fibula), with far the greater number of neo- quire surgical stabilization. During the opera-
plasms appearing in the distal femoral meta- tion it is usual to remove tumorous tissue for
physis. The tumor arises immediately adjacent histological examination. The defect is filled up
to the epiphyseal plate and shifts with the with spongiosa. Spontaneous healing can, how-
growth of the skeleton slowly into the metaphy- ever, gradually take place. In rare cases very
sis and neighboring region of the diaphysis. We large non-ossifying bone fibromas can develop
have also frequently found these tumors in the which take up the entire width of the shaft and
bones of the jaw and occasionally in the short significantly elevate this segment of the long
tubular bones. bone. A pathological fracture may even produce
a local reactive periostitis ossificans, and the
Age Distribution (Fig. 580). This lesion is con- lesion may be demarcated by a broad area of
fined almost entirely to the first 3 decades of irregular osteosclerosis. Such a radiological
life, 70% of them appearing during the 2nd de- appearance may easily give the impression of a
cade. Cases detected later than this have prob- malignant bone tumor which must then be
ably been there a long time. investigated by means of an extensive bone
The radiograph of Fig. 581 shows a classical biopsy. The usually very characteristic histo-
non-ossifying bone fibroma in the distal femo- logical appearance of the morphology of this
ral metaphysis. At some distance from the epi- lesion then points almost immediately to the
physeal plate (1) a cystic zone of osteolysis is diagnosis of an absolutely benign non-ossifying
lying eccentrically in the metaphysis (2), bone fibroma.
aligned along the long axis of the bone and Most expanding cystic lesions of a rib are
with one side adjacent to the cortex. Internally cases of monostotic fibrous bone dysplasia
Non-ossifying Bone Fibroma 309






3.6% (Proximal fibula) 23.5% (proximaltibia)


_ > 15 % 18.4% (Distal tibia)

> 10% 5.1 % (Distal fibula) o

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
0 < 10% Decade of life

Fig. 579. Localization of the non-ossifying bone fibromas Fig. 580. Age distribution of the non-ossifying bone fibro-
(468 cases); others: 14.3% mas (468 cases)

3 4

6 2

Fig. 581. Non-ossifying bone fibroma Fig. 582. Multiple non-ossifying bone fibromas
(distal femoral metaphysis ) (distal femur, lateral and a.p. views)
310 11 Bone Tumors

(p. 318), and only rarely is there an underlying neighborhood there is a large complex of foam
non-ossifying bone fibroma. Such alesion is re- cells (3). All the nuclei are isomorphie and con-
sected en bloc. Figure 583 shows such a resec- tain no mitoses. At the edge one can recognize
tion of the 10th left rib. Macroscopically one a sclerotieally thickened trabecula (4) on which
can see grayish-white frayed tissue within the rows of osteoblasts (5) and a few osteoclasts (6)
section of the rib (1), which encloses several hol- have been deposited. This shows signs of reac-
low cystie spaces (2). A pathological fracture tive bone remodeling in the surroundings of
runs through the center (3). The periosteum the non-ossifying bone fibroma, which may
here is widened and bulges considerably (4), produce an increase of activity in the scinti-
and the cut surface reveals a glassy grayish con- gram, revealing progressive proliferation.
nective tissue that also suggests tumorous tissue. Under higher magnification one can see in
Some non-ossifying bone fibromas announce Fig. 587 many collagen fibers with isomorphic
their presence with a pathologieal fracture. In elongated oval nuclei, in whieh mitoses are only
Fig. 584 one can see radiologically a wide gap- rarely present (1). In between, a few small giant
ing fracture line (1) in the distal part of the ti- cells with up to 10 nuclei are lying (2). In one
bia. This runs through an intraosseous osteoly- place a small blood capillary has been sec-
tic focus (2) which is bordered by a narrow tioned (3). Lymphocytes and histiocytie cellular
grape-like band of marginal sclerosis (3). The elements are present. Older non-ossifying bone
position and form of this lesion on the radio- fibromas are poor in cells and can be largely
graph makes it possible to recognize a non-os- hyalinized. In some tumors, foci of giant cells
sifying bone fibroma. The pathological fracture with many nuclei may be present, so that one
has produced slight widening and darkening of could assume histologically that this is an os se-
the adjacent periosteum (i.e. reactive periostitis ous giant cell tumor. The latter, however, devel-
ossificans) (4). The youth of this patient (16 ops in the epiphyses (p. 337), whereas the non-
years) is revealed by the continued presence of ossifying bone fibroma arises in the metaphy-
epiphyseal cartilage (5). During the osteosyn- sis. The combined examination of radio graph
thetic treatment of the fracture one would take and histologieal section should here lead to the
the opportunity in such a case to curette the fi- correct diagnosis.
bromatous tissue of the tumor and submit it to
histological examination.
As can be seen in the histological picture of
Fig. 585, the defect has been filled up with a
highly fibrous connective tissue in which no
bony structures are present. The collagen fibers
form whorls which are plaited together with
one another. Only a few fine-walled blood ves-
sels (1) are encountered. The numerous small
giant cells (2) that lie scattered irregularly
throughout the tumorous tissue are striking.
Foam cells mayaiso be present. The fibrous tis- 4
sue of the tumor lies immediately adjacent to
the sclerotically densified bone tissue (3). There
are reactive newly formed fibro-osseous trabe-
culae with layers of deposited osteoblasts which
are responsible for the characteristie marginal
sclerosis of this lesion.
The typieal histological picture of a non-os-
sifying bone fibroma is shown in Fig. 586. One
can observe the loose connective tissue depos-
ited in plaited whorls (1) which contains nu-
merous sturdy fibroblast nuclei (2). Many of
these cells are seen to be histiocytes. In the Fig. 583. Non-ossifying bone fibroma (rib, cut surface)
Non-ossifying Bone Fibroma 311



Fig. 584. Non-ossifying bone fibroma with pathological Fig. 585. Non-ossifying bone fibroma; HE, x20
fracture (distal tibial metaphysis )

Fig. 586. Non-ossifying bone fibroma; HE, x40 Fig. 587. Non-ossifying bone fibroma; HE, x51
312 11 Bone Tumors

Xanthofibroma of Bone (lCD-O-DA-M-8831/0) mucoid stroma with a few reticulin fibers run-
ning in various directions. There are no speeific
This is an absolutely benign tumorous bone le- cellular elements (e. g. chondroblasts, lipoblasts,
sion that is closely related clinically and mor- rhabdomyoblasts). The tumor is weakly vascu-
phologically to the non-ossifying bone fibroma, larized, and the few capillaries do not show the
and can only be distinguished radiologically by plexiform arrangement found in embryonic li-
a more nearly circular area of osteolysis, and poblastic tissue. Clinically the neoplasm mani-
histologically by the predominance of foam cell fests a slow growth that brings about eircum-
complexes. It is therefore solely a variant of the scribed osteolysis in the bone. Although it can
non-ossifying bone fibroma. The appearance of give the impression radiologically of an aggres-
histiocytic cellular elements confirms its dose sively growing tumor, it is a benign lesion for
relations hip to the benign histiocytoma which conservative surgieal treatment is suffi-
(p. 322). This benign tumor is found mostly in eient. In this, the bony myxoma distinguishes
young adults. itself from the myxomas of the jaw bones
In the radiograph of Fig. 588 one can see a whieh appear in young adult life (2nd and 3rd
roundish osteolytic focus (1) in the distal tibial decades) and have a tendency to recur.
metaphysis lying eccentrically in the bone. It is In the radiograph shown in Fig. 590 one can
sharply demarcated on all sides by a band of see a fibromyxoma of the femoral neck. One re-
marginal sderosis which is broader ne ar the in- cognizes a zone of osteolysis which has at one
side of the bone (2) than dose to the cortex. point eroded the cortex (1) lying eccentrically
The surrounding cancellous framework (3) is within the bone. The cortex has not, however,
unaltered. Within the defect one can recognize been penetrated and there is no periosteal reac-
the internal irregular trabecular structure. The tion. The osteolytic focus has an indistinct bor-
bone of the tibia is slightly elevated in this re- der and stretches right into the femoral neck
gion. The outer contour is, however, completely and greater trochanter. Within the focus one
intact and there is no periosteal reaction. can see ir regular patchy and straggly densifica-
As is shown in Fig. 589, extensive complexes tions, and around this a patchy osteosderosis
of foam cells make up the histological picture. predominates. The whole of the neck is ex-
These foam cells (1) have an abundant, very panded by the destructive osteolytic process.
pale cytoplasm which contains lipids and small Histologically one can see in Fig. 591 that
round centrally-placed nudei. These are histio- the tumorous tissue consists of a very loose
cytie cells, and other histiocytes are also pre- myxoid matrix (1) which is poor in cellular
sent (2). Collagen fibers (3) run between the content. A considerable distance apart from
foam cells, giving the tissue a swirling appear- each other there are isomorphie elongated or
ance. They have narrow elongated connective stellate connective tissue cells with small iso-
tissue nudei. In such alesion one often finds morphie nudei. There are no mitoses. Other
foei of highly cellular granulation tissue with cellular elements, particularly chondroblasts,
infiltrates of lymphocytes and plasma cells. are not present. In some pi aces there is the sug-
gestion of a lobular formation, where areas of
connective tissue with loose collagen fibers (2)
Fibromyxoma of Bone (lCD-O-DA-M-8811/0) form a border to the myxomatous zones. They
contain narrow isomorphic fibrocyte nudei and
This is a primary bone neoplasm often found narrow capillaries. Whereas myxoid degenera-
in the jaw bones but seldom seen elsewhere. As tive foei are also present in other tumors (e. g.
in other sites (heart or skeletal muscles) it is a chondromyxoid fibromas, p. 230; fibrosarcomas,
true bone neoplasm which is benign, and which p. 330), the fibromyxomas consist exdusively of
consists of star-shaped cells in the middle of a such structures.
Fibromyxoma of Bone 313

Fig. 588. Osseous xanthofibroma (distal tibial metaphysis ) Fig. 589. Osseous xanthofibroma; HE, x40

Fig. 590. Osseous fibromyxoma (left femoral neck) Fig. 591. Osseous fibromyxoma; PAS, x25
314 11 Bone Tumors

Metaphyseal Fibrous Cortical Defect Fibroblastic Periosteal Reaction

(ICD-O-DA-M-7 491/0) (ICD-O-DA-M-4900/0)

A fibrous bone tumor can develop within a Connective tissue proliferation is by no means
bone (non-ossifying bone fibroma, p. 308), or the inevitable sign of a bone tumor, even when
it can arise in the periosteum and then force its it appears to be so on the radiograph. A fibro-
way into the bone from outside. The metaphy- blastic periosteal reaction is a non-tumorous
seal fibrous cortical defect is a relatively sm all proliferation of the periosteal connective tissue -
osteolytic lesion of the cortex in the region of mostly in the region of the distal femoral meta-
the metaphysis of a long bone that is brought physis of young people - which leads to rough-
into being by a local proliferation of the perios- ening of the cortex. This type of lesion, which
teal connective tissue. As a rule the lesion can lead to considerable difficulty in interpret-
causes no symptoms and shows exactly the ing the radio graph, is also known as "periosteal
same histological tissue pattern as an intraos- desmoid". No sort of osteoblastic periosteal re-
seously situated non-ossifying bone fibroma action is present. The cortex is neither eroded
(p. 311). It is probably no true bone neoplasm, nor penetrated, it is only considerable loosened
but rather a local developmental disorder of the on the outer surface, so that it gives the im-
growing bone. This type of lesion is almost al- pression of spicules. This is a harmless altera-
ways found in children and young people and, tion whieh is often seen in this region in ado-
being harmless, is usually encountered by lescents, particularly when they go in for sport
chance. (cyeling, football). If one is familiar with its ra-
In the radiograph one can see such a meta- diological appearance no bioptie investigation
physeal cortical defect (Fig. 592) in the distal is necessary (so-called "leave-me-alone lesion").
femoral metaphysis. At one place (1) the cortex In the radiograph one sees in lateral view
appears to have been eroded from without, (Fig. 594) the distal femoral metaphysis of a
forming an indentation that is enelosed inside young person (epiphyseal plate still present, 1)
the bone by osteoselerosis. Within this indenta- where a thickening of the periosteum (2) is
tion a discrete soft tissue shadow can be seen. visible extending over the surface of the cortex
The lesion is limited to the cortex and does not (3). The cortex in this region is selerotically
extend into the cancellous region of the bone. densified and appears on the outer side to be
It is relatively small. The bony structure of the slightly roughened. A minor degree of cancel-
adjacent cortex and spongiosa is unremarkable. lous selerosis (4) is also recognizable here. Un-
Histologically one can see in Fig. 593 how like the fibrous cortical defect (p. 314) the cor-
the proliferating tissue presses up against the tex itself has not been eroded. Radiologically
cortex (1). The latter displays lamellar layering there are no signs of the bony structures of
and small osteocytes; it has an undulating bor- periostitis ossificans in this region.
der at which osteoblasts have been deposited. Histologically the cortex is often signifi-
The proliferating tissue consists of highly cellu- cantly thickened and sometimes splintered. In
lar connective tissue, which is in part straggly Fig. 595 it shows an undulating outer border
(2) and in part formed into whorls (3), with (1). One recognizes a loose, elosely adjacent
elongated isomorphie fibrocytes and fibroblasts. connective tissue (2) formed from parallel bun-
There are no mitoses. Noteworthy are a few dIes of collagen fibers together with thin-walled
small scattered multinueleate giant cells (4). vessels (3). Very regularly shaped fibrocytes
Histiocytes and foam cells mayaiso be present. with spindle-shaped nuelei (4) and fibroblasts
have been laid down. There is no inflammatory
Fibroblastic Periosteal Reaction 315

Fig. 592. Fibrous cortical defect (distal femoral metaphysis ) Fig. 593. Fibrous cortical defect; HE, x25

Fig. 594. Fibroblastic periosteal reaction Fig. 595. Fibroblastic periosteal reaction; van Gieson, x64
(distal femoral metaphysis )
316 11 Bone Tumors

Ossifying Bone Fibroma (lCD-O-DA-M-9262/0) Osteofibrous Bone Dysplasia (Campanacci)

In many connective tissue bone tumors there is There are structural transitions between fibrous
a more or less vigorous differentiation of bone bone dysplasia and an ossifying bone fibroma.
trabeculae which represent a product of the tu- Osteofibrous bone dysplasia is a slow growing
mor. An ossifying bone fibroma is a benign tu- osteofibrous bone lesion of the long bones, wh ich
mor which presents as a central fibro-osseous le- most often attacks the tibia in children under 10
sion principally in the jaw bones. It undergoes years and shows great histological similarity to
slow and expansive growth and can reach a an ossifying bone fibroma. The lesion develops
large size, thus causing facial deformity. About in the shaft of a long bone and leads to a pro-
90% of these benign neoplasms develop in gressive deformity. Very often there is destruc-
adults in the mandible. They often remain with- tion of the cortex and a bony periosteal reac-
out symptoms for a long time, but must. be- tion. In some cases it may coincide with an
cause of their continuous growth, be removed adamantinoma of the long bones (p. 378).
surgically. This tumor is only very rarely found When examining such alesion histologically
in other parts of the skeleton. It has been de- one should therefore always look for that kind
scribed in the tibia, but that is probably more of tumorous structure.
likely to be osteofibrous dysplasia (p. 316). The In Fig. 598 one can see the radio graph of an
maturation of fibrous bone dysplasia (p. 318) osteofibrous bone dysplasia. The middle of the
into an ossifying bone fibroma and finally into shaft of a child's tibia is raised up into a curve
an osteoma (p. 256) has been discussed. (1), over which the outer cortex is preserved
In the radio graph of Fig. 596 an ossifying and has a smooth border. No periosteal reac-
bone fibroma can be recognized in the left side tion can be seen. Inside the lesion one can rec-
of the mandible (1). There is a sharply dem ar- ognize straggly ir regular densifications enclos-
cated slightly elliptical shadow lying in the cen- ing cyst-like osteolytic foci (2) which give it a
ter of the bone. In the middle of this shadowy honeycomb-like appearanee. These types of os-
zone, faint flaky translucencies prevent the pic- teolytic foci also lie in the cortex.
ture from being homogeneous. During the first The histological picture shows either a great
stage of the growth of the tumor, an osteolytic similarity to fibrous dysplasia (p. 321) or to an
focus may even be present. The surrounding ossifying bone fibroma. In Fig. 599 one can
bone (2) is osteoporotic and porous, and in one recognize a gnarled network of both broad and
pI ace (3) the marginal sclerosis reaches into the narrow fibro-osseous trabeculae (1) which are
cortex. There is no periosteal reaction. pI ai ted together and contain numerous osteo-
Figure 597 shows the typical histological pic- eytes. They support rows of osteoblasts of vary-
ture of an ossifying bone fibroma. One can rec- ing density (2), which mayaIso, however, often
ognize the fibromatous stroma (1) with numer- be absent. Between these bony structures there
ous thin, isomorphic fibrocyte nuclei in whieh is loose conneetive tissue (3) with numerous
no mitoses ean be seen. The highly cellular small, narrow fibrocyte nuclei which are iso-
connective tissue is threaded through by a few morphie and free from mitoses. Many small
fine-walled dilated capillaries (2). There are de- capillaries (4) are running through this stroma.
posits of fibro-osseous trabeculae (3) of varying Sometimes infiltrates of lymphoeytes and plas-
widths and lengths which make up a coarse un- ma cells are eneountered. This benign bone le-
even network. Unlike the situation in fibrous sion which is found predominantly in the cor-
dysplasia (p. 321), the bone trabeculae are cov- tex should be completely removed by en bloc
ered with dense rows of activated osteoblasts resection which passes through healthy tissue.
(4). They contain many osteocytes and are min- If there are remnants left behind one should be
eralized to varying extents. In the mature tu- prepared for a recurrence. Malignant change is
mor, mature lamellar bone trabeculae are pre- not to be expected, but a malignant second tu-
sent. mor must nevertheless be excluded.
Osteofibrous Bone Dysplasia (Campanacci) 317

3 2
Fig. 596. Ossifying bone fibroma (left side of lower jaw) Fig. 597. Ossifying bone fibroma; HE, x30

Fig. 598. Campanacci's osteofibrous bone dysplasia Fig. 599. Campanacci's osteofibrous bone dysplasia;
(tibial shaft) HE, x51
318 11 Bone Tumors

Fibrous Bone Dysplasia (Jaffe-Lichtenstein) being the more frequently affected. Some cases
(lCD-O-DA-M-7491/0) are asymptomatic and are not observed during
childhood or youth; they then appear later as
This quite common connective tissue bone le- chance findings in adults.
sion was known earlier as "ostitis fibrosa" and In the long bones, fibrous dysplasia leads to
classified under hyperparathyroidism (p. 80). It serious deformities of the skeleton (shepherd's
has, however, been shown that it has nothing to crook curvature of the femoral neck and shaft
do with parathyroid function. Fibrous bone dys- with coxa vara) and in 85% of the cases to a
plasia is a relatively common malformation of pathological fracture. The serum calcium and
the bone-building mesenchyme in which the serum phosphate levels are normal; the serum
bone marrow is replaced by fibrous marrow and alkaline phosphatase may be slightly raised.
the fibrous bone trabeculae remain, owing to Sometimes fibrous bone dysplasia is combined
their failure to be transformed into lamellar - espeeially in girls - with patchy pigmentation
bone. It is aseparate bone disease which gives of the skin, neurological involvement and the
the impression radiologically of "bony cysts" precocious onset of puberty (pubertas praecox
and which, because of its clinical appearance, is - the so-called Albright's syndrome). So far as
classified as a "tumor-like bone lesion". The le- life is concerned, the prognosis is quoad vitam
sion is often found only by chance, and apart good. Before the completion of skeletal growth
from slight dragging pain, or pain following ex- the disease advances in bursts, with the bony
ertion, and slight swelling it usually appears foci growing larger and others possibly appear-
without symptoms. In the lower limb it leads to ing. At puberty, growth of the monostotic form
coxa vara. It can announce its presence with a usually ceases, but the polyostotic form can
pathological fracture. The lesion begins in the also progress after puberty.
metaphyses if the long bones are affected, and A radio graph and the corresponding macro-
encroaches upon the diaphysis. The cortex is scopic speeimen of monostotic bone dysplasia
eroded from within and bowed outwards. The in a rib can be seen in Figs. 95 and 96 respec-
periosteum remains intact, and subperiosteal tively (p. 56).
new bone deposition takes pI ace. With contin- In Fig. 602 one can see the typical radiologi-
ued growth of the lesion there is marked ex- ca! findings with fibrous dysplasia of the femo-
pansion of the affected bone segment, which is ral neck. One can discern a cyst (1) lying in
unstable and bends under the weight of the the center of the bone. It is sharply bordered
body. by marginal sclerosis (2). In this region the cor-
tex has been narrowed from within, but re-
Loca/ization (Fig. 600). The bony foei may be mains intact. The inside of the lesion is bright
monostotic or polyostotic, in which case they and is set through with narrow trabecular
show a certain systemic distribution throughout structures. It extends into the marrow cavity at
the skeleton. We distinguish between a diffuse the proximal part of the femur (3), which is
monostotic type, a monomelic type, a unilat- clearly elevated. Here the internal structure
eral type and a bilateral type. Fibrous bone shows a pale, cloudy ("frosted glass") densifica-
dysplasia is one of the commonest tumorous le- tion.
sions of the ribs, where there is usually a single In the radiograph of Fig. 603 one can see fi-
focus. The monostotic form is to be found brous dysplasia in the proximal part of the ra-
espeeially in the ribs, skull, jaw or proximal dius (1), which has cause the region to bulge
parts of the femur and tibia. The polyostotic outwards. The inside of this lesion is a diffuse
form appears mostly in the scapula, humerus, shadow, the cortex has been eroded from with-
femur or tibia. Sometimes more than 50 foci in and greatly narrowed. The lesion has ex-
can appear simultaneously. tended itself widely and taken up almost the
whole proximal half of the radius. No periosteal
Age Distribution (Fig. 601). This is always a dis- re action can be seen, and the cortex has a
ease of the child's skeleton, and most cases are smooth outer border, indicating the benign na-
observed between 5 and 15 years of age, girls ture of the growth.
Fibrous Bone Dysplasia Oaffe-Lichtenstein) 319

5.3% ( kuli)

22 .4% (Jaw s)

9.5% (Ribs)
4.6% (Humcnls)




2.5% (Dislai femur)

3.4% (Prox imallibia)

2.2% (M idshafi of libis)

_ > 15 %
2.4% (D istal tibia)
_ > 10% o
1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8.
0 < 10 %
Decade 0/ lile

Fig. 600. Localization of the fibrous bone dysplasias Fig. 601. Age distribution of the fibrous bone dysplasias
(325 cases); others: 14.7% (325 cases)

Fig. 602. Fibrous bone dysplasia (femoral neck) Fig. 603. Fibrous bone dysplasia (proximal radius)
320 11 Bone Tumors

The cystic destruction of bone by fibrous In Fig. 606 one can see the histological pic-
bone dysplasia appearing as an intraosseous os- ture of a fibrous bone dysplasia under higher
teolytic focus can take pI ace in a long bone, magnification. The background tissue consists
usually in the metaphysis or more rarely in the of a spindle-cell connective tissue, with some
diaphysis. It is, however, particularly in the fe- densely and some loosely deposited collagen fi-
mur that the destruction process can spread bers (1) that always form small whorls. There is
violendy and sometimes involve two thirds of also a completely irregular arrangement of fi-
the bone. In Fig. 604 this kind of fibrous bone bro-osseous trabeculae (2) which contain many
dysplasia is shown in a radiograph of the prox- small osteocytes. Occasionally one can see in
imal part of the femur. This is from a 7-year- the connective tissue a few multinucleate giant
old child, in whom the condition was progres- cells (3). As a whole the tissue is only poorly
sive. It has brought about an ungainly expan- vascularized. The clefts (4) in the tissue ne ar
sion of the neck of the femur (1) and the adja- the bone trabeculae are artefacts whieh have
cent shaft (2). The femoral angle appears flat- arisen during the preparation of the slide. The
tened (3). Inside the bone one can discern a rows of small cells with dark roundish nuclei
diffuse cloudy shadowing with translucent (5) are striking; these are probably small inac-
areas, where trabecular and septum-like densifi- tive osteoblasts. Such structures are occasion-
cations (4) have given the lesion a polycystic ally found in fibrous dysplasia, whieh may
appearance. One refers to the "frosted glass" make the distinction between it and the ossify-
look of the bone focus. In some places the cor- ing osteofibroma (p. 317) difficult. In general,
tex has been eroded from within and narrowed, however, the fibro-osseous trabeculae of fibrous
in others it is reactively thiekened and scle- dysplasia lack the layers of activated osteo-
rosed. It is nevertheless completely intact, and blasts. Moreover, the bone trabeculae usually
one can see outside the sharp demarcation line have no osteoid seams.
without thickening of the periosteum or any The characteristic histological picture of fi-
bony periosteal reaction. brous bone dysplasia is shown in Fig. 607. One
In the histological picture of Fig. 605, one can observe a richly fibrous background tissue
can see the inside of such a focus where, in- (1) in which lie variously dense collections of
stead of the normal lamellar layering of the fibrocytes and fibroblasts. These have narrow
cancellous bone, there is a fiber-rieh collage- oval isomorphic nuclei, with no mitoses. Only
nous connective tissue (1), consisting of cords occasionally can one observe the passage of a
and whorls. The connective tissue is relatively capillary (2). The fibro-osseous trabeculae are
poor in cellular content and often forms a net- for the most part narrow and curved (3),
work. In a few pI aces there is a storiform or although sometimes broad and shapeless (4).
cartwheel arrangement such as one meets with The few short roundish bony structures (5) are
in fibrous histiocytomas (p. 323). The connec- transverse sections through sagittally placed
tive tissue is penetrated by only a few capil- trabeculae. There are no rows of osteoblasts,
laries (2). In overview the numerous, very thin and the connective tissue passes direcdy over
bone trabeculae are striking. They are equidis- into the fibro-osseous trabeculae. In rare cases
tandy spaced throughout the connective tissue. one can see metaplastic foei of cartilage in fi-
There is a woven formation of fibro-osseous brous bone dysplasia, which may occasionally
trabeculae (3) which are mosdy uncalcified, or be very much stretched out. Here the question
only very slighdy so. They are often bent, arises as to whether a primary cartilaginous tu-
hook-shaped or horseshoe-shaped - or else mor is also present as a second lesion. The sig-
they form true eircles. This produces a highly nificance of this chondromatous fibrous bone
decorative appearance, rather like an ornamen- dysplasia has not so far been explained. Nor-
tal wall paper. Unlike the ossifying osteofibroma mally fibrous dysplasia has a good pro gnosis;
(p. 316), these fibro-osseous trabeculae carry malignant change following irradiation has
no osteoblasts. The bony structures run direct- been described, but for such a change to take
ly out from the stromal connective tissue. Occa- place spontaneously is unusual.
sionally giant cells, foei of myxoid degeneration
and metaplastic cartilaginous foei are present.
Fibrous Bone Dysplasia (Jaffe-Lichtenstein) 321

4 3

Fig. 604. Fibrous bone dysplasia (proximal femur) Fig. 605. Fibrous bone dysplasia, van Gieson, x 25

Fig. 606. Fibrous bone dysplasia; HE, x30 Fig. 607. Fibrous bone dysplasia; HE, x25
322 11 Bone Tumors

Desmoplastic Bone Fibroma (lCD-O-DA-M-882311) Benign Fibrous Histioeytoma (lCD-O-DA-M-8832/0)

In rare cases a fibromatous bone neoplasm can Histiocytic cellular elements can turn up not
undergo local aggressive growth without giving only in fibrous bone lesions (non-ossifying
rise to metastases. This is one example of a bone fibromas, p. 308; xanthofibroma, p. 312)
semimalignant bone tumor. A desmoplastic but also in bone granulomas (eosinophilic bone
bone fibroma is a very rare benign or semima- granulomas, histiocytosis X, p. 196). A benign
lignant bone tumor consisting of connective tis- fibrous histiocytoma is a primary bone neo-
sue which is rich in collagen fibers and poor in plasm that arises in the marrow cavity, and in
cells. It displays local destructive and invasive wh ich the histiocytes are capable not only of
growth, together with a tendency to recur, but storing substances, but can also produce col-
does not produce metastases. This tumor can lagen fibers displaying a storiform arrangement.
appear in any age group, but predominantly af- Whereas these neoplasms appear relatively of-
flicts the young. The principal localization is in ten in the soft parts they are rare in bone.
the long bones, but other bones can also be af- Their main localization is in the femur or tibia,
fected. The symptoms are usually confined to although they may affect any other bones,
slight pain and local swelling. Only 90 cases where they mostly arise in the diaphyses.
have so far found their way into the literature. Figure 610 shows the radiograph of a benign
The radiological changes consist mostly of fibrous histiocytoma in the shaft of the hu-
large, frequently aggressive osteolytic zones merus (1). One can discern an irregular osteo-
with endosteal erosion and cortical expansion, lytic destructive focus that has arisen in the
often accompanied by a pathological fracture. marrow cavity and forced its way into the cor-
In Fig. 608 one can see one of these large de- tex from within. The latter is, however, still in-
structive foci in the sacrum (1). The normal tact, and there is no periosteal reaction. The os-
structure of the bone in this area has been teolytic focus is clearly demarcated in the to-
completely lost, and the cortex cannot be seen. mogram, even when no marginal sclerosis can
On the inner side of the lesion there is a dis- be seen here. This can, however, be present.
crete marginal sclerosis (2) that seems to be in- In the histological picture of Fig. 611 one
dented. The osteolytic focus is subdivided into can see highly cellular tumorous tissue with
cyst-like spaces by narrow trabeculae. collagenous fibers that have built up a stori-
Histologically a rich collagenous connective form pattern. In addition to fibrocytes (1) and
tissue dominates the picture. In Fig. 609 one fibroblasts (2), histiocytes (3) dominate the pic-
can recognize the tumorous connective tissue ture. They have large slightly elliptical or in-
in which there are many fibroblasts with small dented nuclei, and a pale cytoplasm in which
roundish or oval isomorphie nuclei. They show lipids can often be stored (foam cells). The cell
no hyperchromasia and mitoses are rare. The nuclei are completely isomorphie and usually
tissue of the tumor is penetrated by only a few possess a single nucleus. Mitoses are practically
vessels (1). One can sometimes see shapeless never present. Inside the tumorous tissue only
bone trabeculae (2) that have been largely a few fine-walled capillaries are seen. In a num-
wrecked. These are part of the original local ber of histiocytomas, unevenly distributed be-
bone which has been destroyed by the tumor. nign giant cells may be observed.
No tumorous bone formation has taken pi ace. Up to now there has been no indication that
Lesions with small tumor cell nuclei are said to a benign fibrous histiocytoma can change into
recur more often than those with larger nuclei. the malignant form of the same tumor,
In general there is a great similarity to prolif- although a few cases have been described in
erative fibromatosis or to a desmoid. When hy- which the appearance of an osteosarcoma with-
perchromasia and polymorphie nuclei are pre- in a benign fibrous histiocytoma has been ob-
sent the distinction between this and a fibro- served. Apart from these extraordinarily rare
sarcoma of bone (p. 333) may be difficult or exceptions, however, this is a completely benign
even impossible. tumor which usually heals after surgical extir-
Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma 323

2 f-------

Fig. 608. Desmoplastic bone fibroma (sacrum) Fig. 609. Desmoplastic bone fibroma; HE, x64

Fig. 610. Benign fibrous histiocytoma Fig. 611. Benign fibrous histiocytoma; HE, xlOO
(humeral shaft, tomogram)
324 11 Bone Tumors

Malignant Fibrous Histioeytoma foei of a malignant fibrous histiocytoma have

(lCD-O-DA-M-8830/3) been found in osteosarcomas and undifferen-
tiated chondrosarcomas, or in the presence of
The malignant fibrous histiocytoma was first Paget's osteitis deformans.
recognized in 1972 as a separate independent The radiograph of a malignant fibrous his-
bone tumor. Most histiocytomas were worked tiocytoma is characterized by an indistinctly
out from retrospective histological studies, so bordered osteolytic zone lying eccentrically in
that they were originally classified as undifferen- the marrow cavity of the bone, where it has
tiated fibrosarcomas or osteosarcomas. This is a brought about endosteal erosion of the cortex.
primary malignant bone tumor where a concur- The lesion usually develops in a metaphysis
rent differentiation of both fibroblasts and histio- and can spread into the epiphysis. Lesions of
cytes occurs. It arises in the connective tissue of the shaft also appear, and the bone may be
the bone marrow and grows less aggressively slightly elevated. The bone-building periosteal
than an osteosarcoma or a fibrosarcoma. A simi- reaction is minimal, even when the cortex has
lar tumor in the soft tissues has long been been penetrated. In Fig. 614 one can see a ma-
known. So far over 500 malignant fibrous histio- lignant fibrous histiocytoma in the proximal
cytomas have been described, several of them in part of the right femur. This tumor has caused
old bone infarcts (p. 174). Isolated cases have a pathological fracture of the femoral neck,
arisen in the neighborhood of a prosthesis. which was at first stabilized osteosynthetically.
One can still clearly recognize the position of
Localization (Fig. 612). Malignant fibrous histio- the angle plate by the surrounding bone reac-
cytomas have been observed in a great variety tion (1). The tumor arose in the region of the
of bones. The most frequent localization is in trochanter and has broken through the cortex
the region of the knee, i.e. in the proximal part over a wide front (2). Both in the marrow cavi-
of the tibia, the distal part of the femur and the ty and in the cortex there are confluent osteoly-
proximal part of the fibula. The tumor has also, tic foei, providing evidence of aggressive tumor
however, been described in the humerus, ra- growth. The irregular increase in density of the
dius, ulna, pelvis, spine, and jaw and other structures (3) may weIl be due to the earlier
skull bones. It is usually solitary, but on occa- fracture, since no calcification or reactive bone
sion several lesions may be present together. deposition occurs in histiocytomas. The tumor
Multicentric lesions have been described in the has extended far into the femoral shaft (4).
femur + spine, femur + spine + rib, as well as In Fig. 615 there is extensive destruction of
in the ilium + ribs. the bony structures in the whole of the proxi-
mal part of the tibia. A large zone of densifica-
Age Distribution (Fig. 613). These malignant tion is plainly visible (1) with roundish sclerot-
bone neoplasms can appear at any age, but ic foci at the periphery. Here it as a matter of
mostly in the 5th to 7th decades of life. Our an old bone infarct. On the other hand, the en-
youngest patient was 11 years old and our old- tire tibial head is set through with single and
est 94. The average age is about 50, making it confluent osteolytic foei (2), which are also to
significantly higher than that of patients with be seen in the cortex (3). No periosteal reaction
an osteosarcoma. can be discerned. The bone is only slightly ele-
The tumor usually presents with slowly in- vated. In this case a malignant fibrous histiocy-
creasing local swelling and pain. In many cases toma has developed at the site of a bone in-
these symptoms may be present from a few farct. The radio graph shows all the criteria of
months to as much as 3 years before the lesion malignancy. The components of this infarct are
is discovered. The laboratory findings are unre- only indistinctly detectable radiologically, and
markable (normal alkaline phosphatase). It is they are overlaid by the moth-eaten appearance
true, however, that a large number of local of the bone destruction caused by the malig-
pathological fractures have been reported in the nant histiocytoma. Since a malignant histiocy-
region of the tumor. Apart from those in asso- toma presents no pathognomonic radiological
eiation with a bone infarct and (rarely) with a appearance, the final diagnosis must depend
prosthesis (e. g. a total hip replacement), the upon a biopsy.
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma 325






20.6% (Distal femur) 8

19.0% (Proximal tibia)

> 15 %
> 10 % 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Decade 01 lile
D < IO %

Fig. 612. Localization of the malignant fibrous histiocyto- Fig. 6l3. Age distribution of the malignant fibrous histiocy-
mas (93 cases); others: 16.4% tomas (93 cases)

3 2

Fig. 614. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (proximal femur) Fig. 615. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma in a bone infarct
(proximal tibia)
326 11 Bone Tumors

A malignant fibrous histiocytoma can also shaft of the humerus (1) and the increased ac-
appear in the middle of the shaft of a long tivity in the shoulder joint. Bone remodeling
bone. In the radiograph of Fig. 616 there is a pro ces ses there may be due to some other
destructive focus of this sort in the middle of cause.
the shaft of the humerus (1). One can see here Histologically a malignant fibrous histiocyto-
patchy osteolysis that has spread out into the ma consists of highly cellular tumorous tissue
spongiosa and has also destroyed the cortex on in which no deposition of osteoid or bone
one side (2). So far no periosteal re action can building is present. In Fig. 618 one can see the
be seen; the bone in this region has a smooth densely packed histiocytes which lie sometimes
border and is not elevated. The destructive fo- in a longitudinal (1) and sometimes in a trans-
cus is not surrounded by any marginal sderosis verse (2) direction. This tissue pattern is very
and its border is quite indistinct. A bone lesion characteristic of malignant fibrous histiocyto-
like this appearing on a radio graph suggests a mas. The histiocytic tumor cells have unam-
malignant bone tumor, and it is imperative that biguously polymorphic cells of varying sizes,
it should be identified by me ans of histological which sometimes possess swollen nudei with
examination of a bone biopsy. With some ma- prominent nudeoli (3). Many of the nudei are
lignant fibrous histiocytomas there is marginal strongly hyperchromatic (4) and reveal patho-
sderosis, and this suggests a more slowly grow- logical mitoses. Multinudeated histiocytic tu-
ing tumor, but this does not imply a better mor cells are also scattered about in the tissue
prognosis. Even with sderotically demarcated (5). In addition to the histiocytes, there are
malignant fibrous histiocytomas, lung metasta- also numerous fibroblasts (6) which are like-
ses have been found within 2 years. In about wise polymorphic and have hyperchromatic nu-
15% of patients with a malignant fibrous histio- dei. These are also tumor cells. They lay down
cytoma a pathological fracture occurs. In some varying numbers of collagen fibers which are
malignant fibrous histiocytomas, patchy calcifi- deposited between the tumorous cells. In a few
cations and zonal ossifications appeared on the pI aces a fiber-rich fibrosis of the tumorous tis-
radio graph as conspicuous shadows. sue with a storiform pattern may be present,
This is a proliferating and destructively and zones reminiscent of a fibrosarcoma
growing tumor that stimulates the autochtho- (p. 333) can occur. Other regions contain only
nous bone tissue to a massive acceleration in a few discrete collagen fibers, or are completely
reactive new bone building. As a result of this, free of them and consist exdusively of dense
it is not surprising to find a strong stepping up collections of pathological histiocytes.
of activity in the bone scintigram of the tissue Under the higher magnification of Fig. 619
surrounding a malignant fibrous histiocytoma. the histiocytic nature of the tumorous tissue
In Fig. 617 one can see in the region of a ma- becomes very dear. The histiocytes have large,
lignant tumor in the shaft of the right humerus variously shaped and swollen nudei (1), in
a strong increase in activity (1) that extends far which massive nudeoli are often visible (2).
beyond the radiologically perceptible tumor Many nudei have several nudeoli (3). The nu-
(Fig. 616). This is because the radionudeotide dei are of different sizes and dearly poly-
is, as a result of the remodeling, taken up by morphic. The cytoplasm is abundant, the cell
the autochthonous bone tissue adjacent to the membranes are indistinct and faded. In the
tumor and recorded photographically. In this center one can see a histiocytic giant cell (4)
way the borderline region for an en bloc resec- with a pathological mitosis. Sometimes phago-
tion through healthy tissue is very well marked. cytosed particles (e. g. hemosiderin particles or
An impressive increase in activity is also visible erythrocytes) can be seen in the cytoplasm of
in the proximal part of the humerus and in the the histiocytes. In one such histiocyte-rich area
shoulder joint (2), and this must be investi- of the tumor there are only a few fine collagen
gated by further radiological examination. fibers (5). It consists of a polymorphic cellular
However, there is not necessarily any causal re- tumorous tissue with fairly numerous abnormal
lationship between the malignant tumor in the mitoses, thus indicating a malignant tumor.
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma 327


Fig. 616. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (humeral shaft) Fig. 617. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
(humeral shaft, scintigram)


Fig. 618. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma; HE, x51 Fig. 619. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma; HE, xlOO
328 11 Bane Tumors

The histological picture of a malignant fi- pale, patchy, foamy cytoplasm. In tumors like
brous histiocytoma can be extraordinarily vari- this, one also frequently finds complexes of
able, and many other lesions have to taken into foam cells. The tumor cells often look very like
account when considering the differential diag- lipoblasts, with the result that the histologie al
nosis. The decisive histological criteria are: (a) distinction between this tumor and a liposarco-
a mixing of biphasic cells (histiocytes, fibro- ma can be difficult and sometimes even impos-
blasts) with fibroblastic and histiocytic differ- sible.
entiation, (b) a so-called "storiform" (tapestry- In Fig. 623 one can see a malignant fibrous
like) tissue pattern, (c) cells showing the cyto- histiocytoma under higher magnification in
logical characteristics of malignancy. These which the fiber production of the fibroblasts is
characteristics - polymorphy and hyperchro- more strongly marked. The course of the col-
matic nuclei, pathological mitoses - are more lagen fibers (1), which run in different direc-
frequently seen in the histiocytic region of the tions, creates the characteristic storiform pat-
tumor. It is important to recognize the histiocy- tern. In this tumor the nuclear polymorphy is
tic nature of the tumor cells with their capacity only moderately apparent. In contrast to the
both for phagocytosis (iron, lipids) and for dif- very narrow fibroblastic nuclei (2) with their
ferentiating into fibroblasts. dense chromatin content, the histiocytic cellu-
In Fig. 620 one can see a highly cellular ma- lar elements have oval or roundish nuclei with
lignant fibrous histiocytoma in which a loose loosely distributed chromatin (3). A few histio-
network of pi ai ted collagen fibers is discernible, cytes have a richly eosinophilic cytoplasm (4)
and which gives rise to the storiform pattern of and recall the appearance of muscle cells.
the tissue. Even at low power magnification the Others have a honeycomb-like or foamy cyto-
two cell populations, which are mingled to- plasm (5).
gether, are visible. There are spindle-shaped fi- If there is a predominance of spindle-cells
broblasts with elongated nuclei (1) which pro- with a plentiful formation of collagen fibers the
duce the collagen fibers. Histiocytes (2) with differential diagnosis of a fibrosarcoma of bone
large roundish or indented nuclei and abundant (p. 330) must be excluded. Foci with uniform
cytoplasm are seen strewn about or collected histiocytes cause one to think of a histiocytic
together in groups. Variable numbers of multi- lymphoma or a Hodgkin's lymphoma (p. 358),
nucleated histiocytic giant cells (3) are always if the histiocytes are similar to Sternberg's
to be seen. The variation in size and hyper- giant cells. Foci of epithelioid histiocytes can
chromasia of the nuclei is striking, and this, to- look very like a carcinomatous metastasis. Nu-
gether with pathological mitoses, confirms the merous multinucleate giant cells in astroma of
malignant nature of the neoplasm. pleomorphic spindle-cells suggest the possibili-
In Fig. 621 a fiber-rich malignant fibrous ty of a malignant osteoclastoma (p. 337). If the
histiocytoma appears in which the storiform histiocytes are arranged in groups around a
pattern of the tissue is clearly seen. The loosely vessel, or the vessel is bordered by a single his-
placed collagen fibers are formed into whorls tiocytic cellular layer with a fibrous stroma be-
(1) and are woven together like a mat. In spite tween them, a hemangiopericytoma or a hem-
of the nuclear polymorphy the fibroblasts (2) angioendothelioma (p. 376) must also be con-
are clearly distinguishable from the histiocytic sidered. The extracellular matrix in a histiocy-
cellular elements (3). Once again several multi- toma can look very like osteoid, so that distin-
nucleated giants cells (4) are scattered about in guishing between a malignant fibrous histiocy-
the area. toma and an undifferentiated osteosarcoma can
Figure 622 shows, under higher magnifica- be very difficult or even impossible. This
tion, a predominantly histiocytic histiocytoma plethora of differential diagnostic possibilities
with less fibrogenesis. Most striking is the very do make the diagnosis, especially from a bone
marked nuclear polymorphy and hyperchroma- biopsy, very uncertain. It is entirely conceivable
sia, indicating the malignant nature of the that a malignant fibrous histiocytoma may be
growth. There are elongated spindle-cells with diagnosed bioptically but which, on later exam-
polymorphie nuclei (1), as well as large histio- ination of the tissue extracted at operation,
cytes (2), also with polymorphie nuclei and turns out to be an osteosarcoma.
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma 329

Fig. 620. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma; HE, x25 Fig. 621. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma; HE, x40

Fig. 622. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma; HE, x64 Fig. 623. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma; HE, x100
330 11 Bone Tumors

Fibrosarcoma of Bone (lCD-O-DA-M-8810/3) is one of the things that distinguishes this

growth from the osteosarcoma (p. 275).
A malignant neoplasm can develop from the The usually very slow-growing fibrosarcomas
connective tissue of the skeleton which is struc- produce no characteristic symptoms. Mostly
turally the same as a similar soft tissue sarco- there is some local swelling. Intermittent pain
ma. A fibrosarcoma of bone is a primary malig- does occur, but it is often so slight that it can
nant neoplasm, which usually arises in the mar- persist for several months. The average length
row cavity and consists histologically of sarco- of time reported in the case his tory is 8
matous connective tissue in wh ich no tumorous months. In 14% of cases, attention is first
bony, osteoid or cartilaginous structures have drawn to the existence of the tumor by a patho-
differentiated. Among malignant bone tumors logical fracture.
this neoplasm has a relatively good prognosis. Figure 626 is a radio graph of a fibrosarcoma
Locally it pro duces severe bone destruction of the distal femoral metaphysis. One can see
which looks radiologically like an osteolytic fo- an osteolytic focus (1) with an indistinct border
cus. Histologically the tumor can appear to be lying eccentrically in the bone. There is no mar-
so highly differentiated that it may be difficult ginal sclerosis. The osteolytic lesion has no inter-
to distinguish it from a benign fibrous neo- nal structure. The adjacent cortex is greatly nar-
plasm. On the other hand, fibrosarcomatous rowed (2) and has been broken through in places.
areas can be present in other malignant tumors In this case the indentation of the bone from
(e. g. in a fibroblastic osteosarcoma). With an without (3) is striking, and there is a parosteal
incidence of 10% the fibrosarcoma is a rela- shadow of the tumor in this region. This shows
tively rare malignant bone neoplasm. Ab out that the tumor has broken through the cortex
25% of fibrosarcomas arise secondarily after ir- and invaded the adjacent soft parts.
radiation of the bone. This kind of neoplasm In the radiograph of Fig. 627 one can see a
can also develop in the cortex or in the perios- large osteolytic zone in the head of the tibia (1)
teum. that has involved both the epiphysis and the
metaphysis. It reaches as far as the articular
Localization (Fig. 624). The usual predilection cartilage (2), although no penetration into the
sites include the long bones, particular those of knee joint cavity is discernible. The osteolytic
the lower limb. Here one finds 68.5% of all fi- area, which has taken up the whole diameter of
brosarcomas, of which 45.2% are located near the tibial head, is surrounded by a wide band
the knee. It can, however, also attack any other of marginal sclerosis (3). The cortex has cer-
bone, although most of these have been re- tainly been narrowed, but not penetrated. No
ported as single isolated occurrences. Within bony periosteal re action is visible. Within the
the long bones it is usually the metaphyses osteolytic region one can see a few sparsely dis-
which are involved, and in this the tumor is tributed dense linear structures. Histological
similar to the osteosarcoma (p. 275). The tu- examination of the tumor material showed this
mor can, however, also arise in the region of to be a classical fibrosarcoma which had origi-
the diaphysis. A few fibrosarcomas originate in nated in a primary osteoclastoma (p. 337). The
the periosteal connective tissue. In the case of localization in the epiphysis with encroachment
multiple osseous fibrosarcomas occurring it is into the metaphysis confirms the nature of the
necessary to ensure that these are not metasta- primary tumor. Thus, it is a very real possibili-
ses from a sarcomatous tumor somewhere in ty that structures characteristic of a fibrosarco-
the soft parts. ma can appear against the background of some
other primary neoplasm.
Age Distribution (Fig. 625). The usual age for this In a central osseous fibrosarcoma, periosteal
growth to appear is in the 2nd or 3rd decade of bone deposition seldom causes expansion of
life, when 68% of osseous fibrosarcomas arise - the shaft, and both spicules and a Codman's tri-
with a peak in the 2nd decade of 43%. This angle are absent. In a few cases, small bony
type of tumor has been found in children (in sequestra seen radiologically within the tumor
the 6th year of life) as well as in old people (88 can deceive one into thinking it is a case of
years). Its appearance even in elderlypatients osteomyelitis.
Fibrosarcoma of Bone 331

4.1% (SkulI)

5.5% (Proximal humcrus)

2.7% (Spine)





28.8% CDi lai femur)

16.4% ( Proxi mal tibia) 15


> 15% 5.5% (Distal fib ula)

> 10% 2.7% (Distal tibia) o

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
< 10% Decade of life

Fig. 624. Localization of the osseous fibrosarcomas (173 Fig. 625. Age distribution of the osseous fibrosarcomas
cases); others: 19.2% (173 cases)

Fig. 626. Osseous fibrosarcoma (distal femoral metaphysis) Fig. 627. Osseous fibrosarcoma (tibial head)
332 11 Bone Tumors

Figure 628 is a macroscopic picture of a fi- (p. 274). Blood capillaries (4) are rare in fibro-
brosarcoma that arose in the periosteal connec- sarcomas.
tive tissue of the distal part of the femur. It had Under higher magnification the polymorphy
developed in the popliteal fossa. This is a view and hyperchromasia of the cell nudei is more
of the distal femur from behind, and the articu- dearly discernible in Fig. 630. In addition to
lar cartilage of the femoral condyles (1) is the small roundish (1) and elongated (2) nudei,
dearly visible. A lumpy neoplastic outgrowth one can see large, dark spindle-shaped cells (3).
(2) has developed in the region of the distal Plentiful abnormal mitoses are also observed.
femoral metaphysis and has reached far into The polymorphie nudei lie in a collagenous
the soft parts. It is attached to the outside of framework that is arranged in swathes. The or-
the long bone, since it had originated in the ganization of the tumor cells into a herring-
periosteal connective tissue. In advanced cases bone pattern (4) is typical of a fibrosarcoma.
the growth of the tumor leads to erosion of the Depending on the nudear polymorphy and the
cortex, and it can also invade the marrow cavi- differentiation of the tissue, these tumors can
ty. From the point of view of the differential di- be subdivided into three grades of malignancy,
agnosis, this type of tumor must be distin- and this is important for the prognosis. Fig-
guished from a juxtacortical osteosarcoma ure 630 shows a fibrosarcoma of grade II. No
(p. 228); this can be done if different parts of it osteoid structures or tumorous bone can be
are examined histologically. The tumor is often identified. In places a fine-walled tumorous ves-
sharply bordered from without by a connective seI is lying between the collagen fibers.
tissue pseudocapsule, from which it can easily In Fig. 631 a highly cellular fibrosarcoma, in
be shelled out. The cut surface reveals the gray- which the formation of collagen fibers is poorly
ish-white or grayish-red tissue of a tough elas- developed, can be seen under high er magnifi-
tic consistency. There is no new bone deposi- cation. The narrow elongated tumor cells (1)
tion. The tumorous tissue can be inmtrated are again characteristically organized into a
and loosened by necroses, degenerative myxoid "herring-bone" pattern of swathes and whorls.
changes with the formation of cysts and hem- In between there are larger tumorous fibro-
orrhages. In the early stages the discrepancy blasts with bizarre, intensely hyperchromatic
between the palpable size of the tumor and the nudei (2). In the visual field shown here the
moderate amount of bone destruction is eh ar- nudear polymorphy is very marked. In addi-
acteristic. Periosteal fibrosarcomas are less ma- tion, the malignant nature of the tumorous
lignant than the intraosseous variety. growth is indicated by the destruction of the
Histologically the tumorous tissue is identi- autochthonous bone tissue. The differential di-
cal with that of the soft tissue fibrosarcomas. In agnosis is between a fibrosarcoma and a malig-
Fig. 629 one can see a highly cellular, fiber-rich nant histiocytoma (p. 324). Highly differen-
connective tissue arranged in streaks and tiated fibrosarcomas can easily be mistakenly
whorls. Even under lower magnification the identified as benign fibrous bone lesions (e. g.
many dearly polymorphie spindle-shaped nu- fibrous bone dysplasia, p. 318; or a non-ossify-
dei of varying sizes are striking. Quite a few ing osteofibroma, p. 308). Signs of aggressive
nudei are strongly hyperchromatic (1) and growth on the radio graph or in the histological
spindle-shaped or lumpy in appearance (2). section must be taken into account when mak-
Here and there, true multinudeated giant cells ing a diagnosis.
(3) have developed. If the giant cells predomi- After the malignant histiocytomas (p. 324)
nate one must consider the possibility of a fi- had been dassified separately from the fibro-
brosarcoma which has developed on the site of sarcomas, osseous fibrosarcomas became much
a giant cell neoplasm (osteodastoma, p. 337, less common. The histological distinction is
see also Fig. 627). In the more mature forms of sometimes not easy, since histiocytomas can
this tumor the formation of collagen fibers is also show pronounced collagen fiber formation,
prominent; but in undifferentiated fibrosarco- and the histiocytes are often difficult to recog-
mas they may be scarce or even absent. There nize. Fibrosarcomas grow relatively slowly and
is no tumorous osteoid or bone, thus distin- metastasize late. Their prognosis is therefore
guishing it histologically from an osteosarcoma relatively favorable.
Fibrosarcoma of Bone 333

Fig. 628. Periosteal fibrosarcoma (distal femur) Fig. 629. Osseous fibrosarcoma; HE, x25

3 2

Fig. 630. Osseous fibrosarcoma; HE, x40 Fig. 631. Osseous fibrosarcoma; HE, x64
334 11 Bone Tumors

The radiograph of an osseous fibrosarcoma ning in different directions and planes, some of
is depicted in Fig. 632. In the proximal part of which have been cut longitudinally (4) and
the left femur there is a large destructive osteo- some transversely (5). The amount of collagen
lytic focus (1) below the trochanterie plane, varies in the individual fibrosarcomas. Usually
which shows diffuse shadowing and patchy there are only a few delieate collagen fibers be-
areas of translucency within. Here the original tween the tumor cells, sometimes broad fibers
bone tissue has been completely destroyed. The are seen which mayaiso be hyalinized. Within
tumor has also spread into the cortex (2), the tumor there is no development of tumorous
which is also patchily loosened and thiekened, osteoid or bone, and this distinguishes the os-
and whieh bulges outwards. Such an expansive seous fibrosarcoma from an osteosarcoma
increase in the size of the tumor causes perios- (p. 274). The original bone trabeculae are com-
teal pain, which is mostly symptomatie of ma- pletely destroyed, so that an osteolytie focus
lignant growth. In the early stage the inside of appears on the radiograph. It is only in the
the tumor is at first sharply delineated by dis- marginal zones of an intraosseous fibrosarcoma
crete marginal sclerosis (3). This is a sign of that the reactive formation of new fibro-osse-
the slow early growth of the tumor, and must ous trabeculae can occur. These are, however,
not be seen as a sign of its benign nature. The not a product of the tumors and can be clearly
diffuse destruction of the cortex is a sign of distinguished histomorphologically from tu-
malignancy. morous bone trabeculae.
Figure 633 shows the radio graph of an os se- Under higher magnification the pleomorphic
ous fibrosarcoma of the tibial head. The lateral nature of the tumor cells is clearly expressed in
view shows this part of the bone to be is infil- Fig. 635. One can observe here many small
trated with patchy densifications (1). In be- roundish cells (1) and also elongated spindle-
tween, one can see many fine osteosclerotic foei cells (2). Some of the cells possess large dark
(2). The lesion is not sharply demarcated with- polymorphie nuclei (3) or even bizarre giant
in the bone, and there is no marginal sclerosis. nuclei (4). The so-called "herring-bone" pattern
The tumor has infiltrated the ventral cortex (3) (5) whieh distinguishes the fibrosarcoma is
and has destroyed it. This suggests a malignant very clearly seen in this exposure. Between the
tumor which must be histologically investigated tumor cells there is a poorly developed network
by bone biopsy. of collagen fibers. Tumorous osteoid and bone
In Fig. 634 one can see the classieal histo- must be histologically excluded in the biopsy
logical picture of a fibrosarcoma as it can de- material before one can diagnose an osseous fi-
velop either in the soft parts or primarily with- brosarcoma.
in abone. The whole tumor consists of fairly This tumor usually grows relatively slowly
uniform connective tissue which is partly and has a relatively good prognosis. In the case
pi ai ted, partly straggly and partly arranged in of small fibrosarcomas without infiltration of
whorls. It contains many spindle-cells in un- the soft parts an extensive en bloc excision is
equal concentrations, which vary in size and sufficient; with extensive growth of the tumor,
have clearly polymorphie nuclei. Some of the amputation is necessary. Surgical extirpation is
nuclei are thin and spindle-shaped (1) and the only effective treatment. Irradiation can
others are large and ungainly (2). All the nuclei only be considered as a palliative measure for
are extremely hyperchromatie. The number of inoperable cases, since the tumor is resistant to
pathologieal mitoses is variable; in highly dif- radiotherapy. The effects of chemotherapy is
ferentiated fibrosarcomas they are few, in the questionable. The prognosis depends upon the
undifferentiated variety, numerous. The cyto- extent of the tumor, its site and the histologieal
plasm of the tumor cells is scanty and indis- degree of malignancy. On average the 5-year
tinctly demarcated. Within the tumor one can life expectancy amounts to between 28% and
see the "herring-bone" pattern (3) whieh is 34%. About 20% of these patients survive for
very characteristic of fibrosarcomas. The tumor longer than 10 years.
is subdivided by parallel bundles of fibers run-
Fibrosarcoma of Bone 335


Fig. 632. Osseous fibrosarcoma (proximal femur) Fig. 633. Osseous fibrosarcoma (tibial head)

Fig. 634. Osseous fibrosarcoma; HE, x40 Fig. 635. Osseous fibrosarcoma; HE, x80
336 11 Bone Tumors

Fibromatous bone tumors consists mostly of are found almost exclusively in the jaw and fa-
connective tissue, which is the real tissue of the cial skeleton.
neoplasm. Twelve items are assigned to this Radiologically the benign connective tissue
group, of which 10 are benign and only 2 are bone tumors appear mostly as circumscribed
malignant. It is difficult here to distinguish osteolytic areas with marginal sclerosis. They
"true" tumors from reactive pro ces ses or tu- look like "bone cysts". Sometimes the lesion
mor-like lesions. Certainly the fibroblastic peri- also presents a focus of densification (e. g. in an
osteal reaction of the distal femoral metaphysis ossifying bone fibroma). They are fully recog-
(p. 314) is no bone tumor, but since it can nizable in the radio graph as benign lesions,
wrongly give the radiological appearance of a and quite often no treatment is necessary (e. g.
tumor, it must be mentioned with the connec- for a non-ossifying bone fibroma, p. 308; or a
tive tissue bone tumors. Much the commonest fibrous cortical defect, p. 314). Even a fibro-
of these is the non-ossifying bone fibroma blastic periosteal reaction of the distal femoral
(p. 308), although it is doubtful if it really is a metaphysis (p. 314) can be diagnosed from the
tumorous growth. In most cases this harmless radio graph alone. On the other hand, a desmo-
lesion must not be treated surgically, and it plastic bone fibroma (p. 322) and tumors show-
can, with increasing age of the patient, sponta- ing the radiological criteria of malignancy (fi-
neously regress without further development or brosarcomas, malignant fibrous histiocytomas)
become fully ossified. This is equally true of must be histologically investigated by me ans of
the osseous xanthofibroma (p. 312) and the fi- a bone biopsy.
brous cortical defect (p. 314), both of which are Most of the lesions from this groups of tu-
variants of the non-ossifying bone fibroma. Fi- mors can be easily diagnosed histologically.
brous bone dysplasia (Jaffe-Lichtenstein, p. 318) The differential diagnosis between an osseous
and osteofibrous bone dysplasia (Campanacci, fibrosarcoma and a malignant fibrous histiocy-
p. 316) belong both to the skeletal dysplasias toma can be difficult. There was a time (about
(p. 56) and to the tumor-like lesions, but they 20 years ago) when the osseous fibrosarcoma
are not true bone tumors. As against this, it is (p. 330) was a familiar and not particularly
probable that the ossifying bone fibroma rare primary malignant tumor of bone. Today
(p. 316), the osseous fibromyxoma (p. 312), the we encounter the osseous malignant fibrous
desmoplastic bone fibroma (p. 322) and the be- histiocytoma (p. 324) much more frequently.
nign fibrous histiocytoma (p. 322) are indeed The osseous fibrosarcoma has now become ex-
bone tumors. The tumorous character of the ceedingly rare. Even so, the classification of the
malignant fibrous neoplasms is naturally not malignant fibrous histiocytoma as aseparate
open to question. entity among bone neoplasms is still a matter
All these lesions have their typical localiza- of controversy. From the point of view of diag-
tion within the affected bone. The fibrous bone nosis and treatment, however, this discussion is
dysplasia of Jaffe-Lichtenstein may appear of no importance.
either in the metaphyses or the diaphyses, As regards therapy, most of the benign con-
while the osteofibrous bone dysplasia of Cam- nective tissue tumors require no treatment at
panacci is found predominantly in the tibial all. For the malignant neoplasms of this type,
diaphysis. Non-ossifying bone fibromas arise in however, only surgical extirpation need be con-
the metaphyses, and ossifying bone fibromas sidered.
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone (Osteoclastoma) 337

Giant Cell Tumor of Bone (Osteoclastoma) be either questionable or unambiguous. It arises

(lCD-O-DA-M-9250/1 ) osteolytically in the epiphysis of abone, and con-
sists histologically of a strongly vascularized spin-
The giant cell neoplasms of bone present par- die-cell stroma with numerous regularly distribu-
ticularly serious problems with regard to diag- ted osteoclastic giant cells. It is always potentially
nosis and treatment. It is especially important malignant. This tumor constitutes about 5% of
to distinguish them from the so-called "brown all primary bone tumors. By using histologie al
tumors" - the resorptive giant cells granulomas criteria it has been possible to distinguish three
associated with hyperparathyroidism (p. 85). degrees of differentiation:
VIRCHOW classified the osteoclastomas under "Benign osteoclastomas" (grade I; see
the myelogenous sarcomas, but stressed their Figs. 642, 643) consist of a loose and highly
largely limited malignancy as compared with vascular stroma with numerous similarly
the "osteoid sarcomas". At first these neo- shaped spindle-cells and many multinucleated
plasms were treated in the same way as osteo- giant cells whieh are regularly distributed
sarcomas, but, because they were observed to throughout the tumor. The giant cells may con-
run a more favorable course, they were later re- tain more than 50 bubble-like nucleL Mitoses
garded as "benign giant cell tumors". Today we are rare. Within the tumorous tissue collage-
realize that the pro gnosis of the osteoclastomas nous or osseous material is scarce, and there
is extremely problematic. These tumors have a are no cartilaginous structures. In the neigh-
strong tendency, particularly after irradiation, borhood of an osteoclastoma reactive bone de-
to und ergo malignant change. Furthermore, position may occur. In the "semimalignant os-
quite apart from these secondarily malignant teoclastoma" (grade II; see Figs. 644, 645) the
osteoclastomas, 10%-30% of these giant cell spindle-cell stroma emerges further into the
neoplasms are primarily malignant. They reveal foreground. The spindle-cells show distinct nu-
a locally destructive and invasive growth and clear polymorphy, and the size and chromatin
give rise to lung metastases. Generally speaking content of their nuclei are variable. More mi-
all osteoclastomas should be regarded as at toses are observed. The giant cells are present
least potentially malignant. in smaller numbers and have fewer nucleL The
The histogenetic origin of this type of tumor "malignant osteoclastomas" (grade III; see
is still unknown and controversial. It is assumed Figs. 646, 647) show marked polymorphy of
that the tumor cells are derived from the non- cells and nuclei. The sarcomatous stroma domi-
osteogenic connective tissue of the bone mar- nates the histological picture, whereas the giant
row, which accounts for their frequently quite cells retreat more and more into the back-
marked fibromatous differentiation. As has been ground.
shown by the recent work of several authors, the This histological gradation is in general diag-
predominating multinucleated giant cells found nostie use today, but the biological status of
in this tumor are not the tumorous cells. The these tumors has not yet been firmly estab-
true proliferating tumor cells are to be found in lished. In our experience, however, osteoclasto-
the sarcomatous stroma of this lesion. Thus, mas always behave at least like semimalignant
the greater the degree of malignancy of the os- tumors, since they are all locally destructive
teoclastoma, the more do the multinucleated os- and invasive. There are, moreover, reports of
teoclastic giant cells fade into the background. osteoclastomas whieh in spite of their "benign"
They become smaller and fewer, and the sarco- appearance have produced lung metastases,
matous stroma comes ever more to the fore. although no sarcomatous change is evident in
This implies that the name "osteoclastoma" or the tumor picture. The histological level of dif-
"giant cell neoplasm" is not really appropriate. ferentiation does not therefore allow more than
Nevertheless, this terminology is still recog- limited diagnostic conclusions to be drawn.
nized by the WHO for this histogenetically ques- The so-called "benign" osteoclastomas (grades
tionable tumor. land II) make up about 15% of all benign
The giant cell tumor of bone (osteoclastoma) is bone tumors. Approximately 0.5% of all bone
a primary bone tumor which undergoes locally sarcomas are unequivocally malignant osteo-
aggressive growth, the malignancy of which may clastomas.
338 11 Bone Tumors

It is absolutely essential to bear in mind the variety (grade I). This can partly be explained
fact that large numbers of osteoclastic giant by the fact, known from experience, that sarco-
cells can be present in various tumorous and matous change only takes place several years
non-tumorous bone lesions, and that these after the treatment of an earlier benign giant
must not be confused with an osteoclastoma. ceH neoplasm. In this way the degree of malig-
These include, among others: osteosarcomas nity of an osteoclastoma can alter.
(p. 274), chondroblastomas (p. 226), osteoblas- The predominance of women over men here
tomas (p. 264), aneurysmal bone cysts (p. 412) is striking. A total of 58% of the patients are
and bone granulomas (p. 195). women, and for those of less than 20 years old
this group accounts for as much as 74%. In the
Loca/ization (Fig. 636). True osteoclastomas arise case of the malignant osteoclastomas, however,
in the epiphysis and spread out into the meta- and among the higher age groups, men and
physis (see Fig. 378). It is the long bones that women are equally affected.
are mostly affected. The region of the knee (dis- In the radiograph a typical osteoclastoma
tal part of the femur, proximal part of the tibia or appears as an osteolytic lesion with no margin-
fibula) is the most frequent site, where 42.1 % of al sclerosis, usuaHy lying eccentrically in the
all osteoclastomas are recorded. We found this epi-metaphyseal region where it narrows the
tumor most often in the leg bones. The second cortex from within and expands the bone out-
most common site is the femur. Of the giant cell wards. Even if the cortex remains intact there is
lesions of the jaw bones, which often appear be- often a bony periosteal reaction. In Fig. 638
fore the 15th year, the most usual is a reparative one can see an osteoclastoma of the distal tibial
giant cell granuloma (p. 204) which must be dis- epiphysis (1) that has advanced far into the
tinguished from the true osteoclastomas. Osteo- metaphysis (2) and has slighdy elevated this
clastomas in the neighborhood of the knee are part of the bone. In the cystic, sheH-like eleva-
particularly prone to malignancy, although the tion of the epi-metaphysis the normal morphol-
giant cell neoplasms in the pelvis also show a ogy of the spongiosa has been abolished. The
high percentage of malignant cases. The recur- "bony cyst" is fuzzily demarcated from the
rence rate amounts to 40%-60%. In the spinal healthy spongiosa (3), and no marginal sclero-
column, including the sacrum, 6.2% of osteoclas- sis can be seen. Irregular strips of bone reach
tomas have been observed, and here they must inwards into the osteolytic area. One speaks of
be distinguished from the more commonly en- a so-caHed "soap-bubble effect" which is con-
countered aneurysmal bone cyst (p. 412). Over sidered to be a pathognomonic characteristic of
6% of osteoclastomas have been found in the osteoclastomas, although this obviously only
short tubular bones of the hands and feet, where applies to slow-growing tumors. In the rapidly
the frequently occurring giant ceH re action growing giant ceH tumors (osteolytic type) no
(p. 204) must be borne in mind. It is always ne- mesh of trabecular structures is visible in the
cessary first of all to exclude hyperparathyroid- radiograph. The cortex is thin and indented
ism. A few multiple osteoclastomas have been re- and in places invaded by the tumor (4). No peri-
ported. osteal thickening (5) can be seen, and the tumor
has not invaded the neighboring joint space (6).
Age Distribution (Fig. 637). It must be remem- In Fig. 639 one can see the macroscopic pic-
bered that osteoclastomas hardly ever appear ture of a malignant osteoclastoma of the lum-
before the 10th year of life, and that after the bar column. This part of the spine of a 49-year-
age of 55 they are rare. They mosdy arise dur- old woman has been sawn through in the fron-
ing the 3rd decade of life, and 80% of the pa- tal plane to show the normal vertebral bodies
tients are more than 20 years old. Since pri- (1) and the intervertebral discs (2). The 2nd
mary malignant osteoclastomas can appear late lumb ar vertebra is completely destroyed and
in life (up to the 9th decade), every giant ceH has broken down on one side (3). On the other
neoplasm in patients of over 40 must be sus- side there is soft, grayish-red tumorous tissue
pected of malignancy. Those patients with a (4) which has destroyed the cortex. The section
malignant osteoclastoma (grade III) are on also shows many cysts, hemorrhages, necroses
average older than those with the "benign" and irregular bone trabeculae.
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone (Osteoclastoma) 339

7. 1', (Skull )

0Cli:~- 5.2', (Proximal humerus)

I ~~I :~~I I 6.2% (Spine) %


: I'i ~.
1\ -<
<:;.:. 35

i~' ~I 5.2% (Pclvis)


10'.",,, """I

f ~ \ ,\ I 3.8', (Hand)


18.7% (Distal femur)

4.8% (Proximal fibu la) I 6% (Prox imaltibia) 10

1 LI,
. > 15%
r 3.8% ( Dista l libia)
. > 10 %
2.4% (Foot) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9
0 < 10 % Oecade 01 lile

Fig. 636. Localization of the osteoc!astomas (210 cases); Fig. 637. Age distribution of the osteoclastomas
others 15.2% (210 cases)

...-- --- 4
3 ------1,~"


1·;....--- 2

Fig. 638. Osteoc!astoma (distal tibia) Fig. 639. Malignant osteoc!astoma

(body of 2nd lumbar vertebra, cut surface)
340 11 Bone Tumors

There are no sure radiological criteria for de- tastases hematogenously is greatly increased.
termining the degree of malignity, and even the With osteodastomas that have twice undergone
angiographic findings provide little information curettage with subsequent recurrence, it is there-
on this. The tumor is heavily vascularized and fore essential that block excision, resection or
there are numerous newly formed arteriolar amputation shouId be carried out.
networks and lacunae. The interpretation of the histological picture
The radiograph of a truly typical osteodasto- of an osteodastoma can be very difficult. In
ma is shown in Fig. 640. One can see from the Fig. 642 one can see tumorous tissue that has
gaping epiphyseal plates (1) that this is a child. been assessed as a grade I osteoclastoma. It is
The tumor arose in a 14-year-old boy and is richly cellular tissue with a loose, highly vascu-
mostly lying in the distal radial metaphysis (2). lar stroma containing numerous spindle-cells
This part of the bone is considerably expanded (1). These have uniform oval or elongated nudei
as if by a cyst and there is a typical "soap bubble which show no hyperchromasia. Occasional mi-
effect" present. One can discern the eccentric os- tos es may occur, but not many. In the tumorous
teolysis, which is fairly sharply demarcated, tissue there is no osteoid, bone or cartilaginous
although there is no marginal sderosis. The adja- tissue. Even so, the stroma cells have the capaci-
cent cortex (2) has been severely narrowed, but is ty to form collagen fibers and osteoid, and small
still intact. No periosteal thickening or bony amounts of these are sometimes seen in osteo-
periosteal reaction is visible. Within the osteoly- dastomas. The numerous osteodastic giant ceIls
tic zone a few ir regular narrow trabecular struc- (2) are striking. They are fairly evenly distributed
tures stand out. On one side the tumor extends throughout the tumorous tissue and lie more or
right up dose to the cartilaginous epiphyse al less equidistant from one another. This even dis-
plate (3), on the other side of this, however, tribution of the giant ceIls is an important diag-
one can recognize a dear osteolytic zone in the nostic observation in comparison with other
epiphysis itself (4). This part of the bone is also giant ceIl bone lesions (e. g. the so-caIled
elevated as if by a cyst. It is possible that the "brown tumors", p. 85; aneurysmal bone cysts,
growth of this neoplasm originated in the epi- p. 412; and giant cell reaction, p. 204).
physis and grew through the epiphyseal plate Under high er magnification one can see
into the metaphysis, where the large osteolytic very dearly in Fig. 643 the highly cellular stro-
tumor then developed. ma with its numerous spindle-ceIls (1). These
In most cases a therapeutic attempt is made to are mononudeated cells, the cell membranes of
shell the tumor tissue out by curettage, but one which are often difficult to recognize and
must then expect a 50%-60% recurrence rate. which produce ceIl processes. The nudei have
The most reliable treatment is therefore an en an evenly distributed framework of chromatin
bloc resection. In Fig. 641 one can see under a and a central nudeolus. Mitoses are rare. The
dissecting lens an osteodastoma in the medial osteodastic giant ceIls (2) are very large and
femoral condyle that had previously been cur- may have more than 50 bubble-like nudei.
etted. The metaphysis measures 9x6 cm. It en- These giant cells often lie in the immediate
doses a round cavity (1) with a diameter of neighborhood of numerous capillaries (3).
4.5 cm that is filled with a serous fluid and cov- Once again one can recognize the dense deposi-
ered by fiber-rich connective tissue (2). Between tion and even distribution of the giant cells
the connective tissue covering and the cortex (3) within the loose, highly ceIlular stroma.
there are numerous neoplastic fragments (4) up The diagnosis of a grade I osteoclastoma is
to the size of a cherry, which reach as far as histologically only possible with adequate sec-
the cortex on one side and the articular cartilage tions; an aspiration biopsy is not suitable here.
on the other. These remnants of the tumor have a Grade I is characterized by: (a) highly cellular
total surface area of 5 cm2 • This large section densely packed giant cells which are evenly dis-
shows how difficult it is to achieve complete re- tributed, (b) giant ceIls with very many iso-
moval of the giant ceIl tumor by curettage. One morphic nudei, (c) a highly vascular stroma,
must also remember that with every curettage a and (d) no mitoses. One often sees giant ceIls
very large number of capillaries and sinusoids in the marginal vessels, which is apparently of
are opened and that the risk of distributing me- no significance.
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone (Osteoclastoma) 341

Fig. 640. Osteoclastoma (distal radius) Fig. 641. Osteoclastoma after curettage; HE, x8

Fig. 642. Osteoclastoma Grade I; HE, x40 Fig. 643. Osteoclastoma Grade I; HE, x64
342 11 Bone Tumors

With osteoclastomas of grade 11 the spindle- distributed giant cells (1). They are relatively
cell stroma comes more to the fore, while the small and have a few dark polymorphie nuclei.
number and size of the giant cells gets less. In The predominant structures are those of a spin-
Fig 644 one can see an overall view of such a dle-cell sarcoma which shows all the signs of a
tumor. Once again there is a a highly cellular malignant tumor. The spindie cells (2) have
tumorous tissue in which numerous osteoclas- shapeless polymorphie nuclei with a dense chro-
tie giant cells (1) are present. These giant cells matin content. Mitoses are present in large num-
are, however, lying further apart from one an- bers, many of whieh are pathological. In pi aces
other and are not so evenly distributed within (3) a malignant osteoclastoma can often not be
the tissue. In comparison with the grade I neo- distinguished from a fibrosarcoma (p. 333). If
plasm (see Fig. 642) they are significantly smal- osteoid structures are observed in the neo-
ler and have fewer nuclei, which are also smal- plasms, the differential diagnosis includes the os-
ler and no longer bubble-like. The stroma is teosarcoma (p. 279), since abnormal osteoclastie
very porous and threaded through with many giant cells can also appear in this growth. Re-
capillaries (2). It is often soaked in blood and gions typieal of an osteoclastoma must also be
fibrin, and is interspersed with inflammatory taken into account before the diagnosis of a ma-
cells (3): lymphocytes, plasma cells and histio- lignant giant cell neoplasm can be made.
cytes. One is struck be the nuclei seen in the Under the high er magnification of Fig. 647
stromal spindle-cells. These nuclei vary in size, the malignant character of the neoplasm is
and are partly hyperchromatie and partly also clearly and unquestionably recognizable. One
polymorphie (4). More and more mitoses are can see a sarcomatous spindle-cell stroma that
present. The histologie al picture is, in general, is more or less loosely porous. The spindle-cells
significantly less restful and more polymorphie have laid down a sparse framework of collagen
than with a grade I osteoclastoma, although fibers that shows up only weakly with van Gie-
there is still no unequivocally sarcomatous tis- son staining. These cells have nuclei of varying
sue to be seen. size which are sometimes elongated ovals (1)
Under high er magnification the picture in and sometimes roundish and lumpy (2), and
Fig. 645 is dominated by spindle-cell stroma. It which have a dense chromatin content. Numer-
is highly cellular, very porous and threaded ous pathological mitoses can be seen. There is
through with capillaries (1). The stromal spin- considerable polymorphy and hyperchromasia
dle-cells have markedly hyperchromatic nuclei, of the stromal cell nuclei, indicating an unques-
and these show a certain polymorphy. They are tionably malignant growth. Osteoclastic giant
either elongated and oval (2) or roundish and cells (3) of varying sizes are unevenly distribu-
lumpy (3). The osteoclastic giant cells have com- ted throughout the field. They possess poly-
pletely retreated into the background. They are morphie and hyperchromatic nuclei which of-
relatively small and contain few nuclei (4), some- ten appear as shapeless irregular clumps of
times appearing only as shapeless clumps of chromatin. Considering the obviously sarcoma-
chromatin where the nuclei have come together. tous nature of the neoplasm, giant cells of this
The spindle-cell stroma, in which mitoses are kind add confirrnation to the diagnosis of a
usually found in large numbers, is of particular malignant osteoclastoma.
importance diagnostically. The absence of tu- Osteoclastomas of grades I or 11 can some-
morous osteoid and bone is also important in times change completely into a grade III osteo-
making a differential diagnosis from the telan- clastoma. The picture presented by the histo-
giectatic osteosarcoma (p. 283). Nevertheless, logieal section shows the various degrees of dif-
the grading of osteoclastomas depends largely ferentiation appearing next to each other.
on the subjective assessment of the tumorous tis- Nevertheless, many cases are seen in whieh a
sue. The histological evaluation of these bone le- grade I osteoclastoma, which has been accord-
sions requires a great deal of experience. ingly classified as benign, can give rise to re-
The appearance of malignant osteoclastomas currences and even metastases. For this reason
of grade III is dominated by the sarcomatous all osteoclastomas should be regarded as malig-
stroma. As can be seen in the general view nant in principle; the separating into grades
shown in Fig. 646, there are only a few unevenly then becomes of questionable significance.
Giant Cell Tumor of Bone (Osteoclastoma) 343

Fig. 644. Osteoclastoma Grade 2; HE, x40 Fig. 645. Osteoclastoma Grade 2; HE, x64

Fig. 646. Osteoclastoma Grade 3; HE, x40 Fig. 647. Osteoclastoma Grade 3; HE, x82
344 11 Bane Tumors

The giant cells tumors of bone make up a ble to establish whether the lesion arose in the
whole series of bone lesions of this type, and epiphysis and extended into the metaphysis or,
create a particularly difficult diagnostic and vice versa, whether the metaphysis was the site
therapeutic problem. The giant cells are mostly of origin with subsequent involvement of the
osteoclasts, although there are some histiocytes epiphysis. In such cases the radiological find-
too. Today these can be recognized by enzyme- ings offer scant information about the localiza-
histochemical and immunohistochemical tests. tion.
This type of giant cell appears as a macrophage The histological picture of an osteoclastoma
both in reactive processes (e. g. a reparative is determined by the numerous osteoclastic
giant cell granuloma of the jaw, p. 204; giant giant cells. These are, however, often present in
cell re action of the short tubular bones, p. 204; other lesions of bone, which must be distin-
foreign body reaction in the neighborhood of a guished from the true osteoclastoma. This fact
prosthesis, p. 123), in hormonally controlled os- leads to serious problems in diagnosis which
teopathies (e. g. a resorptive giant cell granulo- can often only be solved by taking all the clini-
ma in the presence of osteodystrophy - that is cal, radiological and histological findings to-
to say, the so-called "brown tumor" of hyper- gether. If foci of tumorous osteoid are still
parathyroidism) or as Langerhans' giant cells in found in the lesion, the exclusion of an osteo-
histiocytosis X (p. 196). In osteoclastomas they sarcoma may be difficult or sometimes even
are shown by enyzmehistochemical tests (iden- impossible. In any case this is a bone tumor
tification of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase) that is at least potentially malignant and which
to nearly always be osteoclasts. must therefore be treated aggressively.
Osteoclastomas are localized in the epiphyses Today we treat osteoclastomas - like osteo-
of the long bones, which is an important diag- sarcomas - according to the COSS protocol
nostic fact. Here they produce areas of osteoly- (p. 306). (Biopsy for diagnosis --+ chemother-
sis without marginal sclerosis. This radiological apy --+ operation --+ postoperative chemother-
finding must invariably be taken into account apy). For osteoclastomas of low malignancy
when making a diagnosis, in order to distin- (grade 1), local surgical removal of the tumor
guish osteoclastomas from other giant cells le- (without chemotherapy) is still necessary. An
sions of bone. osteoclastoma should only be irradiated if it is
Radiologically these lesions appear in the inoperable (in the vertebral column, for in-
epiphysis as "soap-bubble" areas of osteolysis stance) as a palliative measure, since it has fre-
without marginal sclerosis. This osteolysis can, quently been reported that a "benign" osteo-
however, extend radiologically right over into clastoma of grade I can become malignant after
the adjacent metaphysis, so that it is not pos si- radiotherapy.
Osteomyelogenous Bone Tumors 345

Osteomyelogenous Bone Tumors of the marrow cavity. There are more or less
well-marked signs of increased reactive bone
Introductory Remarks remodeling (increased osteoblastic bone de-
position and greater osteoclastic bone resorp-
The marrow cavity plays a very important role tion).
within the skeletal system, where it is the site Although the leukemias are malignant tu-
of origin of numerous different kinds of pri- morous proliferative processes which primarily
mary and secondary bone conditions. It is the take place in the marrow cavity, these diseases
arena for all types of inflammatory bone dis- are in general regarded as hematological in na-
ease (osteomyelitis, pp. 134-141), and the target ture and are not classified as true afflictions of
of the bone metastases (p. 396). Most of the the skeleton. Nevertheless, they present diag-
bone granulomas (p. 195) and storage diseases nostic problems for the osteologist, since in
(p. 183) are also found here. The marrow cavity quite a few bone biopsies (especially from the
is first and foremost the main site of activity of iliac crest) they need to be analyzed diagnosti-
those diseases which originate from the hema- cally. Because, however, they cannot be re-
topoietic bone marrow. Which of the tumorous garded as true bones diseases, the leukemias
osteomyelogenic diseases should really be will not be dealt with in greater detail here.
counted as true tumors of bone is still an open Within the bone marrow cavity, however,
and controversial question. They are all able to various tissues appear from which osteomyelo-
elicit structural bone changes that are recogniz- genous tumors can develop, and which are cer-
able both radiologically and - what may be tainly to be classified among primary neo-
useful for diagnosis - histologically. We have plasms of bone. First and foremost here is the
listed osteomyelofibrosis and osteomyelosclero- medullary plasmocytoma, which is the com-
sis (p. 106) among the associated bone dis- monest of all primary malignant bone neo-
eases. plasms. It manifests itself as an intramedullary
The main representatives of the tumorous os- proliferation of abnormal plasma cells, usually
teomyelogenous lesions are the leukemias. It is affecting the marrow cavities of several bones
true that these are strictly speaking hematologi- simultaneously. Other malignant osteomyelo-
cal conditions. However, the functional/mor- genous tumors cannot be unambiguously asso-
phological unit comprising bone marrow and ciated with a particular medullary cell type,
bone tissue does lead to structural changes and this applies particularly to Ewing's sarco-
which are apparent both in the radiograph and ma. The primary malignant bone lymphoma
the histological seetion, thereby blurring the (earlier known as the "reticulum cell sarcoma")
distinction between skeletal and hematological develops from the lymphatic or, less frequently,
diseases. reticulohistiocytic cells of the bone marrow
Whereas chronic leukemias in adults seIdom and constitutes an independent entity. It is a
produce radiologically recognizable alterations non-Hodgkin lymphoma that has arisen pri-
in the skeleton, these are undoubtedly more marily in bone, without at first attacking the
frequent in children. Here one finds juxtaepi- lymph nodes. Finally, a Hodgkin's lymphoma
physeal and, finally, a completely generalized can manifest itself primarily in the marrow
osteoporosis, leading to patches of osteolysis, cavity, when it then counts as a primary tumor
endosteal osteosclerosis and periosteal osteo- ofbone.
phytosis. The commonest juxtaepiphyseal os- There are other tissues apart from the bone
teoporosis appears radiologically as a translu- marrow in the marrow cavity, and neoplasms
cent narrow band which takes in the whole may develop from these. There is the myeloid
width of the bone and is sharply set apart from connective tissue, from which fibromas or fi-
the epiphyseal cartilage and the metaphyseal brosarcomas (p. 330) may arise, and there are
spongiosa. Localized osteoporoses, moth-eaten also the blood vessels of the marrow cavity,
patches of osteolysis, together with endosteal which can give origin to the vascular bone tu-
and periosteal osteosclerosis, determine the mors (p. 369). Finally, the region is rich in fatty
radiological picture. In biopsy specimens one tissue, and this can also form the basis for neo-
can see the characteristic leukemic infiltration plastic growth.
346 11 Bone Tumors

Osseous Lipoma (lCD-O-DA-M-88S0/0) Osseous Liposarcoma (lCD-O-DA-M-88S0/3)

The osseous lipoma is a benign neoplasm that This fatty tissue neoplasm is also very seldom
arises from the fatty tissue of the bone mar- encountered as a primary bone tumor. It is a
row cavity and therefore develops in the mar- malignant tumor that arises from the fatty tis-
row itself. It is a very rare primary bone neo- sue of the marrow cavity and destroys the
plasm, and it is usually only diagnosed histo- bone from within. Up to now only a few iso-
logieally in assoeiation with the radiologie al lated eases have been reported in the literature,
findings. It makes up less than 1 in 1,000 bone of whieh the exaet diagnosis is sometimes
tumors. The lesion produces hardly any dinieal doubtful. Whereas the radio graph reveals ma-
symptoms and is usually only notieed beeause lignant tumorous growth, it is often not per-
of the swelling. The eases so far reported do feetly dear from the histologieal pieture that
not enable any estimate of the average age or the tumor has arisen from fatty tissue. There
appearanee or predileetion site to be made. Ra- are, for instanee, struetural similarities with the
diologieally it is usually seen as a translueent malignant histioeytomas (p. 324). Beeause of
intraosseous foeus, with that seetion of the the extreme rarity of this growth no informa-
bone being slightly expanded. tion is available either about its loealization or
In Fig. 648 the radiograph shows an osseous its age and sex distribution.
lipoma in the ealcaneus (1). Here there is an Figure 650 depiets the radiograph of a lipo-
oval osteolytie foeus that extends on one side sareoma in the right humerus. The tumor has
to the cortex (1) and on the other side is fairly arisen in the proximal part of the bone (1) and
sharply demareated by diserete marginal sdero- then extended a long way distally (2) within the
sis (2). In the center of the foeus there is a very marrow eavity. One ean diseern the patehy os-
dense round shadow (3) produeed by the teolytie destruetion of the spongiosa and ero-
marked eentral dystrophie ealeifieation of the sion of the endosteal layer of the cortex (3).
tumorous tissue. Lipomas mayaiso be paros- There are also osteolytie foei within the cortex
teal, where elevation of the periosteum and (4) whieh have brought about a periosteal reae-
pressure on the nerves may produee pain. tion.
Maeroseopieally there is a eystie eavity in The histological picture of this neoplasm is
this type of bony foeus whieh is filled up with very similar to that of the eorresponding soft
lobulated yellowish fatty tissue. Calcified areas tissue tumor. In Fig. 651 one ean see that the
may be eneountered within the tumorous fatty lamellar layering of the bone trabeeulae (1) has
tissue. been preserved. The marrow eavity is filled up
As ean be seen in Fig. 649, the histological with highly eellular tumorous tissue in whieh
section also shows fatty tissue that differs only the variously sized eomplexes of large fat eells
slightly from the normally oeeurring fat in the (2) with their bright eytoplasm are striking.
marrow eavity. One finds mature fat eells of dif- They have small compaet hyperehromatie and
ferent sizes (1) with small roundish isomorphie polymorphie nudei. Often multinudeated giant
nudei. There are no mitoses. Only very sparse eells with bizarre nudei are also present. In be-
narrow eonneetive tissue septa (2) run through tween there are very dense eollections of eells
the growth, earrying fine blood eapillaries with (3) with roundish polymorphie spindle-shaped
them. Peripherally one often finds a little sde- nudei.
rotie bone tissue (3), and narrow bone trabeeu- The number of mitoses is variable. With Su-
lae may be present inside. In general this is a dan staining, fat ean be identified in all the tu-
harmless neoplasm that ean be removed by cur- mor eells. In general this is a highly malignant
ettage. neoplasm with a poor prognosis for whieh rad-
ieal extirpation is the only effeetive treatment.
Osseous Liposarcoma 347

- -- - 3

Fig. 648. Bone lipoma (calcaneus) Fig. 649. Bone lipoma; HE, x40


Fig. 650. Osseous liposarcoma (humerus) Fig. 651. Osseous liposarcoma; HE, x40
348 11 Bone Tumors

Medullary Plasmocytoma (lCD-O-DA-M-9730/3) multiple myelomas. Most commonly affected is

(Multiple Myeloma) the vertebral column.

By far the commonest malignant bone neo- Age Distribution (Fig. 653). The higher age
plasm is the medullary plasmocytoma, which groups are much more often affected, more
makes up more than half of these tumors. It than 60% of the plasmocytomas appearing in
can appear as an isolated lesion in a single the 6th and 7th decades of life. Before the age
bone or arise in several of them simultaneously of 50 years plasmocytomas are extremely un-
(multiple myeloma). It usually develops mono- common, and mostly single tumors. It is more
topically in one bone (e. g. femur or humerus) frequent (73%) in men than in women.
and them spreads with multiple foci through- Figure 654 shows the radiograph of a medul-
out the skeleton. The tumor takes its origin lary plasmocytoma in the left humerus. Spread-
from the primitive reticular cells. There is a ing of the tumor in the marrow cavity can
malignant tumorous proliferation of the plasma leave the radio graph unchanged; it is only after
cells in the bone marrow whieh leads to loeal the spongiosa has undergone considerable de-
destruction of bone, and in addition to the eom- struction and the compacta has been attacked
plex syndrome known as Kahler's disease. Clini- from within that bone defects become visible
cally the predominant symptom is increasing radiologically. The left humerus depicted in
bone pain. There mayaIso be deformities of Fig. 654 shows in its proximal part an extensive
the affected bones with spontaneous fractures expansion of the bone which reaches as far as
and neurological symptoms. Characteristically the proximal metaphysis (1). One can clearly
there is an increase in the immunoglobulins in recognize the far-reaching destruction of the
the blood plasma (usually IgG and IgA, more spongiosa in this region, in which an osteo-
rarely IgE or IgD, the so-called monoclonal im- sclerotic increase in density (2) is mixed up
munoglobulins; partly "heavy" (H) or "light" with "osteoporotic" porosity. The translucent
(L) chain, or Land H antibodies), which gives foci are extremely patchy and are present
rise to an increased erythrocyte sedimentation throughout the whole marrow cavity of the
rate or altered electrophoresis (identification ofbone. A few are sharply demarcated by a fine
paraproteins). In the kidneys pathological pro- marginal sclerosis (3), while others are large
teins are often excreted (Bence-Jones proteins, foci of destruction. The cortex has also become
"light chain" protein), and this is followed by involved in the process of osteolytic destruc-
resorption and the storage of hyaline pro tein tion. In many pI aces it has been "gnawed away"
drops in the tubular epithelium ("plasmocyto- from within, as if by a rat (4). Penetration of
ma kidney"). In 10% of the cases a generalized the cortex by the intramedullary tumor may
amyloidosis develops. In 10%-15% of patients cause thickening of the periosteum. A plasmo-
with a plasmocytoma a hypercalcinemia of cytoma can also lead to the development of a
more than 20 mg% is found, although the localized tumor in the affected bone which may
serum phosphates and alkaline phosphatase become the site of a pathological fracture.
remain within normal limits. Thin bones (skull cap, scapula, pelvis) are
very so on eaten away by the tumor. Figure 655
Localization (Fig. 652). A medullary plasmocyto- shows the radiograph of a so-called "buck-shot
ma can develop in any bone which has a mar- skull". One can see multiple punched-out
row cavity - which is to say that almost any round foci of osteolysis (1) in the skull cap
bone may be attacked by the tumor. Most com- which are indeed sharply demarcated but not
monly, plasmocytoma foci are found in the ver- surrounded by marginal sclerosis. This radio-
tebral bodies, ribs, pelvis, skull cap, femur or graph is very characteristic of a plasmocytoma.
sternum. The short tubular bones are only Whereas a solitary plasmocytoma shows up on
rarely affected. In about 5% of cases tumorous the radiograph as a punched-out defect with
foci appear in the bones of the jaws, the mand- diffuse surrounding osteosclerosis, the multiple
ible being more frequently affected than the myeloma shows an osteoporosis-like osteolysis
maxilla. As far as the localization is concerned, of the spongiosa that involves the greater part
there is no difference between the solitary and of the bone.
Medullary Plasmocytoma 349

10.2% (Skull)

6.8% (Ribs)
49% (Spine) %








> 15%

> 10% o
1. ~ 3 ~ ~ a ~ a a
D <IO% Decade 01 lile

Fig. 652. Localization of the medullary plasmocytomas Fig. 653. Age distribution of the medullary plasmocytomas
(1,100 cases); others: 6.7% (1,100 cases)

Fig. 654. Medullary plasmocytoma Fig. 655. Medullary plasmocytoma (skulI)

(left proximal humerus)
350 11 Bone Tumors

The macroscopic appearance of a medullary nuclei are mostly round and eccentrically
plasmocytoma is represented by the sawn spec- placed (1). The chromatin within them is often
imen depicted in Fig. 656. The cancellous bony minutely fragmented and concentrated in the
framework work has been extensively destroyed periphery, giving rise to the so-called "wheel-
and is only preserved in part at the cortieal spoke structure". In most cases, however, these
margin (1). The entire marrow cavity has been abnormal plasma cells show a generally dense
taken over by a glassy, partly dark red (2), concentration of chromatin inside the nucleus.
partly grayish-white tumorous mass (3) of soft Several nucleoli are frequently present in the
consistency. Parts of the bony cancellous frame- same nucleus. Only rarely are abnormal mi-
work may be preserved and even show a reac- toses encountered. Multinucleated plasma cells
tive increase in density, giving the radiograph a and giant cells are also present (2). Sometime
patchy, partly osteolytic, partly osteosclerotic one can see vacuoles and inclusions (the so-
appearance. The originally intramedullary tu- called "Russei bodies") within the cytoplasm.
mor finally attacks the endosteal surface of the The most striking properties of this tumorous
cortex, and we can see that its inner layer (4) tissue are the differences in size of the plasma
no longer has a smooth border, but looks as cells and their nuclei and also the distinct cel-
though it has been irregularly gnawed. This en- lular and nuclear polymorphy. In highly differ-
tirely characteristic morphological picture of a entiated plasmocytomas the plasma cells may
plasmocytoma is often discernible in the radio- be remarkably uniform, making it difficult to
graph and described as "rat-bitten". Such a distinguish the tumor from a non-specific plas-
type of tumorous growth can produce a reac- mocytosis (MGUS) or plasma cell osteomyelitis
tive osteosclerotie increase in the thiekness and (p. 142). On the other hand, the plasma cells in
density of the cortex (5) if it proceeds slowly. an undifferentiated tumor may lose their char-
The tumor may, however, even penetrate the acteristie morphologieal appearance, and it is
cortex and destroy it, often bringing about re- then difficult to distinguish it from another
active thickening of the periosteum (6). Finally, malignant bone lymphoma (the retieulum cell
it may invade the parosteal soft parts, with a sarcoma, p. 358). Certainly, no reticulin fibers
very real danger of a pathological fracture oc- are found in a plasmocytoma.
curring. Macroscopic assessment of an intra- Figure 659 is a cell smear made from an in-
medullary plasmocytoma is usually only possi- tramedullary plasmocytoma, in which the mor-
ble at autopsy, and in most cases the patholo- phological characteristics of the plasma cells
gist is presented with biopsy material for diag- are very clearly shown. One can again recog-
nostic analysis. nize the polygonal cells with their markedly ec-
Figure 657 depicts the classieal histological centrie nuclei. These nuclei vary in size and
appearance of an medullary plasmocytoma. chromatin content, the chromatin being con-
One can see a closed cell sheet of abnormal centrated in such a manner as to produce the
plasma cells with very little intercellular stro- "wheel-spoke" appearance. The cytoplasm is
ma, the cells being sometimes loosely, some- partly eosinophilic, partly basophilic. The out-
times densely packed, but not actually enclosed line of the cell border is distinct, although no
in any tissue coating. Even in this overall view cell membrane is visible.
the variously sized and polymorphie nuclei are An isolated plasmocytoma is not usually ac-
striking. The chromatin content is variable. companied by serologieal changes (Kahler's dis-
Some cells are weakly stained (1), others are ease). It is a circumscribed bone tumor that
very dark (2). In this tumorous tissue some calls for local surgieal treatment. With a 60%
large vacuoles (3) left over from the original survival rate of 5 years, the prognosis is rela-
fatty tissue are still visible. tively good, although transition into a multiple
Under higher magnification one can see in myeloma is possible. A generalized plasmocyto-
Fig. 658 that the tumor cells are unmistakably ma is treated today by chemotherapy, in spite
plasma cells. They have distinct cell mem- of whieh a 5-year survival of only just 10% can
branes and a richly eosinophilic cytoplasm. The be achieved.
Medullary Plasmocytoma 351

Fig. 656. Medullary plasmocytoma (femur, cut surface) Fig. 657. Medullary plasmocytoma; HE, x64

Fig. 658. Medullary plasmocytoma; HE, xlOO Fig. 659. Medullary plasmocytoma (cytosmear), May-Grün-
wald-Giemsa, x630
352 11 Bone Tumors

Ewing's Sarcoma (ICD-O-DA-M-9260/3) has extended much further than. can be seen
radiologically. The most prominent feature of
Ewing's sarcoma accounts for up to about 8% its growth is osteolysis. The tumor cells destroy
of the malignant bone tumors. It is a highly the bone tissue and displace the osteoblasts,
malignant primary bone neoplasm of children whereas the osteoclasts continue their full os-
and young people. It develops in the marrow teolytic action. In addition to the osteolysis
cavity, and probably arises from the immature there is also a reactive osteosclerotic process,
reticular cells of the bone marrow. Clinically the so that small patches of translucency are seen
tumor, which cannot with certainty be diag- in the tissue. This picture is described as
nosed radiologically, imitates the signs and "moth-eaten". In Fig. 662 one can see the
symptoms of osteomyelitis. Local swelling, heat, radiograph of a Ewing's sarcoma in the proxi-
pain, fever and a raised erythrocyte sedimenta- mal part of the right femur. Within the marrow
tion rate are the presenting symptoms of a Ew- cavity there are ir regular patches of trans lu-
ing's sarcoma. The local pain is periosteal in cency as weIl as patchy and diffuse densifica-
origin, the immediate cause being local tension, tions (1). The long bone is expanded in a fusi-
and the infiltration of the periosteum by the tu- form fashion around the tumor, and the cortex
mor. Pathological fractures occur in about 10% is exfoliated over some distance (2) and broken
of cases. through (3). The periosteum has been raised up
by the invasion of the tumor, and marked reac-
Localization (Fig. 660). The main sites for Ew- tive periosteal bone deposition can be seen.
ing's sarcoma are the long bones - particularly Several layers of bone tissue have developed be-
the femur, humerus and tibia - the metaphyses low the periosteum, giving rise to a picture like
being more often involved than the diaphyses. an onion skin on the radiograph (4). This phe-
It can, however, attack any bone and, in very nomenon is present in almost all Ewing's sarco-
rare cases, even the soft tissues. The pelvis is a mas which lie centrally in the diaphysis of a
common site, the ribs and short tubular bones long bone. The penetration of the cortex by the
are less often affected by Ewing's sarcoma. In tumorous tissue can also give origin to the so-
the jaws, the mandible is more often involved called bone spicules, where newly formed
than the maxilla. trabeculae in the periosteum are seen perpendi-
cular to the axis of the shaft .. These radial
Age Distribution (Fig. 661). In complete contrast spicules are seen in 50% of Ewing's sarcomas
to the plasmocytoma (p. 348), Ewing's sarcoma found in the center of a long bone diaphysis.
appears in children and young people, over Figure 663 depicts the radiograph of a Ew-
80% of the tumors arising in the first 2 de- ing's sarcoma in the head of the tibia. Immedi-
cades, with a peak in the 2nd decade. More ately below the epiphyseal cartilage there is a
than 90% of these neoplasms occur before the roundish focus of destruction (1) which is not
age of thirty. It must nevertheless be empha- demarcated by any marginal sclerosis. The
sized that they can in fact arise at any age, spongiosa in this region has been destroyed,
although after the 30th year they are rare, and and the bone tissue in the outer zone by osteo-
such a diagnosis should be looked at very criti- lysis. Inside there are patchy areas of increased
cally. density. It can only be assumed that a much
There is no radiological appearance that is larger part of the marrow cavity has been in-
pathognomonic of a Ewing's sarcoma. The tu- vaded by the tumorous tissue. In one pI ace (2)
mor spreads in the marrow cavity, taking in the there is a small osteolytic focus in the cortex,
Haversian canals and very quickly involving the and thickening of the periosteum (3) is also
whole shaft of the bone. Occasionally, however, clearly discernible. The periosteum has been
the neoplasm remains confined to a particular largely infiltrated by the tumor, thus leading to
region of the bone and extends itself locally. In additional reactive new bone deposition, which
most cases only apart of the tumor within the can be seen in the radiograph. Invasion of the
bone can be seen in the radiograph, and mor- soft parts by the tumor is also possible.
phological examination shows that the growth
Ewing's Sarcoma 353

3.7% (SkulI)

4.2% (CI. viele)

11.6%( Humerus)
6.9% (Ribs)

6.4% ( pine) %

11.2% (Pelvis)


20% (Femur) 35




14.2% (Ti bia)
• > 15 %
3.1 % (Fibula) 5
• >10%
< 10% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Decade 01 lile

Fig. 660. Localization of Ewing's sarcomas (298 cases); Fig. 661. Age distribution of Ewing's sarcomas (298 cases)
others: 18.7%

Fig. 662. Ewing's sarcoma (right proximal femur) Fig. 663. Ewing's sarcoma (tibial head)
354 11 Bone Tumors

Radiologically, a Ewing's sarcoma can imitate myelitis. In order to exclude this type of in-
absolutely any other bone tumor, so that a true flammatory process, material should be re-
diagnosis can only be reached by examining moved for bacteriological examination at the
the histological appearance of a biopsy. Fig- same time as the bone biopsy - in most cases
ure 664 shows a large area of osteolysis lying it will be found to be bacteriologically negative.
centrally in the proximal part of the tibia (1) of In Fig. 668 one can see densely or loosely
a 17-year-old boy. It is sharply demarcated packed "round cells" (1) in the marrow cavity.
above by a narrow band of marginal sclerosis The very dark nuclei in some of the cell groups
(2), but distally the border is indistinct (3). is striking (2). No differentiated tissue struc-
This signifies malignancy. Inside the osteolytic tures are discernible. Peripherally (3) the tu-
focus one observes only a few discrete patches morous tissue is more extensively crushed or
of translucency. The cortex is generally intact, necrotic. The spongiosa is more or less de-
except at one point (4), and no periosteal reac- stroyed. In the center one can see a bone trabe-
tion is discernible. In this case a Ewing's sarco- cula (4) that still shows the lamellar layering,
ma can only be diagnosed histologically. although its borders are undulating and jagged.
A 24-year-old man was examined radiologi- There is a broad front of new bone deposition
cally because of continual pain in the right with a few osteoblasts (5). Here the original
foot. The lateral radiograph shown in Fig. 665 cancellous trabeculae have been extensively de-
shows only slight loosening of the cancellous stroyed by the malignant tumor, giving the ap-
structure of the calcaneus (1). There are no un- pearance of osteolysis on the radiograph. A few
ambiguous signs of local destruction, and the trabeculae remain and are reacting with repara-
outer contours of the bone (2) have been fully tive new bone deposition. This shows up as
preserved. However, the bone scintigram fine dense patches on the radio graph. Normally
showed a high degree of activity in the calca- speaking, the destructive osteolytic processes in
neus; and this, as can be seen in Fig. 666, does a Ewing's sarcoma exceed the reparative osteo-
not reflect only the focus of porosity seen in sclerotic reaction, so that a malignant tumor-
the radiograph, but reveals highly concentrated ous osteolysis usually predominates in the
activity throughout the bone (1). Significantly radio graph.
less increased activity can be seen in the other
bones, particularly in the growing regions (2),
but this is to be regarded as physiological. Such
a radiological picture leads one at first to think
of osteomyelitis; however there may be, as in
this case, a Ewing's sarcoma lurking in the
The sawcut through the macroscopic speci-
men depicted in Fig. 667 shows a large central
focus of destruction (1) that is greasy and
soaked with blood. It is much larger than it ap-
pears to be in the radiograph (Fig. 665). The
destruction of the spongiosa reaches up in sev-
eral places as far as the cortex (2), which has
an indistinct border and is no longer intact
dorsally (3). In one place (4) the impression is 4
given that the tumor has already infiltrated into
the soft parts. All the other bones are free from 3
tumorous tissue.
Histologically this tumor consists of highly
cellular, entirely undifferentiated tumorous tis-
sue that is in many places necrotic and appears
greasy and yellowish-red to the naked eye. It
could easily be mistaken for a very active osteo- Fig. 664. Ewing's sarcoma (right proximal tibia)
Ewing's Sarcoma 355

2 - - - - -..

2 2
Fig. 665. Ewing's sarcoma (calcaneus) Fig. 666. Ewing's sarcoma (calcaneus, scintigram)

2 2

Fig. 667. Ewing's sarcoma (calcaneus, cut surface) Fig. 668. Ewing's sarcoma; HE, x64
356 11 Bone Tumors

In the histological picture shown in Fig. 669 there are fairly large groups of cells, bounded
it is obvious that the tumor is composed of a by narrow connective tissue septa (1). This
highly cellular tissue in which no differentiated stroma is threaded through with blood vessels
structures are present. The tumor cells lie to- (2). The tumor cells have small, very dark nu-
gether in band-shaped (1) or roundish areas dei and sparse, scarcely recognizable cyto-
(2). In between there are connective tissue sep- plasm. No silver-staining retieular fibers are
ta, threaded through with dilated fine-walled formed, being present only in the neighbor-
blood vessels (3). The tumorous tissue is ex- hood of the vessels and in the connective tissue
tremely vulnerable, which accounts for the septa. They do not belong to the tumorous tis-
large patchy or band-shaped regions of necrosis sue itself. It can be extraordinarily difficult to
(4) in the centers of the cell groups. This tissue identify this highly cellular, undifferentiated
is best preserved around the vessels, where it and small-celled tumorous tissue as a Ewing's
presents a rosette-like appearance. Numerous sarcoma. The differential diagnosis must also
pycnotic nudei are seen at the edges of the ne- indude the possibility of bone metastases, e. g.
croses, and this highly cellular neoplastie tissue a neuroblastoma or PNET.
may be diffused throughout the entire bone Figure 672 again shows a Ewing's sarcoma
marrow. The spongiosa is alm ost completely under higher magnification. At one side there
destroyed. Ewing's sarcoma is one of the most is a bone trabecula with laminated layering (1)
difficult of all bone tumors to recognize, be- lying dose to the highly cellular tumorous tis-
cause no typieal structures are formed. Further- sue. Some tumor cells (2) have small roundish
more, there may be many crush artefacts in the nudei that are fairly isomorphie. Owing to the
biopsy, and these can ren der the diagnosis ab- dense condensations of chromatin they appear
solutely impossible. black. These cells have hardly any cytoplasm
Under the high er magnification of Fig. 670 and are virtually naked nudei. They are all
one can see that the whole marrow cavity is much the same size - about two or three times
filled with tumorous tissue. It consists of dense, as big as lymphocytes. Lying dose to them, one
or sometimes loose, collections of small undif- can recognize stellate cells with abundant cyto-
ferentiated round cells (1), of which the nudei plasm (3) whieh may be regularly distributed
show variable degrees of chromatin density. throughout the tumorous tissue, again recalling
Very dark nudei (2) lie next to others which images of the night sky. These cells have fairly
are pale and distended (3). The cytoplasm of large spheroidal nudei, all much the same size.
these cells is poorly developed and appears very They possess a loose chromatin framework,
faded at this magnification. The cell boundaries particularly at the nudear membrane, with one
are indistinct. Sometimes stellate cells, rieh in or two dark nudeoli. Pathological mitoses are
cytoplasm, are loosely but regularly distributed, rare. Within the sparse cytoplasm glycogen
reminding one of the appearance of the night granules can nearly always be shown up with
sky. Within the tumorous tissue there is no in- PAS staining, although PAS-negative Ewing's
tercellular material, but one can discern a nar- sarcomas do exist. Three different types of cells
row seam of reactive connective tissue (4) at can be identified cytologically: A cells = imma-
the periphery of the tumor itself. It contains fi- ture stern cells, B cells = dark secondary cells,
brocytes with elongated isomorphic nudei, and C cells = differentiated reticular cells. Whether
is not a sarcomatous stroma. The remaining or not various other tumors, running a differ-
bone trabeculae in the spongiosa (5) are con- ent course and carrying different prognoses, lie
siderably deformed as a result of the reactive "hidden" behind the Ewing's sarcoma is still
bone remodeling. They are in part osteosde- not known. Variations in the duration and
rotieally widened and have broad osteoid seams course of the illness and the differing responses
(6). Sometime one can observe deposits of os- to the irradiation and chemotherapy usual to-
teoblasts (7). Normal areas of scar tissue may day make one think it may be possible. Histo-
be present, which are threaded through with chemical and, above all, immunohistochemical
wide fine-walled blood vessels (8). methods are being used in an attempt to ana-
As can be observed in Fig. 671, the tumor- lyze Ewing's sarcoma more precisely. (For
ous tissue may contain pseudoalveoli. Here further information about PNET see p. 368).
Ewing's Sarcoma 357

Fig. 669. Ewing's sarcoma, PAS, x40 Fig. 670. Ewing's sarcoma, PAS, x64

Fig. 671. Ewing's sarcoma; HE, x64 Fig. 672. Ewing's sarcoma, PAS, x82
358 11 Bone Tumors

Malignant Lymphoma of Bone Age Distribution (Fig. 674). A malignant bone

(Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Reticulum Cell Sarcoma) lymphoma can appear at any time, although it
(lCD-O-DA-M-9640/3) is more frequent in middle or old age (3rd and
6th decades). It is, however, also found in chil-
A primary bone tumor that bears great morpho- dren and young people.
logical similarity to Ewing's sarcoma is the bone In Fig. 675 one can see the radio graph of a
lymphoma. This is an isolated malignant neo- malignant bone lymphoma in the proximal part
plasm which is characterized by the proliferation of the tibia. In this region the bone tissue is ex-
of the lymphocytes and reticular cells of the bone tensively destroyed, although the outer shape of
marrow. Histologically it elosely resembles the the bone has been preserved. Inside, there are
malignant non-Hodgkin lymphomas of the ex- coarse patchy osteolytic fod (1) and straggly
traskeletallymphatic system. This tumor was for- translucencies (2). The osteolytic foci are set
merly described as an osseous "reticulum cell through with ir regular zones of osteoselerosis
sarcoma" consisting of pleomorphic cells with (3). Both osteolysis and osteoselerosis are
abundant cytoplasm, notched nuelei with promi- equally marked throughout the tumor, and lie
nent nueleoli and a dense fibrous network of re- elose together. This results in a coarse straggly
ticulin. Since, however, it is not composed exelu- honeycomb-like structure that, from the point
sively of these "histiocytic" ceIls, and lympho- of view of differential diagnosis, may remind
cytes and lymphoblasts are present in large num- one of Paget's osteitis deformans (p. 102). The
bers, this histologically inconstant neoplasm is destruction of bone by the tumor had origi-
now known as a "malignant bone lymphoma". nated in the marrow cavity, but has neverthe-
Before the diagnosis can be confirmed, how- less destroyed a large part of the cortex (4).
ever, one must exelude the possibility that it is The outline of the bony focus is undulating and
a bone metastasis from a malignant lymphoma uneven, and the tumor has extended proximally
from the extraskeletal lymphatic system (the as far as the epiphyseal cartilage (5) and has in
lymph nodes). The malignant bone lymphoma all probability involved the entire marrow cavi-
makes up about 7% of the malignant tumors of ty. A periosteal re action is either absent or
bone. Clinically there is often a remarkable dif- scarcely visible.
ference between the relatively good general con- As can be seen in the macroscopic picture in
dition of the patient and the size of the growth. It Fig. 676, the whole of the marrow cavity has
is only after a considerable time that attention is indeed been invaded by tumorous tissue and
called to it by local pain and sometimes also by the spongiosa is alm ost completely destroyed.
swelling. It is usual for 25%-50% of the affected One sees large variously sized fod (1) of gray-
bone to have been invaded by tumorous tissue at ish-white soft elastic tumorous tissue. In be-
the time of the first examination. Nevertheless tween there are greasy fod of necrosis (2) and
the prognosis is - particularly in comparison areas with dirty red hemorrhages. The cortex is
with Ewing's sarcoma - relatively favorable. in part narrowed and destroyed (3) and in part
Five-year survival is at about 30%-50%, and widened and densified by reactive osteoselero-
lO-year survival at 16%-20%. In advanced cases sis (4). Much infiltration of the periosteum by
metastases are found in the regionallymph nodes the tumor can be seen. Within the intramedul-
(22%), lungs (10%) and other bones (15%). lary tumorous tissue varying degrees of reac-
tive bone deposition appear in many places,
Localization (Fig. 673). The malignant bone lym- but there is little calcification. It is, however,
phoma can appear in any bone, but espedally the destruction of the bone which is most no-
in the long bones (usually in the diaphysis). ticeable in this macroscopic section. In general
The principal sites are the pelvis and the neigh- this is not pathognomonic of a malignant bone
borhood of the knee (lower end of femur, lymphoma. In bones like these one often sees a
upper end of tibia), where more than half the large tumorous mass in the metaphysis extend-
tumors are localized. The lower end of the ing beyond the bone itself. An extensive paros-
spinal column is often affected; 8.8% of these teal soft tissue tumor, which is not necessarily
growths appear in the upper limb and about detectable radiographically, is also frequently
4% in the jaw. met with in the macroscopic specimen. This
Malignant Lymphoma of Bone (Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Reticulum Cell Sarcoma) 359

''"e.x 3.8% (

6% (Ribs) 8.8% ( Humerus)

10.5% (Spine) %

15.8% (Pelvis)


22.4% (Femur)


15. 1% (Tibia)

_ >15%

_ >1 0 % o
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
<1 0 % Decade 01 lire

Fig. 673. Localization of the malignant bone lymphomas Fig. 674. Age distribution of the malignant bone lympho-
(315 cases); others: 17.6% mas (315 cases)


Fig. 675. Malignant bone lymphoma (proximal tibia) Fig. 676. Malignant bone lymphoma (tibia, cut surface)
360 11 Bone Tumors

signifies that the intramedullary tumor has al- tin (4). Some of the nuclei have several large
ready broken out of the bone. nucleoli and are kidney-shaped. The cytoplasm
Figure 677 shows the a.p. radiograph of a varies in amount and is slightly basophilic, and
malignant bone lymphoma in the proximal part the cell boundaries are not clearly distinguish-
of the tibia of a 22-year-old man. In the scle- able. The cells are bound together by cytoplas-
rotically dense spongiosa (1) there are a few mic processes, but the pointed type can usually
discrete regions of osteolysis (2). The outer only be seen in fresh specimens. In the biopsy
contours of the bone are intact and distinct, material the tumorous tissue is often full of
and no periosteal reaction is visible. The bone crush artefacts whieh make the morphological
destruction is more clearly seen in the lateral analysis very difficult. There are often large ne-
radiograph. In Fig. 678 much fine patchy osteo- crotie fields which indieate a malignant growth.
lysis appears in the spongiosa (1) and the ven- Those tumor cells whieh are still intact are
tral cortex (2). The lesion extends a long way usually rather large, but giant cells with large
into the tibial shaft (3) and is very poorly out- distended nuclei and clumps of chromatin can
lined. No bony periosteal reaction can be seen. also be present. Mitoses are frequent. In con-
The histological appearance of a malignant trast to Ewing's sarcoma, one cannot demon-
bone lymphoma is the same as that of a malig- strate glycogen granules in the tumor cells with
nant lymphoma that has arisen primarily in the PAS staining. Reactive deposition of new bone
lymph nodes. As illustrated in Fig. 679, the can take place within the neoplasm. In many
neoplastic tissue consists of a regular sheet of cases numerous highly differentiated and undif-
loosely deposited tumorous lymphocytes (1) ferentiated lymphoblasts and lymphocytes are
which fill up the whole of the marrow cavity strewn about within a malignant bone lympho-
between the trabeculae. In contrast to Ewing's ma, and tumorous histiocytes are often encoun-
sarcoma (p. 357), there are not usually any ex- tered. If small lymphoid cells predominate in
tensive fields of necrosis. One can discern a few the biopsy material it may sometimes be diffi-
stout bone trabeculae (2) whieh represent an ir- cult to distinguish it from a Ewing's sarcoma.
regular front of osteosclerotie bone deposition Neither knotty nor follieular structures belong
(3) formed as areaction to the growth of the to the pieture of an osseous lymphoma.
tumor. There is a loose disorganized band of When diagnosing an osseous "round cell sar-
cells with only a very weakly developed stroma coma" one must, apart from Ewing's sarcoma
of single collagen fibers (4) apparent. With sil- (p. 352) and malignant neuroblastoma (p. 388),
ver staining (Gomori, Bielschowsky or Tibor- also take the possibility of metastases from a
PAP) a fine network of reticulin fibers can be small cell carcinoma of the bronchus into ac-
seen between the tumor cells. This kind of fi- count. For this reason cytological examination
brous lattice is not found in Ewing's sarcoma of fresh tumorous tissue (e. g. an aspiration
(p. 357). With this tissue pattern one often sees biopsy) and immunohistochemical examination
the so-called "willow catkin structures" or the (lysozyme +, S-100 protein -, cytokeratin -, vi-
formation of pseudoalveoli, when broad mentin +) can be helpful. Electron mieroscopie
stretches of connective tissue subdivide the dif- examination is also useful. The cells of a malig-
ferent groups of cells. nant bone lymphoma or "reticulum cell sarco-
Under the higher magnification of Fig. 680 ma" have nuclei of very variable size and
one can discern densely packed collections of shape, with peripheral condensation of chroma-
retieular cells between the widened bone trabe- tin and often prominent nucleoli. The undulat-
culae (1), and the tumorous tissue is set ing cell membranes sometimes form pro ces ses.
through with single connective tissue septa (2) The cytoplasm contains a fairly large number
whieh sometimes carry capillaries. The neo- of mitochondria and ribosomes and a clearly
plastie cells are polygonal and larger than those defined Golgi apparatus. Retieulin and collagen
of Ewing's sarcoma (p. 357). They have large fibrils can be demonstrated between the tumor
roundish nuclei whieh are often notched, and cells. In contradistinction to Ewing's sarcoma,
which sometimes contain a loose chromatin there are no glycogen granules in the cyto-
framework and prominent nucleoli (3), and plasm.
sometimes a very dense framework of chroma-
Malignant Lymphoma of Bone (Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Reticulum Cell Sarcoma) 361

Fig. 677. Malignant bone lymphoma Fig. 678. Malignant bone lymphoma
(proximal tibia, a. p. view) (proximal tibia, lateral view)

Fig. 679. Malignant bone lymphoma; HE, x64 Fig. 680. Malignant bone lymphoma; PAS, x82
362 11 Bone Tumors

Osseous Hodgkin Lymphoma tumor of the bone marrow is therefore in this

(Hodgkin's Disease, Malignant Lymphogranulomato- case very probably the correct diagnosis.
sis) (lCD-O-DA-M-96S/3) Histologically a malignant bone lymphoma
is usually easy to diagnose. It is, however, often
About half of all lymphomas are classified un- difficult to recognize a Hodgkin lymphoma
der Hodgkin's lymphogranulomatosis. The le- from the bone biopsy, or to distinguish be-
sion arises almost always in the tissue of the tween the 4 known types of Hodgkin's disease
lymph nodes and then secondarily involves (the lymphocyte-rich, nodular sclerotie, mixed
other organs, including the bones. In rare cases and lymphocyte-poor forms). This must be
the disease can appear primarily within the decided by examination of the lymph node. In
marrow cavity, in whieh cases no swelling of order to diagnose an osseous Hodgkin lympho-
the lymph nodes will occur. Hodgkin's osseous ma (Fig. 681) the identification of Hodgkin
lymphogranulomatosis consists of a peculiar cells (1) and Sternberg giant cells (2) is impor-
malignant proliferation of the lymphatic tissue tant. Here it is a matter of large, "liquor-rieh"
in the bone marrow, with the development of mononucleated and multinucleated cells with
granulation tissue which is characterized by a extremely large nucleoli and a moderately baso-
mixed cytology (reticular cells, lymphocytes, philic cytoplasm. The nuclei in the Sternberg
epithelioid cells, eosinophil and neutrophil giant cells overlap one another.
granulocytes, plasma cells) and so-called Hodg- In Fig. 684 one can recognize histologically
kin cells and Stern berg giant cells. In 65% of a typieal Hodgkin lymphoma with Hodgkin
cases it can be established that the bone mar- cells (1) and Sternberg giant cells (2). In be-
row has been attacked, and for this reason a tween there are numerous lymphocytes (3). Un-
biopsy of the iliac crest is always indicated. der higher magnification one can also see in
Most often it is the vertebral bodies (60%), Fig. 685 large reticular cells (1), plasma cells
sternum (25%), femur (31%) and skull cap (2), epithelioid cells (3) and eosinophils.
(3%) which are affected. With skeletal involve- Sprouting capillaries and a more or less pro-
ment, bone changes can only be detected in the nounced scarring are also encountered. There
radiograph in 25% of the cases. is extensive destruction of the cancellous trabe-
Radiologically, osteolytic bone foci are found culae in the neighborhood of the Hodgkin infil-
in about 50% of the cases, and in 10%-15% trates. In the less common osteosclerotic form
marked osteosclerosis is present. Figure 682 de-
picts a so-called ivory vertebra (1), whieh
should arouse suspicion of Hodgkin's disease.
The entire vertebral body is sclerotically densi-
fied, without any osteolytic foci being visible.
The outer contours are present and distinct,
and the intervertebral spaces are unaltered (2).
Figure 683 shows the radiograph of a Hodgkin
lymphoma in the shaft of the femur. One can
discern several coarse or fine patches of osteo-
lysis in the spongiosa (1) which are particularly
concentrated at the endosteal side of the cortex.
The cortex itself is unaltered (2) and no perios-
teal reaction is visible. EIsewhere, however,
there is a large osteolytic focus (3) in the cor-
tex which projects a central shadow, reminis-
cent of asequestrum. In addition, there are
small elongated osteolytic foci (4) in the cortex.
In general the impression is given of an exten-
sive region of bone destruction which has pri-
marily arisen in the marrow cavity and at-
tacked the cortex. Radiologically, a malignant Fig. 681. Hodgkin lymphoma; HE, xlOO
Osseous Hodgkin Lymphoma (Hodgkin's Disease, Malignant Lymphogranulomatosis) 363


Fig. 682. Osseous Hodgkin lymphoma Fig. 683. Osseous Hodgkin lymphoma
(ivory vertebra, 3rd lumbar vertebra) (femoral shaft, tomogram)

Fig. 684. Osseous Hodgkin lymphoma; PAS, x40 Fig. 685. Osseous Hodgkin lymphoma; PAS, x lOO

of Hodgkin's disease the bone is very dense, trabeculae the lymphomatous infiltrates are
and between the sclerotically widened bone usually difficult to recognize.
364 11 Bone Tumors

Leukemia (lCD-O-DA-M-9800/3) histochemical criteria (the PAS reaction, peroxi-

dase, naphthyl acetate esterase) can be used to
Hematological diseases can, if they include mye- identify the tumor cells as myeloid cells (mye-
loid proliferation of the bone marrow, bring loblasts, promyelocytes, monocytes, erythro-
about structural changes in the skeleton that cytes, megakaryocytes) which often also con-
need to be examined osteologically in a bone tain Auer's bodies. In the osteolytic foci the
biopsy. These diseases must be regarded as sep- original cancellous trabeculae have been de-
arate from the primary bone tumors, but they stroyed; peripherally they are identifiable by
do, however, often call upon the diagnostic skills the osteosclerotic bone remodeling (2).
of the radiologist and the pathologist. Leukemia Chronic lymphatic leukemia only rarely
is a diffuse autonomous proliferation of astrain causes bone changes. In Fig. 689 showing the
of leukocytes in the marrow of several bon es, radiograph of the humerus one can identify
wh ich to a greater or lesser extent floods the pe- numerous osteolytic foci of different sizes (1)
ripheral bloodstream. Radiologically demon- in the spongiosa. Some of these have become
strable bone changes appear in about 50% of confluent. The cortex has been gnawed away
the cases of acute leukemia in childhood; in from inside (2). In the shaft one can observe
adults and in the chronic forms, skeletal involve- periosteal new bone deposition (3), so that here
ment is less common. The most important clini- the outline of the diaphysis appears double. Be-
cal symptom is circumscribed bone pain. A hy- tween the cortex and the layer of periosteal new
percalcemic syndrome with metastatic calcifica- bone one can see a light stripe (4). Such a
tions in other organs can arise, so that it may radiographic appearance is typical of leukemic
be mistaken for hyperparathyroidism (p. 80). changes in the skeleton.
In adult life the leukemias produce diffuse As can be observed in Fig. 690, the histologi-
osteoporosis, osteolytic patches or the acute cal appearance of the marrow cavity shows it
appearance of circumscribed osteolytic areas. to have been filled up with relatively mature
In Fig. 686 one can see numerous osteolytic lymphocytes (1). The infiltrates have spread out
patches (1) in the radio graph of the pelvis and from the neighborhood of the larger central si-
proximal part of the femur. These are mostly in nus of the marrow and replaced the residual
the spongiosa, but have also attacked the endo- hematopoietic tissue in the peritrabecular zone
steal side of the cortex (2). Between the moth-eat-
en areas of osteolysis there are fine and coarse
sclerotic regions of increased density (3). This
is an acute lymphatic leukemia that has brought
about patchy destruction of the bone.
Acute myeloid leukemia can also produce
numerous osteolytic patches in the radiograph.
In Fig. 687 multiple fine (1) and coarse (2)
bone defects are visible in the radius and ulna.
These often have a punched-out appearance. In
places the bone has been extensively destroyed
(3), and here the cortex is no longer recogniz-
able. Endosteal sclerosis of the spongiosa (4) is
very characteristic of leukemic infiltration and
bone destruction. 3
In the biopsy material shown in Fig. 688, the
histological picture shows that the marrow
fatty tissue has disappeared and the marrow
cavity is filled up with leukemic infiltrates (1)
that originally developed in the neighborhood
of the peritrabecular zone of new bone deposi- 2
tion. The normal hematopoietic tissue has been Fig. 686. Acute lymphatic leukemia
completely replaced. Cell morphological and (pelvis, left proximal femur)
Leukemia 365

Fig. 687. Acute myeloid leukemia (radius, ulna) Fig. 688. Acute myeloid leukemia, PAS, x82

Fig. 689. Chronic lymphatic leukemia (humerus) Fig. 690. Chronic lymphatic leukemia, PAS, x40

(2). Here the granulocytes have been made con- are lying within the marrow infiltrate. The re-
spicuously dark by their positive chloracetate maining bone trabeculae (4) are slightly thick-
esterase activity. Isolated megakaryocytes (3) ened by sclerosis.
366 11 Bone Tumors

Malignant Mastocytosis (Mast Cell Reticulosis, around the trabeculae or arterioles. These are
Systemic Mastocytosis) (ICD-O-DA-M-9741/3) the same regions of the marrow for which im-
mature granulopoiesis displays a predilection.
Apart from the myeloid and lymphatic strains As can be seen in the histological picture of
of bone marrow cells, other cells (plasma cells, Fig. 694, an increasingly argyrophil myelofibro-
mast cells) can also give rise to malignant tu- sis develops early within the zone of infiltra-
mors. In rare cases these may be formed from tion. Staining for reticular fibers (1) shows that
the mast cells of the bone marrow, and the many of these are present. In the neighborhood
term "mast cell reticulosis" was introduced in of a sderotically widened bone trabecula (2)
1962 by LENNERT. Malignant mastocytosis con- one sees numerous loosely distributed abnor-
sists of a progressive neoplastic proliferation of mal mast cells (3) which possess extremely hy-
the medullary mast cells, which frequently be- perchromatic nudeL The hematopoietic bone
comes generalized and runs a malignant course. marrow has been displaced and the fatty mar-
In this case the mast cells may flood the blood- row has been infiltrated by tumor cells. Only a
stream (mast cell leukemia). This disease often few fat vacuoles remain (4).
ends up as an acute or chronic myeloid leuke- Under higher magnification the mast cells
mia. With systemic mastocytosis the patient is can be identified by their immaturity and low
in most cases also affected by infiltration of the granulation density. At one side of Fig. 695 one
skin (urticaria pigmentosa), the condition then can see a sderotically widened trabecula (1)
being usually benign. In about 15% of cases of with drawn-out reversal lines. In the adjacent
mastocytosis, bone changes can be detected ra- marrow there is a porous argyrophil fibrosis
diologically. (2), with loosely deposited mast cells which
In the radiograph malignant mastocytosis is have polymorphie nudei (3). These contain
characterized by patchy osteolysis in one re- metachromatically basophilic granules (4)
gion of abone. In Fig. 691 one can see a large which can only be made visible by optimal
poorly defined osteolytic focus in the greater fixation. Eosinophil granulocytes, lymphocytes,
trochanter (1), which contains fine roundish plasma cells and histiocytic macrophages may
densifications. The osteolysis has extended into appear reactively around the edges of such
. the marrow cavity (2) where further discrete marrow infiltrates of mast cells.
translucencies (3) are present. The cortex of the This group of primary bone tumors indudes
trochanter (4) has also been drawn into the ly- two different kinds of tissue that are found in
tic process, but there is no periosteal reaction. the marrow cavity: the medullary fatty tissue
In the radio graph of Fig. 692 the lesion is and the various cells of the hematopoietic sys-
also in the proximal part of the femur. The dif-
fuse sderotic density of the femoral neck (1)
and proximal part of the femur is striking. In
between there are fine patchy translucencies 3
(2). The lesser trochanter in particular (3) has
a feathery outline, and the underlying cortex is
osteolytically porous (4). Bone changes of this
sort are usually symptomless, and bone pain is
rare. Pathological fractures are also uncommon
with malignant mastocytosis.
Histologically one can see focally concen-
trated infiltrates of abnormal mast cells disse- 2
minated throughout the bone marrow. In
Fig. 693 there is in one pI ace a bone trabecula
with lamellar layering (1). The marrow cavity is
filled up with loose fibrous tissue (2), within
which collections of mast cells (3) can be seen.
These react strongly with chloracetate esterase. Fig. 691. Malignant mastocytosis
The mast cells are mostly arranged in foci (proximal femur, greater trochanter)
Malignant Mastocytosis (Mast Cell Reticulosis, Systemic Mastocytosis) 367


Fig. 692. Malignant mastocytosis (proximal femur) Fig. 693. Malignant mastocytosis, chloracetate esterase
reaction, x82

Fig. 694. Malignant mastocytosis; Gomori, x82 Fig. 695. Malignant mastocytosis; Giemsa, x120
368 11 Bone Tumors

tem. Amongst the osseous faUy tissue neo- ler's disease (p. 348) may develop, but this is
plasms the lipoma (p. 346) is remarkable for its not always the case. Histologically or cytologi-
very high degree of differentiation, so much so cally it is possible to identify the tumor cells as
that under the microscope the tumorous fatty plasma ceIls (kappa, lambda) by me ans of im-
tissue can hardly be distinguished from its nor- munohistochemistry.
mal medullary counterpart. It is certainly true Much greater difficulties with the diagnosis
that these benign tumors are sometimes over- and differential diagnosis are presented by Ew-
looked and not even recorded if no clear-cut ing's sarcoma, the tumorous tissue of which is
radiological signs are present. The osseous lipo- completely undifferentiated and composed of
ma is regarded as a very rare primary bone tu- various types of cells (p. 356). Clinically the pa-
mor. With the osseous liposarcoma (p. 346), tients often present with the symptoms of os-
however, the tumorous lipoblasts may be so un- teomyelitis. Even in the radiograph we find so
differentiated that they are hardly any longer many bone changes that, while it is indeed pos-
recognizable as such. The danger exists that sible to diagnose a malignant tumor, one can-
these equally rare neoplasms may be incor- not say that it is in fact a Ewing's sarcoma. His-
rectly classified. Radiologically they usually tologically the "round ceIls" of a Ewing's sarco-
present themselves as osteolysis - in the case of ma are characterized by the PAS-positive glyco-
a lipoma sometimes with central calcification. gen granules in the sparse cytoplasm. These
Most osteomyelogenic bone tumors are can be confirmed immunohistochemically (see
"round cell sarcomas" of which the histogenesis Table 5, p. 507) and the patient then treated ac-
must be established before an exact diagnosis cording to the ECESS protocol ("cooperative
is possible. This group includes especially the Ewing's sarcoma study").
malignant lymphomas as they appear through- The most important of the "atypical Ewing's
out the entire lymphatic system (lymph no des, sarcomas" to be ruled out immunohistochemi-
spleen etc.). Diseases of this kind are very fre- cally is the primitive neuroectodermal bone tu-
quent and are histologically diagnosed from an mor (PNET). This is a rare and highly malig-
iliac crest biopsy. We distinguish histologically nant bone tumor, wh ich is similar to the periph-
between Hodgkin lymphomas (p. 362) and eral neuroepithelioma found in the soft parts,
non-Hodgkin lymphomas (p. 358). If the tumor and to Ewing's sarcoma. It is found almost ex-
cells are poured out into the bloodstream we clusively in children. The electron microscopic
call it a leukemia (p. 364). In most cases these findings (neurosecretory granules, intermediate
are blood diseases. It is only when one or more filaments, neurotubule-like structures) suggest
bones are exclusively attacked and no extra-os- a neurogenic tumor. This kind of undifferen-
seous infiltrate can be detected that a lympho- tiated smaIl round ceIl tumor is classified un-
ma can be regarded as a primary neoplasm of der PNET if, from the list of neural markers -
bone. Depending upon the localization of the namely, NSE, S-100 protein, GFAP (acid glial-fi-
marrow cavity, the diaphyses (or vertebral ber protein) and HBA71 or MIC2 - the cells
bodies, sternum and iliac wings) are infiltrated can be shown immunohistochemically to ex-
over a considerable distance. The destruction press at least two. In addition it should be pos-
of the cancellous trabeculae may be slight, so sible to identify Homer-Wright pseudorosettes
that the tumor is not perceived radiologically. histologically. In Ewing's sarcoma, on the other
There may, however, be discrete areas of osteo- hand, no such rosettes are present and the cells
lysis. express none or, at the most, one of the neural
The commonest osteomyelogenic bone neo- markers. In this way this special tumorous en-
plasm to be classified among the bone tumors tity can be identified within the so-called "Ew-
is the medullary plasmocytoma (or myeloma, ing's family". It has a significantly worse prog-
p. 348). It is also the commonest malignant nosis than Ewing's sarcoma. This is important
bone tumor. The myeloma is usually multifocal, therefore for the prognosis and for the possible
appearing simultaneously in different bones therapeutic consequences (e. g. as an indication
and producing variously sized areas of osteoly- for bone marrow transplantation).
sis on the radiograph. ClinicaIly, so-called Kah-
Vascular Bone Tumors (and other Bone Tumors) 369

Vascular Bone Tumors the nature of the bone lesion is not always ap-
(and other Bone Tumors) parent. Even hemangiosarcomas of bone are
not always recognizable as vascular neoplasms.
Introductory Remarks There are such tumors in which the malignant
endothelial buds develop no lumen, so that the
Bones are biological organs that are composed tumorous tissue cannot be angiographically
of a number of different tissues. As in every identified as such. Histologically solid band-like
other organ, processes of physiological remod- endothelial sprouts are present which give the
eling and proliferation are going on which impression of metastatic tumorous tissue. It is
adapt themselves to the diverse functional cir- only by using immunohistochemical methods
cumstances of the organism. They also take (e. g. positive reactions against factor VIII or
part in the complicated metabolic activity, ulex lectin), or electron microscopic examina-
much of which is essential to the survival of tion (characteristic structure: Palade-Weibel
the complete animal. Calcium metabolism is an bodies) that the neoplastic cells can be identi-
example. Obviously such an organ must be fied as angioblasts.
connected to the general cardiovascular system, The benign tumors that arise from the blood
both to fulfil these functional commitments, vessels of bones are histomorphologically iden-
and also for its own survival. For this reason tical with similar tumors in the soft parts. Both
the bones are supplied with blood vessels the glomus tumor and the hemangiopericytoma
which enter them from outside, and then inter- are found in bone. Finally, lymph vessels also
lace with each other within the marrow cavity run through the marrow cavity, and these can
and branch out in all directions (pp. 17, 166). also be a source of neoplastic growth. From
As is true of the soft tissues, and in other or- them the osseous lymphangiomas are derived.
gan systems of the body, neoplasms may devel- With the malignant variety, however, the tissue
op from these blood vessels, which possess a from which they are derived is no longer recog-
characteristic morphology. Hemangiomas may nizable, so that we can only use the general
develop from these vessels, and these are often term "angiosarcoma".
regarded as local malformations - the so-called Whereas the benign vascular neoplasms of
hamartomas. These are dysontogenetic neo- bone are relatively common, the corresponding
plasms. The benign hemangiomas of bone pre- angiosarcoma is a very rare primary bone neo-
sent almost an opposing picture to that of the plasm, vascular growths being essentially more
malignant vascular tumors: the hemangiosarco- often found in the soft parts and in other or-
mas. In general, vascular neoplasms display an gans. The vascular tumors are characterized by
enormously variable radiological and histomor- their locally destructive growth and their sensi-
phological outer appearance, which can make tivity to irradiation.
their diagnosis extremely difficult. A prolifera- In this chapter other rare bone tumors will
tion of vessels and vascular buds is also found be dealt with that are not true vascular
in intraosseous inflammatory granulation tissue growths. Wh ether the adamantinoma 0/ the
(e. g. in osteomyelitis, p. 129). Given a limited long bones is histogenetically of vascular origin
bone biopsy, it is sometimes far from easy to (a "malignant angioblastoma") will be debated.
distinguish between such a reactive prolifera- The chordoma is an independent, non-vascular
tion of the blood vessels and a true vascular neoplasm. Neurogenie bone tumors which take
neoplasm. It is, however, relatively easy to rec- origin from the nerve fibers of the bone are de-
ognize a cavernous hemangioma in which the scribed. Muscular bone tumors can arise from
large blood-fuled spaces contain numerous the smooth muscle cells of the vessels. Finally,
erythrocytes. On the other hand, diagnostic dif- metastatic bone neoplasms are discussed,
ficulties can arise with the much rarer osseous although here the blood vessels of the bone
capillary hemangioma. A clear distinction be- merely constitute a transport system for bring-
tween a benign hemangioma of bone and an ing the tumor cells to their destination. These
osseous hemangiosarcoma can often be exceed- various tumorous bone lesions can only be ap-
ingly difficult, since radiologically there is bone proximately identified radiologically; their clari-
destruction in both cases, and histologically fication requires bioptical investigation.
370 11 Bone Tumors

Hemangioma of Bone (ICD-O-DA-M-912010) therapy by the intravascular catheter method

with the administration of embolizing sub-
Among the benign bone tumors, the bone hem- stances is also a possibility.
angioma presents no great problems with re- Bone hemangiomas usually have a very char-
gard to diagnosis and treatment. This neoplasm acteristic radiological appearance, so that at
accounts for about 1.2% of bone tumors and is least a provisional diagnosis can be made. Fig-
therefore relatively infrequently encountered. ure 698 depicts a bone hemangioma in the 12th
The angiomas of bone are benign new growths thoracic vertebral body. In comparison with the
of the blood or lymph vessels whieh represent a other vertebral bodies (1), one can discern a
loeal maldevelopment (hamartoma) and are lattice-like honeycomb spongiosa with coars-
therefore deseribed as dysontogenetie neoplasms. ened axial trabeculae in the affected vertebral
Clinically they are mostly without symptoms; body (2). Its outer shape is preserved, and one
they may be picked up by chance or at most can c1early recognize the completely intact cor-
present with slight pain or a pathological frac- tex (2). The intervertebral space also shows no
ture. The laboratory findings are normal. particular alteration, thus confirming conc1u-
Women are twice as often affected as men. sively that the neoplasm is entirely concen-
trated in the marrow cavity and has not broken
Localization (Fig. 696). The main site is the out of the bone. The full picture of a vertebral
spinal column, where almost 20% of these tu- hemangioma inc1udes a slight enlargement of
mors arise, mostly in the vertebral body. Of the the diameter of the body, together with a strag-
lesions, 16% are found in the skull, which is gly, but still regular structure, which is pre-
the second commonest site. The remainder are dominantly organized in the vertical direction.
distributed among the other bones, the jaws Less commonly the bone has an alveolar struc-
being relatively often affected (9.6%). In the ture, particularly observable in the neural arch,
long bones, hemangiomas are found in the which is pushed up into a c1ub-shaped protu-
metaphyses, and the appearance of the tumor- berance. Because of the increased pressure it
ous foci in more than one bone simultaneously causes within the spinal canal, the tumorous
is not uncommon. tissue can cause the laminae to be partly re-
sorbed, so that in the computer tomogram the
Age Distribution (Fig. 697). Bone hemangiomas neural arch appears to have been "gnawed at".
can occur at any age. However, those arising in In Fig. 699 one can see the macroscopic pic-
the soft parts (particularly the skin) are found ture of a bone hemangioma of the spine. This
especially in children, while bone hemangiomas is a case of a particularly excessive tumorous
appear more often in middle and late middle growth (1). It has completely destroyed the
age. The 5th decade of life is the peak period. body of the affected vertebra and also en-
When a bone hemangioma is found, it is ne- croached upon the bodies of the adjacent ver-
cessary to search the skeleton for further foci. tebrae (2). The cut surface of the tumor shows
There are also a few special types. Capillary a sponge-like tissue drenched with hemor-
hemangiomatosis accompanied by a massive rhages and c10ts and containing hollow spaces
osteolysis constitutes Gorham's syndrome. In fi1led to a greater or lesser extent with blood.
Mafucci's syndrome, multiple hemangiomas of One can c1early see it bulging into the spinal
the skeleton and soft parts appear together canal (3) with compression of the cord. The tu-
with an asymmetrical chondromatosis of bone. mor is nevertheless sharply demarcated. The
In these syndromes lymphangiomas also arise. tissue itself soft and sponge-like and contains
Bone hemangiomas do not tend to undergo no hard substance. The eystie hemangioma,
malignant change and their prognosis is good, which appears between the ages of 10 and 15
lesions without symptoms requiring no treat- years, is a particular form of the cavernous
ment. Therapeutically these tumors can be re- hemangioma. Here, multiple round areas of os-
moved either by local excision (with a very real teolysis are localized in several regions of the
danger of severe hemorrhage!) or irradiation skeleton which may give rise to a spontaneous
(20-25 Gy). Superselective interventional radio- fracture. The lesions are benign.
Hemangioma of Bone 371

5.3% (Ribs) 7.1% (Humerus)

18.9% (Spine)
5.4% (Pelvis)

5.4% (Proximal femur)
8.9% (Hand)

4.3% (Distal femur)


> 15%
> 10% 3.6% (Foot) o
3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8.
0 < 10% Decade of IIfe

Fig. 696. Localization of the bone hemangiomas Fig. 697. Age distribution of the bone hemangiomas
(118 cases); others: 15.5% (118 cases)


Fig. 698. Bone hemangioma (12th thoraeie vertebral body) Fig. 699. Bone hemangioma (vertebral column, cut surface)
372 11 Bane Tumors

In the radiograph shown in Fig. 700 one can tissue has been cut through, leaving the tumor
see a hemangioma of the skull that is lying in lying in the central region of the specimen (2).
the left occipito-parietal region (1). It is a It has involved the whole thiekness of the skull
roundish focus that in places is fairly sharply cap and is bulging outwards (3). The tumor it-
demarcated, but without any marginal sclerosis. self is soaked through with blood. Inside the
Nevertheless, it is a fairly sharply demarcated bone its margins are in places blurred or are
osteolytic zone, slightly elliptieal in shape, with- undulating and jagged. There is no marginal
in which fine patches of increased density can sclerosis. The cut surface has the appearance of
be seen. This gives it the internal appearance of a honeycomb, showing small blood-filled cav-
a honeycomb. In a lateral (tangential) view one ities as well as larger "caverns". In general it re-
would be able to see the striped elevation of sembles a soft, fragile, blood-soaked sponge,
this bony focus - the strip es being due to the into whieh one can easily insert a finger. With-
reactively developed bone trabeculae. This ra- in the bulging area one can see the radially di-
diological phenomenon, whieh is known as a rected, newly formed bone trabeculae (the so-
"sunburst", can be seen in the macroscopic called "spicules": 3) which give the radiograph
photograph shown in Fig. 702. Thus a heman- its classieal "sunburst" appearance.
gioma of the skull presents as a sharply demar- The rare capillary bone hemangioma is
cated roundish defect of the diploe with out- most frequently found in the ribs. In the long
ward bulging of the tables. In deciding the dif- bones it arises as a cortical type at the meta-
ferential diagnosis of a defect in the skull cap physes, projecting a single or multiple bony
such as this, it is essential to exclude above all shell onto the radiograph, or as a central cystic
an osteolytic bone metastasis or the lesions of type raised up like a honeycomb in which,
a medullary plasmocytoma (p. 348). In this re- however, the finer spongiosal structure is pre-
gion bone hemangiomas are usually solitary. served. In Fig. 703 one can see the histological
Even so, as can be seen in the histological pieture of a capillary bone hemangioma. It
picture of such a bone hemangioma in consists of numerous small capillary vessels (1)
Fig. 701, these lesions are very nearly always whieh vary in diameter. Most of these are
cavernous hemangiomas. Histologically one re- empty, but the larger ones contain blood. The
cognizes the broad cavernous space (1) which tumorous vessels are lined with a flat single-
is lined by a single layer of endothelial cells (2). layer endothelium. They lie in a loose connec-
These are completely flat and have small iso- tive tissue stroma, in which a few inflammatory
morphie nucleL Here we have a thin-walled infiltrates may be present. The trabeculae (2)
blood vessel, filled with blood. Only rarely are between these vessels have been preserved, and
clots also present. The vessels of the tumor lie are often even osteosclerotically widened.
in a very loose connective tissue stroma (3) While most bone tumors remain confined to
which contains only a few isomorphie fibro- the affected bone, vascular tumors mayaiso at-
cytes. Interstitial bleeding or hemosiderin de- tack the adjacent bones. This is particularly
position is rare. In the region of the tumor the true of the hemangiomatoses, whieh may in
bone trabeculae are largely preserved (4), young adults lead to the phenomenon of a so-
although they may be osteosclerotically wid- called massive osteolysis (Gorham's syndrome).
ened and show parallel reversal lines. Osteo- The clavicle is frequently affected, the process
clastie bone resorption and osteoblastic bone attacking the adjacent parts of the skeleton and
deposition are unusual in bone hemangiomas, bringing about dissolution of the bony struc-
and it is only when a pathologieal fracture has ture. Histologieally it has the morphological
occurred that the fibro-osseous fracture callus appearance of a cavernous hemangioma or
may alter the appearance of the angiomatous even a lymphangioma. The cause of this condi-
tissue. tion is unknown, but it can be effectively
Figure 702 shows the macroscopic picture of treated by irradiation.
a bone hemangioma of the skull cap. The focus Among the vascular bone tumors there are a
has been removed with a saw and the ovaloid few special types which, in common with simi-
operation specimen carved up into slices. At lar tumors in the soft parts, have a characteris-
the outer edges (1) it is clear that only healthy tie histologieal appearance but which are never-
Hemangioma of Bone 373

Fig. 700. Hemangioma of the skull Fig. 701. Cavernous bone hemangioma; HE, x40
(parieto-occipital region)

Fig. 702. Bone hemangioma of the skull cap (cut surface) Fig. 703. Capillary bone hemangioma; van Gieson, x25
374 11 Bone Tumors

theless comparatively rare. These include the mor. There is a large cystic zone of osteolysis
hemangiopericytoma of bone. This is an ag- (1) that has taken up the whole width of the
gressively growing - on occasion even malignant shaft. The lesion is fairly sharply demarcated,
- vascular bone tumor which is made up of ves- although there is no marginal sclerosis. The ad-
sels with a single-layer endothelium, but wh ich jacent cortex (2) is certainly somewhat porous,
are surrounded by proliferating cells. The histo- but still intact. There is no thickening of the
logical appearance of one of these tumors is periosteum. The "bony cyst" is empty.
shown in Fig. 704. One can observe numerous As is shown in the histological photograph
hollow vascular spaces (1) which are lined with of Fig. 708, there are large dilated lymph ves-
a flattened endothelium. The vascular clefts are sels (1) in the marrow cavity of the osteolytic
surrounded by very closely packed spindle- region of the bone. Their walls are narrow and
shaped oval cells (2) that can be seen in the the endothelium is sparse. These vessels con-
overall view between the vascular lumens. tain a weakly eosinophilic fluid (lymph) but no
These are relatively large spindle-shaped cells erythrocytes (blood). Between the dilated
with abundant cytoplasm and dark nuclei. One lymph vessels there is a loose fibrous stroma
can observe marked nuclear polymorphy, with (2) in which a few inflammatory cells (plasma
dark giant nuclei (3) and a few multinucleated cells, lymphocytes, histiocytes) can be seen
cells (4). Mitoses are rare. In most cases the here and there. The cancellous trabeculae (3)
prognosis of these tumors cannot be assessed are strongly developed, have smooth borders,
histologically. If the polymorphy of the cells and show no signs of resorptive bone destruc-
and their nuclei is marked, if numerous abnor- tion. In some bone lymphomas, however, there
mal mitoses are present and invasion of the may be resorption of the local cancellous bone
cells into the lumens of the vessels can be es- tissue, and this is reflected in the radiograph as
tablished, then one must assurne that it is a a structureless osteolysis.
malignant tumor.
Another vascular bone tumor that is very
rarely seen is the glomus tumor. It has a certain
morphological similarity to the hemangioperi-
cytoma, although the perivascular glomus cells
are much sm aller. This is a benign osteolytic
bone lesion that presents histologically with vas-
cular structures wh ich are surrounded by uni-
form roundish cells. The end phalanges of the
short tubular bones are most often affected. In
Fig. 705 one can see in the radiograph of a fin-
ger, adefeet in the cortex of the terminal pha-
lanx (1) with extensive sclerosis (2) in the adja- 2 ~
cent spongiosa. A tumorous densification of the ~~ ~:"!i-: . .
soft parts is also visible (3). Histologically one .~~..~.
can see in Fig. 706 numerous drawn-out capil- 3 ~ '. JIlI....
laries (1) lined with a flattened endothelium, ~ .. ~
and between them large groups of uniform cells
with uniformly round nuclei (2) which often
adhere closely to the capillaries (3). These are
glomus cells. Since the tumor causes severe 10-
cal pain, it has to be removed surgically. Vascu-
lar bone tumors can also arise from the lymph
vessels of abone. The bone lymphangioma is a 1
very rare primary bone neoplasm that consists
of a local aggregation of variably dilated lymph
vessels and is found within the marrow cavity.
Figure 707 shows the radiograph of such a tu- Fig. 704. Osseous hemangiopericytoma; PAS, x40
Hemangioma of Bone 375

Fig. 705. Osseous glomus tumor Fig. 706. Osseous glomus tumor; PAS, x64
(terminal phalanx of a finger)

Fig. 707. Osseous lymphangioma (proximal humerus) Fig. 708. Osseous lymphangioma; HE, x40
376 11 Bone Tumors

Hemangiosarcoma of Bone (lCD-O-DA-M-9120/3) pseudopapillary appearance. The cells vary in

their size and degree of polymorphy; they have
Malignant vascular neoplasms very rarely a pale cytoplasm and easily recognizable cell
appear as primary tumors of bone. So far only boundaries. A few of them possess small
about 100 cases or so have been described in roundish nuclei (3) with light karyoplasm and a
the literature. The angiosareoma is a highly ma- large central nucleolus. Other cells have a poly-
lignant and destructively developing neoplasm morphie, very dark giant nucleus (4), and
whieh arises from blood vessels of a bone and others again have several distended nuclei (5).
consists of irregularly anastomosing vessels with In general, the cellular and nuclear polymorphy
an abnormal polymorphie endothelium. Since is so marked that no doubt can exist concern-
these bizarre endothelial cells are themselves ing its malignancy. The number of mitoses is
the actual tumor ceIls, use is often made of the variable, there may be only a few present. The
synonym "hemangioendothelioma" to describe differential diagnosis of such a tumor can
the tumor. In very rare cases an angiosarcoma sometimes be very difficult. When epithelial-
can be identified as a malignant hemangioperi- like differentiation of the tumor cells is present,
cytoma. With such a collection of polymorphie one must consider a possible bone meta stasis
cells as this neoplasm possesses the individual from a hypernephroid careinoma of the kidney
morphologie al variants can often not be recog- (renal cell careinoma). Solid areas of endotheli-
nized with any certainty. It may often be im- um can closely resemble a synovial carcinoma
possible to deeide whether one is dealing with (p. 466). Solid fibrous regions are uncommon,
a hemangiosarcoma or a lymphangiosarcoma. but in a bone biopsy they may give the impres-
For the purposes of diagnosis, however, the de- sion of an osseous fibrosarcoma (p. 330) or a
scription "angiosarcoma of bone" is suffieient. malignant fibrous histiocytoma (p. 324).
The frequently multifocal appearance of this tu- The identification of tumorous vascular
mor (in 30% of cases) is very typical of it. It spaces is deeisive for the diagnosis. In Fig. 711
can arise in any bone at any age, although the one can see how clearly these are shown up by
long bones are most often attacked. silver staining. Wide cavernous (1) and narrow
In Fig. 709 one can see the radio graph of a capillary vascular spaces (2) are mixed up with
very large soft tumorous shadow in the right one another and bound together by anasto-
humerus (1), in which the original tubular moses. Proliferation of the tumor cells may be
bone has been completely destroyed. The sha- seen inside or outside the retieular fibers
dow reaches deep into the soft parts and is (hemangioendothelioma/hemangiopericytoma) .
very poorly demarcated. Of the humerus, one In Fig. 712 the histological picture of a bone
can only recognize apart of the head (2), the angiosarcoma is depieted. Again, there is a very
shaft in the neighborhood of the tumor appear- highly cellular tumorous tissue, harboring poly-
ing as if it has been gnawed away. The entire morphie cells with many ungainly hyperchro-
humeral shaft is set through by an uneven fine- matic nuclei (1). One can see many vascular
ly patchy area of osteolysis (3), which repre- cavities (2) against which groups of tumor cells
sents secondary bone atrophy. Osteolytie angio- are deposited (3). One classifies such a tumor
matosis cannot, however, be excluded radiologi- as a bone angiosarcoma of the type represented
caIly. by a malignant hemangiopericytoma.
As shown in Fig. 710, the histological sec- Since malignant vascular neoplasms of the
tion reveals a very highly cellular, highly undif- same histological formation also appear in the
ferentiated tumorous tissue. Between the tumor soft parts - and more commonly there than in
cells one can discern numerous spaces (1), each bone - one must always think of bone metasta-
of whieh represents the lumen of a blood ves- ses when dealing with a malignant angio-
seI. The basal membrane (2) can sometimes be matous bone tumor, espeeially if several foei
clearly recognized. The undifferentiated tumor appear at the same time. Even so, these tumors
cells are malignant endothelial cells. These are can themselves appear in several different
often lying together to form smaller or larger places simultaneously.
proliferating buds, giving the tumorous tissue a
Hemangiosarcoma of Bone 377

Fig. 709. Osseous hemangiosarcoma (proximal humerus) Fig. 7l0. Osseous hemangiosarcoma; PAS, x40

Fig. 711. Osseous hemangiosarcoma; Tibor PAP, x40 Fig. 712. Malignant osseous hemangiopericytoma; PAS, x25
378 11 Bone Tumors

Adamantinoma of the Long Bones philic cytoplasm and keratohyalin granules. Re-
(ICD-O-DA-M-9261 /3) ticular fibers enclose whole groups of cells.
With the tubular tissue pattern, small flattened
The adamantinoma of the long bones is a very or cubical cells surround tissue spaces of var-
rare tumor that most often appears in tibia. It ious sizes. Blood components within the spaces
is a peculiar malignant bone neoplasm that is suggest that they are blood vessels, and one of-
histologically very similar to the jaw bone ada- ten has the impression as of small glands lying
mantinoma (ameloblastoma). The histogenesis in the middle of a fibrous stroma. Compression
is unknown. As a possible tissue of origin, can cause rows of cells to infiltrate the stroma.
blood vessels ("malignant angioblastoma"), the In contrast to the situation with a synovial sar-
synovial membrane and scattered epithelial coma (p. 466), no acid mucopolysaccharides
cells have all been suggested. The tumor usual- can be demonstrated in the tumor with Alcian
ly arises in middle age and attacks men rather blue PAS staining.
more often than women. It presents with swel- Figure 714 shows the histological appear-
ling, which is often painful, in the middle of ance of an adamantinoma with the basaloid tis-
the leg, and is frequendy traced back to an in- sue pattern. In the connective tissue stroma,
jury. The most frequent site is the shaft of the which can show myxomatous porosity (1),
tibia, but fibula, femur, humerus, ulna or ra- there are large flat or band-like complexes of
dius can also be affected. There is often a re- tumor ceIls, which are bordered by palisade
markable association between this tumor and a cells (2) and remind one of a basalioma. These
fibrous or osteofibrous bone dysplasia (pp. 316, cell nests often contain cyst-like hollow spaces
318). (3), and a squamous epithelium mayaiso be
The radiograph usually shows a relatively present, prompting one to think of a bone me-
large destruction zone, which lies eccentrically tastasis.
in the shaft of the bone and may have a diame- Figure 715 depicts a spindle-like adamanti-
ter of 10 cm. The cortex is often intact; the sur- noma, in which tiny whorls and knots (1) can
rounding bone is sclerotic. In some cases a tu- be discerned. The spindle-cells have elongated
morous periosteal reaction with thickening of hyperchromatic nuclei of various sizes (2), in
the cortex has been observed. In Fig. 713 this which mitoses are only rarely seen. The dense,
kind of destructive lesion is lying in the tibial unevenly elongated cell aggregates (3) between
shaft, and one can see a polycystic osteolytic the whorls are striking. They reveal no periph-
focus with a large eccentric internal zone of os- eral organization of the tumor cells. The nar-
teolysis (1) and small patchy osteolytic foci (2). row fissures in their centers (4) look like vascu-
On one side the cortex is broken through over lar clefts. Under high er magnification one can
a wide front (1). No periosteal reaction or soft see in Fig. 716 basaloid cell nests within a
tissue shadow is apparent, but there is clear dense, highly fibrous stroma. The peripheral
marginal osteosclerosis (3) which has been cells (1) are cubic or cylindrical and have
loosened up by patches of osteolysis. roundish nuclei of uniform size. The inner cells
Histologically, four basic types of morpho- (2) are more spindle-shaped or stellate, and
logical structure can be found in long bone have litde cytoplasm. They are either aligned in
adamantinomas. The commonest is the basa- parallel or bound together in a kind of net-
loid tissue pattern, in which groups of closely work.
packed tumor cells, surrounded by a layer of The tumor is characterized by slow, locally
palisade ceIls, are found lying in a fibrous stro- destructive growth, and it is only much later
ma (Fig. 716). These cell groups are enclosed that metastases appear in 20% of cases. The
by reticular fibers. In the spindle-cell tissue pat- treatment of choice is therefore an en bloc ex-
tern, the spindle-cells are arranged in tiny tirpation, or, with extensive tumors, amputa-
whorls and resemble smooth muscle fibers or tion.
recall the patterns formed by nerve tumors. Re- In the a.p. radiograph of Fig.718 those
ticular fibers enclose the individual tumor cells. structures which suggest an adamantinoma of
With epithelial differentiation, there are groups the long bones are clearly seen. There are nu-
of roundish or polygonal cells with an eosino- merous coarse patchy areas of osteolysis in the
Adamantinoma of the Long Bones 379

Fig. 713. Adamantinoma of the long bones (tibial shaft) Fig. 714. Adamantinoma of the long bones; HE, x40

Fig. 715. Adamantinoma of the long bones; HE, x64 Fig. 716. Adamantinoma of the long bones; HE, xlOO
380 11 Bone Tumors

tibial shaft (1) lying mostly within the spongio- blasts in the jaws. They have dark and only
sa, which are sometimes confluent and form slightly polymorphie nuclei of varying size and
large regions of osteolysis (2). They are fairly little cytoplasm. These tumor cell complexes
well demarcated by an incomplete marginal are poorly demarcated and show signs of infil-
sclerosis, and often have a punched out appear- trating growth. This is the spindle-cell variant
ance. In one place the cortex is also set through of the adamantinoma, whieh can again be mis-
with osteolytie foei (3), and here it bulges out- taken for a bone metastasis. The diagnosis can,
wards. Between the patchy transluceneies there however, be made if the radiographie findings
are uneven sclerotie thiekenings in the spongio- are also taken into account.
sa. The outer contours of the long bone are Figure 721 is a histological picture under
sharp, and there is no periosteal reaction visi- high er magnification of the spindle-cell form of
ble. The lesion is more clearly apparent in the an adamantinoma. One can see many spindle-
lateral view. In Fig. 719 one can again recog- shaped tumor cells with polymorphie hyper-
nize the many coarse patches of osteolysis (1) chromatic nuclei (1) loosely bound together.
in the shaft of the tibia. They give the effect as Obviously they are not produeing any collagen
of punched out holes and are surrounded by fibers. One trabecula (2) has been extensively
marginal sclerosis. The cortex is much thiek- destroyed by the tumor cells. Practically no
ened ventrally (2) and interspersed by further pathologieal mitoses can be seen in these tu-
similar osteolytic foei. The whole of the tibial mor cells. Such a tumor shows signs of malig-
diaphysis appears somewhat deformed. Osteoly- nancy. So far it has not been established
tic foei surrounded by osteosclerosis are lying whether an adamantinoma of the long bones is
also in region of the dorsal cortex (3). The tu- a vascular or an epithelial bone tumor. Even
mor extends over a large part of the tibial with histochemieal methods (positive re action
shaft. Thus an adamantinoma of the long bones for keratin and vimentin as well as a-SM-actin;
can appear radiologieally as a solitary eire um- no re action for desmin, factor VIII or ulex I)
scribed osteolytic lesion (see Fig. 713) as well the histogenesis cannot be deeided.
as in the form of multicentric osteolytie foei.
In the histological picture shown in Fig. 720
there are wide aggregations of epithelioid cells
(1) lying in densely packed unequal groups in-
side the intraosseous foei. These tumor cells
have nuclei which vary in size and are some-
times round, sometimes elongated and which
differ in their chromatin content; those rich in
chromatin (2) may be lying beside others
which have very little. Mitoses are only rarely
encountered. The cytoplasm of the tumor cells
is sparsely developed and not clearly demar-
cated. This is the epithelial variant of the ada-
mantinoma which can easily be confused in a
bone biopsy with a careinomatous bone metas-
tasis. Between the complexes of tumor cells
there is a loose connective tissue stroma (3)
with isomorphie fibrocytes. There is no sarco-
matous stroma.
Under the higher magnification of Fig. 717
the connective tissue stroma dominates the pic-
ture. Here one can see isomorphie fibrocytes
with greatly elongated nuclei (1) and a few iso-
morphie round cells (lymphocytes, 2). Narrow
complexes of dark cells (3) have been deposited
whieh show a great similarity to the amelo- Fig. 717. Adamantinoma of the long bones; HE, x82
Adamantinoma of the Long Bones 381

Fig. 718. Adamantinoma of the long bones Fig. 719. Adamantinoma of the long bones
(tibial shaft, a. p. view) (tibial shaft, lateral view)

Fig. 720. Adamantinoma of the long bones; HE, x64 Fig. 721. Adamantinoma of the long bones; PAS, x82
382 11 Bone Tumors

Chordoma (lCD-O-DA-M-9370/3) plasm and a well marked cell boundary. In be-

tween there are abundant agglutinations of mu-
This neoplasm is not derived from any tissue cus (4). Apart from these syncytial bands of tu-
that is present in bone, and is therefore not mor cells one can observe groups of apparently
really a bone tumor. Nevertheless, the chordo- distended cells (5) with a very pale vacuolated
ma is classified among these tumors (p. 209) cytoplasm. These are the so-called "physali-
because it has a special topographical relation- phorous" cells, which are very characteristic of
ship to bone, appearing almost exclusively at a chordoma.
one or other end of the spinal column. The Under higher magnification these tumor
chordoma is a malignant tumor that develops cells can be more clearly perceived in Fig. 724.
near the axial skeleton (vertebral column) from Once again one can see part of a lobule (1)
remnants of the notochord and manifests a slow which is bordered by a narrow connective tis-
destructive growth. Metastases are unusual. His- sue membrane (2). The stroma contains much
tologically there is a certain similarity to the mucus (3) and there are groups and strings of
chondrosarcoma (p. 241). This neoplasm is small mononuclear cells (4) with a sharply de-
quite rare (about 1% of all bone tumors) and marcated strongly eosinophilic cytoplasm.
does not usually appear before the age of 30. Their nuclei are very compact and dark, and
The principal sites are the sphenooccipital re- sometimes roundish, sometimes unevenly elon-
gion of the skull base and the sacral component gated. There is a certain amount of polymor-
of the vertebral column, although it can arise phy. These syncytial cells occupy large areas to-
anywhere along the course of the latter. Men gether, between which there are physaliphorous
are affected about twice as often as women. cells (5) with a very pale bubble-like cytoplasm
Clinically the tumor undergoes progressive and eccentric nuclei. With mucin staining one
growth with uncharacteristic pain. At the skull can identify glycogen in these cells. On the
base its expansion can sometimes lead to fatal other hand, the collections of mucus in the in-
neurocerebral complications. tercellular substance are not always PAS posi-
In Fig. 772 one can see the radiograph of a tive.
chordoma of the sacrum (1). As indicated by The physaliphorous cells of the chordoma
the arrow, the growth projects a soft roundish can be clearly discerned under the higher mag-
shadow invading the pelvis. It is not very nification of Fig. 725. They have a very light
sharply demarcated. On one side (2) the tumor glycogen-containing cytoplasm (1) and a small
reaches into the sacrum, where it has brought compact and very dark nucleus (2). The size of
about extensive destruction. The rest of this the nucleus varies. Usually only a few mitoses
bone is still intact. Within the tumor there are are seen. The cell boundaries are sharp (3), so
signs of lobulation, and one can see dense that the varying size of the physaliphorous cells
patchy calcifications. In general it is an osteoly- gives the tissue the appearance of an ir regular
tically destructive growing tumor which has honeycomb. This is also broken up by the de-
broken out of the bone into the pelvis, where in posits of mucus (4).
most cases it can be palpated. Complete surgical removal of this slow-grow-
As can be seen in the histological picture of ing tumor is usually impossible. Palliative ra-
Fig. 723, the tumorous tissue has a definitely diation therapy is therefore employed to delay
lobular formation. One can easily discern a recurrences. Metastases appear in about 10% of
nodular focus (1) bordered by a seam of nar- cases. DAHLIN has made the remarkable obser-
row connective tissue (2). Such a morphologi- vation that the chondroid chordoma, which
cal appearance is very similar to that of a chon- largely consists of chondrosarcomatous tumor-
drosarcoma (p. 241); with sphenooccipital chor- ous tissue, is associated with a survival period
domas particularly, the histological distinction twice as long as that of a conventional chordo-
can be difficult to make (the so-called chon- ma.
droid chordoma). Both in the center of the In the lateral radiograph of the lumbar col-
node and in the surrounding tumorous tissue umn and sacrum shown in Fig. 726 one can see
one can recognize groups and bands of small the balloon-like dis tension of the proximal
mononuclear cells (3) with eosinophilic cyto- sacral and distal lumb ar components (1) so that
Chordoma 383

Fig. 722. Chordoma (sacrum) Fig. 723. Chordoma; HE, x25

Fig. 724. Chordoma; HE, x51 Fig. 725. Chordoma; HE, x64
384 11 Bone Tumors

the individual vertebrae are no longer clearly which a clear nuclear polymorphy predomi-
distinguishable. This is due to an aggressively nates. Mitoses are rare.
expanding osteolytie lesion which is very typi- Chordomas of the spheno-occipital region
cal of the chordoma. The tumor appears as a are particularly likely to present with the histo-
diffuse shadow (2) that has expanded ventrally logical morphology of a chondrosarcoma. In
towards the sacrum itself. Dorsally, at the tran- Fig. 730 one can see in places a myxomatous
sition to the lumb ar column (3), one can dis- tissue with small round cells (1) which corre-
cern a poorly demarcated zone of increased sponds to the morphologieal appearance of a
density. The two lower lumbar vertebrae (L4 chordoma. Adjacent to this there is a large car-
and L5) have been included in the process of tilaginous area (2). This is tumorous cartilage
destruction. Parts of the tumor show fine with variously sized chondrocytes whieh pos-
patches of calcification (4). Such a radiological sess polymorphic hyperchromatie nuclei (3).
appearance at the distal end of the vertebral This tissue is identieal with that of a chondro-
column indicates the presence of a chordoma. sarcoma (grade 2). Next to this there is a bone
Figure 727 also shows the radio graph of a trabecula (4) which has been destroyed by the
sacral chordoma. The bone structure in this re- tumor and then reactively remodeled. So far,
gion (1) is completely destroyed and no longer chondroid chordomas have only been observed
recognizable. One can only see the large diffuse in the sphenooccipital region, and in these
shadow of the tumor reaching deep into the cases the life expectation is twiee as long as
pelvis (2). In such a case a computer tomo- with a non-chondroid chordoma. These vari-
graph (eT) is indicated in order to reveal the able tissue structures can produce considerable
morphologieal details of the tumor. As shown diagnostic problems in the bone biopsy. Such
in Fig. 728, this particularly emphasizes the an expansive and destructive tumor arising in
size and extent of the growth. We can see how the sacral region must be investigated biopti-
the tumor has destroyed the sacrum over a cally. From the point of view of the differential
wide area (1), and only a few parts of the bone diagnosis, giant cell tumors (p. 337), carcino-
(2) have remained intact. It has invaded the matous metastases, ependymomas or a menin-
bones of the pelvis (3) and even brought about gocele can give rise to very similar radiologieal
the destruction of its outer parts, and one can structural changes.
also see how it is bulging deep into the inside
of the pelvis (4). Internally the tumor consists
of patchy regions of increased density, repre-
senting dystrophic calcifications. Reactive new
bone deposition is not unusual in chordomas,
and some lesions can be strongly osteoblastic
in appearance. In a myelograph there may be,
in addition to the expansive bone destruction,
signs of an extradural defect or even a com-
plete block.
The radio graph depieted in Fig. 729 shows
that parts of the tumorous tissue are fairly reg-
ular in form and show no signs of a lobulated
or nodular structure. This is a malignant tissue 3
in whieh polymorphie tumor cells are loosely
bound together. One can see large polymorphic
hyperchromatic nuclei (1) in association with
small roundish (2) and elongated (3) nuclei, all
of which are rich in chromatin. The cell bound-
aries are indistinct and the background porous
and strongly mucoid. In places there are large
deposits of mucus (4). There are chordomas
with monomorphie tumor cells and others in Fig. 726. Sacral chordoma
Chordoma 385

Fig. 727. Sacral chordoma Fig. 728. Sacral chordoma (computer tomogram)

3 !'----="","I"'.

Fig. 729. Chordoma; PAS, x82 Fig. 730. Chordoma; HE, x82
386 11 Bone Tumors

Neurogenie Bane Tumors curette the tumorous tissue, or at most remove

it by en bloc excision.
Osseous Neurinoma (Neurolemoma, Schwannoma)
Osseous Neurofibroma (ICD-O-DA-M-9S40/0)
Primary bone tumors which arise from the
nerves of the bones are extremely rare. The osse- In 40% of the cases of von Recklinghausen's
ous neurinoma is a benign tumor that is derived neurofibromatosis, skeletal changes occur. This
from the nerve sheath and has the same morpho- is a congenital familial condition, in which
logical appearance as similar tumors of the soft complex dysplastic bone changes, whieh may
parts. This neoplasm is only very rarely seen as also be generalized, appear. These consist of
a primary tumor of bone, and only 50 cases growth disturbances, innate deformities of the
have appeared in the literature. The principal bones, dysplasia of the vertebral bodies with
site is in the lower jaw, where about half of all scoliosis, pseudoarthroses of the long bones or
neurinomas have been described. The predomi- intraosseous and lytic eroded bone defects. A
nant age of onset is in the 4th decade of life. neurofibroma is a localized benign tumor con-
The tumor presents with pain and swelling. sisting of peripheral nerve cells (the Schwann
As can be seen in Fig. 731 this slow-growing cells) and [oose connective tissue, rich in fibro-
lesion appears radiologically as an area of cir- blasts and containing mucoid material, wh ich
cumscribed osteolysis with marginal sclerosis. arises from the tissue of the perineural sheath.
There is a large zone of osteolysis (1) limited Intraosseous neurofibromas are extremely rare,
internally by a narrow band of marginal sclero- whereas periosteal and extraperiosteal neurofi-
sis (2) in the proximal part of the left tibia. The bromas are more frequently encountered. When
cortex (3), whieh is intact but bulges slightly such tumors are multiple we speak of von
outwards, is also involved in the osteolytic pro- Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis.
cess. In this child the focus reaches as far as, Figure 733 shows a radio graph of the shafts
but does not encroach upon, the epiphyseal car- of the tibia and fibula of a 7-year-old boy with
tilage (4). The tumor is situated eccentrically von Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis. The ti-
within the bone. bia is obviously curved and severely sclerosed
One can see histologically in Fig. 732 that in the region of the shaft (1). This sclerosis in-
the components are arranged in straggly whorls volves the cortex as well as the neighboring
(1) which show nuclei of varying density. The spongiosa. This part of the bone is covered
background tissue contains only a few collagen ventrally by a greatly thickened and densified
and retieular fibers. The nuclei of the neoplas- periosteum (2). The adjacent soft parts (3) are
tic Schwann cells are characteristically arranged more dense than is normal. Nevertheless, no
in regular palisade-like groups (2). In between intraosseous osteolytic foci or erosions can be
there are cell-free fibrous zones (3), known as observed in the case.
Verocay's bodies, which are very characteristic Figure 734 illustrates the histological picture
of the neurinoma. This is aneurinoma of Anto- of a periosteal neurofibroma. At the edge (1)
ni type A in whieh fascicular structures pre- one can see the parallel collagen fibers of the
dominate. Those defined by Antoni type B have original periosteum. The adjacent tumorous tis-
a reticular tissue pattern with macrophages, fat sue (2) is porous and strongly myxoid, with a
and hemosiderin deposits. Thick-walled blood loose background framework of collagen fibers.
vessels with perivascular hyalinization (4) are The Schwann cells (3) are loosely distributed
common in the neurinoma. In benign neurino- throughout the tumor. They have small dark
mas the cell nuclei are equally elongated and isomorphic nuclei which are mostly elongated
show no mitoses. Polymorphie hyperchromatic or ovoid. In such neoplasms the bundles of col-
nuclei with abnormal mitoses suggest a malig- lagen fibers and the Schwann cells mayaiso be
nant schwannoma. Histologically they reveal a much more closely packed together. There is a
morphological transition into a neurofibroma. progressive histological transition into a neuri-
Since osseous neurinomas are entire1y benign noma. Wh ether neurofibrosarcomas can appear
and have a good prognosis, it is sufficient to as primary neoplasms of bone is doubtful.
Neurinoma, Neurofibroma 387


Fig. 731. Osseous neurinoma (proximal tibia) Fig. 732. Osseous neurinoma; HE, x64


Fig. 733. Osseous neurofibroma (tibial shaft) Fig. 734. Periosteal neurofibroma; HE, x40
388 11 Bone Tumors

Neuroblastoma (Sympathicoblastoma) undulating border. Adjacent to this there is

(lCD-O-DA-M-9490/3) loose connective tissue (2) which is filling up
the entire marrow cavity. Here one can see de-
Neurogenic tumors can equally well develop in posits of small undifferentiated tumor cells
the nerves of the soft tissues as (usually less with a sparse cytoplasm (3), which are striking
commonly) in the bones. Furthermore, malig- by reason of their very dark nuclei. No rosette
nant neurogenic tumors can produce metasta- formation can be seen in this undifferentiated
ses which at first give the impression of pri- neuroblastoma. The tumorous tissue is inter-
mary bone tumors and are histologically often spersed with a few fine-walled vessels (4). If
difficult to identify. The neuroblastoma is a isolated ganglion cells can be identified in such
highly malignant tumor that arises from undif- a tumor the diagnosis of a neuroblastoma is
ferentiated neuroblasts (sympathicoblasts) and easily made.
often produces bone metastases. In highly differ- The tumor cells are plain to see under the
entiated neuroblastomas the ganglion cells can higher magnification in Fig. 738. They are
be identified (ganglioneuroblastoma). This tu- about the size of lymphocytes and have only a
mor alm ost only afflicts children, in 90% of sparse cytoplasm, which is indistinctly dem ar-
cases before the age of 5, although they are cated. The vital tumor cells have clearly hyper-
seen sporadically in adults. The prineipal site chromatic nuclei (1) which are sometimes
of the primary tumor is in the retroperitoneal roundish (2) and sometimes elongated (3),
space, in the adrenals. In general the tumor can thereby showing a significant degree of nuclear
arise in any of the sympathetic ganglia (in the polymorphy. Many of the tumor cells have less
mediastinum, or the cervical or sacral regions). dark nuclei (4), indicating necrobiosis. In con-
Metastases are found particularly in the spine, trast to the malignant lymphoma, no prominent
skull and long bones. nuclei are to be seen.
Figure 735 shows a lateral radiograph of the In making the differential diagnosis of such
leg of a 12-year-old child, with a large area of a malignant bone lesion in children, Ewing's
osteolysis (1) in the distal part of the tibia. It is sarcoma (p. 352) will first of all come to mind.
fairly sharply demarcated and has invaded the It is here that evidence of glycogen in this tu-
cortex. Proximal to this there are fine patches mor (PAS staining) can be helpful (the neuro-
of osteolysis (2). The distal epiphyseal plate (3) blastoma is often PAS negative). The neuro-spe-
is intact and the epiphysis itself is not involved. eific enolase test (NSE) is positive in neuroblas-
There is a narrow band of periosteal thickening tomas, and neurosecretory granules and neural
(4) lying on the bone at the ventral surface of ramifications containing neurofibrils can be
the tibia. seen with the electron microscope. Clinically,
Histologically this is an undifferentiated vanillyl mandelic aeid (VMA), homovanillyl
round cell tumor, showing destructive malig- acid (HVA) and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl-
nant growth, of a kind that is often difficult to glycol (MHPG) are found in the urine: sub-
classify. In Fig. 736 one can see large groups of stances which are the breakdown products of
cells with dark nuclei (1) in the marrow cavity, dopamine and DOPA. The embryonic rhabdo-
together with many large crush artefacts (2). myosarcoma, which appears in early childhood,
The tumorous tissue is interspersed with wide can on rare occasions produce skeletal metasta-
and narrow zones of connective tissue (3) ses and must therefore also be included in the
which contain fewer tumor cells, and which di- differential diagnosis.
vide it up into narrow lobules. The spongiosa is This tumor is best identified immunohisto-
extensively destroyed. There are occasional chemically and with the electron microscope.
remnants of bone trabeculae (4) against which Finally, a malignant lymphoma involving bone
rows of osteoblasts have been deposited. Foei of must be excluded. With young people and
necrosis and calcium can be present inside the adults a smail ceil osteosarcoma (p. 284), a mes-
tumor. The tumor cells are frequently arranged enchymal chondrosarcoma (p. 250) or a bone
into rosettes. metastasis from a small cell bronchial careino-
Under high er magnification one can see in ma (p. 403) are differential diagnostic alterna-
Fig. 737 a bone trabecula (1) with an indistinct tives.
Neuroblastoma 389


Fig. 735. Neuroblastoma (distal tibia) Fig. 736. Neuroblastoma; HE, x40

Fig. 737. Neuroblastoma; HE, x64 Fig. 738. Neuroblastoma; HE, xlOO
390 11 Bone Tumors

Muscular Bone Tumors In Fig. 742 the radiograph shows extensive

destruetion of the bone structure at the distal
Osseous leiomyoma (lCD-O-DA-M-8890/0) end of the femur. The spongiosa shows "moth-
eaten" osteolytic regions (1), between which
Among the spindle-eelled primary bone tu- there are ir regular zones of sderotic thicken-
mors, only a few have so far been identified as ing, so that one sees a very markedly porous
neoplasms of musde tissue. These probably tissue like a honeycomb, indicating a tumorous
arise from the smooth musde eells of the in- destruetion of the bone. The cortex has also
traosseous blood vessels. A leiomyoma is a be- been drawn into this proeess (2).
nign tumor consisting of smooth muscle fibers In the histological picture shown in Fig. 743
with more or less collagenous connective tissue, the marrow eavity is filled with a spindle-eelled
which must be regarded as a rarity in bone. tumorous tissue (1), in whieh the fibers are of-
The radiograph of one of these lesions is ten arranged in parallel. These are smooth
shown in Fig. 740. There is a eentral intraos- musde eells with dear nudear polymorphy and
seous foeus of destruetion (1) in the proximal hyperehromasia. One bone trabeeula has re-
part of the fibula, whieh in the lateral view (2) mained intaet (2) and has a broad osteoid seam
has the appearanee of a "bony eyst". This foeus (3). There are abnormal mitoses in the tumor-
is sharply demareated and shows no internal ous tissue, multinudeated giant eells and many
strueture. In the a.p. view (1), however, the bor- retieular fibers.
ders are indistinet and patehy. The cortex is So far there has been a total of 18 intraos-
bulging forward and also shows patehes of po- seous leiomyosareomas reported in the litera-
rosity. ture. If such a histological picture is found, one
Histologically the tumorous tissue in must think first of all of a bone metastasis
Fig. 739 eonsists of a loose eonneetive tissue from a leiomyosareoma of the soft parts or in-
stroma (1) whieh is threaded through with a ternal organs (uterus, stornach). It is only after
few vessels (2), and in whieh lie wide smooth
musde eells (3) arranged almost in parallel. In
one plaee there is a fibro-osseous trabeeula (4).
In Fig. 741 these smooth musde fibers (1), 3
which determine the nature of the tumor, are
more dearly seen under higher magnifieation.
They have elongated isomorphie nudei. Close
to a bone trabecula (2) one can see loose con-
nective tissue (3).

Osseous leiomyosarcoma (lCD-O-DA-M-8890/3)

Malignant neoplasms of musde are also ex-

tremely seIdom seen as primary bone tumors.
The leiomyosarcoma of bone arises from the
smooth muscle of the intraosseous blood vessels,
and is late to form metastases. Up to the pre- 1
sent, only isolated eases have been reported, so
that it is impossible to recognize any principal
sites for its appearanee. Radiologieally it devel- 4
ops as a loeal osteolytie zone of destruction,
usually lying in the center of the bone, which
can even destroy the cortex, and which in gen-
eral gives the impression of a malignant bone
tumor. They are more often found at the ends
of the long bones than in the shaft. Fig. 739. Osseous leiomyoma; van Gieson, x64
Muscular Bone Tumors 391

Fig. 740. Osseous leiomyoma (proximal fibula) Fig. 741. Osseous leiomyoma; HE, x82

Fig. 742. Osseous leiomyosarcoma (distal femur) Fig. 743. Osseous leiomyosarcoma; HE, x90

such a primary tumor has been excluded that a have a bad prognosis if it is completely re-
primary osseous leiomyosarcoma can be diag- moved surgically.
nosed. Generally speaking this tumor does not
392 11 Bone Tumors

Malignant Osseous Mesenchymoma nuclei. A few isolated cells have hyperchromatic

giant nuclei (3). Some of these tumorous cells
Malignant bone tumors may occasionally ap- are osteoblasts and some are lipoblasts with a
pear which are seen histologically to be co m- sudanophilic cytoplasm.
posed out of the differentiation of different tis- In Fig. 748 the uneven lattiee work of osteoid
sues, and whieh cannot therefore be assigned (1) is again recognizable histologically, and
to a particular tumor group. The malignant there is also differentiated tumorous bone (2)
mesenchym oma is characterized by the complete such as is found in osteosarcomas. Poly-
differentiation of several tissues, each of wh ich morphic tumor cells with hyperchromatie nu-
represents a different kind of bane sarcoma. In clei (3) are scattered among the osteosarcoma-
the bone this tumor usually consists of the tous structures. EIsewhere, the sarcomatous
structures of an osteosarcoma together with stroma clearly manifests itself. The proportion
those of a liposarcoma ("osteoliposarcoma"). It of liposarcomatous to osteosarcomatous tissue
is possible, however, for several other tumorous varies in these malignant mesenchymomas. Fig-
structures to be combined in such a growth. As ure 744 shows the histological appearance of
a primary bone tumor, this neoplasm is both round-cell tumorous tissue from a liposarcoma-
very rare and controversial. It was first de- tous area. The cells have defined polymorphic
scribed by SCHAJOWICZ and his coworkers in nuclei of varying sizes (1) and an abundant
1966, and recognized as aseparate entity· by pale cytoplasm (2) whieh contains fat. This pie-
the WHO. ture could pass for that of a round-cell liposar-
The radiological appearance, whieh depends coma such as is found in the soft parts. At the
upon the variable differentiation of the tumor, edge there is an autochthonous bone trabecula
is itself highly variable. Figure 745 shows an (3). If in a bone biopsy only one of these struc-
example of this tumor in the distal femoral tures is encountered, it is possible to arrive at a
metaphysis of a 9-year-old child. One can see false classification of the tumor.
an eccentrieally situated focus with flat patches
of sclerotic thickening (1). The tumor has also
to an equal extent destroyed the cortex in this
region (2). It is indistinctly demarcated (3) and
shows no marginal sclerosis. The epiphyseal
cartilage (4) lies at some distance from the tu-
Histologically it can be seen that the tumor
involves at least two completely different tu-
morous structures. As is shown in Fig. 746, it
consists for the greater part of closely packed
cells with a strikingly pale cytoplasm (1) and
large dark polymorphic nuclei (2). Many of
these cells have several nuclei (3). This is a ma-
lignant lipoblast, the cytoplasm of which is
seen, with appropriate staining (Sudan, oil red)
to contain fat. The appearance of the tissue
shows it to be identical with that of a liposarco- 1 O'r"":-'-ioi~"",
ma. There is also much tumorous osteoid (4)
and bone (5), whieh is characteristic of an os-
teosarcoma (p. 274). These two tumorous tis-
sues are mixed up together.
In many parts of the tumor there is a fine
lattice work of osteoid deposits (1), whieh is
clearly seen histologically in Fig. 747. Between 3
the thread-like strands of osteoid there are
small round cells (2) with dark polymorphie Fig. 744. Malignant osseous mesenchymoma; PAS, x82
Malignant Osseous Mesenchymoma 393

Fig. 745. Malignant osseous mesenchymoma (distal femur) Fig. 746. Malignant osseous mesenchymoma; HE, x40

Fig. 747. Malignant osseous mesenchymoma; van Gieson, Fig. 748. Malignant osseous mesenchymoma; van Gieson,
x64 x64
394 11 Bone Tumors

In Fig. 751 one can see the radiograph of a and often present a "erowsfoot" pattern are also
malignant mesenchymoma in the 4th rib on the eharaeteristie of this fatty neoplasm. Under
right. This region of the bone is raised up like higher magnification the marked polymorphy
a bubble (1). The eortex is severely narrowed of the eells is seen in Fig. 754 more elearly.
(2) and in plaees has been penetrated (3). With- Their nuelei (1) are variably large, dark and
in there are a few straggly densifieations (4). polymorphie. Many eells have a light cytoplasm
The histological picture again shows a mix- (2), are rieh in fat and reveal themselves as li-
ture of osteosareomatous and liposareomatous poblasts. One also sees deposits of osteoid (3),
struetures. In Fig. 752 the stroma eonsists of whieh does not aeeord with a liposareoma and
round eells with polymorphie nuelei (1), some indieates a malignant mesenehymoma.
of whieh, with their abundant light eytoplasm In many osseous malignant mesenehymomas
(2), have the appearanee of lipoblasts. In fact, other tissue struetures ean be deteeted histo-
they do eontain fat. One ean also see tumorous logically. Thus, in Fig. 749 we ean reeognize
osteoid (3) and bone (4), whieh are eharacteris- cartilaginous tissue with the polymorphie hy-
tie of an osteosarcoma. EIsewhere (Fig. 753) the perehromatic (1) nuelei of ehondroeytes. The
pieture reveals the morphologieal appearanee of tumor has here invaded a eapillary (2). Fig-
a liposarcoma. Here we ean diseern densely ure 750 has the histological appearanee of an
paeked groups of lipoblasts with a light fat-eon- angiomatous tissue pattern. One sees numerous
taining eytoplasm (1). The nuelei show a high vaseular elefts (1) and, in between, tumor eells
degree of polymorphy and are hyperehromatie. with polymorphie nuelei (2) and patehy depos-
As weIl as small round nuelei (2) there are its of osteoid (3).
polymorphie giant nuelei (3), indieating the A bone tumor should only be elassified as a
presenee of a malignant tumor. Mitoses are malignant mesenehymoma if unusual morpho-
rarely seen. The numerous narrow capillaries logieal patterns of tumorous tissue (e. g. lipo-
(4) whieh thread through the tumorous tissue sareoma + osteosareoma) are present together.

Fig. 749. Malignant osseous mesenchymoma with cartilagi- Fig. 750. Malignant osseous mesenchymoma with angioma-
nous tissue; HE, x64 tous structures; HE, x64
Malignant Osseous Mesenchymoma 395
4 2 2


Fig. 751. Malignant osseous mesenchymoma (4th right rib) Fig. 752. Malignant osseous mesenchymoma with osteosar-
comatous structures; HE, x40

Fig. 753. Malignant osseous mesenchymoma with liposarco- Fig. 754. Malignant osseous mesenchymoma; PAS, xlOO
matous structures; PAS, x64

Osteosarcomas with various tissue structures tiocytoma) are not mesenchymomas and
(those of a fibrosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, his- should be classified as osteosarcomas (p. 274).
396 11 Bone Tumors

Bone Metastases and histologieally we see osteolytic bone metas-

tases, which lead to local bone destruction, and
With any radiologieally malignant bone lesion, osteoblastic bone metastases, where reactive os-
and particularly in older people, one must first teosderosis brings about an increase in density
think of a bone metastasis. These secondary of the structures. Many metastases are a mix-
bone tumors are much more frequently seen ture of osteolytic and osteoblastic activity.
than the primary variety. About 30% of all car- Figure 756 is the radiograph of an osteolytic
ein omas appear as bone metastases. Skeletal bone metastasis. The bone tissue in the distal
metastases are found in 70% of the patients third of the left humeral shaft is completely de-
who die of cancer, and for those tumors whieh stroyed over a wide region (1). This is an osteo-
tend partieularly to produce secondaries in lytic meta stasis in which a patchy area of trans-
bone (careinoma of the breast, bronchus and lucency is present. The osteolytic focus (2) is
prostate) the figure is 85%. One understands by not sharply demarcated and shows no signs of
the term "bone metastasis" the discontinuous marginal sderosis. The cortex has been pene-
spread from a primary tumor, which has devel- trated and on one side (3) even demolished.
oped elsewhere, of neoplastic cells into abone, The tumorous tissue has broken out of the
where, as a result of their proliferation, a sec- bone and has extended into the neighboring
ondary bone tumor has arisen. The large ma- soft parts. In the proximal part of the humerus
jority of skeletal metastases are blood borne, one can see a fracture (4), which radiologically
the tumor cells having been carried into the must be regarded as a pathological fracture. In
marrow cavity by the nutrient arteries. One this region also one finds patchy osteolytic foei
should also always expect to find lung metasta- in the marrow cavity. These are probably meta-
ses in such cases, unless there is a primary tu- static. From the radio graph alone it is, of
mor in the lung (bronchial careinoma). Lym- course, impossible to identify the primary tu-
phogenous metastases are theoretieally possible, mor.
since both the periosteum and bone itself are As can be seen in the histological picture in
connected to the lymphaties. Inside abone, me- Fig. 757, this is a metastasis from a careinoma.
tastases my follow the intracanalicular path, al- One can recognize the lamellar layering of the
lowing the tumor to spread discontinuously cancellous trabeculae (1), whieh are osteosde-
within the marrow cavity. Finally, metastases rotically widened and between whieh there is
may be of the vertebral type, whereby tumor normal hematopoietie bone marrow and fatty
cells from careinomas particularly of the pros- fibrous marrow (2) with isomorphie elongated
tate, lungs, breast, kidney or thyroid follow a fibrocyte nuclei, among which a few fibro-osse-
retrograde path through the presacral and pre- ous trabeculae (3) have differentiated. The var-
vertebral venous plexus es to reach the vertebral iously sized complexes of densely packed
column. In this case metastases do not appear epithelial cells (4) are striking. These cells also
beforehand in the lungs. vary in size and have dark polymorphie nudeL
Figure 755 indieates the most common tu- Here and there the cells also contain abnormal
mors whieh have a tendency to produce skeletal mitoses (5). This is a bone metastasis from a
metastases. They make up more than 80% of scirrhous carcinoma of the breast. The spaces
all bone metastases. Naturally any malignant are either artefacts (6) or are lymph vessels (7)
neoplasm can, in prineiple, produce metastases which have been filled up with tumor cells.
in bone. The main site is the vertebral column, UEHLINGER describes particular patterns of
where 62% of all metastases are found. They distribution of skeletal metastases: (a) In the
are more frequently seen in the lumbar than in stem skeleton type the metastases are symmetri-
the thoraeie or cervical vertebrae. They are also cally disposed in the vertebral column, pelvis,
frequently seen in the femur (10%), ribs (10%), ribs, skull, and proximal parts of the humerus
skull (9%) and pelvis (5%). and femur. (b) In the limb type they are spo-
A solitary bone metastasis, which is dini- radic and mostly found asymmetrically placed
cally observed in 25% of cases, can easily be and distal to the elbow or knee joint. (c) In the
mistaken for a primary tumor, and this must periosteal type the periosteal region of the long
be resolved by bone biopsy. Both radiologically and short tubular bones is attacked.
Bone Metastases 397

Bronchus Thyroid

t) j Kidney Breast




Fig. 755. Diagram showing the organs, tumors of which most frequently give rise to bone metastases

5 3
Fig. 756. Osteolytic bone metastases (humeral shaft) Fig. 757. Bone metastasis from a carcinoma of the breast;
HE, x82
398 11 Bone Tumors

Figure 758 shows the histological picture of a several punched-out bony defects (1) whieh have
bone metastasis from an adenocarcinoma of the no surrounding marginal sclerosis. These are
colon. Between the autochthonous cancellous found in both the marrow cavity and the cortex
trabeculae with their lamellar layers (1), the mar- (2). This kind of osteolytie focus is often found
row cavity is filled up with tumorous tissue con- in such tumors. Usually there is no periosteal re-
sisting of densely packed abnormal glandular action. One intramedullary osteolytie focus (3)
ducts (2). The glands are covered with poly- has eroded the cortex from within.
morphie cells. Here and there abnormal mitoses The histological picture of a biopsy of a bone
are also present. The ducts vary in size and con- metastasis from a hypernephroid carcinoma of
tain abundant collections of mucus (3). This kind the kidney (renal cell carcinoma) is often so
of intraosseous tumorous tissue is readily identi- characteristic that the primary tumor may be
fied as a bone metastasis from a carcinoma of the identified from it. In Fig. 762 one can see on
gastrointestinal tract or gallbladder. one side (1) a remaining trabecula from the
In Fig. 759 one can see the radiograph of an spongiosa, which nevertheless has an undulat-
osteolytie bone metastasis in the proximal part ing border. The whole of the marrow cavity has
of the left femur. There is a large osteolytic been taken up by epithelial tumorous tissue (2)
zone (1) which has occupied the greater tro- consisting of complexes of epithelial cells with
chanter and spread into the femoral neck. It is a light cytoplasm. These have small hyperchro-
poorly demarcated and has no marginal sclero- matic and polymorphie nuclei in which almost
sis. The cortex has been eroded from within (2) no mitoses occur. The tumor cells are often sur-
but has not been penetrated. There is no peri- rounded by a sharply defined cell membrane.
osteal reaction. The osteolytic area has no in- The tumorous tissue is interspersed with narrow
ternal structure. Such a radio graph indicates connective tissue septa (3) in whieh run narrow
malignant bone destruction and, in the case of capillaries. This reflects the endocrine forma-
an elderly patient, suggests a bone metastasis. tion of the primary tumor even in the metastasis.
As can be discerned in the histological pic- The distribution of skeletal metastases can
ture of Fig. 760, the cancellous bony tissue has only be reliably derived from autopsy findings.
been extensively destroyed by a malignant tu- However, the number of bone metastases de-
mor. There are still a few peripheral autochtho- tected radiologically is significantly in excess of
nous bone trabeculae (1) with lamellar layering those diagnosed during clinical examination.
and containing small osteocytes. Some osteo-
blasts are seen attached to the bone trabeculae
(2). The whole of the marrow cavity is filled up
with a highly cellular tumorous tissue (3) con-
taining densely packed complexes of epithelial
cells with dark polymorphie nuclei and light
cytoplasm. Most of the cell boundaries can be
clearly seen. The tumorous tissue is threaded
through by a few fine-walled capillaries (4).
Since there are no differentiated structures pre-
sent the primary tumor cannot be established 2
with any certainty. In this case it was a carcino-
ma of the breast, but other such carcinomas
(bronchus, larynx, skin) can produce a similar
metastatic pieture.
Only a few malignant tumors produce charac- 3
teristie radiologieal or histological bone changes
from whieh the nature of the primary growth can
be recognized. Figure 761 shows the radiograph
of a bone metastasis from a hypernephroid carci-
noma of the kidney (renal cell carcinoma) in the Fig. 758. Bone metastasis from an adenocarcinoma of the
proximal part of the right tibia. One can discern colon; PAS, x51
Bone Metastases 399

Fig. 759. Osteolytic bone metastasis (left proximal femur) Fig. 760. Bone metastasis from a carcinoma of the breast;
HE, x40


Fig. 761. Bone metastasis from a renal cell carcinoma Fig. 762. Bone metastasis from a renal cell carcinoma;
( tibia) HE, x25 "
400 11 Bone Tumors

Nevertheless, only about 50% of bone metasta- (2). The cortex has also been drawn into the
ses are picked up radiologically. Of all bone destructive process (3), and it is feathery, with
metastases, 80% are found in the vertebral col- porous patches. The absence of any kind of
umn, 40% in the femur, 25% in the ribs and bony or periosteal reaction is typical of such a
20% in the skull and pelvis. Peripheral metasta- pathological fracture (p. 126). No increase in
ses are therefore uncommon. Of all bone me- density is observed in the region of the frac-
tastases, 90% are distributed in the stern skele- ture. Such a radiological appearance urgently
ton (Fig. 764: the so-called Stem skeleton type). suggests a metastatic bone tumor.
The number of bones affected is usually large, The macroscopic appearance of the osseous
the distribution is symmetrical. Carcinomatous bone metastases is extremely variable. It is de-
tumorous tissue is very easily laid down in well termined both by the type of tumor (e. g. yel-
vascularized red bone marrow, and this deter- lowish-red for a secondary from a renal cell
mines the localization of the secondary depos- carcinoma, very white from a carcinoma of the
its (vertebrae, ribs, sternum, shoulder and pel- breast) and by the reaction of the bone locally
vic girdles, proximal metaphyses of humerus (osteoblastic reactions are grayish-white, osteo-
and femur). In only 2%-5% of all patients with lytic reactions grayish-red). Figure 767 shows a
carcinoma do the metastases appear in the dis- large osteolytic bone metastasis (1) in the prox-
tal parts of the limbs (Fig. 765: the so-called imal part of the tibia from a carcinoma of the
limb type). Here the bones on the far side of bronchus. The tumorous tissue looks very
the elbow and knee joints are affected (distal ti- pulpy, and its center has become necrotic (2).
bial metaphysis, talus, calcaneus, ulna, short tu- On one side (3) the cortex has been destroyed
bular bones of the hands and feet). Very often and replaced by tumorous tissue. Reactive can-
these are solitary metastases, particularly in the cellous sclerosis (4) has developed in the neigh-
case of carcinomas of the kidney (renal cell car- borhood of the metastasis. If nothing has been
cinoma) or bronchus. Clinically, peripheral car- suspected of the presence somewhere of a pri-
cinomatous metastases present earlier than mary tumor, a radiograph of this kind of de-
those of the stern skeleton, and often lead to structive bone lesion could itself easily be mis-
spontaneous fractures. Finally, there are the taken for a primary bone neoplasm. In such
periosteal metastases, which can be very exten-
sive and associated with reactive periosteal new
bone deposition (coralliform type).
Figure 763 illustrates the histology of a bone
metastasis from a mucoepidermoid carcinoma,
such as can arise in a salivary gland (subman-
dibular gland). The marrow cavity is inflltrated
by large groups of epithelial tumor cells (1), all
of which have dark polymorphic nudei. In ad-
dition to the mucus-producing cells (2), one
can observe small collections of pavement
epithelium (3). Inside these groups of cells
there are hollow cystic spaces (4) fllled with 1
mucus. Within the loose connective tissue stro-
ma (5), reactive fibro-osseous trabeculae (6)
have differentiated out.
Figure 766 shows the radiograph of an os- 3
teolytic bone meta stasis from a carcinoma of
the breast in the proximal part of the left
femur, which has resulted in a pathological
fracture (1). The ends of the fractured bone are
extensively displaced. This is a fairly smooth 6
transverse fracture running through the middle Fig. 763. Bone metastasis from a mucoepidermoid carcino-
of a large, poorly demarcated osteolytic zone ma; PAS, x64
Bone Metastases 401

Fig. 764. Distribution pattern of bone metastases of the Fig. 765. Distribution pattern of bone metastases of the
stern skeleton type. (After Uehlinger, from SCHINZ et al. peripheral skeleton ("appendicular skeleton") type. (After
1981) Uehlinger, from SCHINZ et al. 1981)


Fig. 766. Bone metastasis from a carcinoma of the breast Fig. 767. Bone metastasis from a bronchial carcinoma
with a pathological fracture (proximal femur) (proximal tibia)
402 11 Bone Tumors

cases a bone biopsy (perhaps a needle biopsy) static tumorous tissue suggests a secondary
can provide the diagnosis. from a bronchial carcinoma.
Both autoptically and on radiologie al exami- The radiograph of Fig. 771 shows a patho-
nation bone metastases are most often con- logical fracture (1) in the proximal part of the
firmed in the vertebral column, where there is right femur. The fracture is gaping and the
a wide spectrum of bone destruction. The fact bones are badly out of line. The proximal part
that they are limited to the affected vertebra is of the fractured bone (2) shows a a very cloudy
characteristic of secondaries in the spine. Un- increase in density of the bone structure, and
like spondylitis (p. 140) they do not usually in- this includes head, neck and intertrochanterie
vade the adjacent vertebrae. The intervertebral region. The pubie and ischial bones have also
space is most often preserved, as can be con- been drawn into this osteosclerotic process (3).
firmed radiologically. If the vertebra is sawn In places the pathological osteosclerosis has
through the metastasis is usually easy to recog- been rendered porous by patches of osteolysis
nize macroscopically. Figure 768 shows a large (4). A large intraosseous zone of osteolysis in
round focus (1) in the body of the 4th lumb ar the proximal part of the femoral shaft is also
vertebra. It is fairly well demarcated and has a striking (5).
well-marked grayish-white surface, suggestive This type of osteoblastic bane metastasis is
of carcinomatous tissue. The surrounding spon- often found in cases of prostatie carcinoma.
giosa (2) is filled with blood but otherwise un- Histologically we can see in Fig. 772 newly
altered. The adjacent intervertebral discs (3) are formed osteosclerotic bone trabeculae (1) on
also unaltered and the outline of the vertebra which rows of active osteoblasts (2) have been
is, like that of the other bodies, completely in- deposited. The marrow cavity is filled with
tact. In the case of purely osteoblastic spinal loose connective tissue (3). Within there are
metastases there may be a high grade sclerotic large complexes of epithelial tumor cells (4),
reaction on the part of the spongiosa, with the whieh have a light cytoplasm and dark poly-
intraosseous metastatic tumorous tissue no morphie nuclei. Sometimes suggestive glandu-
longer macroscopically recognizable. Radiologi- lar elements (5) can be recognized. The entire
cally one finds a so-called ivory vertebra. histologieal pieture is typieal of an osteoblastie
In the radiograph, bone metastases some- secondary from a carcinoma of the prostate.
times produce a strong periosteal re action as
well as a severe local osteosclerotic lesion. In
Fig. 769 the spongiosa of the distal right femo-
ral metaphysis is strongly sclerosed (1) and is
continued across into the cortex. In only a few
places is destructive osteolysis to be seen (2).
However, the massive tumorous expansion of
the periosteum, both on the ventral (3) and 2
(where it is more tumorous) dorsal (4) aspects
of the femur is striking. These structural
changes indicate a malignant bone lesion.
Histological examination of the biopsy mate-
rial revealed the morphological appearance of a 3
bronchial carcinoma. In Fig. 770 there is in one
place a sclerotieally widened bone trabecula
(1). The fatty marrow has been replaced by
loose connective tissue (2) in which shallow
nodular areas of infiltrating tumorous tissue (3)
are to be seen. This is a tumorous epithelium
which is appropriate for a non-keratinizing
squamous cell carcinoma. Even in this overall
view the dark polymorphie nuclei of the malig-
nant tumor cells are striking. Such osteometa- Fig. 768. Bone metastasis (4th lumbar vertebral body)
Bone Metastases 403

Fig. 769. Bone metastasis from a bronchial carcinoma Fig. 770. Bone metastasis from a bronchial carcinoma;
(distal femur) HE, x40


Fig. 771. Osteoblastic bone metastasis from a prostatic car- Fig. 772. Osteoblastic bone metastasis from a prostatic car-
cinoma with a pathological fracture (right proximal femur) cinoma; HE, x64
404 11 Bone Tumors

Attention is often first drawn to a malignant morous tissue has spread into the inside of the
neoplasm by a bone metastasis while the pri- skull (4) and has probably infiltrated the brain.
mary tumor is still unrecognized. In some This is an osteolytic bone metastasis, which is
cases the histological structure of the second- by far the most common sort to appear, since
ary allows conclusions to be drawn about the the tumorous tissue brings about osteoclasia.
primary tumor. In Fig. 773 one can see a scle- Osteoblastic bone metastases, because of their
rotically widened bone trabecula (1), and in the inducing endosteal osteoplasia and periosteal
marrow cavity there is an epithelial tumorous new bone formation, are much less common.
tissue of cells with abundant cytoplasm (2) However, in the majority of bone metastases we
which contain small round, slightly poly- are histologically able to recognize mixed forms
morphic nuclei. The cytoplasm is strikingly eo- of simultaneous osteolysis and osteoplasia.
sinophilic. These cells are arranged around hol- Bone metastases present an enormously vari-
low spaces (3), making up a follicular morpho- able picture, with regard to the clinical symp-
logical pattern which is typical of the thyroid toms, the radiological changes seen in the skel-
gland. Such a histological picture of a bone me- eton and the histological picture. In the case of
tastasis suggests with fair certainty that the pri- someone suffering from cancer, it is usually im-
mary tumor is an oncocytic thyroid carcino- possible to detect all the bone metastases. On
ma. Highly differentiated follicular carcinomas average, about half of the secondaries are diag-
of the thyroid often produce bone metastases, nosed on clinical examination. Solitary or
the tumorous tissue of which consists of ma- sporadic metastases are much more often rec-
ture follicular thyroid tissue. In other cases ognized during the life of the patient. At au-
(e. g. various adenocarcinomas) the pathologist topsy, on the other hand, multiple bone metas-
can, on the basis of the histological picture of tases predominate, most of them in the stern
the metastasis alone, indicate to the clinician skeleton. Not infrequently a carcinoma (e. g. of
which of a few possible organs might be the the stornach) is accompanied by secondaries in
site of the primary tumor (e. g. the gastrointes- a very large number of bones, and we then
tinal tract, gallbladder, uterus etc.). Very often, speak of "skeletal carcinomatosis". Peripheral
when there is undifferentiated tissue in the skeletal metastases present themselves clinically
bone metastasis, no conclusions at all can be much earlier than those in the stern skeleton. In
reached concerning the nature of the primary. the long bones they often cause a pathological
The morphological appearance of skeletal fracture to appear, but in the short or flat
metastases can take on an extraordinarily large bones they cause periosteal irritation and early
number of different forms both radiologically pain.
and macroscopically and so lead to misinter- Carcinoma of the kidney particularly - less
pretation. Discrete bone changes can suggest often of the bronchus - can lead to the appear-
benign lesions (osteomyelitis, for instance). The an ce of metastases in unexpected sites. Again
larger lesions do indeed indicate a malignant and again we observe local metastases in the
tumor, but it is difficult to classify it radiologi- cortex of a bone appearing as roundish-oval
cally. In Fig. 774 one can see a bone metastasis areas of osteolysis. They may appear one after
from a carcinoma of the breast in the roof of another in the most peripheral parts of the
the skull. A massive spongy tumor (1) is cling- skeleton - in the terminal phalanges of all the
ing to the skull cap. The tumorous tissue is fingers, for instance. Cases are also always ap-
soaked in blood and dark red. Within, the ne- pearing in which a carcinoma of the kidney
croses have produced numerous hollow spaces had been removed many years earlier and, after
(2). The skull bone has been infiltrated by the a long period of time with no symptoms, mul-
tumor and extensively destroyed (3). The tu- tiple secondaries suddenly appear.
Bone Metastases 405

Fig. 773. Bone metastasis from an oncocytic carcinoma of Fig. 774. Osteolytic bone metastasis from a carcinoma of
the thyroid; HE, x64 the breast (skull cap)

If the metastatic tumorous tissue is carried much more a case of their producing an osteo-
into the bone by the bloodstream and then clast-stimulating factor (e. g. endothelin) which
spreads within the marrow cavity without de- brings about osteoclastic bone resorption.
stroying bone tissue or stimulating new bone In the vast majority of cases, bone metastases
formation, no radiological changes are seen, are derived from carcinomas which have devel-
and the scintigram also remains silent. The tu- oped in other extraosseous organs. Histologi-
morous tissue itself is not visible on the radio- cally we would expect to see associated clusters
graph, it is only after it has destroyed the bone of epithelial cells in the kind of intraosseous le-
tissue following stimulation of the osteoclasts, sion that can be identified by means of immu-
and is quantitatively in excess of that tissue, nohistochemistry (keratin, see Table 5, p. 507).
that the structural changes (osteolyses) become Nevertheless, mesenchymal tumors - that is to
radiologically visible. However, with the mod- say sarcomas - can also produce bone met asta-
ern technique of MR tomography (MRT) even ses. These may be soft tissue sarcomas. If such
the early changes can today be recognized. a sarcoma first presents as a secondary in
During these intraosseous morphological al- bone, it may be impossible by means of a
terations the bone tissue is not directly de- biopsy to say whether we are dealing with a
stroyed by the tumor cells; it is apparently metastasis or a primary sarcoma of bone. It is
406 11 Bone Tumors

known that bone sarcomas often have the iden- the distal femoral metaphysis, with an intra-
tical histomorphological structure as the soft medullary metastasis derived from it at a con-
tissue variety. Even a primary malignant bone siderable distance from and without any rela-
tumor can give rise to metastases in the skele- tionship to the primary tumor, in the proximal
ton. The medullary plasmocytoma (p. 348), for part of the same femur). Multicentric osteosar-
instance, usually makes a multifocal appearance comas can also be interpreted as a particular
in several different bones. It has been suggested form of metastatic spread.
that perhaps the tumor develops in one partic- To sum up, the formation of bone metastases
ular bone and that all the other intraosseous is a particular series of events assoeiated with
foei are its metastases. Another example is pre- the growth of malignant tumors, both careino-
sented by the so-called "skip lesions" of the os- mas and sarcomas, which has many variants
teosarcoma (p. 276), where there is a metastasis and which can give rise to many diagnostic
from this mesenchymal tumor in the same and therapeutic problems.
bone (for example, there is an osteosarcoma in
Tumor-like Bone Lesions 407

Tumor-like Bone Lesions able area and show up as a tumor-like shadow

eovering the soft parts. The radiologist is not
Introductory Remarks able to exclude the possibility of malignaney in
such eases.
A tumor may be defined as a proliferation of Histologieally the tumor-like bone lesions
tissue in which the growth is exeessive, is not ean also eause the pathologist eonsiderable dif-
eoordinated with the normal tissue, and eon- fieulty. It is often a matter of a "bone eyst"
tinues even when the original stimulus is no whieh must be more preeisely diagnosed. In the
longer aetive (WILLIS). Here we have, from the ease of a juvenile bone eyst (p. 408) the tissue
pathologieal and anatomical points of view, the obtained by curettage is very often not patho-
prineipal eharaeteristies of a true autonomously gnomonie, so that the diagnosis must be made
growing tumor. Aeeording to this definition a in assoeiation with the radiograph. An aneurys-
true bone tumor eannot regress by itself; at the mal bone eyst shows a suggestive "blow-out"
most it ean remain quieseent. There is, how- appearanee, with the osteolytie "neoplasm"
ever, no sharp dividing line between autono- leaving the bone and spreading into the soft
mously growing neoplasms and an exeessive parts. Histologically there is a highly eellular
growth of tissue, the development of whieh is granulation tissue with very many multinu-
independent of any stimulus and whieh ean cleated osteoclastic giant eells, so that it ean be
regress. In the skeleton espeeially we know of extraordinarily diffieult from the curetted mate-
lesions whieh radiologically and biologieally rial to distinguish it from a true giant eell neo-
appear to be tumors, but whieh ean neverthe- plasm of bone (osteoclastoma, p. 337). An an-
less spontaneously regress. These loeal skeletal eurysmal bone eyst ean also arise histomorpho-
ehanges are eolleeted together under the blan- logieally together with a true bone tumor (e. g.
ket term "tumor-like bone lesions". in a chondroblastoma, p. 226) or present the
The main eharaeteristie of a tumor-like bone morphological appearanee of a telangieetatie
lesion is that it clinically and radiologically osteosareoma (p. 280).
gives the impression of a bone neoplasm. They Among the tumor-like bone lesions there are
ean appear as areas of osteosclerosis [e. g. many intraosseous eonditions that present with
"bone islands", p. 274; melorheostosis, p. 108; giant eell granulation tissue and are diffieult to
osteitis deformans (Paget), p. 102] or as osteo- distinguish from true giant eell neoplasms. A
lytie foei [e. g. eosinophilie bone granulomas, giant eell lesion in the bones of the jaw should
p. 196; fibrous bone dysplasia (Jaffe-Liehten- first eall to mi nd a reparative giant eell granu-
stein), pp. 56, 318; so-ealled "brown tumors", loma (p. 204); giant eell "tumors" (the so-ealled
p. 84; reparative giant eell granulomas, p. 204; a "brown tumors", p. 84) ean also develop in
giant eell reaetion in a short tubular bone, eases of primary hyperparathyroidism. A "bone
p. 204]. Even osteomyelitis ean look like a tu- eyst" may be due to fibrous bone dysplasia
mor radiologieally. Bone lesions of this kind (pp. 56, 318), an intraosseous ganglion (p. 418)
ean bring about eonsiderable destruetion of or an intraosseous epidermal eyst (p. 420).
bone, giving the impression of malignant tu- Finally, there are parosseal lesions (myositis
morous growth (e. g. the eosinophilie granulo- ossifieans, p. 478; tumorous ealcinosis, p. 484)
ma). The bone ean show eonsiderable loeal ele- which may give the impression of benign or
vation and the spongiosa be extensively obliter- malignant tumors although they are only loeal
ated, there may be erosion of the cortex, or re- reaetive processes.
parative aetivity may bring about exeessive It is neeessary with all these tumor-like eon-
bone remodeling. Aneurysmal eysts (p. 412) ditions to reeognize them as reaetion foei and
may even penetrate the cortex over a consider- to distinguish them from true neoplasms.
408 11 Bone Tumors

Juvenile Bone Cyst (lCD-O-DA-M-3340-4) (1) in the marrow cavity which has a smooth
wall, and which is filled up with a gelatinous
Osteolytic fod which are sharply demarcated mass that is in part soaked with blood. The
and look like smooth-walled "cysts" are ob- cortex (2) is intact. The cyst is incompletely
served in bones with relative frequency, and it subdivided into several regions by structures
is therefore well worth classifying the various consisting of bone trabeculae (3).
forms of bone cyst as predsely as possible. The Not only is a radio graph absolutely essential
juvenile or solitary bone cyst is an expanding for the diagnosis, but a piece of the intact wall
osteolytic non-tumorous condition of unknown must also be subjected to histological analysis.
etiology wh ich is unicameral and surrounded by The histological picture of Fig. 777 shows the
a wall of connective tissue. It is usually filled wall of a juvenile bone cyst. It has a smooth
with serous fluid. It is almost exclusively found border on all sides and no epithelial covering
in children and young people, 80% appearing (1). The membrane (2) consists of parallel
between the ages of 3 and 14 years. Boys are layers of collagen fibers with a sparse infiltra-
more often affected than girls. Most juvenile tion of round cells and occasional giant cells.
bone cysts lie in the proximal metaphysis of Sometimes there are fod of non-specific granu-
the humerus or femur, where they are seen to lation tissue and a few capillaries in the cyst
expand. Of them 70% present with a pathologi- wall, on the outside of which many new fibro-
cal fracture. Inactive or latent cysts move ever osseous trabeculae (3) have been formed. Adja-
further away from the epiphysis during skeletal cent to this one can recognize the autochtho-
growth and finally take up a position which is nous bone tissue (4) which shows lamellar
exclusively metaphyseal or diaphyseal. Follow- layering and is often osteosclerotically thick-
ing a fracture through the cyst, spontaneous ened.
healing can occur (15% of cases). Active cysts Figure 778 shows the histological picture of
come to lie right up against the epiphyseal a juvenile bone cyst with a very thick connec-
plate and lead to elevation of the bone. tive tissue wall. Towards the cavity the cyst has
In Fig. 775 one can see the classical radio- a smooth border (1); there is no epithelial cov-
graph of a juvenile bone cyst in the proximal ering or lining. The wall consists of markedly
part of the right humerus. The metaphysis (1) fibrous connective tissue, threaded through
is bulging outwards. Here, there is a large os- with a few dilated blood-filled vessels (2). The
teolytic cyst within the bone, which is inter- numerous disorganized, partly patchy, partly
spersed with narrow septa (2), giving it a mul- trabecular structures (3) in the cyst wall are
tiloculated appearance. These are not, however, striking, and have the appearance of cement
separate internal spaces. The cyst is placed cen- particles. This kind of structure is often seen in
trally in the bone. The cortex has been nar- juvenile bone cysts. The prognosis of such a le-
rowed from within (3), but has not been pene- sion is good. In any case, juvenile bone cysts
trated. There is no periosteal reaction, although should be conservatively treated before the 10th
this may develop locally if a pathological frac- year, since, if they are not, recurrences appear
ture occurs. The cyst reaches as far as immedi- in 40% of the cases. The recurrence rate of this
ately below the epiphyseal cartilage (4) and is lesion is higher if it is at the proximal end of
sharply separated from the diaphysis by a nar- the humerus than when it lies in the same re-
row band of marginal sclerosis (5). gion of the femur or tibia. With atypical local-
This type of cyst is usually curetted and the ization (e. g. in the iliac bone) and with small
defect filled up with spongiosa. In rare cases an cysts recurrences are less common. A juvenile
en bloc resection is carried out. Figure 776 bone cyst can, however, occupy up to one third
shows the macroscopic picture of such a re- of a long bone, thus giving rise to severe surgi-
sected spedmen. One can see the cystically cal problems. In general the recurrence rate lies
raised up part of a long bone (humerus) which between 18% and 41%. Spontaneous malignant
has been sawn through. There is a central cyst change is not to be expected.
Juvenile Bone eyst 409

Fig. 775. Juvenile bone eyst (right proximal humerus) Fig. 776. Juvenile bone eyst (humerus, eut surfaee)

Fig. 777. Juvenile bone eyst; HE, x25 Fig. 778. Juvenile bone eyst; HE, x25
410 11 Bone Tumors

"Cementoma" of the Long Bones In "cementomas", which histologically show

(lCD-O-DA-M-9272/0) none of the structures of a juvenile bone cyst, a
single roundish sclerotic focus can be seen on
Generally speaking, cement, a substance having the radiograph. One can see such a focus (1) in
its own particular type of formation, only ap- Fig. 782 in the proximal part of the femur in
pears ne ar the teeth, where it is produced by the intertrochanteric region. The outline is
the cementoblasts. The benign cementoma can somewhat fibrous, but the focus is nevertheless
develop in the bones of the jaws. It is, however, fairly sharply demarcated. Inside (2) one can
by no me ans uncommon to find tumor-like le- see a slight porosity, but no cystic structure. In
sions in the long bones (mostly in the proximal the scintigram the lesion usually reveals no in-
part of the femur) which consist histologically crease in activity.
almost entirely of cement. Furthermore, we have Under high er magnification in Fig. 783 the
often found deposits of cement-like material in cement-like material (1) is histologically easily
the wall of a juvenile cyst. A "cementoma" of recognized. The arrangement is similar to that
the long bones is a tumor-like bone lesion, consist- of fibro-osseous trabeculae, but there are no os-
ing of cell-free cement-like material wh ich can be teocytes and the material is fibrillar in forma-
associated with a juvenile bone cyst. Possibly this tion. It does not contain any kind of cells (os-
entirely benign lesion may arise in an old regres- teoblasts, cementoblasts) but lies within a loose
sive juvenile bone cyst. Since, however, it pro- connective tissue (2) that is threaded through
duces a peculiarly characteristic picture on the by several capillaries (3). A few lymphocytes
radiograph, it is regarded as a special separate have also been deposited here.
entity among the tumor-like lesions. The origin and nature of the cement-like ma-
In Fig. 780 the radiograph of such a "ce- terial in this kind of bone lesion are unknown.
mentoma" can be observed. An extraordinarily Ultramicroscopic investigations have suggested
radiodense round focus (1) is lying eccentri- that it is a peculiar cell-free osteoid with atypi-
cally placed in the trochanteric region of the fe- cal calcification that has been laid down by os-
mur. It is clearly demarcated, and the internal teoblasts. Because of the curious radiological
structure shows an uneven, coarsely patchy po- and histological structures it seems to be justi-
rosity (2), so that it looks as if it has been bro- fied to classify these lesions, "cementomas of
ken into pieces. No cyst is to be seen. On one the long bones", as separate entities among the
side the sclerosis reaches into the cortex (3). tumor-like bone lesions.
Histologically the lesion consists of broad
deposits of a cement-like material (1), as can be
seen in Fig. 779. This material has a fibrillar
structure, is free from cells and is interspersed
by elongated, indiscriminately directed reversal
lines (2). Within this unevenly dense calcified
material, which looks exactly like dental ce-
ment, one can observe loose connective tissue
(3). The "cement structures" include no depos-
its of active cells (cementoblasts).
In Fig. 781 one can also see histologically
widely distributed deposits of an almost cell-
free fibrillar material (1) resembling cement.
Close to this there are spherical corpuscles (2)
which are unevenly calcified and which also re-
semble cement. Unlike osteoid seams they are
bordered by fine fibrils and show no deposits
of cells (such as osteoblasts, for instance). The
cement-like substance lies in a fibrous stroma
with isomorphie fibrocytes and a few fine-
walled capillaries. Fig. 779. Cementoma of the long bones; HE, x64
"Cementoma" of the Long Bones 411


Fig. 780. Cementoma of the long bones Fig. 781. Cementoma of the long bones; HE, x64
(Jeft proximal femur)

Fig. 782. Cementoma of the long bones Fig. 783. Cementoma of the long bones; HE, x82
(right proximal femur)
412 11 Bone Tumors

Aneurysmal Bone Cyst (ICD-O-DA-M-3364-0) women are more often affeeted than men or
Among the tumor-like bone lesions the aneu- Radiologically the aneurysmal bone eyst is
rysmal bone eyst presents the greatest diagnos- eharaeterized by an eeeentrie intraosseous area
tie and therapeutie problems. This is a benign of osteolysis with a decidedly "blow-out" ap-
osteolytic bone lesion which consists of an in- pearanee, whieh ean undergo very rapid expan-
traosseous focus of destruction and an extraos- sion. In Fig. 786 one ean see in a lateral radio-
seous aneurysm-like cystic portion, and wh ich graph a peripheral angiogram of an aneurys-
represents a particular form of local reaction on mal bone eyst in the distal femoral metaphysis.
the part of the bone to previous damage. Dorsally there is a hernia-like sae (1) attaehed
This me ans that everyone eoneerned in ex- to the bone by a broad base. One ean see how
amining the lesion (radiologists, pathologists) on the outside of this "hernia" the lesion is re-
is faeed with the task of trying to discover the stricted by the bulging periosteum. There is
underlying eondition, but in many eases this is also a diserete area of osteolysis (2) within the
unsueeessful. Behind an aneurysmal eyst may femoral metaphysis that ean be made to show
lie hidden a benign bone tumor (e. g. chondro- up more clearly in a tomogram (CT, MRT). De-
blastoma, ehondromyxoid fibroma, fibrous dys- struetion of the cortex is the most striking fea-
plasia) or a bone sarcoma (e. g. osteoclastoma, ture, and marginal sclerosis may or may not be
telangieetatie osteosareoma). The eombination present. The angiogram shows obvious hyper-
of any one of these tumors or tumor-like le- vaseularization in the neighborhood of the
sions with the struetures of an aneurysmal eyst, by whieh the extraosseous extension is
bone eyst makes the differential diagnosis ex- more clearly seen. Most of the vessels within
tremely diffieult. The lesion is quite often seen, the lesion are not visible here.
almost always in the form of a solitary foeus. In the radiograph of Fig. 787 one ean see an
Clinieally it presents as a painful swelling aneurysmal bone eyst in the body of the 2nd
whieh may remain for over a year until a rapid eervieal vertebra. The bone of the vertebral
inerease in the pain drives the patient to visit a body is strongly elevated and extensively de-
physician. Often there has been some previous stroyed (1), and its outer eontour is no longer
loeal trauma. In 4%-5% of the eases there is a demareated. One ean see part of the tumor ex-
pathologieal fracture present (e. g. a eompres- panding dorsally (2) where it has invaded the
sion fraeture of a vertebral body). soft parts and expanded in the shape of a bee-
hive over the neighboring 3rd eervical vertebra.
Loca/ization (Fig. 784). Aneurysmal bone eysts Owing to the overlaying of the images one gets
are seen in almost all bones, including the the impression that the body of this vertebra
bones of the jaws. The main sites, however, are has been involved in the destruetion proeess
the spinal eolumn and the long bones. About (3). In such a ease it is neeessary to determine
63% of these lesions are found in the long radiologically to what extent the lesion has
bones, pelvis and vertebral eolumn. The meta- penetrated into the spinal eanal. Within this
physes are most often affeeted, usually the dis- bone eyst there are numerous irregular trabeeu-
tal femoral metaphysis. The epiphyseal plates lae. Even the neighboring 1st eervieal vertebra
have usually not been penetrated. On rare oeea- (4) is not clearly seen. The radiologically de-
sions the lesion ean be observed in the dia- monstrable extension of the proeess over sev-
physis. eral vertebrae is typical of the aneurysmal bone
eyst, and is very seldom seen with true benign
Age Distribution (Fig. 785). The aneurysmal bone or malignant bone tumors. Aeeording to
eyst attaeks ehildren, young people and young- POPPE the radio graph of aneurysmal bone
er adults, about 60% of the patients being less eysts in the vertebrae is uneharaeteristie. In
than 20 years old. The peak period is in the "blow-out" vertebrae the spongiosa of the at-
2nd deeade of life, whieh distinguishes these le- taehed transverse and articular processes is al-
sions from osteoclastomas (p. 337). Girls and ways destroyed.
Aneurysma! Bone eyst 413

5.9% (SkulI)

4.6% (Proximal humcrus)

3.8% (Ribs)

23.4% ( pinc)


5% (Pclvis) 45

9.6% (Proximal femur) 40



12.1% (Distal femur) 25

8.3% (Proximal tibia)

> 15 %

_>1 0 %
0<1 0 % 1. ~ 3. ~ ~ a 7. R
Decade 01 lila

Fig. 784. Loea!ization of the aneurysma! bone eysts Fig. 785. Age distribution of the aneurysma! bone eysts
(239 eases); others 27.3% (239 eases)


Fig. 786. Aneurysma! bone eyst Fig. 787. Aneurysmal bone eyst
(distal femoral metaphysis, angiogram) (2nd eerviea! vertebral body)
414 11 Bone Tumors

The typical "blow-out" character of an aneu- tent of the aneurysmal bone cyst can be clearly
rysmal bone cyst can be seen in the radiograph seen in a computer tomogram. In Fig. 790 one
of Fig. 788. On the under side of the left pubis can see that the cyst (1) has no internal struc-
(1) a large cyst (2) is bulging downwards far ture. It is lying dorsolaterally in the vertebra
into the soft tissues. It is bordered externally and has destroyed the right transverse process
by a narrow shell of bone (3) due to new bone and part of the neural arch. Externally, newly
deposition from the elevated periosteum. Inside built bony structures (2) can be seen. Apart of
there are several partial trabecular thickenings. the vertebral body (3) has also been destroyed.
The under side of the of the pubis has been This kind of extension from the lesion can easi-
eaten away, bringing about rarefaction of the ly cause the symptoms of a transverse section
bone. of the cord to develop.
Again in Fig. 789 one can see the radiograph The classical radiological appearance of an
of an extraosseous aneurysmal bone cyst. The aneurysmal bone cyst is shown in Fig. 791. In
cyst (1) is discernible on the right side of the the distal femoral metaphysis of a 9-year-old
body of the 1st lumb ar vertebra. Again, it is child an eccentrically placed cyst (1) is bulging
also demarcated from without by a narrow shell sideways out of the bone. It has eaten away the
of bone. The cyst has no internal structure. It bone tissue and shows no internal structure. In
has rarefied the bone tissue of the vertebra the inside of the bone it is demarcated by a
from the side and is sharply demarcated inside band of marginal sclerosis (2). The outer bor-
the bone by a narrow band of marginal sclero- der (3) can only be weakly discerned. The epi-
sis (2). A cyst of this kind often sinks down- physeal cartilage (4) has been preserved.
ward in the shape of a beehive, and with an In the overall histological section of Fig. 792
orthograde projection it can give the impres- there are several cystic hollow spaces (1) within
sion radiologically that two adjacent vertebrae the bone, which are partly filled with blood
have been destroyed by a tumor. The actual ex- clots (2). The cysts have smooth walls, and

Fig. 788. Aneurysmal bone eyst (left pubie bone)
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst 415

Fig. 789. Aneurysmal bone eyst (lst lumbar vertebral body) Fig. 790. Aneurysmal bone eyst (lst lumbar vertebral body,
computer tomogram)

Fig. 791. Aneurysma! bone eyst (distal femoral metaphysis) Fig. 792. Aneurysma! bone cyst
(proximal tibia, hand lens: x5)
416 11 Bone Tumors

nearby many fibro-osseous trabeculae (3) have Under higher magnification one can discern
differentiated out. The cyst has rarefied the cor- in Fig. 795 the hollow space in an aneurysmal
tex and is bulging outwards (4). bone cyst (1) whieh contains only a little blood.
In Fig. 793 one can see the macroscopic pic- The cyst has a smooth border, and a lining of
ture of an aneurysmal bone cyst in a rib. The flattened epithelial cells (2) can be recognized.
bone is extensively raised up over a length of The wall consists of highly cellular granulation
about 11 cm. At one end the healthy bone of tissue in which numerous multinucleated osteo-
the adjacent part of the rib is still recognizable clastic giant cells are lying (3). These giant cells
(1). The extraosseous part of the lesion is sig- are distributed unequally throughout the tissue
nificantly larger than the intraosseous. Within and often lie together in groups. The fibrous
the flat surface there is a bone cyst with several background tissue is highly cellular and con-
hollow spaces of varying sizes (2) which are tains many fibrocytes and fibroblasts with iso-
filled up with blood clots. The wall of the cyst morphie nuclei. However, individual mitoses
(3) consists of tough connective tissue that has can also be seen, and particularly after a pre-
been fairly thickly laid down outside and which vious curettage considerable mitotic activity
can in part be ossified. This is periosteal con- may reveal itself. In this case the possibility of
nective tissue that bulges out because of the ex- a malignant bone tumor must be included in
pansion of the cyst, and which covers it from the differential diagnosis.
without. The septa whieh separate the spaces In Fig. 796 the characteristie structural for-
from one another also consist of connective tis- mation of an aneurysmal bone cyst is clearly
sue and often contain bone. In many aneurys- shown histologically. We can see the smoothly
mal bone cysts only a clear fluid, which may be bordered hollow space (1) which has an incom-
tinged with blood, is present. plete lining of cells. The inner layer of the cyst
In Fig. 794 the cystie spaces (1) occupy the wall (2) consists of loose connective tissue in
whole histological picture of the aneurysmal whieh numerous isomorphie fibrocytes and fi-
bone cyst. These spaces are partly empty (1), broblasts, as weIl as collagen fibers, are present.
partly filled up with blood or blood clots (2). Many capillaries (3) are also found here. In this
They have smooth borders, but no epithelial region there may be true granulation tissue in
lining can be recognized (3). The walls of these whieh inflammatory infiltrates (lymphocytes,
spaces consist of loose connective and granula- plasma cells, histiocytes and granulocytes) are
tion tissue, within which numerous vascular also scattered about. In the outer zone (4) one
clefts are present (4). These distinguish the can see granulation tissue which is still highly
spaces themselves from dilated blood vessels cellular, and in which the bandlike zone con-
such as are found in a cavernous hemangioma taining many multinucleated giant cells of the
(p. 373). Irregular trabecular bony structures osteoclast type (5) is striking. These bring
are differentiated out in the walls of the cysts about dissolution of the autochthonous bony
(5). This produces a shadow on the radiograph, structures, giving the picture of an expansive
showing up as a pieture of trabecular internal osteolysis. In the curetted material, osteoclastic
structure. Very often such reactive new bone fod of this kind may predominate to such an ex-
deposition also takes pi ace in the surrounding tent that the differential diagnosis from an osteo-
periosteal mantle and provides a radiologieally clastoma (p. 337) is made much more difficult.
recognizable outer border to the aneurysmal Although we may regard the aneurysmal
bone cyst. Osteoid structures on whieh rows of bone cyst as a particular reactive process of the
osteoblasts have been deposited are also some- bone, similar to that of the reparative giant cell
times found in the cyst walls. It is difficult to granuloma or giant cell reaction (p. 204), the
distinguish such a tissue pattern from that of a lesions manifest a tumor-like destructive
telangiectatie osteosarcoma (p. 280). On occa- growth and, in 21% of cases, they may recur.
sion, differentiated cartilaginous fod can also The proliferating tissue should therefore be re-
be found in the intermediate walls, whieh vary moved by en bloc exdsion or radieal curettage.
in length and thickness and separate the hollow Radiotherapy is only indicated if the lesion is
spaces from one another. inoperable.
Aneurysma! Bone eyst 417

2 - - - - - - - -ti 9 - -: .3

2 -----

Fig. 793. Aneurysma! bone eyst (rib, eut surfaee) Fig. 794. Aneurysma! bone eyst; HE, xIS

4 2

Fig. 795. Aneurysma! bone eyst; HE, x25 Fig. 796. Aneurysma! bone eyst; HE, x32
418 11 Bone Tumors

Intraosseous Ganglion Subchondral Bone Cyst

When a bone cyst is found dose to a joint, the In the neighborhood of joints, particularly
possibility of an intraosseous ganglion must be those of the knee and hip, solitary or multiple
considered. This is a synovial cyst in the sub- bone cysts may appear, the etiology of which is
chondral, juxta-articular region of a (usually variable. So-called detritus cysts (geoden) are
degenerative) joint, wh ich is smooth-walled and often encountered dose to an arthrotic joint
is filled with serous or mucoid fluid. It is mor- (e. g. in cases of coxarthrosis deformans,
phologically dosely related to ganglia of the p. 424). Osteoarthritis can also lead to bone
joint capsule or tendon sheath. Causally this cysts arising near the joint. A subchondral bone
kind of subarticular cyst can be related to ear- cyst is a solitary intraosseous cyst wh ich appears
lier trauma. They are often chance findings, in the neighborhood of a normal joint and
although they may sometimes give rise to slight shows no characteristic histological structure.
pain. Unlike the juvenile or aneurysmal bone cysts
In the radiograph of Fig. 797 one can see an (pp. 408, 412) it is found in the epiphysis and
intraosseous ganglion in the distal part of the often extends into the metaphysis. It can be sin-
tibia (1), dose to the ankle joint. It is a round- gle or multichambered.
ish cystic osteolytic focus, lying in a highly ec- Figure 799 shows the radiograph of a sub-
centric position in the bone and completely chondral cyst in the head of the tibia, where
surrounded by marginal sderosis (2). This one can see the large cyst (1) lying beneath the
small "bony cyst" lies dose to the joint cavity articular cartilage (2). It is sharply demarcated
(3) and shows no internal structure. The neigh- by marginal sderosis, and has no internal
boring joint and surrounding bone show no ra- structure. One can also see other smaller cysts
diological changes. However, in most cases in this region of the bone (3). The surface of
there are more or less marked arthrotic the knee joint is smooth and the joint cavity in-
changes in the joint. tact (4). No degenerative or inflammatory
The histological appearance of a typical in- changes are present.
traosseous ganglion is depicted in Fig. 798. One The histological material, which is usually
can see a smoothly demarcated cystic hollow obtained by curettage, shows no particular
space (1) which is usually filled with serous characteristics. In Fig. 800 one can see the
fluid. The cyst wall - obtained by curettage - is smooth borders of a hollow space (1) sur-
most often submitted for a histological opinion. rounded by connective tissue (2). The cyst has
It consists of loose connective tissue (2) which no epithelial lining (3), and is most often filled
here and there shows signs of myxomatous with serous fluid. In the curetted material one
swelling (3). The collagen fibers run parallel to usually finds only small scraps of connective
the internal surface of the space. Many ganglia tissue and the adjacent sderotic bony tissue; no
have no internal epithelial lining (4), but some- diagnosis can be made on this alone. Here the
times there is a layer of synovial cells (the so- radiological findings are also necessary. There
called synovial bony cyst). The cyst wall is is no connection with the nearby joint. Clini-
threaded through with a few dilated fine-walled cally the subchondral bone cyst is usually
blood vessels (5). There is a perivascular infil- symptom free, and it often turns up as a
trate of lymphocytes, plasma cells and histio- chance radiological finding. The pathogenesis
cytes (6), indicating inflammatory change. De- is uncertain. If the radiograph is correcdy
posits of hemosiderin may be present as a sign interpreted, treatment is usually unnecessary.
of earlier bleeding. There is no connection be- However, such a cyst may break into the joint
tween an intraosseous ganglion and the adja- and produce a secondary arthrosis. For this
cent joint. The prognosis of these cystic bone reason it should be scraped out and replaced
lesions is good, and after they have been with spongiosa if there is any pain.
shelled out and filled with bone chips they sel-
dom recur.
Subehondral Bone eyst 419

Fig. 797. Intraosseous ganglion (distal tibia) Fig. 798. Intraosseous ganglion; HE, x25


Fig. 799. Subehondral bone eyst (tibial head) Fig. 800. Subehondral bone eyst; HE, x40
420 11 Bone Tumors

(alcaneus (yst Intraosseous Epidermal (yst

Bone cysts are frequently observed radiological- A solitary cystic bone lesion can arise because,
ly in different parts of the skeleton which are during the development and growth of the skel-
difficult to assign to any diagnostic scheme. eton, a group of squamous epithelial cells has
They mostly represent chance findings. Of been deposited in the bone, proliferating there
these, the commonest is a cystic focus appear- until finally a cyst lined with this epithelium is
ing in the calcaneus. A ealeaneal eyst is a formed. An intraosseous epidermal eyst is a sol-
sharply cireumscribed bone eyst in the ealea- itary benign osteolytie bone lesion whieh is
neus, whieh usually eauses no symptoms. In rare lined by a keratinized stratified squamous
eases a slight dragging pain may be experi- epithelium and whieh may be filled up with
eneed, whieh sends the patient to seek medieal horny seales. These cysts are most often found
adviee. Even if such a cyst is found on the in the skull bones or phalanges. In the latter
radiograph, the examination should include the case a traumatic origin is assumed. On occa-
search for some possible alternative cause for sion, cysts of this type mayaiso be found in
the pain. other bones (toes).
In Fig. 801 the radiograph of a classical cal- Whereas intraosseous epidermal cysts in the
caneal cyst can be seen (1). It lies at the under fingers usually cause a slight dragging pain, they
side of the bone and is sharply demarcated. may turn up elsewhere as chance findings. In
The adjacent cortex (2) is completely intact, Fig. 803 one can see the radiograph of such a
partly sclerotically thickened and not rarefied. solitary bone cyst in the terminal phalanx of a
Proximally there are marginal sclerosis and finger (1). The intraosseous cyst is in the center
sclerotic thickening of the bony structures (3). of the bone, which it has violently expanded al-
Inside there are some discrete increases in the most like a bubble. The cortex is markedly nar-
trabecular density. The remaining spongiosa is rowed from within, so that in one place it is
normally structured. The outer contour of the hardly visible, but it is in no place broken
bone is also preserved, and no changes can be through. The adjacent joint space (2) is fully in-
seen in the adjacent joint. These cysts usually tact. No periosteal reaction is visible. The cyst is
contain a serous fluid. This type of calcaneal single-chambered and has, apart from a few un-
cyst may reach a considerable size, and can specified dense regions, no internal structure.
also take up a dorsal position. Nevertheless, the Histologically (Fig. 804) one can see a cyst
radio graph suggests an absolutely benign le- that is surrounded by stratified squamous
sion, and there is usually no increased activity epithelium (1). This appears in pi aces as a layer
shown in the scintigram. Such a radiological of cells, but in others as a bud-like proliferation
finding is not an indication for surgical inter- of epithelium (2). The cells have small iso-
vention. Only if there is unusual pain or a morphic nuclei and no mitoses can be seen. Of-
threatening fracture is curettage necessary, and ten this is a keratinized squamous epithelium,
then filling up the space with spongiosa. and desquamated horny scales may be present
One is usually offered broken up scraps of within the cyst lumen (3). Outside it is sharply
curetted material for histological examination, demarcated (4). In the curetted material from
and this is insufficient for making the defini- an intraosseous epidermal cyst there is often
tive diagnosis. The inclusion of a radio graph is no more to be seen than a few horny scales ly-
absolutely essential. In Fig. 802 one can see a ing between the cancellous trabeculae and
cystic hollow space with smooth borders (1) some connective tissue. For a definitive diagno-
which is filled up with serous fluid. The wall is sis the radiological findings are always neces-
composed of partly dense, partly loose connec- sary. The differential diagnosis must take the
tive tissue (2) without any epithelial lining (3). radiological appearance of an enchondroma
This is a "simple bony cyst" of unknown etiol- (p. 218) into account, although here the calci-
ogy, although it may well be a harmless devel- fied patches typical of the enchondroma are ab-
opmental disorder. sent. The prognosis of an intraosseous epider-
mal cyst is good, and it seldom recurs after
Intraosseous Epidermal Cyst 421

3 1---...,

-,--:-_ _ _ 3

Fig. 801. Calcaneus eyst Fig. 802. Calcaneus eyst; HE, x25

Fig. 803. Intraosseous epidermal eyst Fig. 804. Intraosseous epidermal eyst; HE, x4
(terminal phalanx of finger)
12 Degenerative Joint Diseases

General vide an expert opinion the precise clinical find-

ings and an exact case his tory are necessary.
Degenerative changes in the joints are so very Arthrosis can also arise as the result of long-
frequently encountered that clinicians (ortho- term unphysiological stress. This kind of contin-
pedists, surgeons, internists) as well as radiolo- uous unphysiological stress acting on a joint
gists and pathologists are always coming across (e. g. as the result of a congenital skeletal mal-
them. In the majority of cases these are the formation) can cause damage to the articular
signs of wear and tear which greatly increase in cartilage so that arthrosis finally develops. The
old age. Primary damage to the articular carti- radiologist, who has the whole radiological pic-
lage appears in the most unlikely joints, initiat- ture before hirn (e. g. in a case of chondrodys-
ing the development of arthrosis which leads to trophy, p. 48), can easily draw conclusions
severe limitation of movement and causes very about the original stress and the development
considerable distress to the patient. This pri- of the arthrosis. The pathologist, who has from
mary impairment of function is frequently ac- time to time to assess aresected arthrotic joint,
companied by severe pain. In spite of the very is dependent for information about the patho-
similar symptomatology, this "degenerative genesis and etiology on the clinical and radio-
rheumatism" must be distinguished from "in- logical reports available. Even pathological
flammatory rheumatism" (pp. 441 ff). Arthrosis changes in the joint capsule or menisci can
begins as a disease of the articular cartilage bring ab out arthrosis of the affected joint.
when its metabolic activity is insufficient to Finally, there is arthrosis of traumatic origin,
maintain the correct functioning of the tissue. where injury to the articular cartilage is the re-
One then speaks of primary arthrosis. By far sult of an earlier traumatic event. A long time
the most common example is encountered in afterwards a secondary arthrosis may develop
the hip joint as coxarthrosis deformans. The that cannot be distinguished morphologically
patient visits the physician because of pain in from the primary variety. When writing an ex-
the hip, coxarthrosis is diagnosed radiological- pert report, knowledge of the case his tory is of
ly, and the femoral head (which is usually se- decisive importance.
verely deformed) is in most cases removed sur- Localized changes in the structure of a joint
gically and replaced by a total endoprosthesis are also to be counted among the degenerative
(TEP). The excised bone is then sent to the joint diseases. In this way local subchondral
pathologist for macroscopic and histological ex- bone necrosis with secondary degeneration of
amination. the overlying articular cartilage can lead to the
This type of arthrosis can also arise as a sec- clinical picture of osteochondrosis dissicans. If
ondary phenomenon. Metabolic arthrosis devel- the damaged cartilage-bone complex has been
ops in the presence of general metabolic pro- pushed into the joint cavity, arthroliths (the so-
cesses which cause the deposition of chondro- called ''joint mice") can bring about a corre-
pathic metabolites. The deposition of urates in sponding dysfunction of the joint. The menisci
gout (p. 184), for instance, can lead to arthro- can, as a result of unphysiological stress or
sis. Similar arthrotic joint changes are found in overloading, degenerate and produce the clini-
ochronosis (p. 192). Arthrosis can be idiopathic, cal picture of meniscopathy. Of particular im-
or it may be secondary to some other event. In portance are degenerative changes in the spinal
cases of secondary arthrosis it is not always column, which can attack both the interverte-
possible to discover the original disorder from bral discs and the vertebral joints and bodies,
a surgical specimen. In order to be able to pro- leading to spondylarthrosis deformans.
424 12 Degenerative Joint Diseases

Arthrosis Deformans often found in the small joints of the fingers.

This is the most frequently encountered joint dis-
Arthrosis deformans can appear in various ease, affecting 11 % of young people and 96% of
joints and cause severe deformity of the articu- those in extreme old age. Half of these people
lating joint components, leading to a greater or suffer from joint pains. Morphologically degen-
lesser degree of functional impairment erative and reactive changes in the articular car-
(shoulder joint: omarthrosis, proximal interpha- tilage, joint capsule, subchondral bone, tendons
langeal joints: Bouchard's nodes, distal interpha- and muscles may occur together.
langeal joints: Heberden's nodes, metacarpo- In Fig. 806 a classical radiograph of coxar-
phalangeal joint of the thumb: rhizarthrosis, hip throsis deformans is depicted. The femoral
joint: coxarthrosis, knee joint: gonarthrosis, ver- head (1) has lost its rounded shape and is de-
tebral column: spondylarthrosis). Arthrosis de- formed. The joint cavity (2) is severely nar-
formans is a common degenerative joint dis- rowed and scarcely recognizable, which is due
ease which starts off with damage to articular to the degenerative loss of material from the ar-
cartilage and is followed by secondary remodel- ticular cartilage. Within the femoral head there
ing and deformity of the joint itself. This is not is a very uneven density of the bony structures
a matter of mesenchymal damage (as in the (1) resulting from an ir regular reactive spon-
case of inflammatory rheumatism, p. 441), but giosal sclerosis. This starts in the subchondral
a wearing out of the cartilage with consequent zone, where it is most marked, and then in its
damage to the bone, further course takes in a large part of the head
The first demonstrable change is a mucoid or itself. In between, there are pale cystic areas (3)
albuminoid granular degeneration of the articu- representing either gaps in the spongiosa or so-
lar cartilage. In the cartilage there is a besom- called detritus cysts (geoden) in which the min-
twig-like arrangement of numerous yellow gran- eralized tissue of the spongiosa has been de-
ules consisting of proteins and mucopolysac- stroyed. As a result of the continuous unphysio-
charides, and microscopically visible collagen fi- logical stress acting on the socket by reason of
bers (unmasking 0/ the fibrils). After the collapse the deformity of the femoral head, reactive os-
of the cartilage cells, the so-called asbestos fi- teosclerosis and new bone deposition arise here
brosing of the cartilage arises, accompanied by as well. On the radio graph one can see a broad
the development of cysts. These events are illu- band-like zone of sclerosis on the roof of the
strated diagrammatically in Fig. 805. This de- socket (4). In order to preserve some degree of
struction of the cartilaginous tissue is responsi- joint function, the socket expands, and there is
ble for the reduction in the ability of the hyaline a coarse osteophyte (5) with a drawn-out point
articular cartilage to resist shear forces. In this on its lateral side.
way increased pressure which can no longer be The bizarre deformity of the structure of
completely converted into a shearing thrust is such a femoral head is also obvious macroscop-
carried over onto the bone. This results in the ically. As can be seen in the maceration speci-
reactive deposition of new bone, with osteo- men shown in Fig. 807, the surface of the carti-
sclerosis of the subchondral spongiosa and the lage (1) is severely roughened and furrowed,
osteosclerotic development of peripheral osteo- and reveals deep excoriations, in which the sub-
phytes, finally resulting in partial ossification chondral bone (2) is lying free. Coarse periph-
of the articular cartilage. As a consequence of eral osteophytes (3) give the femoral head a
this degenerative bone remodeling the head of mushroom-like appearance. Specimens of this
the joint involved is severely deformed. Meta- kind are very familiar to the pathologist, since
bolic disturbances involving the articular carti- they are today often removed surgically (hip re-
lage lie behind a primary arthrosis. Secondary placement, TEP). Such coarse deformity, with
arthrosis may be due to various disorders of its peripheral osteophytes, and especially the
joint function (e. g. congenital displacement of severely roughened joint surface with its deep
the joint, fractures, inflammation, deposition of excoriations, fissures, fibrosis, defects and ul-
foreign material). Arthrosis deformans is fre- cers, can be assessed macroscopically. On the
quently confined to one or more large joints. sawn surface one finds subchondral spongiosal
Generalized arthroses (polyarthroses ) are most sclerosis and detritus cysts.
Arthrosis Deformans 425

Fig. 805. Diagram showing the development Early stage

of arthrosis deformans. Temporal course of
the joint changes: 1. normal joint. 2. early
phase: asbestos fibrosing of the articular
cartilage, osteochondrosis dissecans and
subchondral spongiosal hypertrophy. 3.
Late phase; with hyperplastic fibrosis of the
joint capsule, subchondral detritus cysts
and cartilaginous regeneration ("chondro-
blastic capsules")



Fig. 806. Coxarthrosis deformans Fig. 807. Coxarthrosis deformans
(femoral head, maceration specimen)
426 12 Degenerative Joint Diseases

Figure 808 shows the radio graph of a severe elongated reversal lines and layers of deposited
coxarthrosis deformans, from which the condi- osteoblasts (7). One can discern many dilated
tion can be diagnosed with virtually complete vessels (8) in the marrow cavity.
certainty. The contours of the joint (1) have Under higher magnification the degenerative
been entirely eliminated by a powerful reactive changes in the articular cartilage can be more
osteosclerosis of both femoral head and socket. clearly seen. In Fig. 811 one observes greatly
The joint cavity is practically invisible. One can loosened cartilaginous tissue, in which the
see a peripheral osteophyte (2) at the side of chondrocytes are gathered together in groups
the socket. At the transition between head and (1). Many of them lie in greatly distended bal-
neck a so-called detritus cyst (3) can be clearly loon-like chondroblastic capsules (2). Large
seen. The adjacent area of bone is osteoporotic pseudocystic hollow spaces are repeatedly en-
(4). countered (3) in which cartilage cells are no
Figure 809 shows an overall histological sec- longer present. These are necrotic foci arising
tion through an arthrotic femoral head. The as a result of cartilaginous degeneration. The
head itself is no longer round, but has become balloon-like chondrocytes also have small iso-
deformed, and the outer contour is uneven. The morphic nuclei which often appear to be pyk-
layer of articular cartilage (1) is irregularly nar- notic. The matrix (4) lying between the carti-
rowed and, owing to the loss of chondroitin lage cells is eosinophilic and is, as a result of
sulfate, appears rose-red with HE staining, in- demasking of the fibrils, fibrillar.
stead of the normal dark blue. The eosinophilic All the structural alterations that have been
reaction of the cartilaginous matrix is a sign of described and morphologically illustrated here
degeneration. The subchondral cortex (2) is represent degenerative changes in the articular
markedly narrowed in several places, and in cartilage, and are irreversible. So far no truly
part osteoporotically thickened (3). The spon- effective treatment is available to bring about
giosa of the head (4) has become reticulated by complete repair of this cartilage. This means
osteoporosis; the cancellous trabeculae are nar- that the most one can do is to minimize de-
rowed and rarefied, but have smooth borders. mands upon the joint by physiologica.l prophy-
In the neighborhood of the joint the marrow lactic means, and to avoid unphysiological
cavity is filled with connective tissue (5), but stress acting on the cartilage (as, for instance,
elsewhere it contains fatty tissue (6) with small
hematopoietic foci. At the side a peripheral
bulge (7) can be seen.
Under the low magnification of Fig. 810 one 3
can see the very roughened surface and clefts
of the cartilaginous joint surface (1) in which
the fibers have been exposed by the loss of the
matrix (2) and clearly lifted out of the carti- 1 1--....,-_
lage. This roughening is particularly marked in
places where the mechanical stress is greatest.
The surface of the cartilage is irregularly pitted
with indentations (defects; 3) which have been 2
caused by friction (traces of excoriation). These 4
defects and a superficial fibrillation are the typ-
ical histological changes of arthrosis, and are
signs of wear and tear. The cartilaginous ma-
trix is eosinophilic. There is adeposition of
small chondrocytes (4), which may lie in more
or less bubble-like chondroblastic capsules. Fi-
brinoid necrotic foci within which chondro-
cytes are no longer visible can appear in the
articular cartilage (5). The subchondral bone
tissue is sclerotically thickened (6) and shows Fig. 808. Coxarthrosis deformans
Arthrosis Deformans 427
2 6

Fig. 809. Coxarthrosis deformans (macroscopic histological section); HE, x2

Fig. 810. Coxarthrosis deformans (articular cartilage); Fig. 811. Coxarthrosis deformans (articular cartilage);
HE, x25 HE, x40
428 12 Degenerative Joint Diseases

in certain sporting activities). From the point these bony structures, dilated fine-walled ves-
of view of treatment, advaneing arthrosis can- sels (3) exemplify the condition known as deep
not be completely cured, it can only be some- vascularization.
what alleviated. Blood vessels sprout through the reversal
In Fig. 812 one can see the radiograph of a lines into the degenerating articular cartilage so
severe bilateral coxarthrosis deformans. It is ob- as to free it from fibrinoid necrotic foei. As
vious that both femoral heads are greatly de- shown in Fig. 815, the subchondral marrow
formed (1). The joint cavity is only in part still cavity can be seen histologically to have und er-
recognizable (2), being in places invisible (3). gone typical myelofibrosis (1), consisting of a
The spongiosa of the femoral head contains un- loose or dense collagen framework with elon-
even areas of sclerotic thickening, and here and gated fibrocyte nuclei and threaded through
there translucencies representing the so-called with dilated vessels filled with blood (capil-
detritus cysts (4). The joint socket also shows laries; 2). One can also see thick, osteosclerotic
areas of sclerotic thickening, and spur-like pe- bone trabeculae (3), on which rows of osteo-
ripheral osteophytes can be observed. In the blasts (4) have been deposited.
light of a radio graph like this the diagnosis of In advanced cases, microfractures can appear
coxarthrosis deformans can be made with cer- within the spongiosa and form detritus cysts
tainty. (geoden), which are detectable in the radio-
In the overall histological view depicted in graph. In the overall histological section of
Fig. 813 one can see that the cartilaginous joint Fig. 816 one can recognize such a cyst (1) in
surface is not only narrowed (1), but that the subchondral bone. The cyst is empty, but it
spongy degeneration (with areas of bony spon- can nevertheless be filled with connective tissue
giosa within the articular cartilage) is also pre- or amorphous material. The bony structure of
sent (2). In the center there is a zone of cancel- the spongiosa surrounding it (2) is sclerotically
lous bone tissue. Such a finding is frequent in thickened. Sometimes histiocytic granulation
cases of coxarthrosis. tissue mayaiso be found here.
Figure 814 shows the presence of marginal Unlike the situation in rheumatoid arthritis
sclerosis, often observed particularly around a (Chapter 13) the destructive attack on the pri-
coxarthrotic femoral head. Histologically one marily degenerating articular cartilage is made
can see bone trabeculae that have undergone exclusively from one side only; namely, from
marked sclerotic thickening (1) and in which the side of the subchondral bone and myeloid
elongated parallel revers al lines (2) reveal bone tissue. At the same time the connective tissue
deposition. In the narrowed space between joint capsule becomes thickened and rigid.

Fig. 812. Coxarthrosis deformans;

bilateral detritus cysts

2 3

Arthrosis Deformans 429

Fig. 813. Coxarthrosis deformans with spongiosal areas in Fig. 814. Coxarthrosis deformans (marginal sclerosis);
the artieular eartilage (overall histologieal seetion); HE, x5 HE, x25

Fig. 815. Coxarthrosis deformans Fig. 816. Coxarthrosis deformans with detritus eyst (overall
(myelofibrosis, deep vaseularization); HE, x25 histologieal seetion); HE, x5
430 12 Degenerative Joint Diseases

Osteochondrosis Dissecans cartilaginous matrix, unmasking of the fibrils,

mucoid degeneration, calcification) may be pre-
The development of degenerative changes in a sent. The subchondral bone, the blood supply
joint can be very striking. Osteochondrosis dis- of which has been completely cut off, is necrot-
secans is a circumscribed subchondral osteone- ic (2).
crosis which often develops in the larger joints Under higher magnification one can see in
of adolescents and young adults, and wh ich can Fig. 819 that the cartilaginous tissue of the free
lead to severe impairment of joint function. üf intra-articular body has been largely preserved,
these cases, 90% involve the knee joint, particu- for the chondrocytes have smaH nuclei (1).
larly the lateral surface of the medial condyle of Since cartilage is nourished by the synovial
the femur. Less commonly do these changes af- fluid it is maintained in a "joint mouse" for a
fect the elbow joint, hip joint, shoulder joint or long time. These free intra-articular bodies are
joints of the foot. Multiple lesions may appear. mostly surrounded by a connective tissue cap-
Local trauma certainly plays some part in the sule (2). At the transition to the necrotic sub-
etiology of osteochondrosis dissecans. The es- chondral bone tissue there are usually marked
sential pathogenetic process may, however, be degenerative changes in the cartilage, with foci
attributed to impairment of the local blood of mucoid degeneration (3) and necroses. Be-
supply to the bone-cartilage region involved. tween them balloon-like chondrocytes are ly-
The disease does after all begin at around the ing.
age of puberty, when the epiphyses are closing Figure 820 depicts the extensive necrotic
and the connection with the diaphyseal vascu- bone tissue of a "joint mouse". Adjacent to the
lar network is still insufficiently developed. At severely degenerated cartilaginous tissue (1)
this age the bone adjacent to the joint (partic- with only a few cartilage cells, there is necrotic
ularly the knee joint) is not so weH able to bone tissue (2) in which osteocytes are no
withstand mechanical strains. In the convex longer present; at least, the majority of the os-
part of the joint the necrotic segment is bor- teocyte lacunae are empty. Between these bony
dered by a furrow-like indentation from the re- structures (in the marrow cavity and outside it)
maining bone and cartilage, as can also be seen a richly fibrous connective tissue (3) has devel-
in the radiograph. The piece of cartilage-plus- oped.
bone may be broken off under the influence of
mechanical forces and come to lie within the
joint cavity. This is a free intra-articular body,
also known as a ''joint mouse". If only apart of
the degenerate and necrotic articular cartilage
without any attached bone tissue becomes de-
tached, we speak of "Chondrosis dissecans".
In the lateral radiograph of the knee joint
shown in Fig. 817 one can clearly see such a
free intra-articular body (1), where it lies in the
joint cavity and leads to impairment of its
function. There is a large corresponding defect
in the joint cartilage, the so-caHed "mouse bed"
(2), which also impairs the function of the joint
and can bring about severe arthrotic changes.
Since this free lying body can inhibit the move-
ment of the affected joint and even lock it, it
must be removed surgically.
In Fig. 818 such a "joint mouse" can be seen 2
in the overall histological section. It is a piece
of bone that is covered by a layer of living car-
tilage (1). With older "joint mice", degenerative
changes in the cartilage (eosinophilia of the Fig. 817. Osteochondrosis dissecans (knee joint)
Osteochondrosis Dissecans 431

Fig. 818. Osteochondrosis dissecans ("joint mouse", macroscopic histological section); HE, x8

Fig. 819. Osteochondrosis dissecans; HE, x25 Fig. 820. Osteochondrosis dissecans; HE, x25
432 12 Degenerative Joint Diseases

Degenerative Lesions of the Meniscus the appearance he re of necrotic fields (1) and
cystic hollow spaces (2) as weH as foei of mu-
Lesions of the menisci occur very frequently, coid degeneration (3) in the fiber system. With
and the excised speeimen is accordingly often Sudan staining one can observe variably sized
sent to the pathologist for an assessment. Fre- foei of fine fat droplets distributed throughout
quently an expert opinion is required, and it is the meniscal tissue. These fatty changes - in
at least necessary to find out whether it a mat- contrast to traumatic meniscal lesions - are
ter of degenerative change or trauma (p. 434). also apparent at the free edge of the meniscus.
In these cases it essential to know the time of This type of degeneratively altered semilunar
the meniscal tear, the nature of the injury, the cartilage is less resistant and tends to te ar un-
findings at operation and the history. A degen- der relatively weak mechanical stress. A tear of
erative lesion of the meniscus is brought about this kind can often appear in a primarily de-
by excessive chronic stress acting on the knee generatively altered meniscus.
joint, and this mostly affects the lateral menis- Figure 825 illustrates a histological seetion
cus. of a meniscus with pronounced degenerative
The medial meniscus can, however, likewise changes. The meniscal tissue shows marked
undergo degenerative changes. In this case myxomatous porosity (1); the fibers are widely
there is usuaHy no his tory of sufficient actual separated and contain only a few roundish nu-
trauma. If the meniscus is sent for histological dei. With Sudan staining the fatty deposits (2)
examination more than 5 months after the ini- are particularly obvious. These are arranged
tial trauma, advanced degenerative changes are along the course of the fibers or appear in
always present. coarse patches (3). In the intermediate regions
In the radiograph of the meniscus shown in numerous fine fat drop lets (4) can be discerned
Fig. 821 one can see that the lateral meniscus in the meniscal tissue. In addition to the more
has poorly marked contours (1) and a split sur- or less pronounced myxoid porosity and split-
face, points which are very weH shown up by ting of the tissue, the presence of these fatty
double-contrast arthrography. On the tibial side deposits within the meniscus indicates degen-
there are additional deep lacerations (2). The erative changes. These lead to the assumption
contrast medium often forces itself deep into that we are dealing with a primary degenerative
the degenerative area of the meniscus (3), so meniscal lesion which has then brought about a
that this appears to have disintegrated into secondary tear of the meniscus.
dumps. Also ahorn of this flattened out and dis-
torted meniscus (4) is softened up and heavily
drenched by the contrast medium. In the mag-
netic resonance tomogram (MRT), which is to-
day principaHy used with meniscal lesions, the
degenerative changes in the meniscus are more
dearly recognized. In Fig. 822 one can see in a
case of gonarthrosis a worn out anterior horn
(1) and adegenerate region between the horns
4 - - --"'"
(2) with a central increase in the signal.
Figure 823 depicts the macroscopic picture
of a meniscus removed at operation. In one
place (1) the structure is regular. In the other
parts (2) it is soft and porous, grayish-red and
friable. At one point (3) a larger myxomatous
focus of degeneration and a gaping tear (4) are
dearly visible. It is this that had produced the
symptoms and led to meniscectomy. At the
same time a bursa (5) was also removed. 2
The histological photograph of the degenera- Fig. 821. Degenerative meniscus lesion (lateral meniscus -
tive meniscal lesion depicted in Fig. 824 shows double-contrast arthrography)
Degenerative Lesions of the Meniscus 433

- - - - - --1 4

2 ------l~i!t

Fig. 822. Degenerative meniscus lesion (MRT) Fig. 823. Degenerative meniscus lesion
(operation specimen)

Fig. 824. Degenerative meniscus lesion; HE, x25 Fig. 825. Degenerative meniscus lesion, Sudan, x64
434 12 Degenerative Joint Diseases

Traumatic Lesions of the Meniscus be confirmed by histological examination and

Particularly in cases where an expert opinion is Histologically one can discern in Fig. 829 a
called for, it is necessary to recognize a menis- longitudinal tear (1) in a meniscus (tear of the
cal lesion of purely traumatic origin. The ques- substance), the edges of which have already
tion that arises here is whether a meniscal tear been smoothed out (2). This points to an old
has occurred because of sufficient trauma act- injury. Within the first 3 weeks one can still ob-
ing on a hitherto undamaged meniscus, or serve cell damage and circumscribed necroses
whether a degenerative change that was already as well as a reactive increase in the number of
present has finally led to a tear in response to cells elose to the ragged edges of the tear; de-
insufficient trauma or even spontaneously. A posits of fibrin can also be encountered. Later
traumatic meniscal lesion is a mechanical tear these structures disappear. In the superficial
appearing in a healthy meniscus, usually as a layer (3) there is fibrous thickening which ex-
result of an accident during so me sporting activ- tends out into the meniscus as a narrow strip
ity or at work. With this frequent injury it is of scar tissue. Fatty deposits are a sign of sec-
nearly always the medial meniscus which is af- ondary degeneration, traumatic meniscal le-
fected (10 times more often than the lateral me- sions leaving the free margin of the meniscus
niscus). One distinguishes between a complete elear of fat (in contrast to the degenerative le-
or partial meniscal tear and the more frequent sions). COllections of fine fat drop lets are very
tear of the substance, in which case the menis- commonly observed in old traumatic meniscal
cus is split. The injury results from a sudden lesions, particularly near the edge of the tear.
extension with simultaneous rotation of the Figure 830 shows the histological picture of
knee joint. The firm anchorage of the medial a meniscus which is essentiallY normal in
meniscus to the joint capsule and medial collat- structure. We can see orderly connective tissue
eralligament predisposes it to being tom. with undulating collagen fibers (1). Elongated
In Fig. 826 one can see a radiograph of such and roundish isomorphic fibrocyte nuelei are
a traumatic meniscal lesion. In the double-con- strewn about (2). No degenerative changes can
trast arthrogram the deep vertical tear (1) is be observed. Nevertheless one can see tears in
easily recognized. There is a wide irregular air- 3 pi aces (3), the edges of which appear to be
filled gap in the smoothly contoured meniscus,
the larger part of which has been tom away
from its base. The outlines of the articular car-
tilages of the femur (2) and tibia (3) are
smooth and show no signs of ulceration. Nor is
there any arthrotic change in the knee joint.
Figure 827 depicts a magnetic resonance to-
mogram (MRT), and one can see a fresh ar- 2
throscopicallY verified tear in the region be-
tween the horns (1). The tear produces a strong
signal from the enelosed region within the
wedge-shaped horn (2).
Macroscopically a meniscus such as this re-
veals no damage apart from the traumatic tear. 3
In Fig. 828 one can see the firmly built and
smoothly bordered meniscus (1) which here
shows no signs of bleeding or foei of myxoid
degeneration. At the upper end (2), on the
other hand, the meniscus is tom off. Here one
can see split tissue that is interspersed with
blood and fibrin. Even macroscopically the sur-
geon can see whether it is a traumatic or de- Fig. 826. Traumatic meniscus lesion (medial meniscus -
generative meniscal lesion. This must, however, double-contrast arthrography)
Traumatic Lesions of the Meniscus 435

Fig. 827. Traumatic meniscus lesion (MRT) Fig. 828. Traumatic meniscus lesion (operation specimen)

Fig. 829. Traumatic meniscus lesion; HE, x25 Fig. 830. Traumatic meniscus lesion; HE, x40
436 12 Degenerative Joint Diseases

frayed. Some fibrin has been deposited (4), ("lumbago") or root pain ("sciatica") syn-
which is areaction to the tissue damage. dromes. Whereas herniated discs are found
By me ans of arthrographic transverse section more frequently in the lumb ar column, spondyl-
pictures and MR tomograms it is possible, de- arthrosis deformans also frequently affects the
pending upon their nature and orientation, to highly motile cervical column (C4-C7). Degen-
distinguish between the following types of tear: erative changes in the small intervertebral
1. the vertical tear, 2. the oblique tear, 3. the joints constitute the condition termed spondyl-
horizontal te ar and 4. a mixed type. With the arthrosis deformans.
so-called basket-handle tear the inner fragment The diagnosis of spondylosis deformans is
is often dislocated into the joint. The radiolo- mostly made by me ans of radiographs. In
gist can display and analyze the various types Fig. 831 one can see such a picture of the lum-
of te ar very effectively with double-contrast ar-bar vertebral column in lateral view. The verte-
thrography and MR tomography, and the sur- bral spongiosa (1) is rendered translucent by
ge on has the meniscus directly before hirn dur- osteoporosis, and the framework of the verte-
ing the operation and can see the tear. Circum- bral body (2) is narrow and sharply dem ar-
scribed wasting of cartilage in the neighbor- cated. One can also recognize a marked band-
hood of the lesion or the arthrotic development like sderosis of the vertebral plates (3).
of osteophytes are indirect indications of a me- Furthermore, some of the vertebral bodies are
niscal injury that occurred months or years deformed, insofar as osteophytes, rather like
earlier (Rauber's sign). parrot beaks (4), have developed at their upper
and/or lower edges. The intervertebral discs are
frequently narrowed (5), thus reducing the size
Degenerative (hanges in the Vertebral (olumn of the intervertebral spaces. Oblique photo-
graphs often reveal narrowing of the interverte-
Painful changes in the vertebral column are ex- bral foramina. This leads to compression of the
traordinarily common and are mostly due to spinal nerve roots ("radiculitis") and to severe
degenerative alterations in this complicated ar- back pain along the course of their distribu-
ticular system. Depending on constitutional fac- tion. If the vertebral plate is broken, the nu-
tors (inherited diseases) these conditions can deus pulposus of the disc pushes like a hernia
develop as early as middle age (around 40 into the vertebral spongiosa, leading to the de-
years) and increase in frequency as patients get velopment of Schmorl's nodes (6). Reactive can-
older. Men are more often affected than wom- cellous sderosis is often found in the neighbor-
en. The disease can begin with degeneration of hood.
the intervertebral discs (chondrosis interverte- Macroscopically these degenerative changes
bralis), whereby the intluence of the altered in the vertebral column are almost exdusively
static and functional forces acts on the adjacent found only in autopsy material. In the sagittal
bones (vertebrae) and brings about spondylosis section through the lumb ar column shown in
deformans. These degenerative changes most Fig. 832 one can see osteoporotically loosened
often appear in the lumbar column (L 2-3, L 3- vertebral spongiosa (1), although the shape of
4), where the axial pressure is greatest. This the vertebral bodies and discs (2) is still weIl
leads secondarily to microfractures of the preserved. Nevertheless, marked peripheral
neighboring vertebral bodies followed by the bulges (3) can be seen ventrally, and these can
repair process, which in turn leads to sderosis bring about synostosis of the adjacent vertebral
of the bone next to the discs. The massive de- bodies. The anterior longitudinal ligament is
formity of the intervertebral discs and verte- thickened. This can lead to a stiffening of the
brae gives rise to severe pain ("sciatica"). Re- vertebral column, which is often painful.
sulting from a drying-out of the anulus fibrosus Histological pictures of such changes in the
and nudeus pulposus of the disc, the nudeus vertebral column may be found in autopsy ma-
pulposus can be pushed medially or laterally terial as weH as in biopsies or operation speci-
backwards. This so-called herniated disc causes mens. In Fig. 833 one can see a macroscopic
pressure on the spinal nerve roots and finally section showing the development of peripheral
on the cord itself, giving rise to the vertebral bulges in two adjacent vertebrae (1) with an ir-
Degenerative Changes in the Vertebral Column 437


Fig. 831. Spondylarthrosis deformans (Iumbar spine) Fig. 832. Spondylarthrosis deformans
(lumbar spine, surface of seetion)

Fig. 833. Spondylarthrosis deformans Fig. 834. Spondylarthrosis deformans

(peripheral bulges, overall histologie al seetion); HE, x8 (overall histological seetion); HE, x8
438 12 Degenerative Joint Diseases

regular network of newly formed cancellous hernia into the spongiosa of a vertebral body,
trabeculae. In between, the disc (2) shows forming both macroscopically and radiological-
marked degenerative changes. As can be seen ly (Figs. 831 and 835) what is known as a
in Fig. 834, the peripheral osteophytes from ad- Schmorl's node. The vertebral spongiosa (4) is
jacent vertebrae are fused together (1) and the osteoporotically loosened, but peripheral osteo-
intervertebral disc is completely destroyed (2). phytes have not yet appeared along the edges
Such changes naturally cause absolute rigidity of the vertebral body.
of the part of the spine affected. Degenerative changes in the spinal column
Between the covering cartilages of two adja- can be associated with a high degree of defor-
cent vertebrae lies the intervertebral disc, con- mity. Kyphoscoliosis is the curvature of a seg-
sisting of a system of fibers enclosing the nu- ment of the vertebral column by which on the
deus pulposus, which is said to represent a one hand the physiological curve ("kyphosis")
remnant of the notochord. The disc is bordered is increased, but on the other a lateral curva-
on the outside by the anulus ftbrosus, which is ture also arises. This type of change is found in
closely bound in front and at the sides, but about 1% of bodies at autopsy. In 90% of the
more loosely bound dorsally and dorsolaterally. cases the cause is unknown. Sometimes it can
The anterior longitudinal ligament is firmly an- be attributed to a congenital malformation, to
chored to the bodies of the vertebrae, but the adolescent kyphosis (Scheuermann's disease),
posterior longitudinal ligament is only attached to previous fully developed rickets, or to polio-
to the discs. In old age the anulus fibrosus myelitis, syringomyelia, Little's paralysis, neuro-
dries out, shrinks, and becomes loose and easi- fibromatosis or muscular dystrophy. The condi-
ly tom. Gaps appear along the fibrils, and final- tion usually develops during the 2nd or 3rd
ly the ventral fibers are tom. The nucleus pul- year of life.
posus also dries out as age progresses, becomes In Fig. 837 one can see the radiograph of a
unstable, and is pressed firmly into the gaps in severe kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic column.
the anulus fibrosus. With osteoporosis of the This segment of the spine is strongly curved
vertebral bodies and narrowing of their plates, with a convexity towards the right (1), so that
the latter may be penetrated and the nucleus the thoracic cage also appears correspondingly
pulposus sink into the spongiosa. deformed. The density of the vertebral bodies
In the lateral radiograph of the lumb ar col- has been increased by a reactive sclerosis and
umn shown in Fig. 835 one can see osteoporo- they have in places become fused together (2),
sis of the spongiosa (1). The plates of the verte- and this has led to the discs being narrowed by
bral bodies (2) show band-like sclerotic thick- pressure atrophy and degeneration. Kyphosco-
ening or widening and osteoporotic loosening liosis is also easily recognized macroscopically
(3). One can clearly discern the narrowing of at autopsy. As the longitudinal section through
the intervertebral space (4). There is also a the lumbar column in Fig. 838 (ventral surface)
dense hernia-like region of the bony structure shows, there is a curvature of this part of the
(5) visible in the upper part of the 4th lumbar spine which is convex towards the left (1), in
vertebra, with a Schmorl's node. This is a case which some vertebral bodies (2) show a lateral
of local penetration of the covering plate with wedge-shaped narrowing.
the nucleus pulposus sinking into the vertebral Degenerative damage to the vertebral column
body. Reactive bone deposition has produced practically always involves the vertebral bodies,
circumscribed shadowing of the spongiosa. joints and discs together, and leads to structur-
This sinking of the disc tissue into the spon- al changes which can be seen both in macro-
giosa of an adjacent vertebra can also be ob- scopic specimens and on the radio graph. In
served in the macroscopic photograph of some cases a vertebral puncture is undertaken
Fig. 836. The central region of the disc (1) ap- to establish the diagnosis. Often, because of a
pears to have been widened - as if blown out - nucleotomy or laminectomy, parts of the degen-
and has led to a more or less pronounced de- erated and prolapsed disc are subjected to his-
pression of the covering plate (2) into the un- tological examination. Here we can observe
derlying vertebral body. In one place (3) the myxoid swelling and degeneration of the tissue
nucleus pulposus of the disc has pushed like a of the disco Peripherally an inflammatory reac-
Degenerative Changes in the Vertebral Column 439


Fig. 835. Schmorl's node (lumbar spine) Fig. 836. Degeneratively altered lumb ar spine with
Schmorl's nodes (surface of section)

Fig. 837. Kyphoscoliosis (thoraeie spine) Fig. 838. Kyphoscoliosis of the lumb ar spine
(surface of section)
440 12 Degenerative Joint Diseases

tive change is encountered. Reparative struc- In the region of the thoracic spine a particu-
tures can be identified in association with the lar ankylosing hyperostosis can appear which is
degenerative damage more often by a needle associated with diabetes mellitus (Forestier's
biopsy of the vertebra. This is a spongiosclero- disease). There is massive ossification of the
sis of the vertebral body with widened trabecu- anterior ligament with a clamp-like synostosis
lae, where elongated reversal lines and depos- of the anterior surfaces of the vertebral bodies,
ited osteoblasts are also present. The marrow which are coated as if with a layer of cake icing
cavity is filled with fibrous tissue. (p. 188).
13 Inflammatory Joint Diseases

General an attack of arthritis. Local trauma may lead to

serous synovitis with hydrarthrosis (in the knee
As well as degenerative changes in the joint joint, for instance). Intraarticular bleeding can
(see Chap. 12), those involving inflammation, also cause synovial inflammation (e. g. hemar-
i.e. the various forms of arthritis, present the throsis in hemophilia). Pathogenic microorgan-
most frequently found causes of joint damage. isms (bacteria, fungi, viruses) may enter a joint
In this case the primary disorder is a change in directly - or they may be blood borne - and
the joint capsule, with the synovial membrane cause a purulent arthritis. When masses of pus
being the tissue in which the disease first devel- accumulate in the joint cavity we speak of a
ops. It is known that inflammation can only be joint empyema. The most frequent organisms
built up in a tissue where blood vessels are al- in young people are hemolytic staphylococci,
ready present, or which secondary blood ves- streptococci or E. coli, and in children particu-
sels can invade. The joint capsule contains a larly pneumococci. Most frequently affected are
double system of blood vessels, and those sup- the knee and hip joints. Histologically there is
plying the synovial membrane build up a dense a non-specific arthritis, the morphological ap-
network of anastomoses within the capillary pearance of which gives no clue to the etiology
bed. In other words, all the anatomical require- (causative organism). The destruction of the ar-
ments are present for an inflammatory process ticular cartilage and the subchondral bone, and
to begin. If the ihflammation is confined to the the development of an inflammatory granula-
synovial membrane, one speaks of a synovitis. tion tissue which is eventually organized, may
A non-specific synovitis is very often found finally bring about a fibrous ankylosis, which
histologically in a biopsy. If, however, the in- may ossify. In this case the joint function is
flammation has involved other structures - par- completely lost. With a specific arthritis, con-
ticularly the articular cartilage - it is arthritis. clusions may be drawn about the causative or-
In this case the previously intact joint cartilage ganism from the histological examination of a
is destroyed by inflammatory granulation tissue synovial biopsy. Such an articular inflammation
(the so-called pannus) which has passed into may arise, for instance, during the hematogenic
the joint cavity from the synovial membrane. phase of tuberculosis (tuberculous arthritis).
This kind of damage to the articular cartilage Immunopathological reactions may often
predisposes it later to the development of sec- give rise to a inflammation of the joint capsule
ondary arthrosis (see Chap. 12). The inflamma- or of the synovial membrane if immunological
tion can pass from the joint to attack the sub- complexes have been built up. Lesions of this
chondral bone, or, by a reversed process, it may type are observed in rheumatic fever (para-
develop in the neighboring bone (osteomyelitis, infectious), in allergies, of unknown origin
see Chap. 7) and attack the joint secondarily. (idiopathic) or in cases of progressive chronic
We then call it osteoarthritis. This results in a polyarthritis (PCP). Histologically the origin is
more or less extensive destruction of the joint, not recognizable, which is why we speak in
leading to a corresponding loss of function. general terms of a rheumatoid arthritis. In the
Since there is a sensory nerve plexus in the vertebral column this type of rheumatism is
stratum fibrosum of the joint capsule, this irri- represented by spondylitis ankylopoetica (Bech-
tation causes joint pain, which is the principal terew:S disease). Such inflammatory joint dis-
symptom of arthritis. eases can be established and localized in the
As with every inflammation, a large number radio graph; the examination of a biopsy can
of damaging influences can be responsible for provide the exact diagnosis.
442 13 Inflammatory Joint Diseases

Rheumatoid Arthritis whereby the joint cavity is completely filled

with fiber-rich connective tissue. The develop-
Apart from chronic non-specific synovitis, this ment of the pannus obliterates the joint space,
type of joint inflammation is the most frequent as can be seen on the radio graph, whereas with
to be found among specimens submitted for simple arthrosis (Fig. 806) the cavity remains
pathologicallanatomical assessment. It is a very intact for a long time. Such a joint change as
slowly developing joint inflammation with no this pro duces very severe limitation of move-
characteristic symptoms which follows an extra- ment.
ordinarily chronic course and, with increasing Figure 840 shows a radiograph of rheuma-
destruction of the joint, can finally bring about toid arthritis of the right hip joint. The femoral
its complete immobility. The etiology of the dis- head is deformed and its outline no longer
ease is so far unknown, and it has been seen in clearly recognizable (1). Its spongiosa shows a
association with various infectious conditions diffuse, partly dense, partly straggly osteo-
(dysentery, tuberculosis, ulcerative colitis, scar- sclerotic thickening. Osteosclerosis can also be
let fever etc.). Viruses and mycoplasms can also clearly discerned in the joint socket (2). The
initiate the disease. Since no causative organ- entire region of the joint appears dense and dif-
ism (bacteria, virus) can be detected in the fusely sclerotic. The joint cavity (3) is greatly
affected joint in rheumatoid arthritis, one as- narrowed and, for the most part, completely
sumes that the inflammatory stimulus is an im- abolished. The bony regions in the neighbor-
munological re action, an assumption for which hood of the joint (4) are translucent and show
there is some indication (identification of im- signs of osteoporosis. As with coxarthrosis de-
munoglobulins - IgA, IgG, IgM - in the joint formans (Fig. 806) peripheral osteophytes may
fluid). be present, and either condition can quickly
Figure 839 shows the course of rheumatoid change into the other. In most cases, rheuma-
arthritis diagrammatically. The immunopatho- toid coxarthritis can only be established histo-
logical reaction first initiates inflammation of logically from the surgical specimen.
the joint capsule, with exudative-proliferative In advanced cases of rheumatoid coxarthro-
synovitis. With this exudative arthritis the syn- sis we find macroscopically marked deformity
ovial membrane is, in comparison with that of and destruction of the femoral head. An exam-
a healthy joint (1), thickened and soaked with pIe of this can be seen in the maceration speci-
edema (2). There are infiltrates of granulocytes, men shown in Fig. 841, where only part of the
lymphocytes and plasma cells which, together head is present. The surface of the joint shows
with serum, flood the joint cavity (hydrarthro- deep ulcerations (1); the spongiosa is in some
sis; 3). The synovial epithelium is activated and places osteoporotic and porous (2), in others
shows deposits of fibrin. From both the stratum sclerotic and dense (3). The joint capsule has
synoviale (4) and the subarticular marrow cavi- become ossified (4). This unphysiological bone
ty of the bone (5) granulation tissue (6), rich in remodeling has spread into the shaft (5).
cells and vessels, grows into the articular carti- When assessing rheumatoid arthritis macro-
lage (7). With this pannous inflammation the scopically, it is the thickening of the capsule
articular cartilage is attacked on both sides: that first strikes one, in which the synovial
from the side of the joint cavity by a fibrovas- membrane forms a grayish-red to brownish-red
cular pannus (6), and from the side of the mar- velvety layer. The otherwise mirror-smooth car-
row cavity by granulation tissue. The articular tilaginous joint surface shows a destructive
cartilage is therefore simultaneously threatened roughening, particularly at the edges of the
with destruction both from its surface and joint space in the outer part of the joint, and is
from the bone. This is accompanied by immu- in places covered with loose granulation tissue.
nopathological reactions (IgG, IgM is the rheu- The articulating surfaces can be bound together
matic factor, IgG- Ig-ßl C the complement), with by connective tissue. The framework of the
phagocytosis of the immunocomplexes and the subchondral spongiosa is dense; adjacently it is
release of lysosomal enzymes. The organization osteoporotic.
of the pannus and its replacement by connec- In an overall histological section through the
tive tissue (8) finally leads to fibrous ankylosis, femoral head from a case of rheumatoid arthri-
Rheumatoid Arthritis 443

2 8 Subchondral
Exudative myeloid tibrosis,
inflammation atrophy of bone trabeculae
Exudation of Subchondral pannus
Serum Joint space
Fibrinogen 3 capsulär pannus
Cells Destruction of
4 superticial region
of cartilage

5 7 6

Cartilaginous Partial fibrous or

regeneration 8

-;o~--I-- Remaining joint space

(joint space en miniature)

Fig. 839. Diagram showing the development of rheumatoid arthritis



Fig. 840. Rheumatoid coxarthritis Fig. 841. Rheumatoid coxarthritis

(femoral head, maceration specimen)
444 13 Inflammatory Joint Diseases

tis shown in Fig. 842, the outline (1) is irregu- mined from the section. Furthermore, one can
lar and the normal sphericity no Ion ger recog- recognize that an entirely similar inflammatory
nizable. This deformity severely impairs move- granulation tissue (2) covers the cartilaginous
ment. The cartilaginous joint surface is severely joint surface and lies densely upon it. This
narrowed and in pi aces (2) no longer present. granulation tissue later forces its way into the
Inside the femoral head there is marked osteo- articular cartilage, destroying first the surface
porosis with rarefaction and narrowing of the and later the deeper layers. Beneath this inflam-
cancellous trabeculae (3). In some places the matory granulation tissue ("pannus") one can
marrow cavity is filled with fatty tissue, and still see the intact cartilaginous layer (3) in
elsewhere one can see fibrous tissue and in- which the chondrocytes are often swollen, but
flammatory granulation tissue (4) which has at- still preserved. The layer of subchondral bone
tacked and destroyed the articular cartilage may be osteosclerotically widened, or may itself
from the direction of the bone. Invasion of the be largely destroyed by inflammatory granula-
articular cartilage by a fibrovascular pannus tion tissue (the "double-fronted attack on the
cannot be recognized in such a specimen. To articular cartilage"; 4).
this extent it shows close similarity to coxar- In its classic form, rheumatoid arthritis is re-
throsis deformans (Fig. 809). presented by the progressive chronic polyarthri-
In Fig. 843 one sees the classical picture of tis (PCP) which is initiated by the immuno-
rheumatoid arthritis in histological section. It pathological reactions. Here the joints are only
depicts the joint space (1). Here the outside of a "battle-ground" for an immune reaction in
the cartilaginous joint surface (2) is in part which the heart muscle is most often attacked
smooth, in part split (3). The chondrocytes are (rheumatic myocarditis). In acute of rheuma-
mostly distended like balloons. Beneath the ar- tism of the joints (rheumatic fever, polyarthritis
ticular cartilage one can see the layer of sub- acuta serofibrinosa rheumatica) there are fleet-
chondral bone (4), which is in part osteoscle- ing joint pains, particularly in the hands, feet
rotically widened but which can in pi aces be and knee joints. Progressive chronic polyarthri-
narrowed or completely absent (5). The tissue tis progresses in bursts and affects the small
of the pannus (6), which has pushed itself out joints (of the fingers, toes, hands and feet)
tongue-like from the synovial membrane into where the stiffness and deformities are found.
the joint cavity and lies over the cartilaginous Rheumatoid arthritis especially attacks wom-
joint surface, is characteristic of rheumatoid ar- en between the ages of 35 and 45. The etiology
thritis. It consists of inflammatory granulation is uncertain, although immune reactions and
tissue with numerous capillaries and capillary lysosomal proteases are thought to play a part.
buds, together with infiltrates - principally of In 70%-80% of cases the rheumatic factor is
lymphocytes and plasma cells. This pannous positive in the serum. About 1% of the popula-
granulation tissue burgeons out from the joint tion suffer from progressive chronic polyarthri-
cavity into the joint cartilage and destroys it tis, where there is a hereditary predisposition.
from the articular side. In addition, the joint A cumulative familial liability has been noted
cartilage is also under attack from the subchon- in these cases. However, the rheumatic factor is
dral aspect. This double-fronted attack on the also found in healthy persons, particularly the
articular cartilage is pathognomonic of rheu- elderly. In 60% of the patients, progressive
matoid arthritis. chronic polyarthritis begins in a typical fashion
In the histological picture of Fig. 844 one with polyarticular symptoms and, above all, a
can again see a tongue-like outgrowth of in- symmetrical involvement of the small joints. So
flammatory granulation tissue (1) which has far the etiology of this disease remains un-
sprouted out from the synovial membrane into known.
the joint space. This "pannus" consists of capil- The primary inflammation of the joint cap-
laries and capillary buds, loose stromal connec- sule in progressive chronic polyarthritis leads
tive tissue and infiltrates of lymphocytes, plas- to an exudation of blood plasma and the mi-
ma cells and a few histiocytes. In other words, gration of cells (granulocytes with cytoplasmic
it is a histologically non-specific granulation inclusions containing the rheumatic factor, syn-
tissue, the origin of which cannot be deter- ovial cells, lymphocytes, plasma cells) into the
Rheumatoid Arthritis 445

Fig. 842. Rheumatoid coxarthritis

(overall histological section); HE, x6

Fig. 843. Rheumatoid arthritis; HE,

x20 4 .................._
3 5

Fig. 844. Rheumatoid arthritis; HE,

446 13 Inflammatory Joint Diseases

joint cavity. The synovial cells, which line the the intraosseous pannus (2) have joined forces.
inside of the joint capsule, show focal destruc- This has resulted in a moderately cellular gran-
tion. Here there are homogeneous deposits of ulation tissue with capillaries (3) and infiltrates
fibrin. In other places there is proliferation of of lymphocytes, plasma cells and histiocytes.
the synovial membrane. As can be seen in the The loose connective tissue stroma is in pi aces
histological picture shown in Fig. 845, the bloated with fibrin (4). The formerly subchon-
membrane has become villous (1), and these dral bone trabeculae (5) are osteosclerotically
synovial villi are covered by an activated multi- widened, with elongated reversal lines and
layered synovial epithelium (2). In the connec- layers of deposited osteoblasts (6). In places, re-
tive tissue of the stratum synoviale (3) there active newly formed fibro-osseous trabeculae
are infiltrates of plasma cells and lymphocytes, (7) are encountered. If the proliferating pan-
which often form small lymph follicles. Here nous tissues from the articular cartilages of
and there one can see fibrinoid necroses. These both joint components finally make contact, the
changes in the joint capsule can be early recog- end result is a fibrous ankylosis. The joint cavi-
nized morphologically by means of a capsular ty is closed by the development of the pannus,
biopsy. Since, however, these inflammatory which is also apparent in the radio graph
changes need not involve the whole of the cap- (Fig. 840).
sule equally, a negative biopsy does not exclude Under higher magnification one can see in
progressive chronic polyarthritis. For this rea- Fig. 848 an exuberant proliferating formation
son one cannot rely upon a needle biopsy for of pannous tissue with capillaries (1) and dense
an exact diagnosis. collections of lymphocytes, plasma cells and
This is followed by the dissolution of carti- histiocytes (2) that has destroyed the articular
lage by granulation tissue. The exudative stage cartilage and penetrated into the subchondral
can turn into a proliferative inflammatory pro- bone. The still intact bone trabeculae (3) are
cess. A highly vascular granulation tissue grows osteosclerotically thickened. Bone tissue can fi-
out of the stratum synoviale into the joint cavi- nally differentiate within the pannus and the
ty and spreads itself over the articulating joint joint capsule, leading to a bony ankylosis which
cartilage. As can be seen in the histological brings about complete immobilization of the
photograph of Fig. 846, this inflammatory joint. Following disuse of the diseased joint and
granulation tissue (1) is densely laid down over limb, an extremely severe bone atrophy even-
the articular cartilage (2), from the surface of tually develops in this part of the skeleton (im-
which it penetrates into the cartilage (3) and mobilization osteoporosis, p. 74), which carries
eventually destroys it. Furthermore, one can see with it the danger of a pathological fracture. In
that a very similar granulation tissue is enter- most cases we are presented with biopsy mate-
ing the articular cartilage from the subchondral rial or a surgical specimen from a knee joint
side (4) and is also destroying it. This means for histological examination which shows inde-
that the articular cartilage is being attacked terminate inflammatory joint disease. From the
from both sides, which is characteristic of morphological structures described we can
rheumatoid arthritis. In other words, there is make a diagnosis of "rheumatoid arthritis", but
an attack from the joint cavity (by the fibrovas- without being able to express an opinion about
cular pannus, 1) and from the marrow cavity the etiology. As weIl as the various causative in-
by the granulation tissue (4), so that the articu- fectious diseases, a progressive chronic polyar-
lar cartilage is facing destruction both from its thritis (PCP) must also be urgently considered,
surface and from the underlying bone. and this has to be clarified serologically. In
Figure 847 shows the histological picture of 95% of these adult patients the pain first ap-
an advanced rheumatoid arthritis that has in pears in the proximal interphalangeal and
places completely destroyed the articular carti- metacarpophalangeal joints and is intermittent
lage. There is no more cartilaginous tissue pre- in nature.
sent; instead, the intraarticular pannus (1) and
Rheumatoid Arthritis 447

Fig. 845. Rheumatoid arthritis (proliferating synovitis villo- Fig. 846. Rheumatoid arthritis (intraarticular pannus);
sa); HE, x25 PAS, x25

Fig. 847. Rheumatoid arthritis (intraosseous pannus); Fig. 848. Rheumatoid arthritis; HE, x40
PAS, x25
448 l3 Inflammatory Joint Diseases

Non-specific Spondylitis and at the same time extract material for bac-
teriological examination. Figure 851 reveals a
Inflammatory diseases of the vertebral column completely disorganized spongiosal framework
mostly develop in the marrow cavity of a verte- in the vertebral body, with sclerotically thick-
bral body and lead to the clinical picture of ened bone trabeculae (1) which in many cases
spondylitis. The inflammation may involve the show no lamellar layering. They contain many
intervertebral discs and the neighboring verte- active osteoblasts and in places have an undu-
brae, a condition known as spondylodiscitis. lating border (2). Time and again one encoun-
Spondylitis is an inflammatory bone disease of ters trabeculae with extensive fronts of bone
the vertebral column (osteomyelitis) that usual- deposition (3) and layers of osteoblasts together
ly attacks one or more of the vertebral bodies, with a few osteoclasts in flattened resorption
less often the neural arches or spinal processes, lacunae. The marrow cavity is filled with loose
and frequently spreads into the neighboring granulation tissue (4) which is threaded
joints and intervertebral discs (spondylodiscitis) through with dilated fine-walled capillaries (5).
and destroys them. The corresponding radio- Plasma cells and lymphocytes (6) are loosely
logical changes in structure are the result of distributed throughout the inflammatory infil-
the destructive and reparative accompaniments trate. No specific inflammatory granulomas or
of the inflammatory process. tumor cell infiltrates can be identified. This re-
In Fig. 849 one can see in the a.p. radio- presents the histological appearance of chronic
graph of the lumbar vertebral column, irregular non-specific osteomyelitis; in the vertebral col-
sclerotic thickenings in the 4th lumbar vertebra umn this signifies chronic spondylitis.
(1). The adjacent 5th lumbar vertebra also In Fig. 852 the histological findings are simi-
shows a similar cancellous sclerosis (2). Both lar. The marrow cavity is filled with loose in-
vertebral bodies are narrowed and deformed, flammatory granulation tissue with scattered
and have laterally projecting peripheral osteo- infiltrates of lymphocytes and plasma cells (1)
phytes (3) which are joined together by bridg- and capillaries (2). The bone trabeculae (3) are
ing structures. The intervertebral space (4) is sclerotically thickened and edged with osteo-
severely narrowed and in places absent. The blasts (4). Intramedullary scarring with newly
plates of both vertebrae are extensively de- formed fibro-osseous trabeculae are often
stroyed. Sclerotic increase in the spongiosal found with chronic spondylitis. Apart from
density in the 1st and 2nd lumb ar vertebrae (5) plasma cells and lymphocytes, granulocytes are
also suggests a chronic inflammation there. also found in the presence of recurrent chronic
The vertebral destruction is also dearly inflammation.
shown in the lateral radiograph. In Fig. 850 the Together with degenerative changes in the
spongiosa in the lower part of the body of the vertebral column (p. 436), non-specific spondy-
4th (1) and upper part of the body of the 5th litis is the other commonest disease of the
(2) lumb ar vertebra is densely sclerosed. The spine found in Europe today. In adults, 50% of
large ventral spur-like osteophytes (3) are strik- all cases of osteomyelitis appear in the form of
ing. The intervertebral space (4) is markedly a spondylitis or spondylodiscitis. Spondylitis
narrowed, cloudy and dense. Severe destruction most often attacks the lumb ar and lower tho-
can be seen in both these adjacent vertebral racic regions of the vertebral column. Even
bodies and also in the intervertebral discs, with an absolutely typical radiological picture,
which is a radiological sign of spondylodiscitis. a biopsy (needle biopsy) from the affected ver-
The spread of the destructive process from one tebra is necessary - most of all, in order to ex-
vertebra to the next is very characteristic of an clude a specific type of inflammation (e. g. tu-
inflammatory process. As against this, tumor- berculous spondylitis). At the same time bac-
ous processes (e. g. bone met asta ses ) are usual- teriological confirrnation is often possible. With
ly limited to the affected vertebra, the interver- an uncharacteristic radiological picture a verte-
tebral space remaining unaltered. bral biopsy is necessary to exclude a possible
A specifically directed needle biopsy can con- tumor.
firm the radiological diagnosis histologically
Non-specific Spondylitis 449

Fig. 849. Non-specific spondylitis Fig. 850. Non-specific spondylitis

(4th/5th. lumbar vertebral bodies, a.p. view) (4th/5th. lumbar vertebral bodies, lateral view)

Fig. 851. Non-specific spondylitis; HE, x64 Fig. 852. Non-specific spondylitis; HE, x64
450 13 Inflammatory Joint Diseases

Spondylarthritis Ankylopoetica ossification of the longitudinal ligaments. This

(Bechterew's Disease) is augmented by pain-induced immobility and
the bony stiffening of the spinal column, as
An immunopathological inflammation due to weH as inflammatory changes in the bone mar-
an inherited disposition may develop particu- row with deterioration of the metabolie ex-
larly in the vertebral column. Spondylarthritis change. The intervertebral discs are in many
ankylopoetica (Bechterew's disease) is a progres- cases still intact (2) so that a normal interverte-
sive inflammatory polyarthritis of the interverte- bral space remains. In other places, however,
bral joints wh ich begins in the sacroiliac region bony bridges (3) are formed between adjacent
and most often attacks the lumbar and cervical vertebra by partial ossification of the discs, and
regions of the vertebral column. It eventually this increases the stiffening process. In addition
leads to bony ankylosis and complete rigidity of one can see completely ossified intertransverse
the vertebral column. In about 20% of cases pe- joints (4). In the neighborhood of the anterior
ripheral joints (shoulder, hip, knee) also devel- longitudinal ligament, bony bars (5) develop
op a similar form of rheumatoid arthritis. This and span over the intervertebral space. These
disease of unknown etiology starts predomi- structural changes in the spinal column pro-
nantly in the 3rd decade of life and in many duce a kyphosis, partieularly in the mid-tho-
cases pro duces a progressive state of invalidism racic region, and lead to changes in shape of
that increases after the age of 50. In 90% of the vertebral body, obliterating the anterior
cases it affects men with a leptosomal habitus. concavity to form straight surfaces (rectangular
The disease slowly advances, leading to a vertebral body): a process known as "squar-
rounded hunchback condition, immobility and ing".
pain. Figure 856 depicts an overall histological
This ankylosing spondylarthritis has a char- section of an intervertebral space in a case of
acteristic radiological picture. As shown in spondylitis ankylopoetiea. One can recognize
Fig. 853, one sees in a lateral radiograph of the the disc (1), the dorsolateral part of whieh has,
lumbar column an ossification of the anterior however, been replaced by canceHous bone (2).
longitudinal ligament (1) which gives the spine The space has been bridged over by fuHy min-
the appearance of a bamboo rod. The interver- eralized bone tissue (3) whieh is the cause of
tebral joints are bridged over at the ends by os- the stiffening. Apart from this ossification the
sified bars (2). The intervertebral discs (3) may intervertebral foramen (4) is visible. The calci-
be masked by the ossification of the longitudi- fied cartilaginous plates of the vertebral body
nal ligaments. Straggly osteoporosis is seen in remain at least partly intact, so that the origi-
the vertebral bodies (4). nal shape of the space can still be seen on the
Figure 854 shows a maceration specimen of radiograph.
such a spinal column. The joint space between In the living patient, Bechterew's ankylosing
the vertebral bodies has been lost and the discs spondylitis can be diagnosed clinieaHy and ra-
are completely ossified (1). This synostosis leads diologicaHy without the help of the pathologist.
to a bony stiffening of the joints of the spine. We can evaluate the extent to whieh this pro-
The vertebral bodies (2) become fused together gressive disease has advanced from the macro-
by the intermittent but advancing ossification, scopic appearance of the parts of the vertebral
and peripheral bulges can be seen (3). One also column seen at autopsy, for whieh purpose ma-
observes ossification and thickening of the ceration specimens are the most suitable
anterior longitudinal ligament (4). The ligamen- (Figs. 854, 855). In many cases the disease is a
ta flava are those most frequently ossified, but chance postmortem finding, its clinical course
this often goes unrecognized in the radiograph. having been free of symptoms. In just 1% of
Figure 855 shows a maceration specimen in cases an exuberant course of the disease can
a longitudinal section through such a vertebral lead to complete invalidism. In half the patients
column, where one can discern ir regular osteo- additional extravertebral joint pain appears,
porosis (1) in the vertebral spongiosa resulting especiaHy in the hip and temporomandibular
from a relieving of the load brought about by joints.
Spondylarthritis Ankylopoetica (Bechterew's Disease) 451


Fig. 853. Bechterew's disease (lumbar spine) Fig. 854. Bechterew's disease
(Lumbar spine, maceration specimen)

"~ 2

Fig. 855. Bechterew's disease Fig. 856. Bechterew's disease (intervertebral space); HE, xIS
(thoracic spine, maceration specimen)
452 13 Inflammatory Joint Diseases

Non-specific and Specific Arthritis are present in the infiltrated villous stroma.
The tubercles may reveal central caseation, or
Synovial biopsies from various joints often pro- they may be productive. We speak of a "tuber-
vide histological evidence of inflammatory culoid synovitis". The identification of tubercle
changes with infiltrates of lymphocytes, plasma bacilli would lead to the diagnosis of a blood-
cells and histiocytes, without, however, allow- borne tuberculous arthritis. The knee joint is
ing any conclusions to be drawn from the his- most commonly affected.
tological picture about their origin. In such a Gouty arthritis (arthritis urica) is character-
non-specific synovitis or arthritis the inflam- ized by deposits of crystalline urates in the ar-
matory reaction gives no hint of the underlying ticular cartilage and subchondral bone (p. 184),
disease. It might be a local infection as the re- which reveal the underlying disease. The main
sult of a generalized bacteremia or sepsis; such sites are the metatarsophalangeal joints, and
an inflammation might also result from a joint the elbow and knee joints. In the histological pic-
injury or the invasion of an inflammatory bone ture shown in Fig. 859 one can observe in the
focus into a nearby joint. The most serious marrow cavity of the subchondral spongiosa (1)
type of this kind of arthritis is purulent arthri- a roundish focus containing clusters of radially
tis (pyarthrosis, joint empyema), which is most orientated birefractive crystalline sodium urate
often due to hemolytic staphylococci, strepto- deposits (2). The large brownish crystalline nee-
cocci, E. coli or, in children, pneumococci. In dIes (3) are mostly dissolved out by formalin
most cases only a single joint is affected (knee fixation, leaving empty spaces behind. In the
or hip joint), and a polyarticular attack is un- neighborhood of these deposits there is a ram-
usual. part of foreign body giant cens and histiocytes
In the histological picture of Fig. 857 one (4). A highly cellular granulation tissue (5) and
can see a chronic non-specific arthritis with a later a connective tissue capsule develop. This
markedly villous synovial membrane in which is a typical gouty tophus, which brings about a
the individual villi (1) are covered by a flat syn- periarticular osteoclastic bone resorption and
ovial epithelium (2). The stroma of the villus makes an exact diagnosis possible.
has been taken over by a non-specific granula- In cases of systemic lupus erythematosus,
tion tissue containing numerous dilated capil- manifestations in the joints are common. As
laries (3) and capillary buds, and in which, par- can be seen in the histological picture of
ticularly around the vessels, there are collec- Fig. 860, there is a thickened villous synovial
tions of lymphocytes, plasma cens and histio- membrane (1) which is covered by a multi-
cytes. This villous stroma may be drenched layered synovial epithelium (2). In the villous
with edematous fluid containing fibrin, and stroma there is a non-specific inflammatory
also show a granulocytic infiltrate. The synovi- granulation tissue of plasma cells and lympho-
al epithelium can in places be reactively wid- cytes (3) as wen as an influx of fibrin. Small
ened. Such an appearance can only me an a his- lymph follicles may be present. Only if hema-
tologically non-specific synovitis or arthritis. toxylin bodies can be demonstrated can this
There is, however, a whole collection of in- synovitis be classified as due to lupus erythe-
flammatory processes in joints for which the matosus; otherwise it is the histological picture
underlying disease can be established. In the of a non-specific rheumatoid arthritis.
case of a specific arthritis the histological There is a whole series of other inflamma-
structures found in the synovial biopsy make it tory joint diseases which show no pathogno-
possible to recognize the cause. This is particu- monic histological structures. Psoriatic arthri-
larly true of synovial inflammatory processes tis leads, about 10 years after the onset of the
which contain a specific granulation tissue. psoriasis, to chronic polyarthritis (fingers, toes,
Figure 858 shows the histological picture of cervical vertebrae). Similar joint involvement is
a tuberculous arthritis. One can discern a associated with Felty's syndrome.
thickened villous synovial membrane (1) cov- The introduction of corticoids into a joint
ered over with loose synovial epithelium (2). (particularly in the case of someone who has
Typical tubercles (3) with epithelioid cells, lym- been injured at some sporting activity) carries
phocytes and occasional Langhans giant cells with it the danger of causing damage by subse-
Non-specific and Specific Arthritis 453

Fig. 857. Non-specific spondylitis with synovitis villosa; Fig. 858. Tuberculous arthritis (synovitis); HE, x20
HE, x25

Fig. 859. Arthritis urica; HE, x25 Fig. 860. Arthritis with lupus erythematosus; HE, x40
454 l3 Inflammatory Joint Diseases

quent non-specific arthritis. This is the so- Various types of non-specific arthritis can
called cortisone arthritis. The intraarticular ad- be triggered off by living organisms or inani-
ministration of cortisone derivatives does in- mate material. Infectious arthritis is due to a
deed reduce the pain and makes it possible for living organism, and the cause can be estab-
the patient to continue with the physical activ- lished by bacterial analysis of the biopsy or
ity, but it also leads to increased wear on the puncture material. Usually it is a matter of
joint and, eventually, to arthrosis. The natural gram-positive cocci, most often Staphylococcus
reparative processes are suppressed by the glu- aureus (30%-35% in adults, 40%-45% in chil-
cocorticoid, and progressive paraarticular os- dren). Far less often (less than 1%) it is possi-
teolysis and synovitis develop, which may be ble to identify mycobacteria, virus es, fungi or
followed by a bacterial arthritis. This serious protozoa. All these organisms produce non-spe-
complication is due to the inhibitive action of cific inflammation in the synovial membrane
the cortisone on the resistance mechanisms. and/or the subchondral marrow cavity which
Histologically (Fig. 861) one can see in provides no histological information about the
biopsy material an edematously loosened syno- exact cause. At the most a bacterial infection
vial membrane with predominantly lymphocy- can be postulated (purulent arthritis) - partic-
tic infiltrates (1). These are mostly concentrated ularly if collections of bacteria can be seen
beneath the synovial epithelium (2). They form directly under the microscope. That applies
no specific granulomas. The synovial mem- equally to the histological identification of
brane is threaded through with dilated fine- fungi, worms or other parasites. If a synovial
walled capillaries (3). Serous fluid (4) has col- biopsy reveals nothing but inflammation, we
lected in the joint cavity, and this leads to a can only diagnose synovitis. It is only after in-
painful swelling of the joint. vasion and destruction of the articular cartilage
In the case of a bacterial infection super im- that arthritis can be diagnosed. In this case the
posed upon an already damaged joint, a puru- biopsy material must contain tissue from the
lent granulating synovitis will arise. In Fig. 862 articular cartilage.
one can see histologically in the synovial mem- A non-specific arthritis may arise without
brane a very highly cellular inflammatory gran- any living agents (such as bacteria) after pene-
ulation tissue with capillaries (1) and capillary tration of the synovial membrane and joint
buds and dense infiltrates of lymphocytes, plas- cavity, for instance by a thorn from a plant, or
ma cells and histiocytes (2), and also polymor- by spines from a sea urchin. Histologically we
phonuclear leukocytes (3). In the basal layer can find these foreign bodies in the biopsy and
one can again see numerous dilated blood ves- identify the cause. The inflammatory reaction
sels (4). The synovial epithelium (5) has mostly thus triggered off, on the other hand, is co m-
been detached and is no Ion ger present. From pletely non-specific and by itself offers no clue
the histological appearance there is a non-spe- to the cause.
cific inflammation which gives no clue to the This applies equally to the microcrystalline
etiology. Only the presence of granulocytes sug- types of arthritis due to products of the body's
gests an exuberant inflammation, possibly of own metabolism. With gouty arthritis it is the
bacterial origin. The influence of locally applied gouty tophi which first provide the answer
cortisone cannot be detected, and therefore the (pp. 184, 452). With calcium pyrophosphate ar-
pathologist must have the clinical information thropathy ("pseudogout"), deposits of crystal-
as well. If, however, such a non-specific synovi- line calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate are found
tis or arthritis arises during the course of local in the articular cartilage, menisci and paraarti-
cortisone treatment, then, professionally speak- cular tissues, with the development of "chon-
ing, a causal relationship exists. The pathogen- drocalcinosis". The surrounding inflammatory
esis of these so-called "cortisone-wrecked reaction is non-specific. The etiology of this
joints" is uncertain, and such inflammatory and disease, which leads to damage to the articular
destructive joint changes have not been de- cartilage, is unknown. Sometimes this type of
scribed in cases of Cushing's syndrome. It must arthritis is associated with other diseases such
be attributed to the direct action of cortisone as hyperparathyroidism, hemochromatosis, hy-
on the joint structure. pothyroidosis, ochronosis, Wilson's disease, dia-
Non-specific and Specific Arthritis 455

betes mellitus or hypophosphatasia (seeondary causes. Arthritis appearing in the course of a

calcium pyrophosphate arthropathy). The mi- systemie disease (e. g. systemic lupus erythema-
eroerystalline types of arthritis also include hy- tosus, scleroderma, panarteritis nodosa, derma-
droxyapatite arthropathy, oxalosis and eholes- tomyositis, Beh~et's disease, Wegener's granulo-
terol arthritis. In every ease the aecompanying matosis etc.) usually shows no specifie granula-
inflammatory reaetion is histologieally non-spe- tion tissue to indicate the eause, and can only
eifie, and it is only after the eausative meta- be assigned histologieally to the clinically
bolie produet of the patient's own body has known disease.
been identified in the seetion that the eause ean A synovial biopsy in the case of a clinically
be established. suspected arthritis, which is very often earried
The specifie types of arthritis reveal them- out, leads in most cases only to the histological
selves by the development of a eharaeteristie diagnosis of "non-specific exuberant" or
granulation tissue in which specific granulomas "chronic" synovitis, which the clinician prob-
are present and which histologically provides a ably knew al ready. In particular, such a biopsy
clue to the cause. These particularly include tu- often provides identification of the causal or-
bereulous arthritis, Boeek's sareoidosis and ganism, so that the histological structures al-
syphilitic arthritis. Other specific types of ar- ready known only serve to support it. Even so,
thritis are very rare. Rheumatoid arthritis only the histology can sometimes contribute deci-
produces a "speeific" granulation tissue under sively to establishing the final diagnosis.
certain circumstances, and can have several

4 ~---

Fig. 861. Cortison arthritis (synovitis); HE, x40 Fig. 862. Cortison arthritis (synovitis) with superimposed
bacterial infection; HE, x40
14 Tumorous Joint Diseases

General localized in the neighborhood of a joint cap-

sule; it may thus be a completely straightfor-
Various kinds of primary neoplasms and tu- ward parosteal tumor (see Chapter 15). The be-
mor-like lesions can develop in the joint cap- nign variants of the tendon sheath tumors in-
sule, mostly taking origin in the synovial mem- clude de Quervain's tendovaginitis stenosans
brane. On the one hand these may show a cer- and the benign giant cell tumor 0/ the tendon
tain similarity to the morphological structure sheath (localized nodular synovitis, p. 462).
of the synovial membrane, or they may show Apart from the synovial epithelium the tis-
no such similarity. Some of these joint tumors sue of the joint capsule includes mostly connec-
are only included in this group of neoplasms tive tissue and blood vessels, lymphatics, fatty
because of their localization. Most of the neo- tissue and nerves. Tumors can arise from any
plasms may be considered to be histogeneti- of these, although these types of neoplasm are
cally derived from the tissues of the joint cap- rare. Occasionally, however, we see fibromas
sule. Entirely similar tumors may be observed and fibromatosis in a joint capsule, and some-
either in the soft parts or even in the bone. times even a fibrosarcoma may be diagnosed.
In order to und erstand the origin of neo- Vascular tumors (hemangiomas, lymphangio-
plasms in the joint capsule one must call to mas) may appear which have the same histo-
mind the normal formation of the tissues of logical formation in both the soft parts and in
the capsule and the synovial membrane (p. 28). bone. Finally, lipomas and even liposarcomas
The inside of the joint cavity is lined with syno- have been described in the region of a joint,
vial epithelium. This can undergo tumorous pro- although it is not clear whether we are dealing
liferation and lead to the development of villi. with a true primary capsular neoplasm or
Persistent and continuous movement of the af- whether the tumor has arisen in the pararticu-
fected joint results in non-specific inflammation lar soft parts and infiltrated into a neighboring
and very often also in hemorrhage also. This joint capsule from outside. Tumors have been
leads to the picture of a so-called pigmented vil- described within a joint capsule that are unam-
lonodular synovitis. Under these circumstances biguously soft tissue growths. These include the
there is inflammation of the proliferating synovi- epithelioid sarcoma and the clear-cell sarcoma
al villi, in which the deposition of hemosiderin which are especially observed in the tendon
pigment indicates former hemorrhages. In fact, sheaths. Probably these are soft tissue tumors
this is a benign tumor of the joint capsule. The that have invaded the tendon sheath and joint
origin of its malignant variant - the synovial sar- capsule.
coma - from the synovial tissue is much more Since both the joint capsule and the tendon
difficult to recognize morphologically. In such a sheath are derived from mesenchymal tissue,
case there is no formation of villi, and the tumor benign or malignant metaplasia can arise.
cells grow and infiltrate and no longer resemble Either metaplastic bone tissue or cartilaginous
normal synovial epithelium. tissue can develop. The latter leads in the be-
At this point it is necessary to call attention nign tumorous variants to synovial chondroma-
to the fact that the tendon sheaths have a simi- tosis, and in the malignant form to the synovial
lar epithelium to the synovial membrane and chondrosarcoma. The bony neoplasms of the
that tumors similar to the primary joint neo- joint capsule include the parosteal osteoma and
plasms can develop from them as well. This the parosteal osteosarcoma (p. 288). Finally,
means that a synovial sarcoma can arise close metastatic tumorous tissue can also establish it-
to a tendon sheath and need not necessarily be self in a joint capsule, but that is rare.
458 14 Tumorous Joint Diseases

Synovial Chondromatosis (lCD-O-DA-M-7367.0) tissue (3) that is threaded through by a few

narrow blood vessels (4). The entire node has a
The eartilaginous tissue in a joint eapsule ean sharp outer border with no recognizable syno-
differentiate metaplastieally and und ergo tu- vial epithelial covering.
mor-like growth. Synovial chondromatosis Figure 866 shows the typical histologieal pie-
(synovial osteochondromatosis) is a benign tu- ture of joint ehondromatosis. The joint eapsule
morous alteration of the pararticular tissue dur- is thiekened with eonneetive tissue and
ing which metaplastic nodular fod of cartilage threaded through with a few fine-walled vessels
and bone arise in the synovial membrane, (1). There is no inflammatory infiltrate. In the
wh ich frequently lead to so-called ''free joint middle of this highly fibrous eonneetive tissue
bodies", thus impairing joint function and da- there are round nodules (2) of proliferating ear-
maging the joint. Changes of this sort can oeea- tilaginous tissue, varying in size and sur-
sionally also oeeur in a tendon sheath or bursa. rounded by a eapsule of conneetive tissue (3).
The eause of this new formation is unknown. The eartilaginous nodes eontain many small
Joint ehondromatosis usually attaeks only one ehondroeytes (4) whieh lie together in rounded
joint, this being in over 50% of eases the knee. fod. True bone tissue (5) has formed at the pe-
It is also often eneountered in the elbow. riphery of these eartilaginous nodes.
Maeroscopieally the synovial membrane is hy- In the histologieal pieture of Fig. 867 one
peremie and thiekened, and forms villi. Imme- ean again see a large cartilaginous focus (1) in
diately beneath the synovial epithelium there which little groups of small ehondroeytes (2)
are small grayish-white nodes of eartilaginous with roundish isomorphie nudei are lying. Of-
tissue. These ehanges may involve part of the ten a region of joint ehondromatosis ean also
joint eapsule or the whole of the synovial mem- eontain distinetly polymorphie and distended
brane. Often the eartilaginous nodes are ehondroeytes of various sizes with bizarre hy-
released into the joint eavity as "free joint perehromatic nudei. In Fig. 867 one ean also
bodies" (Fig. 863) and lead to eonsiderable lim- diseern a synovial villus (3) that is eovered
itation of movement and damage to the joint. over by narrow synovial epithelium (4).
In Fig. 864 one ean see a radiograph show-
ing joint ehondromatosis of the right elbow
joint. The joint eapsule is eonsiderably thick-
ened and interspersed with dosely paeked fine
patehy regions of inereased density (1) and
large nodular formations whieh are several
millimeters in diameter. The larger nodes (2)
are themselves lobulated and nodular. Many of
these formations are very radiodense, owing to
ealcifieation or even ossifieation. Some of these
nodes are also found in the joint spaee (3),
whieh in plaees is still dearly reeognizable, and
they ean become detaehed and present as so-
ealled free joint bodies whieh severely impair
joint funetion.
The histologieal pieture of Fig. 865 shows
sueh a ''free joint body" from a ease of joint
ehondromatosis. Centrally one ean see a round-
ish eartilaginous foeus (1) whieh is strongly
blue with HE staining. It is itself lobular in for-
mation and has sharp borders. There are small
isomorphie ehondroeytes in the eartilaginous
tissue, and in one plaee (2) there is eharaeteris-
tic ealcification. The eartilaginous foeus is sur-
rounded by a thiek layer of loose eonneetive Fig. 863. Joint chondromatosis ("joint mice")
Synovia! Chondromatosis 459

Fig. 864. Joint chondromatosis (e!bow joint) Fig. 865. Joint chondromatosis; HE, x25

Fig. 866. Joint chondromatosis; HE, x30 Fig. 867. Joint chondromatosis; HE, x40
460 14 Tumorous Joint Diseases

Lipoma arborescens (Diffuse Articular Lipomatosis) Histologically one can see in Fig. 870 two
distinctly widened synovial villi (1) covered
Solid lipomatous tissue structures can break with an intact synovial epithelium (2). One is
out at various distances from each other along struck by the large foei of mature fatty tissue
the tendon sheath (endovaginal tumors), or (3) in the stroma. The fat cells are very large,
arise like lipomas within the joint capsule. Li- have small isomorphic nudei and themselves
poma arborescens represents a not uncommon show no signs of polymorphy. In places the vil-
hyperplasia of the fatty tissue in the stroma of lous stroma also consists of loose connective
the synovial villi, which spreads in a papillary tissue (4) which is largely threaded through by
or polypous fashion. Several villi are usually af- dilated capillaries (5). Beneath the stratum syn-
fected simultaneously. The lesions affects adults oviale there is a loose inflammatory infiltrate of
and is mostly sited in the knee joint, but it can lymphocytes and plasma cells (6).
appear in other joints. The main symptoms are In Fig. 871 one of these enlarged and un-
pain and swelling of the joint, and in many gainly synovial villi can be seen under higher
cases there is also limitation of movement. magnification. It is dearly demarcated and cov-
As the radiograph in Fig. 868 shows, articu- ered on the outside by a single layer of synovial
lar lipomatosis initiates no change in the bony epithelium (1). The stroma is interspersed with
structure. The contours of the distal parts of mature fatty tissue (2) of very large fat cells
the femur (1) and the tibial head (2) are fully with small isomorphic nudei. In between and
preserved and quite distinct. There are no ex- outside there is loose connective tissue (3)
ternally caused indentations, erosions or de- which may be highly edematous. It contains a
structive foei. The joint space (3) is rather few capillaries (4). One can also see within the
wide. It is open and contains no visible depos- villus an inflammatory infiltrate (5) of lympho-
its. The cartilaginous joint surfaces are com- cytes and plasma cells. There are no histologi-
pletely smooth. The radio graph of a swollen cal signs of a proliferative or specific inflamma-
joint such as this, with no hydrarthrosis, is vir- tory process.
tually suffieient to exdude destructive processes Lipoma arborescens is no true neoplasm, but
such as inflammation, degeneration or a tumor. a tumor-like lesion that almost only appears in
The radiological examination can be usefully the larger joints. It is therefore assumed to be a
extended by computer tomography (CT) or reactive process that is triggered off by local
magnetic resonance tomography (MRT). In trauma, a meniscal lesion (p. 434) or chronic
Fig. 869 a lipoma arborescens is more dearly arthritis. It is a reactive villous hyperplasia
shown up by xeroradiography. One can again with excessive increase of the stromal fatty tis-
see that the wrist bones (1), distal parts of the sue. Not infrequently several lesions, mostly
ulna (2) and radius (3) are fully intact. In the symmetrical, are observed simultaneously in
joint cavity (4) and, seen from the side, in the several joints. An inflammatory origin is sug-
capsule of the wrist joint (5) there are discrete, gested by the presence of non-speeific inflam-
slightly villous structural thickenings corre- matory cells in the hyperplastic villi. Since the
sponding to the enlarged synovial villi. These lesion does not spontaneously regress, syno-
signs reveal the condition radiologically; even viectomy is necessary, after which recurrence is
more so, should greater amounts of connective not to be expected. Lipoma arborescens must
tissue be present in the lesions, or if there is be distinguished from a true intraarticular li-
dystrophic calcification. poma. The latter is a rare benign tumor, usual-
Macroscopically the joint capsule is seen to ly found in the knee joint, that has no relation-
be thickened and sometimes loosened by ede- ship to the synovial villi and is not covered
ma. Inside there are numerous deformed villi over by synovial epithelium. Hoffa's disease, a
of various shapes and sizes that are distinctly traumatic inflammatory hyperplasia of the syn-
yellow in color. If they have been crushed, ovial fatty tissue in the neighborhood of the
some of these villi may become necrotic and patellar ligament, should also not be confused
blood-soaked. with lipoma arborescens.
Lipoma arborescens (Diffuse Articular Lipomatosis) 461

2 4
3 --1[......_ ........ ·


Fig. 868. Lipoma arborescens (knee joint) Fig. 869. Lipoma arborescens (wrist joint, xeroradiograph)

2 -.'= .ö>--

-t-'. .- 5

Fig. 870. Lipoma arborescens; HE, x40 Fig. 87l. Lipoma arborescens; HE, x64
462 14 Tumorous Joint Diseases

Localized Nodular Synovitis tumor or to how much it may proliferate. The

densely packed cells in this neoplasm are
Also to be classified among the tumorous joint mostly histiocytic cells. Necrotic foei and focal
changes are those lesions which can bring deposits of hemosiderin mayaiso be present.
about an outside defect in abone. These may In a third of the cases narrow spaces (5) can be
develop either in the synovium of a joint cap- observed. These are lined by flat or distorted
sule or in a tendon sheath. Such lesions are cells, presenting a certain similarity to a syno-
found relatively often in operation specimens vial sarcoma (p. 466). Glandular structures
and are described as "benign giant ceIl tumors such as are found in a synovial sarcoma are,
0/ the tendon sheath". Localized nodular syno- however, absent.
vitis is a so-called "benign giant cell tumor 0/ Under high er magnification one can see in
the tendon sheath" consisting 0/ an augmenta- Fig. 874 that the lesion is predominantly histio-
tion 0/ histiocytes and ftbromatous cells, and it cytic. On one side (1) there is a fibrillated ten-
can produce sufficient pressure to cause a de- don sheath and its tendon which mark off the
structive indentation in the neighboring bone. tumor fairly sharply. The histiocytes (2) have
The prineipal site is in the phalanges of the elongated oval, somewhat indented nuclei with
hands, predominantly at the distal end of these varying degrees of chromatin content and an
bones. Such lesions can, however, appear in the abundant, often clear cytoplasm that mayaiso
neighborhood of the joints of the feet and contain hemosiderin granules. A certain
hands, or in the regional joints themselves, i.e. amount of nuclear polymorphy and mitotic ac-
ankle and wrist. tivity should not be interpreted as indicating
Figure 872 shows a classical radiograph of a malignancy. A few multinucleated giant cells
localized nodular synovitis that has led to an (3), variable in number and irregularly distrib-
osteolytic bone defect. In the region of the in- uted, are found dispersed throughout the tu-
termediate (1) and proximal (2) phalanges of mor. In some lesions, numerous giant cells and
the little toe one can discern at each site a deep also foam cells are present.
concave indentation in the bone which has ob- Under even higher magnification a localized
viously been caused by outside pressure. In the nodular synovitis can be seen in Fig. 875. The
soft parts there is a slight shadowing which in- tumor contains mostly histiocytes with dark
dicates the presence of tumorous growth. The oval or roundish nuclei (1). The size, shape and
short tubular bones in this region are very po- chromatin content of the nuclei are variable (2).
rous, and the bone tissue has reacted to the de- Nuclei which are poor in chromatin contain
fect with an osteosclerotic increase in density one or two nucleoli. Cells with abundant hon-
(2). There are also cystic destructive foci in eycomb-like cytoplasm (the so-called foam
this bone (3), but no periosteal reaction is pre- cells) containing sudanophilic material (fat) are
sent. strewn about. One also sees unevenly distribu-
Histologically this is a highly cellular tissue ted multinucleated giant cells (3), repeatedly in-
that can, even within the same tumor, show terspersed by hyaline bands (4). This histologi-
very different cellular pictures. In Fig. 873 one cal picture is practicaIlY identical with that of a
can see a highly cellular tumorous tissue (1) benign giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath
subdivided into nodular areas by narrow con- (p. 476).
nective tissue septa (2). It is in contact on one Depending on the localization of each, one
side with loosened tendinous tissue (3), since can distinguish "localized nodular tenosynovi-
the tumor has originated either from the ten- tis" from "localized nodular joint synovitis",
don sheath or joint capsule. Even in this overall although the histological structures are identi-
view the giant cells (4), which are loosely dis- cal. When there are extensive complexes of
tributed throughout the tumorous tissue, are foam cells present, the term "fibrous xanthoma
striking. One can also observe a few bands of of the synovium" is often used. Clinically
hyalinization. Lesions of this kind can also speaking, the lesion must be completely extir-
show dense fibrosis and extensive hyalinization, pated through healthy tissue; if excision is in-
and are then much poorer in cellular content; complete, a 12%-16% recurrence rate is to be
though this provides no clues to the age of the expected.
Localized Nodular Synovitis 463


Fig. 872. Localized nodular synovitis (littte toe) Fig. 873. Localized nodular synovitis; HE, x20

Fig. 874. Localized nodular synovitis; HE, x40 Fig. 875. Localized nodular synovitis PAS, x64
464 14 Tumorous Joint Diseases

Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis flattened synovial epithelium (2). The villous

(lCD-O-DA-M-4783.0) stroma consists of loose connective tissue
which is threaded through with many fine-
Proliferation of the synovial epithelium which walled blood-filled vessels (3). It is highly cellu-
shows the characteristics of a benign tumor can lar and contains, as well as the usual inflamma-
develop in a joint capsule, tendon sheath or tory cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells), many
bursa. Pigmented villonodular synovitis is a dif- histiocytic cells with a light cytoplasm. These
fuse proliferation of the synovial epithelium and are macrophages, most of which have taken up
connective tissue with the formation of brown- a brown hemosiderin pigment. Occasionally
colored villi and nodes. This lesion is the be- multinucleated giant cells are observed in the
nign counterpart of the synovial sarcoma villous stroma. The mere presence of multinu-
(p. 466) and can be described as a benign tu- cleated giant cells in a synovialiesion is, how-
mor of the joint capsule. On the other hand the ever, not suffieient to justify a diagnosis of pig-
changes may be regarded as reactive and mented villonodular synovitis. The radiological
caused by inflammation, or classified under the changes, macroscopic appearance and the histo-
fibrous histiocytomas. Although the proliferat- logical picture must together be taken into ac-
ing tissue of the joint capsule can on occasion count. In the final stages of this disease, exten-
erode the neighboring bone, it is essentially a sive hyalinization of the villous stroma is
benign, slow-growing lesion of unknown etiol- found.
ogy. Pigmented villonodular synovitis generally In Fig. 878 one can see a proliferating villus
appears in middle age and leads to pain, swel- (1) from a case of pigmented villonodular syno-
ling and limitation of movement of the affected vitis. It is covered on the outside with a flat-
joint. The fluid in the joint is increased. The tened, loose synovial epithelium (2). In the
knee joint is most often attacked, but it also highly cellular villous stroma there are abun-
frequently involves the hip and finger joints. dant dark deposits of hemosiderin pigment (3).
Treatment consists of total synovectomy. In- Apart from this it has been infiltrated by a
complete extirpation can lead to recurrence, in large number of inflammatory cells (lympho-
which case radiotherapy has good results. cytes, plasma cells and histiocytes). Under
In Fig. 876 the radiograph of a left hip joint higher magnification these structures are more
is depicted, in which the joint space (1) is sig- clearly seen. In Fig. 879 one can discern the tip
nificantly narrowed. The femoral head is de- of a villus (1) the walls of which are raised up
formed. There is a dense zone of osteosclerosis by nodules. It is covered over on the outside by
in the socket (2) and also in places in the de- a synovial epithelium (2) that is partly flat-
formed head. Most striking, however, are the tened, partly thickened. In the highly cellular
periarticular erosions which have sunk osteoly- stroma one can see dilated blood capillaries (3)
tic defects deeply into the head (3). These de- and infiltrates of lymphocytes, plasma cells and
structive foei are limited by marginal sclerosis. histiocytes. The latter contain a brown pigment
Several of these osteolytic foei (4) are found in (iron pigment, 4) that colors the entire villus.
the neighborhood of the articular cartilage. The nuclei of the histiocytes vary in size and
Usually no osteoporosis can be seen in the sur- are often hyperchromatic. Sometimes one is
rounding regions. The soft tissues of the joint struck by the number of mitoses, which should
capsule are swollen and thickened. In the adja- nevertheless not be taken as a sign of malig-
cent pararticular soft parts there is a diffuse nant growth.
shadowing (not recognizable in Fig. 876). Because of its invasive and destructive
Macroscopically the tumorous tissue consists growth, villonodular synovitis is classified
of a thickened, villous, brownish-red synovial among the semimalignant joint neoplasms.
membrane which is in pI aces nodular. In the After incomplete extirpation of the diseased re-
histological picture shown in Fig. 877 one can gion of villi, 20%-25% of the cases show local
discern these densely packed synovial villi (1). recurrence. Malignant change with the develop-
Some of them are narrow, some misshapen and ment of metastases has not so far been de-
broad. They are covered over exteriorly with scribed.
Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis 465

Fig. 876. Pigmented villonodular synovitis (hip joint) Fig. 877. Pigmented villonodular synovitis; HE, x25

Fig. 878. Pigmented villonodular synovitis; HE, x25 Fig. 879. Pigmented villonodular synovitis; HE, x40
466 14 Tumorous Joint Diseases

Synovial Sarcoma (lCD-O-DA-M-9040/3) cells. The proportional distribution of these

structures is highly variable; the spindle-cell
Malignant tumors which develop primarily in a component may alone be present (monophasic
joint capsule or the peritendinous soft tissues type), which easily leads to the diagnosis of a
are rare. Cases of "clear cell sarcoma of the ten- fibrosarcoma. In Fig. 881 one sees highly cellu-
don sheath", "synovial chondrosarcomas" and lar tumorous tissue consisting of densely
"epithelioid sarcomas" have been described. packed spindie cells (1) with dark polygonal
The main representative of this group is, how- nuclei (often showing mitoses) and arranged in
ever, the synovial sarcoma (malignant synovio- ridges. This type of tumorous tissue is identical
ma). This is a highly malignant mesenchymal with that of a fibrosarcoma (p. 333). A typical
neoplasm that usually develops in the neighbor- synovial sarcoma also has elongated bands of
hood of the joints of the limbs, tendon sheaths hyalinization (2), and sometimes calcifications.
or bursae and is probably derived from cells of The tumorous tissue is threaded through with
the synovial membrane. The tumor can, how- dilated blood vessels (3).
ever, be found at a distance from these struc- In Fig. 882 one can see the epithelial-like
tures. The synovial sarcoma represents about structures histologically. The synovioblasts lie
10% of all soft tissue sarcomas. In 70% of cases together in roundish groups (1) that are sur-
the lower limb is involved. üf the tumors, 50% rounded by a narrow seam of connective tissue.
are found in the region of the knee joint, 25% They have an abundant clear cytoplasm and
in the upper limbs and 5% in the trunk, head dark polymorphie nuclei, in which atypical mi-
or neck. It can arise at any age, but mostly in toses are repeatedly observed. These are solid
young adult life (between 15 and 30 years of epithelial-like complexes which can easily be
age; 50% incidence). The tumor usually pre- taken in a biopsy for a carcinomatous met asta-
sents as a painful swelling, but there may be sis. No cleft formation can be seen in this tu-
pain alone which can last for 6 to 12 months. morous tissue. Collections of spindie cells (2)
In 15% of the patients the symptoms have been are only few in number, and are threaded
present for 5 years, meaning that it is often a through with blood capillaries (3). In this tu-
very slow growing tumor. Its marked tendency morous tissue there are large flat necrotic areas
to calcification is rem ar kable, so that calcified (4).
masses in the soft parts should awake suspicion As is clear in Fig. 883 the tumor can also
of a synovial sarcoma. Following surgical re- have a markedly glandular appearance histolog-
moval of the tumor a recurrence is found in ically. We can see large cystic cavities (1) which
50%-70% of cases, indicating a deterioration in may be empty or contain blood. They are
the prognosis. EarIy amputation should there- coated with large polymorphie synovioblasts
fore be considered. Metastases appear mostly in (2). In between, the synovioblasts are grouped
the lungs via the blood stream, less commonly around the clefts as well (3). The spindie cells
in the lymph nodes. also represent synovioblasts, between which
Figure 880 shows the radio graph of a syno- collagenous and reticular fibers can be identi-
vial sarcoma of the right knee joint. A poorIy fied.
demarcated tumorous mass (1) is clearIy seen The histological structures described above
in the popliteal fossa which has invaded the with their enormous variety and similarity to
joint cavity (2) and which is seen in the angio- other malignant tumors make the diagnosis
gram to have displaced the popliteal artery out- very difficult. The neoplasm takes its origin
wards (3). The shadow of the neoplasm shows from the pararticular soft parts and rarely de-
dense patches and marked vascularization. The velops within a joint capsuIe. Its size and
adjacent bones have been eroded. separation from the surrounding soft parts can
Histologically the tumorous tissue is highly be demonstrated by computer and magnetic
cellular and consists of two different structural resonance tomography. The tumor must be ex-
elements (biphasic type), that is to say, cleft- cised immediately, since with every recurrence
shaped or acinar structures which are lined there is a considerable deterioration in the
with epithelial-like cells, and areas of spindie prognosis.
Synovia! Sarcoma 467

3 2

Fig. 880. Synovia! sarcoma (knee joint, angiogram) Fig. 881. Synovia! sarcoma; HE, x25

Fig. 882. Synovia! sarcoma; PAS, x40 Fig. 883. Synovia! sarcoma; HE, x32
468 14 Tumorous Joint Diseases

As shown in Fig. 884 a synovial sarcoma can Another synovial sarcoma that is located
develop outside a joint, namely, in the neigh- away from the region of the joint can be seen
borhood of a tendon sheath. In the lateral in the radiograph of Fig. 886. Here one sees a
radiograph of the proximal part of the leg near large, poorly demarcated, soft tissue shadow (1)
the fibula one can see an oval tumorous focus in the distal part of the leg, near the fibula. The
in the soft parts (1) that is clearly shown up by coarse and fine calcareous deposits (2) ne ar the
its extensive calcification. The tumor is densely bone are striking. This kind of patchy calcifica-
structured in the center and shows a fine shell- tion seen in the radio graph ought to make one
like porosity outside. The border is in places think of a synovial sarcoma, even when the tu-
unclear (2) and a few discrete patches of calcifi- mor is not associated with a joint. It is ob-
cation can be seen in the surrounding area viously reaching out behind at the back of the
also. The tumor obviously has no connection leg, since one can see tumorous shadowing be-
with the bone, and between it and the fibula tween the fibula and tibia (3). The tumor can
there is a tumor-free space (3). The structure of erode the bone from outside and even infiltrate
the adjacent bone is unchanged. With this sort into it, producing a malignant tumorous bone
of soft tissue focus on the radiograph one defect. In such cases the interpretation of the
thinks at first of a calcified hematoma and then radiologieal findings is particularly difficult. A
of post-traumatie myositis ossificans (p. 478). A tumorous growth of this kind is suggested by
histological examination is therefore absolutely the slightly undulating outer contours of the ti-
necessary so that the whole lesion may immedi- bia and fibula (4). In contrast to pigmented vil-
ately be extirpated by incising deeply into the lonodular synovitis (p. 464) the bone in the
healthy tissue. neighborhood of a synovial sarcoma often
Outside the calcified zone the highly cellular shows signs of diffuse osteoporosis. In general,
tumorous tissue has a malignant appearance this type of parosseal tumor with dense or
histologieally. In Fig. 885 we can see groups of patchy calcification and possible erosion of
small roundish cells with little cytoplasm and bone should make one think of a synovial sar-
hyperchromatic nuclei of various sizes (1). The coma.
extensive formation of clefts (2) where these tu- In rare synovial sarcomas the epithelioid
mor cells are deposited is striking, so that the structures may predominate, so that a differen-
picture resembles that of an angioma. Closer tial diagnosis from other tumors (e. g. a carci-
observation, however, reveals that these clefts nomatous metastasis, malignant schwannoma,
are not lined with endothelium and that they epithelioid sarcoma) must be considered. In
contain no erythrocytes. They can be con- Fig. 887 one can see histologieally a highly
trasted with the endothelium-lined capillaries cellular, obviously malignant tumorous tissue
(3) which run through the tumorous tissue. The which in this section consists entirely of epithe-
stroma, in whieh bands of hyalinization (4) are lioid cells. The nuclei vary in size and are poly-
present, is characteristic and quite typieal of a morphie. They contain one or more prominent
synovial sarcoma. In general it is completely nucleoli (1). Pathological mitoses are also en-
undifferentiated mesenchymal tumorous tissue, countered (2). A few giant nuclei are present
which is often difficult to classify. In many tu- (3). The stroma is only sparsely developed. Dif-
mors there are tissue structures that remind ferentiated structures (such as clefts and pseu-
one of a hemangiopericytoma (p. 377). Staining doglands) are not present. This is a monopha-
for reticular fibers can be helpful, and equally, sie epithelioid synovial sarcoma. Here a malig-
immunohistochemical methods may be applied. nant melanoma or a meta stasis therefrom must
The tumor cells of a synovial sarcoma express be included in the differential diagnosis. One
cytokeratin and vimentin. If there are no can see that the histological pieture of the syn-
epithelioid or glandular structures present in ovial sarcoma is extraordinarily variable and
such a tumor it is the monophasic type of syn- can often only be diagnosed by special immu-
ovial sarcoma. nohistological and electron microscopic exami-
nation (p. 507).
Synovial Sarcoma 469

Fig. 884. Calcified synovial sarcoma (proximal part of leg) Fig. 885. Synovial sarcoma; HE, x40

Fig. 886. Calcified synovial sarcoma (distal part of leg) Fig. 887. Synovial sarcoma (monophasic epithelioid type);
PAS, x64
1S Parosteal and Extraskeletal Lesions

General Aseries of extraskeletal lesions are charac-

teristically associated with the differentiation of
The individual bones of the skeleton stand in both bone and cartilaginous tissue, so that they
dose functional relationship to the surrounding are morphologically similar to a bone lesion.
soft tissues. Even from the descriptive point of Such changes are frequently parosseal; that is
view, both are differentiated from mesenchymal to say, they are found dose to abone. This ap-
tissue, so that the influence of one upon the plies particularly to myositis ossificans and tu-
other is mutual, and, from the structural point morous calcinosis. Dystrophic foei of calcifica-
of view, they are very similar tissues. Topogra- tion and heterotopic bone deposition in the
phically the bones are in dose contact with the soft tissues can occur, of course, in practically
surrounding soft parts. Even with the perios- any region (the buttock, for instance) or in any
teum, which is regarded as being part of the organ, and they are not restricted to the neigh-
bone, the transition from bone to soft tissue borhood of abone. These degeneratively reac-
has already begun. Pathological pro ces ses tive lesions are not dealt with under bone dis-
which develop primarily in the periosteum (for eases.
instance, periostitis ossificans, p. 160; the peri- The dose relationship between the skeletal
osteal chondrosarcoma, p. 252; the parosteal os- system and the soft parts is shown by the fact
teosarcoma, p. 288) usually initiate areaction that completely identical neoplasms can arise in
both in the bone as well as in the adjacent soft either. We meet the fibrosarcoma (p. 330) or
tissues, where they may be identified and ana- the malignant fibrous histiocytoma (p. 324)
lyzed radiologically. The soft parts in the im- both as primary bone neoplasms and as pri-
mediate neighborhood of the bone, which also mary soft tissue neoplasms. Even the desmo-
have a dose functional relationship to the skel- plastic osseous fibroma (p. 322) has its "broth-
eton, indude in particular the ligaments, ten- er" among the soft tissue tumors. On the other
dons and bursae. It is here that degenerative, hand, tumors arise in the soft parts and some-
inflammatory or even neoplastic conditions times even in parenchymatous organs (e. g.
may develop. Such localized lesions often cause lung) which we otherwise find only in bone
pain and other symptoms, and are therefore ex- and regard as primary bone tumors. We can
eised and sent to the pathologist for a histologi- observe the dassical osteosarcoma and also the
cal opinion. For instance, we are often pre- chondrosarcoma at sites outside the skeleton.
sented with a ganglion, which is adegenerative Extramedullary plasmocytomas have been de-
focus in the mesenchyme. A painful, inflamma- scribed, and an extraskeletal Ewing's sarcoma
tory bursa is frequently removed from the knee postulated. Admittedly, however, such "extra-
or elbow joints, leading to the diagnosis by the skeletal bone tumors" are rare. If a neoplasm of
pathologist of bursitis. In the same way inflam- this kind is encountered and diagnosed histo-
mation of the tendon sheath can bring about logically, one should at first think of a metasta-
severe pain which, because of local fibroblastic sis from a primary bone tumor somewhere
proliferation, may even awake suspieion of a tu- else, and, with this in mind, carry out an exam-
mor (de Quervain's tendovaginitis stenosans). ination of the skeleton (radiograph, seintigram,
Very similar tumor-like lesions with numerous CT, MRT etc.). Metastases in the soft parts or
histiocytic cells and multinudeated giant cells in some internaiorgan (in particular, in the
can, as in the joint capsule (localized nodular lung) from a malignant bone tumor are much
synovitis, p. 462), also develop in a tendon more common than "primary bone neoplasms"
sheath. This is very often a case of the so-called outside the skeleton.
benign giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath.
472 lS Parosteal and Extraskeletal Lesions

Ganglion wh ich develops without bacterial infection as a

result of long-term overloading and causes pa in-
A ganglion is very often observed in the soft ful impairment of movement at the neighboring
parts, but intraosseous ganglia also exist joint. Chronic proliferating bursitis is particu-
(p. 418). A ganglion is a tumor-like cystic lesion larly common at the knee joint (prepatellar bur-
of the tendon sheath caused by mucous degen- sitis) and elbow joint (olecranon bursitis). Mac-
eration of collagen. It is mostly found on the roscopically the wall of the bursa is thickened
dorsal side of the wrist joint (tendon sheaths of with callous and has trabecula-like protrusions
the extensors) and less commonly on the volar and a greasy film on the inner side. The bursa
side (tendon sheaths of the flexors), also on the contains "rice grains" (clotted protein bodies)
back of the foot or at the knee joint. The etiol- and frequently also blood.
ogy is unknown; probably it is a constitutional In the histological picture of Fig. 890 one
lesion. Local trauma cannot be accepted as the can see the thickened wall of the inflamed bur-
cause, but it can make an existing ganglion sa (1), which is interspersed with granulation
worse. Extirpation usually eures the condition. tissue. There are numerous capillaries (2) and a
Figure 888 depicts the histological appear- loose infiltrate of lymphocytes, plasma cells
ance of a typical intraosseous ganglion. The le- and histiocytes. In between there are bands of
sion consists of a smooth-walled cyst (1) which hyalinization (3). On the inner side (4) one can
is formed by a broad wall of loose connective see a loose synovial epithelium lining the bur-
tissue (2). No epitheliallining of the cyst is dis- sa. The advancing proliferation is shown by the
cernible (3), but it is filled with mucoid materi- growth of granulation tissue, tangled vessels
al (4). This picture shows an intraosseous gan- and connective tissue.
glion; at one side the bony structures are visi- Under higher magnification one can see in
ble (5). If a cyst like this is lined with synovial Fig. 891 the proliferating granulation tissue
epithelium, one speaks of a synovial bone cyst. more clearly. There are numerous capillaries (1)
A similar lesion representing the herniation of and capillary buds, which are surrounded by
the tendon sheath or a synovial membrane is an uncontrolled growth of adventitial cells, as if
known as a hygroma (e.g. of the knee joint). by a mantle. In the loose highly fibrous stroma
The histological picture of a typical soft tis- (2) many fibrocytes and fibroblasts can be seen
sue ganglion is shown in Fig. 889. One can see in which mitoses may be present. Exudates of
here a partly dense and a partly looser highly protein and fibrin are deposited on the inner
fibrous connective tissue (1) threaded through surface (3). The lining synovial epithelium (4)
by a few capillaries (2). Inside this tissue a is, for the most part, na langer present.
large focus of myxoid degeneration (3) has A particular variety of chronic bursitis is
formed, giving the appearance of a cyst. It has shown by the Baker eyst (popliteal cyst; p. 474)
no epithelial lining (4). Sometimes star-shaped which lies in the popliteal fossa and is related
branching cells are seen within the mucoid to the knee joint. It may be very large and be-
ground substance, which is PAS positive. These come inflamed as a result of press ure from the
are bound together by processes. popliteus.
"Bursitis calcarea" is caused by the deposi-
tion of calcium in the wall of the sub deltoid
Chronic Bursitis bursa, and this can lead to painful humeroscap-
ular periarthritis. In addition to these non-spe-
Bursae, consisting of a thin connective tissue cific inflammatory conditions of the bursae,
wall lined with synovial epithelium, develop in specific inflammation may also arise (e. g. tu-
places where there is much tissue movement berculous bursitis, rheumatoid bursitis). With
(between bones, tendons, muscles or skin). An direct bacterial invasion an acute purulent bur-
average person has about 150 of them. Chronic sitis can develop.
non-specific bursitis is a common condition
Chronic Bursitis 473

..-+--i'.". 4

Fig. 888. Intraosseous ganglion; HE, x25 Fig. 889. Ganglion; HE, x25

Fig. 890. Chronic bursitis; HE, x25 Fig. 891. Chronic bursitis; HE, x40
474 15 Parosteal and Extraskeletal Lesions

Baker Cyst Oe Quervain's Tendovaginitis Stenosans

Popliteal cysts and cysts in the leg in general Excessive ehronie meehanical stress aeting on a
represent bursae which serve to reduce the fric- tendon ean trigger off a ehronic inflammatory
tion between contiguously moving components reaetion to the wear and tear, and this can lead
of the joint. There are up to six bursae asso- to loeal eonneetive tissue proliferation in the
ciated with the knee joint which vary greatly in tendon sheath. De Quervains's tendovaginitis
size and shape and also in the number that stenosans is a local thickening of the tendon
communicate with the joint cavity. The Baker sheath caused by proliferation of the connective
cyst is a hernia-like protrusion through the and scar tissue, so that the action of the tendon
joint capsule at the back of the knee between is impaired by narrowing of its sheath. Most of-
the posterior surface of the tibia and the popli- ten this involves the tendons of the abduetor
teus muscle (popliteal cyst) and represents a pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis
bursa specific to this muscle (subpopliteal re- where they eross the radial styloid, but is ean
cess). It can become very large. Chronic com- oeeur in other plaees - particularly the exten-
pression from the popliteus ean produee sors of the wrist joint and of the fore arm. Mid-
ehronie inflammatory adhesions, leading to dle-aged women are espeeially liable to be af-
pressure symptoms and dragging pain. feeted. Clinieally the eondition presents as a
Figure 892 illustrates the radiograph of a Ba- palpable thiekening at the site of the lesion,
ker cyst. In the arthrogram the eyst (1) is filled which is painful and eauses limitation of the
up with contrast medium. It is sharply marked action of the tendon. After removal of the nod-
off from the surrounding tissues. The joint eav- ular thiekening the condition is usually eured.
ity is also filled with eontrast medium (2) In Fig. 894 one ean see a broad porous ten-
which was able to spread from there via the don (1) with very thin elongated nuclei (2). The
two poles of the eyst (3) into the cyst itself. tendon sheath (3) is interspersed with highly
The popliteal reeess (4), from whieh the narrow eellular granulation tissue which bulges towards
neek of the eyst arises, is clearly shown. With the tendon. This is the aetive stage of the eon-
the help of arthrography the size of the Baker dition. In the ehronie non-progressive stage
eyst ean be assessed, and one ean see whether there is usually no inflammatory infiltrate pre-
it has ruptured, in which ease eontrast medium sent. One ean then see that the thiekened ten-
leaks out into the surrounding region. Aper- don sheath consists of three layers: an inner
tures in the wall of the eyst are a sign of hyper- layer of fibroeartilage with the eells arranged
trophie synovitis. An uneven outer eontour is one behind the other, and radially orientated
indieative of inflammatory ehanges. collagen fibers whieh also belong to this layer;
In most eases a Baker eyst is lined with syn- amiddie layer eontaining numerous blood ves-
ovial epithelium. In Fig. 893 one ean see the sels that run inwards; an outer layer of taut fi-
histological picture of sueh a eyst enclosing a brous eonneetive tissue.
smooth-walled hollow spaee (1). It is lined by a Under higher magnification one ean clearly
single layer of very flat epithelial eells (2). This see in Fig. 895 the inflammatory granulation
is a highly atrophie synovial epithelium. It ean, tissue in the loeally thickened tendon sheath
however, sometimes be high and stratified. The (1) with capillaries and capillary buds (2) and
eyst has a thiek wall (3) of eollagenous eonnee- infiltrates of lymphocytes and a few plasma
tive tissue with small isomorphie fibroeytes. It eells. The tendinous tissue (3) is here (4) se-
therefore eorresponds to the morphological for- verely narrowed. Under the continual press ure
mation of a bursa. The lesion is also sharply from the inflammatory proliferation on this tis-
demareated histologieally. In the surrounding sue during movement, severe degenerative
area there is the loosened, slightly myxoid eon- ehanges ean take plaee in the affeeted part of
neetive tissue (4) of the soft parts of the knee the tendon which may even lead to its patho-
joint. Here and in the eyst wall inflammatory logical rupture. In such a ease the histological
infiltrates and degenerative ehanges are often examination of the surgieal material will verify
seen. the eause.
De Quervain's Tendovaginitis Stenosans 475


Fig. 892. Baker eyst (popliteal fossa , arthrogram) Fig. 893. Baker eyst; HE, x20

Fig. 894. Tendovaginitis stenosans de Quervain; HE, x20 Fig. 895. Tendovaginitis stenosans de Quervain; HE, x40
476 15 Parosteal and Extraskeletal Lesions

Benign Giant (eil Tumor of the Tendon Sheath cally. There are numerous capillary elefts (1).
In between there are many histiocytes and lym-
Sometimes a local proliferation in the tendon phocytes (2). The multinueleated giant cells (3)
sheath cannot be attributed with certainty to a are again striking. The stroma is sparsely devel-
chronic inflammatory process, but has the oped (4) and extensively hyalinized. The angio-
characteristics of a neoplasm. The benign giant matous form of this giant cell tumor can easily
ceU tumor of the tendon sheath (localized nodu- be confused with a hemangioma.
lar synovitis) constitutes a slow growing in- Very often foam cell complexes (cexantho-
crease in the number of histiocytic cells and of matous giant cell tumor") are encountered his-
the collagenous connective tissue, and is classi- tologically in this lesion. In Fig. 900 one can
fied among the fibrous histiocytomas. Of these see densely packed foam cells (1) with elear cy-
very common lesions, 80% affect the tendon toplasm and small round nuelei. In between
sheath, 15% the joint and 5% a bursa. It is there is a loose connective tissue stroma (2)
much more frequently found in the upper limb that is threaded through with capillaries (3)
(85%) than in the lower limb (15%), the fingers and infiltrated by lymphoid inflammatory cells
being the most usual site (70%). The knee joint (4). The tumor reaches right up to the border
is also a frequent location. It is a small nodular of the tendon sheath (5).
tumor that causes pain and limitation of move- Under the higher magnification shown in
ment. This tumor is not related to the giant cell Fig. 896 the individual cells are elearly recog-
neoplasms of bone (p. 337) and has no ten- nizable. This is a highly cellular granulation tis-
dency to undergo malignant change. Local exci- sue with dense infiltrates of plasma cells (1),
sion usually brings about a eure, but incom- lymphocytes (2) and histiocytes (3). In be-
plete rem oval may be followed by recurrence. tween, multinueleated histiocytic giant cells (4)
Histologically one can discern in Fig. 897 a are irregularly distributed. The wide bands of
sharply demarcated tumor (1) which is often hyalinization (5) in this granulomatous neoplas-
surrounded by a connective tissue capsule. It tic tissue are striking.
lies very elose to a tendon, which it often in-
dents. The tumor itself consists of a highly cel-
lular granulation tissue with many capillaries
(2) and loose infiltrates, mostly of lymphocytes
(3). The stroma contains bands of collagenous
connective tissue (4). In this granulation tissue 1
("localized nodular synovitis") a few multinu-
eleated giant cells (5) of the histiocytic type
have been deposited.
Figure 898 depicts another section of this be-
nign giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath. His-
tologically one can again see a highly cellular
granulation tissue with dense infiltrates of lym-
phocytes (1). In between there are a few plas-
ma ceIls, so that one very definitely has the im- 4
pression of an inflammatory process. The tissue
is interspersed with uneven bands of hyaliniza- 5 ;,!Ä.
tion (2). Numerous multinueleated giant cells
(3) are irregularly distributed throughout the
tissue. These are multinueleated histiocytes
which do not contain acid phosphatase like os-
teoelasts. Nor are they tumorous giant cells. 2 I- "" •
They must be regarded as part of this inflam- '.-
matory process.
As shown in Fig. 899, the tumorous tissue
can have an angiomatous appearance histologi- Fig. 896. Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath; HE, x82
Benign Giant Cell Tumor of the Tendon Sheath 477

2 2
Fig. 897. Benign giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath; Fig. 898. Benign giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath;
HE, x64 HE, x64

Fig. 899. Benign giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath; Fig. 900. Benign giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath;
HE, x64 HE, x64
478 15 Parosteal and Extraskeletal Lesions

Myositis Ossificans of lesion. These are responsible for the radiolog-

ical appearance, and they also characterize myo-
Following local trauma, it is possible for a con- sitis ossificans histologically. As can be seen in
siderable amount of heterotopic bone to build Fig. 903, the center of the lesion consists of a
up in the soft parts and give the impression of highly cellular granulation tissue with polygonal
a proliferating tumor. Localized myositis ossifi- spindie cells (1), lymphocytes and numerous ves-
cans represents a benign reactive change in the sels (2). Sometimes a few atypical mitoses are en-
parosteal soft tissues wh ich is characterized by countered. This is enclosed from outside by a
metaplasia and proliferation of bony and carti- zone, poor in cell content, where extended depos-
laginous tissue. The name of this lesion is not its of osteoid are found. The histological appear-
appropriate, because skeletal muscle need not ance of this middle zone is shown in Fig. 904.
be involved, an inflammatory infiltrate is often One can still discern areas of inflammatory gran-
absent and, in the early stage, new bone de- ulation tissue (1) with lymphocytes and plasma
position cannot yet be recognized. These cells as well as dilated capillaries (2). In between
changes develop within about 14 weeks after there are extensive deposits of osteoid (3) con-
the trauma. Five months later new bone deposi- taining osteoblasts. In the outermost zone, more
tion takes place, and this is easily recognized or less mature bone has differentiated out. In
on the radiograph. Of all cases, 80% are found Fig. 905 one can see scarred muscle (1) outside
in the arm or the thigh. It mostly affects ado- the lesion and, adjacent to it, newly developed
lescents and young adults. fibro-osseous trabeculae (2) on which rows of ac-
Figure 902 shows the radiograph of a classi- tivated osteoblasts have been deposited. Between
cal myositis ossificans localized ne ar to the these bony structures there is a loose stroma
shaft of the femur. In this more advanced stage which has undergone slight inflammatory
one can see a wide, roundish shadow, the broad change (3). There is consequently an increasing
base of which is adjacent to the bone (1), maturity of the mesenchymal tissue from the
though slightly set apart from it (2). The bone center outwards until mature bone tissue is en-
itself (3) is unchanged. Within the lesion itself countered at the periphery. In Fig. 901 the char-
(4), there is a translucent area, and outside (5), acteristic tripie layering of localized myositis os-
increasing density. sificans is illustrated diagrammatically.
After complete extirpation, it is possible to The tripie layering that is characteristic of
distinguish three different zones within this type localized myositis ossificans comes clearly into

Tripie layering in myositis ossificans

Outer layer Inner layer

g Proliferating eonneetive tissue

Osteoid and fibrous bone

D Mature lamellar bone

Fig. 901. Diagram showing the three layers of myositis ossificans

Myositis Ossificans 479


Fig. 902. Myositis ossificans (proximal femur) Fig. 903. Myositis ossificans (inner layer); HE, x40

Fig. 904. Myositis ossificans (middle layer); HE, x40 Fig. 905. Myositis ossificans (outer layer); HE, x25
480 15 Parosteal and Extraskeletal Lesions

view in a computer tomogram. In Fig. 906 aeross a "myositis ossificans progressiva". This
there is on one side a transverse seetion is a hereditary eondition that begins in the first
through the proximal part of the right femur years of life and attaeks several parts of the
(1) which has a sharp outer eontour and no body simultaneously. In takes the form of ad-
sign of any defeet. On the other side one ean vancing ossifieation of the skeletal muscles, li-
see in the soft parts at some distanee from the gaments, tendons and faseia, and eauses immo-
femur a eireumseribed slightly oval foeus (2) bility of the affeeted part of the skeleton, finally
that is bordered from without by a dense layer eausing the death of the patient. The diagnosis
of bone. The center of this foeal area (3) is is both clinical and radiologieal. Pathological
translueent and has the same density as the investigation shows that the individual lesions
surrounding soft tissues (4) - there is no in- have the same histologie al formation as loeal-
ereased density there. This strueture is abso- ized myositis ossifieans.
lutely typical of a Ioeal myositis ossifieans. In 60%-75% of eases of localized myositis os-
Figure 907 shows a histological picture of sificans there has been a previous loeal injury
myositis ossifieans taken from the outer zone (''post-traumatic myositis ossificans"). In 25%-
of the lesion. One ean see wide areas of fibrous 40% of eases there is no history of trauma. The
bone (1) with large osteoeytes and rows of de- lesion arises in eonneetion with a systemie dis-
posited osteoblasts (2). One is also struck by ease (e. g. paraplegia, tetanus, amongst others),
the metaplastic eartilaginous foei (3) which are or else the etiology is unknown ("idiopathic
not uneommonly present in this eondition. In myositis ossificans"). Loealized myositis ossifi-
between them there is a loose eonneetive tissue eans is an example of a tumor-like parosteal soft
stroma (4) that is threaded through by fine- tissue lesion that is reeognized by its eharaeteris-
walled eapillaries (5). A larger foeus with de- tie triple-Iayered organization and its typical ra-
posits of osteoid (6) has also settled there. The diological and morbid anatomical appearanee.
fibroblasts and fibroeytes of the stroma are The lesion is usually spherieal or elliptical in
eompletely isomorphie and show no mitoses. shape. It must be distinguished from a ealcified
There is no sareomatous stroma and no reason or ossified soft tissue hematoma, which also
to suspeet malignaney. arises after loeal trauma. Radiologieally the lat-
The histological section of Fig. 908 is taken ter type of lesion is ir regular in shape and the
through the middle layer of the lesion in a ease muscle fibers are often feathery in appearanee.
of myositis ossifieans. One ean see a dense net- Ossifieation inside a hematoma is irregular, and
work of wide osteoid trabeeulae (1) on which there is no tripie layering. The lesion ean there-
layers of osteoblasts (2) have been deposited. fore be distinguished from loealized myositis os-
There are many osteoeytes (3), often with dark sifieans both radiologically and pathomorpholo-
nuclei, enclosed within the osteoid. Between gically. Clinieally this decision is important,
these trabeeulae there is a loose eonnective tis- sinee myositis ossifieans shows progressive
sue stroma threaded through with many dilated growth and ean reeur after extirpation, whereas
eapillaries (4). It has also been infiltrated by a the ealcifieation and ossifieation of a soft tissue
few lymphoeytes. hematoma is regressive and it does not reeur
In Fig. 909 one ean see histologically the in- after it has been removed.
nermost layer of the lesion. Here there is a Myositis ossifieans undergoes heterotopic os-
loose, highly eellular granulation tissue that is sification, but ean nevertheless grow and reeur
threaded through with numerous dilated eapil- during the proliferative stage. It should there-
laries (1). There is also a thin inflammatory in- fore not be removed at this stage. Histologieally
filtrate, mostly of lymphoeytes (2). Towards the it often shows a great similarity to an extraos-
outside, in the transition to the middle layer, seous osteosareoma (p. 482), with whieh the le-
one finds shapeless osteoid trabeeulae (3) and, sion ean easily be eonfused (it is a so-ealled
further out still, newly formed fibro-osseous ''pseudomalignant bone tumor of the soft tis-
trabeeulae (4) with deposits of osteoblasts. sues"). However, with adequate knowledge of
Myositis ossifieans arises in various forms the morphology of loealized myositis ossifieans
and ean eause eonsiderable problems in the dif- it is eertainly possible to make the eorreet diag-
ferential diagnosis. Very rarely one comes nosis.
Myositis Ossificans 481

Fig. 906. Myositis ossificans (thigh, computer tomogram) Fig. 907. Myositis ossificans (outer layer); HE, x40

Fig. 908. Myositis ossificans (middle layer); HE, x40 Fig. 909. Myositis ossificans (inner layer); HE, x40
482 15 Parosteal and Extraskeletal Lesions

Extraosseous Osteosarcoma shows the histomorphologieal appearanee at

the center of the neoplasm. One ean diseern the
This is a very rare malignant neoplasm that network-like arrangement of the bone strue-
arises in the extraosseus soft tissues but is iden- tures (1). These are ineompletely mineralized,
tieal with the intraosseous osteosareoma. The as is indicated by the presenee of dense mesh-
average age of the patient is usually between like patehes. Within this bony area there are
the 40th and 50th year, and therefore later than numerous osteoeytes. In between there is only
the age at whieh the intraosseous osteosareoma a small amount of stroma which is threaded
appears (p. 274). through with wide, fine-walled blood vessels
Figure 911 depiets a radiograph of an extra- (2). Thus the nudeus of the lesion eonsists of
osseous osteosareoma of the right breast. The densely ealcified tumorous bone.
mammogram shows an extremely densely ealci- Figure 913 shows loose tissue in the middle
fied shadow in the breast (1) which is loealized zone of the neoplasm. One ean see larger areas
behind the mammary gland and is not in eon- of sareomatous stroma (1) in whieh spindie
taet with the thoracie wall. The eentral region eells with polymorphie hyperehromatie nudei
is so dense that no struetures ean be distin- and abnormal mitoses are lying. Furthermore,
guished. The borders of the tumor are poorly there are rieh deposits of osteoid (2) and, be-
defined. Fine processes (2) stream out, dense tween them, the polymorphie nudei of the tu-
and disorganized, into the surrounding parts. morous osteoblasts (3). Charaeteristie of this
The tumor reaehes as far as the skin and the zone are the fairly numerous differentiated tu-
nipple (3) is drawn in. morous bone trabeeulae (4), whieh are patho-
As with myositis ossifieans (p. 478) the tu- gnomonie of an osteosareoma.
mor is seen histologically to have three layers, The histologie al pieture of the peripheral
as is shown diagrammatieally in Fig. 910. The zone is given in Fig. 914. This layer consists of
arrangement is, however, the exaet opposite of extremely highly eellular sareomatous stroma
that in myositis ossifieans, the center of the (1) with marked polymorphy and hyperehro-
neoplasm being very densely struetured masia of the nudei, as weIl as abnormal mi-
whereas the periphery is seen to be more po- toses. In between there are irregular deposits of
rous. This is eonfirmed by the histologieal osteoid (2) and abundant osteoblasts with poly-
photographs of the three layers. Figure 912 morphie nudei.

Tripie layering in osteosarcoma of breast

Outer layer Inner layer

mI Proliferating osteosarcomatous tissue

Layer of maturing bone

D Mature lamellar bone

Fig. 910. Diagram showing the three layers of an extraosseous osteosarcoma

Extraosseous Osteosarcoma 483

Fig. 911. Extraosseous osteosarcoma of the breast Fig. 912. Extraosseous osteosarcoma (inner layer);
Azan, x25

Fig. 913. Extraosseous osteosarcoma (middle layer); Fig. 914. Extraosseous osteosarcoma (outer layer);
HE, x40 HE, x40
484 15 Parosteal and Extraskeletal Lesions

Extraosseous Chondrosarcoma Tumorous Calcinosis

In rare cases a true cartilaginous neoplasm can Calcification of the parosseal soft parts can
also develop in the soft tissues (or in a par- lead to severe diagnostic problems, and they
enchymatous organ). The extraosseous chondro- can sometimes give the impression of a prolif-
sarcoma is a malignant cartilaginous neoplasm erating tumor. Tumorous calcinosis is a condi-
that arises in the soft parts and is structurally tion in which nodular masses of calcium-con-
the same as an intraosseous chondrosarcoma, taining material are deposited in the neighbor-
although it is less malignant. This neoplasm is hood of a joint. So far, more than 50 cases have
very rare, but several single observations have been published, in which females in the 1st and
been reported (in the synovial membrane, 2nd deeades of life are particularly affected.
breast, lung, heart, pharynx, larynx, orbit, be- There is a familial tendency and rapid growth
side the vertebral column and inside the cranial of the lesion is often observed. The soft parts
cavity). The commonest age for it to appear is around the hip and elbow are particularly af-
between 40 and 50 years. Since there is no fected, although it can involve other joints, and
bone formation in this chondrosarcoma and multiple appearances are not uncommon. Local
only discrete focal calcifications are present, it trauma is probably the cause of this tumor-like
is usually not discovered radiologicaIly. Clini- lesion, and it is likely that a metabolie disorder
cally there is an uncharacteristic tumorous mayaiso contribute. Possible hyperparathyroid-
mass which may cause pain. The nature of such ism (p. 80) in particular should be investigated
a growth has to be elucidated histologicaIly. in these cases.
Figure 915 shows the histological picture of In Fig. 917 one can see the radiograph of tu-
an extraosseous chondrosarcoma. Part of the morous calcinosis in the region of the wrist
tumor consists of a lobulated formation of car- joint. In the lateral view a shadowy focus (1)
tilaginous tissue (1) in whieh unequally dense can be seen in the pararticular soft parts, the
deposits of chondrocytes with dark poly- appearance of which suggests lobulation. Near-
morphie hyperchromatie nudei (2) are found. by there is a smaller but similarly formed focus
Large foci of myxoid degeneration (3) are en- (2). Neither focus has any connection with the
eountered in the tumorous cartilage, which are neighboring bones.
almost free of eells. With Alcian blue staining, As can be seen in the histological picture of
large quantities of acid mueopolysaceharides Fig. 918, the lesion consists of loose highly eel-
can be identified. Adjoining this, there is a lular granulation tissue containing only histio-
highly cellular mesenchymal tissue (4) consist- cytic cells (1). These have bubble-like and
ing of small anaplastic cells with polymorphie slightly indented nudei which are isomorphie
hyperchromatic nudei in which mitoses are and normoehromatie. There are hardly any mi-
present. Extraskeletal ehondrosarcomas may toses. In this histiocytic stroma a few non-spe-
therefore belong to a myxoid type or they may cific inflammatory cells may be scattered about.
have the appearance of a mesenchymal chon- Necrotie foci and deposits of hemosiderin are
drosarcoma (p. 250). Sometimes defts are occasionally seen, and multinudeated giant
formed which are surrounded by tumor cells cells are often present. Unequal masses of cal-
and have a resemblanee to a hemangioperieyto- cium salts are deposited (2), whieh usually
ma (see Fig. 704). show a marked perifocal inflammation. After
Under higher magnification one can see in the complete surgical rem oval of such alesion
Fig. 916 that the tumorous cartilage has an un- the condition is usually cured.
equal cell density. Next to dearly differentiated
cartilage cells (1) there are small undifferen-
tiated cells (2) with quite bizarre hyperchro-
matic nudei.
Tumorous Calcinosis 485

Fig. 915. Extraosseous chondrosarcoma; HE, x20 Fig. 916. Extraosseous chondrosarcoma; HE, xlOO

Fig. 917. Tumorous calcinosis (wrist joint) Fig. 918. Tumorous calcinosis; HE, x40
486 15 Parosteal and Extraskeletal Lesions

Thibierge-Weissenbach Syndrome Parosseal or pararticular calcification in the

soft parts can, in cases of progressive sele-
Calcification in the soft parts appearing on a roderma, appear in other places. In the radio-
radiograph should always make one think of a graph of Fig. 920 one can see such a calcifica-
systemic metabolic disease. Various collagen tion focus (1) on the dorsal aspect of the left
diseases may cause calciferous foci to arise in wrist joint. The calcified mass is nodular and
the soft tissues. The Thibierge- Weissenbach syn- has formed a mulberry-like conglomerate of
drome consists of a multifocal parosseal deposi- unequal density. This has no connection to the
tion of calcium associated with progressive scle- bone, and lies in the soft parts at some dis-
roderma. Scleroderma is a disease of the vascu- tance from the carpal bones. These bones (2)
lar connective tissue which is probably due to and the distal part of the radius (3) elearly
an autoimmune reaction. There is an excessive show signs of osteoporosis.
increase in the number of collagen fibers in the Histologically, such a focal mass as this con-
skin and internaiorgans. Whereas with the be- sists almost entirely of calcified masses without
nign circumscribed form, multiple fibrotic foci any tissue structures. In Fig. 921 one can see
("morpheae") develop in the skin without the coarse calcified elumps deposited (1) which fell
serious general symptoms appearing, the pro- to pieces during dissection. One large calcified
gressive diffuse form leads to extensive subcuta- elump (2) contained a great deal of calcium and
neous, perivascular and submucous fibroselero- stained darkly even after decalcification with
sis involving all possible internaiorgans (car- acid. Unlike tumorous calcinosis (p. 484), the
diac musele, intestines, esophagus, kidneys) calcium concretions are not enelosed in a con-
and finally to death. Following the arterio- nective tissue stroma. Between them one may
selerosis, resorption processes develop particu- occasionally see a few lymphocytes (3). The un-
larly in the terminal phalanges of the hands equally sized calcified nodules are incompletely
and feet (acroosteolyses), but also in the acro- bordered by a broad capsule of hyalinized con-
mi on, elaviele, distal parts of the ulna and ra- nective tissue (4).
dius, and ribs. The histological background One can see the external capsule (1) under
events of progressive seleroderma also take higher magnification in Fig. 922. This consists
place in the joint capsules and ligaments, lead- of hyalinized connective tissue, rich in collagen
ing to contractures and causing progressive fibers, and containing only a few fibrocyte nu-
limitation of movement (e. g. "elawhand"). Se- elei. Inside this, crumbling masses of calcifica-
vere non-specific osteoporosis often develops tion (2) are enelosed, as if in a cave. Tissue struc-
both in the peripheral and central parts of the tures can no langer be discerned here. These
skeleton. masses are deposited in the soft parts without
In the radiograph of the left index finger of any signs of an inflammatory or a foreign body
a patient with progressive seleroderma one can reaction having developed. Nevertheless, in
see in Fig. 919 a large mulberry-like focus of cases of seleroderma heavy fibrotic scarring
calcification (1) in the soft tissues on the volar can arise in the surrounding areas. In the joint
aspect of the terminal phalanx. This elasps the capsule, deposits of this sort can, however, pro-
short tubular bone and projects outwards on duce the picture of chronic arthritis, and show
the dorsal side (2). A further large focus of cal- arthritic changes in the soft tissues and both
cification (3) can be seen in the soft tissues the collateral phenomena and the direct signs
near the proximal end of the inter mediate pha- of arthritis on the radiograph. Histologically
lanx. In between there are other flecks of calci- one then finds a non-specific arthritis with
fication (4). Most of these foci are at some dis- round cell infiltration and deposits of fibrin.
tance from the bone (1), but they can lie so The association of a high grade osteoporosis
elose to it that pressure defects arise (5). The and coarse calcification of the soft parts seen
terminal phalanx shows signs of a slight ac- in the radiograph should make one think of
roosteolysis (6). Such a radiological finding seleroderma. Among the collagen diseases, der-
suggests the presence of a Thibierge-Weis sen- matomyositis can also produce an interstitial
bach syndrome and brings up the question of calcinosis. This has a more network-like ap-
an existing progressive seleroderma. pearance radiologically.
Thibierge-Weissenbach Syndrome 487



Fig. 919. Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome with parosseous Fig. 920. Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome with parosseous
calcium deposition (left index finger) calcium deposition (wrist joint)

Fig. 921. Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome; HE, x40 Fig. 922. Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome; HE, x64
16 Examination Techniques

General For the pathologist the macroscopic speci-

men from the operating room is initiaIly of ma-
There are today an enormous number of special jor importance. The clinician provides tissue
procedures available for examining the skeleton for the histological examination, and since this
which can be specificaIly employed in difficult has been obtained by different methods the
cases. In particular, they include techniques for evaluation will vary accordingly. The prepara-
carrying out radiological, pathological and ana- tion of the specimen (fixation, cutting) is car-
tomical investigations. In many cases of bone ried out in different ways depending upon the
disease, pathologists must themselves obtain a clinical information required. When examining
direct impression of any radiologicaIly observed bone tissue, for example, it is necessary to de-
changes in the bone, and therefore require access cide whether a decalcified or undecalcified sec-
to the records (roentgenogram, CT, scintigram, tion needs to be prepared. Histochemical meth-
angiogram, MRT etc.). EquaIly weIl, radiologists ods make it possible to visualize all kinds of
need to be able to recognize the macroscopic histological and cytological structures. The dif-
and histomorphological structural changes in ferent substances and formations, which are of
bone, in order to be able to interpret and classi- such decisive significance for the precise diag-
fy these with confidence as they appear on the nosis of many bone lesions, can be labeled by
radiograph. Interdisciplinary cooperation is of- these methods. In addition to this there is im-
ten the only way of arriving at a correct diagno- munohistochemistry, which has grown consid-
sis, and this must also include the clinical find- erably in importance. This technique is based
ings (among others, the laboratory reports). on the immunological reactions of ceIls and tis-
During the last few years there has been quite a sues and can lead (particularly in the case of
rapid development in the range of new examina- bone tumors) to an exact identification of each
tion techniques. In the field of radiology alone, type of tissue appearing in a bone lesion.
computer tomography (CT) has provided an un- Quantitative investigations are important, par-
precedented addition to the possibilities of visu- ticularly in dealing with the metabolic diseases,
alizing the various bone lesions, and providing a in order to assess the extent of bone resorption
non-invasive method for obtaining information and thus determine the degree of bone remodel-
about the extent, biological potential and tissues ing precisely. It is here that histomorphometry is
of alesion. Magnetic resonance tomography employed, by which the objective parameters of
(MRT, NMR, MIR) has opened up unimaginable bone structure, remodeling and resorption can
ways of obtaining insight into bone morphology be evaluated. The quantitative and qualitative
without introducing the dan gers of irradiation analysis of bone can also be undertaken by
damage. These examination techniques are al- me ans of microradiography. These specialized
ready in use, but they should only be employed radiological procedures make it possible to gain
when genuinely required. In the majority of understanding of the remodeling pro ces ses and
cases one can obtain the necessary information of disorders of the mineralization of bone. In
with less expensive conventional radiological the case ofbone tumors, quantitative histochem-
procedures. These include two plain radiographs istry is being increasingly applied to determine
(a.p. and lateral), conventional tomography and, the content of the tumor cells. DNA cytophoto-
when necessary, xeroradiography. In order to as- metry of the tumor cells is particularly able to
sess pathological remodeling in bone, one uses provide objective data on the degree of malig-
scintigraphy with radioactive nucleotides, while nancy and therefore give information about the
conventional or digital subtraction angiography biological potency of the neoplasm.
(DSA) makes it possible to visualize the vascular In the following pages, the more important
structure of a bone lesion, which can provide im- examination techniques available for the analy-
portant conclusions about the outcome. sis of bone structures will be described.
490 16 Examination Techniques

1. Scope of Radiological Procedures sualize not only the bone structure but also the
for Examining the Skeleton contours of a non-ossified tumor within the
bone and its soft tissue components simulta-
Radiological diagnosis is all important for the di- neously. By increasing the contrast, the border-
agnosis of bone lesions. It offers the first view of line between areas of differing thickness and den-
the altered morphology of the bone and provides sity in the various tissues can be clearly demon-
the first information about the possible nature of strated. The finer structures situated in the im-
the lesion. The site of the lesion within the af- mediate vieinity of coarser ones are, on the other
fected bone, its intraosseous and extraosseous hand, not revealed (extinction phenomenon). By
extent, its form and structural density and means of hardening the radiation beam, the
many other changes which may contribute deei- structural elements of the bone may be visual-
sively to the diagnosis are here made visible. It is ized without loss of contrast. Whereas large
only after seeing the radio graph that a speeifi- areas of contrast within a bone are only imper-
cally directed biopsy can be undertaken. fectly shown up, circumscribed changes in struc-
The first and, as always, the most important ture and soft tissue calcifications are clearly seen.
step is the preparation of a plain radiograph, In Fig. 925 one can see a xeroradiograph of the
which should always be taken in two perpendi- left shoulder joint. A large tumor (1) has arisen
cular planes. In Fig. 923 one can see on the left within the proximal part of the humerus and
an anteroposterior (a.p.) and on the right a lat- grown outwards into the soft parts. Its outer bor-
eral radiograph of the knee joint, together with der is sharply demarcated (2). The tumor shows
the adjacent bones. In the medial part of the no signs of calcification. This is a bone metastasis
distal femoral metaphysis one can see a large from a hypernephroid careinoma of the kidney
cystic lesion (1), which has pushed up the bone (renal cell careinoma). In the xeroradiograph
outwards. The lateral exposure shows that this the structure of the bone (3) and that of the soft
focus has extended dorsally (2). With this tissues (4) are very clearly shown up.
photographic technique the internal structure With the assistance of nuclear medieine,
can be clearly visualized. This is a case of a additional information can be obtained on the
chondroblastoma in assoeiation with an aneu- bone metabolism. In this case, osteotropic
rysmal bone cyst (p. 412). radioactive isotopes [tracer substances: 18 F,
With some bone lesions, particularly small 99ffiTc(pp) 1 are deposited in the bone tissue,
focal lesions, radiological sections are useful. where they cloud a photographic plate (the de-
Tomography allows one to visualize these within tector) with their own radiation. Remodeling
the bone, which would be impossible with a plain procedures in the skeleton reveal themselves by
radio graph. Figure 924 depicts a tomogram of increasing the deposition of the tracer, which is
the tibial shaft, in which the structures are al- shown up by "augmented activity". Figure 926
ways somewhat indistinct. One can see that the shows the whole body scintigram of a 17-year-
cortex on one side of the long bone (1) is signif- old man, in whom the bone of the central
icantly thickened in comparison with that of the skeleton (vertebral column 1, pelvis 2, thorax
other side (2), and that it is also osteosclerotic. In 3), and the growing regions of the long bones
the widest part of the cortex there is a small (4)) are marked. The augmented activity in the
roundish translucency (3) which appears to right calcaneus (5) is striking. This is a case of
have a central thickening. This is the nidus of Ewing's sarcoma which had already met asta-
an intracortical osteoid osteoma (p. 260). Be- sized in the bones of the central skeleton.
cause of the usually pronounced perifocal osteo- Whole body seintigraphy makes it possible to
sclerosis of this tumor, it is often quite impossi- mark multiple foei of disease in the skeleton
ble to recognize the nidus, the actual pain-pro- (e.g. metastases, systemic bone diseases). Speei-
ducing component, on an ordinary radiograph. fically directed seintigrams of a bone lesion
With the help of tomography, however, it is pos- provide information about the local bone re-
sible to locate the tumor preeisely and to remove modeling pro ces ses and, in the case of tumors,
it by speeifically directed surgery. about the current proliferative activity.
Xeroradiography, these days a somewhat infre- The visualization of the vessels in a bone le-
quently used procedure, makes it possible to vi- sion often yields valuable information with
1. Scope of Radiological Procedures for Examining the Skeleton 491

Fig. 923. Plain radiograph (chondroblastoma, distal femur) Fig. 924. Tomogram (osteoid osteoma, tibial shaft)

,.....,.----- 3

2 ----;-=:-~

. ~. <i1JI!I>------ 4

4 ----~r;i

Fig. 925. Xeroradiograph Fig. 926. Scintigram (Ewing's sarcoma, right calcaneus)
(bone metastasis, proximal humerus)
492 16 Examination Techniques

which to supplement the other radiologieal ex- the emitting roentgen tube revolves around the
aminations, the most frequently employed tech- patient. The CT picture consists of a matrix com-
nique being peripheral angiography (catheter posed of rectangular image elements ("pixels")
angiography). This is a form of arteriography which represent the weakening values of three-
in which a selective iodine-containing contrast dimensional unit volumes ("voxels"). The ab-
medium is injected. During the arterial phase sorption values are stored, and a true-to-scale
of osteomyelitis, displaced vessels are seen in unlayered tomogram is reconstructed by a com-
the periosteum and muscles, with a lack of ves- puter. After stepwise grading of the gray values,
sels in the surrounding soft parts. This phase it is possible, by using a variable window, to vi-
has extended into the inflammatory region, and sualize both the bone and the soft tissues. Tis-
a very early appearance of veins expresses the sues with low density values appear dark, those
hyperemia of the inflamed tissue. The venous with higher values, light. Figure 929 shows sev-
phase is characterized by increased vasculariza- eral reconstructed plane views through an aneu-
tion. There is, however, no pathological vascu- rysmal bone cyst in the 1st lumb ar vertebra. One
lar network present. can see the dense normal bone of the vertebra (1)
In contrast to this, Fig. 927 shows a thick net- and the destructive bone lesion (2), which ap-
work of abnormal vessels in the region of an os- pears gray. The lesion has broken out of the
teosarcoma of the left pubic bone (1). These are bone and has spread into the adjacent soft parts
tangled up together (2) and show great variation (3). At any desired point of the picture it is pos-
in caliber (3). Particularly in the region around sible to obtain data (Hounsfield units) on the dif-
this malignant tumor the vessels are bundled to- ferent degrees of radioabsorption by the various
gether like the bristles of a paint brush to form a tissues (e. g. fat, bone).
kind of cuff (4). There are so-called "blood With magnetic resonance tomography
pools" and broken-down vessels. Because of the (MRT) the absorption of electromagnetic waves
pathological anastomotic connections, the con- by atomic nuclei in an artificial magnetic field
trast medium enters the veins even during the is used to produce a picture. In an external
arterial phase and spreads diffusely inside the tu- magnetic field of what is at present 0.02-2 Tes-
mor. Such an arteriogram as this indicates the la, the summation vector of the spin ("spins")
presence of a malignant tumor. of the protons (hydrogen nuclei) is recorded; its
With the aid of intraosseous angiography it direction can, under the resonance conditions,
has been possible to visualize the intraosseous be influenced by high frequency impulse radia-
vessels experimentally (but so far this has no tion (3 parameters: longitudinal relaxation time
clinical application!). The contrast medium is = Tl, transverse relaxation time = T2, spin
introduced through a fine hole drilled in the density). After cutting out the transmitter a sig-
diaphysis and injected through a needle into nal is received, the intensity of which can be re-
these vessels. As can be seen in Fig. 928, the produced as a gray value in the picture. In
contrast medium fills the vessels (1) and brings Fig. 930 the signal-weak bone (1) is shown up
the vascular network of the tumor into view. by negative contrast. The bone marrow, on the
The contrast medium has spread itself out other hand, pro duces an intensive signal (2).
within the uneven circulation of the tumorous The normal soft tissue (3) can be distinguished
tissue of an osteolytic osteosarcoma of the head from a parosteal osteosarcoma (4) by the raised
of the fibula. In the early phase, the coarse signal intensity of the latter. The different gray
"blood pools" (2) fill up rapidly. At the later in- values within the tumor (5) are produced by
jection phase the medium is distributed the different tissues. With MRT, not only in-
throughout the pathological vessels of the tu- flammatory, degenerative, tumorous and isch-
morous tissue (3). emic lesions, but also traumatic soft tissue le-
Entirely new morphological aspects of various sions can be visualized.
bone lesions have been revealed by axial compu- Using skeletal ultrasound, comprehensive
ter tomography (CT). This is a radiological to- data concerning exudates, blood vessels, menis-
mographie procedure whereby a particular ci etc. within a joint, hematomas, tumors, ab-
three-dimensionallayer of the body in the trans- sees ses etc. in the soft parts and osteolysis, exo-
verse plane is penetrated by a "fanbeam", while stoses, fractures etc. in bone can be gained.
1. Scope of Radiological Procedures for Examining the Skeleton 493

JH....:L._ _ _ 2

Fig. 927. Peripheral angiogram (osteosarcoma, pubic bone) Fig. 928. Intraosseous angiogram
(osteolytic osteosarcoma, fibular head)

Fig. 929. Computer tomogram Fig. 930. MR Tomogram

(aneurysmal bone cyst, body of L 1) (parosteal osteosarcoma, distal femur)
494 16 Examination Techniques

2. Macroscopic Specimens sarcoma was removed from the region by en bloc

resection. The soft tissues (4) next to the pros-
With many bone lesions, larger pieces of bone thesis are hardened, mirror-smooth and gray.
and joint are removed surgically and sent to Tissue must be taken from this region and exam-
the pathologist for examination. It is essential ined histologically in order to assess the possibil-
that such a specimen should be most carefully ity of a recurrence. There are also bloody osteo-
prepared, bearing in mind that is has to pro- lytic changes in the distal part of the humerus (5)
vide both a comprehensive picture of the over- which are suspiciously tumorous and must be
all structural formation of the lesion as well as examined histologically.
the basis for as precise a macroscopic judge- After dissection of the soft parts the bone is
ment as is possible. With inflammatory bone sawn through longitudinally. In Fig. 932 one
diseases (osteomyelitis) the extent of the inva- can see the surface of a section through the dis-
sion of the marrow cavity by the inflammatory tal part of a femur which has been destroyed by a
process should be assessed macroscopically. malignant tumor. It is a chondroblastic osteosar-
The amount of bone destruction and reparative coma. Within the marrow cavity it is in part mir-
remodeling (e. g. periosteal reaction, reactive ror-smooth and grayish (1), in part grayish-red
osteosclerosis, involvement of the soft tissues) (2), and contains whitish calcifications (3). The
must be evaluated, and the color and consis- tumor occupies the entire cavity (4) and has bro-
tency of purulent/inflammatory granulation tis- ken through the cortex in several pi aces (5). It
sue examined and recorded. Tissue should also has formed a more extensive extraosseous part
be taken for bacteriological examination. In the (6) that lies on the bone. Here, the soft parts
case of degenerative bone changes (e. g. coxar- have been carefully dissected away.
throsis deformans) changes in shape (e. g. of In order to determine the complete extent of
the femoral head) and structural changes (e. g. the tumor inside and outside the bone, the ex-
displacement of the articular cartilage, detritus cised or amputated operation specimen can be
cysts) are best observed macroscopically. The first deep-frozen and then cut into slices. This
same applies to fractures, which can be seen in makes it possible to display both the bone and
their entirety in macroscopic specimens. Partic- the soft parts. Figure 933 shows such a deep-
ular care is needed with specimens of bone tu- frozen specimen of the distal part of the femur
mors. With amputation specimens the whole with an osteosarcoma. Soft tissue (1) and bone
tumor must be laid free and completely dis- (2) are clearly seen. Distally the spongiosa has
sected. Macroscopic analysis includes the size been replaced by bone-hard tumorous tissue
and extent of the tumor in all dimensions, its (3). The cortex has been destroyed by the tu-
expansion within the bone and into the adja- morous tissue (4) and is he re soaked in blood.
cent soft parts, tumorous defects or penetration The tumor has grown out into the parosteal tis-
of the cortex, the possible invasion of blood sue (5). In one place the site of a previous
vessels, the appearance of the cut surface (col- biopsy is clearly seen (6).
or, hemorrhages, necroses, cysts, calcification One particular method of presenting sys-
etc.) and the consistency of the tumorous tis- temic and local bone lesions is by maceration.
sue. Finally, in autopsy cases, large sections of The bone specimen is placed in a decomposing
bone (e. g. from the vertebral column) may be solution (hot water, enzymes) which removes
obtained and special techniques (e. g. angiogra- all the organic material and leaves only the
phy, maceration) carried out. mineralized structures (bone) untouched. These
Figure 931 shows anormal macroscopic spec- are then bleached. The cancellous parts in par-
imen of an arm which was disarticulated because ticular are strikingly displayed. In Fig. 934 one
of an osteosarcoma. From the unfixed operation can see the hyperplastic callus from an infra-
material the soft parts (1) were first cut into and trochanteric fracture of the femoral shaft (1)
dissected away, thus exposing the bone (hu- with displacement of the fragments (2) and re-
merus). One can see that only the distal part of modeling of the spongiosa, which has been laid
the humerus (2) is present. In the proximal part down along the usual tensional and press ure
there is an implanted tumor prosthesis (3) that lines (3). Ordinary fractures can also be well
was previously put into position when an osteo- demonstrated as maceration specimens.
2. Macroscopic Specimens 495


3 2

Fig. 931. Macroscopic specimen (tumor prosthesis follow- Fig. 932. Macroscopic specimen - cut surface
ing extirpation of osteosarcoma, proximal humerus) (osteosarcoma, distal femur)

Fig. 933. Frozen specimen (osteosarcoma, distal femur) Fig. 934. Maceration specimen
(hyperplastic callus, infratrochanteric femoral fracture)
496 16 Examination Techniques

3 Bone Biopsy Techniques one can see a lateral radiograph of the thoracic
column. In the fused 8th thoracic vertebral
The first requirement for an exact histological body (1) a puncture needle (2) has been intro-
diagnosis is the extraction of such tissue as is duced with which to remove a representative
specifically representative of the bone disease. tissue sampie. Histological examination re-
This tissue can be obtained by a puncture vealed only osteoporosis of the vertebral spon-
biopsy (sampie biopsy, PE), curettage, excision, giosa.
resection or amputation. It is the responsibility Such a puncture cylinder is shown histologi-
of the clinician to provide the pathologist with cally under low power in Fig. 937. The width,
representative tissue in good condition. Frag- shape and outer contours of the cancellous tra-
ments of tissue which are too small, or tissue beculae (1) are clearly seen. The bone marrow
taken from necrotic or severely inflammatory (2) has also been completely preserved and is
regions, or tissue with many crush artifacts, or accessible for diagnostic examination.
tissue from regions outside the actual lesion - With some bone lesions (amongst others, os-
none of these can ensure an accurate diagnosis, teomyelitis of the jaws, bony cysts) the tissue is
and may even result in an erroneous one. If the extracted by curettage. As is shown in Fig. 938,
pathologist recognizes this kind of source error one sees numerous smaller and larger tissue
in a bone biopsy it must be mentioned in the fragments (1) under the microscope which
report and the diagnosis recorded as condi- should provide clues to the nature of the lesion.
tional. Sometimes a histological section may If one sees lobulated tumorous cartilaginous
appear under the microscope to be adequate, tissue there with balloon-like chondrocytes (2)
and the fact that it contains only perifocal tis- the diagnosis of a cartilaginous tumor is easy.
sue cannot be recognized. In this way it is easy The cytological examination of bone tumors
for "osteomyelitis" (i.e. perifocal inflammation) is in practice limited to the myeloid tumors
to be diagnosed when there is in fact a malig- (myeloses and the plasmocytoma). Neverthe-
nant tumor present. This is one reason why less, it allows one to draw up cytological crite-
with all diseases of bone the pathologist must ria for assessing the prognosis of other skeletal
always examine the relevant radiographs when tumors. In Fig. 939 one can see a chondroblas-
making a diagnosis, in order to avoid an error. tic osteosarcoma with tumor cells of various
With systemic bone conditions and hematologi- sizes (1) which have slightly hyperchromatic
cal diseases an iliac crest biopsy usually pro- nuclei. The nucleoli (2) are enlarged and in-
vides the diagnosis. This is particularly usefully creased in number, the cytoplasm is reduced.
in the metabolie osteopathies (see Chap. 4). It Tumorous giant cells (3) with increased nuclear
is in this connection that various biopsy techni- chromatin and nucleoli are seen. This kind of
ques have been developed (Burkhardt's milling cytological finding is suggestive of malignant
drill technique and Yamshidi's needle tech- tumor cells. Here histological examination is
nique) which deliver an adequate amount of tis- necessary in order to confirm the diagnosis of
sue. With a needle biopsy of the iliac crest or a malignant tumor and to allow it to be classi-
from a pathological bony focus a cylinder of fied precisely.
tissue should be removed which is at least 2-
3 cm in length and 3-4 mm wide. Such a bone
cylinder is depicted macroscopically m
In the case of a general bone condition (e.g.
osteomyelitis) or a local bony focus (e. g. a
bone tumor) representative tissue is extracted
by an open bone biopsy, a piece of tissue being
removed during the operation (excision, sampie
biopsy, PE). With sites that are difficult to 11111111111111111111111111
reach (e. g. the vertebral column) a needle
puncture is indicated, and this should be car- ~ 1 ?
ried out under radiological control. In Fig. 936 Fig. 935. Bone cylinder from needle biopsy
3 Bone Biopsy Techniques 497

:::n'iCIlr--:------ 2

Fig. 936. Needle biopsy (compression fracture, Th 8.) Fig. 937. Cylinder biopsy; HE, xlO

:tt - - - - - : - - - - - 3

. ~.....~-- 2

Fig. 938. Curettage material (enchondroma); HE, x20 Fig. 939. Cytological smear (osteosarcoma); PAS, xlOO
498 16 Examination Techniques

4 Histological Preparation mended (2 ml 25% glutardialdehyde solution,

3 ml 37% formaldehyde solution, 1.58 g dehy-
Frozen Sections (Rapid Examination) drated calcium acetate, aqua dest. ad 100 ml.
Minimum fixation time at room temperature is
It is sometimes desirable to be able to examine 8-24 h). This method is used, among other
a section rapidly and obtain a diagnosis during things, for semithin sections (Fig. 942). Alcohol
an operation when a malignant bone tumor is fixation is employed when particular substances
suspected. In this case the softest, least calcified which would otherwise be dissolved out must be
tissue must be taken from the suspected focus examined. The urate crystals in gout, for in-
and frozen while still fresh (e. g. with carbon stance, are dissolved by formalin fixation (as
dioxide). The histological section is prepared in seen in Fig. 943), leaving only circumscribed
a cryostat and stained with hematoxylin and foci (1) which contain amorphous material that
eosin (H & E). As shown in Fig. 941, one can is not birefringent. Only the surrounding histio-
see in an osteosarcoma highly cellular tumor- cytic foreign body reaction (2) makes it possible
ous tissue with polymorphic nuclei of different to recognize the gouty tophi histologically. With
sizes (1) and, in between, homogeneous tumor- alcohol fixation (Fig. 944), on the other hand, the
ous osteoid (2) and bone (3). A frozen section doubly refractive urate crystals (1) are preserved.
together with the radiograph often provides One can see highly cellular inflammatory granu-
evidence for a diagnosis. However, this method lation tissue (2) and multinucleated foreign body
has only a limited application in cases of bone giant cells (3) in the surrounding area.
lesions, because with tumors that are too hard The choice of special fixation methods de-
(e. g. an osteoblastic osteosarcoma) a frozen pends upon the need to find answers to partic-
section is impossible, and important cellular ular questions. Fixation in acetone is suitable
details cannot be identified. A previously irra- for enzyme histochemistry. Heidenhain-Susa
diated osteosarcoma certainly allows the tu- solution is excellent for bone sections, and for
morous bone (1) and osteoid (2) in Fig. 940 to electron microscopic examination one uses os-
be recognized, but the sarcomatous tissue (3) mic acid. The choice of the fixative depends
shows hardly any remaining tumor cells. upon each individual diagnostic requirement.

Semithin Seetions

A better assessment of the cytological details of

bone marrow and tumor cells, particularly in
iliac crest biopsies, can be gained from semithin
sections of 0.2-1 11m thickness. Plastic embed-
ding and special microtomes are required for
these. Asemithin section through an adamanti-
noma of the long bones is shown in Fig. 942.
One can recognize the basaloid and epithelial tu-
mor cells (1) within the spindle-cell tissue (2).


Biopsy material and surgical specimens are

usually fixed in formalin (a 30%-40% solution
of formaldehyde in water). There are certain for-
malin mixtures available for more specific inves-
tigations (e. g. Bouin's solution, Helly's solution
for the bone marrow). For iliac crest biopsies
when cytological details of the bone marrow
are required, fixation in glutaraldehyde is recom- Fig. 940. Irradiated osteosarcoma; HE, x64
4 Histological Preparation 499

Fig. 941. Frozen section (osteosarcoma); HE, x40 Fig. 942. Semithin section
(adamantinoma of the long bones); HE, x40

Fig. 943. Formalin fixation (gout); HE, x40 Fig. 944. Alcohol fixation (gout); HE, x82
500 16 Examination Techniques

5 Embedding in Plastic substance becomes bound to the calcium ions

which are stored in the bone during deposition.
In order to avoid shrinkage of bone tissue and As is shown in Fig. 946, the tetracycline be-
staining artifacts due to decalcification, iliac comes fluorescent under UV light. There are
crest biopsies in particular are histologically narrow (1) and wide (2) shining yellow bands
prepared without decalcification. For this pur- in the osteons of the cortex which mark the
pose the tissue sampie must be embedded in mineralization fronts. Because of this double
plastic. This method for embedding bone fol- marking within a known period, the mineral-
lows short fixation in Carnoy's solution and de- ization rate per unit of time can be calculated.
hydration in ascending concentrations of alco- This makes it possible to determine disorders
hol. The specimen is usually embedded in of bone deposition and also the rate of mineral-
methyl methacrylate which has the same de- ization.
gree of hardness as bone. With special micro-
tomes and blades it is possible to cut 5 11m sec-
tions. Thicker ground sections are also possible. 6 Bone Decalcification and Paraffin Embedding
Practically all the usual stains can be used on
these sections, although the details are not al- With most bone diseases the bone sampies can
ways the same as in paraffin sections, because be decalcified and embedded in paraffin. Good
the plastic cannot be dissolved out of the tis- histological sections can be obtained after acid
sue. Many stains and histochemical substances decalcification (5%-7.5% nitric acid, 5% tri-
cannot penetrate the hydrophobic plastic em- chloracetic acid or 5% sulphuric acid). Decalci-
bedding medium. The best results are obtained fication with chelating agents is milder (EDTA
with Toluidine blue, Goldner's stain and a mod- decalcification: 10 g disodium ethylene diamine
ification of Kossa's stain. Embedding with tetra-acetic acid (Triplex III) + 3.3 g tris-(hy-
water-soluble glycol methacrylate is more suit- droxymethyl-) aminomethane (TRIS, THAM) +
able for water-based stains, and enzyme histo- aqua desto ad 100 ml; pH 7.0-7.2). The iliac
chemical procedures (e. g. the identification of crest cylinder is incubated at room temperature
chloracetate esterase) are possible. What is for about 3 days in 50 ml of the decalcifying
more, the distribution of mineralized and non- solution. This method, developed by Schaefer
mineralized bone can be assessed, and the (I 984), can be used for all paraffin section
marking of osteoid structures is particularly staining and histochemical procedures. In
good, which is important for the diagnosis of Fig. 947 one can see the dense, originally
osteomalacia. In Fig. 945 one can see, em- highly calcified bone tissue of the cortex in a
bedded in plastic, an undecalcified bone sec- section decalcified in EDTA and embedded in
tion which shows the bone trabeculae in a case paraffin. The Haversian canals (1) and, around
of renal osteopathy. The center is completely them, the shell-like arrangement of the reversal
calcified (1) and appears greenish-blue with lines (2) are clearly displayed, as are the Haver-
Goldner staining, whereas the varying width of sian osteons (3) and the osteocytes (4). As dis-
the peripheral osteoid seams (2) is shown up in played in Fig. 948, the spongiosa is well pre-
red. The bone marrow cells (3) are also well served. The bone trabeculae (1) have smooth
preserved, and the cytological details are per- borders and show lamellar layering. In the mar-
fectly recognizable. On the other hand, identifi- row cavity the fatty tissue (2) and the hemato-
cation of the lamellar bone structure and the poietic cells (3) are clearly seen. In other
reversallines is somewhat limited. words, histological examination of the majority
Intravital tetracycline marking can be used of bone diseases can be carried out on sections
to determine the rate of mineralization within a decalcified in EDTA, and this will lead to a safe
bone, although this can only be used on unde- diagnosis. With acid decalcification, however, it
calcified bone after embedding in plastic. Tet- is very important to ensure that the bony mate-
racycline is given by mouth with an interval of rial is not left too long in the acid, and that it
14 days between the doses, and a biopsy from is removed precisely at the point when decalci-
the iliac crest is then analyzed histologically. fication is complete and then embedded in par-
Because of its affinity for bivalent ions, this affin.
6 Bone Decalcification and Paraffin Embedding 501

Fig. 945. Methacrylate embedding (renal osteopathy); Fig. 946. Methacrylate embedding; tetracycline marking
Goldner, x64 (ultraviolet fluorescence), x40

3 1-- -

Fig. 947. EDTA decalcification (cortex); HE, x40 Fig. 948. EDTA decalcification (spongiosa); van Gieson, x40
502 16 Examination Techniques

7 Tissue Staining its, reversal lines and cartilaginous matrix are

colored blue, collagen fibers red. HE staining is
It is not possible to recognize the individual basically used for all bone sections. A second
tissue structures in unstained sections with cer- routine method is van Gieson staining (v.G.).
tainty. Only deposited pigments with their own This is particularly suitable for the identifica-
coloring (e. g. melanin, lipofuscin, hemosiderin: tion of collagen connective tissue, which ap-
brown staining) can be seen. For diagnostic pears red, whereas muscle and nerve fibers
purposes the tissue is artificially stained, so stain yellow. Calcified bone tissue is stained
that advantage may be taken of the particular reddish-brown and osteoid red. The nuclei are
affinity of various cellular and extracellular black, which distinguishes them clearly from
structures for certain stains. The discipline of the yellow cytoplasm. This stain allows fibro-
histochemistry has therefore furnished us with osseous trabeculae and also carcinomatous me-
a wealth of stains and staining methods. Many tastases to be clearly recognized, and it should
techniques for staining particular substances be used for all bone lesions. With van Gieson's
also require certain additional optical pro ce- elastic staining the elastic fibers show up black
dures (e. g. the identification of amyloid: Congo (in the vessel wall, for instance). The trichrome
red together with polarized light). stains are particularly suitable for marking con-
The vast majority of bone diseases can be nective tissue. For all bone lesions, Masson-
diagnosed from decalcified paraffin sections Goldner staining with its excellent coloring is
which have been stained with hematoxylin and to be recommended. Calcified bone and con-
eosin (HE). This standard stain shows up dis- nective tissue appear light green and uncalci-
tinctly the contrast between the basophilic blue fied osteoid is colored reddish-orange. The os-
nucleus and the red cytoplasm. Calcium depos- teoblasts and osteoclasts as weIl as the bone

Table 4. Histological staining

Stain Result Use

Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE) Blue: basophilic cytoplasm, nuclei All bone lesions (routine staining)
Red: cytoplasm, collagen fibers
van Gieson (v.G.) Yellow: cytoplasm, muscle, fibrin, amyloid All bone lesions (routine staining)
Red: connective tissue, hyalin, osteoid
Elastic van Gieson (EvG) Black: elastic fibers Angiomatous bone tumors, bone lym-
Red: collagen fibers, osteoid phomas, Ewing's sarcoma
Periodic Acid-Schiff Reaction Purplish-red: hydroxyl groups and amino-alco- Bone tumors, cartilaginous tumors,
(PAS) hols fungal osteomyelitis (routine staining)
Masson-Goldner Stain Reddish-orange: connective tissue, bone mar- All bone lesions: osteopathies, osteosar-
row, uncalcified osteoid, osteoclasts, osteoblasts comas (routine staining)
Green: calcified bone trabeculae
Silver Impregnation (Gomori, Black: elastic fibers Angiomatous bone tumors, bone lym-
Tibor-PAP, Elastic Kernecht phomas, Ewing's sarcoma
Fat Staining (Sudan-Hematoxy- Red: neutral fat Lipomatous bone tumors, storage dis-
lin, Oil Red) Blue: cell nuclei, cytoplasm eases
Berlin Blue Staining Blue: hemosiderin, FeIlI Tissue re action to prostheses and me-
Red: cell nuclei tallic implants, old hemorrhages
Giemsa Staining (May-Grün- Blue: cell nuclei, bacteria, basophilic substances Hematological diseases, bone lympho-
wald-Giemsa) Red: eosinophilic cytoplasm, granules, collagen mas
Congo Red Red: amyloid Amyloid deposits (bone amyloidosis)
Blue: cell nuclei
Toluidin Blue Blue: basophilic cytoplasm, cell nuclei Cartilaginous tumors, myxomas
7 Tissue Staining 503

marrow are stained red, and, owing to the iron can see coarse elongated granular deposits (1)
hematoxylin, the nuclei appear black. Fibrin and even clump-like iron deposits (2) in a
and erythrocytes are glowing red and muscle pseudocapsule near a metallic prosthesis in the
fibers pale red. This stain is particularly suit- hip joint, where they indicate metallosis. The
able for assessing osteopathies from a puncture nuclei of the surrounding cells appear red (3),
biopsy of the iliac crest, and is also useful for the cytoplasm is colored pink.
identifying the tumorous osteoid in osteoid- Included among the routine stains used for
producing growths (osteoid osteoma, osteosar- various bone lesions is PAS staining (the peri-
coma). Apart from HE, v.G. and PAS staining, odic acid Schiff reaction). It is effective for de-
all the stains shown in Table 4 should only be picting the cellular structures in sharp relief,
used to answer particular questions. and should be employed whenever a tumor is
Giemsa staining, for instance, is particularly suspected. The products of the tumor cells (e. g.
suitable for identifying fine details (nucleus, cy- mucus) are made visible by the red staining of
toplasm) in the cells of the bone marrow, and the aldehyde groups with fuchsin-sulphuric
is therefore specially to be used for all hemato- acid. Basement membranes and carbohydrates
logical diseases (e. g. leukemia) and bone lym- show up purplish-red, whereas the cell nuclei
phomas. As can be seen in Fig. 949, the nuclei are blue and the proteins and cytoplasm appear
(1) and cytoplasm (2) are stained dark blue. yellow. Fungi and parasites are recognizable in
The cytoplasm of mature normoblasts and the histological sections by their red coloration. A
granules of eosinophils are red. Mast cells are positive PAS reaction is visible in neutrophil
stained bluish-red. For the identification of iron and basophil granulocytes, glycogen fields in
deposits the Berlin blue reaction is used, where megakaryocytes and in the intranuclear immu-
they appear in the cells as blue grains and indi- noglobulin inclusions (Dutcher-Fahey bodies)
cate siderosis (at the site of an old hemorrhage in the lymphoid plasma cells of the lympho-
is one example) or metallosis. In Fig. 950 one plasmocytic immunocytoma (Waldenström's

Fig. 949. Giemsa staining, x82 (Hodgkin lymphoma) Fig. 950. Berlin blue staining, x64 (metallosis)
504 16 Examination Techniques

disease). With many bone lesions, PAS staining acid phosphatase content (1), whereas the os-
is necessary for the identification of glycogen. teoblasts show no reaction (2). Gaucher cells
In Fig. 952 one can see the densely packed cells also show a slight positive reaction to tartrate-
of a Ewing's sarcoma with roundish, variably resistant acid phosphatase. The histochemical
sized nuclei (1) which are stained light blue. demonstration of particular enzymes in bone
The sparse cytoplasm is shown with PAS stain- and bone marrow makes it possible to identify
ing to be full of red glycogen granules (2). This and quantify individual cells, this being of di-
identification of the glycogen can help to dis- agnostic importance in the case of many bone
tinguish it from a round cell sarcoma of other lesions. This does mean, however, that account
histogenetic origin. must be taken of the various special methods
Silver impregnation shows up the elastic fi- of fixation, embedding and incubation, in order
bers in a bone lesion. The argyrophil fibers to be able either to elicit or to exclude enzyme
(reticular connective tissue fibers, neurofibrils) identification.
can be recognized by their black coloration,
while the cellular structures recede into the
background. This silver staining of the reticular
fibers is therefore only of supplementary value
with regard to diagnosis. The most useful silver
stain is that of Gomori (others include
Bielschowsky and Tibor PAP). Figure 953 de-
picts a dense, narrow-mesh reticular fiber net-
work (1) in an osseous hemangiosarcoma. Red-
dish tumor cells (2) lie between the meshes.
The bone trabeculae (3) show up as brown. For
many bone tumors (e. g. hemangiopericytoma)
the presence of a reticular fiber network is of
diagnostic significance; for others (e. g. Ewing's
sarcoma) its absence is equally significant.
The visualization of calcium salts in bone is
also based on silver staining, and completely
calcified bone (1) appears black with Kossa's
stain (Fig. 951), whereas the uncalcified osteoid
shows up as impressive red seams (2). The cells
between the bony structures (3) stain pale red.
Enzymes can also be detected in paraffin
sections. Neutrophil granulocytes, for instance,
are very easily made recognizable by the chlor-
acetate esterase reaction. In Fig. 954 this en-
zyme appears in the granulocytes as fine, shin-
ing red granules (1), whereas the bone marrow
infiltrate of a small cell bronchial carcinoma (2) 2
shows no chloracetate esterase reaction. The
granulocytes are grouped together in the neigh-
borhood of a bone trabecula (3).
The tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase reac-
tion (TRAP) makes it possible to identify acid
phosphatase in the osteoclasts, histiocytes, pha-
gocytic reticular cells of the bone marrow and
leukemic hair cells. In particular it allows one
to distinguish mononucleate osteoclasts from
osteoblasts. In Fig. 955 the osteoclasts in an os-
teoblastoma are stained red because of their Fig. 951. Kossa staining, x40 (bone metastasis )
7 Tissue Staining 505

Fig. 952. PAS staining, x160 (Ewing's sarcoma) Fig. 953. Tibor PAP staining, x40 (hemangiosarcoma)

Fig. 954. Chloracetate esterase reaction, x82 (bone metasta- Fig. 955. Tartrate-resistant acid phosphate reaction,
sis from a small cell bronchial carcinoma) x64 (osteoblastoma)
506 16 Examination Techniques

8 Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry against oncofetal antigens are, among other

things, suitable for the identification of germ
In recent years several substances have been cell tumors. Cells of histiocytic origin can be
tested which can identify particular tumors. recognized by lysozyme. Smooth muscle ex-
Substances are produced by the tumorous tis- presses alpha-actin and striped muscle desmin.
sue which can be evaluated quantitatively by Myosin can also be identified in this tissue,
various test systems. Included in these so-called myoglobin being a specific marker for tumors
tumor markers are plasma proteins, enzymes, of striped muscle. With factor VIII associated
hormones, proteins associated with pregnancy antigen (as weIl as CD34) the endothelial cells
and oncofetal antigens. These antigenic sub- in vascular tumors (hemangioma, hemoangio-
stances can be directly identified histologically sarcoma) may be visualized. Equally good re-
in the tissue by specific antibodies. With this sults are provided by a lectin histochemical ex-
type of immunohistochemical procedure, direct amination (lectin ulex europeus, peanut aggluti-
and indirect peroxidase techniques are em- nin: PNA). The neuron-specific enolase (NSE)
ployed: the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique is used with neurogenic tumors (neurinoma,
(PAP), the avidin-biotin-complex method neuroblastoma) and neuro-endocrine tumors,
(ABC) and alkaline phosphatase anti-alkaline and it can be useful for identifying bone metas-
phosphatase (APAAP). Most antigens can be tases from these tumors. The identification of
identified in paraffin sections, a few require S-100 pro tein is possible in numerous tumor
frozen sections or special methods of fixation. cells (e. g. schwannoma, neurofibroma, melano-
Histologically the action of the tumor marker ma, myoepithelia, Langerhans histiocytes in
serves to demonstrate the histogenetic differen- histiocytosis X, cartilaginous tumors, lipoma-
tiation of the tumor. With more highly differen- tous tumors). Osteonectin is present in bone
tiated bone tumors identification of the marker cells (osteoblasts, osteoclasts). Alpha-1-anti-
can identify the tissue from which they arose. trypsin and alpha-1-antichymotrypsin are suit-
In many cases this can make precise classifica- able for classifying a malignant histiocytoma.
tion possible. With undifferentiated anaplastic Vimentin is identifiable in large numbers of
malignant tumors, which give no specific im- bone tumors.
mune reaction, the method can break down, In general, many immunohistochemical tests
nor can it help to distinguish between benign can be carried out successfully in routine labo-
and malignant growths, although the identifica- ratories, since the necessary staining sets
tion of an epithelial or mesenchymal origin is ("kits") are available commercially. Neverthe-
usually possible. The ability to identify particu- less, it should be remembered that the use of
lar tumor markers is a valuable addition to these techniques can be extremely costly both
conventional histological diagnosis. in time and money. It must therefore be
In order to classify a bone tumor it is first decided during the conventional histological
necessary to decide whether it is of epithelial examination which antigen is likely to occur in
or mesenchymal origin. As is clear from Ta- any particular tumor, and whether it is impor-
ble 5, the identification of cytokeratin indicates tant for its classification. Representative tissue
an epithelial origin for the tumor, and therefore from the tumor and a minimum number of sec-
a bone metastasis. Vimentin characterizes mes- tions from each of the different tumorous areas
enchymal tumors (sarcomas). Conventional his- must be made available. Aggressive acid decal-
tology must setde a questionable tumor diagno- cification is to be avoided. It therefore seems
sis before the appropriate immunohistochem- desirable to leave complicated immunohisto-
ical reaction is brought into play. Myelomas an- chemical procedures, involving antibodies
nounce themselves with antibodies against im- which are difficult to prepare, to those labora-
munoglobulins. The monoclonal production of tories and institutions having the necessary ex-
immunoglobulins (kappa or lambda proteins ) is perience of these particular tests and therefore
an indication of neoplasia. Malignant lympho- able to deliver reliable and informative results.
mas are characterized by their surface antigens. In practice, therefore, one routinely carries out
Antibodies against hormones mark endocrine a few of the available immunohistochemical re-
tumors (e. g. pancreas, thyroid). Antibodies actions in one's own department, and leaves
8 Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry 507

Table 5. Diagnostic immunohistochemistry

Tumors Cells of Origin Antigen Fixative

Cartilaginous Tumors Cartilage cells 5-100 protein Formalin

Osteochondroma Vimentin Alcohol
Chondromyxoid fibroma
Bone Tumors Bone cells Osteonectin Formalin
Osteoma (Osteoblasts, osteocytes)
Osteoid osteoma
Connective Tissue Tumors Fibroblasts, fibrocytes Vimentin Formalin
Bone fibromas
Malignant fibroses Pluripotent mesenchyme cells Vimentin Formalin
Histiocytic Tumors
Histiocytosis X Monocytes Vimentin Formalin
Langerhans histiocytes 5-100 protein
Malignant histiocytosis Alpha-l-antitrypsin
Fatty Tissue Tumors Lipoblasts 5-100 pro tein Formalin
Liposarcoma Vimentin
Bone Marrow Tumors
Plasmocytoma Plasma cells Immunoglobulins light chains Formalin
(lambda, kappa) heavy chains
(IgG, IgA ... )
Ewing's sarcoma ? MIC2 (HBA71), vimentin
PNET Neuroectodermal cells 5-100 protein, GFAP, N5E, vimen-
Vascular Tumors
Hemangioma Endothelial cells Factor VIII -associated antigen Formalin
Hemangiosarcoma Lectin (Ulex europeus) CD34,
Hemangiopericytoma Pericytes Vimentin
Nerve Tumors Nerve ceHs 5-100 pro tein Formalin
Neuron-specific enolase (N5E)
Muscle Tumors
Leiomyoma 5mooth muscle cells Vimentin Formalin
Leiomyosarcoma Alpha-aktin, myosin
Rhabdomyoma 5keletal muscle cells Desmin, myoglobin Formalin
Chordoma EMA (epithelial membrane anti- Formalin
gen), 5-100 protein
Bone Metastases
Carcinoma of the kidney Tubular epithelium Cytokeratin, vimentin Formalin
Carcinoma of the breast Ductular/lobular epithelia EMA (epithelial membrane anti-
gen), CEA, cytokeratin
Carcinoma of the prostate Glandular epithelia P5A (Prostate-specific antigen),
prostatic acid phosphatase
Carcinoma of the thyroid gland Thyrocytes Thyroglobulin
C ceHs Calcitonin
508 16 Examination Techniques

Table 5 (continued)

Tumors Cells of Origin Antigen Fixative

Adenocarcinoma (Gastrointestinal Glandular epithelia CEA, EMA, cytokeratin

Bronchial carcinoma Bronchial epithelium CEA, cytokeratin
Melanoma Melanocytes HMB 45, S-100 protein
Thmors of the Joints
Synovial sarcoma Synovial cells Cytokeratin, vimentin, EMA Formalin

the rarer and more complicated procedures to Neuron-specijic enolase (NSE) is a suitable
laboratories whieh specialize in them. marker for tumorous nerve tissue, and a malig-
S-IOO protein is expressed in cartilaginous nant neuroblastoma thus marked is shown in
tumors, histiocytie lesions and neurogenic neo- Fig. 957. Neurogenic tumor cells have dark
plasms. As can be seen in Fig. 956 the cartilage polymorphie nuclei (1). In the cytoplasm of
cells in a chondrosarcoma are positively several cells, NSE appears in the form of fine
marked (1). But in any case, with cartilaginous brownish granules (2). Other tumor cells con-
tumors the tissue is already recognizable histo- tain very litde or no NSE (3). The immunohis-
logically, so that immmunohistochemistry is tochemieal identification of NSE shows that we
usually superfluous. Nevertheless, the identifi- are dealing with a neurogenie tumor. For the
cation of S-100 protein in histiocytic lesions prognosis of the tumor, on the other hand,
and neurogenie tumors can be very helpful. other histological criteria are definitive.
This marker is also effective in paraffin sec- Vimentin is a marker for mesenchymal
tions of fatty tumors that have been fixed in structures, and is therefore helpful in distin-
formalin. guishing them from epithelial tumors. In

Fig. 956. S-100 protein, x 100 (chondrosarcoma) Fig. 957. NSE, x40 (malignant neuroblastoma)
8 Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry 509

Fig. 958. Vimentin, x40 (malignant fibrous histiocytoma) Fig. 959. Cytokeratin, x40 (metastatic carcinoma)

Fig. 960. Alpha-I-antichymotrypsin, xlOO Fig. 961. PNA, x40 (bone metastasis)
(malignant fibrous histiocytoma)
510 16 Examination Techniques

Fig. 958, the positive expression of vimentin in sured, the surface and perimeter of the cancel-
a malignant fibrous histiocytoma (1) can be lous bone trabecula can be calculated. Fig-
seen. Melanomas also show a positive vimentin ure 962 depicts a multiple purpose grid for the
reaction, although in this case the identification evaluation of suitably prepared structures (e. g.
of HMB45 is better. The same applies to cyto- bone trabeculae). This allows the volume and
keratin, which marks epithelial tumors and is surface densities of the trabeculae to be calcu-
suitable for the recognition of carcinomatous lated. Measurements are carried out at a magni-
metastases in bones. In Fig. 959 one can see a fication of x120-x180. Various grids have been
positive cytoplasmie reaction (1) in the carci- developed whieh enable the parameters of dif-
nomatous cells in the bone metastasis from a ferent bony structures to be exactly calculated.
carcinoma of the breast. The elassification of a The individual parameters that can be ob-
malignant fibrous histiocytoma is assisted by tained by bone morphometry are listed in Ta-
the immunohistochemieal identification of al- ble 6. They inelude, amongst others, the vol-
pha-l-antitrypsin and alpha-l-antichymotryp- urne and structural values of the mineralized
sin. This appears in the tumor cells in Fig. 960 bone and osteoid (per unit volume of total
as brownish - sometimes also granular - stain- bone tissue), the width of the osteoid seams,
ing of the cytoplasm (1). Particularly in undif- the surface density of the osteoid and the rela-
ferentiated tumors with roundish polymorphie tive osteoblast activity during bone formation,
(2) and spindle-shaped cells (3) this marker the structural values of bone resorption (inter-
will reveal the histiocytic origin. face areas of the Howship's lacunae with osteo-
In angiosarcomas the tumorous endothelial elasts, total resorption surface area, relative os-
cells show a positive reaction with lectin (pea- teoelast activity, osteoelast index, surface den-
nut agglutinin, PNA). As shown in Fig. 961, the sity of the total resorption area) and the inac-
marker also appears in the form of reddish tive spongiosal surface area. This quantitative
granules (1) in the glandular cells of an adeno- histomorphometry provides objective data
carcinoma. This is a bone metastasis, in which about the structure, deposition and resorption
the bone (2) is selerotically widened and there of bone. The apposition rate of bone can be ex-
is dense fibrosis (3) in the marrow cavity.

Phot = 12 1
9 Histomorphometry
1089-121-121 Pa li = 1089

The purely subjective assessment of bone tissue

achieved by microscopic examination can also
be objectified by the collection of measure-
ments. For this reason an increasing number of
quantitative methods are being developed by
which measured values can be obtained to pro-
vide objective criteria for extending and con-
firming the histological diagnosis. These in-
elude the morphometry of bony structures,
whieh is particularly appropriate for osteopa-
thies (osteoporosis, osteodystrophy, osteomala-
cia, renal osteopathy). Only with quantitative
procedures is it possible to achieve a reliable
assessment of changes in the bone structure
arising in metabolic dis orders or in bone reac-
tions of exogenous origin. For visual morpho-
metrya grid with 100 points and lines of semi-
_ .. " .............................. .

Ltotal =121,
circular undulations is introduced into the opti- Z

cal path of the microscope. By counting the Fig. 962. Multiple purpose grid for evaluating orientated
points which lie over the structure to be mea- structures (bone trabeculae etc.)
9 Histomorphometry 511

Table 6. Histomorphometric parameters

Bone formation Volume and structural values of mineralized bone and osteoid (per unit of total bone
Width of the osteoid seam
Surface density of the osteoid
Relative osteoblast activity
Bone resorption Interface areas of Howship's lacunae with osteoclasts
Total resorption area
Relative osteoclast activity
Osteoclast index
Surface density of total resorption area
Inactive surface area of spongiosa
Tetracycline double marking Rate of apposition of the bone

aetly ealculated from histomorphologieal analy- 1) and the depth of the resorption laeunae (2)
sis of double tetracycline marking. ean only be objeetively assessed by using quan-
As against this, bone apposition ean only be titative histomorphometry. The aeeuraey of this
derived mieroseopieally (Fig. 963) from the in- method lies between 0.5% and 3%. In any ease,
ereased and aetivated osteoblasts (1) whieh lie morphometrie evaluation is only possible on
upon the bone (2), but without gaining any in- suitable biopsy material, which means a spon-
formation about the degree of osteoblastic ae- giosal eylinder of at least 20 mm in length and
tivity. Even the number of osteoclasts (Fig. 964, with a biopsy surfaee of 40 mm 2 •

..,..--1 2

Fig. 963. Activated osteoblasts; HE, x120 Fig. 964. Activated osteoclasts; HE, x120
512 16 Examination Techniques

10 Microradiography The fuHy mineralized bone shows up as a pale

area (3). Darker regions in the neighborhood of
This is a special radiological method for exam- the Haversian canals (4) indicate less mineral-
ining bone wh ich is particularly suitable for de- ized bone tissue. Histological examination here
termining its mineral content. The varying also usuaHy aHows one to recognize osteoid
mineral density in bone can also be quantita- which does not appear in the microradiograph.
tively ascertained by measuring the absorption. In the osteodystrophy shown in the microra-
The examination is carried out on ground sec- diograph of Fig. 967, the transformation of the
tions about 100 Ilm thick which are then sub- bone brought about by primary hyperparathy-
jected to a previously calculated soft irradia- roidism is clearly seen. One can observe the re-
tion. The degree of absorption of the radiation duced mineralization (1) in the numerous os-
is correlated with the calcium salt content (that teons. The Haversian canals (2) vary in width
is to say, the calcium itself). Assessment of the and have in places undulating borders. An in-
bone surface makes it possible to decide be- creased number of Howship's resorption lacu-
tween apposition and resorption. Surfaces nae (3) are present, indicating osteoclastic bone
where bone apposition is taking place are resorption. There is also (4) osteocytic osteoly-
smooth and less densely mineralized, whereas sis as weH as periosteocytic demineralization.
resorption surfaces are unevenly indented. It is particularly in osteomalacia that the
After the remodeling process has co me to an marked difference in mineralization between
end, a zone with a high mineral content in the the regions of osteoid seams and osteons can
microradiograph indicates a surface where the be seen. Figure 965 shows an osteon in a
ceHs are inactive. The bone ceHs (osteoblasts, stained thin section of bone. One can see the
osteocytes, osteoclasts) as weH as the uncalci- Haversian canal (1) and the widely deposited
fied osteoid are not shown up on the microra- osteoid (2). This does not show up in a micro-
diograph. However, one can see the "empty" os- radiograph. The underlying bone tissue (3) and
teocyte lacunae in the mineralized bone very even that of the osteon (4) is plainly less weH
clearly, and their number and size can be used mineralized; this is clearly seen in the microra-
to assess pathological bone remodeling. diograph and can be quantitatively assessed.
Figure 966 shows a microradiograph of corti- Figure 968 shows a microradiograph from a
cal bone tissue from the region of the diaphys- case of Cushing's disease after removal of the
is. The narrow (1) and wide (2) Haversian ca- hormonal dysfunction. The canceHous trabecu-
nals, which have smooth borders, are striking. lae are partiaHy narrowed (1), without the os-

Fig. 965. Microradiograph (osteon in osteomalacia)

10 Microradiography 513

Fig. 966. Microradiograph (cortex) Fig. 967. Microradiograph (osteodystrophy)

5 3

Fig. 968. Microradiograph (Cushing's disease) Fig. 969. Microradiograph (Paget's osteitis deformans)
514 16 Examination Techniques

teoid seams being recognizable. There are new giosal structure. Figure 969 shows the co m-
fronts of bone deposition (2) which are less pletely disorganized, scleroticaHy thickened
mineralized. Even within the old bone, mineral- spongiosal framework. The bone trabeculae are
ization defects are present (3). The borders of widened and shapeless (1) with partly smooth,
the Haversian canals are in places smooth (4) partly undulating borders. One can see resorp-
and in places undulating (5). The irregular po- tion lacunae which vary in depth (2), indicat-
rosity of the spongiosal structure is the result ing osteoclastic bone resorption. The mineral-
of bone resorption due to the disease (Cush- ization of the tela ossea is uneven, with fuHy
ing's osteoporosis; p. 76) and the unequal bone mineralized areas (3) and also numerous de-
apposition (repair) foHowing the removal of its fects in mineralization (4). Such a picture re-
cause. veals very rapid bone remodeling.
In Paget's osteitis deformans the microradio-
graph displays a completely disorganized spon-
11 Cytophotometry of Bone Tumors 515

11 Cytophotometry of Bone Tumors grade the malignancy. Non-tumorous cell popu-

lations have a DNA content of 2c (diploid) or
Bone neoplasms cannot always be precisely di- one of its integral powers (2c, 4c, 8c, 16c, 32c
agnosed by radiological and histological exami- nuclei). Tumor cell nuclei usually have a raised
nation. Either the exact classification of the tu- and often aneuploid DNA content which does
mor is not possible, or else a discrepancy is not correspond to any of these values. A tumor
found between the information given by the cell population can therefore be recognized
radio graph and that of the histological section. from the fact that it contains aneuploid cells.
In many cases one is not even able to assess The «2c deviation index" is included in the cal-
the prognosis with sufficient certainty. culation, which is a measurement of the square
In attempting to objectify the histological of the deviation of the prevailing DNA value
and cytological pictures of a neoplastic bone le- from the diploid value. With a «4.5c exceeding
sion, we have introduced the method o[ quanti- rate" (ER), the percentage of genuine aneuploid
tative cytop h 0 tometry. In this case the intracel- nuclei is shown to be above a DNA value of
lular substances to be quantified are stained 4.5c, which excludes both cells in the S phase
with a specific agent and the absorption of the and any inaccurate measurements. Cells which
transmitted light measured by means of a cyto- are not derived from the tumor have a 4.5 ER
photometer set to a specific wavelength. Taking of 0, which means that they are not aneuploid.
advantage of the various possibilities offered by Malignant tumor cells, on the other hand, have
cytophotometry, we have carried out a quanti- a 4.5 ER of more than 1 (the «aneqploidy in-
tative evaluation of DNA in over 1,500 bone tu- dex"). This index therefore indicates the per-
mors. Cellular smear preparations for this were centage of aneuploid cells. The more malignant
made from the tumorous tissue and subjected a tumor is, the high er is the percentage of an-
to Feulgen staining. The measurement of the euploid cells and the greater the fluctuation in
DNA is based on the rate of reduplication of the DNA values, and a DNA stern line is no
the DNA content of diploid, tetraploid and oc- longer demonstrable. Aneuploid cells have a
toploid cells in normal and pathological tissue. nucleus with a DNA content between the nor-
Resting and polyploid tissues yield a frequency mal stages of diploid, tetraploid, octoploid,
peak for diploid and tetraploid DNA values. In- hexadecaploid etc. The statistical evaluation of
termediate values belong either to S phase cells, the DNA values of the cells of a bone tumor
or else to malignant tumor cells with aneuploid (calculated by a program available for the Hew-
nuclei. This means that in tumor cells, and par- lett Packard computer 9815 A) shows that:
ticularly in those of a malignant tumor, there is
an ir regular increase in the DNA wh ich leads to 1. A wider distribution of the DNA values
a DNA stern line in the aneuploid range for around a peak value indicates a worse prog-
highly differentiated tumors, but to no stern nosis than a narrow distribution.
line at all in undifferentiated tumors. Dur DNA 2. More cells in the G2 DNA synthesis phase in-
measurements have shown that benign tumors dicate a poor prognosis.
have a diploid DNA content, whereas most ma- 3. A DNA stern line in the diploid and tetra-
lignant tumors have an aneuploid DNA distri- ploid ranges suggests a better prognosis than
bution pattern with astern line in the hypodip- astern line in the triploid or tetraploid
loid or hyperdiploid, in the triploid, or in the range.
hypotetraploid or hypertetraploid ranges. Most 4. A high average level of ploidy indicates a
dedifferentiated malignant tumors have no worse prognosis.
DNA stern line. With this method one can ob- 5. Single very high ploidy values are signs of a
tain information about the growth tendency deterioration of the pro gnosis.
and pro gnosis of each tumor, which can then 6. Several DNA peaks suggest a deterioration of
be «graded". the prognosis.
The DNA distribution pattern (distribution 7. With only a few diploid tumor cells the prog-
of the ploidy stages) of tumor cells can be nosis is poor.
used, with the aid of a complex calculation
(Böcking's «algorithm"), to diagnose and to
516 16 Examination Techniques

8. In the absence of a DNA stern line and with The juvenile bone cyst is also an absolutely
a wider unimodal DNA distribution the benign tumor-like bone lesion, which can
prognosis is poor. nevertheless show increasingly expansive
In the indisputable cases of benign bone tu- growth, but which practically never undergoes
mors or tumor-like bone lesions one can nearly spontaneous malignant change (p. 408). In
always expect to find cells with a diploid or eu- Fig. 971 a one can see a classical radio graph of
ploid DNA content, corresponding to the 46 a juvenile bone cyst in the proximal part of the
chromosomes. There is no increase in the humerus (1). This region of the bone has ex-
amount of DNA present. panded to form a spindie shape, but the cortex
Jaffe-Lichtenstein fibrous bone dysplasia is is intact, although it is variably narrowed from
an example of an absolutely benign tumor-like within. In the center of the bone a large cystic
bone lesion. As already explained in the rele- translucency is apparent, which can show un-
vant chapters (pp. 56, 318), this is a maldevel- even patehy and straggly thickenings. This os-
opment of the bone-producing mesenchyme. teolytie zone stretehes through the entire proxi-
Here the bone marrow is replaced by a fibrous mal metaphysis and reaehes as far as the adja-
marrow in which fibro-osseous trabeculae are eent diaphysis. With old lesions the eyst ean,
formed directly from the connective tissue. with advancing growth, oeeupy even more of
There is a local expansion of the affected bone the diaphysis. Sinee sueh a region of bone is
region, and finally the development of a curva- markedly less resistant mechanically, it often
ture which can be seen in the radiograph. leads to a spontaneous (pathologieal) fraeture
In Fig. 970 a the radiograph of such a bone which can produee eonsiderable radiologieally
defect can be seen in the 9th rib (1). This part reeognizable struetural ehanges. The cortex is
of the rib is expanded, the bordering cortex then penetrated and a reaetive periostitis ossifi-
being completely intact but severely narrowed. eans develops, so that inereased and bizarre
In the middle of this region there is a diffuse shadows eaused by the formation of a eallus
translucency which is demarcated and shows ean appear and a malignant bone disease ean-
no internal structures. In most cases such a not in the end be entirely excluded.
"bony cyst" represents the monostotic form of Histologically, parts of the eyst wall must be
fibrous bone dysplasia. included in the seetion if a reliable diagnosis is
Histologically the lesion consists of connec- to be made. In Fig. 971 b one ean see sueh a
tive tissue, rich in fibers and arranged in eyst wall, whieh eonsists of loose eonneetive
whorls, with isomorphic fibrocyte nuclei (1) in tissue with isomorphie fibroeytes (1). Very of-
which slender arched fibro-osseous trabeculae ten patchy and straggly calcifications (2) are
(2) have differentiated out. Its typical morpho- deposited within. The inside of the eyst wall (3)
logical appearance is shown in Fig. 970 b. is smooth and has no epithelial lining.
As can be seen in the histogram of Fig. In Fig. 971 c the DNA histogram of sueh a
970 c, the cytophotometric DNA measurements juvenile eyst is depicted. In aeeordanee with the
of the connective tissue cells and also the nu- absolutely benign nature of this lesion the DNA
clei within the fibro-osseous trabeculae show a measurements indieate only diploid eonneetive
diploid stern line into which the hypo diploid tissue cells, of which the stern line (2e) has a
and hyperdiploid ranges have extended some- large hypodiploid eomponent. There are no an-
what. This DNA distribution diagram undoubt- euploid or polyploid eells, and the histogram
edly reveals a certain tendency to proliferation, reveals no tendeney to proliferate.
but is nevertheless entirely benign.
11 Cytophotometry of Bone Tumors 517


a b c
Fig. 970a-c. Fibrous bone dysplasia Jaffe-Lichtenstein. a Radiograph: 9th rib; b Histology: van Gieson, x25; c Histogram:
DNA distribution of the connective tissue cells



a b c

Fig. 971 a-c. Juvenile bone cyst a Radiograph: proximal humerus; b Histology: HE, x25; c Histogram: DNA distribution of
the connective tissue cells
518 16 Examination Techniques

With true benign bone tumors also, cyto- In all the malignant bone tumors measured
photometrie DNA measurement of the DNA by us, on the other hand, we found an aneu-
distribution in the tumor cells can reveal the ploid DNA distribution pattern, where some-
benign character of the neoplasm. One rela- times a DNA stern line could no longer be dis-
tively common benign bone tumor is the os- cerned. The histogram differs greatly from
teoid osteoma (p. 260). Figure 972a shows the those obtained from benign cells. Further con-
radiograph of one of these lesions in the distal clusions about the degree of malignancy may
part of the tibia (1). The long bone is expanded be drawn from the level and distribution of the
here, and an extensive area of osteosclerosis DNA values.
has produced a dense shadow. The "nidus", In the case of the medullary plasmocytoma
which is characteristic of the osteoid osteoma, (p. 348), the commonest malignant bone tumor,
cannot be seen in this film, having so to speak it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the tu-
"gone underground" somewhere within the morous plasma cells in the biopsy material
perifocal sclerosis. With a special tomographie from a reactive plasmocytosis. With the aid of
exposure the "nidus" can usually be made visi- DNA cytophotometry the distinction is often
ble. The outer contours of the bone in the ele- possible. In Fig. 973 a one can see the radio-
vated area are sharp and smooth, and no peri- graph of a medullary plasmocytoma (1) in the
osteal reaction can be seen. shaft of the humerus. The spongiosa has under-
A histological assessment of this lesion is only gone extensive destruction, which is responsi-
possible if the "nidus" has been included in the ble for the translucency. The cortex is certainly
biopsy or excision and appears in the section. still intact, but in pi aces very severely nar-
In Fig. 972 b one can see highly cellular tumor- rowed. The endosteal side of the cortex has a
ous tissue with a loose, highly vascular stroma wavy, "rat-bitten" appearance and is porous.
(1). Within there are numerous ir regular osteoid Histologically the marrow cavity is inter-
trabeculae (2) where active osteoblasts have been spersed with densely packed, abnormal plasma
deposited. There are quite a number of multinu- cells, and the spongiosa is largely destroyed. In
cleated giant cells of the osteoclastic type. The Fig. 973 b there is a dense sheet of abnormal
nuclei of the fibrocytes and fibroblasts in the plasma cells of varying sizes and shapes. The
stroma are isomorphie, although they may often nuclei are eccentrically located and mostly hy-
be hyperchromatic. There is no increased mitotic perchromatic and polymorphie.
activity. The stroma is often interspersed with in- The DNA histogram in Fig. 973 c shows un-
flammatory cells. ambiguously that these are malignant tumorous
The cytophotometric DNA measurement of plasma cells. One can recognize a shorter di-
the tumor cells (fibrocytes, fibroblasts, osteo- ploid (2c) and a very high tetraploid (4c) stern
blasts, osteoclasts) reveals a distribution that line. At 47.5% the tetraploid tumor cells pre-
confirms the absolutely benign character of this dominate over the mere 12.6% of diploid plas-
tumor. In the histogram of Fig. 972 c there is a ma cells. Of the cells, 39% are aneuploid,
single stern line in the diploid DNA range (2c). mostly hyperdiploid, triploid or hypotetraploid.
The DNA values are closely grouped around A lesser number of hypo diploid, hypertetra-
this maximum. Only a few single triploid cells ploid extending to octoploid cells (8c) are pre-
are encountered, and there are no polypoid sent. This DNA distribution pattern unambigu-
cells. There is no suggestion of a tendency to ously indicates malignant tumorous tissue with
proliferate. This type of histogram is found a tendency to proliferate.
with all benign bone tumors.
11 Cytophotometry of Bone Tumors 519





a b c
Fig. 972a-c. Osteoid osteoma. a Radiograph: distal tibia; b Histology; HE, x40; c Histogram: DNA distribution of the
tumor cells






t t
2c 4c
a b c
Fig. 973a-c. Medullary plasmocytoma. a Radiograph: humeral shaft; b Histology: HE, x64; c Histogram: DNA distribution
of the tumor cells
520 16 Examination Techniques

The Ewing's sarcoma is a particularly malig- able. Extended necrotic fields can make the di-
nant tumor that appears alm ost exclusively in agnosis much more difficult.
children and young people (p. 352). It arises in In a Ewing's sarcoma in the humerus of a
the marrow cavity of abone, where it spreads 20-year-old man the cytophotometric DNA
rapidly and finally involves the whole bone. measurement showed a DNA distribution of the
The most frequent radiological findings are tumor cells that indicated malignancy and a
destructive osteolytic foci interspersed with tendency to proliferate. In the histogram of
patchy thickenings resulting from reactive bone Fig. 974c diploid cells are completely absent
deposition. In Fig. 974a the radiograph shows from the primary tumor. There is a DNA stern
a region of the humerus in which a Ewing's sar- line in the hypertetraploid range which extends
coma has developed. In this film the intra- into the octoploid values (8c). Aneuploid tumor
osseous foci of destruction can only be guessed cells are also demonstrated in the triploid, hy-
at. One can, however, see clear periosteal pertetraploid and hyperoctoploid ranges. In
changes (1), since the intramedullary tumor general, there is a very wide scatter of the DNA
has penetrated the Haversian canals of the cor- values with a clear tendency towards high er
tex and forced its way under the periosteum, DNA values in the aneuploid range, which indi-
which in this region is raised up. There are cates both the malignant character of the tumor
onion-skin thickenings in the outer layer as a cells and a strong tendency towards prolifera-
result of the reactive periosteal new bone de- tion. Thus the cytophotometric DNA measure-
position. Radiologically there is a great similar- ments verify the presence of a tumor with a
ity to osteomyelitis, to which most of the symp- high degree of malignancy.
toms could apply. Such a radiological appear- In this case tumorous tissue from metastases
ance must without fail be investigated by the in the liver and spleen were also analyzed cyto-
histological examination of a representative photometrically. Here the histograms in
bone biopsy. Figs. 974d,e agree closely with that of the pri-
The microscopic interpretation of this kind mary tumor. It is true that in the liver met asta-
of biopsy material can present great difficulties, ses there is a DNA stern line in the tetraploid
since there is histologically great similarity range (4c), but this is nevertheless very wide
with other tumorous and non-tumorous bone and reaches into the hypotetraploid and hyper-
lesions, and the tumorous tissue often shows tetraploid ranges, and there are also many an-
extensive necroses and hemorrhages. In euploid cells present. There are no diploid cells.
Fig. 974 b one can see the typical histologie al Furthermore, hypooctoploid and hyperocto-
picture of a Ewing's sarcoma. The tumor con- ploid cells can be observed.
sists in part of loosely distributed, in part of The tumor cells in the spleen metastases also
densely packed round cells, and shows no dif- showa pattern of distribution that indicates a tu-
ferentiated tissue structures. The tumor cells mor with a high degree of malignancy. There are
are three times the size of lymphocytes and of- no diploid cells present, and by far the larger
ten lie together in nests in the middle of the number of cells lie in the aneuploid range: hypo-
loose connective tissue stroma. They have tetraploid, hypertetraploid, hypooctoploid and a
small, roundish but clearly polymorphie nuclei few hyperoctoploid cells. This histogram is prac-
which are strongly hyperchromatic. Mitoses are tically identical with that of the primary tumor.
usually only seldom encountered. The cyto- Together, these histograms confirm the reliabili-
plasm is sparse and not very clearly recogniz- ty of cytophotometric DNA measurements.
11 Cytophotometry of Bone Tumors 521

a b

n n
50 50

liver meta stasis Metastasis in spleen

(from Ewing 's sarcoma) (from Ewing's sarcoma)
Primary tumor
(Ewing's sarcoma)




c d e
Fig. 974a-e. Ewing's sarcoma, a Radiograph: Humerus; b Histology: HE, x40; c-e Histograms of the primary tumor (c)
and metastases in the liver (d) and spleen (e): DNA distribution of the tumor cells
522 16 Examination Techniques

Another malignant neoplasm is the osteosar- philic tumorous osteoid (1), in which osteoblas-
coma. It is regarded as highly malignant and tic tumor cells are included. These have poly-
metastasizes early. On the basis of the radiolog- morphie hyperchromatic nuclei and also show
ical and histological appearance, various forms a great number of abnormal mitoses. There are
of the osteosarcoma can be distinguished in addition many osteoid and tumorous bone
(p. 274), for which the prognosis also varies trabeculae (2), which also contain cells with
(osteoblastic, chondroblastic, fibroblastic, telan- polymorphie nuclei. There are various tissue
giectatic, parosteal osteosarcoma). It is the aim structures within the tumor, arranged some-
of cytophotometric DNA measurement of the what like a chess board, although these are ir-
tumor cells both to establish the malignant na- regularly distributed. In order to obtain a re-
ture of the neoplasm and to assess its degree of presentative picture, at least several tissue sam-
malignancy. pIes from different parts of the tumor should
As shown in the radiograph of Fig. 975 a, a be examined. This is equally true for the cyto-
virtually pathognomonic radiological finding logical examination and for the cytophoto-
may be present. This is an osteoblastic osteo- metric DNA measurements.
sarcoma of the distal femoral metaphysis. In Figure 975 d shows the histogram of an os-
the distal part of the bone there is an extensive teosarcoma. As an expression of the clonal
irregular sclerotic increase in density (1) which homogeneity and the strong tendency of the
has taken over the entire marrow cavity and in- various tumor cells to proliferate, the DNA val-
cludes the cortex. The tumor has already bro- ues are scattered over several ploidy steps up to
ken out of the bone and is spreading into the and beyond the octoploid value (8c). There are
covering periosteum (2) and into the soft parts. indeed still a few diploid tumor cells (2c) mea-
It reaches down as far as the cartilaginous epi- sured, but most of the cells lie in the higher
physeal plate (3). Such a radiological appear- DNA ranges. Of the tumor cells, 98% are found
an ce allows one to assurne an osteosarcoma on in the aneuploid range, most of these being in
the radiographie appearance alone; other cases, the hyperdiploid, triploid and hypotetraploid
however, are often not so pathognomonic. ranges. Numerous cells lie between the tetra-
As can be seen in Fig. 975 b, the radiological ploid (4c) and octoploid (8c) DNA values, so
findings are confirmed macroscopically, and that here there is no stern line. A few cells have
the distal femoral metaphysis is occupied by a hyperoctoploid DNA value. Such a histogram
dense, bone-hard tumorous tissue (1). This has indicates a highly malignant tumor with a
spread into both the spongiosa and the cortex strong tendency to proliferate. In spite of the
and is pushing out into the periosteum and the inhomogeneity of the osteosarcomatous tumor-
soft tissues (2). It reaches down distally as far ous tissue, with its variable tumor cell popula-
as the epiphyseal plate (3). tion (osteoblastic, fibromatous, chondroblastic),
Histologically the osteosarcoma is character- the different osteosarcomas always show more
ized by the presence of various tissues (sarco- or less similar histograms. From the number of
matous stroma, tumorous osteoid, bone and aneuploid tumor cells and the extent of the dis-
cartilage, increased vascularity). In Fig. 975 c placement of the measurement values in the
the sarcomatous stroma is seen to be almost high er DNA ranges, conclusions may be drawn
completely occupied by homogeneous eosino- in each case about the degree of malignancy.
11 Cytophotometry of Bone Tumors 523

c d

Fig. 975 a-d. Osteoblastic osteosarcoma. a Radiograph: distal femoral metaphysis; b Macroscopy: distal femoral metaphy-
sis; cHistology: van Gieson, x64; d Histogram: DNA distribution of the tumor cells
524 16 Examination Techniques

In those tumors where a definitive benign or cate the semimalignant type of growth of this
malignant diagnosis has already been arrived at peculiar neoplasm. They are the expression of
on the basis of radiologieal and histologie al in- an ongoing increase in DNA synthesis and are
vestigations, the cytophotometric DNA mea- also characteristic of a rising tendency to pro-
surements have shown that, in most cases, the liferate.
prognosis can be read off from the histogram. A rare bone tumor, which is dassified as
DNA cytophotometry can also be of great diag- semimalignant and which can cause great diag-
nostie value when dealing with tumors where nostic problems, is the chondromyxoid fibroma
the histological structures are hard to interpret, (p. 230). In the long bones it mostly appears in
or when it is difficult to comprehend the bio- the radiograph as an ovoid bone cyst eccentri-
logieal significance of the pieture. This is par- cally situated in the metaphysis, where it is
ticularly the case with semimalignant tumors sharply demarcated by a narrow band of mar-
or tumors for whieh the prognosis is doubtful. ginal sderosis. In Fig. 977 a the cytophotometri-
One example of such a semimalignant tumor cally examined chondromyxoid fibroma in the
or tumor of low malignancy is the so-called proximal part of the tibia has an extremely ec-
adamantinoma 0/ the long bones (p. 378). The centric position (1) and is only recognizable by
radiograph shown in Fig. 976a is characterized the widely indented erosion of the cortex.
by severallarge destruction foei (1) in the mid- In the histological picture it can be difficult
dIe and distal parts of the tibia. Between these to decide between a "benign" and a "malig-
osteolytic areas there are ir regular sderotic nant" lesion. As can be seen in Fig. 977 b, the
thickenings. The lesion indudes both the spon- lobulated tumor is formed from a loose net-
giosa and the cortex. The bone in this region work of bipolar spindle-shaped and multipolar
has been forced up into a kind of hump. stellate cells. The highly dense accumulation of
As can be seen in Fig. 976 b, the tumor con- nudei and cells in at the periphery of the lobu-
sists of a loose fibrous stroma with isomorphie les is characteristic. In the section, immature
fibrocytes (1) with slender nudei and deposits densely cellular areas alternate with myxoma-
of elongated groups and cords of dosely tous and chondroid regions. Its benign nature
packed tumor cells (2) resembling nerve or is limited, and it has a tendency to recurrence,
musde fibers. If there is epithelial differentia- as is observed in 25% of the cases.
tion, polygonal cells with eosinophilic cyto- As shown in the histogram of Fig. 977 C, the
plasm are present here. There is often a basal tumor cells are polyploid with a DNA stern line
tissue pattern, however, in whieh no marked in the hypotetraploid range, which corresponds
cellular or nudear polymorphy is present. with its dinically observed tendency to prolif-
The adamantinoma of the long bones is one erate. The remarkably wide DNA spectrum
of the slow growing neoplasms with a low de- spans both the hypo diploid and the hypertetra-
gree of malignancy but a high rate of recur- ploid ranges, with triploid cells predominating.
rence. In confirrnation of this the histogram in The rather large number of aneuploid cells in-
Fig. 976 c, relating both to the epithelioid dieates both the proliferative tendency and
"ameloblasts" and also to the stromal fibro- semimalignancy of the chondromyxoid fibroma.
blasts, shows a DNA stern line in the tetraploid With truly malignant tumorous growth the
range (4c), with which are induded, however, higher aneuploid DNA values would be ex-
many hypotetraploid and hypertetraploid cells. pected to extend beyond the octoploid range.
The aneuploid cells whieh are also present indi-
11 Cytophotometry of Bone Tumors 525




n AE
30 t t t
2e 4c 8e



a b d

Fig. 976a-d. Adamantinoma of the long bones. a Radiograph: tibia; b Histology: HE, x40; c-d Histogram: ameloblasts (c)
and fibroblasts (d): DNA distribution of the tumor cells


a b c
Fig. 977a-c. Chondromyxoid fibroma. a Radiograph: proximal tibia; b Histology: HE, X40; c Histogram: DNA distribution
of the tumor cells
526 16 Examination Techniques

In the case of an osteoclastoma (p. 337) it is and that it can metastasize in spite of the be-
known to be particularly difficult to assess the nign histogram.
prognosis from the histological picture. Radio- An osteoclastoma of grade III is quite plainly
logically there is usually an eccentric area of a bone sarcoma and can usually be recognized
osteolysis in the epiphysis which can also in- histologically as unmistakably malignant. This
volve the neighboring metaphysis. Histological- is confirmed by a DNA histogram which shows
ly we distinguish three grades of differentiation a malignant DNA distribution pattern.
with this tumor, which can, however, be extra- It is particularly difficult, however, to assess
ordinarily difficult under the microscope. the findings in a grade II osteoclastoma, where
Furthermore, we know that this "grading" only the histological criteria are not so distinctive. It
offers limited information about the prognosis, is here that the cytophotometric DNA measure-
since metastases have even been described as ment can be very helpful. In Fig. 979 a we can
arising later from a grade I osteodastoma. see the histological picture of a grade 11 osteo-
However, cytophotometric DNA measurement clastoma. In comparison with the "benign"
allows one to determine the degree of differen- variety the spindle-cell stroma is more in the
tiation objectively and to make a reliable as- foreground, while the number and size of the
sessment of the prognosis. osteoclastic giant cells have been reduced, and
In Fig. 978 a we can see the histological pic- they mostly have fewer nudeL The distribution
ture of a "benign" osteoclastoma of grade 1. of the giant cells in the tumorous tissue is also
The tumor consists of a loose highly vascular less regular. The nuclei of the spindle cells are
stroma, in which numerous deposits of multi- variable, being sometimes hyperchromatic and
nucleated giant cells of the osteoclastic type lie sometimes even polymorphie, and repeatedly
more or less equidistant from each other. The showing mitoses. In spite, however, of a certain
stromal spindie cells have uniform elongated el- restlessness in the histological formation, there
liptical nuclei with no hyperchromasia. Mitoses is no definite sarcomatous stroma present.
are rare. The giant cells are large and often The tendency of the tumorous tissue to pro-
have many isomorphie nucleL In the tumorous liferate is clearly reflected in the DNA histo-
tissue no osteoid, bone or cartilaginous tissue gram. In Fig. 979b one can see that diploid tu-
is encountered. mor cells no longer occur. There is a clear DNA
The cytophotometric DNA measurement of stern line in the tetraploid range (4c), which in-
the cells from such a tumor confirms that it is cludes many hypotetraploid and hypertetra-
relatively benign. The histogram is shown in ploid cells. Some aneuploid cells are found be-
Fig. 978 b. We can observe a single DNA stern tween the tetraploid (4c) and octoploid (8c)
line in the diploid range (2c), around which the DNA values. A few tumor cells have a hyperoc-
DNA values are very closely grouped. Only very toploid DNA content. Grade 11 osteoclastomas
few DNA values extend into the hyperdiploid therefore show a certain polyploidy and an eu-
range, indicating only a slight tendency to pro- ploidy of the tumor cells, which is, however,
liferate. No polyploid or aneuploid cells are not very marked. This is an indication of a
present. The status of such an osteoclastoma clear proliferative tendency and a propensity
can therefore be regarded as benign. Neverthe- towards malignant change, or a potential malig-
less, we know that even such an osteoclastoma nancy. As yet, however, a truly malignant tu-
as this may have an unpredictable prognosis, morous growth cannot be confirmed.
11 Cytophotometry of Bone Tumors 527







t t
b 2c 4c
Fig. 978 a, b. Osteoclastoma Grade 1. a Histology: HE, x64; b Histogram: DNA distribution of the tumor ceHs







20 100 AE
b 2c
Fig. 979 a, b. Osteoclastoma Grade H. a Histology. HE, x64; b Histogram: DNA distribution of the tumor ceHs
528 16 Examination Techniques

By making use of the DNA distribution pat- Among the osteosarcomas (0) the maJonty
tern in individual bone tumors, one can em- have a malignancy grade of 3, a few only 2
ploy a complex calculating procedure ("algo- and, for one osteosarcoma, we could establish a
rithm") to evaluate each DNA grade of malig- low malignancy grade of only 1. The medullary
nancy and thus obtain information about the plasmocytoma (P) showed with our DNA mea-
prognosis. surement malignancy grades 1 and 2. A chon-
In our Department we have used cytophoto- drosarcoma (C) showed a low degree of malig-
metry to obtain the DNA values of tumor cells nancy (grade 1), although these tumors may
in various benign, semimalignant and malig- also re ach higher grades. Similarly, osteoclasto-
nant bone tumors. These have been brought mas (K) can show all three malignancy grades.
into the calculation and the results entered in a A hemangiosarcoma of bone (H), a fibrosarco-
diagrammatie survey. We also included the ma (F) and a synovial sarcoma (5) revealed
measurement and calculation of the values of themselves as neoplasms of middle malignancy
some non-tumorous bone lesions in this proce- (grade 11). All Ewing's sarcomas (E) and malig-
dure, in order to obtain reliable initiatory val- nant fibrous histiocytomas (MFH) were unmis-
ues in the purely benign range. This diagram takably of malignancy grade III.
groups together, in order of ascending malig- In this diagram only a few bone sarcomas
nancy, those calculated values obtained from have been included according to their malig-
cytophotometric measurements corresponding nancy grades. With these neoplasms, catamne-
to the malignancy grade of each tumor. The en- sie investigations have shown that the malig-
tire peak of the rise displayed by the calculated nancy grade calculated by us does correlate
values was divided into three parts, represent- with the recurrence rate, appearance of metas-
ing an objective classification of the malig- tases and with the survival time. In the me an-
nancy grade. It was thus possible to define time we have carried out this examination on
three grades of malignancy into whieh each of over 1,000 different bone neoplasms. Catamne-
the measured and calculated neoplasms natu- sic examinations and survival follow-up have to
rally fall. a great extent confirmed the prognostie assess-
In Fig. 980 an overall view of these results is ments arrived at by our DNA measurements.
displayed in a diagram. One can see that the Thus the use of the latter both for distinguish-
non-tumorous bone lesions (synovitis - Sy, os- ing between benign and malignant tumors, and
teomyelitis - OY) and benign tumors (osteoid- for deciding in each case the malignancy grade,
osteoma - 0-0, enchondroma - EN) all lie on has in general proved its worth. It has contribu-
the abscissa (y = 0) and can therefore be char- ted a valuable addition to diagnostic decision-
acterized as benign. With the malignant bone making, and should most certainly be included
neoplasms we distinguish three malignancy as a further routine investigative procedure.
grades, which are shown in the diagram.
11 Cytophotometry of Bone Tumors 529




100 500
Fig. 980. Objective "grading" of bone tumors by quantitative cytophotometric DNA measurements of the tumor ceHs
(4.5cER, 4.5c - exceeding rate; 2cDI, 2c - deviation index) (see also BÖCKING 1982). Sy=synovitis; OY=osteomyelitis;
0-0 = osteoid osteoma; EN = enchondroma; 0 = osteosarcoma; P = plasmocytoma; C = chondrosarcoma; K = osteoclastoma
(giant ceH tumor); H = hemangiosarcoma; F = fibrosarcoma; S = synovial sarcoma; E = Ewing's sarcoma; MFH = malignant
fibrous histiocytoma

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List of Subjects
Heavily printed page numbers refer to the more detailed discussion of the subject.

A Aluminum 94
Ameloblastoma 378
Abt-Letterer-Siwe disease 195, 198 Amino-acid metabolism 192
Accidental finding 210,274, 308, 314, 318, 370, Amputation 496
418, 420 Amputation specimen 494
Acetone fixation 498 Amyloidosis (see also bone amyloidosis) 138,
Achondrogenesis 31 183, 186
Achrondrogenesis (see also thanatophoric dwarf- - Generalized 348
ism, Neumoff's type) 32,40 - Primary 186
Achrondroplasia (see also Chondrodystrophia fe- - Secondary 186
talis) 31, 48 - Systemic 186
Acid decalcification 500 Aneurysmal bone cyst 195, 228, 232, 276, 280,
Acromegaly 66 305, 338, 340, 412-417, 490
Acroosteolyses (in scleroderma) 486 Angioblastoma, malignant 369, 378
Actinomycosis 156 Angiography 238, 264, 280, 412, 489, 494
Adamantinoma of the jaw bones 378 - Digital sutraction angiography (DSA) 99
Adamantinoma of the long bones 369, 378-381, - Intraosseous 16, 168, 492
498, 524 - Peripheral 166, 412, 492
Adolescent kyphosis (see also Scheuermann's dis- Angiomatosis, osteolytic 376
ease) 165, 170, 438 Angiosarcoma 369, 376, 510
Adrenocortical osteoporosis 76 Angiosarcoma of bone (see also osseous heman-
Aggressive osteoblastoma 264, 270-273 giosarcoma) 369, 376, 504
Ahlbäck's disease 174 Ankylosing, bony 450
Albright's syndrome 318 Ankylosis, bone 446
Alcian blue staining 484 Ankylosis, fibrous 442
Alcian bIue-PAS staining 378 Antibodies
Alcohol fixation 498 - Against hormones 506
Algorithm - Against immunoglobulins 506
(for DNS cytophotometry) 515, 528 - Against oncofetal antigens 506
Alkaline phosphatase 52 Anulus fibrosus 438
Alkaline-p hosphatase-anti -alkaline phosphatase Apophyseal necrosis 170
(APAAP) 506 Apposition surfaces, bone 512
Alkaptonuria 192 Arachnodactyly 32, 58
Alpha -1- Antichymotrypsin 202 Arborization, irregular 166
Alpha-l-Antichymotrypsin (immunohistochemis- Architectonics of the body 1
try) 506, 510 Arthritis 441
Alpha-l-Antitrypsin 202 - Cholesterol arthritis 455
Alpha-l-Antitrypsin (immunohistochemis- - Chronic 460, 486
try) 506, 510 - Cortisone arthritis 454
Alpha-Aktin (immunohistochemistry) 506 - Coxarthritis rheumatica 442
Alpha-SM-aktin 380 - Exsudative 442
572 List of Subjects

- Infeetious 454 Beehterew's disease (see also spondylitis ankylolo-

- Mieroerystalline 454 poetiea) 192, 441, 450
- Nonspecifie 441 Bell-shaped thorax 50
- Nonspecifie/specifie 452-455, 454 Berlin blue reaetion (staining) 503
- Purulent 441, 452, 454 Beta-aminoproprionitril 58
- Rheumatoid 428,441,442-447,444,452 Bielsehowsky's stain 360
- Specifie 441, 452, 454, 455 Biopsy (PE) 162, 236, 276, 324, 326, 328, 345,
- Syphilitic 455 376,448,452,455,496,511
- Tubereulous 441, 452, 455 Birefringenee 498
- Urie 184 Bishop's erook 104
Arthritis in Bizarre parosteal osteoehondromatosis prolifera-
- Beheet's disease 455 tion Nora (s. Nora lesion) 218, 252
- Boeek's sareoidosis 455 Blastomyeosis 156
- Dermatomyositis 455 Bloek vertebra 146, 148
- Lupus erythematosus, systemie 455 Blood pools (in angiography) 492
- Panarteritis nodosa 455 Blood supply of bone 16, 166-169, 173
- Scleroderma 455 blow-out appearanee 407, 412, 414
- Wegener's granulomatosis 455 Boat skull (see also Seaphoeephaly) 36
Arthro-ophthalmopathy, hereditary 31 Boeek's disease (see also Boeek's bone, Boeek's
Arthrography 474 sareoidosis) 150, 195
Arthrogryposis multiplex eongenita 37 Boeek's bone (see also Boeek's disease, Boeek's
Arthropathy, oehronotie 192 sareoidosis) 150, 195
Arthrosis 442, 454 Bone amyloidosis (see also amyloidosis) 138,
- Arthrosis deformans 164, 174,423,424-429 183, 186
- Metabolie 423 Bone atrophy 65, 68, 96, 104, 188, 446
- Post-traumatie 124 - Eeeentrie 68, 72
- Primary 423,424 - Hypertrophie 68, 72, 74, 104, 188
- Seeondary 423, 424 - Patehy 96
- Traumatie 423 Bone biopsy (see biopsy) 99, 126, 140, 362, 396,
Asbestos fibrosing 424 400, 404, 405, 496
Aseptic bone neerosis 65, 164-179 Bone biopsy, open 496
Aspergillus 156 Bone eavity, tubereulous 146, 148
Asphyxiating thoracie dysplasia (see also Jeune's Bone ehanges, degenerative 494
disease) 34, 42 Bone cylinder 496
Aspirin test 260 Bone eysts 142, 154, 158, 195, 196, 204, 220, 226,
Assessment of the bone surfaee (mieroradiogra- 232, 264, 307, 318, 336, 338, 374, 390, 407, 408,
phy) 512 418, 420, 516, 524
Atrophy, granular 84, 86 - Aneurysmal 195, 204, 228, 232, 264, 276, 280,
Auer's bodies 364 305, 338, 340, 407, 412-417, 418
Augmented aetivity (in scintigraphy) 490 - Juvenile 126, 407, 408, 410, 418
Avidin-Biotin-eomplex method (ABC) 506 - Solitary 408
Azan staining 255, 280 - Subehondral 418
- Synovial (see synovial eyst) 418
Bone deealcifieation 500
B Bone density 34
Bone development 10, 162
Baker eyst 472, 474 Bone diseases, inflammatory 494
Bamboo rod (in Beehterew's disease) 450 Bone dysplasia, fibrous (Jaffe-Liehtenstein) 18,
Bang's osteomyelitis (see also brueellosa) 154 20,31,32,56,256,286,310 307,316,318-321,
Bang's spondylitis 154 407
Basket-handle tear (meniseus) 436 Bone dysplasia, osteofibrous (Campanacci) 316,
BCG inoculation 144, 148 336
BCG osteomyelitis 148 Bone expansion 230
List of Subjects 573

Bone fibroma, desmoplastic 286, 307, 322, 336 - Spontaneous 176

Bone fibroma, non-ossifying 99, 307, 308-311, - Vertebra plana Calve 170
312,314,332,336 Bone remodeling 8-11, 10, 34, 124,345,346
Bone fibroma, non-ossifying (multifocal) 308 Bone remodeling processes, reparative 494
Bone fibroma, ossifying 255, 304, 307, 316, 320, Bone resorption 72, 76, 84, 510
336 - Lacunar 72, 76
Bone formation, dis orders of 52 - Smooth 72
Bone fragility 38 - Subperiosteal 84
Bone granuloma 183, 195-205, 338, 345 Bone sarcoma 212, 392
Bone granuloma, eosinophilic 195, 196-199,407 Bone sarcomas, secondary 302
Bone healing Bone scintigram (see also scintigraphy, skeletal
- Primary 113, 118 scintigraphy) 26, 99, 110, 150, 200, 224, 268,
- Secondary 113, 116, 118 276, 326, 354, 405, 410, 420, 471, 489, 490
Bone hemangioma 370-373 Bone sequestrum (see also sequestrum) 114,
- Capillary 372 131, 132, 134, 136, 138, 164, 178, 180
- Cavernous 372 Bone syphilis (see also syphilis, osteochondritis
Bone implants, metallic 122 luetica) 32, 152
Bone infarcts 65,76, 164, 166, 170, 174, 192, Bone tuberculosis (see also skeletal tuberculosis)
220, 242, 302, 304, 324 144-148
Bone island (see also compact island) 274, Bone tumors 207-421
304 - Accidental finding 210
Bone lesions - Age distribution 210, 212, 226, 230, 236, 260,
- Extraskeletal 471-487 264, 274
- Parosteal 471-487 - Benign 210, 516
- Tumorlike 208, 307, 318, 407-421 - Cartilaginous 214-254
Bone lipoma 268, 346, 368, 457 - Classification 207, 208-209, 515
Bone lymphoma, malignant 195,212, 345 - Classificatory principle 210
Bone marrow 16, 56, 346, 364 - Diagnostic findings 207
Bone marrow cavity 345, 369 - General 207-213
Bone metastases (see skeletal metastases) 20, 22, - History 212
99, 126, 268, 284, 345, 378, 396-406, 448, 490 - Johnson's diagram 211
- Mixed osteolytic-osteoblastic 396 - Localization 210, 212, 226, 230, 236, 260, 264,
- Osteoblastic 396, 402, 404 274
- Osteolytic 396, 404 - Malignant 212, 220
Bone myxoma 312 - Mechanism of growth 210
Bone necrosis 65, 164-179 - Metastatic 369
- Adolescent kyphosis 170 - Muscular 369, 390
- Apophyseal necrosis 170 - Neurogenic 369, 386-389
- Aseptic 164, 176 - Osseous 255-306
- Aseptic epiphyseal necrosis 164, 170 - Osteomyelogenous 345, 368
- Causal 178 - Primary 208
- Idiopathic ischemic 164, 170 - Problems, therapeutic 207
- Inflammatory 180 - Prognosis 207 212, 254, 280, 284
- Kienböck's disease 170, 176 - Radiological morphology 207, 210
- Köhler's disease 170 - Secondary (see also bone metastases) 208,
- Lunatomalacia 170, 176 396-406
- Osgood-Schlatter disease 170 - Semimalignant 208, 220, 224, 322, 524
- Perthes' disease 46, 170, 176 - Survival time 212
- Post-fractural 178 - Theory of bone neoplasia 210
- Post-traumatic ischemic 164, 178 - Tumor-like bone lesions 208
- Radiation osteitis 164 - Vascular 345, 369-377, 374
- Radioosteonecrosis 164, 178 Border-line cases 240, 246, 254
- Septic 164 Bouchard's nodes 424
574 List of Subjects

Bouin's solution 498 - Codman's tumor 226-229

Breast, osteosarcoma 482 - Enchondroma 218-223
Brodie's abscess 142 - Exostoses, multiple osteocartilaginous 214
Brown tumor 66, 84, 195, 307, 337, 340, 344, - Histology 216, 236, 248
407 - Localization 214, 218, 226, 236
Brucella bacteria 154 - Macroscopy 216, 226, 244
Buck-shot skull 348 - Multiple 214
Bursa 432, 466, 471, 474 - Osteochondroma 214-217
Bursitis - Primary 236
- Acute purulent 472 - Prognosis 218, 236, 246, 248, 254
- Calcareous 472 - Secondary 236
- Chronic 472 - Semimalignant growth 224
- Olecranon 472 - Sex 218, 236, 248
- Prepatellar 472 - Solitary 214
- Rheumatic 472 Caseation 146
- Tuberculous 472 Catheter angiography (see angiography) 492
Caverns 372
Cellular nuclei, aneuploid 515
c Cementoblasts 410
Cementoma of the long bones 410
Caisson disease 164, 174 Cerasin 192
Calcaneus cyst 420 CESS Protocol 368
Calcification foci 234, 242, 244, 246, 250, 252, Charcot -Leyden crystals 198
292,346 Chitin membrane 158
Calcification, dystrophie 170, 222 Chloracetate esterase reaction 500, 504
Calcified masses 486 Cholesterol arthritis 455
Calcinosis, tumorous 407, 471, 484 Chondro-osteoid 50, 52, 54
Calcium deficiency 86 Chondroblastoma 210,226-229,248,254,284,
Calcium deposition 222, 226, 232, 388 338, 407, 412, 490
Calcium metabolism 1, 6, 66, 74, 100, 369 Chondrocalcinosis 454
Calcium pyrophosphate arthropathy (see also Chondrodermal dysplasia (see also Ellis-van Cre-
pseudo-gout) 454 veld syndrome) 44
Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate 454 Chondrodysplasia (see also osteochondrodyspla-
Callus 76, 78, 113, 116 sia) 1, 31
- Callus luxurians 120, 124 Chondrodysplasia calcificans punctata 34
- Cartilage 120 Chondrodysplasia punctata 31, 48
- Definitive 116 Chondrodystrophia fetalis (see also achondropla-
- Hyperplastic 120, 124, 494 sia) 32, 48
- Provisional bony 116, 120 Chondrodystrophy 32, 48, 423
- Provisional connective-tissue 116, 118 Chondroectodermal dysplasia (see also Ellis-van
Canine tapeworm 158 Creveld syndrome) 31, 44
Carcinomatous metastases (see also bone metasta- Chondroitin sulfate 426
ses ) 384, 468, 502, 510 Chondroma 222
Carnoy' solution (fixative) 500 - Central 224
Cartilaginous callus 254 - Extraskeletal 254
Cartilage structures 28 - Juxtacortical 224, 254
Cartilage tumors 214-254, 506 - Perioste al 220, 224, 254
- Age distribution 214, 218, 226, 236 - Proliferating 224, 238, 254
- Chondroblastoma 226-229 Chondromatosis, asymmetrical 370
- Chondroma, periosteal 220, 222, 224 Chondromyxoid fibroma 230-235, 254, 312,412,524
- Chondromyxoid fibroma 230-235 Chondrosarcoma 60, 210, 212, 214, 218, 220,
- Chondrosarcoma 214, 218, 220, 224, 236-254, 224, 230, 232, 234, 236-254, 294, 300, 305, 382,
305 384, 394, 471, 508
List of Subjects 575

- Age distribution 236 Coxarthritis, rheumatoid 442

- Clear-cell 248 Coxarthrosis deformans 172, 176, 418, 423, 424,
- Dedifferentiated 246, 324 426, 428, 442, 444, 494
- Extraosseous 484 Craniomandibulofacial dysmorphic
- Extraskeletal 252, 254, 484 syndrome 36
- Grading 240 Creeping substitution 116
- Localization 236 Crush artefacts 496
- Mesenchymal 250, 388, 484 Curettage 496
- Periosteal 252, 292, 471 Cushing's osteoporosis 66, 76-79, 514
- Primary 236 Cushing's syndrome 76
- Prognosis 236, 248 Cut surface (of macroscopic specimens) 494
- Secondary 236 Cuticle 158
- Synovial 457, 466 Cyst, synovial 418, 472
Chondrosis dissecans 430 Cytokeratin 506, 510
Chondrosis intervertebralis 436 Cytological examination 496
Chordoma 369, 382-385 Cytophotometry, quantitative 515-529
- Chondroid 382, 384
- Sacral 384
- Sacrococcygeal 382 o
- Spheno-occipital 382, 384
Circulatory disturbances 162, 164, 172, 190 Debre-de Toni-Fanconi syndrome 50
Classifying (see also Classification of bone tu- Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma 246, 324
mors) 207, 208-209, 515 Deep vascularization (in arthrosis) 428
Clawhand (in scleroderma) 486 Degeneration, albuminoid granular 424
Clear-cell Chondrosarcoma 248 Dentitio tarda 44
Clear-cell sarcoma of the tendon sheath 466 Deposition fronts, bone 514
Cleido-cranial dysplasia 31, 46 Dermatomyositis 486
Co-operative Ewing's sarcoma study Desmin (immunohistochemistry) 380, 506
(CESS) 368 Desmoid, periosteal 314
Co-operative osteosarcoma study (COSS) 278, Desmoplastic bone fibroma 286, 307, 322, 471
306 Detritus cyst (see also geode) 418, 424, 428
Coccidioidomycosis 156 Developmental disorders (see also dysplasias,
Codman's tri angle 22, 236, 238, 276, 292, 294, skeletal dysplasias) I, 33-63, 252
296 Diabetes insipidus 198
Codman's tumor 226-229 Diabetes mellitus 66, 188-191, 440, 454
Compact island (see also bone island) 274, 304 Diaphysis (see also shaft) 4, 14, 210
Compression fracture 148,412 Diastrophic dwarfism 31
Computer tomography (CT, computer tomo- Disease
gram) 99, 200, 220, 238, 254, 258, 268, 290, - Abt-Letterer-Siwe 195, 198
370, 384, 412, 414, 460, 466, 471, 480, 489, 492 - Ahlbäck 174
Congenital spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia 31 - Albers-Schönberg (see also osteopetrosis, mar-
Contrast medium 168 ble bone disease) 8, 31, 32, 54
Cortex 2, 16 - Bang (see also Bang's osteomyelitis, osteomyeli-
Cortical osteoid osteoma 260 tis brucellosa) 154
Cortical cysts 80 - Bechterew (see also spondylitis ankylopoetica
Cortical defect, metaphyseal fibrous 314, 336 Bechterew) 192, 441, 450
Corticoid 454 - Boeck (see also Boeck'disease, Boeck's bone,
Cortisone 52 Boeck's sarcoidosis) 150, 195
Cortisone arthritis 454 - Cushing (see also Cushing's syndrome, Cush-
Cortisone-wrecked joints 454 ing's osteoporosis) 164, 512
COSS Protocol 278, 306, 344 - Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen disease 31
Covering bone 48 - Erdheim-Chester (see also lipoid granulomato-
Coxa vara 38, 170, 176,318 sis) 183, 200
576 List of Subjects

- Fairbank 38 Double growth 50

- Forestier 188, 190, 440 Double-fronted attack on the articular cartilage
- Gaucher 183, 192 (in rheumatoid arthritis) 444
- Hand-Schüller-Christian 183, 195, 198, 200 Drainage, venous 166
- Hodgkin (see also lymphogranulomatosis, Dutcher-Fahey bodies 504
Hodgkin's lymphoma) 195,328,345,362,368 Dwarfism 38
- Jeune (see also asphyxiating thoracic dyspla- - Chondrodystrophic 48
sia) 34,42 - Diastrophic 31
- Kahler (see also medullary plasmocyto- - Disproportionate 40
ma) 348, 350, 368 - Majewski dwarfism (type II) 40
- Kienböck 165, 170, 176 - Mesomelic 46
- Köhler 170 - Metatrophic 31
- Little 438 - Neumoff's dwarfism (Type III) 40
- Morquio (see also mucopolysaccharidosis, Type - Short rib/polydactyly syndrome (Type I Saldi-
IV) 46 no-Noorman) 40
- Nasu (see also membranous lipodystrophy) 200 - Thanatophoric 40
- Niemann-Pick 183 Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen disease 31
- Ollier (see also enchondromatosis) 31,32,60, Dyscephaly 36
224,252 Dyschondrosteosis 31
- Osgood-Schlatter 165, 170 Dysmelias 36
- Paget (see also Osteitis deformans Paget) 8, - Amelia 36
74, 99, 102-105, 274, 298, 324, 358, 407, 514 - Apodia 36
- Perthes 46, 170, 176 - Diplomelia 36
- Pfaundler-Hurler (see also mucopolysaccharido- - Diplopodia 36
sis I-H, dysostosis Pfaundler-Hurler, gargoy- - Hemimelia 36
lism) 31, 46, 58, 183 - Micromelia 36
- Ribbing-Müller (see also multiple epiphyseal - Phocomelia ("Robbengliedrigkeit") 36
dysplasia) 38 - Polydactyly 36
- Scheuermann 165, 170, 438 - Syndactylia 36
- von Recklinghausen - Thalidomide embryopathy 36
- - (see also neurofibromatosis) 386, 438 Dysontogenetic neoplasms 370
- - (see also osteodystrophia fibrosa generalisata Dysostoses, localized (see also skeletal dysos-
cystica) 66, 72, 80-85, 88, 116 toses) 31, 34, 36
- Waldenström (bone lymphoma, immunocyto- - Block vertebra 36
ma) 504 - Excess vertebrae 36
- Wilson 454 - Rhachischisis 36
Disk hernia 436 - Spina bifida 36
Dislocation 190 - Spondylolisthesis 36
Displacement of articular cartilage 494 - Vertebral hypoplasia 36
Diver's disease 174 Dysostosis multiplex Pfaundler-Hurler (see also
DNA cytophotometry 489, 518, 524 Pfaundler-Hurler disease, Gargoylism, mucopo-
DNA degree of malignancy 522, 528 lysaccharidosis) 31, 46, 58, 183
DNA distribution pattern 518, 526 Dysplasias (see also skeletal dysplasias, develop-
DNA histogram 516, 518, 520, 522, 524, 526 mental disorders) I, 33-63, 252
DNA measurement, cytophotometric 272,515, - Chondroectodermal 31,44
516, 518, 520, 522, 524, 526 - Classification 34-36
DNA stern line 515, 516, 518, 520, 522, 524, - Cleido-cranial 31, 34, 46
526 - Congenital spondyloepiphyseal 31, 38
DNA values (diploid, tetraploid etc.) 515 - Fibrous 56, 318-321
DOPA 388 - Generalized 34
Dopamine 388 - Localized 34
Double contrast arthrography (- arthro- - Metaphyseal chondroplasia 34
gram) 432, 434, 436 - Multiple epiphyseal 38
List of Subjects 577

- Spondylometaphyseal 31 - Subungual osteocartilaginous 218, 252

- Tricho-rhino-phalangeal 46 Exostosis disease (see also osteochondromatosis,
- Ulno-fibular 31, 34 multiple osteocartilaginous exostoses) 214
Extinction phenomenon (with xeroradiogra-
phy) 490
E Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma 252

Eccentric bone atrophy 13

Echinococcosis, of bone 156, 158 F
EDTA decalcification 500
Elastic staining, van Gieson 502 Factor VIII (immunohistochemistry) 380
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome (see also chondroec- Factor VIII associated antigen (immunohisto-
todermal dysplasia) 34, 44 chemistry) 506
Embolization, superselective 370 False joint formation (see also pseudarthro-
Encephalocele 36 sis) 124
Enchondroma 60, 218-223, 226, 242, 254, 420 Fanbeam (in computer tomography, CT) 492
Enchondromatosis (see also Ollier's disease) 31, Fat staining (Sudan, oil red) 392
32, 60, 224, 252 Fatty tissue neoplasms, osseous 368
Endosteal fibrosis (see also marginal fibro- Felty's syndrome 452
sis) 24, 82, 84, 90, 92 Femoral head necrosis (see also hip joint necro-
Endothelin 405 sis) 165, 172
Enzyme defects 183 Femoral neck fracture, medial 172
Enzymes 183 Fetal face syndrome (Robinow) 46
Eosinophilic bone granuloma 195, 196-199,407 Fever, rheumatic 441, 444
Epidermal cyst, intraosseous 407, 420 Fibers, argyrophil 504
Epiphyseal growth cartilage (see also epiphyseal Fibrillation (in arthrosis) 426
plates) 4, 26 Fibro-osteoclasia, dissecting 6, 84, 88, 90, 92,
Epiphyseal necrosis 164, 170, 176 94
Epiphyseal plates (see also growth plates) 4, 26, Fibroblastic periosteal reaction 314, 336
210, 276, 314 Fibroblasts 90
Epiphyses 4, 14, 26, 34, 210 Fibroma 345, 457
Epithelial differentiation 378 Fibromatosis 457
Epithelioid cells 146, 150 Fibromyxoma of bone 312, 336
Erdheim-Chester disease (see also lipoid granulo- Fibrosarcoma, osseous 210, 212, 246, 300, 302,
matosis) 183, 200 305, 307, 312, 324, 330-336, 342, 345, 376, 394,
Erosion of bone 224 457, 471
Erosions 80, 84, 172, 426, 442 Fibrous bone (see also woven bone) 20, 31, 56,
Erroneous diagnosis 496 118, 234
Ewing's sarcoma 210, 212, 250, 268, 276, 284, Fibrous bone dysplasia (Jaffe-Lichtenstein) 18,
305, 352-357, 358, 360, 388, 490, 504, 520 20, 31, 32, 56, 256, 286, 307, 310, 316, 318-321,
- atypical 368 332, 33~ 378, 412, 516
Examination Fibrous bone trabeculae 18, 20, 90, 106, 120, 136,
- Electron microscopic 468 160, 218, 248, 255, 262, 266, 310, 316, 318, 320,
- Immunohistochemical 360 396, 414, 446, 480, 502
- Nuclear medical 490 Fibrous metaphyseal cortical defect 314, 336
Examination methods 489-529 Fibrous xanthoma of the synovium 462
Excision 496 Findings, macroscopic 494
Excoriations (in arthrosis) 426 Fish vertebra 70, 76
Exophthalmos 198 Fish vertebral disease 65
Exostoses, multiple osteocartilaginous 214, Fish-hook vertebra 58
238 Fissure 86, 170, 176
Exostosis Fixation 489, 498
- Osseous 216 Fluorosis 65, 100
578 List of Subjects

Foam cell complex 476 Geode (see also detritus cyst) 418, 424, 426, 428,
Foam cells 192, 198, 200, 310, 312, 322, 328, 462, 494
476 Giant cell granuloma
Foreign body reaction 334 - Reparative 195, 204, 338, 340, 344, 407, 416
Forestier's disease 188, 190, 440 - Resorptive 66, 84, 195, 344
Formalin (formaldehyde) 498 Giant cell reaction of the short tubular
Fractures 20, 76, 78, 80, 94, 99, 113-127, 164, bones 195, 204, 344, 407, 416
178, 307,420,494 Giant cell tumor of bone (see also osteoclasto-
- Closed fracture 113, 114 ma) 84, 195, 204, 2l0, 226, 262, 276, 305, 306,
- Comminuted fracture 114, 124 328, 330, 332, 337-344, 407, 412, 416, 476, 492,
- Complications of fractures 122 526
- Compression fracture 114 Giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath
- Creeping fracture 70, 80, 116 - Angiomatous form 476
- Fatigue fracture 113, 114 - Benign 457, 462, 471, 476
- Femoral neck fracture 172 Giant cell tumor, xanthomatous 476
- Fissure 86 Giant cells 310, 384, 462
- Greenstick fracture 113 - Osteoclastic multinucleate 226
- Immediate fracture 113 Giant osteoid osteoma 264
- In osteogenesis imperfecta 54 Gibbus angularis (see also hump, hunchback,
- Incomplete 113 kyphosis) 70, 86, 146
- March fracture 116 Giemsa staining 196, 202, 503
- Milkman's fracture 86, 116 Glomus cells 374
- Oblique torsion fracture 114 Glomus tumor 369,374
- Open fracture ("compound" fracture) 113, Glucocorticoid 454
114 Glutaraldehyde 498
- Pathological 54, 70, 113, 114, 126, 138, 142, Glycol methacrylate embedding 500
19~ 20~ 218, 236, 276, 308, 310, 322, 32~ 352, Gnawing (rat bite) 350
370, 372, 400, 402, 408, 412, 446, 516 Goldner's stain 255, 500
- Permanent fracture 86, 113 Gomori's stain 360, 504
- Ribs, fracture 114 Gonarthrosis 424, 432
- Spontaneous fracture 84, 113, 126, 132, 318 Gorham's syndrome (see also massive osteoly-
- Stress fracture 113, 114 sis) 370, 372
- Transverse fracture 114 Gothic arch palate 58
- Traumatic 113 Gout 183, 184, 195, 423, 498
Fracture callus 255, 307, 372 Gouty tophi 454, 498
Fracture hematoma 116 Grading 515, 526
Frozen sections (quick examination) 498 Granules, neurosecretory 388
Frozen sections 498 Granuloma, tuberculoid 150
Function of bone 2-3 Greig's syndrome (see also hypertelorism) 36
Fungal osteomyelitis 156, 195 Grocott's stain 156
Ground sections 500
Growth in length 210
G Gumma, syphilitic 152

Ganglion 471, 472

Ganglion, intraosseous 407, 418, 472 H
Ganglioneuroblastoma 388
Gardner's syndrome 256 Hamartoma 369,370
Gargoylism (see also Pfaundler-Hurler dysostosis, Hand-Schüller-Christian disease (HSC) 183, 195,
mucopolysaccharidosis) 31, 46, 58, 183 198,200
Garre's osteomyelitis 144 Harrison's groove 50
Gaucher cells 192, 504 Haversian canals 2, 8, 20, 102, 136, 160, 255,
Gaucher's disease 183, 192 307, 352, 500, 512, 514
List of Subjects 579

Haversian osteons (see also osteons) 4, 10, Hormones 1

500 - 1,25-Dihydroeholeealciferol 90
Heberden's nodes 424 - ACTH 6
Heidenhain-Susa solution 498 - Alpha-interferon 1
Helly's solution 498 - Androgens 1, 66
Hemangioendothelioma 328, 376 - Beta-TGF 1
Hemangioma 457, 476 - Calcitonin 1, 6, 10
- Capillary 369 - Estrogen 1, 66
- Cavernous 369, 370, 372, 416 - Glucocortieoid (see cortieoids) 1, 66, 76
- Cystic 370 - Insulin 1
- Osseous 268, 369 - Interleukin
Hemangioma of the skull 372 - Parathormone (see parathyrin) 1, 6, 10, 66, 80,
Hemangiomatosis, eapillary 370, 372 88
Hemangioperieytoma, osseous 250, 276, 305, - Prostaglandin
328, 369, 374, 376, 468, 484, 504 - Somatotropin 1, 6, 66
Hemangiosareoma, osseous 369, 376, 504 - Thyroxin 1, 66
Hemarthrosis 441 - TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) 6
Hematoma, ealcified 468 - Vitamin-D hormone 1, 10,66, 88
Hematoxylin-eosin (HE staining) 502 Hounsfield units (in computer tomography,
Hemoehromatosis 454 CT) 492
Hemodialysis 92, 94 Howship's Lacunae 4, 18, 24, 76, 82, 120, 510
Hemosiderin (pigment) 502 Hump (see also hunehback, kyphosis) 70, 86,
Herring-bone pattern 302, 332, 334 146,450
Hexadaetyly 1 Hunter-Hurler-pfaundler disease (see also Pfaund-
High frequeney impulse radiation ler-Hurler dysostosis, gargoylism, mueopolysac-
(in MRT) 492 charidosis I-H) 58, 183
Hip necrosis (see also femoral head necro- Hydrarthrosis 441, 442
sis) 165, 172 Hydrogen atom nuclei (bei MRT) 492
Hip prosthesis (artifieial hip) 195 Hydroxyapatite 4, 100
Hip, traumatie disloeation 172 Hydroxyapatite arthropathy 454
Histiocytes 310,312,322,344 Hygroma 472
Histioeytoma, benign fibrous (BFH) 195, 308, Hypercalcemia 10, 34, 52, 150
312, 320, 322, 336, 464, 476 Hypercalcemia syndrome 364
Histiocytoma, malignant fibrous (MFH) 304, Hypereholesterolemia, hereditary essential famil-
305, 324-329, 336, 346, 376, 394, 471, 508, ial 183, 200
510 Hyperemia, arterial 166
Histiocytosis X 195, 198, 322, 344, 506 Hyperostosis 108, 188
Histiocytosis, malignant 202 Hyperostosis frontalis interna 190
Histochemical criteria 364 Hyperostosis, ankylosing 440
Histoehemieal methods 489 Hyperparathyroidism 6, 24, 66, 80, 84, 307, 344,
Histochemistry, quantitative 489 407, 454, 484
Histomorphometry 90, 489, 510-511 - Primary 66, 80, 84, 407
HMB45 (immunohistochemistry) 510 - Secondary 66, 88, 90
Hodgkin eells 362 Hyperphosphatemia 100
Hodgkin's lymphoma, osseous (see also lympho- Hypertelorism (see also Greig's syndrome) 36
granulomatosis, Hodgkin's disease) 195, 328, Hyperthyrosis 66
345, 362, 368 Hypertrophie bone atrophy 10, 14
Hoffa's disease 460 Hyperuricemia 184
Homer-Wright pseudorosettes 368 Hypocalcinemia 100
Homogentisie acid 192 Hypoparathyroidism 100-102, 195
Homogentisin oxidase 183 Hypophosphatasia 31, 50, 52, 454
Homovanillyl acid (HVA) 388 Hypostatic abseess 146
Horizontal tear (meniscus) 436 Hypothyrosis (see hypothyroidism) 31, 66, 454
580 List of Subjects

- Joint capsule 4, 28, 423

Joint synovitis, localized nodular 462
Idiopathic median necrosis Erdheim-Gsell 58 Joint tuberculosis 146
Iliac crest biopsy 66, 80, 82, 88, 90, 106, 186, Juvenile bone cyst 126, 408, 516
345, 368, 496, 498 Juvenile idiopathic osteoporosis 31
Immobilization osteoporosis 65, 74, 446
Immunocytoma, lymphoplasmocytic (see Walden-
ström's disease) 504 K
Immunoglobulin production 506
Immunoglobulins 348, 442 Kahler's disease 348, 350, 368
Immunohistochemistry, diagnostic 126, 468, Kappa, Lambda Proteins (immunohistochemistry)
489, 506-510 506
- Cytokeratin 126 Keratin 380, 405
- Factor VIII, ulex lectin 369 Kienböck's disease 165, 170, 176
- NSE, S-100-Protein, GFAP, HBA71, MIC2 368 Kits (staining sets) 506
Impairment of blood supply 430 Köhler's disease 170
Implantation metastases 236 Kossa's stain 500, 504
Individual height 1 Kveim re action 150
Inflammation, pannous 442 Kyphoscoliosis 8, 38, 438
Intermediate lamellae 4 Kyphosis 70, 86, 170, 450
Intervertebral disk 192, 436, 438, 448, 450
Intervertebral space 448
Intramedullary pinning 160, 164 L
Involucrum 136
Involutional osteoporosis 65, 72 Lamellar bone 20
Iridodonesis 58 Lamina dura 80
Irradiation 300, 370 Laminectomy 438
Ivory vertebra 362, 402 Langer-Giedion syndrome 46
Langerhans histiocytes 506
Langhans giant cells 146, 148, 150, 344, 452
J Lead line 100
Lead poisoning 99, 100
Joint bodies, free 430, 458 "Leave-me-alone-lesion" 174,258,274, 314
Joint capsule 4, 168, 418, 434, 441, 457, 458, Lectin ulex europeus (immunohistochemis-
464 try) 506, 510
Joint cavity 460 Leiomyoma, osseous 390
Joint changes, degenerative 430 Leiomyosarcoma, osseous 390
Joint diseases Leukemia 345, 364, 368, 503
- Degenerative 423-440, 430 - Acute 345
- Inflammatory 441-456 - Acute lymphatic 364
- Joint rheumatism 444 - Acute myeloid 364
- Joint tuberculosis 146 - Chronic 345
- Tumor-like 460 - Chronic lymphatic 364
- Tumorous 457-469 - Chronic myeloid 366
Joint dysplasias 1, 31 Ligamenta flava 450
Joint empyema 441,452 Lipodystrophy, membranous (see also Nasu's dis-
Joint fluid 168 ease) 200
Joint inflammation, purulent 452 Lipofuscin (pigment) 502
Joint mouse 423, 430 Lipoid granulomatosis (see also Erdheim-Chester
Joint rheumatism 444 disease) 183, 200
Joint space 458 Lipoid storage disease 183
Joint structures Lipoma
- Articular cartilage 28, 423 - Intraarticular 460
List of Subjects 581

- Osseous (see also bone lipoma) 268, 346, 368, Marrow abscesses 134
457 - Eosinophilic 196
Lipoma arborescens (see diffuse articular lipoma- Marrow cavity 4, 16, 78, 352, 364, 500
tosis) 460 Masson-Goldner staining 502
Lipomatosis, diffuse articular (see lipoma arbores- Mast ceU leukemia 366
cens) 460 Mast ceU reticulosis (see also malignant mastocy-
Liposarcoma, osseous 328, 346, 368, 394, 457 tosis) 366
Little's disease 438 Mast ceUs 366
Localized nodular synovitis 457, 462, 471, 476 Mastocytosis, malignant (see also mast ceU reticu-
Locomotor system 1 losis) 366
Longitudinal ligament, dorsal 438 Median necrosis Erdheim-GseU 58
Longitudinal ligament, ventral 438 Melanin (pigment) 502
Longitudinal te ar (meniscus) 434 Melanoma 506, 508
Looser's transformation zones 80, 86, 116 Melorheostosis 32, 99, 108, 407
Lordosis 50 Membranous lipodystrophy (see also Nasu's dis-
Lumbago 436 ease) 200
Lunatomalacia 165, 170, 176 Meniscal te ar 432, 434
Lupus erythematosus, systemic 452 Meniscopathy 423
Lymph vessels 374 Meniscus 28, 432
Lymphangioma,osseous 369,370,372, 374, Meniscus lesion 460
457 - Degenerative 432
Lymphangiosarcoma 376 - Traumatic 432, 434-436
Lymphogranulomatosis, malignant (see also Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma 250
Hodgkin's lymphoma, osseous, Hodgkin's dis- Mesenchymoma, malignant osseous 392
ease) 195, 328, 345, 362, 368 Mesomelic Dwarfism (see also Robinow's Syn-
Lymphoma drome) 46
- Histiocytic 328 Metabolic diseases of bone 183-193
- Malignant 368, 388 MetaUosis 122, 195, 503
Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia 34
Metaphysis 4, 14, 34, 210, 238, 314
M Metastases 490
Metastasizing, types of
Maceration 494 - CoraUiform type 400
Macrocephaly 36 - Limb type 396, 400
Mafucci's syndrome 60, 370 - Periosteal type 396, 400
Magnetic field, external (in MRT) 492 - Stem skeleton type 396, 400
Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) 238, - Vertebral 396
290, 432, 434, 460, 466, 489, 492 Metatrophic dwarfism 31
Magnetic resonance tomography (NMR, MIR, Methods, immunohistochemical 356
MRT) 489, 492 Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) 388
Majewski dwarfism (Type II) 40 Methyl methacrylate (plastic embedding) 500
Maldevelopment, local 370 MGUS 350
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma 76, 304 Microangiopathy, diabetic 190
Map-like skuU 198 Microcephaly 36
Marble bone disease (see also osteopetrosis Al- Microradiography 489, 512-514
bers-Schönberg) 8, 31, 32, 54 Milkman's fracture 86, 92, 116
Marfan's sign 50 Milkman's syndrome 86, 88, 92
Marfan's syndrome 58 Milling drill, Burkhardt 496
Marginal condensation 76, 78 Mineral content of bone (microradiography) 512
Marginal fibrosis (see also endosteal fibro- Mineralization disorder 52, 90
sis) 24, 82, 84, 94 Mineralization fronts 500
Marginal sclerosis 99, 142, 220, 230, 262, 264, Morphea (in scleroderma) 486
308, 310, 312, 386, 414, 418, 428, 464 Morphometry, visual 510
582 List of Subjects

Mosaic structure (reversallines) 104, 298 - Periosteal 386

Moth-eaten 352 Neurofibromatosis (see also von Recklinghausen's
Mouse bed 430 disease) 386, 438
MR-tomography (MRT) (see magnetic reso- Neurofibrosarcoma 386
nance) 99, 200, 254, 290, 405, 412, 436, 471, Neurolemoma 386
489,492, New bone formation 200, 210, 236, 416, 510
Mucin staining 382 Nidus 260, 262, 266, 490, 518
Mucolipidosis 31 Niemann-Pick disease 183
Mucopolysaccharide, acid 242, 378, 484 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (see also bone lympho-
Mucopolysaccharidosis (see also dysostosis ma, reticulum cell sarcoma) 345, 358-361, 368
Pfaundler-Hurler, Pfaundler-Hurler disease, gar- Non-ossifying bone fibroma 99, 307, 308-311,
goylism) 31,46,58, 183 312, 314, 322, 332, 336
Mucopolysaccharidosis, Type IV (see also Mor- Non-purulent sclerosing osteomyelitis Garrt~ 144
quio's disease) 46 Nora lesion (see bizarre parosteal osteochondro-
Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (see also Ribbing- matosis proliferation) 218, 252
Müller disease) 38 NSE (neuron-specific enolase) 388
Multiple osteocartilaginous exostoses (see also Nucleotomy 438
exostosis disease, osteochondromatosis) 214 Nucleus pulposus 436, 438
Multiple purpose grid (in histomorphome- Nutrient foramen 168
try) 510 Nutrient vessels 166
Muscular dystrophy 438
Myelography 384
Myeloid fibrosis 88, 90, 92, 307, 428 o
Myeloid proliferation 364
Myeloma, multiple 65, 212, 345, 348-351, 368, Oblique tear (meniscus) 436
327,406 Ochronosis 183, 192, 423, 454
Myeloses 496 Oil red staining 392
Myoepithelia 506 Ollier's disease (see also enchondromatosis) 31,
Myoglobin (immunohistochemistry) 506 32, 60, 224, 252
Myosin (immunohistochemistry) 506 Omarthrosis 424
Myositis ossificans Onion skin picture 352
- Idiopathic 480 Ontogenesis, normal 210
- Post-traumatic 254, 290, 407, 468, 471, 478- Osgood-Schlatter disease 165, 170
481,482 Osmic acid (fixation) 498
- Progressive 480 Ossification
Myxoma (jaw bones) 312 - Desmal (covering bone, membrane bone) 32
- Endochondral 26, 32, 54, 58, 60, 210
- Heterotopic 480
N - Perichondra1!periosteal 32, 58
Ossification, dis orders 32-33, 308
Naphthyl acetate esterase 364 Ossifying bone fibroma 255, 304, 307, 316, 320,
Nasu's disease (see also membranous lipodystro- 336
phy) 200 Osteitis deformans Paget (see also Paget's dis-
Needle biopsy 400, 496 ease) 8, 74, 99, 102-105, 274, 298, 324, 358,
Needle puncture 496 407, 514
Neumoff's dwarfism (Type III) 40 Osteo-onycho-dysostosis 31
Neurinoma, osseous 386, 506 Osteoarthritis 441
Neuron-specific Enolase (NSE) (immunohisto- Osteoarthropathie hypertrophiante pneumique
chemistry) 388, 506, 508 (Pierre Marie-Bamberger) 162
Neuroblastoma, malignant 356, 360, 388, 506, 508 Osteoarthropathy
Neurofibrils 388 - Diabetic 188, 190
Neurofibroma 506 - Tuberculous 144
- Osseous 386 Osteoarthrosis deformans 176
List of Subjects 583

Osteoblastoma 248, 255, 264-269, 286, 304, 305, Osteolysis 526

338,504 Osteolysis, massive (see also Gorham's syn-
- Aggressive 264, 270-273 drome) 370, 372
- Cortical 266 Osteolytic foci 20, 31, 84, 90, 196,200,202,228,
- Medullary 266 230, 236, 248, 250, 268, 270, 274, 278, 282, 284,
- Multicentric 264 286, 302, 305, 308, 312, 320, 322, 324, 326, 330,
- Multifocal sclerosing 266 334, 340, 344, 345, 352, 354, 358, 360, 364, 366,
- Peripheral (periosteal) 266 370, 376, 378, 380, 386, 388, 396, 398, 404, 405,
Osteoblasts 4,6,8, 18,20,24, 52, 66, 82, 88, 90, 94, 407, 412, 416, 418, 464
104,120,136,160,162,210,248,255,262,266,268, Osteoma 256-259, 304, 316
272,274,282,288,298,305,316,352,400,402,426, - Parosteal 457
440,446,448,480,502, 506, 510, 511, 512 - Periosteal 256
Osteochondritis luetica (see also syphilis, bone Osteoma eburneum 255, 256, 305
syphilis) 32, 152 Osteoma spongiosum 255, 256
Osteochondritis, localized 164 Osteomalacia 66, 86, 88, 512
Osteochondrodysplasia (see also chondrodyspla- Osteomyelitis 20, 22, 65, 99, 124, 126, 129-159,
sia) 1,31 164, 180, 268, 296, 307, 345, 352, 354, 369, 404,
Osteochondroma 214-217, 252, 254, 256, 290 407, 441, 448, 492, 494, 496, 520
Osteochondromatosis (see also exostosis disease, - Acute purulent 126, 134, 190
multiple osteocartilaginous exostoses) 252 - Adult osteomyelitis 134
- Synovial 458 - Age 130
Osteochondrosis dissecans 165, 170, 423, 430 - Albuminosa 142
Osteoclast index (histomorphometry) 510 - Bang's osteomyelitis 154
Osteoclast-stimulating factor 405 - BCG osteomyelitis 148
Osteoclastic activity (histomorphometry) 510 - Bone syphilis 152
Osteoclastoma (see also giant cell tumor of - Brodie's abscess 142, 195
bone) 84,195,204,210,226,262,276,305,306, - Brucellosa (see also Bang's osteomyelitis, Bang's
328,330,332,337-344,407,412,416,476,492,526 disease) 154
Osteoclasts 6, 24, 54, 66, 72, 82, 84, 90, 94, 99, - Chronic 138-141, 195
104, 120, 210, 248, 266, 268, 282, 298, 344, 352, - Chronic recurrent 138
448, 502, 504, 506, 511, 512 - Circumscripta 129
Osteocyte lacunae 20,24, 164, 170, 178 - Dentogenous 132, 195
Osteocytes 16, 18, 20, 24, 136, 160, 162, 278, - Fungal osteomyelitis 156, 195
500, 512 - Garres osteomyelitis 144
Osteodensitometry 65, 66, 72 - Hematogenous 129
Osteodystrophia fibrosa generalisata cystica von - Late osteomyelitis 138
Recklinghausen 66, 72, 80-85, 88, 116, 344, - Luetica 152
510, 512 - Marrow abscess 134
Osteofibrous bone dysplasia (Campanacci) 316, 336 - Non-specific 129
Osteogenesis imperfecta 8, 32, 54, 65 - Osteomyelitis in children 132
Osteoid 4, 6, 54, 86, 88, 92, 204, 210, 248, 255, - Osteomyelitis in infants 132
264, 270, 272, 278, 298, 300, 305, 392, 394, 410, - Osteomyelitis of the jaws 132
480, 502, 510, 512 - Panaritium (paronychia) ossale 132
Osteoid trabeculae 262, 266 - Paronychia (panaritium) ossale 132
Osteoid-osteoma 22, 99, 255, 258, 260-263, 264, - Plasmacellular 142, 195, 350
266, 304, 305, 503, 518 - Post traumatic 129
- Intracortical 490 - Post-fractural 124
Osteoidosis 88, 90, 94 - Radioosteomyelitis 164
Osteolathyrism 58 - Specific 129, 144
Osteoliposarcoma 392 - Syphilitic 152
Osteolyses - Tuberculous (see also bone tuberculosis, skeletal
- Destructive 402 tuberculosis) 144-148
- Idiopathic 31, 34 - Typhoid osteomyelitis 154, 195
584 List of Subjects

Osteomyelitis Garrt~ 144 - Juxtacortical (see parosteal) 288-291, 292

Osteomyelitis of the jaws, dentogenous 132 - Localization 274
Osteomyelofibrosis 106, 345 - Multicentrie 278, 406
Osteomyeloreticulosis 106 - - Metachronie form type III 278
Osteomyelosclerosis 20, 99, 106, 345 - - Synchronous form type I 278
Osteonecrosis 430 - Osteoblastie 255, 276, 278, 280, 298, 300
Osteonectin (immunohistochemistry) 506 - Osteolytic 210, 255, 276, 278, 305, 492
Osteons 4, 10, 512 - Paget's osteosarcoma 298
Osteopathy 20, 65-97, 344, 500, 510 - Parosteal (see juxtacortical) 288-291, 292, 296,
- Circulatory 65 304, 457, 471, 492
- Classification (renal osteopathy) 90 - Periosteal 210, 292-295, 304
- Diabetic 186-191 - Postradiation osteosarcoma 300
- Endocrine 66, 76 - Primary 280
- Infectious 65 - Sclerosing 210
- Metabolie 65 - Secondary 274, 298, 300, 302
- Neoplastic 65 - Small cell 284, 388
- Osteopathia condensans disseminata (see also - Surface osteosarcoma 288-291,292-295,296,304
osteopoikilosis) 108 - Telangiectatic 195, 280-283, 305, 306, 407, 412,
- Renal 66, 88-94, 500, 510 416
- Toxie 65 Osteosclerosis 6,20,34,54, 80, 99-111, 166,200,
Osteopetrosis Albers-Schönberg (see also marble 202, 222, 260, 302, 345, 362, 380, 402, 407, 410,
bone disease) 8, 31, 32, 54 424, 438, 442
Osteophyte development, arthrotic 436 - Perifocal 490
Osteophytes 100, 192, 436, 448 - Reactive 494
Osteophytosis, periosteal 345 Osteosynthesis 126, 160, 164
Osteopoikilosis 99, 108-111,274 Ostitis cystoides multiplex Jüngling (see also
Osteoporosis 6, 20, 22, 65-97, 188, 345, 364, 426, Boeck's sarcoidosis) 150
438, 486, 510 Ostitis fibrosa 318
- Adrenocortical 76 Own coloring 502
- Cushing's osteoporosis 66, 76-79 Oxalosis 454
- Generalized 65
- Immobilization osteoporosis 65, 74
- Involutional osteoporosis 65, 66, 68, 72 p
- Juvenile idiopathic 31
- Localized 65 Paddle ribs 58
- Osteoporosis of ageing 65, 72 Paget's disease (see also osteitis deformans Pa-
- Perifocal 146 get) 8, 74, 99, 102-105, 274, 298, 324, 358, 407,
- Postmenopausal 65, 66 514
- Presenile 72 Paget's osteosarcoma 298
- Senile 65, 72 Paget's sarcoma 104, 298
- Sudeck's atrophy 65, 96 Palade-Weibel bodies 369
Osteoporosis with ageing 65, 72 Panaritium (paronychia) ossale
Osteosarcoma 99, 162, 212, 246, 254, 255, 262, (et articulare) 132
264, 268, 270, 274-301, 324, 337, 342-344, 392, Pannus 441, 444
394, 406, 492, 494, 498, 503, 522 Pannus formation 442, 444
- Age distribution 274 Paraffin embedding 500
- Anaplastie 328 Paramyloidosis 186
- Chondroblastic 254, 280, 305, 496 Paraplegia (section of the spinal cord) 264
- Epithelioid 284 Paraproteins 348
- Extraosseous 290, 480, 482 Parathyroid glands 6, 80, 84, 94, 100
- Fibroblastic 280, 330 Paronychia (panaritium ossale et artieulare) 132
- High-grade surface osteosarcoma 296, 304 PAS staining 156, 255, 284, 356, 364, 503
- Intraosseous well-differentiated 286 Pathological fracture 54
List of Subjects 585

Pauwel's angle 14 Postmenopausal osteoporosis 65

PCP (progressive chronic polyarthritis) 441, Preosteoblasts 10, 18
444-447, 450 Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) 368
Peanut agglutinin (PNA) (immunohistochemis- Prognosis (of bone tumors) 526
try) 506, 510 Proliferative tendency 522, 524
Periarthritis humeroscapularis 472 Prosthesis 122, 195, 324, 344, 503
Periosteal chondrosarcoma 252 Proteases, lysosomal 444
Periosteal desmoid 314 Proteoglycans 242
Periosteal pain 224 Protons (in MRT) 492
Periosteal reaction 494 Pseudarthrosis 86, 114, 124, 178, 386
- Bony 226, 316 Pseudo-gout (see also calcium pyrophosphate ar-
- Fibroblastic 314, 336 thropathy) 454
Periosteum 2, 4, 22 Pseudomalignant bone tumor of the soft
Periostitis parts 480
- Inflammatory 160 Psoriatic arthritis 452
- Ossificans22, 118, 132, 136, 152, 162, 190, Pubertas praecox 318
286, 310, 471 Pumice-stone skull 84, 86, 104
- Traumatic 160 Punctio sicca (empty marrow cavity) 106
- Tumorous 22, 162 Puncture 496
Periostosis, bony 100, 162, 238 Puncture cylinder 496
Peripheral bulge 426, 436 Pyarthrosis 132
Peripheral osteophytes 172, 424, 428, 442, 448
Permanent fracture 86
Peroxidase 364 R
Peroxidase-anti peroxidase technique (PAP) 506
Perthes' disease 46, 170, 176 Radiation damage 164
Phenylalanin-tyrosin metabolism 183 Radiation osteitis 164, 178
Phosphatase reaction, tartrate-resistant acid Radiation osteosarcoma 178, 300
(TRAP) 504 Radiculitis 436
Phosphatase, tartrate-resistant acid 344 Radiograph 489
Phosphate diabetes 50 Radioisotope, osteotropic 490
Phosphoethanolamine 52 Radiological diagnosis 490
Phosphorus 99 Radiological methods available 490-493
Pigment deposition 502 Radioosteomyelitis 164
Pigmented villonodular synovitis 457, 464, 468 Radioosteonecrosis 164, 178, 300
Pixels (in computer tomography, CT) 492 Radiotherapy 198
Plain radiographs 489, 490 Rauber's sign 436
Plasma cells 350 Reaction, immunopathological 442
Plasmocytoma kidney 348 von Recklinghausen's disease
Plasmocytoma, medullary (see also myeloma) 65, - Neurofibromatosis 386, 438
212, 345, 348-351, 368, 372, 406, 471, 496 - Osteodystrophia fibrosa generalisata 66, 72,
Plasmocytosis, non-specific (MGUS) 350 80-85, 88, 116
Plastic embedding 500 Relaxation time (with MRT)
Ploidy level 515 - Longitudinal Tl 492
Ploidy steps 515, 522 - Transverse T2 492
PNET 356, 368 Remaniement pagetoide posttraumatique
Poliomyelitis 438 Lievre 74
Polyarthritis acuta serofibrinosa Replacement bone 48
rheumatica 444 Resection 496
Polyarthritis, progressive chronic (PCP) 441, Resorption lacunae (see also Howship's lacu-
444-447, 450 nae) 4,18,24,76,82,84,88,92,94,120,448,511
Polyarthroses 424 Reticular fiber network 504
Popliteal cyst 472, 474 Reticular fiber silver staining 504
586 List of Subjects

Reticular fiber staining 468 Scolices 158

Reticulohistiocytosis 198 Scoliocephaly (see also sloping skuIl) 36
Reticulum ceU sarcoma (see also malignant bone Scoliosis 50, 260, 386, 438
lymphoma, non-Hodgkin-Iymphoma) 250, Section cutting 489
284, 345, 350, 358-361 Semithin section 498
Reversallines 20, 104, 170, 178,298,410,426, Sequestral cavity 131, 136, 160
428, 440, 446, 500 Sequestrum (see also bone sequestrum) 114,
Rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonic 388 131, 132, 134, 136, 138, 164, 178, 180
Rheumatic factors 442, 444, 446 Serum calcium level 6, 66
Rheumatism Serum phosphatase, alkaline 88
- Degenerative 423 Sex hormones 66
- Inflammatory 423, 424 Shaft (see also diaphysis) 4, 14
Rhizarthrosis 424 Sharpey fiber bundle 2
Rhizomelic underdevelopment 40 Siderosis 503
Rhodamin-Auramin staining 146 Silver impregnation 504
Rice grains (in bursitis) 472 Silver staining (histochemistry) 360
Rickets 50, 66, 86, 438 - Bielschowsky's method 504
- Hypophosphatemic familial 31, 32 - Gomori's method 504
- Vitamin-D resistant 50 - Tibor-PAP method 504
Rickety rosary 50 Skeletal carcinomatosis 99, 404
Rindfleisch cells 154 Skeletal development 210
Robinow's syndrome (see also mesomelic dwarf- Skeletal dysostoses (see also localized dysos-
ism) 46 toses) 31, 34, 36
Round cell sarcoma, osseous 360, 368 Skeletal dysplasias (see also dysplasias, develop-
Rugger-jersey spine 50 mental disorders) 1, 33-63, 252
Russel's bodies 350 Skeletal growth 210
Skeletal metastases (see bone metastases) 20, 22,
99, 126, 268, 284, 345, 378, 396-406
s - Distribution pattern 396, 400
Skeletal scintigraphy (see also scintigraphy) 26,
S-100-protein (immunohistochemistry) 506, 508 99, 110, 150, 165, 200, 224, 254, 268, 276, 326,
Saddle cavity 146 354, 405, 410, 420, 471, 489, 490
Safranin-O staining 242 Skeletal tuberculosis (see also bone tuberculosis)
Saldino-Noorman syndrome 40 144-148
Sandwich vertebra 54 Skeletal ultrasound
Sarcoidosis Boeck (see also Boeck's bone, Boeck's - Bone ultrasound 492
disease) 150, 195 - Soft tissue ultrasound 492
Sarcoidosis granuloma 150 Skip lesion (see skip metastases) 276, 406
Sarcoma Skip metastases (see skip lesion) 276, 406
- Epithelioid 457, 466, 468 Sloping skuU (see also scoliocephaly) 36
- Clear-cell 457 Soap-bubble appearance 338, 340
Scaphocephaly (see also boat skuU) 36 Sodium urate deposition 452
Scheuermann's disease 165, 170, 438 soft tissue calcifications 486
Schmorl's nodes 70, 170, 436, 438 Soft tissue hematoma 480
Schwannoma 506 Specimens
- Malignant 386, 468 - Histological 498
Sciatica 436 - Macroscopic 489, 494
Scintigram, total body 490 - Normal dissection 494
Scintigraphy (see also bone scintigram, skeletal Specimens, (special techniques) 494
scintigraphy, scintigram) 26, 99, 110, 150, 165, Specimens, deep-frozen 494
200, 224, 254, 268, 276, 326, 354, 405, 410, 420, Spiculated blue bone 272
471, 489, 490 Spicules 22, 136, 160, 162, 236, 255, 276, 294,
Scleroderma 486 314, 372
List of Subjects 587

Spider fingers 58 Surface osteosarcoma 304

Spin density (in MRT) 492 Survival period 212
Spinal changes, degenerative 436-440 Sympathetic reflex dystrophy (see also Sudeck's
Spins (in MRT) 492 atrophy, SRD) 65, 96, 124
Spondylarthritis ankylopoetica 450 Sympathicoblastoma 388
Spondylarthrosis deformans 423, 424, 436 Synostosis 450
Spondylitis 140, 402 Synovectomy 460, 464
- Non-specific 448 Synovia (see also stratum synoviale) 28, 168,
- Tuberculous 448 452, 457, 464
Spondylitis ankylopoetica Bechterew (see also Synovial biopsy 454
Bechterew's disease) 192, 441, 450 Synovial chondromatosis 254, 457, 458
Spondylodiscitis 140, 448 Synovial sarcoma 378, 457, 462, 464, 466-469
Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (see also - Biphasic type 466
Spranger-Wiedemann dysplasia) 38 - Monophasic epithelioid 468
Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia 31 - Monophasic type 466, 468
Spondylosis 188 Synovial villi 457, 460
- Ochronotic 192 Synovioma, malignant 466
Spondylosis deformans 192, 436 Synovitis 441
Spongiosa 2, 16, 68, 74 - Localized nodular 457, 462, 471, 476
Spongiosal plastic treatment 122 - Non-specific 442, 486
Spongiosal surface area, inactive (histomorpho- - Purulent granulating 454
metry) 510 - Tuberculoid 452
Spongiosal transplants 122, 124 - Villonodular (see also pigmented villonodular
Spongiosclerosis 440 synovitis) 457, 464, 468
Spongy degeneration of the articular cartilage (in Syphilis (see also bone syphilis, osteochondritis
arthrosis) 428 luetica) 32, 152
Spontaneous fracture 84, 348, 516 Syphilis, acquired 152
Spontaneous healing 408 Syphilis, congenital 152
Sporotrichosis 156 Syringomyelia 438
Spotted bones (see also osteopoikilosis) 108
Spranger-Wiedemann dysplasia (see also spondy-
loepiphyseal dysplasia congenita) 38 T
Squaring (rectangular vertebral body) 450
Staining sets (kits) 506 Tabular osteons 20, 22
Staining techniques 502-505 Taenia echinococcus 158
Starvation osteoporosis 65 Tear of substance (meniscus) 434
Stasis, venous 162 Tendon sheath 418, 457, 462, 464, 472, 474
Steeple or tower head (see also Tendosynovitis, localized nodular 462
Turricephaly) 36 Tendovaginitis stenosans de Quervain 457, 471,
Sternberg giant cells 362 474
Steroid osteoporosis 76 Tetracyclin double marking 511
Storage diseases of bone 183-193, 345 Tetracyclin marking, intravital 22, 82, 500
Stratum synoviale (see also synovia) 28, 168, Thanatophoric Dwarfism Type Neumoff 32,40
441, 442, 446 Theory of bone neoplasia 210
Subtraction angiography, digital (DSA) 489 Thibierge-Weissenbach syndrome 486
Sudan staining 346, 392 Tibia recurvata 8
Sudeck's atrophy (see also sympathetic reflex dys- Tibor-PAP staining 360
trophy, SRD) 65, 96, 124 Tissue differentiation, topographical and func-
Summation vector of the proton spin (in tional 210
MRT) 492 Tissue patterns
Sunburst 372 - Angiomatous 394
Surface density of the entire resorption area (his- - Basaloid 378
tomorphometry) 510 - Spindle-cell 378
588 List of Subjects

- Storiform 304, 322, 326, 328 Ulnofibular dysplasia 31

- Tubular 378 Ultraviolet fluorescence 500
Toluidin blue (staining) 500 Unmasking of the fibrils (in arthrosis) 426
Tomography (tomogram) 99, 174, 220, 238, 489, Unmasking of the fibrils 424
490 Unphysiological stress 423
Tooth development 100 Urate crystals 184, 498
Total endoprosthesis (TEP) 122, 165, 423 Urate deposition 452
Tower or steeple head (see also Urates 423
Turricephaly) 36 Uric acid metabolism, endogenous dis order
Tracer deposition (in scintigraphy) 490 of 184
Tracer substances (in scintigraphy) 490 Urticaria pigmentosa 366
Transverse fracture 114
Transverse spongiosa 68, 72, 74
Trauma 430, 432, 434, 441, 460, 478, 484 v
Triangular skull (see also trigonocephaly) 36
Tricho-rhino-phalangeal dysplasia 46 van Gieson's stain 255, 342, 502
Trichrome staining 502 Vanillyl mandelic acid (VMA) 388
Trigonocephaly (see also triangular skull) 36 Variable window (with computer tomography,
Trilaminar layering CT) 492
- Horizontal 80 Varicosities 162
- In myositis ossificans 478 Vascular circle of the joint 168
Tubercles 146, 148, 452 Verocay's bodies 386
Tuberculin reaction 150 Vertebra plana Calve 170
Tuberculosis 441 Vertebral hemangioma 370
Tuberculostatic drugs 148 Vertebral metastases (spinal metastases) 402
Tuberculous focus 195 Vertebral puncture 440
Tumor cells Vertical tear (meniscus) 436
- Aneuploid 522, 524, 526 Vimentin 380, 506, 508
- Physaliphorous cells 382 Vitamin-C deficiency osteoporosis 65
- Syncytial 382 Volkmann's canals 136, 160, 166
Tumor markers 506 Voxels (in computer tomography, CT) 492
Tumor-like bone lesions 304
Tumorous bone 255,274,276,278,280,284,
392,394 w
Tumorous cartilage 274, 276, 286, 292, 300
Tumorous osteoblasts 294 Ward's triangle 13, 70
Tumorous osteoid 255, 274, 276, 278, 280, 282, Wedge vertebrae 68, 70, 146, 170
284, 286, 292, 294, 300, 305, 306, 392, 394 Willow catkin structures 360
Tumors Woven bone (see also fibrous bone) 20, 31, 56
- Doubtful prognosis 254 Woven bone trabeculae 255
- Endovaginal (tendon sheath) 460
Tunneling 82
Turricephaly (see also tower or steeple x
head) 36
Types of tear (meniscus) 436 Xanthofibroma, osseous 195, 307, 312, 322, 336
Typhoid nodes 154 Xanthoma of the soft tissues 183
Typhoid osteomyelitis 154, 195 Xeroradiography (xeroradiograph) 460, 490

u v
Ulex I 380 Yamshidi's needle technique 496
Origin of Specimens lIIustrated in this Book

Over aperiod of more than thirty years I have continually been collecting pictures of macro-
scopic and histological specimens and radiographs, for the most part prepared by mys elf, but also
often reproduced, particularly from radiographs that have been sent to me. During this time more
than 40,000 illustrations (slides and photographic prints) of all known bone diseases have been
assembled. When I came to choose from this extensive archive a representative selection for use
in this book, illustrations were included from sources the details of which I can no Ion ger remem-
ber, and which I cannot therefore record. Many pictures which have appeared in various publica-
tions or have been provided by particular authors are acknowledged in the legends. Other sources
are listed below. It is not, however, impossible, that a few have appeared in publications which I
can no longer trace.

The illustrations of which the source is known to me are described in the following list, and I
would like to express my thanks to these colleagues for their generous help.

AUFDERMAUR, M., Prof. Dr., Kantonspital, Pathologisches JACOBSON, H.G., M.D., Montefiore Medical Center, Depart-
Institut, LuzernlSwitzerland: Figs. 841, 855, 856 ment of Radiology, BronxlNY, USA.: Figs. 101, 280, 283
[published in: "The Radiology of Skeletal Disorders", Li-
BESSLER, w., Prof. Dr., Kantonspital. Radiologische Klinik, vingstone, Edinburgh 1977]
Winterthur/Switzerland: Figs. 103, 140-142, 154, 155,
340 JAFFE, H.L., M.D., Hospital for Joint Diseases, Institute of
Pathology, New York/NY, USA.: Figs. 833, 834 [published
BÖHM, N., Prof. Dr., Universität Freiburg, Pathologisches in H.L. Jaffe (1972) Metabolie, degenerative and inflam-
Institut, Sektion "Kinderpathologie", Freiburg, Germany: matory diseases of bones and joints. Urban & Schwar-
Figs. 51, 52, 57-59, 63, 64, 67, 68, 70, 86 zenberg, MunichJ
CERATI, Dr., Orthopädische Klinik Balgrist, Zürich/Switzer- JESSERER, H., Prof. Dr., H. Medizinische Abteilung des Kai-
land: Fig. 614 ser-Franz-Joseph-Spitals, Viennal Austria: Fig. 118
DAHLIN, D.C., M.D., Mayo Clinic, Surgical Pathology, Ro- KLÜMPER, A., Prof. Dr., Sporttraumatologische Ambulanz
chester/Minn., USA: Figs. 455, 559 Freiburg, Freiburg/Germany: Figs. 23, 238-240, 247, 312,
DELLING, G., Prof. Dr., Institut für Pathologie, Abtlg. Osteo- 437, 463, 639, 676, 699
pathologie, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg/Germany: KUNER, E., Prof. Dr., Chirurgische Universitätsklinik Frei-
Figs. 165-168, 171-173 burg, Abteilung Unfallchirurgie, Freiburg/Germany:
DORF MAN, H.D., M.D., Montefiore Medical Center, Orthope- Figs. 205, 208, 210
die Surgery, Bronx/NY, USA: Figs. 547, 548, 615, 713 MATHIAS, K., Prof. Dr., Radiologische Klinik Dortmund,
ELLEGAST, H.H., Prof. Dr., Landeskrankenhaus Müllner, Dortmund/Germany: Figs. 91, 281, 355, 837
Röntgendiagnostisches Zentralinstitut, SalzburglAustria: PIEPGRAS, u., Prof. Dr., Institut für Neuroradiologie, Uni-
Fig. 177 versität Homburg/Saar, Homburg/Germany: Fig. 488
FEINE, u., Prof. Dr. and ZUM WINKEL, K., Prof. Dr.: REINWEIN, Dr., Kinderradiologie, Universität Freiburg, Frei-
Figs. 308, 309 [published in: Nuklearmedizin, 2nd edn., burg/Germany: Figs. 55, 56, 62, 69, 73-76, 87
Thieme, Stuttgart 1980]
REMAGEN, W., Prof. Dr., Institut für Pathologie, Universität
FORSCHBACH, G., Dr., Fachklinik Wilhelmsheim, Oppenwei- Basel, BasellSwitzerland: Figs. 742, 743
ler, Germany: Figs. 306, 307
SCHAUER, A., Prof. Dr., Pathologisches Institut, Universität
HARMS, D., Prof. Dr., Universität Kiel, Pathologisches Insti- Göttingen, Göttingen/Germany: Figs. 363, 364
tut. Abtlg. Kinderpathologie, Kiel/Germany: Fig. 627
UEHLINGER, E., Prof. Dr. Dr., Institut für Pathologie, Uni-
HELPAP, B., Prof. Dr., Pathologisches Institut Singen, Sin- versität Zürich/Switzerland: Figs. 11, 20, 29, 32, 115, 116,
gen/Germany: Fig. 376 145, 182-184, 214, 215, 220, 266, 267, 270, 343, 346-352,
HEUCK, EH.W., Prof. Dr., Katharinenhospital Stuttgart, 506, 641
Radiologisches Institut, Stuttgart/Germany: Figs. 45, 294

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