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Essay design -> Real essay

There is a common belief that art and music should not be required
unlike others. However, I wholly disagree with this opinion because
despite the fact that art and music are still considered as “special
subjects”or “subsidiariy subjects”, they foster well-rounded
development and they are crucial for a complete education.

First and foremost, art and music fostering creativity and critical
thinking. During these lessons, student are able to engage with
different forms of expression. As a consequence, they have the ability
to think outside the box and develop problem-solving skills.

On top of that, art and music provide avenues for emotional

expression and enhance communication skills through various artistic
mediums. Take art therapy and songwriting as an example, they
serve as emotional outlets while simultaneously enhancing
communication through the creation of art and music that resonates
with our complex feelings.

There are some concerns about enforcing students to study art

and music like managing curriculum load and addressing disinterest.
However, I believe that via innovative teaching methods, strategic
scheduling and combining artistic expressions with core concepts,
students can have fun when taking these classes and also balance
between the minors and the majors.

To conclude, mandatory art and music are essential for a well-

rounded student’s performance, evolving emotional growth and
valuable traits. These subjects nurture creativity, interaction, and
emotional intelligence, preparing students for a fulfilling life. From
these reasons, I strongly contradict with the opinion saying that art
and music classes should not be required in schools.

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