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ROUNDTEST TERIVINOLOGY roundness is becoming more and more vital in various industries for improved performance and Controtting ‘extended durability of products. Rotating shafts that are required to rotate required to provide a constant feed, and pressure cylinders ‘measurement. roundness contro! through , rollers that are that are required to be air-tight—all require strict Roundtest Series is the most advanced means precision ‘Mitutoyo's Of measuring/analyzing roundness and cylindricity of cylindrical forms. It precisely measures the inside or ‘technologies, ‘outside of a cylindrical part, using the most advanced roundness, features, including ROUNDNESS (LSC/ 4 Mzc/Mic/Micc) defined asthe departure ofthe traced/modifed profile from a ‘geometric rue ce, To assess the round. ‘es a reference ce (SC/MZ2C/MIC/MCC) [Sdetermined and the measured profile data |Senclosed wth two cles concentic tothe ‘erence ckce, The radial separation of the ‘wo cles (Rmax - Ri) f the roundness of the measured workpiece, Fes) LSC (least squares mean circle) ‘Ageometrc acl determined so thatthe sum ofthe squares ofthe distance between ‘Rand the measured profile of @ workpiece Is minimized. MIC (maximum inscribed circle) Largest cele that can be fitedinsice the measured profile ofa hoe MCC (minimum cireumseribed circle) ‘Smallest cco that can be fied around the ‘measured profile of a shat. MZC (minimum zone circle) Two concent circles enclosing the measured profile and having @ minimal flere in radius valves, and displays various measuring ; flatness, parallelism, runout, etc. If roundness is assessed based on the SC, the folowing deta can be ‘obtained from the calculation using Faqs Ro ofthe reference crcl. Peak height: Maximum deviation (Remax: Ro) ofthe measured profile that projects outside (postive) the reference e Valley depth: Maximum devision (®o-Rrin) ofthe measuted profle that Breet ni regi) te erence ex ‘Mean roundness: The arthmetical mean ofthe absolute values ofthe vation of the measured profile from the reference circle Peak count: Number of peaks that ‘are ouside the reference oie. FLATNESS Flatness i defined as the | z ‘geometrical pl ‘determine the deviation, fst determine the reference plane fom the measured data (vertical csplacement of the circumference). “The flatness is determined from the distance between the two planes that are paral to the reference plane and that enclose the measured data “The Rouneest RAH5000 ied Series can ako measure the atness ofthe surface of 2 workpiece over a ‘desked range ineuding multiple crcumferences. The flatness the maximum value ofall data in the range: PARALLELISM Parallelism s defined 25 “where two planes are designed to be parallel. the ‘deviation of an objective plane from a geometrical plane which is made atthe postion of the Dbjectve plane and is parallel tothe datum plone as elated so from the two plane Components” To assess the deviaton, fist ‘determine the datum plane for each plane ‘component from the measured dat (vertical ‘dsplacement of the croumference). Select fone of the datum planes asa reference plane and provide two planes that are paral! tothe reference plane and that ‘bound the other datum plane. The paralek. ism's the dstance betwoen these bounding CP “The Rounctest RAH5000 Series can aso measure the paral of the two planes of a workpiece ‘over a desred range Including mustiple + creumferences. The paraieism is the ‘maximum value ofall data inthe range. CONCENTRICITY the deviation of the centers of two reference cles determined from the ‘wo ercular features of a cynical ‘workpiece inthe same plane and square ‘against the rotation aus, To determine the Concentric, obtain the roundness of each tele, and double the dance between the ‘emmers ofthe two reference ccs. im COAXIALITY ‘ ‘Suppose that. a workpiece ‘consists of eyinders of different radi, as with a cam sheft is defined as the deviation ofthe contar of one ‘sectional cde of one cinder. from the atu als, which i determined asthe ‘canter axl ofthe other cylinder. To assess the deviation, set the center axis of one ‘finder as the datum axis, then assess the roundness of a section on the other cylinder. ‘The coaxial double the distance between this center and the datum axl. Gay GD The Rounetest RA-H5000 i, Series can also measure : the coaxilty of the other =. ‘ftinder Ise tothe datum ans toaly. The coaxialty Is ‘double the maximum distance between the ‘axis ofthe cylinder and the datum axis in a sired range L SQUARENESS can be ‘obtained with ads reference (or plane reference. To assess the squareness of rs a plane against tre Teference axis, fst log the measurement data on the objective plane, as well as on {wo sections ofthe eyinder, excluding the ‘objective plane. Using these two sections ‘etermine the datum axis with an appropri- ate reference cite. The squareness is {termined from the distance between the ‘wo geometrical planes that are square galt the detum axis and that enclose the ‘bjetve plane data, To assess the squateness of acyinder against the Feference plane, fst set a the datum plane with an ‘appropriate reference cecie, and from, create ‘wo geometial ines square agains to the plane. Obtain the ax from two sections of the objective finder so that it passes through the cantar of each measured section. The squarenesss determined from the distance between the two addtional lines and that enclose the obtained ais spares THICKNESS DEVIATION “The Rourehest can assess the thickness deviation of a workpiece racially or vertically. The wal (ada) thickness deviation ofa cylincrical ‘workpiece, such as 2 doughnut. cah be ‘measured by logging the crcunference data of inside and outside cies that aren the same plane. The thickness deviation is defined asthe maximum form deviation {maximum thickness: minimum thickness) of the wall es ‘The vertical thickness deviation of a disk or & ‘ange inthe same way, can be measured by Togging the creunference - ‘data of upside and underside crcles that are Inthe same radius. CYLINDRICITY = (MINIMUM ZONE CYLINDRICITY) . Is defined asthe ‘deviation of @ cylindrical form from # geometrcaly true cylinder. To assess the cylindric of a eylinder. several sections fare meesured to determine a reference axs ‘sing the minimum zone cxcle method. then allthe measured data are enclosed bbetweon two datum cyinders which are Coax to the reference axis. The cyincricty ' the ference of radius values (max in) of the two cinders. SIMPLIFIED CYLINDRICITY ‘Simplified eylinatrieity's defined as the ‘almost same way asthe ¢ylindry. To ‘ase the simplified cyincricty ofa cylinder ‘several sections are measured and the upper {and the lwer sections of them are extracted to determine a reference axis sing an ‘appropiate reference cirie, then all the measured data are enclosed between two datum ojinders which are coada to the Teference axl, The simplified cylinkcty is the aflerence of radius values ofthe two finders, MEAN CYLINDRICITY To assess the mean syfindtriety of 2 several sections are measured and the arhmetcal mean cfces ae obtained {from them, Desied two crcles ae extracted to determine a reference axis then all the ‘mean cftles are enclosed between two ‘datum cyinders which are coma to the twerence ans. The mean cylindricry s the ‘ference of radius values ofthe two oyindes RADIUS VARIATION The radius variation of 3 tapered cylinder can be measured with the Rounds. ‘To do ths the Roundtost determines two reference cices at two sed sections, then caluietes the ference inthe radus of two reference oe CO CIRCULAR RUN- ouT By pretinary determining the reference ans ofa ‘ireular runout ofthe ofinder (le. the maximum > Variation ofthe radius ‘measured from the Feference axis to the crcumference) TOTAL RUN-OUT The Roundtest doesn't only measure the circular run fu, ut ako the racial or ‘ial total run-out ofthe ‘ylincrcal workpiece by ‘wacing multiple sections. DIAMETER MEASUREMENT ‘The Roundest can determine 3 workpiece dlameter to a high degree of accuracy by using the unetion to compare the ‘measured data with the dlameter ofthe felerence cle, which has been determined ‘with the master workpiece using the lest ‘SPIRAL MEASUREMENT ‘The Rouritest PHS000 Series thas a spiral-scanning function by which the eyinrety can be assessed with one measixing Sequence. The surface of the cylinder is traced by spa scanning, Instead of tracing rmutipe eeulr sections on the cylinder. ‘This completes the eyincricy measurement inminutes (V the cynic s assessed by the spiral measurement function, the reference ais is determined based on the ‘STRAIGHTNESS (RECTILINEAR | MEASUREMENT) ‘Straightnesss defined asthe ‘stance between two gooretri Cal lines which are paraiel to the least ‘Squares mean fine OF the traced profile of a ‘wortpiece and bound the prof. When staightnes is assessed. the following data can be obtained from the calculation using the mean Ine. Peak height: Maximum deviaton of the measured profile that projects ‘urside the mean line. Valley depth: Maximum deviation of the measured prof that projec inside the mean ine ‘Mean height: The arthmetcal mean (ofthe absolute values of the deviation ofthe measured profie from the mean lie. Peak count: Number of peaks that are outside the mean line. Inalination: Maximum deviaton of the mean line against the reference axis (ofthe vervcalcoluma or the horizontal TAPER RATIO. (RECTILINEAR | MEASUREMENT) ‘Taper ratio s defined a5, the incinaton dference ‘per unit length Loft contour ines agains the datum axis. The contour ines ‘should be measured on two sides which are ‘opposite each other and have the same evaluation length L on a conical workpiece, os see SLOPE (RECTILINEAR MEASUREMENT) ‘Stope is defined 2s the dstance between ‘wo geometrical ines which ee paral! the retlnear maton ofthe Zax column {when performing vertical measure) forthe Raxs arm (wen performing ‘horizontal measurement) ofthe Rounctest ‘and bound the raced profile fa workpiece ni ae ANS ECCENTRICITY OF THE WORKPIECE (OUT OF THE ROTATING CENTER) ‘The Roundest can display the location of an offcentered workpiece on the turntable {rom the rotating center asthe values of ‘eccentricty coortnates, distance, and ‘eccenicty angie oe ati ROUGHNESS COMPONENT REDUCTION j ‘General n roundness measurement. the roughness components included inthe ‘measured profie oe removed so that the ‘waviness data canbe used or form ‘raluaion Te rate of roughness compo- nent ebminaion (= cutoff va) usualy expressed “uncuation per revolution’ For ‘example, 2 15 upr lowpass er wl rove ook ae vat eompanerts which appear ‘ore than 15 tes per revousion Oe) %) ey yw NOTCHED WORKPIECE MEASUREMENT Even on a notched workpiece the correct roundness can be obtained by seting the fective data range beforehand and ‘elminating the abnormal range value. Sodh CENTERING OF THE WORKPIECE \¥a cylindrical workpiece fs not correctly centered on the turntabl, the resutant ‘measurement values may vary signifeantly ‘and may greatly exceed the measuring ‘ange. To avold this problem, centering the ‘workpiece axis with the axis of table rotation ‘essential uy asa LEVELING OF THE WORKPIECE \the axis ofthe cylinder being measured is ‘ot perpendicular, the locus of points traced by the stylus tip wil resutin an elipso. To ‘void this problem and achieve accurate measurements, leveling the workpiece essential. Tape Foatpee - PARTIAL CIRCLE MEASUREMENT Wa workpiece cannot be measured by ‘physically rotating by afullturn due to some obsrucon (projection), segments of the Grcumference can be measured in order tw evaluate the cylindrical form. This measurement i called "partial crcle measurement’ and wy sit cttially Important 10 ‘he autorne- ‘tive industry? sores! ‘eased aes (ypc 2 ap ‘Questions and ‘comments are encouraged and welcomed atthe above- ‘mentioned ema address. Roundness: How to express it in numbers sTmAcT nha aes tbe gates beets marknd have ee est om een fh abet nd acd rm he et of te wee cra ‘tout he ier te war wo ete te sae pace ‘eto ‘user uch le opens on machines wih ‘on pats Epecaly nth ance nus. may trace a sed © mansacre rue compen 1 shat pts teins, oes testes, bal be ings wht 2 ve oo ing commen ey are ROUND, te qetion' it tow on? ‘Acumen may 5681 Be ant ote oer een ave 8 entrar when meas wih 9 cro ba when earned oan ron ‘eae Wen ea show nore 1 25 Wats Rouness? eter pai nd te ota spect ‘tan inn t,t. cent) ‘tom wir lobe! pon Be pray a tant Te aoe aecion eros a pret ace (Powe 2, ower, be oos-ecton eta petet leg Ais oe bbe a ge ect ‘rans pried te recente ot ieee pripy Yom te cre Tas ware) {be masa dtc he ere fom he cee tnd 2 2 minum dacs, he of oes = 2. 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