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Name: ___________ TEST NUMBER TWENTY-ONE Marks: /

Choose the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 1. I invited Ann to the party, but she couldn‟t come. She‟d arranged to do something else.
A. I invited Ann to the party in case she‟d arranged to do something else.
B. If Ann hadn‟t arranged to do something else, she would come to my party as invited.
C. Ann would have come to my party provided she‟d arranged to do something else.
D. Without having arranged do something else, Ann would have come to my party as invited.
Question 2. His English was poor. He managed to communicate his problem very clearly.
A. Because his English was poor, he could manage communicate his problem very clearly.
B. No matter how his English was poor, he communicated his problem very clearly.
C. Poor as his English was, he was able to communicate his problem very clearly.
D. As though his English was poor, he managed to communicate his problem very clearly.
Question 3. Each of the (A) nurses report (B) to the operating room when his or her(C) name is called(D).
Question 4. Your secretarial(A) duties include making (B) business arrangements, correspond(C) with
potential clients(D) and filing documents.
Question 5. The tongue is the principle(A) organ of taste(B), and is(C) crucial for chewing, swallowing(D) and
Choose the OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 6. Rhinos are being driven to extinction because they are constantly being poached for their horns,
which are of great value on the black market.
A. hunted B. preserved C. killed D. exploited
Question 7. It‟s not a pleasant feeling to discover you‟ve been taken for a ride by a close friend.
A. treated with sincerity B. deceived deliberately C. given a lift D. driven away
Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 8. “How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!”, Peter said to Mary.
A. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress.
B. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress. C. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress.
D. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.
Question 9. There‟s no way that boy is Simon because he‟s much taller!
A. That boy must be Simon because he‟s much taller! B. That boy may not be Simon because he‟s much taller!
C. That boy could be be Simon because he‟s much taller! D. That boy can‟t be Simon because he‟s much taller!
Question 10. Thomas is more reliable than his roommate.
A. Thomas is not as reliable as his roommate is. B. Thomas is less reliable than his roommate is.
C. Thomas‟ roommate is more reliable than him. D. Thomas‟ roommate is not as reliable as him.
Question 11. A. recite B. refund C. reconcile D. reaction
Question 12. A. chewed B. enjoyed C. digested D. killed
Insects‟ lives are very short and they have many enemies, but they must survive long enough to breed and
perpetuate their kind. The less insect-like they look, the better their chance of survival. To look "inedible" by
resembling or imitating plants is a deception widely practiced by insects. Mammals rarely use this type of
camouflage , but many fish and invertebrates do.
The stick caterpillar is well named. It is hardly distinguishable from a brown or green twig. This caterpillar is
quite common and can be found almost anywhere in North America. It is also called "measuring worm" or
"inchworm." It walks by arching its body, then stretching out and grasping the branch with its front feet then looping
its body again to bring the hind feet forward. When danger threatens, the stick caterpillar stretches its body away
from the branch at an angle and remains rigid and still, like a twig, until the danger has passed.
Walking sticks, or stick insects, do not have to assume a rigid, twig-like pose to find protection; they look like
inedible twigs in any position. There are many kinds of walking sticks, ranging in size from the few inches of the
North American variety to some tropical species that may be over a foot long. When at rest their front legs are
stretched out, heightening their camouflage. Some of the tropical species are adorned with spines or ridges,
imitating the thorny bushes or trees in which they live.
Leaves also seem to be a favorite object for insects to imitate. Many butterflies can suddenly disappear from
view by folding their wings and sitting quietly among the plants that they resemble.
Question 13. Which of the following are NOT mentioned in the passage as objects that are imitated as a means
of protection?
A. leaves B. flowers C. thorns D. sticks
Question 14. According to the passage, how does the stick caterpillar make itself look like a twig?
A. By laying its body flat against a branch B. By changing the color of its skin
C. By holding its body stiff and motionless D. By looping itself around a stick
Question 15. What is the main subject of the passage?
A. How some insects imitate plants to survive? B. Insects that are threatened with extinction
C. Caterpillars that live in trees D. The feeding habits of insects
Question 16. The word “deception” in paragraph 1 refers to ____
A. a gesture to attract others B. a trick to make others believe something untrue
C. an action to protect oneself D. a behavior to do harm to others
Question 17. Which of the following is true of stick insects?
A. They make themselves look like other insects. B. They change color to make themselves invisible.
C. They are camouflaged only when walking. D. They resemble their surroundings all the time.
** 1. Which of the following does the word “enemies” in line 1 refer to?
A. extreme weather conditions B. creatures that eat insects C. plants looking like insects D. insects looking like plants
2. Which of the following is the antonym of the word “inedible” in paragraph 3?
A. eatable B. colorful C. moving D. beautiful
Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 18. The politician is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg and nobody trusts him.
A. dishonest B. impolite C. cruel D. aggressive
Question 19. We were at sixes and sevens when we happened to find that the local grocery store closed.
A. bewildered B. confusing C. clear D. surprised
Question 20. He grew up in _____ orphanage in ______ United Kingdom.
A. an/an B. the/ an C. the / the D. an / the
Question 21. _____ she came to know him better, she relied on him more.
A. Because of B. As C. Though D. While
Question 22. Old houses have a _____ to be draughty.
A. problem B. characteristic C. habit D. tendency
Question 23. Share these sweets ____ the five children and see that each one gets a fair share.
A. among B. to C. on D. with
Question 24. Although he was ______, he agreed to play tennis with me.
A. exhausted B. exhausting C. exhaustive D. exhaustion
Question 25. _____, leave it in the hospital for someone else to read.
A. When you have read the book B. After you had read the book
C. Before you are reading the book D. While you were reading the book
Question 26. He ____ me to believe that they had left the district.
A. confirmed B. assured C. made D. led
Question 27.I didn‟t tell you about the possibility of the trip because I didn‟t want to ____ your hopes.
A. boost B. lift C. raise D. follow
Question 28. I think scientists should not be allowed to perform ___ on animals. It‟s cruel.
A. experiences B. duties C. experiments D. miracles
Question 29. Tom‟s trying to persuade us to accept his own way of reasoning, but what we need is an
independent opinion from someone who has no _____ to grind.
A. axe B. hammer C. tool D. stone
Question 30. Many of the items such as rings, key chains, or souvenirs are made of unusual shells or unique
stones illegally _____ from the protectd areas. A. is removed B. removing C. is removing D. removed
Question 31. You hardly want to live in a clean and green place, ________?
A. aren‟t you B. do you C. don‟t you D. are you
Question 32. Sam always remembers _____ in the garage so that the driveway is free for other cars.
A. parking B. to be parked C. being parked D. to park
Question 33. Bill and Ted ____ each other straight away and became firm friends.
A. took on B. took after C. took up D. took to
Question 34. I couldn‟t cut the grass because the lawn mower _____ a few days previously.
A. breaks down B. has been break down C. had been broken down D. broke down
Question 35. Laura and Helen are talking about Bob, their schoolmate.
Laura: “I think Bob is a good leader” -Helen: “________. His team always wins‟
A. You can say that again. B. I could agree more C. You must be kidding. D. I totally disagree.
Question 36. Harry is talking to a shopkeeper. –Harry: “I‟ll take these grapes, please”. –Shopkeeper: “___”
A. Can I help you? B. Would you like a bag? C. They‟re over there. D. We can‟t decide.
READING COMPREHENSION (37-43) Most parents want their sons and daughters to have equal chances
when they grow up. Today , equality of the sexes is largly mandated by public policy and law. However , old-
fashioned ideas and a lot of prejudice are still part of our culture and present challenging questions for
parents. Gender stereotypes are rigid ideas about how boys and girls should behave. We all know what these
stereotypes are: A "feminine" girls should be insecure, accommodating and a little illogical in her thinking. A
"masculine" boy should be strong, unemotional, aggressive, and competitive. How are children exposed to
these stereotypes? According to the researchers David and Myra Sadker of the American University of
Washington, D.C., boys and girls are often treated differently in the classroom. They found out that when
boys speak, teachers usually offer constructive comments, when girls speech, teachers tend to focus on the
behavior. It's more important how the girls act rather than what they say.
The emphasis on differences begins at birth and continues throughout childhood. For example, few
people would give pink baby's clothes to a boy or a blue blanket to a girl. Later, many of us give girls dolls and
miniature kitchenware, while boys receive action figures and construction sets. There's nothing wrong with
that. The problem arises when certain activities are deemed appropriate for one sex but not the other.
According to Heather J. Nicholson, Ph.D., director of the National Resource Center for Girls, Inc., this kind of
practice prevents boys and girls from acquiring important skills for their future lives.
"The fact is," says Nicholson, "that society functions as a kind of sorting machine regarding gender. In a
recent survey, fifty-eight percent of eighth-grade girls but only six percent of boys earned money caring for
younger children. On the other hand, twenty-seven percent of boys but only three percent of girls earned
money doing lawn work". If we are serious about educating a generation to be good workers and parents,
we need to eliminate such stereotypes as those mentioned previously.
Gender stereotypes inevitably are passed to our children. However, by becoming aware of the
messages our children receive, we can help them develop ways to overcome these incorrect ideas. To
counteract these ideas, parents can look for ways to challenge and support their children, and to
encourage confidence in ways that go beyond what society's fixed ideas about differences of sexes. //
Question 37. Which of the following could be the main idea of the passage?
A. Deep-seated stereotypes about genders and their effects.
B. Different prejudice about how girls and boys should behave and be treated.
C. The role of culture in the behavior of different genders.
D. The influence of education and society on gender stereotypes.
Question 38. According to the second passage, David and Myra Sadker of the American University of
Washington, D.C found that _______.
A. schoolboys and schoolgirls are treated equally in the classroom.
B. teachers often concentrate on boys' behavior and girls' manners.
C. boys are commented usefully whereas girls are paid attention to behavior.
D. girls are taught to be insecure, accommodating and illogical while boys are strong, unemotional,
aggressive, and competitive.
Question 39. What does the word “that” in paragraph 3 refers to ____
A. The differences between boys and girld begin at birth and continue throughout childhood
B. People often give pink clothes to a boy and a blue blanket to a girl.
C. Many people give girlds dolls and miniature kitchen and boys receive action figures and contruction sets when
they were born. D. People give different genders of children distinct kinds of presents or clothes.
Question 40. The word "deemed" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _______.
A. celebrated B. supposed C. designed D. established
Question 41. According to the passage, which of the following is UNTRUE about gender stereotypes?
A. Its beneficial for children to practice fundamental skills if they are unequally quite early.
B. Children are differently treated not only at homes but also at schools.
C. Male and female children are expected to behave the same as what adults think they should .
D. The distinctions in treatement to boys and girls commence when they were given birth.
Question 42. The word “counteract” in the last paragraph could be best replaced by _____
A. frustrate B. promote C. inspire D. encourage
Question 43. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Parents are able to help reduce the influence of gender stereotypes on their children.
B. Teachers and parents have to join hands to encourage children's confidence in social activities.
C. Society functions often categorize jobs regardless genders.
D. The problems males and females get when they are adults may originate from gender stereotypes.


Homework is an (44) _______ part of school life in most countries around the world . (45) ______ , there is still
considerable debate among teachers about whether homework has a significant educational value. On the one side
are those who claim that it takes too much time away from (46) _____ more useful activities. On the other are those
who see homework as reinforcing school lessons so that concepts will not be forgotten. (47)_____ is often
neglected in this debate is the role of parental involvement and whether or not the child‟s home provides support for
effective homework. Parents in low-income families often do not have time to make homework a priority or are not
able to afford a computer or additional books. Whatever money they have goes on the basic necessities of life-
accommodation, food, clothing and heating. However, the (48) ___ that only middle-class parents support their
children‟s education is quite obviously wrong. Not all well-to-do parents give the support they should, and some
parents living in the most impoverished circumstances imaginable find the time and energy to involve themselves in
their children‟s homework.
Question 44. A. exhausted B. established C. allowed D. accustomed
Question 45. A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Although D. However
Question 46. A. others B. the other C. other D. another
Question 47. A. Who B. Which C. What D. Whose
Question 48. A. idea B. fact C. reason D. cause
Question 49. A. practicality B. politician C. comfortable D. uncontrollable
Question 50. A. suffer B. prefer C. differ D. offer
MULTIPLE CHOICE . Question 1: A. educate B. eliminate C. certificate D. dedicate
Question 2: A. initiate B. substantial C. attention D. particular
Question 3: A. represented B. biography C. indirectly D. entertainment
Question 4: A. obligatory B. geographical C. international D. undergraduate
Question 5: Food prices have raised so rapidly in the past few months that some families have been forced
to alter their eating habits.
Question 6: Having finished his term paper before the deadline, it was delivered to the professor before
the class.
Question 7: Since vitamins are contained in a wide variety of foods, people seldom lack of most of them.
Question 8: We should participate in the movements ______ the natural environment.
A. organizing to conserve B. organized to conserve C. organized conserving D. which organize to conserve
Question 9: ______ number of boys were swimming in the lake, but I didn‟t know ______ exact number of them.
A. A/the B. The/an C. The/the D. A/an
Question 10: John forgot ______ his ticket so he was not allowed ______ the club.
A. brought/enter B. bring/entering C. bringing/to enter D. to bring/to enter
Question 11: Snow and rain ___of nature. A. are phenomena B. is phenomena C. is phenomenon D. are phenomenon
Question 12: Her outgoing character contrasts ______ with that of her sister.
A. thoroughly B. fully C. sharply D. coolly
Question 13: It turned out that we ______ rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several hours.
A. hadn‟t B. should have C. mustn‟t D. needn‟t have
Question 14: When I was a child, I loved to splash through the ______ after rain.
A. pools B. puddles C. ponds D. rivers
Question 15: Learning Spanish isn‟t so difficult once you ______.
A. get away with it B. get off it C. get down to it D. get on it
Question 16: I wish you ______ me a new one instead of having it ______ as you did.
A. had given/repaired B. gave/to repair C. would give/to repair D. had given/to be repaired
Question 17: Please don‟t ______ a word of this to anyone else, it‟s highly confidential.
A. speak B. pass C. mutter D. breathe
Question 18: In spite of his abilities, Peter has been ______ overlooked for promotion.
A. repeat B. repeatedly C. repetitiveness D. repetitive
Question 20: Jim invited Helen to visit his gardens:- Helen: "I love your gardens. The plants are well taken care of!"
- Jim : “Thanks. Yes, I suppose I've always ____.”
A. had green fingers B. let nature take its course C. made it down on my luck D. drawn the short straw
Question 21: Mrs. Skate’s in a fashion store. Choose the most suitable response to fill in the blank in the
following exchange: - Mrs. Skate: “How can this dress be so expensive?” - The shop assistant: “________.”
A. Yes, it‟s the most expensive B. You‟re paying for the brand C. What an expensive dress D. That‟s a good idea
Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22: I used to idolize David Beckham because of his dedication and talent.
A. hate B. impress C. worship D. detest
Question 23: You never really know where you are with her as she just blows hot and cold.
A. keeps going B. keeps taking things C. keeps changing her mood D. keeps testing
Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 24: Are you looking for a temporary or a permanent job?
A. fierce B. stable C. fleeting D. loose
Question 25: Constant correction of speaking „errors‟ by a teacher is often counter-productive, as student
may become afraid to speak at all. A. desolate B. fruitless C. barren D. effective

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