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Physics Lab
Student: Aylin Tekkan
Date: 01.03.2024
Instructor: Volga Mehmet


We investigated Hooke’s Law, which states that the force exerted by a spring, is directly
proportonal to the displacement of the spring from its state of rest. By conducting experiments
with different Forces and measuring the corresponding streching amounts, we were able to
justify the relationship. To calculate the spring constant, we used the formula F=kx, where F is
the force applied to the spring, k is the spring constant, and x is the strech, in other words, the
displacement of the spring.

F=k.x, if we rearrange the formula : k= F/x


A spring is used in Physics lab.


We used a spring. We exerted a 100 N Force to the spring. Each time we exerted a different
amount of Force, which is increased by 100 N. We recorded the strech, that is, the displacement
of the spring for each Force exerted. Then we plotted a graph of Force / displacement.

Results / Data:

Force Exerted (N) Strech (cm)

0 0
100 N 1.0 cm 0.010 m
200 N 1.5 cm 0.015 m
300 N 2.5 cm 0.025 m
400 N 3.0 cm 0.030 m
500 N 4.0 cm 0.040 m

It can be seen from the results that, as the Force exerted increases, the displacement of
the spring increases with a direct proportion. When we plot a graph, the slope of the line is
the spring constant. This value indicates the stiffness of the spring, with higher values
indicating a stiffer spring and lower values indicating more flexible spring.

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