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External Secondary Research – Using comScore for online media

habit data!

Today’s Workshop Overview

In this workshop, we will utilize comScore, specifically Media Metrix and Mobile
Metrix, to uncover online media habit trends and advertising options for our
major assignment’s proposed target audience. Information from today’s
workshop should be included in the upcoming Deliverable 1 – The Research
Proposal, when discussing your Research Population’s characteristics as well used
throughout the term to showcase important data trends related to advertising
this term.
Utilizing the learning from the required assigned comScore videos which you have
consumed in advance of today’s workshop, we will conduct database research
regarding your assignment team’s chosen target audience and product of study.
You are required to submit all completed assignment files in Word, as well as all
supporting Excel spreadsheets, in the Brightspace Assignment feature found in
our Week 4 folder by today’s deadline.

Who You Will Work With

Collaboration within your assignment team (with all members) is key for portions
of the workshop to make some comScore database decisions. The majority of the
work however, including analysis, should take place between pairs of students,
or, small groups of three, if necessary (within your team formation). Should you
wish to work on your own, this is acceptable as well! I will put students in their
team Breakout rooms for the duration of today’s workshop. I will let you
determine who you wish to work with from your team (or, if by yourself) and be
sure that all names (first and last) are noted in the Word file submission.

Let’s get started!

Having watched the assigned comScore Videos, please complete Part A, B
and C by the deadline!

PART A – Desktop Media Results

Step 1: In the training videos, we learned how to build an Advanced Target Market profile
in the Media Metrix section of comScore. With this knowledge, please collaborate with your
team to select and finalize the elements of the Proposed Target Audience for your Major
Assignment study (as discussed in our recent Team Check Ins) to use in comScore today.
Step 2: Every student should set up, an Advanced Target Market profile in their comScore
account in MyMetrix, Key Measures, and save it with a unique name. This should be based on
your collaborative efforts with your group members in Step 1 (in other words, you should all
use the same Advanced Target Market profile for today’s exercise!).
Step 3: Under Measures please use the Standard Set of criteria when selecting and choose a
timeline for the 3 months average.
Step 4: You should now run a report on the Top 100 Properties for your Advanced Target
Market. (Tip: Go to “Media” and choose Ranked Category “Top 100 Properties”).

Once you have this report on your screen, please highlight electronically, the top 3 properties
in the list directly in comScore. Please highlight these in blue. Then, select 2 other properties
that may be of interest to you and your team (relative to your team’s chosen research
opportunity), below these top 3. Highlight these in green. When you are finished highlighting
all 5, one student in your small group should produce this report in Excel and save it for
submission in Brightspace. In a Word File, please complete the following summary of results,
with your partner or small group, in written form:

· Draw 2 unique conclusions for your top 3 properties using the data offered. What did
you find, and what does the data indicate (be sure to quote from data in the various
columns i.e. total minutes, average minute/visit, etc.)?
· Provide your rationale for your choice of the 2 other properties of interest. Why did you
select them and what does the data tell you?
· TIP! Please be specific and detailed (quote data!) in your response as to what you have
found in this report!
Marks for Part A: 6 marks

Part B – Mobile Data Results

Under the Mobile Tab in the top navigation bar, now select Mobile Metrix Key Measures.
For this portion of the workshop, you should run a report using the following criteria:

· Most recent data release time period

· Platform: All Platforms
· Access Method: Mobile Web and App
· Advance Target Audience – same demographics as agreed on in Part 1 (namely you can
select: age, gender, region and language in particular).
· Top 100 properties found in Media under Ranked Categories
· Use the Standard Measures Criteria
Once you have this report on your screen, please highlight electronically, the top 3 properties
in the list directly in comScore in red. When you are finished highlighting, please have another
member from your pair or small group, produce this report in Excel and save it for submission
in Brightspace. In a Word File, please complete the following summary of your results, with
your partner or small group, in written form:

· Draw 2 unique conclusions of these top properties using the data offered.
· Be sure to include what specific results you’ve uncovered and what the data indicates.
· Include analysis related to unique types of mobile tools (android, iOS, tablet, etc.).
Quote from data in the various columns by scrolling to the right and analyzing data such
as total mobile versus various smartphone and tablet options.
· TIP! Please be specific and detailed in your response as to what you have found in this
Marks for Part B: 6 marks

PART C – Where to Advertise! Strategic Analysis Portion

Now, as a team, discuss and compare your overall findings for Parts A and B, and determine
which platform (i.e. Desktop or Mobile) is the most effective at reaching your group’s target
market through advertising! When you have determined, you and your partner or small
group, should complete the following:
Return to your Key Measures in Media Metrix (Desktop) or Mobile Metrix Key Measures
based on your team’s decision above choice.
If your team selected Desktop as the best option:
Select your Advanced Target Market again.
Now select Media and edit.
Under Media Set Types, please select Ranked Categories and under Reports Attributes, select
“Show only Ad-Supported (ad-focus) sites”.
If your team selected Mobile as the best option:
Select your Advanced Target Market again.
Now select Media and edit.
Under Media Set Types, please select “Expand All Media”.

Deciding together, each pair or small group within the assignment team must now select a
different Publisher Category from the list of Categories that may relate to your target market’s
psychographics (AIOs). (Please sure to collaborate with team to avoid duplication).
In your pairs or small groups, run a report to review results and respond to the following in your
written submission:

· From the results you received for your chosen Publisher Category, choose 2 entities (or
properties) you recommend the team consider as sites to advertise on. Highlight them
electronically in comScore (unique entities should be highlighted differently from each
other). When you are finished highlighting, please produce this report in Excel and save
it for submission
· In your Word File, please discuss these choices and how they may benefit your team’s
Media Habits data collection efforts this semester for your assignment in Applied
Marketing Research and Advertising and Promotion.
o Your discussion should focus on the strategic considerations of; Reach (how
many) Frequency (how often) and Engagement (how connected they are, for
how long, etc.) in relation to your target market. If you need to revisit your
Advertising and Promotion text book to understand these terms in greater detail,
please visit: pages 196 to 201.
o IMPORTANT: Students should scroll to the right to be sure they are reviewing all
pertinent secondary data on their target audience’s media habits in this part of
the workshop! For teams selecting Mobile, you should be sure to report
specifically on results related to iPhones vs Android and various tablet options as
well. Please be specific and detailed in your response!
· TIP! Please be sure to include data references in your written summary!

Marks for Part C: 8 marks


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