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Family Law

2 marks
● Pious obligation (7)
● Polygamy (3)
● Monogamy (6)
● Partition
● Notional partition (7)
● Hindu joint family (4)
● Karta of Hindu Joint Family (3)
● Sources of Hindu law
● Smruti
● Custom as a source of law (4)
● Marriage (2)
● Registration of Hindu Marriage(2)
● Conditions of Hindu marriage
● Ceremonies of Hindu marriage
● Voidable marriage (2)
● Void Marriage
● Divorce by mutual consent
● Nullity of marriage (3)
● Restitution of conjugal rights (5)
● Conciliation (2)
● Judicial separation (4)
● Schools of Hindu law
● Mitakshara School (5)
● Dayabhaga School (2)
● Intestate succession(3)
● Testamentary Succession
● Adoption (2)
● Effects of adoption (2)
● Concept of adoption
● Object of adoption
● Valid adoption
● Limited estate (2)
● Women's Estate
● Absolute Estate
● Survivorship (2)
● National guardian (3)
● De Facto guardian (2)
● Legal guardian
● Testamentary Guardian
● Guardian appointed by Court
● Custody of Children
● Dwelling house (2)
● Kinds of sons
● Residuary Heirs
● Class heirs (2)
● Disqualified heirs
● Coparcenary
● Hindu Succession (amendment) Act 2005
● Alienation of property
● Sapinda Relationship
● Non avyavaharika debt
● Agnates & Cognate
● Maintenance pendente Lite (2)
● Maintenance

15 Marks
● Explain the concept & rules (Legal Procedure) of adoption what are the legal effects of
adoptive & adopted families? (6)
● What are the functions (duties & powers) of Karta explain (5)
● What are the sources of Hindu law? (4)
● What is the importance of marriage under Hindu law and what are the ceremonies to be
followed to perform a Hindu Marriage (4)
● What are the essential conditions of Hindu marriage? (4)
● Write a brief note on the law relating to maintenance under Hindu Marriage Act
● What are the grounds of divorce under Hindu law? (3)
● Discuss the changing concept of divorce under the light of development of Hindu
Marriage Act 1955
● What are the grounds available for the dissolution of marriage under the Hindu Marriage
Act, 1955? (2)
● List out the class 1 heirs of a Hindu before & after the amendment in the year 2006. (4)
● Explain the grounds of divorce under fault theory (2)
● Explain the procedure of Mutual divorce
● Who are natural Guardians Of a Hindu minor child? What are their powers and duties
under Hindu minority and guardianship Act 1956? (2)
● The Hindu Succession Act 1956 is a Magna Carta of Hindu women. Discuss. Section 14.
● What are the important changes made in the position of a Daughter under the Hindu
Succession act? (2)
● After the enhancement of Hindu Succession act 1956 the property of female Hindu to be
her absolute property. Discuss.
● Enumerate the general provisions relation to succession to laid down in Hindu
Succession Act 1956.
● Explain the development in Succession Law of Hindus of the 1986.
● Explain the rules to the succession of the property of a Hindu male who dies intestate
● What are the conditions under which a Hindu wife a entitled to maintenance and
separate residence?
● Differentiate between judicial separation and divorce with decided cases
● Who is a Guardian of a minor child? What are the powers of natural guardian?
● Explain the importance of conciliation in matrimonial proceedings.
● Explain the matrimonial rights and obligations of a Hindu husband and wife
● Explain schools and sub schools of Hindu law
● Explain the Constitutional aspects of restitution of conjugal rights
● Explain the doctrine of pious obligation? Can a Hindu father alinate coparcenary
property to discharge his debts?

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