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1.1 IMPORTANCE OF ETHICS * ETHICS is a set of rules that allows us to say right from wrong, good from the bad. * ETHICS is all about decisions. * The virtues of intelligence, bravery, patience, and justice guide ethical decision-making as they provide the basis for rational decisions when faced with an ethical dilemma. STATE UNIVERSITY Jy) sILAN Campus) (S. k= 1.2 THE DIFFERENCES OF MORAL AND NON-MORAL. STANDARDS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF MORAL STANDARDS + MORAL STANDARDS refer to the guidelines we have on the types of acts that we find to be morally permissible and morally unacceptable. * Promote the common good, that is, the welfare and well-being of human beings, animals, and the environment. BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY gg ALANGILAN CAMPUS Several characteristics of moral standards as mentioned by Velasquez (2012) 1. Moral standards entail serious harm or benefit 2. Moral standards are not determined by authority figures 3. Moral standards should be adopted over other values, including self-interest. 4. Moral standards are focused on objective considerations. 5. Moral standards are perceived to be universal. BATANGAS ALANGILAN CAMPUS * NON-MORAL STANDARDS, on the contrary, apply to laws which are not related to social or legal considerations. - Examples of non-moral standards are the following: etiquette and code of professional ethics, etc. 'BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY ALANGILAN CAMPUS RULES AND Corry A Train Chain of the Development of Moral Standards BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY ALANGILAN CAMPUS k= WHAT IS DILEMMA? A dilemma is a situation where a person is forced to choose between two or more conflicting options, neither of which is acceptable. BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY yy ALANGILAN Campus (SY 2.0 DEFINITION OF MORAL DILEMMAS + A moral dilemma is a situation in which a decision-maker must give preference to one moral principle over another (Kvalnes, 2019) + A moral dilemma is a situation in which people assume that they should morally do one thing and that they should morally do another thing, and occasionally a third thing or even a fourth thing, but they're not doing any of these mutually contradictory choices together. (Kurie & Albin 2007) ‘ALANGILAN CAMPUS BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY 7) k= 4 The above definitions characterized moral dilemma or ethical dilemma as: = Making an option to one moral value over the other; + A situation where moral values are equally significant; + Ascenario where a person has a strong moral reason in action, but not equally strong moral reason in acting in another way; + Astate where a person should morally do one, two, or more and have difficulty in deciding any of those conflicting choices. BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY ey) ALANGILAN CAMPUS: 2.1 THREE LEVELS OF MORAL DILEMMAS 1, ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICAL OR MORAL DILEMMA There are common ethical issues in the organization such as; 4. Unrealistic and conflicting goals 5. Use of the organization's technology, social media use, technology, and privacy concerns, 6. Business travel ethics. 5 BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY eteD, 133) ALANGILAN CAMPUS: @ 1. Unethical leadership/bad leadership behavior. 2. Toxic workplace culture. 3. Discrimination and harassment/ Peril of employee favoritism. 2. INDIVIDUAL MORAL DILEMMA As mentioned by Smith (2018), individual ethical or moral dilemma pertains to a situation where individuals confront with a number of factors such as peer pressure, personal financial position, an economic and social status BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY UY ALANGILAN CAMPUS 3. STRUCTURAL MORAL DILEMMA There are three concepts in the structural moral dilemma to consider namely: (Differentiation vs. Integration * The conflict between the distribution of jobs and the organization of numerous activities generates a classic dilemma. ALANGILAN CAMPUS TBATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY 7@) (3) Excessive Autonomy vs. Excessive Interdependence When individuals or groups are too independent, they are always isolated. (2) Lack of Clarity vs. Lack of Creativity When employees are not clear about what they are expected to do, they often adapt their tasks to personal interests instead of system-wide goals that often lead to problems. BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY gy) ‘ALANGILAN CAMPUS Y,

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