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Hi Haritha,

Here are my final comments, after which you can push live to our playstore and ios

1. On the individual listing page, replace the phone number with the text and call
icon that says “Click to view”, only show detail when a user clicks
2. Remove the hosted by option on the listing page - including
a. Header
b. Name
c. Image
d. Number of places hosted
3. There is a line of code that says [missing”
translation] code at the bottom of the listings - I believe this is the book now
button. Please sort this out

4. Booking should send email to the listing’s email address

5. On the homescreen instead of “Discover featured listings” show the slider on

the current homepage instead. That way, by updating the website’s slider, we
update the app as well. Same H1s, captions and images

6. On the homescreen, under Popular categories, where it says 46 listings,

change this and count only listings that are within the same location as the
user. And change the text to number of listings near you eg 12 listings near
you instead of just 46 listings

7. On the homescreen, remove

a. “Explore best cities”,
b. Remove “Popular this week”
8. Replace 8 above with
a. Listings of listings and listings categories available in the users
9. The last thing on the homepage should be explore cities
10. Change the blue colours used on the app to the brown used on the website
11. The app crashed when i tried to edit the profile image
12. When the app loads up, show the actual logo from the website
13. Use the same colour scheme of the website on the app
a. All the colours on the app should be replaced with colours from the
14. Push the new app to Google play and IOS store
15. Set up booking system with good booking wp plugin
a. A booking plugin with a virtual queue functionality will be the perfect
set up - but we can start with just any good one for now within the
b. Sort out booking on app - should integrate with website wp booking

16. Set up appropriate plugins on the website so that the app can work in multiple
countries and currencies and this reflects when booking on the app
a. Make NGN (naira) the default currency on the website and app
b. However let listing managers/admin set currency for a store… this can
also be based on location/country
c. Set up a plugin that charges 5%

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