A New Passive Non-Linear Damper For Automobiles

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A new passive non-linear damper for automobiles

Article in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D Journal of Automobile Engineering · November 2009
DOI: 10.1243/09544070JAUTO1112


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2 authors, including:

Chandramouli Padmanabhan
Indian Institute of Technology Madras


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Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile

A new passive non-linear damper for automobiles

A H Kalyan Raj and C Padmanabhan
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 2009 223: 1435
DOI: 10.1243/09544070JAUTO1112

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A new passive non-linear damper for automobiles

A H Kalyan Raj and C Padmanabhan*
Machine Design Section, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai,

The manuscript was received on 5 January 2009 and was accepted after revision for publication on 16 June 2009.

DOI: 10.1243/09544070JAUTO1112

Abstract: Passive linear suspension systems are limited in their ability to improve ride
characteristics owing to the conflicting interdependence between ride comfort, road hold-
ing, and space occupied by the suspension system. Non-linear systems can improve the
performance of passive designs by de-linking the various metrics involved in ride comfort.
Based on the control strategies used in semi-active suspensions, a new non-linear damper
design is proposed, where the damping rapidly changes with stroke. This design has been
fabricated and tested to validate the analytical expressions governing the damping as a function
of stroke. Experimental results show excellent agreement with analytical expressions. The novel
damper model has been used along with an existing non-linear spring design, in a quarter-car
simulation. The results indicate that the non-linear design leads to significantly lower
acceleration levels when compared with a linear system, without any compromise on other

Keywords: non-linear damper, passive suspension, ride comfort

1 INTRODUCTION improvement in ride comfort while decoupling vari-

ous metrics mentioned earlier. Passive, active, and
The current passenger car market is driven by lower semi-active suspensions have been studied exten-
cost with improved fuel efficiency and ride comfort. sively. Ryba [1, 2] used a simple two-degree-of-
Designing suspension systems in the ultra-low-cost freedom linear suspension model and concluded
car segment to achieve superior ride comfort, while that the natural frequency could be lowered until a
sustaining rigorous safety standards, is quite chal- certain point without increasing the dynamic tyre
lenging. New-generation cars need to be of lower load. When the ratio of unsprung mass to sprung
weight for improved fuel efficiency. Use of semi- mass is about 40 per cent, reductions in suspension
active and active suspensions can improve ride natural frequencies are achieved at the cost of
comfort significantly but result in increased use of increased dynamic tyre load. He also argues that as
energy for real-time adjustments in stiffness and the natural frequency decreases, the damping force
damping, leading to reduced fuel efficiency. should reduce for better ride comfort. Karnopp [3]
There is a need for innovative passive suspension suggested the concept of an active damper, which is
systems, which have to be non-linear, as linear based on the body velocity feedback. It is shown that
systems face severe limitations owing to their a damper where the damping changes rapidly is
conflicting interdependence between ride comfort, better at meeting the conflicting requirements of
road holding, and space occupied by the suspension suspension design. Sharp and Hassan [4] explored
system. A passive solution with a properly designed the possibility of variable damping and stiffness in a
non-linear system could bring about significant passive suspension design and concluded that if the
damping can be increased as the road roughness
*Corresponding author: Machine Design Section, Department of increases or when steering manoeuvres are attemp-
Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, ted, then the overall performance of the suspen-
Chennai, 600034, India. sion system improves. Later, Sharp and Hassan [5,
email: mouli@iitm.ac.in; moulinet@gmail.com 6] investigated semi-active dissipative dampers as

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1436 A H Kalyan Raj and C Padmanabhan

an improvement over the variable dampers. They also seem to tune the system parameters such that it
showed that when the damper force law includes stiffens up for larger strokes. Both the spring stiffness
the wheel-to-body relative displacement informa- and damping constant are increased for larger
tion in addition to the velocity signals, the perfor- strokes [4–6].
mance is better. The major objective of this investigation is to
Elmadany and El-Tamimi [7] have investigated showcase a new passive damper design capable of
four different damper designs, namely asymmetrical, improving ride comfort without compromising other
quadratic, acceleration sensitive, and semi-active metrics. Simulations using a quarter-car model are
dampers. The first three are non-linear passive carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the
damper designs, whereas the last one is an active proposed design and experiments are performed to
damper. The asymmetric damper performance was validate the mathematical model for the damper.
found to be dependent on the input size and sense The following section discusses the rationale for
(positive or negative) of the road disturbances. The the new damper design and also provides details of a
quadratic damper on the other hand performed non-linear spring presented earlier in the literature.
worse than a linear viscous damper as it led to This is followed by section 3 on simulations using a
increased acceleration levels with the constraint of quarter-car model, which demonstrate the effective-
equal rattle space. The acceleration sensitive damper ness of the damper. Section 4 explains the experi-
was also shown to be only marginally better than a ment carried out to validate the damper model and
linear viscous damper. A semi-active damper based finally in section 5 the significant outcomes of the
on an on–off control strategy, is shown to improve investigation are highlighted.
the ride comfort levels significantly when compared
with a linear viscous damper, without compromising
the road holding and suspension rattle space. 2 SCHEMATIC DESIGN
Su et al. [8] have proposed a tunable damper con-
cept for tracked vehicles. As remarked by Elma- From the results available in the literature it can be
dany and El-Tamimi [7], they too report that the inferred that damping coefficient needs to increase
quadratic damping force is not effective for vib- with suspension stroke. Now, the sprung mass
ration isolation. Hence, the damper is equipped acceleration also depends on rate of road input,
with compressional and extensional pressure relief rather than road input alone, but the spring itself is
valves to limit the pressure differential and conse- insensitive to rate of input as it operates only on
quently modulate the damping force. This is shown displacement [11, 12].
to improve the ride characteristics of the vehicle. For a linear damper, the derivative of the dam-
More recently, Khajavi and Abdollahi [9] have per force with respect to stroke is equal to zero.
compared a passive suspension with a semi-active However, if a damper was to be designed whose
damper based on fuzzy logic. The fuzzy logic control damping increases with stroke, then the gradient of
is based on the relative velocity between the wheel the force increases and is also sensitive to road input
and body, as well as the absolute velocity of the rate. With a linear damper, for a non-linear spring
body. This is shown to reduce the sprung mass with rate k(x) progressively increasing with x, LF/
response by nearly 25 per cent for a step input. The Lx 5 k(x) increases with x. Hence, essentially, if the
damping coefficients vary rather rapidly at high quantity LF/Lx increases with x, ride comfort would
displacements and reduce as the body displace- have improved.
ments become small. Mántaras and Luque [10] have Now, if the term Lc/Lx is made non-zero, i.e. if c
examined seven different active and semi-active increases with x so that LF/Lx progressively increases
suspension designs using a quarter-car model and with x, as in the earlier case of a non-linear spring,
conclude that a fuzzy-logic-based active suspension the response would become sensitive to the road
gives the best performance, while interestingly the input velocity ẋ as well. This is the basic philoso-
‘sky-hook’ damper concept is also quite good. phy behind conceiving a design that has c increas-
From the review of the literature on active and ing with stroke x. The desired damping coefficient
semi-active suspensions it is clear that a two-way variation with stroke is shown as curve A in Fig. 1.
switchable damper has higher damping coefficient In this section, schematic designs of both the new
in the forward stroke than in reverse – this is found non-linear damper developed in the present work
to improve ride comfort largely without any com- and also the already-in-use constant-pitch conical
promise on other metrics [7]. Active suspensions spring are presented.

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A new passive non-linear damper for automobiles 1437

Fig. 1 Two kinds of curve possible for damping c increasing with stroke x

2.1 Schematic design of the new non-linear  

damper 3pmD3 2t0
clin ~ 1z ð2Þ
4t03 D
As shown in Fig. 2, the non-linear damper shall
consist of a cylindrical piston of diameter D, length L
translating inside a conical bore of slope a filled with
a viscous liquid of viscosity m. The initial clearance 2.2 Schematic design of constant pitch conical
between the piston’s rear end and the conical bore at spring
the start of stroke, from which position the displace-
ment x is measured, is t0. As the stroke x occurs, the For the conical contoured spring with constant
clearance between the piston and the conical bore pitch, there exists a closed-form expression for load
decreases, and thus viscous force due to the liquid as a function of the deformed length of the spring.
increases. Hence, in effect, the damping c increases This has been derived based on the spring geometry
and the expression for c as a function of stroke x is parameters by Rodriguez et al. [14]; when the spring
derived along the lines of the method presented for a is in the linear regime the load as a function of spring
constant c damper in pages 69–71 of reference [13] length is given by
( " # Gd4
3pmD3 1 1 1 ðL0 {LÞ; k~   ; L [ ½LT , L0  ð3Þ
c~ { 2na D21 zD22 ðD1 zD2 Þ
4a 2 ðt0 {aðLzxÞÞ2 ðt0 {axÞ2
2 1 1 with L0 the free length, D1 and D2 are the smallest
z { ð1Þ
D t0 {aðLzxÞ t0 {ax and largest mean coil diameters of the conical
spring, d is the wire diameter, na is the number of
For the cylindrical damper, the slope a becomes zero active coils, and G is the rigidity modulus of the
and it can be verified by applying l’Hôpital’s rule spring material. Here the length LT is the transition
to the above expression, that the linear damper co- length where the spring now becomes non-linear
efficient as given in reference [13] becomes and is given by

PT Gd 4 ðLa {LS Þ
LT ~L0 { ; PT ~ ;
k 8D32 na
( "   #)1=2
2 D2 {D1 2
LS ~ max 0,ðna d Þ { ð4Þ

with La 5 L0 2 nid is the actual spring length, where

ni is the coil influence parameter to account for the
end coils in the conical spring and LS is the solid
height of the spring. When the spring deformation
L [ [LS, LT], then the non-linear force–deflection
relation becomes

8 "  #1=2 93
 3 < 1=2 =
k1 2 k2
Fig. 2 Cylindrical piston in a conical dashpot non- P ðLÞ~ 1{ 2 1z 2 {1 ð5Þ
linear damper 2 : k1 ;

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1438 A H Kalyan Raj and C Padmanabhan

where x1 and x2 are the displacements of the un-

k2 k6 sprung mass mus and sprung mass ms, kt is the
k1 ~k3 { ; k2 ~{ ;
3k3 k5 tyre stiffness, ct is the tyre damping, fs is the non-
8 "    #1=2 91=3 linear suspension force, and x0 is the random road
<k k4 2 k2 3 =
4 profile input.
k3 ~ z z ;
:16 16 3 ;
  3.1 Road profile input
k7 {L0 zL 2
k4 { ð6Þ
k5 The road profile used for simulating the designs is
similar to the widely used reference [7], which is the
response of a first-order filter to white noise
2D41 na
k5 ~ ; x_ 0 ~{avx0 zgðt Þ ð9Þ
Gd 4 ðD2 {D1 Þ
" #1=3
3 Gd4 ðLa {Ls Þ4 The solution to above equation for x0(t) is used as
k6 ~ ;
8ðD2 {D1 Þ na road input to the quarter-car model shown in Fig. 4.
Here, a is the road roughness parameter and is set as
ðLa {Ls ÞD2
k7 ~ ð7Þ 0.151/m for a smooth road, 0.451/m for a rough
D2 {D1 road, v is the speed of the car, and g(t) is white noise.
For the simulations, a car moving on a smooth road
These expressions along with equation (1) represent- is considered as, if the non-linear systems were to be
ing the non-linear damper are used in the simulation practically effective, they would have to perform
model described in the following section. better even on smooth roads. Some studies are
carried out on a rough road, however, to ensure that
3 QUARTER-CAR SIMULATION the non-linear design indeed improves ride comfort.
Hence, a 5 0.151/m is used and, say, the car’s
In this section, a quarter-car simulation incorpo- velocity is v 5 20 m/s. With these values, the output
rating the non-linear damper design mentioned x0(t) of the differential equation (8) shall be taken as
in section 2.1 is undertaken along with a linear the road profile; the maximum displacement input,
spring as well as a conical spring. The simulation for v 5 20 m/s, is 0.0292 m. All simulations with the
was done using the SIMULINK toolbox of MATLAB random input are carried out for a time period of
7.0 and the quarter-car model is shown in Fig. 3. The 15 s; a longer time period has also been tried out and
governing equations are given by it is established that 15 s is sufficient to make design
€1 {fs ðx2 {x1, x_ 2 {x_ 1 Þzct x_ 1 zkt x1
mus x
~ct x_ 0 zkt x0 3.2 Design parameters for the strut
ms x€2 zfs ðx2 {x1, x_ 2 {x_ 1 Þ~0 Values for various design parameters and dimen-
ð8Þ sions in the non-linear damper as well as the conical

Fig. 3 Schematic representation of the quarter-car used for simulation

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A new passive non-linear damper for automobiles 1439

Fig. 4 Road input to the quarter-car model

spring explained in section 2 were chosen in such a (a) passenger comfort is measured by r.m.s.
way that the performance metrics for road-holding acceleration of the sprung mass;
capability and space occupied by the suspension, (b) road-holding capability is measured by ratio of
root mean square (r.m.s.) values of the ratio of dyn- dynamic tyre deflection to static tyre deflection;
amic to static tyre deflection and the suspension (c) space occupied by the suspension is mea-
displacement respectively, remain the same as that sured by r.m.s. suspension deflection;
of the linear system used for comparison in ref- (d) settling time is no more than 2–3 oscillations
erence [7]. (approximately 1.5 s) [4].
The values for the linear system benchmark are as
follows. Hence, the choice of various parameters for the non-
linear design is made ensuring the metrics (b) to (d)
1. Values k 5 20 kN/m, kt 5 200 kN/m, ct 5 300 Ns/m, are unaltered while seeking for improvement in ride
c 5 1837 Ns/m are used. comfort. Two combinations are simulated: the non-
2. In order to compare with the available literature, linear damper design mentioned in Fig. 2 with linear
the mass of the car considered was 800 kg; hence, spring of k 5 20 kN/m (the same as that of the
for the quarter car, ms is taken as 200 kg and the completely linear system) and also the constant-
unsprung mass mus is taken as 30 kg. pitch conical spring. The conical spring geometry
3. According to reference [7], the following are the and material parameters are given in Table 1 and the
evaluation metrics that were used to compare damper parameters are shown in Table 2 (for linear
various models: and non-linear cases).

Table 1 Combination of conical spring geometry parameters for model

Serial no. Property name Symbol Value
1 Mean diameter of smallest active coil D1 37.5 mm
2 Mean diameter of largest active coil D2 75.0 mm
3 Shear modulus of elasticity G 80 GPa
4 Number of active coils na 4
5 Coil influence parameter ni 1.5
6 Spring wire diameter d 4.5 mm
7 Free length of the spring L0 500 mm

Table 2 Combination of non-linear damper parameters for model

Serial no. Property name Symbol Linear spring Non-linear spring
1 Piston diameter D 94.4 mm 180 mm
2 Slope of conical bore a 0.0 0.035
3 Initial clearance t0 10 mm 10 mm
4 Piston length L 100 mm 100 mm
5 Oil viscosity m 500 cP 720 cP

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1440 A H Kalyan Raj and C Padmanabhan

The expressions contained in equations (1) to (7) holding parameter was 1.6), r.m.s. suspension def-
are implemented in SIMULINK and simulation was lection was 47.4 mm. For the non-linear damper
carried with the above-mentioned values. The real- with the linear spring combination, the two metrics,
time sprung mass acceleration graph for the linear road-holding and suspension deflection, remained
system is shown in Fig. 5. Figure 6 shows the real- nearly the same at 4.64 mm and 47.5 mm respec-
time sprung mass acceleration graph for the non- tively but the r.m.s. acceleration was 2.03 m/s2.
linear damper with linear spring. Thus, after 15 s Figure 7 shows the real-time acceleration graph
simulation, for a completely linear system, r.m.s. for a completely non-linear system, conical spring
sprung mass acceleration was 2.43 m/s2, r.m.s. with the non-linear damper: the r.m.s. acceleration
dynamic tyre deflection was 4.65 mm (the road- for the completely non-linear system was 1.62 m/s2.

Fig. 5 Real-time sprung mass acceleration of the linear system

Fig. 6 Real-time sprung mass acceleration of the linear spring with non-linear damper

Fig. 7 Real-time sprung mass acceleration of the non-linear damper with conical spring

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A new passive non-linear damper for automobiles 1441

As can be seen, the graph peaks at 4 m/s2 for the Various dimensions mentioned in Table 2 rep-
completely linear system while the peaks are well resent optimum values in achieving superior ride
within 4 m/s2 for the non-linear damper with linear comfort compared with a linear system. The aim of
spring combination. For the completely non-linear the experiment is only to validate equation (1);
system, the real-time peaks are close to 3 m/s2, however, not necessarily with the same values. The
which is about a 25 per cent reduction from that of design was scaled to fit to the available test facility
the linear system at 4 m/s2. The metrics are the r.m.s. and the values adopted for the experiment are as
values, however, as they provide good information follows: D 5 50 mm, L 5 50 mm, m 5 125 Pa s, a 5
about the negative side of acceleration as well. 0.087, t0 5 9.8 mm.
Hence, it can be seen that, on using a non-linear In Figs 8 and 9, the real-time data are averaged to
damper, reduction of r.m.s. acceleration of the remove noise and plotted after making necessary
chassis (sprung mass) was as high as 16 per cent corrections for self-weight of the damper and the oil
with the linear spring and 33 per cent with the non- seal friction values. The theoretical curve is also
linear spring after 15 s simulation time. shown and, as can be seen from the graphs, the
theoretical solution matches reasonably well with
the averaged real-time data. Given the variations of

The simulations were performed with two different

numerical schemes, the Runge–Kutta fourth-order
scheme and a Dormand–Prince scheme; both gave
results concurring within 0.1 per cent. This ensures
the consistency of the simulation results, but the
question remains regarding the validity of the
damper model represented by equation (1). An
experiment is carried out to characterize the non-
linear damper design constituting a cylindrical
piston translating in a conical bore. From this the
accuracy of the non-linear damper expression is
The experiment essentially consists of imparting a
reciprocating motion to the piston while holding the
damper still. The motion imparted shall be in a
predefined fashion and, simultaneously, the force Fig. 8 Averaged force–displacement curve for 18 mm
resulting from having to ensure that predefined stroke at 2 cycles/s input
motion is to be measured.
These requirements are very well realized in the
MTS fatigue-testing machine intended to perform
materials testing and their property evaluation. The
machine has both displacement control mode as
well as force control mode. The data sought from the
experiment were the values of force F as a function
of stroke x, with the machine operated in displace-
ment control mode.
A triangular wave input of 10 cycles, at two
frequencies of 0.5 cycle/s and 2 cycles/s, with a
peak stroke of 30 mm and 18 mm (reduced owing
to limitations associated with the hydraulic power
pack) was given to the damper. This amounts to
stroke speeds of v 5 30 mm/s and 72 mm/s respec-
tively. A triangular input was chosen because of the
fact; this leads to a constant velocity v; hence the F
versus x graph is directly c versus x scaled by the Fig. 9 Averaged force–displacement curve for 30 mm
factor v. stroke at 0.5 cycles/s input

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1442 A H Kalyan Raj and C Padmanabhan

the real-time data, they are averaged using a runn- F Authors 2009
ing average of the preceding 50 data points. Initial
hysteresis was observed in the experiments (only
for 1–2 cycles) but the plots show three half-cycles of REFERENCES
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A new passive non-linear damper for automobiles 1443

APPENDIX na number of active coils

ni coil influence parameter
Notation P force in spring
a slope of conical contour t0 clearance between piston head and
c suspension damping rate the bore
ct tyre damping v vehicle speed
d spring wire diameter v0 velocity of the piston
D piston head diameter x stroke or displacement
D1 mean diameter of smallest active coil x0(t) road profile (displacement input to
D2 mean diameter of smallest active coil the models)
G shear modulus of elasticity
k linear suspension rate a road roughness parameter
kt tyre stiffness g(t) white noise
L piston head length m oil viscosity
L0 free length of the spring

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