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Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, also known as Faraday’s law, is the

basic law of electromagnetism which helps us predict how a magnetic field
would interact with an electric circuit to produce an electromotive force (EMF).
This phenomenon is known as electromagnetic induction.
Michael Faraday proposed the laws of electromagnetic induction in the year
1831. Faraday’s law or the law of electromagnetic induction is the observation
or results of the experiments conducted by Faraday. He performed two main
experiments to discover the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

In his experiment, Faraday took a magnet and a coil and connects a
galvanometer across the coil.
1. At starting, the magnet is at rest, so there is no deflection in the
galvanometer i.e. The needle of the galvanometer is at the center or zero
2. When the magnet is moved towards the coil, the needle of the
galvanometer deflects in one direction but when the magnet is held
stationary at that position, the needle of the galvanometer returns to zero
3. When the magnet moves away from the coil, there is some deflection in
the needle of the galvanometer but in the opposite direction.
4. If the magnet is held stationary and the coil moves away and towards the
magnet, the galvanometer shows deflection.

From the experiment, faraday concluded that whenever there is a relative
motion between a conductor and a magnetic field, the flux linkage with a coil
change and this change in flux induces a voltage across the coil.
Faraday’s Laws
He formulated two laws on the bases of the above experiment. These laws are
called Faraday’s Laws of Electromagnetic induction.

Faraday’s First Law.

The first law describes the induction of emf in a conductor when there is a
change in the magnetic field.
This emf induced is called induced emf and if the conductor circuit is closed the
current will also circulate through the circuit. This current is called induced

How to change the magnetic field.

1. By moving the magnet toward or away from the coil
2. By moving the coil into or out of the magnetic field
3. By increasing the area of the coil
4. By rotating the magnet in the coil

It states that the magnitude of emf induced in the coil is equal to the rate of
change of flux linkage.
The flux linkage is the product of the number of turns in the coil and the flux
associated with the coil.
Deduction from Faraday’s experiment
Consider a magnet moving towards a coil. Here we consider two instances at
time T1 and time T2.
Flux linkage with the coil at time T1 = Nɸ1 wb
Flux linkage with the coil at time T2 = Nɸ2 wb
Change in flux linkage = N(ɸ2 - ɸ1)
Let change in flux linkage ɸ = (ɸ2 - ɸ1)
Thus, the change in flux linkage =Nɸ
Rate of change of flux linkage =Nɸ/t
Taking derivative on the right-hand side, we will get N (dɸ / dt)
But according to the law, the rate change of flux linkage is equal to
induced emf.
ϵ = - N (dɸ / dt)
where flux ɸ in wb = B.A
B= Magnetic field strength
A= Area of the coil

Application of Faraday’s Law

1. Transformers
2. Electrical generators
3. Induction cookers
4. Electromagnetic flow meters
5. Musical instruments

Worked examples
ϵ = - N Δɸ
ɸ = B.Acos(θ)
The starting or initial magnetic field, Bi, is given as is the final field
magnitude, Bf. We can drop the minus sign because we are working with
the magnitude of the emf only.

ϵ = N Δɸ

N ( ɸf - ɸ i )

N x (BfA cosθ– Bi Acosθ)


N x Acos(θ)(Bf – Bi )


4 x (π(0.3)2 cos(35)) (3.4-0.4)


= 1.03x10-3 V
ϵ = - N (dɸ / dt)
ɸ = BA.
The starting or initial magnetic field, Bi, is given as is the final field
magnitude, Bf. We can drop the minus sign because we are working with
the magnitude of the emf only.

The area, A, = πr².

ϵ = N (dɸ / dt)

N ( ɸf - ɸi ) /Δt

N x (BfA – Bi A)


N x A(Bf – Bi )


0.3 = 9 x (πr²)(12-0.12)


r² = (0.3) (120)


r² = 0.107175

r =0.32m

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