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5/27/22, 1:37 AM 1000 Structural Analysis MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - Sanfoundry

Structural Analysis MCQ (Multiple Choice

Here are 1000 MCQs on Structural Analysis (Chapterwise).

1. Which of the following structural loads are not applied commonly to a building?
a) Environmental load
b) Live load
c) Dead load
d) Rain load
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Answer: d
Explanation: Rest three types of loads are always applied to buildings.


2. In the case of a structural member supporting more than one floor with load exceeding 100psf.,
what is the maximum permitted reduction %?
a) 20
b) 25 1/18
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c) 15
d) 10
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Answer: a
Explanation: In buildings supporting more than one floor, studies have shown that rarely it is
loaded (a floor) with more than 80% of its design load.

3. Which of the following is statically determinate structure?

a) Two hinged arch
b) Fixed beam
c) Double overhanging
d) Continuous beam
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Answer: c
Explanation: Double overhanging can be analysed by available three equilibrium equations i.e.
∑Fx=0, ∑Fy=0, and ∑M = 0.

4. In the equation U-0.9D + 1.6W + 1.6H, what is the load factor for H if the structural action of H
counteracts that due to W or E?
a) 0.005
b) 0
c) 0.1
d) 0.05
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5. What will be Vmax in the above question if the hospital is made up of structural steel frames?
a) .04813gw
b) .01813gw
c) .02813gw
d) .03813gw
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6. If we use link support in a structural system, then how many unknowns would we have?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 0
d) 4
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7. Which of the following material is not used in making trusses?

a) Metal bars
b) Concrete
c) Wooden struts
d) Channel
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8. Calculate the force in member BC.

a) 0KN
b) \(\sqrt{2}\) KN (TENSILE)
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5/27/22, 1:37 AM 1000 Structural Analysis MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - Sanfoundry

9. Why is base plate provided in short roof trusses?

a) For rigidity
b) As provision for temperature related expansion/contraction
c) To transmit load effectively
d) For stability
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10. Calculate the kinematic indeterminacy of the following pin jointed plane frame.

a) 15
b) 12
c) 13
d) 14
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11. Calculate the horizontal thrust for the two hinged semicircular arch loaded with point load at its
crown. 4/18
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a) \(\frac{W}{2\pi}\)
b) \(\frac{4RW}{3\pi}\)
c) \(\frac{W}{\pi}\) 2∞
d) \(\frac{W}{\pi}\)
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12. Which of the following is false for deflection of a point nearby a fixed support?
a) Displacement and slope is zero
b) Displacement as well as slope is non-zero
c) Displacement is zero
d) Slope is zero
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13. ILD for the shear force at the support of the cantilever beam is __________



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5/27/22, 1:37 AM 1000 Structural Analysis MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - Sanfoundry

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14. Which structure will perform better during earthquake?

a) Statically determinate and indeterminate
b) Depends upon magnitude of earthquake
c) Statically indeterminate
d) Statically determinate
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15. Which type of structure would cost less in terms of materials?

a) Statically indeterminate
b) Both will cost equally
c) Depends upon loading
d) Statically determinate
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16. The beam shown in the figure carries loads of 20kN and 40kN at point C and D respectively and
produces a deflection of 6mm at point E. To produce a deflection of 8mm and 5mm at C and D
respectively, the load required at E would be ______ 6/18
5/27/22, 1:37 AM 1000 Structural Analysis MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - Sanfoundry

a) 40kN
b) 60kN
c) 20kN
d) 50kN
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17. What is the relation between Fad and Fda in the below figure?

a) Fad = -2Fda
b) Fad = 2Fda
c) Fad = Fda
d) Fad = -Fda
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18. Calculate the k value of the member BC for the given external redundant truss, considering the
horizontal reaction of support B as a redundant force.

a) 2.89kN
b) 0kN
c) 3kN 7/18
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d) 1kN
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19. Which of the following is carried by truss members?

a) flexural load
b) bending load
c) axial load
d) shear load
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20. Carryover Moment at end B due to moment M applied at end A for the given beam is _______

a) -M
b) +\(\frac{M}{2} \)
c) +M
d) 0
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21. When a structural member of the uniform section is subjected to a moment at one end only,
then the moment required so as to rotate that end to produce a unit slope, is called _____ 8/18
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a) Stiffness of member
b) Capacity of member
c) Potential of member
d) Resistance of member
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22. If in an interior beam, adjacent structures are exactly similar then the tributary area is:-
a) Obtuse triangle
b) Right angled triangle
c) Acute triangle
d) Trapezium
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23. What will be the static lateral force at 10th level of a structure if total gravity load is x and portion
assigned to the 10th level is 10%?
a) 0.01x
b) x
c) 0.001x
d) 0.1x
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24. If a structure has total 10 joints, then what should be the minimum no. of joints in which
equilibrium equations should be concurrently satisfied for stability?
a) 9
b) 10
c) 8
d) 7
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25. If a structure has 2j – r no. of members, then it will be:-

a) depends upon structure
b) depends upon magnitude of load
c) unstable
d) stable
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26. The following structure is ________

a) Statically Unstable
b) Geometrically Unstable
c) Internally Unstable
d) Stable
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27. Ui is not developed when?

a) Structure deforms
b) Structure elongates
c) External force is zero
d) Structure bends
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28. Which of the following methods for solving indeterminate structures are easiest for
computational purposes?
a) Displacement method
b) Method of consistent deformation
c) Moment area method
d) Force method
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29. Which of the following methods of structural analysis is a force method?

a) three moment equation
b) slope deflection method
c) column analogy method
d) moment distribution method
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30. Force-displacement requirement of statically indeterminate structures depend upon which

a) supports
b) material’s response
c) position of load applied 10/18
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d) magnitude of load applied

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31. To draw qualitative ILD of indeterminate structure, which of the following concept is used.
a) Mullers Breslou’s Principle
b) Kani’s Method
c) Unit Load Method
d) Castigilano’s First energy theorem
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32. Which one the following is the ILD for the bending moment at section C for the given fixed




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5/27/22, 1:37 AM 1000 Structural Analysis MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - Sanfoundry

33. Which of the following material will have the highest value of response modification factor?
a) Structural steel frames
b) Reinforced concrete shear walls
c) Wood
d) Reinforced concrete frames with flexible joints
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Chapterwise Multiple Choice Questions on Structural Analysis

Our 1000+ MCQs focus on all topics of the Structural Analysis subject,
covering 100+ topics. This will help you to prepare for exams, contests,
online tests, quizzes, viva-voce, interviews, and certifications. You can
practice these MCQs chapter by chapter starting from the 1st chapter or
you can jump to any chapter of your choice. You can also download the
PDF of Structural Analysis MCQs by applying below.

1. System Loading and Behavior

2. Structural Loads
3. Analysis of Statically Determinate Structures and Trusses
4. Analysis of Kinematically Determinate Structures & Plane Trusses
5. Internal Loadings Developed in Structural Members
6. Cables and Arches
7. Influence Lines and Approximate Analysis for Statically Determinate Structures
8. Deflections
9. Deflections Using Energy Methods
10. Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures by the Force Method
11. Displacement Method of Analysis: Slope-Deflection Equations
12. Displacement Method of Analysis: Moment Distribution

1. Structural Analysis MCQ on System Loading and Behavior 12/18
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The section contains Structural Analysis multiple choice questions and answers on tributary areas,
live load reduction, loading conditions for strength and stress design.

Tributary Areas Loading Conditions for Allowable Stress

Live Load Reduction Design
Loading Conditions for Strength Design

2. Multiple Choice Questions on Structural Loads

The section contains Structural Analysis questions and answers on structural loads types and
seismic loads.

Types of Structural Loads-1 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure for

Types of Structural Loads-2 Estimating Seismic Loads-1
Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure for
Estimating Seismic Loads-2

3. Structural Analysis MCQ on Analysis of Statically Determinate

Structures and Trusses
The section contains Structural Analysis MCQs on idealized structure, determincy and stability,
trusses types, coplanar trusses classification, joints and sections methods, space trusses and

Idealized Structure Method of Joints

Determinacy and Stability Joints Method Numericals
Beams & Frames Static Indeterminacy Method of Sections
Trusses Static Indeterminacy Sections Method Numericals
Common Types of Trusses Space Trusses
Classification of Coplanar Trusses

4. Structural Analysis MCQ on Analysis of Kinematically Determinate

Structures & Plane Trusses 13/18
5/27/22, 1:37 AM 1000 Structural Analysis MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - Sanfoundry

The section contains Structural Analysis multiple choice questions and answers on plane trusses
assumptions, kinematic indeterminacy of beams, frames and trusses.

Kinematic Indeterminacy of Beams & When Assumptions are Not Correct

Kinematic Indeterminacy of Trusses

5. Structural Analysis MCQ on Internal Loadings Developed in Structural

The section contains Structural Analysis questions and answers on internal loadings, shear and
moment diagrams for beam and frame.

Internal Loadings at a Specified Point-1 Shear and Moment Diagrams for a Frame-1
Internal Loadings at a Specified Point-2 Shear and Moment Diagrams for a Frame-2
Shear and Moment Diagrams for a Beam

6. Structural Analysis MCQ on Cables and Arches

The section contains Structural Analysis MCQs on three hinged arch, arches, cables subjected to
concentrated loads and uniform distributed loads.

Cable Subjected to Concentrated Loads and Cable Subjected to a Uniform Distributed

cables Load
Three-Hinged Arch Arches

7. Structural Analysis MCQ on Influence Lines and Approximate Analysis

for Statically Determinate Structures
The section contains Structural Analysis multiple choice questions and answers on influence lines,
qualitative influence lines, influence lines for floor griders and beams, portal frames and trusses,
lateral loads on building frames, maximum shear and moment, influence line diagrams and portal
frames numericals. 14/18
5/27/22, 1:37 AM 1000 Structural Analysis MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - Sanfoundry

Influence Lines Approximate Analysis in Trusses and Vertical

Influence Lines for Beams Loads on Building Frames
Qualitative Influence Lines Portal Frames and Trusses
Influence Lines for Floor Girders Portal Frames Numericals
Influence Line Diagram – Numericals Lateral Loads on Building Frames: Portal
and Cantilever Method

8. Structural Analysis MCQ on Deflections

The section contains Structural Analysis questions and answers on deflections diagrams, elastic
beam theory, double integration method, moment area theorems and conjugate beam method.

Deflection Diagrams and the Elastic Curve Moment-Area Theorems – 2

Elastic-Beam Theory Conjugate-Beam Method – 1
The Double Integration Method Conjugate-Beam Method – 2
Moment-Area Theorems – 1

9. Structural Analysis MCQ on Deflections Using Energy Methods

The section contains Structural Analysis MCQs on strain energy, work and energy principles, trusses
and castiglianos theorem, indeterminate structures, beams and frame.

External Work and Strain Energy Method of Virtual Work: Beams and Frames
Principle of Work and Energy Statically Indeterminate Structures – 1
Method of Virtual Work: Trusses and Statically Indeterminate Structures – 2
Castigliano’s Theorem

10. Structural Analysis MCQ on Analysis of Statically Indeterminate

Structures by the Force Method
The section contains Structural Analysis multiple choice questions and answers on force method
analysis, influence lines for indeterminate beams, redundant trusses analysis, qualitative influence
lines, bettis law and trusses analysis. 15/18
5/27/22, 1:37 AM 1000 Structural Analysis MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - Sanfoundry

Force Method of Analysis: General Influence Lines for Statically Indeterminate

Procedure Beams-2
Maxwell’s Theorem of Reciprocal Analysis of Externally Redundant Trusses
Displacements: Betti’s Law Qualitative Influence Lines for
Additional Remarks on the Force Method of Indeterminate Structures
Influence Lines for Statically Indeterminate

11. Structural Analysis MCQ on Slope-Deflection Equations

The section contains Structural Analysis questions and answers on displacement method analysis,
slope deflection analysis, analysis of beams, analysis of frames with sidesway and no sidesway, dki
and dsi.

Displacement Method of Analysis:General Analysis of Frames : No Sidesway – 2

Procedures Analysis of Frames : No Sidesway – 3
Slope-Deflection Equations Analysis of Frames : No Sidesway – 4
Analysis of Beams – 1 Analysis of Frames : Sidesway – 1
Analysis of Beams – 2 Analysis of Frames : Sidesway – 2
Analysis of Beams – 3 DKI and DSI – 1
Analysis of Beams – 4 DKI and DSI – 2
Analysis of Beams – 5 DKI and DSI – 3
Analysis of Frames : No Sidesway – 1

12. Structural Analysis MCQ on Moment Distribution

The section contains Structural Analysis MCQs on beams and frames moment distributions,
stiffness factor modifications and frames computer analysis. 16/18
5/27/22, 1:37 AM 1000 Structural Analysis MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - Sanfoundry

Moment Distribution for Beams Moment Distribution for Frames

Stiffness-Factor Modifications

If you would like to learn "Structural Analysis" thoroughly, you should attempt to work on the
complete set of 1000+ MCQs - multiple choice questions and answers mentioned above. It will
immensely help anyone trying to crack an exam or an interview.

Note: We are working on pdf download for Structural Analysis MCQs and will publish the download
link here. Fill this Structural Analysis mcq pdf download request form for download notification.

Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Structural Analysis!


Additional Resources:

Pavement Analysis and Design MCQ PDF Download

Design & Analysis of Algorithms MCQ PDF Download
Cloud Computing MCQ PDF Download
Design of Steel Structures MCQ PDF Download
Aircraft Design MCQ PDF Download 17/18
5/27/22, 1:37 AM 1000 Structural Analysis MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) - Sanfoundry

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