Certificate - Khalilah Husna Yenofitri - Exploring Economics - The Secret Life of T-Shirts

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Statement of participation

Khalilah Husna Yenofitri

has completed the free course including any mandatory tests for:

Exploring economics: the secret life of t-shirts

This free 6-hour course explored what goes into making and selling t-shirts.

Issue date: 4 July 2023

This statement does not imply the award of credit points nor the conferment of a University Qualification.
This statement confirms that this free course and all mandatory tests were passed by the learner.
Please go to the course on OpenLearn for full details:
https://www.open.edu/openlearn/society-politics-law/exploring-economics-the-secret-life-t- COURSE CODE: DD126_2
Exploring economics: the secret life of t-shirts

Course summary
Completed study
This free course, Exploring economics: the
The learner has completed the following:
secret life of t-shirts, aims to describe what goes
into making and selling t-shirts. Which Section 1
resources, which markets, who is involved, the
income people get, the income and value they Defining a supply chain and organisation of the
create are all discussed. You will explore these supply chain for a t-shirt
questions at different stages of the production of
Section 2
a t-shirt, and you'll use concepts from
economics such as 'supply chains' or 'value Who are the main actors at each stage of
added' to answer them. The course will be production?
described using data. You should think about
key numbers and data which help constructing Section 3
evidence of how a t-shirt is produced, from raw Value added in the supply chain
cotton to our wardrobe.
Section 4

Learning outcomes Interactive activity

By completing this course, the learner should be Section 5
able to:
define a supply chain and understand how
different stages of the t-shirt production chain
can be organised differently
engage with different data sources and their
read into data to tell an economic story
evaluate what the 'made in...' tag on your t-
shirt really means.

https://www.open.edu/openlearn COURSE CODE: DD126_2

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