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Hannah Morini

Teacher Application Essay

While the characteristics of an outstanding educator are diverse, it is the qualities of

flexibility and preparedness that stand out as most crucial. Flexibility is a trait not learned

through hours of lesson planning but rather through the hands-on education of students. I, as a

current student teacher, am only beginning to cultivate. In the face of unpredictable challenges

during lessons, I have discerned that flexibility must be a reflex, requiring immediate adaptation

for things like redirecting students and bringing the lesson back on track. Preparedness, in my

perspective, is the overarching umbrella encompassing various other qualities essential to

outstanding educators. Adaptability, engagement, and organization. With a prepared mindset,

educators can proactively navigate each day, resulting in productivity, time conservation, and a

decrease in overwhelm.

The topic of student discipline often is controversial. My philosophy of student discipline

revolves around the foundational principle that following through with expectations. While

different student populations involve diverse disciplinary approaches, expectations always

remain constant. Expectations, though critical, only keep their full potential through consistent


Being an educator goes above and beyond educating others; it is also a continuous

process of self-education. The role requires a commitment to learning, growth, and professional

development. This yearning for knowledge is the motivation behind choosing this vocation. The

changing nature of society pushes educators, myself included, to avoid stagnation in post-college
education. Professional development serves as a must for educators, offering an ongoing avenue

for growth and refinement.During my time as a college student, I have been a part of five

distinct schools, completing internships, and presently engaged in student teaching. At

each institution, my active participation in multiple professional development seminars, covering

topics such as Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), Section 504, and strategies for

addressing trauma and bullying, has grown my professional standing and fostered growth as an

educator. My commitment to ongoing development persists, as I make sure I attend every

opportunity for seminars, classes, and discussions offered by the school district in which I am


From the beginning of my education major, the concept of differentiation has been

ingrained in my educational philosophy. Recognizing it as critical element of instruction,

differentiation ensures that the diverse needs of every student, whether high or low, are met.

Without differentiation, students lack control over their learning, challenge, and nourishment.

Another essential elment of instruction is engagement. This is something that I, as a current

student teacher, actively integrate in my daily lessons. Pleasure in learning is during instruction,

and without engagement, the child-like joy component in the learning process is not present

Information technology, if appropriately integrated, proves to be a fantastic component in

the instructional process and curriculum. I incorporate technology into nearly every lesson, using

tools such as the smartboard for visual aids, presentations with drag-and-place activities, and

individualized activities for students. These avenues of integrating information technology not

only enhance the instructional process but also produce educational benefits. Across various

subject areas, technology can have it’s relevance in in the curriculum. In reading, computers
facilitate the exploration of various genres of books, while in math, a plethora of programs cater

to students in need of a challenge. Virtual science experiments and field trips exposes students to

experiences beyond the walls of the classroom. Lastly, computer skills applicable in later stages

of students' lives find integration into the curriculum through activities such as typing essays and

research projects.

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