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ICE-407: Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Paresh Chandra Barman

Definition of AI
• Automation of activities that we associate with human
thinking, activities such as decision-making, problem solving,
learning, … (Bellman, 1978)
• Study of how to make computers do things at which, at the
moment, people are better (Rich & Knight, 1991)
• A Branch of Computer Science that is concerned with the
automation of intelligent behavior (Luger & Stubblefield, 1993)
• The study of mental faculties through the use of
computational models (Charniak & McDormott, 1995)
Computer Science Body of Knowledge
Discrete Structure

Foundat'n of Progamming
43 Algorithm and Complexity

16 Architecture & Organization

10 OS

10 38 Net-Centric Computing
Total 280
Core Hours Programming Languages

21 31 Grophics & Visual Computing

15 Intelligent Systems
36 Information Management

Social and Professional

Source : IEEE/ACM Computing Curricula 2001 Computer Science S/W Engineering
Computing Disciplines, before and after 1990s
AI : Engineering Definition
• Study of how to make machine do things which require
intelligence when human do
– things requiring intelligence ?

• Making computer MORE (Motivation, Organization, Relevancy, and Engagement)

SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely)

• Making thinking computer

– Can machine think ?

• Focus on how good it performs

AI : Cognitive Scientific Definition
• Studying intelligence by computational means

• Programmed Human intelligence

• Artificial Mind

• Focus on how similar it works as human

Intelligent System

Flexibility Recognition,
Aims Automation via Understanding
Optimization Making decisions,
Examples of AI systems
• Language Translation systems
• Natural Language Question answering systems
• Diagnosis Expert systems
• Avionic Expert systems vs. fly-by-wire
• Space shuttle mission planning
• Robots in factory, Auto-navigation robots
• Intelligent Traffic control system
• OCR, Handwriting Recognition System
• Speech Recognition System
• …
Categorization of AI definitions

Systems that think like Systems that think

human rationally

Systems that act like Systems that act rationally

Go Playing Programs
• Selecting next move
– By analysis of all alternative moves
– By Analysis of Board Pattern (rule-based)

• Which one is better ?

• Which one can be better ?

• Engineering (mathematical)
How well does it perform ?
Performance is the key concern. Don’t care of what method used

• Cognitive Scientific
How similarly does it do as human ?
Simulation of Behavior
Acting Humanly : Turing Test
• Turing (1950) “Computing Machinery and
– Can machine think ?  Can machine behave
intelligently ?
– Operational test of intelligent behavior : imitation
• Predicted that by 2000, a machine might have
30% chance of fooling a lay person in 5
Issues on Turing Test
• Intelligent as much as Human
– Is dog intelligent ?
• Searle’s Chinese Room argument
– Strong AI and Weak AI
• “ELIZA - a friend you could never have before”
– Imitation of Client-centered Rogerian Therapy

• Suggested major component of AI : knowledge, reasoning,

language, understanding, learning

• Any man-made system passed Turing Test ?

Thinking Rationally : Laws of Thought
• Normative (or prescriptive ) rather than descriptive
• Several school of Greek schools developed various forms of
logic, notation and rules of derivation of thoughts
• Mathematics and Philosophies of modern AI
• Problems
– Not all intelligent behavior is mediated by logical deliberation
– What is purpose of thinking ? What thought should I have ?
• Rational Behavior : doing the right thing
– “right” – expected to maximize goal achievement given available
Hype Cycle (Boom-Bust-Build)


The Hype Cycle of Emerging Technologies

※ 자료 : Gartner, 2002

※ 자료 : Gartner, 2002
Approaches to Intelligent system development

Knowledge-based Approach

Data Driven Approach

Knowledge-base Systems

Represent Human knowledge as symbol

Knowledge Acquisition and Representation

Logic, Expert System, Fuzzy Logic

Data Driven Approach

Extract common characteristics from collected


Statistical Methods, Artificial Neural Network
Generality vs Power

• Aims Powerful and general solutions

• General Problem Solver
– Early attempt : failed
– Complexity : Toy Problems Only
• Specialized Approach to get Power
– Knowledge Based Approach
– “Practical” Expert Systems
State of the Art
• Which of the following can be done at present ?
– Play a decent game of table tennis
– Drive along a curvy mountain road
– Drive in the center of Seoul city
– Play decent game of Go
– Discover and prove a new mathematical theorem
– Write an intentionally funny story
– Give competent legal advice in a specialized area of law
– Translate spoken Korean into spoken Japanese in real time
Axes of AI Research




Major research areas (Methodology)
• Symbolic Programming
• Knowledge Representation
• Search & Planning
• Automated Reasoning
• Machine Learning, knowledge Discovery
• Artificial Neural Net
• Genetic Algorithm
• …...
Major research areas (Applications)
• Natural Language Understanding
• Image, Speech and pattern recognition
• Uncertainty Modeling
• Expert systems
• Virtual Reality
• …..
Symbolic Programming
• Program as Representation of world
• Symbol as basic element of representation
– atom, property, relationship
• Symbolic Expression as method of
• LISP for Symbolic programming
• PROLOG for logic programming
• Object-Oriented Concept
Knowledge Representation
• What kind of Knowledge needed for Problem
solving ?
• Structure of knowledge ?
– declarative vs procedural
• Representation techniques ?
– explicit vs (implicit + inference)
– logic, frame, object-oriented, semantic net, script
• Knowledge acquisition and update
Search Theory
• An Optimization method
• Analyze alternative cases and select one
• Cope with Exponential complexity, NP classes
– Try likely one first (Heuristic Search)
– Utilize local information (Hill Climbing Method)
– Optimal solution vs good solution
• Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing
– Stochastic search
Automated Reasoning
• Qualitative Reasoning
– Utilization of qualitative knowledge such as
• Non-monotonic Reasoning
– Ostrich flys ?
• Plausible Reasoning
– Information fusion under uncertainty
• Case-based Reasoning
– Utilization of Experience
Machine Learning
• Performance improvement by experience
– How much of knowledge required to start learning ?
– Method of acquiring new knowledge and merging it to existing
– Role of teacher
– Role of examples and experience
• Parameter Adjustment
• Inductive learning
• Computational Learning Theory
– Quality of generalization capability in terms of Training data
• Used in Practice such as Data Mining
Data Mining
Knowlegre extraction for decision making

Data Information Decision

/ knowledge
Neural Network
• Computational model of Neurons
– Power comes from Connection of simple
processing element - connectionism


X2 w2
Σ F(X1, X2, …, Xn)
. wn
Neural Network
• learning = link weigh adjustment
– Error-back-propagation : supervised learning
– Any Functional Mapping is learnable
• Strong at Sensory Data Processing
– Symbolic Grounding

• Old Horse on the race again

– Massive parallelism, graceful degradation
Neural Network Classifier



Salary medium

#mouth bad

Input Hidden Output
layer layer layer
Genetic Algorithm
• Computational model of life evolution
• Stochastic optimization technique
– Initial chromosome creation
– New generations are made (cross over, mutation)
– survival of the fittest
• Base of artificial life research
– study evolution of life, by simulation
History of AI

• 50 years of rise and fall of New

technologies after invention of computer
– Logic – Fuzzy Theory
– Optimization – Neural Netwrok
– Proabilistic Modeling – Genetic Algorithm
– Search theory – Chaos theory
– Rule-based system – Artificial life
– Expert systems – .....
AI Prehistory

• Philosophy
– Logic, methods of reasoning, mind as physical system, foundations of
learning, language, rationality
• Mathematics
– Formal representation of proof, algorithms, computation, decidability,
tractability, probability
• Psychology
– Adaption, phenomena of perception and motor control, experimental
• Linguistics
– Knowledge representation, grammar
• Neurosicence : Physical substrate for mental activity
• Control Theory : homeostatic systems, stability, optimal designs
Potted History of AI (I)
• 1943 : McCulloch & Pitts : Boolean Circuit model of Brain
• 1950 : Turing’s “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”
• 1950s : Early AI programs – Samuel’s checker program, Newell
& Simon’s Logic Theorist
• 1956 : Dartmouth meeting “Artificial Intelligence” adopted
• 1965 : Robinson’s algorithm for logical reasoning
Potted History of AI (II)

• 1966-74 : AI discovers computational complexity

• 1969-79 : Early development of knowledge-based systems
• 1980-88 : Expert systems industry booms, AI Programming Machine
• 1983 – 1993 : Japan initiated 5th generation computer project
• 1988-93 : Expert systems industry burst : “AI Winter”
• 1985-95 : Neural Network back to the race
• 1988 : Resurgence of probabilistic and decision-theoretic methods,
Rapid increase of technical depth of mainstrean AI
“Nouville AI : Alife, Genetic Algorithm, Soft computing
AI Success Story

• Symbolic Algebra
– Macsyma (
x4 1 3
∫ (1 − x 2 ) 5 2
dx = arcsin x + tan (arcsin x ) − tan(arcsin x )

• Chess Program DEEP BLUE defeat Gary

Kasparov (1996)
• Automatic Theorem Proving contest (1999)
AI Success Story (Planning)
• MARVEL (Schwuttke, 1992)
– Real-time Space shuttle Mission planning
• Berth assignment (KAL, 1997)
• Unmanned Vehicle
– Ground and air
• Pathfinder Rover, 1996
• Asimo – a walking robot
Autonomous Land Vehicle
(DARPA’s Grand Challenge contest)
AI Success Story (Language Processing)

• PEGASUS (Zue, 1994)

– Spoken Natural language for airline reservation
– Limited context, free representation
• Japanese-Korea Hotel reservation(KT, 1995)
AI Success Story : Medical expert systems
Programs listed by Special Field

• Antibiotics & Infectious  Gynecology

Diseases  Imaging Analysis
• Cancer
 Internal Medicine
• Chest pain
• Dentistry  Intensive Care
• Dermatology  Laboratory Systems
• Drugs &  Orthopedics
• Emergency
• Epilepsy  Pulmonology & Ventilation
• Family Practice  Surgery & Post-Operative Care
• Genetics  Trauma Management
• Geriatrics
Pattern Recognition Applications
• Handwriting and document recognition
– forms, postal mail, historic documents
– PDA pen recognition
• Signature, biometrics (finger, face, iris, etc.)
• Gesture, facial expression
– As a Human computer intertraction
• EEG, EKG, X-ray
• Trafic monitoring, Remote Sensing
• Smart Weapon – guided missile, target homing
Automatic Target Recognizer
Postal Address Recognition
Handwriting Understanding

전자 펜으로 수식 입력 수식 인식
PC : e-Book, Tablet PC, PDA, M-phone
BioInformatics / Protein Structure Analysis
Contribution of AI
• Practical AI OCR, ICR, Symbolic Algebra,
Machine Translation, Many Expert systems,
Planning systems
• New concepts and Ideas to other fields of
computer sciences
– Programming Language – OO, functional language,
– DataBase
– Operating System
Future of AI

• Making AI Easy to use

– Easy-to-use Expert system building tools
– Web auto translation system
– Recognition-based Interface Packages
• Integrated Paradigm
– Symbolic Processing + Neural Processing
• AI in everywhere, AI in nowhere
– AI embedded in all products
– Ubiquitous Computing, Pervasive Computing

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